#American Winterberry
jadafitch · 8 months
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New England native shrub patterns, in spring and autumn. Featuring some lepidoptera species hosted by the plants, in their larval and adult forms. For a project that's been 4 years in the works… More details soon. Mountain Holly Northern Wild Raisin American Mountain Ash Shadbush with Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Beaked Hazelnut with Luna Moth Staghorn Sumac with Spring Azure Butterfly Red-osier Dogwood with Cecropia Moth American Witch Hazel with Eastern Tent Moth Pussy Willow with Mourning Cloak Butterfly Gray Alder with Banded Tussock Moth Big-fruit Hawthorn with Viceroy Butterfly Winterberry Holly
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arthistoryanimalia · 6 months
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Joseph Stella (Italian-American, 1877-1946)
1. Dance of Spring (Song of the Birds), 1924, oil on canvas
2. Study for Song of Birds, c.1924, silverpoint & crayon
from the 2023 “Joseph Stella: Visionary Nature” exhibition at Brandywine Museum of Art
“Stella assembles a classical temple of flora and fauna - in his own words, culled ‘from the elysian lyricism of the Italian spring.’ Flowers rise from a pink lotus at the base of a central column, culminating in the curious combination of a lupine and a longhorn steer's head flower, a floral form that resembles a bull's skull. Below perch three sparrows, the national bird of Italy* and a favorite of Stella's. He may have worked out this group separately in a silverpoint composition (on view adjacently) featuring the birds set among the branches of a winterberry tree rather than within a floral temple.”
🆔 Italian sparrow (Passer italiae)
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vurrart · 2 years
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o' prince of the stars, o' master of herbs
watch over me as i tread through life and form my path
ave stolas!
fun fact! every species in this piece is native to where i live
plants: common harebell, wild geranium, winterberry
animals: northern cardinal, american robin
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toiletology · 27 days
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TRUMAN SHOW / SHOW = MOTTS (split the H, flip the W) show s/he is true.
Medea is known in most stories as an enchantress and is often depicted as a priestess of the goddess Hecate or a witch.
Medea is a 1969 Italian film directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, based on the ancient myth of Medea.
Medea is the goddess of illusion. Modern Day Medea = (MEDIA).
Hollywood is the #1 hotspot for creating media. Why is it called Hollywood? Well, there is a tree called the Holly Tree or holly plant.
The druids regarded the Holly Tree as a symbol of fertility and eternal life, thought to have magical powers. Today, Christians have adopted the Hollywood as a symbol for Christmas.
The sharp leaves are said to symbolize the crown of thorns worn by Christ, while the berries represent his blood.
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The magical tree (Holly) is made of wood, hence Holly-Wood and the Hollywood is the witches wand. Whenever someone is trying to get on a movie or show they get “Casted.” 
Witches “Cast” spells & what do they read their lines off? A “script” (handwriting as distinct written characters.) "spelling" or writing a prescription (The word prescribe comes from a Latin word meaning to write in advance [of giving a medicine).
That SCRIPT or PRESCRIPTION or MEDICINE that the MEDIA/MEDEA gives to us, is to make us DOCILE and SUBSERVIENT to our OVERLORDS.
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If Medea is the Goddess of illusion and had the ability to control and cast magic, what does that mean for us in the modern day? As everyone is aware, Media today controls the world. From social media (Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, etc.) to TV (T = 7, V = 7) media like news channels, they are literally brainwashing (or at least trying to attempt to brainwash) the entire population of Earth.
This is why no one can think beyond what they are told to think. And why no one is able to see the main cause or problems of our reality.
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The only 2 native caffeinated plants in the United States are both the HOLLY.
Specifically the YA-U-P-ON HOLLY (Ilex vomitoria) and Dah(duh)o(eye)on Holly (Ilex cassine).
There are many other native holly plants in the USA as well.
Winterberry holly (Ilex verticillata), Japanese holly (Ilex crenata), American holly (Ilex opaca) and Inkberry (Ilex glabra). There are more than 400 species of Ilex worldwide.
The plant was traditionally used by Native Americans and Euro-American colonists to make an infusion containing caffeine and theobromine. This drink went by different names, such as cassina, beloved drink or white drink among natives and "Carolina Tea", or "South Seas Tea" among colonists.
Native Americans used Yerba Mate (holly plant) in many ways, including as a social ritual, in religious ceremonies, and as a natural remedy.
I recommend it to everyone trying to clear out the toxins and disharmony of their mind and body. It has the ability to help you lose weight, reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as boost creativity. Its just an all around magical plant that everyone should be using. https://amzn.to/3X6aosw
M E D - lets break down this letter first. I A
D<>ON<>KEY (D is a HARP or a BOW.)
Which means "D" is good, but d can also mean down. A "D" can be a bow but its missing its arrow (are low/Jack Harlow).
mEDIa <> DI (BOW & ARROW) or DIE (BOW + ARROW). DI also looks like the number 10 backwards or binary code and DIE = 013 or eye B (13 can be read as 73 or 777 lucky sevens). I BE LUCKY or DIE. You must transmute the fear or MUTE the fear.
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D = A, I = TT, E = M (the bow and arrow creates a M or B)
The B is the 13th letter or M which creates the angelic WINGs (me in G) of the BEE. And GOD is the QUEEN BEE or ME/IVE/HIVE.
Now will you DIE or will you FLY?
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M = mouth/talk, A = apple/AH/ate. You need to use your Mind to shoot the Apple off a persons head. Is the red color of the apple scary as blood?
I've mentioned before that the M = brain, the A = heart. So which organ is the T?
It is the e|yes/elves (t-hem-s_elves) of the mother (MATT). And e = yes (test). The Y can be a T or it can be a V or it can be asking you y? are you going down lower into the realms of heLL/77/TT.
M = map, A = compass, T = cross
M/W (man/woman) = water, A = blood, T = light
M + A = MA or MOT/HER, T = the illusion coming from MA or MATTs eyes.
Is the letter "D" a half closed eye or a half opened eye?
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If you flip it around the letter "D" it becomes the sun on the horizon (hor/her = zion or Z (N/in) (77) = eye on).
The letter "D" is just half of an "O" (sun, son, eye, apple, egg).
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The word "DIE" can be both a bow and arrow and become "MAT." What does it spell below? M-E-D-A (the tip of the arrow is the I/eye or TT).
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The 4 feathers of the arrow become 77 or M/E. The "D" or bow shape creates three sides or a triangle which creates the "A". Finally the tip of the bow also creates a 7 or a "T".
Be on the look for that F = flag/feather/fall/float in your next typo because F/T/cross/X marks the spot or the hole/whole.
Everywhere we look we can find MAT or Gods true name. They have embedded their truth in perfect harmony with ALL/77 that exist. The fundamental laws of the universe manifest using this language. The language of MOTT/MATT or MOT/HER. She is the QUEEN BEE and we need to learn to harmonize to her voice (deus vox) or vibration so that we can learn to fly into the higher realms of reality.
The B = 13 and the M = 13th letter, and they are your wings to fly 7up. If you're going to be angeLIc don't forget your bow or harp D. Because not only is M<>ON<>KEY, but D<>ON<>KEY as well.
And don't forget the BANK, AN = ON, K = key. The Porcelain Goddess truth is everywhere you look. She likes when you keep the queen clean. So clear out the dust and cobwebs from your life, so that you can think more clearly. It is ALL(AH) connected which means filth in your environment = filth in your mind.
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CHAOS in your life = chaos in your mind. And SHE is CH.
CH/SHE <> HA (I ATE) <> SO (snake + apple)
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Now are you going to be LOW or you going to learn to rise into MOT/MAT? To Do that you must DU, and to DU you must DU'AT or DO@ (half opened eye, opened eye, apple of my eye).
If you want to start blooming your PINEAL (EAL/EAT/MAT) G(7)LAND then you need MAT. M = 4 lines A = 3 lines T = 2 lines
432 Hz
The healing frequencies of MAT can help you start opening your pinecone. There are many things that can help, reading is one of them, learning is another, exercise is important as well. Even crystals can be helpful to opening your mind. CRYSTAL S = M, L = T CRY MATT
Now do you want to make MATT CRY or do you want to make her FLY? To do that you must try to find her by SEEking her daily before she will help you fly like the humble bumble BEE.
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maideninorange · 1 year
this might be a tough one, but... what about 5 birds you really like? doesn't have to be top 5! just SOME birds you like
Ooh! Birdies!
(You all know by now this is less a ranking and more me rambling lol. Also, I talk about animal deaths (in more of a scientific way to be fair) because birds of prey and other fun nature stuff. )
1. American Robins. Which are not actually robins but are a type of thrush we call robins because bird names in North America are a mess lol. I get flocks of these guys coming in and out, throughout all four seasons. They're also very cute little song birds, and can be such funny little guys too lol (My winterberry bush died this year, but one autumn I saw this pair of robins break from the flock gathering and start fighting each other up in the sky before resuming eating berries like nothing ever happened. Absolutely hilarious lol.)
2. Shrikes. Better known as butcher birds, these guys are wicked cool. You see they're carnivorous songbirds, with the exact build of one (sans a sharp beak for obvious reasons). Feet included. So how do they eat their prey, you ask? By impaling them on thorns and other sharp objects! They're cute songbirds, just to make that clear. Have fun! (They're more common outside of the Americas though, so that's a bummer. We got Loggerheads and Great Greys though, but I haven't seen any lol.)
3. Cowbirds. Or really, any sort of brood parasite. Cowbirds are here because their my resident brood parasite. I find it utterly fascinating on just a scientific, evolutionary level just how these guys evolved (as well as how their targets evolve in turn), like how do their young learn all this from a nest that isn't theirs? (Actually I do know some answers for cowbirds, but if I were to ramble we'd be here all day.) What makes cowbirds unique compared to others like common cuckoos and whydahs is that they are actually generalists when it comes to targets. Most brood parasites are specialists, only targeting one species (with common cuckoos being a really interesting case in this, but again, we'd be here all day). Cowbirds (with one exception) target pretty much anything that builds a cup-sized nest. It's really really fascinating, in that kind of cruel, bizarre way nature tends to be (and I haven't even got to touch on the mafia with my resident brown-heads).
4. Swans. They're dicks. Graceful dicks, but still dicks. And yet, it is in that dickery I find fascinating. Like, did you know swan wings are strong enough to break bones? Well they can! But there are such things as Trumpeter Swans, which well, sound like trumpets. It's cute and weirdly endearing in its own way, at least to me (although to be fair Trumpeters are calmer than Mutes so there's that. Also unlike Mutes, they are native to North America, so I hope I might see one one day). Also cygnets are utterly adorable, even with the knowledge they grow up to be nasty swans lol.
4. Wood ducks. Haven't seen these guys either, but they absolutely fascinate me. They nest in tree cavities, so what tends to happen once the eggs hatch is that the mother duck has to coax her ducklings out into this leap of faith (that actually isn't usually much of ones because small ducklings and laws of physics bullshit I can't remember)! It's incredible! They're also gorgeous birds, and the males sound like kazoos! (Playing clips of females making a typical (if not like a Mallard's at all) duck quack, and following it with the male's kazoo squack to friends and relatives is a fun one. Try it if you know what I'm talking about lol.)
And those are my five birds to talk about at the moment. It was a bit tough, but I think that's more because I didn't get to gush over too many various birds of prey (like owls). Feel free to send in any bird asks if you got any fyi! It's fun!
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Music Game!!
RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
I was tagged by @averagebreadslice thank you for the tag ^u^ !
1) I Just Wanna Run - The Downtown Fiction
2) Megalovania - Toby Fox (yes the undertale version dont @ me LMAO)
3) I’m Always Walking As Somebody Else - American Murder Song
4) She’s Quite (Acoustic) - The home Team
5) 4AM - Derivakat
6) A Year Ago - Birds of Bellwoods
7) Constellations - The Oh Hellos
8) Get Jinxed - League of Legends, Djerve
9) Paper Rings - Taylor Swift 
10) Empire - Of Monsters And Men No specific playlist just my Spotify likes on random!  If I recommend anything on this list though it’s Constellations - it’s such a mood for The Commander! Very much one of those ‘‘I’m imagining so many animatics I'll never actually make’’ songs imo. Also going back through who’s been tagged is really funny bc it’s like ‘oh I know all these songs they’re great!’ and I think that’s kind of neat actually
Apologies if you’ve already been tagged (pm me if you want me to remove you too) ! I had a quick scroll through peoples blogs but I’m 1) unobservant af 2) not sure how long this has been going around @where-is-caithe @jorasdottir @little-leaf-man @commanders-sole-braincell @secondscion @gallusrostromegalus @commander-gloryforge @inkberrry @commander-winterberry @herald-of-aurene
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celtfather · 10 months
Christmas With The Gothard Sisters
The Gothard Sisters share their love of Christmas with a new album on Celtic Christmas Music #72.
Jil Chambless, Ed Miller, Scooter Muse, The Irish Rovers, Eileen Ivers, The Celtic Kitchen Party, The Gothard Sisters, Golden Bough, Steel Clover, The Langer's Ball, Laura MacKenzie
0:09 - Jil Chambless, Ed Miller and Scooter Muse "Emanuel" from Nollaig Chridheil / Songs of the Christmas Season
I am Marc Gunn. Celtic musician and podcaster. We are promoting Celtic culture through Christmas cheer. If you hear music you love, please support the artists. Visit the shownotes to find out more about the artists and follow the show at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
This episode is thanks to the kindness and generosity of our patrons on Patreon. Do you love Celtic Music? Do you also love Christmas music? Then please support us on Patreon. We only release shows in 3 months out of the year and not many. So your kindness shares Celtic culture through Christmas cheer!
6:01 - The Irish Rovers "Christmas at The Ale House" from Merry Merry Time Of Year
9:04 - Eileen Ivers "Reels: Christmas Eve/Oiche Nollag/High Road to Linton" from An Nollaig: An Irish Christmas
12:45 - The Celtic Kitchen Party "Huge on the Luge" from One Celtic Christmas
The Gothard Sisters are a dynamic supergroup of three American sisters who play contemporary Celtic music. Through over 15 years of performing, touring, and writing music together, the optimistic style of their music and performances continue to resonate with their fans, building a loyal international following.
Their latest Celtic album, Dragonfly, and Christmas album, A Celtic Christmas, feature the sisters playing an assortment of acoustic instruments and vocals combined with modern production to create music exploring themes of resilience and adventure.
16:22 - STORY: Here We Come A Caroling
22:29 - The Gothard Sisters "Here We Come A Caroling" from A Celtic Christmas
25:44 - STORY: Winterberry Set
28:41 - The Gothard Sisters "Winterberry Set" from A Celtic Christmas
32:00 - STORY: O Come O Come Emmanuel
36:30 - The Gothard Sisters "O Come O Come Emmanuel" from A Celtic Christmas
If you’re looking for even more Celtic Christmas music, make sure you follow one of six Celtic Christmas playlists I have on Spotify. Add them to your own playlists while you’re at.
40:36 - Golden Bough "The O'Rourke's Feast (O'Carolan)" from Christmas in a Celtic Land
44:52 - Steel Clover "As Lately We Watched" from Season Of Love
47:48 - The Langer's Ball "Christmas in Carrick" from single
50:19 - CLOSING
50:54 - Laura MacKenzie "We Wish You a Merry Christmas/Ding Dong Merrily on High" from Yuletide Bagpipes
53:27 - CREDITS
Celtic Christmas Music was produced by Marc Gunn, Carol Baril, and our Christmas Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the podcast. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
You can subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. And best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on climate change.
Promote Celtic culture through Christmas music at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh!
#celticchristmas #celticchristmasmusic #gothardsisters
  Check out this episode!
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dendroica · 7 years
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American Winterberry, Ilex verticillata (by me)
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felidaefatigue · 2 years
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New individually watercoloured linocuts are up in the shop, please check them out!
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wastelesscrafts · 3 years
any advice on making capes?
Ooh, I love capes!
Making capes
Types of capes:
There are different types of capes. Let's take a look at a few options.
Rectangle cape: the type of cape American superheroes wear. They consist out of a simple rectangle that can be tied or clasped at the neck. Use gathered fabric for extra fullness. This type of cape won't give you a lot of warmth as it will only cover your back.
Quarter circle cape: slightly more flared than a rectangle cape, but will still only cover your back.
Half circle cape: will cover both your back and shoulders and some of your body, which will give you extra warmth. Great for drama!
Fitted half circle cape: similar to a half circle cape, but made out of three separate pieces to fit around your body better. It won't cover you completely, but it will cover your back, shoulders, and more of your body than a normal half circle cape would.
Full circle cape: this cloak will cover your full body and keep you nice and warm.
Savvy sewists will notice these cape types are similar to circle skirts. The idea's basically the same. Instead of making a skirt, you leave your circle open in the front, and cut a hole that fits your neck rather than your waist.
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(Image source) [ID: drawing showing five types of coats: rectangle, quarter circle, half circle, half fitted circle, full circle. Text: "Capes and cloaks. www.facebook.com/aliceincosplayland".]
Aside of volume, you can also play around with length. A floor-length cape has a very different effect and function than a cape that reaches your hips, or even a capelet.
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(Image source) [ID: a pattern diagram showing four different cape lengths: floor length, hip length, waist length, and a capelet. Text: "6535 Front and back views. Newlook."]
Details like a hood or armholes can make your cape extra comfortable, and you've got a wide range of options when it comes to fasteners, too.
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(Image source) [ID: back view of a long gray half circle cape that's been pleated at the shoulders.]
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(Image source) [ID: a purple capelet with a hood, frills, cat ears, and lace, tied with a bow at the front. Text: "Gray. Alice and the Pirates."]
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(Image source) [ID: a person wearing a brown monogrammed hip-length cape with front pockets and arm slits at the sides.]
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(Image source) [ID: a person wearing a long gray hooded cape, standing in a forest and holding a sword.]
Before deciding what fabrics to make your cloak or cape out of, ask yourself what you're trying to achieve first.
Warmth, drape, fabric price, comfort, aesthetic, wearing context,... are some examples of things that can influence your decision.
Some examples:
A cosplay cloak has to look good but doesn't necessarily have to be warm. Choose a fabric that's suitable for your character's outfit, but also keep the circumstances in which you plan to wear your outfit in mind. For example, a warm cloak might pose issues if you do a lot of indoor photo shoots, but convention halls can be pretty chilly.
A fashion cloak intended for winter really does need to be warm! Wool, tweed, and velvet are good options.
A cloak intended for historical re-enactment preferably uses period-accurate materials and therefore won't be lined with fabrics like polyester and such. Which fabric to use depends on the period and region you're working in.
Tutorials and patterns:
Here's a few tutorials/patterns to get you started:
Fitted cloak: winterberry cape (Mood)
How to draft your own hooded cape (The Spruce Crafts)
Pleated half circle cape (Gilian Conahan)
Half circle capelet (Buzzfeed)
Long hooded cloak (Fleece Fun)
Full circle capelet (Project Run and Play)
Four ways to make a cape (WikiHow)
Eight types of capes (Sew Guide)
Half circle fashion cape (Indoor Shannon)
21 free cape sewing patterns (Love Sewing)
Hooded cloak with lining (Online Fabric Store)
Capes and cloaks make for fun sewing projects. They're pretty easy to make: if you know how to draw circles, you know how to draft a cape pattern.
Capes are a versatile garment, and can range from a great last-minute Halloween costume to an every-day winter cloak. Play around with materials, lengths, shapes, design elements, decoration,... to achieve different effects.
And most of all: have fun with it!
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clairehoneybee · 4 years
Winter Interest with Native Plantings
Winter Interest with Native Plantings
The cold and dreary days of Winter seem endless in January and February, especially during a pandemic when we are not getting out as much as we’re used to. But by providing food and shelter for native animals and birds, with good selections of native plants, we can brighten up our landscapes and our lives. Seemingly barren native trees, shrubs, and plants can provide us beauty in the landscape as…
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copperbadge · 5 years
isabellaofjerusalem replied to your post “I just woke up from a dream where I was chilling on the sofa when They...”
what were you reincarnated as?
That was interesting but didn’t make for such a snappy post -- it turns out, at least in my internal world, you aren’t reincarnated from birth, but rather from your first conscious memory, so I reincarnated as a two-year-old child. I guess the bombings didn’t have a permanent apocalyptic impact, because I was at a large family dinner and everyone seemed pretty happy, stable, and well-fed. That’s about when I woke up. 
bedlamwolf replied to your post “I just woke up from a dream where I was chilling on the sofa when They...”
Jesh that's scary... Were the cryptids in the dream?
Not that I saw or thought about, but they go where I go, so they were probably around somewhere :D 
gallusrostromegalus replied to your post “I just woke up from a dream where I was chilling on the sofa when They...”
jesus fucking christ sam I though there'd been another terrorst attack
Yeah, looking back I feel there’s probably some way I could have phrased that better... 
romanticamnesia replied to your photoset “GUYS GET A LOAD OF MY NEW CAT TREE.  A couple of photos of the...”
Cedar shavings are no longer suggested as bedding for small mammals / rodents because phenols in the wood can damage the lungs and liver of the small mammal. Is an intact cedar wood lounge tree a similar potential health risk to cats?
I don’t think so -- the issue with the phenols for cats is that they have to be ingested, and usually in pretty high concentrations. There’s a lot of discussion of not using cedar oils (a natural flea repellant) on cats because they can lick it off and get sick, but as long as the Cryptids don’t chew on the tree (which they don’t seem inclined to do, they much prefer to chew on plastic bags) they should be fine. 
Also cedar is a bit bulky and prone to split, so going forward I think most of the trees will be made out of different materials, I know there’s a Maple one in the works. 
rdprice29 replied to your photoset “GUYS GET A LOAD OF MY NEW CAT TREE.  A couple of photos of the...”
This is such a fantastic tree! I see myself buying my kittehs one after the new year. Great job, Dad Sam!
Thanks! I’m very pleased with how it came out, we designed it together and I love the aesthetic of it. The Cryptids seem more inclined to climb it now that it’s been there for a few days, but even if they weren’t that interested I think it’s a nice installation piece. 
perletwo replied to your photoset “GUYS GET A LOAD OF MY NEW CAT TREE.  A couple of photos of the...”
They will no doubt see the benefits of the hexagon shelf whenever you get around to sitting right THERE on the sofa...
It’s a good thought! I might. I can’t get them to go on the rope hammock either, but I think they just need some inspiration and to be shown that it’s structurally stable :D 
eimearkuopio replied to your photo “Honestly I’ve seen these and also the winterberry-whatever Sprite and...”
Over here all the fun flavours are only in diet
Which I didn’t even think they made! I assumed it was something to do with the way the artificial sweetener interacted with the flavoring. Probably says something about horrible American tastes that we only get the full sugar ones here. :D 
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arthistoryanimalia · 1 year
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Joseph Stella (Italian-American, 1877-1946) Dance of Spring (Song of the Birds), 1924, oil on canvas + Study for Song of Birds, c. 1924, silverpoint & crayon From the “Joseph Stella: Visionary Nature” exhibition at Brandywine Museum of Art
"As opposed to the Gothic cathedral of Flowers, Italy (on view nearby) here Stella assembles a classical temple of flora and fauna-in his own words, culled 'from the elysian lyricism of the Italian spring.' Flowers rise from a pink lotus at the base of a central column, culminating in the curious combination of a lupine and a longhorn steer's head flower, a floral form that resembles a bull's skull. Below perch three sparrows, the national bird of Italy and a favorite of Stella's. He may have worked out this group separately in a silverpoint composition (on view adjacently) featuring the birds set among the branches of a winterberry tree rather than within a floral temple."
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latristereina · 5 years
Tag meme
tagged by: @eyes-painted-with-kohl
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
I have no idea.
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
Not really.
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
Does buying some trinkets count? Because in general this month isn't the luckiest for me.
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
That I will take some Turkish language lessons.
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
The forests.
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
My grandmother's funeral during which she begged not to be buried.
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
Intelligence/lack of manners.
water lilly; when was the last time you cried?
On Friday/Saturday night.
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
The Godfather.
desert rose; do you like yourself?
There are things about myself that I like, but I don't like myself as a whole.
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
Yeh, twice, those were a Polish swimmer and then a Polish musician.
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
Only two: Canada and Germany.
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
Yes, I've been in the Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork.
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
I persuaded my childhood boyfriend to undress himself in public, I didn't conceive it as something inappropriate back then.
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
Pretty much nothing, there's void.
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
I was the youngest grandchild for my paternal grandparents.
I absolutely love Tricity.
I'm sensitive.
I have synesthesia.
I'm a loner.
daphne; do you believe in karma?
Yes and no.
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
No, but I've been smitten with several boys and then men.
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
I admire brave, self-dependent people.
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
I didn't have a favorite.
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
Late 15th and early 16th century, as well as the 80s of the 20th century.
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
Only if my family and I could be always young.
primula; what makes you sad?
Suffering of people and animals, death of people I love.
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
Yes, it was. I do pretty much nothing on Sundays.
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
My mother.
Lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
I don’t remember.
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
Yes, I do, I would certainly act different in some situations.
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
I don’t have any.
violet; favorite tv show?
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
Can’t think of any right now.
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Waking up early and having a lot of energy would be my ideal day, nothing fancy.
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
Collecting books, learning languages, making gifs and graphics, history, writing stories.
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
Can’t really think of any.
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
Parachute jump.
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
I don’t do dates, but I usually prefer older men or my age.
sweet pea; who means the world to you?
My family, including my dog, and my friends.
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Godfather (the Godfather’s maniac here), Cartas autógrafas de los Reyes Católicos de España Don Fernando y Doña Isabel: 1474-1502, etc.
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
I like Disney villains. Maybe Ursula or Maleficent.
magnolia; coffee or tea?
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
A dog person, although I like cats as well.
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
I have many, but maybe red.
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
A night person.
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
Yes, I have been dealing with different forms of it for the last 16 years.
clover; how would your friends describe you?
I would have to ask them.
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
An introvert.
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
I like watching stupid Latin American and Turkish soap operas, but I’m not really embarrassed to admit it.
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
Sensitive, short-tempered, loving.
lotus; best memory as a child?
My childhood in general is one good memory, I consider it happy.
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
dahlia; do you like crystals?
I don’t care.
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
There wouldn’t be poverty and wars.
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
Lack of manners.
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
I would stay home.
blazing star; share a secret.
I have no secrets.
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
I take inspiration from different people and characters, no one in particular.
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
nymphea; forest or river?
orchid; do you like exercise?
No, but I like some sports, like swimming or bicycling.
pansy; do you like poetry?
Some, but I’m not a poetry person.
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
Tagging: @mayaofatlantis, @katherynparr, @tiffany-of-wales.
Don’t feel obliged to do it.
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1nixed-blog · 4 years
5 Statistically Backed Website
Be aware of everything: 2018 Holiday Marketing Statistics You Should Know 
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Is it true that you are prepared for the Christmas season? Indeed, I realize fall has scarcely quite recently started, however it's never too soon for retailers and e-rears to begin contemplating occasion advertising and deals. 
It's a decent time to be in retail, particularly with shopping spectacles like Black Friday and Cyber Monday practically around the bend. 
Right now, it is anticipated that U.S. customers will go through $119.99 billion with online retailers during the up and coming Christmas shopping period of Nov. 1-Dec. 31. That is a 15.5% expansion contrasted and the assessed $103.88 billion spent internet during a similar period in 2017. 
Be that as it may, to truly profit by the capability of the up and coming Christmas season, retailers must realize how portable will overwhelm the customer experience, the significance of online networking brand mindfulness and how man-made brainpower controlled, customized item proposals will factor into occasion buying so as to effectively arrive at their maximum capacity during the 2018 Christmas shopping season. 
To assist you with taking advantage of this Christmas season, we should investigate an accumulated rundown of probably the most significant occasion showcasing measurements you have to know in 2018 so you can design in like manner. 
With this data, you can investigate 2o18 occasion promoting patterns and go through them to shape your vacation showcasing for a sprightly decent time! 
2018: Holiday Marketing Statistics to Consider 
*Helpful numbers to place these measurements in context: The total populace is 7.7 billion and the web has 4.1 billion clients. 
General Holiday Shopping Statistics 
Seasonal shopping begins as right on time as September and October. 
Shopper trust in the US is at its most significant level since 2000, as indicated by certain measures. With low joblessness and rising wages, the prompt viewpoint for shopper spending stays strong. 
The US Department of Commerce discovered deals of building materials and nursery hardware flooded by 8.1% during the Christmas season, while furniture and home outfitting deals expanded by 7.5% and deals in gadgets and machine stores became 6.7%. 
In spite of the happy Christmas season for retailers, pedestrian activity keeps on drooping. One investigation discovered pedestrian activity in US retail locations fell 7.5% in November and December 2017, proceeding with the more drawn out term pattern toward online business and away from customary retail. 
NRF expects occasion retail deals in November and December—barring cars, gas and cafés—will increment somewhere in the range of 4.3% and 4.8% more than 2017 for an aggregate of $717.45 billion to $720.89 billion. The estimate contrasts and a normal yearly increment of 3.9% in the course of recent years. 
For the second back to back year, Black Friday was the greatest computerized shopping day of the period, with income developing 32% year-over-year, dramatically increasing Cyber Monday's 15% expansion. 
Digital Week II is the best-concealed chance. Gift vouchers close by, clients are prepared to treat themselves in the approach New Year's Day. 
A year ago, Shopper Story 2017 found that, in many nations, customers esteem both on the web and retail encounters. Truth be told, 62% of customers said that they utilize their telephones while they're coming up. 
As indicated by an Adobe Digital Insights report, Black Friday speaks to 4.6% of absolute U.S. retail income for the Christmas season. 
The online Christmas sales extravaganza spoke to 6.1 % of absolute occasion retail deals. 
It is anticipated that the greater part of occasion requests will incorporate free dispatching. 
The shopping extravaganza following Thanksgiving tops at 8:00 PM. 
The normal customer will buy 14 presents during the 2016 Christmas season. 
33% of customers report occasion end of the week buys were driven by advancements. 
Very late customers make up about 30% of online occasion deals! 
USPS expected to convey in excess of 15 billion bits of mail including 850 million bundles. 
UPS wanted to convey in excess of 750 million bundles universally. 
FedEx anticipated 400 million bundles. 
Versatile and Online Holiday Shopping Statistics 
A year ago, Cyber Monday alone drove $2 billion dollars in a single day through portable! 
In 2017, over 40% of every online deal in November and December were made on cell phones. This year, prepare for the greater part of all online occasion buys to happen on portable. 
8 of every 10 occasion customers are impacted by the web before making a buy (with web indexes being the most persuasive). 
December's most elevated traffic day (on portable in any event)— is really the day after Christmas 
Versatile keeps on being a main impetus for web based business development. US retail "mcommerce" deals were up over 40% in Q4 2017, as per comScore Inc. eMarketer expects complete US retail mcommerce deals will grow a further 32.7% in 2018. 
Online deals represented 13.0% of all out retail deals a year ago. Furthermore, in the main quarter of 2018, online business represented 13.8% of absolute retail deals, a 1.4 rate point increment from a year sooner, as indicated by Internet Retailer gauges. 
Thanksgiving 2017 denoted the first occasion when that PC request share dipped under half. On Christmas Day, versatile request share rose to half, denoting the first run through ever that cell phones represented most of all buys made. 
Research from Winterberry Group found that solitary 1.3% of advertisers are "very sure" in their information procedures, with examination being the most wanted expansion for most groups. 
December 23, 2017, (firmly followed by Christmas Eve and Christmas) was the greatest day ever throughout the entire existence of versatile trade in the US: 48% of all buys were made on cell phones. 
68% of customers visit YouTube on their cell phones to figure out what to purchase. 
Voice search shopping will be 3% of occasion deals as 46% of Americans use voice gadgets like Alexa. 
8.8 billion information focuses were gathered during Black Friday a year ago as email information exchanges and a large group of other lead-age strategies, about 3 billion messages were sent. 
Transformations fall by up to 20% for consistently deferral of portable page load time. 
83 percent of 18-multi year-old clients will utilize their cell phone inside a retail location—note by 2019, 33% of human populace will be 18 years of age or more youthful 
In 2018, the traffic began from cell phones will be more prominent than the entirety of the traffic in 2015 over all gadget types—PCs, tablets, workstations and telephones 
Just because, traffic from interpersonal organizations will surpass 5% of all traffic. Instagram is up 51% from 2017 as far as retail shopping traffic. 
76% of versatile customers adjust their perspective on which retailer/brand to purchase from in the wake of looking through on the web. 
55% of customers around the globe have an increasingly great perspective on organizations that react to them over online life 
Over $20 Billion worth of products bought among November and December will be returned. 
The normal occasion customer spends around $935 web based during the special seasons. 
Internet business Holiday Shopping Statistics 
Deloitte gauges that internet business deals could increment between 17-22% for the 2018 Christmas season, which it characterizes as Nov. 1-Jan. 31. 
Amazon alone represented 37.5% of all out U.S. e-retail deals during the 2017 Christmas season. 
Occasion web based business deals are required to increment 15.3% in 2018, says eMarketer's new figure. And keeping in mind that that sounds incredible (and it is), in 2017, occasion web based business deals became 17.8%—an expansion that the National Retail Federation (NRF) credited to "developing wages, more grounded work and higher certainty." 
As indicated by inquire about by LCP Consulting, the arrival rate for Black Friday buys is half higher than the rate over the year overall. 
64% of cell phone customers go to versatile pursuit before making a beeline for the store. 
Offer costs can increment by 140% over their yearly normal during the special seasons! 
20% of showcasing experts plan over 3 months ahead of time of the pinnacle email season. 
As indicated by BigCommerce and Live Chat Inc, on normal sites recieve 63% more site visits during the occasion! 
The Economist estimated that 47% of clients need quick answers to their inquiries, issues, and input. 
Presently You Know! 
Occasion measurements offer significant bits of knowledge you can use to control your vacation promoting plans. We have the numbers to follow all that we wish to control and feature in our showcasing activities. 
Use them and you can improve any marketable strategy! As an advertiser, you can't resist the urge to be energized for occasion palooza 2018. Obviously, there are numerous open doors for quick development! 
In any case, as Stanley Marcus once stated, "purchasers are measurements, clients are individuals." That is the means by which you should utilize these numbers: to more readily serve and help your potential clients. 
As an extra asset, I needed to share Louise Lyer's vacation schedule infographic to give you extra bits of knowledge into occasion advertising you can exploit of.f you need assistance in making methodologies around a portion of these measurements, we can assist you with making an arrangement! Reach me here!
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plantanarchy · 5 years
the audubon society plants list finally loaded kids let’s do a brief (haha) cold medicine induced analysis of what the heck they’re recommending for my local area (western PA) and whether it could grow in my shitty yard (if i’m unfamiliar with it i’m skipping it just to be fair)
It’s alphabetical by common name I guess so ok i’m doing this under a cut I supppose
Allegheny Monkey Flower (Mimulus ringens) - this plant is indeed one you see kinda often...... on the very edge of the Allegheny river literally growing as a marginal plant. not ideal unless you got a pond or live in a swamp
Allegheny Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis) - this is one you see growing in the woods near swamps so nope, not in this drought hellscape of a yard
Alternate-Leaf Dogwood  (Cornus alternifolia) - another understory moisture loving tree/shrub... next
American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) - again, moisture loving woodland tree. European Beeches are overall more drought tolerant so if you see a beech in the city or suburbs, it’s probably not an American Beech. also, in my area, you can’t find an American Beech that isn’t suffering from Beech bark disease unfortunately
American Black Elderberry  (Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis) - These are good plants and grow all along the shady woodsides here. Same issue though, they like moisture and at least partial shade. And the ornamental varieties you can find at garden centers tend to be European hybrids with fancy leaves
American Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) - shadey woodland lad again. They’re also very very weedy idk that anyone would want this in their garden.
American Witch-Hazel  (Hamamelis virginiana) - a good plant. still needs moist soil but I think would probably be ok. It looks really cool planted near grasses because it blooms in fallish
Big Bluestem  (Andropogon gerardi) - finally a prairie plant!! it’s my boy big bluestem. unfortunately, it can look kinda wild and weedy for a suburban garden unless you do it right.
Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) - handsome, good, nice berries, good fall foliage, excellent choice, prefers full sun but still likes it a bit moist and will drop all its bottom leaves and turn fall colors early if you underwater it oops i definitely  never was responsible for that at work with b&b aronias.
Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) - oh word we got these in our garden and the birds actually like the red ones better rip
Black-Eyed-Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) - that’s right babey it’s Susan. this baby will reseed all day in sun or shade and birds love that shit. downfall is the species plant is prone to rust and cultivars do a bit better.
Butterfly Milkweed  (Asclepias tuberosa) - Good and Wholesome friend. I don’t recommend this as baby’s first milkweed though because they can be slow to establish and kinda disappointing and small and if you get caterpillars on it the first year, it may not survive.
Cardinal-Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) - my mom actually has managed to keep a Lobelia alive in the shadiest, wettest part of her garden but listen...... this is a marginal or swamp plant. Put it in the swamp.
Common Buttonbush  (Cephalanthus occidentalis) - it’s the bae
Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) - do not try to buy this as an established plant at a garden center, they will look at you funny and point at the roadsides. Either wait until fall seedpod time and go harvest some or buy some seeds online
Common Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) - I had no idea this was native actually but it’s cool because it gets big white ORBS
Common Winterberry (Ilex verticillata) - it’s got stems. it’s got berries. it can grow wherever. what more could you want??? english holly who?????
Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - actually often confusingly hybridized with European Yarrows so no one knows whether they’re ~true~ natives or not. Who cares they will survive anything except a swamp. They will live in a drought ass no topsoil suburban neighborhood like a CHAMP. they were made for this.
Dense Gayfeather (Liatris spicata) - just including this one because it sounds like a Good Omens joke
Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) - put that baby tree back in the moist woodlands where it came from or so help me
Gray-Head Mexican-Hat  (Ratibida pinnata) - ayyy prairie plant, though this isn’t the species you commonly see for sale at garden centers and this one is decidedly less phallic than R. columnifera so that’s a bummer.
Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica) - we half killed this at work because it doesn’t love pot culture or me but someone still bought it all. don’t put this in your dry ass suburban neighborhood or she will hate you too
Northern Bayberry (Morella pensylvanica) - i call this myrica pensylvanica but whatever. birds love it. so do japanese beetles unfortunately
Pennsylvania Sedge (Carex pensylvanica) - it’s a sedge
Red Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) - unlike other columbine, this bitch likes full sun and probably will grow and reseed anywhere
Redbud (Cercis canadensis) - another understory-ish moisture loving tree but a lot of the cultivars do just fine in the middle of sad suburban yards. also good. blooms wherever it wants while nakey.
Scarlet Beebalm (Monarda didyma) - you will only ever find cultivars of this but who knows, they may slightly more mildew resistant for at least a little while
Shag-Bark Hickory (Carya ovata) - big, handsome, looks like it’s seconds away from falling apart at all times. just how i like my men.
Smooth Oxeye (Heliopsis helianthoides) - please let the one in my mom’s yard know that it’s meant to survive dry soils in full sun
Spotted Beebalm (Monarda punctata) - my favorite bee balm but doesn’t have the Wow factor of M. didyma cultivars. It likes the sun and dry though
Spotted Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens capensis) - wholesome friend! But no one in their right mind would plant this on purpose in their garden also it would be wilt-city out here in the drought ass topsoil-less surburbs. these babies used to grow between the greenhouses and I used to water them like some kinda of bleeding heart
Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) - she can actually live pretty well in the middle of drought ass suburban yard and spreads easily by seed but expect half the lower leaves to yellow and drop off by midsummer. poor darling. put her back in the swamp. This is the most reliable commerically available milkweed you will find because it takes to pot culture way better than other milkweeds (rip all the butterfly weed horticulture land kills yearly)
Sweet-Bay (Magnolia virginiana) - more like sweet bae am I right???? actually she wouldn’t live in my yard. needs some afternoon shade and moist, rich soil.
Sweet-Scented Joe-Pye-Weed (Eutrochium purpureum) - It’s Joe!!!!! Will grow all over. Will get 7 feet tall with massive flowers just because he can. Will grow in a swamp, will grow on a hillside, will grow beside Wal-Mart. Joe don’t care. I still call it Eupatorium because I resist change and actually I’m not 100% sure if this or E. fistulosum that is most common around here.
Tall Tickseed (Coreopsis tripteris) - coreopsis is a really popular genus to see on native plant lists but there aren’t many native to my area of Pennsylvania and you won’t find anything but C. verticillata or C. lanceolata cultivars in garden centers. BUt  apparently this bitch can get NINE FEET TALL i’m swooning
Trumpet-Creeper (Campsis radicans) - ok, i’d avoid planting this baby unless you know exactly what you’re doing. she may be native but she can and will do her best to eat your home and foundation and your garden in general. she will do her rhizomey best to runner away from you into the wilderness. fun to grow across a pergola though but she will EAT your TREES and your HOME
Virginia-Creeper  (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) - ????? no one is going to deliberately plant this, Audubon Society
Wand Panic Grass (Panicum virgatum) - this is why I think making these lists with common name first is so hilarious because what????? I know this as “Switchgrass” which sounds nice and normal wtf is a Wand Panic Grass. that’s what i’m going to call bad bottom dysphoria episodes from now on
White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra) - likes it wet and shaded so wouldn’t do nice in my yard. also why even BOTHER planting this plant unless you’re going to do the cultivar ‘Hot Lips’ (jk probably the white one is more native insects friendly)
Wild Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) - she’s cute and all but if you want a Hydrangea just go full cliche H. paniculata cultivar or nothing. This plant would hate my whole entire yard and then die
anyway, that’s all the plants on the list I felt like rambling about on this fine Tuesday morning. Overall, idk how helpful a list like this would be for first time gardeners, because they would run into the issue of not being able to actually their hands on most of these plants.
Very few on the list would actually be suitable for growing in a new suburban neighborhood or an urban garden. This is an area naturally full of sensitive, woodland, rich, moist soil-loving plants... and unfortunately, those areas are disappearing more and more under new developments and the native pollinators and wildlife are going along with them.
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