tunamoth · 1 year
@eimearkuopio glad you like it :3
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copperbadge · 3 years
Tumblr media
Dash did a thing.
[ID: A screengrab of two Tumblr posts. The top post, visible first, is a scene of two characters from Twin Peaks in conversation, subtitled “Every day, once a day, give yourself a present.” The second post is Digitaldiscipline reblogging Hellenhighwater, which reads “Today on ‘Things I Categorically Did Not Need But Bought Anyway’ we have” followed by the image of an articulated spinal column and the base of a skull, hanging from a display hook.] 
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returnsandreturns · 4 years
eimearkuopio replied to your post “i tried not to buy the mary trump book but the library isn’t buying...”
Please to share the main points of the book with us?
i’m only a couple of hours in but currently the main point is holy shit, those are some daddy issues 
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wickedbaggins · 7 years
eimearkuopio reblogged your post and added:
Wait, you ate them and THEN you murdered them?
Well, yes! You eat people so politely that it’s barely murder! But then terror goes up. You’re almost to London. You ignore further hunger prompts. I can just make it. Just about. Terror goes up, morale goes down, crew goes down.
Terror reaches 100. The crew mutinies. I make the roll to murder half of the remainder, we crawl into London with a pathetic skeleton crew. The end.
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Submitted by @eimearkuopio 💜💜💜
My story is too long to put in an ask but feel free to copy and paste: when I was 26 I had been in a relationship with a guy for about a year and he made it clear we wouldn't last much longer if we didn't have sex. (he later denied this, but he was a manipulative emotionally abusive asshole, so...) I didn't want my unwillingness to have sex to be the reason I was alone for the rest of my life, and I figured I'd have to do it sooner or later, so we had sex. When I eventually got to a point where I could break up with him (wish I'd done that sooner!) I was single for five years, and I missed a lot of the emotional interactions of a relationship but I didn't miss sex AT ALL. I started using Tumblr, and eventually I noticed that I was tagging about equal numbers of men and women with things like "exquisite!". This confused me, because I knew I didn't want to have sex with girls. So I called up my brother, and asked if he had any insight. He said, "you had a crush on Claire Danes when you were eleven. Shut up and let me go back to sleep." So I had two epiphanies in one:
- all the girls I thought I wasn't attracted to because I didn't want to have sex with them, I was actually attracted to
- all the boys I was attracted to... I didn't actually want to have sex with them EITHER, I just viewed the potential relationship with them as an acceptable part of life and a lack of interest in sex as Normal For Women
Because I was already 28 when I figured this out, and I didn't date much at the best of times, I've only ever asked one girl out (she was straight but we're still friends) and I've never actually kissed a girl, but now at 34 I'm engaged to the most wonderful man (first person I got past a first date with since the asshole ex, and 100% worth it) so it's possible I never will. But I have weird history with relationships in general so I'm just happy to have a good one with someone who understands me and cares more about me being happy than about the frequency or extent of our sex life.
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tehnakki · 8 years
eimearkuopio replied to your post:We’re buying a 30,000GBP RF Chamber from this...
pssst you are missing about 9K in your savings estimate
Thanks boo <3<3
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copperbadge · 4 years
Without wanting to diminish that sensation, do you count towards the minyan as a gentile?
er. Sam I definitely do not want to be discouraging at all, but to be counted in a minyan one must in fact be an adult Jew (some congregations will only count men, too). it's generally considered good manners to let them know that you're not Jewish so they know they can't count you.
Yeah, that occurred to me belatedly, which is my bad, after the prayer had already begun. If I’d known he was like...going for a minyan I would have said something ahead of time, but it was the first service where it was even mentioned -- he was just like “GREAT. GOT TEN” and dove in. 
 At that point person #11 dropped in, at least, and I felt it would be less disruptive to keep silent, especially since I would have had to yell it out in chat because we were muted. 
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returnsandreturns · 7 years
@eimearkuopio replied to your post “there are three chelsea(s) that work at this library and one of them...”
Okay but for contrasting experiment purposes: Chelsea's wife?
i smiled and sighed wistfully. and also gayly.
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shinykari · 11 years
idk I can see how someone who’s not very aware of this kind of thing wouldn’t realize. You have to remember that the majority of non-tumblr people don’t even realize they’re ignorant. The fact that they’re aware enough to at least ASK is a good sign.
You're probably right. It's just that if you're asking "is this racist/sexist/offensive," chances are high that you already know it is and are hoping someone will give you the go-ahead to be a dick.
eimearkuopio replied to your post: My level of “what the ACTUAL ...
…I have never heard that phrase used with “Cosby” in it, but suddenly it makes a lot more sense and is just…ugh.
I'd never heard it before, tbh. I didn't even know what it meant until I kept reading. Blargh.
inkandash replied to your post: My level of “what the ACTUAL ...
I love your response to the question. Also, wow. Just. Wow.
People are stupid. Someone else just commented "...*sigh*"
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tehnakki · 9 years
eimearkuopio said: …uh…but you’re not buying the stuff, so should it be an issue?
So I bought this stuff months ago when i was still in the states but it was back ordered at the time. So i called them up before i left and asked for them to change the shipping address and they offered me free international shipping for the wait....but clearly i should have just had it redirected to my parents and then they could have shipped it to me without the customs labels or whatever...
ugh, who thought it was a good idea to tax 20% on all shit coming into your country? Wtf is that?!
oh well, guess everything i buy in the states will be shipped to vegas and i’ll just have my parents rip off all the tags/receipts and then mail it to me.  WIth my dads 75% discount on fedex it definitely don’t be as bad as getting stuck with VAT every time.
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raptorific · 11 years
eimearkuopio replied to your post: “This is the least helpful error message I’ve ever gotten”:
I was editing? My bad.
Different post! Unrelated! This happens whenever I try to reblog an ask.
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adamdmurray-blog · 11 years
eimearkuopio replied to your photo “Wore this to an audition the other day, felt like I could have been...”
A classy outfit for a classy loo.
Nothing but the best for the Dundrum town centre, which is where I got changed.
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copperbadge · 4 years
Do you think it's time for a sequel called Other People Can't Smell You If They're Socially Distancing But You Should Still Wear Pants On A Zoom Call?
I was going to call the sequel “Your Sink Is Not A Dishwasher” but “Other People Can See Your Dong” does have a certain ring to it. 
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pluvialcity · 11 years
It has been 86 days since I've done a reply post
It is impossible to even describe the ferocity with which I am the worst (though in my defence I was at a music conference and then I was WITH KARMA <3 <3 <3 and then I was learning Chinese for 10 hours a day for 8 weeks and then after that I was lolling around being a lazy butt)
So, yes. Those of you who have followed me for a while know the drill. There is probably more than one reply for you, multiple posts because only the first 5 tags on a post are trackable, you can always click on the link if you don't remember what the hell we were talking about because, idk, it's been 86 days.
I love you all from the bottom of my heart for putting up with my bullshit and my astonishing tardiness. And so, without further ado, onto the replies!
eimearkuopio replied to your post “How is there not a long, epic Princess Bride/Avengers AU yet? (Tony...”
I swear someone I follow has been working on one of these.
Yeah, apparently shinykari is literally writing one right now, so A+ for the fandom hive mind!
eimearkuopio replied to your post “Hey, friends, a few questions for you: Question 1: Does anyone know...”
I think I recently reblogged something like that?
You did! Those are a few of the simpler hairstyles from GoT, I'm gonna try some of the crazy ones plus stuff from other shows.
eimearkuopio replied to your post “ARGHARGHARGHARGHARGH (ranting ahead, feel free to ignore) So I’m in...”
Aspergers! Seriously, tell him he done fucked up. And tell him you're finding it tiring to listen to him all the time. If he doesn't understand, it's not his fault; if you tell him and he keeps being a dick, it is.
By the time this happened I only had to put up with him for 2 more weeks, so I just left him to his rambling and his awkwardness and now I'll never have to deal with him again, hopefully.
eimearkuopio replied to your post “SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! [[MOR] So… the universe kind of shat all...”
*ALL OF THE HUGS* I hope you won't be driving yourself anywhere on so little sleep! :(
Well, obviously you know I didn't die and stuff because I'm writing this reply now, but I didn't! Someone else was driving, and I got the credits I needed, and I'm still going to China in December, so all is well.
daroos replied to your post “How is there not a long, epic Princess Bride/Avengers AU yet? (Tony...”
Shinykari is writing it right now for marvelbang. not even kidding
AWW YISS Bigbangs are the greatest and I'm going to read the hell out of that.
daroos replied to your post “my problem is that I want to know in excruciating detail exactly what...”
I feel ya bro. It's... kinda painful.
I know, right? I don't want to watch it, but I really want to watch it.
daroos replied to your post “The things I do for you people pictured: a stream from my shitty...”
ilu :)
<3 :DDDD
daroos replied to your post “ARGHARGHARGHARGHARGH (ranting ahead, feel free to ignore) So I’m in...”
I feel your ladyneckbeard feels and can only send hugs and good feelings. Also, fuck him for mentioning it. You don't mention his overblown personality problem and that's arguably a lot more proiminent.
My next instinct was to berate him for his terrible chin-squirrel of a beard, but I refrained and now I'll never have to see him again!
daroos replied to your post “Hey, my larger lady followers, I have a dilemma: I think shirt...”
I think those just make everyone look like a potato, even the relatively skinny. The one rec I could say is some fucking industrial strength spanx, 'cause that's what I gotta do under stuff like that.
I'll try that! If it doesn't work, I'll resign myself to wearing my bajillion other cute dresses. Ah, well, c'est la vie.
daroos replied to your post “Oh god, Tumblr, help. Convince me not to do a series of posts where I...”
ALL THE CUPCAKES. I think I'm gonna start doing this soon.
whee71 replied to your post “How is there not a long, epic Princess Bride/Avengers AU yet? (Tony...”
BOOOO! Bow down to the queen of... puuuuutrescence! I can see Tony having that dream.
He definitely would. He's just all vain and self-centred and Buttercup-like.
rionsanura replied to your post “How is there not a long, epic Princess Bride/Avengers AU yet? (Tony...”
ALSO WANT. Apparently Shinykari is writing something like this, so keep an eye out!
rionsanura replied to your post “Hey, friends, a few questions for you: Question 1: Does anyone know...”
Q1: *is ignorant* Q2: YES PLZ
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shinykari · 11 years
eimearkuopio replied to your link: The Modesty Survey: A "discussion between Christian guys and girls who care about modesty"
Well this is fucking horrifying.
The saddest part of this whole thing is how NOT surprised I am by any of the answers. I grew up in a very conservative church, and went to church camp every summer, and there was always a fuss about what we were allowed to wear, what was modest, etc., etc. To their credit, they did enforce one similar restriction for the boys: they weren't allowed to wear tank tops, only tee-shirts. Girls weren't allowed to wear spagetthi straps (wide-shoulder tanks were okay), short shorts, or bikinis. Girls could wear bikinis in the pool if they wore a large tee over it.
At the time, though none of this was weird do me. I accepted it as 100% normal, and internalized it to such a degree that I thought I could judge other girls' characters by what they wore. I fully believed that it was my Christian duty to not be a stumbling block* to my Brothers in Christ.
Now I look back on those days and want to vomit.
*Stumbling block, as the phrase is used in contemporary Christianity, comes from 1 Corinthians 8:9-11 - Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10 For if someone with a weak conscience sees you, with all your knowledge, eating in an idol’s temple, won’t that person be emboldened to eat what is sacrificed to idols? 11 So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge.
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tehnakki · 10 years
eimearkuopio replied to your post:taibhsearachd replied to your post “So I finally...
It’s 22K. Holy crap. How can 22K of dog fucking be good? (No, I’m not going to read it to find out. Just…promise me it’s not Pizza Dog?)
It's not all dog fucking....
It's really funny you should mention Pizza Dog because he kinda makes a surprise appearance towards the end of the fic.
(I didn't realise that it was 22k long.... I am feeling so much more shame now that I realise I must have spent 3 hours reading this. Oh jesus.)
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