#Amazon I know you have the money for better rings
allegriana · 12 days
Every time I see those godawful rings in The Rings of Power I am filled with indignation. You're telling me that the greatest living Elven smith set these chunky bizarrely cut stones into these incredibly basic bands?? Was this the wretched work of Sauron to make Celebrimbor forget everything he ever knew about lapidary???
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These rings are completely out of step with the rest of the elven art nouveau aesthetic. Elrond was 100% correct; they should have been cast into the abyss before they infected Middle Earth with the desire for subpar costume jewelry.
The whole point of cutting gemstones is to make them catch the light and sparkle in a way that shows off the unique properties of the stone. Celebrimbor's grandaddy understood this perfectly when he crafted the Silmarils, which captured the light of the Two Trees of Valinor. (Then he apparently died without passing this knowledge on to his descendants and Celebrimbor was forever dragged for his questionable design choices, I guess)
Here are some examples of rings made by people who had a budget of more than $50 and more than a weekend to knock out their Jewelry 101 summer camp project
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I'd be willing to entertain arguments about using larger/weirdly faceted stones, but you still have to design the ring to take this shape and style into mind
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Galadriel, gazing in fascination at the first Ring Pop ever crafted by the elves. Look at how delicate the rest of her jewelry and costume are in contrast to the Temu engagement ring. The elves eventually have to take these rings off not because Sauron forged the One Ring but because theirs were turning their fingers green.
There are so many set and costume designs in this show that I love; clearly a lot of talented people worked on this show! I just wish that as much elegant craftsmanship had informed the TITULAR rings.
(I'm sure some there have been some defensive justifications for Why the Rings Look Like That but I tell you I will not be swayed by any of them)
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romanarose · 1 year
Gift Giving with the Triple Frontier Boys
Triple Frontier Master List All fanfic masterlist
Thoughts on the TF boys expressing their love for you through gift giving, and you returning it.
Acts of Service Word of Affirmation Quality Time Physical Touch
Warnings: Mentions of smut, pregnancy, nightmares involving death, drinking problem, addiction/rehab, past child abuse (sorry Millers lolololol), Not very smutty this time, lo siento.
Santiago Garcia
After Santi and Fish went back for the money in the canyon, they split it with the Millers, but that still eft each with a hefty sum. Anyone who grew up poor like Santi knows its easier to make money when you have money, and after a few smart monetary choices, Santi found himself in a good financial position. He still considered what he has somewhat blood money, although you frequently remind him that it was Tom that fucked it all up, so Santi makes sure to donate to charities close to his heart. However, Santiago adores you, and he'd me amiss if he didn't use that money to spoil you. Maybe it's dresses, maybe it's leather pants that show off your ass, maybe it's you're clothing taste is more simple but he indulges you in t-shirts from Star Wars, Doctor Who, and what's the stupid Marvel show? Moon Night? Whatever, he'll get you the goddamn Moon Night back back. If you like make up, fancy head coverings or wigs, he's got you, anything to make his girl feel special. You go to a concert, merch tent is yours. You don't even bring it up half the time, he'll catch you staring at a dress at the mall or 'recently viewed' will pop up on amazon and he'll just get it, as a treat. And if you have a fancy event, a quince, you're nieces first communion, or an Afghan wedding with multiple clothing changes, you bet you'll have the best. Oh, and you BET your wedding dress or suit will be the one you want, and you're ring? On point.
You and Santi took things slow. Maybe it's for religious reasons, maybe it's because you have had bad experiences in the past, or maybe you just wanted too, but you hadn't had sex yet. You'd slept over, keeping things modest but intimate, him holding you close and yeah, you maybe had to ignore a boner or two. He couldn't help it, it was biology, but he was nothing but respectful. However, when the time came you found you were ready.... you had a plan. It was his birthday, and after a very loud, very fun event with all his family and his friends ending with Will half-dragging his brother out because Benny kept saying goodbye for 40 minutes, you found yourselves alone.
"I've got a surprise for you" You gently push Santi back, lifting up your dress to reveal a lingerie set that made you look good and feel comfortable.
The dumbfounded look on his face and immediate bulge in his pants made it all the more impressive that he gulped, and stuttered out an "are you sure? you're absolutely sure?" before diving in on you. It wasn't the only gift you had gotten him, of course, but your body might be his favorite.
Benny Miller
It had been a bad day, but when you called Benny on your break and asked how he was, it was clear Benny was having a rough day at the gym. Benny vented to you, you listened, offered advice where he wanted it and allowed him to complain about the little things that nothing could be done about where he needed. By the time your hour was up, your food was ate and both of you felt better. Even just talking to your husband brightened your day, even if you didn't tell him that you were frustrated. However, work continued to suck ass. When you get home, however, you start on diner because you know Benny had a tough day and food made him happy. When he came home, however, he had a few things. In one had was his keys, water bottle and barely gasping a case of beer (jesus christ his hands are large) and in the other, a Hostess fruit pie from the gas station that he handed to you. "What's this for?" You ask, surprised by the treat. Benny shrugged. "I saw it and thought of you. You said you used to eat them a lot as a kid?" You did... you said that... about 3 years ago you made an offhand comment, and he remembered. Benny was nearly tackled by the hug, and you could not imagine having a better partner in this life.
Benny was a silly lil guy. Not to say he couldn't be serious. He was there for Frankie through his addiction, but Benny's best support was offered through his shinning personality, like visiting Frankie in rehab and making him laugh. Likewise, he was there to listen and genuinely help you with problems, he was fiercely defensive of you, and was serious when needed, but what you loved about him was how much you genuinely had fun together. None of this is to say Benny doesn't have his struggles. You told him he needed to get him drinking under control before you would date him, (although you supported him with that even through the 'friends for now' stage), and Benny clearly had PTSD from serving and from his childhood that he tended to bury under her sunny exterior. You notice him slipping, his nightmares getting worse; nightmares of his dad killing Will, someone hurting you or Santi or Fish, Tom dying... you figured you needed to make him laugh. So, you sit him down and gift with him with a pair of boxers that say "this ass belongs to-" with your name on it. Benny's face splits into a wide, genuine grin. He laughs so damn hard and hugs you so damn tight you feel a little bit better. You tell him you got him a gift because you've noticed he's been struggling lately, and open up a conversation about what's been going on... and maybe, if he's up for it, talking to a doctor at the VA about getting on some anti-nightmare medication.
Frankie Morales
When Frankie came into your life, you knew before you ever dated that he had a daughter, and none of that phased you. She was a good kid, and you had gotten along well with her. Frankie was slow to introduce you, of course, not wanting women in and out of her life, but as you and Frankie grew closer you met her, and were thrilled to be spending more time with her as Frankie thought was appropriate. It was still early in your relationship when you came over to his house only to find Fransico Julio Morales Andala with a tiara on his head, covered in glitter, sitting at a kid sized table with craft goods stone across it... girl dad life. You smiled fondly at him, and chuckled as him and Adrianna yelled at you to wait in the living room until they were done. So, you sat on your phone listening to the father-daughter pair whisper and giggle and argue before they bring their finished product. A Valentines day card, ugly as all hell... but so clearly both of them. Franki drew a helicopter, Adrianna drew a castle, Frankie drew you and him holding hands, Adrina drew a dead "bad guy"... you weren't sure what that head to do with Valentines Day but oh well. And together, they had glued on dried flowers, lace, Star Wars stickers, and a fuck ton of glitter for you. It was entirely too much, would glitter-ize you and your apartment for weeks... but god dammit you were crying and now you had to frame it.
You were nervous, as far as fathers days go... Frankie wanted this, he said he did, but less than 2 months of marriage seemed... soon? You did the math, and he knocked you up your wedding night. Still, you wanted to give Adrianna a sibling... Frankie had spent the day with her, but you really wanted to talk to him alone, and you really thought today was fitting... so Santi took her for diner. He was a father figure to her, after all. It took a while, but halfway through diner was when Frankie asked, worried, 'Something wrong, hermosa?' You couldn't wait any longer, and told him you were pregnant with his child. You watched as the shock filled him, tears misting his eyes before he came over to your side of the table and pulled you to your feet. Frankie picked you up, making you squeal and both of you giggled as he spun you around before setting you down on the floor.
"Best father's day gift ever"
Will Miller
It was a military ball, and although you tried to keep it lowkey... you were thrilled. You hardly got a chance to dress up, and when was the last time you wore a dress this fancy? Will knocked on the door before entering when you called him in, a move you thought was a bit silly considering you were married and it was his savings that bought the house, but Will thought you should be allowed your privacy either way. You turn from where you sit in the vanity mirror, finding Will blue eyes and soft smile trained on you. 'You look beautiful, princess. I'll never get tired of telling you, every damn day.' He kissed the top of your hair, very careful not to mess up your up-do and walked over to his drawer. He began a preamble that you didn't have to wear it if you had other jewelry plans, but you but him off. Whatever he gave, you'd proudly wear. Will walked back behind you, and you are struck once again by how such a large man can manage not to look the slightest bit intimating. not you at least. But maybe that's because you know him, and despite whatever he had done on the military, he was the gentlest soul you had ever met in your life. He pulled out a neckless, stunningly sparkly and bright, with your favorite jewel and fucking hell it must've been expensive. He clasped it behind you, sealing the act with a kiss on your neck, a hint of what no doubt will happen later tonight... And you will, in fact, be showing this neckless of all night, just as Will is going to show off you.
"Honey, I'm home!" You call as you step in and Will beckons you to the guest room where he is fixing the closet door. Will turns around to greet you, setting the tools down so he could take you in for a kiss, something you two promised to try and do every day, when he saw what you were holding, flowers. Confused, he kisses your cheek. "Are we visiting your grandma today, honey?" He asked, and when you said no, he had a few more possible reasons for the flowers, even so far as to ask if this was your way of reminding him he forgot an important date. You laugh, as if he would ever. You finally tell him, "They're for you, silly." The man was too stunned too speak. "For me? Why?". You explain you don't need a reason, that he's your special man and he deserves it. You explain how you were driving home and saw a pop up flower stand, and realized that your kind, thoughtful, gentle, hardworking husband had probably never gotten a bouquet in his 30 something years of living. And what a shame that was! He deserved flowers. Pretty ones, too. Despite the strength he held, and the way his arms wrapped tight around you, he knew his strength and did not squeeze to hard... but it was a firm hug, and as he buried his face in your neck, you swore it was a little wet as he whispered "thank you, beautiful." Even in his childhood, no one had treated him with such soft kindness as you did, and he'd do everything in his power to not let you go.
SORRY THE LAST ONE TOOK FOREVER i was uninspired but the oscar isaac discord im in helped me get on my feet.
If you liked this one make sure to check out the other 4 love languages!
@whatthefishh @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @kittyofalltrades @luciannadraven33 @littlenosoul @jake-g-lockley @milkymoon2483 @howaboutcastiel @miraclesabound @bitchyglitterfox @missdictatorme
and bc
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sugarcandydoll · 5 months
hi dolly I'm trying to enter my girly era and you clearly know a lot about it based on your aesthetic and stuff! I was wondering if you could give me some advice or tips on being more girly and hyper feminine?🩷
aww aww angel im so flattered omgg ♡🎀 but don't think im the perfect example of a girly girl cause im so messy n emotional n disorganized :(♡ but i do love pinky n glam fashion n aesthetics hehe so i can totally share some tips on that ♡👛 also pls pls remember there is no right way to be a girly girl ♡💞 those are just tips n advice from my own experience abt what makes me feel girly n happy hehe ♡👼🏼
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🎀 Fashion
browse outfits on pinterest n make moodboards to find ur style hehe ♡ shein is also amazing for finding cute girly pieces for cheap!! i usually shop my pinky n barbiecore outfits from shein!! ♡ if u want inspo here is a link to my pinterest fashion board ♡ i love wearing crop tops, matching sets, cute dresses n skirts, white tights w heart patterns ♡ for my comfy n lazy day i go along with pink graphic sweatshirt w cute print on it like bambi or disney princess hehehe ♡ also get cute lingerie n pjs it's gonna make u feel like a lil princess ♡
🎀 Makeup
if ur into makeup, play with different look n choose whatever makes u feel the prettiest! ♡ my personal fav makeup look is a full face of makeup with frosty pink eyeshadow ♡ lots of white highlight on inner corners of eyes n nose tip ♡ black winged eyeliner ♡ white eyeliner on waterline ♡ cat eye faux lashes ♡ lots of blush, n too faced lip plumping gloss along with pinky lipstick hehe ♡ i also sometimes wear brown circle lenses to give that dolly look to my eyes ♡
🎀 Hair
pls pls take care of ur hair (it's smth i need to get better at cause i fried my hair w bleach) my fav hair care tip is too deep oil it w coconut oil ♡ choose a shampoo & conditioner that smells good n works for u ♡ if ur into dyeing ur hair play w colors hehe ♡ i personally loved a reddish brown and then later a light blonde on me ♡👸🏼💕 but now wanna switch things up cause blonde maintainance is getting too expensive n i feel bad wasting soo much of my dad's money on my hair :( so i might get back to like a caramel brown hehe ♡ i also love curling my hair n putting hair extensions n cute girly accessories like bows n pink barretes n huge pink scrunchies ♡
🎀 Nails
get ur nails n toes done often hehe ♡💅🏼 i love the whole salon experience of mani/pedi but since i don't work anymore n live w my parents i wanna be more frugal :(♡ so press ons are my bffs hehehe n i love putting press ons on my toes too hehe ♡ u can find a lot of cute press on nails on amazon n etsy ♡ i usually go for pink medium length nails either plain or w a cute pattern n rhinestones ♡ i sometimes love going with colors like red, baby blue, purple, n a leopard pattern too hehe ♡ my fav nail shape is coffin or stiletto ♡ but go along with whatever makes ur hands look pretty ♡🫶🏼💗
🎀 Accessories
get cute jewelery n accessories hehehe ♡🧁 i usually buy my cutesy pink jewelry from shein ♡ n i love carrying pink bags n purses ♡ my fav for school is definitely my victoria's secret's carry all pink tote hehehe ♡ i also love wearing rings n toe rings n anklets w little bells on it to jingle when i walk hehe ♡ also also i love getting a necklace w my fav fictional character's initial on it oops ♡ i also love wearing cute pink hair accessories like bows n barrettes n huge pink scrunchie ♡ or if i want my hair up i use a huge pink claw clip ♡
🎀 Smelling Good
perfumes n bodymists are the best hehehe ♡ explore different scents at shops n figure out what u like best!! ♡ my current favs are strawberry snowflakes by bbw & pure seduction shimmer mist by victoria's secret, & tease sugar fleur by victoria's secret ♡ usually go w super super sweet or fruity scents but u don't have to angel ♡🍰 florals n fresh scents are sooo cute too just go along w whatever feels the most you n the best in ur opinion hehe ♡
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rahabs · 2 months
In a depressive slump about money again. I know this is temporary, it'll only be a couple of years, but being on a strict budget is hard when two staples (bread and cheese) costs $16 and you have some unexpected pet expenses. Have a massive visa bill because I had to replace a broken appliance, too. Just... so tired. If I'd stayed in law I could have been making way more money, but I legitimately wanted to KMS when I was still working as a lawyer, and I couldn't face doing that for the rest of my life. I like my new job, but it doesn't pay well right now, even though it will get better years down the line.
It's also just frustrating to know I spent all that time in law school, getting read, only to not be able to make it very far. My sister is eight years younger and already more successful, my other younger sister lives with our parents and has most of her stuff paid for... it's frustrating. Add to that I know I'll be alone for always. It's just how it is. So I'll forever be the sole person supporting myself. They'll have partners and pooled incomes eventually and I'll just be :) Struggling on my own. An afterthought, as usual. They barely remembered my birthday this year, so unlike my sisters I never got a birthday dinner, and my present was something cheap off Amazon whereas my sisters got massive dinners and gifts. When my sister graduated nursing she got a dinner and a ring; when I graduated law I got nothing. My country is in a massive downward spiral, everything is unaffordable...
Just no point.
I thought about getting a second job, interviewed for one, but the gas to get out there would make any extra cash worthless.
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6leggedhorse · 2 months
Tarot Cards: Myths, Uses, and History 7/19
Have you ever watched The Craft? Perhaps you’ve seen that corny horror film Tarot or even The Ninth Gate? What do these films have in common? Well, the use of Tarot Cards! In Hollywood, the cinematic use of the deck can be seen in gloom, paranormal or supernatural based films or shows. Tarot cards can be seen as scary, fake and even satanic. To begin to understand the world of Tarot, we need to take a glance at its origin story.
Let’s go back to 1430s Italy, where cards weren’t just used for games, but for fortune telling. Instead of the generic four suites, the Italians added a 5th suite to the deck. This fifth suite consists of 22 cards, each one containing its own unique imagery and meaning. This made the deck go from 56 to the classic 78 card we all have come to know. Originally the deck wasn’t numbered so it was up to the user to remember the order in which their deck was in. The 22 cards consist of the major arcana while the other 56 contain the minor arcana; while the major arcana depicts significant meanings to the user and the client, the major arcana also depicts The Fools journey. With the remaining 56, each suite represents an element: air-swords, wands-fire, chalices-water and coins-earth. Each suite will have 4 court cards, a page, knight queen and king.
Fast forward to 1780s France where the tarot deck will now be adapted to metaphysical/occult usage. Each suite represents something, the element of water deals in emotions, love, the element of air deals in communication and conflict and perhaps some decision making, earth deals in money and material possessions and fire deals with work, passion, careers. With the major arcana, depicts large and significant meanings in situations, spirituality, paths and even helps providing some advice.
Myth: Your deck won’t work if you buy it! You need to have it gifted to you!
Fact: for specific cultures and people, this rings true as the tarot deck is viewed to be extremely sacred. Some people even believe it needs to passed down to you; which, again, rings true to specific cultures and people. If you’re Romani or part of any culture where this is a common practice, then this may ring true to you. In modern times, you can simply walk into a Barnes and Noble, Hot Topic, Spencer’s, Earthbound Trading Co. or even go to Amazon and buy one. It’s better if you purchase the deck yourself rather than have it gifted to you. Why? Well, someone may buy you a deck, but it maybe a deck that you don’t like or didn’t want. You need to look for the specific deck that clicks with you. Now if you add it onto you wishlist, thats fine too, but you need to be the one that finds and establishes such a connection.
Myth: Tarot is Satanic! It’s just down right evil!
Fact: this is a negative belief generated by religious folks to try and keep people away from getting into it. No deck is tied to any religion really, and there is no way it can summon any entity of a large scale such as Satan. The deck is a blank slate, ready for readings and a good time.
Myth: The Death card means you will die!
Fact: There is no card in the tarot deck that gets such a bad rep like the 13th card in the deck, well, other than the Devil. But back to the 13th card, this card isn’t saying you’ll go down like it’s a Final Destination film or that you’re cursed. It’s telling you you’re experiencing the end of an era, the closing of a chapter, rebirth. One door closes and another opens. You won’t physically die, but a chapter in your life is going to close; if the death card is reversed it means you’re not allowing that chapter to close, you’re stagnant in growth.
Insight: The Tarot deck has its uses, such as providing insight on some drama or how to solve a solution with that crusty co worker. It can even help provide more insight on a personal relationship; however I personally choose not to do this because I have no reason to and it’s anxiety inducing.
Advice: Tarot decks are good at this, and they won’t lie to you either. If you need advice on how to go about job hunting or dealing with your partner’s ex. partner then these cards can happily guide you to how to properly deal with the situation you asked for advice on.
Games: To this day you can still play games with them! If readings aren’t your style, then you can for sure play card games with them!
Inspiration: ever had writers block? Tarot can help you solve that issue by giving you creative inspiration through readings or just by simply existing. This works for other forms of art besides writing!
Growth/Reflection: If you’ve ever done shadow work, or commit to therapy or anything that helps you grow and reflect on being a better person, Tarot cards can help guide you to completing that goal. The goal of the Tarot deck would to be to receive its insights and advice in order to help you seek out the desired goal of personal growth or reflection.
I hope you enjoyed reading my first post! This took all day to knock out because I got busy with other personal matters. Needless to say I hope you enjoyed reading this! Stay tuned for next week’s blog post!
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questionable government spies, but better written and 5 years late chapter 2: please don't scramble my eggs
back at it again :)
i got stuck in florida for 5 days and produced this
words: 750 (short but its necessary)
edited: yes :)
warnings: kidnapping, threats, gangs
tags: @jack-kellys @ainti-pretty @boygirlctommy (let me know if you want to be tagged)
ch 1 | read it on ao3
*24 hours earlier*
It was a normal day for Spot. Which should have been his first red flag. There were no normal days when you worked for The Anonymous. 
Which was why he really shouldn't have been surprised when between one second and the next he was getting knocked out and thrown in a van. 
Next thing he knew he was blinking his eyes open in a dim, dank room. One single lightbulb flickered annoyingly above him and thick rope dug into his wrists. Something chirped in the corner. Rats, most likely. Spot wasn’t sure if the higher ups in the gang simply had no money or just had a thing for shitty movie interrogation core rooms because believe it or not, this was not the first time that he had ended up in a room that looked like this. 
“Sean Patrick Conlon.” 
Fucking Christ. 
“Oscar if you wanted to talk to me you could have just asked like a normal person,” Spot sighed. “We work in the same building. There was really no need to pull out all the stops for me.”
Oscar stepped into the light, a sickly smile stretched across his stupid face. The hilt of the silver knife he was rolling between his hands clicked against his many gold rings. Spot resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 
“You know you shouldn’t talk to me like that,” Oscar grinned. “Not after everything I’ve done for you.” 
“I wasn’t aware that kidnapping me and tying me to a chair fell into that category” 
Faster than he could blink, Spot felt the tip of Oscar’s knife digging into his collar bone. He ground his teeth together so he wouldn’t flinch. It wouldn’t do him any favors. He waited for Oscar to make some kind of smart ass comment, but what he said instead was far more terrifying. 
“Why did you never tell any of us that you have a sister?” 
Spot’s blood went cold. He hadn’t seen Grace in years. She had been placed in a different foster home than he had been after their mom had dropped off of the face of the earth and he had never been able to find her again after he had aged out. After a few years he had come to accept the fact that she had likely been adopted by whatever family she had been placed with.
He fought to maintain his composure. “So what if I do?” 
Oscar was unfazed. “Grace Michaels. You know she’s living in the city? 42 West 64th street. She has a cat named Slippers. Her Amazon package is arriving today, she ordered a new 10 foot iphone charger. She left the house at 7:33am with her fiancée. Did you know she was getting married? I’m assuming he didn’t ask for your permission.” 
Spot narrowed his eyes. Straining against the rope would just make Oscar more annoyed. 
“His name is Patrick Cortes,” Oscar continued. “He proposed during their vacation two months ago in Italy. The date is already set for next November. She picked out her dress two weeks ago.” 
“What do you want with Grace?” Spot asked, fighting to keep a straight face. In a way, it was comforting to know that Grace was still alive and seemingly okay, but if Oscar was interested in her then that might not last for much longer. 
Oscar flipped his knife in his hands. “Tomorrow morning you are going to go to the FBI Headquarters in Times Square and you are going to turn yourself in. In exchange for your immunity you are going to offer to work with their agents in order to take down this organization. You will refuse to work with every agent except for Antonio Higgins. You will build trust with him and help him to infiltrate our organization. After one month you will double cross him, leading him to his death.”
“And why would I do that?” Spot had a sinking feeling that he already knew the answer. 
“Because it would be a shame if your sister was in a horrible accident before her wedding, don’t you think?” Oscar smirked. 
“You’re sick.” 
Oscar shrugged. “It’s not my plan. This one’s direct from the higher ups.” 
“Of course it is,” Spot muttered. “I’m assuming I have no choice?” 
“Not unless you want your roommate to find your head on his doorstep.” 
Spot tried to imagine Elmer opening the door of their apartment to his head in a cardboard box. Not a good mental image. Especially when Elmer thought that he worked as a security guard at a Hilton hotel. 
“Do I have to kill him?” Spot asked. That was his one remaining boundary. Over the years they had pushed him to do worse and worse things, but he had still remained firm in the fact that he didn't want to kill anyone.
“No,” Oscar said. “The higher ups have a plan for him.” Spot resisted the urge to shudder. Hopefully whoever this Antonio was was an asshole so that he didn't feel bad about leading him to what was surely to be a terrible and painful death.
It was a lose lose situation and as usual, the only way out was through. That was how things worked around here. And the worst part was, he was stuck here.
“So are you in?”
“Yeah.” Spot hated that he didn’t even hesitate. “I’m in.”
:O evil spot
ch3 will be long and incredible to make up for how short this one is
let me know what you think !!!
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mermaidsirennikita · 12 days
Apparently the ACOTAR adaptation has been scrapped?
Mmhmm! It appears to have been dumped a while ago. I'm not surprised, tbh.
People seem to think that these streamers have endless amounts of $$$ to spend on fantasy shows. I've seen a lot of fans on Twitter etc passing around petitions to convince HBO, Amazon etc to pick up the show. And the reality is that not only do they already have their fantasy shows (the Game of Thrones spinoffs AND the Dune spinoffs for HBO, shows like Rings of Power and Wheel of Time for Amazon... Pretty much ALL of these companies are in the red. I think Netflix is supposed to be doing the best, but even they are... in the red.
Which is why you see all these cheap shows being made, the constant churn and burn, etc. Zaslav cutting shit from Max like it's his job. The budget for HoTD s2, a season with budget cuts that was pretty widely dragged by fans and critics, which CLEARLY had less money to work with based on the lack of full scale battles, main characters sitting in the same sets for episodes... on.... end.... without much motion, still cost around $160-200 million-ish, supposedly. (If we go by the estimate of $20 mill+ per episode.)
ACOTAR could potentially cost MORE if you take into account the SFX needed for the fairy realms, etc. HotD and Rings of Power are, at the end of the day, essentially medieval sets with some polish added in for things like dragons, magic, etc. I actually think that ACOTAR is potentially more involved.
... which is why.... it would have worked better... as an animated series lol.....
And uh, Prime made their choice with Fourth Wing. Who knows if that'll happen? I'm skeptical. But it does make more sense to me as an investment as, similarly to HotD, there really isn't too much CRAZY SHIT to invest in besides the dragons (which is still a lot, mind you). Film on certain locations to get the right look, etc. The costumes don't sound super elaborate. The story is preeeeeeeetty linear, whereas ACOTAR has a lot of stops and starts and shifts in focus. Where do you even end with that one?
I'd still make it an animated series, but that is is me.
And I also think that there's just a lot more coming down the pipeline for the fantasy romance trend. We can give ACOTAR its due for being at the forefront, but that doesn't mean it's the one people are buzzing about QUITE as much anymore. Still very successful, don't get me wrong. But is it worth the massive investment required? Who knows?
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii personally think that the investment in a fuckton of fantasy shows seems like... a lot... as it is. I feel like I can see some fantasy fatigue, on TV at least, coming up. The book trend was influenced BY the TV trend, and it'll be interesting to see where it goes if the genre drops off a bit in TV.
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floof-writes · 2 years
i love when tragedies are like “the love was there. it didnt change anything. it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it. but it still matters that the love was there”
-Starpeace, tumblr
This isn't my normal type of post, but I just closed my high school's production of 'Puffs, Or: Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic', and I can't stop thinking about it. This show broke me and put me back together and I don't know what to fucking do about it.
I played the role of Megan Jones, and she taught me how to be a person again. Skip straight to the next heading if you just want to know what the hell I'm talking about, otherwise, here's my Love Letter to Puffs: you deserve the world and the world doesn't deserve you, but every person reading this deserves to see this show at least once in their life.
First of all, this show is hilarious. Like, 'laugh until your stomach hurts and you can't breath and you start coughing up your sanity' hilarious. Your abs will hurt after seeing this show and your tear ducts will struggle to keep up with demand. But, despite that, or maybe because of that, it is also heartbreaking. Maybe the best kind, I think. The kind that rips your heart into pieces but then sews it back together, tells you that you have to carry on, but somehow that's worse, because hope hurts more than anything else.
And to see Puffs is one thing, but to be in it?
I don't know what to do or how to feel. For the rest of my life I will have carry this grief nestled next to my soul. The characters have the faces of people I know, and goddamn that makes it so hard to think about but just as hard not to.
I am changed, for this show. I am a different person at the other end of this nine week love-stained, obsessive hell. It found me when I was in a very vulnerable place, only halfway to healing, and picked me up and straight up told me to my Megan's face that I "shouldn't have to be alone"! Told me safety is love and loneliness is a lie we tell ourselves when we hate ourselves too much to see reason. That justice is the only pursuit that brings both self-love and heartache.
Live theatre is a powerful, powerful thing and yes, a professional recording of Puffs is available on Amazon Video and some pretty good bootlegs are up on YouTube, but if this show is open anywhere near you at a local high school, college, or community theatre, then I'm begging you to go see it in person. High school-age actors are uniquely suited to this show so don't let that make you wary!
If anyone, ever, wants to talk about Puffs, I'm more than available. PM me, ask me, tag me in your post. I don't care if you're seeing this post 2 months or 2 years or 10 years from now, if I am still on this hellsite, I will respond.
Go see Puffs. If everyone on this planet did, I think the world would be just a slightly better place.
Okay, hold on, what's Puffs?
Puffs tells us the story of a certain badger-aligned house during the seven years a certain orphan boy wizard attends a certain school of magic, plus ✨it was the 90's✨. If you can't tell, Puffs is technically a Harry Potter parody, and it very intentionally gives JKR no money and is not licensed with Warner Bros. Maybe that's a small part of why it spoke to me so much, because in the simplest terms: Puffs won custody of me in the great JKR/Fandom divorce. I really felt betrayed by JKR's transphobia and treatment of representation issues and this show was a bandaid and a kiss better for my aching, eleven year-old heart.
The story follows the Puff Wayne Hopkins, a young British orphan who was raised by his uncle in New Mexico. Wayne is the nerdiest, 90's-est kid you've ever met and well, as a fan of Star Wars and Dungeons & Dragons and Lord of the Rings, when he gets his school letter he gets this idea in his head that his life is about to become as awesome as that of the average fantasy protagonist. That he's gonna be a hero! Of course, he isn't. That's Harry. It's Harry at every single turn and Wayne and his friends are constantly being screwed over as unmentioned side characters in Harry's world-shattering and school-wrecking life, not to mention that the Puffs are the laughingstock of the school anyway, constantly failing classes and being bullied by the Snakes.
The Puffs work hard to become better but it rarely turns out. I mean, just look at Cedric, who plays a huge role in mentoring Wayne and his classmates the first act. Yikes. As the Puffs grow into their teen-hood it even gets a little spicy (in the hilariously awkward, teenage way), and eventually, they each come to understand that Puffs matter, Puffs are the best, in fact, Puffs are the "Mighty Ducks of wizards. No. The Mighty Ducks 2 of Wizards!"
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kissmethroughthebone · 7 months
The Holidays were a mess!
Sometimes I date people and they make it seem like they have some big surprise in store for me, and then they don't.
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Like this passing Christmas, my wishlist was very simple:
Lab-grown gemstones (if one really bothered to search, I could've gotten like 10 sapphires, 10 rubies and 5 other gemstones for the price of an average Shake Shack order from gemsngems)
Sapphire or emerald ring (even broke people can get this; Etsy has sapphire and emerald rings for 30 bucks. Are they doublets [a.k.a. a gemstone sat upon a thin later of glass]? Yes. But are they nice, pretty, cheap and what I want? Yes. Or even a lab grown one would've been dirt cheap.)
A blanket...... yep, that's it. A blanket. An UGG blanket would've been amazing but frankly all blankets are good. Hard to mess up. Like, under 30 bucks, really.
A massage oil candle. As in the brands where you get a candle that, when lit, slowly melts into a skin-safe warm body oil. Sexy AND comforting, works for both self-care and intimacy with someone. 35$ maximum, but some sold for as low at 15$ for guaranteed high quality massage oil.
Easy enough list, right? Even a man working at Amazon could do this.
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And what I actually got:
I almost did get a massage oil candle, but it was my last fling's shoddy attempt at making one... ah yes, a man who could've spent like, 15 bucks, decided that an empty no-spout pasta jar with untested-for-skin-safety heated up shea butter and lavender oil, with a wick in it, was what I deserved...... after being great all year to him.
Why didn't I get it, you ask? Well, let's just say men don't like it when you hold them accountable for things they attempted that made them deserving to be on a registry somewhere. Thankfully, I have hands. He didn't want these hands moisturized even when I almost lacked the sense to forgive him! (I was in a haze and hardly had anyone around me, of course I was almost gonna go back to an abuser!)
Meanwhile he still blew tons of money on board games and comic books.
The ethical anti-consumer organic product naturalista in me is flattered, but ultimately not at all impressed.
Ha! Funny how last year I discussed with others openly on my social media page that a man who spends more on himself, than you, is a man who underprioritizes you.
And the men on my roster, (consisting of my Recent Ex Boyfriend, who let's call L, and my recent fling, let's call M,) agreed, and promised to do better.
It paused temporarily! L stopped with the Bape hoodie obsession of his for a bit and promised more high end dates. (He promised that when we broke up too, since men always try when they know they're gonna lose you for good and will pull out all stops.) M temporarily paused (or hid better) his obsession with wasting cash on rare comic books he never reads online.
And then it happened again. Suddenly everyone has rhinestone hoodies and the limited edition Resident Evil comic books, but no money for a real date, or to pick me up from anywhere but a BART station.
Whew, chile. The ghetto. The ghettoooooo.
My fault for dating broke niggas with issues.
All good though. I'll tighten the fuck up!
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I am meant for ubers, galas, chaffeurs, high end events and success! Bills paid! Not... that lame shit!
Low tier men are good for smaller expenses, or tasks; small bills, little hair treatments, maybe a dress or shoes. Some jewelry if in budget! But, talk to them scarcely and show there's always better out there for you and that they have to impress you. Always. Or else, its not worthwhile to see them!
Mid tier men are good for actual life investments: carpet cleaning services, construction, vector control, taxes, actual real gemstone jewelry, subscription services, buying a car or jewelry, and more.
High tier men are good for LIFE in general; industry things, housing things, anything ever on this planet. Ever. They'll always do it.
I keep sympathizing with men and/or letting them get away with things, instead of utilizing them as stepping stones for what I want.
Since you give too much to a man and they get comfortable and stop trying.
Fuck that, I need all my niggas to be working and crying over the idea of losing me! Heart panging in their chest, bent at the knees sobbing, since another man is taking me out to a high end dinner after treating me to some earrings.
I love doing that to men, so much. Always.
Anyway, just reminding myself I got everything to thrive and have no need for a man to survive.
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I have a well paying job, a nice mind and a beautiful face and body. I always get what I want. Always. Amen. Thanks and peace out yall!
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mag-lore · 2 years
You know, people keep saying that Rings of Power is a fanfiction, and while I can see where they're coming from, I would have to disagree.
In my experience in fandom, most good fanfic has one thing in common; and that is that it explores character relationship in depth. Often more depth than the original. You're really able to get to know the characters better, because of how they interact and feel about each other. For example, if you were to read a fanfic about Elrond in the Second Age, it would most likely show his relationship with Galadriel, who is much older and wiser than him but a good friend of his; Gil-galad, who trusts Elrond more than anyone else and named him his heir; Celebrimbor, who is kind of his cousin and also who Elrond desperately tries to save right before building Rivendell; Celeborn, who is a soldier beside Elrond; Celebrían, whom Elrond loves when he first sees her but doesn't act on it until later; and Círdan, who is also very old and wise, but who failed to help Elrond during the Third Kinslaying despite his efforts. And this is just the beginning. It might also show how he feels about the Numenorians, his brother's failing people. It could also bring up how he feels about characters who have died or left, such as his parents, Maedhros, Maglor, and Elros. And if the author has any original characters in the work, then there's even more opportunities.
All of these relationships have the potential to be really interesting and compelling. Depending on the author and the type of fic, these relationships can be portrayed in a variety of different ways. This brings us to the greatest part about fanfic in my opinion, it gives us a chance to explore deeper aspects of the characters we love, even if (and often especially if) it's working outside the established canon.
This is why I can't call Amazon's mess a fanfic. It doesn't explode any of the characters in any detail, not even on a surface level. I honestly can't tell you how any of the characters feel about any of the other characters besides "they get along okay" or "they don't get along." And that's a real shame, because as I said above, character relationships are extremely interesting.
Fanfiction is made lovingly by fans who are passionate about a certain work and characters and who want to see more. They want to see more character growth, relationships, and world building. Fanfic is able to add to a world and to characters, oftentimes making them more complex and interesting.
Amazon's show was only made because it has the Lord of the Rings name attached to it. The higher ups saw that they could get the rights to a book that has a famous name and they jumped. What they produced is a hallow attempt to compete with other fantasy shows and to get money. They've added nothing to these characters and to the world. In fact in many cases, they have taken from them and made them worse.
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
First, this show would be labeled as a Hulu original and I’m not sure which studio would back it. The Hulu Original team is very very small so I’m hoping they bring more than just that team in. Obviously they have Sarah and that other guy (his name is escaping me) so I’m sure they’re fine.
Disney owned 60% of Hulu up until yesterday. They’re buying it in full for like 8 billion which to me is fucking wild since everyone in Hollywood is struggling rn. I thought they were supposed to be selling not buying but that’s above me.
Second, Disney has been saying for years now that they want adult content and buying Fox was supposed to help them with that. I’m not sure they’re ready to make that leap yet. Audiences are so unsure of their usual content like animated movies and marvel. I’m looking forward to Wish but I’m not sure it will live up to be the ‘100 years story’ it’s supposed to be. And if it doesn’t that’s going to be a huge slap in the face and it should be a wake up call.
The only adult content Disney has been actively pushing is the Simpsons. It’s on the D+ banner all the time and it streams on Hulu. Honestly the Simpsons isn’t even that adult I’ve been watching it since I was a kid. Yes it has the inappropriate jokes and stuff but if kids are watching it it’s not that adult. And they have a section in the universal theme park soo…
Ever since Disney bought 20th Century Fox and rebranded it to just 20th Century Studios they have been sticking those movies and shows on Hulu. It would not surprise me if there was never a proper release for 20th Century in theaters again. Unless it’s a big name movie, but even that one with Ana De Armas and Ben Affleck went straight to streaming.
That being said, my theory is that now Disney has full control of Hulu that’s going to be the home for everything Fox/20th Century no matter what. And that Disney will treat it like a black label streaming service if you know what I mean. Like all their stuff they consider not for kids and TV-MA will live there.
I feel like my theory is right given that the trailer for Echo came out today and it’s going to stream on both platforms bc of how violent it is. That’s a good thing to me bc that story needs to be violent and we need the Netflix era marvel vibe back.
But back to ACOTAR, if a studio backs it it’ll probably be 20th Century. And Ik ppl are saying HBO would be a better home for this type of content. I think they can absolutely give ACOTAR a big ass budget bc that’s Disney money. They just have to spend it right.
Streamers like Amazon for example have produced good fantasy/sci-fi stuff with good vfx. I Never thought they could produce The Boys until it came out and the Lord of the rings spin-off.
I think it’s about how they spend the money and what they can give to vfx. Bc of that, Make-up, and costuming will make or break them in the overall visual aspect.
If done right this show can be their game of thrones, and it should be! This is a huge get for them! But that’s my theory, I’m sorry this was so long lol
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jellorat · 1 year
I had forgotten the flavor of raspberry jam
I was running out of raspberry jam, and I was thinking the stuff I buy at the grocery store was kind of meh. I decided to can my own.
First, I did a lot of reading. I have never done it, so I bought three Ball cookbooks on canning. I had some of those Amazon credits for slower delivery options, so that was nice.
I was not prepared for the sheer options in canning. Just in what you could make. The flavor options for jams were really cool. Like stuff you will never find in a grocery store for any price.
Second, I bought some jars and supplies on Amazon. I have discovered my mix of Verones and Ball came out with me really liking the Ball jars better. They pop when they come out, and are easier to work with in my opinion. This is important because the rings are not the same exact size, which is annoying.
Third, I went to the grocery store and got raspberries and strawberries. I should have stuck with one, but I got excited.
Finally, today I got everything together and I made the Berry or Black Currant jam recipe on page 29 of the Ball Complete Book of Home preserving.
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All my cans are sitting and cooling now, but the big takeaway as I licked the utensils after I was done making it, and it was processing?
I had completely forgotten what raspberry tasted like. You know, I have been eating raspberry jam 3, 4, 5 times a week since I was a kid. It's my go to comfort food, and some things I just don't change up much.
The raspberry jam from the store, any of them, because I switch it up often looking for a good one, don't taste like this. Yet, I remember this flavor. When I was a kid, the jams we bought tasted like this.
I think this is yet another 10th of a cent corporation issue. It goes like this, the company board wants to save money, so they work out that they can save a 10th of a cent on every product if they just use less great ingredients, or save costs on packaging, or use a cheaper option.
This goes on for years, slowly the product has no real comparison to the one you ate 30 years ago.
I think this is what's happened to all the jams I used to eat.
When I licked the spoon when I was done? It was like a memory from childhood back when raspberry jam was raspberry flavored, and not just semi raspberry flavored and artificially sweet.
I think this is a metaphor for capitalism and corporations making money at the expense of there own products, and now we live in a world were we have little choice in the matter but to take what few products there are, because most companies are owned by very few corporations at the top.
In any case, I am ecstatic at the success of my jam, and shocked at the loss of raspberry flavor in my store bought jams.
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gwently · 2 years
2023 part 2?
So fountain pens. While I really got into them in 2022, it was not my first foray into them. My first pen was a gift from an online friend way back in...2017? For my birthday. It was a Pilot Metropolitan and I immediately fucked it up, spilled ink everywhere. I was too dumb to look up how to properly fill it, though i am sure I messed up the nib as well. Since it was a gift it stayed in my room for several years until I threw it out one day, for a reason that cannot be remembered. We laughed at my incompetence and she wasn't angry, so that birthday managed to be memorable.
I don't even know what sparked my current interest in fountain pens. Think I was looking at ink drawings? and remembered these things existed and well I am firmly down the hole. I brought a lot of pens last year, trying out different filling methods or nib sizes, going for cool colours, you name it. Having disposable income for the first time and not knowing what to do with it may be a factor. Sure, I definitely do not need that many pens, but don't judge me. I sure as hell don't judge that one person who tosses in random kanji in their name or bio that is probably google translated, because to them Japanese is a fun aesthetic, not a language used and enjoyed by real people.
I mostly got the reckless spending out of my system, while there are many different inks and pens I still want to try out there's only so many I can use short term, so now the focus is on getting use of what I have and maybe selling/giving away a few. Improving my handwriting and learning cursive properly are also goals of mine, as it is very awkward trying to write a signature and only being able to make the l and t in my last name look pretty, a thing I only know from diving into the bottom of my memory containing a mental image of my mother's handwriting that can no longer be replicated.
Journaling! Right that's the main reason why I use my pens now. I've always written things down on random scrap sheets of paper as little reminders or to do lists — a habit that happens more often due to my grandmother's influence in recent years — so getting a proper journal only made sense. With fountain pens certain inks or nibs respond better on good paper, so that means I also invested in some notebooks. You can quickly see how this hobby can become a money sink if you really wanted to. Thankfully after trying out Rhodia and feeling dissatisfied, Maruman (a japanese brand) stopped my search for paper that suited what I like. I prefer spiral/ring notebooks the most so it was a double win, similar to [insert fighting game reference 0 people reading this would understand]
I lost my train of thought but it's okay, no one will read this. Here's a pen I brought in...(checks amazon purchases) October.
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(yes that is my hand, those aren't scratches it's lint)
The very famous and popular Pilot Custom 823, with a broad nib. It is a vacuum filler — one of my fav methods of filling — and managed to grab it while yen was very, very low so it was around $192 with tax, when normally it would cost me around $220-280. My most expensive pen and probably will be for a very long time. It's funny cause when I first brought it I was like damn. This is kinda mid. Like when you watch that super popular anime that's airing, only to be bewildered at what all the hype is about. Now it's one of my favourite writers, the gold nib has a softness that is fairly unique, making writing with it a breeze as it floats over paper. Sometimes you just need to sleep on things. If it wasn't for the cost I would consider getting a second one, the amber colourway in particular is gorgeous.
Right now though I am interested in vintage pens, there is definitely something nice about holding something older than my grandparents and looking up it's history, and the time period around it.
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(Not my image, credit goes to redeempens/will vintage on reddit) Today I got myself a WASP Clipper in this marvelous brown/gold pattern that is commonly called "circuit board" by collectors. It's a "lever filler", a filling method mostly absent from modern pens.
WASP is a sub-brand by famous pen manufacturer Sheaffer. WASP stands for "W.A. Sheaffer Pen", because why bother with subtlety. This pen was made sometime during the 1930s, cool stuff. Usually pens this old have the risk of having it's ink sac disintegrated, so you would have to repair it yourself or get someone to do it for you. Thankfully the pen I grabbed was already restored, so now I'm waiting on my package of ink to come in the mail to test this bad boy out.
Uhh okay this post was long so bye! This is barely 2023 related but that's what happens when you don't plan things out in advance. Here's a song from an album I've been listening to lately, Spirit World Field Guide by Aesop Rock
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I agree with most of what you wrote the Tolkien fandom. People dislike this or that. And trying to make shows into fan service.
I didn’t particularly agree was your take on the whole “touch the darkness” and how it’s “arrogant fan fiction.” Is it really bad for show runners to add their own creative input?
To be fair, PJ’s movies were far from perfect adaptations and did have some of his preferences. He sacrificed psychological and spiritual depth of the books for more action oriented films. I particularly disliked the addition of crass humour, e.g. reducing Merry and Pippin to comic relief. But that’s neither here nor there. Overall, great films.
When PJ’s films came out, readers understandably had a harder time excusing the changes and enjoying the movies for what they were, but their voices drowned in the joy of the new larger audience.
Now we have a situation where new adaptation has to somehow please book fans and movies fans.
One thing the Rings of Power dis better than PJ was diversity. Good People are white and “bad guys” are all dark skinned in LotR trilogy was just cringe. But of course that’s a problem too.
Bonjour / Hi!
Thanks for your patience. I went on vacation, had work stuff, and forgot to reply to my post. Also usually Anon Asks merely “passionately” disagree without offering arguing points. One of the last refuted the idea of Sauron masturbating. People have opinions.
On PJ trilogies. C’mon, without comedy duo!Merry and Pippin we’d never have “Fool of a Took!” Jk jk. I’m not recalling crass humor in the LotR films. TRoP definitely does. Yep, the films are less action-oriented. But if you recall, they were shot all together to save money. PJ was on a budget. It was crucial that Fellowship be successful because he needed to reshoot a lot of scenes but didn’t have the money. Action has a a bigger pay-out than spiritual depth.
On adaptations & diversity. Some decisions with PJ’s films weren’t great. To Tolkien, “black” symbolized corruption of the spirit. Orcs and Nazgûl are symbolic and described as “black” but not literally. Tolkien was openly anti-prejudice. That being said, White supremacists (hate groups) love LotR. Men of the West who are lighter vs. Sauron’s darker-skinned less advanced “Men of Midnight”? Well Tolkien had his blindspots. Gotta consider political/cultural climate. PJ tried more inclusion with The Hobbit but only as extras.
I assume your last sentence references people disliking the TRoP diversity. It’s expected. Many people have unconscious biases on what a hero or leader looks like. I’m a woman in tech, well I know. It’s often (but not exclusively) obfuscated behind lore or Elf hair disagreements, etc. Not a fandom thing. It’s a people thing. Pity that online is a poor medium to facilitate meaningful discourse that leads to changing views.
On fandom. What’s fandom but one step from the general population? In a true community, members have a shared understanding on definition of terms, engagement, rituals, and accountability, etc. Does a fandom have that? I wager fans whose ideologies, worldviews, cultural norms, beliefs, etc. are reflected in the mainstream are more likely to assume consensus. Fandom is like a nebulous city. A Tumblr space is like a neighborhood. A discord room can be a community since it’s contained and allows for moderation. Are you tracking? Adjust engagement expectations accordingly.
Must adaptions aim to please both book readers and film fans? Impossible! That goes for anything in life. Fans have opinions. Consider/incorporate, don’t consider/incorporate. We’re still showing up, sometimes even when it’s blah being served. Here’s the thing: Amazon marketed the show to a broad general audience. Many general viewers were legit confused with story points that relied on lore references. I point to Amazon execs for this inconsistency.
Understand that Amazon’s business model uses original productions in part to increase traffic to its storefront. Naturally there’s an incentive to target broader audiences. Also the culture relies heavily on cutthroat metrics for decision-making. It undoubtedly put writers in an untenable position.
In response to your “touching the darkness” question. To be clear, it’s not “bad” because it’s not a moral issue lol. It’s inevitable a creative’s beliefs will influence their work. As previously shared, I find the theme compelling. It’s merely inconsistent with devout Catholicism which is a a huge draw for me personally. But not everyone. Like if the manner (not the decision) Galadriel rejects Sauron is meant to be an act of empowerment, she’s not a Tolkienesque heroine. It is what it is. Still gonna keep watching because its nonetheless entertaining.
On “arrogant fan fiction.” It was an out of context reference to an interview TRoP show runners did where they claimed to have improved upon Tolkien. Look, when you say things like that, you gotta know what you’ve started lol. It’s great seeing lore fleshed-out. I’m glad Miriel is more than a beautiful prop. To me personally, that + Haladriel, and a few other things were better than canon. Otherwise, show runners need to take a stadium amount of seas lol
Happy to carry-on via Asks but feel free to DM. I don’t bite 😌
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alrightsnaps · 1 year
ik what you mean about hp. unpopular opinion but im excited about the series too
i mean there's much resentment for jkr and for good reason so i understand that? i’m just not about to let her ruin my love for a book series i grew up with. that's my two cents.
and when it comes to ppl moralising about giving money to her etc ive said this before but it comes off as hypocritical cause they'll pick and choose which projects to be outraged about and it'll be crickets about others. take rings of power for instance when everyone suddenly decided to give a fuck about giving money to amazon as if the rest of the streaming services aren't run by capitalist demons. marvel movies have been out there preaching US imperialist propaganda for over a decade and getting funded by the pendagon but you won't see post after post and video after video talking about boycotting them
as for the reboot aspect...listen. i get people being sick to death of reboots and the lack of creativity in hollywood. i do. and i agree that you don't mess with a perfectly nice movie/adaptation etc when the original is right there (ie the lotr trilogy!).
but the thing is i don't think the hp movies are a good adaptation and i have thought so since the 2000s! i know that many people love them but for me they were always just...bad. the first three are pretty good but it's a trainwreck from then on. every movie is less coherent and duller than the last one, so many good parts of the books are left out, characters are either left out entirely or butchered on screen. plus so many casting choices were off imo. i know people love the golden trio bc they grew up with them etc etc but for me they were just...meh. for the better part of the films chemistry is nowhere to be seen (not even talking about romantic chemistry, though that was catastrophic too, but even as a friend group).
plus hp would work so much better in a series format than it could ever work as movies. that's been proven again and again for books getting a second chance at an adaptation by a streaming platform after bombing in the box office as movies. it happened with two of my favourite childhood book series (asoue and hdm) and it'll probably happen with percy jackson and harry potter too. there's just no comparison between a 2 1/2h movie and a 8-10 episode season. A series gives you the chance to better flesh out the characters, adapt most of the source material and expand on it.
so yeah im pretty excited the books are finally getting a decent adaptation cause the movies are far from it for me. also hopefully the hbo series will be much more diverse than the movies which is always a plus
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kimmimaru · 2 years
Thoughts about Rings of Power. Overall. Spoilers in this so I stuck it under a cut.
So, I spent this whole season anxious as hell about Rings of Power. I’m not a huge fan of twists in stories that have already been told, and due to my ASD I do have trouble adapting to new content in things I enjoy especially when it comes to LOTR. Does that make me a bad person? I have no idea. I just know that I am extremely fussy and uptight about things I hold close to my heart. Because I’m autistic I have special interests and become obsessed with them to the point where it can, sometimes, be detrimental. I’ve gotten better at managing that as an adult but as a child it was pretty intense. I was obsessed with three things as a kid; Star Wars (original trilogy), Final Fantasy VII and of course Lord of The Rings. I have consumed as much LOTR media as I could get my grubby little hands on. So yes, Rings of Power made me nervous. It would have, to a certain extent, whatever platform it was shown on but in this case it was Amazon. Amazon are well known for being money obsessed and not giving a crap about anything except making Bezos richer. So yes, I think I was pretty justified in being nervous about what was going to happen in Rings of Power. As a whole RoP had it’s ups and downs. I’ll start with the ups: Galadriel was brilliantly cast. She looks exactly like I would imagine a younger Galadriel would look like. I enjoyed her acting. Elrond’s actor was also brilliant, he has such depth and also that lightness that all of Tolkein’s elves were supposed to have. A sort of child-like cheekiness that I felt Peter Jackson’s version lacked. The dwarves...I could go on forever about how the dwarves were portrayed in RoP but for now I will just say: AMAZING. I loved Moria. I loved Prince Durin’s friendship with Elrond. I LOVED Disa. I need more of them.  Costume design was wonderful. Absolutely LOVED Galadriel’s dress in todays episode. Stunning green colour.  Still unsure about how I like the Elves’ home set designs yet. I like what we saw but maybe I would just appreciate seeing more?  Now, the stranger...or wizard as we now know (always knew lol). I was, for reasons unknown even to me, CONVINCED they wouldn’t be allowed to use Gandalf so kind of assumed he was either one of the mysterious ‘blue wizards’ or possibly even Radagast the brown as he IS a nature wizard and given the strangers display of magic through most of his scenes you’d assume his magic was nature orientated. Apparently not. They did scare me when the white robed people were calling him Sauron, I was about to switch it off. Glad I didn’t but I HATE shit like that. Wish they hadn’t pulled that stunt. So yeah that’s a negative for me I’m afraid, although a small one admittedly.  Sadoc’s death was gutting, I really liked his character. So that was sad.  Now. Sauron and the question of who he was. I thought it was the dark haired pointy eared one, everything pointed to him. So unless this was part of Sauron’s overall plot (you know, use dark haired guy as a diversion for the elves/numenor), which I hope it was, that was kind of irritating. Again with the stupid ‘twists’ I hate it so much. I don’t watch stuff to then go away feeling tricked. The fact that the ‘king’ of the south ended up being Sauron was actually very good. I am hoping that the dark haired ‘Uruk’ was actually just acting on Sauron’s orders as a distraction rather than it being a red herring for us the audience, because that would be disappointing. I know some plot twists, if done right, can be very good but RoP is based off of material that has already been written and I just have issues with sticking in stupid red herrings for the audience BUT if he was actually a red herring for the characters then it serves some purpose and I can let that go.  Anyway, overall, despite some mixed feelings over some areas of RoP I think it was pretty good. I would really like to see more of Moria and the Dwarves though, lol. Maybe next season will focus on them getting their rings.  Sorry of the long post, I have many thoughts. More than this even but I think I’ll leave it here for now. As an after thought I will add that no, I have never, nor will I ever read or write LOTR fanfiction. This is because I would never be able to capture the same magic that LOTR carries in my own writing. This is not me hating on LOTR fanfiction, write what you want, enjoy writing what you want. It’s just not for me.
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