#also this goes without saying but its totally cool if you want to consider it fanfic
mag-lore · 2 years
You know, people keep saying that Rings of Power is a fanfiction, and while I can see where they're coming from, I would have to disagree.
In my experience in fandom, most good fanfic has one thing in common; and that is that it explores character relationship in depth. Often more depth than the original. You're really able to get to know the characters better, because of how they interact and feel about each other. For example, if you were to read a fanfic about Elrond in the Second Age, it would most likely show his relationship with Galadriel, who is much older and wiser than him but a good friend of his; Gil-galad, who trusts Elrond more than anyone else and named him his heir; Celebrimbor, who is kind of his cousin and also who Elrond desperately tries to save right before building Rivendell; Celeborn, who is a soldier beside Elrond; Celebrían, whom Elrond loves when he first sees her but doesn't act on it until later; and Círdan, who is also very old and wise, but who failed to help Elrond during the Third Kinslaying despite his efforts. And this is just the beginning. It might also show how he feels about the Numenorians, his brother's failing people. It could also bring up how he feels about characters who have died or left, such as his parents, Maedhros, Maglor, and Elros. And if the author has any original characters in the work, then there's even more opportunities.
All of these relationships have the potential to be really interesting and compelling. Depending on the author and the type of fic, these relationships can be portrayed in a variety of different ways. This brings us to the greatest part about fanfic in my opinion, it gives us a chance to explore deeper aspects of the characters we love, even if (and often especially if) it's working outside the established canon.
This is why I can't call Amazon's mess a fanfic. It doesn't explode any of the characters in any detail, not even on a surface level. I honestly can't tell you how any of the characters feel about any of the other characters besides "they get along okay" or "they don't get along." And that's a real shame, because as I said above, character relationships are extremely interesting.
Fanfiction is made lovingly by fans who are passionate about a certain work and characters and who want to see more. They want to see more character growth, relationships, and world building. Fanfic is able to add to a world and to characters, oftentimes making them more complex and interesting.
Amazon's show was only made because it has the Lord of the Rings name attached to it. The higher ups saw that they could get the rights to a book that has a famous name and they jumped. What they produced is a hallow attempt to compete with other fantasy shows and to get money. They've added nothing to these characters and to the world. In fact in many cases, they have taken from them and made them worse.
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master-of-stupidity · 5 months
Fuck it gonna put all my Tangled rants into a single thread that I'll just continue on if needed-
Oldest to newest btww (also spoilers most of these r about Eugene btw ik ik I'm a lil autistic spare me 💀)
That one part of Bruno is Orange but Eugene coded-
"Did you hear about that Father
Sent his own infant son away
And said "It's to *dangerous* for
you to stay so, I had to *save* you" "
I may be cringe but I am FREE
Yo omg ok so my brother is singin a Into the Woods song while I look at Tangled stuff n it made me remember a scene from the play where Gothel yells at the Prince "Rapunzel can think for herself!" n like- dude Cass said the same thing in Cassandra's Revenge to Eugene! Ooo girlll-
The way I would kill so many ppl if it meant getting a series about Lance n Eugene as kids like broooo imagineee-
Its crazy how like I'll be enjoying my day than suddenly I'll see a post of a mf going "Hey what if Eugene thought he was a yr younger cuz he was like a rlly scrawny kid?" Yeah ok sure n what if I hit u with a *metal pole*
My tangled ocs r so random its hilarious- like it goes from a bodyguard,a greedy businessman,a ringleader,n than that one serial killer who turns ppl into meat pies like how did we get here???? 😭🙏
I just remembered like just a few days ago my brother randomly said "vase" while playing Fortnite n my ass just said "vAHse" just to fck w/ him n like that kinda reminded me of that one scene of Eugene n Cass like damn they were sibling coded frrr lmao I miss em
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Wdym there was a scrapped Eugene n Lance childhood episode??🧍And WDYM it's literally everything I ever wished for and more???????? 😃
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Would love to see Eugene n Martin Kratt interact solely to see Martin be appalled n slowly lose his mind over how Eugene knows jackshit about animals 💀🙏
I think the Eugene genderbends look so weird to me because none of them kept the infamous goatee like cmon man don't be a coward give that girl some facial hair 🗣🗣
I should not be relating Heather's music to scenes from Tangled the Series yet here we r 😭
Omggg thinking about how Eugene proposing to Rapunzel in tts came from his abandonment issues n him literally not being able to see a life without Rapunzel omgg shut upppp leave me ALONEEE
Literally despise with every fiber of my being how the writers of the shitty Wreck it Ralph 2 movie had fcking RAPUNZEL of all ppl say "Do ppl assume all ur problems were solved just because a big strong man showed up?" They fcking HATEE the movie Tangled *so much* bro istggg
The way I wanna be bold n talk more about the "Over the Corona Walls" ep- esp about Staylan n Eugene n all the icky implications of that but I'm also so scared too cuz I fear ppl won't take me seriously or think I'm overanalyzing too much 😭🙏
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Lowkey not over the fact Eugene was willing to trap himself back in an abusive relationship, "leaving" the one person he HAS died for n would die for again, all to save his best friend like bro don't TALK TO MEEEE
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As u can tell I am totally normal n not at all ill about Eugene or this show 😁
What if I gave Eugene like- slight wedding trauma after the whole "Beyond the Corona Walls" incident??? I think it'd be kinda cool n in character ngll 🤭🤭
No but that prompt for the unaired Lance n Eugene episode STILL makes me so fcking ill bro stg can't STAND those mfss bro 😭😭
"And if I gave up on being *pretty* I wouldn't know how to be ALIVE" is SO Eugene coded idc idc idccccc
You think if I put Eugene Fitzherbert in The Amazing Digital Circus he'd be a walking dumpster fire considering he needs an identity to function n in TADC u like- quite literally don't have one??? 💀
Was listening to an audio last night n now I kinda wish we knew like- what Eugene's mom was actually *like* in a way considering I don't think her character was ever explored :((
Why is this plushie literally Eugene Fitzherbert omgg I want it nowwww
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To the ppl who only see others as their pfps lowkey rlly hope y'all just see me as jester Eugene Fitzherbert cuz that'd be rlly funny n I'd love that 💀🙏 like yes I truly am just Eugene in a jester fit yappin my ass off on twitter dot com LMFAOOO (btw follow me @/theratbatjester)
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fights4users · 1 year
The quorra problem | Programs, isos and the real world
Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with Quorra as a character! It’s more of a story element critique if anything, please read and don’t jump on me for the title. Quorra is adorable and I enjoy legacy- even if it doesn’t look like it from how I keep tearing it apart.
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It’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. On one hand you can’t leave her inside the grid when Flynn decides to literally go nuclear but you can’t leave her in the real world either. They have to because they wanted Flynn’s self sacrificing ending or wrote themselves into a corner (this isn’t about reintegration but I will still complain) and this was there way out. But they didn’t consider the implications of it at all.
Cosmic horror-
I’ve made several posts about it and still want to write something with this idea but to a program— the real world wouldn’t be so miraculous like how we see theirs. The minute you’re outside you’re Imediately bombarded with sensory overload and just too much information to process. The grid, which is much more human in its design than the ENCOM system, is still infinitely more minimalist than our world. One of the best scenes is Clu and his team raiding the hideout and not knowing what a single thing is and freaking out, she seems too well adjusted for someone who’s spent a few hours max here— look I know it’s the end of a movie and they can’t do that whole arc, but I digress.
Also don’t get me started on the rumored Ares plot and how they totally forgot quorra is already a program(technically iso) in our world- also it’s not really a “tron” movie plot— where’s the allegory?! The metaphor?! The symbolism?!
Another thing is that…Sam can’t tell anyone about her. Maybe Alan but her mere existence in our world is brain shattering. Trying to explain a advanced humanoid being that’s not here to harm us and is totally cool guys almost never goes well. It also leaves people a LOT to grapple with…like everything we know being forever altered.
This whole situation should be terrifying from both perspectives, however I love the theory that the only reason she was able to get out into the real world at all was because of Flynn’s data stored in the beam. That’s a great thought that almost makes me like her being in the real world just from how much impact that is.
What happens now? She can’t be revealed to the world (yet) and to put her back in the remains of the grid would be cruel. Putting her in another system would be wildly irresponsible because- do we even know what ISOs do? Across all media its “they’re special” but absolutely squat on their actual function or what they’re capable of. We see they have some kind of digital dna that’s literally a miraculous occurrence but that’s about it. Did Flynn even know? Are they just there- existing but not effecting/having a real world computer impact? Or worse - what if clu was right and they did contribute to the crumbling state of the grid? (I think it was a combination of his own fear and scapegoating—I’m just tossing the idea out there).
Sam transferring her over to another system without knowing what she does or how she could effect it would be disastrous. Am I saying she’s dangerous or would have any intent to harm? No not at all that’s now who she is, but it’s sort of a “releasing a domestic cat into the woods a state over” you don’t do that.
Does she get a regular job now, does Sam hire her at ENCOM? She’d likely be some sort of computer smart…in that she come from one. Or does he like —- set her up at a McDonald’s? How’s she get energy does she get plugged in- being in the real world isn’t going to magically give her a stomach. Sam just takes her to a power grid and she causes SoCal to blackout lmao.
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Open portal-
I’m aware most of this post is just me overthinking the implications of everything they didn’t intend us to think to hard about. It’s supposed to be “yippee they’re safe” and I’m worried about digital ecosystems and what the human brain can handle. I think my problem mainly strives from this trope where the character brings home their friend from the other world/ is the reverse situation and no one bats an eye at all. It’s because they want the characters to still be friends no matter how many rules it breaks or sense it makes. It happens most commonly in cartoons. (There’s at least 3 in recent memory)
I’m not saying I want quorra to have been caught in the blast but that there’s a way they could’ve kept communication without world breaking. Open portal situation where he goes back to visit, he chats with her on the screen, both stay in their own worlds its sad but logical etc (I’m not writing a new ending but you get the point).
I guess it annoys me so much because it’s left so open ended, ride off into the sunrise while ignoring the implications™️. “I guess, We’re going to change the world” ok how 🧍‍♂️. The movie did not nearly give me enough information about ISO’s to see what changes they exactly do besides taking over ENCOM. “They[Iso’s] changed everything” ok how🧍‍♂️. Yeah it’s immaculate conception but what do they do I am shaking your shoulders Disney what do they do!
It’s not quorra I’m mad about or even the concept of ISO’s but it’s how the writing just falls short in these HUGE areas that require a lot of lore and information to be given that they just do not. And consistently don’t In the other media forms like betrayal (I haven’t seen uprising maybe they explain something). If you’re going to have beings that shatter your ideas of reality you sort of have to explain that!
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MACKERELMORE hii good morning i hope u r goodddd :] anyway. staring up at u w/ my big sopping wet shark eyes.... do u have any new haven wards costume opinions & thoughts. ik a while ago u said smth abt imprint showing an Inadvisable amount of skin considering his power bc he's cocky & it's an intimidation thing..... wraith with the whisperer cloak... what else!!!
AH hello!!! I have been. underwater all morning <3 I will be underwater again all afternoon but it's lunch time first :] I will say hi 2 the sharks for u . blow the grouper a kiss etc etc
UHHHHHHHH I DONT HAVE A WHOLE LOT OF THOUGHTS OTHER THAN WHAT WE'VE SAID BEFORE especially because. outfit design is not my strong suit idk how to talk about clothes lmao. but! the generals:
wraith: big loose fitting clothes that conceal a layer of body armor. they let him move and give him a bigger silhouette than he actually has and look deceptively weak? you go to kick a guy in a hoodie and your foot hits a kevlar vest instead. whisperer cape is a must. i dont think he knows the similarity. william was never big into capes i think if he ever saw anything of the whisperer it was only in passing and not enough to stick in his mind. full-face mask (which i would assume is like.... built into the hood somehow? to keep it up on his head better as hes moving), undecided on whether he would keep his hair fully covered or let some of it out from under the hood. i think at first his costume would be white with blue accents ("ghostly" vibes without being too scary) but as time goes on i think it would be cool if it got darker and darker until the white parts have gone from grey-dark grey-black (idk how that would work mechanically but. nudges greyscale implications)
failsafe: HONESTLYYYYY I REALLY LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE FOR HIM SO FAR. crop top is essential. failsafe has way more skin showing than imprint. i think hed keep his knuckles/forearms taped bc his fighting style is very physical? i know dakotas whole thing is kicks only but i think failsafe should get to punch things super hard too like cmon. hes got the likee.... headband mask . i like what u have for him a lot. i think his pants are a lot like wraiths thing where theyre loose and mobile but hes wearing armor under them.
imprint: tactical. his stuff is mostly black i dont think he would budge on that for anything. i do think he should have skin showing like. in case they get caught off guard by a fight i dont think hed want to take the time to have to pull off sleeves or gloves or whatever in case he needed to use his powers in a snap. i DO however think he has gloves just for convenience's sake. but i think he keeps specific body parts uncovered? majority of his arms for sure. he has the half-face mask. idk if this is something the prt would necessarily allow but i think he has a lot of straps and belts and things for holding weapons. i feel like hes trained in so many ways to fight he would probably always want at least a knife or gun on him at all times. the purple accents were the PR teams additions so he wouldnt be totally black. since he wanted to keep his shitty dyed purple hair, theyd at least make the costume match so it looked somewhat cohesive and intentional
OH YEAH u didnt ask abt tide but its very important to me that his costume is like a wetsuit. i havent made my post about tide and wetsuits yet but i think abt him a lot. also i think the ear fins are cosmetic and not a result of weird clone things but i do think he should keep them bc i think theyre cute. ive been imagining wavelengths costume pretty much the exact same as in pd . and i have. no ideas for auxiliary but whenever i think abt him i think abt ur timeline art so thats canon 2 me
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Since i lurk here occasionally, i randomly get posts from here in my "for you." i saw that confession about the person who assumed their follower would buy a doll they had because it was said follower's grail really made me feel some type of way. Obviously i can't be 100% sure that person was talking about me, but there was enough detail they gave that i am pretty certain it was. Also after seeing that confession i realized a particular person was no longer viewing my insta stories or posts, and thinking back a few weeks, actually hadn't for a while, despite them being a staple viewer for a long time. They were otherwise active (posting, stories)
Tldr version is: i thought you knew the type of person i am, and what my issues are, and if you wanted me to buy it, you should have DM'd me first so i could let you know i couldn't at the time. And i'm unsure how i feel about you muting me months after the fact.
Very long winded ranty version:
Now, since this person was nearly always seeing my stories, they should know that i am A) autistic and B) disabled without steady income, as i post things about those topics in my stories often. So being autistic, yeah i hyperfixate and mention 1 topic often. In this case being how expensive this grail doll goes for. I am a firm believer that dolls DEpreciate in value, even limiteds. So yes, a doll that goes for 2-3x the og price is ridiculous to me regardless of how much i want it. I will absolutely not spend upwards of 1000usd for 5+ year old doll that i can't even see in person. For that part, sorry not sorry i was "annoying" about stating that on my own personal instagram story a few times.
Anyway, at the beginning of 2023 this person mentions they may be selling this grail. I DM them saying i'd be interested. They tell me it may be a while because they're lazy about sale posts. I say cool beans and move on. MONTHS later, like near the end of the year, they suddenly post the doll for sale. And for significantly less than market price. I'm excited of course, but unfortunately just COULD NOT at the time. As stated before, i don't have stable income (and this person should know this). So with a heavy heart, i share the sale post to my story saying something like "what a fantastic price! If i could currently afford it, i'd totally grab him, but since i can't someone else should!" And yeah i assume it sold quick. Maybe around a month later i happen to mention again that people normally sell it for a crazy price. I wasn't aware i had to specifically mention in that story "oh except so-and-so, their price was great" like.. i said your price was wonderful. I just wasn't financially able at that moment, and i'm not entering a layaway with an unstable income. That's just irresponsible. Since then, i haven't mentioned the doll or its price at all as the hyperfixation has waned. It's now been a few months since then.
So my main point is.. if this person was going to be SO SALTY they had to confess about about me not immediately snagging their oh-so-generous-for-my-benefit deal MONTHS after i mentioned my interest DIRECTLY to them, they should have contacted me DIRECTLY first. Life happens. Things change. Stuff has to be paid. If they had just DMed me before making their post i could have told them "that's so generous, but i sadly can't right now." And they then could have sold it at a higher price if they so felt inclined. This is the logical thing to do, and what i myself do if i know a follower wants a doll i am selling. To then mute me a few months after the fact because they're STILL SALTY is petty and if i'm so annoying then they could have unfollowed me at any point. This is a person that i considered myself to be "rather chummy" with as we interact a bit more than i do with other followers. So for me to see that confession and then notice that person no longer seeing my stories and posts.. it's a bit hurtful? Annoying? Maybe i'm angry? I'm not sure because i have trouble figuring out how i feel. I didn't unfollow them or anything because i'm giving the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was a similar situation with other people. And that's also why i'm not going to confront them about it. However if that person sees this, and then i see they unfollow me or something.. well then i guess i'll know. I'll quietly unfollow them too and i'll be a bit sad because again, i kinda saw us as chums but that'll be that and we'll both just move on with our lives.
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roserefrain · 5 hours
oh shit live a live is 60% off until the end of September, meaning it is only $20. which means. it’s time for the big one
Mar’s Long Ass “Why You Should Play Live A Live Post”
put under a cut because. if you can believe it. I have a lot to say about my favorite video game
so! for starters. live a live is a JRPG made by squaresoft (now square enix) for the super famicom. it never received an official English translation, but it received a fan translation.
HOWEVER. it then received an HD-2D remake with an official translation, full voice acting, and beautiful new graphics. that is what is on the steam page.
live a live is a wonderful game. it’s experimental, with many small chapters taking place in different settings with entirely different gameplay ideas. (the characters for each chapter were also designed by different mangaka!)
no chapter outstays its welcome, and it plays around with a lot of genre tropes. it’s got a little bit of something for everyone. I think the real beauty of it is how it goes along with or subverts typical expectations for each chapters genre. I won’t give specific examples of this, as it would spoil what makes the game so interesting, but. You’ll know the point where the game starts subverting when you get there :) (<-threatening)
the game’s also drop dead gorgeous now with the remake, the music slaps, and-
oh yeah the music. the final boss theme for each chapter is megalomania. “wait like megalovania-“ YES LIKE MEGALOVANIA
Toby fox was actually inspired quite a bit by live a live ! there’s a very fun interview between him and live a live’s composer here, though be wary of spoilers! maybe wait to read it until you’re finished with the game.
live a live’s characters are also. amazing. the writing is top notch, and you really grow to love each and every protagonist.
the battle system is also very interesting and involves positioning yourself around on the map strategically to be out of the line of fire, while also putting the enemy in your line of fire! it doesn’t often get hard, but it feels very cool when it does.
I think that’s all I’ve got for recommending it. so here is a little section of questions I could imagine someone thinking and answers.
“what about the super famicom original?” - I love the original too, and I honestly prefer the fan translation for two of the chapters (the rest I vastly prefer the official one). I’d recommend the remake first, but if it grabs you, you should totally go back and play the original as well. live a live has a few different choices/routes in different chapters, so that could be a fun way to experience them!
“wait what order do I play the chapters in?” - whatever order you want! my personal recommendation is distant future, wild west, imperial china, prehistory, present day, near future, and then twilight of edo japan. (don’t play twilight of edo Japan first. Especially if you’re going for pacifist route without a guide!)
“that sounds cool as hell but. $20 is a bit steep” - if you’re worried about it being too short to get your money’s worth, a completionist run is about 30 hours! if it’s more an issue of just not being able to afford that currently, then. well. if you are okay with piracy literally hit me up.
message me on tumblr and I will walk you through downloading it and getting it running (I can also help anyone who’s having trouble getting the super famicom version running!). I have spent a lot of money on this game and it’s merch officially! consider it me having paid your copy for you. square enix will be fine.
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justanotherhh · 7 months
ramble: thing is, im actually not sold on huskerdust as a romantic couple atm (in future? who knows) but i do like whatever foundations loser baby set up for their general dynamic as a whole and i can work from that with whatever direction the canon chooses to go in, which is proooobably romantic, considering the cues (but again, who knows)
this as a microcosm of general things that at times have me go "hmmm" about the first season, which most of the time (not always, but mostly) comes down to pacing. husk isn't a character with much focus in s1. his dynamic with angel, while not not set-up could be seen as a "yeah, we'll put those two together," rather than feeling totally organic. most of husk's and angel's dynamics before loser baby have been about husk not wanting angel in his space and then not much (anything?) between ep4 and ep8 that wasn't at least partly group-based
i could pick up on other non-huskerdust related things that came out of the blue and went quite quickly, especially in the latter half of the season, where the jump from "six months" to "one month" to "now" felt kind of jarring
but in the end 8 episodes is indicative of general show culture these days where it seems everyone has to fight tooth and nail to even get that much per season, when really hazbin hotel s1 wanted at least 12 episodes in order to have more time to breathe and set up character dynamics not at breakneck speed, and heck, maybe 8 was the original goal. i doubt it though, hiiighly doubt it
all this to say i have a lot of grace for wherever the show does take things if it's trying to push so much into whatever time it's been offered with the ever-hanging (but perhaps slightly less-so post-strikes?) uncertainty of cancellation after 2 seasons. the conditions to create a story and then get that story out there... suck. and it's harder for 8 episodes (or even 12) to hide flaws than a 22 episode season of yore (with its own issues as construct but still... easier to disguise blemishes and take their time)
on the flipside helluva boss seems content to just keep trucking at whatever speed it's on, doing pretty much what it wants to do, but without any Big backing a la amazon and with everyone involved doing 100 other projects at the same time. so... sometimes it does things well, sometimes less-well, but overall just... vibing. 25ish min episode at a time every 3-5 months. granted i haven't experienced the personal pain of that yet, having started it in january, but on it goes and i'll be suffering soon enough
for very different reasons im pretty forgiving of pacing-related stuff that might (has and probably will again) come up in either show. more than anything they've got very visible constraints, so im happy to fill in the blanks with fandom -- for example if huskerdust is written as romantic by the end without developing properly, ive seen ample cool ideas and fanarts that give it more texture and breadth and/or i'll simply look at other things with the characters that aren't shipping them together -- because mainly they're just very fun shows with a bunch of messy queer characters in them, with some great singing and voice acting. the universe of these stories is so open and welcoming to play in, im just in it for a good time
also, in the end, no they're not that deep (except for when they want to be), but they're also a still-rare example of queer genre tv for adults that isn't that deep, but still incorporates relevant queer narrative themes in fun, moving, often complex ways, especially genre tv where lead characters tend to be queer until proven otherwise and this queerness in and of itself is well-written and nuanced. like yeah, i am in it for plots that hopefully stick the landing in the end, but if they don't they were still a very fun, inviting time that had me as a target audience and this a rare privilege to have with a bit of fun fiction
what am i saying in the end? loser baby is a banger, thank you for the song and all the other songs. i think angel dust and fizzarolli should hang and make out and talk about terrible bosses sometime, but the likelihood of these shows having a crossover with all the weird copyright stuff around these days is probably minimal. it's fine. (argh)
(im saying this post also isn't that deep)
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This isn’t important or anything. I just need to get this rant out of my brain, ignore it if you wish, it’s a rant. So I’m taking world history over summer school and today we did the whole renaissance, church losing power, and moral philosophy stuff. How the church goes from total control to losing its grip and seeing the start of its downfall was super cool. It’s also sad to see how far back the church’s control set us(but that’s another rant). Anyway more specifically we looked at Hobbes and Locke not very in depth mind you, so I probably don’t understand the points as in-depth as I should, BUT let me say Hobbs’ philosophy that people are inherently evil or bad and need to be Governed is completely stupid the more you try to apply it to real life. If people are naturally evil and need the government to guide them, who makes up the government? Who leads the sinners to righteousness? It certainly can’t be one of the naturally evil and cruel, how would we know what is right and wrong, how would we know good if it truly goes against our nature. Who is supposed to lead us? God, no he isn’t the hands on type. An animal, well we can’t understand them or what they would want or wish of us, and who’s to say which animal leads and which is best. An alien then, but that goes against all evidence religious and factual. Plus I doubt that they would want to be the reverend, god-like figure leading those who are morally below them. Beside the obvious issue of applying philosophy to real life and its challenges there’s the ever so prominent issue that HIS WHOLE IDEA IS BASED OFF OF THE PRECONCEIVED CONCEPTS OF GOOD AND EVIL! EVEN IF YOU TRY TO APPLY THE WHOLE GOD SAID SO BULLSHIT HOW DO WE KNOW THAT GOD IS THE ONE WHO IS CORRECT. ESPECIALLY WITH THE EVER SO FAVORITE PHRASE THAT WE ARE MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE. WHO SAYS THAT IS NOT ONLY PHYSICAL BUT MENTAL. THAT OUR NATURE IS JUST LIKE GOD. GOD? ALSO WHO SAYS GOD'S WORDS ARE THE TRUTH! EVEN IF GOD'S WORD IS TRUE HOW DO WE KNOW THE SO CALLED “naturally selfish, bad, and cruel” TRANSCRIBED THE MESSAGE CORRECTLY AND WITHOUT INTERFERENCE. WHICH AGAIN PLAYS OF THE ESTABLISHED NOTIONS OF GOOD AND EVIL! HOW DO WE KNOW!!! WHICH THEN CIRCLES BACK TO WHO THE FUCK IS GOING TO GOVERN US YOU FUCK! It’s just a mess that relies on the stuff it disproves and doesn't consider. Sorry if this is long I’m just so confused and kinda pissed.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
to be honest i don't think you're being oversensitive or anything like that. im sure a lot of people dont mean to be ableist? but it comes off as that, honestly. (and it also kind of goes back to your post about the tiktokfication of ao3 as well, what with people wanting to know immediately something major that will happen in the future of the story without waiting for the chapter. its fun to speculate and chat about these things, its like a little bookclub for fanfics, but sometimes its just... i don't know if im explaining myself well, i don't want to be rude because people dont always mean to be like that, but sometimes asks can come off as entitled or demanding and it makes me feel weird) ((i say this in an ask myself lmaooo, im so sorry))
no yeah i totally feel u! it's one of those things where like. we live in an ableist society, we all internalize ableism. and like i'm able-bodied so i get that this is not something we are taught to consider or think about, and able-bodied folks are not put in a position where we're forced to think about it, so it's easy to be thoughtless. but being thoughtless just ends up perpetuating ableism, and it's like.....idk it's kind of jarring once you have taken the time to read up on some disability theory and like listen to disability advocates because u start to notice the very casual ways that ableism just seeps into everyday life.
and yeah the thing that inspired that post was actually the comments on a tiktok speculation video i came across so. lmao. the tiktokification strikes again. but yeah i don't think there's anything wrong with speculating and discussing theories and i've talked before about how i think something so cool about crimson rivers + other ongoing fanfic wips is the way they lend themselves to the sort of community that can only come with reading an ongoing story as it's being written, but i get what ur saying about there being a line between being like omg so fun i get to have all these little thoughts about it!! versus pressuring a writer to make things go a certain way. like there's a difference between saying "omg what if this happens!" "omg i think this might happen!" versus "ugh i hope THIS doesn't happen" or "omg this HAS to happen", y'know?
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truesouthclothing · 3 months
Stay Hydrated in Style: Exploring the Benefits of Tumblers
Staying hydrated is essential, but who says it can't be done in style? Enter the world of tumblers, where functionality meets fashion.
In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using tumblers, showcasing how options like the Blue and Red Tumbler and the orange camo tumbler can add a splash of color and personality to your hydration routine.
These stylish accessories are not only practical but also make a statement, perfectly complementing your look from the gym to the office.
With designs that seamlessly integrate into southern apparel collections, these tumblers are more than just drinkware—they're a chic and convenient way to stay refreshed throughout your day. Hence let’s get started!
9 Benefits Of Using A Tumbler From Southern Apparel Collections
In this section of the article we are going to compile 9 ultimate benefits of using a tumbler so read the following till the end.
1. Facilitates the Transport of Hot or Cold Liquids
When you have to transport meals, especially drinks, Blue and Red Tumbler come in quite handy. If you need to bring food to events like parties, picnics, company lunches, etc., you can bring a range of beverages.
The insulation prolongs the heating effect of hot food. You can add hot meal items such as congee, rasam, steaming soup, and hot tea. You can be certain that the meal will stay hot for a while in your insulated tumbler.
On the other hand, cold meals such as salads, creams, vichyssoise, soup, and more can be kept cold for extended periods of time without risk. You can be certain that the food you're storing won't go bad.
2. Lowers Expenses
When it comes to cost-cutting strategies, any orange camo tumbler can save you a lot of money. Consider the quantity of throwaway glasses, bottles, and mugs you use on a regular basis. They are expensive as well as generating waste in the end.
You will find that you spend more money than you can afford when you total up what you spend on throwaway bottles and cups over the course of a day.
A venti or grande cup of coffee is significantly more expensive than a reusable, lidded, insulated coffee mug. An insulated tumbler will save you a lot of money.
3. Factor of Style
Tumblers with insulation are available in many shapes, hues, and sizes. You can select a tumbler that goes with your aesthetic. There are insulated tumblers for a variety of applications; you can choose thick, cylindrical ones for water or narrow ones for tea or coffee.
Tumblers come in a variety of styles to suit different purposes and cuisines. Alternatively, if you want to reduce costs, you can buy a single tumbler and utilize it for a variety of uses.
4. Benefits the Environment
One of the main causes of Earth's frequent natural disasters is pollution. Disposable containers are primarily composed of plastic. Landfills, sewers, drains, seas, rivers, etc. become clogged with plastic.
Conversely, any orange camo tumbler that is purchased once can have a profound impact. Reusable tumblers don't deteriorate over time. When compared to disposable containers that cause pollution, a stainless steel tumbler is worth its weight in gold.
5. Usage in Medicines
To be effective, some medications must be stored at a low temperature. Insulin and other medications need to be kept in a cool environment for storage. In regions where temperatures can soar to extremely high levels, this becomes difficult.
Diabetes patients' insulin vials must also be kept in a cold environment. These medications are protected from the heat by insulated tumblers. For a good few hours, you can safely store the medications with ice.
6. Portability
To and from, a tumbler is simple to carry. It is lightweight and portable without being cumbersome. An insulated tumbler keeps hot beverages fresh for longer than a few hours when carried in different combinations.
Long-term refrigeration is also possible for cold foods or beverages. Tumblers are easy to transport wherever you go.
7. Can Be Easily Cleaned
The fact that plastic bottles and cups are difficult to adequately clean is one of their main problems. As a result, bacteria start to live and multiply in difficult-to-clean areas.
Food contamination, unpleasant stomachs, and occasionally even fatalities can result from contaminated containers. But germs cannot develop in a brass or steel tumbler, unlike plastic. Any blue and red tumbler will be simple to clean and sterilize as needed.
8. Suitable for Ages of Reuse
Recycled plastic makes up just 9% of the total plastic ever produced. Dissolving plastic containers takes a long time. The majority of paper cups aren't even recyclable since they contain too many chemicals to be worth recycling or reusing.
Conversely, you can use tumblers for many years before throwing them away. For instance, if a tumbler glass breaks, it can be recycled. Reusing steel tumblers is simple.
9. Tumblers Are Durable
Tumblers have several benefits, one of which is their exceptional durability. The number of times you drop it, scrape the surface, or dent it does matter. A sturdy tumbler is always a reliable choice.
Any tumbler from southern apparel collections made of stainless steel does not need to be replaced after a lengthy period of use. Children, athletes, and others with poor motor skills will find it quite helpful.
In conclusion, tumblers offer a stylish and practical solution for staying hydrated throughout the day. With options like the Blue and Red Tumbler and the orange camo tumbler, you can express your personality while enjoying the convenience of a durable and portable drinkware option.
These tumblers seamlessly integrate into southern apparel collections, adding a fashionable touch to your daily routine. Hope you understand why people are using tumblers instead of using usual bottles.
Whether you're at the gym, in the office, or on the go, these tumblers ensure you stay refreshed in style, making hydration an enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing experience.
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undertale-data · 3 years
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[Image Description: an Undertale chat box with the name "PAPYRUS", in all caps and Papyrus font, in its center. On its left is a talksprite of Papyrus sweating anxiously, and on its right is a talksprite of Papyrus wearing sunglasses. End I.D.]
The Great Papyrus is the most popular Undertale character among the fans surveyed here. 19.6% of responders chose him as their favorite. That’s a total of 519 fans! (Wowie!!)
Not all Papyrus fans are unified on his characterization, however. The most obvious divide was between fans who call him a “cinnamon roll” or “precious baby,” and those who find these takes infantilizing. A lot of people like the friendliness and optimism of this character, while others recognize this but highlight his maturity too. Fans who worry about his infantilization seem most concerned with how he can be portrayed as naive or dumb by the fandom. A portion of fans specifically mentioned this naivety as a point in his favor, though the marginally more popular take seems to be that he is not naive, regardless of how he first appears. This fandom divide seems to relate to Papyrus’s autistic or ADHD coding. Many fans relate to him as ADHD and autistic themselves.
Fans also related to him in his desire for friends. Many responders think of him as a friend and a comfort character, so at least in one way his wish has been fulfilled.
The phone calls were a major reason that fans said they felt connected to Papyrus. Thanks to these calls, he has the most dialogue of any character in the game. His humor and dialogue were often highlighted as favorite qualities.
While fans may disagree on some aspects of Papyrus’s personality, it is clear that his fans all value his optimism and kindness. His fans do not see his kindness as weakness. Many talked about the complexity of his character and the strength it took for him to show mercy to the player character, even when the player doesn’t show it in return. He believes in himself, and he believes in you! This kindness and trust has inspired his fans to be kinder themselves.
Papyrus fans were also drawn to his mysteriousness. Several responses pointed out that he is a more mysterious character than Sans, who is also often loved for his mystery. As shown in the phone calls, Papyrus will put on fronts depending on who he is around, making it even more difficult for fans to uncover his secrets. Some people in other sections of the survey found this frustrating, but Papyrus fans tend to see it as another point in his favor.
Among the greatest proportion of responses were from fans who couldn’t choose a favorite trait, or who just love everything about Papyrus. While these responses may be less lengthy, they are still as full of love as the essay-length answers. These responses tended to say phrases like “cool dude” or “Papyrus my beloved” or “THE GREAT PAPYRUS.”
(You were overcome by writing about such a handsome skeleton. He understands.)
Highlights: (under the cut)
Honestly Papyrus just feels like joy. Funny, incredibly kind, with a few mysteries/weird quirks about him that are fun to ponder over. I especially love how he often acts proud and self aggrandizing without putting others down, and in fact sometimes uses that to lift his friends up alongside him. You don't see this take on proud characters often.
Papyrus is strong. Strong in body, but also morally strong. He knows what is right, what it means to be merciful and kind, even in the face of danger or death. Some think him naive. And yet, even facing death and seeing the dust of those he knew, he did not falter or turn from his ideals of mercy and change for the better.
His optimism and his overall personality is endearing! You're always having fun with him :D
He's meeting all of my standards.
Papyrus is very under appreciated, and overlooked, and it's very frustrating to me—he's a complex character but people treat him like he's a baby!!! I like him because he's kind of goofy with how he talks and he's just very charming and kind.
He's weirder than Sans, and it wasn't acknowledged for years because he acts oblivious and dumb, even when he's clearly not. Quite frankly, I find it iconic. Also, his entire personality helps a lot.
I'm ND, trans, and projecting!
OK SO he's just a friendly guy!! A dude who likes cooking for his friends!! We love a hype man!! Also smart as hell and I feel like fanon majorly overlooks this. Making good, fun puzzles is HARD and setting up a flamethrower to go off wirelessly is complicated. Like even if that bridge puzzle didn't go off the components were complicated. Love that cool dude!!!!
I heavily relate to Papyrus as a character and consider him my favorite fictional character of all time. He is a very well-written and thought out character with several quirks and layers in his personality. It is headcanoned by some (myself included) that Papyrus may possibly be on the Autism Spectrum due to his nature, his interactions with others, and overall how he displays himself to the world we see.
I could talk about Papyrus forever, and you have made a grave mistake in allowing me to do so. He is a charming, strong spirited, well intentioned, complex character that is often wildly misinterpreted, and I think originally this is why I was drawn to him. He is presented as one thing and in fact acts as one thing (though not the same way as presented by fandom), and in reality when you look closer than you are meant to he is not, in fact, any of these things. It was intriguing to me. Secondly, and rather contradictorily, another thing that drew me to him is that he is very true to himself, when it comes to idiosyncrasies and moral values. It's true that he does not offer much in the way of personal backstory and feelings, but he offers very much indeed in the way of personality. What a guy! He wears silly crop tops and bright colors, he speaks in a manner specific to him that sometimes doesn't make sense, he cares about something or someone and goes whole hog with it -- he's passionate, damn it! I love him and his weirdo, goofy self with all my heart. He cares about other people to a fault, too. He would sacrifice everything to help someone, and his belief in the potential of both others and himself is indomitable. When faced with the responsibility of a kingdom, his friends gone, his brother lying to him, and himself all alone without a reliable support system, he recognized what he was facing and still bucked up and became determined to get through it. When faced with a murderous, over powerful enemy, someone who had killed many of his friends and fellow monsters, someone who had repeatedly been rude and borderline aggressive and showed no signs of stopping, he saw that they were having difficulty and offered to help and to care for them, and didn't regret his decision or change his opinion on what they needed and their potential for change, even when quite literally killed by them a moment after. Even in death, even directly after a betrayal like that, he never stops believing that they can get better, that anyone can be a good person if they want to be. That's important, I think; that concept of giving people the chances they need to grow and to change. I have a tattoo of that moment on my thigh, it's that important to me. I guess I really like Papyrus because even though he is fictional, watching him out there makes it easy to believe in people, in our inherent goodness and desire to love each other. He makes it easy to see that we can change, that no matter what you've done in the past or who you currently are, no one is inherently a bad person, and no one is incapable of learning how to be a good one. It is just a step by step process that we have to take day by day.
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[Image Description: A wordcloud shaped like Papyrus. His gloves, boots, and cape are red; his Battle Body is blue, yellow, and white; and his bones are white. Some of the most visible words are: Kind, Love, Good, Cool, Relate, Funny, Friend, Mystery, and Papyrus. These are the words that responders mentioned most in their essays about him. End I.D.]
Read the full list of responses shared with permission by clicking this link! (The document is 25 pages long, so you may want to make a copy to prevent lagging.)
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arcanadreams · 3 years
That time you and your demon boyfriend went viral
hi yes hello obey me fandom!! my name is Gabbi and i have never played a single second of the actual game but i have read enough fanon content for the past year to have this idea swimming around in my head and now i am finally letting this accursed thing out of my brain and putting it in yours
also i’m only doing the brothers because any more than that and i’d have an aneurysm probably. oh and shoutout to @obeythebutler and @beels-burger-babe for inspiring me with their works to feel brave enough to write for this fandom
You and Lucifer go viral on Asmo’s Devilgram story!
You’re in the kitchen helping Asmo with dinner duty and singing along to one of your playlists of human realm music that you like to show him.
Asmo starts filming your cute little dance while you stir the pot on the stove because you are just adorable!
About ten seconds into him filming, Lucifer appears in the doorway with quite the stern look on his face. You know, the one that comes right before a “MAMMOOOOOON” and strikes fear into the heart of all those with functioning eardrums. That one.
He opens his mouth, presumably to tell y’all to shut the fuck up, but then there’s a lull in the music and the eldest can hear your voice ever so slightly above the song’s vocalist and he freezes.
Man stops in his tracks like someone just smacked him in the face with a midair volleyball.
Asmo can be heard stifling a laugh behind his phone.
Lucifer’s face gets so soft and he almost, almost, loosens his metal-rod-through-the-ass posture before you notice him and give a little wave and ask if you and Asmo were being too loud like the considerate darling you are.
Lucifer clears and his throat and says something like, “No, you aren’t. I was just coming to check on how dinner is coming along,” and leaves, after which Asmo immediately presses the post button.
Screenshots of Lucifer’s heart eyes for you go absolutely viral because every demon on Devilgram goes absolutely feral for seeing the eldest demon brother lose his dignified composure. It becomes a meme template. “Get you someone who looks at you like Lucifer looks at MC” and “me at the delivery demon when he shows up with my spicy bat wings” posts become commonplace. (Asmo thinks the memes are totally worth getting strung up with Mammon for laughing at them.)
Much like Lucifer, you and Mammon end up going viral off Asmo’s Devilgram. (Noticing a pattern here?) 
He pulls a silly prank on your asses and honestly I don’t know how you fell for it. But hey, they say “idiots in love” for a reason, so...
You and Asmo are sitting in the common room of the House of Lamentation just chillin. Well, he’s chillin, you’re on the floor studying for an upcoming exam.
The video starts in the middle of a conversation you and the avatar of lust were having.
“No, Asmo,” you say. “Mammon and I don’t use pet names for each other.” Now that’s just a darn lie, and every demon and crow within ten miles of Mammon and you together knows it.
“Really? I find that very hard to believe, MC.~” 
You sigh in response to Asmo’s teasing. “Okay, he has a lot for me but I’m just not much of a pet name person, y’know?” The rest of the exchange goes like this:
“Oh, I totally get it.” *pause* “Hey MC, what do human world bees make again?”
Cue a sheepish Mammon sticking his head in the doorway at the bluntness of your tone when you answered Asmo.
“Yeah, babe?” he looks like a puppy left on the side of a highway oh my god hUG HIM-
Asmo turns the camera back to his smug ass face and in the background you can be heard tripping on the damn carpet trying to get up and hug your mans. (”MAMMON GET OVER HERE SO I CAN HUG YOU” “W-WHAT? I THOUGHT YA WERE MAD AT ME?!?!?!?!”)
Streamer Levi? Streamer Levi.
You guys go viral the first time you make an appearance on one of Levi’s weekly (insert cool Devildom streaming service name here) streams. 
It’s completely unintentional. You had been asking him for weeks to play with him on there, but he’s the avatar of envy after all. He doesn’t like sharing his partner, even if it’s with random strangers who have no real access to you.
However, he has his stream on a Thursday instead of a Friday one week, and you come into his room carrying dinner because 1) You didn’t realize he was streaming and 2) No matter what he was doing, the boy needed to eat. It wasn’t unusual for you to bring him dinner, so you had no idea why he was blushing and stammering even more than usual this time in particular. Boy was speaking in beached whale trying to tell you what was wrong.
Then you notice his screen. Oh! “Hi chat!” You wave, setting Levi’s food down on his desk in front of his keyboard. “M-MC!” He full-on whines, slamming a hand over his mouth afterwards when he remembers his viewers could hear that.
Honestly, they’d meme the fuck out of him if it weren’t for the fact that they are FINALLY SEEING HIS HENRY!!! THE MYSTERIOUS MC!!!
Chat is bombarding you with questions while you make Levi eat dinner. And by make him eat dinner, I mean literally feeding this man forkfuls/spoonfuls while he games because you love how flustered he gets when you do that. 
Does it impact his score? Absolutely. Does he care? Not really when you’re pampering him like that.
You start answering chat’s questions about you while he’s chewing so he can’t tell you to stop LMAO-
You’re a natural on stream. The VOD becomes the most popular on Levi’s account in a matter of hours and soon cute highlights compilations of you and him on that stream start making the rounds on Devildom Twitter.
There was buildup to Satan going viral, similar to Levi in a way. 
Satan does have a Devilgram, but it’s basically a white woman’s Instagram with added book reviews for variety. Unless you’re a reader his account is pretty boring: candles, books, fireplaces, and cats.
However, after you two started reading together fairly often he began posting pictures of your legs draped over his while you sat together. They’d always be captioned with vague ass pretentious literary criticism. 
This goes on for months, and he gains a lot of (horny) followers after the leg pics start up. He doesn’t really get why but you both joke that it’s because you have some damn nice legs and I mean neither of you are complaining about the new following.
You two go viral when he finally shows your face, entirely by accident.
The post is a video, which is already strange for him and grabs attention. In it, you’re scoffing and reading an excerpt of a book, mocking its understanding of female anatomy.
“I’m quoting here, Satan: ‘her breasts bouncing around like giant pacmen.’ I’M SORRY?? THAT ISN’T HOW BOOBS WORK SIR. WHY ARE MEN ALLOWED TO WRITE?” 
(fun fact that is a very real quote from a very real book I really read last month pls save me)
Originally the camera is focused on your body, with your head out of frame to protect your privacy, but your righteous anger made Satan laugh. Like, a real laugh. The one that makes you and everyone in earshot wonder if he truly was never an angel cause he sure as hell laughs like one but anyway-
When he threw his head back, his DDD angled up just a tad without him noticing, and your face was in view for like .2 seconds. Screenshots of it are making the rounds on Devilgram almost immediately: FINALLY THE LEGS’ OWNER HAS BEEN FOUND.
Satan apologizes profusely but you honestly find it funny and you two opt to just start taking selfies while reading with both of your faces in them from now on. 
I’m gonna be real with you: you and Asmo go viral all the time. Pretty much everything Asmo posts can be considered viral because of his social media following and his status as one of the seven avatars of sin.
However, there are some fairly cute highlights to be pointed out among the times you were both featured in a post that blew up.
Your favorite is probably that time Asmo livestreamed on of you guys’ ‘Nail Nites,’ as you call them.
You’re both on the floor, doing your nails and kicking your feet back and forth while talking to chat. A lot of the questions are about your relationship, and there’s a lot of flirting back and forth between the two of you.
A particular clip of the stream does blow the fuck up on Devilgram, though, when someone screen records it and posts it with a bunch of heart emojis edited over it.
“’What colors do you think best describe each other?’ Ooo, that’s a good one, chat!” Asmo claps his hands together excitedly, making sure to be  careful of his nails.
Pretty much everyone expected you to say pink, but you surprised both your boyfriend and your viewers when, after a pensive few moments, you replied with “Hmm...probably yellow or orange.”
“Can I ask why, darling?” Asmo tilts his head in confusion. I mean, yeah, those colors look good on him, but he doesn’t wear them often so he’s wondering about your thought process. 
“Well, in the human world those colors often represent happiness, optimism, and positivity. You’re always the cheerful presence I need in my life when things get hard, so you have the vibe of those colors.”
Asmo proceeds to burst into tears and hug you, messing up both of your nails and prolonging the stream since you both have to start over. But neither of you particularly care. 
Fun fact: Asmo has the clip that demon made of that portion of the stream saved on his DDD and watches it whenever he feels sad.
Beel and you probably go the most viral out of everybody. Like this moment is an entire phenomenon across the Devildom internet. 
It’s a video, or well, multiple videos, taken at the end of a Fangol game that Beel’s team had just won. Everyone is cheering and going crazy, yourself included, and you just really wanted to congratulate your boyfriend.
So, like the rational person you are, you elect to climb up onto the railing of the bleachers and wave to get his attention. 
You were absolutely fine up there, and sat all comfortably motioning Beel over to you. He notices, of course, and jogs over, standing right beneath you and looking up. (Back where you were sitting, Mammon is screeching like a hyena in heat and Belphie, who is laying down, has one eye open to glare at him. The youngest knows Beel would never let you hurt yourself; you’re fine.)
A bunch of assorted demons at the game has started filming while you were sat atop the railing since you were rather noticeable. Therefore, there’s a shit ton of different angles of the adorable events that follow:
You slide off the railing, landing right in Beel’s waiting arms bridal style. You’ve got this brilliant smile on your face as you pull his helmet off. None of the DDDs filming can hear it over the crowd noise, but Beel asks you why you just went through all that trouble and you tell him it’s because you wanted to tell him how proud you are.
Soft boy’s chest puffs up and he smiles this big cheesy smile at you reach up to run a hand through his hair. You feel him practically purr at the contact, and with a laugh you pull him in and plant a big ole smooch on him.
The crowd, at least those of them that can see, scream. Everyone is running high on adrenaline and happy emotions; something that cute causes a ruckus!! When you pull away Beel proceeds to put you on his shoulders and you celebrate with him and the rest of his team.
The videos of you two being adorable go completely viral and there are some threads dedicated to stockpiling every single angle taken of the event. Beel is completely oblivious to the attention but you have a lot of them saved on your DDD.
If you think Belphegor has any sort of social media presence whatsoever then you are sorely mistaken. (Well okay he actually does run some anonymous troll accounts to meme on Lucifer’s posts but that’s neither here nor there-)
Therefore, naturally, you two go viral off of Asmo’s Devilgram. 
Okay so someone in the obey me tag the other say headcanoned that Belphie will go out of his way to nap in ridiculous places and my brain really took that and RAN WITH IT.
So what happens is that Belphie will fall asleep in the fucking weirdest places. I’m talking on top of the fridge, underneath the dinner table, on top of bookshelves...you name it, he has slept there, no matter the effort it takes to get there in the first place. 
And, ever since you two started dating, you would join him. Sometimes it involved putting yourself at risk of great bodily harm, but the little smile he gave when you he saw you fucking scaling the countertop to reach him made it worth it.
So anyway, since Beel adores the both of you to no end, he takes pictures whenever he sees you two napping together, whether or not it is in a crazy place. He sends these to the family group chat because he thinks they’re adorable.
Over a span of weeks to months, Asmo has built up a stock of images of you and Belphie cuddles up in seemingly impossible places. Once he has about ten or so, he posts a compilation of them to his Devilgram with some cheesy ass caption like “The things we do for love <3″.
They become a meme SO QUICKLY. Like UNBELIEVABLY quickly. 
The picture of you and Belphie sleeping on top of a bookshelf, in particular, is a big hit. Memes abound.
“If my girl doesn’t climb up a bookshelf to cuddle my ass, she don’t love me.” “Get yourself a partner who scales bookshelves just to be with your ass.” Etc etc...Belphie doesn’t give a shit but you laugh at a lot of them so he sees that as a good outcome.
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metalandmagi · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Worth Watching!
Since 2020 basically sacrificed itself to give us the most stacked anime season of all time, I’m currently buried under the weight of almost 20 shows airing per week. So for anyone who’s looking for some anime to watch this winter, here’s some first impressions! I’m speed running my list this time by only talking about the new shows...because otherwise this would be my great American novel. 
If anyone’s interested, I have master lists for both 2020 anime and 2019 anime, because there’s no shortage of fun things to find. 
New Shows!
And before anyone asks, So I’m A Spider, So What? isn’t on here, because CG spiders freak me out.
Cells At Work Code Black: This...less comedic spin off of Cells At Work (made by a different studio) takes the wholesome concept of Osmosis Jones meets cute anime girls and turns it on its head. In this much more depressing version, we follow a rookie red blood cell who works in the body of an overly stressed, alcoholic smoker who puts every strain on the body imaginable. I love Red Blood Cell AA2153 and his co-workers, but man am I glad we get the regular Cells At Work airing this season too, because I need something fun and uplifting after seeing my sweet son go through hell every episode. 
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*Heaven’s Design Team: Have you ever wondered how God came up with some of the weird ass animals that live on this planet? Like, what’s the deal with giraffes? And why can’t we have dragons and flying horses? Well this is a comedy about the engineers and designers in heaven creating the new animals that are going to inhabit the Earth. That’s it, that’s the show. It’s kind of in the same vein as Cells At Work, having comedy blend with a surprising amount of educational information. If you want something light and funny, this is the show for you (though I don’t think it needs to have full length episodes). I’m just hoping there’s an episode about how the hell the platypus was created. Also it’s the only new one available on Crunchyroll.
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Horimiya: A romantic comedy about a girl named Hori who fits the image of a perfect queen bee and a quiet bespectacled boy named Miyamura who never makes an impression at school. When the two meet by chance outside of the classroom, we see that Hori is practically raising a younger brother by herself, and Miyamura is actually a sweet guy who happens to be covered in tattoos and piercings. This show is an exercise in breaking down the images people have of others in their minds, and it’s a concept that really hits home in a fun and meaningful way. Honestly, this has become one of my immediate favorites. The characters have great chemistry, and I can’t wait to see more of them!
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Monster Incidents (Kemono Jihen): When big shot Tokyo detective Inugami is called to a rural town to investigate a series of strange animal deaths, he finds a mysterious boy with the nickname Dorotabo who has been shunned by the other children in town. As the detective gets closer to Dorotabo, he discovers that there may be more...inhuman secrets to the boy than he realizes...and Dorotabo discovers that Inugami has some secrets of his own. This is a hard show to sell without spoiling the first episode, but it had twists and turns that kept me engaged from start to finish. I’m really interested to see where the plot goes, because I thought this was going to be something totally different just from the PV and series summary. If it plays its cards right, this could be a great paranormal detective show!
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Wonder Egg Priority: A psychological drama about a girl named Ai who starts having dreams about a mysterious egg that promises to give her what she wants most in the world...a true friend. Before long, she begins to see how the dream world and reality are tied together, and trippy antics ensue. It’s hard to say more without spoiling anything, but I had to go back and add this one in because I made the mistake of thinking it was an OVA when it’s actually a full series. And what a series it’s starting out to be. This anime has all the psychological discomfort of a Satoshi Kon product with the beauty and style of something from Kyoani (even though it’s made by Clover Works). It’s really one of those anime you just have to see to understand.
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Sk8-∞ (Skate the infinity): An original skateboarding anime from Bones, featuring a typical sports anime protagonist who takes a new transfer student who has never skateboarded in his life under his wing. Together they compete in dangerous races and take the skating community by storm. The character designs rival Appare Ranman’s in outlandish creativity, and I can smell the main characters’ ship dynamic a mile away (considering they’re exactly the same as the protagonists from Robihachi). If you’re looking for some wild and crazy fun with top notch skateboarding animation, don’t skip this!
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2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu (Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Club): Yes, it’s another volleyball anime. And no, it’s not just a clone of Haikyu. This story follows Yuni Kuroba, a physically built but emotionally weak teenager who finds out his childhood friend Hajime is moving back to their hometown for high school. Yuni discovers Hajime has become an exceptional volleyball player and they join their school’s volleyball club hoping to turn the unknown team into a rising star. If anything, this anime is much more like Stars Align or Free, where the sport is a backdrop for letting the characters explore their personal problems. Or at least it seems that way after the first episode. I went into this show ready to throw it in the trash because how could anything compete against my beloved Haikyu, but I found myself really enjoying the dynamics of the main duo and I’m curious to see what the rest of the team is like.
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And speaking of sports anime rip-offs…..I can’t believe I’m including this but…
Skate Leading Stars: The show where the animators clearly wanted to design another throw away idol anime but saw how popular Yuri On Ice was so they decided to make whatever the hell this show is instead. It revolves around a fictional team sport called skate leading, and we follow the world’s most insufferable main character, a former figure skater named Kensei who wants to return to the ice and join his school’s skate leading team after he finds out his childhood rival is going to compete in the sport. Look, this show is just trashy enough to get a certain type of audience hooked, and it mainly has to do with the best boy of the winter season, Hayato Sasugai, the aspiring team “coach” who pulled most of us into watching this show with his punk appearance, snide comments and smug personality. He’s basically the lovechild of Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima in a high school sports anime setting. The show treats itself with the perfect amount of sincerity to get away with being absolutely ridiculous most of the time without making you feel like you’re watching it from a dumpster...like Try Knights. You will know after one episode whether this show is for you. All I can say is, Hayato is worth the watch, and I haven’t seen any 3D animation used for the skating scenes (yet) so that’s a win for me. 
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Honorable mention:
Jobless Reincarnation ( Mushoku Tensei): Yet another isekai where the main character is hit by a car (big surprise) and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world...but he happens to remember his previous life and narrates himself growing up as a jaded adult. I’m only including this because it looked amazing animation wise, and I love the opening where getting hit by a car and dying is actually traumatic. And I love the protagonist’s parents (who are retired adventurers who just want to bang all the time). But honestly...the main character is the fucking worst, and I don’t know if I want to keep watching it because of how creepy and weird he is. Like...he’s the hit on your fantasy mom as a baby kind of creepy and weird. But for anyone who wants a cool looking isekai that had an amazing PV, it’s worth checking out. 
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Continuing Series!
Because the real gold of the season is in all the established anime getting their next seasons, I’m just going to list some of the things that are also amazing and definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already (because I’ve already talked about most of them at some point and don’t know what else to say).
Attack On Titan season 4
The Promised Neverland season 2
Beastars season 2
Log Horizon season 3
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 2
Re: Zero season 2 (second cour)
Dr. Stone season 2
Cells at Work season 2
Osomatsu-san season 3 (second cour)
Higurashi New (second cour)
Jujutsu Kaisen (second cour) 
Not to mention all the shows I don’t watch that everyone else loves...like World Trigger (which I have seen quite a bit of, but long shounen shows are too much for me now) Quintessential Quintuplets, and Non Non Biyori. 
So there’s just some of all the anime airing this season. Hopefully, someone can find something they like. Here’s to a great year...well, of anime at least...
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yondzone · 3 years
Bungou stray dogs relationship headcanons
sfw very sligth nsfw
those under 16 please do only read the sfw part
↰             𓂃              ⌲                   ⌂.
⋆ ☄.⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠂* ; ☔
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𝕱𝖎𝖔𝖉𝖔𝖗 𝕯𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖔ï𝖊𝖛𝖘𝖐𝖎
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ If you managed to have your way to his heat, then you are definitely one special fellow to him, so only to you and around you he will show is soft persona that he never let anyone see in decade.
⌗ If you end up living together, the little time he his at home he will he bring your breakfast at bed to make up for the fact that he his basically never here.
⌗ He prefer kissing you on the cheek rather than on the lips. And in the morning (if by miracle he didn’t already leave) he’ll automatically kiss you cheek to wake you up. And if he his here before going to sleep he’ll ask for a kiss on the cheek.
⌗ He also like night cuddles (of course he won’t admit it.) he never touched anybody so you give hi this feeling of constant novelty.
⌗ He loves when you are jealous and he is gonna tease you with those word : "you seems jealous, is everything fine ? :)" in fact he hates people but if it means seeing your jealous face he don’t mind playing the womanizer for some minute to just tease you.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗Fyodor is definitely a top this bitch will rather die than being a bottom.
⌗ He know the effect it have on you when he tie his hair up so you can be sure that evrrytime you do the deed he while have is hair up ✨.
⌗ Low key have a master servant kink that get him going for hours.
⌗ Hes not someone very vocal when you both do it.
⌗ He doesn’t look like this but he his really touchy in the bed.
⌗ Bed is his favorite place he is quite traditional in fact he does not want it in other place rather than the bedroom.
⌗ But he lost his traditionalism the day you introduced to him ‘sex toys’ oh so a new way to torture you without killing you? he’ll take this opportunity gladly.
⌗ One day you tried to be on top and your ‘master’ did not like that so he destroyed you for the whole night.
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𝕮𝖍𝖚𝖚𝖞𝖆 𝕹𝖆𝖐𝖆𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Chuuya is very romantic, like very romantic.
⌗ He likes kisses, giving and receiving, he does not have a favorite place to kiss or to be kissed because he loves hems all.
⌗ When he is stressed or tired (or both), he likes to cuddle you, wine and cuddle are his comfort things.
⌗ Speaking of cuddling, he likes to cuddle you while taking a shower (hot water and rose petals) after all he his very comfortable with you and love your presence
⌗ He feels more confident when you compliment him, and he will shamelessly admit it ‘please compliment me more’
⌗ Chuuya is quite jealous and possessive. If someone tries to hit on you or make a move, he will go feral on this person and make sure everyone in the future who you belong too
⌗ A whore for PDA in public, he will always hold your hand or put his arm around you, so that everyone will see that you are taken.
⌗ He won't tell you that he loves you often, because he prefer action out of words. He's the type of person willing to do anything to drown you in gifts and make you happy.
⌗ If you find something nice or cool, he will buy it for you, just to see you smile. Needy Chuuya want to see you smile
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ He his totally a switch, one day he can feel like a total top and the day after will feel the need to be dominated.
⌗ He like being on top yes, but he prefer it when you are riding him he really love seeing you body from below, its exquisite.
⌗ He is an hips man, he love them. So you being on top of him gives him the opportunity to admire and explore your body.
⌗ Chuuya likes your moans very much, he finds them adorable and it shows that you feel good, which makes him happy.
⌗ Chuuya is vocal, way too much vocal in the bed.
⌗ He his considered as the king of aftercare trust me, its heaven.
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𝕯𝖆𝖟𝖆𝖎 𝕺𝖘𝖆𝖒𝖚
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Do not lie to yourself, a relationship with Dazai have high chance of ending not well because of some toxicity he may develop as time goes on.
⌗ He his really possesive, once he got you he wont let you go,never ever.
⌗ He love to kiss you. He loves the taste of your lips and the feeling of kissing you makes him feel something he never had.
⌗ In public, dazai will be the dork he his but… in worse. (yes its possible) he will be playful to death with you.
⌗ While when you are alone, he is much more sentimental but he will continue to remain slightly playful.
⌗ He loves teasing you, if he manage to make you blush, it will makes him continue even more because he finds you oh so adorable when you are embarrassed.
⌗ At night, he will cuddle you while holding you tightly, so that you can feel safe and loved.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Dazai doesn't really feel the need to have sex he have better thing to do and never really tough about commitment wit anybody.
⌗ But when it's with you, he will have sex with you after-all all opportunity to your body, he’ll take it.
⌗ Slow and passionate sex over here! He his rarely pn the fast and rough side but if you ask he’ll comply to any of your desire.
⌗ He don't really have favorite position, nor kink except maybe some bondage
⌗ Did I forget that he have a praise kink? Of course receiving and giving,
⌗ Dazai is very vocal, im not talking about moan they are relatively low, but about praise, when you both are doing the deed, praise are overflowing (🦋🦋🦋)
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▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Sigma never had anything except his casino which his his whole life so at first when he get implied in a relationship he will be clumsy not knowing how human relation work
⌗ He will need guidance from you, he wont make first move simply because he does not know how it work.
⌗ He his kind, really really kind to you. He view you as something very fragile and it will take time for him to comprehend that you are not weak.
⌗ Because he his always in his casino the only moment you can see him his when he his in his office, he barely goes to sleep too occupied maintaining the casino.
⌗ You finally gave him what he desired : reasons to live, you are very much cherished by him.
⌗ And you also need to cherish him and make him gain confidence in himself.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ He his a bottom he have no social skill and does not know anything about how the society or relationship work as I already said.
⌗ You basically need to do everything and engage everything.
⌗ Your kink are his kink, you’re favorite position is also his favorite.
⌗ The man cry a lot out of pleasure in the bedroom, he his utterly beautiful when he cries.
⌗ As time goes by he will gain in assurance and try to be on top but out of habit he just revert back to being bellow. But please praise him, he tried.
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𝕹𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖆𝖘 𝕲𝖔𝖌𝖔𝖑
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ … how did you get yourself into this relationship again?
⌗ do not go out with him I repeat to not go out with him,  at home its okay but when in public he start to theatrically declare his love to you, I promise dying would be better than having to support this embarrassment anymore.
⌗ you know that he love asking rhetorical question right? Just let him be, read a book or play on your phone while he monologue
⌗ the number of nickname you have can’t be counted on two hands
⌗ he forces you to call him by nickname and pet name he himself thought of ‘from now on call me the pineapple of your ocean eyes’ …. the fuck is wrong with his brain, where your first tough
⌗ He always kept on repeating that he wanted to be free and first say to you that you should not hope for him to be sweet or be present but every time you come home he his here patiently waiting on the couch.
⌗ his change of persona really surprise you every time they happen, even after years of dating it’s sill hard for you to grasp his true self, a playful sadistic idiot, or a serious full of guilt person aware of his cruel crime.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ he his so sadistic, he love to see you cry
⌗ definitely into cosplay and role play in the bedroom ‘today I am the pirate and you my parrot look at those beautiful costume’
⌗ you have an enormous box with all of your disguises
⌗ he have every sex toy possible, may or may not have already bought every sex toy from a store
⌗ usually rough, very rough, and sometime he break the mood with his goofy attitude, he does not mind the mood being broke because he’ll restore it in no time
⌗ they are time he his acting like a narrator as he fuck you ‘then gogol slowly slap her pink ass-’ this is really disturbing
⌗ you can have a little of respite when he decide to have sex with his serious personality respite.
when it happen it’s fast but passionate and stop the joke and the room become silent only filled with both of your moans
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alovelyburn · 2 years
Rambles about Berserk Deluxe Volume 1 (aka V1-3) - Part 1
OKAY WELL OBVIOUSLY NO ONE WILL REMEMBER ME, but whatever, if you’re here you’re about to start getting flooded with Berserk meta again because I am rereading the series and I started doing it on Twitter but holy crap what a nightmare that is. 
Things to note: 
-I like Griffith, if that’s a problem for you then I... I don’t care, have fun with that, I don’t know. -I barely remember how Tumblr works -Honestly a lot of this is probably just going to be me talking about things I already talked about years ago but realtalk I don’t read my own old meta so like, I have no idea what i said back in the day. 
So without further ado, 
Rambles about Berserk Deluxe Volume 1 (aka V1-3)
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1. I remember back in my Berserk fandom days there was a disagreement between fans on whether the Black Swordsman arc was necessary at all and whether it should have been situated after the golden age instead of having the golden age arrive as this prolonged flashback. 
The argument was  generally that the Black Swordsman arc spoils the end of the Golden Age, which it DOES but... to me that's skewing the importance a bit, right like the Golden Age is a flashback, the whole point of the entire arc is to explain what's happening in the main story which is  everything *except* the Golden Age. For various reasons the GA is the most famous/popular part and obviously the most adapted part so it does change the way people might see this since so many people come into the manga through one of the animes that really only touched on the Hawks era, but it doesnt change the fact that, in the manga, the Golden Age is literally just a long flashback, so you're *supposed* to know how it ends. 
I also think the Black Swordsman arc provides some necessary context for understanding what happens in the GA, especially re: Griffith's mindset since Griffith  himself doesn't talk much about his thoughts or feelings which has made him rather easy to misinterpret... which is actually what drove me out of Berserk fandom and into JoJo's back in the day because I literally could not stomach another argument about whether Griffith is a sociopath (no).
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2. Also, the scene with Guts in the snake duke guy's dungeon (and just his early relationship with Puck in general) is pretty interesting when you consider the much later revelation about his history with the flower elf. Obviously that was almost certainly not something Miura knew  he would add when writing it, but as retroactive logic it does work very well - last time he left an elf get attached to him she ended up killing herself so you know, why do it again?
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It really continues into his early attitude with Puck in general, even in the later chapters until he gets used to having the guy around.
3.  Going into the priest-and-daughter chapter (The Brand), it's interesting to see how much of Griffith's stupid Promrose speech he's still carrying around with him.
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Priest: My nephew became a mercenary and died 
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4. He’s also inherited Griffith’s nasty habit of swallowing his guilt by pretending he’s actually totally cool with people dying because of him. I remember back in the day people used to say Guts comes off as a psychopath or a villain type early on, and I kind of get it, but I do think it’s fairly obvious from the beginning that he’s bullshitting himself. And then of course that becomes VERY evident after his encounter with the slug count and Theresia.
4. In an old interview Miura had mentioned that Casca’s presence post-Eclipse, really the reason she survived the Eclipse to begin with, was to prevent Guts from dissociating form the Eclipse and letting the memory go dull. That does make sense to the writer in me, but the reader in me is like, how could he forget, the eclipse never really stopped happening for him. hes still being attacked everywhere he goes. 
I actually kind of miss the horrible effect of the brand.
5. This has nothing to do with the story but if I’m paying 50 bucks for a huge deluxe edition of Berserk, I feel like I should have gotten the colored pages in color. Just saying!
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6. I really just... love Guts so much? His wildness especially in those early days, his apparent fearlessness which is actually just a pretense since per Puck he’s actually afraid basically all the time AND WHO WOULDN’T BE? 
7. I know this gets said a lot but Guts’ sword is obviously used metaphorically a LOT, I mean if I keep doing these things (why,...) it will just come up over and over again, him and his heap of raw iron. But also all his other swords.
8. One of the things I really deeply love about Guts is watching him fight. I could watch the battle scenes in the OVAs forever, and the thing I love about it, aside from watching this person who is in so many ways unsure of himself and his value and his relationships suddenly become absolutely sure and confident and just transform into a force of nature. I bring this up here because I reached the part in the slug count story where Guts reveals the depth of his skill with a sword and its one of my favorite moments in the Black Swordsman arc. 
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9. Guts and his rage at people being nice to him.
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10. So one of the things Miura did a lot is... this kind of sequence where you get a visual parallel and often text about someone else that is meant to clue the reader in on what’s going on with a different character entirely. This is the first of them - where we start to understand what happened with Guts through this comparison with Vargas, who was mutilated and lost his loved ones to monsters - the specifics of the mutilation are even direct parallels to Guts’ wounds from the Eclipse. In some cases this storytelling technique is very difficult for me to interpret and analyze because I’m not an especially visual person? But I do make an effort to pay attention to it because it’s done a LOT and in some cases those parallels are the only way you ever have a situation or emotion directly addressed (eg. the King and Griffith in the dungeon, which is just the King and Griffith talking about the King in a way that we’re meant to understand applies to Griffith but yeah anyway that’s several volumes in the future). 
Also the ENTIRE final confrontation with the Slug Count is literally 75% this exact storytelling technique so its not surprising to me that the first use is a parallel between Guts and Vargas, particularly with the later parallels between the Count and Fermto/Griffith.
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11. And there he goes again, covering his pain and guilt and self-hatred with rage and disdain. Genuinely one of the things that frustrates me about Western Berserk fandom is the stubborn inability to perceive the nuance in Griffith’s character yes, but also in Guts’s character. He is so often perceived as just the metal badass on a vengeance quest because he hates Griffith so much and hes actually a pretty complicated person with extremely complicated relationships with himself and Casca and Griffith and so much of it is literally just stated outright that I have no fucking idea how people miss it, it is the weirdest thing I have ever encountered in any fandom ever and I don’t understand why it happens. Anyway.
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12. So, the obvious interpretation for this scene would be that he’s thinking about the ever ambitious Hawk who ended up self-destructing... but I actually think he’s talking about himself. He’s shitting on himself for having dared to imagine that he could step out of Griffith’s shadow and do something that made him Griffith’s equal and, in the process, ended up abandoning the people he loved in a way that led to Griffith turning into a demon and Casca being raped and going mad, killed his surrogate family and got him permanently maimed. 
Now let me be clear, I don’t think it’s his fault. But I think he thinks it’s his fault because he aimed too high and accidentally broke Griffith. Which, I mean, he is aware that he’s the one who did that by this point.
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And that is why, even though he identifies with Vargas, even though he is frustrated and pained by Vargas’s situation, he also holds Vargas in contempt. Because he sees himself in Vargas, and he hates himself.
It’s 3am, I’m gonna stop now. Bai!
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luimagines · 3 years
the boys with a merperson s/o (or crushing on them) scenarios or headcannons?
MERMAIDS!! OCTMERS!! Crustacean mers? Shark mers?
...It's not mermay... It’s belated mermay since I’m sure I actually got this request by the end of it.
BUT I can do this regardless!
The possibilities are endless.
These are when they’re in their own Hyrule. Without the group, so to speak.
Headcanon time! but also like half scenario?
Content under the cut!
You are a mermaid or merman
Just a typical mer
Obviously you meet when he’s exploring with his mermaid tail. 
You thought he was from far away because you’ve never seen him before nor was his accent similar with pods across the reef.
You ask your friends and neighbors if they knew him but no one could say where he was from.
And he wasn’t exactly forthcoming with any answers, always telling you something else to change the subject.
But regardless of his secrecy you enjoyed his company and his stories.
Sometimes you would find things from the surface and give them to him
You noticed he liked to collect things from above and thought it would make him happy
You were always trying to find things that would make him happy
He seemed to be full of hurt and bitterness
But you knew him to be a kind and sincere soul so you didn’t want him to hurt anymore than he already has.
But you get curious one day.
“Link, where do you live?”
“In land.”
“But if you’re a fresh water mer, how can be out here in the ocean?”
He stalls and blinks at you. 
“I’m not a mer.”
That’s throws you for a loop.
“But... you’re tail....???”
You ask more questions
And Legend complies because he totally thought you knew he was Hylian.
That would explain why no one knew where he was from.
He was one of the dry dwellers.
You’re quick to ask him about his travels and he tells you
He finds comfort in someone else knowing what he’s been through and being able to talk everything out.
He also finds more comfort in the water and finds himself thinking about you even when he’s by rivers and lakes
But you wouldn’t survive in fresh water
He begins to bring over some of his more water worthy items to show you
And impress you
But he’s not being honest with himself
So he tries to keep you as close as he can and visit you as often as he can when his blacksmithing apprenticeship lets him get away from time to time
His feelings are slow going
But they’re there.
But he’s pretending they’re not there
Your feelings are also slow going
You confuse them with admiration and curiosity
So of course nothing is actually happening
You’re both being idiots
But your feelings are requited.
Everyone who’s witnessing this is in agony.
You are a fresh water mer!
Hyrule can’t swim so he’s got inclined to go out into the ocean any time soon.
Or into any lakes for that matter.
But he does spend a lot of time near rivers when he has to chance to relax for a change.
It’s where you see him first actually
You were swimming up river from your home to check out what may have been left behind.
You were intrigued by him 
But he saw you and ran, not wanting to interact with you incase you were about to attack him
It hurt to see that but you were determined to get to know him
It took months
Mostly because he didn’t go back to that spot for a long time
Next time he appeared you were farther back and raised your hand, waving to him slowly
He stared at you like a deer in headlights
But you stayed your distance
It a reoccurring process.
Each time you’d get a little closer but try to be as non-confrontational as possible
When Hyrule felt at ease enough with your pretense that you could be right next to him, you finally told him your name
He told you his.
Your friendship was grow at a quicker rate than before and you thought he was incredibly interesting
With even more time, you manage to get him into the water and try to teach him how to swim.
You have to take a while to get around how his limbs work verses how you typically swim but somehow you both make it work
Hyrule is a little less afraid of the water now that you’ve been by his side but he still avoids it when you’re not with him
One day you get a little bold and take him to your lake 
He’s quick to join you but he won’t go to where the water goes above his head.
It’s a little frustrating to you because you weren’t going to hurt him
You want to show him your home
Even if it was under water
You tell him such
And you can see him consider the option and the possibilities.
“You’ll lead the way?”
You grin and take his hand.
“It’s not like you’d know the way.”
“I can’t breath under water though.”
“I can help with that.”
There’s a magical ability your people possess that when gifted willingly will grant to recipient the ability to breath underwater.
You tell him such with a small blush on your face
It’s something you’ve been wanting to give him for awhile but...
You could see how long it took for Link to warm up to you
And you’d hate to ruin what you have
But your boldness speaks ahead of you.
“What is it?”
“We call it the Stolen Breath.”
“But what is it?”
You gulp and float on your back to avoid eye contact. 
“A kiss.”
You can feel him stare at you in silence for a hot second before he takes a breath.
You were a river dolphin mer!
Because of Four’s job he’s mostly landlocked so he’s not exactly going to be going to the ocean any time soon.
But there’s plenty of rivers nearby for him to visit in whatever free time he can buy for himself.
When he first meets you it’s not because of those times though.
He actually heard about you through the minish first.
They talked about how you helped them and what you do to keep the place safe, and occasionally you let them ride on your back for a small fee.
The fee is stories of the land beyond.
Intrigued, Four visited your river in hopes of finding you
And he did.
As a minish.
He kept visiting you both out of curiosity and because well...
He thought you were cool.
That being said, you thought he was just another minish and had adored your new found little friend who always seemed so happy to see you.
When Four heard about your fee, he gladly told you about all his adventures, his friends and how he saved the world time and time again
You didn’t believe him at first but loved a good story when you could hear one so you let him talk
Some of the details seemed familiar, when the minish would talk about their savior and friend- The Hero of the Four Sword or The Hero of Men
You asked him about it- why he knew some details that the other minish left out
He stalls and hesitates to let you know the truth
With a small breath, he promises you that when he comes back, he’ll let you know why
You expect him to come back in a week or two like usual but he comes back the next day and leads you to one of the minish doors.
Before your eyes you see him hop through it and come back as a hylian
“Oh?” Four winces and begins to nervously wring his hands together.
“Does that mean you’re the hero?” You grin and jump out of your river.
That means all of his stories are true!
You stare at him and begin to feel a little giddy.
“Tell me everything!”
Four smiles a little to himself as he relaxes.
“What else haven’t I told you yet?”
“Well... What do you do when you’re not the hero?”
Four grins wider and sits down on the wet rock next to you.
“Not a whole lot.”
“Tell me anyway.”
You were a hermit crab mer!
Time, similar to Four, is mostly landlocked and as such doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to go to the ocean
But Lake Hylia is definitely within his reach
And considering that you had your shell to keep you from drying out completely on dry land, you had the ability to travel on land for a day or two before you had to return
You were still chained to the water but so much as the others you knew to exist
Time had met you when he was younger, exploring the lake in its entirety with his Zora mask 
That being said, he thought he was initially a zora
Your relationship was a little shaky at first.
He had attacked you at first, not knowing what you were or whether you proposed a threat or not
And you had attacked him in turn because the zora were never really welcome near your home- they looked down on you for claiming to be a superior species and they could keep that attitude away from you, thank you very much
When you disengaged, you yelled at him for being a prick and attacking you when you did nothing wrong- even throwing in some less than welcome zora stereotypes of the era toward his face
Later on you grow to really hate that moment- and it embarrasses you every time you think about it but Link laughs
Mostly because in his mind and how he remembers it- he deserved it 100%
It was weeks after when Link had enough of the guessing games and faced you head on to explain himself and apologize.
However you were in the water this time around and he was once again wearing the mask
It took nearly three years of your friendship for you to even learn that he was actually hylian
Which complicated your feelings somewhat
Because as a zora, he was quick to put down your inner prejudice against them by just being himself
Enough so that you thought that maybe there was something happening between you two
But knowing that he was hylian- and could not actually breath under water or spend any more time with you than his life expectancy would allow- hurt you a lot
You had distanced yourself from him for a while as you digested this
Link obviously took it wrong way entirely
He thought you had cut him off from your life and had nothing else to do with him
He wasn’t entirely sure of his feelings at the time
But thought of you cutting him off was painful
He wasn’t sure how to fix it- or even if he could
In the time you were stewing and trying to figure out if this actually changes anything in your relationship, Link was trying to find anything little thing he could get to impress you and express how much he cares for you
Coincidentally, you both look for each to make up on the same day
Link with something shiny and obnoxious for you to add to your steadily growing collection of nick nacks
And you with a confession on your tongue and your heart on your sleeve
Naturally, nothing goes to plan and you don’t confess
Link for his part feels infinitely better about you not shunning him in disgust or heartbreak
You’re glad that he still wants to spend time with you, even if you will eventually out live him
But you’re both young and tenderly feeling this out
There’s still a chance for you two, you think.
There’s still time to let him think about it and for you to try again
Keep going.
You were a squid mer
The bioluminescent kind
Warrior actually thought that you were a weird type of zora
From an area that he had yet to see or experience
He was shocked at first when you made your appearance at the surface and screamed
A very manly scream
You shot back down into the water and kept only your eyes above the water
He stared with child like interest after the initial scare when you stared to glow
You stared at each other for a really long time
He was the first Hylian that you’ve seen
You thought that he was cute
Like newly hatched guppies or a jellyfish
You pulled yourself up onto the dock, your extra limbs carrying you with easy strength until you were face to face with him
He was smaller than you thought he would be and you thought that he was missing a few necessary limbs
Your arms caress him with piqued curiosity
He’s tense and panicked but you’ve shown no sign of hostility so he’s refraining from reaching for his weapon.
You pull back after a few tense minutes and plop yourself back into the water.
It’s warmer than you’re accustomed to so you’re uncomfortable and the sun is beginning to rise on the horizon, making it a little brighter than your eyes can handle
You have to leave
But you hope that you can see him again
And you do
He’s a on ship during a storm
And he falls into the water
You’re quick to push through the warmer waters and grab him before the current can
You swim as fast as you can to the surface and hold his head above the water
He’s a coughing mess and tries to swim away from you in his efforts
You hold him close, not trusting his personal strength to fight the ocean
After a brief moment, he notices you and calms down
You’re quick to try and find some land
But you’re too far out into the water and it would take a while
You frown, holding him securely and pick a direction to go.
You force this smaller creature onto your back as you swim
It takes all night and you’re sure would have blinded yourself if you had to stay out any longer than you did
Warrior lets go when land comes, and begins to swim the rest of the way
He says something in his native tongue that you don’t understand but he salutes you
You copy the move and duck under the waves once more
Over multiple weeks afterwards you try to find him again. Continuously resurfacing to try and find him but you’re low on luck.
Until one day
He finds you
You were caught up by some deep sea fisherman, the zora working hard to keep you from destroying their net.
He’s on the docks where they bring you.
The light is killer and blinding and the heat starts to dry your skin.
He saves you in your vulnerability and says, “You save me. I save you. My name is Link. What’s yours?”
It’s your language
You reply before you can question how he speaks it
It’s a special necklace that he had Lana make
You’re back in the water before you know it
Relief comes over you like a tidal wave and you say your thanks to your new friend
Warrior then finds you after that again
And again
And again
You think you like him
He’s not so sure why he likes being around just yet
But he’ll get there
You were a crayfish mer!
Here’s the thing, Twilight is also pretty landlocked himself
He’s not exactly going to be by the ocean any time soon and he’s more inclined to relax by a lake than on a riverbank.
That being said, you meet at Lake Hylia.
Since you had a shell, it protected you from the sun and from drying out too fast on land.
Twilight’s first inclination is to freeze up on the spot because he thought you were an aquatic version of the Oocca.
And he wasn’t happy about it.
But you seemed friendly and he wasn’t raised by wolves, so he makes polite conversation with you
He thought it would stop there but nope
You somehow found him no matter where by the lake he was sitting
After awhile he got used to you and even welcomed your presence.
You were none the wiser about his discomfort and just thought he was a nice guy you could talk to to get the news from the land beyond.
You crushed on him first
Your home was buried by a strong storm one day and he wasted no time in helping you dig it out and get it back in working order
That was a love arrow straight through your heart and you were smitten ever since
Twilight had just begun his process wanting to be by your side
At this point he would visit Lake Hylia- not to see you (he wasn’t there yet)- but he would hope you would come and spend some time with him
You knew that you two were from very different words so you tried your hardest to keep your feelings to yourself
Your friendship actually lasted years before Twilight had to come to terms with himself and the thought he might like you
He doesn’t like the idea of falling in love only to have it ripped away from him again
But you can wait for him just as long as he needs to
With time he brings you little gifts
Small things made of glass and stone- things that would survive underwater that he thought you would like
You keep them in a special place inside your burrow
Another storm struck
Late at night when everyone was still asleep, and your burrow collapsed with you inside of it
It was hard for you to move and dig yourself out
You could reach your little treasures that Link would give you 
But that was about it.
Link, for his part, was coming to visit you
Not the lake
But what he found sunk his heart
A mudslide covered at least half of the shore line and went into the lake
He ran all the way to where he knew your burrow was but he couldn’t find the opening 
He didn’t even think that calling your name would have worked
Link swallowed hard, concern and worry latching onto his whole being.
He ran all the way back to his house, getting his shovel and zora armor to go underwater.
Knowing that he was running low on time and you were running out of oxygen, he hitched up Epona and rode all the way back to the lake.
He jumped right into the thick of it and began to dig
Epona wasn’t sure what got Link all up in a tizzy but she pounded the ground by the shoreline nervously 
It was hard work
All that would be moved away was replaced by by more mud that would slide over it.
Link was determined though
And terrified
He kept digging until he was able to make some progress with it and eventually he found you huddled where you would normally sleep, clutching your little nick nacks that he gave you.
The fresh water seemed heaven sent and you gulped down what you could, reaching for him to pull you out.
Link grabbed your hand swam with you to the surface, pulling you to the shoreline and washing off all the mud from your shell and your hair
His feelings had to take a step on the backburner for a moment
He had to see that you were ok first.
It may have been the first moment that you could see how much he cared about you
You were starting to suspect where his feelings were before he did
But you’d wait for him. 
You were an Octomer! 
But since it’s Hyrule, I’m saying that your have the immortality of a jellyfish. Like how Zora’s can live hundreds of years compared to hylians but longer.
The first time you meet, it’s when he’s exploring more of what the surface has to offer.
Now Sky isn’t like the others.
He doesn’t have the same perception of the others
So while the others would have perceived you as a threat- Sky is mostly confused by your lack of action toward him and the fact that he’s never seen something like you before
So if your species is new to him- and you’re not attacking him-
Then maybe you’re friendly?
You grin and he’s a little taken aback by your teeth.
Slowly you crawl to where he is, each arm pulling you toward him.
You greet him in an ancient language
It has been a while since you’ve seen his kind and you want to know where they’ve gone and what kind of lives they live now.
Unfortunately he doesn’t understand you
You frown and try again, reaching out your hand for him to take
He does take it and replies in a language you’re unfamiliar with
Maybe in the time they’ve been gone the language has evolved.
This can be a problem
While you’re contemplating this, you dip back into the water somewhat and fish out (no pun intended) a stick and begin to draw on the supple sand beneath the both of you
He’s quick to catch on to what you’re doing and uses the tip of his sword to draw in the sand next to you
Slowly but surely, you both come up with some degree of communication.
You learn that the literary aspect of their language has changed somewhat as well but it’s still comprehensible to your mind
He comes back
Time and time again
He begins to slowly teach you his language as it is now
And you answer his question of the world long past
Link is actually the first to fall between the two of you
You can’t seem to take whatever hint he gives you
When he finally gives up with gift giving and subtle sweet nothings, he tells you directly
Now before this, you hadn’t considered him in such a way
You didn’t think it was even an option
Link is quick to tell you what he’ll do if you give him a chance.
He’ll live out in the ocean.
He’ll learn how to man a boat
He can find an underwater cave to be there instead if you’d prefer
He’ll leave his people behind
You think this one in particular goes a little too far and you’re quick to tell him so
You turn him down
At first
Link comes back again and again because he still enjoys your company and he can get past his emotions to not make it awkward between you two
But now that you know it’s an option
You don’t stop thinking about him
Link is on your mind day and night with all sorts of possibilities and struggles you two would have together and how to get around them
Weeks go by
And the somehow, you talk away your sensible side- the idea of what you could be becoming more and appealing each day
You confess randomly on a sunny afternoon and it takes the both of you by surprise
It’s not what you wanted to say at all.
Link is ecstatic!
He had pretty much given up hope that you two could be an item but his feelings were giving him more trouble than he thought they would
But you liked him back!
So maybe this time things can go a little smoother.
You are a shark mer!
Because Wild has a type.
Now, you live just beyond Lurelin’s borders
Wild meets you when he’s pushing the limits of a deku leaf before it breaks on him and he’s forced to turn around with his second one because he doesn’t want to be stranded in the middle of the ocean with his dinky little raft.
You’re closer to the surface than you’re usually willing to be.
Seeing the raft was a new thing for you and you swim closer to it to inspect it.
Wild actually managed, somehow to throw himself over board and into the ocean
Coming face to face
with you!
Both of you shoot away from each other in shock and he scrambles to get back onboard the wood planks
For your part, you stall for a moment not used to seeing his king so far out into the deep waters.
Intrigued at this anomaly you break the surface and place your hands on the side of the raft, watching him as he catches his breath. 
He begins speaking in a rapid fire language that you don’t understand and tell him as much
He jumps and spins over to you, pointing a finger in your direction and even growling
You tilt your head- not at all feeling intimidated by this smaller creature
You tell him your name and ask him for his
But he doesn’t understand you
He then makes a few hand gestures and you brighten
You know that!
Some sailors use that to communicate between each other when the storms get really bad
You recognize some of them but you don’t know the rest of it
You try to sign back to the best of your ability trying to tell him you don’t know that much and once again introducing yourself
He smiles and tells you his name is Link
It starts from there.
You find yourself swimming and spending more time in the shallows than you used to do
He visits regularly
Link is quick to even bring some of his friends over
You are quickly introduced to the Prince of the Zora, named Sidon and he’s been more or less a translator between you two since you speak similar languages from birth.
He visits you as well and teaches you sign on the side to help you communicate with Link without his help.
Link does not know this is happening
You wanted to surprise your friend and Sidon had his full approval of the plan
Because of Sidon’s duties however, there wasn’t a definitive schedule and you were learning at a snails pace
But progress is progress
Link is having some kind of crisis while he’s at home
Because he wants to show it to you but it’s too far inland
He’d also like to know what your home looks like, if you have one, or if you have a family or a community like the zora
There’s so many things he wants to know about you and he thinks he’s beginning to crush
And crush hard
On someone he can’t even communicate properly with no less.
He then asks Sidon to give him lessons on the language you speak
As if that would help in anyway shape or form
Sidon agrees- fully supportive of this idea
So he begins to teach Link on the side as well in order for you two to be able to talk to each other with ease
You do not know this is happening
Sidon knows what’s happening is waiting for the day for this to blow up in both of your faces 
It’s a train wreck waiting to happen
Sidon is glad Link met you
This is the most excitement he’s had since Link showed up in the domain
He really hopes this ends well for the both of you
You were a stingray mer!
You meet when he goes flying overboard from a storm.
He goes deep
You find him unconscious and try your hardest to swim to the surface and to the nearest beach.
It’s hard for you to get a grip on him and swim at the same time but somehow- by someone’s grace and mercy, you manage
You have to get him away from the water without beaching yourself and that’s another challenge all together.
You think about leaving him there and hoping for the best but a strong waves comes through and nearly drags him out to sea again
You resolve to stay by his side until he wakes up
The sun feels nice and warm, but the problem is that you dry out incredibly fast compared to other mers and it’s very quickly an uncomfortable experience
Luckily- or unluckily if you ask Wind- there was a ship coming by and seemingly coming to whatever island this is.
You take your cue and push yourself backwards into the ocean, watching the ship and the boy you found and trying to see if they were actually going to come to his aid.
The ship does eventually come to the island and you think that the boy would be fine.
But out of curiosity, you do come up to the surface every now and then when you think there’s a ship going back- hoping to see him again- trying to see if he was actually ok.
You see him on what has to be a pirate ship.
You try to get close enough to see him but somehow get yourself caught up in a net and pulled up into the boat.
“Wait! Wait!” The boy calls out and runs over to help you out. “Put it back in the water!”
“What are you doing Link?” Someone from the crew yells. “This is the catch of the century!”
“This thing saved my life! It has to be in the water!”
“What if we don’t?”
“It’ll get sick!”
The boy begins to frantically cutting away the rope from you, throwing it to the side and lessening the pressure around you.
You sigh in relief and try to make your way to the side of the boat.
It’s not easy.
The boy lifts you up from one side but he can’t get a grip on you.
Someone else comes in and helps him, getting on your other side and together they throw you over board.
The relief is immeasurable.
The boy jumps over quickly and splashes next to you.
You grin and wave at him. 
He waves back and  swims up to the surface. 
“Hi! I’m Link!”
You tell him your name in reply and swim around him. 
“I’m glad you’re ok! I didn’t think you saw me when I saved you.”
“I woke up right as you got into the water. I saw you swim and dive away as I got back onto the boat.”
“Are you two friends or something?” Someone calls from the ship.
“I’d like to be.” You admit with a smile
“I’m Link.” He smiles. “I’d like to be your friend to.”
Your friendship skyrockets from there.
Wind was already on the ship to travel the great sea, so it was easy for you to spend time with him and get to know the rest of the crew and the pirate captain Tetra as well.
Everything about their stories of land excited you so much.
It was a world so different than yours.
In return you told them stories of everything under the water, of all the places you’ve seen and been to.
Every part of you wanted to impress Link and you cherished him.
You don’t have any one to tell you want your feelings but what you do know is that you like him. He’s a good friend and he cares deeply about his people.
You hope that maybe you can be someone he cares about too.
Link for his part wanted to find pretty things for you and show his home, his family, everything that is important to him.
Tetra figures out what’s going on before he does.
She waits a bit before telling Link to his face what’s up with him, wanting to see if you’ll make a move or if he’ll come to his senses.
Neither happens.
So she tells Link and he’s quick to talk to you and confess.
He cares about you more than you’d ever realize.
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