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meltotheany · 1 year ago
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known (Wayward Children, #9)by Seanan McGuire | ARC Review
Goodreads | Amazon US | B&N | Blackwell’s | Bookshop 1.) Every Heart a Doorway ★★★★★2.) Down Among the Sticks and Bones ★★★★★3.) Beneath the Sugar Sky ★★★★4.) In an Absent Dream ★★★★★5.) Come Tumbling Down ★★★6.) Across the Green Grass Fields ★★★★7.) Where the Drowned Girls Go ★★★8.) Lost in the Moment and Found ★★★★★ ARC provided by Tor – thank you so much !! “The door wasn’t there because…
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reader44ever · 7 years ago
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Today's August 26th task for #jcfaugust is to share something #throughthewindow. The first two photos were taken just 35 minutes apart, at 4:24p and 4:59p respectively, and show the power of a cloud. ☁️😊 . . . . The first photo shows a squirrel and quail (Gambel's Quail) at our quail block. The second photo has a rabbit with the quail at our quail block. 😍❤😍 . . . . The third photo shares the books I'm reading today with my Max and a view out the window. Unfortunately, this photo couldn't be zoomed in to hide all of the many spots on our window. Oopsie. 😲😊❤ . . . . I've already completed today's allotment of The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson for @meltotheany's buddy read, and I'm now reading Blood and Sand by C.V. Wyk. Blood and Sand is the last book I need to complete my second tier N.E.W.T.s. Both of the books are in Photos Three and Five. 😍❤ . . . . Only Photos Three and Four have my Max in them. All of the book photos are meant to show Blood and Sand's cover. I think this is a foiled book. Is it? 🤔🤔🤔 If it's not, I'm still counting it for second-tier Defense Against the Dark Arts: #readafoiledbook. After all, *I* Think it's a #foiledbook! 😄😉❤ . . . . #DogsofInstagram #meltotheany #bookstagram #SethDickinson #CVWyk #books #TheTraitorBaruCormorant #BloodandSand #series #TheMasquerade
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books-on-a-wire · 6 years ago
Used Book-a-thon TBR
My TBR for the Used Book Readathon, running Aug 3-9, hosted over on YouTube by peacelovebooksxo and literatureads. They are doing a Bingo board format and I'm doing a straight line. I chose 1) Mass Market (Faefever), 2) First in a Series (Darkhouse), 3) New to You (Libba Bray), and 4) Cover Change (The Gamble). I don't expect to finish The Diviners but since it's a Thrift Books purchase, I'm including the readalong (hosted by meltotheany).
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insidemylibrarymind · 6 years ago
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QOTD: Give a shoutout to your favorite book bloggers in the comments! . And I'll tell you first about The Ten Thousand Doors of January - it's definitely the most gorgeously written novel I read this year. Every word matters and seems carefully considered, and the story itself celebrates stories and myths, but also the human experience. Please make sure this is on your preorder list! Many thanks to Orbit for sending me this one. . And my favorite book bloggers are: @inkandmyths @keeperofpages @paceamoregelato @bookmarkyourthoughts @thebookishactress @meltotheany @foreverandeverly @wordwoonders . and many more! The book blogging community is the nicest, most welcoming group of people and I love them all! . ✨ #allthebooksaug19 // favorite book blogs . . . https://www.instagram.com/p/B1q-7nUo215/?igshid=12rpgucl6l57p
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scionafreynan · 6 years ago
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enfp ✴ sagittarius ✴ chaotic good ✴ ravenclaw ✴ thunderbird
↳ “i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night”
tag discovered at/tagged by: @undomielle (x)
i tag: @meltotheany @zeniksnina @azqaban
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pens-and-parchment · 6 years ago
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#summerathon TBR ☀️
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loudmindreviews · 6 years ago
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Hi everyone! So today starts the Buddy Read for Dragons & Tea Book Club, which is hosted by @meltotheany and @acourtofcrownsandquills on @goodreads . Last Call at the Night Shade Lounge has a really interesting premise which combines magic and mixology. I’m super excited to get into this! . . . On another note... I’ve been kind of feeling lackluster about my photos here on #bookstagram lately, which makes me really sad as I love this platform and community. I was tired of my aesthetic and just so that I could stay in the community that I love so much I began using my shelves as a backdrop while I figured out what I wanted to go for.. so this is my first photo with my new background. I love it and I’m really excited to get back into bookstagram like I used to... please excuse how my feed will look while my new aesthetic takes over 😊 . . . #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #bookishfeatures #bookish #igreads #igbooks #instabooks #readersofinstagram #booksofinstagram #bookworm #booklover #booknerd #bibliophile #bookphotography #bookblogger #bookreviewer #buddyread #bookclub #fantasybooks #kimmersbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/BumDocJHAM4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ijc30i7s91ah
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mariannareads · 6 years ago
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❄️6.1.19❄️ Happy #SockSunday Bookworms! 😉 QOTD: Where do you want to travel in 2019? . Life update: I have so much work to do today. It's not even funny. . Current read: Unravel Me and Wicked King. _ Book Challenges ✨Favorite bookstagrammers - right now I would have to say @meltotheany and @james_trevino, #AlltheBooksJan19 ✨Gray books, #booknerdsjan19 ✨Epiphany, #bookstababesjan19 ✨Tropes you want to be subverted, #FinnFuryRevolution _________________________________________ #winter2019 #bookscoffeelifestyle #januarybooks #bibliophile #igreads #goodreads #instavivlio #vscobooks #booktography #greekbookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstagramfeature #thebookchroniclesvol #bookphotography #diavazo #mariannareads #currentlyreading https://www.instagram.com/p/BsSjf_QhFVF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13og7ay861hi0
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herbookishthings · 6 years ago
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YOU GUYS! LOOOOK at this gorgeous cover! Today is the cover reveal for @kalynmjosephson ’s THE STORM CROW - a new YA fantasy releasing on July 9, 2019 by @sourcebooksfire - you don’t want to miss it! . Kalyn is a dear friend and CP of mine, and I’m totally stoked to finally get to scream about this book! I was lucky enough to read it over the summer, and it’s been so hard to hold back my feels. But alas, friends, let me tell you about one of my favorite books EVER . THE STORM CROW is perfect for fans of: - Sarcastic, brash princesses - Even more sarcastic best girl friends - Sweet cinnamon roll rebel boys - Dangerous princes - HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON -ERAGON (but with crows!) . I’ve included the full summary below, but be sure to check out @meltotheany ’s blog post, which has an excerpt, author interview, AND a trailer that I got to make, alongside my brother (landonragsdale.com) who wrote a custom song  just for Kalyn’s book! . Also be sure to add to your Goodreads! Andddd it’s available for preorder! . Summary: In the tropical kingdom of Rhodaire, magical, elemental Crows are part of every aspect of life…until the Illucian empire invades, destroying all the crows. That terrible night has thrown Princess Anthia into a deep depression. Her sister Caliza is busy running the kingdom after their mother’s death, but all Thia can do is think of all she has lost. But when Caliza is forced to agree to a marriage between Thia and the crown prince of Illucia, Thia is finally spurred into action. And after stumbling upon a hidden Crow egg in the rubble of a rookery, she and her sister devise a dangerous plan to hatch the egg in secret and get back what was taken from them. . . . #thestormcrow #kalynjacobson #coverreveal #sourcebooksfire #yafantasy #yalit #arcs #booklove #coverlove #ilovebooks #bookstagrammit #booksta #bookstagramfeatures #reading #reader #readersofig #bookreviewer #igreads #sourcebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/BpSFSNwh4Zu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6twpal4rfd01
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meltotheany · 4 months ago
Goodreads | Amazon US | B&N | Blackwell’s | Bookshop this is a really beautiful collection of short stories, all having the ebb and flow of the sea crafted seamlessly into them. i enjoyed this so much, that i actually think this solidifies that julie armfield is my newest favorite author, and i just hope she keeps giving the world (and me) her stories. down below i breakdown each individual story in this anthology collection, with the trigger and content warnings that i wrote down while reading! ━━♡ Mantis ★★★★ “I choose Greek myths and ghost stories, tales that come in under fourteen pages and culminate in violent lessons. I read aloud and let her stop me when she wants to – stories of swans and spiders, bay trees, narcissi, girls transformed into monsters by rivals playing dirty.” this was a very strong start to the anthology, and there is just something so insanely lulling about this author’s writing to me. it for sure reminded me of how much i loved our wives under the sea and it has really similar vibes at first, too! but this is a story about those transformative years, of being a girl and growing up surrounded by people and things that are also transforming you and the way you think and feel (about yourself and the world). shedding your childhood and growing into a body that is being dictated by others while you’re still in metamorphosis and learning what your truly want to transform into. and the ending was just great. plus, you all know i’m also going to love a growing up catholic backdrop on top of a really compelling story. cw/tw: this short story has a lot of talk of body image and parents and friends talking about the mc’s body image, also talk of weight and diet and starvation and food, talk of menstruation, blood, drinking, threat of sa, and i would also say just sickness in general with some body horror ━━♡ The Great Sleep ★★★★ “You don’t notice the way a city breathes until it changes its sleeping habits.” this is the type of story crafting where i am just impressively saying “wow, this is so cool, how did you think this up?” and then upon finishing my mind is going wild with metaphor meanings. but this is a tale of a wave of sleeplessness hits the world, and the people impacted now have a personification of their sleep that just kind of hangs out with them and makes life more annoying while they are more and more sleep deprived. and our mc finds comfort in her dreamlessness with someone in her apartment complex who is still able to sleep, even if she is constantly questioning why she hasn’t stopped along with most people. i feel like this instantly made me think of vegas, my current city, and how there is a magic to the restlessness that is pretty indescribable, even if you know it’s not the healthiest. but i think this story could be a metaphor for mental health, i think it could maybe be touching on abuse, or maybe how loneliness can feel all consuming. i think this might be about health and people saying wild shit as reasonings for serious things, or if could just be a cool story that i know will stick with me. i really enjoyed this one. cw/tw: things with sleep and the miserableness of being sleep deprived ━━♡ The Collectables ★★ “That’s the problem with kissing. In theory, when someone’s good at it, you should be able to keep kissing forever. But of course, forever is too long to do anything without getting bored.” three women living together, all friends trying to get their phds, who all have been hurt by men. and we get to see one of the women spiraling more and more with her line-drawn paper doll that she is adding bits slowly to. this wasn’t my favorite, sadly, but maybe that’s because my american ass has to google princess anne and then that really just set the tone for picturing the rest of the story in my mind lol. cw/tw: fire, drinking, smoking, suicide mention, heart attack mention ━━♡ Formally Feral ★★★ “The house opened around her the way you crack a chest cavity,...
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nerdfighter-steffie · 6 years ago
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Happy Friday! I’m participating in this week’s buddy read for #Fridayfrightathon We are reading The Death of Mrs. Westaway by @ruthwarewriter Hosted by @meltotheany @acourtofcrownsandquills @pinotandpages247 and @booksandponies 🎃 . . I’m reading another book for a different buddy read this week too. I really hope I can keep up with both of them. . #fridayfrightathon #bookstagram #bookstamums #bookfeaturepage #bookstagramfeatures #fallreads #bookworms #bookdragon #bookobsessed #amreading #currentlyreading #thrillers #horrorbooks #thedeathofmrswestaway #ruthware #spookyreads https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo1i5FIlTiQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f6s66rchbudo
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reader44ever · 7 years ago
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Today's August 23rd task for #jcfaugust is to share a #treasurechest. I can't remember if I've shared this box or not, so here it is, again (possibly)! 😊😍❤ . . . . What's in this "treasure chest"? Turn to Photo Two! 😍❤ . . . . SHELLS! Lots and lots of shells from @_theopaque_! THANK YOU! 😍❤😍 . . . . I think I bought and received this box in July. If this is the first time I'm sharing it, I'm sorry! I really love all of these shells, especially the conch shell I uncovered! Photo Three shares this conch shell with my Max, and Photo Four shares it with the print book I am reading. 😊😍❤ . . . . I am also still reading The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter. (This e-book is also in Photo Four. 😍) I didn't ever go back to it yesterday after my just-before-4:00p photo. 😣 Instead, I watched football with my Mom and read yesterday's allotment of The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson! 😄❤ . . . . Today I'm posting at about 1:45p, and I'm really hoping to read today's allotment of The Traitor Baru Cormorant AND finish The Darkest Promise! I have just under 40 pages left to read in The Traitor Baru Cormorant for today and 35% left of The Darkest Promise. 😊❤ . . . . #DogsofInstagram #bookstagram #SethDickinson #books #TheTraitorBaruCormorant #ebook #TheDarkestPromise #series #LordsoftheUnderworld #CurrentRead #CurrentlyReading #meltotheany #buddyread #BoutofBooks
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books-on-a-wire · 6 years ago
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My TBR is kind of insane this month, so I’m being realistic with this list for #contemporaryathon and doubling up on several challenges.��It’s running from Feb 11-17th with hosts - Chelsea at  chelseadollingreads, Natasha at myreadingisodd, Julie from pagesandpens., and Mel from meltotheany. They are doing book photo challenges, giveaways, so go check out their channels for more info. 
THE CHALLENGES: 1. Read your most recently acquired contemporary novel      I’m finishing a duology I started in January and just picked up the second book, Throne of Truth from Pepper Winter’s. It should also apply toward #4??
2. Read a book with plurple (blue or purple) on the cover      Crybaby by K. Webster has both colors. Knowing K. Webster, it will also   apply toward #4. I know nothing about it, so do your research ;)
3. Read a diverse contemporary (keep in mind it’s Black History Month)      I’m continuing The Reluctant Royals series with A Duke by Default by Alyssa  Cole. I’ve been holding onto this series for February and it’s time!!!
4. Read a dark or taboo contemporary     See #1 or #2
5. Read a contemporary you meant to read in 2018 but didn’t get to     2018, ha! I’ve been meaning to read this since 2016 when it came out -      Elastic Hearts - book #3 in the Hearts series by Claire Contreras.       6. Read a contemporary in a non-traditional format.      I want to finish up with The Reluctant Royals series with Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole. This f/f novella is out now on e-book, which is what I’ll be reading but will also be available on February 19th in Mass Market. I have been looking forward to this one so much...can’t wait!
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7. Read a contemporary with a picture on the spine.      Both #3 and #5 have pictures on the spine. 
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lair-of-books · 7 years ago
Hey Bookworms! It’s Saturday morning when I’m writing this post to go up on Sunday. TBH I had no intentions of making this “Official” I kind of always participate on the low 😂🙈 which is probably because of how high I set the standard for myself & don’t always meet it 🤷🏻‍♀️ This time, I wanted a bit of accountability. These are just the books I’ll be reading during Contemporary-A-Thon, my actual September TBR is dreadful & scares me putting on paper so that’ll just stay in my head 😂 This readathon is run by some truly fantastic Booktubers I adore to pieces & you should definitely consider checking out:
Julie @PagesandPens
Chelsea @ChelseaDollingReads
Natasha @MyReadingIsOdd
The Challenges:
1. Read a contemporary with orange on the cover
2. Read a dark/spooky contemporary
3. Read a diverse contemporary
4. Read a contemporary in a non-traditional format
5. Read a contemporary that has your initials somewhere on the cover
6. Read a contemporary from a new to you author
7. Read a contemporary that is a 5 star prediction
  Read a contemporary with orange on the cover  What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera Not only is my MOST anticipated Contemporary book of 2018! 😱 One of my top 3 fave authors co-wrote this book! If you’ve been following my blog for some time now, you probably know how much I LOVE Adam Silvera’s books! They always leave me wrecked yet I keep returning for more tear jerking reads. I also think this will be a 5 star read & it also fits the diverse read category as well.
🌟Bonus🌟 One of the MC’s  is Puerto-Rican & therefore this book aligns with Latinx (I sure did change it to be more inclusive) Heritage Month (9/15/2018-10/15/2018) 🖤
Read a dark/spooky contemporary  Sadie by Courtney Summers which I’ve been trying my hardest not to start before the readathon! this book legit checks off so many of my boxes & appeals to my love of Podcasts. It’s been a while since I discovered Serial & the Adnan Syed case, but my time listening/obsessing over each episode is still fresh in my memory. I’ve had a couple of book blogging buddies tell me there is now a podcast to go along with the book & GAHHH! I’m so ready! I have this book in physical format & then used 1 of my Audible credits for the audiobook after hearing some AMAZING things about the narration.
Read a diverse contemporary  The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory  is sort of a companion novel to The Wedding Date (My review) published earlier this year. Carlos, one of the side characters who starred in The Wedding Date had me wishing so hard for a character swap #jussayin 😂 he was way nicer & just all around chivalrous which is something rare. Carlos also IMO has excellent taste in foods 😉
🌟Bonus🌟 Carlos is a Latino Doctor which means this book also book aligns with Latinx (I sure did change it to be more inclusive) Heritage Month (9/15/2018-10/15/2018)
Read a contemporary in a non-traditional format  Blue is The Warmest Color by Julie Maroh is a graphic novel I’ve been meaning to get to since 2017 & never got around to it. I’ve heard it’s best to go into it blind but that it for sure is a tear jerker starring a F/F romance. STOKED to finally have no excuse to not get to this one. I also just found out a movie exists for this story (IMDB) 🖤
Read a contemporary that has your initials somewhere on the cover  The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid & no a longer title I could not find 😂 truth be told, I’ve been DYING to read this for so long. My initials are simple, ‘LB’ or my unmarried initials ‘LL’ can both be found in this title. I’m possibly even more excited to read this one than What If It’s Us. All great books but this is one I’ve owned for so long with the knowledge it’s going to be a 5 star read & that once I read it I won’t be able to experience it for the first time again…anyone else do this? procrastinate with nooks you know will be your next obsession? 😩😂
🌟Bonus🌟  MC is a Cuban bi-sexual woman which makes this one perfect for Latinx (I sure did change it to be more inclusive) Heritage Month (9/15/2018-10/15/2018)
Read a contemporary from a new to you author  Flight or Fight by Samantha Young which I’ll be buddy reading with Melanie from Meltotheany (we’re also BR The Proposal). I admittedly don’t know much about this one other than it’s a cute hate to love contemporary everyone has been buzzing about. This will be my first Samantha Young read & I’m hoping to find a new fave author 🖤
Read a contemporary that is a 5 star prediction  Pride by Ibi Zoboi is one I’ve been highly anticipating! After reading American Street & the short story written by Ibi Zoboi in the YA anthology Meet Cute, I can’t help but want to read everything this author writes. The fact that it takes place in my home city of Brooklyn & that it’s a Pride & Prejudice REMIX (not a retelling 😂) has me HYPED!
🌟Bonus🌟  The MC Zuri Benitez is Afro-Latina….we don’t have no where near enough Afro-Latinx MC’s in our books, so happy to be reading this one for Latinx (I sure did change it to be more inclusive) Heritage Month (9/15/2018-10/15/2018) 🖤
Contemporary-A-Thon takes place from 9/17-9/23, all info to participate can also be found in the Booktube channels listed above. If you are participating in the readathon or just happen to have ready any of the titles I’ll be reading, drop me some luv in the comments down below 🖤
Instagram: @LairOfBooks
Twitter: @LairOfBooks
Goodreads: LairOfBook
    The One Where I Try To Read All The Books… Hey Bookworms! It's Saturday morning when I'm writing this post to go up on Sunday. TBH I had no intentions of making this "Official" I kind of always participate on the low 😂🙈 which is probably because of how high I set the standard for myself & don't always meet it 🤷🏻‍♀️ This time, I wanted a bit of accountability.
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livinglife-withkay · 4 years ago
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*Trigger Warning ⚠️ Talks About Depression*. Greetings Salutations my name’s Kay🤷🏽‍♀️✌🏽 Ok The Time Has Come. Bts... What can I say about them without turning into an Emotional Crying Mess. Bts came into my life when I least expected it. I didn’t know that I needed/wanted them in my life til it happened. Now I can’t remember or imagine my life without them. As cheesy as it sounds I feel like They Are Me & I Am Them. I see a piece of myself in everyone of them. *Getting a little personal now. Deep Breath Ok Here We Go. I like a lot of other people I’m sure deal with Chronic Depression and on a daily basis 24/7 365 I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness that tends to consume me. I can be laughing, joking one minute then the next for no reason at all sadness(& other negative emotions) take over. In order to keep the sadness at bay & not let it consume me I have to keep my mind/body busy so I have my safety nets (I call them things parts if you will)that keep me sane i.e. my family, my cats & books. For a long while they helped but there were times when they didn’t , those were really bad.* So fast forward to 08/24/2019 I was watching Melanie’s @meltotheany Reading Rush Vlogs, she was talking about Bts & unboxing their albums. I don’t know it was just the way she talked about them that had me intrigued. So I searched them up (& that’s how it starts) I just wanted to know their names, find out what was so special about them. I instantly fell in Love(platonically of course, a familiar love)It didn’t matter that we didn’t speak the same language,live in the same country/time zone they made me feel. They helped me keep the sadness at bay. They opened my eyes to a whole New World (Play Aladdin A Whole New World) they became a part of me (my things). My Peeps as my Momma & I call them affectionately. They help me get through my days. I have met and made friends with so many Wonderful people; Even came out my Shell a little bit because of/through them. For them I am Forever Grateful💜✌🏽🤗. Photo Credit 📷:WeHeartIt #bts #btsarmy #kpop #bangtansonyeondan #btsrm #btsjin #btssuga #btsjhope #btsjimin #btsv #btsjungkook https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmj3ZuAZrI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beautybookcorner · 4 years ago
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🥳 I am so ready for 2021 but before we move on here are some of my favorite books I’ve read in 2020. It’s not a true top 10 list as there are a few books that I love a whole lot but don’t own a physical copy for just yet. I love and recommend all these and have reviews for them on my Goodreads and blog. Links are in my bio. . 🥳 #QOTD: Do you make New Years resolutions? I don’t make specific goals but I did choose a word to guide me next year: FOCUS. I felt very distracted and anxious throughout this year so my intention is to be more present in the moment. That whatever activity Im participating in to give it my attention and focus. . 🥳 Thank you everyone! I just hit 3k followers here and it feels amazing. Im sure that number will fluctuate and that’s okay. Ive been on bookstagram for about 4-5 years and each year I make new and real friendships. Thanks for sharing your love of books and your life with me. I don’t take it for granted. Special shoutout to a few people who made my year extra special (Im sure I forgot others but I truly appreciate all of you!): @lizettylreads @chapterswelove @oceancitybooks @booksontheknightbus @lipstickandlibraries @meltotheany @nerdy_little_julith . . . . #bookstagram #toptenbooks #top10books #favoritebooks #yabooks #middlegradebooks #romancebooks #romcom #alwaysreading #bookish #booknerd #bookcommunity #bookstack #booksbooksbooks #becauseofreading #bookblogger #beautybookcorner https://www.instagram.com/p/CJe6mVmgN5n/?igshid=7ef6cd2i815d
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