#Always nice to see a jumpscare in my ask box lol
grape-souffle · 4 months
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Hera's Heroes"
*whispers* Is our favorite blue bastard back? Oh you betcha.
The episode title seems to be a reference to Hogan's Heroes, an old boomer-era TV show dark comedy sitcom about a P.O.W. camp in Nazi Germany.
...No listen, the charm is, I'm told, that the German officers are portrayed as bumbling idiots and the P.O.W.s basically run an entire clandestine resistance campaign right under their noses. So there are all kinds of shenanigans involved and a lot of taking the piss out of the Axis Powers and honestly some of it seems right in line with what kind of mischief the Rebels have been known to get into so the shoutout makes sense to me.
Cham and Numa return!
"The Empire is getting better at anticipating our moves!" Ha ha yeah he... he has a tendency to do that. It's a little scary sometimes.
Now taking bets on whether or not Thrawn showing up on Ryloth was premeditated in order to draw the Spectres out.
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"My daughter is always serious." Lol, love how this joke comes back later.
This music cue is great, I love it. Lot of rapid build-up to the serious horn variation of "Shenanigans".
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"You didn't think this through did you?" LOL love that awkward little noise the Scout Trooper makes, he's just like, "Oh..."
Zeb being a perfect big brother asking Ezra if he has the Scout Trooper set yet and knocking out the trooper awww.
Hugs! Lovely to see that Cham and Hera have repaired their relationship.
Yeeeeeeah I don't think it was Slavin that you underestimated, Cham. I think it's pretty heavily suggested it was actually Thrawn who ousted y'all from the house there.
Hera is a bit reluctant to include everyone in what's arguably a very personal and selfish mission but they're all for it, so into the fray we go.
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I think I may have had a little mourning moment the first time I watched this, upon the realization that Ezra doesn't fit in his cadet uniform anymore.
Zeb nudging Kanan in the arm to let him know it's time to charge out. <333 And Sabine grabbing his wrist and keeping hold of it until they're both on the blurrg. See, little touches like this are great, just a nice subtle way of showing Kanan's blindness without calling direct attention to it.
Some really nice Hera and Ezra interaction this episode, I really liked that, they don't get to be on missions together much so this is refreshing.
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Do we know if this is a reused asset from TCW? Looks almost too nice to be one lol.
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Droids can have PTSD apparently, Chopper is unusually sad about this crashed Y-wing, grieving his former pilot maybe?
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*strains ears* This soft music-box like cue almost sounds like Leia's theme. It's too short and buried under the dialogue for me to tell and even Clone Gunner Commander Jedi doesn't have it extracted.
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The man can jumpscare me just walking into a room, gah.
"The Rebel activity is far from here." As Ezra and Hera are literally sneaking past them lol told you the reference to Hogan's Heroes was deliberate.
Oooh the harp in this cue, nice!
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Chopper's finally over his drama in order to assist.
We return to Hera and co. after a brief setpiece back in the canyon and Chopper readily plays "malfunctioning droid" again for a distraction.
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Hera smoothly slipping back into her Ryloth accent to try and deflect suspicion. <3
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Ezra trying to at least stay next to her even if he can't break cover.
Thrawn already totally knows it's Hera.
Ohhhhh boy it's time for creepy Cultural Appropriation!Thrawn, with him analyzing the details of his opponents' culture and traditions in order to find ways to hurt and oppress them more effectively for the Empire.
Since he studied up on Twi'lek culture he knows what a kalikori is, and its significance. Therefore he knew immediately that someone trying to smuggle one out of the compound would have to have some kind of personal emotional connection to it. This kalikori was found in Cham Syndulla's office, ergo, family of Cham Syndulla. Ergo, obviously, Hera Syndulla, noted Rebel insurgent.
See I kind of like this method of showing Thrawn's "strategic art analysis", which was practically magic bullshit in the original Heir To The Empire trilogy. Thrawn comes across as brilliant but not OP here, instead.
By the way, "Thrawn's Web" is the perfect musical leitmotif for him. Creepy plinky music box notes giving way to slowly building cathedral organs, ominous and refined.
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I almost feel like I need to take a shower after this exchange it's so freaking creepy. Thrawn almost exotifies Hera here, breathlessly gushing and envious about how she was "forged" by war, while he merely studies it from the outside.
Making Hera the primary rival/foil to Thrawn was a really inspired decision for Rebels, contrasting her passion to his apathy, her warmth to his cold sterility. The villainous respect he has for her makes their interactions cordial with a hostile edge.
Plus, with all his focus on Hera, identifying her as the primary threat, he completely misses all the Force Bullshit that Kanan and Ezra are capable of throwing at him lol.
After all, he repeats the idea, "To defeat an enemy you must know them." and as he later confesses to Ezra in the finale he doesn't know the Force.
(It's almost impossible for him to know, Palpatine has spent so much effort destroying and hoarding other Force disciplines. Way to screw yourself Palps.)
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Worried spacemom when Thrawn stuns Ezra. <33333
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Thrawn's picky insistence on using the "correct" pronunciation of Hera's name is also creepy.
Thrawn: "Really too bad you're probably gonna be executed immediately. Anyway I'm taking your family heirloom for my art collection, definitely not as some kind of sick trophy of my besting you noooooo not at all." Hera: "Kriff you, bastard!"
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Thanking Hera for her "hospitality" when the Empire literally invaded and occupied her house, he's such an asshole. It's great. I love him.
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Ngl, not gonna lie, really dig Feral!Thrawn. I have a thing about seeing normally calm, stoic characters just completely lose their shit and go berserk. ('s'why I took Thrawn through a slow Villainous Breakdown in my "Mirrorverse" series.) Even this brief loss of control is just *mwah*.
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"What'd I miss?" He's so cute.
"And my daughter is not important?!" Awww, see, character growth!
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Love this conversation, Ezra reassuring Hera that he doesn't regret coming along to support her on this.
Chopper running full tilt into Ezra lol.
Hera gave the murderbot permission to find and plant explosives, uh-oh, ha ha.
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Caps that could easily be watercolor paintings number 337.
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Slavin seems very confident and snooty. Something that becomes a pattern on the show is that Thrawn will let more incompetent underlings fail so he can learn more about the Rebels, will set them up to fail sometimes.
Also something I noticed before but this little moment reminded me, the Stormtroopers tend to be pretty rough with Ezra, they're always shoving at him or manhandling him for absolutely no reason, they're just petty.
Chopper laughing maniacally as he plants the detonators. <3
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"You were serious?!" You're the one who said she was always serious my dude, lol.
Impressive move from Kanan, redirecting that rocket at the AT-DP.
You know I think maybe Thrawn likes the cat and mouse thrill, obviously he sacrifices smaller victories for eventual much larger ones but I also think he's just really into having a worthy opponent.
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Hera talking about how her mother's memory is kept alive via the love that Hera's Found Family shares, while Zeb is giving Ezra noogies in the background aaaaah I love it.
I think I remember wanting this episode to have been a little longer??? Not quite sure why I thought that now, maybe I just really wanted more of it at the time.
Thrawn gets his first personal up-close encounter with the Spectres and even if he's hands off about actually closing the trap on them this episode we can tell he's got major plans coming, and is factoring what he learned about Hera specifically into them for later. This did annoy certain fanbros who forgot that this was Thrawn's whole thing and decided it was Plot Armor because kids show but frankly I ignore those types of people and my fandom experience is better for it.
As I already said, love the Hera-Ezra interaction, love the music, this episode is honestly a bit laid-back and unassuming compared to the tense premiere and dramatic previous episodes. Lulls you into a false sense of security. Just like Thrawn. XD
I'll be talking more about him later, trust me, I have Opinions™.
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cyberb07 · 11 months
Good day, my fellow readers ~ 🤲
I'm in need of comfort. Know of any good comfort scenarios involving some of my fave crushes? 🙏🩵
Loki or Vision (Marvel) | Hobie (Spider-Punk)
Ishimaru (DR1) | Twogami (SDR2) | King Cold (DBZ)
The Duke (RE8) | Mr. Burns | Horned King (Disney)
Ennard or FT Freddy or Monty or Sun/Moon (FNAF)
Oogie Boogie (TNBC) | Cagney Carnation or Devil
Lord Royal Highness (SpongeBob) | skekZok (TDC)
Psycho Weasel (ft. Smartass) | Caine (TADC) *latest*
What's my scenario?
Well, I competed, wholeheartedly, in my office's Halloween costume contest this year... and I lost.
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This. I was Withered Chica. How did this lose? Against a girl in a black lolita dress with platforms and a white mask with blood tears? Against an OC??
So, any comfort scenarios you can link me to? Or, if you're bolder, could someone write my scenario?
If you want more details, read below ~
(warning; a bit whiny, which I try not to do, sorry)
I'm known by most as being a sweet, reserved, and devout worker; but also with a reputation for going all-out on dress-up days. Especially for Halloween. 🎃 I have for years.
Like always, I stayed up late and worked for weeks on my costume; compiling clothes & props and painting into the midnight hours. Was hard work, but it's always worth it when I step into my building and everyone flinches. My colleagues said I was a shoo-in to win Scariest Costume. In the office & out in the parade, I walked robotically everywhere. I had a sound box tucked away so I could make her groans & jumpscare noises. And mind you, I live in Florida! ☀️ I did all this, without eating anything after a light breakfast, and barely sipping any water through my under-mask's mouth slots. (Yes I had a 2nd mask on, of Nightmare Chica, for its second row of teeth!) But I didn't complain about it. I relished in it~
It's a personal thrill of mine. Performing in costume, either using my hip-long hair or hiding it in a net, especially to scare. ^^ I scare because I care, lol. (Monsters Inc/University scenarios are great too)
This time, I thought I had it in the bag. For years, the judges wouldn't choose me because my costumes, while very scary to my coworkers, were too obscure for the judges. I thought, surely, Chica would be scary *and* recognizable. And some of them did know what I was from. But alas~ 💔
I went back to my office desk sad, tearing up behind my mask. No one in my office has ever seen me cry, and thanks to my double mask, no one would. Several of them gave me sympathies, which I appreciated, but I kept my thanks short. I'm the nice level-headed trainer, and yes, there have been close moments before, but they couldn't see me like this. It was foolish to cry, I know, but I was hurt, and I never make a fuss or ask for anything. I just wanted.. Thankfully, everyone was excused to leave work early if they wished. So, I took my time peeling off my costume in the restroom as most everyone left. To the few left behind, I tried to excuse my flushed face and shiny eyes on the 1pm high hot sun. I stuck around just a little more, to finish a job. A half hour later, I was the 2nd to last one out. Drove home, listening to my Toon Patrol & The Duke playlists. Once home, I got myself a poké dinner, chugged bottles of water, took a pill for my aching head, and retired for a nap. X3 Imagining comfort scenarios, and passed out in minutes.
So, after all that, if I could be linked to a comfort fic for my situation, 😌 it would be much appreciated. Yes, I'm feeling better, but it'd still be nice, ya know? 👏 And I do enjoy reading new x reader scenarios.
Thank you for hearing me out ~
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yeoshroom · 6 years
Hope in Han↬
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Synopsis: Normal people only got one chance at love but Jisung wasn’t normal. All he ever told you was to hope and believe and you just so happened to finally, have hope in han.
requested: yes suh for the lovely anon!! (I wasn’t planning on making another part but here we are lol)
word count: 2.3k
warnings: mentions of death, violence, suicide and depression, cursing and underage drinking
you might wanna read pt.1 (Dream Boy) for a better understanding! It’s only like 900 something words :)
“Wait is that really you Y/N?” the boy in front of you questioned frantically. It seemed like so many things were coursing through his mind. His eyes darted everywhere, everywhere on you.
Before you could even snap out of shock and speak, he spoke.
“You still look so beautiful. Oh my gosh, you’re exactly like I remember.” he gaped, His lips forming a smile causing his cheeks to puff up.
“What do you mean? Who are you exactly?” you asked, wondering if that was your Jisung.
He flashed another smile at you and said, “Where’s suite 301?”
You cocked a brow, leaning out the door a bit and pointing at the door right beside yours.
He held up his index finger to you and hopped over to the suite next to yours.
You scratched your head, confused whether or not that was Jisung from your dreams or not. Who was he?
You could hear him speaking to the College junior, Minho, who lived right beside you.
He was apologizing for taking so long and he insisted that it was okay not to tip him.
That’s something your Jisung would do. He was always too nice. Too considerate.
Looking back up from your feet, you came face to face with the odd boy again.
“Can I come in?” his voice suddenly dialed down and his aura was suddenly so vulnerable and shy.
“S-Sure.” you cautiously spit out.
He placed his bag on the countertop and walked over to the living room, plopping himself onto the couch.
You could tell he was tired from his heavy breathing and worn out figure.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you want some water? Do you need me to cook you something?”
You saw his ears perk up and a small smile erupt on his lips.
“I miss your cooking,” he whispered, but both of you heard him loud and clear.
“What do you mean by that?” you asked as you made your way into the kitchen to get him a glass of water.
You watched him turn his head and stare at you over the head of the couch cushion.
“You really don’t remember?” he asked, suddenly sounding heartbroken.
“I’m sorry, no. All I know is that you look super familiar and you remind me of someone I know but at the same time, I don’t.” 
He took the glass from your hands and set it down on the coffee table, replacing the empty space in your hands with his.
“If you promise not to let go of my hand, I promise to explain everything to you,” he said, giving a reassuring squeeze to your hand.
Without a second thought, you nodded.
Holding onto your hand, he used his other to take out something from his shirt. It was a necklace.
The necklace held a ring on it. But the ring seemed too elegant to be only on a necklace. It looked like it was of higher value. Like it was magical or something.
Squeezing your hand once more, he smiled at you and held eye contact.
“I love her and she loves me, take us back to when we were three.” 
You heard loud noises. Screams and yells of excitement filled the air, but you could not see anything.
“Open your eyes darling.” you heard a voice say and so you did.
You looked around and saw little kids running around, kiddie rides here and there, and the smell of greasy food graced the air.
But one thing was off. 
Everything was black and white except you and Jisung.
“Don’t let go of my hand. It’s the only rule,” he said and you looked down at your intertwined hands, nodding your head.
“Where are we exactly?” you asked as you started paying close attention to little details around you.
“I told you I’d explain everything and this is where we start,” he replied with a nostalgic smile.
“You see those two over there?” he questions, pointing with his free hand to the right of the both of you.
You nodded in confusion.
“That’s us!” 
You watched as a small little girl ate a popsicle as another small boy came over with ice cream. He sat next to her and they started to talk.
Smiles and laughs erupted from the both of them and they seemed to hit it off immediately.
“I’m sorry but I think you have the wrong Y/N. I never looked like that as a child,” you said apologetically, remembering the photo book that held pictures of you as a child.
“I didn’t look like that either as a child, but that’s us.”
“Here, I’ll prove it,” he said, dragging you over to the boy and girl.
Standing in front of them, they completely ignored you. Almost as if they couldn’t see you.
“Listen,” he said.
“Hi! My name’s Han Jisung! What’s your name?” the little boy almost screamed, excited to meet someone new.
“My name’s Y/N L/N! Nice to meet you Jisung!” the girl screamed back, equally excited.
“There’s no way. I don’t believe you,” you said, not wanting to believe that he was telling the truth.
“You should.” 
“Then why don’t I look the same in photo albums and family photos?” you questioned.
Disregarding your questions, he pulled the necklace back out and held it firmly.
“Tragic events, Tragic events. Take me back to May the 10th.”
Suddenly you found yourself in a girls bedroom. It was dark and the girl seemed to be a bit older.
“That was you,” Jisung said, pointing at the said girl who sat on the floor, whimpering.
“Why is she crying?” you refused to acknowledge the girl as you. You still didn’t believe him.
“I died.”
“You what?”
“I died. I was in a car accident and died on impact. When you heard about it, you fell into depression. You stopped eating, you didn’t come out of your room, you cried every day, and you started to harm yourself.” Jisung said, suddenly giving off a sad aura.
“You killed yourself.” he choked out, causing you to squeeze his hand in reassurance.
“In the letter, you left behind, you said you did it because you wanted to be with your best friend. You were talking about me,” he explained, causing you to suddenly be hit with a sharp pain in your head.
A wave of memories flooded your mind. You saw the girl and the boy in grade school laughing, transitioning to the girl at the boys funeral, then she was in her bathroom. You watched her overdose.
Shooting back up, you gasped. 
“What just happened?” you asked, as Jisung held you up.
“You remembered.” he simply said, a small feeling of hope sparked inside him.
“There’s no way. I still don’t believe you. If we both died, how come we just met each other and we’re both 18. Wouldn’t we not make it to 18?” you reasoned, causing him to smile.
He disregarded your questions yet again and pulled the necklace back out, holding it firmly.
“Sunny days, Starry nights, take me to 205 on Wright.”
You found yourself in front of a house, filled with kids around the age of 14. 
You looked around and saw the sign. The street name was Wright Street. Looking at the door, the numbers displayed consisted of the same numbers Jisung had said. 205.
“What happened here?” you asked curiously seeing nothing suspicious.
“Just watch.” 
Suddenly a boy was being dragged out by a much taller and buffer one, with a frantic girl trailing behind.
They didn’t look like the other kids you had seen. They didn’t look like you either.
“Please stop! Chris, you’re drunk! Jisung didn’t do anything!” the girl yelled as the boy started punching the smaller.
“Shut up Y/N! He’s such a fucking annoying prick! His loud ass mouth fucking kills me!” he shouted, punching him more and more.
You felt the boy beside you tense up.
“Chris stop!” 
You watched as the girl and boy made eye contact. It was almost like a scene out of a kdrama.
He sent her a sad smile before the older through him to the ground, his head hitting the brick walkway harshly.
“Jisung!” The girl let out a chilling scream.
Before the boy named Chris could throw one more punch at the already passed boy, the girl got in the way, handling the punch herself.
She fell limp onto who you assumed to be her best friend.
“Fuck.” you heard the boy say as he stared down at the two bodies in front of him.
“Holy fuck.”
“I died on impact when my head hit the walkway. The punch was so hard that you were put into a coma. You had been stabilized and everything was going good but after two months, you had just suddenly flatlined and died.” Jisung said, glancing at you.
Suddenly you were hit with another sharp pain in your head.
You could see two preteens hanging out at the movies, the girl hiding from the jumpscares as the boy laughed. You then saw flashing lights as blue and red lasers were being shot at each other with smiles. You saw it snowing as a girl and boy had a snowball fight with happiness gracing the atmosphere.
Shooting up, you let out another gasp.
“There’s no way. My dad always said reincarnation was fake. I don’t understand.” you said more to yourself but Jisung laughed at you.
“Just believe.”
That line. It sounded too familiar.
“How can I even trust you?” you asked him and he just smiled.
“Again we meet, yet barely still teens. 2018, take me back to 11:43.”
You found yourself back in the comfort of your own apartment. Everything was in color again.
“Follow me. I’ll prove it to you,” he said, pulling you off the couch and walking towards your bathroom.
How did he know where he was going?
He opened your jewelry box and pulled out a ring.
It was the ring you had found on your desk one day. You hadn’t thought much of it and had just thought your mom got it for you.
He let go of your hand and suddenly you felt empty without his warmth.
Pulling off his necklace, he unclasped the hooks to let the ring slide off and into his palm.
He handed you the object and smiled.
“What does it say?” he urged you to read it.
You squinted at the small engraving on the ring he handed to you.
“It says ‘Y/N and’ but that’s it?” you questioned, looking back at him with curious eyes.
He picked up the ring he had gotten from your jewelry box and held it in front of you.
“This is yours right?” he asked and you nodded slowly. “And that’s mine right?” he asked while nudging his head at the ring in your hand. You again nodded.
“Well your ring says ‘Jisung forever’,” he said, his lips thinning while looking at you, waiting for you to pin the pieces together.
“Wait, Y/N and Jisung forever?” you questioned, causing him to smile.
“Bingo!” he yelled but you were still confused.
“Here let me put it on you,” he said and took your left hand, sliding the ring on your ring finger and out of his grasp.
“Now put that ring on my finger,”  he explained, and so you complied.
“You slid the ring onto his finger and suddenly a spark erupted between the two of you.
When the spark disappeared, you made eye contact with him. A wave of memories from your past lives hit you.
You remembered. You remembered it all.
You remember meeting him at the carnival in your first life.
You remember meeting him at school in your second life.
You remember meeting him at the door just minutes ago.
“Then why were you in my dreams?” you questioned, looking up at the boy who suddenly felt like home to you.
“It happens in each life we restart. It’s a way for you to at least have an idea of who I am and trust me more than you would if we were complete strangers.” he reasoned.
“How come It’s me who didn’t know you? Why do you know me?” you asked him.
“It’s because I have the necklace on me. The rings say ‘Y/N and Jisung forever’ which means we have access to all our memories from each life as long as we wear it. Since you never wore yours, you couldn’t access the memories.” he again explained.
“I’m sorry for never wea-”
“It’s okay, don’t worry. You never liked wearing jewelry,” he reassured you.
You smiled lovingly up at the boy in front of you, him smiling back.
You inched closer to each other and soon enough, the space between you was no longer there.
His lips melted against yours as his and yours seemed to fit perfectly together. His tasted like strawberries while yours tasted like cinnamon, a lovely mixture erupting.
Both your cheeks lit red, as he pulled you closer while you played with the hairs on his neck.
Releasing for air, you rested your head in the crook of his neck.
He pulled you close, bringing you into his embrace.
“If wearing this ring means I’ll always remember who we were and who we are, I’d love to wear jewelry for the rest of my life,” you mumbled softly with a smile.
“You’re so cheesy,” Jisung mumbled back, his breath hitting your neck.
“Can I stay with you forever in this lifetime, and forever in the rest?” you asked him, moving your head to look up at him.
He smiled down at you, brushing a few stray hairs behind your ear.
“You can do anything you want as long as you believe darling.”
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