coffinlifebuoy-blog · 7 years
Lit homework
Quiz part two due Thursday
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 7 years
Lit homework
Finish AVFTGS for Monday
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 7 years
Modernism hw
Please skim Ch1 for Tuesday. Read Ch2 and Ch3 for Wednesday.
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 7 years
Lit homework (Goon Squad)
For Tuesday, please read Chapter 11 For Thursday, Chapter 12 For Monday, Chapter 13 and that's he end of the book! :)
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Modernism homework
Mid-Semester Reflection Paper
1000 words
 Consider "The Man Who Was Almost a Man" and "King of the Bingo Game" in terms of the following: race, wealth, power, opportunity, violence, the Great Migration (North/South), setting, masculinity/adulthood, community, identity. This is not a formal essay. Yes, it should include specifics, thoughtfulness, comparisons and contrasts...
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
California history homework
Due Tuesday, read chapter 9 and write a reflection paper
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Lit paper reflection
Lit Paper reflection
Due: Friday, 24 March 2017
 PART ONE (700-1000 words) —paper or google doc please
1. How do you feel the Lit Paper experience went overall?
2. If you could go back and start over, would you choose the same two books? two different books? Why?
3. What did this experience teach you about being a writer? Or a reader? What have you learned?
 PART TWO (a few sentences)—please email to me with a subject line that makes it clear what it is
1. If you were to give next year's Juniors one single piece of advice as they begin the Lit Paper, what would it be? (I'm going to be putting together a document to give to next year's Juniors, made up of all your responses. Please keep that in mind.)
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Modernism homework
Read "King of the Bingo Game" for Friday.
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Goon Squad reading schedule
Friday: chapter 7 Monday: n/a Tuesday: chapter 8 Thursday: chapter 9 Friday: chapter 10 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Monday: n/a Tuesday: chapter 11 Thursday: chapter 12 Friday: chapter 13 THE END
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
California homework
Due Monday: Water project projects. Due Tuesday: read chapter 8 and write reflection paper.
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
California homework
Due Monday: Water project projects. Due Tuesday: read chapter 8 and write reflection paper.
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Modernism homework for Monday
Read the Langston Hughes poems
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Modernism Indpndnt Study homework (due 3/16)
1. Read all the Langton Hughes poems
2. Read the “Revisiting the Racial Mountain” essay.
3. Write a 500-700-word reflection paper about Hughes, Cullen, and Hurston essays, AND/OR the “Revisiting” essay. What comes up? Who do you agree with? What issues do you find with it? What’s your own experience with this stuff? How does this align with your ideas about artistic expression?
4. In the Hurston essay, she describes one place where she feels her identity come up very strongly for her, and another place where it melts away (”the Cosmic Zora emerges”). Please write for 10 minutes—5 minutes about a place or time where you felt your identity (race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, etc) very strongly; and 5 minutes about a place or time when it melted away.
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Tumblr media
Here is the statue PACIFICA on Treasure Island, in honor of a united Pacific coast and California’s multicultural identity (before they destroyed it post-Pearl Harbor).
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
California homework
Please choose one of the following topics and do some research about it. Write 600-700 words investigating, and taking a position on, one of the following questions. You should at least have five reputable sources, which should be listed. On Friday, we will present findings to each other.  
1. The Owens River was "tapped" to provide water for Los Angeles (171-172). What was the effect on the Owens Valley, and the people who lived there?
2. Driving around the Bay Area, you may notice a bumper sticker that reads: "Restore Hetch Hetchy." The Hetch Hetchy Valley (as you'll recall from page 172) was turned into a reservoir to provide water to us here in the Bay Area. What is the thinking behind this movement? Is "restoring" it a good idea? What would this entail?
3. On page 167, Starr tells us, "For California to become inhabitable and productive in its entirety would require a statewide [water] system of heroic magnitude." What is the current state of this infrastructure? How is it holding up during this crazily wet winter? Should we be worried?
 4. What effects will climate change have on the water infrastructure of California?
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
Tumblr media
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coffinlifebuoy-blog · 8 years
California History
Read Chapter 7 and write reflection paper
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