#Alternative representation
jamaicahomescom · 6 months
Navigating Non-Responsive Real Estate Agents in Jamaica: A Comprehensive Guide by Jamaica Homes
In the vibrant landscape of Jamaica’s real estate market, interactions with real estate agents, estate agents, or realtors are pivotal. However, a recurring issue that both property owners and seekers encounter is the challenge of dealing with non-responsive agents or property managers. At Jamaica Homes, we understand the frustration this can cause and aim to provide guidance on effectively…
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hellenhighwater · 5 months
In all these years, I've never learned how to tag someone, so I have to come to you directly, to show you the tears on my cheeks because he's sitting so quietly, curled up, watching a world he'll never know through a tiny crack in the wall.
Thank you!
You know, it's a little odd. All of the pieces in this series are about isolation and escape--Icarus, Orpheus and Eurydice, Prometheus, and certainly the Minotaur. But A Crack in the Labyrinth came first, and more than any of the rest, it's about resignation. About having fought and scrabbled and clawed desperately and still...not having made it. Still being trapped inside, alone.
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And when I made it, I hadn't really intended to say anything more than that one piece, but I just couldn't leave it there. I had to give him the whole story--an innocent beginning, same as anyone. I couldn't leave the ending as it was written; I'd initially just intended to have the conclusion the myth gives him, slain by Theseus, but...if I'm going to say, "I'm the minotaur, monstrous and alone and told by the world that that is right and deserving," then I am also saying "you, who feels deeply for this, for whom this resonates, you are also the minotaur and we are monsters who deserve the ending that is written for us." And I...just can't bear to. There has to be hope.
So there is, very literally, light at the end of the labyrinth, one way or another.
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Anyways, I used this song for that photoset on the clock app, but I think you would also enjoy it. Cow Boy, take us away.
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"Well, I do have a cock. It's in my bottom nightstand drawer." 
Quote from: Best Friend's Brother - Zeppazariel
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currymanganese · 10 months
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Girl, what? So wtf was the Alley Talk in Brigade, the Stock Talk in Sheridan, the Family Style-Two-Tops-Booths? Talk in Braciole, the Apartment Talk in Pasta and the Table Talk in Omelette??? Not to mention Syd and Carmy hugging it out post fire suppression test in Bolognese and staring lovingly into each other's eyes right in front of Marcus in Omelette?🤨
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littleeggrock · 7 months
anyways I think the next movie nights theme should be "In Loving Memory" and they find a bunch of cinematics for the canon deceased characters (eggs included) and people see animations with bobby and Jaiden and they assume "oh yeah its cus Bobby's dead" but as the night goes on theres little to no mention of roier and the bobby and jaiden animatics become increasingly more jaiden focused and thats how the characters find out she's dead :)
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g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 2 months
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Cosmological doubts
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quasarkisses · 9 months
Jennifer Garner giving the performance of her life in Juno (2007) on her knees in the middle of a busy shopping mall pretending to talk to Elliot Page's big fake pregnant belly bc her character cares more about this bonding experience with her future child than all her personal friends and a mall full of strangers seeing her be So Weird with this random pregnant teen
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sapphicthunderhead · 10 months
This summer, over the course of three months at most, I listened to the entirety of Within the Wires. It’s a sci-fi podcast produced by WtNV Presents (Welcome to Night Vale fans, this is right up your alley).
The stories in this anthology are all set in a world parallel to our own, in which the last war in history ended with the establishment of a globalized society without national borders, ethnic divides, and most bizarrely, without biological families. All children are raised communally and none are allowed to know their parents.
Every season (except for the Chicago one, which I seem to recall features a trans man as protagonist) has a woman in the leading role. Every season focuses on the protagonist’s relationship with a woman/the women in their lives. The series has multiple canonically sapphic leads, explores complicated mother-daughter relationships, and dives into the treacherous waters of nuanced subjects, such as:
What does it mean to be an artist? What is art?
What does it mean to love/be in love? What does it mean to be responsible for other people’s well-being, as a leader, a mentor, or a parent?
What does societal progress really look like?
Is greed/arrogance/selfishness inherent to the human condition? (What sociopolitical factors might make corruption the path of least resistance for both politician and civilian, as opposed to compassion and enlightenment?)
What dangers exist in anarchy? What other hazards are posed by hard authoritarianism?
Anyway, if you’re interested in hearing “relaxation tapes” in a high-tech “hospital” being used as a means to coordinate a breakout with one of the inmates, or listening to an old woman ponder and lament the possible murder of her fellow artist & lover, I would highly recommend Within the Wires.
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sillystringsimpsons · 4 months
Hai!! What headcanons do you have for the capos (like Louie, Legs, and Johnny)? (If you don’t wanna share that’s totally fine <:3)
I would love to share! Here's some designs and basic headcanons I made for my AU :)))
If you have any specific questions I'd love to yap :3
Interactions HUGELY appreciated <3
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chaos--core · 2 years
POC, Woman, & Queer Punk/Rock/Metal Bands
i’m sick of listening to old cishet white dudes sing all the time, so here are some of my more diverse favs!
links lead to spotify
Cinnamon Babe - A band with Stormi Maya on vocals, I recommend listening to her songs Rock ‘N’ Roll Is Black and Loose.
Dazey and the Scouts - A queer band. Their song Sweet Cis Teen explores gender dysphoria as an AFAB person, I really resonate with it. Groan is another one of my favorites.
Cheap Perfume - A riot grrrl type band, their songs are based around unapologetic feminism. I would recommend starting off with It’s Okay to Punch Nazis and Slut Game Strong.
Kittie - An all female metal band with some really great vocals. I really enjoy their song Choke.
Katja Macabre - A feminist metal artist who only has about 400 listeners monthly on spotify. They really deserve more love, so go listen to their song Compliments.
Doll Skin - A long time fav of mine, the songs I listen to the most are Love Is Dead and We Killed Her and Mark My Words. (they just had their final show unfortunately, linked here is a recording of the full set tho!)
VIAL - An indie punk band which I got into fairly recently. I really enjoy Piss Punk and Ego Death.
Dog Park Dissidents - A queer punk band that I think is really cool. I can’t stop listening to Queer as in Fuck You.
Dream Nails - Another queer punk band! My favs are Corporate Realness and Vagina Police.
Cable Ties - Their vocals are so unique, I’m not even sure how to describe them. My fav songs are Self Made Man and Say What You Mean, as well as Hope (which i found through a game on itch.io)
Witch Fever - I’ve been enjoying their song In Birth recently!
Mannequin Pussy - I just saw them live, and now they’re one of my favorite bands. The energy they created in the room quite literally moved me to tears. I’m in the process of listening to all their music right now but my current favorites are Romantic, Control, and Pigs is Pigs.
i will be adding more to this when i get the time, feel free to give me suggestions (i really appreciate all the recommendations you all are giving me)
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literaryxbones · 2 months
My Stance On Gender Equality
To clarify, I am a man who considers himself a feminist. I support gender equality, abortion rights, and believe transwomen are women.
In a world where transpeople are heavily sexualized, objectified, and harrassed for their identity, TERFs don't consider them ''REAL'' women because of their physical characteristics. Yet, they face many of the struggles quote unquote "Real" ciswomen do.
Defining a person by their reproductive system and what's in their pants seems counterintuitive to the aims TERFs strive toward, which includes rallying against objectification, hypersexualization, and systemic gender discrimination. All of these 3 things are okay to TERFs when the person affected is a trans women.
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coneiuscorn · 5 months
I just remembered this stupid video I made a while ago aHAAHAHAH
Hey valve...*leans on companion cube* hire me I'll help write portal 3
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agendratum · 1 year
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artofkhaos404 · 1 year
Hobie Brown is a fantastic character.
His design, concept, uniqueness and how HOT he is make him altogether very likeable. But all these things are not why I love him so much; it's what he represents that gets me.
The symbol in modern media he is for many different types of people. For one, he's pretty awesome for people of color to enjoy. Another black hero who can get down to business is always welcome, though it's nothing new for the Spiderverse universe with Miles Morales being our main protagonist. Having a British black character makes it all the more fun, diverse and interesting!
All that being said, the thing that warms my heart about Hobie Brown is what he means for the alternative community.
Im a punk. I'm also an anarchist.
Like anyone, I look for people in media who represent me in both appearance and ideals. As a plus sized person, finding people in media who look like me and aren't part of the toxic stereotype for fat people is uncommon. Chubby characters who don't make their weight part of their personality is unheard of.
Finding characters who properly represent my beliefs and ideals is nigh impossible in my experience. Seeing a punk in modern day popular media is rare. And when I say punk, I'm talking PUNK RAWK. Musicians with colorfully laced boots and symbols painted sloppily all over themselves. Gritty political activists in homemade clothes and piercings, fighting tooth and nail for what they believe in. In truth, I don't know if I've ever seen that in popular media; not authentically.
What do we get instead? Punk coded teenagers who don't really believe in anything, pissing people off for the sake of it. That ain't us. We believe in respect, love and morals. We believe in doing whatever is necessary to achieve the perfect world, whatever each individual believes that is.
The representation is even more insulting for anarchists. Everywhere are both mature antagonists and cartoon villains parading around preaching "anarchy" and completely misusing the word. Its to the point that my political belief is now more closely related to dictatorships (the literal OPPOSITE of anarchism!) or simply death and destruction rather than the true definition: no institutions, just people.
That word has been defiled. I've had people laugh at me and ridicule me when I share my political stance with them due to this stereotype. I've had people tell me I believe what I do just because it "sounds cool."
People that were uneducated to the concept in the first place have now been reeducated by an overlord walking across a battlefield of dead bodies in some movie screaming about "anarchy." Thanks Hollywood. Really appreciate that.
But Hobie is a punk. And he's an anarchist.
He's a hero. He's intelligent. He knows what he fights for and he fights well. That alone is revolutionary for the anarchist movement.
And in a MARVEL FILM. Millions of people watch Marvel films across the globe. Across the Spider verse has pulled in 1.35 Billion dollars. This is exactly what we need.
So, as a representative of my community, thank you Sony Pictures for this gift. I hope to see more like it. And while we're at it, thank you for all the diversity in this new film between all the ethnicities shown onscreen to putting someone my size in the mask!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
(also if anyone has any recommendations for realistic punk characters in media I'd love to hear em)
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articskele · 3 months
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“...Wrong? Why would anything go wrong?”
Without further ado, a stimboard for @ask-the-biggering-onceler!
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#TADAAAA :D#ohh there's SO much going on here#the first one is interesting bc i tried to avoid gifs of the outside#but this one strikes me as a moment from before the blog started#a brief moment of introspection and dwelling on the past as he looks out at the dwindling remains of the forest#though to him i’m sure any second thought about what could’ve been is a second wasted and he snaps himself out of it shortly after#THE BEAR THE TEDDY BEAR#it's a foreboding reference to the barbaloots it's a representation of the past it's everything to me :D#the spotlight for being the center of attention and scrutiny alike; loud and flashy juxtaposed with the softer candles on the other side#the gears are for the factory but note how clean it looks#showing his desperate attempts to keep his reputation intact and insist that absolutely nobody has died within the walls of this place#the velvety red fabric resembles both theater curtains (performance and the blog) and the curtains in his office#and they’re positioned opposite to the one glimpse we see of the outside world calling back to that one scene in the 1972 version#a camera for both his surveillance over thneedville and the press plus a reference to that old photo of him before his business days#the entire middle column is a brief glimpse into all the good intent that got soured along the way#while the right column represents his success and splendor#alternatively the bear and the camera could reference that one scene in hbcib with pipsqueak!#and that last one is for the extravagance of the ball!#you could say it being next to the camera means he’ll be keeping a close eye on partygoers >:3#i actually steered clear of stuff like sewing and other such manual work to show how he stands at the very top#arghh i could go on about every little part of the layout and how the different themes connect and oppose each other it's so fun!!!!! :D#anyways i hope ya like it ouo!!!#biggerler#ask the biggering onceler#stimboard#my nonsense
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silverlininghills · 5 months
maybe this is just me clowning but ever since they announced they were doing a music video for every song on clancy + that they wld all drop on album release day ive been CONVINCED that we're getting Something Else afterwards. cause normally the post-release music videos are how they continue moving the narrative forward throughout a cycle, so without them to look forward to there has to be SOMETHING else to take their place. now, with tylers whole "final battle later after the end of the record" im even MORE convinced, and also terrified. what the fuck is gonna happen after the 24th???
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