#Also a lot of the crew were there and at one point Scott made us stand up so people could see us
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tio-trile · 7 months ago
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Some of the photos I took of the cast and showrunners at the Chaos Theory panel yesterday : )
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cowboybeepboop · 6 months ago
Sweet Surrender
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Pairing: Scott Miller x fem! Reader
Genre: Romantic smut, kind of angsty at some parts idk
Word count: 6k
Summary: You're apart of storm par and just so happen to get on the nerves of Scott, which truly isn’t that difficult of a task. But as much as you get on his nerves, he gets on yours. One day he takes things a little too far which leads to an interesting encounter.
a/n: I’m gonna be so fr and say that I’m not so sure how to portray Scotts personality but I do like the idea of taming the grumpy character with a sunshine character. I’m currently working on a couple different Scott ideas. Also if you have any request just let me know. Hope you enjoy!
You’re Javi’s childhood best friend, following him all the way from Miami to Oklahoma. The warning everyone gave you was to not follow a man rather than your dreams, but they just didn’t get it, he’s not a man. He’s your best friend and you were always going to follow him because it just wouldn’t feel right without him.
The one thing that made you want to run in the opposite direction was Scott. You don’t know how they ended up as friends in the first place and you hated the way he treated people.
You always make sure to take Javi to clean up towns, even though Scott is against it. You help Javi find which storm to follow (call it natural instinct or an early childhood fascination with storm chasing), even though Scott always pushes to go in the opposite direction.
The list can go on and on but the point being that Scott gets on your nerves. You’ve always been an absolute angel to him, well as much as humanly possible, you pride yourself on being kind. It doesn’t cost a thing to be kind, well, at least that’s your motto in life.
Being on the road with Javi (and Scott) has proven to be more than difficult, the highlight being when you get to meet up with Tyler Owens and his crew. He has quite the southern charm and they’re all pretty nice once they get over the whole storm par thing.
It’s around noon when you finally stop at the gas station, you hop out of the vehicle with a bounce in your step as you’re finally able to stretch your legs. The rest of the team pulls in parking around Javi’s truck. Scott steps out of his van and Javi calls him over, you silently curse him under your breath, preparing a smile for the unfortunately cold man.
Scott approached the group as you muttered under your breath, a slight smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he heard your subtle discontent.
“Hey man, we’re gonna get some snacks and take a restroom break, then hit the road again.” Javi says as Scott nods along, his gaze flickering to you, meeting your forced smile with a look of indifference.
"Sounds fair," Scott replied, his voice lacking enthusiasm. “But are we just stopping so princess over here can get her snacks?” he says with coldness in his voice. You cross your arms over your chest.
“No,” you try to keep your usual smile, “Javi is hungry too, right?” You turn to him, nudging his shoulder.
Javi glanced over to Scott then to you, he returned your smile with a soft grin, silently enjoying how Scott's jaw slightly clenched. Javi nodded in agreement, standing by your side. "Yeah, definitely could use some fuel. And snacks." he said.
Scott rolled his eyes, his arms crossing against his chest. "Whatever. I could use a break too, I guess." he muttered. Just as Scott finishes his sentence you all hear the blasting of Tyler’s music as he pulls into the parking lot.
Your smile brightens as you turn to the noise, “Tylers here!” You say to Javi “I’m gonna go say hi, then we can meet up inside.” Your tone is cheerful as you bound off toward Owens, your skirt and hair moving in sync.
Scott's gaze followed you as you walk off towards Tyler, a small scowl on his face as your skirt swirled around you. Javi chuckled, shaking his head while watching Scott.
"Someone's happy to see Tyler," Javi teased, noticing the slight frown on Scott's face.
Scott rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure. She's just too cheerful for her own good."
Javi smirked, "Jealous, Scott?" he said with a hint of mockery in his voice. They both watch as you smile up at Tyler, your arm finding its way into his as he walks toward the door of the shop.
Scott's eyes narrow, a pang of jealousy coursing through him as you linked arms with Tyler. He clenched his jaw, trying to maintain his cool demeanor, and turned to Javi.
"Well that didn't take long. Didn't expect her to cling onto him so quickly." he said, a hint of bitterness in his voice. Javi just responds with a roll of his eyes, knowing that’s just how you are with someone you’re comfortable with.
”Bye Ty,” you wave to him, finding your way back in front of both Scott and your best friend. “Javi, look at what Tyler bought me.” You smile as you show your snacks to him. Javi chuckled, amused by your childlike excitement as you showed off your stash. He was used to your enthusiasm, and it was something he secretly found endearing.
Javi chuckled, admiring your collection. "Looks like you had a successful shopping spree."
Scott interjects, his tone dry. "That's one way to put it. Or, she's just freeloading off him." he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at your animated display.
“No,” you seethe, your demeanor changing for a second before you reel it back in.”I bought him some water bottles for his team to hand out, that’s what we were talking about earlier.” You smile at Javi, ignoring Scott as you start walking back to the truck.
As you turn away, Scott rolled his eyes, letting out a scoff as he followed behind you. Javi glanced between the two of you, sensing the tension, and silently followed behind.
Scott leaned against his van, his arms crossed as he muttered under his breath. "Sure, water bottles. Definitely not just flirting with the ‘tornado wrangler’." You shoot him a tense look.
“First, I wouldn’t have to buy him anything if I was trying to flirt,” You cross your arms under your breasts. “Second, I’m not flirting with him, he’s just a sweetheart.” Scott smirked at your response, his gaze flickering down to your chest before meeting your eyes.
His arms stayed crossed, a cocky grin forming on his face. "A sweetheart, huh?" His tone was dripping with sarcastic mockery. "Of course, that's why you're buying him water bottles. Just being a sweetie."
Javi silently watched the exchange, his eyes flickering between you both, feeling the tension thicken in the air. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, “Well, I do enjoy the company of someone who’s kind and a sweetheart, especially over a jerk like yourself.” With that you get in the passenger seat of Javi’s truck, slamming the door loudly.
Scott's smirk widened into a smug grin as you slammed the truck door, enjoying how you reacted to his taunt. He leaned against his van, clearly amused, and let out a soft chuckle.
Javi shot Scott a glare before quickly climbing into the driver's seat next to you. He looked at you with concern and then looked back at his friend. "Way to go Scott," he muttered sarcastically Scott responds with a shrug.
“He’s a real dick,” you say to Javi as you pull out the coke Tyler bought you.
“Yeah, I know. But you’ve gotta stop letting him rile you up like that.” He responds, his hand patting your shoulder as he starts the car.
Once the excitement of the chase was over and the tornado died out, you brought the team to the small town to help clean up. You stayed back with Tyler's team to help them get necessities to the people.
Scott watched as you worked alongside Tyler's team, his arms folded across his chest, and leaned against Javi's truck. He had his usual scowl on his face, clearly displeased with the situation.
"Can't believe she's sticking with them," he muttered, his eyes flickering towards you from time to time.
Javi glanced at Scott, then back at you, his expression neutral. "She's just helping out, Scott. They need the help." Tyler's hand goes to your back as he whispers into your ear, telling you to go get some rest after the rough day.
Scott's gaze immediately goes to Tyler's hand as it lingered on your back, his jaw clenching tightly. You nod, saying goodbye to the whole team, grabbing your water bottle as you head over to Javi.
Scott stays silent as you approach them, his eyes darting between you and Tyler whose gaze remained on you. Your bright smile being replaced with a half one as you get them. “Javi, Scott, how’s everything going?”
Javi glances at Scott before answering, noticing the tension between you two. "We're almost done here. Just cleaning up the rest of the town," he said. Your eyes fall to the damage around you as you pick at your fingernails anxiously.
Scott remained quiet for a moment before speaking, his tone cold and sarcastic. "And you're leaving already? Thought you'd have stayed the night with the ‘tornado wrangler’."
Your eyes narrow as your sweetness finally dropped. “Scott what the fuck is your problem,” your eyes brim with tears, you’re just exhausted from the day and all his antics, “you’ve seen all of this damage and you’re still as cruel as ever.” You bite out bitterly.
Scott's gaze darkened at your emotional response, his arms still folded across his chest. He seemed unfazed by your anger, a look of indifference on his face. "My problem?" he retorted coldly. "Maybe my problem is that you're too caught up in helping those storm chasers, instead of sticking with us."
Javi stepped forward, his voice calm but firm, "Scott, don't-”
Scott cut him off, his attention now fully on you. "I'm just being honest. Stop fawning over Tyler and remember who your real team is here." Your tears fall from your eyes as you step back from him.
“Fuck you, asshole.” Your body trembles as tears stream down your face, Javi pulling you into his chest rubbing your back intimately.
Scott's expression softened slightly at the sight of your tears, his gaze flickering from you to Javi holding you against his chest. Javi shot Scott a cold glare before turning his full attention to you, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
"Hey, don't let him get to you," Javi whispered, trying to soothe you as his eyes narrowed at Scott. He opens his mouth to speak, but he quickly closed it, realizing that anything he said right now would only worsen the situation.
He was taken aback by your reaction and the way Javi was holding you, regret fills him as he watches you shakily move from Javi. Your hands and voice are shaky as you wipe your tears from your cheeks “I think I’m gonna get a ride back from Ty..” your voice trails off.
Javi calls out to you, his voice stern but concerned. “Hey, wait-”
Scott interrupts, his tone softer than before. “Y/N, hold on-”
But you ignore their calls, your steps becoming brisk as you make your way to Tyler’s truck, your arms wrapped around yourself, seeking comfort.
Javi looks at Scott, his eyes filled with disappointment, a disapproving scowl on his face. “Scott, you have a funny way of showing how much you like her.” Tyler pulls you into a comforting hug, his arms around your neck as you hold his waist. Your tears soaking his white shirt as you try to explain that you’re just crying because you’re exhausted.
“You’re just sending her off into the arms of another man, whose intentions might not be so pure.” Javi’s voice is harsh as he watches the interaction while shaking his head.
Scott's expression hardens at Javi's words, his hands balling into fists at his sides. "As if her intentions are any better." he shot back, jealousy and irritation seeping into his voice.
Javi lets out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair. "That's not the point, Scott. Just look at her." he says, gesturing to you as Tyler opens the passenger door for you. "You've hurt her more than you realize."
You sigh as you get into his truck, “Thank you again Tyler,” you smile up at him but your eyes stay teary.
“Don’t even worry about it sweetheart, things seemed pretty heated. I’m just glad to get you away from that.” He starts the ignition giving you a small smirk. “So, how about we hit up the bar next to the motel? Get you cheered up.”
“That sounds like a great idea” your smile reaches your eyes as he pulls off.
Your irritation continues to build as you sip on your whiskey, a scowl taking the place of your usual sweetness. “Scott is a dick.” You say in a cool tone, your arms crossing.
“Is he why you’re so worked up?” Lily questions as she orders herself another cocktail.
”Unfortunately..” you grumble before taking another sip.
“I don’t know why you guys keep him around or why you let him get you all hot and bothered like this.” She says with amusement in her voice.
“I don’t” you protest, your eyebrows furrowing, she laughs in response.
”Oh really?” Your fingers fumble with your glass, “Do you hate him or is it something more?” She teases.
You gasp as Boone laughs, “Maybe you should go argue with him some more,” he motions to your drink. “Now that you have liquid courage.”
”You’re right. I should go talk some sense into that thick skull of his.” You say with newfound confidence.
You shoot Javi a text asking him which room Scott is staying in. He responds rather quickly, making sure to tell you to play nice.
“I’ve got it, I’m gonna go give him a piece of my mind.” The pair laugh at your remark as you down the rest of your drink. Grabbing your jacket you leave the establishment, thinking about all the things you’re gonna yell at him as you walk to his motel room.
You knock against the door roughly, Scott is sitting on the edge of his bed. He’s deep in thought and frustration, nursing a beer, when he hears the knock on his door. His eyes narrow, wondering who it could possibly be.
He gets up and makes his way to the door, opening it. Scott looks at you, his eyes slightly widened at the surprise of you standing outside his room, a stern and determined look on your face. He knew this conversation wasn’t going to be pleasant.
"What do you want?" Scott asks, leaning against the doorframe, pretending to be unaffected by your presence. You push your way into his room, slamming your shoulder in his arm. You plop onto the mattress with your arms crossed over your stomach.
“I want you to apologize.” You throw your left leg over your right. Scott lets out a huff of annoyance, clearly unamused by your unexpected and blunt demand.
He lets the door close behind him as he crosses his arms over his chest. "What are you, five?" he retorts, a slight smirk plays at the corner of his lips. "You barge into my room uninvited, just to demand an apology?"
”Yes, I want you to apologize to me.” You keep a stoic expression, no longer extending kindness his way, which frustrates him even more. Scott looks down at you, his smirk fading as you maintain your cold expression.
He's not used to seeing you so serious, and it only serves to irritate him further. "And why should I apologize to you, princess? I didn’t do anything wrong." he replies, his tone still biting.
He steps closer to the bed, his arms still crossed over his chest. The annoyance in his eyes becomes more apparent as you refuse to back down. You stand up and poke your pointer finger into his chest, your eyebrows furrowing.
“You did do something wrong and you know it.” You spit out. Scott's eyes narrow as you poke him in the chest, annoyance rolling off of him in waves. He swats your hand away, gripping your wrist and holding it tightly.
"And what exactly did I do wrong?" he says back, his voice low and firm as he steps closer to you. "As far as I'm concerned, I just stated the truth." You shove his shoulder with your free hand pushing him onto the bed.
“Oh yeah?” You retort, “You weren’t being honest you were being a total douche.” Scott grunts as he makes contact with the bed, surprise flashing in his eyes. He looks up at you, sitting on the edge of the mattress, frustration written all over his face.
He scoffs at your comment, bristling at your insult. "Being a douche? I was just being real. You’re always so focused on those other storm chasers and you don’t even notice what's right in front of you."
He grabs your wrist once again, pulling you down onto the bed beside him. “And what’s right in front of me, huh?” You yank your arm away while glaring up at him. Scott lets go of your wrist, his eyes locking onto yours as you glare up at him. He scoffs, rolling his eyes briefly before answering you.
"Me, dumbass," he retorts coldly. He lets out an exasperated huff as his eyes flick across your face. "I'm right in front of you. And yet for some reason you keep swooning over Owens."
Your eyes widen with surprise as his words cause a blush to creep up your cheeks. “Tyler?” You question Scott, your eyebrows furrowing. Scott notices the blush creep across your cheeks, he smirks seeing your flustered response. He raises an eyebrow at your question.
"Yeah, Tyler. Ring a bell?" He taunts. "You always hang around him, buy him food and water, and give him those sweet little smiles." he states dryly, his voice dripping with jealousy and irritation.
He reaches out, his large hand grabbing your thigh, his thumb slowly rubbing against the smooth flesh. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.” You say biting your lip as his touch sends a shiver down your spine.
Scott's eyes darken at your question, his grip on your thigh tightening as a pang of annoyance and jealousy shoots through him.
He swallows before responding, his tone gruff and sarcastic, "Jealous?" he retorts. "Of Tyler Owens? Why would I be jealous of that pretty boy wannabe storm chaser?" He lets his hand run further up your thigh, his fingers teasing the edge of your short skirt.
”It sounds like you’re a bit worked up.” You groan out, your body tingling in reaction to his hand. Scott smirks at your reaction, his hand continues to move further and further up your thigh, slowly and deliberately.
He notices the way your body responds to his touch, relishing in the effect he’s having on you. He leans in close so his breath fans against your skin. “Worked up?” he repeats, his voice low and sultry. “And why would I be worked up, princess?”
”Maybe because you’re thinking about Tyler having the same kind of thoughts about me as you do…” You tease him, your hand sliding up his toned arm. Scott's breath catches in his throat as your hand runs up his arm, the muscles in his body tensing in response.
He grits his teeth, his jaw clenching tightly, as a surge of jealousy washes over him at your mention of Tyler. He turns on the bed to face you fully, his hand on your thigh moving to grip your waist, pulling you closer. "Watch your mouth, princess." he warns, his voice a low growl as he leans down towards you, his face mere inches from yours.
”And why should I?” You say with mischief in your voice, “You never watch your mouth when it comes to me.” Scott's eyes narrow, a fire igniting within him as you challenge him. He grips your waist pulling you even closer to him, your bodies nearly pressing against each other.
He leans down so his lips hover over your ear, his voice a rough whisper that sends a shiver down your spine. "If you keep talking like that, princess, I might have to shut that pretty mouth of yours."
”What if I’d like that?” You flick your tongue out to wet your bottom lip. Scott lets a deep chuckle rumble through his chest as he watches your tongue dart out to wet your lip, the action only fueling the desire burning within him.
He grips your hip, his hands roughly pulling you onto his lap, your legs now straddling his hips. He runs his hand up the expanse of your bare thigh, his fingers brushing against the edge of your skirt.
He looks at you, his gaze dark and intense as he replies huskily, “Careful what you wish for, princess.” You grind your hips down on his, trying to further tease him as your arms find their way around his neck.
Scott lets out a guttural groan as you grind against him, his grip on your body tightens reflexively, pulling you against him even harder. He leans in, his lips mere millimeters from your skin, his hot breath fanning your neck.
His hands move further under your skirt, his calloused fingers trailing up the inside of your thighs slowly and torturously. "Playing with me still?" he growls in your ear, his voice thick with desire.
”It’s my way of getting back at you,” Scott lets out a huff as you push his shoulders, his body falling back onto the bed. He looks up at you, a mix of surprise and arousal in his eyes as you straddle him, pinning him to the bed.
He lets out a low growl, his hands reaching up to grip your hips, holding you in place. His thumbs move in circles against your bare skin, sending shivers down your spine. "Is that right, princess?" he huffs, his voice strained with desire. "You finally fighting back?"
”I am,” you lean down to whisper in his ear, “I’m gonna get you back for everything.” You say teasingly as you slip off of him, heading for the door. Scott's eyes widen as you slide off his lap, panic and desperation creeping into his gaze as you make your way to the door.
He sits up quickly, reaching out and grabbing your wrist before you can reach the door handle. His grip is firm, not willing to let you go just yet. "Where do you think you're going, princess?" he growls, pulling you back towards him.
”Not so eager to let me go this time?” You question with amusement, a smile creeping over your lips. Scott yanks you back onto the bed, pinning you underneath him in one swift motion. His body weight presses against yours, trapping you against the mattress.
He looks down at you, a mixture of annoyance and desire in his eyes. "Did you really think I'd let you walk out that door?" he huffs, his hands gripping your wrists and pinning them down beside your head.
"You're not going anywhere." he murmurs against your skin as he trails kisses down your jaw, to your neck, then your collarbone. The sudden shift in power dynamics sends a jolt of excitement through your body as you feel his weight pressing you down into the bed.
You struggle slightly, not with fear but with a thrill that you never knew you enjoyed. "Scott, what are you doing?" you breathe out, your voice a mix of surprise and challenge.
His eyes are dark and focused on yours as he leans closer, his teeth grazing your earlobe. "Teaching you a lesson, princess," he murmurs before his lips find yours in a fiery kiss that leaves you gasping for more.
His tongue sweeps into your mouth, claiming it as his own, and you can't help but kiss him back with a passion that matches his.
As Scott's kisses grew more tender, his asshole demeanor began to slip away, revealing a side of him you hadn't seen before. He started to undress you, his movements urgent but not rough.
You could feel his hands shaking slightly as he unbuttoned your shirt, his eyes never leaving yours. He slid it off your shoulders, exposing your lacy bra.
His eyes darkened with desire as he took in the sight of you, his breath hitching in his throat. You felt a strange mix of excitement and vulnerability under his gaze, but the alcohol and your own pent-up frustrations gave you the courage to let him continue.
He leaned down to kiss your neck, his breath hot and sweet from the beer he had been drinking, sending tingles down your spine. His hands moved to the clasp of your bra, fumbling slightly as he tried to undo it, a hint of awkwardness peeking through his usually cocky exterior.
Despite everything, you found yourself eager to see where this would lead, your body responding to his touch in ways it never had to anyone else's.
As Scott's hands continue to explore your body, he finally unclasps your bra, revealing your soft, round breasts. His gaze lingers on them for a moment before he leans down to kiss and suck on your hardened nipples, causing you to arch your back and moan in pleasure.
You feel his arousal pressing against you, making you even more eager for what's to come. He then slides your skirt down, his eyes taking in the sight of your matching lacy panties.
With a smirk, he hooks his fingers into the waistband and slowly pulls them down, revealing your wetness. His eyes darken with desire as he licks his lips, and before you can even process what's happening, he's already between your legs, his tongue tracing the edges of your folds.
You gasp as he tastes you, his mouth and tongue exploring your most intimate parts with surprising tenderness. He looks up at you, a question in his eyes, but the desperate need in yours is answer enough.
He settles into a rhythm, licking and sucking until you're squirming beneath him, begging for more.
With a low groan, Scott pulls away from you, his eyes filled with a hunger that you never knew existed within him. He quickly strips his own clothes off, his erection standing proudly as he leans over you.
His gaze lingers on your exposed body, a look of awe and desire mixing within his eyes. He positions himself between your legs, his hand caressing your thigh gently. He whispers against your ear, "Ready, princess?" His voice is a mix of tenderness and urgency.
You nod, feeling the heat pool between your legs, and he doesn't waste another moment. He slides into you with a gentle push, filling you up with a surprising tenderness that makes your heart race. He starts to move, his hips rocking into yours in a slow, sensual rhythm that sends waves of pleasure crashing through your body.
His eyes never leave yours, the intensity of the moment building as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. His hands are everywhere, caressing and exploring, making you feel cherished and desired.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as he picks up the pace, the gentle movements turning into a passionate dance of bodies intertwined. The room is filled with the sound of your soft moans and his deep grunts of pleasure.
It's nothing like you've ever experienced before, and you can't help but feel a strange sense of belonging as he makes love to you with a fiery passion that seems to burn away all the tension between you.
Your bodies move in perfect harmony, every touch and kiss feeling like it's been written in the stars, leaving only the aftermath of passion and the thundering of your hearts beating together.
With a final, deep thrust, Scott's body stiffens as he reaches his climax, groaning against your neck. He releases himself inside of you with a raw passion that resonates through both your bodies.
Pulling out, he rolls onto his back, bringing you with him so that you're nestled against his side, your legs tangled together. His chest heaves with heavy breaths, his eyes closed as the tension in his muscles slowly starts to ease.
You lay there, feeling a mix of satisfaction and bewilderment, your heart racing in your chest. The room is quiet except for the sound of your mingled breaths and the occasional distant rumble outside.
The warmth of his cum inside of you serves as a physical reminder of the intensity of the moment, leaving you feeling both fulfilled and slightly overwhelmed.
As the reality of what just happened begins to sink in, you glance over at Scott, his eyes now open and staring up at the ceiling, his expression unreadable.
Quietly you slip out of the bed, grabbing your clothes and sneaking into the bathroom. Cleaning yourself up, you put your clothes back on your heart aching as your mind wanders, wondering if he regrets it all.
Scott remains lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling for a few moments after you quietly slip away to the bathroom. His mind is a flurry of emotions. Part of him still can't believe what just happened.
He sits up on the edge of the bed, pulling his boxers back on, running a hand through his hair as he waits for you to exit the bathroom. When you do, he looks up at you, his expression still unreadable.
He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. He stands up, walking over to you, his gaze intense. You look up at him, your eyes scanning his face as you try to read his face.
Scott stands in front of you, his eyes locked onto yours, a mix of uncertainty and intensity swirling in their depths. He swallows, his throat dry as he looks at you.
You can practically see the gears turning in his head as he struggles to find the right words. He lifts his hand, gently cupping the side of your face, his thumb lightly tracing the contour of your cheek.
"Hey..." he mumbles, his voice rough and strained. You think he’s trying to brush you off so you push his hand away from your face.
“I should, uh, I should probably go now..” your voice trails off as your gaze drops to the ground. Scott's eyes widen as you push his hand away, his heart clenching in his chest.
"Wait..." he says urgently, reaching out towards you. He doesn't want you to leave. Not after what just happened between you two. He grabs your wrist, gently pulling you back towards him.
"Hold on a second," he murmurs, his voice a mixture of desperation and pleading. He steps closer to you, his other hand coming to rest on your hip. You lean into his touch savoring how his hands feel against you.
”Scott, look..” you try to think of what to say but nothing else comes out. Scott's heart pounds in his chest as you lean into him. He can feel the tension in your body, sees the conflict in your eyes.
He searches your face, his gaze flickering over your features, desperate for any hint of what you're thinking. He tightens his grip on your hip, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek.
"Look at me," he says gruffly, his voice almost pleading. He gently turns your face up towards his, his eyes locking onto yours. "What were you going to say?"
”I mean,” you take a deep breath, “it’s okay if you want me to go, I get it.” You close your eyes, your cheek pressing into his palm. Scott's eyes widen in disbelief at your words.
"What? No, no, that's not what I want at all." he says urgently, his grip on your hip and cheek tightening. He pulls you even closer to him, closing the distance so your bodies are nearly pressed up against each other.
He looks down at you, his expression a mixture of frustration and desperation. "Do you really think I'd want you to walk out after... after what we just did?" he says, his voice low and gruff.
Your arm wraps around his torso, fingers pressing into his back. “Scott, I don’t have to stay just because you feel bad about what happened..” Scott's heart clenches in his chest as you wrap your arm around him, his body responding to your touch. He lets out a sigh, his other hand moving to wrap around your waist.
"It's not that," he mumbles against your skin, his breath hot against your ear. He pulls you even closer, his arms holding you tight against him. "I don't feel bad about what happened. I just... I don't want you to leave," he admits, his voice thick with emotion.
”Scott, you’re not usually the sweet type.” Your voice regains its amused tone as you realize he wants the same as you. Scott can't help but chuckle at your words, the amused tone in your voice bringing a soft smile to his lips. He shakes his head slightly, pulling back just enough so he can look at you.
His eyes roam over your face, taking in your features and the slight smirk playing at the corner of your lips. "Sweet, huh?" he mutters, his hand on your hip moving up to grip your chin, tilting your head back slightly. "That's not what you'd usually call me, princess."
”Not quite,” you smile, “but I can’t lie, I like your change in attitude.” Scott's heart skips a beat as you smile up at him, his grip on your chin tightening just slightly. A sly grin spreads across his lips as you comment on his change in attitude.
"Oh, yeah?" he hums, his voice low and sultry. He brings his face closer to yours, his breath hot on your skin. "You like it when I'm not a complete dick?" he teases, his smirk widening.
“Mhm,” you sit back on the bed, slipping out of your skirt and shirt. “You think I can borrow your shirt for the night?” Your voice is sultry as you look up at him through your eyelashes.
Scott's jaw clenches as you undress, his eyes roaming over your body as more and more skin is exposed once again. He swallows, his throat suddenly feeling dry as he watches you reach for your bra.
"Uh, yeah," he mumbles hoarsely, his voice thick with desire. "You can borrow whatever you want, princess."
His eyes are fixed on you as his shirt, still balled up on the bed from earlier, is in your hands. He watches as you slip it on, the fabric molding to your curves, and he can't help but let out a low growl at the sight.
You grasp his hand and pull him to you Scott willingly follows your lead, letting you pull him down towards the bed. A low rumble vibrates in his chest as he looms over you, his eyes roaming over your body once again.
His hands move to brace on either side of your head, holding his body above you. He looks down at you, his eyes dark and hungry. "You look damn good in my shirt," he growls, his voice thick with desire.
“You think so?” You brush your fingers over his jaw. Scott's skin tingles where your fingers brush against his jaw. He leans into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment as a shiver runs down his spine at your gentle caress.
"I know so," he murmurs, opening his eyes to lock onto yours. "You look good in anything," he adds, his voice low and husky as he gazes down at you.
“Scott, we should sleep..” you murmur, your eyes getting heavy. Scott lets out a soft sigh, noticing the tiredness in your eyes. He knows you're right, but he can't help but want to hold onto this moment for just a bit longer.
With a final brush of his hand against your cheek, he rolls off of you, laying down beside you. He pulls you close, wrapping his arms around your waist and tucking you against his chest.
"Sleep," he mutters, his voice soft and soothing. "I'll be here when you wake up, princess." You rest your face against his chest, cuddling into him.
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cellarspider · 1 year ago
8/30 Seek and Destroy
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We return to the movie that I wish to spin in a centrifuge until it separates into layers of its constituent parts, Prometheus.
Content warning for desecration of a dead body, continuing bumblefuck destruction of alien artifacts, and David being the adversarial two year old that he literally is.
Before we begin: Have you turned off Tumblr’s latest “feature”, which opens your account up to AI data harvesting? If not: do it! Log in from a web browser (the app doesn’t have this checkbox yet), go to “Blog Settings”, scroll down to “Visibility”, and turn on “Prevent third-party sharing for [BLOG NAME]”. Do this for each blog you have. Do it. Do it now. Tell your friends, it’s the hot new thing. Run free into the wilderness. This message will repeat whenever I feel like it.
Anyway, on with the show.
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David is the most prepared crew member. While nobody else seems to have a single clue between their ears and most of the crew wasn’t even briefed prior to setting out, David has been studying for the past two years, treating language as a puzzle. He’s going to take what he learned and apply it to anything he finds in the alien complex.
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And he will apply it whenever the mood takes him, because he is, again, two years old. That was the sense I got in the theater–he finds things he can mess with, and does so without hesitation or consultation with the humans. And while my instincts were still screaming that they shouldn’t even have landed yet, his behavior was the only one that made sense. He has been taught that he is only wanted when he’s useful. He has not been taught to keep his hands to himself. He figures the place out faster than the humans, and he seems pleased with himself for doing so. Therefore, he’s going to do so as much as possible.
As a result, we watch the cast act like screeching gibbons over a hologram. David had begun prodding at marks on the wall that look suspiciously like cuneiform (I’ll rant about it later), and he turned on a hologram projector. Simian crew noises ensue.
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Those in the audience who are in the know are also expected to begin screeching excitedly at this point. The hallways they’re in are already taking on H. R. Giger’s signature biomechanical style. These holograms are showing us eight foot tall beings similar to his Space Jockey design.
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The Space Jockey, named as such by the Alien production team, was one of those mysterious things about the original movie. Fused to what might have been the helm of the ship, seemingly alone with a hold full of carefully-arranged xenomorph eggs, and long-dead from a chestburster that had infected it. It set a warning signal before its death, misinterpreted by the crew of the Nostromo.
The movie never explained what the Space Jockey had been doing. Was this a cargo ship? A weapon? Was xenomorph reproduction somehow linked to the Space Jockey lifestyle? Their religion? Absolutely no information was given, and thus depictions of the Space Jockeys in subsequent media were split on whether they were benevolent, malevolent, entirely indifferent toward others, or simply too alien to be understood.
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Physically, it was a complicated design for Alien’s crew to pull off, even as a corpse. The studio didn’t want to budget for it, and Giger ended up putting in a lot of extra work to help finish the statue. To make it seem even bigger than it was, the children of Ridley Scott and cinematographer Derek Vanlint were put into miniature space suits to give a sense of titanic scale to the creature, three times their height.
Scott made the logistical decision in Prometheus to scale these beings down significantly, purely for the difficulty in setting up shots and creating more sets scaled to this thing. It’s understandable, but I know some people are disappointed by it. As are others by the obvious implication you first get in this scene: the Space Jockey’s truly bizarre appearance is simply some sort of suit, worn by the far more humanoid aliens already seen in Prometheus’ opening.
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Normally, I might be among those disappointed by that. I love monsters dearly, if my blog doesn’t give that away already. But there is a minimum threshold for inhuman features that the Engineers still meet for me. Something about the eyes and the uncanny look of their skin, both of which were deliberate choices by Ridley Scott and Neal Scanlan, the film’s creature designer who started with the Henson Company on movies like The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, and has worked on the new Star Warses, including the absolutely fantastic Andor. Even in behind-the-scenes shots, they manage to look just odd enough to be pleasing to me.
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I respect the design work that went into it and I like the final result, though I am very sympathetic to those who felt that this was an unnecessary explanation for a creature that was a more powerful symbol when it had no explanation.
Talking about such things is my happy place, and unfortunately we have to go back to The Bad Place now. The characters.
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They find an alien corpse decapitated by a door (the great goddess O’Sha is most displeased), and within two minutes they’re sticking a meat thermometer in it.
Fifield the geologist has a panic attack, which is pretty relatable.
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“Look, I'm just a geologist. I like rocks. I love! rocks! Now it's clear you two don't give a shit about rocks.”
He’s right and he should say it. They should still be orbiting the planet looking for artificial structures, and Fifield should be having fun doing an aeromagnetic survey or something.
But no. Meat thermometer. Sorry, “carbon reader”. Says the body’s been dead about two thousand years. They have just punched a hole in the first alien body they’ve ever found, to get precisely one data point. This is what is called a “destructive analysis.”
Destructive analysis is a technical term, so let me define it: You know how a team just read the text inside of a charcoalized lump that used to be a Roman scroll? How they didn’t destroy anything in the scroll to do that? How we might be on a path to getting so many ancient texts it could radically reshape our understanding of the period, and all it will take is some fancy x-ray scans and computers? The opposite of that. Think the opposite of that.
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I’m going to go on a tangent out of pure spite and desire to educate. Carbon dating is complicated. There’s two isotopes (types) of carbon: Carbon 14 and carbon 12. C-14 is very, veeeery slightly radioactive, which means it will eventually burp out a little subatomic particle and turn into the non-radioactive Nitrogen 14. C-14 is mostly created in our atmosphere, so once something’s dead and in the ground, it’s not gaining any more C-14, it’s slowly turning into N-14.
We know how long C-14 takes to turn into N-14, it’s about 50,000 years to lose all but 0.2% of the original C-14. If you know how much C-14 something should start with, then you can take a look at how much C-14 your sample actually has, and you can calculate how long it’s been dead. Here’s a quick explainer from Scientific American to visually summarize this.
Now, the more complicated part. You have to know the starting conditions if you want to be accurate. You have to calibrate everything, because the amount of C-14 available in an environment can change over time. We have ways of doing this, but it usually means carefully studying the environment and other clues.
So if you were to actually find carbon-based alien corpses on an alien planet, you’d need to identify the atmospheric carbon isotope ratio, and then you’d be able to make a sketchy, poorly-calibrated estimation, that could be wildly off by a large margin. A critter that did a lot of traveling in its life would be especially hard to date, as you couldn’t be sure if it’d lived where you found it for long enough to take up the local C-14 levels.
In this case, their fancy meat thermometer might be plugged directly into the script, because the number they give is only about 60 years off the actual death date. How do I know this? Because of a thing I’m not saying yet.
That’s enough for this post right now. But I’m not done with this moment. I don’t like this moment, and I need to properly explain why. Next time.
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemiluminescence 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoluminescence 3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triboluminescence 4. https://dedalvs.com/ 5. https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/
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oiladgivememoney99 · 1 month ago
Newscapepro SCP Rewrite Season 2: The King of the Mountain
The five walked into the utterly sterile, white and blue infirmary, dripping with anticipation as they walked past various soldiers with increasingly nasty looking wounds. Blood in places blood should not be galore. They continued to move past until they spotted the object of their quest.
Triana, the blonde Lieutenant laying down in her bed.
“There you guys are, thought you weren’t gonna come,” Triana chuckled, she sounded a lot better since the time where Lara visited her. Her eyes were as bright yet professional looking as usual, and her scowl was less scowly than it usually was.
“Of course we’re gonna come, you sign our paychecks,” Nikole chuckled, before being promptly jabbed in the ribs by Hooper.
“And cause you’re our Lieutenant, LT,” Hooper gave the woman a warm smile, Triana chuckled back at him.
“Also cause one of us are dating you, we sleep in the same bed, Tri,” Lara added.
“Well, duh, obviously I thought you were gonna come,” Triana snickered as she looked the blue haired autist in the eyes. “Thanks Honey,”
Cory crossed his arms and pouted. “Why don’t I get a thanks for coming too? Hmmph!”
“One day, Cory, one day,” Scott chuckled as he patted the Private First Class on the back.
“Surprised they let us visit ya, LT, thought you were scheduled to be released from here in a couple days,” Hooper said.
Triana chuckled. “Yeah, I was, I convinced them to release me a bit early,”
“Uhh, did you threaten them LT?” Cory asked, sounding a bit concerned. “You know how the higher ups are, especially Otis. They’re probably gonna be mad about that,”
“He’s gonna be an asshole no matter what, no point in trying to appease him,” Triana got out of her bed with a small grunt of exertion.
“Ey, that’s the spirit,” Nikole chuckled.
“Good that ya still got your spunk in ya, cause we got a new mission,” Hooper announced. “I’ll explain once we’re in the helicopter,”
“Who made you the boss once Triana got all scratched up n��� shit?” Nikole scoffed. “I’m the 2nd highest ranking here,”
“Your alcoholism made him the boss,” Lara deadpanned.
“Fuck you,” Nikole chuckled. “I wouldn’t wanna be the boss anyway,”
“Sure,” Lara rolled her eyes as the team (excluding her) moved to the helicopter, Lara went to her usual station at her desk. The team had also dressed in thicker, winter uniforms… still the same stylish green that Alpha Strike wore though.
“So, Hooper, what’s the mission?” Triana asked.
“It’s SCP 1529, we’ve lost contact with the base keeping him contained,” Hooper explained. “It’s been dark for about a week,”
“Is that the guy on the top of Mount Everest?” Lara asked.
“Are we climbing up Mount Everest!?” Cory asked, sounding outraged at the mere idea of him doing such an ungodly amount of work.
“Not to the top unless we have to,” Triana explained. “We’ll stop near the actual base used to monitor the Skip, then we’ll climb up further to try to contain it,”
Scott chuckled. “Trust me, I’d be the first one to protest if we had to climb a whole ass mountain,”
“Would bein’ allowed to use the big, cool ass gun make up for it?” Nikole chuckled, Scott chuckled back as he patted the Micro HID.
“Heh, maybe, maybe. Depends on the climbing to gun ratio, y’know?”
“If we’re lucky, the skip will be in the facility,” Triana explained. “If we’re unlucky, we’ll have to climb to the top, we have equipment and food to do that if need be,”
“Oh food-”
“Cory, no,” Triana shook her head.
Cory pouted in response. “I wasn’t even gonna do anything!”
“Sure ya weren’t,” Hooper sideeyed the Private somehow, even those the helmet he wore covered his eyes. “We’re here,”
The helicopter landed on the outside of a pretty standard, if pretty small grey SCP facility built into the side of the snowy mountain, Cory looked around himself at the pretty sight as he stood on the helipad with his team.
“Alright, let’s try to see where this went wrong,” Triana sighed as she led the crew into the surprisingly well lit halls of the facility.
“Electricity isn’t broken, weird,” Scott said aloud.
“Makes me think someone broke the comms on purpose,” Nikole shook her head.
“It’d be consistent with the sabotage we’ve been seeing lately,” Triana sighed and shook her head too, more in disappointment than the frustration of the sergeant though. “The facility is pretty much just this hallway and the observation deck, let’s check that out,”
“If the skip ain’t there, then I guess we gotta climb the mountain?” Hooper asked, Cory winced at the idea.
“Yeah, we’re already pretty high up, so it shouldn’t be too bad,” Triana said. “Scott, you carry Cory up,”
“Sure thing dude,” The bearded man chuckled.
“Hey! I don’t need carrying!” Cory shouted… “But it would be kinda nice to be carried…”
“Like a princess, heh,” Hooper chuckled, Cory blushed a little in response.
“Quit flirting you two, we’re entering the control room,” Triana said, the two men shook their heads as everyone prepared to enter the room…
It smelt of death, and it looked like it too considering the corpses littered around the room… all pale white in complexion, covered in scars and blackened patches of flesh… they’d died of.
“Hypothermia always looks brutal as hell, Jesus,” Nikole shivered, though obviously not from the cold. Cory managed to stop himself from freezing up at the sight of it, or maybe he’d just gotten desensitised. That was a scary thought.
“Then the Skip has definitely been there, what’s on the screen?” Lara asked, Hooper looked at it.
“It’s him! The Skip!” Hooper declared with an angry grunt. The screen showed what looked like a flat platform near the top of the mountain. A man dressed in a thick, white puffy hoodie alongside the essentials of a hiking uniform stood motionless, staring away from the camera.
“He’s on the mountain then, I’ll scan for where he is…” Lara said as she began to click at keys on her keyboard.
“Does this mean-”
“Yep, we’re climbing, Cory,” Triana said simply, Cory let out a sigh and then pouted.
“I could still carry ya,” Scott chuckled.
Hooper butted in. “I don’t think he’d want that, Scott,”
“Yeah, I can handle myself!” Cory pouted harder as he began to leave the facility…
“Cory, Bluejay hasn’t- goddammit,” Triana facepalmed. “We gotta follow him,”
“We were gonna be leavin’ anyway,” Nikole took a swig from her flask and followed the blonde man, everyone else soon followed suit…
“Ughhh… how much further do we need to cliiiiimb?” Cory pouted as he walked up the jagged, snow covered trail of rocks only barely leading upward.
“It’s only been about an hour, Cory,” Triana scoffed. “How close are we, Bluejay?”
“Pretty close, just keep going forward and you’ll find him,” Lara said. “Make sure to not make direct eye contact,”
“Kinda hard when I gotta shoot this thing at him, heh,” Scott chuckled as he and Hooper both carried the Micro HID up the mountain, smart considering how steep this stupid thing was.
“I’m surprised ya haven’t fallen over, Cory,” Nikole chuckled as the team continued to walk up.
“Me too, this mountain sucks!” Cory pouted.
“Quit complaining, we’re here,” Triana said as she helped the rest of the group up onto a rocky platform near what had to be the top of the mountain… the same as the one on the monitor, and just like the monitor it held…
“The Guy!” Cory yelped, causing the hiker looking creature to turn around and stare at Scott and Hooper, both of which dropped the Micro HID. Cory noticed the thing’s eyes, glowing orange through its hiking goggles.
“Th-The hell? I can’t move!” Scott yelped.
“I can’t either! Sh-Shit!” Hooper yelled too.
“Goddammit, try to look away you two!” Triana yelled as she and Nikole turned around to face away from the creature. “Look away!”
The creature began to walk towards the two men slowly, sadistically.
“I-It’s so warm…” Scott said, the still, large man completely mesmerised by the sight of the creature.
“Try to fight it Scott!” Lara shouted over the radio. “Please…”
Hooper looked mesmerised at the creature too. “I-I can’t either I-”
“Hey! Big stupid mean hiker guy!” Cory shouted, making the creature stop in place.
“Cory, the hell are you doing!?” Nikole shouted.
“Don’t get yourself killed!” Triana also shouted, but Cory couldn’t hear them. There were more important matters.
The King of the Mountain turned around and stared the camera faced man in the eyes, but he didn’t freeze. His lens simply scrunched up in anger.
“Eat this!”
The thing fell to the floor, clearly confused in how it had been beaten by a mere human.
“Cory did you?” Triana shook her head rapidly. “Nevermind, SCOTT, NOW!”
Scott chuckled. “On it!” He picked up the HID and pointed it at the panicking Hiker/Monster, the thing tried to get up, but Cory simply punched it again to keep it down as the weapon slowly charged up.
And in a brilliant, beautiful flash of light. The King of the Mountain was no more than an immobilised man on the floor, he continued to breathe, but his eyes did not glow with the power they had held mere moments ago.
“That was AWESOME CORY!” Scott shouted as he ran up to the younger man, rapidly patting him on the back. “Hell yeah!”
“Awww, thanks man!” Cory smiled at the big guy.
“That was some quick, if reckless decision making,” Triana let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Oh c’mon, just say it was cool,” Nikole chuckled.
“I assume the Skip’s been neutralised?” Lara asked. “Did you… Cory did you punch it?”
“Well, yeah,” Cory huffed. “It was gonna kill Hoop and Scott, what was I supposed to do?”
“And… you didn’t freeze?” Lara asked, sounding even more confused. “Not in the slightest?”
“Uhh… no, I don’t think so. I kept wailing on him all cool like!” Cory smiled as he imitated punching.
“That’s strange…” Lara hummed. “Good though,”
“Yeah, real good,” Hooper walked up to the Private First Class and patted him on the back. “You saved our lives, Cory, now let’s get outta here,”
Triana nodded as Cory beamed. “We’re gonna have to walk back to the base. Bluejay, call the extraction team to take the Skip, and we’ll get moving,”
“On it, Tri!”
“Ahhhh…” Cory sighed as he leaned in the hottub, after a long, cold day of climbing and punching and questioning how he was able to do half of the thing he did. It was nice to relax in some nice hot water, wearing his favourite pair of swimming trunks. He was still wearing his helmet though.
“Make way, Cory, I’m coming in,”
“Huh?” Cory mumbled, turning around to see Hooper in all of his stocky glory wearing a tacky Texas flag print pair of swimming trunks. “The hell are y-you doing, Hoop?”
“Comin’ into the hot tub, I went on the same mission as you,” The Corporal said as he plopped himself next to Cory.
“Then why are you wearing your helmet?”
“You never know when someone’s gonna attack ya,” Hooper chuckled. “It’s a tactical advantage,”
“Well, at least it’s just you,” Cory chuckled as he scooted closer to the Corporal, Hooper chuckled back-
“Comin’ through!” Scott shouted cheerfully as he burst into the room, he promptly slammed his thick body into the pool of heated water, splashing the camera faced man just a little.
“Oh, hey Scott,” Hooper waved. “I assume the rest of the team’s come with ya?”
“How’d you guess?” Scott chuckled as Nikole came through the door carrying a 24 crate of beer with her hands, she was also dressed in a swimsuit which made her intentions of ‘entering the bathtub and sorta ruining Cory’s special sauna time’ perfectly clear.
She dropped the beer on the ground with a loud thud and pulled a can from the crate, as did Scott.
“You really had to ruin the surprise, huh?” Lara chuckled as she walked in the room, Triana trailing close behind.
“Screw surprises, let’s get drunk in possibly boiling water!” Nikole cheered as she skulled her shitty, college party tier beer.
Triana sighed. “Don’t actually do that, we just went through a big mission, we do not need you drowning in about 3 ft. of water,”
The three girls soon entered the hot tub, it was large enough for them to be sitting a pretty reasonable distance apart. Though, Cory and Hooper elected to sit pretty close to eachother still, as did Triana and Lara, who elected to snuggle up in the already obviously hot, hot tub.
“Well, I was gonna do this alone, but I guess this is fine too…” Cory chuckled as he one hundred percent did not… okay he was staring at Hooper’s body, the southerner was kinda hot, what was he meant to do?
“We’re like a big, fully grown, alcoholic family!” Nikole cheered drunkenly as she grabbed another can of beer from the box, Scott began passing them around to everyone for convenience sake.
“The alcoholic part only applies to you, dude,” Lara giggled.
“Not denying the family part!” Scott cheered as he raised his can. “To us, the greatest Family of completely unrelated people to ever walk the planet!”
“That’s a mouthful,” Triana, despite her usual stiffness let out a chuckle. “Screw it, to us!”
And then everyone drank their beer, their shitty bad tasting beer, but somehow being with the people they cared about almost made it taste better…
No, it still sucked, but at least they were drunk now.
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a-little-bit-of-tradition · 5 months ago
The new gig heralded a big reunion between the fast and furious driver and Chicago P.D. co-creator Matt Olmstead, who writes and executive produces on FBI: International.
“There’s so much action, the first episode is great,” he teased. “When Matt and I first started talking about doing this, we discussed who this character was going to be. I love Matt’s writing, which was one of the biggest draws for me to do this. He delivered; that first episode was so much fun and it felt like a pilot.”
He continued, “When you meet Wes, he’s in this complicated relationship and he’s obviously married to his work. You’ll see his girlfriend throwing out his shit because she thinks he’s cheating but he’s not. He’s just a hard worker but they get into this fight, and that’s how the episode starts. When he goes off afterward with his partner, who’s a close buddy, they get involved in a shooting when they’re chasing this robbery crew. But when his partner gets shot, Wes becomes a man on fire and chases these guys to Budapest. He reconnects with Cameron Vo (Vinessa Vidotto) there, with whom he has this whole backstory…The episode is packed with a lot of characters, backstories and a lot of action. It’s a great starting point for this new season of FBI: International and this new energy.”
The “new energy” arrives following the exit of Luke Kleintank, who led the series as Scott Forrester across the show’s first three seasons. Forrester made his final appearance in episode 11 on May 7 and his character was written off in the finale of Season 3 as having gone on the run with his mother with the pair heading to Alaska. In the final beats of the finale, the Fly Team fully welcomes Tank (Green) into the fold and is adopted by Raines (Carter Redwood). Does that mean he could be returning for a meet-and-greet with Wes?
“Wes meets Tank and Tank signs off on Wes,” Soffer confirms. “Everything is cool so hopefully that gets me some street cred with the fans. Trust me, I know Tank is the star of the show. We had a really cozy, cuddly scene in the second episode, so hopefully that will be a treat for the fans.”
In addition to the beloved black Giant Schnauzer, Soffer will also be joined on the show by his friend and Station 19 star Jay Hayden, who will portray Agent Tyler Booth in episodes to air later in the season, as we reported in September.
“You have no idea how exciting it is. It’s so cool,” he said of working with Hayden. “Jay is one of my best friends for over 15 years. We studied acting together, we taught together. We used to coach each other on auditions. We were both on TV at the same time, but I was in Chicago and he was in Los Angeles, so we hung out during hiatuses. It’s a dream come true that we get to work together on the same show. I hope the fans like our dynamic.”
Soffer further teased that Wes and Tyler “have a really cool backstory” and “have been through some shit together.”
He continued, “Wes marches to the beat of his own drum and doesn’t always do things the right way. He doesn’t go by procedure and is more like, ‘Yeah, we’re gonna get it done and we will figure out if there’s a solution somewhere.’ Jay’s character Tyler is even worse than that. He’s like, ‘We’ll do the wrong thing to get it done…’ For Wes, Tyler is his bad angel and Smitty [Eva-Jane Willis] is the good angel because he’s somewhere in the middle.”
With Wes and Soffer’s Chicago P.D. character Jay Halstead both being law enforcement professionals in the Dick Wolf Universe, it was inevitable that both were present in Soffer’s mind when he was shooting.
“[Playing Wes], was both easy and hard at the same time. It’s tricky because they’re both cops, so their situations, their procedures and their lines of dialog and [using technical terms] like, putting out a BOLO or giving a description of somebody, all those cop thoughts are the same,” Soffer said. “The easy part is that Halsted had so much baggage at the end of P.D. and had been put through the wringer and was such a brooding, dark character. But Wes is like a breath of fresh air; he’s much lighter, carefree, and kind of unaffected. I have joked a couple of times that they do hold the gun the same way.”
Seeing Soffer with a new love interest on FBI: International caught me a little off guard as a long-time Chicago P.D. watcher who half expected Haley (Tracy Spiridakos) to appear—no disrespect to the actress who plays his love interest in the series. Hey, it’s an Upstead thing and Haley did leave P.D. for a job with the FBI. Although Soffer is not playing Halstead anymore, it could be a fresh start for both Haley and Wes.
“Hypothetically, she exists in this universe,” Soffer said of Haley. “And if she ever showed up in Budapest, Wes would be like, ‘Do I know you?'”
He added, “Hey, you never know.”
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ncisfranchise-source · 1 year ago
The NCIS team said goodbye to their beloved colleague and friend Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard in the touching February 19 episode that also honored the late David McCallum, who played the wise medical examiner (and later NCIS historian) beginning in the 2003 series premiere.
“The cold open scene where Jimmy comes in and finds Ducky [who has died in his sleep], man, I was just a bucket of tears,” confesses Brian Dietzen, who plays medical examiner Jimmy Palmer, Ducky’s longtime mentee, as part of our aftershow, NCIS: Case Closed. Dietzen co-wrote the episode with NCIS writer Scott Williams.
But grieving agents — and fans — got a happy surprise in the episode’s final moments with the appearance of Tony DiNozzo, played by Michael Weatherly, who departed the series in 2016. He showed up to comfort Jimmy. DiNozzo fastening a trademark Ducky bow tie around his friend’s neck before the funeral was a sweet moment that reminded us of how much we miss Tony’s wisecracking affection.
Weatherly wasn’t the only NCIS vet producers considered for an unannounced return. “We ended up deciding on having the character of Tony come back. It all made a lot of sense. This character, in addition to being close with Ducky, was Jimmy’s good friend, so when he comes to visit, it is to help the person who’s left behind. It’s really to be there for his friend,” Dietzen told us. “Getting [Michael] out here and doing all this stuff under the cover of secrecy and the dead of night sort of thing was really cool.”
Crafting the episode, in which the team solves one last case Ducky was working on to clear the name of a fallen soldier, was emotional for Dietzen. It was important to him that the case and the team’s experience were thematically linked. Both concern “the stories that we leave behind, and how those stories really matter to people and how we remember them,” Dietzen says. He and Williams started working on the script only weeks after McCallum passed away in September of 2023.
“It gets me choked up because I’m thinking of David and how parallel David and Ducky are and how parallel our relationships were — Jimmy and Ducky, myself and David — in certain ways. It definitely got to me,” Dietzen says. “In the midst of this, we went out for his memorial service at the beginning of January in New York and talked to his family about this episode. I really hope they love it.”
We all loved seeing Ducky again in clips that represented memories of the good doc that helped the agents solve the case. These snippets from the past were carefully selected.
“One that was a must for me — when I sat down at the writers’ room table the first day, I said, there’s going to be that the last clip that I want to play, and I think it’s the most fitting — is from the episode written by Steven Binder called ‘Face The Strange,’ where Jimmy is mourning the loss of [retiring] Gibbs [Mark Harmon] and the loss of [departing] Bishop [Emily Wickersham]. And before that, the death of his wife. That day I worked with David, he just knocked it out of the park. It was one of those days where he wasn’t with us too often at that point, maybe only a couple episodes per season, but he came in and just delivered this beautiful, beautiful scene saying that our pain is a small price to pay for [Gibbs’] peace. He seemingly in this flashback will eulogize himself.”
On set, memories of McCallum were the order of the day. “Every single person in this cast and crew were sharing stories, talking about him a lot,” Dietzen says. “There was a shared sense of duty to say that just as NCIS tries to honor our fallen servicemen and women, this is our opportunity to honor one of our own that we’ve acted alongside for the last two decades.”
Watch the full video above for more from Dietzen about working with McCallum and creating the episode, why certain clips were chosen, and what’s ahead for Jimmy and girlfriend Agent Knight (Katrina Law). Come back each week for an inside look at the latest episode of NCIS from the people who make the show.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year ago
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The Great White Silence (Herbert G. Ponting, 1922)
Cast: Robert Falcon Scott, Herbert G. Ponting, Henry R. Bowers, Edgar Evans, Lawrence E.G. Oates, Edward Adrian Wilson. 
Back in the 1980s, Ted Turner provoked an outcry with his proposal to colorize the black-and-white films in his library. Filmmakers, historians, and critics protested, and with good reason: I remember watching Turner's colorized Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942) and being startled by the paisley print on a blouse worn by Ingrid Bergman; I had never noticed it before the added colors made it stand out, which was certainly not the intention of the director, cinematographer Arthur Edeson, or perhaps even the costume designer, Orry-Kelly. Eventually, legislation put restrictions on such manipulation of old movies. But colorization was not a new thing: From the very beginning, filmmakers tried to add color to movies, usually by tinting the film stock a solid color: blue for night scenes; reds, oranges, and yellows for hot settings like Death Valley in Erich von Stroheim's Greed (1924); even pink for love scenes. Most silent movies after 1920 were colored in this way. But there were also attempts at more realistic coloring: For some of his short films, like A Trip to the Moon (1920), George Méliès used a technique devised by Elisabeth Thuillier, a kind of factory assembly-line of colorists who painstakingly added colors to the actors, costumes, and sets in each frame of the film. The technique proved too cumbersome and expensive as movies reached feature length. But it's one of the hallmarks of Herbert G. Ponting's documentary about the fateful Antarctic expedition of Robert Falcon Scott in 1910-13, The Great White Silence. Even though the whiteness of ice and snow is Antarctica's dominant feature, Ponting decided to hand-tint the footage he had shot ten years earlier, and thereby accentuated the contrast between human and animal life and the deadly whiteness of the continent. Color provides the life in the life-and-death struggle to reach -- and return from -- the South Pole. The images Ponting captured as the photographer for the expedition, using photographic equipment that now seems primitive, are the essence of the movie, and they often seem as fresh as if they were shot yesterday. Ponting was not allowed to accompany Scott from the base camp to the pole, which is from our point of view fortunate, as we might not have the record he made of the expedition now. But he filmed Scott and his fellow explorers as they rehearsed for the journey, trekking through the snows, setting up tents, bedding down, so he was able to give us at least some sense of what the men endured. Too bad that The Great White Silence is accompanied by a narrative that seems antique in ways that Ponting's images aren't. There's a lot of rather jingoist rhetoric about how Scott's expedition is a tribute to the English spirit, a credit to what Ponting calls "the Race," by which he seems to mean Anglo-Saxons. (One of the crew members has a pet black cat with an unfortunately racist name.) Ponting seems unconcerned with the irony that the doughty Englishmen of Scott's team failed to reach the South Pole before their chief competitor in the race, the Norwegian Roald Amundsen. Ponting's images of the animal life of Antarctica, seals and gulls and penguins, are accompanied by coy, condescending, anthropomorphic commentary that sets the tone for nature documentaries that followed. Still, it's an astonishing and invaluable film that fully merited the careful reconstruction that makes it available to us a century later. 
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crazyworldofemmamarie · 1 year ago
Day 16 of Rammstein's Countdown to Halloween
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006, dir. Scott Glosserman)
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Plot: A film crew follows and films seemingly innocent Leslie Vernon as he he works towards become a classic horror slasher like the ones before him.
In this unique mockumentary (hope to God I spelt that right) styled film, slashers like Freddy Kruger, Jason Voorhees and all them co exist in the same universe as are viewed almost like historical figures which is interesting number one. Usually, I feel that it's hard to get such a multiverse of characters cause you wanna make sure you keep facts straight and even have consistency with those characters. However, with this film, that's not even a problem at all cause instead of dealing with a story that involves those characters they narrowed it down to one who lives within that world and you can do a lot with that.
Leslie Vernon is an interesting character both as a 'normal ' guy and even as a slasher. Unlike most slashers, who either have famous one liners or don't talk at all, or are these superhuman and whatnot, Leslie is just basically a nerd. He is full of personality that just bounces off the wall and there's not really a moment where he tries to be creepy or weird towards anyone around him, he's very natural and composed, yet strangely complex.
The actor behind Leslie, Nathan Baesel absolutely killed it in this movie and he definitely stole the show. Such an underrated performer.
I also really like him as a certain focus piece for the film because they use his character as another way to put us in the eyes of a slasher/killer. Now to be fair, this film is done gor the most part, in a documentary style, usually most slashers literally puts you in that point of view/through their eyes. This does it in a way where they spinning the genre on its head, poking fun at certain aspects that made the slasher genre what it is.
The chemistry between the actors are wonderful and actually really touching.
The story is well written, it's practically a twist at every turn within itself.
The costuming for Leslie's slasher look is totally killer, simple yet effective.
I love the fact we have legends like Robert Englund and Kane Hodder that were part of this project.
The references that are made to other classics were absolutely great and I was blown away when they referred to Billy Lenz from Black Christmas and even used him as a character (though he changed his name to Eugene) I just thought that was great.
I also love the shots in this film and I really like how it goes from documentary to an actual slasher thriller for the last act if the film.
The Talking Heads song choice was just perfect. Psycho Killer just fits so well (I am a huge Talking Heads fan to be honest.)
This is a really fun watch and for anyone who hasn't seen it, I highly recommend and maybe one day we will get a sequel. Totally wouldn't mind!
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possiblyimbiassed · 4 years ago
The lying liars who lie
Years and years late to the party, I’ve finally gotten my hands on all the DVDs of BBC Sherlock, and I thought it would be fun to watch the extra material carefully, one piece after another, and also listen to at least some of the show makers’ commentary of the episodes. But at this point, after S4 where DVDs seemed to be a constant lying device in general, I tend to look at them with a bit more suspicious eyes...
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I still love the show of course, but now that I’ve taken this deep dive into all the special features, I find them a truly hard thing to try to wrap my head around. Even this long after the fact, I’m amazed by the amount of shameless, self-congratulatory BS in the DVDs, where the people involved can’t have enough of complimenting each other and their show, while they skillfully avoid to discuss anything actually meaningful about the plot line. ;) For example, Moffat claims in the S2 DVD that “In fact, you’ll never see a more obsessively authentic version of Sherlock Holmes than this one”. But if we follow their light-hearted commentary, which basically takes the show at face value, I’d call that not just hyperbole, but an outright lie. If you want to see the ‘authentic’ stories from ACD’s work in this show, you’ll definitely need to go much deeper into the subtext and meta levels - neither of which are mentioned on these DVDs of course. Here’s my own (rather subjective) ‘review’ of the whole thing, trying to pinpoint why I view most of the commentary of the show from its own makers as an advanced art of deception. 
(My musings under the cut)
Series 1 - a wealth of extra material
First of all - as many of you probably knew already - the whole of the Unaired Pilot is added to the DVD of S1. In the extra material about the making of the series, they (Sue Vertue, Mofftiss and others) talk about what things they changed between the Pilot and ASiP, claiming that many changes were necessary improvements once they knew that they had a whole series and a lot more time at their disposal. 
Which I can perfectly understand and agree with in general. But I think what’s missing in their discussions is more interesting than what’s actually there (”Mind the gap” ;) ). Things that I would expect from the show makers when they go to the trouble of comparing the pilot version with the aired product. There’s not a word, for example, about the fact that they added both Mycroft and Moriarty to the story in ASiP - two characters who later turn out to play major roles and appear in almost every other episode until the end of TFP. Or about the choice that one of the screenwriters would play Mycroft. 
Neither do they discuss why they chose to relocate the place where Sherlock was challenged by the cabbie from 221B to Roland Kerr’s School of Further Education. Instead they focus on the details, like for example the new design of the interior of 221B.
Not to mention the fact that almost every scene in the Pilot is mirrored in ASiP (as pointed out long ago by @kateis-cakeis X), but at Angelo’s in the Pilot Sherlock follows the events with the cabbie while looking in an actual mirror. I even noticed that in the Pilot the cabbie is offering Sherlock dark-coloured bottles with the pills in them, while in ASiP those bottles are transparent, as if the cabbie is offering Sherlock to play Black or White in the chess game that he is simulating. What’s with all these mirrors, though? Not a word on the DVD... ;)
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Now, even though these rather remarkable choices are neglected together with a great bunch of minor ones, I still think that the most interesting fact about all this is that they actually included the whole pilot version within this DVD, which is sold by the franchise. Why even do this, when it raises far more questions than it answers? The only logical reason I can come up with is that they’re laying out a track of little hints that anyone with a deep enough interest in the show to actually buy the DVDs can try to follow. And it seems to me that lying by omission is one of the first steps in the long line of cryptic and misleading author comments on this show. But at the same time, they clearly want the fans to have access to it all, even the abandoned version.
Moving on to Series 2, time for bigger lies 
In the extra material of this DVD Benedict himself describes how his character "faces one of his deadliest enemies in the shape of Love, and it comes in the form of Irene Adler, who is this extraordinary dominatrix [insert here a bunch of superlatives regarding Adler]...”. And then we see how Adler whips Sherlock with a riding crop (without any kind of consent, I have to add) while he’s lying on the floor, and we have Lara Pulver telling us how it was to have a go at Benedict on set. So Holmes whips dead bodies and Adler whips living; seems like a match made in hell! :))
Gatiss claims, grinning with his whole face, that “they’re clearly, absolutely made for each other”. OK, so I think we can see Sherlock being intellectually impressed by Adler, and even trying to protect her from Mycroft, and we can see John acting jealously. We can also see her being dressed and styled as a perfect, female mirror of Sherlock. But I’m still at a loss what all this has to do with love on Sherlock’s part? Especially since he’s not even responding in any fashion to her various attempts at seducing him. 
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And there’s more: Paul McGuigan, the director of ASiB, claims that the scene where Sherlock has a conversation with Adler inside his Mind Palace about the crime case with the car that backfires "is a part of a kind of love story, if you like...” No, I don’t. Maybe it’s just me, but if their aim really was to convey to their audience a love story between Sherlock and The Woman, I think they failed miserably. All I see is a guy ’mansplaining’ to a clever woman how to use her brain, while she’s trying to flirt with him by expressing her admiration (to no avail, though) and make deductions at the same time. Nothing new under the sun, really. John did the same thing repeatedly in ASiP (without making own deductions) and got far more attention from Sherlock, but I’ve never heard any of the show makers call that ”a love story”. But by ’lie-splaining’ the scene with Irene to the audience, they try to manipulate us all to see it as such...
In all the direct commentary of this episode, where Steven, Mark, Sue, Benedict and Lara are present, I get the impression that every time they even touch on the relationship between Sherlock and John, they hurry to add the term “friendship” or “man love” or similar words in case they forgot them at first, avoiding even the tiniest possibility that there could be anything more going on between them. They even explain that when Irene calls them “a couple” she does not mean anything romantic. This whole approach feels almost paranoic in the midst of all the laid-back jokes and light-hearted talk about the filming. It’s as if a sort of restrictive, heteronormative filter or blanket is being constantly applied, to teach the audience the ‘no homo’ lesson of it all. And the more I listen to this, the more tiresome it becomes.
In the commentary Moffat does reveal an interesting detail, though: that the ‘Flight of the Dead’ in ASiB was inspired by a cut out scene in the Bond movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service. To me this is just one more reason to question the ‘authentic’ quality of this scene, as opposed to possibly taking place in Sherlock’s Mind Palace. But I digress... 
Listening to the commentary in general, it’s like it’s aimed to distract the attention from what’s going on at the screen rather than highlight it and try to explain their intentions. They do mention that Irene didn’t actually ‘beat’ Sherlock in the end of ASiB, but there’s no explanation of this obvious deviation from canon, where Adler does indeed fool Holmes, taking advantage of his prejudices.
The rest of the extra material of S2 is mostly about technical stuff, special effects and such, and also about filming techniques and Benedict’s delivery of fast deductions. But the part I really do love is the one where Andrew Scott talks about how much he enjoyed playing the scene where Moriarty dances before breaking into the Crown Jewels. That’s one of my favorite scenes of he whole show. :) Also, the takeaway message from this DVD is Moffat’s words at the end: 
“These are still the formative years of Sherlock Holmes, and the most important thing about this series is not that it’s updated; it’s the fact that those two men are still young and they’re still at the beginning of what they don’t yet know is gonna be a lifelong partnership”. 
And then comes Series 3... 
...and its extra material, with the most blatant attempts at deception so far, I believe. At this point Sherlock is called a “psychopath” by both the show’s characters, John’s blog, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as if it were true, which is a big deviation from ACD canon. That simply doesn’t happen there; while Holmes is sometimes described as eccentric, no one in the books is ever claiming that Sherlock Holmes has some kind of mental illness leaning towards cruelty and egotism - not even his enemies say this about him. In the show, however, they begin in ASiP with making him torture a dying man for information (something that is not included in the Pilot). And in S3, where they avoid discussing the reason why they turned Mary Morstan into a ruthless assassin, this major shift is glossed over by the fact that in the same episode (HLV) they also turn Sherlock into a murderer, who cold-bloodedly blows the brains out of a blackmailer for threatening to make said assassin’s crimes public. 
But without ever getting into the “why” of it all, the cast and crew seem overly happy and smiling describing these rather morbid choices as something positive; “fantastic”, "fresh and new” and "amazing” are their choice of words. Benedict claims that Mary, who has literally shot and almost killed Sherlock in HLV, is now "a new best friend of Sherlock’s”. Amanda claims that Mary “is protecting John” when she shoots Sherlock in the chest. Now they’re both psychopaths, and poor little John is forced to stomach them both because he’s addicted to danger. In Amanda’s words, Mary also “kind of gets in between the two of them, but she wants them to be together as well”.  Which is a load of BS considering that Mary tries to kill the protagonist of the story.
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Lars Mikkelsen thinks it’s “such a good script” because “you’re mislead as an audience”. But he never gets the chance to expand on what the misleading actually contains, because then Mofftiss cut in to express how much they love playing with “what ifs”. As if this whole mega-budget project of a show were just a big experimental playground without any actual story to tell. 
Benedict repeats his line from HLV that Magnussen “preys on people who are different” and Moffat also says he “exploits people who are different”. Which is really confusing, considering what we can see Magnussen actually do in the show. Lady Smallwood and John Garvie are two well-established, powerful governmental politicians whom Magnussen blackmails by finding their respective pressure points. In Garvie’s case his pressure point seems to be alcohol problems in his past, but according to media he’s later arrested on charges of corruption. Lady Smallwood is blackmailed on the basis of her husband having sent compromising letters to a minor many years ago, in spite of later claiming that he thought she was older and stopped when he found out the truth. And then Magnussen is blackmailing an assassin who recently threatened to execute him but shot Sherlock Holmes instead, in order to try to get at Sherlock’s brother Mycroft, another powerful governmental figure. 
But what does media seeking out dirt on certain people in power and their families have to do with “people who are different”? Despicable as the method may be, isn’t this unfortunately how political power play usually works in our society? Or are TPTB somehow a repressed minority group now? Unless this whole “people who are different” accusation is actually about something entirely different, something that none of the show makers even cares to mention... ;)
In these DVDs, none of the involved persons is ever discussing the change of roles with regards to canon, though, or the (lack of) logics in this turn of events, or even a hint about the narrative motivation behind them. It’s all about the great Drama, the extraordinary visual effects and the aim to endlessly “surprise the audience”. Which is fine by me to a certain extent, but when this is all that’s being said, it feels extremely superficial, as if the audience is merely seen as a bunch of consumers that have to be triggered more and more by horror, special effects and cliff hangers to be able to appreciate the show. (“Warm paste” indeed, like Gatiss has later criticized some viewers of wanting...) While the "why”; the idea behind this surrealistic adaptation, made by self-proclaimed fanboys of ACD, is not even touched upon. Around this, the silence is total and therefore totally confusing.
Maybe I shouldn’t even go into Series 4...
...but why not, since I’ve already started? :) 
First of all, there’s a lot of extra material on this DVD and I particularly love the parts about the music and composing and Arwel Wyn Jones’ work with the design and build-up of John’s and Mary’s flat and the interior of 221B. Those bits are truly enjoyable. What I could live without, though, is the leading commentary that kind of instructs us, the audience, how we should interpret the show. 
Benedict is on it again on this DVD, telling us that in TST they picked up where they left off in S3 and “It’s a very happy unit of three people that then become four.” Why does he feel the need to make this statement, considering how S3 ended? Actually, if there’s anything I totally fail to see in S4, it’s happiness. The banter between the three  of them may seem entertaining for a while, but who could have a relaxed, warm relationship with someone who tried and almost succeeded to kill you less than a year ago? Without any sign of remorse? Now there’s a dark tone of discomfort and mean jokes that feels forced and not even a bit happy to me. 
But Martin tells us how excited John and Mary are about starting a family and Amanda mentions how much they’re looking forward to the baby. Again and again it’s repeated, as though trying to rub it in: “they’re in a good place, they’re a loving, married couple”. Yeah, right - a child that (judging by TSoT) wasn’t at all planned and now with an assassin for a mother... Twice we see the new parents complain that their daughter has the mark of Satan on her forehead and debate which horror movie she’s from. The clichéd hypocrisy of it all is sickening, and I’m willing to bet that it’s really meant to be. ;) 
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But Gatiss chimes in, deciding for us all that the christening of Rosie is “a funny scene” and “they’re enjoying each other, enjoying being on adventures as a three”.
An interesting detail is that Gatiss also tells us that the working name of this episode was “The Adventure of the Melting power Ranger”. So this little blue guy was that important? :) And - even more interesting - is when he says: “Cake is now the code for violent death”. So how should we interpret Sherlock, John and Molly going out to have cake in TLD then, on Sherlock’s (supposed) birthday? 
These might be jokes, though, but when they tell us that Sue cries every time she sees Mary’s death I strongly believe they must be joking. How could anyone feel truly moved by this overly sentimental long monologue where far more efforts are put into reacting to Mary’s speech than saving her life? And John’s mooing like a cow, is that also moving? :)
One thing Martin says about TLD that actually disgusts me is regarding the morgue scene where John assaults Sherlock and Sherlock lets it happen: “From there, really, their relationship can only sort of rebuild, that’s the absolute worst it can get”. As if outright physical abuse would be something that makes you want to rebuild a relationship? Wow - just wow... How far can they go with this crap?
Anyway, when we finally arrive at the absurdity of TFP and Sherlock’s ‘secret sister’, everything is of course discussed as if she actually does exist on the given premises, and everything she does is ‘real’, no matter how impossible it would be in real life. The abandonment of any attempt to have the story line make logical sense is skillfully covered up by more distraction with fascinating technicalities of the film making process. This is where Gatiss makes his now almost classic statement that after Sherlock and John jump out of the window at 221B when a grenade explodes there, it’s just “Boop! And they’re fine.” 
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Of course there’s no serious attempt at explaining this logically. Except perhaps Gatiss claiming that they both landed on Speedy’s awning - whatever good that would do to them, since the awning is leaning downwards, but never mind... But we never even saw that happen, did we? A great deal of time is then dedicated to show all the precautions to have Martin and Ben jumping safely at low level onto a madras supported by empty cardboard boxes.
Sian Brooke did say something interesting about Sherrinford, however, that got me thinking. She said that Eurus “wants revenge for the years and years that she has been held captive” there, isolated, and that in TFP the Holmes children are now “lab rats” and “it’s an experiment”. On a meta level, I think we can indeed see this episode - and maybe the whole show - as a kind of experiment, but maybe we, the audience, are also lab rats? Since Sherrinford is slightly shaped like a film camera (not commented in the extra material, of course), it leads my thought to all the adaptations through the years and years where Holmes and Watson have not been allowed to be together. A whole century when Sherlock Holmes has been held captive, restricted by the very same sort of heteronormative filter that all this extra material imposes; it’s like Sherrinford, isn’t it? Which gives all the more meaning to Moriarty’s arrival to the island, accompanied by Freddy Mercury’s “I want to break free”...
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I think I’ll let the final words in this little exposé come from Mark Gatiss in The Writers’ Chat (my bolding):
“Moriarty is a fascinating thing in that in our sea of ongoing lies, one thing we’ve genuinely been completely consistent about is telling people he’s dead. But no-one believes it! And it’s a rather brilliant thing.”  Again - self-congratulatory statements. But instead of providing some actual evidence of the death of this character, who has kept popping up in almost every episode since his supposed demise, they think that the more a confirmed liar repeats something, the truer it gets? And the more we’re supposed to believe them? Well, all we can do is wait and see. :)
Tagging some people who might be interested: 
@raggedyblue​ @ebaeschnbliah​ @sarahthecoat​ @gosherlocked​ @lukessense​ @sagestreet​ @thepersianslipper​
My earlier meta on a similar topic (X)
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deannaroxannewrites · 3 years ago
Tropetember Day 11 - Time Travel / Amnesia / Coma
Coma comma revelation
Pairing: James T Kirk x GN!Reader
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: General Audiences
TW: Coma, minor swear
AN: Day 11 of @tropetember. Sorry for the wait, life has been a bit mad. Not the best but hope you enjoy :)
The aftermath of an away mission gone wrong.
Find this story on Ao3 here.
Word Count: 1.3k
It wasn’t uncommon for members of an away crew to end up in the sickbay upon their return to the Enterprise. Injuries regularly ranged from small cuts and bruises to native diseases to broken bones. A visit to Dr McCoy was something all members of the crew had to mentally prepare before beaming down. What was uncommon was for people to be in the sickbay for longer than an overnight stay.
Spock and Kirk had both had a couple of longer stopovers following heroic (read: risky) actions. Dr McCoy dreaded either, or worse both of them, being there because they were both hard-headed and constantly tried to sign themselves out against medical advice. Luckily, this wasn’t something McCoy had to worry about with the current resident of the sickbay. What was happening was far more worrying. Because you had been in a coma for 4 days now and nobody had any clue as to what to do.
Running his hand down his face, Dr McCoy’s gaze remained laser focused on the most recent test results, trying to find an answer. Any answer. Even a clue. Nothing. There was nothing indicating why you weren’t waking up.
Sighing quietly to himself he got up and headed to your room, checking on the monitors. He hadn’t even realised anyone else was there until he turned to exit.
Stood leant against the wall next to the door, Captain James T Kirk stood like a sentry. His eyes watched everything in the room, in between regularly checking on you. The Doctor pressed a hand to his heart as he processed his surprise. Had Kirk not been wearing his yellow command shirt, chances are McCoy wouldn't have even noticed him with how still he was standing.
“Jim, you’re the Captain not a shadow” he observed, his normal gruffness softened slightly.
The gentle rebuke received no response from Kirk. He simply flicked his eyes from the body in the hospital bed to McCoy and back again.
It was clear to see that all was not right with the Captain. His uniform was creased, his eyes red. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
“Jim, you ok?”
A small sigh and a shake of the head is all he receives in response. McCoy props himself up against the wall next to him, a show of silent solidarity.
"They weren't even supposed to be there, Bones."
You'd opted to go on the away mission instead of Mr Spock to allow the Vulcan some time off from Kirk-sitting, and as part of your push to keep at least one of them on the ship at all times. "Cos, you know, regulations" was all you scoffed when someone pointed out that they'd both made a break for it onto some distant moon, leaving you as Lieutenant Commander in charge of the ship.
The additional position had been created to help support the demands of a 5 year mission on the crew as a whole. Given the Enterprise's tendency to have an engineering emergency in the middle of crisis, Mr Scott was often unable to support in the way the Chief Engineer may on other ships. You bridged the gap, allowing Kirk, Spock and Scotty to hand over some of their day-to-day responsibilities to focus on the extreme.
Though they had initially railed against it, they would all now agree that your presence had improved the efficiency of the ship. It also allowed them all some welcome downtime. The crew appreciated that more than they would ever admit in front of the higher-ups. Kirk in particular could get bitchy when he was tired.
Something that no one would have predicted about adding you to the crew, was the depth of the friendships you had formed with the command crew. In particular, you had developed a close friendship with the Captain, despite his initial wariness. You and Jim were regularly spotted in observation watching the stars float by whilst having a drink, or heading to each other's quarters with a holodisk in hand.
Jim, for his part, had been reluctant to get to know you. The Captain of a starship is supposed to be separate from the rest of their crew. But, as with the interpersonal relationships between the crew, the length of the mission had required these expectations be adjusted in the interest of crew morale.
The outcome of the slow blossoming relationship with you was something he had not predicted. Where he always felt responsible when crew were hurt, the shot of ice through his system when he saw you being stabbed with a syringe was much, much stronger. More importantly, his almost visceral reaction had been completely unexpected. He was the Captain, he had to look out for everyone. Yet, he spent every second of the day and night since returning to the Enterprise worrying about you.
Drawing himself back from his thoughts he glances to Bones, who is watching him with a combination of concern and soft understanding.
“We have the best people in the Federation working on this Jim.” He gently grasps Kirk’s upper arm. “They’ll be ok. You’ll get them back.” He pauses then, glancing between the two of them. “Then you can maybe have an honest conversation about the two of you.”
Kirk sharply glances at him over his shoulder before allowing his own shoulders to sag.
“I hadn’t even realised,” he quietly whispers, moving to the side of the bed. He takes your hand in his before sitting down next to the bed. “It’s not allowed, Bones.”
McCoy for his part just smiles at him.
“Never stopped you before”
That gets a small smile out of the Captain as he turns his eyes back to you. He’s so focused on you that he doesn’t even notice as Dr McCoy slips out to head to his office.
Waking up after being unconscious for an unknown amount of time is, in a word, disorienting. The sickbay lights are bright, your throat is dry and sore and your head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton wool.
It takes you a while to come to but you’re ever so grateful to hear Dr McCoy's southern drawl welcoming you back.
“There you are darlin’, you had us worried.”
You let him run all of his tests without complaint, using the time to orient yourself. It’s not until he’s nearly finished that you notice there’s someone else in the room. You throw Jim a small smile, followed by a grimace as McCoy hits you with a hypospray.
“That should be everything for the minute,” McCoy tells you. “We’re going to keep you in for observation for a few days but your recovery is going as well as we could have hoped.”
You smile in relief at that, and he tells you he’ll be back in a few minutes before he heads out of the room.
After taking a moment to shuffle yourself into a more comfortable position, you wave a hand at Jim to beckon him over. He takes a gentle hold of your hand as he moves closer. It fills you with warmth and you can’t help a small smile.
“Managed not to blow up the ship while I was out of commission then?” you tease, wanting the frown to disappear from his face. He shakes his head in response.
“I honestly don’t know. I haven’t really left this room.”
You glance at him surprised, and then see the soft expression on his face. Huh. You thought it was just you.
Taking the plunge, you gently tug at his hand until he slides into bed next to you, your head resting on his chest. The beat of his heart starts to lull you back to sleep.
It’s probably best to rest while you can, you decide. You’ve got a lot to talk about.
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scotianostra · 3 years ago
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On October 6th 1918 H.M.S. Otranto sank in Machir Bay off north western Islay after a collision in fog with another ship, HMS Kashmir.
I “posted” this earlier, but fro some reason it has gone missing! 
During a fierce storm off the west coast, the HMS Otranto, an armed merchant vessel, was involved in a collision with another ship in the same convoy, SS Kashmir.
While the tragedy was an immense loss it could have been a lot worse if it had not been for the incredible rescue of 611 men from extreme danger by a Naval commander named Lt. Frances Craven, with his crew on the destroyer, HMS Mounsey.
I usually write, or rewrite these posts as the years pass, this one is almost taken in it’s entirety from the WW100 website as I don’t believe I could do the tragic event justice. Various pics are taken from contemporary sources the colour ones are of the American Monument on the Oa Peninsula on Islay and a ceremony that placed memorials on the seabed where the boat lies......
Following the collision with the Kashmir, the Otranto was fatally damaged and was sinking. It had lost all power and was drifting helplessly in massive seas when the Mounsey arrived from Belfast on convoy escort duty.
There then followed an episode which ranks among the finest in Naval history.
Craven approached the stricken Otranto and signalled to her captain that he was coming in to help. He signalled, “I am coming alongside to take off the American troops.” The Otranto’s captain, Ernest Davidson, replied, “Steer clear, or you will lose your crew and your ship .”Craven responded, “I am coming alongside, if we go down, we go down together.”
The difficulties facing Craven and his crew were immense. His ship was considerably smaller than the Otranto. There was a grave danger that he could fatally damage the Mounsey by colliding with the Otranto. The waves were massive, some estimates had the height at between 12 and 15 metres.
Craven brought his ship alongside the Otranto. As the waves raised his smaller ship, almost to the level of the deck on the Otranto, the US troops were to jump for their lives. This was easier said than done. Most of the US troops on board the Otranto were from inland Georgia. For many of the men aboard the Otranto, the first time they had seen the sea, was when the Otranto had left New York six days before. They had to time their jump from a heaving deck onto the deck of a ship that was sometimes almost level and at other times was 15 metres below them. Sadly, many men did not make it.
A number fell between the two ships and were drowned with some being crushed. Others succeeded in reaching the deck of the Mounsey only to be immediately washed back into the sea by giant waves. Others were seriously injured as they fell, breaking legs or other bones. One unfortunate mis-timed his jump and fell to his death down one of Mounsey’s funnels. The crew of the Mounsey did what they could in appalling circumstances to get the successful jumpers below decks. The Mounsey was in danger of becoming top-heavy with all these men on the deck. Many of the survivors were in a state of shock and were reluctant to go below. Eventually they were ordered below deck at gunpoint
The Otranto’s British crew were marginally more successful at timing their jumps as were most of the crew of a French trawler who had been rammed by the Otranto a couple of nights earlier. The captain of the trawler had a large faithful dog which had been rescued from the trawler with the crew. The trawler captain fell into the sea between the boats and his dog jumped into the sea with him. Both were killed.
Craven made two successful passes alongside the Otranto. The port side of the destroyer had become crumpled by frequent contact with the Otranto. Water was pouring in and the Mounsey’s crew were seriously worried that their ship would founder. Reluctantly Craven left the Otranto and set sail for Belfast. His seamanship during the rescue had been outstanding. His seamanship to get his badly damaged, overloaded and leaking ship to Belfast in huge angry seas was something else. All the time he was on the bridge, Craven stayed calm and looked as though he was relishing the challenge. He met another destroyer on the way and asked them to warn Belfast that he was on his way with many badly injured men. His own radio mast had been a casualty of the rescue. The rescued men on the Mounsey then endured several hours of unremitting misery as they sat up to their knees in seawater. They were awash with vomit from seasickness. Traumatised, cold and terrified, it was only after the Mounsey finally reached Belfast and they were helped onshore and given food and warm dry clothing that they finally began to feel their ordeal was over. Sadly, twelve men were to die in Belfast from their injuries. The Mounsey needed such massive repairs that it did not go out on active service again.
Those left onboard the Otranto knew they were doomed. Within 30 minutes of the Mounsey’s departure the Otranto grounded on ‘Old Woman’s Reef’ about 400 metres off the entrance to Machir Bay. At once the ship began to break up. The order was given, ‘Every man for himself’.
Watching all this were a few local people onshore. More help was sent for and farmers and fishermen from Portnahaven, Port Wemyss and Kilchiaran arrived on the scene. Unfortunately there was very little they could do. Of the roughly 490 men who had been left behind on the Otranto only 21 survived. Sadly, two were to die later.
The report of the disaster written by Police Sgt MacNeill a month later spelt out the bravery of Islay people who were the first on the scene. At some considerable risk to themselves men waded out into the wild sea and helped survivors ashore. David McTaggart, a farmer from Kilchiaran, was joined by Donald McLachlan, a ploughman from Machrie. Together they managed to rescue three men from the waves. Two brothers, John and Donald McPhee from Kilchoman, dashed into the surf to pull out injured and drowning American soldiers. Two soldiers from Port Charlotte, home on leave, Pte Archibald Torrie and Pte Donald McIndeor, bravely jumped across a gully to save an American who had been washed up onto a rock by a huge wave. The handful who survived the catastrophe were taken into the homes of Kilchoman and Kilchiaran people where they were fed, clothed and revived. All attention was now devoted to recovering the bodies – a very difficult task given the amount of wreckage about on the shore and in the gullies.
  The Funerals Begin
By the 11th October, 230 bodies had been gathered. Kilchoman Parish Church and graveyard was used to store them. Coffins were made in batches at Bruichladdich Distillery and sent to Kilchoman. Islay men scoured the coastline going through tons of wreckage looking for bodies. Sgt MacNeill was called upon again to identify the bodies. He also was the point of contact for the many anguished relatives of the victims, desperate for news of the last hours of their loved ones.
The number of dead
Establishing exactly how many died on the Otranto is not straightforward. Spanish flu was reported to have taken some of those on board before the collision. In addition, the exact number of men on board is unclear with different authorities giving different figures. In his excellent book of the sinking, Professor Scott came to a figure of 470 for total loss of life. This included 106 British Crew and 6 French fishermen who had been picked up earlier in the voyage when their ship had sunk. Many bodies were never recovered.
“As other bodies were found, they, too, were brought to the churchyard, examined, and taken to the growing cemetery for burial. Reverend Grant officiated at all of the funerals, sometimes conducting services for six or eight, then three of four, and later for only one at a time, until –– in the end –– 315 American soldiers had found a resting place in the rocky soil of Islay.”https://ww100islay.com/otranto/
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free-pool-trash · 4 years ago
folklore - isaac lahey {9/?}
Hey lovlies ✌🏻💕 sorry this part took so long something wasn’t sitting right with me so I rewrote it like 3 time 😫 but don’t worry I figured it out.
It’s all angst from here I’m afraid crew
Pleasssssse let me know what you think, im hanging by a thread here 😭💕
Word count: 5.1K
Warning(s): fluff at the start :), a whole bunch of swearing, blood, mentions of death, let me know if I missed any! <3
taglist (open): @makeusfreefromthisfandom​, @cece-lives-here ​, @chocolate-raspberries​, @belsandthings​, @dancing-tacos-23 , @truly-dionysus​, @britty443​, @tanyaherondale​, @furiouspockettoad​, @yunsh-17 , @random-thoughts-003​, @gloomybrieyxb​​, @linkpk88 ​, @big-galaxy-chaos​ , @im-a-stranger-thing ​​, @its-evita-here , @pad-foots , @sweetpeabellamyblakedracomalfoy , @bookswillfindyouaway ,  @what-the-hap-is-fuckening​, @awkwardnesshabitat​, @pieces-by-me , @wreny24​, @marveloucnco , @babypink224221 , @bookish-bucky @alexa-rae-dreamz , @thebookisbtr , @nxstalgicnxbxdy , @cloudy-zoey , @booknymph02 , @tairisceana let me know if you’d like to be added <3  (i had to remove some because tumblr wont let me tag them 💔)
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The next morning came by all too quickly, you’d barely gotten any sleep. Yourself and Isaac spent the whole night talking, just like you used to before the tone of your lives had changed drastically.
There was so much you needed to get off your chest, and of course Isaac had a lot to say too so that’s what the pair of you did- put everything out on the table.
You did a whole lot of talking, laughed a lot, cried a little and for the first time ever during one of your and Isaac’s late night chats there was an incredible amount of shared kisses. Those little perks of being a couple were something you could definitely get used to.
Your fingers drew circles on Isaac’s chest, the boy laid there, contently looking down at you. Your head was comfortably tucked against his shoulder, turned up at an angle so that you were still face to face.
He noted how your eyes glinted in the morning sun, watery due to lack of sleep. It was crazy to him; the effect that you had. He swore he could be on fire and all it would take to put him out was one of your reassuring smiles pointed even vaguely in his direction.
Realistically, Isaac knew he should’ve been sad- heartbroken, even. His father had just been quite brutally murdered, he should be a mess, but he wasn’t.
Maybe it had something to do with the years of trauma the man had inflicted on him or maybe it was Isaac’s new supernatural status, whatever the reason for it, Isaac wasn’t mourning the death of his father.
Instead, all he could think about was how warm your body felt against his.
“It’s morning time.” He smiled at your murmur, the smile widened when you pressed a soft kiss to his collarbone.
Isaac hummed in acknowledgment and squeezed your leg that you had thrown across his stomach. “Yeah.”
You moved your chin to rest against his chest, eyes looking into his, “We can stay here if you want. We don’t have to go to school.” You suggested but Isaac knew it was more of a plea when he saw the hopeful grin growing on your lips.
“Nah I gotta go in. I have lacrosse practice.” He spoke out, his voice low and grumbly from how tired he was.
You scoffed jokingly, pushing yourself up so your lips were hovering over his, “Lacrosse huh?”
His eyes were hooded now as he glanced down at your lips, his hands moving to grasp your waist, “Mhm.”
With a smirk you ghosted his lips with your own, you could hear his heart beating through his chest and you could feel how badly he wanted to connect his lips to yours.
“Well then I guess we better get a move on.” You whispered against his lips, pulling away abruptly and hoping out of the bed, strutting to the bathroom with a sway in your hips as you knew he was watching.
A look of disbelief was painted across his face as he shouted through the walls, “Out of all the things that have happened this week that was the most fucked up!”
You were going to kill Scott when you got your hands on him. Seriously could he have been anymore obvious?
“Scott! What the hell are you doing.” You whispered from the bleachers, knowing he could hear you.
The boy whispered back, determination clear in his voice, “There’s another werewolf. I need to find out who it is.”
He must’ve smelled it off him. So much for keeping it a secret.
“Scott stop, I know who it is.” You panicked, by the time the words left your mouth both Isaac and Scott had sent each other flying through the air.
As you made your way down from your spot on the bleachers to separate the commotion happening between your two baby werewolves, you noticed sheriff Stilinski and a few deputies making their way across the field.
The sheriff’s gaze was set on Isaac and you found your feet matching the older man’s pace in a silent race to get to the boy in question.
Unfortunately, since you were unable to use vamp speed, the sheriff had beaten you in the unspoken race. His hand had wrapped around Isaac’s bicep as he attempted to lead him away.
When you realised what was happening, you threw caution to the wind and began jogging, not even sparing Scott or Stiles a glance when they called out for you to stop.
Once you were close enough you reached out, successfully grabbing Isaac’s wrist and stopping him and the sheriff in their tracks. “What’s going on?” You demanded, looking between Isaac and the sheriff.
“They think I killed my dad.” Isaac told you quietly and you couldn’t stop the look of utter disbelief that appeared on your face as you moved to stand between Isaac and the sheriff.
“Are you kidding me?” The sheriff sighed with exhaustion at your shout. He knew it was going to be a long day when he saw his son and Scott marching toward the already escalating scene.
“Look, kid. He’s a suspect we have to hold him.” Sheriff Stilinski had been making arrests for a long time but he was sure the look you were giving him was the most venomous he’d ever seen.
“A suspect? Why? What’s your proof?” You shot out, eyebrows furrowed and fangs ready to spring from your gums.
Maybe it had something to do with the night of the full moon looming but you were finding it extremely difficult to keep your anger in check. After yesterday, you were almost certain if your rage got out out of hand there’d be no stopping you.
“We, uh, have reason to believe that Isaac had motive to kill his father. That’s all I can tell you.”
You scowled at him, easing up only slightly as you felt Isaac interlocking his fingers with yours from behind you. “That’s bullshit! He couldn’t have killed his dad because he was with me.” You lied smoothly.
The sheriff raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “With you?”
“Mhm. At my place.” You continued, ignoring the squeeze of warning you were getting from Isaac.
“Look, we have an eye witness account saying that Isaac fled his home, followed by his father and your name never came up.”
Letting out a cynical laugh you all but squared up to the man, “Yeah? And where do you think he fled to?” You asked challengingly.
You would’ve said more if Stiles hadn’t shoved himself in between yourself and his father, sporting a fake smile on his face as he started to ramble, “Hey guys! How we all doing? Good? Good. That’s really great to hear. (Y/n) can I borrow you for a second?” Stiles prompted you, nodding his head rather aggressively in an attempt to get you to stand down.
“No.” You and the sheriff spoke simultaneously, shocking Stiles.
“Young lady, I don’t think you understand the seriousness of what you’re saying. Being an accomplice to murder is a serious offence.” He told you sternly, clearly wanting to give you an opportunity to back down and walk away.
“(Y/n) come on.” Scott pleaded from behind you and you could feel the anxiety seeping off of both Stiles and Isaac.
Stiles laughed nervously, also trying to give you a fighting chance of walking away, “She’s not an accomplice! You’re not an accomplice, right?”
He fixed you with a confused look and repeated, “Right?”
“No I’m not an accomplice because Isaac didn’t kill his father!” You rebutted angrily through gritted teeth, the boys surrounding you terrified of the look on your face in that moment.
With a hard look, sheriff Stilinski took your arm in one hand and Isaac’s in the other and pulled the pair of you towards the police car, “I’m afraid I’m gonna have to take you both into holding.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” You heard Scott exclaim desperately from behind you, his voice two octaves higher than usual.
Carefully, you began to whisper quietly under your breath so that only Scott and Isaac would hear you, “Tonight’s the full moon. I’m not letting them put him in a holding cell alone. Call Derek. Come get us out.”
You didn’t glance back at Scott to check if he heard you, you simply kept walking ahead and complied with the sheriff as he placed you into the car, beside Isaac.
“Since we’re technically in prison and you’re technically part k9, does that mean you’re my bitch?” You wondered out loud, looking across the holding cell at Isaac who sat (moping) on the bench.
“Don’t make me laugh. I’m mad at you.” He grumbled and you pouted from your spot on the floor.
“It was a serious question.” You whined.
Isaac groaned, completely disregarding your question, “You’re insane? You know that don’t you?”
“Rude.” You complained, leaning your head back against the cold bars of the cell.
“No seriously. You shouldn’t be in here with me.” Isaac grumbled yet again.
“Ok, first of all, you shouldn’t even be in here in the first place because-“ you paused, took a deep breath and looked at the camera adjacent to yourself and Isaac on the wall outside the cell before shouting, “He didn’t fucking do anything!”
You had to force yourself into calming down as you felt your anger causing your heart rate to rise rapidly, you took one more deep breath and then continued what you had been saying.
“Secondly, and in all seriousness, the idea of you being in here on your own makes me feel physically sick, especially since it’s your first full moon and all this crap with the Argents going on… I just wanted to be with you.” You admitted sheepishly, picking at the sleeves of your jumper to avoid his gaze.
Isaac’s heart beat picked up at your words but you couldn’t say anything as yours had too, with a soft sigh he muttered, “You don’t have to protect me.”
“I know. I know you don’t need protection, you never have. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t strength in numbers right now.” Isaac was quiet for a second before speaking up again.
“Hey, babe?” You looked up at the sound of his voice, he was giving you a soft smile that made your heart skip a beat.
“Yeah?” Isaac was shaking his head in disbelief, he let out a short chuckle and made his way across the cement floor and slid down beside you.
You watched him fondly and couldn’t help the roaring laugh that left your mouth when he leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “I’m definitely your bitch.”
Before either of you knew it, night had fallen and you’d begun to feel antsy. Your chest grew heavy with each noise or set of passing footsteps. You paced the cell restlessly, wringing your hands together and doing your best to disregard the feeling of dread swelling up inside of you.
It wasn’t long before Isaac was holding his head in his hands, his knee jutting in the same restless manner that you were pacing.
Growls were rising from the back of his throat and you wouldn’t lie, it was making you more than a little nervous.
You slowly approached him, proceeding with extra caution you reached out and tugged on his sleeve, hoping the action would bring him a sense of familiarity and not startle him.
Isaac’s head whipped around, his eyes glowing amber when they landed on you. “What’s happening?” He asked in a growl.
As gently as you possibly could, you moved your hands to Isaac’s cheeks and did your best to ignore his changed features.
“It’s the full moon. How are you feeling?” You kept your voice quiet, again trying to accommodate his heightened senses.
Isaac only screwed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw tightly, “Like I want to rip apart everything I see within a fifty mile radius.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at the holding area door, helplessly wishing Scott would come rushing through the door.
Isaac’s face seemed, for once, not to be comfortable in your hold as he began to growl and attempt to break out of your grip.
“No, no, no. Isaac, hey. Look at me.” The wolf reluctantly stopped wiggling and fixed his gaze on yours. Your eyes were now blazing purple and you felt your own composure slipping from your grasp.
Another gutteral sound left Isaac’s throat, his clawed hands digging into your hips for some kind of leverage. “Just keep looking at me alright… God, I don’t actually know how to do this but, uhm, just think about something that’ll keep you grounded, ok?” You told him frantically, speeding through your words as you heard the approaching footsteps of someone who was definitely not Scott or Derek.
The boy in front of you nodded his head just as the door opened. No, it didn’t open, it was practically pulled off its hinges. Effectively ruining the progress you’d made with your moon crazy boyfriend.
The man who walked in was dressed like a deputy but the gushing wound and arrow sticking out of his leg gave him away as a fake. As well as that, the gun he was pointing at Isaac gave him away as a hunter.
“Oh shit.” It was your turn to growl when Isaac broke out of your grasp. He pulled the cell door clean off, and set off towards the hunter.
Immediately, you ran behind him but before you could stop the two from killing each other, something else caught your eye. And your nose. It had taken over all of your senses, actually…
The blood leaking from his leg had you frozen on the spot, your mouth watering and mind unable to focus.
By now, Isaac had tossed the hunter aside and you weren’t sure when, but at some point Stiles had entered the room and your boyfriend was now attempting to attack your main food source.
“(Y/n)! Little help here?” Stiles cried from the floor and you tried your best to pull yourself together.
It didn’t take too much strength for you to restrain Isaac, you had one arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other around his torso, successfully holding him against your chest.
You hadn’t noticed how hungry you were in the moment, you needed to eat before someone would need to restrain you.
Pushing the hunger away you tried your best to get through to the new wolf struggling against your grip.
“Remember the thing that keeps you grounded! What was it? Tell me about it.” You tried to prompt, however as soon as Isaac attempted to respond a resounding howl filled the room.
The sudden noise had caused Isaac to cower against you. His body shook against yours, reluctantly you released him from your hold, allowing him to curl up in fear against the nearest wall.
Derek stood at the head of the room, his aura screaming for command as he glowered down at Isaac before turning his gaze to you and Stiles.
“I’m the alpha.” The Hale stated pompously.
With a questioning laugh you motioned towards the mess of the room, Isaac in wolf form shaking and whining like a kicked puppy, a mercenary bleeding and unconscious on the tiles and a very rumpled up Stiles.
“What you are is a grade A ass. Where the hell were you?” Derek stiffened at your agitated tone.
The man in question cleared his throat, his authority slipping away in the presence of your glare, “Scott & I went to scope Isaac’s house.”
“And that took you six hours?” You scoffed, kneeling down next to Isaac and running a gentle hand through the scared boy’s hair.
He whimpered at your touch, only quieting down when you transferred as much calming energy as you could manage to conjure up onto him.
It was getting harder to ignore the blood lust you were feeling, the smell of blood and Stiles’ racing pulse were beginning to cloud your mind. It wasn’t the usual hunger, though. It felt far more violent. Almost as if you’d never be able to get enough no matter how much you consumed.
“I need to leave.” You stated, standing from your spot beside Isaac and fixing Derek with a hard look, “Take Isaac somewhere safe.”
“Wait hold on, where are you going?” Derek asked sternly.
“To find some blood before I start ripping people’s throats out.” You responded bluntly, not waiting for his reply, you used your speed to leave the sheriff's station.
You found yourself in the woods. Close to the old Hale house.
There was a certain scent, you couldn’t quite place it though. It was metallic, but unlike the blood you were used to, it smelled stale.
But still, it was captivating your senses and you needed to get to the bottom of it. You couldn’t decide what was more overpowering, your hunger or your curiosity.
Impatiently, you made your way through the darkened tree line, following the scent until it led you to the building you were oh so familiar with.
The Hale house stood before you, menacing as ever and reeking of old blood.
As you walked up the porch steps, the rotten stairs creaked with every shift of weight. When you finally placed your hand on the door you realised your mistake.
What felt like a billion bolts of electricity shot through your body the second your palm met the door knob.
All of your breath left your lungs as your body hit the floor. As your legs and arms seized and convulsed on the forest floor, having rolled down the porch steps with the force of the shock, a voice sounded from out of the shadows.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here…” The voice was old and scratchy, something like a worn out vinyl, a record that had been played so often that some of the tunes now came out as a painful drawl. “Come on, let’s get her rigged up.” The man demanded and you writhed against the many pairs of hands that began dragging you to what you assumed was some kind of van.
Your vision was blurry as you attempted to get your bearings, sitting up in the van after the doors had been forcefully slammed and you were left alone.
“Le-“ You attempted to heave out words, your attempts were fruitless though as your lungs were still devoid of any oxygen.
Frustration seemed to give you the strength you needed as you finally regained enough control over your body to yell out, a very enraged, “Let me out you bastards!”
A cynical laugh came from the head of the van, “She has a lot of spunk. You’d know she was a L/n.”
“I’m going-“ You rasped yet again, fighting against the shackles that had been placed on your wrists at some point, “To fucking rip your stupid throat out! With my teeth!”
As threatening as your words were, your wheezy, out of breath voice let you down.
“Now, now. No need for that.” He spoke, only for a voice you recognised to cut him off.
“I’m starting to think this wasn’t the best idea.” It was Chris Argent. You forced yourself to move as close to the front of the van as your shackles would allow.
“What exactly do you plan on doing with an innocent seventeen year old, Mr.Argent?” You drawled, the electricity almost completely out of your system, your lungs finally working at their usual capacity again.
When the hunter didn’t grace you with a response, and you figured you couldn’t do much else right in the moment, you decided you’d poke the proverbial bear.
“You tried to kill my boyfriend tonight… it’d be a real shame if I had to retaliate.”
“Shut it.” Chris said, his voice unamused, bordering on nervous.
Bored, you clicked your tongue, “No, I don’t think I will. Anyway, unless you want me to go into graphic detail about how I’m going to disembowel both of you when I get out, tell me why you’re kidnapping me.”
The old man chimed in then, “Because you, little girl, are an abomination.”
“And you, old decrepit asshole, are getting on my last nerve. Give me a straight answer before I make you give me a straight answer.” You tugged violently at the chains, loosening them from the metal wall, to convey your point.
“Brute force will get you nowhere, little wolf.” Wolf? There was your opening. They didn’t have a clue about you.
Deciding you couldn’t give away your only edge, you played into their delusions, “Where was that a few hours ago when you sent a hitman to put down a seventeen year old boy who's never done anything worse than miss an assignment?”
He scoffed then, “No matter how sweet you think you are. You wolves are all the same. You’re all killers.”
A laugh left the back of your throat, “Are you senile or something? Last time I checked you hunter dickheads were the ones killing people.”
“That’s enough, we’re done talking.” Chris asserted, you couldn’t see either of the men you’d been speaking to but you could imagine their clenched jaws at your statement.
With a smirk you kept talking, “You killed, what was it? Oh yes. All of the Hale’s. Cora was only a little older than me at the time, Kate torched the house five years ago so that would have made Cora twelve years old when she was burned alive.”
You paused for a second, allowing your anger to seep off of you and onto them. “Tell me… what monstrosities could a twelve year old girl have committed?”
“This is your last warning.” Chris grumbled and you ignored him yet again.
“All of these broken morals lead me to wonder; what would precious Alison think of all of this? Maybe I’ll ask her at school on Monday.” You tormented the men, readying yourself to make a break for it as you felt the van slow down.
Quietly, or as quietly as you possibly could, you freed your wrists from their shackles. Shakily you stood up and then you waited.
When the door opened you fixed the two men who were looking at you in mild shock with a smirk, “Hi.”
“How did you… those shackles were doused in mistletoe.” At the old man's shock your smirk broadened. It was something you had found out from both Damon Salvatore and Deaton. Mistletoe only weakened wolves, not vampires.
With a coy shrug you shot them a wink, “I’d really love to stay and chat but, I have homework.” With that you began to run, but the older man caught your forearm before you got a clean break.
And normally, his amount of strength wouldn’t have been able to stop you, what was really hindering your movement was the dagger he had logged in your abdomen.
Your eyes were wide and you let out a pathetic squeal of pain when he twisted the knife in your stomach, his voice was menacing as he spoke, “You’re not going anywhere.” He spat out in your face, hand firm on the dagger.
“Yes. I. Am.” You seethed through gritted teeth, containing the blood that was filling your mouth.
Using whatever strength you could muster, you threw the man away from you and took off running, the dagger still lodged in your abdomen.
When you were sure you were far enough away, you fell to your knees.
Taking a shaky breath you looked around the street you’d landed on. You weren’t sure where you were and your phone was lying abandoned on the floor of the woods. It was times like this you wish you had a howl.
Then as if it was some incredible mirage, driving down the street was a light blue jeep. “Stiles!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, dragging yourself to the edge of the road.
“Stiles! Stiles please!” You cried out, letting out a breath of relief when the jeep stopped only a few meters from you.
Within seconds Stiles was sprinting over to you, sliding the rest of the way on his knees and cupping your face with a terrified expression, “Y/n!? What hap- hu- oh dear god!” He tried his best not to gag when he noticed that you were literally impaled.
“Ok. Ok. No what happened? Wait no. Right not important.” The boy rambled and you let him lead you as he picked you up from the dirt and placed you laying down across the back seat of his jeep.
Stiles drove like a madman to the hospital, wincing when you’d whimper and muttering apologies when you’d let out a cry.
“I think you would’ve been really proud of how I handled that situation.” You jested weakly from your spot, Stiles looked at you briefly in disbelief.
“What? By getting stabbed?” He shot back.
You offered him a faint giggle, “Nah, you shoulda heard me, Sty. I was such a snarky bitch.”
“So that’s how the stabbing thing happened. Got it.”
Only a few more minutes passed before you’d arrived at the hospital. Stiles had practically dragged you in and you couldn’t help the mewls of agony you were letting out as he passed you off to Melissa.
“What the hell happened?” She screeched and all you could offer in response was a blood filled cough, causing Melissa to nod her head in understanding, “Right. Questions later.”
Aimlessly you looked around for something, anything.
You were in complete darkness, but your body stood tall and seemingly healthy, no sign of any kind of wound.
A dull, yellow light shone in the distance. Cautiously, you took a step forward and it was only then that you knew where you were.
Under your feet, which were devoid of any shoes or socks, wet leaves crunched under your weight and you found yourself, yet again, standing in front of the Hale house.
It looked how it usually did, sad and decolate. However, what was unusual was that dull light shining through one of the partially melted windows.
Humming sounded from the home, hitting your ears in perfect pitch. It brought a wave of calmness over you, tranquilizing your fears as you twisted the knob that had once sent you into a horrific shock.
The rotten hardwood cooled your feet as you shuffled thoughtlessly through the house which you used to view as a home away from home.
“You put up a great fight.” A deep voice spoke from inside the lit room.
The voice was unmistakable, but you knew that there was only one explanation for why you were hearing it. For as long as you could, you wanted to hold onto your naivety.
“Who's there?” You called in response while small steps carried you closer and closer to the room.
The voice let out a chuckle, “I think you already know.”
Finally, you arrived in the room. Confronting the voice you knew all too well.
“Good to see you again, sweetheart.” You saw his face then, standing charred and battered like a fallen angel was Peter Hale.
The sob that fell from you was impossible to stop, you didn’t waste another second, you threw yourself at the man in front of you. A teary smile found your face when he welcomed you with open arms, his arms wrapped tightly around you as you cried into his shoulder.
“Quiet now, no more tears.” He said, pulling away from you, his thumb brushing under your eye gently, sweeping the falling teardrops away.
With a sniffle you looked at your surroundings before returning your gaze to Peter, “Am I dead?” You asked meekly.
Oddly enough, you felt accepting of it. Liked it, almost. It was quiet here- wherever here was.
“Temporarily.” He answered, guiding you further into the room. It had a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and two wooden chairs sat vacant underneath it. “Have a seat.”
Doing as told, you sat down on the chair opposite Peter. “Where are we?” You questioned, the silence, although peaceful, was overwhelming.
Peter gave you a small grin, gesturing to the room around you, “Purgatory.” He answered simply.
He stared at you then, a look in his eyes you recognised but, for the first time since you’d turned, you couldn’t feel it. It was something akin to sadness. It held love too, though.
“The next part is the hardest. When you wake up you won’t have a clue how you got there. You’ll be starving and all you’ll want to do is start tearing people apart.” He explained and your stomach dropped.
You were going to wake up and complete the transition, you’d be a fully fledged vampire and all because of some stupid knife wound.
“I won’t remember being dead?”
Peter shook his head, “You’ll remember this part, not the actual passing over part though.”
A tear slipped from your eye and you forced yourself to take in a shaky breath, “Passing over to where?”
Peter shrugged, “Don’t know. I’ve never gotten that far; too much unfinished business.” He tried to lighten the mood, but he realised there was no use as he noticed your breathing pick up and your eyes fill with tears yet again.
“You’re strong, you’ll be perfectly fine. You are my beta, after all.” He soothed, moving his chair so it would be next to yours.
You let out a croaky laugh at that, “I haven’t been strong. I’ve been drowning ever since you bit me, I haven’t done much other than fight with myself.”
“Not true. I’ve been keeping an eye on you. Keeping Derek under control is a job not everyone is up for, but you’re doing it like it’s nothing. Although, you’d be doing a lot better if I had gotten to you before Derek ripped by throat out.” He muttered the last part, obviously not happy with your trip to Mystic Falls.
“Damon told me you used to drink together.” You recalled with a smile, distracting yourself from the future of impending darkness.
Peter laughed at the memory but didn’t speak.
The dense silence returned, not for long though, distantly you heard shouts. They were more like pleads really. Or were they screams?
“Y/n! Can you hear me? Y/n! Y/n!”
Softly, you turned your head towards the doorway, the hallway light was turned on now too, “Someone’s calling me.”
Peter stood up, a heavy grief filled sigh falling from him as he offered you his hand and pulled you to your feet when you took it. “It’s almost time. But not just yet, there's one last thing you need to do.”
“What is it?” You asked, not sure if you wanted to know the answer.
Peter pulled you close, placed a kiss to the top of your head then began guiding you, arm tightly wrapped around your shoulder.
He answered you solemnly, blue eyes sparkling with unwanted wisdom, “You have to say goodbye.”
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janesramblings · 4 years ago
Hey i like your Nace analysis, could you compare each time Nancy has panicked with something that has happened to any of the Drew Crew? And tell me what you think makes it different with Ace.
Hi! Thank you and yes I can. There have been moments with every member with the Drew Crew at this point I think so here we are:
The first one was George. She was possessed by Tiffany and Nancy’s first reaction was... get answers? Like, she just wanted to speed through the murder solving process and Tiffany was her answer. Obviously, there was animosity between her and George and she backed down after the “only a few hours and then George dies” thing, but not until she saw the way George lived and realized that she was the breadwinner for the family. I really think she saw George as a pawn in that moment more than a person, and it wasn’t until the reality check of the way George’s younger sisters lived that she understood the gravity of her situation. Also, she was so willing to mess up George’s reputation since Tiffany acted like she was still married to Ryan. She must have known how scarring a relationship with an older man was for George and she was ready to exploit that.
And then there was the drama with the Marvins and Bess. Understandably, Nancy was sort of not present since she was, you know, kidnapped. But afterwards, she seemed to brush past Bess’s pain. I mean, Ace was the one who ended up staying with Bess, even though they were both in Nancy’s house. And she could have been really influential with getting Bess back into the family. The Marvins don’t seem to mind her, especially since she was getting justice for the Bonny Scott crew. If she’d just explained to Aunt Diana what had happened, I’m sure Diana would have understood. Also, Nancy never followed up on the Lisbeth stuff? She really could have given Bess a shoulder to lean on there. Especially since you could argue that Nancy was partially responsible.
And when Nick lost his memory, Nancy bailed. I mean, like, straight up left everyone at her house and dealt with her own stuff. Obviously, Ryan made it sound really dramatic and it was, I mean Celia is dangerous, but she really could have been a little more helpful. Especially since Carson was representing Nick. And when that guy was trying to kill Nick because he thought he was the bartender that hid the sea shanty whatever (I’ve literally already forgotten what it was) she again used Nick to further her investigation, like she did with George when she was possessed. Even though Nick was clearly about to be killed.
Which is where she was so different in 2x12. That entire episode, she had her own stuff to deal with, just like she did when Bess was kicked out of her family and when Nick lost his memory (I mean lets be honest she was really only invested when she herself lost her memories). But the biggest difference was that she pushed that aside. She was at the food festival with Celia but she didn’t say a word to her. She was there with Ryan too, still nothing was said. Because she was entirely focused on Grant and Ace. And when Daniel West was talking about the Road Back and the Holt Group, you could see her gears turning, you could see how invested she was. But she didn’t ask any more questions, because unlike when Tiffany possessed George, she wasn’t invested in the mystery. She was invested in saving Ace. She gave the names away in a heartbeat, she gave up the answers to something she knew she wanted to solve, to save his life. 
And I think that’s the biggest difference. Nancy doesn’t want to solve mysteries and figure stuff out when it comes to Ace, because those things are to be done with Ace, not at the expense of Ace. Which is why there was not a lot of mystery solving per say in this episode. Because she was so focused on making sure he was okay. She doesn’t use him as a pawn. She never has, and frankly, she never will. 
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popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
Justice League: In Blackest Night Review: A Case Study in Why John Stewart is  Awesome
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Hello my Green Lantern Corps and happy black history month! And happy 40th Anniversary Year to John Stewart. And let’s get this out of the way now not the one replaced by trevor noah who handed Tucker Carlson his ass on television and got his show canceled, please do it again John i’d be greatful, and has a weird obession with how Pizza should be. No i’m of course talking about the Green Lantern, the third from earth and the second to headline the book itself, John Stewart.  But to me.. he was my first Green Lantern and one that gave me a deep and abiding love of the Corps since all thanks to this very episode. It’s thanks to John I’m the green lantern loving nerd I am today and without him I probably wouldn’t of found Guy, Jessica, Simon, Alan, and Kyle not to mention got into the varoius other corps. It’s thanks to this episode I wanted to seek out these wonderful characters eventaully and in part why I got into JLI, one of my faviorite teams, among many ohter great things and books. 
So quite obviously both this episode, which I haven’t seen in probably a decade, and John have a great place in my heart. And thus it warms said heart to FINALLY see John getting the recogntion he deserves: he’s going to be one of the starring roles in the upcoming HBO Max series, he was on Scott Snyder’s justice league, and he’s now going to be headlniing the main Green Lantern book going forward under writer Geoffry Throne, who like me was VERY sick of the Hal Jordan show the Green Lantern franchise could become at times, and also like me gave out about it a LOT. The fact DC hired him despite a very public and easily accesable record of him slagging of their use of Hal instead of him ESPECAILLY in the new 52 reboot aka why Cyborg is in the Justice League movie as Geoff kinda shoved hal in there despite John being a more sensible pick and doing so not only shoving the Martain Manhunter, who this show also gave me a deep lasting love for, out of the team but forcing Cyborg onto the team despite fitting with the titans better and, AGAIN there being a black green lantern and given the New 52 kept the history of there being multiple lanterns, no reason Hal could’ve been SECOND instead other than DanDiDio’s bitchy habit of EVERYTHING WAS BETTER ON MY EARTH that poisoined the company for a good decade before recently. 
And yes I felt the need to rant about that, yes Green Lantern the animated series is still good mind you, I just got tired of bland white guy over “Really awesome, really layred especailly thanks to this series black guy”, “stubborn asshole white guy whose hilarious and has a heart underneath the layers of douchebag”, “creative and imaginative white guy who has as personality and really uses the ring in fun ways”, and more recently “A muslim superhero struggling with his past who’se also really energetic and fun and has an intresting family life” and “Latnix superheroine who struggles with anxiety and actually struggles with constructs and once she gets past that has very unique ones”. In other words, yeah I’m bitter because everyone else was more intresting than Hal, and it’s only in recent years with Jessica gaining promience and John regaining it that DC’s finally broke out of that and is actually using the intresting ones, and again without John I wouldn’t be a fan, so they had no real excuse to barely use him outside of the comics if at at all after a while. 
So yeah as you can tell by that rant and by how specific it got for each lantern, this is one of my faviorite franchises, as said this episode is responsible and so for Black History Month I felt i’d be a huge mistake on my part if I DIDN’T cover my boy John and this episode and see how it held up. The fact it’s his 40th anniversary wasn’t something I was aware of, but now I am, expect more Johncentric episodes from Justice League sprinkled throughout the year to celebrate one of my first and possibly best GL. 
Naturally before we get to the episode we have to get to the series itself. The series was launched as Batman Beyond was winding down. Bruce Timm wanted to keep the crew together, something I could empathize with since Owen Dennis and JG Quintel have ran into that same problem lately, with most of their crews drifting off during the gaps in production and Owen desperate to get the show renewed  before he lost everybody. A good crew isn’t had to find in animation but KEEPING them for multiple shows or seasons can be. And there was one project the fans wanted more than anything: The Justice League. After all BOTH Batman and Superman had had tons of guest stars, especailly the latter, with Batman having Zantana show up and Superman having the Flash (Wally West), Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) and Aquaman all show up. There were seeds there.. but Timm was relcutant as he had trouble ballancing 2 or 3 heroes in a fight scene, wanting to keep them al lin focus so fans didn’t wonder where they were and they didnt’ have to cut back and forth, the idea of juggling 7 was daunting.  So as Beyond was finishing production a few things happened: The first is that they did the episode The Call, focusing on a future version of the League, and while only a two parter, it showed Timm his crew might be able to juggle a team of heroes after all, and second was the pitches Timm made BEFORE justice league. Since Kids WB had been hteir partner for a while now they tried pitching both a batman anime, he did not provide many details, and in his own words a “Kidified” justice league, basically the justice leagued mashed with the titans including a female version of cyborg. It was the latter pitch, which was rejected by Kids WB, that finally convinced Timm they could do this, but if they did it couldn’t be half assed or having compromises. it had to be what it SHOULD be. So they went to somewhere new, if in the same family and asked cartoon network, who said...
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And here we are. They took their time to work out the characters, apparently taking a lot of delbiration, mostly on which GL to go with, and if they were going to do a hawk wether to go for hawkman or hawkgirl. In the end the roster was the iconic big 7 one, in large part thanks to Grant Morrison taking that concept and reviving it in his run on the team, but shaking it up slightly: Barry was naturally replaced with Wally West flash as he was THE flash in the comics, gave a slightly younger member for the others to play off of, and was more popular.. something Dan DiDio plugged his ears and went LALALALALALAL about for a decade before FINALLY leaving the company so he could stop screwing with a character he hated for reasons that can be summed up as ‘MY FLASH IS BETTER. YOU’LL LIKE MY FLASH.. YOU’LL SEE I JUST HAVE TO MAKE THE OTHER ONE A MASS MURDERER.. THAT’LL SHOW YOU FOR NOT LIKING WHAT I LIKE”... I still have maybe a smidge of lingering issues over how wally was treated the last few years after his return. I do not apologize for htem or for doing a little dance when I found out Didio was gone. 
Point is it wasn’t the only subsitution as Hal Jordan was replaced by John, obviously and rather than use Aquaman, they went with Hawkgirl, though Arthur still got an episode focusing on him fairly early into the series which has the iconic moment of him cutting his hand off to save his son. I dare you to find something more badass. Bruce both liked her deisgn better and felt it helped with the gender ballance. 
So with all that set and with some growing pains to get through they had their show so join me under the cut to see how it turned out. Spoilers: It good. 
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We open INNNNNN SPACCCEEEEEEE, as a coaltion of neat looking aliens wants justice and has gone to a space court lead by three weird alien faces, likely inspiried by the kryptoian tribunal in the donnerverse superman movies, with their prosecutor sending a group of mysterious robots known as the Manhunters to go fetch the accused for a trial: John Stewart. Given he’s voiced by Kurtwood “Red Forman” Smith, i’m very surpised he didn’t order them to also put their foots up his ass. Maybe he’s saving it for the trial.
After the titles we cut to John himself whose in shades and trenchant for reasons.. I mean it looks neat, but he’s in his old neighborhood not hunting down his exes killer or trying to hide the fact he’s a ninja turtle. Why is he all disguised. I mean sure WE know people are coming from him and given what he thinks he did he knows.. but he has no intention of running from what he did. It’s just a weird stylistic choice. That said we do get a cool sequence when while casually walking he notices a robbery, and stops it simply by first stopping the wheel then levitating the car.. and while he does get a little showy shaking the guy upside down to return the money.. it’s all very controlled. It shows off how John works. While we’ve seen him at work as Green Lantern before this this small sequence says volumes about john in the span of a few minutes, showing that shilw he HAS immense power, he only uses the amount he needs, knows when to hold back, and only shows off a tiny bit, and even then he’s likely still keeping the theif absolutely safe. It also provides excellent foreshadowing for later as to why the League takes his side even when he refuses to defend himself, as it shows that John really is a professional true and true.
He runs by a basketball court and fails to make a basket when throwing a ball back to a kid before meeting his old gym teacher, who turns out to be the kids uncle or something like that, and invites John to join them as they go to the barber shop. The kid wants John’s haircut, his granpa says the usual and i’m wondering why as John’s haircut isn’t that radical: it’s a miltiary style cut, belying the fact that for this series, while it dosen’t come up in the plot here, John was a former marine instead of an architect. Honestly.. this wasn’t a bad change, giving us the deciated and measured john we know, to the point the comics gladly retconned it in. Not that it’s really a huge deal given it meelrly adds shades to the guy and dosen’t prevent him from being an architect. It just adds lairs by giving a reaosn he’s so focused and driven. He had it drilled into him and carried it with him. 
Meanwhile on the watchtower The Flash clumisly tries to get to know Hawkgirl better and maunver into asking her out, though it’s clear sh’es not intrested. Still even if he can’t help flirting, and it sometimes gets creepily obnoxious, it’s still better than I expected remembering this running subplot, as he DOES try to get to know her and what she does in her off time, even if it’s to set up asking her out, and is trying to ask her out instead of just hitting on her or doing anything far more creeptacular. It’s still not great mind you and hasn’t aged well at all.. but for the time it’s not TERRIBLE and again it goes away pretty quickly in favor of the much more intresting John and Shierya relationship. 
Flash accidently shoots himself in the foot.. conversationally though given how Wally is at this point in the series I wouldn’t be suprised, by asking the Martian Manhunter, who gives Hakwgirl an easy exit if he’s ever felt alone.. you know the guy whose entire race including his wife and child died horribly. He quickly apologizes though and John understands he just stuck his foot in his mouth at lighting speed. And it’s not the MOST insensitive he’s been about Jonn’s dead wife. 
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But things are soon interupted as Jonn notes “We have an incursion!” 
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But the Avengers are dealing with all of that so they can instead focus on the Manhunters shooting toward earth. I really like this as the primary reason Batman set up this station was to monitor for alien threats, it just because the Leagues base because superman had the idea to stay as a team and it was a good un, and given earth JUST had an invasion, as this likely isn’t too long after that given it’s only the second set of episodes, it’s understandable they’d  be on high alert. 
So our heroes move to intercept. As the first episode after the pilot this one also sets up a recurring part of the show and a necessary one: only a handful of Leaguers would feature in each two-parter, as the episodes for the first two seasons were essentially one hourlong story split into two episodes. The only exceptions were the three part premire, the three part finales for each season, and the sole solo episode comfort and joy which is fucking awesome and my faviorite christmas episode period. But even with the extended run time the crew simply felt i’td be unwiedly to juggle 7 characters eveyr episode, feeling it’d eventually get to original series star trek leevels of having one just manning a console or something. So rather than try and cram them all into every episode, they choose who they needed and gave valid excuses for the rest when necessary. In this case Batman and Wonder Woman have solo missions their busy with , as does Superman whose adressing an earthquake.  Our heroes try talking to the Manhunters.. who refuse to talk to them and then also say their coming for John, and aren’t explaning why. So naturally a brawl breaks out as the League SHOCKINGLY dosen’t want their friend who as far as they know has done nothing wrong taken by a brutish paramilitary force who won’t actual talk to the citzens their policing or try and be coporative. More on this in a second. The fight itself is pretty awesome as our heroes fight as evenly as they can.. but it’s clear their outgunned outplanned outnumbered and outmanned, as while their you know the justice league and do their best and Jonn is in Superman’s weight class the battle makes it VERY clear their barely holding in there and that the blast from the manhunters rods are just too potent for them to stand up against. 
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But help and hope arrives and things get a bit less lopsided when Superman shows up! Unfortunately it’s season 1 superman, and something a lot of fans noticed but I as a kid didn’t and the crew themslves did not until it was too late to course correct for the season, was that Superman came off as a bit of a wimp in this series. See they had the good intention of having him struck down to show a threat’s serious, something TV Tropes calls the “The Worf effect” after the fact that Worf on Star Trek TNG would get knocked on his ass a lot for the same reason, but it has the side effect of making a character look like their made of paper mache if done too often. To the crew’s credit they realized this and not only made sure this didn’t happen as much in season 2, but dedicated the first episode of Season 2, twilight, to showing Superman as a badass by having him try and cave Darkseid’s skull in. Granted they overcompensated in places in that episode, but that’s a story for another day. Point is he had a habit of getting knocked around and it varied between really effective and overselling it. Here it works as the manhunters had already knocked Jonn around a bit, knocking him into some poor kid’s apartment whose really wondering what the fuck just happened too much to enjoy meeting the martian manhunter, so him  not being too on top of them simply sells this threat is equal, and possibly past the League. 
Meanwhile John is talking to his former teacher who says the kid reminds him of John... it’s not only a nice bit of depth to show the restrained John used to be a bit of a hellraiser before the Marines.. but also shows John’s guilt as he hopes not.. but before he can unload, he notices the fight and suits up to his old mentors shock and the kids joy, I mean I would too if a guy suddenly because a green lantern in front of me, and dashes off.. to surrender and break up the fight, handing over his ring and going with them and telling the League not to interfere. Their response can be summed up thusly. 
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To John, he’s peacefully surrendering for a crime he comitted to a bruitsh and unfair police force but one who is duly deputized and as an officer himself, for the unaware the Green Lanterns are space cops and given the reason rightfuly reconing on the police I will certainly be discussing this as we go, is trying to coparate and prevent any collateral. While LIKELY Bruce pays for any that happens, as beneath his batdick demanour at times he’s a very good man and if he has the pockets for a space station, space craft, commuincators and all the good stuff a superhero team has on hand, he probably has a dedicated fund set up to paying for collateral since insurance might not cover it, and not only that would likely give any impacted extra to do any upgrades they coudln’t before because he’s a philanorphist .. one who dresses up like a bat to punch people in the face, but that itself is still philathophy in a way. 
But to the League? Their friend was taken by a bunch of shady paramilitary robots who didn’t bother talking to them, is trying to keep them out of it and for all they know only surrendered to prevent a fight, and even if he had valid reasons, as his friends-ish and teammates, they have a right to answers. So while John sits in his cell completlating his apparent crimes.. the JL have taken off in the Javelin, the spaceship I mentioned batman funding. And of course Batman has both spaceship money and had a design for one so ready it likely took a month at most for him to get it up and running, if not less, and only didn’t have one in the batcave because he hadn’t neededed it yet and likely didn’t want to embezle more money than he has to from his company. Jonn uses the stars John saw, say that three times fast I dare you, to find a location and our heroes head there.  Our heroes arrive.. and are attacked by the local security despite Superman geninely trying to hail them, the Javelin not firing back and our heros only going out to intercpet personally so they don’t die, and even then making careful certainty not to attack. So we get another thrilling battle, with our three flying heroes all pitching in, and the flash realizing he dosen’t know how to fly the thing and me cursing out bruce in my head for you know, not either forcing flash to learn the stuff, or having the forsight to put a manual on board for any members who forgot something, aka so when Wally inteivibly goofs off and eats candy instead of reading it the first time, he can speed read it and at least retain it long enough to land the thing in a crisis. If it were anyone else i’d be understanding but this is the guy who again, either had spaceship plans lying around or could get one together in the span of a month or so and while not thinking of the ship in terms of a team, still also paid for and likely created the commuincators they used, so he’d know his team well enough to know he needs this. 
My nitpicking aside, our heroes land, make quick work of the locals, and then crash in on John’s trial after he’s escorted in, passing his fellow lanterns who rightfully treat him with disdain.. but for the wrong reasons as we’ll see. John gives  groaning “oh no” , like he’s embarassed. When REALLY..
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Seriously John, again you were as far as they knew kidnapped, and the way the manhunters acted, they had no reason to think they were legitamate, and you didn’t take five minutes to tell them, “They have every reason to be takning me” or “I blew up a planet I deserve this” . They still would’ve came mind you, they just might of realized this wasn’t a traditional rescue mission and actually tried to use some subtly. You also COULD have told the manhunters they might show up so the security wouldn’t attack them. They probably woudln’t o LISTEND or attacked themselves, so i’ts a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation, but you still did absolutely nothing. It’s the one mistep with John here and even then it has the justification of his self loathing at the moment being so high, he assumed they’d rightfully write him off without question.. not to mention given the team is mostly white guys, two aliens and a princess who woudln’t know better, he probably assumed like most white dumbasses they’d assume the police were correct and not give him the benifit of a doubt. To their credit, especially since you know one of them’s superman and the other one’s a professional dumbass, they didn’t think that for a second. Some would not be such a good person. 
But Prosecutor Forman and the big giant heads aren’t much better than the manhunters, so Prosecutor Forman sends some orange guys to put foots up their asses.. and since unlike the manhunters their just... some ambigiously gendered aliens with no powers, they go down quick and before the manhunters enter, superman RIGHTFULLY calls them out, as he points out they just wanted to know what the hell was going on, didn’t throw the first punch, and have been under attack since, and the heads admit this IS a public trial, and they kinda overreacted so as long as the superfriends don’t do any other antics and watch like anyone else, their good. Superman has his team play it safe for now as they really don’t know what’s going on and given they could only stalemate the manhunters on even footing, they know they can’t take them on their home turf.  
The trial is soon underway, and Prosecutor Forman calls the witnsees.. Kanjar Ro, also voiced by Smith. This is neat little bit as Ro was one of the first foes the League fought in the comics, a space pirate, and while he originally was just going to be some random asshole, someone brought up the idea of him being Ro and the crew really loved it. It’s a nice nod to the comics and honestly if you have a vast superhero universe with decades of continuity to draw from for your show, why NOT make the secondary villian of the episode be someone from the comics. 
Ro is, like the comics, a pirate and seemingly came forward because what John did was so bad even he can’t stomach it and has to say something. So we FINALLY find out what John did.. well okay the audience as a whole does I remember this from being a kid. He and Ro had a routine cop and robber interaction, Ro was smuggling shit, and John was doing his job as GL of Sector 2814 and stopping him and cut out his engine.. but seemingly said engine drifted off, and destroyed a planet as  result via chain reaction, and thus the debris right outside the planet John’s being tried on are apparently thsoe of the planet he accidently killed. The court takes a break and while the League, understandably, assume that the obviously shady man was lying John ends part one by confirming that no he did it. And this is why I put a pin in things... because the episode being about a space cop being arrested by worse space cops and dealing with his friends in the badge turning on him while some of his other friends try to prove he’s innocent, and the man in question being an african american... tackles some very loaded issues that, givent he writer and most of the staff, Dwayne McDuffie accepted, were very much white, i’m thinking they just kind of fell backward into and it only came out as good as it did either do to McDuffie or just blind luck that it didn’t turn out entirely awful in hindsight.
And if anyone is complaning: “Wait you dont’ need to get political leave politics out of this”.. please leave my fucking blog. For one, the recknoing with the police was long overdue, I feel ashamed for not having it sink in how fundementally broken the police were and not realizing it for my whole fucking life, I knew some cops were bad but I hadn’t realized the institution was inherently racist and bad  and feel so much deep and lasting shame for that, and for another again it’s a story that at it’s core is a black police officer being arrested for doing something wrong, taking full responsiblity for his actions like a police officer SHOULD, and having friends of his try and prove he didn’t really do it, while his fellow officers, rather than find the act itself abohhrent, come out as either being loyal to john no matter what (kilowog) because fellow officer, or assholes who ONLY are upset because it makes them look bad, and are ONLY distancing themselves because of that, and not because you know JOHN MAY OF CAUSED A GENOCIDE BY INCOMPETNECE. So yeah, i’m not ignoring the real world implications, I couldn’t and wouldn’t if I wanted to, and i feel if done right ANY medium, animation, comics, what have you, for kids or not, can tackle such issues and should be able to. 
So i’m not ignoring the elephant in the room, and as we get into part 2 we get the good and bad of this in full: Superman feels something’s off about this whole thing, a hunch admitely but given an engine falling in a crater seems a bit too convinent, he has a right to investigate and takes MM to do so, while he leaves Flash and Hakwgirl to stall. Both take diffrent approaches: Flash signs on as GL’s lawyer.. and it’s an awesome scene as we find out, in your standard evil lawyer joke, that the tribunal of faces solved this by simply having the lawyer share the punishment.. but it also shows Flash’s loyalty and faith that his friend did not do this and something worse is at work, as he still agrees after learning he’ll probably die if his other friends don’t fix this. 
And now we have full context i can get into where this episode really does the issue justice for the most part: John is presented as the model of both what the GL Corps and what police should be: He’s professional, uses minimal force despite having a weapon that can do anything, and when he THINKS he did something horrible, he dosen’t run from his crime: the most he does is go back home to see it once last time, simply waiting for someone to come and get him for what it did wether it be his own brothers in arms or as we saw the manhunters and he doesn’t defend himself because he dosen’t feel he should as he screwed up, got an entire planet killed, and rightly thinks he should pay for it. He’s likely, as a black man in the early 2000′s, been falsely accused, pulueld over and fucked over by police and seen people in his community he knewe and care about die because of shit like this so when given the chance to take responsibility, even from a clearly broken system, he does. Because in the same situation a lot of officers back at home would not and would walk away clean and that’s not who John Stewart is, how he was raised, or what he or the corps stands for. 
But the episode gets to have it’s cake and eat it too, as the League does belivie John didn’t do this on purpose.. and the blind faith they especially superman did come off as wince inducing.. until I realized it’s not because of some “brotherhood of the badge” bullshit.. but because it’s Superman. He belivies in the good of most people. In this very series despite Lex Luthor having tried to kill him dozens of times at this point, he STILL shows the guy empathy when he finds out Lex is dying of cancer. Lex spits at the notion of course and dosen’t take it seroiusly.. but Superman is just that good a person, so if he has a hunch somethings’ wrong.. it probably is. And even if he and Jonn found nothing... it’s the right thing to do. A crime should ALWAYS be properly investigated to make sure someone dosen’t hang for something they did not do. This is what I meant by have it’s cake and eat it too: the episode tackles police brutality.. but the accused is also the victim, and it thus tackles the unfairness in the us courts, how black people are often assumed guilty when that’s horribly racist and biased as fuck and how Police are assumed correct. Our heroes are assuming john is right based on optisim but are not wrong for wanting him to at LEAST get a fair trial and full investigation that clearly was not done. It also covers, again probably intetioanlly, how some are often not able to get proper representatin, with this court outright getting rid of it, which is wrong and bad, and the flash being the best John can do and not very good at it, mostly stalling for time. It shows the system’s brokena nd soemtimes you have to directly fight iht and can’t just take it , and even if your convinced your guilty and want to rightfuly take the blame for something your sure you did... you still deserve a fair trial and a compitent one. 
It’s not all good: as said the gl’s are portrayed as bad for not wanting anything to do with john, and in order to make them unsympathetic they care more about their rep than the fact a friend may of comited genocide and kilowog showing up and providing character witness is seen as a good thing, even if he provides no actual character evidence other than “Johnny’s a good guy” and that’s not ideal. It’s not perfect and again it was writtne by an old white guy so of course it isn’t but the fact it gets so much right the more you dig in despitei t’s awwkardness and being written and aired 20 years ago... that is nothing to sneeze at. 
We have more to dig into here too with the manhunters but first moreof the plot: While the other stuff mentioned happens, Superman and Jonn investigate as said.. and we find out WHY superman was supscious: while it was part hunch.. he did in fact have valid reason to suspect something was off, and as we saw actually heard the case against his friend first, and only went against it because the evidence was off.. in that the MOON of the planet is still there and should’ve flown off. He and Jonn soon find a MASSIVE device that John identifies as a bigger version of a toy he had as a kid, something that created images... and again shows whya  PROPER investigation was needed. Had the court actually looked into it instead of presuming John guilty, they would’ve found this thing too. Naturally though Kanjar Ro has followed them and wants to kill them.. but with her subplot wrapped up Hawkgirl went to seei f they needed backup, stealing one of the guard ships which given they attacked people on ap lanet iwth a PUBLIC TRIAL going on without haling them yeah don’t blame her, and kicks his ass. Our heroes find out the truth as I mentioned earlier: Ro was paid to lie and be in on things for an assload of money.. byt he Manhutners.. who at the moment are plotting to strike while Oa, the home of the green lanterns is weak, as the Guardians who created them and monitor them mostly left to go to the trial.
As we catch up with them, THe guardians speak on each lantern being trusted with the ring and given little oversight.. because they pick wisely. The prosecutor just wants John to hang, calls for a sentence, which is death and John and Flash nearly die, in case you thought I was pulling those parallels out of my ass. But Superman rushes in, and in a small, subtle gag he and Jonn do so thorugh a small pain of glass put over where they enterted last time, fight off security and save them, and before prosecutor foot in the ass can harumph about it more.. Superman claims jonn’s innocent..a nd has Shiera smash the generator, showing he indeed is, getting John aquitted. John also attacks Ro, who they brought along as a witness, rightfully so, but the League get him to stop as they don’t have time for that: the Guardians are strangely leaving after that, the manhunters are clearly doing something given their asbent, so John retakes his ring, restored to who he was now knowing he truly WAS innocent and was simply set up.. and he wants to find out why. 
We soon get the why as the Guardians explain the manhunters after the League won’t let them just.. brush by after they aburbtly tried to leave. They AREN’T behind the current attack.. but did create them, feeling robots would be better policeman. They were wrong, with the manhunters lacking empathy, being far too military in their job, and generally not being up for it so they simply gave them smaller jobs as bounty hunters, court balifs that sort of thing ans assumed they were fine because they didn’t say anything. As John puts it perfectly “Not outloud. “ And this itself is the other thing that makes the episode work as an allegory, if a very unteitonal one: The Manhunters are the police as they are now, violent brutes with way too much power, no restraint in using it and no ounce of mercy or sympathy for those they protect. And the Guardians rightfully removed this system, and replaced it with the corps. And while the Corps STILL have a lot of leway and power, being free to investigate on their own provided OA dosen’t call them to do someting specific, and given a ring that can do anything within corps guidelines, which basically means “don’t kill” and “don’t be a dick with it”, the guardians still watch them, do not interfere in trials and choose very wisely. not only that ther’es only one officer per sector, each sector being galaxies wide.. but that’s because that’s only what’s NEEDED. One Lantern with the power to take on entire fleets if needed, which is a fair amount of power given the scope of the job, and come in as requested by the people themselves, honestly isn’t a bad system. Granted the corps is wonky from time to time in the comics as are the guaridans depending on the writer, but at it’s core the corps really sounds like a more responsible versoin of the police: given just the gear necessary, the men necessary, and only called in when truly needed or if they spot a crime in process. THat’s what the people protecting us should be like and that’s why this episode still works. 
Obviously though I was aware of none of this as a kid, and the real reason I loved this episode is this climax. The League arrives on Oa just in time to provide backup. Presumibly the guardians there and incoming with the league simply dont have the power to spare to call for reinforcments. Which is weird but fair enough drama wise and our heroes storm the planet , with the corpsmen from before all showing up to pitch in. But John gets there too late as the head manhunter drains the central power battery, the source of the lantern’s powers, and declares I AM THE POWER, refusing to accept he’s out of date.
 And this, folks is the moment that made me love the lanterns for life. John is outgunned, the wise old wrinkled blue men who gave him his powers drained of there, starring down a massive monster planning to subjigate the universe... and he does not blink. See lanterns are picked for their willpower, their abliity to stare down things like this, and fight anyway, their very rings controlled by this, by their own force of personhood. It’s another reason besides logistics why theires only one per sector: it’s that hard to find one. Earth is so remarkable because , even if it’s simply so we could have more stars in the books over time in real world, we produced not ONE person capable of this.. but 7.. Alan Scott whose not in the corps but whose powers stll work on will and could probably use a regular corps ring very much included. John was chosen because he simply won’t give up. He gave up before.. but it was the right thing to do and ultimately biding his timea nd accepting his trial.. gave his friends time to aquit him and prove he was framed. 
But now is not the time to back down.. now’s the time to stand.. so how does John win? By USING his will, by using the reason he was chosen coupled with ihs own personal dedication and concentration, he grabs his ring as it floats toward the guy, takes it back.. and starts reciting the lantern oath. And since the Manhunter is indeed “The power”.. it means he too can be controlled like any lantern energy. and thus with every bit of willpower he has, struggling all the while but not moving a damn inch, John recites his oath and shoves the monster that framed him, and the power he stole, back into the battery, all while saying an oath so badass it has been etched into my head since thanks to this episode. Say it with me now..
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night No Evil Shall Escape My Sight Let Those Who Worship Evil’s Might BEWARE MY POWER, GREEN LANTERN’S LIGHT!
And the credit goes to phil lamarr, who delivers the oath with all the gravitas and awesomeness it’s first delivery in this continuty it deserves. It was this that made me a lifelong fan: one man with the power of anytihng using PURE MENTAL STRENGTH AND DETERMiINATION TO SHOVE AN EVIL ENERGY BEING IN A GIANT LANTERN WHILE RECITING A BADASS AND AWE INSPIRING OATH. And if that dosen’t sell you on the Green Lantern’s being awesome I can’t help you and don’t know why your here. 
So wrapup time: The Guardians genuinely thank john, saying they choose well, and John brushes off his fellows corpspersons as they should’ve belivied him and thanks the League for having faith in him even when he didn’t. And while the former part has some.. bad implications we’ve gotten into already, I also can’t entirely blame him given they did it not because he might’ve killed someone but again, because 
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Precisley. So our heroes prepare to head home, cue the credits. 
Final Thoughts:
So how does this episode hold up 20 years later? As should be obvious, damn well. It’s a good introduction for the corps, if showing them to be kinda assholes in places, and a good spotlight episdoe for John showing who he is what he stands for and again how TRULY MONUMENTALLY BADASS the man is. And lest you think the comics versoin is any LESS badass, he once got into a sniper duel in with Bedovian, a member of the Sinestro Corps and a crab person.. who was as I forgot till looking it up, THREE SECTORS, which i’ll remind you can comprise entire galaxies, away, with a ring made sniper rifle. In one shot no less. Point is even with some.. wonkier aspects, and ones that aren’t intetnional, it still works and is a shockingly relevant episode 19 years later and the fight scenes, as are standard for the series, are overwhelmingly awesome. Check this one out, and the series as a whole. With its great animation, character work and general badassery this one’s worth a few watches. And obviously given my love of this seires, and it’s 20th anniversay next year, and my love of John, check back here for more John-centric episodes throughout the year as we celebrate the guy. And I will also celebrate the green lantern NAMED guy eventually too, and jessica.. and all of them ebcause I love them all. Yes.. even Hal.  As for which John episode i’m doing next? Easy, one that intorduces me to a character I love who dosen’t get used near enough, Metamorphisis. The when I can’t say QUITE yet as my March schedule is full and most of my ongoing projects are on the backburner so I can tackle two arcs of ducktales, which coincidentally happened to be in time for the finale. That wasn’t planned AT ALL mind you, it just ended up working out really well that way.  For now though tommorow I begin my coverage of the final 4 episodes of ducktales with “Beaks in the Shell” and later this week finish up black history month with blacksad, continue my Lena retrospective with a money shark and some pr work, cover the second season of close enough, celebrate Tex Avery’s birthday and also celebrate the new Tom and Jerry movie.. with the OLD tom and jerry movie. Until then, see you next rainbow. 
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 4 years ago
what draws you in about prometheus as a story? what made you enjoy the movie so much?
Huh, you know, this is actually a little difficult for me to answer.
I guess I’ll just ramble and see where it goes.
Firstly, I think a lot of people went in Prometheus wanting it to be one thing or another. They wanted it to be more like Alien and went “What is this philosophical and religious bullshit!” or else they were sort of on board for the weird religious aspect but then went “Oh, we’re back to the face eating aliens, I see.” I think that threw a lot of people for a loop, and I actually rather liked both aspects, so I wasn’t one of those.
I also, at the time, happened to overhear people gushing about how hot the android and how they went to see the movie purely because of that, but then were dismayed everyone kept dying in increasingly graphic manners throughout the movie. One should never see an Alien film based on the hotness of the actors if you cannot handle your gore.
Second, I think a lot of people love to be disdainful of horror films (especially those from the Alien franchise). So many times I hear people rag on Ripley (from Alien) for saving the cat. “How stupid” they say “If I was on a space ship with a man eating alien I would leave the cat and everyone else to die. In fact, if I was there no one would die at all because I am so much smarter than every character in this film, nyuk nyuk nyuk”. Nevermind that, in Alien, tensions were running very high and Ripley had reached a point where She Was Saving the Motherfucking Cat. Brilliance or stupidity had nothing to do with it, that was sheer iron will and being beyond done. Prometheus gets this treatment times ten.
“If I was on this expedition then no one would have died because I would never enter the scary pyramid and what would Ridley Scott do then, huh, victory for me!” Remember that this isn’t a normal expedition. This is funded by Peter Weyland himself, is what all in the scientific community (everyone on the ship even except Elizabeth herself) considers a giant joke and a waste of time. Elizabeth is extraordinarily lucky that the expedition is happening at all, is not in charge of operations (and indeed has no experience in space and only archelogical sites on Earth), and is on the bankroll of a man who very much has that agenda.
While they should have first sent in robots (probably David alone really) to survey the pyramid and judge whether it was safe and its true purpose, Weyland wants that pyramid explored now by all hands on deck. True, he has David go in as well and do his own surveying, but David is doing solely what Weyland wants here. If David went in alone, he’d be reporting into the scientific team on the ship presumably for days, on tasks Weyland doesn’t care about, while Weyland is in cryostasis slowly dying. This just won’t do.
And so, the ship filled with many of Weyland’s agents, insist they all go into the pyramid as soon as they land. I give Elizabeth a pass as she’s a) not in charge b) has no experience in space c) after years of badgering the scientific community has finally reached her goal. She immediately changes her mind by the time they go in for that second visit (and, indeed, they all go in again because they’re still on Weyland’s bankroll).
As for not suspecting David, remember that Charlie represents most people in the Alien world especially at this point in time. Weyland is still just Weyland and not Weyland Yutani, androids are shinier and newer but regarded as useful if creepy tools that can be seen more or less often in society. David’s role is to keep the ship running, the crew mates alive in hyperstasis, and be sort of a glorified assistant. The idea that David could knowingly endanger human life (remember, he doesn’t know what that shit will do to Charlie either, though I do think he was quite pleased when Charlie died a horrific death) is unthinkable, androids don’t do that. Even in Prometheus, David isn’t quite at the level of murder of his own volition, as he does this more or less on Peter Weyland’s orders. So, in this case, this means realizing the extent of dirt baggery that exists in Peter Weyland who is fully willing to murder this entire crew to get what he wants, Charlie and Elizabeth still think he’s a generous and curious benefactor who wants to explore the possibility of alien life. Right, point being, it actually really annoys me when people go “The characters were so stupid, I would never have been caught in this situation.” Even had they not entered the pyramid, David would still have poisoned your tea because Weyland told him to “try harder”. Congratulations, you have now been burned alive by Meredith Vickers.
Right, so why do I like it?
Well, clearly, I am a huge fan of Alien and Blade Runner. I don’t love all of Ridley Scott’s movies, like every director he has some ones that are real duds, but I certainly enjoy those two. So right off the bat we a lot of things I love in this movie, a focus on an android character, a lot of philosophy about the meaning of life and sentience, Alien, Lawrence of Arabia references done very well, and a very strong female lead (Elizabeth is very similar to Ripley in this respect despite their very different personalities).
I love the strength of Elizabeth’s character. She’s one of those so unbelievably charismatic people that she never buckles or wavers despite how much she’s ridiculed. She, in fact, convinces them of things that sound utterly impossible and makes this entire expedition happen. Then, when it all goes to hell in the most horrific manner, she keeps going. She drags David’s god knows how many pound body and head to an alien ship, this is after having given herself a C-section an hour ago by telling the machine to cut open her abdomen, puts him together herself, and determines that she will meet her maker and ask them why.
I love her marriage with Charlie. The pair are very fond of each other, love each other, but they don’t really understand each other. Charlie comes off as humoring Elizabeth for this quest, that he’s in it at this point for the prestige and the money and not so much Ellie’s God. Elizabeth in turn doesn’t seem to realize Charlie doesn’t want the things she wants or see the world the way she sees it. They have huge relationship problems that never get a chance to flourish and ends in despair and death.
And of course I love David, who is trying to judge himself, mankind, and his own maker in the midst of this clusterfuck. And with him, of course, Meredith Vickers and Peter Weyland who are just ever so delightful.
So, yeah, I guess what I’m saying is that I really enjoy the characters in this movie as well as the plot, the ending, and pretty much everything along the way.
I realize that no one, or at least very few, agree with me on this opinion and that I’ll probably be laughed at on the internet for the next five years because I made this post. However, I’ve written fanfiction for years, if there’s any shame to be had I lost it ages ago.
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oopsitsstella · 4 years ago
Rivalry on the Racetrack
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Fandom: The MCU (Motorbike Racing AU)
Summary: Sometimes, it can be hard to avoid injuries on a racetrack. Today is one of those days, unfortunately for Steve and Y/N
Warnings: Some angst, Reader gets injured during her motorbike race, talks of injuries
A/N: I know next to nothing about motorbike racing, and I didn’t do the best job at researching. If I get something wrong, please excuse me
‘Back in Black’ by AC/DC was blasting through the speakers of the garage. It had become custom for the team to listen to music, typically older music or rock music, before a race to hype everyone up, and put Y/N’s nerves a bit more at ease.
It didn’t matter how many races she competed in, she would always feel a little anxious before them, so she would always sit down with Natasha before a race, so she could help her relax and focus.
Rhodey and Tony were prepping Y/N’s bike for the upcoming race, Tony also teaching the rookie of the crew, Peter, how to do so, while T’Challa and Vision were double checking that the racer-to-pit comms were working like normal.
The song changed to ‘Jailhouse Rock’ by Elvis Presley, and a smile immediately stretched across Y/N’s face.
“Oh no, she’s daydreaming about the competition again. Someone stop her.” Tony said, briefly looking at the racer.
“She’s in love Tony. Leave her alone.” Natasha reprimanded. “We all know you’re the same with Pepper.” She continued.
Tony grumbled something about that not being the point, before turning back to the red and gold bike in front of him.
“Is Pepper here today?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, she is. Thor and Bruce are coming too.”
“What about your friends Pete?”
“Yeah, they are! MJ texted earlier telling me her and Ned were coming.”
“Good, now you can finally introduce us.” Natasha said, Y/N humming in agreement.
“Rogers.” Y/N greeted while preparing to get onto the race track.
“L/N.” Steve said back. “Prepared to lose again, today?”
“Just because you won last time doesn’t mean you’ll do it again, sweetheart.” Y/N said, and Steve could hear her smirk through her helmet.
Said helmet was mostly red, with yellow accents on either side of the head, and a dark visor. Her racing suit was also red and yellow, along with a few black accents. This made her light blue number 12 patch stand out among the sunset colors in her suit.
Meanwhile Steve’s helmet was completely navy blue, while his suit had a couple accents of red and white, and his number 4 patch was black over white.
“I have confidence in myself today.” Steve said, making Y/N scoff out a laugh.
“Last time you said that, I beat you by a lot.” She told him frankly, before getting herself and her bike to the starting line. “And I do believe I’m in the lead for most wins this season so far.”
“For now, sweetheart. For now.”
Steve had crossed the finish line. He’d won the race, and despite the adrenaline in his veins going crazy, he quickly picked up on the fact that Y/N had not yet. She was almost always close behind him to cross, and vice versa when she came first. The second thing he noticed was that Y/N’s pit was empty. Tony, Nat, T’Challa, no one was there. His eyes flicked around, and landed on the jumbo screen,and his heart stopped. The screen was showing a part of the race track, there was an ambulance, paramedics, and a crashed bike.
A red and yellow bike.
The text that showed up on the screen confirmed his fear. Y/N had crashed. Steve quickly made his way to his pit to see if his crew saw what happened.
“It looked like she lost control of her bike.” Wanda said shakely.
“She didn’t get up after it stopped, so I’m guessing she was knocked out.” Sam said.
“Oh god.” Steve sat down on a chair, feeling like he might collapse if he didn’t.
“Heard anything from the others?”
“Not yet.” Scott said. “A car came and picked them up almost straight away, probably to take them to whatever hospital they’re taking Y/N to.”
“I texted Vis, asked him to let us know when they get to the hospital, but he hasn’t texted yet.” Wanda said.
A couple minutes passed, before there was a ding form Wanda’s phone, and one from Steve’s. Tony had texted him, telling him Y/N was being seen by Doctors Strange and Cho, the two doctors the two crews knew the best and trusted the most.”
“Her doctors are Stephen and Helen.” He told the group.
“Alright. Should we get going?” Bucky asked, and the team left the racing course to head to the hospital.
“Hey, you’re here.” Tony said when they arrived.
Him and the rest of the group were seated in the waiting room, presumably waiting for the verdict on Y/N’s condition.
“We’re here, sorry it took a while, traffic was bad.”
“You’re here, that’s what’s important.” Nat said. “How’re you feeling?”
“I’m in disbelief, I feel like.” Steve said, taking a seat next to Tony.
“It’s understandable. I think we all are.”
“I’m sure she’ll be fine. Y/N’s too tough for this to get her down completely.” T’Challa said, earning nods of agreement from the rest.
At that moment, Stephen and Helen entered the waiting room, and Steve immediately stood up.
“She’s fine.” Helen said. “We’ve seen her in worse condition. She got lucky.”
“She has a few cracked ribs, a broken arm, and a possible concussion, but we can’t know that for certain until she wakes up, but other than that she’s okay.” Stephen said. “She’s asleep right now, she should wake up within the hour.”
“She’ll need time to recover, naturally, and most likely some time off from racing after she’s recovered, but we’ll see how long that break will last once she’s properly healed.”
“Can we see her?” Peter asked the two doctors.
“Of course.”
Y/N slowly started to come to. She couldn’t see anything, but she could feel a pounding in her head, and an ache in her left arm and her torso. She could also hear a faint sound of music. She slowly peeled her eyes open, and was met with a white ceiling and harsh lights, making her shut her eyes again. It was then she picked up on what the music was. ‘Jailhouse Rock’ by Elvis Presley. She could also pick up on a feeling in her right hand, like someone was holding it. She turned her head to see, and saw Steve sat on a chair next to her bed. His eyes were locked on his phone, seemingly texting someone.
“Hey.” She said, her voice coming out slightly hoarse, and Steve’s head shot up.
“Oh thank god, you’re awake.” He said, pulling his chair closer to the bed and gripping her hand tighter. “You scared me out there, babe.”
“What happened?” She asked, and she heard the door open.
“You got into a crash on the race track.” Stephen said, entering the room. “Lost control of your bike. Good to see you awake, how do you feel?”
“My heads pounding a little.” Y/N sighed. “And my arm hurts. Same with my torso, guessing that’s something with my ribs?”
“It is indeed. A couple cracked ribs, a broken arm, and based on the pounding head, and the fact that you crashed your bike, I’d say you probably have a concussion.” Stephen said.” Helen and I are going to run some tests, and then you should be good to go home.”
“How’re you feeling?” Steve asked quietly, rubbing his thumb across Y/N’s shoulder.
It was much later that day, the sunset was painting the sky yellow and pink, and golden sunlight was streaming into their bedroom through the large windows.
“I’ve been worse. Arm hurts a little bit, still, but it’s fine.”
“You’ll tell me if somethings wrong, right?” He questioned.
“Of course.” Y/N assured him, smiling up at him. “Oh, nice song choice earlier, by the way.”
“Oh, thank you.” Steve chuckled. “I had it on a loop, I thought you’d enjoy it.”
“Of course I would. It’s our song.”
“You think we’ll dance to that at our wedding?”
“Calm down there, mister, you need to propose first for that to happen.” Y/N teased.
“Stop it.” He laughed in response.
He laid her flat on the bed and placed his arms either side of her, lifting himself up and looking down at her.
“I think it would be a pretty good first dance song.” He said, still smiling.
“You won’t have to convince me. I’m all for it.” Y/N replied, and wrapped her right arm around his shoulders. “I do believe I still owe you a kiss, though. You did beat me in the race.”
“Well then, I would love to claim my prize.”
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