#I really like the first photo LOL in-character (hj
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tio-trile · 8 months ago
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Some of the photos I took of the cast and showrunners at the Chaos Theory panel yesterday : )
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koolades-world · 6 months ago
Hello! I hope your having a great day! I saw that requests are open briefly so I have one:
Reactions to Luke calling MC "Mom" and MC just rolling with it before they both realize what he said
Like MC helps him with something and Luke says something like "Thanks Mom!" And MC's like "Sure thing, Sweetie" before they're both like 0_0
hi!!!!! this is soooo cute omg! i love how your requests have all been luke centric. love that little guy, he deserves more attention
was unsure what characters you wanted done, so i decided to do the brothers. since it's you, if you'd like the other characters done too, just leave a comment or send a message letting me know, and i'll have it done by sunday :)
The brothers react to Luke calling Mc "Mom"
his heart isn’t made out of stone, so now, luke has a newer nickname bestowed to him by lucifer himself
it’s simple but it really gets to him. luke isn’t sure if chihuahua or son is worse
he tried getting lucifer back by calling him dad but it didn’t really work the way he wanted it to. it most definitely backfired on him and now he keeps accidentally saying it
is now expecting luke to call him dad /hj lowkey mad that lucifer got the privilege first
mammon has always said he and luke have the same eyes... if he is your son, then he is now luke's father. he is ready to accept this position LOL
while you and luke are stewing in the awkwardness, of course he walks in and bluntly asks what happened
and that day marked his journey into fatherhood haha
he’s not very subtle about hiding his amusement
luke’s loud protesting only made him laugh harder
now when around luke he may or may not randomly burst out laughing because he remembered that moment
way to rub salt in the wound levi haha
he was there when it happened actually, because the three of you were doing homework together
he actually thought it was so cute, but tried to hide it because he knew luke would be embarrassed
he knew how he would feel if he accidentally called lucifer dad so he wouldn’t want to add insult to injury
luke is very grateful for how he responded :)
he’s for sure giggling like a mad man about it
despite the fact that luke is bright red and you looked half overjoyed half sentimental, he snaps a photo for the memories
will look at it in two days and awe over it nostalgically like it happened years ago
seemingly, every time luke tries to delete this photo, it pops up in his life mysterious again. most recently, he found a printed out version at the bottom of his bowl of soup at dinner
he thinks it was really quite cute
to him, it’s so endearing that the two of you have such a close relationship. he values family more than anything else so he’s glad the two of you have a little found family
the devildom isn’t exactly welcoming after all
he doesn’t rub it in, but he holds that memory near and dear to his heart <3
he is NEVER letting luke live this down
and I mean never
whenever he’s talking to luke about you, he’ll call you his mom instead of mc
“hey luke, your mom told me to bring this tupperware back to you from the cookies you sent over yesterday” “THAT WAS ONE TIME”
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cerberus-new-owner · 7 months ago
anyone else see headcannons for the om! characters and think of their own for a completely different topic like seriously i was reading headcannons about how the brothers would react to MLP (by @byte-your-tongue for those curious i would recomend looking at the post it made me laugh) and i started thinking up headcannons on how they would sleep like what??
Anywayssss here some headcannons about how i think the characters would sleep (with and without mc cause i feel like some of the would change how they sleep with someone next to them)
Part 1 - The Brothers Part 2 - The Angels + Solomon Part 3 - Diavolo + Barbatos
content thingy btw: the brothers are kind of implied to be dating mc but it can really be taken how you wish, also gn!mc, ooooo ooo oooo and a few pet names (dove, treasure, player 2, love) and a bit of fluff to
w/out mc- on back stiff as a board, mans becomes a plank of wood dare i say even a brick unmoving and silent no snores no sleep talk and somehow takes up his entire bed (he's probably in his demon form) also a very light sleeper he's gotta be ready for anything and everything disaterous that could happen in the middle of the night
w/ mc- buuuuuuut when mc shows up and starts sharing his bed he starts to sleep talk like when mc first showed up in the devildom he started doing it every now and then cause of stress (i sleep talk when stressed lol) but when they started sharing a bed he started sleep talking alot more the stress probably coming from him not wanting one of his brothers (mammon, levi, asmo) to A to walk into his room and fall asleep ontop of him and mc cause they want mc cuddles to or B straight up steal mc from his grasp (he protec) oooooor lucky number C take photos of the two and use them as blackmail (mams, satan and belphie), still no snoring, 20% chance he's in his demon form especially if its winter (wings can be blanket), i also think he may switch from a brick to side sleeper everynow and then for cuddles (touch starvedddddddddd), light sleeper still but like way worse now, will wake up at the sound of a pin drop (force him to wear noise cancelling headphones everynow and then so he gets sleep 'do i have to wear these silly things dove, i'd preffer to keep you safe and the house of lamantation standing than sleep')
w/out mc- hes sprawled out (starfish), loud snoring (can be heard across the house), also loud sleep talking (he will get flustered in his sleep and talk for everyone example 'mammon that was such a dumb idea' 'no it aint it was a genius idea' 'mammooooooon, wheres my record') sleeps with his glasses on, also kicks like alot, very deep sleeper would've slept through one of beels late night rampages when the fridge was empty many times
w/ mc- still starfish no room for mc, snoring is still loud (hope mc's got ear buds or smth) sleep talks but now flirts with himself too 'oh mammon did it hurt when you fell' 'of course it did i fell for you after all', has gotten into a better habit of taking his glasses off before sleep (feel like mc got up him for wearing them to sleep) no kicking anymore or atleast not as much mc has gotten kicked off multiple times, still a very deep sleeper but he'll somewhat wake up if mc moves to check on them (its probably just tred mumbles of something like 'ya okay treasure?' or 'you're not going anywhere treasure')
w/out mc- idk what to put here like he obviously takes up like the entirety of the bathtub he sleeps in, he probably talks to ruri-chan or his online friends in his sleep and does the poses and stuff ruri-chan does also body pillows no blankets just body pillows/hj he's a pretty normal sleeper (when he does sleep) only really waking up to any loud noises
w/ mc- still dunno but he probably wraps his tail around mc when sleeping (once again he protec) probably like the exact same as w/ out mc but without the poses, still a pretty average sleeper and still talks in his sleep ('nonononononono player two you take on the minions and i'll take on super elite demon dragon fish boss')
w/out mc- lets be real when hes does sleep its either almost exactly like lucifer (when he goes to sleep willingly) or he's sprawled out with a book on his face, snores but not as loudly as mammon or beel, probably kicks if he falls asleep angry at someone (most likely lucifer) sleeps pretty deeply normally but when pissed off he's a light sleeper almost like he's preparing to explode at the slightest sound, also if he's snuck a cat into his room he's cuddling with the cat
w/ mc- cuddles in the middle of reading a book, mc was sitting in his lap and he was reading to them when they fell asleep and a few hours later still reading the book out loud for the sleeping mc he falls asleep himself, doesn't go to sleep angry as often as before but his sleeping does lighten a little to make sure unwelcome intruders dont enter his space whilst he's with mc, will not move if he's cuddling mc (if he does move and wake them up he's apologising tellng them to go back to sleep ' 'm sorry love go back to sleep')
w/out mc- kitten snores tiny little baby snores, doesn't kick unles he's having a nightmare, has a night time face mask on deep sleeper and sleeps on his back just not as stiffly as luci and satan, sleep talks on occasion but its usually just him complementing himself 'oh asmodeus you look extra fabulous today' stuff like that
w/ mc- pretty much the exact same mans wants his beauty sleep
w/out mc - snores louder than mams, sleeps like a brick, human heater, midnight snacks, deeeeeeeep sleeper like an a new level not as bad as belphie but still he won't wake up unless its one of his alarms or he's hungry, if he were to sleep talk it'd probably be the recipe to his faverite food 'beat two eggs, mix the eggs in with the rest of the batter bake for 15 minutes'
w/ mc- me personally i would get him a sleep apnea machine (stops the loud snores) and install several fans for summer months, he would be very clingy too, perfect for winter not so much for summer
w/out mc- dead he might aswell be dead does not move or make a sound pretty boring overall and cold, no sleep talking like i said he might as well be dead
w/ mc- snuggles snuggles snuggles only time he will move is to get closer to mc for snuggles still pertty cold though like if he wakes up before mc, mc better be prepared to be woken up by a pair of cold hands / feet on their back and a very bratty smile to accompany their awakening
i feel like its way to obvious who my favorite brothers are looking at this and which brothers i struggled with lol but oh well....
i may do the dateables next, i also may expand on a few of these (the ones i didn't struggle hardcore with lol)
have a good day, night, evening, breakfast, lunch, morning
having too muvh fun with the masterlist things lol
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ask-aftershooooooooooow · 3 months ago
Okay so i have to info dump about hikaru. Its mandatory info dumping to become mildly interesting. Ill just cut it so if u wanna read yippee if you dont yippee too
1. Hikaru is the male character who can sing the highest out of my male ocs (have not decided on a note yet, think of hello distopia by mafumafu for now.)
And heres a list of highest to lowest in high pitched on my male ocs
Hikaru -> Yuki -> Kyo -> Kotaro -> Noah -> every male character of the unit im not done with yet -> Xiu -> Eun (they all sing fairly high tho)
He’s the shortest male too, at 1.65cm.
2. He is not so mildly obsessed with sweet stuff and can easily get bribed if offered any type of candy or pastry.
3. He’s allergic to seafood and carries an EpiPen, just in case.
4. He is chinese descent. Do not question why he can speak russian.
5. He has a younger sister, who doesn’t really have a canon name so we named her Hokaru lol
6. He has farsightedness or sum idk how you write it in english, but doesnt use glasses because he thinks he looks like his father. Very gacha life Michael Afton of him
7. He’s a digital artist and animator and does art commisions just for fun
8. Following the digital artist stuff, he once ALMOST accepted drawing freaky stuff because he didn’t realize what it was
9. He knows how to do flower crowns.
10. He has a dog, literally named dog in chinese (Gƍu or just gou idk)
11. He likes chess (hikaru reference/hj)
12. For absolutely no reason, his birthday is on Kid’s day (at least on Mexico), April 30th
13. His birthday is one day before Kyo’s.
14. He has
15. He hates sports.
16. Hikaru is the only AfterShow member that doesnt have a part of his hair dyed a different color.
17. Hikaru will always wear hair clips. If he doesn’t, he becomes the guy of the sewing club from yandere simulator
18. His heart necklace matches with Kyo.
For some reason, they match on a lot
19. He is a math expert and once (in)voluntarily teached Kyo and Yukari.
20. He plays Animal Crossing and really likes Raymond.
21. He is scared of bees and any insects that looks like one.
22. Despite being kinda really cold and somewhat distant, Hikaru’s feelings were the ones to create AfterShow’s MEIKO, and she is a silly girl who says dad jokes. Uhm
23. Hikaru’s Fragment SEKAI is a flower field, with a tree on a hill. It is nighttime in there.
24. Hikaru was happy as a child and the tallest of AfterShow. Not sure what happened tho
25. His weird child memory thing SEKAI is a park with photos scattered on the floor. As an extra detail, there’s a wheelchair on the far back as a silly symbolism to kidkyo
26. His mom is dead.
27. His dad is nowhere to be seen.
28. He lives with a relative who somehow became AfterShow’s manager.
29. He’s childhood friends with Kyo. They know eachother since they were like 7-8
30. Once had a crush on Shizuku. Then he became aromantic and then demiromantic
31. Yeah hes demiromantic.
32. Online friends with Ena.
33. Extremely afraid of Rui because of his inventions, but tolerates him because of Yukari (and somewhat Kyo). Kind of like Emu with Mafuyu, he can’t really hide his fear sometimes.
34. He can easily sleep the entire 24h a day has, and probably sleeps 10h daily
35.5. Hikaru one of my best friend’s OC, i just took him since i draw him more often, i helped with more than half of these facts, and i also helped on his creation. Im lika a co-creator so he also belongs to me
Okay im done for now
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m1ckeyb3rry · 7 months ago
Mira protection squad rise up
.dw just pull out the picture of Karasu in your wallet and just say ummm I’ve got a bf..!! /j but fr stay safe!!! It’s crazy how this still happens everywhere like leave people alone!!!
I’m crying the word count alone still has me REELING like omg
.guys this is not a fic atp this could be a whole novel
Ok wait but continuing I forgot to mention this is such a minor thing but THE TAJ MAHAL OUT OF HAIR??? I did not need that visual either oh my god
And not to worry! I turned back pretty fast I’d only gotten to the part where Karasu calls to talk about being captain and then I was really like ummm wait a minute
.so all good!!! I fr was piecing together the story up till that point like “oooh ok in college
.ok somehow we made a deal with Karasu got it
” LMAO my fault for running to read without actually reading properly before I started the actual fic portion!!
Ugh baby Karasu is so squishy
I can just imagine pinching his cheeks shdgsjshs speaking of that line where y/n is walking with him after his first game as captain and she compares his baby face to his current face “all angles and gloom and doom” LMAOOO ok but that swimming scene>>>> their bond >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
YAYOYUKI guys it’s just the quadruple Y ship Y to the fourth power LMAO I’m imagining yuki in that meme reaction pic with the person with their arms in the area and their chains breaking LMAOOO
NO IT WORKED SOOOO WELL!!! Honestly I think you’re the master of this like writing characters in love but they don’t know they’re actually in love yet
so good
.chefs kiss
..but omg yeah with Aoyama!!! I loved how that was in the story too and you could feel the difference between their relationships!! I’m ngl though I’m not even deep in the fandom or even content in general but whenever I read Aoyama I kept thinking of the dude from mha LMAOOOO I know Aoyama isn’t a super u bc Lemmon last name but that was the first face that popped into my mind shsgsgshsh
The bfb sisters >>>>> ok but so real kaneshiro PLEASE give us NAMES this just reminds me of Barou’s LN too where his sisters are literally referred to as “the 1 year old” and “the 0 year old” like BRO JUST GIVE THEM NAMES!!!! I do really enjoy how we get to see both sides though!!! Like both being friends with the younger and older sister, very refreshing getting to read about both sides!!
NO BECAUSE I ALMOST SCREAMED HAHAHA like bro carried you to your apartment in the middle of the night, gave you water and food, cleaned you up and REMOVED YOUR MAKEUP and oops, to the streets he goes /hj
.I also thought y/n hitting otoya up to ring her in was funny LOL I honestly live for the little interactions with other characters I love how it builds a whole little universe within the fic world!
Where would Karasu nation be without you
and OMG MORE KARASU REQS??? Guys Karasu nation is GROWING all thanks to you o7 gotta take a Karasu intermission LMAO but speaking of if there’s anything in the Hiori LN you want reinterpreted
don’t be shy..LOL I had it TLd but I think the wording needs some refining because it was definitely clunkier than the ones I did recently LMAO
Oooo omg plane ride again!! Manifesting no motion sickness to the airport..!!!! And no we knew in our hearts that you were cooking in silence
.we trust
-Karasu anon
LMAOOO WHIPPING OUT A BADLY EDITED PHOTO OF ME NEXT TO KARASU LIKE “so sorry but i’m actually married 🙄 yeah it’s a committed relationship so go away đŸ„±â€ JFJDJS i’m dead 😭 nah fr i don’t understand how it’s such a problem STILL but oh well 😐
apparently according to google a novel is anything above 40k words SO TECHNICALLY i did write an entire novel abt karasu based on a song from victorious 😭 that is the most ridiculous sentence i think i’ve ever formulated JFKSJFJSK what even
it’s what my man deserves though 💖
OH MY GOD THE TAJ MAHAL OUT OF HAIR it was actually a reference to this disney xd show that my brother, my best friend, and i watched as kids called lab rats and at one point one of the characters makes a “buckinghair palace” and is planning on making a “taj mahair” it was a very random reference LMAOAOA but i like throwing things in like that to make the world seem richer?? like i could’ve just had otoya say that his sister had a bad roommate but adding in that specific (and gross) detail just made it seem like there’s things going on in the background even when the reader isn’t there if that makes sense
LMAOO i can fr see how that would be confusing 😭 the 41.6k words really got to you huh 😰
HAHAHA no but y/n is so real for that because imagine you’re used to adorable squishy baby karasu and then all of a sudden BAM he’s all chiseled and gorgeous?? but you’re “not attracted” to him because he’s “like your brother” so you can’t even appreciate that part đŸ˜©đŸ’”
PLSSS yayoyuki my otp all those y’s mean they’re meant for each other đŸ€© LMAOOO yukimiya breathing a sigh of relief that he’s actually chill for once
AHHH YESSS MY FAV TROPE i love when characters don’t understand their feelings it’s truly so much fun because it’s such a good way to create tension without feeling forced or annoying
yesss the way y/n and aoyama are chill but you can FEEL how she doesn’t love him but then her with karasu even though she doesn’t realize it the love they share just seeps into every interaction they have đŸ„č PLSSS icl i know nothing abt mha and would prefer to keep it that way 😰 to be honest i just went on the japanese census and picked one of the earlier names on the list which happened to be aoyama (because it starts with an a i suppose)
no reference intended there
kaneshiro so allergic to women he won’t even give them names 😔💔 literally the only girls with names are isagi and bachira’s moms + anri 😭 i can never write a bllk fic without ocs because i NEED female friendships in my stories!! and agreed that it was rlly fun to see the difference in liking your friend’s older brother versus the younger brother as there are different associated stigmas and whatnot that come about from it
KARASU SAID “right let me just be the ideal bf real quick” AND GOT THE BOOT FOR IT đŸ„Č i can’t even blame him for kissing her/confessing at that point because wdym he went through all of that and then told you he’d never had a girlfriend because he was in love with someone who’d never love him back and you have the audacity to say “damn who would ever say no to you??” đŸ˜­â‰ïž he’s more patient than me fr
okay but lowkey it’s so funny to me that he saw y/n when he was four years old and he IMMEDIATELY locked tf in
like THAT was the ONLY GIRL he wanted from that moment on đŸ˜©
otoya was so much fun to write in this au 😭 like the way he’s so nonchalant and all
he knows exactly what’s going on because he’s good w girls but he has 0 interest in getting involved because he needs to protect his peace!! like i said w the taj mahal thing i love throwing in little moments that make it seem like the characters all have their own lives separate from the plot
for example the “crazy girl” from otoya’s group project that he mentions very easily could be a love interest for him if you think abt it â˜đŸ» like “crazy girl” just wants a good grade and slacker otoya thinks he can flirt his way out of doing any work but she’s having NONE of it and they end up falling in love based on that?? can you imagine he’s like two minutes late to the meeting and she’s like “where were you 😐” and he’s like “my roommate’s older sister’s best friend was showing me where to get non-keurig coffee” and she doesn’t even believe him because she’s heard many dumbass excuses in her life and that is the worst one yet 😭 idk that’s just a random example but it’s just fun for me to throw in those random little threads!! i think like you said it really helps to build a universe within the story and make the plot as well as all of the characters feel more whole and well rounded as opposed to flat and one dimensional đŸ€©
at this point i think i’m basically a karasu account LMAOO nobody remembers my roots as a nagi fan anymore 😟 yes i have a couple of reqs for him which is rlly exciting!! eek i’ve been having trouble getting into the hiori mindset but i NEED TO because those two reqs are from my 500 follower milestone event which was ages agooo like they’re literally from JUNE 😭 ugh trust i will cook when i get the chance though!!
YESS PRAYING NO MOTION SICKNESS!! we still have a little less than a week left before we leave so going to relax and enjoy the vibes but tbh i am excited to return to america
the glorious land of ubiquitous air conditioning and everyone wearing deodorant
LMAO đŸ˜­đŸ™đŸ»
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scp230kinnie · 2 years ago
may I request agent strelnikov, dr gears, dr clef, dr bright, dr glass, and dr gerald with a researcher reader that they see as their kid?
also do you have a character limit? i couldnt find one so i apologize for the long request
Hi thanks for the request đŸ«¶đŸ«¶ no character limit !! It should probably just fit into the Media Limit so i can put photos of the characters lol
Anyways I present;
SCP Foundation Personnel with researcher! Reader they See as their kid
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Characters: Agent Strelnikov, Dr Gears, Dr Clef, Dr Bright, Dr Glass, and Dr Gerald
Warnings: gn!reader, cringe, blood, death, & SCPS
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Agent Dmitri Strelnikov
Nah cuz I love him
He’d throw things at you and say “think fast” lmao
Oh you get sick one day? No you dont
He will force feed you soup
If you don’t want to take medicine may the lord help you
Hes not a big fan of affection but if you ever need it he would give you like one of those weird side hugs
He does his best to keep an eye on you when he can
He doesn’t rlly show it that well but he does care about you deeply
If anything happened to you like you were hurt, or god forbid killed, he would go feral
Or if he catches you crying his first instinct would be to ask who he needs to kill
Changing the subject lol

Do not tell him if you have a crush on anyone in the office
He will bully you relentlessly LMAO
He genuinely thinks of you as his child
Has introduced you to a few people accidentally saying “and this is my kid (Y/N)”
He’s got a shit music taste but he will force you to listen to it
SureïżŒ, he’s the tough guy.. but not around you
He feels a bit more comfortable around you
He sucks at board games, and is a sore loser
When he’s out on missions, separated from you, he gets a but anxious but he asked people to keep their eyes on you for him
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Dr. Gears
He would be you mentor when you first come to the foundation
Being in that position made him feel like a father towards you
Not affectionate whatsoever
Will pat your shoulder if you’re upset tho
He usually keeps his phone on do not disturb, aside from anything work related, and you of course
Your contact name on his phone is “dumbfuck”
Everyone at the foundation knows he’s basically your non official dad
Very persistent in making sure you get enough sleep or drink enough water
If you got hurt, especially by an SCP he would be PISSED
He has some power at the foundation tho so he would make sure it would somehow never happen again
He never smiles or laughs or anything, but he finds it endearing when you try to get him to tho
He doesn’t listen to music.
For the first time ever, you come before his job
He lends you books because I like to think he reads if he has free time 😈
He tries to make sure you steer clear of bright or clef
Tbh he doesn’t really want you to be like them (even if you already are)
He teaches you anything and everything he knows even if its the most basic task
He’s also rlly patient with you so that makes it a bit easier for you
If he ever catches you slacking he doesn’t really yell at you, just gives you a lecture
Just like a dad would
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Dr. Alto Clef
Lets say you guys met through bright
He immediately takes a liking to you (platonically of course)
He buys you lots of stuff despite him probably having no money lol
He begs other people for money just so he can buy you something nice he found the other day
He just likes to see you happy
His one and only goal is to protect you
He will go out of his way to keep watch over you
Bro even recruits bright to help him
If you ever got hurt he would have his shotgun out in seconds
He would not hurt you himself, unless you take his pen /hj (reference to my other fic lol)
He will teach you how to play guitar !!
And shoot a gun 😈
He tries to help you with your work, but he ends up getting distracted then starts distracting you
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Dr. Jack Bright
My bae fr
You met because you got caught up in one of his pranks 💔
He will not let you ANYWHERE near the amulet
He’s so scared something will happen to you but he doesn’t show it very much
If someone makes you upset, he has already fed them to some SCP
He always has an eye on you, no matter what
He helps you with work and he’s actually mot that bad but about halfway through he will get distracted lol
When he’s doing some prank he wants you to join him, unless it means you or someone else is probably going to get hurt
He’ll probably try to teach you how to drive (if you don’t know how) then would hijack it lololol
If there’s a containment breach he is heading your way immediately
He needs you to be safe no matter what
He buys you stuff lolol
You get sick and he’s in full dad mode
If you were to die he wouldn’t know how to survive
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Dr. Simon Glass
Constantly worried for you
He’s a psychologist lol he can tell when something is wrong
Or when you’re lying
He also just generally wants to help you with anything
He can be as manipulative as he wants, but if he uses it, its only to keep you safe
He helps you with your work and researching ❀
He’s also memorized your order for everything so he will go get you stuff on his breaks
He does absolutely everything he can to make sure you don’t get sick or hurt
If you ever do get sick or hurt, he absolutely panics
He recruits anyone to watch over you when he cant
Or he convinces the o5 to let him look at you through your office cameras
Its not creepy he’s keeping you safe I promise
He truly does think of you as his child
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Dr. Gerald
He’s so funny
He generally tries to distance himself from you because he doesn’t want his bad luck / clumsiness to get to you 😭
He does try to protect you tho
Even if its from himself
Or inanimate objects
Or anything
He loves to brag about basically being your father
He loves that you still consider him a father too despite all his issues LMAO
He is kinda scared of you
He’s very good at his work despite everything so maybe get him to look over your work when you’re done
From a distance
He doesn’t really know what to do if you get hurt or if you’re upset
He will probably think it was something to do with him aw
Same if you’re sick
He will try his best but ultimately will get someone to bring you soup
He tries his best be nice
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Still working on requests so have this while u wait 😍
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What Goes On In Your Heart? (MedStudent!reader x Paul)
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(Photo by Linda McCartney <3 also to note, I personally imagined 1964ish Paul in this but you can imagine whatever you like since it really has no impact on the story lol anyway, I chose this photo for *ahem* reasons)
This wasn't my original post plan (especially given I was due to post yesterday, oops) but I remembered I wrote this a couple weeks ago and thought I'd post it instead! It's heavily inspired by this post by @mysweetgeo (not connected but you should read theirs first because I said so /hj) and my stupid amount of knowledge on the cardiac system (thanks, autism!). That said, that hyperfixation was awhile ago, though I did research while writing it, but if anything is inaccurate, let me know and I'll make changes! Originally written with a specific character in mind, but changed to be a fem!reader, so if there are any remnants of her written Scouse accent, please ignore lol. Proofed in UK English, like all of my Beatles fics. Anyway, enjoy c:
CW: light nudity, brief sex joke (can tag if needed)
I walk into the bedroom I share with Paul. “Paul?” He hums a response as he continues flipping through the book he’s reading. “I have an exam coming up tomorrow, and I was wondering if you could help me study.”
He sets his book down. “’course I can. Not sure how much help I’ll be in your field, though.”
I giggle. “That’s alright. I mainly just need you as a dummy.” I stop before saying, “Not a dummy, like a mannequin!”
Paul chuckles. “I dunno. I fit the dummy quite well.”
I slap him playfully. “You do not! Er, could you strip to your pants for me? Professional reasons only!”
He smirks as he does as told. “What exam could you possibly have that needs me like this?”
“Exam on the cardiovascular system. Well, it’s less of an exam and more of a project. I’m supposed to give a cardio exam to someone I know and report the results,” I answer. “I’m gonna be using my stethoscope, alright?”
“Whatever you need, love.”
I straddle him—only because it’s the easiest position for what I’m doing—before beginning my run-through. “Right, so first I’m supposed to check a bunch of things; make sure you don’t have cyanosis or oedema or things like that.”
He chuckles. “I dunno what any of that means but I put my trust in you.”
I laugh slightly. “Well, you’re not blue, pale, or swollen and you’re breathing fine so that part’s finished.”
I run through the rest of the visual things very quickly. “Alright, now, give me your wrist, please.” He follows my directions. “Ninety. Interesting.”
As I write the number down, he asks, “Is there somethin’ I should know about that number?”
“’s normal, if that’s what you’re asking,” I reply. “Well, a bit high but still in normal range. Something on your mind?”
“Oh, no,” he answers sarcastically. “Just watchin’ my bird straddle me, stethoscope round her neck, lookin’ like the sexiest doctor I’ve ever seen.
I blush slightly. “Shut up! Can I have your other wrist, please?” I feel for a moment before saying, “Okay, good, that’s in sync. Right arm, please.”
“Aren’t you gonna explain any of what you’re doin’?” he asks, giving me his arm. “Most patients, includin’ me, don’t have a clue what you’re up to.”
I blush. “Right, I forgot that part. Alright, what I just did was check your pulse and made sure it was synced in both arms. Now, I’m checking your pulse in a different spot.”
He chuckles as he watches me. “How many times are you gonna check it?”
I stick my tongue out. “Well, I only had two more, but now you’ve earned a third, since you wanna ask stupid questions.”
He pouts. “That’s no fair.”
I roll my eyes with a smirk. “Bollocks, where have I left my— oh, it’s right here.” Paul chuckles at me as I continue, “Blood pressure. Checking it in both arms. Professor said lying and standing aren’t both required so we’ll just do lying.”
“I don’t like that thing,” he whines as I strap on my blood pressure cuff.
“You’ll be alright,” I reply. “’sides, you agreed to this, didn’t ye?”
He pouts again. “That was before I knew it entailed all this.”
“Keep quiet, I can’t hear!”
A look of pure sarcasm covers his face.
“126/80.” I write the number down as I continue, “A bit high but normal, to match that ‘a bit high but normal’ pulse you’ve got. Gonna check the other arm now.”
“How do you even know what you’re listenin’ for?” he asks when I finish the other arm.
“Identical,” I murmur to myself before saying, “Come here.” I strap the cuff around my own arm and situate my stethoscope. “I’m gonna squeeze the cuff. You’re gonna hear a thump, alright? That’s what you’re listening for.”
He nods—though I’m not sure he completely understands—before closing his eyes to dedicate his attention to his hearing. “Oi, I hear it!” he says after a second.
“What’s the number?”
He squints to read the tiny numbers on the metre. “110.”
“Alright, tell me when the sound is gone.”
A silent moment passes before he speaks, “There. 70.”
I give him a sly smile. “Congratulations, Macca. You’ve just done your first blood pressure reading.”
He gives a proud smile. “Alright, what’s next?”
“Take a wild guess,” I answer sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes. “Where this time?”
“Neck, but I’m gonna listen first. Chin up.” I place the diaphragm of my stethoscope against his neck. “Breathe in and hold, please.”
I can tell he’s getting a bit put out with the number of things I have to do in an exam.
“Right, nothing wrong there.”
“Pardon me for askin’,” he interrupts, voice dripping with sarcasm, “but what was that for?”
Ignoring the tone in his voice, I answer, “Just checking for murmurs and bruits so I don’t give ye a stroke.”
He quirks an eyebrow but chooses not to pursue the question. I place two fingers on his carotid pulse.
“Everythin’ good?” he asks, his voice vibrating my fingers.
“Yep, still ninety,” I reply. “Right, time for your punishment pulse check. Spread your legs for me.”
He blushes and asks, “Why?” as he follows my directions.
“Gonna check the pulse in your femoral artery,” I answer. I place my hand where his leg meets his groin, putting my other hand on top. “Interesting how the pulse here is 115.”
He blushes deep red. “I dunno why I agreed to this.”
“Because you love me, yeah, yeah, yeah,” I sing. “’sides, my professor didn’t ask for that pulse so I’m not writing that down. Right, here comes the fun part. Well, fun for me. Checking your pulse again but on your chest this time. Hands to your sides.”
He does as I ask before I place my hand on his chest. I check in a few different spots before he says, “I’ll bite. What you doin’ now?”
“Making sure I can’t feel any murmurs. You can feel some of ‘em, ye know.”
He makes a surprised face. “I actually didn’t know that.”
“Now this is my favourite part,” I say emphatically, donning my stethoscope. “Mainly because it’s the easiest since I’ve never actually seen a patient with a murmur.”
He chuckles a bit and asks, “Well, what do I need to do?”
“Be very quiet.”
He lets out a little chuckle before going silent as I begin auscultating every area of his heart with both the diaphragm and bell.
“How’s it soundin’ in there?” he asks, startling me slightly.
“Still ninety, if that’s what you’re asking,” I reply after gaining my composure. “Or are you asking for a listen?”
“Askin’ for a listen on you,” he teases.
I roll my eyes with a grin. I know he’s not serious, but I humour him anyway. “Mitral. Tricuspid. Pulmonary. Aortic.” I move the diaphragm around with each word. “And just for you, Erb’s point. Not a valve but we listen there anyway. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know.”
“Mitral’s my favourite,” he blurts.
“Don’t go all ‘cardiologist’ on me, Macca,” I laugh. “Don’t worry, it’s mine too. And with that, I can safely say you, Mr. McCartney, are healthy as a horse, as far as your heart’s concerned.”
He smirks. “So, what do I get for participatin’ in this?”
“I’ll give you a stress test later.” I give him a quick kiss before climbing off him and reporting the rest of my findings.
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mlm-mod-taka · 4 years ago
Hi! Pretty sure this counts as a headcanon request?? It’s not rlly an x reader thing either but you can make it that if you want :0 anyway can I request what you think Makoto, Hajime, and Shuichi’s texting style is like? If that makes sense. Thank you!
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TEXTING HCS ‱ makoto, hajime, shuichi
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hello, so nice to see you requesting again! i decided to not make this an x reader for a change in paste, and i also put some general texting hcs to make this more interesting. i hope this is good for all of you!
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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i feel like he just followes whatever texting style is most common and trending at the time. so, right now he chats in all lowercase without any punctuation other than commas, sometimes.
"hi!! good morning how are you :D" 100% uses emoticons way more compared to actual emojis on his phone. just thinks they convey what general vibe he has most of the time, plus most of the emojis he wants to use mean... very different things in his generation.
wants to use the "😇😂😬😀" emojis but they're all used very ironically with people his age, so he'd rather not have others misunderstand what he wants to say because of that fact.
will use the ":] :[ :< :o :/ :'(" text emoticons as well, thinks they're all very cute looking. just really likes those, but he's not the biggest fan of kaomojis or how they look.
the only ways he ends his sentences is usually with "!!", "-", one of his text emojis, or just not using anything to end it at all. thinks its very awkward to actually put a period at the end of his text, it intimidates him when others do it.
is also that one person that adds extra things to his messages so he sounds more nice and welcoming. "hey"? never heard of them. "heyy!! :D"? ah yes, his good old friend.
if you send him something funny, he'll chat you "BAHSHAHHA", or something along those lines. he doesn't do keyboard smashes since they're not his style, so he'll just say "baha" in all caps and a few different letters to express it.
the man just sounds like an average, friendly gen-zer. doesn't stand out too much, other than that he doesn't use actual emojis or kaomojis. is a very comforting man to text with.
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he has auto capitalization on, so he wouldn't do the common lowercase thing going on right now. but, he doesn't use punctuation unless he's serious, so it's still pretty similar to how most of us chat.
uses tone indicators, because he's well aware that he makes some pretty strange/violent jokes at times. the ones he uses the most are "/j, /hj, /lh, /gen, /pos".
also uses emojis since he does know what all of the ironic meanings are, and think they're pretty funny. "Lol you are a homosexual but dw me too 😂😂 /j"
he thinks abbreviations are very convienent, so its in almost every one of his texts. if there is a way to shorten a certain term/saying, he will be the first to use it.
is that one guy that, on a whim, decides to use a random emoji, ends up liking it, then after that is the process of overusing it in every possible conversation, stopping gradually, and then choosing a new emoji. his newest emoji to overuse is the "đŸ‘Ș" one.
uses it whenever he decides to simp over a fictional male character. he'll say something along the lines of "Hey can we đŸ‘Ș please /hj" if you send him a photo of his current big crush.
has a whole album in his gallery for reaction photos and reaction videos. expect him to send really strange out of context photos in that big bold meme text you see everywhere. the man has a gigantic collection of those photos, and its hilarious.
the reaction photos he has are the ones with a bunch of people looking confused, that switches to a different face whenever the extremely bass boosted music makes a beat.
if you send him something funny, he will send you keyboard smashes, that often look very ugly. "IQYWIAUWIWUW" is what most of them look like and he doesn't know how to fix it, so please bear with him.
a very chaotic person to chat with. expect to be bombarded with a reaction photo that somehow matches the conversation perfectly, and a bunch of different videos with extremely loud music. he is a very fun person to text though.
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uses proper punctuation, but types in lowercase when talking to his friends, and also adds alot of things to it so it doesn't actually look all that intimidating.
"hi! are you all free today? 😇" yes, he uses every single emoji genuinely and doesn't get any of the ironic meanings to them. please don't think he means anything else but nice things when he uses the "đŸ„ș" emoji, he's trying his best.
isn't the best at understanding lingo, even though he's a youngster himself. its to the point where he thinks "wtf" means "why the face". do excuse him if he tells you wtf when he can tell you're sad.
his phone has auto correct on and he doesn't know how to turn it off, so there are times when his messages don't make any sense because of his phone.
spells check all of his texts before sending them, so you will not find any typos or grammar errors in his chats. although, he does have trouble spelling restaurant, so please bear with him while he tries to spell it for a good three minutes.
actually uses kaomojis sometimes. he thinks they're cute when they're used sparingly. the ones he uses the most are "â™ĄÂŽïœ„áŽ—ïœ„`♡" "(;ÂŽàŒŽàș¶ÙčàŒŽàș¶`)" "(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞" and "ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ".
responds immediately. you dont know how, you dont know why, but he just does it. unless he's forbidden from using his phone, he'll almost always see and respond to your text right away.
is a fast typer, its just that he has to spell check. and because he types so fast, he often gets things wrong on the first try. have fun watching the texting bubble go on and off for a few minutes.
responds all at once compared to breaks and pieces, so maybe thats why it takes so long to him. he just prefers to have things in one place and be completely organized, even in texts.
is just a delight to have a vitual conversation with. he sees your messages, starts typing up a response, and uses alot of nice and cute kaomojis with it. 10/10.
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