#Also!!!! Reva!!!!
skeletons-eat · 2 months
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Merlin au
"Ser Sevander!", came the voice of his youngest sister, screeching in a way that only ten-year-olds managed to do, "What about this one?"
The redheaded man, Ser Sevander as Cody had gathered, turned his head towards Omega who held up an uprooted flower in one of her, very much dirty, hands for him to inspect.
But before he could give her an answer to the inquiry her twin, Cody's youngest brother, interrupted her, offended.
"Hey! Wait for your turn, Di'kut" Boba spit at his sister, "I was here first!"
"Now Children..." Ser Sevander interrupted in a low voice, frowning.
"-ody! Ka'ra, are you even listening to me?"
He was snapped out of his eavesdropping by Fox's annoyed tone.
"Who's that?" Cody asked instead of giving his own twin the satisfaction of an answer.
"I-", Fox pinched the bridge of his nose, " are you SERIOUSLY asking about the twins new tutor?"
The twins had a new tutor.
Huh, he didn't hadn't approved that.
"No, Cody, Grandfather didn't let you approve this one because he knew you would scare them all off before the twins could."
Fox was stressed and annoyed, tension in his upper body and pace too controlled and fast to be anything but.
Cody was aware about how the upcoming celebration placed a lot of stress on the Commanders shoulders, and he almost pitied him.
Well, If it weren't for the fact that the same celebration would be the day their father announced his retirement, effectively handing over the mantle to his oldest son, Cody hinself, he would truly reserve the sorryness for someone who wasn't himself.
They turned another corner towards the the main council chamber where all generals, the current ruler, Jango of clan Fett, his heir, Cody, to his own eternal despair, and the head of the guard, Fox, would assamble once a month, discuss the current state of affairs inside Manda'yaim and out.
Cody stared at the Fox.
Fox sighed, "No, you didn't say that out loud, yes, ba'buir thought you had enough to do already, and yes you should probably go to sleep."
The grand doors of the meeting room opened in front of them, distracting both brothers momentarily, although Cody couldn't help but think back to the new tutor again.
Ser Sevander. A man he had never seen before and yet..... Someone who seemed eerily familiar to him. Too familiar.
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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birds of a feather
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corseque · 4 days
More info on the deleted Solas sex scene
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ventresses · 8 months
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Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022), pt. 2
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genyasglockk · 1 year
no amount of criticism could ever make me hate the kenobi series. seeing obi-wan be so broken down and defeated felt so real. he was this incredible jedi, a warrior. he was such a believer in the jedi code and the order was entire life. to watch him become a hermit, to hesitate to help people in need, to be afraid, broke my heart.
i bet he never thought there'd be a day when his saber felt unfamiliar in his hands. a day when his body didn't carry him through a fight like a dance. a day when connecting with the force didn't come to him as easy as breathing.
the way he looked so shattered when vader's mask cracked and he caught a glimpse of anakin. what was left of anakin. what was left of anakin after what obi-wan had done to him.
i just love the stark difference between obi-wan kenobi and ben. I love how his depression and ptsd was handled. I love love love the kenobi series so much.
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Ahsoka: *reading off the comments* What does Jedi and Clone Halloween look like?
Fives: Oh, yeah! Halloween was super fun this year! It was awesome, since the clones all live in the temple now, we did it there.
Ahsoka: Yeah! It was actually the Jedi’s first temple wide celebration too, we got to make costumes and the padawans and initiates and shinies and cadets got to go around getting goodies!
Fives: The temple is massive though, the population of a small planet at it’s fullest right now, though we keep finding empty rooms, so it’s not too crowded, but that means none of us were able to get to everyone, that’d be impossible.
Ahsoka: We started off in Master Obi-Wan’s hallway. He had Master Vos with him, and Master Obi-Wan’s kids went with our group. It was really funny though, Master Obi-Wan put out three treat types. One was a cooler of cocktail mixes he makes himself, he said they only had about two shots in them but I don’t know how much that is really.
Fives: It’s like one really big gulp of Hardcase and Taco’s illegal still juice.
Ahsoka: oh my god that’s so much Master Obi-Wan is crazy! The masters bringing kids around got so excited when they saw those!
Fives: Heh, yeah. They’re really good, and he has a bunch of different flavor types. What else did he put out?
Ahsoka: A really big bowl of Mandalorian spice candy and sweeties, and Master Vos put out a bowl of potatoes. The bowl was completely empty the next day, but the older clones were coming by for days to steal more spice candy.
Fives: Heh, I think I got one of those potatoes, but I had one of his cocktail mixers and another cocktail mixer from another master four blocks over, things got fuzzy after that.
Ahsoka: What happened to your potato?
Fives: I’m pretty sure Echo stole it for a midnight snack.
Ahsoka: That’s such a mood.
Rex: *coming out of a room in the background* Are either of you finding potatoes hidden in your room since Halloween?
Ahsoka: jdifnerkdnr
Fives: omfg
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antianakin · 11 months
If we do ever get a Reva spin-off show (or movie, whatever), I would like to put it out there that it shouldn't have a SINGLE cameo. Not one. No Rebels characters, no Sequels characters, no Force ghosts, no Ahsoka, no Luke or Leia, no other Jedi survivors, NOBODY. No cameos, just Reva and a cast of original characters.
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pileofsith · 7 months
I admire Reva's self-discipline. if I had a beloathed boss and found out juicy personal life gossip about him, dying or not, I would not have been able to stop myself from crawling to the nearest computer and logging into my space-fantasy Teams chat to tell my evil colleagues all about it.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 5 months
i really do think the systematic execution of the jedi has kinda sorta ruined all future star wars media for in the sense that i am always going to be thinking about the space empath monks who were genocided. there used to be thousands of them and now there's like. 7. functionally an entire culture dead. they can show me all the grogus in the world, im always going to think about how they had to step over the dead babies.
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A confrontation between these two would actually go hard as hell. An escaped youngling versus the reason anakin justified their murder? I'd go insane actually
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artcinemas · 8 months
Hi bestie we're famous again 💀
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I don't know whether to feel offended by the stupidity or the fact that she called me a liberal
i blocked them a long time back ago. and “why is she using hindublr?” i’m literally hindu. #hindublr is not a copyrighted tag owned by sanghis, it’s a free for all tag. like that question asked by them is enough to prove they’re a sham blog. not to mention, hindulivesmatter’s blog is a blatant disrespect to the black lives matter movement as this account posts the vilest casteist and racist stuff ever to ‘uplift’ hindus. as a hindu, i will say that these two blogs are doing more harm than good. and besides if y’all went by my posts, there is an explicit mention of me hating on modi for capitalising and politicising the trauma of kashmiri pandits while doing nothing for them. even after four months of genocide, if some of y’all are still supporting zionism, i’m sorry you have no self respect or humanity. like of course genocide apologist slander is justified here 🫡. and some of these hindutvadis are still stalking my account one of rhysaka’s followers is liking my posts. noob. like atleast hide it by not showing your first most post being a reblog from these bigots. and if these guys actually went through my account properly instead of cherry picking and posting out of context shit, maybe kuch naya bhi seekh lete. smh. calling me a psuedo liberal when they are supporting the gaza genocide lol they’re actually idiots. and besides, modi is a fascist. cope. but all of their news sources come from godi media, i cannot blame them. also these blogs are very vocally casteist and one them has justified sati but yes, i am the hinduphobic here despite them spreading shit on that site. also trust me hindus in india, as a hindu in india myself you are not oppressed, especially if you are an upper caste person. trust me you don’t want to be oppressed if y’all actually go past the sanghi godi media.
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rainyreyn9 · 3 days
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A dumb thing I made today at school (p.s Kieran is actually bad at feelings and she wouldn't really do this. 'm not saying that she won't in the future so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
Did you all know. That I was a Kieran simp? Now you do (and I still am)
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turtletotem · 3 months
Recently rewatched Obi-Wan Kenobi and once again my three main takeaways:
1. sassy baby Leia is EVERYTHING
2. Reva’s silky dangerous voice asgdslngf
3. “I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You did not kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.” 😭😭😭😭😭
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bypatia · 4 months
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cat be upon ye
O hello mr kitty what do you have here? ☺️
A ✨KNIFE✨???!!!!!
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
yk how it’s common for actors to be in multiple shows made by the same person? like johnny partridge with cats and stex, sierra boggess in phantom and sor, bernadette peters in itw and sunday in the park?
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manifesting him as rusty in the london stex revival 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Obi-Wan: *gently massaging Anakin’s wittle palms while talking about the importance of proper hand care and why little padawans shouldn’t bathe in motor oil before beddy-byes* -and that’s the seventeenth reason you are the bane of my existence, yes yes, you cause Master soooo much stress! Naughty!
Anakin: *happy purrs and cuddles*
Entire Jedi Council: …
Mace: I swear to god Kenobi, if you don’t stop babytalking that twenty-five year old man-
Yoda: Familiar, this situation is…
Plo: *amused* Yes, I seem to remember Qui-Gon acting much the same way when Obi-Wan was this age.
Mace: *throwing a balled up flimsi at Obi-Wan’s head* force, stop that! It’s giving me force-hives! Padme won’t stop messaging me asking where her husband is, send him home already!
Obi-Wan: Hmmm… kick me off the council and I’ll stop bothering you with it.
Mace: Done.
Yoda: Not your decision alone, that is.
Mace: *hissing* you old troll either they go or I do but I’m not dealing with their codependent bullshit today, I’ve already encountered four shatterpoints while his antichrist children were in my presence today, I’m done here, I’m just so done.
Anakin: *falling asleep half in Obi-Wan’s lap* Just tell Leia to stop it. She doesn’t give me visions if I don’t bother her.
Mace: …did you just imply she can /stop/ force visions with her abilities???
Yaddle: what the fuck…
Yoda: Delightfully terrifying, she is!
Mace: That’s it, I quit, I’m retiring, I’m not dealing with this-
Anakin: Awwww, you can’t retire, Luke likes you.
Mace: He gives me anxiety! He always has a bunch of shatterpoint bubbles floating around him!
Anakin: Alright, how did you get over Obi-Wan’s weird force bubbles when he was tiny and constantly looking for you because babies love their finders?
Mace: I spontaneously learned teleportation one year. And forgot how to do it when the panic died down.
Anakin: There’s the trick, then.
Mace: I hate it here.
Yoda: Love Jedi, I do!
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