#Alex Carmichael
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3allhallowseve3 · 3 months ago
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A doodle page of the melting highlighter man from that one movie I won't stfu about.
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seejayess · 9 days ago
law & order svu adas as:
ghost type Pokemon!
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cassandracabot · 3 months ago
Two Lightning Storms
I have no idea how to format on this app :/
Alex isn’t a party girl. She would rather spend New Year’s Eve with a good book and a hot chocolate. But someone else has other ideas.
Pairing: Casey Novak x Alex Cabot
Category: Romance, fluff
2.7k words
“You picked your outfit yet?” Casey asked as she re-entered the room, towel-drying her long red curls. The outfits sprawled out consisted of thin dresses, bedazzled jeans, short skirts, and sparkly tops. Alex threw the redhead a wide-eyed look, shrugging her shoulders.
Casey abandoned the towel on the dresser, sauntering over to pick up a few of the offending items. “Dress?” Alex tilted her head and squinted at her best friend.
“Okay, guess not.” She huffed, hanging the dresses back into the wardrobe. She then held up the skirt, a dark brown number with a black long-sleeved square neck shirt. Alex thought for a second, picturing herself in the outfit. She liked the top, but the skirt she was iffy about.
As Casey continued to pull out outfit after outfit, Alex settled on the black long-sleeve with a pair of black leather pants. Casey quickly moved onto the topic of shoes, to which Alex quickly chose her favorite black-heeled ankle boots.
While changing, Alex’s thoughts lingered on the ‘wearing Casey’s clothes’ part of the night. She took a look in the mirror on her bedroom wall, adding a few pieces of jewelry. She finally deemed herself ready and made her way over to the bathroom, knocking before she entered.
Casey stood in front of the mirror applying eyeliner, a false eyelash sitting off to the side, not forgotten but not wanted yet. The top half of her hair was pulled into a pony, with a black bow tied in. She had put on a black sparkly mini skirt with a black crop top. She had spread body glitter across her legs, arms, and stomach. Alex had to forcibly pull her eyes up to the redhead’s face, “I called Olivia and George, they’ll meet us there.” Casey had told Alex to invite a few friends so she didn’t feel awkward when they found Casey’s friends.
“Great, Abbie and Serena are gonna pick us up, and Ferdi and Teddy will be there when Teddy finishes his shift.” Casey had met Abbie and Serena in similar circumstances as she had Alex: running into them in the halls during her first few weeks. Teddy was an old friend from law school, and Ferdinand was an old colleague from the cafe Casey used to work at. Casey finished applying her eyelashes before beckoning Alex towards her. “You want some?” She held up the tube of glitter, waving it in front of the blonde’s face. Alex smirked, taking the tube from between Casey’s perfectly manicured fingers.
When Alex leaned against the bathroom counter, admiring the sparkle of her skin, Casey began to play with her hair. She pulled two pieces from the front and began constructing two small braids that framed her face. She scooped the remaining hair back into a ponytail, smoothing it back with a hairbrush. “You’re so pretty, Ali.” Casey whispered as she played with the two braids. Alex felt her heart start to race, and she swore Casey’s face was getting closer.
A knock at the front door startled them, and they jumped back from each other, Casey running to the new distraction. Alex followed, lingering in the living room to pick up her coat and her purse. Casey had given her an itinerary to add to her purse: cash, ID just in case, lip gloss, a tampon, again just in case, and the body glitter.
“Where’s the club virgin?” Abbie asked from the open doorway. “She’s not a club virgin; she’s just not as fun as we are.” Casey teased, leading the two women over to Alex.
“Alex, this is Abbie and Serena. Guys, this is Alex.” Casey gestured her hands back and forth, tapping the kitchen counter for Alex to approach. Not sure what to do with her hands, she offered one to Serena, who took it warmly, then to Abbie. Both women smiled as they exchanged pleasantries.
“Are you ready yet, Case?” Abbie asked impatiently, leaning over the kitchen counter as Casey applied her lip gloss and checked her hair in the oven reflection. “Have patience, Ab, it takes time to look this good.” she paused, rubbing her lips together, “You ready, Ali?”
Alex nodded, grabbing Casey’s leather jacket and shoulder bag for her, making sure to grab her keys. She handed the woman’s belongings over, receiving a beaming smile in thanks.
Alex locked the door behind them as they headed downstairs to Abbie’s car. Casey opened the door for Alex to climb into the backseat next to Serena before getting into the passenger seat herself. Abbie started the car while Casey connected a playlist through the speakers.
“Have you really never been to a club before?” Serena asked, turning to face Alex. She shook her head and began explaining that she had never really understood the party scene and would rather spend her Saturday nights curled up with a good book and a hot chocolate. She conversed with Serena for the majority of the journey, bonding over small similarities in their interests. She noticed the redhead glance at her a few times in the side mirror, smiling to herself as she listened to the two blondes.
By the time they got there, Casey and Abbie led the way over to the side of the building, where they met Teddy and Ferdinand, stealing a quick cigarette before going into the club.
“Hey! Got here in one piece!” Ferdinand cheered. He was tall, with unruly brown curls and a soft French accent. He pushed off the wall to give Abbie and Casey hugs, pecking their cheeks as he passed the rest of his cigarette to Casey. He moved over to Serena, giving her the same hello he did the other two women. When he looked over to Alex, he politely introduced himself, opting straight in for a hug instead of the courteous handshake Alex was ready for.
“No kissing Ferdi, she’s off limits,” Casey warned playfully as she exhaled the smoke from her lungs. He turned around, keeping an arm draped over Alex’s shoulder. “She’s your girl?”
Casey visibly blushed before taking another drag, “No, but she’s new to the scene, so don’t scare her before she’s even inside!” Alex couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction. It reminded her slightly of herself and George.
As Casey finished the cigarette, they made their way inside, Alex sending Olivia and George a quick message to let them know she was there. She quickly got a ping in return from George, signaling that they were already inside the bar. As they checked their coats in, Casey gently pulled Alex’s lip gloss from her purse and swiped it across the blonde’s lips, not noticing the skyrocketing of Alex’s heart rate. “There, perfect.”
After learning the club had three floors with eight separate rooms, Alex again messaged her friends to check on their location. She informed Casey, who led their group to go and find them. When they entered a room on the second floor, Alex quickly spotted the two brunettes at the bar, talking about something or other. As Ferdinand and Abbie dispersed to get the group’s first round of drinks, Alex pulled Casey by her arm over to meet her friends.
Olivia must have sensed them as she turned to find them behind her, nudging George to look. They hugged Alex, complimenting her outfit and, of course, the glitter.
“Olivia and George, right?” The redhead smiled, holding out her hand, “I’m Casey.” The two of them shook her hand and offered them both a drink. “It’s alright, Casey’s friend went to the bar.”
“Shots then?” Olivia asked with a devious smirk, she had never seen Alex Cabot drink and was silently hoping tonight might be her chance.
Alex shared a glance with Casey, who shrugged, “Sure.”
“Tequila?” Alex offered.
“Have you ever had tequila?” Casey asked, failing to hide the laugh from her voice.
“Yes, have you?” She quipped. She hadn’t.
“Every Saturday or so.”
Once the shots were ordered, poured, and shared, George passed Alex the salt, and Alex could do nothing but stare at it and then at Casey.
Casey and George laughed at the bewildered look on the blonde’s face, trying desperately to compose themselves, “Liar. Lick the back of your hand and pour some salt on the wet patch.” Alex did as she was told, baffled but intrigued.
“Pick up your shot.” Casey instructed, “Lick the salt from your hand, take the shot, and then suck the lime.”
They all clinked their miniature glasses before completing the ritual, all making faces while squeezing or sucking limes into their mouths.
“You took that like a champ. You’ve never done that before, my ass!” Casey giggled in her ear. Alex’s stomach fluttered from the proximity, just as it always did. Abbie brought the two women’s drinks over, giving the cop and the psychiatrist a quick hug and a catchup. “Come on, Teddy’s getting shots, you guys coming?” She offered to Olivia and George, who quickly shook their heads, “We had a couple waiting for these two. We’ll come over in a few minutes, though,” Olivia assured, not wanting another just yet.
“I’ll stay and chat for a couple minutes,” Alex said with the same intentions, “You go, I’ll be there when you’re done.” She put her hand on Casey’s glitter-covered forearm, squeezing it gently. Abbie took Casey’s hand and pulled her through strings of drunken bodies, “Looks like you’re taking two!” She teased as Casey rolled her eyes.
Alex watched her go, her eyes stuck on a particular part of her lower body as she slipped out of view.
“She seems great. She’d be good for you.” Olivia voiced the thought as Alex’s head whipped around, her ponytail hitting her cheek, “What?”
“She would, Al. Come on, you can’t say you’re not the least bit into her.” George agreed, taking a sip of his cocktail.
“She’s twenty-three, that’s way too young. And besides, she’s my best friend; I don’t want to destroy that for a chance she might feel the same.”
Olivia and George gave her matching glares, “You’re twenty-seven, Alex, not fifty. It’s New Year’s; kiss her at midnight, and if she doesn’t feel right, play it off as just a midnight kiss.” Alex mulled over her friend’s words for a few moments, promising to think about it.
The three of them finished their drinks and wandered through the crowd to find Casey and her friends. Alex found the redhead dancing with Serena and Teddy, the three of them holding hands, rolling their hips, and laughing in a triangle of sorts.
“Hey,” Alex whispered in Casey’s ear, “Having fun?” Casey turned, pulling Alex and her friends into their triangle, making it into more of a circle. Abbie and Ferdinand were back at the bar, both heavily flirting with the bartender as she prepared their drinks.
“Dance with me?” Casey pleaded, clasping Alex’s hands and pushing them outwards as she tried to get Alex’s body to sway with hers. “I can’t dance, sunshine.” She was too afraid of how foolish she might look and probably feel.
“It’s easy, just follow my lead.” Casey pulled her away from someone before he walked into her. She placed her hands gently on Alex’s hips, pushing and pulling them from side to side in sync with the sexual song that was playing. Olivia watched with muted amusement as Casey let Alex’s hips continue on their own accord, taking her hands instead. “There you go, you’re dancing, Ali.” Ferdinand brought over another round of shots, handing them out. Thankfully, they were low volume and fruity, Casey’s apple and Alex’s cherry.
As quickly as she’d found it, Alex lost her rhythm and her confidence. Casey noticed and leaned in, “Just watch.” She moved back over to Serena and Teddy, effortlessly drifting back into the song, her body doing whatever it felt like. Alex watched intently as her hips rolled and drifted from one side to another, her arms doing their own thing. She looked like she was a part of the music, flowing with the beat easily.
She came back over to Alex, “Wanna go get some fresh air before we try again?” Alex nodded, turning to let her friends know that she would be back soon.
Outside, they sat down on a bench as Casey pulled out a cigarette and her lighter.
“You don’t have to worry about looking foolish, you know. Everyone in there is too drunk to notice anything other than the urge to throw up or the pants they’re looking to get in.” Casey reassured her, taking a long drag.
“I know, I just didn’t want to look foolish in front of your friends.” Or you.
“You look great, I promise you. My friends seem to love you anyway, don’t panic. Even Teddy said you’re cool, and he tends to keep his compliments to himself.”
“That sounds a lot like Olivia and George. They seem to approve of you, too.”
“That’s good; I was afraid I’d have to give them my CV to get them to like me.” Alex laughed to herself, “Trust me, you’ll be fine.”
“You up for another drink, counsel?” Casey asked with a grin as she put her cigarette end out.
“If you’re paying.”
“We alternate the tab every year; it’s Teddy’s turn this year. Don’t worry, he’s loaded. What do you want?” They made their way back inside as the ten-minute to midnight warning was announced. Casey took her over to the bar as she ordered their drinks. She sneakily asked for some shots, too, while Alex wasn’t listening. When the bartender returned, Alex’s mouth opened as she saw the shots in Casey’s hand, “Why?” She couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as Casey handed her one. It was different from the tequila, easier to get down but equally as disgusting. “What the fuck was that?”
“You’ve never had vodka?”
“Not in shot form!” Casey was giggling as she pulled another two from the bar behind her, “Oh god no, please! Casey!” Alex playfully whined through a fit of giggles.
“It’s Sambuca! It’s the better shot; it tastes like licorice, I promise.” Casey was having fun testing Alex with shots but was careful not to overload her to the point of a next-day hangover.
As Casey had promised, it did taste of licorice and was indeed the better shot. “Okay, let’s get away from this bar before you give us alcohol poisoning!” She pulled Casey back to their friends, determined to get a real dance with Casey before the countdown interrupted them.
The alcohol had quickly lessened her fears of looking stupid, and she boldly pulled Casey closer to her and started moving her hips into the redheads. She could see Casey’s face heat up when the lights hit her. Her newfound confidence had her hands on Casey’s waist before she knew what she was doing. She could feel her body’s reaction and gently moved her hands over the expanse of Casey’s exposed stomach as Casey turned around and pushed her hips into Alex.
They stayed in their little world until George tapped them, signaling the countdown was about to begin. They turned to face the rest of their group as the room began to count down from ten.
“…Three, Two, One! Happy New Year!” The room erupted in screams and cheers as confetti cannons popped from every corner of the room. Alex didn’t hear any of that. However, only her heartbeat pounding in her ears as Casey’s hand snaked around her neck and brought Alex’s lips to her own. She returned the kiss fervidly, feeling as though she were about to pass out from the heat.
Casey pulled back to breathe, “Happy New Year, Ali.” She grinned, wiping her lip gloss from the sides of Alex’s mouth.
“Shut up, sunshine.” Alex harshly pulled Casey’s mouth back to hers, taking in every movement.
Alex would trade in her lonely Saturdays for this any day.
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thepurecinnamonroll · 6 months ago
Monique flirts with all the lady ADA's 💪🏾🗿
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milfsincrime · 2 years ago
women: reblog if you agree
crimmy minds: penelope garcia, elle greenaway, jennifer jareau, emily prentiss, alex blake, tara lewis
ncis: kate todd, abby sciuto, ziva david, jenny shepard, abby borin, alex quinn, jack sloane, ellie bishop, jess knight
svu: olivia benson, abbie carmichael, alex cabot, casey novak, melinda warner, kathy stabler, liz donnelly, rita calhoun, amanda rollins, kat tamin
milfs: hot yes
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valentinesfrog · 2 years ago
SVU Lawyers as Mugs I Found on Etsy Alex Cabot:
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Abbie Carmichael:
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Rita Calhoun:
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Sonny Carisi:
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Casey Novak:
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Rafael Barba:
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Liz Donnelly:
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Bonus: Carmen
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novaksupremacy · 10 months ago
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just a slut for the ADAs of Law and Order since 1998 😍
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neathyingenue · 10 months ago
💌kiss roundup part 2 of 3💌
the kiss compilation continues with the next 8 kisses from the kisspocalypse!!
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9. Silvia and the Chivalrous Courier (belongs to @neathbowprideflag)
10. Silvia and Hiram (belongs to @esteemed-excellency)
11. Brigid and Aria (belongs to @bizarrebazaar13)
12. Silvia and Ms. Bean (belongs to @msbeanfl)
13. Silvia and Orsinio (belongs to @house-of-mirrors)
14. Silvia and Cardiac (belongs to @cardiacechoes)
15. Silvia and Digby (belongs to @half-life-citizen)
16. Silvia and Doe (belongs to @waterlogged-detective)
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ainefandomsncl · 3 months ago
Hi, I'm new here. My fixation to almost every fandom is new too. I'm literally just here to hyper-fixate. University is lonely. I sometimes write with a friend back home. We'll see if I publish anything before leaving uni. My fsndom fixations are:
L&O Mothership
Greys Anatomy
Call the Midwife
And a new found interest in the Premier League football. What can I say? I am my fathers daughter.
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serenasoutherlyns · 7 days ago
let go when you give it - chapter one
Serena and Abbie fail to have a one-night stand. (A (smuttier) re-telling of from the dark with you above me )
I've wanted to revisit this fic for a little while and have finally had inspiration for it. I'm looking forward to writing this. This story will be more explicit than the original.
ao3. 1.5k words.
Abbie was surprised at how mild her hangover was, at least for now. Maybe it would catch up to her in a few hours. She would do her absolute best to fend it off, she had things she wanted to do today. Go to the farmers market, and then the grocery store for what she couldn’t find. She wanted to go running at the reservoir. The weather was gorgeous, even this early, she had seen the sunrise lying in bed next to Serena, working up the energy to rise. She wasn’t going to stay for breakfast. That wasn’t her style, yes, but Serena was likely to be an absolute mess based on the vodka sodas she was downing the night before. So, she was drinking a glass of water in the kitchen and taking an Advil from her purse quickly before leaving. She heard a door click open and footsteps. Damn. So much for slipping out quietly. The footsteps went into the bathroom and she heard a faint rummaging. She readied herself for what she would make a quick conversation.
The person who emerged from the hallway was not, in fact, Serena. Abbie was surprised to see Alex Cabot, dressed in a perfectly buttoned satin pajama set, with a wrinkled forehead, rubbing her temples. Though they had seen each other briefly last night, she and Serena had left Penelope’s before Alex did, and she had not heard someone else come in. Plenty of ADA’s lived with roommates, but Abbie knew neither of them needed to. Alex jumped.
“Why are you in my kitchen?” Alex asked after they acknowledged one another. Couldn’t she guess? Though, Abbie realized, she should give the obviously-ill woman some slack. She cleared her throat.
“Serena, uh, let me stay over. I didn’t know she had roommates.” Alex was clearly too tired to moderate her reactions, because the shock registered on her face, like the thought that Abbie had sex with Serena was unthinkable. Oh please. It wasn’t like she made a great effort to conceal her sexuality, she just didn’t explicitly say it. Alex was subtle, but out: she kept small enamel rainbow flag on her desk, and Abbie had heard her discussing attending an LGBT event with the Bar association. Serena was similar. At any rate, Abbie thought, surely Alex would’ve remembered seeing her at Penelope’s-- which should leave no ambiguity. Manhattan’s premier lesbian bar really didn’t attract straight clientele. Even if it did, was Alex’s gaydar that bad?
Alex laughed in her face. Abbie almost couldn’t believe how impolite she was being. Surely her upper-class upbringing would’ve included etiquette training. Alex tried to hide her smile, which only made it worse.
“Sorry,” she said. “I just wouldn’t think Penelope’s would be your scene.” Abbie wasn’t sure what to say to that.
“Yeah, well,” she said, and gestured with her free hand, “I’m here, so.” Abbie resisted elaborating. She couldn’t get out of that apartment fast enough. Alex said something about kissing Serena goodbye, and the thought made her shudder.
“Not really my style,” she said, placing her glass in the sink and raising her keys in the air. “See you, Alex.” ---
Sunday dinner found her at Elle and Lisa’s more often than it didn’t. She’d checked off everything on the list: running, followed by the farmer’s market, then the grocery store, and after that she had gotten a pain au chocolat and a latte and prepared a few things for the work week. She called her mother and got an earful of Where is my son-in-law Abbie? Come on, both your younger sisters are married, what are you waiting for? Are there no eligible bachelors in New York City? Why are you still living there anyway, Dallas is cheaper and warmer and your whole family is there. And you could help Dad campaign. I mean, your father and I aren’t getting any younger, Abigail! And what about my grandchildren?.
She hung up as fast as she could after the Are you still going to church? question, and, by then, the sun was going down. September always brought Abbie a touch of sadness, the crisp that the air was beginning to hold made her melancholy. Maybe it was nostalgia, or the way people began preparing to hibernate for the cold that she still hadn’t quite completely adapted to. The leaves were starting to change, though, she noticed on her walk to her friends’ place, and that was nice.
“So, you hooked up with a coworker?” said Elle, mildly scandalized. “That’s not very much like you!” Lisa poured herself a second glass of white wine and topped off Abbie’s. Elle was right.
“I know,” said Abbie, pondering her reasons. “I like her,” she said, “we don’t work in the same bureau, so I don’t actually see her all that much at work.”
“I see,” said Lisa. “That’s nice then! Do you think there’ll be a repeat?” She said.
“Probably not,” said Abbie. “Never say never, I guess. But, I’m not looking for attachment.” Elle rolled her eyes. Abbie gave her an annoyed look. “Besides, you know how much I work, I don’t have time and neither does she.” Lisa nodded, acknowledging the truth. Elle pulled the roasted asparagus and crispy tofu out of the oven.
Abbie saw Alex and Serena across the street from the office, ducking their heads under the awning of a food truck, escaping the not-light rain for a moment. None of them were in the same bureau, so Abbie guessed she shouldn’t be surprised that she didn’t know they lived together. Working with Alex had made her notice just how close they were. Look, Alex, I hope I can count on your discretion. It hadn’t been Abbie at her most eloquent. She shouldn’t have had to clarify, and honestly, she knew Alex probably wouldn’t spread rumors about her. It really was more a way to get the conversation about anything other than work to stop.
Serena tilted her head up, laughing. Alex covered her mouth with her hand. Abbie wondered what they were talking about. She didn’t have a long time to think, though, because Jack joined her on the steps, a newspaper atop his head.
“How was your weekend, Abbie?” Said Jack, slightly out of breath. He opened the door for her and held it. Abbie shook off the droplets that had made it on to her suit and Jack rolled up the newspaper.
“It was good,” said Abbie. “Yours?”
“You seem to be in high spirits,” said Jack. “Get up to anything fun?”
“I guess so,” said Abbie, “yeah, I had a good weekend.” Jack didn’t pry anymore.
Abbie got home late, but not too late, not uncharacteristically late. She was very glad not to live with roommates. She left that life behind after law school, even though it was hard on her first salary. She valued solitude over cable, for example. She listened to a Liz Phair CD while she cooked, letting the sounds of the two mix. After she ate, she read for a while, then finished up some work she brought home. Her sister called, apparently her twin niece and nephew were starting second grade the next day. She folded some laundry with the news playing, did the dishes, and went to sleep.
Her mind wandered. She had been thinking of Serena off and on. She hadn’t had sex in a while before that Friday. As a rule, the longer she went without, the less she wanted it, and Abbie knew that the opposite was true. She was mildly regretting having not left her phone number. Not that Serena couldn’t contact her-- she knew where her office was, after all-- but leaving her phone number (or even saying goodbye) may have gotten her a repeat. Yes, she had told Lisa and Elle she wouldn’t, but the more she mulled it over, the less sure she was about that.
She let her hands follow her mind, breathing in the cool breeze coming in through the cracked window. She was starting to feel the autumn in it. When she touched her cunt, gently, her two fingers were cold amid the soft wetness. She shifted, sleepy, as she circled her clit. Her eyes closed, and she pictured Serena. First, her at Penelope’s. Serena was a slightly awkward but enthusiastic dancer, she had the gangliness of a significantly taller woman. Abbie found it endearing. Her lack of rhythm hadn’t stopped her body from arousing Abbie, and she had been glad to follow her into the cab back to her apartment.
Then, an image of Serena on her back underneath her. Abbie could almost hear her moan. She felt herself getting close as she pictured Serena coming, the particular way her pink mouth wrapped around her gasps.
Finally, she found herself imagining Serena in the cocktail dress she had worn to the office Christmas party last year, Serena’s first. It was dark green, velvet, and long; and she remembered the way it moved on her. She was just remembering it now. It was pleasant. She could stand to see something like it again. Abbie sighed as she came, then yawned.
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bizarrebazaar13 · 1 year ago
Aria would never be a liberationist. she hates uncertainty, and even though things might be terrible under the rule of the judgements, at least it’s a familiar terrible. she’d take that over completely unknown freedom.
but she absolutely could be persuaded to become a new sequencer. the idea of constructing an artificial star is fascinating as both a correspondent and an astronomer. she’d be simply curious to start, and she’ll tell herself that’s why she keeps coming back to the dawn machine time and time again. scientific curiosity, that’s all.
but she sees its light when she closes her eyes, and she feels its pull when she’s away, and she hears words in blazing correspondence when she’s alone…
university students start to whisper about the correspondence professor, and the new bandages over her eyes. they say if you get close enough, in a dark room, you can see two glowing outlines beneath the bandages.
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abaddonhotelguest · 5 months ago
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Many, many, many days of effort into figuring this all out, and now its here! I did this for fun, but figured it might be something others are interested in for either fanfiction purposes or just to get the full story in order! Giving a fair warning that while I did rewatch and take notes on each individual movie and take a few days to get everything figured out, there could be some small mistakes, so I apologize in advance!!
Most dates were given for big events, but other things mentioned briefly I had to put in the relative spot, with some rough estimation. With large chunks of time, I wrote what happened throughout it in order to make it easier!
BETWEEN 1960 AND 1965  (exact dates unknown)
Andrew Tully, a deeply religious man, is living in Arkansas with his family. His young daughter Annabelle dies and Tully begins to wish for a way to bring her back. He leaves Arkansas to avoid a warrant for his arrest, leaving his remaining family behind. 
BETWEEN 1965 AND 1980 (exact dates unknown)
Tully moves to Clarksburg, West Virginia and meets two men, Thomas Rollins and Freddy Perkins, at a booth they run at the local fair. After joining Down-A-Clown, the three become fast friends and they create a cult whose goal is to go to the other side and come back/ enter the lake of fire. 
BETWEEN 1980 AND EARLY 1989 (exact dates unknown)
Tully, Freddy, and Thomas leave Clarksburg, West Virginia and move to Abaddon, Rockland County, New York. They build the hotel and hire locals, like Patrick Carmichael, to work there, recruiting people for their cult. The portal to hell, or Lake of Fire, is in the basement. 
JUNE 18, 1989
Patrick drives his sister Margaret to the city to drop her off for rehearsals for the play Faust. A drunk driver hits them and Margaret is pronounced dead upon arrival. Patrick survives but loses the ability to use his left arm, and he falls into a deep depression.
Patrick is holding items from the Abaddon Hotel in his house, including the music sheet to Cold the Nightfall and the items from Down-A-Clown. He has Margaret’s bloody clothing and the featureless mask she had for her play on his dresser, and asks Catherine “what if someone told you they could bring her back?”  
BETWEEN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 9, 1989 (exact dates unknown)
Guests from the Abaddon Hotel begin to disappear. Tully is questioned numerous times in regards to the disappearance of an 11 year old girl and her mother. Tully provides records stating they checked out, but his business does not recover from the rumors of foul play. He sends a note home to his employees demanding they all show up despite the hotel being closed.
OCTOBER 10, 1989
Tully and the employees of Abaddon Hotel commit suicide in the hotel. Tilly hangs himself in the dining room. Patrick Carmichael is arrested for fighting and brought to jail, missing the mass suicide, which he refers to as ‘crossing over.’ He provides a flipped confession where he states Tully kept photos and videos of what went on in the hotel, and that he kept them in the fridge. When he returns home, he has full use of his arm again. Eleanor and Catherine Carmichael are killed in their beds, and Patrick and Arthur Carmichael go missing. Patrick wears Tully’s clown suit and goes down to the basement of the Abaddon Hotel. 
DECEMBER 25, 1997
Mallet family home video reveals Jackson Mallet playing Cold the Nightfall. He tells his mother “The hotel opens in 2009. Tell everyone.” A deeper, demonic voice is heard in the background saying ‘The Abaddon Hotel.’
SEPTEMBER 28, 2003
The fair in Abaddon, Rockland County happens despite the disappearance of three girls in the last year. Multiple disappearances and injuries from something that came out of the corn field. Margot Bently is almost lured from the fairgrounds by Tully’s clown. 
2002 (exact date unknown)
Hell House LLC is founded by Alex Taylor, Andrew Macnamara, and Sara Havel. Paul O’Keefe and Tony Prescott are hired. 
2008 (exact date unknown)
Russell Wynn, billionaire by 25, is involved in a car crash. He is legally dead for two minutes and then brought back. According to those close to him, Russell was changed by this experience. 
BETWEEN MARCH 1 AND APRIL 2, 2009 (exact date not known)
Alex Taylor and Tully get into contact and Tully convinces Alex to invest in something. The investment, done with the company's money and not his own, goes bad, and he loses everything. 
BETWEEN APRIL 4 - 18, 2009
Tully ignores Alex’s phone calls for two weeks.
APRIL 18, 2009
Alex Taylor visits the Abaddon Hotel and has an angry conversation with Tully, revealing what he did. Tully convinces Alex to hold this year's haunted house in the Abaddon Hotel so he can avoid telling the group about the investment with the promise of going back to the city next year.
BETWEEN APRIL 19 AND AUGUST 22, 2009 (exact date not known)
Alex tells Mac what happened and swears him to secrecy before the group arrives at the diner where he tells them they won’t be hosting Hell House in the city this year. As they leave, Russell Wynn is seen in a booth near them. 
AUGUST 23, 2009 TO OCTOBER 7, 2009
The Hell House group goes through Abaddon for the first time and a week later begin sleeping there. Hell House LLC sets up in the Abaddon Hotel and experience hauntings. Paul is taken and comes back ‘possessed’ after one night. Everyone but Alex experiences a haunting though his notebook reveals his declining mental health due to being in the hotel.
OCTOBER 8, 2009
Opening night of Hell House. 15 people die, numerous injured. 7 bodies never recovered, including some of the Hell House crew. Town officials and police say it was a ‘technical malfunction.’ Alex, Tony, and Paul’s bodies were the only ones found out of the crew. 
OCTOBER 16, 2009
Joey Shefler hangs himself after refusing to talk to police about October 8th. 
BETWEEN NOVEMBER 2009 - DECEMBER 2010 (exact date unknown)
Martin Cliver, a journalist, breaks into the Abaddon Hotel and takes photos and posts them on the internet. Photos of dried blood pools and bloody hand prints throughout the house, including basement steps, prove that it was not a gas leak like the town had been saying. 
2014 (exact date unknown)
Jessica Fox, Molly Reynolds, and David Morris are the people behind THE INSIDE, a blog dedicated to uncovering corruption. In 2014, Jessica breaks a story about kick-backs and pay-to-play deals in the New York State assembly, resulting in many senators going to prison. 
BETWEEN SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER 2014 (exact date unknown)
Sara Havel, previously missing, reaches out to Diane Graves for an interview. Diane is the director and producer of the documentary ‘Inside Hell House,’ in which she is currently filming. Sara produces the tapes they filmed at the Abaddon, and after answering some questions, tells Diane to meet her at her room, 2C, and convinces her to go to the Abaddon. Diane and her cameraman Jonathan Miller go missing. Mitchell Cavanaugh goes through the Hell House footage and discovers what really happened. 
OCTOBER 6, 2015 
Mitchell releases Hell House LLC to the world. 
BETWEEN OCTOBER 7, 2015 AND OCTOBER 7, 2017 (exact dates unknown)
A teenage boy named Cameron livestreams himself breaking into the Abaddon on Facebook. He sees the legs of a figure (presumably Tully) on the steps. He says “Sorry, I’ll go now,” and then proceeds to livestream until his phone dies, never moving from that position. Police go to find him and find no trace, including his phone. 
MAY 7, 2015
A teenage boy records himself entering the Abaddon Hotel. He captures the voice of Sara Havel.
AUGUST 5, 2016
Jackson Mallet goes missing after breaking into the abandoned Abaddon Hotel. 
SEPTEMBER 20, 2016
A couple, Nate and Adam, pick up a hitch-hiker and bring her to the Abaddon Hotel. They follow her inside and she attacks them in the basement, revealing a demonic face. The girl is believed to be 18-year-old Savannah Collins whose body was never recovered after she was rumored to have hitch-hiked to the opening night of Hell House. 
OCTOBER 8, 2016
Jackson’s mother receives a text from Jacksons phone reading “Come to the Abaddon Hotel. They’re all in the dining room. They have no eyes,” The last sentence is repeated numerous times. Following the text is a video of Jackson Mallet's apparent last moments. He is running through the Abaddon Hotel asking for help as the demon cult members are seen around. He says “They’re all still here. They want me to go with them. They’re all in hell. They’re all with him.” Tully is sending these.
OCTOBER 22, 2016
Jackson Mallet’s mother receives an email of a video. The video is of 2C in the Abaddon Hotel. The room is empty and in the background you can hear muffled screams, presumably Jackson, as well as Cold The Nightfall on piano.
Morning Mysteries, led by Suzy McCombs, is filming a part of the documentary they are making after 8 years. They capture a demon cult member on the balcony. 
OCTOBER 6, 2017
Morning Mysteries interviews Mitchell Cavanaugh, Arnold Tassleman, and Brock Davis and they discuss Hell House. Arnold Tassleman is currently in a legal battle with Mitchell due to his belief Mitchell has caused damage to the town of Abaddon. At the end of the segment, Jessica calls and tells them she has physical proof of Tully’s involvement with the missing guests, Hell House, and the town's involvement. As she hangs up, she says “Mitchell, if you want to know what happened to Diane, come find me.” As the interview ends, an assistant to Morning Mysteries tells Suzy that Arnold Tassleman never actually showed up due to a car accident. 
OCTOBER 7, 2017
Mitchell and THE INSIDE meet and discuss how to get into the Abaddon Hotel, then record at Mitchell’s apartment. Jessica reveals her ‘physical proof’ is a police transcript she was sent in the mail anonymously. It holds Patrick Carmichaels flipped confession, revealing tapes and evidence in the fridge. The group goes to the bar after. Russell Wynn enters the bar as they leave.
OCTOBER 8 - 11, 2017
Mitchell, Jessica, Molly, David, Brock Davies, and his cameraman Malcolm arrive at the Abaddon Hotel. In the basement fridge, they find tapes related to the hotel (‘The Abaddon Hotel: From Construction to Completion,’ ‘Unaired Commercial’) as well as blueprints to the hotel and other tapes. One of said tapes is the meeting between Alex and Tully in April. Tully reveals he has been sending videos (the ones featured in HH2,) to ‘a poor stranger,’ that being Russel Wynn. All 6 remain missing.
OCTOBER 12, 2017
Jessica Fox is found walking down the side of the road in confusion with injuries. Once in the police station, it's revealed she is dead and being used by Tully as a means to lure people to the hotel like Sara Havel. 
BETWEEN 2017 AND 2018 (exact date unknown)
Billy Braddock posts on Facebook about going to the Abaddon Hotel to burn it down and is never heard from again.
BETWEEN AUGUST 1 TO SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 (exact date unknown)
Russel Wynn buys the Abaddon Hotel and saves it from being torn down. He moves his New York City based live-theater trope ‘Insomnia’ to the hotel to perform a version of Faust. Vanessa Shepard, the new host of Morning Mysteries, is invited and given full access to the set of Insomnia for behind the scenes filming and interviews with the cast and crew. Russell wants her to record the process up to opening night. 
Insomnia prepares for opening night October 1st. After a confrontation with Father Paulis, Vanessa learns that at midnight Russell Wynn will be liquidating his assets and having him disperse it into various charities. The gateway is opened and then destroyed by Russell and the Abaddon Hotel burns to the ground, leaving a few smoldering remains. Russell was able to close the portal due to his brief death in 2008. All tour goers and members of Insomnia were found in the corn field behind the hotel safe and confused. Those who died in the hotel before that night are stuck there but in purgatory. Russel’s hotel room is revealed to have dozens of hours of footage regarding the hotel, including what happened to the previous Morning Mysteries group. 
BETWEEN OCTOBER 3, 2018 TO NOVEMBER 2021 (exact dates unknown)
A local antique shop takes in some items that survived the fire (including the grandfather clock) and puts them up for sale. The Documentary of HH2 is released. Margot Bentley and Bradley Moynahan create the website NetSleuths.com, a place for amateur detectives to work and solve cases with a focus on unsolved/cold cases. Margot and her girlfriend Rebecca often go and stay at the places she is investigating, and she records everything. She gets into contact with Donald and secures 5 nights at the Carmichael Manor. Margot’s mother calls her and tells her that her brother, Chase, has been missing for two days. Despite taking his medication, Chase see’s a disappearing and reappearing 11-year-old girl asking him to help her find her mom and that they’re staying at a hotel. The girl tells Chase to ‘Go with Margot.’ The next day, Margot invites Chase to Carmichael Manor. 
NOVEMBER 6 - 11, 2021
Margot, Rebecca, and Chase stay at the Carmichael Manor. They find a connection between the house and the Abaddon Hotel via the antique shop. Chase goes missing, and on November 11, 2021 at 2 am, Rebecca and Margot are killed in the manor. 
BETWEEN DECEMBER 2021 TO MARCH 2022 (exact date unknown)
The Rockland County officials reveal they are planning on reopening the fair now that the Abaddon Hotel is destroyed.
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5blondeboytoy5 · 8 months ago
On the subject of last names...
It drives me crazy that the SDV characters don't have last names like yeah saying "sam stardew valley" is funny and all, but here's my objectively correct headcanon on the marriage candidates middle and last names. It's insane especially seeing as last names are like... a thing in this universe, George and Evelyn and arguably Alex have them, but nobody else does!!!! A lot of these were based on people I know who remind me of the candidates (like, i gave Haley the same last name as the popular girl in my highschool) Let me know what you think and I can make a list of the other characters too !!!!
Haley Natalie Calvin
Emily Marianne Calvin
Abigail Janet Rosenburg
Leah Elaine White
Penelope Morgan Routier
Maru Amanda Darnell
Samson James Carmichael
Sebastian Matthew Hawthorne
Alexander Gabriel Mullner (Originally Vogler, but had it changed to match his grandparents)
Elliott Peter Mariposa
Harvey Dennis McLaughlin
Shane David Tyndall
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jordanstark007 · 11 months ago
Feral ADA vs SVU Detectives
[Round One]
I like to think Casey has punched Elliot at least once, like straight up sparked him.
I also like to think that there was a betting pool in the DA’s office of which ADA would do it first. Like top 3 contenders where:
1. Alex Cabot } $12,568 at stake
2. Abby Carmichael } $10,422 at stake
3. Casey Novak } $8,064 at stake
Liz Donnelly took great joy in being right against Arthur Branch who was certain it would be Alex.
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theshejen · 11 months ago
Who was the hottest women ADA on SVU
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she-karev · 3 months ago
The Wedding (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Wedding Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 17
AN: Happy Holidays everyone! Here’s the day you’ve all been waiting for the day DeLuca gets married to an original character that we all wish happened instead of the moment that shall not be mentioned. Like and reblog below and let me know what you think.
Summary: Andrew DeLuca and Amber Karev get married at city hall with their friends and family witnessing it.
Words: 1653
December 26th, 2020
Andrew exhales anxiously outside the courthouse building waiting with Alex Karev and Jackson Avery. He checks his watch telling him their appointment is in five minutes. DeLuca rubs his cold hands blowing a warm breath in them due to the cold and rainy Seattle weather that the men shield themselves in under the awning looking over the down steps.
Andrew shudders from the cold as his impatience grows, “We said 7 with Carmichael and she is punctual where could she be?”
“Maybe they got the wrong address?” Jackson says as he shivers from the wind, “Or maybe the traffic is jammed.”
“Maybe she bailed.” Alex bluntly puts out there with the men glaring at him causing him to shrug, “I’m just saying it wouldn’t be the first wedding we’ve been to where the bride ran away, right Avery?”
“You’re not helping.” Jackson responds with a frown before getting a text that makes him relax, “She’s here, the girls are on their way right now.”
Andrew exhales in relief and joy, “Grazie a dio.”
The men wait for a few moments before they see a group descending up the stairs with umbrellas being shown first. The women appear side by side with each of them wearing a pretty dress for the occasion and the bride taking the middle with Andrew caught frozen and awestruck at the sight that grows closer.
He sees Amber Karev wearing a beautiful A-Line white gown that hugs her bodice with the skirt being lifted by her and Carina who helps. Her face is just as perfect with makeup that is well done with a smoky eye and a peach pink lipstick that goes well with her complexion. Her hair is done in pretty waves that highlight her dark blonde color. He is still frozen as his fiancé appears right in front of him with a smile as she looks over him in his tieless suit.
“You look great.” Amber greets with a smile.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” Andrew says once his brain functions with Amber smiling at him before kissing him in front of the group who look away respectfully before they break up.
“Are you ready to get married?”
“I’ve been ready for three years.” Andrew answers back before putting his black mask on with Amber putting her white one on before they enter the building.
Their guests follow them as they go to the information booth and check themselves in. They go to the fifth floor as instructed and knock on the door of 504 before a black woman in her 60’s answers and lets them inside. She takes them through the chairs and gate before stopping in front of the bench.
“Okay couple at the bench and guests at the gallery.” The guests do as instructed going to the very front of the gallery where they can watch the couple get married as close as they can, “I trust that you two already signed and delivered the license?”  
Amber grins behind her mask, “Oh don’t worry your honor I have made it a point not to repeat my brothers’ mistakes.”
“You know I can yell I object if the judge calls for it.” Alex says amused.
Andrew answers for them to get the process going, “Yes we already signed it out front now we just want a ceremony to complete it with our friends and family to witness. So how does this work? It’s our first courthouse wedding we’ve been to let along participated in.”
“It’s fairly simple.” The judge explains, “I recite the state marriage vow with your full legal names and give out instructions for you to follow. You either say I do or one of you runs out while the other demands security to tackle and beat you up.”
Amber chuckles at that, “You make it sound like it happens just as much as the I do.”
“You’d be surprised.” Judge Carmichael answers blankly with Andrew furrowing his eyebrows curious before she starts, “Okay masks off we’re about to start.”
The couple take off their masks that they loop around their wrists like bracelets before the judge starts, “We are here to celebrate the marriage vows on this Saturday of December 26th, 2020, between…”
Andrew answers for himself, “Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca.”
“Amber Stevie Karev and no that is not a name I made up my parents wanted to set my future for either stripper or broke musician.” The bride chuckles with Andrew grinning at her but the judge is unamused with a thin line on her face. Amber frowns and clears her throat, “Wow tough courtroom. You can keep going.”
The judge continues, “Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca and Amber Stevie Karev. A marriage is a ceremony of expressed love, and it also represents one of life’s greatest commitments conducted in a public and meaningful manner. Please join hands, face each other and affirm that you do.”
Amber and Andrew join hands facing each other as they gaze into one another’s eyes with their guests watching in awe at the couple who have been through so much and deserve this happy moment.
“Do you Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca take Amber Stevie Karev to be your lawful wedded wife, and will you pledge to her your love and honor, your faithfulness and tenderness, and promise to cherish and care for her according to the laws of man and the ordinance of God in the Holy Bond of Matrimony?”
“I do.” Andrew answers with a smile at his wife who smiles at his response before the judge addresses her now.
“And do you Amber Stevie Karev take Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca to be your lawful wedded husband, and will you pledge to him your love and honor, your faithfulness and tenderness, and promise to cherish and care for him according to the laws of man and the ordinance of God, in the Holy Bond of Matrimony?”
“You bet I do.” Amber answers as well getting lost in her soon to be husband's green eyes.
“Please recite your vows after me, I, Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca…”
For the next few minutes, the judge recites the required state vows that the couple repeats with no hesitation from either of them. As they recite these vows, they stare at each other overcome with the presence of one another on this joyous occasion that feels long overdue for them.
Amber listens to Andrew recite his vows that sound bland but to her sound like him declaring his love for her. The last year has been hell for them but right now Amber is grateful that those awful moments led her to this one where she is completely sure of who she wants to spend the rest of her life with. She is sure that she loves Andrew forever and wants to show it to him and their loved ones right here and now.
Andrew stares at Amber as she recites her vows before the judge getting lost in her blue eyes that make his heart skip a beat every time. From the moment he met her he has been falling in love with her and has never stopped. The only time he can think when he didn’t want to be with her was when he was manic, and he lashed out at her and hurt her in ways she has been hurt before.
Despite his actions during that time he has been trying to make it up to her and earn her trust back bit by bit. It was hard work and a part of him wondered if she would ever fully let him in again but it was worth every effort if it meant being in this moment with her where she shows his efforts weren’t for nothing as she vows to love him in sickness and in health that is answer enough for them rising above what his illness broke. They are at the end of the line when the judge gives instructions for both of them.
“Now exchange the rings.”
Amber starts sliding a silver wedding band on Andrew’s wedding finger, “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Hell yes.” Andrew answers sliding the ring onto his soon to be wife’s finger, “Do you?”
Amber smiles holding his hands, “More than I expected.”
“Good.” Andrew says with a grin, “Because I’m not letting you walk away from me this time.”
“I’m holding you to that.” Amber warns with a knowing smile before the judge continues.
“May the circles of your wedding rings remind you of your unending love for each other. They are tokens of love and faithfulness and symbols of eternity. Please repeat after me: With this ring I thee wed.”
“With this ring I thee wed.” Andrew repeats looking at Amber with so much love.
“With this ring I thee wed.” Amber follows anxious with joy of the judge finishing the ceremony and them leaving as a married couple.
The judge makes a last statement, “By the power vested in me by the state of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss.”
Andrew and Amber immediately kiss after with her wrapping her arms around his shoulder blades and his arms around her waist. While they kiss they can hear their witnesses cheering and whooping from the gallery with someone playing All You Need is Love by the Beatles on their phone.
The couple pull apart chuckling before greeting their loved ones as a married couple with all of them congratulating them and hugging them. Carina chuckles hugging her now married brother with Alex hugging his sister.
Carina exhales exhausted with a smile pulling back from her love-struck brother, “Finalmente!”
“You said it.” Alex shares also relieved that this moment finally happened for his sibling.
Amber and Andrew chuckle at their exasperated older siblings before walking out of the room hand in hand as husband and wife.
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