Makeup Your Canvas
560 posts
LOVE IT. SHARE IT. LIVE IT www.makeupyourcanvas.comYounique's mission is to uplift, empower, validate, and ultimately build self-esteem in women around the world through high-quality products that encourage both inner and outer beauty and spiritual enlightenment while also providing opportunities for personal growth and financial reward.
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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#beloved (at Guyton, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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My Life was Saved ...... dōTERRA absolutely saved my Life, my sanity, my marriage, and my relationships with my children! My journey started with these vitamins and later, fully into all the Oils! I struggled with Chronic Migraines, Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, High Anxiety, and all with most of my life LOST to these demons! I was taking 29 Different RX medications over the span of 3 years; with each pharmaceutical dragging me deeper into fatigue and depression. My body became dependent! I was introduced to the Lifelong Vitality Supplements by a friend who overcame many of the same symptoms I struggled with. Of course, I was skeptical, as I felt like I had tried EVERYTHING! It only took ONE WEEK for me to feel the effects of these vitamins! Today, I take ZERO prescription medications, I suffer from ZERO Category HIGH migraines, I feel amazing, and I HAVE MY LIFE BACK! If it wasn’t for my friend recommending these life-changers, I would have yet another year lost! I share my story and my passion for these products because they truly saved my life, and If I can change just One Person for the better - that’s a Blessing! I am very open and honest with my journey, so please feel free to ask me anything! You can message me here, or contact me through my site @ Get Your Life Back! #livesmart #lifechanging #doterralife #instagood #instachange #happyme #getyourlifeback #healthy #vitamins #livelifetothefullest (at Effingham County, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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Eye contact is a form of body language which is important during communication. How we present ourselves and communicate with others aside from talking is by our body language. Our body language speaks more than words which then logically accounts for a bigger percentage of our communication skills. Therefore our eyes speak volumes about us and how we communicate. Surprise! Eye contact is a sign that you happen to be a good listener! Now what has the eye got to do with listening? When you keep eye contact with the person you are talking to it indicates that you are focused and paying attention. It means that you are actually listening to what the person has to say. That is where the saying “Don’t just listen with your ears” comes from. So “listen” more than talk, everyone loves a good listener especially the opposite gender! Your eyes are a way of building a connection with the other person. This could mean you like that person. You feel comfortable talking and communicating with the person or you just are plain falling in love with the person! Either way, the eyes say it all. Avoiding eye contact could also mean that you do not want the person you are speaking with to know too much. It could be that you may not like the person. You do not want the person to know you like them or you do not feel comfortable with that person. These are the negative impacts of avoiding eye contact. Sometimes the other person might read it wrongly and therefore produce a negative feeling towards you as well. A big part of eye contact is building trust. A person with whom you are talking to will be more likely to trust and respect you as eye contact indicates an openness in communication. It also tells the other person “Hey, I am confident and self-assured, you can trust me”. So if you hope to land that big contract or project, be trust-worthy!! . . #eyecontact #evenesis #buildtrust #communication #key #confidence #validation #empower #selfie #aware #goodlistener @makeupfleekkk 💜 #loveit #instashots #makeitagreatday #essentiallyyou (at Guyton Historic District)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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Being kind can be hard, especially when we’re angry with ourselves, especially when we feel disappointed due to something we did—or didn’t do. Many of us have to teach ourselves how to be self-compassionate. It feels that foreign, that far away. And that’s OK. Because self-compassion is actually a skill we can sharpen—whether we’ve bashed ourselves for years or not. The more you practice, the more you act with kindness, the more natural it becomes. (at Guyton, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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In a World where You can be Anything, BE YOU! . . #beyoutiful #beyou (at Guyton, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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Many Reasons to LOVE LEMON 🍋 Lemon cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces. When diffused, Lemon is very uplifting and energizing and may help to improve mood. It naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion.* It supports healthy respiratory function.* It may help with seasonal respiratory discomfort.* Diffuse Lemon to promote a positive mood. Take Lemon internally to assist with seasonal respiratory discomfort.* Add Lemon essential oil to a spray bottle of water to clean tables, counter tops, and other surfaces. Lemon oil makes a great furniture polish; simply add a few drops to olive oil to clean, protect, and shine wood finishes. Use a cloth soaked in Lemon essential oil to preserve and protect your leather furniture and other leather surfaces or garments. Lemon essential oil is a great remedy for the early stages of tarnish on silver and other metals. Put a few drops of Lemon on a rag to help remove stubborn, sticky residue off surfaces. Wash hands with Lemon essential oil to remove grease after changing the oil in the car. Add Lemon to enhance the flavor of desserts and main dishes. It promotes healthy functioning of the GI tract.* Use Lemon essential oil in an oral rinse to soothe the mouth and throat. #poweroflemon #lemon #lemonessentialoil #diffuser #clean #cleanoil #powerofoils #ahealthierme #lemons #motivate #lemonlove #tiptuesday #healthy #holistic #natural (at Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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Rather you Rest, take a stroll, have a backyard party; Make it a Good Day! . . . #sundayfunday #makeitagreatday (at Guyton, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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#truth #youaregreater #believe #loveyou #yourbattleground #win (at Savannah Historic District)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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#💜 #simplystated #me (at Guyton, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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It’s Not My Battle! This battle was Won at Calvary! . . #redeemed #saved #faith (at Guyton, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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You call me out upon the waters The great unknown where feet may fail And there I find You in the mystery In oceans deep My faith will stand And I will call upon Your name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace . For I am Yours and You are mine Your grace abounds in deepest waters Your sovereign hand Will be my guide Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me . You've never failed and You won't start now So I will call upon Your name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace For I am Yours and You are mine Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders . Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Savior Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders . Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Savior Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders . Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Savior I will call upon Your name Keep my eyes above the waves My soul will rest in Your embrace I am Yours and You are mine . . #oceans #spiritleadme #trustwithoutborders #song #lyrics (at RebornNation)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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Nature’s Beauty takes on a whole new definition when you learn to embrace it, enjoy it, and even become a part of it! . . Sometimes we have to just LET GO of the holds we place on ourselves to always be BUSY, to always be running - not taking the time to soak up the scenery. . . BREATHE! INHALE Positive & EXHALE the Negative! You Create the Vibe around you, which Vibe do you Live? . . #nature #breathe #exhale #simplystated #positivevibesonly #yourvibe #🌳 #🌞 (at Savannah Wildlife Rescue Center)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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at Effingham County, Georgia
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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at Guyton, Georgia
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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God Is Greater than Highs and Lows! (at Guyton, Georgia)
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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at Guyton, Georgia
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makeupyourcanvas-blog · 7 years ago
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All Day I Lip Stain! 💋 . . 1) Apply 2) Enjoy the Day! . . . #lipstain #forevercolor #oneapply #alldaycolor #lips #lovemylips #💜 @makeupyourcanvas @ashleylashaebeauty 👉🏼 Lips (at Savannah Historic District)
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