serenasoutherlyns · 1 month
first, second, first again
Abbierena, mature. ao3
The first time Abbie lets Serena take her home, it’s not without some convincing. Okay, and maybe a couple drinks. For both of them. She wants her, Serena knows. She gets the glances. Serena doesn’t feel bad for getting up to a little coaxing. Not that she’d had to try very hard-- perfectly timed sighs, subtly leaning into her space, dropping her voice, playing with her hair-- she knows what does the trick. Once she’s comfortable, though, Abbie is thoroughly enthusiastic, as Serena always expected she’d be. Serena doesn’t take her to the bedroom immediately, puts on a CD (track four skips) and kisses her on the couch in her dim living room. She loves getting anyone excited, loves the slow building energy of it all, the burn. Abbie bites back her moans (of course she does) as Serena sucks gently at her jawline, down her neck. Her breath quickens. It’s so satisfying. She could do this alone for hours, she always feels that way, and sometimes she does. Not tonight, though, not when they have work in the morning-- it’s already late, late evenings at the office for both of them, then drinks. Serena stands and holds out her hand, squeezes Abbie’s, smiles, and leads her down the hall.
Serena’s bedroom is her favorite place in the house. She loves the yellow-light sconces on the wall, the art she’s gathered over the years, the pressed flowers left over from ex-girlfriends, she loves the clean clothes all over her floor, and the scrunched up comforter.
“You okay with lavender?”
“Sure,” says Abbie, amused, with her hands on her knees. Serena admires the shine of her black hair. She lights the candle on her dresser. She leaves the door ajar and enjoys the way the music softly echoes in. She takes the few steps that close the distance between the two of them, and picks up where she left off.
The second time, Abbie doesn’t need convincing at all. In fact, if anyone is reluctant, it’s Serena, who has breakfast with her mother tomorrow, and could stand to get a good night’s sleep. But who is she to say no to a beautiful woman’s requests? She knew where the night was going to go when she said yes to Abbie’s invitation. This time, Abbie is a little more-- Serena finds herself thinking “aggressive” but decides that doesn’t describe it. There’s just a little more play between the two of them, and it’s pleasurable.
This time, Abbie guides Serena back into her bedroom, which is spotless and breezy, with open windows in the cooling late-summer night. Serena catches a diffuser running on her bedside table: bergamot. Abbie smooths out an invisible wrinkle on the comforter, and pulls her down. Serena enjoys the way they’re kissing with more familiarity, exploratory still but un-cautious, curious. She enjoys the way Abbie’s breath catches when she lightly pulls her hair. Abbie pulls her hair into a ponytail, sitting up, allowing Serena to take in the curve of her breasts as she raises her arms behind her head. She takes the opportunity to trace her hips with her fingertips, feeling warmth in her ears when Abbie sighs. When she leans down to kiss her again she’s brief, and quickly has Serena moaning, and she is not at all shy.
They leave it at twice, for a little while. Serena picks up a couple big cases, and doesn’t have much time for friends let alone sex. Abbie seems to get sucked into something too, because she barely even sees her around the office. Sometimes, when she masturbates, she thinks about Abbie, her pristine room and her deft hands. Just as often it’s someone else. Sometimes she thinks about giving her a call, but something else always comes up before she can even pick up the phone. A few weeks pass and then it seems like it would be weird to reach out.
It turns out, she doesn’t have to. She’s bored, heading to the kitchen at a birthday party (it’s all Wall Street people and defense attorneys) when she sees Abbie staring into a beer.
“Hey, fancy seeing you here.” Serena is quite pleased to see her, finally someone she can talk to about something other than money, finally someone she doesn’t have to pretend she didn’t see doing coke.
“Serena, hey,” says Abbie. She sounds equally pleasantly surprised. “I didn’t know you knew Craig.”
“Law school,” says Serena. “We went down different paths.” Abbie laughs at that.
“He’s my dad’s chief of staff’s son,” she says. “I didn’t have anything better to do tonight.”
“Me neither,” says Serena. “Do you want to find something else?” She asks.
“Please,” says Abbie, setting her can down. Something else is Serena’s apartment, close enough to walk to. She apologizes for the fourth-floor walk-up of it all, and Abbie assures her it’s alright. The apartment is messier than she would like it to be now that she knows how neat Abbie’s is.
“Your place is so… cozy.” Says Abbie, and sounds genuine.
“Thanks,” says Serena. She presses play on her CD player, just letting the same album she was listening to earlier play. “Do you want a glass of wine?” She asks.
“Not really,” says Abbie, who hasn’t sat down yet. Serena walks to her and takes her hands, then lets Abbie kiss her with her hands on her waist. Serena takes Abbie’s bottom lip gently between her teeth and revels in the softness of it, the softness of all of her. Abbie is different here than at work, and Serena guesses she is too. Abbie guides without being forceful, and Serena yields without her usual stubbornness.
It gets later and later as they take their time with one another, and by the time they stop, it’s almost 3 am. Abbie starts putting her clothes back on, but Serena stops her with a “It’s late,” and Abbie gets in bed beside her.
In the morning, they go out for coffee and pastries, Abbie wearing one of Serena’s sweatshirts and her own jeans. Serena feels her stomach flutter at a smile Abbie gives her, and lets it be pleasant, she has no need to shove down what could be a fun budding crush. She lets Abbie go home in her clothes.
The first time Abbie goes home with Serena, she is a little amused at how hard the woman seems to think she needed to try. Abbie recognizes her bag of tricks, but a simple ask would’ve been enough. She doesn’t have a crush, exactly, but she’s always thought Serena was attractive, pretty, and smart. Serena’s apartment reflects her energy, a little scattered, but Abbie has a feeling there’s a method to the chaos. She wonders how long she’s had the raggedy couch, the coffeemaker with a hairline crack in the pot, the CD that skips. The lamps light the room warmly. Abbie lets Serena take the lead, it’s only polite. She bites back her moans as Serena kisses her neck-- the apartment could have thin walls, and she’d hate to disturb anybody. She goes almost torturously slow, but Abbie can appreciate a build up. She can tell Serena is getting excited and while part of her wants to take control, the rest of her likes letting Serena do her thing. She’s always been curious. When Serena stands and holds out her hand, Abbie feels a little fluttering that doesn’t surprise her.
Serena’s bedroom is an endearing disaster, clothes all over the floor and an unmade bed with floral sheets and a bedspread that doesn’t match. There’s all kinds of art on the walls with no apparent theme.
“You okay with lavender?” Serena asks, and Abbie is, it’s one of her favorites.
“Sure,” says Abbie, ready for the dilly dally to be over. She admires the way Serena’s eyes gleam in the yellow light, and her elegant hands lighting the candle. A small part of her worries about the fire hazard posed by the dried flowers right above the fire on the wall. The music softly echoes in, and Serena joins her on the bed.
The second time, Abbie is the one doing the convincing. Not that it’s hard, Serena just mentions she has something in the morning. All the more reason not to move too slow. Abbie is eager to lead, this time, toying a little with Serena. She’s more assertive, more in charge, like she usually likes to be. She enjoys Serena’s little gasps and noises of pleasure, finds herself wanting to get more of them out of her.
Abbie has had the advantage of making the plans herself, she cleaned before calling Serena up. It’s the Southern hospitality in her that needs the place to be spotless, not that it’s usually messy. She even has the diffuser going with a scent she thinks Serena might like, bergamot. Sure, she wants to impress. Serena has been occupying her mind lately, she likes running into her at work, she would really like to get to know her better. Sure, now she might be harboring a bit of a crush. She tries to find out what Serena likes, reading her is actually very easy because she is all but quiet. Abbie is lucky to have thick walls.
Abbie almost wants to ask her to stay the night when they’re done quickly, but it’s not late enough to justify that if she has something to do the next day. She wants to talk to her more, to make her coffee in the morning, but she doesn’t want to get in the way of what she needs to do. Maybe another time. Maybe she’ll ask Serena on a real date sometime.
Abbie brings Serena’s sweatshirt to her at work the next Monday. Tracey is there too and seems to register a little surprise, but Abbie doesn’t think too much of it. On Wednesday, Serena seeks her out at lunch with a latte in hand. On Friday, she invites Abbie out for drinks.
“Is this a date?” Abbie asks. She figures there’s no need to be indirect about it.
“Yes,” says Serena. “I think it is, anyway. If you want it to be.”
“I do,” says Abbie with a smile. She hopes it’s the first of many.
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wrote a bellcaid ficlet today
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
i'm boooorrrreeedddd so i'm sending you an ask in the hopes that you have suggestions
I meannnnnnnnn
You could always write that Abbierena fic. 😉
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serenasoutherlyns · 1 year
abbie/alex, 100 word drabble. based on the song sgl by now, now.
“Are you looking for a fight?” Abbie said.
Alex wasn’t. Despite picking one, she was looking for something entirely different. It was so easy, though, with Abbie, to find one.
"No," Alex said. "I think you know what I want."
"I do," said Abbie. "I'm not sure I should give it to you."
"You know you want to," Alex whispered. Abbie took the bait. She met Alex's lips like a crashing ship against an iceberg. It hurt. The car was parked in front of Alex's building. It was too much to ask Abbie to come inside.
Starry-eyed, Abbie's hands roamed.
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serenasoutherlyns · 2 years
last line tag game
thank you for tagging me @thinkingisadangerouspastime! rules are to post the last line of a WIP and then tag as many people as words in the line, however, no way do I have enough mutuals for that :p. anyway, from my serena/abbie fic titled "clothes" right now:
The beautiful morning turned gray, then to drizzle, then to rain. Abbie tracked the gradual changes as she went from meeting to meeting, as she caught time between them. Noon arrived, then 2:00, busy with everything she’d left for herself to do. She was hungry.
I'm tagging @commasplice27, @storiesofsvu, @bumblebear30, and @fighterkimburgess -- if any of you want to! no pressure.
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
who wants to read this abbierena fic
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