#feral detectives
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jordanstark007 · 10 months ago
I just think it’s unfair to all the ADA’s that came after Casey and Alex, having to be the runner up the two best ADA’s in the state.
It’s also unfair for the audience because we went from having two ADA’s willing to do anything for the victim, literally anything to ADA’s now that are like ‘you need more evidence, I can’t win so I won’t take it to trial’
When we had Alex Cabot who was the first ADA to get spousal rape past the grand jury, and she took it to trial even if she knew she wouldn’t win.
And Casey Novak who quite literally indicted the US Military.
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months ago
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ARTHUR LESTER AND HIS THREE BOYFRIENDS DOODLES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ okeay weell… half of them are just John and Oscar but w h a t ever
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tragedy-machine · 8 months ago
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AU where Edwin escapes from hell only after Charles enters that attic
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pippin-katz · 20 days ago
still thinking about edwin saying "you have to experience hell before you can see what's really here" after charles gets him out of the dollhouse since the implication is that seeing edwin's hell was as painful to charles as experiencing hell himself
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saint0psy · 12 days ago
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Dead boys and psychic
Inspired by @leahaart art of Edwin + Crystal bestieisms and fit, and Charles in his little cardigan from the screen test(?)
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kevin-prices-left-sock · 8 months ago
I wasn’t sure if Charles reciprocated Edwin’s feelings, till the double dragon episode, when Richie was talking about how they could’ve been gay and Charles just immediately goes “they were best mates.” Babe. Wake up.
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kindlythevoid · 1 month ago
One of my favorite things about Psych is how when they establish a character fact, they stick with it.
Have I at all heard that Gus did tap before the Episode Where He Does Tap? No! But it's brought up/he does tap in several episodes afterwards!!! (Tap-Man and the Seabirds comes to mind)
Did Juliet have a brother before Ewan "JOOOOOHN CEEEEENAAAAA" O'Hara appeared? Not really, although they DID say she had a large (at least extended) family. And they bring him up afterwards!! (Obviously the Bourne episode but also her dad mentions her "and the boys" growing up with Lloyd)
Did Shawn know what Phineas and Ferb was before it was referenced?? Who knows!! But now he's watching their marathons!!
And like!! We love that!! I can't super think of any other examples but there's something so refreshing and comforting to have details that for any other show would've been one-offs never to be brought up again instead become a more nuanced part of the character as a whole!!!
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floristedwin · 6 months ago
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polar534 · 16 days ago
Was anyone going to tell me that Rook and Neve mirror each other's phrases depending on who you choose to dismantle the ward? Or was I just supposed to find that out myself after my 2nd full playthrough?!
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First of all, I'm ill. Thank you writers. You deserve so much better than you get. To make up for that, I'm going to gush about the writing and more importantly the performance of the actors I got to experience said writing through. I think this post I want to specifically focus on Rook, since so many people have taken apart the Category 5 event that is Neve's full romance plot. But trust me, at the end of this analysis I plan on touching on something I haven't yet seen from the Neve romance takes. And if it is out there, it's not getting nearly the attention it deserves.
I think it's absolutely fascinating the character development that happens for Rook specifically if you choose Neve and subsequently she gets blighted. Despite all the personality choices you can make in regards to the romantic scenes. (Shout out to the Stoic option breaking my heart every time during the Eclipse scene.) One thing Rook is for Neve, always, is there. Rook makes sure to let Neve know, out loud and through their actions, that they are there. They'll always try to be there, even when they might not be fast enough, when the tables turn or when gods break promises. Now I'm not sure about the other VA's performance because I've just been running through this romance as one character, but Bryony Corrigan does an absolutely phenomenal job of breaking my heart in the aftermath of Tearstone Island. Through her performance you can really begin to see the flipside of this coin. The other reflection in the mirror.
If any companion speaks to you about Neve, Bryony does a fantastic job of letting the emotion come through her small lines just enough that it sounds like Rook is really on the edge of tears. Ask Rook about their plans, or what they have to do next? Fine. Can handle that. She will get the job done. But ask her about Neve? Reassure her that they'll find her? Suddenly Rook is the smallest person in the world. Her voice cracks, she's hardly even able to thank Davrin or Bellara for their support because she is actively choking back what sounds like tears.
Don't even get me started on the animation rigging for Rook when you DO find Neve and she reveals just what happened while Rook wasn't there.
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Look at that devastation! I can tell they turned up the rigging specifically to make sure that no matter what your Rook looks like, you will KNOW just how broken they must feel in that moment. (Regret Prison could never.) Rook wasn't there and Neve had someone in her head. Someone who used her to break her own city.
(Important note that this animation will NOT play for just a normal companion rescue. Rook is only going to be this devastated when it's someone they love. In a normal run you'll get more of relieved and happy grin rather than whatever pathetic, wet beast looking thing this is.)
Moving forward, the very next time you can choose the 'Romantic' option, Rook will reflect in some way that they 'lost' Neve. That is not something you can change. You, as a player, CANNOT change the fact that a romantically involved Rook will see the time spent apart as an overwhelming loss. They lost Neve. Once you do click the 'Romantic' option however, the dialogue will change to some variation of 'found'. Which reflects exactly what Rook has dedicated themselves to proving to Neve. That they will be there. That they will always try.
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That spoken dialogue doesn't stop the choices from showing what Rook is really feeling however. In their mind, they lost her. Neve is desperate to remind Rook that they can't even consider her being there as a win. Not while they still have so much left to do. And yet? It doesn't stop Rook from believing it anyways. That is the win in their eyes, no matter what comes next.
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The only thing that can come close to getting that final win now is killing Elgar'nan, and I'm feral for the fact that Rook's view of killing the last blighted god can, canonically, become revenge for what he did to Neve. (On top of saving the world of course)
You'll get further 'lost and found' references in the dialogue after. Again, I feel like it's really important to see that it is Rook saying all of this. It has nothing to do with your choices beforehand. If you choose the romantic option, this is what Rook is truly feeling. It becomes canon to whatever kind of Rook you're playing. They wouldn't know what to do if they hadn't found Neve.
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(Bryony Corrigan you have me on the floor with this entire sequence. From the line above to: "Every moment." To "I'm right here. I promise." It knocks me to the floor. Every time. Insanely heart-wrenching delivery.)
Lastly in the post credit scene of the Blighted Neve storyline, 2 of your 3 options can include one final instance of the 'lost and found' wording that is so prevalently a theme for Rook in this version of events.
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(Fun fact, the non-blighted version of the same scene will of course, also throw a nod to the theme of 'lost and found'. "Finding you was a lost cause.", As well as an option to tap into Rook's own feelings in regards to that theme: "That place, I was so lost...")
So why is this so interesting to me? Why does the mirrored dialogue from the very moment that scene starts mean so much to me? It's pretty simple.
In Neve's experience, lost things don't just come back. I think it's absolutely fascinating that her storyline, romance or not, has a nebulous theme around the idea that lost things don't just come back. In Neve's experience, once something goes missing, it's gone. The city will move on without a spare thought. That's why she tries to be the difference. To be the one that finds things. If you're hunting for people who are taken she will always make sure to slip in a line about the fact that even if you're too late, she intends to find them anyways. She will provide closure, a follow-up to whoever might need it. It's about the small temporary wins. It's the cynic with a heart of gold that's so deeply imbedded in her character.
You're supposed to play as the one that helps slowly change that idea. Rook is meant to be the exception to the rule Neve has held tight in an attempt at survival for so long. (Along with all of the other companions of course.) Rook is the 'found' part of lost and found. They're going to find a way through any situation. Whatever it takes.
So yeah, when Neve comes in to Rook's room during the non-blighted storyline, of course she's completely shaken by the fact that Rook is actually there. That they came back. That they found a way to come back. 
But on the flipside, what you can discover through the writing and through the incredible work by the VA, is the fact that without Neve? Rook can also become lost. The fact that the other came back at all means the world to them BOTH. The fact that they will mirror each other's thoughts, the very idea of coming back at all being a parallel to being lost and found, it's a payoff to something that gets set up at the very start of the game.
When they needed to find someone, Varric went to the best damn detective he had ever met. Neve Gallus, the local expert, the one person in Minrathous that people turn to when things or people go missing. In the same breath he'll introduce Rook as their expert on trouble. The very same kind of trouble that Neve knows to avoid and yet always finds her anyways.
Because lost things are always meant to be found. And Trouble isn't always a bad thing.
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k-kipper · 6 months ago
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happier in the middle
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batdiva · 2 months ago
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I ask to be fed what you keep locked away from your readers. We know it’s there. You cannot make panels like this and act like it doesn’t matter. Artists, writers and creators have to take risks. Be brave.
Be brave and give me Batjokes.
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jordanstark007 · 11 months ago
Calex Headcanon
So we as a fandom know how good Casey and Alex are with kids, but I don’t think the squad quite understands it.
Like just imagine one day a child victim latched onto Casey and Casey just kinds of shrugs and goes about her day as if everything’s normal because she’s used to being around kids with like 100 nieces and nephews it nothing knew.
And the squad are kind of just staring at her like she’s an alien, as Casey walks around the precinct with this 3 years old in her arms, who’s latched onto her with this death grip.
And when the kid meets Alex the squad brace themselves for tears or something but no they hear laughter and giggles as this young girl buries her face in Alex’s hair.
Elliot: “This is weird.”
Liv: “Very weird.”
Fin: “I didn’t know Cabot knew how to do anything but glare at us.”
Dr Huang: “I’m not surprised Alex and Casey are both very comforting individuals, confident with soothing voices, to a victim that’s exactly what they need right now.”
Munch: “Sure comforting, they’re about as comforting as barbed wire wrapped around a pacifier.”
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potato-lord-but-not · 9 months ago
Now that we know John's tier list of favorite people to cuddle with on the couch (Arthur, them Oscar, then Noel) can we get tier lists for the other guys?
ok ok Arthur’s is obviously John, then Oscar, then Noel. He didn’t used to be much of a touchy guy but after loosing his sight he’s gotten a lot more clingy (as he should)
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You’d think I’d say Arthur is Oscar favorite to cuddle but it’s actually Noel (the others tie bc they both bring something different to cuddling that are equally admired). I like to thing they got really close when Arthur and John were gone, so Oscar finds a lot of comfort in Noel’s presence. they more so sit quietly with each other rather than cuddle, but Noel’s very chill compared to the other two so he enjoys the simplicity of it. sorry for rambling anyway the sillies
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andddd Noel isn’t really a cuddly kinda guy, so he doesn’t seek out a lot of one on one cuddling with the others. he does however very much enjoy cuddling them all at once.
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tragedy-machine · 10 months ago
I can never shut up about how seeing a stoic, put together and uptight character be then totally vulnerable, emotional and desperate in a scene always destroys me, and by destroy I mean I fucking love it
*cough* Edwin Payne you are everything I could want in a character
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spacegirlsgang · 2 months ago
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"Wunderkammer, noun. Translated from the German as wonder room and more commonly known in English as a cabinet of curiosities." // A board dedicated to the wonderful world of the Wunderkammer au!!!
A gift for @dear-monday and @tw0-ravens because this au makes me so fucking insane I feel like I could crawl up walls when I think about!!!
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haylessa · 3 months ago
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arc of all time
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