#Alec and max otp
levi4mikasa · 3 months
Season 1 of James Cameron's "Dark Angel" was fantastic. I was fascinated by the concept of genetically engineered people, as Alec would often say. However, season two is my all-time favorite because of the numerous scenes featuring Max and Alec.
What I particularly enjoyed was how Alec seemed to understand Max on a deeper level, always seeking her out to help or just be there for her. In contrast, Max had to go to Logan's place to be with him, not only because of the virus they could not meet but also due to their lack of natural chemistry. It was clear how Alec and Max's relationship could have evolved positively over time.
I loved how Alec's voice would soften when he flirted with Max or expressed concern for her—it was absolutely melting. He was consistently there when she needed help, showcasing their potential as a couple.
Max and Alec relation was like One More Night by Maroon 5 😍😭Like, Alec could not stay away from her and always annoying her cuase he love to see all riled up and her reactions was fun for him.
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I melted when he kissed her on the head to comfort her.
Interestingly, on the DVD commentaries and special features, the writers and producers have stated that Alec was brought in as a potential love interest for Max, and Asha as a potential love interest for Logan. This revelation makes it even more perplexing that they didn't pursue these storylines. Also, there is a season two interview of Dark Angel where they are inroducing new cgaratcer anf they literally said Alec was brought in as love interest for ma, rival for logan 😂😆More the reason to make Max and Alec canon. I understand she was engaged to Micheal at that time and according to a rumour he was not comfortable with the kiss scenes between Max and Alec and Micheal and Jessica off-screen relations was a bit rocky as well but still would have loved a good romacne between two X5's.
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Also, Max's character changed significantly from season 1 to season 2. In the first season, she was a perfect blend of kick-ass and fun, but in season two, she became more one-dimensional—just kick-ass and somewhat dull. Her interactions with Alec remained entertaining, but her scenes with Logan lacked the spark they had in season 1.
They should have continued developing Max and Alec's relationship until the end of the season, perhaps evolving from fake dating to a real relationship in season 3. I wish we could get a third season to explore these dynamics further, but definitely not with Max and Logan as a couple.
Mr.James, please make Alec and Max otp as love couple in season 3 😍😭😭
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geneticasset · 2 years
tag  dump .
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some-stars · 25 days
so my sister is visiting this week and ofc with all four of us here there are a lot of Feelings in the air, and apparently the way i cope with that is to dive deep into my #1 comfort fandom & pairing of all time, which is, of course, dark angel and max/alec, who i will be shipping on my deathbed. the show isn't streaming anywhere and it's never going to be, it's buried in the disney vaults (it was on fox originally) and they're never ever ever going to let it out, but it was SO good and if there were any justice in the world i'd be allowed to see 2024 fandom's take on the greatest and most important OTP of all time ever.
if you have not watched the show and are wondering how a 2 season science fiction/action show from 2000 can possibly have given us the greatest pairing of All Time, you need to think about all the ~energy that jensen ackles brought to supernatural that made destiel the force that it became, and then picture him (8 years younger than s4 of spn) pouring all that energy into depicting how his secondary character was deeply, deeply in love with the heroine of the show, and TPTB had a clear mandate to keep her with her assigned love interest but several of the writers just as clearly shipped her with alec, who was demonstrably more interesting and better to and for her. and then in the middle of all that throw an early cancellation RIGHT after setting up max and alec as the leader & lieutenant of a mutant resistance movement, in a location where the assigned love interest literally couldn't go without dying (also he and max can't touch for sci-fi macguffin reasons and have just spent a miserable season pining after never even getting to fuck once). and alec is just doing that ackles-style Quiet Self-Abnegating Devotion the entire time. it's fucking LETHAL. i never stood a chance.
(also young jessica alba was not half bad as an actor herself! but she's definitely not the driving force behind the Energy between them in every single scene, although her and jensen do have fantastic chemistry)
anyway this is i think the saddest thing in my life, that there's never going to be a second dark angel renaissance (the first was after spn got big, ofc). and since it originally aired in 2000-2001, and then had a second burst of fandom popularity from like 2007-2010, there's not a lot on ao3 either. it's basically just my one fic, a whole blessed bunch of good stuff from victoria_p, and 4-5 other stories that are decent to good. and that's it. for the most beautiful important meaningful in love pairing of all time ever forever. life is not fair. anyway it is available on various illegal streaming sites and also secondhand DVDs and you should REALLY check it out, bc there are many other things to recommend it besides the world's best ship that i did not get into here. season one is objectively better but alec shows up in season two, so i recommend watching both. and then PLEASE come talk to me, i have ONE (1) friend who's into it and i'm dying.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
What are your top ten or so OTPs?!
Across all fandoms?
1) Echo (Liz Ortecho/Max Evans)
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2) Kaliz (Kyliz & Valevans: cause I have no chill and listing them in all variations seems absurd, lol)
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3) Lizobel (Liz Ortecho/Isobel Evans)
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4) Forwood (Caroline Forbes/Tyler Lockwood)
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5) Malec (Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood)
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6) Daphne Bridgerton/Simon Basset
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7) Beronica (Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge)
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8) Whouffle/whouffaldi (Clara Oswald/the Doctor)
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9) Keeley Jones/ Rebecca Welton
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10) Silrah (Saul Silva/Farrah Dowling)
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Hope that answered your question anon! Though now taht I think about it you might have meant just for the TVDU…
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astromechs · 5 months
dark angel?
all righty, going for the show in general! because this is fun. i definitely want to talk about dark angel as a whole, since i'm currently deranged about it and have already started watching it again LMAO
favorite thing
gosh, probably my favorite thing about dark angel is the world that's been built? like, the worldbuilding isn't perfect, but the premise is really interesting, i like the exploration of this very horrific trauma that max and the others would experience being brought up for the specific purpose of being super soldiers, and when the show touches on class divides in the broken society that they're in, it's cool. it's a world with a lot of potential.
least favorite thing
that it was cancelled when it had so much gas still left in the tank! fuck you, fox. fuck you, firefly, now i have another reason to hate a show i've always hated.
favorite line
"girls kick ass; says so on a t-shirt" lmao
max and original cindy! there is a part of me that does ship them a little, like i gotta be honest, but i also genuinely value them so much as besties. their friendship is literally so good, and it's the heart of this show.
max/alec. like, they have potential. i could write essays on their potential. i love how they start with this friction that gradually wears away into them starting to trust each other and be vulnerable with each other. had the show continued, they could've really built up a nice, organic romantic arc between them (but i guess that's what fic is for now!)
sorry, i am not a max/logan fan 💀 logan can annoy me a bit as a character, but that aside, i just really think he doesn't understand max, nor does he put in the effort to really try. that relationship was destined to fizzle out and die, and for both of them to grow past each other.
random headcanon
since the show never actually explored this, i think it would be logical to assume that the x5 twins like alec also experience the seizures, etc. i also definitely think there's a lot of weird biology going on in all of them, not just max going into heat three times a year. these are thoughts i'm thinking about for potential fics.
unpopular opinion
uh what's an unpopular opinion for a show that went off the air over 20 years ago. maybe stop imposing supernatural on this show just because jensen ackles is in it? alec isn't an equivalent to dean? stop.
song i associate
well i happened to get deranged about the prophecy by taylor swift at the same time i was getting deranged about this show, so that's now just permanently a max guevara song
favorite picture
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idk but gif search is giving me the girls so we're gonna have the girls because i love them dearly 🥹
character asks!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
i see we got more hints about the mallory situation 🫢 will we ever get an in-detail explanation of what happened or will it be up to the reader to fill in some of the gaps? on one hand, i love every piece of your writing, but it might also be nice to leave things kinda vague. just curious what direction you were planning to go.
love love love this chapter :) lance seems to get the memo about being kinder while still being the lovable snarky character we know. AND THE LILIES. the white lilies!!!!!!!!!
also if my math is right, we have 4 side character povs left. an arthur, lance, and alec chapter seem probable, but who could the mystery 4th pov be? someone we already got? mallory? jace? hmmm🤔
still so many mysteries to go! what’s the ring for, why does david need alec’s help with it, will lance and cello girl be the real otp of the story, what happened to the boy arthur was staying at ideas for, so many questions hahaha.
i might be back with an actual analysis of this chapter once i’ve gotten some sleep, but my first impression was mostly just me melting into a puddle with both the david/max phone call scenes 🥺
Lots of good questions here. Let's see.
Yes, you will see the scene. It's an important scene in the plot, so we gotta get through it, fam. If I am not wrong, the two angstiest scenes in the fic are yet to come and this scene is one of them.
The 4th pov is actually the epilogue. So, you'll see whose pov it is then hehe.
All your lil questions will be resolved in the next couple of chapters tbh. Because we're close to Arthur's and Lance's pov :)
David/Max phone calls are my fave ever. I still remember writing their very first phone call (in lbaf 1) and I was smiling the whole damn time because it was so fucking cute.
Thank you and see you soon 🥺
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bananacerise · 4 years
Magnus: *in the kitchen making breakfast and drinking wine*
Alec: *walking into kitchen* Why are you drinking already? It’s like 7 am.
Magnus: You think those two sentences are uncorrelated. I’m drinking BECAUSE it’s 7 am.
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Shipmas Day 4: Malec Headcanons
Malec headcanons! A little A lot of these are family ones/ also about Max and Rafe because those of you who have been around for a while know I am the biggest freaking simp for the Lightwood-Bane family. Enjoy!
After Alec becomes Consul, he has a lot of work to do between running a new Clave and setting up everything that used to be in Idris, and also deal with what is in Idris. Plus the downworld alliance, the end of the cold peace, and countless other things. He has lots of help from his siblings and friends and of course Magnus. They sometimes stay up for hours after kids go to sleep sitting at the kitchen table trying to figure out how to fix problems and various laws. They pull several all-nighters but they are just happy they have each other to figure this out together.
Because of the busy schedules, they always make sure to set aside times when they don’t work and spend time with the kids, whether it is just family dinner or tucking them into bed at night they take a break from the task at hand and put Max and Rafe first. They also take lots of trips to central park at play on the playground and carousel. 
 Max becomes very interested in what Alec is doing and asks him lots of questions. As he gets older he learns a lot about politics and the shadow world and even becomes the next warlock representative for the counsel. Magnus shows him a lot of things too, when Max is older, about the downworld alliance and warlock politics. 
Rafe isn’t that interested in politics but does like learning how to fight. He cares a lot about the people around him and likes to be able to defend them, which is a trait he shares with Alec. While Alec and Magnus do a lot to help fix the system and make sure all the orphans from the mortal and dark war have a home, they can’t do everything. Rafe does a lot in that area in society and helps a lot of kids.
Alec and Magnus are very proud of both of them.
Now on to the Malec Fluff y’all came here for. This stuff goes back to after City of Heavenly Fire but before Tales from the Shadow Academy when they adopt Max.
Alec and Magnus travel A LOT. This is mostly because of alliance business but they always make sure to see the sights of the city before they leave. Magnus has been to almost every city on earth and seems to have a hundred stories for each of them. Sometimes he will point to a building well past it’s glory days and that is crumbling and then he tells this crazy story about something that happened there that he was involved in and Alec is just left to wonder if that is even true because it seems like it shouldn’t be.
Sometimes they will be absolutely exhausted when they get home and will just lay on the couch together and watch mindless shows to relax. 
Alec is little spoon, I will fight you on this.
They have a very clean and orderly loft, they are both neat freaks. There is not a book out of place or a dirty dish in the sink. They are the type of people whose room you see and suddenly get inspired to clean your own because you didn’t think it was that bad but compared to this...wow
When they are just hanging out in the loft Alec lets Magnus put make-up on him for fun. Magnus enjoys it and Alec likes seeing him happy. One day they are laughing and joking around while Magnus is putting make-up on his boyfriend and Alec get a text saying there is a demon emergency or whatever and rushes off to help his sibling. He is so flustered he forgets to take the make-up off. Magnus fully knew this and tried to tell him but he was in such a rush. Magnus let it go because it was just Jace and Izzy so there was no harm really and it wasn’t that much anyway, he went for more of a natural look that night and didn’t even finish. When he gets there Izzy is like “Rockin’ the eye liner Alec” and he is like “dang it Magnus” but doesn’t mind too much. They deal with the demons and then Alec and Magnus have a good laugh about it when he gets home. Izzy takes this as an invitation to also do his make-up when he visits the institute. Sometimes she and Magnus work together and Alec is just like whatever. 
They are one of my favorite couples and I hope to see more of them!
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bookish-mind · 4 years
No one:
Literally not a single soul:
Alec: that’s my husband over there, we came here together, my husband and I, yeah we’re married. magnus bane? Oh you mean my husband, yes that’s right, MY HUSBAND ! he’s over there with our children 🥺 look at my family, just look at them, those are m i n e
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More OTP stuff: 
I’m not sure how I feel about this next part tho
Why do most of my OTP’s
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seem to flirt with
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the whole sibling/family dynamic?
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Those lazy days
"haha I beat you again," Jace said in triumph
"ughhh, I should be better at these l, I was the one who grew up in the mundane world," said Clary in frustration
"you are better at some things," Jace said.
"yeah, I mean I am better at drawing things" Clary said teasingly.
"hey, I have gotten better," he replied with amusement.
"one day Herondale I will beat you at this game," Clary said.
"well, Fray I look forward to that day," he said.
And they both started laughing, Jace happened to beat Clary a lot at these games and she always gets so frustrated cause she played them all the time as kid, but Jace was strategic so he could figure out ways to win, but Clary doesn't go down without a fight, she's almost won a couple of times.
"so what do you wanna do for dinner?" Clary asked.
"we could cook, unless you want to order takeout?" He replied.
"yeah, let's cook something, besides we got the herbs in the greenhouse and I want to try them," answered Clary.
"okay, I'll race you to the greenhouse," Jace said as he got up to get a head start.
"hey! That's not fair," Clary yelled after him.
And she caught up, she may be short but damn is she fast, they ended up both getting there at the same time, every time Jace came up to the greenhouse he felt peace wash over him, there was something about plants that calmed him and of course he remembers his first kiss with Clary here, and how his life would forever be changed after that kiss, now they were engaged and were gonna stay together for the rest of their lives, he gets to wake up next to Clary every day and that's all he ever wanted.
"you know every time I come up here it still takes my breath away," Clary said
"yeah, there's something about it, that just gives you peace," he said.
She smiled at him with that smile that was just for him, and everytime she does his heart beats really fast and he falls for her a little more, he gets to spend the rest of his life with her and he thanks the angel everyday for it.
After dinner, they went through a walk in the park and just enjoyed each other's company, Clary was talking about something silly Max did and Jace couldn't help the fondness they exploded on his face, these were his favorite days now, it use to be the days when he'd go out a fight a bunch of demons, and that's still something he very much enjoys, but these days with Clary on their days off were his favorite.
"hey I was wonderful, would you want to get a dog?" Clary asked
"what?" Jace said with shock
"a dog, the other day when I took Max and Rafe to the park with Simon when we were babysitting, there was a golden retriever, Max and Rafe ran over to let it and they were so happy, it also reminded me I wasn't a dog as a kid," Clary said.
"do you think we can take care of a dog? , They're a lot of work," Jace said
"yeah we can, cause I can do anything with you," Clary said with a big smile
"are you trying to to convince me with your confession of love? , Cause of you are it's working," he said
She giggled and said "we could go to a shelter and adopt one."
"sounds like a plan, maybe we should take Max and Rafe with us," Jace said
"I think that would be perfect, as long as Alec and Magnus are okay with it," she said.
When they got home they both did some paperwork and Jace read part of a book to Clary, then they went to bed after showering and snuggled up together
"you know I wish every day could be like today," Clary said
"me too Clar-bear, me too, but it makes days like these more special," he said
"that's true," she said as she was falling asleep from exhaustion.
"I love you Jace," she said before she passed out, the sound of her small breaths always made him feel so much affection for her, he kissed her on the head and said "I love you too Clary," and he shut his eyes with her in his arms and the overwhelming feeling of being loved so much by one person.
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kt-fm · 4 years
Why isn't Dark Angel on any Streaming service? Max and Alec are my original OTP.
Not sorry.
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causeshesogone · 4 years
I want them to think, ‘Alec Lightwood loved one man so much he changed the world for him.’
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness
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bearmustard · 4 years
Can't believe I found someone who's into Dark Angel too, and via a 1D tumblr blog? The Internet is a strange place.
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Ha! DA was my first fandom, and though I’m mostly known on tumblr for 1D shit, I maintain my multifandom blog status lmaoooo. Love finding DA stans in the wild though, because my love for it is deep and unconditional, no matter how stupid it could get. 
At least I know I’ll have one or two people who might read the Dark Angel WIP I’m planning to write this year? 
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
Top 10 favorite ships involving POC in 10 different fandoms
I was tagged by @childofsquidward thanks <3
1) Liz Ortecho/Max Evans (Roswell New Mexico) my otp, the loves of my life, I’m sorry I’ll shut up now
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also cheating cause I can (Liz Ortecho/Max Evans/Kyle Valenti)
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2) Bonnie Bennett/Caroline Forbes/Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)
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3) Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (the Mortal Instruements)
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4) Aisha/Grey (Fate the Winx Saga)
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5) Inej Ghafa/Kaz Brekker (Shadow and Bone)
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6) Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
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7) Flo Bones/George Karim (Lockwood and Co.)
couldn’t find a gif I liked :( meaning I should gif more of them tbh
8) Eleanor Shellstrop/Tahani Al-Jamil (the Good Place)
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9) Emma Hill/Charlie Nicoletti (The Company You Keep)
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10) Simon Basset/Daphne Bridgerton (Bridgerton)
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no pressure tags @ajna-eye-cogitations @lesbianmaxevans @crepuscularqueens @cryoverkiltmilk @ladynox @beautifulcheat @thesquidkid @voidsteffy and literally anyone who wants to <3
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thelightofthebane · 5 years
Summary: “Magnus Bane traded Pandemonium for a kid’s playground?”
Pairing: Magnus Bane/Alexander Lightwood
Tags: Fluff, Domestic, Established Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Parenthood, Uncle Alec, Uncle Magnus, Prompt 12: Misperception
My story for @ficletinstruments‘ week 12 [Prompt: Misperception]
You can also read here: ao3
“Magnus Bane traded Pandemonium for a kid’s playground?”
The teasing tone in Catarina’s voice only made Magnus’ smile grew more. He couldn’t take his eyes from the lovely vision in front of him.
Alexander playing with Max, Rafael and Madzie.
After telling them some Shadowhunters’ tales he learned when he was a child, a war of tickles started and gave way for a game called “let’s tackle daddy/uncle Alec on the grass”. They were smiling and laughing so loud, it was overwhelming. At some point, too overjoyed with his daddy’s playful tickles, Max twisted his wrists and a rain of dandelion seeds fell over them. It was a mess, but one Magnus was engraving in his mind as a photography, praying his memory would keep it for a long, long time.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m dreaming,” Magnus whispered in awe. “I’ve never thought I’d get… all this. Marriage, family, kids. For Lilith’s sake, kids. I have two sons, Cat.”
“You have,” she said with such fondness, he felt his breath failing for a moment. “And they are adorable. With all the stubbornness and dramatics of their parents.”
For that, Magnus rolled his eyes, but soon shook his head.
“I often ask myself if I’m doing the right thing. If this really was for me. If I won’t end up screwing everything up.”
“You know, I’ve always known Alec was the overthinker one, but sometimes you can be as terrible as him,” Catarina smiled, the teasing tone still coloring her words. She was about to say something else when a burst of new giggles echoed and she turned her gaze to the new scene.
Alec was chasing the three kids, and whenever he got one, he would throw them into the air, caught them and then spin with them like a waltz without rhythm.
Magnus didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love with someone.
“This” Cat resumed, taking her dear friend’s hand and giving it a squeeze, “is something you’ve always deserved. You just weren’t lucky, or maybe had to wait for the right one.”
“Tell me about wait… It took me over 400 years to meet someone like him.”
“And was worth it?”  
Magnus didn’t take his eyes from his husband, a gentle smile never leaving his own face. For a moment, when the afternoon breeze brushed against his face, he had the impression of hearing a whisper.
From that marvelous bastard who died on him and whom Magnus missed so much.
Well done, my friend.
Magnus smiled even more, feeling his chest full of something very warm. A sense of completeness.
“Yeah. I finally found a home.”
And even if he didn’t like to admit it… Ragnor was right.
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