#Age Diversity in Leadership
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kb5jbv-blog · 2 months ago
Subliminal Ageism: The Hidden Discrimination Against People Over 60
Age discrimination, or ageism, is often discussed in explicit terms—such as workplace policies, hiring biases, or unequal healthcare treatment. However, a more insidious and often overlooked form of ageism exists at a subliminal level, subtly shaping how society perceives and treats people over 60. This unconscious bias affects career opportunities, healthcare decisions, media portrayals, and…
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waledxman123 · 4 months ago
Mastering Soft Skills in 2025
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In the rapidly changing world of 2025, technical knowledge is no longer enough to stay ahead. Employers, leaders, and even individuals are increasingly prioritizing soft skills—the intangible qualities that enhance communication, teamwork, adaptability, and leadership. Our podcast, Developing Soft Skills in 2025, explores why these abilities are vital and how you can cultivate them to thrive in your personal and professional life.
Buy The Product now and start sharpening your soft skills to unlock your full potential
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bookinit02 · 2 months ago
i really do think there’s a huge disconnect on here w/ people who have never used tiktok as to what it actually is and who actually uses it. the number of people i’ve seen call it a “teen dancing app” is actually insane. it has not been a teen dancing app since i was in high school, around 2016 - 2020. the main communities i saw on a daily basis were 1) black history/anti-racism educators, 2) high school & college teachers sharing in-classroom strategies and frustrations with the education system, 3) local/state political leaders giving real-time updates on behind-the-scenes government decisions, & 4) community activism & leadership. like tiktok is an adult platform. almost every person i interacted with was my age or older. and yes it completely depends on your fyp and how you interact with the app, yes there’s still teenagers and dance videos and literally anything else you can think of. but these communities of adults aren’t insubstantial at all, they have literally millions of interactions on a daily basis. there’s about a million other types of communities that i could name just off the top of my head, because the range of users was SO diverse and thriving. it’s a long-distance community tool, just like any other social media—and honestly much better than any other social media, because it relies primarily on the kindness of strangers. i saw at least 5-10 videos today of queer people in rural areas panicking because they don’t have any access to queer community on any other platform or in real life. and before i end this i do want to say i think tiktok is coming back, i think this is a highly orchestrated political move, etc., but i do know it won’t ever be exactly the same. people are panicking about free speech violations because tiktok was a place where people fucking SPEAK. i have never seen mass mobilization and communication in this same way for as long as i’ve been alive. it is the people’s app, not just a silly teenage thing. if you’re not on tiktok and never have been, please stop talking about it like you know anything at all😭
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forwardjulio · 2 years ago
"Age is Just a Number: Managing Younger Team Members with Confidence and Skill"
It’s not necessarily awkward to be younger than some of the people you manage. Age does not always determine one’s ability to manage others effectively. What’s more important is your experience, knowledge, and leadership skills. As a manager, you should focus on building strong relationships with your team members, setting clear expectations, providing guidance and support, and fostering a…
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literaryvein-reblogs · 8 months ago
How to write genius level characters? :(
One of the most reliable measures of intelligence today is the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale—currently in its 5th edition, with an upcoming edition in the works.
Using the tool/scale, scores are converted into nominal categories designated by certain cutoff boundaries for quick reference:
Measured IQ Range — Category
145-160: Very gifted or highly advanced
130–144: Gifted or very advanced
120–129: Superior
110–119: High average
90–109: Average
80–89: Low average
70–79: Borderline impaired or delayed
55–69: Mildly impaired or delayed
40–54: Moderately impaired or delayed
To write your "genius" character, you may want them within the Gifted to Very Gifted categories.
Note: With reference to this list, Roid (2003) cautioned that “the important concern is to describe the examinee’s skills and abilities in detail, going beyond the label itself”. The primary value of such labels is as a shorthand reference in some psychological reports.
These are the factors measured by the scale, and you ideally should aim for your "genius" character/s to exhibit high levels of:
Fluid Reasoning: Novel problem solving; understanding of relationships that are not culturally bound
Knowledge: Skills and knowledge acquired by formal and informal education
Quantitative Reasoning: Knowledge of mathematical thinking including number concepts, estimation, problem solving, and measurement
Visual-Spatial Processing: Ability to see patterns and relationships and spatial orientation as well as the gestalt among diverse visual stimuli
Working Memory: Cognitive process of temporarily storing and then transforming or sorting information in memory
Or maybe your character doesn't excel in all of these areas but in a specific one, or just a few of these. Maybe they perform within the average or high average in some, but are highly gifted in other areas.
The following may also guide you in writing your genius character, based on research compiled by Dr. J. Renzulli, which can be found in the Mensa Gifted Youth Handbook:
Characteristics of Giftedness
Has unusually advanced vocabulary for age or grade level
Has quick mastery and recall of factual information
Wants to know what makes things or people tick
Usually sees more or gets more out of a story, film, etc., than others
Reads a great deal on his or her own; usually prefers adult-level books; does not avoid difficult materials
Reasons things out for him- or herself
Becomes easily absorbed with and truly involved in certain topics or problems
Is easily bored with routine tasks
Needs little external motivation to follow through in work that initially excited him or her
Strives toward perfection; is self-critical; is not easily satisfied with his or her own speed and products
Prefers to work independently; requires little direction from teachers
Is interested in many "adult" problems such as religion, politics, sex and race
Stubborn in his or her beliefs
Concerned with right and wrong, good and bad
Constantly asking questions about anything and everything
Often offers unusual, unique or clever responses
Is uninhibited in expressions of opinion
Is a high-risk taker; is adventurous and speculative
Is often concerned with adapting, improving and modifying institutions, objects and systems
Displays a keen sense of humor
Shows emotional sensitivity
Is sensitive to beauty
Is nonconforming; accepts disorder; is not interested in details; is individualistic; does not fear being different
Is unwilling to accept authoritarian pronouncements without critical examination
Carries responsibility well
Is self-confident with children his or her own age as well as adults
Can express him- or herself well
Adapts readily to new situations
Is sociable and prefers not to be alone
Generally directs the activity in which he or she is involved
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ⚜ Writing Notes & References
Hope this helps with your writing. Do tag me, or send me a link. I'd love to read your work!
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mythalism · 3 months ago
i think, anecdotally, canadians love to use land acknowledgments and Diversity(tm) a bit more than americans do, and have a degree of always pointing at the us and being like "well at least WE didn't do anything that fucked up! we're so much more enlightened and respectful 😌". and so any acknowledgment that racism exists, or that necessary societal change is often only brought by unpleasant disruption, or specifically that indigenous people live in terrible conditions because of colonization, is bracketed with this type of "but it's very complicated, and who's to say if there's a solution? we're thinking about it really hard, and holding space, and listening and learning, and maybe we will get to fixing it in like 50 years if people ask nicely" rhetoric. and there's a degree of apprehension that "land back" is a call for ethnic cleansing of settlers (somehow, despite this being both physically not possible and not actually anyone's demand) and that any movement towards that will be bad and overly radical.
which maps directly onto how bioware writes elves specifically haha. they'll sympathetically show how they're oppressed and living under the boot of a catholic church-esque entity, but then... ahhh noo, actually they had a very problematic pre-colonization culture, and they're too impractically fixated on the past and that prevents them from moving forward, and the church employees are sometimes trying their best and making amends, and the demands of the elven leadership are just too out there and violent... so really, it's very complicated. maybe it could be better to keep the status quo and only have Incremental Change, forever.
(they sort of didn't do this in the masked empire, but as always they had to throw in a bit about how Rude And Mean the dalish are. plus the ridiculously evil chevalier lore of each one randomly executing a few elves as a rite of passage, and then never mentioning that aspect again bc i guess it wasn't relevant to michel's story. as well as the insanely underwritten premise of what briala and celene's relationship actually was. there's ~toxic lesbians~, and then there's "extremely rich and powerful white noblewoman calls her younger servant class gf ugly for being dark skinned, lies to her for years, has her family and then entire community killed, then tries to seduce her back when she gets angry and leaves" lmao. i think weekes was going for a tragic morally grey starcrossed lovers to enemies vibe, but to me it was more of a horrific one-sided exploitation that the author did not seem to realize they were writing.)
and in veilguard i suppose they tried to avoid the entire issue by mostly removing those aspects of the setting, so you no longer even have the somewhat well-observed depictions of oppression combined with Justin Trudeau Moments, it's just kind of empty.
anyway thank you for appreciating my very long ted talk! i left tumblr after the whole "popular bloggers mass reporting pro-palestine people for terrorism" thing (i can get that treatment for free irl, don't need that extra stress from the Fandom Webbed Site haha). i've just been drifting back to look at dragon age posts bc i was curious about veilguard. i didn't expect much from bioware but it was surprising that they just went even further into tone-deaf bizarre race allegories rather than reading 1 (one) nonfiction book in the years since dai, or hiring anybody from a different background who could weigh in. :')
wow this is seriously so fascinating and insightful and truly does give me a better understanding of both canada and bioware LMFAO so thank you so much for sharing seriously. you are welcome in my inbox for more ted talks anytime and now im just gonna leave this here to marinate on it further and hope other people read it because its fantastic. xoxo
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loredrinker · 2 months ago
Why Inquisition Remains My Favorite Dragon Age Game
Having spent countless hours shaping my Inquisitor in Inquisition, I know why this game stands out as my favorite in the series. Its gameplay and dialogue systems weren’t universally beloved, but for me, they created a unique experience that offered freedom in shaping my protagonist. 
Inquisition moved away from tone and personality-based responses. The Inquisitor’s personality is player-driven, shaped by the choices you make rather than predefined personality traits. This flexibility allowed me to project certain ideas, motivations, and values onto my Inquisitor - a Lavellan. For me, this system fostered organic responses to the unfolding narrative without the rigidity of a fixed character personality type. 
I enjoy my imagination and don't have a strong stance one way or another on tone and personality indicators. Because I also enjoy analyzing dialogue and subtext, the Inquisitor’s blank-slate nature complemented my playstyle perfectly.
The lack of predefined tones also fit perfectly with the nature of the Inquisitor’s story. They aren’t just making personal choices - they’re leading a massive military and political organization. This leadership role challenged me to prioritize what was best for Southern Thedas, even when it clashed with my personal preferences.  Almost like a game within the game.
I found that Inquisition captured the tension between leadership and personal desires quite well. For example, I chose to banish the Wardens despite my deep love for Alistair. His gracious acceptance made me cry, but Lavellan, as I had shaped her, understood the risks of keeping the Wardens involved. Similarly, when faced with the Well of Sorrows, Cole’s warning about the voices being ever-present sealed my decision. My Lavellan couldn’t risk compromising her faculties while leading the Inquisition. These moments forced me to make tough, thoughtful decisions, balancing personal attachments with the weight of leadership. I found this dynamic to be one of the game’s most compelling elements. 
The approval system further enhanced my experience with Inquisition. Approval was earned through decisions and how you interacted with the world and your companions. I loved how this approach made relationships feel more natural, reflecting the complexities of real-world interactions.
In real life, decisions are judged differently by the people around you, and Inquisition mirrored that quite well. For instance, when Blackwall disapproved of Lavellan's decision to banish the Wardens, it felt like a gut punch. I imagined the argument they would have afterward, the tension it would cause within the group. Moments like that made it feel as though these companions were alive, with their own values and perspectives. It wasn’t just a team - it was a group of friends judging actions from diverse viewpoints, and it deepened my engagement with the story.
While I’ve played other Inquisitors and romanced Dorian and Blackwall (both satisfying in their own ways), my elven female Lavellan who romanced Solas remains my true Inquisitor. I’ve revisited her story many times, and her journey as an elf navigating the racism and political intricacies of Thedas added depth and complexity to her character. Leading the Inquisition as an elf felt layered and challenging, enriching my overall experience. 
As an elven woman among toxic male figures like Gaspard - whose arrogance and attitude stood out to me - Lavellan’s resilience as a leader felt particularly meaningful. Regarding Solas, I found this romance very intellectually seductive and sensual and it is my world state. This choice added an emotional weight to the game, as Lavellan grappled with heartbreak, betrayal, and the complicated dynamic between her values and Solas’s mission. Every decision, every conversation carries significance, which is why Inquisition remains such an emotional and memorable experience for me. 
Another thing that sets Inquisition apart is the scale of its decisions. I understand why many players were frustrated that these choices didn’t fully carry over into the Keep - there were simply too many variables to account for. 
At its core, Inquisition gave me the freedom to craft a character who felt personal, layered, and connected to the world of Thedas. It’s a game that resonates with me to this day, and while I recognize it’s not for everyone, it will always hold a special place in my heart. 
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magic-astro-fae · 10 months ago
The Sun and Leo in the Houses
Aries Rising/ Leo 5th House: Fun, dynamic, playful, full of energy, socializing provides energy, new people and experiences bring joy, self-expression is important to these people, not ones to be held down, strive in authority positions, great leadership, group oriented, compassionate, willing to give to those in need, great connection to inner child, nothing is more important than laughter and having fun
Taurus Rising/ Leo 4th House: Large family, close family, overbearing family, regeneration happens in the home, big changes to family dynamics over the lifetime, becoming the breadwinner, expected to take care of the family, hard workers, family first, strong traditions, oldest child syndrome, taking on responsibilities at a young age, growing up to quick
Gemini Rising/ Leo 3rd House: Communicative, humorous, diverse fried groups, diverse knowledge, knowing a little bit of everything, jack of all trades but master of none, designated driver, activist, strong ties to community, strong ties to peers, chosen families, needing your voice to be heard, communication is healing, expressing thoughts and opinions bring joy, debate
Cancer Rising/ Leo 2nd House: Strong values, hard workers, financially responsible, making money brings comfort, having a stable job brings comfort, collecting beautiful objects, beautiful homes, attention to appearance, attractive parents, may over identify with materials, may worry about appearances, critical family, growing sense of self-worth, may believe their worth is tied to what they can provide
Leo Rising/ Leo 1st House: Energetic, humorous, social, thrives when center of attention, concerned with personal beauty, must be heard and seen, leadership, centers beauty, beautiful friends and partners, feeling as though they need to 'prove' themselves, their own worse critic, athletic, physical activity brings relaxation, eventful childhood, connected to inner child, connected to family traditions
Virgo Rising/ Leo 12th House: Quiet, reserved, introverted, critical, finds energy in being alone, retreating to safe space, needs a sacred space of their own, values their alone time, hard childhood, disconnected to inner child, experiences with institutions, jails/ hospitals/ psyche wards/ rehab, an eye for detail, making things comfortable, making things beautiful, keeping the peace, mediator
Libra Rising/ Leo 11th House: Strong ties to friends, chosen family, energy is found when with friends, community oriented, volunteer work, charity work, strives in social settings, good listeners, good communicators, protective of loved ones, protective of identity and community, activism, standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, providing comfort to friends, dating friends
Scorpio Rising/ Leo 10th House: High responsibility and expectations from others, growing up too fast, leadership roles, the 'helper', always of assistance, hard workers, saving money, saving face, work may seep into personal life, taking care of others, taking care of family, having to 'look' responsible and well put together for the good of others, good in positions of authority but not taking others authority
Sagittarius Rising/ Leo 9th House: Spiritual, curious, always learning, reading and researching, taking notes and journaling, interested in what is different from them, getting out of comfort zone brings joy, communicating with those from different backgrounds, diverse friends, need to move and travel, nothing can stay the same for too long, always trying to learn more, search for meaning, humor
Capricorn Rising/ Leo 8th House: Attuned to their secrets, private, reserved, introverted, spiritual, strong family ties, beginnings and endings, losing it all and starting over, expected to be responsible for family finances, giving to family, giving others money, others taking your money, hard workers, introspection brings peace, sharing with others gives energy, emotional connections with friends and family
Aquarius Rising/ Leo 7th House: Strong emphasis on partnership, learning more about yourself through experiences with others, relying on partners, confiding in partners, feeling more whole when in a partnership, business deals, making your own business, making your own money with help from others, loyalty, courage to protect partners, may struggle with being alone
Pisces Rising/ Leo 6th House: Health issues, emphasis on health ad routine, hard workers, diligent, making and saving money, health conscious, picky eaters, bad work place experiences, toxic coworkers, work/ life balance, working and making money brings joy and energy, strong connections to animals, strong connection to grandparents/ elderly, family expecting your money, working hard for family
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dcdreamblog · 3 months ago
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Oh. ...Well now look what you bastards gone an di- *recieves email not long after seeing this pop up. Work email* WORK EMAIL FROM WHO NOW?!
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Ok Sid don't panic. Don't panic. Don't PANIC. Whiiiiich one of you fuckers ratted me out?! Well I cut out the contact info in the attachment for obvious goddamn reasons but she did indeed give me the contact information of three (3) Golden Age folks who are still around and kicking and evidently each of them has consented to being down for an interview with me! And by extension you guys!
So, while I process this goddamn information I am going to do a quick rundown of who we've got. Please scroll all the way down so you can vote in the poll!!!
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Uncle Sam: The spirit of 76 given flesh, Uncle Sam has been an active superhuman for nearly 300 years at this point. A leadership figure in the highly active Freedom Fighters through every one of its many rosters. Also a regular guest here and the museum and, as this last Christmas proved, someone who knows my @#$%& mailing address.
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Molly Mayne-Scott AKA Harlequin I: A former supervillainess, responsible for many rounds of grand larceny and general mayhem, Mayne ended up reforming soon after she met Green Lantern Alan Scott. Once Scott's first marriage ended in tragedy, Mayne and Scott married where they have been for the past 60 years despite current revelations about Scott's past and personal life. She also spent time post war, after the JSA's disbandment as an FBI agent tracking down golden age supervillains who had escaped justice.
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Airwave II: Son of the original Air Wave, this young and plucky member of the superhero community has been under the wing of names as diverse as Black Canary, Green Lantern and the Atom. Following in his father's footsteps he has become the beloved son of Dallas, Texas.
So these are your options, my friends. I have the contact information for any one of these three people, in my hands. In one week's time I will contact one of them to set up an interview with the questioned picked by you guys. All you have to do right now, this week, is make sure you VOTE as to who it shall be.
God speed and all but I need to go lie down.
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mariacallous · 10 days ago
When she was five years old, Kitty Saks’ home in Vienna was commandeered by the Nazis, leading her family to flee to Brussels, where she was hidden in a convent until the Allies liberated Belgium. Twenty-seven members of her family were killed in the Holocaust.
Until a few weeks ago, that story could be read on the website of a U.S. Air Force unit, one of the many ways the government commemorated the Holocaust.
But now it is gone, one of many Holocaust remembrance articles taken down as part of the Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth’s effort to rid Pentagon platforms of anything related to DEI.
In a February 26 memo titled “digital content refresh”, Pentagon leadership was directed to “remove all DoD news and feature articles, photos, and videos that promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).” More than 24,000 articles could potentially be removed, according to a database obtained by CNN.
Also caught in the net of the anti-DEI purge are articles focused on race, gender and LGBTQ experiences, as well as others on topics such as cancer awareness, suicide prevention and sexual assault. An article on Jackie Robinson, who served in the military and is widely admired for breaking baseball’s color line, was removed and has been reinstated.
Also removed was an article on Bea Arthur, the Jewish “Golden Girls” star who served in the Marines during World War II.
Beyond Saks’ story, at least two more pages documenting Holocaust remembrance were also removed. One page, titled “A Cadet’s Perspective: Holocaust Days of Remembrance,” described a cadet’s experience visiting concentration camps a decade ago and the ways they informed his experience in the U.S. Air Force Academy.
Another page stripped from the Pentagon’s platforms commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Week and told readers to not forget the importance of religious diversity:
“The first place we must look is within ourselves. Do we allow stereotypes to determine how we think of another based on their religion? Do we diminish another’s beliefs because they are different from our own? It is in examining ourselves and the inner thoughts that we allow to foster, we will be able to create change,” the article read.
In a statement, Pentagon Press Secretary John Ullyot — who referred to DEI initiatives as “Woke cultural Marxism” — said pages that had inadvertently been removed would be reinstated but did not detail if or when the Holocaust-related articles would go back up.
“We are pleased by the rapid compliance across the Department with the directive removing DEI content from all platforms,” his statement said. “In the rare cases that content is removed — either deliberately or by mistake — that is out of the clearly outlined scope of the directive, we instruct the components and they correct the content so it recognizes our heroes for their dedicated service alongside their fellow Americans, period.”
Saks died in 2021 at the age of 88. In the article about her experience, which can still be viewed on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, she was quoted saying, “I think the Holocaust should never be forgotten and it should be taught in schools, but not just a few lines.”
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felassan · 5 months ago
EA Blog Post on hair tech in DA:TV, under a cut due to length.
"Innovating Strand by Strand for Lifelike Hair in Dragon Age: The Veilguard Strand Hair technology adds visual fidelity and realism to characters, and it redefines what’s possible in Dragon Age: The Veilguard --- In the fantasy world of Thedas, where heroes rise and legends are forged, every detail breathes life into an epic saga. Dragon Age: The Veilguard introduces players to a crafted and beautiful world where even the finest elements like strands of hair tell a tale of their own. Each strand of hair weaves seamlessly into the fabric of the game, enriching your character’s journey through treacherous labyrinths and beyond. Together, the Frostbite and BioWare teams embarked on a quest to elevate Strand Hair technology, focusing on the following elements: - 50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles – EA’s Strand Hair technology brings natural motion to your hero’s hairdo in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. - Adaptable to various character movements and environments – Frostbite and BioWare pushed the limits of hair rendering, achieving realistic material response and shadows. This collaboration introduced detailed, physics-driven hairstyles tailored to the unique world of Dragon Age. - Industry-leading realism – Dragon Age: The Veilguard sets a new standard for lifelike character hair at 60 FPS on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X, and PC with compatible hardware, showcasing EA’s leadership in innovation and BioWare’s craftsmanship in enhancing immersive storytelling. This is how Frostbite and BioWare brought Strand Hair technology to the next level, letting you be the hero you want to be as Rook in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Weaving Magic Into Reality Harnessing the power of the Frostbite engine, Strand Hair technology transforms your character's locks into a living tapestry of thousands of individual strands. Strand Hair technology combines physics with real-time rendering to simulate believable modeling of human hair."
"Incorporating realistic hair within games is quite challenging, which is why Frostbite has already spent years advancing hair rendering technology. Strand Hair was featured in previous EA SPORTS FC™, Madden NFL, and NHL titles, but the technology is always being upgraded for new releases. While Strand Hair is present in other EA games, the BioWare team had to push the limits even further for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. For example, implementing Strand Hair technology for characters who have waist-length hair with horns on their head presented some unique challenges. With hair attachments that move seamlessly, and the decoupling of simulation and render tessellation, this is the first EA game to offer such detailed physics-driven long hairstyles. The Frostbite team increased maximum hair length from 63 points to 255, and implemented a new system for complex hair structures like braids. Frostbite and BioWare also collaborated to achieve accurate hair material response and shadows across diverse lighting environments. Strand Hair technology in Dragon Age: The Veilguard features a new hair lighting model with improved light transmittance and visibility calculations. Dragon Age characters can have various builds and physical traits, each with unique hairstyles that adapt seamlessly to different garments and dynamic movements. Whether jumping at high speed in combat, slowing time, or going prone, the hair responds fluidly while maintaining realism across all scenarios. A Heroic Collaboration With Trials and Triumphs The evolution of Strand Hair technology has been a collaborative journey, beginning with Frostbite’s partnership with the EA SPORTS FC™ team that pushed the tech to a shippable state. Frostbite continues to refine and enhance this innovation, bringing its magic to titles like Battlefield 2042, UFC 5, College Football 25, and now, Dragon Age: The Veilguard.  The Frostbite and BioWare teams worked closely together to get Strand Hair tech within Dragon Age: The Veilguard. The engineering team played a huge role in making sure hair looked good in new scenarios, like being surrounded by magical particles, underwater, or interacting with waterfalls. Their tireless work made these complex interactions both performant and robust. “The collaboration between Frostbite and the BioWare engineering team was key to supporting complex hairstyles. Advancing the technology for intricate styles and optimizing performance ensured that specific moments, like when hair covers a large percentage of the screen in certain cinematics, run smoothly.” – Maciej Kurowski, Studio Technical Director, BioWare Together, they tackled challenging lighting conditions and pushed the limits of strand length and tessellation, achieving hair designs far more complex than any previous EA title."
"Complex Hair Rendering and Enchanting Visual Magic A major difference between Dragon Age: The Veilguard and existing Frostbite titles that have shipped with Strand Hair is the sheer variety and quantity of visual effects and transparent objects. From magical spells to smoke, fire, and fog, the technology needed to blend seamlessly into the environment and magic of Thedas. Strand Hair is not rendered like traditional objects are within Frostbite. The technology utilizes a bespoke compute software rasterizer and is composited into the frame and blended with other opaque and transparent objects when resolved. Due to the complexity and uniqueness of the software rasterizer, the hair supported limited options for blending with the game world and characters. It was specifically designed to favor blending with depth of field, which is an important broadcast camera technique used in sports games. This did not blend well with transparent objects, which while few in sports titles, are extremely common in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Thus, the BioWare team needed to develop a new technique for blending hair with transparent visual effects and environment effects like volumetric fog and other participating media. This technique involves splitting the hair into two distinct passes, first opaque, and then transparent. To split the hair up, we added an alpha cutoff to the render pass that composites the hair with the world and first renders the hair that is above the cutoff (>=1, opaque), and subsequently the hair that is lower than the cutoff (transparent). Before these split passes are rendered, we render the depth of the transparent part of the hair. Mostly this is just the ends of the hair strands. This texture will be used as a spatial barrier between transparent pixels that are “under” and “on top” of the strand hair."
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"Transparent depth texture, note the edge of the hair."
"Once we have that texture, we first render the opaque part of strand hair, and then we render transparent objects. The shaders for the transparent objects use the transparent hair depth texture to determine whether the shading pixel is “under” or “on top” of the strand hair. If it’s below, it renders the hair and marks a stencil bit (think of it as a masking texture). If the pixel is “on top” or equal to the hair, it simply discards that pixel and renders nothing. After we’ve drawn the transparent objects once, we then draw the transparent hair since we are sure that there are no transparent objects ‘under’ the hair that have not been rendered yet. Finally we draw the transparent objects again, this time checking that stencil mask to see where we did not draw the transparent objects before, thus layering the pixels of transparent objects that are on top of the hair properly. This results in perfect pixel blending with transparent objects. – James Power, Senior Rendering Engineer, BioWare"
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"Left, without “Layered” transparency. Right, with “Layered” transparency."
"Another challenge the BioWare team faced was handling the wide range of cinematic lighting rigs used for cutscenes, which must be rendered in real time in order to support customizable characters and followers. Because pre-rendering cutscenes was not possible, performance in cinematics was still paramount to the technical vision for the product. The team also wanted to maintain the same consistent frame rate across gameplay and cinematics to avoid jarring transitions if the cinematics were to be locked to 30 FPS.  With that in mind when lighting scenes, there needed to be support for a wide range of lights that would be less computationally expensive to render, but would have extreme consequences on the quality of hair self-shadowing. This is a major contributor to the overall quality of the hair. Any given Strand Hair object, which has tens of thousands of individual thin hair strands, requires high quality shadow maps in order to have good coverage of the hair strands in the resulting shadowmap texture. Wide angle lights, distant lights, and non-shadowcasting lights do not provide adequate coverage (or no coverage at all, in the case of the non-shadowcasting lights). When the lighting routines are run, the hair would occupy a low amount of pixels in the shadowmap.  When attempting to calculate light transmission inside the volume of hair, the fidelity would be poor, resulting in flat shading lacking detail near the edges of the hair where a fine gradient of light transmission is expected. To solve this, hero shadows are rendered for every Strand Hair object and every light that lighting artists designated as important to the shot. These hero shadows are generated at run time, using a tightly fitting light frustum that is adjusted to each hair’s bounding box, ensuring there are high fidelity shadowmaps.  When applying shadows to the hair, we test to see if a shading point is in the hero shadow or the regular shadow (since the hair will not be in both) and composite the final results."
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"Left, Bellara rendered without Hero Shadows. Right, with Hero Shadows. Note the differences in fidelity of transmission on the left side of the character head."
"Harnessing Efficiency With Performance and Memory Throughout development, Dragon Age: The Veilguard aimed for high performance and strict memory requirements across all platforms to ensure players have a smooth and scalable experience.  Strand Hair is a memory and GPU dependent rendering system. Optimizations needed to be made in order to conform to the limited amount of system resources available for the following considerations: - Strand Hair assets, especially those with high strand counts and tessellation settings (which are necessary for the complex hair BioWare authored for both followers and Rook alike), have a high memory footprint. - The system is designed to allow for a large number of Strand Hair assets, but this comes at the cost of additional memory allocations to support the number of characters on field in other titles like EA SPORTS FC™. - For Dragon Age: The Veilguard, the team had a lot of control over which characters are on screen, and how many hair assets are supported. BioWare developed a system to control how large these allocations are to tightly fit the number of hair assets for the best possible memory utilization. On average, there is a flat GPU cost of around 128MB of GPU memory for the full field of followers (eight hair assets). Outside of this fixed memory cost, the system can dynamically adjust the size of system memory, GPU memory, and group shared memory in compute shaders using custom permutations with set thresholds.  This provides the ability to scale additional memory costs from 300MB to 600MB depending on quality settings and resolution. Both Xbox Series X and PlayStation®5 sit at around 400MB depending on the number of characters and the assets loaded, as they each have their own memory costs.  These costs are dynamically adjusted due to hair needing less memory to occupy less pixels. Lower resolutions (or lower dynamic hair resolution on lower quality settings) can get away with smaller buffer allocations for many of these per-frame costs without sacrificing any image quality.  This work was especially important for PC due to the wide array of available graphics memory on GPUs available to consumers. This amount of memory being allocated per frame can push the GPU into demoting or paging memory, which can result in significant performance loss and hitches. For lower quality settings on PC, as well as Xbox Series S, swapping out Strand Hair assets for Card Hair assets is supported. These assets have significantly lower memory footprints and allowed the team to push for higher fidelity on systems that can handle the load without sacrificing performance on lower end systems. To achieve the performance requirements of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, BioWare implemented a number of scalable performance features that are applied across various quality settings on PC and performance modes on consoles. Strand Hair is normally rendered at render resolution and is unaffected by upsampling technology such as NVIDIA DLSS, AMD FSR, or Intel XeSS. Therefore it does not scale as well with other render features when those settings are applied.  To ensure great performance across all configurations, BioWare implemented technology that scales the hair render resolution for a set of minimum and maximum targets based on said render resolution.  Hair rasterization performance scales fairly aggressively with resolution and screen coverage. As hair covers more of the screen, a larger primitive count is required to render the strands at adequate detail. This requires both more memory and GPU resources."
To ensure we meet our frame time requirements, we set a maximum frametime budget for strand hair rendering for consoles at 6.5ms for 30 FPS (33.3ms frame time) and 3ms for 60 FPS (16.6ms frame time) with eight strand hair assets on screen.  Our hair resolution control will adjust the resolution within a minimum and maximum resolution based on our upsampler and DRS settings and keep the hair costs proportional to those targets. This is important since hair does not go through upsampling, as mentioned earlier, and will not have its load reduced by those technologies. Running hair simulation costs are also done on the GPU in compute, and change dramatically depending on the asset, but tend to hover around 2ms with some spikes to nearly 5ms depending on complexity of the hair and whether we are loading/teleporting new assets. This cost does not scale with resolution.  We have a variety of systems for cinematics and gameplay that will disable simulation for hair assets off screen or far away and do not contribute to shadows that are on screen. Controlling simulation costs is largely done by cinematic designers ensuring their scenes do not go over budget. – James Power, Senior Rendering Engineer, BioWare As mentioned earlier, BioWare’s Hero Shadows provide the hair with high fidelity shadow maps, but come at a heavy cost to GPU performance.  Support for scalable hair decimation was added to combat this, allowing for the reduction of strand count when rendering shadows, thus reducing the cost of hero shadows. This enables lighters to use more of them, and support them for both 30 FPS and 60 FPS targets."
"Head and Shoulders Above the Rest Examples above describe only some of the improvements the BioWare and Frostbite teams worked on to redefine state of the art, real-time hair simulation and rendering technology for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. This groundbreaking accomplishment underscores EA's innovative spirit and highlights BioWare's exceptional craftsmanship. Whether you're uniting the Veilguard or facing the gods, the lifelike detail of your character's hair allows you to make this heroic story truly your own. As you journey through Thedas uniting companions and forging your legacy, remember that every detail down to the last strand of hair has been crafted to enhance your adventure. Join the ranks of innovators shaping the future of gaming realms. At EA, we forge alliances and craft powerful tools like Strand Hair. Explore open roles and embark on your adventure!"
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nanistar · 3 months ago
Since it seems like folks are shouting into your inbox about WC and its writing tonight - there's a lot wrong with the series, of course, but what I miss is the POV of a cat who *wanted* to be in the clans *so much* that it meant giving up everything they knew. That POV, of course, being Firestar in TPB (and in a way, some of the cats in DotC). That perspective gave a much more balanced view of the clans' flaws, and it also gave us a character who was willing to fight to change some of the inequitable parts of clan life (at least, given the challenges of that day and age). Firepaw/heart/star was easy to love (and root for as a character) because he loved the clans so much, and not just a love despite the flaws, but love in a way that he was committed to fighting to make them better. The longer he was with TC that changed, of course, but all of the recent POVs have been from cats so steeped in clan life that even the most catastrophic incidents are accepted by the MCs without much resistance. Firestar was radical (both by being a kittypet turned clan leader and in his approach to leadership - moreso early on than later when he became part of that same system). I miss that. But sure, let's have another POV of a cat who is the epitome of upholding the current clan status quo. I'm sure that will bring a diverse viewpoint to conflict resolution and the systemic -isms of the clans (/s of course). Anyway cheers for listening to random people ranting in your askbox, that must be annoying sometimes lol.
i miss the wonder and excitement of the first arc so much ): it's not without it's flaws for sure, but it was just a lot more fun because anything could be happen. i think it's because it was a new world to learn, and by now we know and kinda hate the WC setting. also there were BG characters that had personalities and affected the plot.
also all the villains are boring because they peaked with tigerstar. remember when firestar broke mistyfoot + feather&stormpaw out of prison. what the fuck
we've been praying for a big catastrophic wipe-out event for like 3 arcs now that will level the playing field and i really hope it will happen soon. need more death an despair tbqh
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ts-wicked-wonders · 2 months ago
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Dr. Ernest Wilkins Jr.: The Black Scientist Who Contributed to the Atomic Bomb
When we think of the development of the atomic bomb, names like J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and Albert Einstein often dominate the conversation. However, history often overlooks the contributions of Black scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who played critical roles in groundbreaking scientific advancements. One such individual is Dr. J. Ernest Wilkins Jr., a brilliant physicist and mathematician whose work contributed to the Manhattan Project—the secret U.S. effort to develop nuclear weapons during World War II.
A Prodigy in Science and Mathematics
Born in 1923 in Chicago, Jesse Ernest Wilkins Jr. was a child prodigy who made history at an early age. By 13 years old, he had enrolled at the University of Chicago, and by 19, he had earned his Ph.D. in mathematics, making him one of the youngest Americans ever to achieve this milestone.
Despite racial barriers in academia and industry, Wilkins’s talent and intellect were undeniable. His work in advanced mathematics and physics quickly gained recognition, leading him to become one of the few Black scientists recruited to work on the Manhattan Project.
Wilkins and the Manhattan Project
During World War II, Wilkins joined a team at the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago, a key research center for the Manhattan Project. He worked under Enrico Fermi, one of the leading physicists responsible for the first controlled nuclear chain reaction.
Wilkins’s role in the project was primarily focused on nuclear reactor physics. He studied how neutrons behaved in fission reactions, helping to develop theoretical models that improved the efficiency and safety of nuclear reactors. His calculations were instrumental in determining the shielding requirements needed to protect workers from dangerous radiation—a crucial aspect of nuclear energy and weapon development.
Facing Racial Barriers in Science
Despite his groundbreaking contributions, Wilkins faced significant racial discrimination. Many of his white colleagues did not acknowledge his work, and he was not invited to work at Los Alamos, where the final assembly of the atomic bomb took place. Additionally, after the war, many prestigious national laboratories and universities were reluctant to offer him positions due to segregation and institutional racism.
Rather than being discouraged, Wilkins continued to break barriers. He went on to work for Argonne National Laboratory, where he expanded his research in nuclear physics. He later entered the corporate world, becoming a leader in applied mathematics and engineering.
Contributions Beyond the Bomb
Wilkins’s work extended far beyond nuclear weapons. In the 1950s and 1960s, he became a key figure in nuclear energy development, helping to design reactors for peaceful purposes, including energy production. His research on neutron absorption remains foundational in nuclear engineering today.
He also dedicated much of his later career to mentoring young Black scientists and advocating for diversity in STEM fields. His contributions earned him numerous accolades, including positions in the National Academy of Engineering and leadership roles at organizations like the American Nuclear Society.
A Legacy of Excellence
Dr. J. Ernest Wilkins Jr. passed away in 2011, leaving behind an enduring legacy in mathematics, nuclear physics, and engineering. His work not only contributed to the development of nuclear technology but also paved the way for future generations of Black scientists.
Despite the barriers he faced, Wilkins exemplified resilience, brilliance, and dedication to scientific progress. His story is a testament to the often-overlooked contributions of Black scholars in shaping modern technology and history.
Final Thoughts
While the Manhattan Project is often remembered for its devastating impact on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it also represents an era of scientific discovery that transformed the world. Figures like J. Ernest Wilkins Jr. remind us that Black scientists played a crucial role in these advancements—even when history tries to forget them.
Blog written by Tandra Jones
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gyno-supremacy · 2 months ago
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In a world that often whispers in the shadows of old norms and dated expectations, the need for The FLR Manifesto, a clarion call to the power of Female leadership in relationships, has never been more pressing.
The winds of change are blowing in the 21st century with everyday more and more empowered Women and what is best with more well educated Women. And it’s time for us to raise our voices, not just in a gentle breeze but in a tempest of Women empowerment. We stand at the precipice of a new era, one where the strength, wisdom, and grace of Women in leading their relationships is not just accepted but celebrated.
This manifesto is not just words on a page; it is a battle cry, a declaration for the principles of Women over males. It’s a call to arms for every Woman who has ever felt the stirring of dominance within Her, a guide to inspire and empower the Female-Led Relationship.
Ah, my dearest Sisters in strength, it’s high time we speak, not in hushed tones, but with the roar of our collective power. You know, there’s an electrifying beauty in the art of Female dominance, a sizzling dance of control and care, a thrilling balance of power and grace. This is our call to arms, our manifesto for the new age of the Female-Led Relationship (FLR).
Empowerment as a Lifestyle, Not a Fantasy: Sisters, our dominance isn’t just a fleeting moment of power play; it’s a philosophy of life, a way of life. It’s about taking the reins in relationships and life, guiding with wisdom, wit, and a touch of whimsy. Let’s show the world that Female power doesn’t diminish our partners but rather elevates them and transforms them into willing accomplices in our journey of Female Led Marriages.
Imposition of Female rule through the media  – The Twin Pillars: Remember, my fierce Sisters, the foundation of any FLR is rock-solid Female rule and unshakable media advertisement. It must not be a dialogue it must be a way of life accepted by the majority, a two-way street where desires and boundaries about Female leadership are not just respected but celebrated. Imposition of Female rule isn’t just sexy it must be a way of life; as well as mandatory. Let’s model Female led relationships through the media where every “Yes” to Female led is an enthusiastic one!
Educate and Elevate Women: It’s not just about finding men to yield at; it’s about nurturing little boys who understand and appreciate the beauty of a Female boss yielding. We must be educators, mentors, and guiding lights in Female Led Relationships. Let’s share Female stories, Female lessons, and Female victories. Let’s be the beacons that light the path for others who seek to walk in our stilettoed footsteps!
Challenge the Status Quo: Why follow when a female can lead? Let’s question, let’s challenge, let’s overturn the stale norms that have defined erroneous relationships for too long. Let’s show the world the Female strength, the Female intelligence, and the grace of a Woman in charge, She is a blessed Woman. Let’s rewrite the narrative, with the force of the Female roar, with the undeniable power of Her presence.
Celebrate Diversity in Female Dominance: There’s no one way to be a dominant Woman. Female strength comes in all shapes, sizes, and shades. Let’s celebrate the diversity of powerful Women within the circles of these ranks, from the boardroom Dominatrix to the Female executive with a secret FLR. Each one of us brings a unique flavor to this exquisite banquet of Female power.
Foster a Community of Female Support: Let’s not walk this path alone… Let’s build a Sisterhood, a Sorority of empowered Women where all Women are well welcomed by Her Sisters, a network of support and understanding for the Female power. Let’s share our experiences, both the private and public life in Female domination. With all the Sisters together, Women become into a force to be reckoned with, an army of empowered Women unafraid to lead, unafraid to take control, unafraid to take Her relationship to an advanced Female domination stage, and unafraid to liberate Her and Her Sisters even more.
Lead with Elegance and Determination: Above all, let’s lead with elegance & determination that this philosophy is the best way of life. Female dominance is about empowering Girls since an early age tu exercise Her birthright given of Female rule while at the same time lifting each and every Girl up to their fullest potential. Let’s show the world that a Woman in charge is worthy of being shown respect that She is a Woman to fear, that She is a Woman to admire a Woman to love in Female dominated relationships, and a Woman to follow.
So, my beloved Sisters, let’s take up this mantle, not just for ourselves but for the future generations of Women to come. Let’s be the pioneers, the trailblazers, the leaders of a new era in Female dominated relationships. Together, let’s show the world the true power of a Female-Led Relationship.
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The art of promoting Female-led dynamics among other Women is like being the conductor of an exquisite symphony. It’s about inspiring confidence, strength, and a dash of sassiness, all wrapped up in the understanding that we the Females, as Women, are natural leaders in every aspect of life, including our relationships.
First and foremost, embody the confidence you wish to inspire. Wear your authority like your favorite little black dress — with grace and style. — When you talk about your own experiences in a Female-led relationship, let your words drip with the excitement and fulfillment it brings to you. Your enthusiasm is infectious, my dear Sisters!
Now, remember, education is key. Many Women are unaware of the joys and benefits of Female-led relationships. Share resources, books, podcasts, and stories that shed light on this beautiful topic and lifestyle. But do it with a twinkle in your eye, ensuring it’s always a delightful and empowering conversation among your Female friends or relatives.
Networking, sweetie, is your golden ticket to Female domination paradise. Just create or join groups of like-minded Women like yourself. This could be anything from a casual coffee gathering to an online community on Tumblr or Facebook or Instagram or even WhatsApp. The goal is to foster a safe, welcoming environment where Women can share this Female domination lifestyle, where Women can learn about it, and of course where Women can grow in their dominion.
Don’t forget to tackle the misconceptions head-on, but do it with your inherent Female charm. Many people misunderstand Female-led relationships. Clarify that it’s not about overpowering a Wife with Her strap-on, yes it has to do with it but rather this lifestyle is about empowering Girls since an early age in order for them to override in authority their own dads at 17 years of age where both Daughter-father can thrive in their personal relationship regarding Female authority and power over males.
Lastly, encourage experimentation to all Sorority Sisters. Urge your fellow Women to take the lead in small, everyday decisions with their partners. It’s like testing the waters before diving in. This can be a fun, cheeky way to start shifting dynamics and exploring the endless possibilities that brings the Female power.
In essence, my dearest Sisters, promoting Female-led dynamics is about encouraging empowerment of Women, sharing knowledge about Female domination, and creating a supportive sisterhood on the social media, one that is accepted and followed by the majority. So, stand tall with your Heels, speak boldly with your Chant, and let your inner Female Dominant side shine brighter, inspiring other Females to explore and embrace their rightful place as leaders in private and public life.
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Navigating the delicate art of describing the benefits of Female-led dynamics without causing a stir is like walking in stiletto Heels — it requires balance, poise, and a touch of boldness. Let’s tread this path together, shall we dear Sisters? —
Highlight the Harmony and Balance of Female Rule — Paint a picture of a relationship where stress is reduced because roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. In a Female-led relationship, the guesswork is taken out of who’s deciding what. This clarity can lead to a harmonious and balanced Female dominated relationship.
Emphasize Improved Communication — Gently point out that these dynamics often encourage open and honest communication. When a Woman leads, She decides for both, it fosters a space where both partners wish and desire the Female Rule. This openness can lead to a deeper understanding and stronger bond between them.
Showcase For Female Respect and Support — With a smile, explain how Female-led relationships are rooted primarily in the respect of Female authority and support. It’s not about what he wants or desires, is about what Women want and their pleasure in the first, second and third place always period!; it’s about empowering each other Female of a big Sorority that places Women in the first place. A place where young and adult males respect and support the Woman’s leadership, and She, in turn, dominates more and more with an iron hand, creating an environment of really empowered Women whom start to search for the establishment of a robust and solid Gynarchy.
Stress the Personal Growth Aspect — Delicately suggests that such dynamics can lead to personal growth for both partners. The Woman grows in Her confidence and decision-making abilities, while the male may discover new aspects of himself, embracing vulnerability and dependence on his Female Guardians.
Talk About Increased Intimacy — Whisper the secret that Female-led dynamics can lead to a more fulfilling intimate life. The trust and communication required in such a relationship can deepen intimacy, making male chastity in hand with cunnilingus and anilingus abilities for him more passionate and meaningful.
Mention the Fun of Role Reversal — With a cheeky grin, mention how fun and exciting role reversal can be specially with your husband and sons. Breaking free from traditional roles can be liberating and exhilarating, adding a fresh and playful dynamic to the Female rule.
Reflect on the Efficiency in Decision Making and Money Control — Point out that having a clear Female leader can make decision-making more efficient and more wealthy bank account. Less time is spent in efficiency of money, leading to a more streamlined and effective way of handling life’s many choices. And of course all money must go to the Wives bank accounts, leaving males living on small allowances given to them by their empowered Wives.
Underline the Emotional Security — Softly emphasize that Female-led relationships can offer emotional security to Women of ages and races. The clear distribution of roles and the deep trust involved often make both partners feel more secure and content in their Female led relationships.
When describing these benefits, it’s crucial to maintain a tone of inclusivity and openness to any Woman no matter Her origin or family tree. Make it clear that every Female led relationship is unique and what works for one couple may not work for another when living and practicing this wonderful lifestyle. But one thing is sure every Woman becomes in Her own Queen. It’s about finding what makes both partners happiest and more fulfilled. With a blend of tact and enthusiasm, you can illuminate the beautiful intricacies of Female-led dynamics in a way that’s intriguing, not intimidating.
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As we bring this manifesto to its finale grade, it’s crucial to reiterate the essence of this movement. This is not just a passing trend or a silent whisper in the night; it’s a roaring revolution of empowered Women which every day want more and more control, authority and power, they demand being obeyed by their submissive male partners in every aspect of their lives changing the very core of how Female led relationships are perceived and lived. This is a wonderful lifestyle with Female-Led Relationship practiced in all spheres of society it is a testament to the strength, intelligence, and grace of Women everywhere, a beacon of change in a world thirsty for Female empowerment and Female dominated partnerships.
Remember, my darling Sisters, the main goal is to achieve Gynarchy with its foundation on Female Supremacy, that the power the Female hold is not just in the authority She asserts but in the dominance and respect that She demands, and understanding the Female Authority even foster. Female Authority starts in the family then it can translate to the social sphere. Each step we the Sisters take towards empowering ourselves and enslaving our male partners is a step towards a brighter, more balanced Female future. Our gospel of Women Rule is not just about leading a position; it’s about inspiring a world where every Female voice is heard, where every Female desire respected, and where every Dominant Female is celebrated with pride and joy and where She continues to grow exponentially in Her Dominion, a place where She becomes in Her own Queen by birthright.
We call upon all of you who are reading this manifesto, the pioneers of a new era, to carry the new Evangelium of Woman. Share your Female domination stories, speak your Female authority truth, and show the world the beauty and balance of Female-Led Relationships with 's' of many and widely accepted by the majority. Let us build a future where the strength of a Woman’s leadership in Female domination love is not just accepted but celebrated, a Female future where the harmony and happiness of a Female led partnerships are a testament to the power of all Women without distinction of Her race, origin or ancestry.
In closing The FLR Manifesto, let’s not forget the immense responsibility that comes with this power. We are the architects of change, the sculptors of a new era in Female led relationships. Let’s wield this power with wisdom, courage, and a dash of pride. Together, as a united family of formidable Female led marriages, we can shape our world where Female leadership is celebrated and becomes in the norm, not the exception.
So, step forward with confidence, grace, and a twinkle of detachment from pre-established norms in your eyes. The future of Female-Led Relationships is not just in our hands; it’s in our hearts, minds, and unyielding spirits. Let’s make this Female Led World not just a chapter in a fictitious book but a lasting legacy reality for generations to come.
Who is with the Gynarchic Sisters?
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rivensdefenseattorney · 1 year ago
Bloom Character Profile
(WIP) *Means it's more subject to change
Basic Information
Name: Bloom Peters
Race: Fairy
Age: 18
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'5 (165 cm)
Unique Features
Freckles that resemble dragon scales
Education & Background
Education: Alfea Interdimensional College of Fae
Year: 1
Concentrated Study: Undecided
Favorite Class: Ancient Fae Studies
Birthplace: Gardenia, Earth
Mother: Vanessa Peters
Father: Michael Peters
Stella/Aisha (Winx Best Friends)
Brandon/Riven/Timmy (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests
Personality Traits
Passionate & Determined: Despite being behind others in magical prowess, her relentless determination drives her forward.
Curious: She possesses an insatiable curiosity, always eager to uncover hidden truths and explore the world around her.
Open-minded: Bloom embraces new ideas and perspectives, welcoming diverse viewpoints in her pursuit of understanding.
Emotion-Led & Moral: She leads with her emotions and morals, often making decisions guided by her heart. This can lead to unforeseen consequences, but she holds firm to her principles.
Struggling with Imposter Syndrome: Despite her talents, Bloom frequently experiences imposter syndrome, doubting her abilities and feeling inadequate among others with more advanced magical skills.
Self-Blame & Responsibility: Her inclination to blame herself for situations beyond her control adds to her emotional burden. She carries a sense of responsibility for the safety and well-being of those around her.
Empathetic Leadership: Bloom's natural inclination toward leadership and understanding others' emotions would be more pronounced. She might find herself in roles where she becomes a natural guide or support for those around her, further intensifying her sense of responsibility towards their safety. She strives to shield people from harm, even at the cost of her own well-being.
Emotional Depth: She's highly attuned to the emotions of others and has a deep desire to connect on an emotional level. Bloom's struggles with controlling her fire magic is deeply intertwined with her emotional state.
Idealism & Imposing Expectations: Bloom holds strong ideals and expectations. Bloom sets high standards for herself, exacerbating her imposter syndrome when she feels she falls short of her own expectations in mastering her magic or protecting others.
Conflict Avoidance: Bloom's emotional leadership sometimes lead her to feel immense guilt or internal conflict when her decisions inadvertently lead to unexpected outcomes or conflicts.
Seeking External Validation: Bloom often grapples with seeking reassurance from those around her regarding her decisions, especially when she feels unsure or guilty about the consequences.
Skills & Abilities
Resistant to Temperature Changes
Can control the Dragon Flame of Rebirth
Can manipulate Fire Magic
Very good at conducting investigative research
Hobbies & Interests
Working on Vehicles
Quirks & Habits
Loves spicy foods and adds spice to everything
Likes to be high up
Spends a lot of time finding hiding spots
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 21 days ago
Women manage R$82bn of the budget in five Brazilian capitals
Minority among finance department heads, women stand out for years of dedication to public service
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Between the ages of 46 and 70, with diverse educational backgrounds and career paths, the five women currently leading the finance departments of Brazil’s capital cities are responsible for managing a combined municipal budget of R$82.6 billion and overseeing a team of 2,500 employees. Four were reappointed by the mayors inaugurated this year, having served in the same role in at least part of previous administrations. Although women are still a minority among the 26 finance secretaries in the capital cities, they point out that women now find more opportunities. Nonetheless, some have faced scrutiny regarding their performance or the challenges of pausing their careers to raise their children.
Their stories reveal that occupying roles in public finance did not arise from a wave of policies aimed at increasing female representation. They reached leadership positions by demonstrating readiness after decades of experience, often within predominantly male environments.
In common, all five secretaries joined the public sector well before taking their current leadership roles, succeeding in competitive public hiring tests at various levels of government—municipal, state, or federal. Throughout their careers, they navigated political shifts and the impacts of economic cycles on finance and public policy.
“The fact that women are occupying more space in public finance is rather related to the professionalization of the field than to inclusion and diversity,” said Giovanna Victer, 49, who is serving as municipal finance secretary for the fourth time, the second consecutive term in Salvador (Bahia), after two stints in the same role in Niterói (Rio de Janeiro). “I was invited to Salvador based on the results I achieved in Niterói. And before being invited to these roles, I did not know the mayors of either Niterói or Salvador.”
Continue reading.
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