#Adorable Tours of Egypt
mammonscheeks · 2 months
demon brothers + dateables as destinations in the human world
✎ a/n: these are my opinions! i'm south and west asian, so i am most knowlegeable about those countries, please correct me if i've said anything incorrect!
new york city, usa. he likes the cold, industrial corporate feel of nyc. it helps him avoid his feelings.
anywhere in germany. he likes their no-nonsense culture and unspoken social rules.
las vegas, nevada, usa. he always begs mc to take him there. the flashy lights and casinos are right up his alley.
dubai, uae. he loves the luxurious feel of it, and how its the center of celebrity gatherings, vacations, and parties.
tokyo, japan (especially the akihabara/electronic district). he's always updated on pop culture and the newest technology/games.
seychelles island, africa. he likes swimming, but not socializing on the beach. that's why he likes isolated islands.
london, england. he's interested in their medival history and seeing the places that inspired novels like harry potter and the sherlock holmes franchise.
cat island in japan, or any mediterranean country where cats freely roam.
paris, france. he'd love paris fashion week. he also just seems french to me, idk.
seoul, south korea. he'd adore seoul's culture, everything from the modern sappy kdramas to traditional dresses, like hanbok. he would bring an empty suitcase to stuff it with beauty products.
mumbai, india. this metropolitan city in india offers so many different kinds of food. he would love to eat his way through the city, if not the entire country.
every city in mexico. he'd try the regional cuisine, but also hang out at the beach with his brothers and mc (so cute).
cairo, egypt. he was once fascinated with humans, and often watched them build civilizations from heaven when he was an angel. he would enjoy the historical wonders of egypt.
reykjavic, iceland. idk why he just gives me iceland vibes. life there can be slow and cold, and it often gets less light than other countries.
transylvania, romania. he loves its breathtaking castles and culture, and is intrigued with all the pop culture references of vampires.
petra, jordan. this is a significant place in abrahamic religions, known for being haunted by demons, or jinn. diavolo would be fascinated by this history, whether its actually haunted or not. i know he'd eat up those scary ghost tours (insert fic about that here) and even probably try and scare a few tourist groups, despite barbatos advising him against it.
istanbul, turkiye. istanbul has well-maintained structures from the byzantine empire, the ottoman empire, and even "newer and hip" neighborhoods. barbatos, being able to see the past and future, would appreciate the blend of it all here, like he's walking through time.
kathmandu, nepal. he'd enjoy the peace of monasteries and mountains, which are as old as the earth itself.
tuscany, italy. he'd enjoy the vast fields, heavenly sunsets, small towns and historic churches. he would find tuscany a peaceful place to write, but appreciates the community feel of small italian towns. would definitely be so friendly he'd get invited to eat dinner at a random family's house.
thessaloniki, greece. he would absolutely love seeing all the greek orthodox churches there, with their blue and white colors and dome roofs. he is just amused to see the religious structures humans have created. he'd also probably be interested in greek mythology, even though he's an angel.
cape town, south africa. he would be so excited to see penguins at the beach and would enjoy the burst of color south africa offers. he'd also enjoy the modern bakeries and desserts in south africa.
lyon, france. the country is known for desserts. luke would probably take a baking class there to learn how to bake more things.
salem, or just any small town in massachusetts. as a sorcerer, he's intrigued with their history of "witch hunting" and the paranormal.
lalibela, ethiopia. being old, he's intrigued with how ancient cities like lalibela have changed since biblical times. he also probably enjoys learning about different cultural practices and what they have in common with his sorcery. he also wants to learn how to cook more dishes from different countries, but fails miserably
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Fixing Mistakes ☾ Steven Grant × Female!Reader
Request: no, but they're open for everyone i write for :)
Warnings: donna being donna, marc pops up at the end
note: this has been done a few times before, so im sorry. i just like the idea
credits to @missdictatorme since her fic titled The Shades of the Moon is about steven getting the job as a tour guide. it is smut, so don't read it unless you're 18+
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He was nervous to say the least. Donna said the new owner of the museum was making an appearance since she wanted to help them with their employees. He asked Donna about it, and she shrugged. "Might lose your job, Stevie."
So here he was, a nervous wreck while cashing out a customer. Yeah, he wasn't going to lie, as much as he didn't like working in the giftshop, he did like working at the museum. Sadly, he knew that if what Donna said was true, it was because of the number of times he was late. Then it hit him.
Wasn't the owner a man?
He shook his head and began organizing the small figures of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses when the sound of heels made him confused as he knew one of them were Donna's, but the other was different. "Stevie! This is (Y/N). Her grandfather left her the museum after he passed away." You held your hand out while glancing at his nametag and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Steven." He took your hand and shook it, feeling his heart race at the sight of you.
Hathor blessed you with beauty, there was no denying that.
You broke the handshake and scan the giftshop. When your eyes fell on the stuffed Taweret, you made a mental note to buy it before leaving. She was honestly too adorable, and you didn't care that they were meant for children. "So, I read through your file and saw that Donna here wrote a little note saying that you wanted to be a tour guide?" He gulped before nodding his head. "Yes, I still do actually." You nodded. "Donna, can you give us a minute alone? Meet me in your office." She left and you look over at Steven. While he did sport dark circles under his eyes and baggy clothing, you thought he was handsome.
"So, it's no secret that you're late. A lot. Can you explain that to me?" You grab one of the plushies and bite your lip to hide your smile. "I-I have a sleeping disorder," Steven let his eyes wander a bit, checking you out before snapping out of it quickly. You hummed at his response before looking back at him, your eyes meeting his dark brown ones. "I trust there's a reason you want to be a tour guide and I know Donna doesn't want you to have it because you hardly come on time, but can I ask why you want to be a tour guide?"
He went ahead and ranted about Egypt, telling you everything that fascinated him which left you speechless. "It's just amazing!" You smiled at him. "I love that you know so much about it, Steven, I do. I can't give you the position though because of your tardiness, you know that right?" The smile on his face faded. "Y-yeah, I know."
"However, can you tell me why Donna calls you Stevie? You two don't seem close for her to give you a nickname, right?" He snorted. "She isn't great with names." You tilt your head to the side. "Steven, J.B calls you Scotty. I would get him not being good with names because he was playing a game on his phone when I walked in. Gave him a warning and told Donna she had to be on top of him for that. You work at the giftshop, and she makes you do inventory with her. How does she not know your name? Haven't you corrected her?" He nodded.
"She's just ignorant then?" He looked down and you sighed. "You know I can't have someone like that working here. I know she wants me to fire you, but honestly, I think you can try being on time more than she could be less ignorant." He chuckled at your words and nodded. "I need you to do something for me though before I tell Donna the news of her termination." HIs eyes widened at your words as you placed the plushie on the counter. "Can you ring me out and maybe try to be on time for, let's say...a week? If so, I'll think about that promotion for you." You sent him a wink, causing him to gasp and nod frantically. "I would love that! Thank you, (Y/N)!" You grin as he handed you the plush along with the receipt after cashing you out.
"No problem, but please don't make me regret this, okay?" He ran out from behind the counter and hugged you. You were surprised, but ultimately decided to hug him back...oh man, these baggy clothes did absolutely nothing but hide the fact that he had muscles. "Thank you thank you thank you." You chuckle before pulling back from the hug with Steven and hugging Taweret. "Just please promise me you'll make the effort to come on time. You'd be a perfect addition to the tour guides." With that, you left the giftshop, making Steven fist pump the air. "Honestly, she's 1,000 times better than Donna. I'll try to make sure you get up on time for now on, okay buddy?" Steven looked at the glass counter and raised a brow at his reflection. "I think we both know she's gorgeous, mate. Do you think she'd be interested?"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, buddy. I like your suggestion, but patience is a virtue."
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Owen vampire anon here! Thanks for replying
I do like the idea of a whole horror concept of Owen, might like to play into that scenario one day. But i feel like it would be way more funnier and just...more Owen if it was kept in a more comedic light.
Hear me out on this scenario, everyone knows well enough that Owen might be a vampire. (People got this idea from some of the ideas you listed, and maybe the fact that Owen has mistaken them for food way too many times to be suspicious). But Owen is convinced that no one knows, so in the confessional he's just like "no one must know" dramatically
And then Noah walks up to the confessional like "My best friend might be a vampire. Crazy shit i know right?"
Also it would be really funny if Owen is convinced Izzy is a vampire too due to all her biting, when its really Izzy just doing fun pay back for all of Owen's blood sucking.
Yes! I adore fun light-hearted AUs, and having the vampire Owen AU focus mostly on the hijinks he gets up to in order to protect his "secret" (despite everyone knowing there's something up with him) is so fun. So good. 10/10 concept - especially since it plays into is canonical inability to keep a secret.
I think the initial misconception that Izzy is some sort of supernatural creature would be really funny; a fellow vampire, some sort of werefolk, a zombie(?). Anything known for being as feral and bite-happy as Izzy tends to be. She'd absolutely try to play into the idea, but I can't see her being very convincing at all despite her abilities as an actress - thus she'd be outed as a normal(ish) human being pretty quickly.
Though she'd be more than contented to be Owen's main bloodbag. Izzy's absolutely the type of person who'd have a weird fascination with the supernatural (her actions in the Egypt episodes of World Tour attest to this) and being the primary foodsource for a vampire would be right up her alley.
I see their relationship playing out a lot more vaguely than it did in canon - neither would ever cross the boundary of confirming whether their relationship is official or not, and (if we're getting a little angsty with it) Owen's happier living with their indeterminate situationship than risking asking Izzy to be his girlfriend, only to learn that she barely tolerates the company of a "monster" and doesn't share the sentiment. Or worse. Of course, that's pretty out of character for Izzy, but she is fairly unpredictable and Owen's got good reason to play his cards close to his chest when it comes to his "condition".
I didn't want to talk about Noah in the OG post since a lot of my blog in practically centered around him, but I did have an idea for a scenario where Owen is convinced that Noah is also a vampire, hence why he befriends him so quickly and easily. Because Noah's got pretty much all of the characteristics; he's cold to the touch, generally avoids sunlight and going outside, his footsteps are feather light to the point he moves around silently, he sleeps a lot during the day, ect ect.
To Owen, the only logical conclusion is that Noah is also a vampire who's really bad at masking it. In actuality, Noah's just kind of a weirdo. And anemic.
So Owen's fairly open about his vampirism to Noah, wholly convinced that they're both in the same boat. And Noah takes it in stride because he ran out of fucks to give the moment he arrived on the island and, in all honesty, Owen's pretty good company.
Then you get a scene like the one you proposed - Noah goes into the confessional, says something along the lines of "So my best friend is a vampire. I didn't realise reality TV shows cared that much about their diversity quota, but here we are." And plays off the whole situation in his usual unflappable and snarky way. Did he just have his perception of the world as he knew it shattered under the news that vampires are real? Yeah. Does he care? Not really.
Cue shennanagins where the rest of the Island knows that Owen is a vampire... and maybe they even think he turned Noah? And our favourite idiots are completely unaware and trying desperately to keep Owen's vampirism a secret.
I think it'd be really cool to have someone else on the island be a different type of supernatural being too, and have them work as an antagonistic force towards Owen in this AU. Or have someone be well versed in the occult and, using their knowledge, act as a de facto vampire hunter in a cartoonish game of cat-and-mouse between them and an oblivious Owen. Cough cough Gwen cough.
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Pt 3: Searching for Spector
word count: 4k
warnings: violence, language, afab!reader
summary: Sage has some struggles in London and Steven is adorable
a/n: thanks for reading! thanks for waiting for me to post!! Sorry it’s taking forever! Please don’t forget me!!
part one here
part two here
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The bright light stings your eyes as they fly open, your heart beating out of your chest. You don’t even realize you’re gripping the pillow too tight until your knuckles hurt. You can hear the bustle of cars and the smell of coffee coming from down the street. It helps calm you down.
Standing up, the cold floor of the hotel meets your sock-clad feet, sending a shock wave through your body. You shuffle your way to the bathroom, eyes still burning from sleep. You’re met with the dingiest bathroom and slowly pull back the shower curtain like the final girl in a horror movie. Luckily, no killer is waiting behind the curtain, just a tiny yellowed tile shower stall.
You watch as the water washes the soap down the drain. Taking a couple of deep breaths, you let your eyes lose focus and imagine the water washing the nightmare down the drain. Out of the shower, you look at yourself in the mirror and trail your eyes over the scars before putting on your clothes for the day.
Leaving the hotel, you step into the bustling street and follow the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting from a nearby cafe. You enter the cafe and grab a small warm cup of coffee, the warmth seeping into your hands.
Reaching the museum you venture in and join a group of people waiting in front of a woman wearing a tag that says Tour Guide. While looking around a figure catches your eye. It's Marc; his brown curls instantly make him recognizable. You pause, watching him from the periphery of the tour group.
Marc’s face is alight with enthusiasm as he interacts with the children. You slowly move away from the group and as you approach the counter, you hear his passion for ancient Egypt in every word he speaks. Keeping your gaze down, you feign interest in the pamphlets that adorn the area. After a moment, he acknowledges your presence, his passion still evident in his eyes. It nearly forces you to lose focus.
"Need help today, ma'am?" A British voice hits your ears, and you're sure you must have misheard. You had been expecting a gruff Chicagoan accent, not a gentle British accent, to come out of his mouth.
"Oh, uh, I don't believe so." Your smile causes his cheeks to tinge a lovely shade of pink. "I'm just taking everything in."
"I see. Well, do let me know if you have any questions. I'm Steven." He points to his name tag and tilts his head with a smile. There's no hitch in his accent—not one part where he messes up the tone or inflection or does anything that gives away the part he's playing. He's a great actor.
'Steven' picks up a box of plush hippos from the floor and steps out from behind the counter. He throws one more smile your way, but you've got your eyes on a brochure, appearing not to notice him leaving. From the corner of your eye, you watch him walk down the hall to a door. You decide it's best if you're gone before he returns, so after standing there for a few more heartbeats, you turn and walk out.
Before interacting with Marc/Steven again, you spend a few days observing from rooftops and lurking in shadows. By the third day of watching, you have his routine memorized down to the smallest detail. He leaves his apartment every morning between 7:30 and 7:45. He’s at work until 6:00 and makes his way back to the flat around 7:30 to 8:00. The lights go out in his flat around 10:00 and come back on throughout the night.
After a week, you decide to insert yourself into Marc's life. You race out of the hotel, lukewarm latte in hand, waiting for ‘Steven’ to come racing down for the bus. As you stand there, you finally spot the messy brown curls speeding towards your location. You step into his path and brace for impact. Seconds later, you're dousing him with coffee, and he’s reaching out to steady you.
“Oh god, are you ok?” His brown eyes are wide in shock, and his hands hold onto your arms. He recognizes you. You were at the museum the other day.
“I’m fine. I’m really sorry. I wasn’t watching, and I’m-” He cuts you off.
“No, don’t apologize. It’s my fault. I was running. I’m always bloody runnin’.” He lets his eyes look you over as you do the same. His black pants and patterned shirt are now drenched in coffee.
“Oh no, I’ve ruined your entire outfit! I feel horrible.” Steven hadn’t even noticed the coffee that was on him. He had been too focused on you.
“It’s alright, not like it was anything special.” He shrugs his shoulders dramatically.
“But still, I spilled my drink all over you. Is there something I can do to repay you? Like, get you a latte or anything like that?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that. But I’m fine, truly.”
You two stand, and you look him up and down again, “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?”
“I promise. Accidents happen, but I bet you I won't run down the street like a madman anymore.” The latter part of the sentence is giggled out, and you can’t stop the real giggle that comes out of you.
He’s ending the conversation and about to step away, but you stop him with a hand on his arm.
“I-uh, could I maybe ask you to get a drink sometime? I just feel awful for spilling my coffee on the cute museum clerk, and I would love to make it up to you. If you let me.” You look up at him through your lashes, and it’s hook, line, and sinker for him.
His eyes, a deep shade of hazel, light up with a mix of surprise and delight as he realizes you remembered him. A faint blush tinges his cheeks, and his voice stutters as he tries to speak. “It’s hard to turn that down when you call me cute, innit?”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t turn me down. How about tomorrow? We can go wherever you like, to repay you but also because I have no clue of any good places around. ”
“I get off at 6. Do you want to meet at the museum?” His crooked smile makes him look innocent. He somehow looks nothing like, but also just like the man you’ve seen kill people back to back.
“I’ll see you then. Have a good day.”
“Yeah, you too.” He can’t control the excitement in his voice as he watches you walk away. As you are almost out of sight, you turn back to look at him, and he’s in the same spot you left him.
You spend the rest of your day wandering around London. You keep a distance from the mission; if he were to see you again, it would be too much of a coincidence. As you wander the streets of London, you find a park. Entering the park, you sit on one of the benches and watch everyone going about their day.
You watch all the couples holding hands, the families having lunch, and the old people playing games. You let your eyes drift, not focusing on anything—until a face on the other side of the park catches your eye.
A blonde-haired man stares back at you on the other side of the park. You squint and can’t believe your eyes. Steve Rogers is staring back at you. You aggressively rub your eyes, hoping that when you look back, he’ll be gone. But he remains there, refusing to vanish as you had hoped.
You know, logically, it can't be real. There's no way you're looking at Steve Rogers, and there’s no way he's staring directly back at you. But despite everything, you still have a glimmer of hope in your chest as you walk towards him. Moving swiftly past the crowd, your heart races with each step, and your eyes widen with anticipation as you finally lay eyes on him sitting there. You blink right as you reach him, and he disappears into thin air. You’re just staring wildly at an average-looking white guy.
You nod at him before turning and hightailing it out of the park.
Out of the park, you can feel it in the pit of your stomach. The bile comes up to your throat as the panic wells in your chest. Tears form in your eyes, and your hearing starts to fade away as the panic takes over. Quickly, you veer off into a side street, out of the public eye. Your breath starts coming out choppy, and as hard as you try, you can't steady your mind.
Memories of the battle with Thanos come rushing back, flickering through your mind like fragmented snapshots. The sound of his fingers snapping resonates amid the battle, creating an overlapping symphony of noise that dissolves into a chilling stillness. Emotions overwhelm you - the simmering anger of losing and the searing pain of witnessing the dusting. As these memories resurface, the emotional turmoil engulfs your mind completely.
Despite your efforts, you can only come up with three things you can see, growing increasingly annoyed by the repetitive counting. There's a buzzing in your pants pocket. When you pull out your phone, Sam's contact picture lights up the screen, his cheerful smile staring back at you. You bet he has a secret sixth sense to know when to pick up the phone and call. You press the answer button but can't bring yourself to speak just yet.
"Hey, you there?" He calls out your name a few times. You choke out a small "hi" as a giant shudder shakes you.
"Are you okay?" There's a bit of panic in his voice.
"Yeah, I'm just, uh-"
He can hear the shakiness in your voice, and he's familiar with the unsteadiness of it.
"Just breathe with me, in through the nose and out through your mouth. In, out, in, out, in, and out."
"I can't find five things I see. I can't get past three fucking things, Sam!"
"Hey, hey, it's all okay. Just focus on breathing right now. Once we get that regulated, we can count together."
You continue to do a few more breathing exercises with Sam's help. Your breathing returns to an almost normal speed, and finally, you count five things you see.
"Thanks, Sam,"
"Of course. Do you want to talk about what triggered it?"
You don't mean to hesitate before answering, but you do. "I thought I saw him."
"Him? Who-"
"Steve. I thought I was seeing Steve. I probably scared the shit of the poor guy I rushed at. Deep down, I knew it couldn't be him, but a small flicker of hope remained. It just brought back all the memories of-" You shake your head, your hands covering your face in disbelief. "I feel so foolish."
"I get it. I still see Riley, especially when it gets closer to the anniversary of his death. You spend so much time with someone, fighting alongside one another, being each other's backup, being family, and then suddenly, it's ripped away without you getting any say. It's hard, and you can't beat yourself up."
"I know, I just-"
"You've been through a lot. Cut yourself some slack, kid." He reassures you; in that moment, you couldn’t be more thankful for Sam.
“I appreciate the help, Sam.”
“It's a good thing I called when I did, huh?” His voice is light and humorous, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Yeah, I guess.” After deciding you’ve spent too much time being the topic, you change it. “What did you call for?”
"I didn't realize I needed a reason to call my friend."
You roll your eyes at his teasing, "I didn't mean it like that.".
“I heard you roll your eyes. I was just calling to check in on you. I thought about you this morning and realized we hadn’t spoken in a while. So consider yourself checked up on.”
“Thanks for officially checking on me." You laugh out a response.
“Hey, call me if you need to talk. I’m always here.” His voice was serious and reassuring.
“I know, Sam.”
“I mean it, we’re family, kid. Don’t forget that.”
After ending the call, you linger in the alley, savoring the peacefulness before immersing yourself back into the noisy hustle of the sidewalk. When you finally emerge, you find solace in being just another face in the crowd, unnoticed and unbothered by anyone around you.
The next day comes quickly, and before you know it, it’s time to meet with ‘Steven.’
As you approach the museum, you make your way up the steps and patiently wait for him to arrive. After ten minutes, he finally comes into view. You can see the excitement in his eyes as he quickly makes his way towards you, waving in a friendly manner to greet you. Inhaling deeply, you respond to his wave with a wave back, a warm smile gradually appearing on your face.
"Hello." He shuffles his hands together," You look lovely."
"Thanks, so do you. You look very professional. I feel a bit underdressed myself."
"I think you look fantastic, better than fantastic, actually." You feel yourself blushing at his awkward compliments.
"Oh, got you these." He pulls out a box of chocolates and a few flowers. "I hope you enjoy them."
The flowers are slightly crumpled and missing a few petals, which is charming. He notices you eyeing the misshapen flowers, and you're quick to reassure him when you see him scratch his neck in embarrassment.
"Uh, shall we go?" It's like he suddenly realizes you're still standing on the steps.
"Yeah. Lead the way." You gesture with your arms.
The two of you begin walking down the road. There's a comfortable distance between you and an awkward silence before he breaks it.
"What brings you to London?"
"Big Ben," you deadpan, only laughing when you see the stunned look on his face. He chuckles as well once he realizes you're kidding. "I needed a change, an adventure. I just felt restless in my old life. You know?"
"Yeah, I get it." His eyes hold wonder as he looks at you.
You make a bit more small talk before reaching the small restaurant. You follow him through the doors and to a small, intimate table.
You notice that he seems jittery, his hands constantly fidgeting with the edge of his shirt. It makes you wonder if it’s just his personality or if he’s nervous about the date. In the brief five minutes you had been here, he had already finished his water, leaving his cup empty.
"Don't go on dates often, do you?"
"Can't say I do. Is it that obvious?" His eyebrows furrow as he confesses, and you feel bad for asking.
"Don't worry, I don't either. I can't think of the last time a guy even gave me flowers."
He looks at you with eyes wide in shock and mouth slightly gaped.
"What? Did I say something wrong?"
"No love, it's just. I find that bloody ridiculous. I'm surprised you don't have a line of guys following you, just hoping to get your attention." His words feel genuine, not like he's trying to boost you up in hopes of getting in your pants.
As the conversation continues, you feel his performance is too good. It's like he could be Marc's twin brother. The man sitting across from you appears incapable of hurting a fly, let alone another human. But you can't help but feel like there's something more to him than meets the eye.
Observing his gestures, you detect his uneasiness, as if he is trying to find his place in his own body. The presence of purple bags emphasized the tiredness in his sunken brown eyes, while his slightly frizzy hair added a touch of dishevelment to his look. You think about how his lights constantly turn on and off in his apartment and consider prying.
“Ever since I’ve moved here, I find it harder to sleep at night.”
"Yeah? I wish I had that problem. I, uh, have these crazy dreams where I'm fighting people, and I'm always in different places. It's like my mind wants something different, something more. I tend to stay up, trying to avoid them altogether." He blushes as he realizes he's overshared. "Sorry, that's a bit strange, innit?"
"Not in the slightest. After the blimp happened, I went through a period where I couldn't close my eyes without feeling like I or everything would disappear. I would keep myself up for days until I'd crash. Then rinse, repeat." A crooked smile tugs at your lips. He smiles back. The smile is small, and it seems he's trying to be comforting.
Excusing yourself to head to the restroom, Steven promises he'll be there when you return, making you slightly giggle. As you round the corner to return to your table, you don't spot Steven. Getting to the table, you see that cash has been left to cover the dinner, but no note was left for you. Moving quickly, you dash outside, trying to catch him.
Standing on the street, you survey the surroundings, and there’s no sight of him. It's only been four minutes; surely, Steven couldn't have vanished so quickly? Yet, you know that four minutes is ample time for a person to disappear. You shut your eyes, your senses sharpening, and you discern his heartbeat. He's two blocks east, his heart pounding like a racing engine.
You maintain a calm facade as you turn the corner, out of sight of the people lingering around the restaurant. Then, with a burst of speed, you head in his direction. Closing the gap, you veer into an alley, preparing to climb to the rooftops. You barely have time to react when you reach the alley before he's leaping from one building to another.
After reaching the top of the building, you begin your pursuit. You keep enough distance to not alert him but close enough to keep up when his direction changes.
He stops dead in his tracks and launches himself toward the ground. You hear the clanging of bullets bouncing off of metal, accompanied by grunts and shouting. You scan over the people he’s fighting, trying to decipher who the good guy is and who is not.
Marc throws a guy against the wall and slings four crescent-shaped blades at his limbs to keep him stuck to the wall. He stalks toward the other two. One raises a gun and releases a full magazine at Marc’s chest, and they all bounce off. Marc drops low and, sweeps the guy down and, yanks the gun out of his hands, and knocks the guy out with it. The third guy starts swinging chaotically in hopes of doing damage, but it does nothing but make Marc move faster. Marc blocks all the attempts of damage and corners the guy against the brick wall.
“Tell me what you know,” he growls out. The guy shakes his head and keeps his mouth shut.
“Maybe you didn’t hear me.” Marc punches the guy in the stomach, making him groan.
“Feel like talking now?”
The guy shakes his head again and tries throwing Marc off him. Marc doesn’t budge. His body is too heavy and strong to be pushed away. Marc picks up the man and tosses him to the ground. He places his boot-clad foot on the guy's chest and applies pressure.
The guy’s arms shoot up, and his hands grab Marc’s legs. Marc applied a bit more pressure before kneeling and twisting the guy's arms together and pushing them into his chest. He pulls out a crescent blade and presses it against the man’s face. He slightly traces the blade down the man’s cheek, his eyes widen, and he begins to tell Marc what you’re guessing is the correct information, seeing as Marc doesn’t do any more harm to him.
The guy ends his tangent, and Marc is quick to slam his head into the ground, knocking him unconscious. Marc stands and turns to talk to someone, except no one’s there. You strain your eyes and ears, but nothing changes. Marc is still talking to what looks like an empty space.
“I’m not going to kill him. He told me what I needed to know.”
He shakes his head and throws his arm at whoever he’s arguing with.
“Doesn’t matter. I got what I needed. We’re moving on.” He turns toward the building, and you hunker down more to ensure you're hidden. His body whips around, and you know he’s scanning the rooftop for you. His eyes look just above you, and suddenly, he’s sprinting to the building.
You waste no time on your escape. Taking a few calculated steps in reverse, you can feel the solid surface of the roof beneath your feet. The anticipation builds as you pivot and sprint towards the edge. With a burst of energy, you hurl yourself off the rooftop, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. In an instant, you’re back on your feet, sprinting down the road at full speed. You keep running until you’re back at the crowded restaurant. Slowing your pace, you dip inside and watch out the window at the buildings across the street.
A few seconds tick by, and a shadowy figure comes into view, standing still and patient. He scans the area with sharp eyes, desperately searching for any sign of whoever was spying on him. After a few minutes of searching, his silhouette fades into the inky blackness of the night. Waiting a few minutes after he had disappeared, you emerge from the cafe, glancing around before fully committing to walking home.
taglist: @marsmallow433 @peachyrue777 @80pairsofcrocs @catsandra-chan @andromeda-kay @khonshu-help-me @lemongirl5910 @luna2034 @aryashouldbequeen456 @penniewises @asimplepersonsblog @gabby913 @artfulthoughtsblog @draggolblackthorn @elizaphantandroses @motleyfolk @aliahdapisces @peachypizzicato @shousha133 @venus-saturn-and-mars @xoxoshiftingloves @slimeybread @babypaperwitch @cinnitsuki @cosmicdes @taylormm1016 @peterparkers-bbymomma @suddenlysteven @flowercrownonapegion @norasgalaxyart
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lesuccube · 11 months
➚ 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑 : ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇɴ ɢʀᴀɴᴛ — ᴛᴀꜱᴛᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴜɴꜱʜɪɴᴇ
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — how's life like with the sweetest british man ever ?
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — fluff infection , mild smut virus
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 — not beta'd , constructive criticism is welcomed . reblogs and comments are appreciated .
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you and steven have been together for a good half a year and i picture steven as a more needy kind of boyfriend. the man lacked so much attention and affection before and now that he has you in his life, he never wants that to stop. he tries hard not to be needy or clingy but he can't help it.
he just wants you to look at him, love him and spend your time with him and only him. sometimes it's overwhelming but you always make sure to tell steven when it starts to get too much but those are extremely rare. you're always happy to indulge the man with some well deserved love and affection!
he's brought up the idea of you moving in with him when you hit the fifth month of being together actually.
you always end up staying over at his place whenever you two hang out (because he literally won't let you go home sometimes under the guise that it's too late for you to go back and he doesn't want anything to happen to you). i mean, he's already given you the spare copy of his keys with a matching koala keychain attached to the keyring.
you tell him that you'll consider it, not saying yes but not really saying no. he's hopeful though, would keep asking you about it after every week as both an inside joke and a serious offer.
after the whole ammit stuff that went down in cairo, steven actually reapplied at the museum! he managed to get word that donna was fired and someone else has replaced her spot . you convinced him to go back and do what he loves, reassuring steven that he'll do great.
it took a few days of convincing but in the end he did listen to you and applied for the tour guide position and he got the role with flying colors! the museum was thoroughly impressed by his knowledge of ancient egypt and gave him the job on the spot and he would be starting as a guide the following week.
you treated steven with home cooked vegetarian meals and wine that night and proceeded to end the night tangled between the sheets.
you definitely cook in the relationship. steven got a taste of you cooking stir fry once and he's begged you to keep cooking for him ever since.
he had shyly asked you to pack him lunch when he was about to start at his new role as a tour guide and you happily obliged! you make him cute vegetarian bentos daily and leave a small sticky note on his lunch box filled with words of encouragement.
you don't know this but he actually kept every single one of them in a tiny box and hid it within his shelves.
you own a car which makes steven your permanent designated passenger princess!
you think it's adorable the way he blushes profusely when you open the door for him and whines that he should be the one doing that for you, only for you to shush him and tell him that you enjoy doing it for him.
you 100% hold hands a lot especially during longer drives or if he's feeling cheeky, he'd sneak a hand on your thigh that would begin to travel higher and higher.
on those days you'd have to find a place to park and fast to sneak a quickie, edging poor steven until he's all whiny and submissive, begging for his release. but you do remind him he was being bad by distracting you while driving. he'd have to wait until later that day to be able to cum.
at times like that he's glad he wears loose and baggy clothings because it would have been embarrassing to walk around with a raging hard on outlining his jeans even though it's his fault in the first place that he has to deal with his boner while on a date with you.
you tried to build furniture together once. it was just a shelf actually, so that the book piled on the floor of his flat would have a better home. but you found out you both sucked at it, there were screws missing and the manual confused the hell out of you two even though the instructions were really easy and simple to follow.
you both gave up mid-work and the poor shelf ended up as a half finished product tucked away at one corner of his flat collecting dust.
i'm a firm believer that steven is a romanticist. he's pretty old-fashioned about it too.
he writes you handwritten letters every month celebrating the day you had agreed to be his girlfriend. if his shift at the museum ends earlier than your work, he'd pick you up at the lounge area of your work building with a fresh bouquet in hand. he plans your dates together!
he'd always make sure to ask you your free days and tries to align his own schedule with yours so you can go on a date next weekend for a trip at the farmer's market and then have some breakfast at a quaint café a little ways from the city. he's a romantic sap and you wouldn't have him any other way.
you buy gus the second new decorations in his aquarium. you never saw the original gus, all that you knew was that the first one really only had one fin.
when you asked about how the original gus was replaced he was hesitant at first, thinking you might be weirded out by his condition but marc was the one who dared him to try and tell you. so he let you know bits and pieces about his did, introduced you to marc after many heavy debates with his reflection (when you weren't around).
in conclusion, the chicagoan liked you for steven which in turn meant that he did too but that's a story for another time.
steven is a sub and you can't change my mind. bratty but a sub nonetheless. he likes that you take control and he's more than happy to give it to you with very little resistance. a little spanking sets him straight if he doesn't behave.
i also headcanon him being into bondage. he likes it when you tie him up, colorful ropes knotted and binding him in place, the anticipation of waiting for you to touch him turns him on even more.
he prefers things like silk ribbons rather than handcuffs and yes, you've definitely gagged him before when he starts to get too loud after receiving a complaint from your downstairs neighbor about your activities.
you once made an offhand comment about steven looking extremely peggable, it left him a blushy stuttering mess. but one day when you come home from work, steven is sitting on his bed looking nervous and squirmy, a big paper bag next to him.
"steven baby, what's wrong?" you ask as you set your bag on the floor next to him before kneeling in front of him, taking his hands in your own. "i um... do you remember love when you— you said i was... peggable?" he says the last word in a tiny whisper, a blush spreading from his cheeks to the tips of his ears and down his neck. he lets go of your hand to give you the bag with shaky nervousness, looking away as you peer at the contents inside: a strap on and a big bottle of lube.
"d-do you think we could uh— would you like to try it love? i-i'm fine with it if you are." let's just say you and steven had a very fun time experimenting into his new kink.
i feel like sweet steven would propose to you after a year and a half into the relationship?
yes he knows he's moving too fast but to him, you're everything. you're it. (let's say marc and layla divorced after cairo okay? okay.) plus marc liked you too. he liked you a good amount (he loves you but marc's stubborn and insists he only likes you a healthy amount) he would front and spend some time with you too. to steven that's like the best thing he could ask for.
"we don't have to marry right away, love. we're busy with work with you getting ready for your promotion and i'm getting more and more tours and it's been hectic enough for us as it is but one day yeah? one day i would love to see you walk down the aisle where we'd both say our vows and by the end of it, i get to finally call you my wife." he rambles as he kneels in front of your crying figure, ring in hand.
i know we all think he'd be a blubbering mess when proposing but i personally don't see him doing that.
if that man proposes, it's because he's set his mind into it after thorough deliberation. if he proposes, it's with confidence and purpose.
he doesn't prepare a speech, just relays what his heart tells him and it's telling him that his love for you was more than life itself and that he wants nothing more than for you to give him the absolute honor of having him as your husband. you had to kiss him to shut up so you can finally tell him...
"it's a yes steven, it will always be a yes for me. i love you more with each day i get to be with you, and to spend the rest of my waking days with your last name as my own? if this was a dream steven grant, never wake me up because i would love to be your wife. i'm yours and only yours if you'll have me."
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tubbypeddle · 28 days
Jojo's Bizarre Adventures matchup with @graveyard-dash!!
(author's note: I'm so sorry this took forever, i'm going thru an awful burnout phase right now, and almost forgot about this. but I remembered! so here I am! credits to original gif owners, as well, I did not make them.)
I'm so sorry this took so so long 😭
seriously, someone told me I looked happier today, and I told him he must be mistaken bc I've been so drained for the longest time there's no way I look happier than the last time u saw me
let's get into it!
You find yourself wandering around Hong Kong.
It's 1989.
It's scary all by yourself.
Of course, you find yourself in the middle of a battle you had no idea was going to happen.
And you're saved by the man who'd been on fire five minutes ago,
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
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You found yourself in the middle of his battle by accident. You followed the noises of commotion, hoping for a story to tell your friends.
Instead, you find this tall Frenchman in some weird battle that you can't really fully make out with some Japanese teenager and an intimidating Muslim man.
He finds you absolutely charming. You're probably not all dressed up, but that's not what draws him in to you. It's not your piercings, or your clothes, or your makeup, or your pretty dark hair.
It's your eyes. There's something in your eyes that reminds him of a life he's always wanted to live out when he was a kid.
A 'happy wife, happy life' kinda life.
It's after the fight that he promises to find you. He has to leave to follow them on their journey to Egypt, but he promises to come back to you, wherever you are.
It's a big scene, dramatic and filled with what you thought were empty promises, however charming he was.
But he keeps to his word.
You've since returned to your home country after touring around Hong Kong, but he still managed to find you. Showed up to your door with a big bouquet of flowers and everything.
Your relationship from there is beautiful.
You're both pretty touchy people. Polnareff likes to have his hands on you whenever he can. An arm around your shoulders, a hand in your back pocket. Just holding hands. He won't ever let you do anything without him hovering behind you.
You're drawing? He probably has his chin hooked over your shoulder, just watching as you draw. (He definitely asks you to draw him)
You're baking? He's right behind you, clinging onto you like a lost puppy.
He stays away while you're cooking though. He's scared of the Gordon Ramsay in you. Absolutely terrified.
You know his saying. 'Happy wife, happy life'. I mean, you're not his wife yet, but you will be. He has no intentions of ever living a life without you, so you'll have to marry him eventually. When he inevitably pops that special question.
The two of you are absolute gossip QUEENS.
Polnareff always has the juiciest tea, since he's started working with the Speedwagon Foundation. He likes to eavesdrop on classified conversations just so he can report back to you.
He used to gossip like this with Sherry all the time, and since finding you, he's just happy he can gossip away without being hardcore judged for it (Kakyoin)
He absolutely adores the gifts you get him. They're always on display somewhere in his house back in France. (To be honest, he probably takes you back to France with him as soon as possible. Sweeps you off your feet back to the city of love)
Tough, be careful, because as soon as he gets that Speedwagon paycheck, he's spoiling you as often as he can. Any little thing that you even look at with any sort of interest, Polnareff will buy it for you. So I hope you have plenty of storage room for his dramatic gifts.
It's absolutely perfect that you find humor to be one of your favorite traits in other people, and yourself.
Because get ready for plenty of laughter in your relationship with him.
He loves telling jokes, and loves making you laugh in any way he can. And he loves that you're the same. Aside from having his hands on you at all times, another requirement for a relationship with him is the laughter.
He's a silly guy. He doesn't mind being the butt of the joke at times, if it means you'll laugh.
again, I literally cannot say it enough, I am so sorry for the ridiculously long wait
i, like, speedran this in the span of two nights bc I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer than you had to
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selidren · 8 days
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Printemps 1924 - Champs-les-Sims
Ou alors elle se trouvera là où elle a toujours voulu être. J'admire chez elle cette certitude un peu illusoire avec laquelle elle mène sa vie. On a souvent l'impression qu'elle ne doute de rien, qu'elle sait exactement ce qu'il faut faire. Je vous ai déjà dit que c'est elle qui a encouragé ma liaison avec Jean ? Je ne crois pas. J'espère pour elle qu'elle vivra toutes ces magnifiques aventures qu'elle fantasme tant et qu'elle m'écrira les détails dans ses lettres. Je suis persuadée que de toute façon, nous ne la verrons plus beaucoup à la maison à partir de l'automne. J'espère bien revoir mon frère cependant. Il est n'est pas souvent là, et il me manque beaucoup. J'ai bien un autre petit frère, mais nous n'avons plus beaucoup de centres d'intérêt en commun depuis quelques années, et de toute façon, il va à son tour entrer au pensionnat cette année. Si j'ai un jour un fils, je ne sais pas si j'aurai envie de le laisser aller là-bas, il me manquerait encore plus qu'Antoine j'imagine.
Je sens que les changements seront plus radicaux que prévu. Petite Eugénie (qui adore écouter aux portes) dis que Papa et Maman veulent retourner en Egypte, mais ce serait pour s'y installer. Ce serait vraiment une catastrophe. Je n'ai absolument pas envie que cela arrive.
J'ai été ravie de vous écrire cher cousin.
Transcription :
Albertine « Cléo… Ma grande fille, pourquoi est-ce que cela a l’air de te bouleverser à ce point ? Et que faisais-tu à la boite aux lettres ? »
Cléopâtre « Maman, je… Comment se fait-il que je sois la seule que la passion fuit ? »
Albertine « Mais… mais de quoi parles-tu ? »
Cléopâtre « Vous et Papa, Sélène et son Berto, A… bref vous avez compris… Moi aussi je veux une histoire d’amour passionnée, des émotions qui tourbillonnent et qui vous donnent l’impression de vous noyer de bonheur… Moi, je brûle tout sur mon passage ! »
Albertine « Je ne comprends rien ma chérie… Tu y auras droit aussi un jour, j’en suis sure, qu’est-ce qui te fait croire le contraire ? »
Cléopâtre « Il y a ce garçon avec qui j’écris… Enfin, un ami d’Antoine. Il nous a mis en contact et… j’ai été très amoureuse Maman. Mais trop, beaucoup trop. »
Albertine « Oh ma chérie... »
Cléopâtre « Il m’a dit dans sa dernière lettre que j’étais trop brûlante pour lui, et qu’il ne pouvait pas me donner ce que je voulais alors… Je lui ai répondu. Je l’ai supplié… Mais je n’ai jamais eu de réponse. Alors j’attends. »
Albertine « Ma Cléo… Il y a tout à aimer en toi. Le feu qui t’animes ne brûle pas trop fort, il fait en réalité de toi quelqu’un de précieux. C’est un magnifique outil de création, et une lumière qui te fait briller. Si ce garçon ne peut pas le voir, c’est qu’il n’est pas celui qu’il te faut. Mais il n’est que le premier, il y en aura d’autres. »
Cléopâtre « Comment en être sure ? Et puis je l’aime... »
Albertine « Je sais que c’est très dur, mais il faut l’oublier. Si il ne veut pas que vous alliez plus loin, ce n’est pas la peine de persévérer. Je sais simplement que si ton père et moi avons pu nous trouver, il n’y a pas de raison que tu ne trouves pas quelqu’un un jour. Pleure autant que tu veux, cela te fera du bien. Puis, pense à la suite. Tu vas faire de brillantes études, et ta carrière littéraire sera plus brillante encore. »
Cléopâtre « Mais l’amour... »
Albertine « Cléo, tu as toujours aimé l’idée de l’amour. Mais il n’est pas tout. Si j’aime ton père, je n’ai pas que lui comme raison de vivre. Ne te définis pas comme une amoureuse avant tout. Tu le trouveras. Mais avant, pense à toi et à ce que tu accompliras. Et quoi qu’il arrive, n’oublie pas que ta Maman sera là pour t’aider ou même juste pour épancher tes larmes. »
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jungkookjeon0007 · 2 months
Nights in Vegas | CH. 8 (JJK FF)
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☆ summary: When Olivia flies to Las Vegas for her first ever BTS concert w/ her best friend, she was expecting to make lots of unforgettable memories... What she wasn't expecting was to end up with the lead singer, Jeon Jungkook, knocking on her hotel room door only to find her in nothing but a towel. What will happen when the golden maknae wants to see her again? Will it lead to heartbreak, or a promising future for them both?
☆ pairing(s): jungkook x olivia.
☆ ratings: (18+) for detailed sex scenes + harsh language.
☆ genre: smut, angst, fluff.
☆ word count: 1.5k.
We went to grab some lunch at the cutest place called The Blueberry Hill Family Restaurant and it was seriously some of the best food I've ever eaten.
We talked and had a good time laughing at each other's jokes and the most embarrassing things that have happened to us in our lives, debating whose was worse.
Once our bellies were full, it was time to take a few tours and do some sight seeing around the city. Jungkook had planned the whole day for us, so I had no idea what was on his itinerary.
We arrived at our destination and I was stunned to see a helicopter waiting for us. I looked at him with a confused expression, "A helicopter? Where are we going in a helicopter?"
He replied with a mischievous smile, "You'll have to wait and see because I can't spoil the surprise."
He winked at me, grabbing my hand, "Come on they're waiting for us"
With that I followed him to the helicopter and once we were ready for takeoff, the pilot had us put on our headphones so we can talk to each other while up in the air. We sat beside one another and as I was looking around waiting for us to take off, I felt someone staring at me. As I turned, I caught him looking at me with an adorable smile on his face. "What?"
He shook his head, "Nothing, I am just thinking how happy I am to be doing this with you."
He smiled and grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers together.
"Okay, is everyone ready for takeoff?" The pilot asked.
We both gave a thumbs up and said yes in perfect sync. The pilot smiled, starting up the helicopter and before I knew it we were up in the air. If I were afraid of heights, this would be terrifying... but like Jungkook, I was fascinated and could not believe how beautiful the view was.
Our first place to visit on the tour was the Strip of Las Vegas. We could see nothing but a boulevard of casinos, hotels, and a mash-up of replicas of the world's most iconic places (Egypt, Venice, France etc) and it was a sight to be seen. We lingered for a bit while the tour guide told us all about the Strip and why it was so popular, soon flying off to the next place on the list.
The Hoover Dam.
"This is amazing, but why is it so famous? I am curious." Jungkook stated as he peered out the window.
The tour guide once again started to explain that The Hoover Dam is famous because it protects Southern California and Arizona from disastrous floods that the Colorado area used to be common for. 
"Woah, does it do anything else besides that?" He asked full of curiosity.
I caught myself staring at him as the tour guide explained that it also provides water to irrigate farm fields and that it supplies water and power to LA and other cities in the southwest.
He stared at him with big doe eyes shining in fascination.
. . .
We toured a few other places until the guide let it slip that our final trip would be over The Grand Canyon. I gasped in awe as I saw it in the distance and grabbed Jungkook's arm in excitement, "Oh my gosh. I have always wanted to see The Grand Canyon but never actually thought that I would be able to! I am so excited right now that I could cry."
He gave me a huge smile and wrapped his arm around me, moving my headphones to whisper in my ear. "I know, Lacie may have  helped me out with this part." His lips barely touching my ear.
I pulled back and looked at him in confusion as he smiled at me. "L-lacie. My best friend?"
He nodded.
"But, how? I was with you all night and this morning?"
He shook his head as an amused smile spread across his face, "I will explain later, for now look out your window and enjoy the view." He nodded to the window behind me.
I was so into the conversation that I didn't realize we were flying right over the west rim of The Grand Canyon. My mouth was wide open as my eyes were shining in awe at how beautiful it was in person. I could only imagine something like this before, and he made it a dream come true for me to be able experience this. I was feeling so overwhelmed with happiness that my eyes started to fill with tears, daring to spill down my cheeks. It wasn't only the fact of seeing the canyon in person, but it was the fact that he did all of this for me and went completely out of his way to ask my friend what I liked. He will never understand how much this moment truly means to me.
I planted a sweet kiss on his cheek as we flew over end of The Grand Canyon, "Thank you so much for this Jungkook."
. . .
[Jungkook's POV]
We started heading back towards the city after a 3 hour tour of all the beautiful landmarks, along with The Strip of Las Vegas. I couldn't get the image of how perfect she looked seeing The Grand Canyon out of my head and when she kissed my cheek, I swear that spot burned the remainder of the helicopter ride. I am on cloud and loving every damn second of this adventure with her and lucky for me, our day of plans is not over yet.
I surprised her with one more thing and took her to The Strat Hotel Casino SkyPod. This is where some of the world's most extreme thrill rides are located and I myself have been itching to get on them. Naturally they knew I was coming before hand, and only let so many people in to avoid the place being overcrowded.
As we got in the elevator to go up to the top floor, I could tell she was confused.
She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed. "Are we not going to the casino?"
I shook my head, "Just hold my hand and we will be there before you know it, okay?"
I sent her a sweet smile and while returning it, she grabbed my hand nervously. "Okay."
As the doors opened, I could see the look of excitement flashing across her face, "You brought me to ride these rides??? How did you know I always wan-"
She stopped mid sentence as realization hit her. "Lacie huh?" She asked with a sly smile on her face.
"She may have also mentioned that you've always wanted to ride these as well."
She shook her head as we started walking towards the rides, riding all 3 back to back and laughing the whole time. Never would I have guessed that she would enjoy rides like this or not be afraid of heights.
This woman keeps getting more and more amazing as the days go by, I swear.
. . .
[Author's POV]
After they took the helicopter tour and rode some of the world's scariest thrill rides together, Jungkook and Olivia started to get sleepy and wanted to head back to the hotel. First before going back though, they stopped and got some snacks to take back and within 30minutes, they arrived back at the hotel.
"Hey Liv, I really want you to come back to my room so we can snuggle together and take a nap... but I want to also take you out to dinner later just the two of us. I was kind of hoping it could be like a date." He instantly turned crimson red.
"I would like that too, but I think it would be best if we went to our own rooms so you can pick me up properly for our first date later."
He quickly snapped his head up to look at her as she was already smiling. Before he realized what he was doing, he picked her up and spun her around. She giggled and laughed when suddenly the air got serious. He didn't realize the situation they were in until both of their breaths hitched and got heavier. Olivia's egs were wrapped around his waist as he held her butt in the palms of his hands. They were staring into each other's eyes, feeling the urge to have their lips on one another. She laced her fingers in the back of his soft and silky black hair, pulling him closer. Their lips then met, sharing a steamy and hot kiss inside the elevator.
When the elevator signaled they were on her floor, they broke the kiss and at each other as he put her down.
"I guess I will see you later then huh?"
"Absolutely you will." He smiled at her, waving goodbye.
Not believing what had just happened, she touched her lips softly and knew right then, that she was starting to fall in love with Jungkook.
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫 - 𝐦𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐡.
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐡: 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲/𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐞 “𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠” 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲/𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥. 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲/𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧. )
𝐩𝐬𝐚: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐦𝐨'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐭𝐰 ) 𝐬𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬.
𝐢'𝐦 𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭, 𝐲/𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 ( 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐲 ) 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭.
[ 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 ]
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( cuuuute )
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Y/N is a deeply spiritual person in the sense that she believed with her whole heart that a woman must remain pure and untouched until she meets the man she can truly call, the love of her life - she was born in Cairo, Egypt to two loving parents who were Catholic and had instilled in her that the proper way to love someone is to refrain from any and all sinful acts, which is a lesson she carried throughout her entire life.
She had tried dating, and by dating - it was the standard, meeting a nice guy over a meal or a soft drink, chatting for a few hours yet it never really went anywhere, two serious relationships that ended only because the men expected her to relent and fully surrender herself to someone, whilst she fully believed that the person she is meant to be with is out there, and if she were to meet him, she wanted to be pure.
That's when Mohammed came into the picture.
Y/N was accepted into Liverpool Hope University on a scholarship to study English Literature as she hoped to become an author, a kids author to be exact - and within her time in Liverpool she was able to meet several people of the same faith, who ensured that she had fun but also steered clear of sinful acts, and one morning; a very calm and uneventful morning, she stopped at a café to grab a cappuccino and a sweet treat when on her way out, she collided with someone and thankfully, nothing was spilled.
" Oh my god, I am so sorry " Y/N apologized before her eyes widened upon realizing who she collided with.
It was none other than, Mohammed Salah, Liverpool's and Egypt's star.
Her parents adored him, given that they were massive football fans and her father frequently watched Liverpool games on the tv just to cheer him on.
" It's fine " Mohammed smiles politely, his brows raising for a moment before he decided to ask. " You're not from here, are you? "
Y/N shakes her head with a shy smile, " No, I'm a fellow Egyptian " she states with a giggle.
" Really " Mohammed smiled.
Y/N nods, " yes, I am and just for the record, I'm not an avid fan of football so you can rest, I won't act crazy or ask you for a photo, but thank god my parents aren't here cause they love you " she laughs.
Mohammed laughs, " Ah, well I'm glad to know that "
Y/N gestured to her car, " I should probably go now " as she was about to make her way to her car he stops her, " Yes "
" May I at least know your name? " Mohammed asks, " And maybe get your number, you know ... " he smiles, " just in case you need a tour guide around Liverpool "
Y/N smiles, " Ah! " she placed her cup and box on top of her car before she rummaged through her bag to grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down her contact information. " Here you go "
Mohammed smiled as he read over the name, " Y/N L/N, a beautiful name "
" Thank you " Y/N smiled, " Goodbye Mohammed "
That day was the setting stone for a beautiful and spiritual relationship built on respect, love and admiration; They had similar personalities and were very hardworking when it came to what they loved, their only difference being their religion, Mohammed being a practicing Muslim and Y/N being a religious Christian, however that difference as much as it was minuscule seeing they both hailed from the same nation, it did pose as problem when it came to the public eye.
Several hate messages and comments flooded her socials, people telling her to back off, calling her a bad seed for supposedly corrupting Mohammed and while those comments affected her in a sense, Mohammad assured her that he doesn't care as his intentions for her were pure, he loved her and respected her wholeheartedly, regardless of the religion she practiced.
After a lovely dinner in a cozy Italian restaurant, Mohammed and Y/N decided to take a walk around the park, and it was then that he decided to ask her, " Where do you see yourself in a year? "
Y/N took a minute to formulate a coherent response and smiled, " I would say, happily married with a child "
Mohammed smiled at the answer, " So do I " he falls silent for a moment before he decides to ask even further, " I want that too, however two children instead of one "
Y/N felt a flutter inside of her chest, " Girls or boys? "
Mohammed shrugs, " I don't mind, as long as God gives me healthy children, and their mother is also healthy " he smiles, " I don't mind what I am blessed with "
Y/N nods slowly, " So, in a year from now, you'd get married? "
" Yes " Mohammed nods, " I'm not getting any younger, I want to do things properly, I want to settle down seeing as I am thankful to God and my parents for getting me to where I am, I'm only short of one thing that God had advised us to do, get married "
Y/N smiles, " I like that, I am glad I found you because ... there are no more real men in this world, you're a gem Mohammed and I love you so much "
Mohammed smiled, " I love you too " he stopped midway through their walk which confused Y/N. " I want to ask you something "
Y/N stops with a confused expression, " Ok? "
" Marry me? "
There it was, the two words she'd wanted to hear her entire life; her mother had gotten married at a young age, and here she was, at twenty five - in front of who she can only describe as an angel on earth, " Mo " she whispers.
" Y/N I mean it, I want a future with you " Mohammed smiles, " While I would love it, if you converted to Islam, but I don't want to force you, I respect you Y/N, I respect the fact that you live your life the proper way which is a rare thing to find in this world and if there's a woman I know will be a proper mother to my children, it'll be you "
His words were enough to have her tears threatening to fall, " so? "
" Yes, I will marry you, we can get married tomorrow if we have to " Y/N giggles, " I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you "
" Good " Mohammad smiled, " I will do this tomorrow night, the proper way but for now, let's continue our walk "
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jades-typurriter · 1 year
Tell us more about Fiora and Heather!!
even though fiora is kind of the main character of "Shear Bliss" (NSFW Warning!) we kind of have to start with heather because they are, contrary to appearances, the older of the two of them by FAR
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heather's original refs, designed and drawn by @sacrednanners on twitter!
theyre actually significantly older than fiora. like, by several millennia.
they were actually born on one of the smaller islands in the mediterrannean about 3200 years ago, a period during which, according to greek mythology, the gods were still directly fucking with people all the time. according to Oedipus Rex, the gods stopped doing that after looking at the colossal mess they made in the events of that play (+ the trojan war), so if i wanted to be able to point at the existence of magic in greek mythology instead of coming up with my own magic system, i had to pick a date from before then (more specifically, its the estimate i saw for the setting of The Odyssey, and Circe was a direct inspiration for their character, so thats what i went with :) )
after picking up their tricks, they started traveling from island to island and city-state to city-state, using their magic to trick people into believing they were a minor deity or nature spirit of some kind. as it turns out, that sort of thing is a good way to land "guest of honor" status at those old greek festivals (and also lots of offerings of food!) they picked up their taste for being pampered and adored there, and once they had run out of places to keep up the con had their fill of greek life, they also toured lower egypt, doing much the same, and then so on and so forth in other places
they've maintained their youth for so long using their magic (which is, in turn, maintained with all the worship they used to collect with the "lesser divinity" scam). nowadays, they get all the attention they need through less direct means than showing up to a rager in person: a VERY strong digital presence. in addition to modeling work, they run a highly successful instagram and are a popular livestreamer, bringing in a comfortable amount of money from donations, sponsorships, etc. (that said, they still fuckin love a good rager).
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fiora's original reference, also by @sacrednanners, and the first panel of the sequence from Shear Bliss, by my bestie @mae-lizzowski
fiora, on the other hand, is totally mortal and also (apart from working in and around hollywood) totally normal. she was born in a rural community, moved out to work as a tailor, and through a combination of factors (working hard in a decade where that made a difference, having a steady supply of any colored thread she could need immediately on-hand to rapidly iterate on a client's request, and some lucky connections) was able to build up enough savings and reputation to set up her own boutique.
she met heather through her work, when they were working their way up to their current popularity (which, to be fair, wasn't much of a long process; in fact, it was suspiciously quick) and heather wanted to go straight to the big names to get some nice clothes for themself. for as obnoxious as they can be as a customer, they're good at telling where exactly The Line is, and they don't cross it with fiora. with that absolute minimum of respect met, enough reoccurring business between the two of them led them to develop a rapport---while the streaming gig is relatively new, heather's been one of fiora's most reliable customers for going on 30 years! even if she can't stand them sometimes, thats plenty long to get used to somebody.
her wool, pivotal to her work though it is, is also fairly normal. no magic involved, just a quirk of her genes. both of her parents had white wool, and even her son doesn't share the mutation!
(her son florence is his own character btw, as opposed to like an off-screen piece of characterization for fiora. imagine being raised by both a hardass like fiora and a diva like heather. imagine this kid just turning 20 and not only breaking into the fashion business as well, but rubbing elbows with celebrities and going to parties and shit. hes such a menace and i love him)
anyway ty for letting me ramble about the two of them ily bestie
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kyndaris · 1 year
Obligatory Beach Episode
When most Australians think of surf, sand and sun, they think of their local beach. Press them a little on famous ones that they can lounge on or which tourists frequent and they might say Bondi Beach or the Gold Ask. Ask them for something a little more exotic and they’ll probably name a resort in Bali or Fiji.
Ask Europeans for an exotic beach locale and you might get something like Hurghada. After all, it’s not too far from the European mainland and has some killer snorkelling opportunities to get up close and personal with adorable little fishes!
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Our tour group had chosen to stay at the Stella Makadi Resort. More exactly: the Stella Gardens Resort and Spa Makadi Bay. From the outside, it looked almost like a massive compound. On the inside, it was a nice relaxing stroll down to the beachside with a few shops dedicated to selling trinkets and souvenirs that screamed: EGYPT!
Our first day at the resort was one of rest. We had no activities planned, which seemed apt when travelling with a large group of geriartrics.
Okay, I kid. They were mostly in their 50s and 60s. Which, I mean, still isn’t young by any means but considering I was the youngest of the entire group sitting at the round number of 30 says a lot. Heck, even 30 is old when you talk to teenagers.
So, what does one do when there isn’t much of a rush to head anywhere and everywhere? You go to the local beach, of course. As, as part of a package with the resort, there was a shuttle could take the adventurous down to the shoreline instead of having to hoof it down, plebeian style.
I don’t believe much explanation is required when photos will suffice in terms of the atmosphere of the Stella Makadi. It was pretty much your typical resort stolen from every tropical resort ever. Which isn’t to say it was bad, but I hadn’t brought swimmers. I had been more intent on learning the history of fishing rather than focusing on my tan lines.
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As a random aside, most of the elderly Europeans (of which there was a lot down in Hurghada) seemed to love the idea of burning their skin until it was lobster red. They might not have peeled yet but is it any wonder their skin was so saggy and wrinkly when compared to Asians?
In any case, my first day of Hurghada mostly revolved around getting to know a few select members of the tour group a bit better than I had before by playing cards with them on the beach and pondering what our buffet meals had on offer.
The second day at Hurghada was, thankfully, one of adventure albeit ones where you had to pay a little bit extra on top of the $7000 that had to be shelled out at the start for the trip. 
Our first stop was Sindbad Submarine. And no, that’s not a typo. It was literally called Sindbad rather than Sinbad.
In any case, the Red Sea, it should be noted, shares a few similarities with the Great Barrier Reef. In that it has a reef where plenty of fish call home. And to truly appreciate the aquatic life in and around the area, one must go  beneath the waves. Hence, many of our tour group packing into a floating tin can that could sink down about 25 metres below the surface, all so that we could marvel at coral, the diver that came with us, and the fish the diver had managed to lure towards our window with the promise of food. 
I even spotted a Red Sea clownfish poking out through its home anemone, as well as an Indian lionfish lying low but wasn’t able to snap a shot fast enough on my phone. Alas!
After our submarine adventure, we boated back to shore and were presented with a certification of completion. Our local tour guide, Ahmed, even saw fit to write our names in Arabic on the slip of paper.
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With our morning activities over, it was back to the resort for lunch before we enjoyed a Jeep Safari through the Sahara Desert. But although I say Jeep, I really mean Toyota Land Cruisers.
Since most of those in our tour group were an elderly bunch, the dirvers took it slow on the small hills and crests in the desert. Throughout the drive, we stopped at multiple areas, snapping shots of a distant mirage, a lonely Acacia tree (that was not the Tree of Tenere), and a towering dune of sand.
We even stopped at a nomadic village. In Chinese, it sounded like Bolu but a search on Google tells me that it might be the beduins. In any case, we got to taste their special type of naan, cooked over a flat stone with camel dung used to fuel the fire, ride a few camels and enjoy a cup of red tea that was a little too bitter for my tastes.
By the time we left their village, the sun was setting. Though I would have preferred to have returned to the resort by then, we still had one last stop. A performance, actually, that involved belly dancing and some clever dervish twirls. Along with some food and refreshments.
And even though I was asked to participate in some additional dancing, like the I coward I am I refused. Me? Belly dancing? In front of strangers? Never.
Besides, I’m not very curvaceous - at least in the sexy sense - and the thought of being the only poor dancer on  stage was a huge disincentive to get up and ‘shake my booty.’ 
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So, while this wasn’t the most stereotypical beach episode in every anime ever, there was plenty of sun, surf and sand to enjoy. Certainly, for any enterprising influence, Hurghada would have been a great relaxation spot with excellent water views and opportunities to get down and dirty with beach volleyball and Zumba on the sand. 
As for budding Egyptologists, well, a little leisure can go a long way. Hurghada might not be rich in history, but it is rich in demonstrating the interconnection between cultures and giving some much needed zing if all one does is trek from one dusty old temple to the next.
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Mythologie:LE DIEU APIS: Le dieu Apis,du grec Hape ou Hapi,le celebre taureau de Memphis,etait la divinite consacree a la lune,qui est a l'origine des autres cultes de divinites lunaires ayant eu cours par la suite dans la region mediterraneenne.Apis etait adore' en Egypte,probablement autour de 3000 avantJesus-Christ a' Memphis,ville presque entierement absorbee par la metropole du Caire.Le taureau ,noir fonce,avec une tache blanche sur lefront,une queue blanche et noireet le symbole de la lune croissante sur le cote' droit,vivait dans son temple soigne' par les pretres et les serviteurs;il mangeait dans des plats en or et donnait egalement des oracles lorsqu'on l'amenait dans un certain jardin ou' jouaient des enfants.Tous les ans,au debut des crues du Nil,se deroulait la fete sacree d'Apis.Elle durait 29 jours,la periode d'une lunaison.Comme le raconte Herodote,Apis etait presente au peuple orne de bijoux et escorte d'adolescents;les gens qui venaient le feter jetaient dans le Nil des objets d'or et d'argent en signe de sacrifice.En voyant Apis ainsi fete',les crocodiles devenaient tellement dociles que les gens pouvaient se baigner pres d'eux sans les craindre.La vie de chaque taureau divin etait limitee a' 25 ans.Celui qui ne mourrait pas etait tue' dansle plus grand secret et enterre en grande Pompe.Les obseques du taureau divin et les fetes pour l'etablissement du nouveau dieu Apis etaient une partie importante du culte.La recherche d'un veau successeur conduisait les pretre a 'faire le tour de l'Egypte et mobilisait les eleveurs:Etre le proprietaire du futur taureau Apis etait considere' comme une grande chance car non seulement le veau,mais egalement la vache qui l'avait mis au monde,etaient payes leur pesant d'or.(1) Le dieu Apis était une divinité vénérée dans l'Egypte antique,associée à la fertilité a' la régénération et a' la force.Apis était représenté sous la forme d'un taureau sacré et était considéré comme une manifestation terrestre du dieu PTAH.Les anciens Egyptiens croyaient que Apis était une incarnation du dieu vivant sur terre.Apis était généralement honoré a' Memphis,l'une des anciennes capitales de l'Egypte.Les animaux identifiés comme Apis étaient soumis à des critères stricts,notamment des marques distinctives telles que des tâches,des formes spécifiques sur le corps et des caractéristiques physiques particulières.Lorsqu'un taureau Apis mourrait,il était enterré avec de grands honneurs et un nouveau taureau était choisi pour prendre sa place en tant que représentant terrestre du dieu.La mort et la réincarnation d'Apis étaient considérés comme des évènements importants dans la religion égyptienne ancienne.
*Le dieu Apis était une divinité vene
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When it dawned on me...
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Meeting the Fayoum golden mummy portraits that I adored from my middle school history book for the first time on their exhibition tour in North Carolina Museum of Art.
I spent a good part of the COVID era (2020-2021) in the US on a Fulbright scholarship. I was lucky to catch the golden mummies on tour in North Carolina where I was based, so I dressed up in my biggest key-of-life (ankh) and an elaborate winged eyeliner of my Egyptian ancestors to meet them. You can tell from my smile, as we say "from ear to ear", how excited I was to finally meet these folks. I am from Cairo and I have been all around Egypt, so the sight of an Egyptian monument of historical piece is nothing but ordinary, however it hit different to visit this exhibition on a different continent, and to see these portraits from Roman Egypt.
At that time, I did not know there was something such as "Afrocentrism", but I did see glimpses of that malignant theory during my stay in the US. I was once touring the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana, with an Egyptian friend, when we stopped to watch a Black Henna artist whose art was just beautiful. She asked if we were Egyptians, and when we said we were, she said "do you know that ancient Egyptians were black?" and we did not understand how she would get that weird idea, but later on we found out about this Zionist approach of blackwashing the Egyptian history. Maybe that Henna lady did not mean anything wrong, and she really believed what she was saying -- which is an even bigger problem!
I've read once a post by an Egyptian mother living in Canada who wrote about how unsafe she felt for her children. There was a school event where students had to wear something that represented their culture, and she noticed Black parents commenting on her child's Ancient Egyptian costume as "celebrating Black ancestors". She feared for the misinformation and appropriation her child has to go through in the Canadian education system, and even for his safety as an Egyptian defending his history and heritage, being "called a descendant of a white colonizer" when it is completely false.
Having realized the huge impact of Afrocentrism on people, and the way it is spreading like wildfire on the internet, I've decided to write my MA graduation thesis on the subject.
This blog is to document my academic journey, exploring this topic, the process of data collection, and any relevant information and notes I might find useful for writing my thesis. I've arranged the posts on this blog to be read from newest-to-oldest. Happy scrolling!
References: Photo of author posing with two of the Fayum mummy portraits on exhibition. 28 Mar. 2021. North Carolina Museum of Art.
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egyptonlinetours1 · 1 year
Day Trip to Alexandria & El Alamein by Private Vehicle
Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle
 scout the Pharaonic treasures, which contains royal mummies, In the second day of our Alexandria Tour from Cairo by Private Vehicle you'll travel to Alexandria and visit Catacomb of kom el-shoqafa, Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria Library and more.
Enjoy visiting Alexandria; the second largest city in Egypt, described as the bride of the Mediterranean because of its location at the Mediterranean Sea. You will be able to visit the famous attractions of the city with Alexandria Tours from Cairo such as Cata Comb, Qaitbay Citadel, Alexandria Library, and Al Montazah Palace
Explore Qaitbay Citadel with was a strong fortress, built by Sultan Al Ashraf Qaitbay in the 1480 A.D, located on the ruins of the amazing Lighthouse of Alexandria which was one of the famous Seven Wonders in the ancient world. Continue your fancy tour to Alexandria Library which was one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, constructed during 3rd century B.C by Ptolemy I.
Visit the amazing Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa with Maestro Online Travel, it includes a series of statues, antiques and tombs which belong to many cultures such as the Egyptian, Romanian and Greek. Your last visit will be Al Montazah Palace which was constructed during the first half of the twentieth century by Khedeve Helmy who adored Alexandria city and decided to build this palace for him and his guests from the whole world.
Day Tour Alexandria from Cairo tours by private vehicle to Visit Alexandria library. the Catacomb of Kom El-Shoqafa, The Roman Theater, El-Montazah palace with Lunch included during Alexnadria Tour from Cairo.
Our Alexandria Tour from Cairo will start with pick up service from your hotel in Cairo by your private guide to be transferred to visit Alexandria by air-conditioned vehicle to enjoy your Alexandria Tour visiting the Catacomb of Kom El-Shoqafa, The Roman Theater, El Montazah palace and Alexandria library, have lunch meal during Alexandria tour at local restaurant in Alexandria then free time for shopping and optional tours, at the end of your Alexandria Tour, you will be transferred back to your hotel in Cairo. ( End of Alexandria Tour from cairo )
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo includes : - Pick up and drop off services from your hotel in Cairo - All transfers by air-conditioned vehicles in Cairo and Alexandria Tour - Admision fees to the sightseeing in Alexandria as per Alexandria tour itinerary - Lunch meal at a high quality restaurant in Alexandria during tour Alexandria from Cairo - Egyptologist English speaking tour guide in Alexandria tour from Cairo.
Alexnadria Tour from Cairo excludes : Optional tours and personal expenses during Alexandria Tour from Cairo
For more info
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 5.5
American in Space Day
Arbegnoch Qen (Patriots’ Victory Day; Ethiopia)
Bevrijdingsday (Liberation Day; Netherlands)
Bonza Bottler Day
Bus Worker Support Day (UK)
Carpet Weavers’ Day (Azerbaijan)
Cinco de Mayo (Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla)
Cinco de Rhino
Constitution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Dutch Heritage Day (Canada)
Europe Day (EU)
Folly Festival
Give Local America Day
Global Big Day
Hand Hygiene Day
Hidirellez (Turkey)
Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie Day
Independent Living Day (EU)
Indian Arrival Day (Guyana)
Inko de Mayo
International Sri du Chat Awareness Day
International Midwives' Day
International Roller Derby Day
International Uyghur Doppa Day
Kodomo-No-Hi (Children's Day; Japan)
Liberation Day (Denmark, Netherlands)
Lusophone Culture Day
Martyrs’ Day (Albania)
Museum Lover’s Day
Nail Day
National Astronaut Day
National Cartoonists Day
National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women
National Ferret Day (UK)
National Library Legislation
National Silence the Shame Day
Orininal (Children’s Day; South Korea)
Parasite Awareness Day
Patriots’ Victory Day (Ethiopia)
Perfect Game Day
Revenge of the Fifth (Star Wars)
Save Lives Clean Your Hands Day (UN)
Senior Citizens Day (Palau)
Significant Other Day
Tamil Tigers Day
World African Heritage Day
World Environment Day
World Fives Day
World Hand Hygiene Day
World Labyrinth Day in Schools
World Math Day
World Portuguese Language Day
World Pulmonary Hypertension Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Burgundy Day
National Enchilada Day
National Hoagie Day
Oyster Day
Totally Chipotle Day
1st Friday in May
Administrative Professionals Day (Australia) [1st Friday]
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Child Care Provider Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Provider Appreciation Day) [Friday before Mother's Day]
Digital Wellness Day [1st Friday]
International Pub Week begins (Australia) [1st Friday thru 2nd Monday]
National Flower Arranging Day (UK) [1st Friday]
International Sauvignon Blanc Day [1st Friday]
International Space Day [1st Friday]
International Tuba Day [1st Friday]
Kentucky Oaks Derby Day [Friday before 1st Saturday in May]
Military Spouse Day [Friday before Mother's Day]
National Public Gardens Day [Friday before Mother's Day]
No Pants Day [1st Friday]
Potato Day (Alaska) [1st Friday]
Sauvignon Blanc Day [1st Friday]
School Lunch Hero Day [1st Friday]
Space Day (California) [1st Friday]
Toad Suck Daze begin (Conway, Arkansas) [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Atovia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Hope Kingdom (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
The Netherlands (from Nazi Germany, 1945)
Pangration (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Transterra (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Angelus of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Aventinus of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Avertin (Christian; Saint)
Buddha Day [5th Full Moon of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Buddha Jayanti (Nepal)
Buddha Purnima (Parts of India)
Buddha Purnuma (Bangladesh)
Hari Raya Waisaki (Indonesia)
Lord Buddha’s Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Saga Dawa (Sikkim, India)
Shyadar Pidar (Parts of India)
Vesak Day (Singapore, Sri Lanka)
Visakha Bucha Day (Thailand)
Visakh Bochea (Cambodia)
Wesak (Malaysia)
Chicken Lickin’ (Muppetism)
Day of Adoration of Anubis (Ancient Egypt)
Edmund Ignatius Rice (Christian; Saint)
Feast of al-Khadr (St. George; Palestine)
Ferret Day (Pastafarian)
Frederick the Wise (Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod)
Full Moon [5th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Bright Moon (Celtic)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Budding Moon (Traditional)
Corn Planting Moon (Alternate)
Dragon Moon (China)
Egg Laying Moon (Traditional)
Fell Moon (South Africa)
Flower Moon (Amer. Indian, North America, Traditional)
Grass Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Hare Moon (England, Wicca)
Leaf Budding Moon (Traditional)
Milk Moon (Colonial)
Panther Moon (Choctaw)
Planting (Cherokee, Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Beaver, Frost, Hunter’s
Hilary of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Judith (Christian; Saint)
Jutta of Kulmsee (Christian; Saint)
Kakava Spring Festival begins (Bulgaria, Turkey) [thru 5.6]
Mauront (Christian; Saint)
Oshun’s Day (Pagan)
Pius V, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Polybius (Positivist; Saint)
Stanisław Kazimierczyk (Christian; Saint)
Start of Ramendan (Pastafarian)
Store Bededag (a.k.a. Great Prayer Day; Denmark) [4th Friday after Easter]
Tango no Sekku (Iris Festival; Japan)
Tiberius Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [16 of 32]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Bad Moon Rising, by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Song; 1969)
Buddy’s Trolley Troubles (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Donald’s Fire Survival Plan (Disney Cartoon; 1966)
French Kiss (Film; 1995)
From the Choirgirl Hotel, by Tori Amos (Album; 1998)
Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z-z (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Gladiator (Film; 2000)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Film; 2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Film; 2023)
Hare Trigger (WB MM Cartoon; 1945)
The Hidden Persuader, by Vance Packard (Book; 1958)
Hoot (Film; 2006)
Interview with the Vampire, by Anne Rice (Novel; 1976)
Jagged Little Pill (Musical Play; 2018)
The Love Boat (TV Series; 1977)
Mission Impossible III (Film; 2006)
Nim (Video Game; 1951)
One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez (Novel; 1967)
One Man Band (Pixar Cartoon; 2005)
The Pentaverate (TV Series; 2022)
Planet Earth (Documentary; 2006)
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, by John le Carre (Novel; 1964)
Steel and America (Disney Cartoon; 1965)
This Is America, by Donald Glover as Childish Gambino (Song; 2018)
Watch Me (Whip/NaeNae), by Silento (Song 2015)
Today’s Name Days
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Austria)
Cvijeta, Cvjetko, Florijan, Iskra, Silvije (Croatia)
Květoslav (Czech Republic)
Florian (Denmark)
Roosi, Rosalie, Saale, Saali, Sale (Estonia)
Roosa, Rosa, Ruusu (Finland)
Florian, Sylvain (France)
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Germany)
Melia, Pelagia (Greece)
Flórián, Mónika (Hungary)
Ada, Ciriaco, Efisio, Porfirio, Silvano (Italy)
Flora, Florians, Viola, Vizbulīte (Latvia)
Dargailas, Florijonas, Mintautė, Monika (Lithuania)
Mona, Monika (Norway)
Florian, Grzegorz, January, Michał, Monika, Paulin, Strzeżywoj (Poland)
Pelaghia (Romania)
Florián (Slovakia)
Florián, Godofredo (Spain)
Mona, Monika (Sweden)
Alvina, Eunice, June, Palahna, Una (Ukraine)
Jodi, Jodie, Jody, Judie, Judith, Judy, Terrell, Tyrell, Tyrese, Tyron, Tyrone, Tyrrell, Tyson (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 124 of 2024; 241 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 18 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 15 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 13 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 3 Bīja; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 21 April 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 12 Caesar (5th Month) [Philopoemen]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 46 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 15 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.5
American in Space Day
Arbegnoch Qen (Patriots’ Victory Day; Ethiopia)
Bevrijdingsday (Liberation Day; Netherlands)
Bonza Bottler Day
Bus Worker Support Day (UK)
Carpet Weavers’ Day (Azerbaijan)
Cinco de Mayo (Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla)
Cinco de Rhino
Constitution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Dutch Heritage Day (Canada)
Europe Day (EU)
Folly Festival
Give Local America Day
Global Big Day
Hand Hygiene Day
Hidirellez (Turkey)
Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie Day
Independent Living Day (EU)
Indian Arrival Day (Guyana)
Inko de Mayo
International Sri du Chat Awareness Day
International Midwives' Day
International Roller Derby Day
International Uyghur Doppa Day
Kodomo-No-Hi (Children's Day; Japan)
Liberation Day (Denmark, Netherlands)
Lusophone Culture Day
Martyrs’ Day (Albania)
Museum Lover’s Day
Nail Day
National Astronaut Day
National Cartoonists Day
National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women
National Ferret Day (UK)
National Library Legislation
National Silence the Shame Day
Orininal (Children’s Day; South Korea)
Parasite Awareness Day
Patriots’ Victory Day (Ethiopia)
Perfect Game Day
Revenge of the Fifth (Star Wars)
Save Lives Clean Your Hands Day (UN)
Senior Citizens Day (Palau)
Significant Other Day
Tamil Tigers Day
World African Heritage Day
World Environment Day
World Fives Day
World Hand Hygiene Day
World Labyrinth Day in Schools
World Math Day
World Portuguese Language Day
World Pulmonary Hypertension Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Burgundy Day
National Enchilada Day
National Hoagie Day
Oyster Day
Totally Chipotle Day
1st Friday in May
Administrative Professionals Day (Australia) [1st Friday]
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Child Care Provider Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Provider Appreciation Day) [Friday before Mother's Day]
Digital Wellness Day [1st Friday]
International Pub Week begins (Australia) [1st Friday thru 2nd Monday]
National Flower Arranging Day (UK) [1st Friday]
International Sauvignon Blanc Day [1st Friday]
International Space Day [1st Friday]
International Tuba Day [1st Friday]
Kentucky Oaks Derby Day [Friday before 1st Saturday in May]
Military Spouse Day [Friday before Mother's Day]
National Public Gardens Day [Friday before Mother's Day]
No Pants Day [1st Friday]
Potato Day (Alaska) [1st Friday]
Sauvignon Blanc Day [1st Friday]
School Lunch Hero Day [1st Friday]
Space Day (California) [1st Friday]
Toad Suck Daze begin (Conway, Arkansas) [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Atovia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Hope Kingdom (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
The Netherlands (from Nazi Germany, 1945)
Pangration (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Transterra (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Angelus of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Aventinus of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Avertin (Christian; Saint)
Buddha Day [5th Full Moon of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Buddha Jayanti (Nepal)
Buddha Purnima (Parts of India)
Buddha Purnuma (Bangladesh)
Hari Raya Waisaki (Indonesia)
Lord Buddha’s Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Saga Dawa (Sikkim, India)
Shyadar Pidar (Parts of India)
Vesak Day (Singapore, Sri Lanka)
Visakha Bucha Day (Thailand)
Visakh Bochea (Cambodia)
Wesak (Malaysia)
Chicken Lickin’ (Muppetism)
Day of Adoration of Anubis (Ancient Egypt)
Edmund Ignatius Rice (Christian; Saint)
Feast of al-Khadr (St. George; Palestine)
Ferret Day (Pastafarian)
Frederick the Wise (Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod)
Full Moon [5th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Bright Moon (Celtic)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Budding Moon (Traditional)
Corn Planting Moon (Alternate)
Dragon Moon (China)
Egg Laying Moon (Traditional)
Fell Moon (South Africa)
Flower Moon (Amer. Indian, North America, Traditional)
Grass Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Hare Moon (England, Wicca)
Leaf Budding Moon (Traditional)
Milk Moon (Colonial)
Panther Moon (Choctaw)
Planting (Cherokee, Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Beaver, Frost, Hunter’s
Hilary of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Judith (Christian; Saint)
Jutta of Kulmsee (Christian; Saint)
Kakava Spring Festival begins (Bulgaria, Turkey) [thru 5.6]
Mauront (Christian; Saint)
Oshun’s Day (Pagan)
Pius V, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Polybius (Positivist; Saint)
Stanisław Kazimierczyk (Christian; Saint)
Start of Ramendan (Pastafarian)
Store Bededag (a.k.a. Great Prayer Day; Denmark) [4th Friday after Easter]
Tango no Sekku (Iris Festival; Japan)
Tiberius Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [16 of 32]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Bad Moon Rising, by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Song; 1969)
Buddy’s Trolley Troubles (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Donald’s Fire Survival Plan (Disney Cartoon; 1966)
French Kiss (Film; 1995)
From the Choirgirl Hotel, by Tori Amos (Album; 1998)
Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z-z (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Gladiator (Film; 2000)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Film; 2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Film; 2023)
Hare Trigger (WB MM Cartoon; 1945)
The Hidden Persuader, by Vance Packard (Book; 1958)
Hoot (Film; 2006)
Interview with the Vampire, by Anne Rice (Novel; 1976)
Jagged Little Pill (Musical Play; 2018)
The Love Boat (TV Series; 1977)
Mission Impossible III (Film; 2006)
Nim (Video Game; 1951)
One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez (Novel; 1967)
One Man Band (Pixar Cartoon; 2005)
The Pentaverate (TV Series; 2022)
Planet Earth (Documentary; 2006)
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, by John le Carre (Novel; 1964)
Steel and America (Disney Cartoon; 1965)
This Is America, by Donald Glover as Childish Gambino (Song; 2018)
Watch Me (Whip/NaeNae), by Silento (Song 2015)
Today’s Name Days
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Austria)
Cvijeta, Cvjetko, Florijan, Iskra, Silvije (Croatia)
Květoslav (Czech Republic)
Florian (Denmark)
Roosi, Rosalie, Saale, Saali, Sale (Estonia)
Roosa, Rosa, Ruusu (Finland)
Florian, Sylvain (France)
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Germany)
Melia, Pelagia (Greece)
Flórián, Mónika (Hungary)
Ada, Ciriaco, Efisio, Porfirio, Silvano (Italy)
Flora, Florians, Viola, Vizbulīte (Latvia)
Dargailas, Florijonas, Mintautė, Monika (Lithuania)
Mona, Monika (Norway)
Florian, Grzegorz, January, Michał, Monika, Paulin, Strzeżywoj (Poland)
Pelaghia (Romania)
Florián (Slovakia)
Florián, Godofredo (Spain)
Mona, Monika (Sweden)
Alvina, Eunice, June, Palahna, Una (Ukraine)
Jodi, Jodie, Jody, Judie, Judith, Judy, Terrell, Tyrell, Tyrese, Tyron, Tyrone, Tyrrell, Tyson (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 124 of 2024; 241 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 18 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 15 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 13 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 3 Bīja; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 21 April 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 12 Caesar (5th Month) [Philopoemen]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 46 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 15 of 30)
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