#Ace struggles
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cherrytea556 · 1 year ago
Heteronormativity and Amatonormativity go hand in hand. You give the opposite sex one compliment then somehow people think you have a crush on them. Talk about complimentless ig.
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firewolf111 · 5 months ago
Being a sex repulsed acespike is like:
*suddenly feels sexual attraction*
"Eww nooooo! Give me back my asexuality!"
Being an sex repulsed aegosexual/pseudosexual is like:
*has a sexual fantasy*
"Ewww. No, no, no. Go away. Please and thank you."
Being aegosexual/pseudosexual in general is like:
Hmmmm. I don't think I'm really ace. I'm probably just faking.
(But seriously. Give me more labels. The more I find, the less weird I feel. I love collecting them, though now my identity has gotten kinda complicated, lol)
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the-real-hiccup · 4 months ago
God made me Bisexual, decided I was too powerful, then made me asexual and demi-romantic to tone it down.
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tooaceforthisspace · 2 years ago
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heavymetalkingx · 2 months ago
Man, allos are driving me INSANE.
You've got people making fun of sx-repulsed aces like we don't matter at ALL. I of course don't expect everyone to go out of their way to censor every little thing they say, but jeez, if you have a nsfw image, meme, post, or whatever, the least you could do is have a TW or flair or SOMETHING.
I had a really bad day... I told someone I was uncomfy with nsfw and they sarcastically told me to listen to a sxually explicit metal band and i was excited because I LOVE metal... I wasnt able to read their tone until they clarified, and by then id already had thanked them and started listening to the music...
someone else started being an asshole when I asked them to flair their Reddit post as nsfw, because it was a nsfw meme, and id read it too late assuming it was sfw. they told me to toughen up, basically.
i cried so hard because everyone was giving me SHIT about being sx-repulsed, and I was trying my best to be kind to them all with my requests and texts...
to make it worse, some trans and cis people were gatekeeping pronouns, saying that if you like your birth pronouns then you "arent really trans"
im so sick of this bs.
-Atlas (he/him)
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acexualien · 4 months ago
Day 6 of Ace Week: Struggles That People On The Asexual Spectrum Face! Enjoy 💜 and remember that you are valid and loved no matter what!!
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andbyopposingendthem · 4 months ago
I increasingly find myself a burden to my allo friends. I was complaining to someone the other day and it ended ended in a conversation I couldn’t handle. Are there people who can talk to me about how to handle how it feels to have your love devalued? And how I can stop feeling this way? I need to at least not burden them with this.
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it-was-dead-when-i-found-it · 7 months ago
Heavily closeted, aroace middle school me: wow every girl in our class has a crush on the same guy! What a wonderful bonding experience, to go through this change together. Surely this new similarity will only bring us closer together!
Heavily closeted, aroace middle school me: ...where'd you get that knife
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sol9221 · 2 years ago
Being graysexual is cool and all until you find an exception to your general-asexual-ness™ and you do not know what to do with yourself so you just ✨️panic✨️
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theaceofarrows · 1 year ago
Me: [just trying to get my regular year round groceries]
Marketing teams across the US:
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spaghetticat3899 · 9 months ago
“Oh, well things change”
“You’ll change your mind someday”
I hate those phrases with such a burning passion, I’m not even remotely kidding. I will not change my mind someday, there is no one that is “the one” for me, I will not grow out of it.
I’m an adult, as much as I try not to think about it. I’m not a kid, and it’s not a matter of maturity anyway. I’m sick and tired of people around me seeming to think I’m somehow deluded or “wrong”. I think the stupidest justification someone tried making was when my mother thought that “[I] think [I’m] asexual because of autism”. It’s so fucking insulting. I’m infuriated by this ignorance and constant need people feel to say why and how I’m wrong for how I want to live.
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zumazozuma · 3 days ago
Sometimes Tumblr makes me rage
I'll be scrolling and all of a sudden be hit with the most NSFW crap I have ever seen
Or I'll start reading something like a headcanon or idea about a show I like, only for it to unravel into E-rated concepts I would much rather not have injected right into my visual brain
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lostparadise-mp3 · 1 year ago
i honestly feel like my ~ whatever that is going on in my brain ~ (anxiety? adhd? autism? all? who knows!) blends so much with my aroaceness that i can't separate one from another. i don't understand love at first sight the way people do— that “i knew it was you from the first moment i saw you”, i don't understand one night stands because wdym you can trust your body to someone you just met after a couple of drinks? i don't understand why love fades the same way it appeared, out of nowhere. i don't understand how you can actually feel horny or heavily attracted to someone you saw on the streets, like wdym you saw a cute girl and got a boner? how does that work? (i am aware i am exaggerating with this one lol) (at least i hope so) i don't understand how you can simply Not Care about your lover's feelings and cheat on them, why don't you tell them “nah i am not interested anymore”? why is it okay to lie for a long time to avoid hurting them (and ending up causing more pain) instead of inflicting less pain sooner?
i don't understand the way most people “love”, the way they handle “romantic” relationships, i don't get the difference between marriage and dating, i don't understand a handful of things and i don't know if it's because my brain tends to think way too literally when it needs the heart or it's because love doesn't blind me and make me do dumb things.
being aroace is kinda a headache sometimes, i guess.
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tooaceforthisspace · 2 years ago
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7thpuzzlepiece · 1 year ago
i sometimes wish some asexual character were only asexual and not aromantic…
i have nothing against aromantism (of course) but as an romantic yet asexual person, i wish i could find some character to identify with.
we already don’t have much representation of the ace spectrum within fiction works, but when we do it’s never only asexuality (or only aromantism)
like i can be asexual yet have romantic attraction, and the same way for aromantic people who can be sexually attracted…
also, even if i’m already thankful and glad we have a little bit of rep, i hope people won’t mix up both terms, or think one can’t go without the other
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acexualien · 1 year ago
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