Whump Prompt #1210
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
How about a team not noticing someone is missing until they get a ransom note/ letter that they are leaving? And then they all realize that none of them can remember the last time they spoke to their teammate.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
there's some serious juxtaposition between seeing child Chara have a happy breakfast with their family vs. post-epilogue being reblogged where Chara casually explains their biological father abandoned them at 2. good lord 😭
sometimes it's hard to remember that this is the same character as adult!chara is visually different and, well, grown up. damn chara how much trauma do u have for real
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riahlynn101 · 9 months
Dad December - Day Nine: "Abandonment."
Summary: AFO’s abandonment issues go brrrr. Also, AFO x Inko :D!!
Trigger warnings: Abandonment issues, minor slut shaming, and AFO being AFO
All for One lets himself into his assistant’s apartment. He hasn’t seen her in over a week, and he (misses her presence, her warmth) is falling behind on paperwork. Besides, All for One is her boss, which means he has an obligation to his employees. It’s just business, nothing more (liar). 
He goes to slip his shoes off, but the mat Inko usually kept near the closet is missing. In fact, now that he’s looking closer, the entire area is empty and clean. His eyebrows furrow. Surely, Inko didn’t leave without telling him? She wouldn’t. 
She can’t. 
All for One calls out to her. “Inko! Inko!” Her apartment is completely empty. Everything from the furniture to the photos on her walls are gone. This can’t be. She can’t leave him. His hands shake and it’s hard to think straight and shecan’tleavehimeveryonealwaysleaveswhydotheyalwaysleavewh-
“In here,” a strained voice calls back. 
In a daze, All for One stumbles his way to Inko’s bedroom. And there, sitting on the edge of her bed is the very person he’s looking for. “Inko, my dear, I was calling you.”
Her head is bowed, long hair covering her face. “I…sorry.” 
“Are you okay? This isn’t like you.” He sits next to her on the bed. 
“No, Hisashi” she gives a humorless laugh. It’s so different from the laugh he’s come to know and love. 
Gently, he takes her hand. But Inko slides her hand away. She sniffles. “I don’t know what to do.”
He opens his mouth. There are a million things Inko can do - paperwork and answering phones the least among them. He likes having her around. He feels a little less lost, like the cloud that’s been hanging over him since his brother left him, while not completely gone, is more like a cloud on a sunny day and less like the ones that come before a thunderstorm. 
Inko breaks down, putting her face in her hands. And suddenly, Hisashi has no idea what to say.
“What happened?” He asks, rubbing her back. Comfort has never been his forte, but for Inko he’ll try. “Did someone rob you?” A robbery would explain the bare apartment and Inko’s behavior. But the thought of someone hurting his favorite (person) employee brings a new wave of anger washing over him. “Can you describe them to me? I’ll find them. They’ll regret-”
“No, Hisashi,” Inko says, voice wavering. “No one robbed me.”
He calms down a little. “Good. Then, why are you so upset?”
Inko lifts her head, and for the first time in over a week, Hisashi sees her beautiful face. It’s ruddy and wet from sobbing for god knows how long. But beautiful nonetheless. He kisses her temple. “Please, Inko, just tell me what happened.” He wraps his arms around her, being the stability that she obviously needs. “I won’t be mad, I promise.” 
And he wouldn’t be. Not at her. She’s still here, with him, and that’s all that matters. 
“I’m pregnant,” she murmurs. “And it’s yours.”
Hisashi is still processing the first part of her sentence, so he fails to hear the second. He suddenly feels warm, and he has to pull away from Inko. He stands up.
He paces the length of the room. “You’re pregnant, which means you have a boyfriend. Which explains why you’re moving out of the apartment. I guess you’re going to move in with him. I’m happy for you, but I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you had a-”
There’s a harsh tug on his jacket. Hisashi looks down towards the bed. Inko stares back at him with a pained expression. Her bottom lip quivers. “No! I don’t have a boyfriend. I just said you’re the father.” She burrows her face in her hands again. “I’m not like that. I wouldn’t do something like that,” her words are muffled, but he hears them loud and clear. 
“I’m going to be a father?” He asks, feeling a new emotion - one he hasn’t felt before. It’s electric in the best way possible. He feels giddy and lightheaded. It’s an odd combination, but one that’s a pleasant surprise. 
He falls to his knees in front of her, taking her face in his hands. “Inko, why are you so sad? We’re going to be parents. This is a happy occasion.” 
Instead of answering, she cries harder. “I was going to move and start over. Packed all my stuff, signed a new lease a few cities over, and even had a new job all lined up. But…I couldn’t do I couldn’t do that to you, or our baby.”
“Our baby?” Hisashi repeats, the words feel funny coming off his tongue. A smile cracks across his face. He lifts Inko off the bed, spinning her around. “We have a baby. Or we’re going to have one. But it’s there. It exists, and one day we’ll be able to hold it in our arms.” His words tumble out of his mouth, without much thought to them. Not that Inko minds, as she’s taken to burying her face in Hisashi’s neck. 
“I love you, Hisashi,” Inko mutters. 
He smiles, soaking up her warmth. 
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
Insecure attachment can show up in many ways. We very likely learnt that others don't care about our emotional needs, or cannot fulfill them (emotionally unstable/unavaiable caregivers, or physically/emotionally absent ones, is often where it all started, making us feel wrong and unsafe, insecure). So yes, trying to heal this is gonna be a long walk through unmet needs from our past.
When you don't feel secure, you cannot express your emotions without fear, cause you need approval from others. Try writing first, write down how you feel and what you'd need to have those feeling (and needs) met. Don't run away from your emotions. Know them by feeling them and taking some time to write things down. Feeling unsafe may have you need for constant reassurance: be clear about what could help you when it comes to texts, calls and everything around those. Remind yourself that the other person has needs as well and find a compromise that can satisfy both parties, so to avoid you to stress and overthink by guessing things that aren't even real. Try to heal yourself by getting more in touch with yourself (needs and fears) when you're alone. You can never be really alone (nor entirely lonely), when you're with you as a friend would.
If you fear being abandoned you may end up pushing others away, to avoid being hurt if they do that to you. Try to be more vulnerable: explain yourself first and then to the other party, why you feel overwhelmed or scared, for example by arguments, and how they can trigger you into ignoring the other person (usually relates to childhood traumas). You may also feel jealous, or left alone, fearing of being not enough and therefore abandoned. Check in with the reasons behind this: don't let thoughts take over, sometimes we get triggered by our past. You need to find objective reasons, and even more, what are the needs that are not being met in your relationship. Talk those out.
If you try to be overly independent or fear being rejected for having needs, you may have many unmet needs from your past. Especially when you were a child, when you probably had to care about yourself on your own (even for just your emotions) or were in charge for keeping others happy and started avoiding your own needs. Be open about your wishes, desires, and about how having support could be of help to you and for the relationship. Don't be scared to ask for help: keep doing everything alone may have you end up into passive-aggressive mood, cause others often don't understand we need help if we don't ask. They may even think you like doing what you do, even if it's chores and it's something you hate or don't feel like doing. Tell them that. Healthy relationships are based on mutual collaboration and help. You don't have to do everything alone, not anymore.
But most of all, be open to the fact that things can change, and that you can find people that support you and help you, and appreciate you the way you are and won't leave you, cause you're worth of everything. Love and affection in particular.
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rott3n1404 · 1 year
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I really thought you cared about me...
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feralbeeast · 6 months
Why can't you see all the ways you hurt me in such little time?
Why aren't you even sorry?
Did you really never care at all?
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alhyastarain · 1 year
alone again with my thoughts thoughts which burn me to ash they sink a dagger on my chest and create a whisper on my mind for a second i thought i'd never be alone again i trusted u and gave u my heart but u left me alone. and i cant forgive that now nothing but a sensless husk broken and sad is all that remains sobbing in the dark i should be grateful you were so kind but only sorrow is left and empty, liveless eyes you promised me the world i believed in a lie thinking i could have you but you only left dust behind and here i am again wishing to go back to a time where i felt the warmth of your sun
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mermaid--bride · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers || Dark Waters - Kazemi Maniac Route [Maniac Epilogue]
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WARNING: This chapter contains death, grief and abandonement. Please stop reading if any of those trigger you.
It felt like forever inside the cupboard.
And yet, in my head, it feels like a flash.
The screams and the sounds drove me crazy as I waited for mom to return.
Even as the air became heavy and hot, I waited.
Only when I started to feel the heat around my, did I dare to come out.
--Flashback starts in the room on fire
Child Kazemi: Mama!?
(What happaned...? Why is our house on fire...!?)
(Mama... Where are you...?)
--Kazemi goes downstairs to the living room
Child Kazemi: MAMA!!!
--Kazemi runs
Child Kazemi: Mama! Why are you sleeping right now!?
You told me mermaids can’t handle fire, right? We need to get out of here!
Oi, mama!!
???: Kazemi!!
--Raul appears
Child Kazemi: Daddy! Mama won’t wake up!!
Raul: Kh!
Kazemi, we need to get out of here!
Child Kazemi: But we can’t leave mama!!
Raul: Mama won’t wake up anymore! We need to go now!
Child Kazemi: No! I want mama!!
Raul: Kazemi...
Child Kazemi: ... Eh?
Raul: This blanket will help her rest in peace...
Child Kazemi: ... ...
*glass shatters*
Raul: Tch! Come!
Child Kazemi: Woah!
Raul: Hold me tight! We’re going through the window!
*more glass shatters*
--Raul runs with Kazemi to the forest
Raul: Here you go... Whatever happens, don’t come out of this hole. I will distract those people so they can’t find you.
Child Kazemi: But I wanna go with you...
Raul: If you come they might find the both of us... Some of them are hunters after all.
Here. Look at me.
Kazemi... Promise me you will be a good girl? Can you promise your daddy... you will stay strong no matter what?
Child Kazemi: ... I promise...
Raul: Good...
Raul: I will come back as soon as I can.
--Raul runs away
Child Kazemi: ... ... ...
--Flashback ends
Hunter: How is the plan going?
Goki: The whole mansion is on fire, sir. It shouldn’t take long for them to come out.
Hunter: Good. I am leaving the operation in your hands then. The others have orders to hand the mermaid over to you, as we agreed.
Goki: Thank you. I will not fail you.
(My time has finally come. I will finally free this world from that abomination.)
(Kazemi... you may have fooled me as a child... Who knows where I would be now if that man didn’t warn me about you.)
(Now it’s about time for you to pay... You’ll learn to never toy with a little boy’s heart again!)
... Heh... Who would have thought you’d be the first one to run out? Guess it should have been obvious considering your nature...
Very well... It’s time to hunt the beast.
--Goki walks away; Scene changes to Kazemi running in the forest
Kazemi: Hah... Hah... Puh... Haah...
(I can’t run anymore... but I need to get away from here...)
(Why... Why do these things... always happen to me...? Is it because I’m a hybrid?)
(Maybe... I shouldn’t have been born after all...)
Mama... ...
Goki: Aww did I make you cry~?
Kazemi: !?
--End of Maniac Epilogue
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patcegan · 6 months
no one caresall have left mealoneall alonein a world filledhe is aloneforgottenabandoned***** I expect many people have felt unloved, abandoned, alone at some point in their life. It is a horrible moment. It is worse to feel this way when with other people. Outside looking in.One of the beautiful things about accepting Christ is that the Holy Spirit comes into us and is always with us. We are…
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weirdrandomtina · 10 months
So, I experienced some deju vu during this scene in Trolls Band Together:
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John Dory grabs his backpack, says he's leaving (I'm done, YOLO, etc.), and then the last thing he says is "Goodbye Forever!", followed by Branch's distraught face, and the next thing Branch knows, all his brothers have left him and he never sees them again.
I was trying to figure out why that little snippet stuck with me, then it hit me:
Trolls Holiday in Harmony, when Branch is trying to figure out a gift for Poppy. He's worried about doing the wrong thing, disappointing her or freaking her out, and says "I CAN'T let that happen". He illustrates his point with Poppy packing a suitcase, and what does she say right before she runs off?
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Really brings his abandonment issues into the light😢
I've seen a few comments of people being annoyed when Branch said to Poppy "aren't you going to leave me anyway", but they clearly don't understand how trauma affects people's mental and emotional state.
He knows Poppy loves him and doesn't actually believe she'd leave, but after a lifetime of being alone, even though he's happy and loved now, there's still that subconscious fear that he'll end up alone again. Poppy means everything to him, and he can't bear the thought of losing her too, especially as a result of something he's done (his grandma died to save him, and he believed his brothers leaving was his fault because he 'ruined everything' at the concert).
Sometimes this results in Branch trying to push Poppy away, which seems conflicting, yes, but again: trauma messes with your mind. He was already heartbroken and angry at his brothers, so he wasn't thinking clearly and blurted out his hidden main fear.
And when he says "everyone else [leaves me]" I hear "everyone in my life has left me so I must deserve to be alone, so you might as well leave me too."
And that's probably why Branch was so hesitant to be open with Poppy - 1. I might scare her away, and 2. why bother expressing my feelings to someone when I'll likely just lose them anyway. Plus he's still getting used to having someone to confide to in his life. Keeping emotions bottled up for years is a hard habit to get out of.
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dxndeli-n · 11 months
Abandonment issues go brrr
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bpd is being TERRIFIED of being forgotten but also wishing people couldn’t perceive you. so weird
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ivynightshade · 9 months
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mother, you were right- i do damage. for the sake of all the damage that’s been done to me.
[fatima aamer bilal, excerpts from days where my whole world is my bed / coffin heart? bury me. / all hunger is, is love. / shame is a girl’s second skin / i mother it, the absence of her, iii. i am not a person that can be loved for a very long time.]
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unboundprompts · 10 months
Prompts for someone comforting they're lover with abandonment issues that they won't leave them ?
Prompts for Comforting Someone with Abandonment Issues
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
"Please," she sobbed into his shoulder. "Please, don't leave me."
He ran a comforting hand through her hair as she cried. "Why would you ever think I'd leave you?"
"Everyone always leaves," they told her, their voice soft and brittle. "It's only a matter of time before you leave, too."
"I'm not leaving," he said, his voice firm. "Not unless you give me a reason to."
"I love you." She felt tears prick at her own eyes. "I love you so, so much. And I'm not going anywhere."
"I'm here to stay. You're not getting rid of me that easily."
He held them closer to his chest as their breath shook. "What can I do to convince you that I'm not going to leave you?"
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..."
"Don't leave," she begged, gripping the fabric of his shirt in both fists. He held her closer. "I wouldn't dream of it."
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider donating! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi!
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aspvera · 10 months
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im crying, screaming and everything inbetween right now !!!! this is EVERYTHING I EVER WANTEDDDDDDDDDD
THANK YOU STEEL WOOL!!! SO SO SOO MUCH!! Thank you Kellen for new lines! 😭😭 I will carry on my screaming now...
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cherrybitezz · 3 months
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