#ANYWAY 👁👁 coming soon
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
Johnny who is a kicked puppy Dallas who is a rabid dog. do we see the vison.
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toxooz · 1 year ago
lords gon hafta drag me outa the kitchen cause im cOOKIN AGIN
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Skz maknae line react to you falling asleep on them
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This is pt 2 of the falling asleep on them reaction because I've let it marinate in my head for a few days and decided its time to be productive again😌
Tumblr deleted half of this draft so i had to rewrite it😭
Sorry this is shorter than the hyung line;-; i kinda took all the good ideas for that one
Warnings: Bad grammar, mild cursing, alexa makes an appearance, Minsung is mentioned, hot coco
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Hyung line
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*cracks knuckles*
I know everybody says he's shy-
poor boy is flustered constantly
He would probably just be laying around doing nothing
Like me
And you would be 🥐pRoDuCtIvE✨
Realises i used a croissant instead of a sparkle
*insert surprised pikachu face*
Doing chores, working, living, etc.
Ya know, hard things
Is what you would be doing
But say you didn't get much sleep the night before
So there's basically a zombie casually doing things around the house
When you come over and sit on his lap
Boi is sweating
He's worried that he'll wake you up if he breathes too much
So he just kinda sits there all stiff
Untill you snore
And he's like
Your asleep
And THEN he cuddles you
Because at this point he's decided that if you wake up he's just going to cuddle you right back to sleep
He would turn the TV volume down if he was watching something so he wouldn't wake you up
Stays: *raise their hands in unison*
He would play with your hair
You cant tell me he wouldnt
If you wake up he probably wouldn't even notice😭
He would just be staring off into space playing with your hair
He's also squishy
Sunshine boi right here
Lets make that literal
And by literal i mean he's hot
Temperature wise i mean he's warm
Its winter
And the two of you are taking a romp through the aesthetic snowy forest
But you know how walking through snow is exhausting
And your overheating in your snowgear
And the sun is blinding
*remembers winter is my favorite season*
So when you get back home your basically running on the thought of sleep
And the house is warm
And Felix is warm
When you sit on his lap you do just that and fall asleep as soon as your comfortable
He would wrap you in a blanket like a lil burrito🥺
If you wake up he makes hot chocolate for you
But when he comes back with it he scares the shit out of you
Because you were already falling back asleep
Once you finish your drink you go back to sleeping
He would probably fall asleep too😭👌
He claims he hates it
But if you try to not sleep on his lap and hes near you
Will literally drag you on to his lap
Lets say you just came home from a long trip without him
But when you came home he wasn't there
So you fell asleep waiting for him
And when he does come home he sees you
Takes a second to admire you
And pulls you on to his lap
You wake up and just
Oh its you
And fall right back asleep
He holds your waist
Or just puts his arms around your waist and holds you
When you wake up he just looks at you
You think he's about to kiss you
But he just kinda stares at you
You know the way Minho stares at Han?
Hes looking at you like that
*𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓶𝓹𝓮𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓯𝔂*
Seungmin has been bias wrecking too hard recently😌 im weakening
But not stiff shy like Han
More like...
Squishy? Shy
Like ✨bread✨🍞
You had a really long day at school with a bunch of tests and basically slept through half of them
When you get home you B-line for him
And just climb into his lap without saying anything
He doesn't really know what to do with his hands
So he just wraps his arms around you
And hopes he's doing the right thing
If you wrap your arms around him he will freeze
And then kinda just relax into your arms
Baby bread
Would close his eyes and pull you closer
When you wake up you think he's sleeping
But he's just trying to make you stay asleep
Sorry just combusted rq
🇼‌🇭‌🇾‌ 🇭‌🇪‌ 🇸‌🇴‌ 🇨‌🇺‌🇹‌🇪‌
*my friends at my funeral*
Cause of death: Yang Jeongin
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roxanneslosteyes · 7 months ago
Spill thy nightmare mode backstories, mootie patootie
I only got some (the rest of nightmares are backstories haven't been thought of yet)
Anyways you are going to hear me yap about these nightmares and their backstories! Anyways I hope you enjoy mootie! ^w^
Tw/cw: mentions of murder, death, brief mention of cannibalism, animal death, cheating and not super detail but mature/suggestive themes (For Zoth that is), implied racism
💀Yan Luo Wang Diyu's backstory🐉
Yan Luo Wang Diyu was born in a small unknown village in somewhere of Ancient China. Her mother was a mortal woman who fell in love with a man who was dragon shifter.
Yan Luo Wang Diyu only saw her father every night, the reason why was her mother being worried that villagers who are bad people would tell bad people about Yan's dad so they can harm him.
One night, A villager saw Yan's father in his dragon form. The villager was happy to see this so they told other villagers about Yan's dad. The villagers saw this as amazing sight to see.
However the rumour of the dragon got to dragon hunters from another country. The Dragon hunters learned Chinese before sailing to the village.
When they got there, the hunters talked to the villagers. The hunters lied to the villagers about how they were interested in the dragon. The villagers didn't think they were hunters so they told the hunters to follow the dragon at night.
The hunters stalked Yan's father to his house where his wife and daughter lived and broke in.
The hunters killed Yan's father in cold blood and cutted off his tail in front of his wife and daughter.
Yan's mother ran for the hills with their 12 year old daughter to keep her safe from the hunters.
Soon they met a hooded figure who saw the crying and stressed mother with her crying child. The stranger offered to help them if she explained what happened.
Yan's mother explained everything, she wanted her daughter to be safe.
The stranger told her "I will keep your daughter safe. However you can't come with me unless you are asleep. Even if you are asleep you can't stay. You are a mortal, my world doesn't accept mortals to live but to visit until they wake up. Your daughter is adragon shifter so she can live in my world."
The mother agreed and the stranger took Yan Luo Wang Diyu away from her mother to keep her safe. The stranger raised her like she was the Stranger's own flesh and blood.
Years later, Yan wanted revenge of her father's death so she hunted down the hunters and killed them in the same way they killed her father giving her the name "The Princess of death".
😇Quachil Uttaus's backstory👁
Quachil Uttaus was once an angel, a very young angel that was childish and naive
She was seen as the most of joyful angel of Heaven. Cheering up angels the best she can!
One angel of the Heavens gates told her she can't mess around with the humans or she will fall. The young angel agreed to this lesson and only went to humans to cheer them up or reward them for their good deeds.
One day, She met a group of kids. These kids were pranksters who enjoyed thr suffering of people with their cruel pranks.
Quachil didn't know they were cruel pranksters, the pranksters befriended her to take advantage of her angels powers.
They told her to play cruel pranks on the people using her angel powers in the name of "fun". They knew she was easy to lie too.
Quachil started to make people do horrible actions with her angel powers. She was causing misfortune to the humans.
The older angels found out about this, when Quachil Uttaus defended herself after knowing the truth. The older angels didn't believe her so she was kicked out of heaven and became trapped in a void world for over 200 years before a worm thing summoned her then leaving her with a vampire.
⚰️Nyogtha Z'Mog's backstory💀
Nyogtha was a human in the Victorian Era, Her real name was "Elizabeth Feathergill". Her family were getting on their feet after centuries of the dark history of their ancestors. Sadly Elizabeth's family had to change their names to "fit in the society" when Elizabeth was very young.
Her father was a musician while her mother was shopkeeper selling food she made or fruits and vegetables to sell. Her mother helped the poor children by giving them her food or fruits.
Her father sang his songs to people of the local places. People of his neighbourhood enjoyed his songs. While the upper classes looked at him disgusted and called him horrible things.
One day, Her mother and her father fell sick. Elizabeth looked after her parents until their last breath.
She knew how the world treated her so cruelty and her people. So she decided to become a undertaker, so she could protect her family or anyone like this after death so no one rob their graves.
People were uncomfortable with her being a Undertaker. One day, a man broke into the graveyard and decided to dig up an older man's grave. Elizabeth saw this and tried to stop him but he shot her. Elizabeth walked to her parents graves for safety until someone find her and get her help.
She sat by her parents graves with a bleeding gun wound. But help never came and she died by her parents graves. Her body got ripped apart by animals after she died.
soon she woke up in a strange world, she was so confused what happened. A elephant told her she is dead and she is in a realm to keep her soul safe. Nyogtha goes to the humans realm to help them bury their love ones because they trust her bury them instead of another human.
👻 Dagda Crom Cruach's backstory👻
Dagda was a just a normal scarecrow on a farm, but the farm had a dark secret. The farm was owned by a cannibal farmer who killed his victims in brutal ways relating to what farmers do.
One day, A couple thought they could have a make out session in the farm because they thought it was "run down". The bloodthirsty farmer found the couple and broke in the car. He grabbed the girlfriend and dragged her away. The boyfriend ran after the farmer and his love one.
But the farmer atabbed her to death with a scythe. The boyfriend ran through the corn fields while a bloodthirsty farmer with a pitch fork.
The boyfriend fell in front of Dagda. The farmer killed him with the pitch fork. The soul of the man went into the scarecrow.
Dagda became sentient due to the possession. Dagda doesn't remember anything of the human's soul past.
Years passed, Dagda was left to rot. Due to negative energy that was left by the farmer, his soul became corrupted.
Dagda started to scare humans who come to the old run down farm.
Dagda only got to Astral Circle thanks to Xezbet due to his interest of Dagda scaring humans. (They are best friends)
✨️Lilith Lilitu Lilit and Anazareth Anazarel backstory🥀
Anazareth and Lilith who was twins in medieval period, Anazareth's real name was "Anastasia" while Lilith's real name was "Lillian".
Lillian and Anastasia was secretly witches. Anastasia would cursed men who did horrible things to their children or to women while Lillian focused on witchcraft as a whole.
The twins came from a big family of witches. They wasn't the only witches in their family.
Soon, the village found out their secret and buried them alive in their cottage.
Lillian and Anastasia hated humans for what they done to them so they continue doing witchcraft against humanity for their sins.
🔪Orcus Dis Pater backstory🐰
Orcus was a mad inventor back in early 1900s. His real name was "Winston Afton"
He created crazy inventions that was literally death traps. Using humans and animals to be in these inventions causing them to die.
He didn't care, he thought they were too weak for his genius mind.
One day, he decided to jump into one of his old inventions which didn't go well and he well die. He thought he was too smart he couldn't die in his own creation which he did.
His creation ripped off his skin and he was nothing but a skinless man.
He woke up in the astral circle and the first thing he did was ask himself "why am I ourple" then forgetting about it before trying to find skin for himself. Orcus only has one brain cell now.
His silly behaviour drawn in Yan Luo Wang Diyu and the rest is history.
🔪Barbatos Barrabam's backstory💀
Barbatos was once a humanoid monster living in his cave with his mother, his father and little brother.
Barbatos and his family never hunted humans, they only hunted animals to feed on.
Barbatos taught his his little brother his hunting skills.
Near their cave, there was a village. Full of humans. The humans saw Barbatos and his family alot. They never wanted to go near him or his family as they were scared of him and his family.
One day, a man who was a famous monster hunter came to the village. He told the villagers he will slay the beasts so they will be free of the endless fear.
The hunter went to the cave with a bow and bag of arrows at the dead of night while barbatos and his family were sleeping.
The man killed his mother first then father then his little brother.
Barbatos woke up to the corpses of his family, At that moment he saw red. He rushed to village, killing everyone.
He grew a hatred of humanity for killing his family. His hatred lured in Exael, Exael felt bad for Barbatos. Exael took Barbatos to the astral circle and they both grew a brotherly bond.
🍷Yog Sothoth Backstory🫀
Yog was always a vampire, he was born a vampire to two vampires.
Yog grew up in a vampire court, he was raised there.
As he grew up, the more attractive he got. Female vampires were dropping at his knees like a fly.
He wasn't getting any human blood to survive off at that time because of the humans putting garlic at their homes
He decided to seduce lonely women, to get the blood he needed. He took advantage of his good looks.
he seduced women left and right to drink on their blood to survive
One day, the town found out about the dead women and decided to hunt Yog down. Lucky he got out unharmed thanks to a lady of the Pests.
🥀Ishtar Ereskigal backstory🪳
Ishtar was the daughter of a god and a monster. She never knew her mother nor did she know what happened to her. She was raised by a god of insects.
Her father was very neglectful of his daughter as he was rather fool around with mortal women and female monsters then look after his daughter
He trapped his daughter in a pit full of bugs so his goddess wife didn't know he had another monster bastard child.
Ishtar was raised by a bug monster, the bug monster taught her everything she needed to know to be a lady of Pests.
Ishtar befriended bugs and animals who were seen as gross.
She slowly broke out of her prison thanks to her new friends. To show the world her powers however the humans found her scary and scared her away
Ishtar hidden in the shadows until a witch came along and took her to Astral Circle to have a better life.
🔪Abducius Morail backstory🫀
Abducius has always been a sadistic masochist. He loved hurting people because he gets off to it.
He was always been crazy ever since childhood or that what he says, he always put himself in danger. There is no explanation for his behaviour at the moment because he doesn't like talking about his past.
🪱Zoth Ommog💀
Zoth was once a human, he was a cult leader for multiple horror gods and goddesses back in Ancient times.
Zoth was known to be a very lustful man, sleeping around with women and men, cheating on his ex wives he had and fooling around.
His real name is unknown, he always called himself "Zoth". He even fooled around with humanoid monsters.
He was good friends with Yog.
Zoth also knocked up multiple women so he has multiple children.
One night, his first ex wife killed him in his sleep out of revenge for cheating. She also cursed him to be a worm thing to reflect hid gross lifestyle
and Zoth became a worm.
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years ago
Hi sweetie! Can I request something with Eddie and Venom with a latina reader? How they would react if the reader sees Venom for the first time and, at first, she just stares at him like 👁👄👁 but then she starts screaming in spanish?
I think it would be funny to see their reaction lol
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Hiya! Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, reader nearly gets robbed, we're talking about Venom, so murder and violence
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You had been talking to Eddie for about a month after Venom suddenly took an interest in you. You had never seen Venom before, only Eddie.
As much as Venom wanted to talk to you, Eddie knew that any normal person would freak out and run. So their original plan, as much as Venom hated waiting, was to ease you into it. To introduce you in a safe environment and not where you would feel like you're in danger.
But that went out the window one night on a late grocery run, some idiot decided to rob the store you were in. Waving a gun around and demanding everyone hand over their valuables.
Venom and Eddie's morals are already skewed enough. After knowing you, they'd already resorted to stalking you to keep you safe.
Before that, plenty of bad people had already met their end because of Venom. Eating one bad guy is nothing to them. Had it been a regular night, they would've eaten the guy anyway.
But now you're involved. This guy is actively threatening and stealing from you, so of course they're going to jump in and protect you.
In turn, they never really considered the fact that seeing Venom alone would make any normal person freak out, much less see them tear into a man.
After everything is done and Venom's still in control, they turn to you with a wide smile, teeth and all.
In Venom's head, they truly believe they look non-threatening. They're not trying to be threatening, never to you. They're just looking for praise.
So for you to stare at him for a second before screaming at him in Spanish is quite a shock. Venom quite literally flinches back.
And Eddie is just grimacing under the mask that is Venom. As soon as the guy was dead, he knew you weren't going to react well.
And neither of them knows Spanish, so they're even more confused and nervous.
Venom tries to calm you down and explain, waving their hands around and sputtering, but they quickly end up giving control back up to Eddie.
Seeing your friend come out of the thing you were just terrified of may or may not help, and may or may not lead to more yelling.
Eddie will try his best to calm you down. He doesn't like to see you scared or angry with them, and not being able to understand what you're saying only stresses him out more.
Once you aren't yelling at them anymore, he tries to explain everything in the least intimidating way possible. Whether or not you accept it all is up to you.
On another note, these two will try to learn Spanish in the future. They like how you sound while speaking it, and it will help them understand you when you yell at them in the future, which is often considering how much crap they get up to.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 2 years ago
That’s the reason I want to request messy Mountrain if it suits 👉🏻👈🏻
How messy is too messy??? Because this is -uh- yep.
Anyway it’s piss babeyyyy
Mountain had Rain pinned against the wall as soon as they got off stage. Rain laughed him, knowing this was coming, he could feel Mountain’s eyes on him the entire show. 
“What do you want, Mount?” He knew exactly what he wanted. But he wanted to hear Mountain say it.
Mountain squeaks, ducking his head down to bury his head into Rain’s neck. 
“You know what I want.” 
“Hmmm, I do. But I want to hear you say it.” Rain hums, running a hand through Mountain’s hair. 
Mountain whines, looking down at Rain shyly. 
“I want- I need you to make me yours.” He takes a deep breath. “Need you to mark your territory.” 
Rain runs at Mountain’s jaw, running his thumb along his bottom lip. 
“Yeah? You want that right here? Right in this hallway where everyone can see? Where everyone can see what a disgusting whore you are?”  
Mountain gasps, feeling his knees so weak at Rain’s words. If Rain would let him he would. He would drop to his knees right here, in this hallway, and let Rain mark his territory right in front of everyone. 
Rain laughs at him again. 
“You’d actually let me, wouldn’t you? Are you that desperate you can’t wait for us to get to the hotel?” 
Mountain shakes his head, parting his lips for Rain to push his thumb into his mouth. Rain pulls his head back by his hair, making the earth ghoul gasp loudly. 
“Go to the dressing room. Take all your clothes off and Wait for me there.” 
Mountain scurry’s off before Rain can even fully register he’s gone. He huffs a laugh watching Mountain trip over his own feet in his haste to get to the dressing room. Rain waits a few minutes before following. 
In the dressing room, Mountain is stood in the middle of the room completely naked, cock hanging hard and heavy between his legs. 
“Kneel for me.” 
Mountain drops to his knees. 
“Good boy.” 
Mountain’s cock kicks against his belly and he whines, high pitched and needy. 
“Need it so badly, don’t you, darling?” 
Mountain nods, looking up at Rain with puppy eyes. 
“Yes, daddy.” 
Rain cock twitched against his will, he grits his teeth desperately hoping he doesn’t pop a boner. He shimmies he jeans down just enough to pull his cock out. He grabs hold of his cock, it’s more then half now, and aims at Mountain’s chest. 
“Push your chest out for me, darling.” 
Mountain does as he’s told, pushing his chest out, looking up at Rain. He takes a small breath. 
There’s a small moment when Rain questions of this is something he’ll be able to go through with. They’ve never done this before outside of a shower, never mind in a semi public setting. But in the end, his bladder screaming at him and the way Mountain is looking at him with so much trust in his eyes, wins. 
The first few drops of Piss leak from his cock and drip onto Mountain’s thighs, before his stream starts fully. He watches as piss is splattered across Mountain’s chest and the earth ghoul lets out a moan, pushing his chest out more into the warm steam. 
Rain sighs feeling the pressure in his belly slowly disappear, watching as his piss flows downs Mountain’s body, pooling between his thighs and runs down onto the carpet below him. 
Mountain rolls his head back with a sigh, his shoulder sagging, just as Rain feels his steam coming to an end. He takes to opportunity to aim up a little, letting the last of his stream hit and splatter against Mountain’s cheek. 
Mountain gasps, his head snapping back up to look Rain dead in the eyes. 
“I’m-I'm gunna cum.” He sounds just a breathless as Rain feels. 
Rain looks down to find that Mountain is completely serious, his cock is red and fully hard, standing up against his belly, precum pearling at the tip and running down the shaft. 
“Yeah? You’re that close already just from me pissing on you?” 
Mountain nods, and Rain watches as his fists clench. 
“Please?” There’s beads of piss dripping from his chin. “Please can I cum, daddy?” 
He sounds and looks so desperate that Rain considers being mean and making him wait, making him get in the van like this, covered in piss for everyone to see. 
“Satan, you’re fucking disgusting. So filthy, aren’t you?” 
Mountain shifts on his knees, whining, his cock kicking against his belly. 
“Go on then. But be quick, if you’re not finished by the time the van gets here I’ll make you get on as you are, covered in piss and so desperate to cum.” 
Mountain shudders at the thought, his breath catching in his throat as he wraps a hand around his cock. He leans forward, resting his forehead against Rain’s leg. Rain tries to pull him to his feet, but Mountain whines, wrapping his arms around Rain’s legs, rolling his hips into his shin. 
“Oh, is this what you wanted, huh? Wanted to hump my leg like a dog?” There’s piss seeping into Rain’s jeans now, but he couldn’t care less about that. Not with the way Mountain is looking up at him hungrily, eagerly pushing his cock against his shin. 
The blush on Mountain’s cheeks deepens and he nods his head against Rains thigh. Rain runs a hand thought Mountain’s hair, grabbing a fistful and pulling his head back. 
“So desperate, aren’t you? So needy for it.” Rain pushes his thumb into Mountain’s mouth, watching as his cheeks hollow around the digit, eyes fluttering closed. 
“Be a good boy and cum for me.” Rain pulls his leg away from Mountain, making the earth ghoul whine, his hips trying to follow. “Cum on yourself. Make yourself even more messy then you already are.” 
Mountain does as Rain says without protest,  fisting a hand over his cock so fast it’s a blur. 
“I’m- I'm so close, daddy- please-I’m-oh.” 
Rain pulls at his hair harder, making Mountain moan and bite his lip. 
“Cum for me. That’s it, good boy.” 
Mountain cums hard across his belly and chest, cum streaking across himself and mixing with the piss. He pants his way though his orgasm, eyes screwed shit, mouth dropped open in a silent scream. His shoulders sag as he comes down from his high, leaning forward to rest his head against Rain’s thigh once again. 
Rain eases his grip on Mountain’s hair, gently runs his fingers though, untangling some of the knots. Mountain looks up at him with a dopey smile on his face. 
Wanna join me in the shower?” He eyes Rain with a glint in his eye. “I’ll help you with that?” His gazes drops to where Rain is very obviously hard in his jeans. 
Rain hums, looking down at him with an evil grin on his face. 
“Or maybe.” He pulls Mountain’s head back hardly by his hair again. “You can help me now.” 
Mountain gasps, then whines, his mouth dripping open once again. 
Rain smiles down at him, using one hand to unbuckle his jeans, keeping the other firmly in Mountain’s hair. 
“Good boy.” 
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aita-polls · 1 month ago
Aita for not accepting my best friend's bf?
Me (F 17) and my best friend (F 18), we'll call her C, have been friends for over two years . We became close quickly, she was there for me during a really dark time in my life. We've gone to concerts together, sleepovers, she even went on a family holiday with me last summer. Basically we're really close.
Everything started going "wrong" last spring when she started talking to this american guy online, we'll call him L. C was really into him and they were texting like non stop the last few months of school. He seemed to be into her too and, despite some of his quirks, I was genuinely happy for her. One weird thing was that anytime anyone asked about his age she would say something vague like "idk early twenties" ok fine. Well fast forward to July and we're getting our nails done, C is talking about L and the nail girl asks about his age and she says the same thing about "eh like 22, 23, it hasnt come up yet" but the very next day she sends me his old Facebook acc that she found because she's upset that it's full of old posts about his ex. I look at it and I'm like 👁👄👁 because this MAN went to HIGH SCHOOL before we were even BORN. Early twenties my ass. I'm doing calculations, I'm counting on my fingers, I'm opening the calculator app. I text her back like omg this guys in his 30s,, he's like a creep.
Three things to keep in mind at this point; one when they started talking C was 17, two C had always said she wanted to date older men bc guys in their 20s were immature and I kind of agreed bc I thought "oh yeah she means when she's in her 20s she'll date men in their 30s", and third literally the day before she said she didn't know how old he was.
She texts back "oh yeah I knew for a while I just forgot to tell you" sure... anyways she's fine with Ls age, I find it quite uncomfortable but I'm like whatever she's young, we're starting college soon, they'll probably break up and I won't have to worry about it. So I was just trying to be chill about it.
One day I get the text I've been waiting for. He's ghosted her for like three weeks. She's done with him. I try my best to comfort her and then she says it. There's another guy. She went back on dating apps and now she's matched with another guy, M, and they've been talking for a week and it's going really well.
She sends me a photo.
This man is
He's like properly Dad aged
He's 38 💀
And I'm just like ew ew ew. I am no longer able to be chill. Now I know this will never end. There's no waiting for a break up because then there's just a cycle of older man after older man. I message her, like trying my best to be as nice as possible basically asking if she's sure about him, if this is the right move for her, and warning her about the type of guys who date girls 20 years younger than them. And naturally she defends her relationship and asks me to give him a chance. I really do feel incapable of giving him a chance because like for example if my cousin who's 34 started going out with one of my friends it would fundamentally change the way I view her as a person and I love her to death. So yeah it's a hard thing to just get over.
I decide to just shut up about it.
Then she says that M has a spare mattress in his house in France so we can all stay over and go on a holiday to France. So I, naturally, being the comedian I am, asks if its in the basement with the other girls. She gets REAL defensive and an argument sparks. I tell her like all my feelings about it. Honestly I was quite mean here, I called him weirdo and a creep and like what even was the point of that?? Silly silly me.
Anyways the next time we met it was super uncomfortable and we haven't really seen each other since then, not by avoidance we're just in different towns and we're not in school anymore. I do feel like there's a rift between us now, which is horrible because the only reason there was a fuss about this guy to begin with is because I care about her so much. I don't want something like this to come between us. We're meeting up soon so obviously this isn't totally doomed and maybe space was a good thing.
I see pictures of C and M together now and like it weirdly makes sense. Like don't get me wrong M is riddled with red flags but also they're just kind of two dorks that have found each other. He seems to bring her out of her shell. And she seems to make him genuinely happier. So like maybe this is a good thing.
They've also met in person now and she's still alive which puts me more at ease. But I'm still quite a bit put off by the age gap. AITA for acting the way I did about him, and just not being chill with it?
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lightbrush-major · 3 months ago
More lightbrush smut soon? I blink my eyes at you 👁👁 👁👁 ➖️➖️ 👁👁
Is this loss. Anyway yes more coming soon eventually maybe... keep one of your many eyes peeled ^_^
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renegadeem · 4 months ago
With the Vengeance saga coming out soon, I am in the mood to yap about Epic.
One of the things I love the most about Epic: the musical is how it builds up this musical language throughout the story, with leitmotifs and callbacks to previous songs.
I'm not a music theorist and will probably use the wrong language to speak of this, but it is my current hyperfixation, therefore I will talk about it anyways. It's probably nothing other ppl haven't already said a thousand times.
Goes without saying there will be spoilers below.
Here's all the songs in epic and what other songs from the musical they reference, based on my listening to them a gazilion times:
(Take a shot everytime I say call back to destroy your liver)
The Troy Saga
As the first one one, this saga really sets the building blocks for the entire Epic. Not much references from one song to the next, so instead here are the bits of each song that will be coming back:
The Horse and the Infant 🐎- From the start we get the guitar with Odysseus' theme, which will follow us through the entire musical. We also get Athena's ticking clock, very faintly but definitely there. Our first instance of PE-NE-LO-PEEEEE, which is another mainstay of the musical.
Just a Man 👨- Possibly the most referenced song of the entire musical ,lyrics wise. Variations on "...just a man" , as well as the entire lists of "when" will be coming back as Ody makes choices. Usually questionable ones.
Full Speed Ahead ⛵️- another one that will come back often, from listing the number of men left in the crew, to them harmonizing to "full speed ahead". This is also where we begin the call response of "captain" "eurylochus", which will come back a few times.
Open arms 🤗 - it doesn't come back THAT often, objectively. But this is Polites' song. And that boy WILL be haunting the narrative, thank you very much.
Warrior of the Mind 🦉 - this one is where we get Athena's piano theme, which comes back as often as she does. We do get a call back to 🐎 already with Ody and Athena's meeting, his theme on the guitar along with Athena's ticking clock. Her meeting with Ody also shows her adding the same flourishes to "warrior of the mi-iiiii-iiii-iiii-iiii-iiind" that Ody does as she take him under her wing and I think it's super cute.
The Cyclops Saga
This saga is still building our musical language, but we're already getting call backs to the Troy saga.
Polyphemus 👁- We start with another callback to 🐎, with Odysseus' theme from the top, and again when he negotiates with Polyphemus. The first bits of dialogue between Ody, Eurylochus and Polites also echoes ⛵️ to me, but more somber.
Survive ⚔️ - not a call back to any previous songs in the musical, but I love that this one starts with the cyclops' name sung in the dies iraes. Fantastic foreshadowing of the stakes in this song. A bit of ⛵️ with the 600 lives. And i believe each strike of club is a kill, except for the first (polites lets out a weak captain before the actual kill strike) so we know polythemus kills 14 of Ody's men here.
Remember Them 🪦 - the guitar at the start of this one Calls to ⛵️, we also have the Nobody call back from 👁. I love how the music plays out Ody's theme once the other cyclops tell polyphemus to be silent, showing that it was a smart move not to give his name. A shame he doesnt stick to it. A quick away we go that reminds me of ⛵️, then Athena's intervention calls her theme and ticking clock on top of Ody straight up referring to🦉. We also get some "ooo-hooo-ooo-hooo-ooo"s that will return. And of course, Ody's final few lines that will bite him in the ass later.
My Goodbye 👋 - Athena's 🦉 theme, but sad, really. This one is pretty much warrior of the Mind, the sequel. 👨 reference in there for good mesure as well, for after all he's...(you know the line). One of the things that makes me the most sad in This song is Athena losing the flourishes she took from Ody in 🦉 as she decides she's done. That last goodbye is as plain as her first warrior of the Mind was. Great way to show the loss affecting her. The final "ooooo"s call back to 🪦 to me, sort of showing that my good bye is set in ody's Mind close to the end of remember Them.
The Ocean Saga
More important building of our musical vocabulary in this saga, but we also hit a stride with referencing previous songs for maximum emotional impact.
Storm ⛈️- This one feels like another building block song to me, bringing us musical cues for the storm itself. ⛵️ reference in there, of course, gotta love the crew. This one also foreshadows Aeolus' flutes from keep your friends close, which is fun.
Luck Runs Out 🍀 - Big one for Eurylochus and his arc. This series of questions will haunt Ody through the entire musical. We also get a small musical cues for unnamed gods ( the home of the wi-ind go-od) that will come back later. Small 🤗 refence there as well, leading from the heart.
Keep your friends close 🌬- I love Aeolus and the Winons. A small ref back to ⛵️ in the guitar as Ody returns on the ship, and a blink and you'll miss it music call back to ⛈️ when Ody speaks of the storm in the bag. Penelope and telemachus from 🐎 . And then, ⛈️ coming back in full strength as the bag is open.
Ruthlessness 🔱 - POSEIDON! This one is also an important one going forwards, harsh lessons being taught here. Some horns that remind me of ⛈️, but they are faint and easily missed. The questions asked in 👨 make a return. I'm counting 43 left under your command as a ⛵️ call back. Poseidon final lines echoing ody's in 🪦.
The Circe Saga
I'm probably missing some from this saga. It feels like one of the more self contained ones overall.
Puppeteer 🪆- The first few notes call back to ⛵️, along with it's call response , before switching to 🍀 as Eurylochus tries to confess. The rest is mostly establishing Circe's theme, motives and drives. The think of your past and your mistakes lines feel very much like her casting the spell.
Wouldn't you like 🕺- This one is purely stand alone, as far as i can tell. I'm not mad, it's catchy as hell. Love Hermes, he's a funny little guy.
Done For ✨️ - Another instance of starting the song with Ody's theme from 🐎, and coming back again on his verse.
There Are Other Ways 💌 - Circe calls back to 🪆 quite a bit here as she tries to seduce Ody, with her spell lines of think of your past. We also get our mandatory 👨 , and Penelope's notes come to save Ody before he sings of her, going back again to 🐎. And it ends on more 🪆 references, now with the crew harmonizing with circe as they are turned back to men. Rare Odysseus W.
The Underworld Saga
The shortest saga, but my personal favorite. I love how efficient and painful the callbacks in this one are. Truly the turning point for Odysseus character journey.
The Underworld ☠️ - This one is a fun one, and one of my favorite songs with just how much it does with the musical language we built. We start with Ody's theme from 🐎 once again, and then a quick ⛵️ to remind the crew of the stakes. All I hear are screams is a big one from this saga and will be making a come back later. Then, we are haunted again by the question from 👨, the death count of men of ⛵️ and 🔱, with cries of captain in quick succession. Ody talks of the Infant, but it isn't quite a musical call back. Then the musical whammy that is 🤗, as Polites comes back to haunt the narrative. We also get the first instance of Odysseus' mom waiting, which will be back to break your heart later. Also, not a call back, but I love how the ghosts of the crew harmonize with Ody as they get further in the Underworld and he gets more and more haunted.
Not Longer You 👥 - Another banger that's pretty much stand alone. It describes a lot of what will be happening, but does it without bringing any specific song back. The background chorus in the last bit does foreshadow much of what is to come, but it's hard to make out what they say without the subtitles.
Monster 👿 - It's 👨's evil twin, in vibes more than anything else, as its not actually referenced. Not unlike 👥, we get a lot of descriptions of previous songs, but without any musical call backs to them. Then a bit of 🔱, 🐎 for P & T.
The Thunder Saga
I am surprised with how much of summary the first half of this saga gives without overreferencing itself. Makes sense, this is the beginning of the second half of the musical, we need to make sure everyone remembers what happened, but we dont want to pull at your heartstrings just yet. Very smart.
Suffering 🧜‍♀️ - We start with a mandatory 🐎 Penelope call. A hit of Scylla foreshadowing. I can take the suffering from you will be our biggest takeaway from this one.
Different Beast 🩸 - mentions of suffering in a dark echo to what we had in 🧜‍♀️. The "ooo-hooo-ooo-hooo-ooo"s from 🪦 make a return.
Scylla 🐍 - ⛵️ comes back in scattered harmonies as the crew is tired from the journey. 👨 call back with Eurylochus ' forgive me. It's not super easy to make out, but I am pretty sure we get 6 distinct screams for the 6 torch wielding men who get sacrificed here.
Mutiny 🗡 - 🍀's dark mirror in just about every way. So many 🍀 references. The list of questions. Please dont tell me youre about to do what i think you'll do. I love the home of the sun god echoing the home of the wind god. Eurylochus gets his own 👨. Those final ⛵️ as they try to run away.
Thunderbringer ⚡️- Thunder daddy is here and he doesn't play. This is HIS song. 🐎 call back with Ody's please dont make me do this. Then we get the questions from 👨 layered with me take the 🧜‍♀️ from you. Which is wonderful to me. for ody the real Penelope will make this all worth it, will take the suffering away, even if those were the siren's words, not his wife's.
The Wisdom Saga
True to the saga title, this one is filled with athena. We get some building blocks for telemachus that come back very quickly.
Legendary 📜 - a theme for everyone's favorite anime protagonist, Telemachus!
Fight, Little Wolf 🐺 - Athena returns at last!!! 🦉for her theme throughout the song.
We'll be Fine 🕑 - more of 🦉 for Athena's theme. I also love that telemachus does the same type of flourishes to we'll be fine as ody did to warrior of the Mind, very cute. He is matching Athena's, which musically confirms she misses Ody to me. And of course that final 📜, for Telemachus, Athena's new bestie.
Love in Paradise 🏝 - This one is a doozy, taking most of the references for this saga into itself. 🦉 for Athena's theme to start, then in quick succession, 🪦,🌬,🔱,✨️,👥,🩸,🐍 before giving us the last lines of⚡️to catch athena up to speed. Then we switch up to a new sound (another banger) . Ody's guitar riff from 🐎 as he gets a bit upset. Then we skip, 7 years ahead with 🦉's ticking clock, to Ody's infamous breakdown. If your favorite song hadn't come back yet, it's probably here! We begin with a frayed version of Ody's theme from 🐎 (he's literally on his last strings) with ☠️'s all I hear are screams, duetted by calypso 's attempts to bring back the previous good vibes. And when you think it can't get sadder, 🤗+🍀+ ☠️ triple whammy to make sure you remember everything that Odysseus has already lost.
God Games 🛡 - Athena's theme is again one of the major call backs for this one 🦉 mostly as she tries to reestablish control of her argument with Aphrodite, and gets the upper hand on Ares. Love that Ares's beat is kind of a dark mirror of Athena's. As the 2 gods of war it's very fitting. Then, of course, Thunder daddy brings ⚡️ back to smite Athena. We get another instance of 🦉, and a hint of 📜 before Athena's final stand.
So yeah, I'm excited for the vengeance saga.
Sorry if this made no sense, if you're fluent in music theory and have just witnessed me massacre your boy for way too long, or if there was something I missed in your favorite song.
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bloodyarn · 5 months ago
It's COCKtober 🍆🎃 u know what that means 👀👅 D**k sucking awareness month 😯🙆🏼👅 send this to 12 of ur closet hoes 👭😈 that love that d**k 🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 THOT-O-WEEN 🎃is upon us !! If you get this message ✉️ you are queen 👸of the thots!!! Forward this to 7⃣ of the 🍆ThOtTiEsT🍆 thots 💁that you know will get some 👉👌 soon !!! If you don't, be prepared 🙍for 6⃣9⃣ days of bad luck ⚠️ 🍀 ‼️ATTENTION ‼️💀👻ALL HALLOWEEN 🎃🕸HOES 😚💅ITS TIME TO GET SPOOKY ☠️YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS👏GET 👊FISTED👊 BY A 💀SKELETON 💀SHOVE ✊🍭CANDY 🌽🌽CORN🍬IN YOUR 👉P***Y 😽AND 🙅DONT 🙅‍♂️FORGET 😩🙌TO SUCK SOME 💏DRACULA 💉D**K 🍆💦 SO PUT 🔛 YOUR 👗👑 COSTUMES AND GO 🚪DOOR TO DOOR🚪👀👅💦BEGGING FOR THAT 😍GOOD GOOD😍 SEND THIS TO TWELVE1️⃣2️⃣☠️SPOOKY 👻🍑SLUTS🌮 TO 👁SHOW 💁🏼THAT YOURE READY TO GET SOME 🍫CHOCOLATE🍫 COVERED🍆D**K🌽 BOO!! Sorry did I scare you?! WASSUP GURL😉😉😊 ITS COCKTOBER 😈🌚🍂🍃🍁 AND IF YOU👈🏽 ARE GETTING THIS👇🏽😘 IT MEANS UR A HALLOWEEN 👻🎃👻👻🎃 👻🎃👻 HOE😏😩😩👅💦💦 every year in Cocktober the jack o slut🎃🎃🎃 comes to life��😻😻🙌🏽👏👏🙌🏽 coming to harvest 🍁🍂🍃 his hoes for THOT-O-WEEN😏😏💥💥🎈🎂🎉 send this to 15 other Halloween Hoes or else you a TRICK🎃👻👻 🎃 IF YOU GET 5 BACK UR A THOT-O-WEEN TREAT😋😋 IF YOU GET 10 BACK UR A SLUTTY WITCH BITCH👄😍✨🔮 BUT IF YOU GET 15 BACK UR THE SPOOKIES
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    Too  many  words.    Not  that  she  doesn't  like  reading,  she  just  would  rather  not  be  caught  with  that  note  in  her  hands.  Lewd  literature.  Babette  doesn't  even  know  twelve  spooky  sluts.  Oh,   &   being  The  Spookies  this  year  does  sound  fun   !   E-eh.  Anyway.  Bad  paper.
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yuckydraws · 1 year ago
Requests are open I see 👁👁
May I get some head cannons about bear and red with a monster S/O? (Whatever species) I see a lot of human related fics for them, thought it would be cute 🤭
No pressure to answer of course, all is well ❤
Yes they are :}
So, the most differences there would be with them having a monster partner rather than a human one, is that there is lots of cultural differences with a human partner. Given that these guys are also in the UT universe and not technically supposed to be, their monster partner would also catch on really quickly that these guys aren't from this universe.
Now on to specifics!
It may take you a bit to realize something is off with Red. At first he just seems like a charming, sometimes abrasive, guy who's had a few rough fights that left him with scars. Fighting isn't unheard of in the underground. Odd, but nothing to raise suspicion. What does set off alarm bells is what you see when you pull him into an encounter for the first time. He has... a lot of LV. High LV is common in older monsters, boss monsters involved in the human-monster war, but Red isn't that old. So just where did he get all of that? He's got some explaining to do. Safe to say you'd have a bit of a rocky start in the relationship given the secrecy and the shock of the existence of the multiverse. Not only that, but coming to terms with what Red's done.
Some general headcannons with a monster partner:
He'd be a lot more comfortable reaching out for support or admitting when he's not doing well, because he doesn't have to say it. He can just pull you in for a hug, letting his magic call out to you. You being able to feel that and understand it, helps him so much with being vulnerable and genuinely trusting you (which is huge for him).
Boss will take to you a lot quicker than he would if his brother had a human mate. It's just easier to trust someone who's intentions you can feel. Not to say you'll be best buds right away, but he'll be a bit more welcoming.
Magical prank wars. Do I need to say more? Boss is going to be so sick of you two.
Your magic is an extension of your being, so at some point he's going to poke you to learn every little trick you can do.
Casual syncing of your magic use, like a well choreographed dance.
He'll sleep much better with you around... his magic being soothed by the presence of yours whenever those usual nightmares interrupt his sleep.
You'll catch him scent marking you quite often. He's a pretty protective (and a lil possessive) guy. He'll be so smug and happy if you do it back to him just as often.
He may be even more hesitant to share his beat up soul to you... but if you're patient and understanding, he'll get comfortable with that kind of intimacy soon.
... You'd know pretty much immediately that something is off about him. Unless a cave in or a human gave him that injury, you just can't see anyone doing that. Then there's the obvious trauma around food. No one went hungry underground, monsters take care of their community. And the obvious unhealthy state of his magic... the way it stutters and hesitates. Something isn't right. But, unlike Red, Bear wouldn't enter a romantic relationship without them knowing his past. If you're going to have him, you'll have to accept all of him, even the parts his despises. He'll tell you all of it, without excuses or sugarcoating, because you'd find out eventually anyways - it might as well come from him. So, you'll have the time to process both his past, and the existence of the multiverse before you even decide to enter the relationship.
Some general headcannons with a monster partner:
He uses his magic sparingly, for obvious reasons. But that means he doesn't really share his magic often - which is something that's usually integral to a monster-monster relationship. It's also something that truly embarrasses him. He'll struggle a lot with the fact that he can't do what he used to be able to.
You may have a little bit of a shock when you learn that his underground was exactly the same as yours before the famine. Sort of puts things into perspective on just how quickly everything can change.
While he can't use his magic as much as he used to, he does push his intent through his magic quite often. With his speech issues, it helps him communicate a lot quicker and you'll seldom be wondering how he's feeling because he'll tell you, just in his own way.
He's a big guy, which is something he doesn't exactly love, but seeing as monsters come in all shapes and sizes, he'll feel much more comfortable in his own body with you.
He'll scent mark you somewhat often without even really realizing it... and he'd love it if you did it back to him.
He's got a lot of issues with intimacy, for a lot of reasons, but one of those being his unreliable magic. He'll try to hide it for as long as possible, especially around you and your unhindered magic use... but with some patience he'll open up about his anxieties.
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wonusite · 1 year ago
I'm spiteful because you had the audacity to call Dino the love of my life. Like Seungcheol isn't right there. Smh.
Unfortunately I'm really sick right now lol. I'm glad you've been doing okay though!
Anyways, maybe I'm thinking about bumping into Ex! Chan at Jeonghan's Halloween party (he somehow conveniently forgot to tell you and Chan that he invited you both). Mayhaps they reconnect in a way that isn't exactly wise and healthy. And mayhaps they do said reconnecting on Jeonghan's bed to spite him 👁👁
lmfao he totally is. he’s like seungcheol’s bf in law.
and that sucks :( being sick is the worst and i hope you get better soon 🤍
also this is the kind of thing i live for! glad to see you finally succumbed to dino hard hours 🤭
as soon as you see chan, you know jeonghan has invited him on purpose. he means well, but you wish he would’ve at least told you beforehand. bc whenever you saw chan, it always ended up the same way.
part of you feels guilty, but a larger part of you feels like you’re getting your lick back when you end up on jeonghan’s bed, angel wings broken as chan fucks you into the mattress.
his thrusts are ravenous as his leaking cock rams against your sweet spot over and over until you leave his cock and heavy balls soaking in with your arousal. chan is groaning about how he’s missed your tight pussy, how no one ever feels as good as you. his hand comes down to your clit, rubbing in slow circles to coax out another orgasm out of you. he makes you to tell him how much you love his cock, how no one else can fuck you like he does.
it’s all you can do because he’s succesfully fucked you dumb again. you can’t care that your pretty makeup is ruined with tears of pleasure. all you can focus on is being stuffed full like you’re craving. the fact that you’re leaving a mess on your friend’s bed is the last thing on your mind. vaguely you think this is exactly what he must’ve wanted since he pushed you two together since you arrived.
and so you come with a cry of chan’s name as he spills his hot cum deep inside you.
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fruitsoxs · 2 years ago
roberto drabble????? staring 👁👁 love me an old man
happy dilf day <3
pairing; roberto de niro x (AFAB) reader warnings; !nsfw minors dni!, smut, thigh riding, pwp tbh
notes; uhhhhhhhh anyway-
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“Well this is…bad luck…” His gruff voice sends shivers down your spine, his lips dangerously close to your ear. It comes out in a soft whisper. Currently, you’re pressed up against each other in the tightest space known to man, hiding away from the gunshots outside. Your face is crammed into his chest, his smell (some cheap cologne mixed with cigarette smoke) invading every breath you take.  One of his arms wrapped around your back and the other pressed against the wall behind you. You’re almost straddling one of his legs, which is making you go absolutely insane with the horniest  thoughts. You’re pressed so close together that every movement feels intimate. 
It happened so fast. One moment the group was simply traveling along a small town, stopping to grab some water. Next thing you know one of the locals recognizes Vash, and soon enough every single person is after the bounty on his head. They don’t seem to care who you are either, you’re with Vash so they were on your ass too. Roberto, being the fast thinker he is, decided to suddenly pull you along with him into a tight space between two buildings.
You’re definitely hidden from the fight outside, but now you’re stuck like this. For who knows how long. 
Another gunshot from outside makes you flinch, and the older man sighs as he pulls you closer. His hand on your back moves in comforting circles. His touch is so soft. You can’t seem to relax though. The action outside is scary, but the real problem is that you have this huge crush on this old reporter. Being so close to him is making your heart beat so fast you’re sure it’s about to explode.
He shifts around slightly, his leg pressing a bit too close to a place you have only dreamed he would touch. “Sorry.” He mumbles, his breath hitting your ear. Your hands grip into the fabric of his shirt, as you try to keep it together. He must notice your distress because he pauses for a moment. “What’s wrong?” he asks. You bite your cheek, suddenly very glad your head is pressed into his chest. He can’t see how red your face is. “Just nervous. Don’t want to die here” You reply.
It isn’t a lie, but it isn’t the full truth either. You’re nervous for sure, but it’s definitely not because of the gunshots outside. He lets out a soft “Hm” and leans in closer. “Now feel free to push me out there into the fire if I’m wrong, but I don’t quite believe you.” He whispers, his hand on your back moving up to the back of your head. “You’ve never been this nervous around guns before.” He continues, and the space suddenly feels even smaller. He’s too smart.
When you don’t answer he chuckles. It’s a low chuckle that makes his chest vibrate. 
Suddenly his leg shifts again, applying just a little bit of pressure between your legs. You let out a soft whimper and tense up right away. What is he doing? There’s no way he’s doing this on purpose right? But he proves you wrong by moving his leg again. This time the pressure is more intense. Your hips move on their own, seeking that sweet feeling. “There you go.” He mumbles, and suddenly his lips are trailing down your neck. He bites and sucks at the sensitive spot.
Soft moans leave your lips. His facial hair tickles your skin a bit, but you don’t mind. It all feels good. Too good to be happening while you’re hiding away from a bunch of people that want you dead. He pushes you so your back is pressed against the wall. His hands fly down to your hips and grip them tightly. You tilt your head back finally, looking up at his own rosy cheeks. 
“Ro-Robertto-” He cuts you off by digging his nails into your hips, shushing you softly. “Shh. We don’t want everyone to hear what we’re doing, now do we?” He asks as he pulls you against his leg. Your hands fly up to your lips as you let out a muffled cry. You nod your head as he moves you against his leg. “Good girl.”
It takes everything within you not to die right there and then. Your body is on fire, eyes half lidded as you ride his leg. He grunts a bit, dilated eyes focused on your lulled out face. He seems to be enjoying this even more than you. You don’t even notice as the gunshots stop. He leans in and presses his lips against yours finally. Just as he does you feel that fire in your gut hit its peak, and suddenly you’re cumming on his leg. 
It doesn’t seem like he intends on stopping until the voices from your group start calling out for the two of you.  He slows down his movements against your sensitive cunt, smirking as he pulls away. You whine at the sudden loss of his warmth. “Don’t give me that look sweetheart.” he mumbles, pressing a soft kiss against your temple. “We can definitely go again later.” he promises before adjusting the hard on in his pants and stepping out into the sunlight again.
You follow soon after fixing your clothes. 
“Fucking Christ we’ve been looking everywhere for you two-” Wolfwood’s eyes land on your neck. “Is that a hickey?” He asks and your face turns bright red. You look over at Roberto with a slack jaw, and he shrugs. “Oops.”
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ashwii · 2 years ago
Hope all is well and happy pride month!
Thank you !!!
And like I said in my last post, all is very well hehehe, i hope to come back with arts slowly but surely <33
ANNNNDDD to anyone who wants to know, ill prolly going posting more tmnt:sn sketches here and there (i love those lil boys) as i got smth special for it comin up pretty soon 👁👁 Other than that, I definitely have more Night Time (rottmnt sona) doodles to share sometime, and then other misc. drawings here and there, random doodles and digital paintings aha
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speckle-meow-meow · 2 years ago
HII!! I just saw your recent John Doe post and it was rlly good^^ your writing is really nice :D so u wanted to send a request if you don’t mind! Also you may have to do some research if you don’t know this character but anyways could I request John Doe with a S/O who has a Mafuyu Asahina Personality?? Thank u ^^ also the link is there so it’ll be more easier then typing
Thank you! And thank you so much for the link❤
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I'm gonna be honest with you, he literally had zero idea of your real personality
One of my favorite YouTubers gamersault broke down the game and John is really only there so to date the MC bc he thinks they belong together here's the video if you wanna watch it
Back to what I was saying
He stalks you obviously but you don't really give a shit you still keep up your facade but it's taking a straine on your health
So when he does talk to you face to face you give him the best smile you can muster
He talks to you like you already know each other
When he asks you the questions you answer honestly which inevitably makes him a little upset
So when you get off of work he follows you
Day after day you start to realize that it's literally only you and him
Soon your facade slips and eventually you show your true colors
No emotions, the Aura around you is as cold as ice
So when you arrive at work the next day your face has a permanent frown
As your restocking the shelves you start talking to yourself
"How in the hell is everything coming off the shelves, there's literally no one in this world but me and that dude."
After you do your tasks you take your place at the counter waiting for nothing
Soon that guy comes back looking a little different
He seems more
He continues to talk to you about the same thing asking the same questions
Yet you still give him the same answers
The next day the same thing except he looks even more attractive
'He's really trying' you say in your head
He asks the questions again
And you change your answers
You let him come home with you
He starts to freak out and eventually shows his true self
Or at least some of his true self
You don't know how to feel
You can't feel anything
He starts to catch on and eventually you end up together
He's your little ball of.... Um... Sunshine?
He helps you a little bit
Ig he gives you a little bit of happiness
Your always honest with him you don't sugar coat anything and he knows that
It sometimes hurts him but you do apologize
In your own way
I honestly think he's try to find you / make you a room where you can "Rehabilitate" I supose
Idk if he'd really be really helpful though
But if you'd explain he'd probably try and help.
{Thank you @siouxxiie for this request I hope you like it! I tried to get as close as I can to the character you given me hope I did a good job! Yall already know the drill, re-blogs are always welcomed along with hearts and other stuff}
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baekhvuns · 7 months ago
HIIII BAEKSSSSS I missed you 😔 how are you? Wsp? How's everything?
Man, I've been pretty peaceful I'd say..kinda idk. Maybe the calm before the storm but that's besides the point. I miss your work so so so much 🥹🥹🥹 like rlly, not wanting to pressurise you just GIRL RLLY MADE 2022 SUCH A GOOD EXPERIENCE.
Anyways I've been watching a ton of stuff ofc, found a new pakistani drama 😈😈 well it's kind of the same plot as u wld guess, but I like this one it's like if not a lot then a bit diff frm the same ass dynamic. It's like a first daughter x youngest son the fun part is it was supposed to be, first daughter x first son but he was a jerk and a red flag. So yes...it'd be fun, it's a silly dynamic imo ik for sure there are going to be a ton banters.
ALSO dude these asmr Rps be getting Outta hand 😭 Nah cz i cried. I CRIED. THE ANGST OHHHHH. Some asmr artists are just so fucking good like alanakamakwk i felt like I was in a movie.
Lemme tell u a bit abt it, so the concept was basically, an old bsf comes back into the listener's life not in a bad way or anything just cz the bsf lived farrrrr away.
"do you wanna see the new tattoo i got?"
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LIKE OKAY and then we did trace them too and a while later the convo goes deep "i got this tattoo bcz u told me seven years ago, what you don't rmr?" And then he sort of reminisces over the old times
"and that day..I went home, and texted you how much I liked you. And wanted to hang out with you a bunch.."
"that didn't happen I never texted you."
And then the best part was the listeners bf calls who also used to be friends with the bsf, and goes "i love you."
In hopes of hearing it frm us too. "Dear...?" Silence.
And then when he comes out to go run errands he talks to the bsf AKA THE ASMR ARTIST I TELL U HIS VOICE *melts*
"we'll see you right?"
"... farewell"
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That's the visual representation of me I'm not even kidding. And....he just leaves. LIKE THAT?? WHAT ABOUT US AHHHH *dies*
Nah but yes, I've been obsessed now. At least it makes me feel something 😮‍💨
Ok also no way my old Bollywood obsession is dying anytime soon *listens to bol na halke halke*
i hope you’re doing well!! i’m currently sick bc of a heatwave i caught at a wedding 🥰🥰
i’m glad you’re feeling peaceful! AND DHSKDHKW DONT MENTION IT FNDMSKC ITS BEEN 2 YEARS 😭😭😭 maybe my writing bug just dimmed LMFAOOOO haven’t been on here or read anything, ive been in my drafts just giggling and reading but never like posting or writing fbdndb but ive kind of, maybe wanting to write something for fall time which i’m not sure ill post but it’s got me smiling a bit!
omg i can never get behind asmr, i have this thing called misophonia, i just despise the way the arm sounds make my ears feel fmandksb i just feel triggered BUT U CRIED BC OF IT WHY 😭😭
u gotta send me the link of it bc the voice actor u say… 👁
does our bollywood obsession rly die 😭😭 the new tauba tauba got me going a bit crazy,,, heard the jannat bgm but sad version and iM OBSESSED WITH IT, it lowkey inspired me to think and write <3 got me giggling and imaging stuff <3 in my pillow fbwndbsj
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