On-Call Filipino
838 posts
I draw things
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delatoid · 2 days ago
I'm horrified that this is one of two posts of mine that has passed 10k notes
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This has been pinging inside my head for a couple days now GET IT OUT
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delatoid · 2 days ago
spawn point rug??? that's cool wtf
Yeah!! idk if you saw it from my fumo posts or my drawings, but just in case it was the latter here's a pic of Sister of Mine's ninang's cat on it:
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It used to be next to my bed so when I wake up I'd land on it and feel like I spawned in for the day, but after rearranging my room I put it in my Sitting Down Corner and I Sit Down on it when I'm in that Corner neway I got it from here :*)
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delatoid · 4 days ago
Fellow IBS haver spotted 👁 👁
I see those yogurt shotskeez...
I'm sorry to disappoint but.....
I don't drink it for the health stuff (which I completely forgot it was for btw). But it's because I'm Filipino and we're basically raised on Yakult since birth lmao. It's the equivalent to just drinking Sunny-D or Capri-Sun or smth to me :L
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delatoid · 4 days ago
channeler x hex maniac yuri is now my fave ship thank you! also ur art is Fantastic
Yess.... the ship is growing........ (evil scheming emoji rubbing his hands together) Anyway, take this gift, kind stranger ( it's a bit quick and rough buut hope you enjoy it :3 )
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delatoid · 4 days ago
Guess who just swore an oath to the Delatoid Family
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delatoid · 6 days ago
Delatoid Fit Check #8!! I was supposed to hang out with Sister of Mine today, but last minute she decided to Fifth Wheel me out of the blue, which meant the outfit and things I was gonna bring I had prepared was all for naught. BUT that reminded me that apparently people wanted me to do Delatoid Fit Check again, so here's what I wore when I hung out with oomf a couple days ago :]
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Nothing much to comment on with this. Most of it was trying to match with the hoodie, but thankfully a lot of my clothes have a similar color scheme! (Can you guess my favorite color?) I really do need to get more shorts though, I'm trying to get more comfortable wearing them outdoors
As always, thank you to those who participate :D (It's orange btw)
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delatoid · 7 days ago
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Of course, anything for you, Bo Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
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hi can i take the last can of soda in your fridge
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delatoid · 7 days ago
A bit rough and idk if it demonstrates it well but I love when my hair grows fluffy(?) enough where when I'm running it's really bouncy on my head and goes like this it's fun :3
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delatoid · 8 days ago
How did you develop your art style and how do you achieve the color choices of your art? (are you fine with discord dm even tho the server is closed?, im afraid to ask)
Short answer: It's a lot of constant trying to imitate things I like that I see from other peoples' art and what's easy for me to do ( and also art styles just naturally develop as you practice, ofc :L )
VERY long answer (prepare for some old art jumpscares):
It's kinda difficult to say. I think it's safe to say that everyone who's just starting out doesn't necessarily have an "art style" since you're just figuring things out ofc. I think at that point there's two directions someone could go. that really influences how your style develops. I think the best option is to go step by step by learning the fundamentals, drawing from real life, and stylizing from there. Unfortunately I went the "I'm gonna try to copy things that I like :D" route that took way longer lol. Here's two of my earliest pieces where I think it's clear I'm taking influence from something (also two of my earliest sonas yippee! (idk why I made myself white)):
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It's still very rough, of course, but I think Pokémon and MLP being some of the first things I tried to imitate laid a pretty big foundation for my art going forward.
A bit later on I started to mash a bit more of Nichijou into my art. I'm not sure if it's too obvious, but I think the eyes and how I started are a bit of a giveaway here.
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I think around this time here I was starting to develop things on my own. I still think the Nichijou influence is clear, but I started taking a bit more from just other online artists' works that I liked (e.g. messing with lineart colors, taking inspiration from poses, actually starting to do some shading and effects), which is are still things I do to some capacity now (getting to that later)
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So fastforwarding to around now, for the most part I've just been building on what I've been doing and generally just improving my skills. I still tend to take a lot of influence from art that I see around and really like. I don't like to have my style "set in stone", as it were, and I want to feel like I'm always improving with anything I do. Sometimes it backfires since I'll see an artist with a style I like, and I'll try to emulate the aspects that I like the most and I think would mesh well with my current style, but then it kinda looks bad... But! I learn (at least a little bit) some new techniques. Of course, there's also the things I learn that makes drawing easier that seeps into my style too. The biggest example I can think of right now is how I put a slightly thicker outline/stroke/border/whatever on the subjects of some of my drawings. That was developed since it covered up some of my shittier lining whenever I drew on my sketchbook :L I think this timeline I put together a couple years back is a good way to show a gradual evolution of the style. Despite me eventually taking inspiration from different source, there are still a couple details you can spot that are reminiscent of older styles (even if it is the same character). Ofc, 2023 is a lot different since around then I've been trying to break away from my comfort zones and find something that I really click with (which I'm still finding).
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As for the colors choices, I never really put much thought into them. I just put down what I think looks nice =) I'm aware of color theory and whatever, but I tend to overthink that stuff and I guess do things a bit to strictly according to the "theory" which really limits my creative freedom so I don't bother much. The only conscious efforts I've made with colors I can think of is that just recently I've been desaturating/darkening my color choices a bit more since it's a LOT lot easier on the eyes (for me at least). idk why it took me this long to figure that out lol Also regarding discord DMs: probably not. Even if I kept them open I'm terrible to contact (just ask any of my friends how long it takes me to respond to any message) :L My social anxiety's been getting worse lately so I'm even less comfortable than usual talking to people I know (let alone people I'm unfamiliar with!!) so sorryyy
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delatoid · 8 days ago
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How dare oomf not eat in exactly the same way I do!! ( It's ok she said she liked my cooking neway yippee!! so that makes up for her eating rice with a fork :*) )
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delatoid · 10 days ago
Hey man I just noticed your website and spent my morning scrolling through your entire archive, unironically love having all your stuff in one place you did a great job
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one using my own archive, so it's really nice to know that people actually enjoy it :D BUT this is also a great time to say that I added a janky infinite scroll page on the archive so you don't have to keep going through pages anymore, if you'd prefer that :D
Reminds me I really need to add in the updates that I wanted to put in already........
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delatoid · 10 days ago
Are there parts of anatomy you struggle with?
Short Answer: If they count: proportions, hands, feet, "masculine" faces Long Answer:
So my main thing I think is proportions. I tend to default to one "height" which I basically think of as just my height (5'3" / 160cm) and that's where I base everything off of. A bit quick n rough, but the middle here is the height I tend to most default to. Left and right are other "default" heights I have since it's the easiest for me to visualize it in my head. But ultimately they're still compared to the middle default "me" height when I'm drawing.
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Left short height is how based off of Sister of Mine's height and Right tall height is based off of my previous partners lol
Any shorter or taller or anything in between I kinda have to really fiddle with it since it's harder for me to visualize. Default height is easy, since that's mine and I know where my arms/legs/whatever start and end. With the other two, I can basically just imagine them compared to me, but I still have to think harder than I normally would trying to portray those heights. Am I making sense? Idk Idk if this counts but any shorter than the left "short" height (i.e. children) I also don't know much how to portray since to me they end up just looking like Adults with Tiny Bodies like Ye Paintings of Olde
This is a pretty common one, but I'm a bit picky at this point. I personally think I have a good grasp on hands, but I really don't like sketching out the structure for hands and stuff since it's a lot of sketching, resketching, and fine tuning.
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Over time I've developed some hand poses that my brain can kinda just pull up and draw really easily (some examples above). It works better for my simpler pieces, or if I combine it with some obfuscation (props, hair, clothes, w/e) but of course it doesn't really work for my more "high effort" pieces
So what do I do if I want to make better looking hands? Use references, of course! It took me a while to graduate from "artist who thinks references is cheating like tracing" to "artist who knows references are a useful tool", but I'm glad I got there since it's so much easier to structure a hand when you can see how it's supposed to look like!
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Some examples here of pieces where I've used pictures of my own hands as reference. No pics of the references themselves, though since I don't really like posting pics of myself (sorry!) A tiny bit related, but for full body stuff I tend to take full reference shots of myself as reference as well, and it's really nice especially for more "involved/dynamic" poses.
So, the problem isn't "I don't know how to draw feet" since I mostly just use my own references like I do with my hands, but it's more like "how do I render this without it looking like I'm a foot fetishist" If I don't render it like the rest of the piece, it's gonna look weird and incomplete and like I don't know how to draw feet. But I need to be careful since (to me) it's kinda easy to get carried away with details and overrender and it just looks like I like feet a bit too much. So for the most part when I've ended up having to draw feet it was for simpler things where I don't really need to render them much at all. I think the only piece where I've managed to strike a good balance was this Nagumo piece I did a while back.
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Actually, fun fact, this was originally sketched like two years prior but I never ended up finishing it until later, and I'm glad I waited since I definitely wouldn't have been able to solve the Rendering Problem back then :L
Masculine Faces
No pictures since this is still a problem I'm kinda embarrassed about it but think like Jojo Character, Kiryu Yakuza, Kenshiro FIst of the North Star, you know the big macho man type face. Since my style tends to be a lot rounder, more "sharp" masculine features like that don't really fit well with how I draw, I think. It also comes down a lot to their eyes, which I think I struggle with the most too.
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delatoid · 11 days ago
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Teaching Sister of Mine how to drive has been something, alright
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delatoid · 14 days ago
Oooh what's Delatoid making now?
Youtube Link I just realized somehow right before recording I messed up the loop of Hakase's idle IT'S OVER I'M DONE FOR
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delatoid · 18 days ago
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Inspired by this
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delatoid · 18 days ago
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Yay happy Nano day yippee!!
Wish I could've done more, but I'm still feeling really sick so this is the best I could muster X_X
Hopefully I can make up for it in Mio day
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delatoid · 19 days ago
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Happened the day after too lol Thank you random employee for staving off my irrational anxieties for just a bit longer :D
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