lasaraconor · 5 months
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rutassierra · 5 months
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lgbtqreads · 5 days
Happy Latine Heritage Month!
Happy Latine Heritage Month! We’re celebrating as we always do, with fantastic reads by Latine authors and starring Latine main characters, so treat yourself to a great book or twelve from the below and join us! Young Adult Libertad by Bessie Flores Zaldívar As the contentious 2017 presidential election looms and protests rage across every corner of the city, life in Tegucigalpa, Honduras churns…
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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En malas compañías (2000) // dir. Antonio Hens
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
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YES i got another watermelon plushie today and yes he is sooo soft and fluffy btw if you care
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cetospandiglia · 1 year
I feel no patriotic love for Spain and in fact I yearn for its inevitable demise but when foreigners start dealing with the fact that their family name system heavily favours men's family names I am reminded that not everything about this country sucks lmao
If you don't know what I'm talking about, ever since medieval Castille everyone involved in a marriage has kept their surnames, and the children inherit the father's first family name as their first family name and the mother's first family name as their second. The origin of this practice is in no way feminist, but in modern day Spain it means that there's no debate around keeping your own name because it's always been yours to keep. Children carry both their parent's surnames and it's been a good while now since it was passed into law that even if the default order is Givenname Fathersname Mothersname, that is now optional.
It is not unusual for Spaniards to go by their mother's family name if they just happen to like it. 2 presidents ago we had José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (José Luis given name, Rodríguez father's family name & Zapatero mother's family name) aka just Zapatero, and his minister of interior and succesor at the front of the main centerleft party in Spain Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba aka Rubalcaba (he lost the election).
In fact, I remember vividly a moment, shortly after Rubalcaba lost the election if I'm not mistaken, when he was leader of the opposition and as a mark of disrespect he was referd to as "Sr. Pérez" instead of "Sr. Pérez Rubalcaba" or "Sr. Rubalcaba", it was a whole thing with the (parlamentary) left complaining about the fact that the right intentionally used the man's first surname because it sounds less remarkable (Pérez is one of the most common Spanish surnames while Rubalcaba is not, I don't think I've ever heard of other people named Rubalcaba besides the guy in question), and the right calling the left loony because Pérez is literally the guy's first surname and refering to people by the first surname is the normalest thing to do.
Some very famous people you might have heard of that prominently use their mother's family name are Picasso (painter, Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1881-1973), Velázquez (painter, Diego Rodríguez de Silva Velázquez, 1599-1660), Federico García Lorca (poet, 1898-1936), Javier Bardem (actor, Javier Encina Bardem, 1969-), Antonio Banderas (actor, José Antonio Domínguez Bandera, 1960-)
This is also not exclusive to Spain, I didn't know it but Chile's Pedro Pascal uses his second surname as artistic name, his full name is José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal.
This is not to say all these people are feminists (in fact Picasso was a known misogynistic abuser) or to say Spain is an extremely feminist country (from what I know, nowadays it's a country with a very strong feminist movement but I don't think this has anything to do with it). This is just a historical coincidence probably derived from the fact that noble people sometimes had more important mothers than fathers and they wanted to be able to carry ALL their family names.
(Also, one curious thing is that looking up people who use their mother's surname none of them were women, idk if I just haven't looked hard enough or if it's more common for men to do it.)
I'm not trying to make a point here. End of post.
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portraituresque · 2 years
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Autorretrato. Nostalgia - Antonio Rodríguez Agüera
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dumbbitchhour · 2 years
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(attributed) Antonio Rodríguez Beltrán, María Luisa de Toledo e indígena, 1670 x
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elhombrebocaabajo · 2 years
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Actualización del diseño de las míticas patatas Casa Paco. La imagen se mantenía desde prácticamente sus orígenes sin apenas cambios. Un trabajo gráfico muy interesante para mantener la esencia de imagen pero llevada al siglo XXI.
Diseño gráfico: José Antonio Rodríguez
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waru-chan8 · 2 years
Once again, be glad I’m not in Madrid. I seriously dislike the F1 team so much that I’ll be living on jail for punching them, torn and burn the place
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dominiopublco · 16 hours
Incentivar el fomento al deporte y fortalecer las políticas públicas a favor de la cultura física es un compromiso en Tlalnepantla
Se fomentará el deporte adaptado para personas en condiciones de discapacidad para acceder a una vida digna a través del deporte. Durante la Décima Sexta Sesión de Cabildo abierto de Tlalnepantla realizado en el Deportivo Tlalnepantla y abierto al público en general, el Presidente Marco Antonio Rodríguez Hurtado se comprometió a seguir fomentando el deporte recreativo y de alto rendimiento. Los…
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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En malas compañías (2000) // dir. Antonio Hens
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prensabolivariana · 4 months
Por: Antonio J. Rodríguez L.* | Lunes, 27/05/2024  El jefe de Estado hizo el anuncio durante el “Encuentro de Mujeres en las Ciencias y las Tecnologías”, realizado en La Casona Cultural Aquiles Nazoa, ubicada en La Carlota, Caracas, acompañado de la ministra del Poder Popular para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia, Gabriela Jiménez. Continue reading Nicolás Maduro Moros es ciencia + mujeres y tecnología
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Console Sports Games of 1993 - Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf is the US release of Top Pro Golf 2, a Coconuts Japan Entertainment developed golf game and the final entry in the series. while the Japanese version of the game has a generic cover the US release of the game is fronted by Puerto Rican golfer Juan Antonio "Chi-Chi" Rodríguez. 
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf released in the US in March of 1993 exclusively for the Genesis. The Japanese release of the game under the Top Pro Golf 2 title would release a few months later in June of 1993, again exclusive to the Genesis. 
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Gameplay 00:15 
3. Outro 09:34 
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For more sports game videos check out the playlists below 
Console Sports Games of 1993 
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minnesotafollower · 5 months
No Solutions to Cuba’s Water Crisis 
On a recent national television program, the president of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources of Cuba (INRH), Antonio Rodríguez Rodríguez, responded to a question from President Diaz-Canel about why 90% of responses in a recent survey said state water services were disastrous.[1] The response: the water service is “marked by broken equipment, lack of maintenance and spare parts and…
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elmartillosinmetre · 5 months
Mi crítica del concierto del Ensemble de Percusión de la OSC esta noche en el Maestranza.
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