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momentomori24 · 8 days ago
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leiandroid · 9 months ago
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yakushi boys 🍌
and hbd shunpei !!
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blackhakumen · 5 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1232: The Return of a True Demon (SSBU X Tekken)
4:23 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Dining Hall........
Silence. The entirety of the hall went dead silent as we join the League of Evil Villains and a shaking, incredibly pissed off Kazuya bare witness of an older, yet fairly muscular and slightly bald man crossing his arms and standing in front of their presence.
Bowser: No freaking way.....(Starts Whispering to Ridley) Is that really him?
Ridley: Maybe? I always thought he would look more demonic if anything.
Ganondorf: (Crosses his Arms) I was under the impression that he was killed.
Pichu: Pichu......
Sephiroth: Yes. This an surprising predicament indeed....
Dark Samus: Very surprising.....
Hades: (Chuckles Evilly) Well, I'll be eternally damned. Here I thought we would never meet in person. Welcome back to land of the living, Heihachi Mishima.
Heihachi: (Simply Nodded with a Proud, Evil Smirk on his Face) Hm. Yes. Thank you. Always nice to come back from another failed assassination. It's also an honor to finally meet you dastardly gentlemen and lady on this fine day.
Hades: (Raises an Eyebrow) An honor you say?
Heihachi: (Puts on a Huge Grin on his Face) Of course! I'd be crazy not to. I'm a fan of each of your works. Your "Profound Essence of an Underworld Soul" was perfection! Easily one of the best books I've ever read in years.
Hades: (Places his Hand On his Chest While Putting on a Bright, Smug Smile on His Face) Why, thank you!~ It's about time someone appericate my words of wisdom.
Sephiroth: (Turns to Hades) You've written a book before?
Hades: Yep. Back when I was in my greatest of primes. (Rolls his Eyes) When The Goddess of All Killjoys didn't nearly get on my case as much as she does now. (Crosses his Arms Together While Thinking) Goddess.....Killjoy....That might be something I could write about one of these days. My comeback is long overdue.
Heihachi: Well, you better expect me to be at the front line once it's all come out! (Let's Out a Hardy Laugh Before Turning his Attention to Sephiroth) Ah and you must be the One Winged Angel himself. (Grabs his Chin) Could've sworn that spiky headed punk killed you at one point.
Sephiroth: Oh, he has. Twice actually. But it wasn't too long before I was brought back to life thanks to Hades. Nowadays, i live my life how I see fit. (Forms a Small Evil Smirk on his Face) While mentally tormenting Cloud every chance I get.
Heihachi: (Chuckles Evilly) Nice. (Looks Down at Pichu Sitting on a Pocket Pouch Attached to Sephiroth's Chest) And who's this little guy?
Pichu: (Happily Waves Hello to Heihachi) Pi-Chu!~
Sephiroth: (Gently Rubs Puchu's Head) My one and only son, Pichu. He's been my pridand joy since the day we first met. Such a smart and handsome little fellow, even taught him how to shoplift one and pass with flying colors.
Pichu: (Winks at Heihachi) Pi-Pi.
Heihachi: (Let's Out Another Hardy Laugh) Spendid! Keep up the good work, kiddo, and you'll make your old man more proud of you than mines ever could, in no time flat!
Kazuya still shaking in anger and silence in the background of the group.
Heihachi: (Turns his Attention to Ridley and Dark Samus) It's great to see merciless monsters such as yourselves, take part of this Smash Tournament of yours.
Ridley: You know, I'm kinda surprised either of us got in the first place. But I ain't complaining. (Wraps his Arm Around his Girlfriend Next to Him) What about you, babe?
Dark Samus: (Happily Shakes her Head)
Ganondorf: (Watches Heihachi Laughing with the Others Along with Bowser) He seems reasonable enough. Even more so than his own son oddly enough....
Bowser: Yeah and he's supposed to be biggest asshole in their entire family. (Turns to Ganondorf) You think he's faking it?
Ganondorf: (Grabs his Chin) It's a possibility. We can't be too careless around him then, if that's the case.
Heihachi: (Makes Way Over to Ganondorf and Bowser) As long last, The two tyrants of evil! I take it you are the leaders of this "League of Villains Club"?
Bowser: (Points at Ganondorf Next to Him) He is. I'm more of a Co-Founder if anything.
Heihachi: (Starts Nodding his Head in Understanding) Ah I see. (Gives Bowser a Handshake) Still an honor to meet you nonetheless. I admire how find ways you terrorize your victims in most brutal way imaginable, in ever Mario Party, especially the first one.
Bowser: (Chuckles Lightly) Aww appericate it, man! (Forms a Proud, Cocky Smirk on his Face While Rubbing his Finger Under his Nose) I think you'll be happy to know that I'm invited to the party for once.
Heihachi: (Smiles Brightly) Ahh is that right?Congrats! (Forms an Evil Smirk) Bet your antics finally broken their spirits in half, didn't it?
Bowser: Uhhh.....
Bowser's mind starts turning blank before it pictures an imagine of Peach angrily crushing his tail with the palm of her hand, couple that with the sound of his agonizing screaming ringing through his self conscious.
Bowser: (Takes a Gulp Before Shaking and Putting on a More Nervous Looking Smile) Y-Yeah.....Sure......S-Something like that.....(Laughs Nervously and Awkwardly)
Heihachi: (Points Ganondorf to Bowser) What's his problem?
Ganondorf: He was tasked to go through three straight months without doing hitting on the princess. it's practically killing him inside.
Heihachi: (Let's Out a Single Chuckle) Is that right? Poor bastard. (Turns to Ganondorf) In the meantime, I would like to apology for bringing miserable mistake of a first born to existence. I can tell he's been a nuisance to deal with in your universe.
Ganondorf: (Rolls his Eyes in Annoyance) You don't know the half of it. He should consider himself lucky I don't feel the need to drop him down to a nearby abyss.
Heihachi: ('Hmph') (Rolls his Eyes) Knowing him, he'll probably find some convulted way to come back. He's a Mishima after all, whether I like it or not....
Ganondorf: Given how insanely convulted our universe is already, I wouldn't even be slightly surprised. ('Sigh') But I suppose his presence nowadays isn't nearly as irk some as it was the first day he arrived here.
Heihachi: Kazuya Mishima, being a decent person to be around for once? I don't believe it.
Kazuya: He.....hachi......
Ganondorf: (Groans While Him and Heihachi Turn Their Attention to The Form Devil Gene Warrior) Speaking of which......
Heihachi: Kazuya, one of my biggest disappointments in life! Almost didn't recognize you over there. What the matter?~ (Forms an Evil Smirk on his Face) Didn't expect your old man to back from the pits of hell this year?
Kazuya: H......How......
Heihachi: (Leans Himself Over to Lean an Ear) Huh? Speak up, boy! I can't hear you from all that sulking you're doing over there.
Kazuya: How....in the actual....everlasting, condescending-(Angrily Stomps his Foot Down on the Ground, Creating a Small Carter Around Him While Getting Everyone Else's Attention Along the Way) FUCK WERE YOU ABLE TO COME BACK TO LIFE!!!?
Hades: And here we go.
Sephiroth: (Hands Pichu a Small Bag of Chips) Chips, my son?
Pichu: (Happily Accepts the Chips) Pichu!~
Bowser: (Glares at Kazuya) What the hell, man!? I just cleaned those floors since this mornin-
Kazuya immediately gives Bowser to most Intimidating glare and growl he could ever muster at the same time.
Bowser: ('Gulp') Okay. Continue.
Heihachi: Don't try and act all tough in front the only friends you have, boy. It's embarrassing.
Kazuya: (Latches onto his Face So Hard in Pure Frustration) How is this even possible? I punched you DIRECTLY at your heart, with all of the might I had left at the time. When you were at your most vulnerable!
Heihachi: ('Tch') Please. As if that one measly punch can put me down permanently.
Kazuya: I spent hours making sure that volcano was completely melting your entire body down to the core!
Heihachi: Well, you probably did a pretty lousy job considering I got out of there on my own two feet.
Kazuya: YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ALIVE TO BEGIN WITH- ('ARGGHHHHH') (Starts Taking a Deep Breath Before Walking Back and Forth) This can't be real. This CANNOT be happening right now. My life was finally turning around for the better. How am I supposed to celebrate and drink the night away, to your demise when you're not even in your COFFIN TO BEGIN WITH!?
Heihachi begins to burst out laughing before looking back at Kazuya for a brief second and laughing again.
Heihachi: Wait. (Turns Back to The Rest of the Villains) He's serious?
Villains: Yup./Pi.
Hades: Homeboy been getting himself and his entire army wasted every time they visit your grave, for three to four days straight.
Kazuya: It was one of the very few things that genuinely makes me happy in life......
Heihachi: Wow. That's sad and pathetic. Even for you, Kazuya-
Kazuya: SHUT. UP!
Without warning l, Kazuya lands a strong, electrical surge right hook punch onto Heihachi's cheek, much to almost everyone's suprise
Hades: Up! Stand back, people! We're about witness another family feud in here!
Sephiroth: Here's hoping it goes somewhere this time.
Heihachi: ('Heh') (Forms Yet Another Evil Smirk, Completely Unfazed by His Son's Fist Pressing onto the Side of his Face) Come now. Is that really the best punch you could throw at your old man? I'm starting to think you're losing your touch.
Ridley: Well, he did lost his devil powers months ago- (Gasps Before Quickly Coverong his Mouth and Shutting Up)
Heihachi: (Chuckles Evilly) Oho is that right? (Smirk Grew Wider) Very good to know.
Kazuya: (Angrily Grits his Teeth at Ridley Behind Him) I am going to kill you one of these days, bird!
Dark Samus: (Gives Kazuya the Death Glare) Harm him and I'll kill you myself.
Bowser: (Glares at Kazuya as Well) Count me in! No one's allowed to kill Ridley except for Samus!
Ridley: Yeah- (Turns and Glares at Bowser) H-Hey!
Dark Samus starts pouting at a now sheeplishly smiling Bowser in silence.
Kazuya: (Groans in Pure Annoyance Before Turning his Attention Back to his Monster of a Father) Doesn't matter. I may be powerless now, but make no mistake. My hatred towards you has always been my driving force and I will not rest until I crush your entire body to pieces and drag you down to hell's deepest core, where you belong.
Heihachi: Boy, you can keep trying tobstop me with all the might you have left. (Puts on an Evil Grin as He Struggles Against Kazuya's Fist with his Own Fist) You will CERTAINLY fail every step of the way!
Kazuya: The only thing is gonna fail today is that heart of yours after I'm DONE WITH YO-
???: KAZUYA!!
Kazuya/Heihachi: Huh?
Villains: Hm?
Everyone turn their attention to the League's more newer member, Jun Kazama, making her way over to her devil-less husband, very displeased at what she is witnessing.
Jun: That is enough! Stop this.
Heihachi: (Genuinely Surprised to See his Thought to be Dead Daughter-In-Law Right Now) Well, I'll be damned......
Kazuya: (Glares at his Wife) Stay out of this, Jun! Do you have any idea what's going on right now-
Jun: Heihachi's back. I can see that clearly
Kazuya: Then you should know I have to put him out of his misery! Again!
Jun: No, you don't! Not in the current state you're in!
Kazuya: Jun-
Jun: (Grab Hold of Kazuya's Shoulder) JUST LISTEN TO ME, OKAY!? I don't like this as much as you do right now, but you can't keep letting his presence alone get the better of you like this. You may be his son- (Forms a More Pleading Looking Frown on her Face) But I know that you're a far better man than he'll ever be deep down. Please......
Kazuya looks back at Heihachi before turning his attention back to his wife, one of the very little number of people he genuinely respects and care for.
He has never been the type of person show any signs mercy to anyone that dares stood in hus way, not even his own family flesh and blood. And while he personally find this "Road of Redemption" Jun has dragged him into as a complete time waster in it's own right, even he could never deny how much it means to her and that she's more than willing to believe in him when everyone else consider him a loss cause at first glance.
So, to prevent breaking the heart of the woman he loves, Kazuya let's out a sigh of defeat as he reluctantly moves his fist away from Heihachi's wrinkled face before lowering it down.
Kazuya: There. I'm done. You happy?
Jun: (Happily Hugs Kazuya From Behind) Very. Thank you, my love.
Kazuya: (Turns Away) Uh-huh. (Starts Blushing a Bit) Sure.
Hades: ('Sigh') And just like that: It's over.
Ganondorf: (Looks Down at his Watch) Hm. It ended a lot shorter than I thought it would.
Heihachi starts brushing out laughing once more, leaving his son and in law very unamused.
Heihachi: (Wipes a Single Tear Away From his Eyes as He Tries to Die Down his Laughter) Hohohoo man!.....The loss of your Devil Gene really took a toll on ypu these days, haven't it? Mr. Tough Boss Man ain't so tough-
Without warning, Heihachi suddenly gets held up and put on a dangerously tight choke hold at ease by Jun Kazama, of all people, much to almost everyone's shock.
Bowser/Ridley: Oh shit!
Ganondorf: How in the-
Hadea: (Let's Out an Evil Laughing Before Putting on a More Sinster Smirk on his Face) Excellent~
Kazuya: (Eyes Widened in Awe by Jun's Sudden Behavior) !!
Heihachi: (Trying Desperately to Gasp for Air) J...J....J.....J....u.....n......
Jun: I'm only going to say this once. (Looks Up at Heihachi With a Very Menacing Glare on her Face) Stay away from MY family! (Eyes Turns to Bright Light as Her Voice Start Sounding More Powerful and Angelic) Or else......
Heihachi: Okay!......Okay......I promise......I'll back off....I swear to you!....(Shakingly Crosses his Fingers Behind Him Without Anyone Noticing Before Getting Drop on the Ground)
Heihachi groans in pain as he rubs choked free neck.
Jun: (Gives Heihachi One Last Glare) I'll hold you to it. (Grab Hold of her Husband's Hand as She Walks Them Off to the Door of the Patio) Come, Kazuya. Let us go out and cool off for a while.
Kazuya: S-Sure......
''Door Opens and Closes'
Sephiroth: Well. That just happened.
Ganondorf: I did not expect this type hostility from her of all people. (Slowly Claps his Hand) Bravo, Jun Kazama.
Hades: Kazie better thank the lucky stars she still falls for him these days and never let her go. That woman's a definite keeper right there.
Heihachi: (Groans While Getting Himself Back Up on his Feet) Whoopity doo.......
?????: Dad!
The gang then turn their attention to the younger member of the Mishima Bloodline, Reina, happily extends her arms out with Zelda and Mewtwo standing along with her.
Reina: It's really you!~
Heihachi: (Happily Extends his Arms Out to Reina in Return) Daughter!~ It's been so long!~
Heihachi walks over to his daughter to give her a hug as the two share a wholesome laugh with one another as the others watch.
Heihachi: So, how have you been these days?
Reina: (Happily Hugs her Father Back) As well as I hoped it would .I'm acing my classes in the university, my combat training has improved a lot these days, made it fairly far in the latest Tekken tournament months ago, (Eyes Suddenly Starts to Widened as She Remembers Something) Ooh! And also-
Reina starts whispering the next few details into Heihachi's ears, each of which starts to intrigued him the more seconds goes by the clock.
Heihachi: Ahhh I see. (Forms Yet Another Sinster Smirk on his Face) Very interesting discovery indeed.
Reina: (Proudly Nodded) Of course. (Gimmicks her Father's Smirk as her Own) Want me to show it to you as we head out?
Heihachi: Let's. (Turns Back to the League of Villains) Sorry to cut our conversation short, everyone, but my daughter and I are about to head out now!
Mewtwo: (Raises an Eyebrow at Reina) Already?
Reina: (Smiles Sheepishly at her Two Newer Friends) Yeah, our father-daughter bonding time is long overdue at this point. Hope you two don't mind.
Zelda: (Smiles Back at Reina) Not at all. Hope you two have a good time together.
Bowser: We would ask you join the League with us, but-
Heihachi: Nope. Say no more. I don't mind being excluded. I pissed the boy and his wife off enough for one day, with my presence alone. I do hope we see each other around though.
Ganondorf: (Simply Nodded to Heihachi) Of course, if you don't get killed off again by then.
Heihachi: (Let's Out Another Hardy Laugh) Don't you worry, Ganon! (Puts on a More Serious Look on his Face) I'll make sure that will NEVER happen again. (Happily Waves Goodbye to Everyone as Him and Reina Walks Out of the Room Together) Anyways, we'll see you all next time!
Reina: Byyyyye!~
Zelda: (Happily Goodbye to Reina Along with Pichu) Bye, Reina!~ See you later!~
Pichu: Pichuuuu!~
Zelda: ('Sigh') Alright. We'll bite. (Turns To Everyone Else Present in the Room) How is that Heihachi person alive again? Didn't Kazuya killed him and drop him off in an active volcano somewhere?
Ganondorf: (Shrugs) No idea. We've been trying to figure that out since he first got here.
Hades: (Starts Snickering) You two should've seen how the look at Kazie's was throughout the whole ordeal. I really thought he was gonna bring his Devil Gene back the very moment he punched his face.
Ridley: Please, that's nothing compared to how Jun nearly choked the daylights out of him.
Zelda: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock Along with Mewtwo) Wait, WHAT!?
Mewtwo: That happened?
Bowser: Yeah, no joke. She just went up to his face and lifted him off his feet as she choking him, It was wild!
Sephiroth: They're out in the patio in case you're wondering where they are.
Mewtwo: I see. That interaction must've taken a lot out of both of them.
Zelda: (Frowns a Bit) Yeah. I don't blame them considering the history they have with that man.....(Grabs her Chin While Thinking)That being said, it kinda surprised me that he treated Reina a lot better in comparison. I wonder why that is.....
Hades: (Shrugs) Favorism probably. Daughters do tend to get more attention from their fathers than the sons ever could in some cases- (Rolls his Eyes) I have enough that shitshow in my family tree already, but that's neither here nor there. (Forms an Evil Smirk on his Face Again) Who wanna bet he'll try and turn on her next?
Sephiroth: Bonus points if it happens at the very last second.
Villains: (Starts Nodding Their Heads in Agreement) Oh yeah/ Yeah/Uh-huh, definitely.
Ganondorf: I can definitely see that happening from a mile away.
Pichu: Pi
Zelda: Well, I hope it doesn't. Reina's heart will be crushed completely otherwise.
Mewtwo: (Closes his Eyes) Only time can on that instance alone, Zelda.
Zelda: (Sighs as She Place her Head onto Mewtwo's Shoulder) I know....It doesn't hurt to be a little hopeful about it, right?
Mewtwo: Not at all. It's the only thing we can do at the moment.
Meanwhile Out in Front of the Smash Mansion's Entrance.........
Reina: (Transform Herself into her Newly Acquired Devil Form) So? What do you think, father?
Heihachi: (Chuckles Evilly at What is Shown in Front of Him as He Strokes his Mustache) Yes.....Very impressive indeed, my child. Now my first phase of the plan is complete.
Reina: Not that I don't trust you or this plan of yours completely and all, but didn't you used to hate everything Devil Gene related? What makes you okay with me become one?
Heihachi: ('Tch') Used to? (Angrily Balls Up his Fist While Shaking his Arm Entirely) I still despise that cursed genetics since the very day I had to kill and bury my own wife to the ground! ('Sigh') But I've since grown tired of fighting off against it these days, even more so now that I know that your failure of a brother doesn't possess one of his own anymore.
Reina: So you figured the best way to gain back all the power you've lost in the past, is to work alongside it?
Heihachi: (Smirks Yet Again) Precisely. I may not be as powerful as I was back then, but with the help of my teaching I stow upon you and your fellow disciples back at the temple, we will crush our enemies to pieces, with an iron fist and take back what was wrongfully from me!
Reina: (Starts Smirking Evilly as Well) The Mishima Zaibatsu.
Heihachi: Correct. See? I knew you were my second favorite for the a reason.
Reina: (Heart Begins to Melt) Awww~ Thanks, Dad- Wait. Second?
Heihachi: Yep. Right Next to Kuma II!
Reina: (Groans While Giving her Father a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Seriously? You have an that dumb BEAR as your son?
Heihachi: (Gives Reina a Fatherly Glare) Hey, be nice. He might not be the smartest mammal of his kind, he's far more loyal and dependable than he looks. You should try getting to know him more often.
Reina: (Rolls her Eyes) Oh believe me, I tried that already, but he's too laser focused on that panda bear to even bother noticing that I exist.
Heihachi: (Grabs his Chin) Yeah, I don't know why he's still pining for that girl after all this time......(Shrugs) Eh, I'm sure that's something we can worry about later. Right now, we must return- (Points Up at the Sky) To the Temple!
Reina picks her father up in her arms as she gruntingly flies them both off to their current hideout: The Genmaji Temple.
Happy Berated National Daughters and Sons Day, Everybody!!!
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randoimago · 2 years ago
Hello! I actually liked anon's old request about "playing pocky game with s/o", so if possible, can I request it too but for Mishima (P5), Akechi (P5), Maruki (P5) and Franky (SxF) please? Thank you!
Playing Pocky Game with S/O
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Goro Akechi, Yuki Mishima, Takuto Maruki
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Here you go!!
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Scoffs when you ask to play the pocky game with him. He knows what it is, he's a high schooler, but to actually take part causes him to roll his eyes. If you want him to kiss you then just ask. He'll make fun of you for it, but not as much as he'll make fun of you for running around the subject with a dumb game.
Even if you put one end of the stick up to his lips, he glares at you. He'll open his mouth and chomp down at it out of spite. The only way you can get him to actually play is when he's pretending to be an angel around the Phantom Thieves. Makes sure you know that you'll going to get it when you get home when those idiots do pressure him into playing.
Honestly, you don't have time to blink as he's quick with his actions. He's skilled in everything he does (besides getting a therapist). You get a quick peck to your lips too as Akechi sits back in his seat afterwards and you're taken aback by how fast that was. You don't miss the sly smirk Akechi has on his face as you know he's going to fight you later.
Maruki loves snacks and he heard that some of his students were playing some kind of pocky game. He didn't really know what it was, but he made sure to stock up just so there was a new snack in his counselor room.
You were the one that explained to him what it was. And Maruki found that thought amusing. And then he brought a box to you and gave a smile as he asked if you wanted to play.
It was a bit awkward getting it set up and finding a pocket stick that wouldn't break too easily. But eventually you have the stick in between both of your lips and his eyes are crossed as he tries not to drop it, missing how you let go and kiss his cheek instead. Maruki pouts a little but easily takes a bite of the pocky before kissing your cheek back.
You mention doing the pocky game and he is going beet red at just imagining it. He can see how you two get closer and he can practically feel the warmth from your skin. You're waiting for an answer while he's seeing his life flash before his eyes.
He'll play the game with you from a moment of confidence, and he takes an end of the pocky stick in your mouth, only to freeze as you're so close to him even if none of the treat has been nibbled on.
Mishima accidentally drops it. He tries to nibble, but he stumbles, and it falls from his lips and to the ground because you didn't think he'd drop it so fast. He's quickly apologizing and stops when he feels you kiss his cheek.
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manias-wordcount · 1 year ago
Hello! Good day/night/evening! Hope your doing well!
Are your requests open at the moment?
If so, I was wondering if you could write some Mishima cus he deserves it!!! He’s soooo underrated I don’t see enough of him :(
Where reader is comforting Mishima and helping him cope right after the events of Kamoshida? Making sure he’s taking care of him self and treating himself right, and reminding him that he has so much worth and that he deserves to be happy!!
Someone to Hold Him (Yuuki Mishima x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘆𝘂𝘂𝗸𝗶 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘂𝗽!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Moments like these make you feel so helpless. Seeing everything that he’s gone through and still goes through makes you feel so helpless. No matter how hard you tried to protect him. No matter how hard you tried to save him. It never seemed to be enough to stop the pain at its source.
  Now, It’s been a couple days since Kamoshida turned himself in. And throughout the school day, Yuuki has been putting up the best front he can muster. He’s trying to smile a bit more. He’s laughing a bit at your jokes. Keeping up the conversation. But he’s still looking over his shoulder. He’s still flinching at loud sounds. Getting lost in thought. And sure, he would take your offers of food and an extra drink from the vending machine in stride. And he’s more than happy to receive your thanks and words of appreciation whenever you slyly slip in an extra compliment or two for him. 
  But you know the truth. Because it screams your name, even when he’s not saying a word. Because it stares you right in the eyes, even when you have your head turned. Because he’s putting up a mask. He just is. Because you know what he looked like before the mask. So you know exactly when he’s putting it on for everyone. For you.
  After all, You know that better than anyone else. You’ve been with him for long enough. You’ve been his friend for even longer than that. But after volleyball practice stopped and the whole thing about Kamoshida blew up in the school’s face, you’ve been seeing Yuuki exist in a way that’s so different than before. Yet somehow- the exact same.
  But today? Today feels a little different. In a way that almost scares you.
  Cutting off the head can only do oh-but-so much sometimes. Cutting off the head can even make two more come back in its place if you’re not careful. But you tried to be. Oh, how you tried to be careful. 
  But despite your best efforts, it started peaking through as you both walked from the school gate to the train station. His hand was warm as he held yours. He drew tiny little circles into the back of your hand with the pad of his thumb. You gave him a squeeze every now and then. But every time you looked at his face, that perpetual tiredness broke through his mask more and more. You could spot a numbness in his eyes. A look of defeat that felt a bit more broken than what you’re used to seeing. 
  It followed him as he got on the train with you in tow. And every attempt to ask him what was wrong was met with the same reaction. A sad smile. Suddenly more alert eyes turn towards you. A kiss to the back of your hand. Another promise that he’s “fine” and that you “don’t need to worry so much.” All that and more before he goes back to staring straight forward and disappearing into his own mind and thoughts and reasonings. Things you have no doubt are plaguing his mental state. 
  So you don’t say anything as your stop comes. You don’t make a move either as you watch it go, hand still wrapped around Yuuki’s. He doesn’t say anything either. But he does move when two stops later, you’re both in his neighborhood. And he does take you by the hand and guide you to his place and let you in once you’re both standing at the door. You end up being the one to greet Mrs. Mishima as Yuuki helps you out of your shoes before leading you further inside. And although you’re only able to catch a small glimpse of each other before you’re led up a flight of stairs. But in the small, small glimpse you both share, a message is sent between the two of you. 
  She knows not to ask. You know not to tell. He’s been hurt by too many people above him. The least you can do is protect him until he’s ready.
  But as he pushes open the door to his bedroom and brings you inside, you can’t help but wonder just when exactly that will be. You’ve been doing your best to stand up for him long before you started dating. But Kamoshida wasn’t a playground bully or a lunch money thief. Kamoshida was a monster. More than a monster. He was the devil himself. And you know you’ve had your fair share of nightmares of him back when his attention was starting to narrow in on you. But Yuuki had it worse. Yuuki had it so, so, so much more worse.
  That’s why you don’t fight him as helps you out of your backpack and tosses it onto his messy bedroom floor. That’s why you don’t fight him as he drops your hand in favor of wrapping his arms around your torso. And that’s why you don’t fight him as he leans and leans and leans back until the two of you are both crashing onto his bed. Arms around each other. Grip nice and tight. Like he’s afraid of losing something. Like he’s afraid of losing you too.
  “Yuuki,” You whisper out quietly. He lets out a shiver as your soft voice passes right by his ear. But he doesn’t verbally respond. Instead, just opting to tangle his legs between yours and to hold you impossibly tighter than before. You let out a quiet sigh and attempt to look at his expression. It’s as numb and as broken and as lost and emotionless as ever. “You’re safe, baby. Okay?”
  But for a second his face twitches
  It’s short. It’s small. But you know him too well. You watch him too well. So you know what to expect when a second later, he draws in a sharp breath. One quiet and slow. But one that does very little to hide the pain in his face. One that does very little to hide the tears welling up in his eyes. And It breaks your heart. Hell, it breaks everything inside you. But you won’t let it show. Because someone has to be strong for him. Someone has to protect him. 
  “Yuuki it’s okay. He’s gone now.”
  Someone has to love him.
  “He can’t hurt you anymore, okay Yuuki?”
  Especially now that he really needs it most.
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mishimalovemail · 2 years ago
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hello mishima nation, i took a year long break from tumblr and have come back to promo my work.
think mishima is treated like absolute garbage in canon? think he deserves better? think he deserves to go a little bit apeshit (as a treat)?
then maybe you should read
people like us
my magnum opus, in which revenge is a love language.
96k (with some bonus content linked at the end), mishima/akechi, very canon-divergent.
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queensoftekken · 1 year ago
Hello, it's Shandi! Bringing you an RP blog with some kickass Tekken ladies! Because the ladies deserve love too!
Current active muses:
Kazumi Mishima Hachijou [X]
Anna Williams [X]
Eliza [X]
Lucky Chloe [X]
Master Raven [X]
Azucena [X]
pick your favorite and let's have a blast!
Other muses will be available through discord. As stated in the description, this is only a side blog. If you follow me here, you will be followed back on my main @littledancingphoenix
Same rules from there apply here! (with a few exceptions) ❤️
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requiemofrebellion · 11 months ago
Hiatus Update:
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Hello all you lovely beans! I just wanted to say that I am making a fresh start and gonna be moving blogs. I don't know when cause i wanna find new graphics, a new url and such but I will def update on what blog i've moved to once it is done and complete! i just can't get myself to come back here as i'm overwhelmed and there just so much cleanup to do. so i figured i'm going to start fresh while keeping some things from this blog and moving the stuff over to my new blog once it's done.
i am dropping a lot, and i mean a lot, of my fandoms. I am keeping all of my Tokyo Revengers muses. But the rest I am either taking one or none from the fandom. Here is who I am keeping:
Gakushu Asano (assissanation classroom)
Machi Komacine (Hunter x Hunter)
Sakura Nanamine ( toilet bound hanako-kun)
Lisa Mishima (Zankyuu no Terror)
And maybe   shinya hiragi from owari no seraph.
Plus all my TR muses... well i may drop Takashi Mitsuya but everyone else will stay.
The rest of the muses and fandoms will be dropped due to lack of muse. I apologize for any inconvenience any of this may cause. But i look forward to being back into the groove of things soon! I am hoping my blog will be up and ready within at least a month. giving myself enough time to not stress about it.
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randum-famdoms · 9 months ago
Hello! I'm reading one of your fic's on ao3 and was wondering when it's gonna be updated? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the fic and wanna know how long until we get a new chapter! Love your writing! And I was so happy to see that you gave Mishima such a cool persona! I love the fic so much! I've been ranting to my friends about it nonstop (even though neither of them have ever played the game) but they both sit there and listen nonetheless! (I may even try and convince them to read it! It's a pretty interesting take on the whole game! And the part where Akira is worried that Mishima will have a problem with him being gay and Mishima just like "If I had a problem with it I would've said something back in kamoshida's palace" was amazing! I love everything about it and I can't explain in words just why I love it so much! It's just amazing! If I was better at art I would LOVE to make some fanart of it!!! Again I can't explain just how much I love it! I hope you're doing well and aren't sick!
(How was the dog sitting by the way? Hope it went well!)
Ahshdjdkjfndbdkjdl thank you??????
I just. *scream*
The idea that people can love a silly little thing I write for fun this much is kinda unreal to me. Idk how to respond???? Thanks????
I mean, I’ve reacted like this to fics I have read before but having it turned into myself is trippy. Like this is some weirdly dream or some shit. Idk man. Shit’s wild.
Every time someone tells me how happy they are about the way I’m treating mishima in my fic I am further convinced that everyone who says he’s a bad character is a fucking coward and if more people would just make Mishima positive content then the fandom would be better off. He does not get enough love and appreciation and I will gladly take on the mantle of Mishima Ambassador. He is my blorbo, my boi, and I love him dearly. He deserves better, both in game and in the fandom, so I just did it myself.
Also, I ain’t about to beg you for fanart because you reading my fic is more than enough already and then you sent me this ask and Ann bear gave me a heart attack from joy, but trust me if you think you’re a bad artist I’ve seen worse. Much, much worse. I took an art class in a very sports heavy highschool and 90% of the kids in there were teenage boys who thought it would be an easy A. The first assignment was to draw a realistic hand. You’d think that they were AI with how bad some of them looked. So yeah, any hypothetical art you make is beautiful to me, especially because I’m fairly sure that if anyone made fanart of my fic I’d cry tears of joy <3
I tried really hard to update every week and I failed miserably, so I’ve made the decision to cut back to every other week. I’m like 85% sure that I’ll get the next chapter up this Sunday. I started my summer classes today and one of them (my English class) is cramming a 14 week course into 4 weeks, but I’ve always been pretty good at English/reading/writing so I’m hoping that that won’t ruin my update schedule AGAIN. I swear I can’t go two weeks without something fucking up my writing/editing time. We’ll see how it goes. I am not sick don’t worry, Just like, super fuckin tired cause my sleep schedule is fucked. I’m pretty good otherwise tho!
Dogsitting went well! I actually finished up with that yesterday. The little demon I was taking care of had absolutely no braincells, and was very annoying, and she kept pooping in my bathroom no matter how often I tried to take her outside to shit, but at least she’s small so it was easy to clean up and she was a good size to cuddle. Overall it was a 5/10 experience that was turned into a 9/10 because of the couple hundred dollar paycheck I got for it. The family I was doing it for is uncomfortably rich lol. Pretty sure some of it is blood money because the dad is an ex-cop turned middle school teacher (neither of which make good money) and the mom is a Russian immigrant stay-at-home mom and they somehow own a huge house in a really nice neighborhood and can afford a two week trip to the Caribbean on that income. I ain’t gonna complain tho.
I’m excited to get chapter 11 written and posted, I think it’s gonna be really fun! Lots of good plot and character development is gonna be happening :) the fic is really picking up now that we’ve finally gotten over all the exposition hurdles. Only took 60k words lol (I swear I thought that it would take half as long as it did to get to this point in the fic, at this rate the things gonna end up 800k words long and I’ll be dead before it’s finished)
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ocean--toast · 1 year ago
Hello I am shy so I'm doing it like this but consider Yusuke x Akechi or Akechi x Mishima. They're all weird in their own wonderful ways. Yusuke x Akechi - Detective Prince agrees to let Yusuke draw him, who proceeds to draw him how he sees him (honestly) - proceeds to get paintings and drawings, he is not smiling in a single one, it's great. So now Akechi gotta find out what the deal with him is and that's how this shit gets started. I think they find they have a lot in common and a lot to offer each other. Bonding over their mothers, sharing their interesting perspectives, validating each other, etc. Akechi x Mishima - Yet again, I love comedic starts and here's a Phanboy and the number one enemy of the Thieves, great start. Both have their own senses of justice, both want to be better in a way, both being fucking, rabid in their own ways (I mean this affectionately), etc.
Anon I love Akekita they could both read each other for filth and that's so sexy of them honestly. For Yusuke seeing through Akechi's bullshit highly recommend this anthology comic posted by @/akechicrimes that shows Yusuke unable to draw Akechi with a smile. I really like the thought of them in the 3rd semester as well because even as far back as Yusuke's counciling session with Maruki Yusuke pokes holes in the thought that Maruki is helping people make the best decisions for themselves rather than leading them on
Akeshima too I like I just haven't written it as often cuz ironically im not a mishima enjoyer, I just think they both have an unhealthy obsession with Akira they need to work out by making out
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vgckwb · 9 months ago
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 213: The Catalyst
As Ren was making her way through the school the next morning, she was stopped by Dr. Maruki. “Oh! Perfect timing. Do you have some time after school?”
Ren was a little nervous. “Um, maybe a bit. I’m supposed to meet some friends later. But um, I can talk for a little bit.”
“Oh, of course,” Maruki said. “This won’t take much time. I just want to go over a few things with you.”
“Sure. Yeah,” Ren replied. “If it won’t take too long.”
“Great!” Maruki replied. “Meet me by my office after school.”
“Very well,” Ren said, nodding. With that, she went off to class, and he went to his office.
After school, Mishima walked up to Makoto. “Hey.”
“Oh! Hello, Mishima,” Makoto said.
Mishima grinned. “I’ve been thinking about your offer, and I accept.”
Makoto was stunned. “Wait, really?”
Mishima nodded. “I’ll join the student council.”
“Well that’s fantastic!” Makoto replied. “We should get you set up right away.”
Mishima nodded. “Right.” The two of them started walking. “Oh, uh, am I going to be seeing you tonight as well?”
“Hm?” Makoto wondered.
“You know,” Mishima continued. “At Ann’s party. Shiho invited me.”
"Oh right,” Makoto said. “Of course.”
“Great!” Mishima said. They continued on.
Meanwhile, Maruki was waiting outside his office. He noticed Ren walking up. He smiled. “Glad you could make it.”
Ren smiled back. “Of course.” She gestured towards the office. “Shall we?”
“Actually,” Maruki interjected, “I was thinking we could go someplace else.”
“Someplace else?” Ren wondered.
Maruki nodded. “I’ve been saving up some money to take you someplace nice.” Ren was shocked. “I mean, as a thank you gift…” Maruki continued nervously. “Sorry. I heard what that seemed to imply when I said it out loud. But no, this is just a thank you gift.”
“I see…” Ren said.
“Anyways…” Maruki said. “I know just the place. Let’s go.”
“Sure,” Ren said. Together, they left the school
Ren couldn’t help but chuckle when she was guided up to the Wilton once again. Maruki was confused. “What’s so funny?”
“I’ve been here before,” Ren admitted.
“Oh,” Maruki said.
“Also, I don’t know how much you’ve made amends,” Ren said, “but Sumire’s mom works here as well.”
“I see…” Maruki said, nervously. “Actually, Sumire stopped by my office earlier, and we had a very amicable conversation. Although I don’t know if her parents feel the same way.”
Ren giggled. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Now let’s go. We only have so much time.”
“R-right!” Maruki said. They grabbed some food and took a seat. After taking a bite, Maruki remarked “This is delicious!”
“I’ll say!” Ren agreed. She kept eating.
Maruki stopped after a bit. “If you recall,” he interjected. Ren looked up. “I’ve been working on a research paper.”
“Oh yeah,” Ren said. “How’s that going?”
“I think I’m at a point where I’ve done everything I can by myself,” Maruki said.
“...Meaning…?” Ren wondered.
“I need someone to look it over,” Maruki said.
“Want me to do it?” Ren offered.
Maruki chuckled. “I mean it needs to be peer reviewed. Someone else on my level needs to do it and make sure everything’s up to snuff.”
“Oh,” Ren said.
Maruki smiled. “But it’s nice that you offered.” Ren chuckled. “It’s amazing though, how much I’ve learned taking this job. I know as a therapist, it’s my job to listen, but once I started actually listening, instead of working towards my own ends, I feel like I’m seeing colors I’ve never seen before, you know?”
Ren nodded. “I think I do. After coming here, I started opening up more, and that’s been more rewarding than I thought it could ever be.”
“Hm hm, that's the spirit,” Maruki said. They continued eating.
A little later, a man was walking past when he stopped. “Huh? Maruki?”
Maruki looked up. “Oh, Shibusawa! Maruki replied.
Shibusawa looked at Ren. “Ummmm, I mean, I can understand wanting a rebound, but I think she’s a bit too young for you.”
Ren swallowed her food. “Oh no. We’re just friends.”
“I see…” Shibusawa said.
Maruki chuckled. “She's helping me with my latest study.”
“Oh,” Shibusawa said. “Is this the same one as before?”
“Kind of,” Maruki said. “I did a little introspection, and I decided to change things up a little.”
“I see,” Shibusawa replied, impressed. “Well, when it gets to the peer review stage, give me a holler, OK?”
“Actually, I’m at that point now,” Maruki said. “This has been a long time coming.
“I see,” Shibusawa responded.
Maruki chuckled. “Ren, this is my friend from college, Shibusawa.”
“Hi,” Ren said.
“Hello,” Shibusawa replied.
“So, what brings you here?” Maruki asked.
“Oh, uh, well, you see,” Shibusawa replied, “I’m checking out different venues…”
Maruki was intrigued. “For what?”
Shibusawa smiled. “For my wedding.”
Maruki was stunned. “You’re getting married?!”
“Eh heh, yeah,” Shibusawa chuckled. “Although, I guess this means that you’re the last one from college to be flying solo. After what happened, I mean…”
“Hm,” Maruki grunted.
“Oh, uh, was that too far? Sorry.”
Maruki smiled. “No. It’s alright. But you know it’s not entirely true.”
“Hm?” Shibusawa wondered.
“I recently started dating again,” Maruki said.
Shibusawa was impressed. “Really?” Maruki nodded. “Congrats, man!”
“Hm hm, I should be saying that to you,” Maruki replied. “I mean, you’re getting married after all.”
“True,” Shibusawa said. “But congratulating someone isn’t a one way street.”
“I suppose that’s true as well,” Maruki said.
“You should bring her to the wedding,” Shbusawa said. “Who knows? She might catch the bouquet.”
“Um, it’s a little sudden, don’t you think?” Maruki answered.
“Well, think about it, at least,” Shibusawa said. “Anyways, I’m looking forward to reviewing your paper. Oh, and I’ll take care of the bill today too.”
“Um, don’t you need to save up for a wedding?” Ren asked. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Nah, my fiance’s father’s paying for the whole thing,” Shibusawa said.
Ren nodded. “Cool.” She paused for thought.
Maruki chuckled. “I know you’re thinking about your wedding, and who will pay for it, but I don’t think you need to be thinking about it for a while.”
“Maruki’s right,” Shibusawa said. “I proposed like six months ago and we still don’t have all the logistics down.”
“I see,” Ren said.
“Anyway, it was nice seeing you again,” Shibusawa said. “Oh, and you don’t need to bring your girlfriend, but I would like it if you came to the wedding.”
Maruki smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
“Great!” Shibusawa replied. “Well, I gotta go. This is the third venue I’ve hit up today. Talk to you later!”
“Later!” Maruki said, as Shibusawa left. He sighed. “I was supposed to treat you.”
“Well, on the bright side, you have someone to review your paper, and got invited to a wedding,” Ren said.
“Hm,” Maruki nodded. “Not to mention letting someone know that I’m doing well again.”
“That too,” Ren said.
Maruki chuckled. “Life is really full of surprises, huh.”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Ren said.
Maruki smiled. “Of course. But it is nice to be reminded of that every once in a while.” He paused. “I’m going to slightly break some confidentiality here, but Sumire told me recently that she was thankful for what I did. Not because it was right, but because it led to you.” Ren was shocked and embarrassed. “In some way, I feel the same about Eris. If she hadn’t destroyed my palace, I might still be harboring a utopian vision that I could force upon the world. I might not even be going out with Kawakami. I might still be a little too obsessed with Rumi. And while that pain isn’t gone, I’m starting to come around. So, I guess good things can come from bad things. Oh, but uh, I guess I didn’t need to tell you that either.”
Ren smiled. “It’s fine. Like you said, it is nice to be reminded.”
Maruki smiled back. “Right.”
Councilor-Takato Maruki: Rank 9
“Well, we should finish up what we have here,” Maruki said. “I know Shibusawa said he was paying, but I don’t want to overextend his kindness.” Ren nodded. The two of them finished eating, and then headed out.
Ren headed over to the park. She saw Ann, Ryuji, Shiho, and Mishima setting up at a table. Ann saw her “Oh! Hey there!”
Ren waved. “Hey.”
“We’re just finishing setting up,” Ann said.”It’s just going to be a small little thing. Just some cakes and tea, you know.”
“That sounds delightful,” Ren said.
“Great!” Ann said. “We’re just waiting on everyone else at this point.” Ren nodded.
“Hey honey,” Ryuji called. “Um, could you give me a hand for a second?”
“Coming!” Ann said. “You just wait here for a moment.” Ren nodded. Ann went to help Ryuji.
Mishima walked over not too long after. “Actually, while we have some time, do you mind if we talk?”
“I don’t see why not,” Ren said.
“Great!” Mishima said. “Let’s head over somewhere else. I don’t want to steal Ann’s thunder.” Ren nodded. They headed off. “So, um, I just need to say…Thank you.”
Ren was a little shocked. “What for?”
“Wll…I’m not stupid…” Mishima said. “I needed to change my heart. So thank you for stealing it.”
Ren blanked twice. “Um, I did no such thing.”
“Huh?” Mishima thought. “I thought…” Ren chuckled. “That was all you. Well, maybe I pushed you a little, but I didn’t go that far.”
“Huh…” Mishima said, reflecting on things. “So I did all of that on my own?” Ren nodded. “Wow.”
“I knew you could,” Ren said.
“Hmmm, maybe,” Mishima said. “I guess I was lost in what others could do that I ignored what I could do.” He sighed. “You know, when I tried to get you to break up that celebrity couple, I knew they had a history. I guess I was just jealous that they had something I wanted. Same with Akiyama.”
Mishima smiled. He continued “But now? I’ve learned that I can’t just take the easy way out. That’s what I was doing by passively being in the volleyball team, and that’s what I was hoping for with the Phansite. But after everything, I think I’m making strides forward. Did you know that Shiho and I are dating now?”
Ren was surprised. “I did not. Congratulations!”
Mishima chuckled. “Thanks. Also, Makoto invited me to the student council. I said yes.”
“Wow, you’re going a mile a minute, huh,” Ren remarked.
“Well, I gotta make up for lost time,” Mishima said. “Besides, it’s just the first part of my plan.”
“What is your plan?” Ren asked.
MIshima smiled. “I want to write a book. A book about you guys. You’v helped me out so much, but once you guys aren’t The Phantom Thieves any more, I want people to know what you were like. Some details can get lost to history, so I want to make sure your legacy is preserved as best I can. After all, you saved me. I’m sure with this book you’ll save someone too.”
Ren giggled “That sounds lovely. But you know, we couldn’t have gotten as far as we have without you either.”
Mishima nodded. “You know, for the first time, I can honestly feel the same. Thanks.”
I am thou, thou art I
Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath.
Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoke of thy heart.
Thou hast awakened to the ultimate secret of the Moon, granting thee infinite power…
Moon-Yuuki Mishima: Rank 10
Ryuji rushed over. “There you guys are. The party’s about to start”
Ren chuckled. “Coming!” The three of them headed to the party. Upon arrival, they saw the remaining Phantom Thieves, Kisa, Hiroki, and Eiko at the table. They took their seats, and the party began.
Shiho raised her cup. “To Ann!”
Everyone else followed suit. “Too Ann!” they chanted.
Ann chuckled. “Thanks everyone.”
“Don’t mention it,” Shiho said.
“Oh hey, when’s everyone else’s birthdays?” Ryuji asked. “So we can plan better, you know?”
Ann smiled. “I do know.” She giggled. “Well, you know mine’s tomorrow.”
“Mine’s July 22nd,” Shiho replied.
“I’m July 3rd,” Ryuji added.
“Mine’s not for a while,” Makoto said. “April 17th.”
“Mine’s not as far off as yours Makoto-senpai,” Sumire said, “but it’s still a ways away. March 25th.”
“I’m January 28th,” Yusuke said.
“Oh, uh, mine is August 16th,” Lena chimed in.
“Wait, did we miss your birthday?!” Ann wondered.
“Well…” Lena said. “A lot was happening around then. Besides, I had plans to talk with my family back in America .”
“I see,” Ann said.
“Oh, and I know Goro couldn’t make it but his is June 2nd,” Lena added.
“Oh, um, we just missed mine,” Eiko said. “November 3rd.”
“Well, not entirely,” Makoto said. “You told me that you moving in was everything you wanted.”
"And it was,” Eiko said. “But I wouldn’t mind a gathering like this for next year.”
Makoto nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Kisa looked over at Sumire. “We aren’t too far apart. Mine is March 3rd.”
“Oh, well that’s nice,” Sumire said.
"Mine's close to Sumire's," Jose said. "March 20th."
"That's on;y a few days apart," Sumire remarked.
"It is," Jose said.
“Mine might be closer to yours Kisa,” Futaba said. “I’m February 19th."
Haru chuckled. “Sorry. I don’t think you’ll beat anyone else in closeness for birthdays.”
“Really?” Hiroki said.
Haru nodded. “It just so happens that Hiroki and I share a birthday. December 5th.” Hiroki sighed. Haru giggled. “I think it’s neat.”
“It is,” Hiroki said. “Also, slightly embarrassing.”
Ren chuckled. “Well, speaking of shared plans, my birthday is December 31st.”
“Eh heh,” Mishima chuckled. “My birthday has the same issue. February 14th.”
Everyone was shocked. “Really?!” Ryuji exclaimed.
Mishima nodded. “Really really.”
Ann chuckled. “Well, now that we know, we can plan around these sorts of things, OK?” Everyone agreed.
"Oh yeah," Futaba wondered. "Do we know when Morgana's birthday is?"
"I've been wondering that myself," Yusuke added.
Everyone looked at Morgana, who was at the edge of the table eating sushi just for him. He swallowed what he was chewing on and said "February 28th."
Ren smirked. "February 28th," she repeated.
Eiko chuckled. "It's almost as if you understood what he said."
"Yeah... Almost..." Makoto said.
Ann chuckled. "Well, with that out of the way, let's party!" Everyone cheered. They continued their party. Under the table, Shiho reached out to Mishima. Mishima took her hand, and they held hands until it was time to go.
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papirouge · 2 years ago
sorry for the Tekken sperging
if you want to have an idea of how much japanese game developer hate women, just look into Tekken tbh
there is no female character beyond 25 years old
since there's been a 15 years old gap between Tekken 2 and Tekken 3, and while ALL the male characters who were in Tekken were allowed to get old (Heihachi, Lei, the Laws (father & son), Kazuya, etc.) AND still got included in the next games, the female ones didn't 🙃
Michelle Chang? she got a replaced by her "daughter" Julia in Tekken 3. The William sisters got cryogenized for all this time so they biologically didn't age. And now they're basically doing the same for the next opus by bringing back Kunimitsu....through her lookalike daughter (same mask and all) ??? wtf is this?? that daughter doesn't even have the same swag as Kuni. That Kunimitsu #2 looks like a cute anime girl, when Kunimitsu was that mysterious morally ambiguous ninja thief, like- HELLO??
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glo down of the millenium tbh. rEAL KUNI WHOULD NEVER SHOW HER FACE!!!! Tekken hasnt got a decent/original character since Tekken 6 anyway.
Oh and they killed Jun after Tekken 2 (that may or may not be back from the dead somehow, but ofc won't be old cause she DIED AT A YOUNG AGE WHEN JIN WAS STILL A CHILD !!!! so probably her reincarnation, ghost or some random nonsensical shit like that)
And let's not talk about Julia tragic makeover between Tekken 6 and 7 and became a whole different person : she went from a caring, environment defender Native American to....a hyperconnected bimbo'ish geek?? ...all of this was to cater to scrotes ofc bc OG Julia wasn't really sexy to begin with (kinda horse girl'ish - she was the -less sexy- equivalent of Hitomi in the DOA franchise imo). Her character was more serious and had so much substance than she does now...
I also HATE how there's a gag overkill in the serie (esp the Mishima e.g their endings in Tekken Tag 2 aaaaaand IDC if the TTT games are not canon, stop trying to make this dysfunctional family where everyone wants to kill each other look like a comedy skit EVERYTIME, it's getting old)
Tekken story plot went down the toilet after Tekken 5 anyway, and the overall chara design tanked big time after Tekken 4 (exception for Dragunov who was truly a novelty I'm always a sucker for mute characters and Lars who's my haafu husbando). My biggest Tekken crush has always been Hwoarang and they made him unrecognizable lately (he was perfect in Tekken 5)
But yeah, Tekken hates women, has become shit, and it bums me out so bad bc that's basically my first video game, and the storyline/lore used to be so good (Tekken 3 had the best plot!!! Heihachi shooting Jin -his own grandson- with a bullet in the head in his ending got 9 years old me SHOOK. Ogre was sooo creepy, his Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ending is legit nightmare fuel)
I mean, even Dead or Alive that is infamous for catering to scrotes has a more attractive male roaster at this point (Hayate <3). They also did a brilliant chara design overhaul for DOA6 that made the characters so much prettier and is actually consistent and done tastefully.
Because yeah, what shocks me the most is how SHITTY Tekken chara design has become. It peaked with Tekken 4 (Jin Kazama tracksuit will forever be iconic dont @ me) but it's now such a convoluted tacky mess. Characters don't even have their own style anymore. Lars has the same tacky outfits as King (who's a luchador!!!). Also : WHY HAS HE BECOME SO BUFF??? Did he take the same steroids as Chris Redfield?? He was so hot in Tekken 6... WASTE!
They should take a few pages from Team Ninja who knows how to make shit done when it comes to rework characters aesthetic. Look at this work of art
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fellhellion · 10 months ago
idk if you’ve played Persona 5 but one character that gets a lot of hate online is Yuki Mishima? But I’ve never understood it bc like, he’s just a chronically online teenage boy. That’s like, the target audience for the Persona series. Yeah he’s cringe and a fanboy for Joker and kinda pathetic and accidentally offends his friend with his attempts to socialize but like. Wasn’t that most guys and gals at his age?
Does it hurt to have your past reflected back at you? Is it easier to deny his humanity than extend a hand of sympathy?
(This is the same fandom that forgave the likes of Akechi and Adachi, I guess being cringe is a bigger sin than being evil?)
hi hello i am so sorry i am so late replying to this fkjdhjf
i think, at least imo, when it comes to character hate of really any variety, it comes down to what characteristics you find aggravating or repulsive, and why you find them so.
That there are people who think someone palpably wanting to be your friend/your approval is the worst sin and the most cringe action possible, is imo at least kind of a silly line imo to draw on your character love -> hatred scale, and one I think can be a result of just. not offering compassion to characteristics that u can find personally annoying, sure.
i wouldn't even personally characterise mishima as pathetic tbh; i think there elements to his behaviour that have deep roots in trauma as well an inexperience with social skills, that influences a lot of the behaviour that gets characterised as 'cringe'. there are elements to his behaviour tho (like personal boundary pushing w joker and futaba) which i think are deeply inappropriate, but that's the label I'd apply to them.
and i understand the perspective of those who are extremely offput and uncomfortable with those elememts in particular.
w really any character, my view is that i try to be open to understanding, if not always agreeing, of why people have different views to me on what they find sympathetic or interesting about these characters, unless i have a fundemental disagreement about the why of their sympathy/lack of (e.g. for mishima, i don't personally think the fact of someone desperately wanting to be your friend and not sensing u just don't. feel as strongly abt it, is something that warrants hating that character, it's just a slightly awkward fact of that relationship that gives it texture and complexity)
akechi and adachi are interesting examples in that regard because regarding akechi, he saw at least in the western fandom a huge swing in opinion from vanilla -> royal, and it wasn't until royal that the fandom appeared to transition from divisive love and hate camps to just. overall a majority of the fandom enjoying his character. this was imo because the nature of goro's actions as essentially a hitman are, funnily enough, easier to abstract as elements of a story both due to the way in which these actions came about in the first place (he 'approached' shido as a literal child + the overhanging threat of death for non compliance) and the way in which. no one irl has suffered a physic murder yknow? fdkfhj
re adachi, honestly it's not a fandom perspective i overall understand myself (while I don't think people have 'forgiven' him per se, i think he's largely considered a joke and that arguably sands off discussion of what motivates his actions), my view is that it's honestly likely come from the sheer amount of time the majority of persona fans have had to sit with the story of 4. so what retains the largest amounts of staying power are jokes at adachi's expense, even if imo i do think people underscore the misogyny motivating his actions as much as like. nihilism and callous disregard.
ultimately! all of this to say i like to personally evaulate character hate/dislike on a case by case basis and just. stay away from people w whom i fundementally disagree w.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years ago
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love the camouflage, he could blend right into the walls here
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Bro, I was not born yesterday, I know an obfuscating stupidity tactic when I see one. You got Jake English vibes. Except you're not as handsome.
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Can't believe I agree with Ryuji about something. Other than dunking on Mishima. Thus far, my relationship with Ryuji is predicated on mutual dunking on other people. Which, i think a friendship supported by negativity is doomed to failure but hey we'll take what we can get here.
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Akechi is apparently a frequent daytime talk show guest because he's a Detective Prince. Another Detective Prince. Not nearly as cute as the other one, obviously.
He's fond of the concept of the Phantom Thieves (or so he claims, i don't believe a word out of his mouth) but also thinks subverting the law to enact vigilante justice is Fucked TBH.
Which, lmao, he ain't wrong, given Ryuji's attitude.
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.... why are you winking at me, holmes
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oh my god ryuji can you take two steps back and realize you have been sniffing like a bloodhound lookin for someone to punish and just how sketch that is, like i'm on our side bc its literally the conceit of the game but even i know your boundless enthusiasm for finding targets feels Weird. like, he fully has a point and you could do with an injection of chill.
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oh, bruh, the last video game character who quoted Hegel at me got thoroughly shot all the way to death, you may wanna slow that roll.
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oh thank god finally a good justice pick after Child Who Wants To Do A Murder and Child Who Just Wants Her Dad To Come Home Twice A Week
what kind of Justice are you going to bring, Akechi? are you a laws-of-the-land guy or are you a justice-must-be-done guy? one of the VERY FEW things I know about this game is that ppl are mega horny for you so I'm hoping you've got some edge to you, beige boy
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MEANWHILE, I AM GOING TO FIND MISHIMA'S HOUSE AND I'M GOING TO THROW HIS LAPTOP OUT A WINDOW. Mishima, sit your ass down and study for your college exams and don't do shit.
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back at school, Ryuji is doing everything but showing up in his full fucking Skull outfit with a bullhorn going "HELLO I AM A PHANTOM THIEF" so Ann walks up and smacks him upside the head
Ann, thank you. for real, you're the best.
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THEN LIL MISS STUDENT PRESIDENT STALKER COMES OVER AND TAKES A PICTURE. girl put your phone away or I will smash it, I am getting REAL tired of your shit too.
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he was a good teacher until that day?
he was a good teacher until that day?!
oooooooooh guuuuurl
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I don't say this lightly because I tend to be a "bitch (positive)" sort of person
but Makoto, you are a bitch. and frankly there are other words I could say about your character but you aren't worth the effort. go back to hiding behind a magazine and being useless.
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cry me a fucking river, goddamn
'gee why didn't you stop your bestie from trying to kill herself after the teacher who WAS A GOOD TEACHER UNTIL THAT DAY drove her to throw herself off the roof' you're reprehensible, makoto, and if you join the party at some point, you're on the fucking bench
fuckin mishima and makoto having a fistfight to determine who gets to be the most unlikable character in this fucking game, who will win???????
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randoimago · 2 years ago
Hello! Can I request h/c for P4 Naoki, Kou and P5 Mishima falling asleep on their s/o lap? Thank you!
They Fall Asleep on S/O’s Lap
Fandom: Persona 4 // Persona 5
Character(s): Naoki Konishi, Kou Ichigo, Yuki Mishima
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): This is super cute, here you go!!
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Lets out a yawn as he wakes up, seeing you above him. A lazy smile crosses his face as he stays laying down, letting you mess with his hair or just continue what you're doing.
Would ask if he missed anything while he slept. He hopes he didn't doze while you were mid conversation, that would be embarrassing.
Just lets out a hum as he listens to you, continuing to enjoy his position on your lap. Might have to move to keep his shoulders or neck from cramping from the position, as nice as this is he does not want the pain.
Opens his eyes and stiffens as he sees where he fell asleep. Would softly call out to see if you are upset that he fell asleep on you.
Is glad that you don't seem to mind too terribly. He does tell you to wake up him if he does it again since he doesn't want to cause your legs to fall asleep or make you unable to get things done due to him.
Naoki does enjoy waking up to your face. He didn't think laying on your lap would be as comfortable as it is.
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Doesn't even realize what he did until he wakes up. He's blinking back being half asleep and wondering where he is. Then he glances up and sees you and puts the pieces together.
Quickly closes his eyes again, pretending that he was still asleep. Except his whole body is so stiff as he did not realize he fell asleep on your lap.
Yeah you're his S/O, but he still gets so flustered and doesn't know how to act in these situations. So he's going to pretend to be asleep and try to relax so he can enjoy laying on your lap more.
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seii-fantasy · 2 years ago
☕️🌸 I always loved you , no matter where i was
Xiaoyu x Sister ! Reader
Honorable mention : @posei-dont-mina
As promised💕💕♥️⚘️🌸
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Wang Jinrei lived with her grand-daughter (well i dont remember well if thats his granddaughter or not) , peacefully in their small house , far from every cities that could ruin the peace . He didn't told the ravenette young woman about her oldest sister , he wanted to wait the good moment to tell about it.
Xiaoyu was playing with Panda , in the bambou forest that was near Jinrei's house "Panda ! Don't be silly , its just a bambu?" She giggled after her Panda friend who was looking at a bambu who was suspicious , there was a big brown furry , hiding behind a bambu . Panda was no fool , the animal knew that it was Kuma , Heihachi's pet , she recongnized the red bandana that Kuma wore . She continued growling which it slightly worried Ling .
Kuma jumped out , with a bouquet of roses which it angered Panda more and more with a note
"Will you go out with me ? My lovely Panda"
Panda rushed to the Bear hitted him , until he disappeared in the sky , Xiaoyu kept giggling . She knew that the bear kept asking out her friend and she knew that Panda despised that bear knowing he comed from the Mishima estate , mostly from Mishima Heihachi eventually.
_You arrived with a cake , "Grand pa?" Jinrei was sleeping in his room , he believed he was dreaming , you were gone since you were gone since Ling was five "Grand pa?" You called again , Jinrei couldn't believe it , it was your voice , your soft voice who usually called him
"Grand pa!" A small h/c-ette was hugging her grand father with a small ravenette girl "We love you" they spoke together , the heart of Wang melt when he saw his grand little daughters saying this . "Me too , my little flowers , i love both of you so much!" He spoke , hugging his grand daughters who giggled from the hugging that their grand father was giving to them
End flashback
"Y-y-y/n?" He called , you smiled , he called your name again , you answered that you're here now , he stood up and walked to your way , touching your arms to see if you were real if that wasn't a cyborg or a dream .
And no you weren't a cyborg or a dream , you were here , flesh and bones , standing infront of the person that took care of you and your sibling
Wang hugged , tears falling from his face "I thought you were gone forever " he spoke while his head was still on your shoulder "Don't worry grand -pa i wont leave you again" you rassured the Old man .
After a couple of minutes
Ling was going back home with Panda , she heard laughing in the small house , "Weird , usually grand-pa doesnt have any visitor unless it is his good old friend Jinpachi but Jin killed him in the fifth Iron Fist tournament! Who might be there then?" The Ravenette woman thought , as she kept approaching the Small house . Arriving to the door , she looked throught the small holes of the decoration of the door so she can see who was there and the person was familiar to her
Jinrei who saw her hiding from the beggining "Ling , dear , come and see who came back to us!" The old man spoke happily , Ling shyly walked in to the house "H-hello!" She spoke "Hello little sister" you smiled at her "Do i know you , you looked familiar ?" Ling looked at the woman , with wide eyes , no one has called her little sister .
"You might probably forgot this setence , I always loved you no matter where i was , little one!" You told her , the setence that you told her , to rassure her when she was little
"Sister y/n?" Ling called , eyes still widen you smiled as she jumped over you and hugged you tightly "Im so so so so happy to finally see you again!!" She exclaimed happily , "Where have you been ? How was your day there ? Did you made a bunch of friends?" Ling started to ask a lot of question as you giggled , yes your little sister Ling Xiaoyu was curious and you were ready to told them your long and amazing travel . Because no matter where you were , you always loved your family (Wang Jinrei and Ling Xiaoyu)
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