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licorishh · 1 year ago
Y'all laugh at the fact that Tartaglia randomly falling into the Abyss one day as a kid ended up being the catalyst for Fontaine's eventual predicted destruction but all this means is that from the start Tartaglia was intended to fall into the Abyss and become a Harbinger and thus has always been doomed by the narrative
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phantom-dc · 3 months ago
Bruce sighed.
He never thought he would die like this. When he started out as Batman he was certain he would meet his end fighting the criminal underworld of Gotham. When he got older and life got stranger, he believed he would die fighting off a threat like Joker or Deathstroke, maybe even Darkseid. Being used as a human sacrifice to the King of the Infinite Realms was not on that list, let alone being a willing sacrifice.
Unfortunately, it had been necessary. An asteroid was on collision course with Earth. The asteroid had a colony of sapient alien life on it, so destroying it was not an option. As the League grew desperate, Constantine revealed a similar incident had happened a few years ago. The King of the Infinite Realms had, along with his subjects, turned the Earth intangible and both the Earth and the Asteroid had survived. Constantine isn’t sure why or how, but there are signs an extremely powerful ghost had merged realities and in the process erased the memories of this event from the entire population of Earth! The only reason Constantine knows about it is because a Demon with time-based powers told him during one of their poker games. Summoning this King was risky, as they had no idea what the King would want in return, but this entity seemed like their best bet. Now Bruce thinks they had been wrong.
Superman pulled Bruce out of his thoughts:
“Bruce, are you sure you want to go through with this? If we work together, we might be able to-”
Bruce cut him off:
“No, Clark. You heard Constantine. If we do not hold up our end of the deal, the Ghost King could simply make his ally, this “Clockwork”, reverse time to before the planet was saved. The Earth and the asteroid will still be destroyed, killing everyone on both. This is the only way.”
Clark looked dejected. He knew his friend was right. The King had turned the entire Earth intangible with one hand! He knew the League couldn’t defeat this foe, not without help. Any being that could help them would demand even more bloodshed in exchange, though. One human life in exchange of saving the entire planet had been a steal, according to the Justice League Dark. Clark looked at Bruce:
“Are you going to put on your cowl? This will be the only chance you have to tell the other Leaguers who you are.”
Bruce looked at his cowl. He had taken of his suit, so that his family had something to bury. But to reveal his identity to anyone other than Clark....
“I will keep it on. Even if I die here, I cannot risk anyone finding out my identity and using it to get to my family. I hope the League understands.”
Bruce is pulled into a hug. As Clark holds him as close as he can without breaking bones Bruce cannot help being filled with regret. He wanted more time with his family and, dare he say, friends. This was not how things were supposed to go. Clark pulls away and seems to want to say something:
“Bruce, I just want you to know, I-”
Suddenly Nightwing enters the room, along with the entire Bat-family. Even Alfred and Oracle, donning masks, are there. They looked confused and scared, which made sense. They had all been summoned to the Watchtower, and when they had seen non-field members there as well they knew something was very wrong. Robin stepped forward, demanding an explanation:
“Father, what is happening? Why did you ask for us here? Explain yourself this instant!”
Red Robin looked ready to fight, staff in hand and in a low stance:
Where is the danger? Who is the enemy? Do you have intel for us? ARE YOU BEING MIND CONTROLLED?
Spoiler yanked at Red Robin’s cowl, pulling him out of his paranoid spiral:
“Easy, Captain Paranoid! Let him speak!”
Red Hood was clearly agitated. It was never a good sign if he was asked to the Watchtower:
“The fuck is going on, old man? Are you dying or something? That’s my stick, not yours!”
Bruce steeled his nerves. This was not going to be an easy conversation. How does one tell their family they are going to die and there is nothing to be done about it? Things had been going well for them, too. Dick and he hadn’t fought as often anymore, Jason had not called him names when he patrolled Crime ally last week, Tim hadn’t done anything that could be considered villainous (that he knew of) and Damian had not stabbed any goons for a month. Truly things had been good. Bruce knew this would mess it all up. He feared Jason would start killing again, or Damian would take out his grief on the criminals or Tim would… Well he had no idea. Last time Bruce disappeared Tim blew up so many LoA bases (he still wasn’t sure whether there had been people inside or not), so it was anyone’s gue-
“Sir, could you please elaborate on why we are here? I’m assuming it has something to do with the reason for this dreadful cold, and perhaps your lack of a shirt?”
Bruce sighed. Alfred always knew how to get through to him. With a heavy heart he told them everything. He would sacrifice himself for the survival of both planets. There was nothing to be done about that, and he asked them to please accept his decision. Naturally everyone was outraged. Amidst the chaos, Orphan asked a question:
“Why you?”
Bruce explained that, according to Constantine, the King had asked for a single sacrifice in return: “To feast on a non-magic, non-meta mortal human that will not resist being consumed.” It had pointed specifically at Batman, making sure they all knew which one it wanted. There had been no time to negotiate the prize, so he had accepted. After that it had left immediately for Earth, turning it intangible so the asteroid flew through harmlessly and fulfilling its end of the deal. Orphan seemed to think for a bit, before speaking up again:
“We’ll miss you.”
She hugged Batman. The others, realizing there was nothing they could do, at least not before facing the King, joined in as well. Bruce told them how proud he was of everyone. That they were strong and brilliant, and to please protect each other and Gotham in his stead. He thanked Alfred and Oracle for their help over the years and to please continue to support the others with the same strength they used to help him. After a moment they were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Wonder Woman had entered the room. With a saddened expression, and a dented doorhandle that showed her tension, she had come to collect her friend.:
“Batman. It’s time.”
Bruce nodded at her. Thanking her, he tried to leave with her, but was stopped by Alfred. After a quick hug, Alfed offered Bruce a cookie from the plate he had brought along:
“Every man deserves a final meal. I’m sorry this was all I have to offer.”
Taking a grateful bite, Bruce allowed himself to indulge in the taste of home.
“Thank you, Alfred. This means more to me then you realize.”
Steeling himself once more, Batman and the others followed Wonder Woman to the main room. It was the largest room in the Watchtower, several stories high with observation platforms, security screens showing cities all over the planet and a teleportation platform. As they approached the room, Batman was surprised by the cold that radiated form the entrance. Opening the door the source of all the cold and grief became visible to the group. Signal had to shield his eyes:
“What the hell!?!”
There it was, the High Ghost King of the Infinite Realms. A giant being, which had been so large they had to move to the observation platform to speak with it. Even then it towered over the heroes. It’s skin impossibly dark, with constellations spotting its tail & torso. The stars converging on its lower arms, making it look like it was wearing glowing white gloves, the same as a strange symbol on his chest that seemed important. The stars on its neck blending seamlessly with its hair, yet leaving its head completely dark aside from a few little spots on its face. The only facial feature they could make out where 2 Lazarus green eyes, focused on the new arrivals. On its hand, a ring with a skull on it that had freaked out the Lanterns. On its head a dark crown covered in patches of frost, and its own Aurora Borealis spreading from it. The room had already been partially covered in frost simply from the King’s aura. Power emanated from it, which had caused several members that had been dead and revived before to kneel on reflex, which was frightening even if they managed to get up on their own again.
Martian Manhunter had tried to peek in the Kings mind, hoping to find a way to convince the King to spare Batman, but he had been unsuccessful. As soon as he tried his knees buckled, and he had been pushed out. Ever since the Ghost King had radiated frustration. Now, as Batman entered wearing only his cowl and some spare pants, that frustration seemed to spike dangerously. Was the King upset he had been left to wait for his offer?
"What the fuck is this? I didn’t ask for a striptease, especially from some old Frootloop!”
“Constantine, what’s wrong? What is it saying?”
Batman was worried. He had not expected more anger from the being when presented with the offering. Looking at Constantine, he saw the magician frantically looking through the pages of his books, desperately looking for a translation.
“Hang on, mate. I’m doing my best here! Ehrm… no, that’s not right… Something about mating? Maybe he likes you, Bats. He also said something about “the absence of clothing” so…
Suddenly he is cut off by a strange sound coming from the Ghost King. It makes a strange motion with its body and its giant maw opens, as more of those sounds escape. It reminds Robin of Alfred the Cat when he has a hairball. However, there is more sound in the Watchtower now. The Red Hood is clutching his stomach as he is doubling down in laughter.
The Ghost King stops making the noises, and it’s eyes snap to Red Hood. It moves it’s head closer to him, casually passing it through the barrier Constantine had put up. Constantine’s swears in surprise, but the King seems not to care as it “speaks” to Red Hood:
"Oh, thank the Acients! Someone who understands Ghost Speak! Can you PLEASE help me and translate for us? This trench coat guy is terrible, and somehow twists everything I say in the worst way!"
Red Hood relaxed, looking up at the Ghost King’s giant head.:
“Sure man, no problem. I’m pretty sure he is using like 3 different dictionaries to get this far. I saw him first translate Ghost to Pixie, Pixie to Gnome and Gnome to Demon before telling us in English! So, what’s up?”
Batman was stunned. The Ghost King actually face palmed. What the heck was going on?
"Of course he is. That explains why it sounds like he is putting this through Google Translate 4 times! These guys summoned me to save the Earth, which, totally cool. Happy to help! But a summons makes it official, which means I need to get an offering. I can’t leave without it or I face a mountain of paperwork from some stupid bureaucratic eyeballs for not following proper procedure. But I can always ask something simple and get it over with. No biggie, right? WRONG.”
Red Hood actually grabs a chair to sit on. Not even in a somewhat respectful way, he is sitting on it backwards, casually leaning on it.
“Oh, boy. How badly did they fuck up? Gotta be big since Batman over there is ready to be eaten?”
The King glares at Constantine, who puts up his bravest “time to out-bollock a Eldritch Demon” face. The King is not impressed:
"Man, I asked, and I quote: “I’d like to eat a regular human meal that doesn’t fight back, like that guy would eat!” I wanted it to be clear I didn’t want blood, or corpses or virgins or any of the other horrible things stupid cults try to give me! I just wanted a burger or something! But then Mr. triple dictionary over there somehow turns that into: ‘’I wish to feast on a non-magic, non-meta mortal human that will not resist being consumed, and it must be that one.” I’ll admit I was pointing at one of the non-supers, but that didn’t mean I wanted to eat him! I just wanted to make sure it was normal food, something that doesn’t fight back!”
Red Hood looked confused, asking if the King’s food usually fights back. The King rolls it’s eyes:
"In life, I lived with mad scientist parents who treated lab safety as a suggestion at best and a chore for teens at worst. Put enough samples in the fridge and you get a whole new type of Thanksgiving trauma. Dang, I’m getting even more hungry. I’d love some turkey right now. Could you get them to bring me some food? That way I can have my sacrifice and leave…”
Red Hood stands up. He asks if the King can wait a few more minutes, claiming that after all that frustration he deserved something better. Getting a nod from the Ghost King, the Red Hood suddenly shouted over the platform railing towards the waiting Leaguers:
“FLASH! Get your squad up here, and bring pen & paper! I got a job for y’all!”
Zooming up every member of the Flash family gets a list of things to get and a warning not to tell the Bats what’s on it, or Red Hood will shoot them in the knees. Looking at the lists, they quickly caught on what was going on and promised they wouldn’t tell. This was way too funny! Red Hood does a fake bow to the King, clearly amusing himself.
“Don’t worry, your Hungry-ness! Your sacrifice is being prepared! Anything else we can assist you with?”
The Ghost King seems to tilt its head in amusement. Whatever Hood was doing, it was working, which honestly was the only reason nobody had tackled him to the floor.
"Actually, if you could get that Frootloop to put on a shirt that would be great. He is shivering and honestly, I’m worried he’s going to poke someone’s eye out with a nipple. Why is he shirtless anyway? Please tell me he wasn’t actually trying to seduce me or something, he’s old enough to be my dad! Gross!”
This caused Red Hood to again double over in laughter. Everyone was confused, what could possibly be so funny in this situation? Constantine had frantically tried translating during their conversation, but it had gone too fast for him. He gave up when the King mentioned eyeballs and seduction, accepting he wouldn’t get anywhere like this. Batman however couldn’t resist his need to know everything anymore.
“Hood, report! How are you communicating with the entity?”
Red Hood turns to Batman, walks past him and towards Alfred, grabbing one of the cookies he had brought with him. As he walks back and hands it to the Ghost King, he starts to explain:
“Honestly, not sure. It feels instinctive, like a second mother-tongue. Pretty sure it’s some sort of “dead-guy-language” you learn when you die. Speaking off: Turns out Constantine is a VERY unreliable translator. Spooky here is actually pretty chill! He used you as an example to make sure we knew what he wanted, not to demand you as a sacrifice. He is in fact pretty ticked that you guys tried to feed B to him. Speaking of: Batman? Put a shirt on, for fucks sake. You look like you’re going to freeze your tits off.”
This earned a round of giggles from Green Lantern & Green Arrow. Now that the tension had left the room, other Leaguers also smiled in relief. Besides, it’s always fun to see Batman being the butt of a joke. Sure enough, Batman let out a frustrated sound, that got the rest of the Bats to join in on the fun. They understood that their dad in fact felt rather silly right now, which meant that they had more to gossip about soon. Constantine now was wondering what Hood was up to:
“Mate, I did my best! Sorry for not being fluent in every language in existence. What the hell did you send the Flash to get? The bloke is a scientist and denies magic when it’s right in front of ‘im! What could they possibly get that I couldn’t-”
At that moment, the Flashes zoom out of the Zeta tubes and zoom across the observation deck. After a few moments of red and yellow blurs, the deck is covered with tables filled front to back with food! Picking up a receipt that fell to the floor, Batman realizes this is take-out from all over the world. Seeing a puddle of Lazarus water grow on the floor, he looks up. The Ghost King is actually drooling! Red Hood steps aside and gestures to the feast:
“Welp! There is your sacrifice! One. And I also quote: “regular human meal that doesn’t fight back, like “that guy” would eat!” Well, more of a feast then a meal, but I’m sure a big guy like you can finish it, and you can always take home the rest I guess. Bon Appetit!”
Opening his giant maw, the Ghost King digs in. Well, as much as he can. He actually looks kind of silly eating everything with a tiny fork. Still, judging from the purring sound emanating through the Watchtower it’s to the Kings liking.
"DUDE, THIS IS SO GOOD? I need to know these restaurants! You want a bite for helping me out? You saved me SOOO much annoying paperwork, I was about to bail!”
Picking up a plate of karaage, Red Hood took of his helmet revealing a second mask underneath and dug in as well:
“Don’t mind if I do, this smells fantastic! Oh shit, you should try this stuff, it’s great!”
Red Hood being allowed to partake in the offering so casually caused Constantine to do a double take. He realizes he seriously misjudged this entity. Still, that didn’t explain the horrific stories about him. He would need to do some digging into that, maybe with Hood as a translator. For now he takes a swig of his drink. The world was saved, no one died or lost their Soul and he didn’t make any new enemies he thinks. Plus, Batman felt like an idiot, and that always made the Brit smile.
All in all a good day!
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zluckychap · 9 days ago
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i give my thoughts on sebastian and painter's roles in pressure's story because i am bored (see below)
sebastian is selfish.
he isn’t inherently selfish. his circumstances, however, forced him into a situation where he had to be. i would argue that his selfishness is the only reason he is still alive.
as of the lockdown, sebastian only has 2 goals in mind.
1) his own survival and 2) urbanshade’s downfall. anything he must do to accomplish those goals is a moot point.
in the midst of the lockdown, sebastian encountered something. or rather, someone. a fellow victim of urbanshade, who hated them just as much as sebastian did. someone willing and able to assist him in his goal of achieving freedom.
that was all he needed to hear.
sebastian is at least a bit fond of painter. he finds the little guy endearing.
but he mainly likes painter for his usefulness. he sees painter as an asset. therefore, he isn’t really inclined to treat him as a friend.
the deal they made stated that painter would buy sebastian time to organize an escape, in return for seb taking painter with him. in the end, painter’s fate relies entirely on sebastian’s willingness to honor that deal.
is there any chance that sebastian might actually do that? of course there is. that chance is just very, very, very low.
one thing that might compel sebastian to make good on his deal is his sense of honor as a businessman. he honors the sales deals he makes with the expendables, even if he hopes they all explode.
though i suppose if he had a habit of cheating them out, or killing them without reason, they’d stop coming to his shop, stripping him of a valuable source of data. sebastian is kind of forced to honor his deals in that scenario.
if sebastian chose to break off his deal with painter, he would not get the short end of the stick. painter would be the only one inconvenienced.
what about a sense of kinship? granted, while seb had it way worse, seb and painter are both victims of urbanshade. would seb feel compelled to save another poor soul from the same fate as him? ehhh…
in order for sebastian to care enough about honoring his end of the deal… he needs to put someone else’s needs before his own. does he care enough about painter to do that for him?
right now, as things currently stand within the story… my money’s on no.
it’s evident that sebastian doesn’t check in on painter much, if at all. he isn’t bothering to keep him updated on a plan that they are supposedly both in on.
despite that, painter holds onto hope that sebastian will come back for him. it’s not like he has any other options.
sebastian doesn’t check in on painter because, well, he is selfish. his circumstances have forced him into a mindset where he thinks his only chance at survival means exclusively looking out for number one.
in order to improve his own odds of survival, he did the bare minimum of what it would take to get painter on his side… and then left him out to dry.
heck, painter’s usefulness is the only reason the two are even acquainted. if, when they met, painter had been unable to assist sebastian at all, i guarantee seb would have just been like “welp sucks to be you, byebye” without a second thought.
so as things are now, painter is most likely doomed, as is the friendship he thinks he has with seb.
the only question remaining is: is there hope for them in the future? is there a feasible chance that they could both get the happy endings they deserve?
in order for that to happen, sebastian needs to learn to care again. to trust again. to do the work to keep and maintain painter’s friendship.
to try to accomplish his goals not just for himself, but for those he cares for.
could that possibly be in seb’s future?
i don’t know. but i don’t wish to rule anything out.
and i’m certainly not going to give up hope on these two just yet.
after all, anything is possible.
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holylulusworld · 2 months ago
Food thieves (1)
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Summary: They are always hungry.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: fun, fluff, banter, food theft
Food thieves masterlist
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Gone. Again. Not one day ago, you refilled the fridge, and now, there’s nothing left but a half-eaten apple and bottled water.
Your stomach growls loudly, in need of a late-night snack. Now there’s no food—not even a tiny bite of the cheese you bought.
“What the heck?” You curse. “I bought all the good stuff, and it’s gone again?”
“Whatcha doing?” Bucky asks as he strolls into the kitchen. He’s hungry too and hopes there are some leftovers from the food you bought. “Is there any cheese left? It was awesome.”
You turn around like in slow motion to glare at the super-soldier. He ruffles his disheveled hair, smiling as you look him up and down. Bucky is in nothing but his boxers and a white undershirt.
“You ate all my cheese strings?” You growl. “How dare you steal my food. I bet it was you all this time!”
“What’s wrong?” Steve joins you and Bucky in the kitchen, hopefully looking at the open fridge. “Is there more cheese, or did you eat it all, Buck?”
“You too, Cap?” Putting your hands on your hips, you huff. “Really? The golden boy. The righteous Captain America steals my cheese strings?”
Nervously running his fingers through his hair, Steve stammers, “Uh—sorry. At night, we get hungry after a fight. I think we have a very fast metabolism.”
You narrow your eyes. “I call bullshit, Cap. You stole all the food I bought. At least admit that you stole my cheese strings and everything else.”
Bucky watches his friend’s cheeks turn red. He snickers before grabbing the last apple lying abandoned on the kitchen island. The brunette has no shame. He takes a large bite and chews loudly.
“You are unbelievable! Why are you eating that much?” You throw your hands up before slamming the fridge shut. “You will replace all my food!”
“We are big guys and super-soldiers,” Bucky mutters between bites. “We get hungry and eat food.” He shrugs before wolfing down the rest of the apple.
“You get hungry—” you huff. “I got hungry too. And imagine my surprise, finding the fridge empty. There was nothing left but a half-eaten apple.”
“Oh, that’s mine,” Steve calls dibs on the apple. “I forgot I left it in the fridge.”
“It’s rotten, Steve,” you point out. “You cannot eat a rotten apple. Hungry or not.”
Steve pouts. Steve fucking Captain America Rogers pouts like an angry child. He pats his empty stomach, looking at you for help.
Bucky mirrors his friend. He pouts and pats his belly.
“No.” You cross your arms over your chest. “I do all the grocery shopping and didn’t even get a bite! Again!”
“Doll, have mercy. We are hungry,” Bucky purrs your name while slowly sneaking closer to the kitchen counter. He rounds the counter to glance at the fridge. “I bet you’re hiding something in your secret stash.”
“Secret what?” You act like you never heard of a secret stash. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Barnes.”
“The good stuff,” he says while pouncing on you like a lion. Bucky cages you between the counter and his hard body. “Give us something, and we will pay you back.”
“Buck, maybe she doesn’t have a secret stash,” Steve says but moves around the counter to look at you. “Right, doll, you’d share with your captain?” He quirks a brow, making you snort.
“Even if I had a secret stash,” you retort and stick your tongue out, “I wouldn’t tell you. You can torture me, bite me, or punish me. I won’t say a word.”
Bucky and Steve look at each other. They have one of their silent conversations. The ones making you wonder if they are telepaths.
“Tickles?” Steve asks.
“Tickles.” Bucky conforms before both men start tickling your sides.
“No!” You laugh and scream, trying to fend their skilled fingers off. “No!” You giggle and snort. “Please…no!” You push against Bucky’s chest, giving him the chance to move his hand under your shirt to tickle your belly. “No….no…”
“I think we are close to cracking her,” Steve says and starts tickling your thighs. “Give up and tell us everything about your secret stash.”
“I—” you giggle even louder. “I got a mini fridge at my place.”
“Buck.” They stop and look at each other.
“Got it, Steve,” Bucky confirms before grabbing you by your waist and throwing you over his shoulder. “Off to her place to raid her fridge…”
Part 2
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cloudyskydreams · 5 months ago
SO on period UT,UF,US,HT!
Ive had this sitting in my notes for awhile wasn't super proud of it still ain't but I wanted to post something, I just had to slap the HT brothers on and boom new post.
Also I've been wanting to write swapfell but I don't know the difference between that and fellswap or really their personalities cause it's so different for each fanfic so if someone could pls explain 🙏
Anyways here y'all go hope you enjoy!
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I feel like sans is pretty knowledgeable so you didn't have to explain it to him. He takes it pretty maturely it's a natural part of life. The puns the horrible puns. He has so many specifically for this time of the month. He's always got your comfort snack on hand in his jacket pockets. He doesn't really change much he'll get off his ass if you ask him to but he sticks by your side mostly and lazes out cuddled with you while watching shows. Pretty good at getting products and snacks you might like he likes to get you some new snacks to try with him and he's good at guessing what you might like.
This man is prepared. After you tell him what it is he researches it and WOWIE he wishes he just asked you to explain but now he's over prepared with knowledge! He has hot water bottles and weighted blankets at the ready. Any snacks you want, heck you want a whole meal? He's on it and it's prepared with extra love. He carries around your products for you and always has pain medicine in his bags. Pretty good at picking them up from the store too and has no shame getting them.
You gotta explain it to him and this man is bewildered for a bit. ya bleed from there for how long??? every month?! He's a little impressed?? Last he checked humans weren't supposed to lose huge amounts of blood but you're treating it like it's a normal thing. After he gets over his initial shock he'll try and help the best he can which is a little awkwardly. He makes a little nest for you out of blankets and pillows and makes sure you're comfortable. He and his magic run warm so he'll lay on your stomach and cuddle to help with cramps, pet his head and he might purr. He's pretty confused about products def one to send Babe what's your pussy size.
He's aware, he's done his research on his own when you were ovulating about the human "mating cycle". Not a fun experience but he takes it in stride. He listens to what you need and trys to deliver. Massages for sore muscles and heating pads for cramps. He'll make you comfort food while you relax watching a show and join you afterwards for some cuddles. He's pretty good at getting products for you and takes the ones you like into consideration but he's always looking for better healthier alternatives for you.
Knows about it (blue taught him when he found out and Stretch showed interest in humans)and is a little awkward(traumatized from the talk with Blue). Hate to say it Stretch doesn't really know what to do he's not grossed out he just doesn't know how to handle it. He tries his best to be comforting giving snacks, heating pads, and cuddles. He's so awkward going to the store to get products plays it cool but has no idea what he's doing and definitely gets the wrong thing after his mind blanks while staring at all the products for too long. You just gotta train him he'll get better.
Also knows and he's handling it alot better. He takes it in stride and understands the biggest part is you're uncomfortable and he's going to do his best to help with that. He takes care of chores you don't want to do, makes you comfort meals, and always has a heating pad ready. Has so many two player comfort games lined up for you guys, he has stuff to do but most of his work stuff can be done at home! Which means he'll just be a shout away if you need anything . Pretty good at getting products and is one to carry some around in his bag just in case when you guys go out.
You have to explain it to him… Multiple times. He's confused as to why you smell like blood, he likes the smell but he's confused for a bit until he writes a note about it. He will not remember which products to get unfortunately. He's so confused staring at them you'll have to instruct him very clearly over a call and he still probably grabs the wrong one. Cuddles are supreme he's a giant so he'll engulf you in his form and his purrs practically shake your whole body. It's like a free massage chair whenever you want. He sticks closer by your side during this time of month knowing blood means your wounded and his protective urges flare up.
You'll also have to explain it to him and he's extremely worried when he smells blood. Even more so when he learns how long you bleed, he knows how much blood a human can loose and it worries him you're losing so much. After you explain it's a normal thing and a part of life he calms down slightly. He cleans and cooks a lot when stressed or worried so you constantly have something to munch on and you don't have to worry about any chores. He stays over stocked up on supplies, he doesn't like going out in public very often but for this he will because he deems it important enough. It's why he stocks up so much when he goes out. Mother hens over you hard and you might have to pull him into cuddles to get him to relax for a bit.
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miifu666 · 4 months ago
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you've seen me babble about Yan! Wukong... BUT THIS TIME ITS MACAQUE!! i know he has a big dick- I've always wanted to write abt Macaque, just never had the time to but now I do- hihihii thank you for those who asked for him ♡♡
⋆˙⟡ —CW: Yandere, ooc Macaque, noncon drugging, rough Macaque, insecurities mentioned, manipulative, art is oc x canon but drabble is canon x reader.
Yandere! Macaque
Imagining Yan! Macaque who knows which words to strike your insecurities, what sentences can fully make you dissociate in the middle of the day. To let him be the one who guides you while you're busy drowning in your self-doubt. His hands maneuvering itself to gently lay on your back, the other acting like a fence, making sure no one can bump into you. He coos about how unfortunate you are, poor little you. Yet, his smirk came forth as he looks back.
"Ohohoho! Look at how you're dressed, baby~ well … maybe this part is a little tight for you, don't you think?"
Macaque tasted the bitter end of the stick, while Wukong got to gloat about the honeyed drip he tasted. The dark simian makes sure you never see the good side of that sage, he'll inject every single downside of every trait you love about Wukong. Sometimes, he even uses your own words against you. Turning your friends and family against you for having the same traits as that monkey you adore. You think Wukong's empathetic? How does it feel to be fooled and scammed by your own friends? Wukong's ambitious? Oh but it eats you up doesn't it? You'll never be good enough for yourself. Macaque is observant, he lives in the shadow and he knows how to use your own surroundings to make you feel little.
"Well, im glad you've learned your lesson…i know its hard to accept that sometimes good things, aren't always good, sweetheart"
He remembers when Wukong was possessed by LBD, there was a sense of longing whenever he thought back to how he was also under her control. The images of you so pliant, harmless and a soft bundle of drug induced state inspires him to try and concoct his own drug. Maybe even steals one from a pharmaceutical, any drug will do. As long as it keeps you pliant and adorable, no horrible side effects, at least that's what he hoped for.
He'll study how much doses you need to ensure you're all hazy and high as a kite. Can't even reach the door to his dojo without stumbling and holding on. So cute, adorable, ugh what other words can he use? You're all helpless, who would make sure you dont stumble and hit your head now hmm? Don't worry, your dear boyfriend Macaque is here. Albeit seeing you like this strikes a sadistic side of him he didn't know of.
"Hey hey, where you going sweetheart? A drunken little thing like you shouldn't walk around without any help. What if some big bad guy takes advantage of you hmm? Poor thing"
Macaque knows what he's doing is wrong. Punishing you, keeping you hidden, heck he even silently drugged you without your knowledge just so he can fulfill his stupid fantasy. He's not delusional, there's guilt eating him up and the only way a traumatized simian can say sorry is through his actions and services. he's the best at handling things patiently with care, Macaque will take care of you in ways he knows best, and he's really good at it too.
"Ohoho what's this? You missed me this much? Hahaha so cute.. ill have a fun time ravishing you.. just lay down and let me do my thing"
Yan! Macaque who longs for someone to share the lonely nights with him, someone who he can cuddle with and talk about the stars and which stupid cat reactions you are. Its all he ever dreams of, all he longs for. Yan! Macaque understand every single insecurity you're going through, he knows how to handle it. He'll help you through it, He'll make sure you wont have lonely nights to cry yourself to sleep on. Maybe if you close your eyes hard enough, you can forget about the shackle on your leg and the bruising lovebites around your intimate areas.
"I know… its hard, its tough but life happens and.. i know my little sweetheart can pull through.. you always do. Thats what i love about you.. haha even got me a little too obsessed"
Macaque is a good mate whether you admit it or not, his observant eyes and omniscient six ears focused solely on you. The slight sniff from your nose can be a sign of an oncoming sickness, within no time he'll be ready with the blankets, warm tea, tissues and medicine! You might think he's heartless, sure he locks you up whenever he goes out, talks you down every time you feel confident enough to leave him and yeah he might have a need to see you helpless without him But! But! He's not neglectful, maybe there are times where you feel like he's infantilizing you. Yet he swears it's just an instinct, he always makes sure you get your proper meals, he even watches cooking shows just to make sure you eat your flavourful food! Not those salt and pepper tasteless things.
"I made you something~ ...what? It tastes funny? Hmmm must be the new recipe im trying, im sure you're just not used to it, hun"
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amazinglyashy · 4 months ago
hi! i was wondering if i can request lads boys comforting their s/o bc their cat has passed. my baby passed today and i’m grieving really hard. thank you and have an amazing day🫶🏻
Moving this one up immediately in my box just to express my condolences. Your baby was very loved, I'm sure, and I hope you get through this tough time with care <3 I'm sorry for your loss. It's a tough time, regardless of who you're losing. My partner's grandpa passed a couple years back and I remember us crying, laughing and bowling, crying again, and talking a lot. Heck, I went to a craft store right after I heard the news and wandered around for two hours without any goal. I think I bought lolipop sticks. Take care love <3 You'll get through this. I know it's hard.
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LaDS men when your pet cat has passed away
Xavier -
Since he lives so close by, your baby was his baby too, so he's devastated. Not equally so, he knows you spent more time with them, and you had them long before you had met him, but still- the pain exists.
The both of you are a bundle of blankets for a long while, just lying in the comfort and going through the both of your phones as you look for every single photo or video that has your cat in it, even just a little bit.
Lots of tears, but lots of laughs as well.
Everything is clear and apparent with every single memory the two of you go through- every little quirk your cat had, every little habit they had-
You both have a really nice time just talking about your cat, and any of the goofy mischief they used to get up to.
Of course you cry, and of course Xavier holds you through it. He knows how hard this is for you, and he knows it'll pass.
But until then, he's got you.
He's always got you.
Zayne -
He may be pragmatic to an extreme sometimes, but when it comes to grieving, he knows how hard it can be on the human psychic.
Not to mention on someone like you, who's already been through enough.
He'll definitely ask you if you want a hug, and if the answer is yes, he'll hold you, squeezing you so snugly and for so long that surely his muscle memory doesn't know a different position anymore.
Warm tea or cocoa, his old cardigan on your shoulders, pillows and blankets surrounding you on the couch, and just…
A lot of care.
If you ask him for any opinions or advice, he probably won't be able to give it to you. He doesn't want to risk anything coming out abrasive when you're still so tender, so he'll settle for condolences and anything comforting he can think of.
"I know it hurts. And you can try as you might, but the hole they left won't ever manage to be blocked out. All you can do is keep going, and hold their memory close."
Sylus -
Deep breath, it's going to be alright.
Loss is definitely something he's familiar with- and it's partially why he doesn't have anyone of his own. Mephisto may have a personality, but he's also mechanical. There's no way for him to disappear, because every bit of data in him gets saved, just in case.
But there's also no way your cat will disappear either, because Sylus has saved every memory of her, to make sure you will always have something should this day arrived.
He just didn't expect it to come so soon.
Doesn't matter what job he has, it's left to Luke and Kieran. He's by your side to care for you in whatever capacity you may need. He takes a lot of initiative, but he also asks you a lot of questions too. He doesn't want to risk making you uncomfortable, and he knows you're extra tender right now.
A lot of physical affection if that's what you need, and a lot of ideas to help you through it- whether he takes you out somewhere to help distract you from the pain, or goes through old memories with you to help you grieve through it, he'll do anything.
For as long as you may need.
Rafayel -
He hated cats.
Except for this one.
That was partially your fault, but also partially the darned cat's fault for being such a love.
He's devastated, both for you, and for himself.
He'll hug you- kiss you. Anything he can think of that usually cheers you up, even though he knows there's really nothing that's going to help right now.
He's been there, he's experienced loss. He knows what you're going through, and unfortunately- he knows that also means there's not really any helping it.
Someday when you're ready- could be in a month, could be three years from now, it doesn't matter at all him- he'll make you probably one of the favorite gifts you'll ever receive from him.
It's a portrait of your past baby, flowing full of life and color with eyes that sparkle almost as well as theirs did back when they were still around.
And sometimes, 'almost' is more than enough to help ease the pain.
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thecapricunt1616 · 11 months ago
Damiana (c.b. oneshot)
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𝓢𝓷𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓽 (𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓣𝓒): “No. Just stay right like this. I can play with you, right?” He kissed your jaw gently, nipping at the sensitive part near your ear and soothing the sting with his tongue in a way that made you whine. “Yes. But I wanna feel good too” you said, voice needy already. It was quite embarrassing the effect he so easily had on you, he barely even had to try.  “Oh of course princess, y’think I’d neglect my favorite toy? When have I ever left you without makin’ sure y’feel good mm?” He kissed the base your neck right at the top of your spine, spreading your thighs with his knee, your bodies flush together. 
♡ O/S Inspo: Damiana (otherwise known as loveseed) is used to increase the intensity of sexual magick, increase magical energy, divination, dreams/clairvoyance, enhance pleasure and increase psychic abilities.
♡ Summary: You & Carmy wake up extra early on your day off for some reason, so he knows a good way to put you both back to sleep.
♡ W/C: 1,737
♡ Posted Date: 04/18/2024
♡ A/N: OMG Thank you all for 100 followers what the actual heck!!! I want to give each and every one of you a forehead smoochin, thank you so much for hanging out with me and supporting my work! As per usual my requests are alwayyys open! For Carmy x Reader & Carmy x Sydney I woke up today at the asscrack of dawn for no reason at all, and was hit with a strike of writing lightning!! Just in time for my 100 follower celebration :D!!! I hope you enjoy this smutty smutty goodness. Sidenote - Taylor is releasing an album tomorrow so I am bouncing off the walls of my iron cage and gnawing at the bars I'M SO READY!!!! ANYWAYS enjoy my friends <3
♡ Warnings for BTC: Unedited (we die like men!!!)  Breeding kink, swearing, smut smut smut, fluffy needy Carmy, established relationship NO USE OF Y/N
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡
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Early mornings with Carmy were your favorite. Well - the early mornings that he wasn’t jumping in the shower even before the sun had kissed the horizon. But these mornings. 
You woke up this morning at 4:52 - it was Sunday, your favorite day. Carmy & your day. The Bear was closed, the single day a week that it was - so it meant your loving, wonderful husband could stay in bed with you until 3 if he wanted.  
He’d told you many times before if you woke before him for some reason on your sacred together day, to wake him because he didn’t want to spend a moment without you - but for now, you watch. 
It wasn’t often you saw your beloved man like this, fully at peace. Well, other then when he fucked you - but while awake he never fully looked this peaceful. 
You carefully brushed his messy curls off of his forehead, dragging your nails across his scalp gently. You just couldn’t help it, you knew how much he loved it. 
‘Mmm?’ He grumbled, his voice thick and low, husky with sleep. 
“Sorry” you whispered, smiling a bit. You couldn’t help but think of a grizzly bear when he’d make noises like that. While he was in this half asleep - half awake state, he would grunt and huff and grumble, especially on Sundays. 
Just like any other day, his internal clock was on time - and today - he has 0 alarms set. 
“No ‘s fine been up” he said softly. 
You kissed his forehead tenderly, the faintest bit of mint sticking to his breath from last night when he brushed his teeth before practically crawling to bed since he was so exhausted. 
“Bear- it’s Sunday- go to sleep” you said, gently rubbing over his bare chest with your soft palm. 
“Damn birds” he grumbled, causing you to giggle. 
“Y’know it’s the boys, actually? Because the uh…the moms. They go out before the sun, to find breakfast. And the dads are - well. Scientists theorize - that the dads are calling the moms back to the nest, like an alarm the kids are up and hungry” you said softly. 
He hums in interest, rolling on his side with his eyes still closed and gently kissing down your neck as you spoke 
“All I heard was a really good reason we don’t have kids yet” he said, voice deep and thick with sleep. 
“Yeah yeah ok Mr ‘im gonna make you a mom’ “ you imitated his horny raspy voice and he chuckled, snaking his hand under your shirt and rubbing over your stomach gently 
“I am as soon as you take this fuckin thing outta y’r arm” he gently bites down on the inside of your bicep where your implant was, sucking gently, causing you to laugh. 
“I swear to god - your hormones Carm, it's like you’re ovulating or something” you teased and he snorts a laugh into your skin 
“Not my fault you make me horny in the morning” he reached up, palming your breast and squeezing gently 
“You were horny before you woke up fucker, I feel you” you teased, wiggling into his bulge that was pressing into your ass firmly. 
He moaned softly, rolling his hips into yours “Y’gonna help me out or do I have to go shower?” He teased with a grin. 
You roll your eyes playfully “gonna make me work before the sun is even fully in the sky?” You asked and he chuckled a bit 
“No. Just stay right like this. I can play with you, right?” He kissed your jaw gently, nipping at the sensitive part near your ear and soothing the sting with his tongue in a way that made you whine. 
“Yes. But I wanna feel good too” you said, voice needy already. It was quite embarrassing the effect he so easily had on you, he barely even had to try. 
“Oh of course princess, y’think I’d neglect my favorite toy? When have I ever left you without makin’ sure y’feel good mm?” He kissed the base your neck right at the top of your spine, spreading your thighs with his knee, your bodies flush together. 
“Well there was that one time-“ you teased as he pulled his cock out 
“Oh the one time I punished you f’r bein’ a brat.” He squeezed your hip and trailed his hand around your stomach, rubbing gently before dipping his fingers in your panties, finding your clit and humming in satisfaction when you whine hotly, arching into his frame further. 
“Cause you were wearing those slutty gray sweatpants and every bitch in the grocery store was staring at your dick print” you counter, causing him to chuckle, the vibration coursing through you since you were flush to him like one being.
“mmmm and is that why you’re so wet, cause you’re thinkin’ about me wearing something slutty?” He teased rubbing slow firm circles in the way that made you writhe and squirm. 
“Stop teasing before you nut all over my back” you smirk and he gasps, feigning offense. 
“Someone is mouthy this morning” he moved the fabric to the left, rubbing his thick cock over your folds easily with your slick aiding him, moaning softly. 
“Mmmm thank you” you rest your head back on his shoulder, eyes fluttering shut. “Feels soooo nice.” You mumble as he slowly rolls his hips, the head of his cock teasing your clit just enough. 
It wasn’t a full rub, not enough to make you cum for a while, but more a pleasant gentle massage. You felt his hand back on your stomach, rubbing short strokes up and down as he pants, in pure quiet bliss. That was something you adored about him-  whenever you were in public, he was shy, quiet. So quiet. But when you were alone together- the man didn’t have an off switch. 
Neither did you, but yours didn’t shut off in public, either. You did enough talking for the both of you, it was what drew him to you. The only time you made him more quiet, was when he was playing with you this way in the morning. You were pretty sure it was the time, his brain hadn’t fully woken yet - but he had one thought bouncing around like a DVD video logo his cock was achingly hard. 
“I’m probably gonna fall asleep but you’ll wake me right?” You asked and all you got in response was a breathy ‘mmhmm’ 
He gently bit down on your neck, then your shoulder, then your arm, causing you to giggle and look back at him as well as you could “you wanna suck on it. Don’t you.” You teased, referring to your implant. 
Another whiny ‘mmhmm’ and he rolls his hips a bit harder, causing you to moan as his tip ruts over your clit firmer 
“So sweet.” You smiled lazily, closing your eyes once more and humming “I love this Bear y’make me feel so good” you said softly and he whimpers 
“Fuckin’ hell y’too sweet. Lettin’ me play with you like this sweetheart, the sweetest girl” he praises, pushing the hair from your messy sleep off your forehead and kissing your temple. 
“Cus’ y’the best husband” you laced your fingers together and held your hands over your stomach. 
“Mmmm y’know I fuckin love hearin’ y’say that, right?” He rasps, hips getting sloppier and rougher as he got closer to his high. 
“I do every time I say my husband on the phone you blush. It's the cutest thing that you’re still feelin’ like we’re on our honeymoon 2 whole years later” you kissed his hand sweetly. 
“Cause I’m so fuckin’ lucky. Can’t fuckin’ believe y’agreed to take my last name babe. The way you say our last name is so fuckin pretty” he said, kissing your shoulder gently
“I feel so fancy with it. Mrs.Berzatto. Berzatto is so much cooler then my maiden name.” you said 
“Fuckin hell sweetheart im so close can I please cum in you?” He begged, his voice needy and wanting
“Of course Bear Y’don’t need to ask” you said and he released your hand, placing his palm at the base of your abdomen and slipping in, filling you to the hilt. 
You whimper, back arching slightly “mmm feel’so full” you mutter, gasping as he started a quick snap of his hips, jaw falling slack. 
“It’s so fuckin hot that I can feel myself fuck you” he pressed his palm firmer into your abdomen, angling himself in a way to both feel himself better, but also slide perfectly against your gspot 
“Yeah y’get so deep bear. Y’gonna fill me up? Y’gonna knock me up? Mmm?” You whine, your own orgasm approaching fast 
“Fuck yeah I am princess sh-iiit. Fuck gonna make y’a fuckin mom” he grunts, spreading your legs further and reaching down to rub your clit making you clench around him. 
He whimpers hips stuttering as he ruts into you, completely bottoming out trying to get as deep as he can as he empty’s his huge load into you, breathing hard and remaining still inside of you while he rubs your clit in quicker circles. 
He could tell you were on the edge because of the way you were clenching and unclenching around his now overstimulated cock, he wanted to get you there so he could remain inside of you for a while. 
“That’s it, my good girl. Thank you Angel, you took me so well. Y’can always handle whatever I give you it’s so fuckin hot.  Now I’m gonna make sure y’re all taken care of, mmm? Just like I promised” he said softly into the shell of your ear before kissing your head gently. 
“I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming - oh- fuck-“ you whine, thighs shaking as some of your mixed arousal drips down his balls to his thigh. 
“Gooood. Tha’s it, good girl” he praised, slowing his fingers to a slow rub as he worked you down. 
“Mmm that was so nice Carmy” you hummed, looking back and kissing his lips lovingly. 
“So nice princess. Thank y’for letting me” he kissed the tip of your nose gently “can I stay in a little longer” he kissed your jaw gently 
“Course- I was actually gonna ask you to. I like falling asleep like this” you laced your fingers together holding your interlocked hands over your belly.  “Y’so fuckin perfect” he mumbled into the skin of your neck.
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bitter-me · 1 year ago
Hello!! Before I leave a request, I would like to ask how are you doing? Are you sleeping well? I also want to say that I really liked the fic with Jin Yuan!! Thank you very much!
Regarding my request! -What about Argenti with the Knight of Beauty! Reader? I’ve been thinking about this for a very long time, but only now am I deciding to write!
It's the same as always - if you don't like it, ignore it!
(I apologize for any mistakes if there are any)
-Anon 🌾
Beauty in All
Argenti | M. Reader
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"Although my sleep schedule's a mess, I'm a-okay! When I read your request I was taken aback because I actually was thinking of writing for him. Did you read my mind?"
"You're so beautiful!"
"So handsome!"
"You're very pretty!"
"You look like a doll!"
Those are the worlds he constantly hears, all those compliments, those honeyed, flowery words. So sweet he could have diabetes. They always compliment him on his looks, how elegant he is.
They asked him---no, bombarded him with questions.
"What's your skincare routine?"
"What shampo do you use?"
"Do you use make up?"
And the questions goes on and on with no end to it.
Of course he doesn't deny it either. He knows he's beautiful.
But is beauty all that matters?
They say "I love you" they say "I think I'm in love with you." But is all of that true? At first he was flattered but as time goes on, he began to believe their nothing but lies. They love him yes but do they truly love him? Or are they simply obsessed?
It's clear that they only see him as a doll meant to be placed inside a glass case. To admire.
He's not human to them, but a doll.
When he met Argenti, he was simply indifferent to the other's flowery words. They're mere flattery after all. He didn't mean it... not one bit.. Even though he smiles and thanked him for the gifts, flowers, and compliments. He can't help but feel a little... angry.
Who does he think he is? Some doll he could play with? So what? He's going to leave him once he's bored? Is that it!? He's merely an entertainment for him?! When the Knight said those words with a charming smile. Doubt began to cloud his mind. Is he truly sincere?
He wanted to believe him... he truly wanted to believe him...
"I love you, my dove." The Knight said sweetly as he gave a charming smile.
What a wonderful, loving, and gentle smile... and it was directed to him too... and yet...
"Argenti.." He began slowly as he looks at the other with a stern expression. "Please focus on the mission." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose as if he's trying to get rid of a growing headache. Unlike the rest of the Knights of Beauty [Name] doesn't do any fighting, instead... he's their navigator.
How should those hooligans know where to go without a navigator? They'll be lost in space! Floating in the endless vast of the universe.
Honestly... it's almost as if he's the only one with a brain amongst their blind worship. Yes he's with the Knights of Beauty... Yes [Name] worships Idrila... but he knew for a fact that their Aeon has fallen... if she is how benevolent as the others claimed it to be.. then wouldn't she be answering their calls then? Answering their worship?
Sometimes he wished he could lend the other Knights his thoughts, and... sometimes he hopes for a savior to come, one that got what it takes to convince everyone. To let them see. They could worship her yes, heck! [Name] still worships her even after he knows the truth! But... to blindly follow her Path? To blindly put your own life in danger? For someone who had longed past?
"You're next destination is close to Penacony so..." He began to brief Argenti on his next "expedition."
....How could this happen..?
Without much to do... he merely sticks with Mr. Yang and Miss Himeko as [Name] isn't that much of a fighter himself. He applaud Miss Himeko for being able to do so. As a fellow navigator, she earned his respect.
As the crew continue to investigate they soon discovered Juvenile Stings, and Lesser Stings inside the train. At one point, [Name] was caught in the crossfire.
Just his luck, huh..?
Argenti... being the "Knight in shining armor" he is... decided to put it upon himself in treating his lovely navigator.
The two didn't say a word as [Name] let Argenti treat his wounds. The once smooth skin now turned bloody. Looks like he won't be receiving any more compliments after this... and just like that... he'll be left to rot as their "toy" is now damaged and had lost it's appeal..
Then after a long silence, [Name] spoke up in a quiet tone. A question. One that's been plaguing his mind ever since the Knight confessed his love to him. "Argenti... will you still love me... when I'm no longer young and beautiful..?"
At first, Argenti was taken aback by the sudden question as his smile falters but soon, his smile returns to his face. Even more gentle and loving than before. "Of course, there's beauty in everything. The sight of you being old and wrinkly... your hair that had turned white..."
"It's a look that makes you feel the traditional and history. Even if you were covered in mud, or turning into an old and thin appearance..."
"It's not just the outside, but also the inside... you will grow and become more wiser..."
"It's proof of how time makes you even more beautiful."
"Beauty isn't just about the outside.. but also on the inside.."
"There's beauty in all."
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valdekboy · 14 days ago
Another Amazing AU
I never know what to write here… so let's get straight to the point then. A while back I found another amazing AU that belongs to @chez-cinnamon and I liked it … a lot.
And as always, If I liked something, I can't just be normal about it and comment something nice, I had to draw something. Long story short, first sketches were terrible, that took me on a long trip of re-learning some things and learning a couple new things. Overall, making these drawings was one looong roller coaster.
And as always . . . THAT LITTLE YELLOW SON OF A GUN WAS PUSHING ME TO DRAW THE MAIN 6 HE LIKES SO MUCH. So this time I gave him a camera and made HIM do all the work. Let's see how it went.
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Well, the camera experienced Mach 1 speed, so I think that's all
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Now, that's all.
In the end I want to say that I love what you did with these characters and I'm sorry if i messed up any of them.
And now off I go cause honestly I'm a bit stressed about posting this. So I'm pressing the publish button and I'm signing off. I'll be back soon.
As always have a Good Night/Day!
And If you want to read a bit of my rambling about this whole drawing process It's all down there. Just be aware that I write these things mostly for myself.
When I did the first sketch I realized that my old method of drawing poses (which was just sticks and orbs) won't work here. So i started to learn and re-learn some basics, and I tried to remake those sketches at the same time.
In the end there were like 5 different sketches for each character and to be honest, I was really close to just throwing it all out the window because it felt like i was going nowhere. But I found the problem.
My brain just couldn't comprehend that REFERENCE is just a REFERENCE not a fucking guideline that you have to hold on to for your dear life. It's okay to mess up here and there and that no-one is going to kill me for that. And when that thought clicked in, it felt amazing. I finished sketches, then lineart, heck I even drew all these in-betweens with Valdi (that yellow potat).
And then there was time for coloring . . . and that fear of messing up came back. That's why there's not much going on in that department. I'll keep working on fixing that, but it might take a while. And these backgrounds were a complete experiment. I'm not even sure myself if they're any good.
All of this felt like I threw myself in the deep water, but somehow I did it and I'm really glad all of this happened. Comparing these to my previous ones, I really see some improvement, and I did these MUCH faster. Even counting in all the learning i did. (plus building up courage to post these)
I still wish these drawings turned out better, the lines feel stiff, there's nothing to interesting in terms of colors or shading, but even with all that, for the first time in a while I think that these drawings aren't that bad.
And now for the AU. Why this one? I just stumbled upon it one day and I really liked the idea of switching up the one who controls the whole circus. And all those changes to the characters, their style, the clothes, colors and all those little details, I just love everything about that AU. All these characters feel really calming/relaxing to draw If these are the right words to use. (I really hope it doesn't sound too weird) I don't know if I would've learnt the things I did if I didn't find that AU.
So I want to say THANK YOU @chez-cinnamon for creating an Awesome AU and all these Beautiful drawings, and for giving me that bit of inspiration I needed.
If anyone decided to read all that and somehow survived, know that I'm sorry if all of that looks like bunch of random thoughts cobbled together (I bet that my english didn't make this any easier) As I said earlier, I write these thing mostly for myself so I can come back and read them in the future (It just helps me sometimes).
And I just want YOU to know, whoever you are, I'm really glad that YOU are here, reading this.
Thank You for being here!
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reneesghostinthelivingroom · 3 months ago
Ghosts Like That
|| Parallel Powder x fem!reader
|| Warnings; season two episode seven spoilers, reader has PTSD about the heist, descriptions of PTSD and anxiety, brief swearing, hurt/comfort/fluff
|| Summary; when reader finds herself back in memories she would rather forget, Powder helps her back to the present.
Requests closed!
Started; December 16th
Finished; December 17th
HurtCember2024; Day 14, Near Death
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It's been years since you nearly got caught in that explosion along with Vi. Years. You weren't even close to being over it. You'd almost died. That was... well, the closest thing to a near death experience you'd ever had. It was terrifying. You were just a kid. It still haunted you in your dreams. Seared into your mind as though it had just happened in the present moment. Ghosts like that never really leave.
You'd been up working in your girlfriend's workshop. She often let you tinker with the bits she wasn't going to use. Who was she to stop a creative mind, after all? You caught a flicker of a blue flash from a spark and suddenly you were back in that fancy piltover workshop. Your breathing picked up, the sound of an explosion ringing between your ears. Your eyes teared up and you cupped the side of your head. Screaming to get out the overstimulation you were feeling. Or, at least trying to get it out. Your whole body buzzed with phantom pain. A jitter to your bones you couldn't quite shake.
Powder had just gotten home after visiting with Vander and Silco at the bar. Humming happily to herself. Until your scream cut through the air. Panic flared inside her chest, adrenaline spiking. She burst the door open so fast she was shocked it didn't go flying. Her heart sank at the sight of you; her legs moving before her mind could catch up. In no time at all, she had you in her arms. Cradling you. Holding you close with care. Fearing to make it worse.
"Shh, shh, you're okay. Just breathe. You're at the workshop. Breathe. Feel the seat under you," Powder tried desperately to ground you. It wasn't her first time handling the PTSD you had. She'd come to learn your triggers and the methods that helped calm you.
You could faintly hear your girlfriend talking. But you couldn't see her. Not- her her, anyway. You saw little Powder. The workshop. Little Powder trying to talk to you and ease you through it. This- wasn't how the memory went. The realization of that is what helped you to start grounding yourself. Slowly, the fancy workshop around you faded. Replaced with the familiar one you'd grown to find comfort in. The colours. The work bench. The art work on the walls that was a combination of both yours and Powder's drawings. Heck, even Mylo got around to sticking one up of himself. It was terribly drawn and you couldn't help but chuckle looking at. Even in your state.
Powder looked down at you, following your eyes to the picture Mylo had put up recently. She smirked, her thumb brushing your arm," Mylo isn't the best artist in the world, is he?" Powder asked. Hoping the picture would make for the perfect distraction for you.
You shook your head, leaning into her chest," no. I've seen better drawings from kids," you laughed. Powder eased at the sound. You were laughing, that was a good sign. Even if it was at Mylo's expense.
"Yeah, I can't tell if that's supposed to be his arm or his head," Powder pointed to the art. Squinting her eyes to get a better look. Maybe it was a blaster of some sort? Fuck if she knew.
"Pfft, he looks more like a spider than a Mylo," you smirked at your own comment. Powder burst out laughing, nodding in agreement to you. He did, didn't he? He could have presented the drawing as a spider and she would have fully believed it.
Powder's eyes focused back on you. Her expression softened, admiring the little crinkle next to your eye. Caused by the smile on your lips. You turned around pretty quickly this time. Maybe that was a sign of it getting better? Powder sure hoped so. She didn't like seeing you in pain, "How you feeling?" She asked, being careful not to trigger you again.
"Better," you murmured. Snuggling up to your girlfriend in the chair. Eyes still on Mylo's picture. Who knew a poorly drawn Mylo would have been what helped calm you down?
"Good," Powder gave you a gentle kiss. Your lips moving against hers in slow, practiced movements. The last of the memory fading from your mind. Hoping that it wouldn't be back any time soon.
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parasolladyansy · 8 days ago
PKMN & spring rain
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Why, hello again, Rain. Hehe. 🩵
It’s almost the first day of spring, my favorite time of year (even as I start to get allergies lol). It’s a cool, damp, overcast day, & thought I’d have a little fun with the plush team. ^u^
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Welcome to my tiny, little rainy garden. 🌧️🪺🌱
She’s a little messy, & some flowers are still in the middle (or beginning) of growing. That’s okay though - so am I lol. ;u;
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The little umbrella decoration Zephyr is Roosting on is supposed to be a bird feeder, but it’s a bit small - I mostly use it for the vibes. I did put a little birdseed though, just in case (thinking of just getting a tiny plant to grow in there lol).
I’m slowly getting more feathered friends visiting me, thanks to the bigger dish of birdseed I left out - a pair of mourning doves are my most regular visitors, but I saw a pair of cardinals this morning, along with a little finch. Now I just gotta find a way to stop the birdseed from falling down on my downstairs neighbor’s balcony…I’m so sorry neighbors, I swear I don’t mean it! >u>;;
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I always get white geraniums & violas / pansies. The geraniums stick around for most of the year - I like how their flower bunches look like puffy cumulus clouds (especially in the sky blue pot it’s in). ☁️
Here’s a bit of rain lore 🌧️ It was believed that if you pick a pansy in the morning, it’ll rain later in the day. I think it might be from the fact that pansies / violas are one of the first & last flowers you plant in the year, which also is the time we see some more rainfall as the air & temperatures shift. Either way, that’s why they’d use pansies for rain spells.✨
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I also have my paperwhites out here now, & planted some bird-eye speedwell seeds - we’ll see if they bloom / sprout. Meanwhile, I always dreamt of growing a pretty blue hydrangea (they were in my wedding bouquet 🩵). This was the spring I said, “heck - let’s try it!” We’ll see how she grows, & if she flowers this summer. 8u8
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Oh, & where’s Cirrus? My little garden is a bit too messy for him lol, so he stayed in & helped me make harusame soup. “Harusame” means “spring rain”, I think because of the clear glass noodles. =u=
Thanks for spending this time with me. These days, I’ve been trying to just concentrate on what I can do, what hope, happiness, & / or peace I can find (& share). Luckily, spring is the perfect time to do just that. 🌱
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maskedcrawford · 27 days ago
A Shadow of Doubt
G-Dragon x Reader
Summary: Ji-yong isn't a fan of you and your ex working together.
Warnings: some angst.
A/N: To the sweet darling anon who sent me this request, please let me know if this isn't what you wanted (if you wanted more angst or more fluff plz tell me). Otherwise I hope you guys enjoy.
Requests are OPEN
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“Yeah, that sounds great! Thank you for calling!” you say as you hang up the phone. You grin from to ear as your boyfriend, Ji-yong, slinks his arms around your waist pulling you in close to him.
“What was that about, Jagiya?” he asks still a little groggy from sleep. His rests on your shoulder. You spin in his arms and drape yours around his neck.
“I just got a call from the publisher over at 31 Rue Cambon and they want me to shoot for their next magazine cover!” you exaggerate the word cover. Ji-yong’s eyes widen and his grin stretches from ear to ear.
“Agi that’s amazing, congratulations!” He gives you a hug and you rest there for a minute.
“You’re coming with me, right?” you ask as you pull apart.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
The next day you and Ji walk into the studio hand in hand excited for the day. As you round the corner you’re greeted by a familiar face, Minjun, your ex-boyfriend.
“Oh my goodness!” You smile as he looks up and has a warm friendly smile.
“Y/n?” he’s stunned to see you as you walk over and give him a hug.
“Minjun, it’s so good to see you!” You don’t notice how Ji-yong’s body tenses at the sight of your hug. Does he trust you? Of course. Does he trust your ex? Not a chance.
“Wait, are you my partner for the shoot,” you state more than ask as you take in his exquisite outfit.
“Looks like it,” he chuckles as he moves his eyes over you in a way Ji-yong doesn’t like. He strides up to you throwing his arm over your shoulder, sizing up the man you used to call baby. You toss a glance Ji’s way and notice his stature, confident, sexy, protective. You smirk to yourself.
“Minjun, this is Ji-yong,” Minjun bows in respect to Ji and you can’t miss the smirk that rises up on his face.
“I’m a big fan,” he states respectfully. Ji raises his eyebrows and barely mutters a thanks before turning his attention to you.
“Don’t you need to get ready?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you guys in a bit!” You go to leave them, but Ji takes hold of your wrist pulling you back to him. He gives a deep kiss, one that while it might sound sweet, wasn’t about you at all. It was about letting Minjun know what’s his. He’d make sure he knew you were happily taken. You practically push Ji-yong off you to make your way to the makeup room.
Once you’re dressed and your makeup is done its time to shoot. You walk out to see Minjun dressed in dapper clothing and smile to yourself. He always was handsome, nothing compared to Ji-yong, but he was still good looking.
“Beautiful as ever. You’re a vision,” he flatters as you walk on the set. A light blush comes up on your cheeks and Ji-yong rolls his eyes as he watches you.
“We need y/n here and Minjun, here,” the photographer poses you both for a few shots before the rhythm finally sets and you’re in a groove.
“Oh that’s great!” the photographer says as Minjun puts his hands around your body, holding you close, almost intimately. Ji-yong groans and you notice your boyfriend looking stressed. You finish the shoot and Minjun gives you a hug telling you how well you did and how good it was to see you.
“Yeah, and now you can tell her bye because we are leaving, unless you wanna give him a kiss goodbye,” Ji-yong cuts his eyes at the guy who looks at you with his brows shot up.
“I uh, listen, y/n I’ll see at the show tomorrow night,” he walks off awkwardly.
“What the heck was that about?” you ask Ji-yong, trying to keep your voice down.
“You didn’t have to be rude to him,” you stick your finger to his chest.
“What did he mean, tomorrow? What show?” Ji’s eyes narrow at you now.
“Along with shooting for the magazine, they ladies in the makeup trailer told me I’m being asked to walk in the fashion show tomorrow night.” You explain calmly.
“So, before I came out I verified the information and it’s true, I get to walk the catwalk.” You did a short but dramatic strut, forgetting about your man’s attitude for a moment as you get more excited for the night ahead.
“W-wait, so you’re walking with him?” his tone is mixed with a bit of fear, jealousy and something else you can’t quite place.
“Yeah,” you shrug as you take his hand and begin to walk out.
“Why?” he asks like it isn’t obvious.
“Ji, you’re an ambassador, why is this such a big deal? I thought you loved Chanel,” you guys get into the car and he’s silent.
“Come on, yeobo, talk to me. You know the silent treatment freaks me out,” you say low as you remember part of the reason you and Minjun broke up years ago. He was the last guy you dated before meeting Ji, and the relationship wasn’t the epitome of healthy. When got mad he would go silent on you, never wanting to talk about anything but instead bottling it all up until he exploded. This eventually ended up with the two of you growing apart. You didn’t talk about anything meaningful and wouldn’t have the hard but necessary conversations. So you both decided it was time to end things.
You can see Ji-yong thinking, he’s always animated that way. You can see the wheels turning in his brain as he tries to think of what to say, it’s one of the many things you love most about him.
“I’m just,” he sighs as he parks in front of the building.
“What,” you question and take his hand in yours.
“Nothing, I’m sorry,” he gives you an apologetic look, but you aren’t having it.
“Just tell me.” You sigh as you both walk in the house.
“Fine,” he says a little louder than he meant to.
“I don’t like that you’re working with him, I think it’s stupid but I’m not going to ask you to not to do the show or anything because that isn’t fair to you but you being near him freaks me out.” He stares at the floor until he feels your hand on his cheek.
“What, you’re jealous?” You can’t help the hint of amusement in your voice.
“I don’t know, I mean I trust you and I know you love me,” he still won’t look at you so you move his head to stare in his eyes.
“I love you, Ji, not Minjun,” you chuckle to yourself for only a moment.
“You, what?” his eyes are wide and a smile begins to appear on his face. You hadn’t said the words yet, but you knew it was bound to happen.
“I said, I love you,” you cup his face tenderly and he crashes his lips to yours in quick, sloppy kisses.
“I love you more,” he says against your lips. You giggle and he places you on the counter in the middle of the kitchen.
“You know I’m not going anywhere,” you peer down at him with his face still in your hands.
“I want to be with you,” you say sweetly as you rest your foreheads together.
“Don’t let anyone else make you think otherwise, ok? You’re the one I want. You’re the only one I want.” He nods his head as he stares up at you in awe, for a moment he really can’t believe you’re with him.
The next night, the place is hopping with activity. Cameras flashing, tons of people talking and giving interviews, this is one of the things you love most about being an idol, yes the applause and cheering fans are great, doing music is amazing and your dream, but being in the mix of the chaos was an adrenaline rush like nothing else in life.
Ji is dressed in his usual Chanel fit, the black and white shirt and pants with the little tie around his neck. His mint hair is slicked back and he has a pair of sunglasses on.
“You look very handsome,” you give him a sweet kiss before exiting the car. He hums into it and as you try to pull away, he deepens it, once again like a reminder that you’re his. Even though you don’t need one.
You playfully roll your eyes. Ji’s always been protective, but you’d never seen him jealous before, not like this at least. While part of you liked it, part of you knew he’d need some reassurance later.
You both stop for pictures and interviews for a brief moment before heading back to the dressing room. You spot Minjun and wave as you walk in.
“I thought you might have left us,” he says with a hug hello. Minjun’s eyes land on Ji-yong and he gives him an annoyed look. Minjun purses his lips and back off of you.
“I’ll see you out there, Aein,” once again he leaves after giving you passionate kiss, one for the movies really.
“Down boy,” you smirk at him with a brow quirked. Ji-yong’s eyes slightly widen as a blush threatens the tip of his ears.
“Make sure to get plenty of pictures,” you say as you adjust his collar quietly. He smiles with a slight blush on his face as he nods and waves goodbye to the few people who start crowding around you.
“I don’t think he likes me,” Minjun says obviously.
“I don’t know why, we were over years ago, and he knows I love him,” You see Minjun’s face flash with what looks like disappointment before covering it with a polite smile.
“I’m glad you’re happy,” he says putting a hand on your shoulder before walking over to his seat.
You catch the small glimpses he throws your way and you sit there wondering what Ji-yong’s doing.
Jiyong makes it to his seat and waits patiently. He’s really proud of you and he can’t wait to see you walk this stage like you own it. But he isn’t excited to see Minjun. He knew about how the relationship ended and that it was mutual. But part of him wondered if you ever thought about the ‘what if’s’ with Minjun.
What if you had stayed together, what if it had worked out with you and him, what if Jiyong had never come into the picture? The questions are running so fast through his mind he would swear it made him dizzy. The music starts to play and the last few people walk in and take their seats.
You’re dressed in a white flowy dress and Ji-yong makes sure he gets great pictures of it. He beams at you with his gummy grin as he watches you walk and you catch it out of the corner of your eye. You feel a tinge of blush come up on your stoic face as you think of how proud he is of you. You make your last turn and make your way backstage.
You have your own mini freak out session as you can’t contain the excitement. Dancing in place for a moment you open your eyes to Minjun grinning at you.
“You did great,” he comes in for a hug and you give him one.
“Jagiya that was amazing!” you peak over Minjun’s shoulder and push past him and jump into Ji’s arms. You giggle softly as you feel his warm body against yours, reminding you of home.
“You looked beautiful, graceful, elegant, everything you are off stage,” he cups your face and you can see the adoration in his eyes.
“I’m so, so proud of you, nae sarang,” you smile at him excited and kiss the palm of his hand.
“Thank you, Oppa,” you say shyly. He slings his arm around you and both see Minjun standing there watching you both. Ji’s countenance changes again to one that’s protective and down right jealous.
“Your girl did great tonight,” he says.
“Yeah, my girl did,” he looks down at you with a smirk.
“I’m gonna get changed and then we can go.” You walk past the guys to get your clothes changed.
“Ya know,” Minjun chuckles darkly, “She was my girl at one point,” he looks at Ji with a deceptive smirk.
“Yeah, and you fucked it up,” Ji says pridefully.
“If I wanted her, I could have her,” he says lowly. Ji-yong gives him a look of disgust.
“You did, have her and you lost her.”
“It was mutual,” he tuts.
“And yet, if you’d been a real man she wouldn’t be with me. So I guess what I’m saying is thanks for screwing up and stay away from what’s mine.”
You walk out to see Ji and Minjun in each other’s faces.
“Babe? Everything ok,” you ask slowly. Ji smiles and chuckles at your ex this time. He walks over to you and rests his forehead on yours, “Everything’s perfect.” You look at him with pride and joy.
“Ready to go home?”
“Baby, home is where you are.” You reassure him. He grins at you wide, taking your hand in his and walking with his held high past your ex.
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If you enjoyed, buy me a coffee
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fluff-n-cookies · 1 year ago
hey, can I ask the reader to be Aizawa's daughter, but she lives with her mother in another country, so when the reader gets into a fight, her mother sends her to live with Aizawa, but she forgets to tell him, so y/ n arrives and says "hey dad, surprise?"
I'm so sorry for responding late, I just been so caught up with school, but sure! (p.s. I'm not sure if you wanted oneshots or headcanons so I did headcanons. sorry about that. and I'm also heacanoning this reader as socially awkward, sorry about that too.) reader is a teen in this!
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first off, reader is besties with Present Mic and definitely told Mic to tell Aizawa she was coming, but did Mic Do that? NO!
he probably drove you back to UA from the airport and just barged in yelling "BITCH (Aizawa) GUESS WHAT" "what do you want Mic?" "no, guess!"
okay parting away from the crack, Aizawa and you are both dying of embarrassment since Aizawa is teaching a CLASS RIGHT NOW.
So Aizawa is Infuriated since first he knows you hate being put on in the spotlight so he does scold Mic about it while all might handle class 1A's training.
eventually you two do get to talk one on one and the moment after you say "hey dad, surprise?" he just collapses on the closest surface and replies "goddamn it you're too cute to be mad at."
please tell him about every single detail of your trip it makes him so happy. he wants to know you trust him with this information and it makes him feel like he's getting just a bit closer to you. even the bad things that make you cry like a bad break up or an argument with your mom, it just makes him want to comfort you more.
tries to get you some of your favorite snacks from your country so you feel at home.
if you feel out of place in Japan since the majority of us are probably not Japanese and probably do not meet beauty expectations, he encourages you to keep being yourself instead of trying to fit in like everyone else.
these girls are doing your nails and practically interrogating you about your life in your country.
Momo wants to know ALL the customs and ALL the history, HECK TEACH HER YOUR WHOLE LANGUGE.
Tsu, Ochako, and Hagakure are just happy to be there, and Jiro is incharge of music.
they are also the ones protecting you from Mineta so try and stick with them.
now here, Shoto and Tenya are in a silent battle over your love and Mineta and Kaminari are fighting over your Boobs.
Shoto helps control the temperature in your room so it seems more like the climate your used to in your country.
while Iida is purposely taking a languge class that you speak and having you translate it for him so he knows he's doing it correctly. (he knows he is but he just wants to hear your voice.)
shinsou automatically switches to brother mode, please let him show you his cat plushes and favorite animes, it just makes him so happy.
Eri HAS to have a sleep over with you at one point, you're like an older sister to her (MOVE ASIDE HADO-)
speaking with Toshinori in english if you come from an english speaking country.
Thank you for requesting and I hope to see you in my inbox again soon!
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zedif-y · 11 months ago
omg!!!! joel + "afraid" maybe???
Joel isn't afraid of water.
He grits his teeth, forces a smile when Grian looks over at him, head tilted in question. He shakes his head.
" 'm good," is what comes out of his mouth, casual as anything. "Don't wanna get wet."
Which is true, you know. He's not lying. He's just... Kinda not feeling the whole swimming thing right now. Even though he said he would. Multiple times.
...Nothin' wrong with that. A guy can change his mind, can't he?
Grian looks unimpressed, "You went to a beach party to people watch?"
"You went over here to judge?" Joel fires back. An itching something creeps under his skin. "I'll put sand in your wings, Grian, don't think I won't." Grian huffs.
"Someone's tetchy today," He mumbles. He stretches his wings, large swaths of red feathers that catch the sun, "Whatever. Call me if you need me, I'll be over by- Mumbo, are you sunburnt already?!"
Joel watches him go, amusement on his lips as Grian runs off. He lets out a breath.
Why'd he agree to this, again?
("Hey," Impulse says. "So, the other hermits and I were planning something, and we were wondering if you'd wanna-")
("Yes," Joel blurts out, then— "I mean no- I mean! What're- what's the plan?")
(Joel fights a wince.)
(Nice save, idiot.)
(But Impulse just smiles—thank the gods—and goes, "Well, it's nothing fancy or anything. Just a hangout at the beach. Grian found this awesome spot-")
And Joel promises he was listening. He was. It's just, you know. Exciting? 'Cuz he's one of the new guys and it's a whole new server to get used to and they actually want him to hang out, and that's great and he's got plans for builds, farms, and, and.
Maybe, just- maybe. He wants this to work out. Really wants this to work out. Wants to be here to stay.
Because like— Joel's a Hermit now. A real, bonafide Hermit, even though it doesn't feel real. Even if it hasn't quite sunk in yet.
So. You know. What's the harm, right?
("I'll be there," Joel says at last, grinning in a way that he hopes is casual and not painfully eager. "When's it happening?")
Joel can't help but wonder if this is turning out the way he wanted it to, though.
The heat prickles at his skin, leaves him sweating and uncomfortable in his rolled up shirt and pants. He fans himself with the front of his shirt, just watching the others pass the time.
Hermitcraft's got a variety of members— Jevin laughs as xB drenches Keralis in a spray of water, halting when sand is thrown his way in return. ("You know that sticks to me!") Xisuma's in swim trunks and his usual helmet, fanning himself with his hands like it'll stave off the heat. Tango doesn't even break a sweat.
Something worms into his chest, an ugly, twisting feeling that curls around his lungs.
Joel grimaces. Oh, what the heck.
Biting his lip, Joel looks down at his chest, under his shirt. He doesn't exactly grimace, but there's nothing happy about his face, either.
Again, ugh.
Joel sighs, shaking his head. He goes back to people watching, ignoring the prickling discomfort under his skin. This is fine. This is fine.
At the corner of his eye— Pearl stands by the side, cracking jokes with Etho. They're both still wearing jackets. It makes something in Joel unfurl, just a little bit.
He tears his eyes away before they spot him.
The thing is— Joel doesn't, like, hate himself or anything. Not anymore, or at least not right now. And he's not afraid of water, despite how intensely he stared at the sea. It's just, it's...
Joel chews on his lip, picking off dried skin. The small tears bleed, droplets of blood on his tongue as he licks them away. He barely realizes he's doing it— and by the end, his lip twinges a little, reddened and sore.
Sweat makes his clothes cling to his skin. Joel wishes he hadn't agreed to any of this at all.
"You got room for one more?" A voice asks, jolting him out of his thoughts.
Joel turns to look— "Zedaph," He says, surprised. He scoots over his (frankly, way too large) beach blanket, "Yeah, I've got- yeah. You can sit."
Zedaph grins, "Just Zed is fine," He tells him, sitting next to Joel.
He's not in his usual getup right now, Joel notes. Not that he'd know. He's only talked to the guy twice, seen him in meetings. But something about the lack of a cardigan, although understandable, strikes Joel as a bit off— it's like seeing your teacher in casual wear outside of school. Makes sense, but it's kinda weird.
"You gonna swim?" Joel asks, just for something to fill the air. By the water, Scar gets pinched by a crab. Joel snickers.
Zedaph watches on, amused. "With how hot it is, I feel like I already am," He huffs. He rifles through his inventory, a pink fan appearing in his hand, "But no, I don't think I will. It's a nightmare on the wool."
Joel hums, makes sense.
"How about you?"
Joel frowns— he doesn't mean to, it just kinda happens— and says, "Uh, dunno. Maybe? I don't-" He makes a face. "I said I would, but now 'm not sure."
After a beat, Zedaph shrugs. "Well, you've got time," He says at last, and that's that.
They settle into people-watching, for the most part. Just watching the other Hermits bask in the sun, laughing and splashing around as the day goes on.
It looks— it looks fun. It looks so fucking fun.
Joel grits his teeth, the hand gripping the front of his shirt tightening without his notice. What the heck. What the heck.
Frustration gnaws at him, eyes caught on the way they all carry themselves, loose and carefree. Not at them, obviously, it's at his stupid, like, brain—
Joel lets out a breath, deep and measured.
He wanted to come. He said he'd come, join in and swim and whatever else. But now he's here and he's sitting in the shade and not even talking to Zedaph because he can't get a hold of himself, too worked up over nothing as he agonizes over the fact that his shirt is clinging to his skin and it's wrong and it's weird and it feels like, like.
Joel lets his gaze drop to the sand at his feet.
It feels like if they knew, if they saw him the way he saw himself, then they'd, like, regret inviting him here. Or something. Here being the server and the world and not just beach party.
Which, which is stupid and he knows this, but it's so hard to shake— like, how did he even get here, again?
Joel bites back a groan. Today is an awful day to have blummin' imposter syndrome.
For goodness' sake, now he's sulking.
After a while, Zedaph speaks up.
"Are you alright?" He asks, eyebrows drawn together. Joel wants to evaporate on the spot.
He shakes his head, then grimaces. Now he's acting like a toddler.
"Oh," Zedaph says, looking a bit lost. Joel can relate. "...Thirsty?"
Joel blinks. "Huh?"
"Sorry," Zedaph's cheeks flush pink, shaking his head, "I'm not very good at this. D'you want to talk? I can listen if you want."
Joel thins his lips, weighing his options.
He thinks that in another world, another time he probably would've just kept this to himself. 'Cuz he can handle this, he's not a kid. But somewhere along the line— the line of repeatedly bottling shit up, having it rattle and shake and eventually explode— he sort of. Well.
Maybe he realized that that doesn't work. Anymore.
So, "It's stupid."
Joel winces. Great start.
"I mean, it's not. I guess. It's just, new guy jitters, you know?" He tries to explain, watching as understanding dawns on Zedaph's face, a knowing smile that puts a balm on the static-y feeling in Joel's veins. "I'm sorta freaking out about, everything? Even the ones that don't make sense."
His cheeks burn red, "Like the way I'm all sweaty and gross and— I kinda don't want people to see, my body—?" He cuts himself off, his face pinched like he swallowed a lemon. "It's, you know. Not just because of gender things, but it is kind of that, but it's... Gods, Zed, just tell me they aren't gonna kick me out."
The last words come out in a rush, high-pitched and not squeaky as they tumble past Joel's lips. Zedaph blinks.
"Before I joined Hermitcraft, I was falling through the sky with my own sick on my head," Zedaph starts. Which. "Before that, the first ever thing I did was dig a hole in the ground and call that my home. And make an egg farm. But mostly the digging."
Joel tries very, very hard to find where this is going. (A fool's errand, from what he's heard about Zed, but still.)
"When I was asked to join Hermitcraft, my first thought was— really? Me?" Then, he laughs. "But they were serious! And I even asked Tango, then, if it was some elaborate prank. But it wasn't! They really wanted me on here!"
Zedaph gestures around them, "It's easy to get caught in your head, I get that. But we know what we're doing—" He pauses. "When it comes to this, at least. When the Hermits invited me, they knew what they were signing up for— vomit and worms and holes in the ground. And possibly a hint of death and malpractice. Of all sorts."
The knot, slowly unraveling in Joel's chest, starts to loosen up.
Somehow. What was that about death?
Zedaph nudges him, "So lighten up, yeah? Nobody's getting kicked out." Joel manages a smile.
"Thanks, Zed-"
"I mean, if people got kicked out for being sweaty and gross, there'd be no one left!" Zedaph leans in to stage-whisper, "What, you think Impulse didn't sweat in season 9? With all that lava?"
Joel snorts, "Point taken."
Zedaph grins. He leans back, resting on the base of the palm tree they've settled under.
"Take your time to figure out if you're swimming or not," Zedaph tells him, purple eyes glinting under flecks of sunlight. "But nobody will mind if you just stay here. Promise."
Joel nods. This time, smiling comes easier.
"Okay," He replies. He lets out a breath, watches as the sun shines down on the beach, "Thanks, Zed."
"Not a problem."
(Joel doesn't, in fact, end up swimming.)
(He watches the sun set on the horizon, eats barbecue at the makeshift grill Skizz brought. It's only the best thing he's eaten all day.)
(Joel laughs at something Gem said, so hard that his lungs kind of hurt.)
(Sitting around a bonfire, shirt smelling like smoke, his anxieties lay forgotten, for now.)
(Joel doesn't swim. Maybe he won't for a while.)
(But there will be more opportunities to try.)
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 9 months ago
Treat You 8
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, violence, abuse, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (Tall!reader)
Note:Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You find your way upstairs and rush into the bathroom. You don’t know if it’s the grease or the embarrassment but you’re nauseous as heck. You lock the door and sit on the closed toilet, cradling your head as you bite back tears.  
You’re not surprised. You are always the joke. Never part of the group, just that sore thumb sticking out. Literally most times as you stand hunched above everyone. Why can’t you be like the other girls? Why can’t you be petite and cute? 
You sit up, your shoulders aching with the usual stiffness from curling them constantly. You rub your face until the tingle fades away. No use in crying. It never stopped your dad from yelling or made the pain any better. 
You’ll just grab your shoes and bag and go. You’re sure no one will notice. You can hear them downstairs, their voices babbling happily. What you wouldn’t give to be a part of that. To be able to just be happy and forget about your life for just a few hours. 
There’s a knock at the door. You stare at it. Frig. You can’t really sneak out now. 
You don’t move. You just wait. Maybe they’ll go away. Nope. Another tap, then your name. 
“Hey, you in there? Everything okay?” Peter asks through the door. 
You take a deep breath and stand, “I’m fine.” 
You turn to the sink and twist the faucet. You wash your hands, taking your time to lather up the pear scented soap. You finish up, drying with the soft hand towel, and face the door. You open it reluctantly and step into the doorway.  
“Hey, Gwen said you ran up here. I thought... I thought maybe you left,” he says. “Pizza not agree with you?” 
“I told you, pizza’s good,” you shrug, “but...” you look around the walls; framed pictures of him and his aunt. “I need to go.” 
“What? You only just got here,” he steps away from the wall. 
You shake your head and look at the floor. You don’t like to argue. You don’t want to make him mad and the best way to avoid that is to just go away. 
“Please don’t leave,” he says. 
“I...” your voice creaks and your hug yourself, flicking your lashes against another prickly wave of tears, “I don’t belong here.” 
“What? Who—Did someone say that?” 
You shake your head. 
“Tell me what happened. You were just having fun with Ned, I was hoping we might get to race so why are you running away?” 
“I don’t know,” you murmur. 
“I’m not going to stop you. If you don’t want to be here but I want you here. So if you think you don’t belong, that’s bullshit,” he says. 
You chew your lip and rub your neck, your other hand tight on your elbow. You sway nervously and stare at the floor. You nod. 
“You wanna get some air or something?” He offers and reaches for you. You recoil and hit the door frame. “Woah, sorry, I wasn’t--” 
“No, it’s... you surprised me,” you steady yourself. “I’m sorry.” 
He raises his hand then drops it, “no, it’s...” he shakes his head, “it’s all good. So, you wanna go outside, cool off?” 
You shrug, “sure.” 
He smiles and waves you ahead of him. You trace your way back to the main hall but he stops you with your name, “left. Let’s go out back.” 
“Oh,” you redirect and head to the back door nestled behind the kitchen.  
You step outside in your socks, the patio stone keeping you mostly clean as you pace around aimlessly at the bottoms of the cement stairs. Peter follows and sits on the wicker seat against the wall. He stretches his neck out and raises his arms up. 
“Ugh, it’s nice out,” he sits back as he lowers his arms, “want a seat?” 
“I’m... okay,” you bit your thumb and shuffle this way and that. Your stomach brews with anxiety. You want to ask but you don’t want him to laugh at you. Not like they did. 
“I know my friends can be a bit much,” he says. “Ned didn’t get all weird about Darth Maul, did he?” 
“No,” you shake your head and make a face at him. “I don’t know what that is.” 
“Wow,” his brows pop up, “that’s...” he touches his chest, “you don’t know who Darth Maul is?” 
You blink and frown, “should I?” 
“One day,” he assures with a grin, “I’ll guide you in the jedi ways.” 
Your eyes search the sky and brick siding. He chuckles. 
“Did...” you begin and swallow back the question. You mull it on your tongue and slant your lips, “did you say I’m your girlfriend?” 
His mouth opens then closes. His cheeks tinge and he looks down at his lap. His tongue pokes in his cheek as he examines his hands. He lets out another snort. 
“Yeah,” he keeps his eyes averted guiltily, “um, they said so, didn’t they?” 
“They asked.” 
He sighs, “I did. I’m sorry. I... it was a silly lie.” 
“Right,” you nod. It’d have to be silly. He wouldn’t want you like that. 
“Not that I wouldn’t-- that I don’t--” he lets out another breath, “I don’t know what to say. I was trying to impress them, I guess.” 
“Impress... your friends?” 
“You know, they tease me about it. Girls,” he pushes his shoulders. 
“So you brought me here to prove them wrong,” you deflate. 
“No, I... you make it sound like I’m using you or something. I invited you because we’re friends, right? I just... I just lied to them, not you.” 
“It’s okay,” you sniff, “I’m used to it.” 
“Please, don’t think--” he struggles to speak. He stands, “I lied because I wanted it to be true.” 
Your brows draw together and you look down at him, shying away, “please, you don’t have to--” 
“I’m not lying. Not this time,” he giggles nervously and rubs his cheek, “I got a little crush, but it’s totally cool. We don’t have to...” his chest rises and falls shallowly as his cheeks pinken, “we can just ignore that. If you don’t feel the same, then that’s... chill.” 
You stare at him, your mouth slightly open. You close it and tear your eyes away from him. Your heart is racing. It feels like another joke but he seems so genuine. 
“I don’t... know?” You utter. 
“You don’t know... how you feel?” He prompts. 
“I guess,” you sniff, “I’m... I’m not sure.” 
“Like I said, let’s just be friends,” he insists, “come on, back to the party. Please. You can ignore me, you can do whatever, but please don’t ditch me. If you do, they’ll never let me live it down.” 
You stare across the yard. What can you do? You feel like you owe him at least that. Even if he lied, he invited you, he’s fed you, he’d been nice. It’s just one night. 
“Okay,” you agree. 
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