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siphoklansan · 2 years ago
The Leona simp goes with Leona obv 🫵💕
but if I’m gonna rare pair this thennnnnn
you and Rook
ACKKSIDHSKO ROOKKKKK But i’d be flustered all the time around him😭 it’s the way he talks, complimenting EVERYTHING AND I JUST BECOME A SCRAMBLED EGG WHEN SOMEBODY COMPLIMENTS ME💔 I love him though…and the fact that he does archery is kinda…👁️👁️👍
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rapunziedameron · 2 months ago
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*weakly waves a white flag from a puddle on the floor*
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cosmic-chelonian · 8 months ago
Never understood people who say Five is 'too soft' because... have we been watching the same show? Were they asleep during the first season, which he spends being dismissive and cold with Adric, an issue that was never resolved when Adric was brutally killed? Do they, like many of the show's adversaries, mistake his outward appearance of 'harmless, affable English fellow' for weakness, even though he could switch from that to being your worst enemy on a dime? His continued dry humour, now bitter and sarcastic, in the face of danger or evil is one of the character's most compelling aspects. He hardly changes his outward demeanour, and his continued affected politeness makes him seem all the more dangerous as you see the fury and outrage boiling underneath, and you see a plan form behind his steely eyes.
And if he is sentimental sometimes, why do they see it as being 'too soft', instead of what it truly is: a need to atone, after the universe punished him for his harshness towards Adric in the worst possible way? Adric's death haunts Five for the rest of his life, and you can actually see it in Davison's portrayal, even if no mention of Adric occurs in the script. You can see Adric's ghost in the wild desperation in Five's eyes during his final serial, while he rushes to give his life to save his companion. Because he cannot let this happen again because of him. And the last word out of his mouth as he dies is 'Adric', as we come to the heart-wrenching realisation that his mind is not filled with his own imminent doom but with thoughts of that poor boy, of how he killed him, of how he never got to show how much he cared for him. Of how much it hurt that he could almost be forgiven by trading his life for Peri's, but still he could never go back and save Adric.
And that's why my blood boils when people say he's 'too soft'. He's one of the few classic doctors with a character arc, for god's sake, and it's all about him being too harsh.
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ilkkawhat · 1 month ago
ilkka villi. that's all.
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emperorheliogabalus · 7 months ago
ive thought about this way too hard but james has like. no friends. at least none that show up more than once. most people who know/recognize him express their disdain for him pretty much immediately (ie deadman and icicle jr).
even in the preview for constantine and the demon he was clearly invited to hang out with them but nobody is particularly friendly with him. john and blue devil are actually pretty mean to him lmao. i wish i knew why he was included in that group since hes never been positively associated with any of them before, but we are definitely never gonna know since it was scrapped.
he doesnt seem to make any lasting friendships when hes on a team. injustice society, hes just kind of there. suicide squad black, waller left him stuck to a toilet, so…
i know he had wither in ss black files but i think the tumultuous release alongside the irl horrible atrocities the writer committed has justifiably made everyone want to leave it be.
but anyway yeah i just feel bad for him. is he annoying and arrogant?? well, yes.. but that doesnt mean he should have to suffer such a lonely existence!!
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christiangeistdorfer · 10 months ago
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favourite pictures of WOLFGANG "TAFFY" VON TRIPS
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Season 1-2 Lois Lane is crazy.
Idk how you can be in the same room as Clark Kent and not fall in love with him.
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mangle-my-mind · 11 months ago
uh oh they're starting to make choices in an adaptation of a book that I am not agreeing with!
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aceredshirt13 · 8 months ago
So my buddy @oshawolt and I have watched the first two episodes of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and by far the funniest part about the show is that its complete inability to give teenaged Indy anything like a concrete logical reason to enlist in WWI results in it reading like Indy is willing to go against his friends, his family, his loved ones, all logic, and a significant number of his moral codes, solely because his bestie T. E. Lawrence signed up for the war, and he apparently values that above literally all other aspects of his life.
Like. Listen. In the first episode, Indy joins Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolution because he wants to help people, but when a poor villager tells him how even the most just of wars inflict untold suffering on the innocents the soldiers claim to be fighting for, Indy becomes disillusioned with the war effort... only to read a letter + photograph he keeps with him from Lawrence, who says he's joining the war effort in Arabia because he believes it is a cause worth fighting for. And Indy proceeds to immediately forget literally everything he just heard that Mexican villager say and go "fuck it, we ball. and by ball I mean go to the trenches." Indy has decided that the Mexican Revolution "isn't his war", but he's American - WWI in 1916 isn't his war any more than the Mexican Revolution is. So that obviously can't be his justification??
Now, ostensibly he goes because his friend Remy, a Belgian guy he met in Mexico who was fighting for the revolution after his family was killed, decides to go back to Belgium and fight in his own homeland's war instead of the Mexican one. In fact, in the upcoming episodes, he and Remy are together quite a lot. But during the first episode set in Mexico, we are never given to believe that he and Indy are particularly close - they seem like acquaintances at best. Not much time is shown of them together, and we hoped that in the second episode, when the two of them disembark in London and enlist in the Belgian Army, we'd get some of that good old intergenerational friendship energy and really see why Indy, despite not necessarily believing in this war, might want to go to support his friend in Belgium, and his more distant friend in the Middle East.
Nah. Remy ditches Indy for a hot widow almost immediately, and for the entire rest of the episode his ass is GONE. He literally doesn't show up again except to give Indy the papers saying it's time to go to the army, and to be like "oh by the way I'm married now!" at the train station. Bro apparently does not hang out with Indy or tell him anything. Which would be understandable if they were acquaintances, but like??? Aren't they meant to be so close as friends that Indy would up and fight a war with this guy???
Meanwhile, Indy follows a cute girl to a suffragette meeting, they become best friends on the virtue of "speaking an unbelievably unrealistic number of languages" and "having literally identical backstories" (to the point where we found ourselves wishing she'd been Indiana Jones in this show instead, given that she's apparently just his cooler genderbent version played by someone who can act better), meet and get along with his tutor since childhood (who apparently is close enough with Indy now not to want him to enlist in the Army and endanger himself, despite the fact that she disliked Indy so much as a child and allowed him in so many absurdly dangerous situations that we became convinced she was deliberately trying to get him killed in a way that looked like an accident), and eventually fall in love. All through this, Indy helps with the women's suffrage movement, lends money to a poor woman and her children, watches his friend/girlfriend throw a dessert at Winston Churchill (who is in this episode for five minutes because Why The Hell Not I Guess), meets multiple people whose loved ones have been killed in the war, and is told by an older suffragette that one day of the good work he's put in today is worth one year of time in the trenches. At one point, while visiting the girl's family, he is asked why he joined the war effort, and gives an unbelievably vague and evasive answer that all but proves he doesn't even know why. And in the end, he wants to ask the girl to marry him, but she says no - partially because of the implication that she doesn't know him quite well enough to be willing to sign her rights away, and partially because she doesn't know if after the war they'll be two different people.
So let's look at the facts. Here in London, he has friends, family, someone he loves who he could spend a life with and eventually marry after they've established themselves, and a purpose he enjoys with clear, positive results. Sure, he's already signed up for the Belgian Army, but he enlisted under a half-assed fake name that couldn't possibly be traced. He scarcely ever sees Remy - he seems to owe him nothing, and owe his country no allegiance. Why not just... not go when his number is up? What reason on Earth could he have to do anything but stay?
So naturally, he just. He just fucking goes! For no conceivable reason - no conceivable reason other than that Lawrence is also in the war!
Indy's been friends with Lawrence since they met when Lawrence was 20 and Indy was a nine-year-old kid who couldn't act very well - Lawrence asked him to call him "Ned", and he still does (which, for the record, Indy's tutor, who has literally known Lawrence longer than Indy has and is on good terms with him, does not. Apparently she didn't get the nicknaming permission. Rip). Still does, because the only time Indy is able to give a concrete answer about anything in the war is when said tutor angrily asks him why he's enlisted, and he says that "Ned" is in the war! He knows this because apparently Lawrence actually kept his promise to write to him, and they've been writing letters and sending stuff to each other since Indy was a child! And - judging by every other thing in his life suggesting otherwise - Indy values the actions of his pen pal more than anyone else's opinions, his friends and love life, and his own safety and happiness! That doesn't seem like a normal way to react to the actions of a guy you only knew in-person for a few days as a child!
...In conclusion, world-famous fictional film character Indiana Jones would not have become the person he is if it hadn't been for his gay little crush on real human man T. E. Lawrence.
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kindred-spirit-93 · 7 months ago
hilal and will <3
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first draft:
the awesome: floofy haired baby will
the good: baby will solace infodumping abt bugs for the soul
the bad: fixed the blazer to be looser, hair can be better lol
the ugly: messed up the face. pencil lineart was better :')
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final sketch:
the awesome: they both look happy aw enjoy it while it lasts :')
the good: the blazer looks much better unbuttoned
the bad: colours could be more vibrant maybe? idk hilal looks washed out (which she is so imma pull a lit teacher move and say its symbolic)
the ugly: im too harsh on myself. not bad (at all) for a first go ^-^
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symbioticsimplicity · 1 year ago
I have a theory that someone else has probably already put out but I haven't seen it so here we go.
I don't think Alastor is actually all that powerful.
Propaganda under the cut.
There are a lot of things that make me think this but we'll start with the first and frankly most obvious to me.
His methodology. Alastor's main thing is making contracts and deals. When we're first introduced to him in the pilot, its with a warning to never make a deal with him. While plenty of other Overlords obviously wheel and deal, I think Alastor's are different. They're more binding and more dangerous because they're his modus operandi.
Another thing is his seeming lack of territory. Every Overlord has actual terf that we see them in, except for Alastor. This could be from lack of interest, or due to having been gone so long, or what have you but it seemed like a strange thing to have not mentioned. In addition, Carmilla, who was leading a meeting on the property and interests of all the represented Overlords and how to protect it, was utterly dismissive of his sudden return. Which to me implies that whatever he controls is likely minimal at best. Meaning him being there is pretty inconsequential to the larger picture. Dude was able to disappear for seven years and it was mostly fine? So what does he actually have?? (My only thought honestly is that maybe the air is his space since radio waves and all. That would honestly be broke as hell but there's no real evidence for this, is would just be really cool.) As much as Vox as making a dig at him, he did have a good point that the reach of radio has certainly died down over the years. While that alone doesn't mean Alastor's power has waned, its not really a *good* sign for him. He still has speakers all over but that and one really rundown store front with a single radio are really the only traces we see of him outside of the hotel.
This bit is conjecture, but when talking about his past, not only does no one ever mention HOW he killed so many powerful Overlords, they don't go into detail about much at all. There's every chance that he could have contracted them the same way he did with Husk and either forced or waited for them to break their end of their deals and THEN used them as fodder to terrorize the masses. Most of his power comes from fear and word of mouth. Most people don't even bother fucking with him because they've heard the stories, or the broadcast.
Which brings me to my next point: The Broadcasts. There are a LOT of ways that Alastor and Vox parallel each other and I can't help but wonder if using their medium to deceive people isn't one of them. So far a lot of the magic we see Alastor use is largely illusionary. Phantoms and shadows and temporary changes of environment. So what if his broadcasts are the same? What if he DOESN'T kill the Overlords he claims to have and instead used his broadcast to simulate it instead. Like War of the Worlds, but on purpose. Honestly it would be smart of him, especially if he's NOT as strong as he seems. This is also conjecture but if he made deals with those Overlords instead, he could still have them stashed away somewhere and just be calling on them and their power as needed. (Also: Husk. This man is a constant pain in the ass and usually disrespectful at best. The only time he pops off on him about it though is when Husk mentions his deal which is really just a big No-No. But he still only *threatens him* which to me implies that he actually does need him. If not for his services, even if only for the power granted by his contract. In the same way that Val doesn't actually kill Angel or anything because he can't REALLY afford to, so he controls him in other ways. If Al isn't this super strong demon, he can't really afford to just go wasting the contracts hes got due to momentary irritation when he can bring them back to heel with some light terror.)
The next thing that makes me think he's probably not super powerful is his fight with Adam. Not because he lost (I firmly believe he only actually lost because he was fucking around most of the time/ wasn't fighting for loved ones) but because of the form he took to do it. He was in a life or death fight with an ostensibly high ranking angel, and yet he didn't pull out anything more than he would have used to fight other sinners. Sure, that could be him being prideful, but I just don't think so. Home boy was being recorded and presumably knew that, if he was being prideful shouldn't he have gone balls to the wall??
In relation to that, he also made a deal himself. Not that we know what it was for or who its with, but would someone as control oriented as Alastor really make a deal if he didn't HAVE to? Overlords don't just DO that, there had to have been a compelling reason and honestly assuming Alastor isn't as strong as he makes himself out to be gives a very good opening for it.
Smaller detail, but it still matters, the smiling. He very clearly uses it as both a shield and a tool to help him maintain control of a situation. Thats not really the kind of thing you think of and commit to if you're the strongest person in the room. Covering up weaknesses obsessively is the sort of thing someone who's fronting does so their secret stays exactly that.
In the same vein, the way he reacted to Lucifer. He was threatened, which is understandable given that Luci is leagues above even the strongest Overlords, but I think it was slightly more than that. Having Lucifer around would make it drastically obvious very quickly that Al isn't as strong as he claims. So of course he tries to unbalance the situation and put focus somewhere else, the same as he always does. (Its actually the same thing he does in his duet with Vox. I'm almost certain Vox IS actually stronger than Alastor but hes so wrapped up in Al's head games he might never notice.)
It's honestly unclear if this has always been the case with him, or if its a result of his deal or his time away or something else entirely, but to me it seems incredibly likely. Alastor mostly keeps order and power through fear, not through enormous shows of power. And even those when he does them are strategic and mostly against opponents he knows are weaker than him. He's clever as all fuck, and still very dangerous for it but I don't think hes actually all that physically powerful.
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llycaons · 8 months ago
something really nice about today was that I really got to take care of people!!! we had a few pts who were clearly very nervous and a gentleman who wasn't able to verbally communicate, but my job was to make them comfortable and make sure they felt okay and take care of them, and I really felt like I did that. and usually I don't get to see that because I don't typically work with patients I can talk to and receive feedback from, so it was really rewarding in a lovely way I don't often experience. surgery is scary and puts people in a very vulnerable position, especially if you've had traumatic medical experiences before, so. it feels good to be a positive caretaking force in the system. as much as I'm able to
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slaughtergutz · 1 year ago
Had a dream the arlong pirates sunk whatever marine ship held em post-arlong park and they jumped up on a flying pirate ship full of disco women who were like aw u guys look injured let's get u to the infirmary n they were like
So that's how they got over reverse mountain but had to take the new giant train thru alabasta bc I guess there was no wind over it
Don't know why they didn't just go AROUND but I guess it was more like a continent in the dream
So there was just these raggedy ass fish men and disco ladies getting on this nice massive train with air conditioning
The flying disco pirates also had a mermaid named Sirena who was their singer and she definitely had a crush on arlong bc him trying to keep everyone together and keep his injured men from not getting into more trouble (and not go insane from being surrounded by ditzy women) made him look a lot better than he is
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calliemity · 1 year ago
i wish the current off-broadway lsoh run would have like, dedicated understudy shows. because like im personally sick and tired of the nonstop stunt castings (its not Bad by any means im just. h) but also i wanna study their performances so bad!!!! espesically the orin et al understudies, i wanna see what teddy yudain and jeff sears do as orin so badly!!!!!!!
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 year ago
I love living in an old ass building because how else would I run into situations where I’m leaving a cup of ice cream with a spoon out in the kitchen for a Spindly Entity that’s hanging out in our bedroom doorway
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years ago
Words cannot express how much I love the Gloucester brothers from King Lear
#ramblings of a lunatic#i am so mentally ill about sibling relationships in art#I REWATCHED ACT 5 W MY MOM FOR REVISION REASONS AND IT MADE ME INSANE ABOUT THEM AGAIN#on my third rewatch I've basically developed a new like. realisation? theory? that edgar is being set up as the true king from the start#and now I'm really invested in him as a character (along w edmund)#the fucking. bit where edgar says that the gods in this play are just (one of the biggest topics of debate in my class all year)-#-its just that the people in this play have brought their misfortune on themselves via their own hamartias#and that's why his father ended up blinded#metaphorically and literally#THE FACT HE'S SAYING THIS TO EDMUND AFTER HAVING BEEN BETRAYED BY HIM AND THEN FIGHTING HIM#IT'S A FUCKING OLIVE BRANCH!!! HE SAYS THAT THEIR DAD FUCKED UP!!! NO MATTER HOW MUCH EDGAR LOVED GLOUCESTER HE SEES THAT!!!!#HE SEES THAT BECAUSE BC OF EDMUND'S DECEPTION GLOUCESTER ENDED UP TREATING EDGAR LIKE HE TREATED EDMUND#WITH CONTEMPT AND SUSPICION AND A LACK OF FATHERLY LOVE#EDGAR DOESN'T FORGIVE HIS BROTHER BUT HE UNDERSTANDS HIM NOW#AND ONLY THEN DOES EDMUND REALIZE HE WAS LOVED!!!! YES BY THE WOMEN HE MANIPULATED AND PITTED AGAINST EACH OTHER#BUT ALSO BY HIS FUCKING BROTHER HE BETRAYED!!!#at the start of act 5 he'd began to pretend that he was a Right Honourable Gentleman#when in act 1 his attitude seemed more like he'd accepted societys label of him as Less Than and said ''if you treat me like a villain-#-bc of things i can't control then i will BE a villain to get what i want''#he seems to try and distance himself from his origin in act 5 right as he's about to win it all#BUT HE GOES BACK TO ACCEPTING THE AWFUL THINGS HE'S DONE AFTER EDGAR ACKNOWLEDGES WHY#IT DOESN'T MAKE THINGS BETTER BETWEEN THEM. THEU STILL STABBED EACH OTHER#BUT IT'S CATHARTIC#AUGHHHUG#<- this is just my personal reading and I'm just a highschool student trying to blorbo-ify an old ass play to cope with exam stress#feel free to disagree. just remember that i am small
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