souporsaladnatural · 9 months
Can i just point out how fucking deranged it was for jackles to say dean's biggest regret was not being able to save cas instead of saying it was dying on that piece of rebar. Cuz jackles fucking HATES the rebar. We know this. He dunks on it every chance he gets. This wouldve been a great opportunity to rag on it disguised as a ha ha funny joke. But instead he. he
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lol-jackles · 1 month
Did you ever been to a SPN convention? And how was it?
Yes, twice. IMO, boring except for Jared, Jensen, Mark Sheppard, and Timothy Omundson. It’s an one-show convention so there’s less variety in the crowd and costumes, and the vendor room is small.
Fan-videos don't get across on how well Jared and Jensen work with each other during their panel; they're totally in sync and can basically read each other’s mind, it’s something you have to see live.
Me and my girlfriend went to our first SPN con in 2016. We’re the type of people that only need to experience something once, then we’re done.   Or so I thought. I end up going to a SPN con a second time in 2017 for the Sunday panel.  Readers, if you saw five biker-looking old farts at your convention, I was the good looking one.  They enjoyed the J2 panel very much and even shouted “Supernatural forever!” when a fan asked when they thought SPN would end.
Now that I write this, in retrospect this was around the timeline that I've speculated was when CBS approached Jared with an offer of a holding deal (X) and why Jensen pitched his Dean-led Supernatural at Comic Con (X). Remember kids, the official story that Jared and Jensen put out was they decided in 2017/18 during season 13 to give SPN "two more seasons". 
R.E.M song: that’s me in the corner yelling bullshit
Anyways, it was always crazy to me that SPN has its own convention over 3-day weekend.  Even crazier that they attempted a “spin off” SPN convention featuring just their supporting and one-off guest actors.  But that goes to show what a merchandise goldmine SPN was.
In all conventions I go to, I like to hang out in vendor rooms to chat up the vendors and get good stories out of them.  Occasionally actors will pop in and out unexpectedly and it was the same at SPN cons; Jensen looked like an athletic jock and Jared looked like a bean pole hipster.  IMO Jared looks better IRL than on screen because he’s less photogenic than Jensen whose face is more light friendly. 
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trekkiedean · 1 month
I didn’t take video and even if I had this is probably a pretty subjective, vibes-based thing, but during the j2 panel yesterday they talked about hypothetical future installments of spn and basically made it sound like at this point it’s just a question of when, not if. they were just a couple of passing comments, but, at least to me, it sounded very much like they were treating “there will be more spn at some point” as a foregone conclusion. which, again, I’m mostly basing it on vibes (I think one of them did say “when”, not “if”, at one point? but my memory is not very reliable lmao), which are very subjective, and even if I’m right they may very well just be saying what the fans want to hear! but I also feel like mentions of a revival have gotten a lot less coy over the last several months, which is interesting.
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detailtilted · 1 month
NEW Enhanced Edition - CHICON 2009 - J2 Breakfast
Direct link to video. Link to YouTube channel. (13 videos available.)
My latest video is up. 82% of the footage came from the video AgtSpooky sent me. Her video was already on YouTube, but not properly credited to her. I used a few other sources that are credited in my video description.
This video won't look as good as my others, for reasons I've already explained in typically wordy fashion in another post, but I do think it's still quite an improvement versus what's previously been available on YouTube. There are, as usual, some funny moments! I hope you'll find it to be worth watching.
My next video will be the main J2 panel. This is when they first started doing completely combined panels instead of having a combination of solo and joint panels. My turnaround time on the next video will be much slower than it has been up to this point. This is both because the next video will be twice as long as most of my other videos, and also because I have some personal chaos (buying a house/selling a house/moving) that will eat into a lot of my spare time over the next month and a half.
I'll be even less active on Tumblr than usual while this is going on. Whatever spare time I manage to find will probably be dedicated toward video editing rather than social media. If you don't hear much from me over the next month or two, it's definitely not because I've lost interest in my project or the fandom.
Before/after comparison photos...
In addition to these images, there's a 32-second comparison video in this post (the same post I linked to above). The original videos had very heavy flashes which I reduced in the enhanced version, and a screen shot can't demonstrate how big of a difference that makes.
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A recap for anyone not familiar with this project…
In December 2023, I started this project to enhance old convention videos. I'm upscaling the videos and making other visual improvements, adding extra content to clarify various references, and adding good color-coded subtitles so you can better understand the sometimes-chaotic audio.
My goal is to publish the best, most complete, and most watchable versions of these older convention panels yet seen, but this is only possible thanks to the fans who captured the footage in the first place and were generous enough to share it with other fans. My video descriptions on YouTube will always credit my sources.
If you have any old convention videos you'd be willing to contribute to this project, please message me! I can also be reached at [email protected]. Even if your videos are on YouTube, the original files, if you still have them, may upscale much better. If I can get them to upscale, I'd happily send the upscaled files back to you for your own collection whether I use them or not.
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
So generally my transcribing the panels is a combination of video availability + my free time and mood + specific Q&As that I personally find particularly funny/new/interesting or likely to cause wank.
If there's any questions anybody specifically wants from SF this past weekend, I'll do them. On my own initiative, however, the only other question I considered doing was the one from the main panel which hellers seem to be translating into fantasies about cockless and how Jensen is totally ready to make out with Misha in a revival to make D/C canon.
Except the question was one of those very blatant "compliment each other now!" ones. They're kinda transparent and awkward even with J2, because they're professionals performing on stage, part of which is selling the whole 'one big happy family' thing fans want to believe of the cast. So when you ask them to compliment each other ... *gasp* ... they compliment each other! Even if they are besties, the sincerity there is automatically less believable given the nature of the ask. It can be salvaged if the answers seem personal and genuine, but then we have their answers here:
As to a professional compliment? Misha just repeated generic heller/stan chatter about Jensen totes being an A lister some day - when J2 have both talked about not even wanting that level of fame and knowing that kind of prominence is as much dumb luck as talent. He then implied he was giving insider information by repeating what we've heard about the positive atmosphere on set for the billionth time, except attributing it to Jensen without mentioning Jared (when everyone but crazy stans credits both of them for it). As for the personal compliment? Nothing but a sleezy joke about Jensen's supposed proficiency at hot oil massages.
In terms of the professional, Jensen starts off by basically repeating the general shit he always says about reciprocity and spontaneity being needed to really make a scene work beyond what's written on the page with another actor, just rephrasing it to include Misha. Hellers are crowing about him saying "the reason the story of Dean and Cass skewed to where it was" was from them having that kind of on set rapport. Which, as per usual? You'd only think that meant he was talking about D/C as a romance if you've rotted your brain away with bad meta to the point of believing "where [the story] was" was somewhere dictated by colors/ bacon/ pastry/ plaid/ whateverthefuck rather than what actually happened between the characters on screen. You know, where Cass was repeatedly stated to be and framed as an ally/ brother/ family/ friend when he hadn't fucked off somewhere being irrelevant to the brothers' story. Jensen then compliments Misha's performance in "the scene where he tells Dean goodbye" again. I do totally have to agree it was "an unbelievable performance" ... but not in the way he keeps trying to sell. Which if he's not doing that to try to avoid being called a homophobe again? Just increasingly makes me question that he knows what good acting looks like from the outside. (I do think it's interesting he describes his internal monologue as "don't ruin this for him" rather than something about actively participating to try and make the scene actually work for the characters and the story given how his answer started.) As for the personal compliment? After joking that personally Misha disgusts him, he talks about Misha having all kinds of weird outdoorsy/crafty hobbies with his kids, then makes the comment about Misha being one of the few people he'd call with a problem. My first uncharitable thought is, yeah, sure, in those cases where he caused the problem. But realistically, I've always been baffled how Jensen and Jared can possibly be friends with Misha and assumed he must have some kind of redeeming in-person positive attributes that outweigh ... basically his entire public persona. So again, they're friends who worked together on and off for a lot of years. Not even a hint of some super special exclusive BFF/true lurve relationship IRL, no non-hallucinated implications of D/C. In short, no new news.
Since hellers aren't misrepresenting specific words so much as ~*interpreting*~ and exaggerating significance, it's really not worth it to me to have to repeat listen to this blather as many times as a transcript takes without further incentive.
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walkergirlsposts · 3 days
I don't know how people can ship Jensen and Misha when it's been years since Jensen started to be passive aggressive towards misha: he said that Misha makes promises that he can't maintain, that he talks shit, that he is less attractive than Jared, he laughed in front of everyone telling the story about how he said no about Castiel on TW, he refused to do photo op with Misha hugging each other (I don't remember very well the story but the fan decides to take of Jensen's eyebrows because he refused to the photo op), he refused to do a photo op with Vicky's book about the polyamouros relationship...
Because Misha encourages them because of destiel and they think they're shipping two "hot" people.
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arwenadreamer · 4 months
Look at this crowd! There are several little Videos Cliff put in this Insta post.
The last one is the crowd holding up signs saying Thank You For Walker!
I said in an earlier post that I feared that there might be less Jared and J2 Fans at this con as it was already sold out when Jared was announced, and that my fear was unfounded. That Jared's panel was as full as everyone else's and that he got standing ovations. You can see this in those videos. (The last few.)
The J2 panel was also packed. There were just some empty seats off to the side, because you had to pay extra for each J2 panel. (Jup, that's right. 40 Euro for each panel.)
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blanketforcas · 1 month
Different anon, i also believe that jensen is kinda accepting his fate , i mean i think a revival is an improbable scenario now or even in few years. Things are what they are , he tried to correct the course with TW and it didn't work well so SPN is mostly finished, notice that everyone is talking less enthusiastically about reboot or anything similar, jensen mentioned season 16 but it was kinda a sad breath. Honestly i think jensen is coping. And agree with with you, maybe jensen from j2 panels is his most hard acting job , j/k no offense.
i'm a little more hopeful about a revival! i think they're just a bit bummed it's taking longer than they'd hoped
and maybe that's delusional of me but imo it's a better way of coping than jensen's in that case adfjsd
also that last comment cracked me up lmao
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idk if it's just me but Jensen's answers seem to get worse when he's only around jared,,, idk what it is but it seems like when he's being 'j2' he understands dean less
yeah it’s definitely more noticeable specifically when it’s just him and jared it’s never as bad when there’s other people on the panels with them. i think it probably has more to do with the crowds at those panels. idk if i’d say he understands dean less but i think it’s like he’s kind of catering his answers to the crowd he knows he’s got i guess? i donno he always seems like he’s having more fun when he’s up there with misha but that might just be because that’s what i want to see lol
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lol-jackles · 3 months
Congrats!!! You made twitter, again! anyone who thinks logically is accused of being a Jared stan. 🤣
Link. LoL the Anon had a legit question and Jenna turned it into a Jared stan thing.
Jenna is sore that Jensen is finally first on the call sheet at age 46 but the Jared stans are going "whom?"   That's what is really going on.   For over 20 years AAs were mad that Jared's fans generally don't give a flying fig about Jensen.  It's why AAs threw temper tantrums over SPN girls giving fandom-made awards and gifts to Jared during J2 panels so they pressured CE to ban the practices and move it to private M&Gs.  Then AAs threw temper tantrums that SPN girls were publishing their M&G experiences and AAs said it was making M&G less special, so they pressured CE to ban fans from publicly sharing their M&G experiences.
See the pattern? It's all about their weeble feels, it's not even about Jensen or Jared.
The indifference by Jared fans is partly why AAs work extra hard to gaslight everyone that  Jensen is the most popular and the most special guy ever and make straight men gay.  Lol dude, that's not how it works!  AAs' relentless campaign has succeeded in gaslighting some fans, especially the newbies.  Until they find my blog and scales fall from their eyes.
That's why the Jennas of the world keep reading my blog and trying to discredit me with "he's a Jared stan!", a label they have tried to stick on me since 2016.  Remember kids, according to Jenna and AAs, anybody who isn't hating one Jared 24/7 is a "Jared stan".  They've accused quite a few Dean girls, Jensen girls, and even nice Destiel shippers of being Jared stans just because they don't want to talk about Jared or bash him and rather focus on favorite characters and ships instead.
Hell at this point  AAs have obsessed and talked way more about Jared's future appearance on The Boys than Jensen's new show The Countdown.  Seriously, I actually have to look hard and wide to find AAs talking about The Countdown, but AAs are regularly slamming their dicks in my face with their meltdown over Jared and The Boys
Jenna, nobody was saying Dane should have been the lead like you've been saying Jensen should have been the lead on Supernatural for 15 freaking years (X).
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teamfreewill2pointo · 11 months
I think that J2 wanting to be EPs is purely protection for them and their characters. They aren’t likely to demand writers do exactly what they say in but-picky detail, rather they want to be able to veto out of character decisions or things that do not service their characters or do them justice. Both have had to swallow things they didn’t want to do, but I think Jared has had to do so more often. He worked hard to show Sam’s development where many writers didn’t bother to.
Personally, I agree that J2 know their characters better than anyone at this point. I wouldn’t want to watch a reboot/revival/continuation where they didn’t have some creative control. But they both know they aren’t writers, either.
I hope they can get a continuation of even 6-10 episodes.
Yup. They acknowledge the hard work of writing and they've said multiple times that they don't want to write it and they know they don't have the skill to do so. They just want to be able to say Sam and Dean wouldn't do this and have it respected instead of ignored.
It's not about ego. It's about them being protective of their characters after being forced to portray scenes and storylines that didn't fit their characters. Jared has talked in public and in m&gs about how much it didn't fit Sam to work with Lucifer, much less crack jokes with Lucifer, without having a reaction after what Lucifer did to him.
Jensen has talked about how, in season 11, they had Dean return to hell, and the writing team in season 11 completely ignored Dean's history with hell, so Jensen had to put in a brief pause because the text had zero mention of any trepidation.
When Jensen talked about it in a jibcon panel with Misha, he was very generous to the writers, and pointed out how a lot of them were new, and don't know the history of the characters.
And it's not like fans didn't notice or complain about these storylines either. Jared has said that when he brought up the Lucifer thing, he was told by TPTB that the fans wouldn't care or notice. He knew that we would care and notice, but he didn't have the power to fix it. Now, he only wants to do Supernatural if he has the power to fix it.
They want to avoid those types of things happening in the reboot. They want to be able to say, "This is OOC for Sam/Dean" and have the text changed to fit the characters instead of the characters changed to fit the text.
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detailtilted · 8 months
CHICON 2007 - Enhanced Edition of Jared's Solo Panel - *COMPLETE* Video! (Repost)
Direct link.
This is the full video of Jared's panel at the Chicago 2007 convention. Jensen shows up at the end of the video with a small surprise for Jared.
There are some funny moments here! There's also one part where I didn't agree with what the fan at the mic said at all, but I included a brief episode clip so you can decide for yourselves. I'd love to hear what you think about that part or about any other part. I welcome private messages if you prefer that.
“I’ve seen this before – WHY are you posting it again?! STTTTOOOOPPPPPP!!”
Please forgive me if you already saw this last week. I will not repost it again. I was an idiot and used the same thumbnail on both the sample video and the full video, and then reblogs of the earlier sample video took off unexpectedly around the time I posted the full video. I think some people didn't realize the full video was a new one because it looked the same. I’ve now changed the thumbnail, but you might still see the old one if it's cached in your browser, so it might be too little too late. I reblogged my original post once, but reblogs don’t show up in the tags and my blog doesn't have much visibility by itself and Friday night probably wasn't the best time to do it. I think something like two people saw my reblog, but I very much appreciate you! :)
Normally I'd have just assumed people are less interested in Jared’s video for whatever reason and I’d have been disappointed, but I would have moved on because people like what they like and beating them over the head with something they don't like will only make it more annoying. The reason I had trouble letting this go is because Jared’s sample video got twice as many views as Jensen’s sample did, but Jared's full video only got a quarter as many views as Jensen’s full video. So I feel like the interest is there, but I screwed it up. And as silly as it must sound, I’m feeling horribly guilty that Jared’s video might not have gotten as much attention as he deserves because of my bad choices.
(If this project doesn't interest you and you'd rather not see these posts, I’m including “enhanced edition con video” in the tags for each post, so you could filter that out if you’d like.)
What's Next?
I do have the main J2 panel nearly done and I plan to post the full video next week. I decided not to post a sample of it ahead of time, for fear of recreating the same issue I was just lamenting. I really liked the idea of posting samples, but I’m afraid it’s just too confusing and does more harm than good. I'm definitely open to suggestions, though.
Some background if you haven't seen these posts before:
I'm slowly making "enhanced edition" videos of old con videos. You can find much more detail about this project along with an index of other released videos in this post. The project is still young, but there are now 3 full-length videos available.
The source videos are not my own; credit and links are in the video descriptions. I'm editing multiple videos from the same panel together into a single video. I'm upscaling the video quality as best I can, with varying levels of success. I'm adding extra content to add clarity about the things they discuss. I'm adding good, color-coded English subtitles to help with understanding the sometimes chaotic audio.
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eisforeidolon · 4 days
I don’t get why some fans ask for advices on bullying , mental health etc from j2. It's not only oversharing your issues in front of bunch of strangers, also making the actors uncomfortable by seeking expert advices from them.
I really kind of hate it, tbh.
It does put the actors in an uncomfortable spot. They aren't going to be rude, but they're not our personal friends or mental health experts. I think they're both nice, thoughtful guys who do care about their fans, but they're actors, ffs. It can be an emotional burden on them to have to hear negative stories. Or to be put on the spot where they may feel like they need to give the right answer or they're letting down someone in need. It's really not considerate or appropriate to put that on them.
Not to mention - and I can't think of a nicer way to say this? It's fairly attention-seeking behavior. The fan isn't realistically expecting them to solve the problems they're having. They're wanting personal attention, acknowledgement, and often sympathy from J2. These guys are there to talk about themselves and their projects and in doing so entertain a whole room full of fans. So one particular fan getting up and going into detail about their personal life/issues/whatever, making it about them? Especially if their issue is a potentially triggering topic some people would want to avoid hearing about at all because of their own life/issues/whatever? It's really not appropriate or considerate of the time and money of all the other fans when it uses up time that could be spent on questions J2 actually are the best choice to answer.
I don't know if it's still in use, but at one point Creation had to add a statement actively dissuading fans from trauma-dumping on the stars because it was becoming a problem (for Jared especially). It was specifically about holding up auto and photo op lines, but I don't think it actually applies less to the panels:
We are asking that our audience does not delay photo ops or autographs by telling our stars personal stories of how the series has helped them during these sessions. We are well aware of the importance of this issue and the great work the series’ stars have done in this area, but we feel it is not in the best interests of the conventions to over burden our celebrities with so many difficult and heart wrenching stories focused at an event that is meant to be fun for them and the audience. We are asking, as some of the celebrities have, that your personal stories be posted to their Facebook pages where they can read them in moderation and at a time when they are not dealing with long lines of other folks. Thank you for your consideration in these matters, which also includes not taking time at our question line for personal stories and relate your questions to the series and the stars on stage. THANKS!
Neither of the incidents in the main panel this weekend were as derailing or graphic as some in the past, and there was perhaps more of an effort to make it "a question". But I really hope it happening twice isn't a sign of this sort of thing coming back as a major issue again.
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laf-outloud · 7 months
Okay, so I’m going to move past me knee-jerk annoyance over CE being passive aggressive about Jared by calling Jensen THE Headliner in a few emails now. I mean, jared is only at half, or less of the cons this year, and maybe he even stipulated that this is the last year with them. Eithe way, Jared distancing himself is clearly his decision, seeing how many other cons he’s signing up for.
So, moving on from that … I find it absolutely insane that CE is doubling down on the Jensen only cons (as headliner) for 2025 when it’s barely 2024. CE hasn’t even done a single con yet this year, and the ones without Jared are largely not selling well as it is. Why do they think this is enticing to anyone but AAs? I’m not sure how late in the year J2 cons are comparing because they are so far off, but the ones up until August are selling out, or pretty well. At least they seemed to learn their lesson on trying to make Misha a headliner, or banking on cockles panels to appeal to the majority of fans. But, not having J2 takes away almost all the appeal of a CE con, because if your only getting one, you might as well go to a comic con or something, where it’s considerably cheaper.
Anyway, I looked at the 2025 con, and the Gold Pass prices are still similar to the ones this year, include J2 cons, and Jensen' Photo Op prices have gone up. This is wild to me in what will be 5 years after the last season of the show. I get that they must be getting desperate, but that just doesn’t even make sense to me. People are still trying to scrape money together for cons later this year, never mind 2025. There can only be so many rich women with free time to go to the ever-more-extensive CE cons, and who need to get close to Jensen that badly. Even if Jensen has a significant part on Season 5 of the Boys, I still don’t see him selling out cons with him alone as headliner. I don’t see him doing anything to bring in new fans, especially the type to want to pay big money to go to cons.
I’ve already seen friends on SM talking about being glad they already have cons booked for this year, because they were already unhappy with changes CE is making in cons, their greed, and now this development. Lots of people look like they will be opting out of CE cons after this year, and that’s from people who go fairly regularly.
I want to go to one last con this year, but I’m debating if I want to give CE my money any more at all. But, this might be among the last chances to see J2 together (which I enjoy), so I’m still considering it.
I think we have reached the end of an era in the SPN fandom, or we are at least in the final gasp.
You're laying down facts, anon!
It appears that Burbank is the weakest of the non-Jared cons this year, so I suppose the others could pull out better numbers, but you are definitely right that this feels like the last desperate gasp of a dying tradition, especially if, as you say, even regular con-goers are giving up.
I still think Jared will attend some CE cons (possibly one a quarter), especially if they do another in Austin, but mainly to maintain his SPN legacy.
This will be a very telling year for Creation and I suspect that as the year progresses, we'll see more discounted tickets (MinnCon 2025 tickets are already on sale), and likely a reduction in the number of cons for 2025 (no matter how much certain actors rely on them... CE can't keep paying the actors' attendance fees if the ticket sales won't cover them.)
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walkergirlsposts · 19 days
I know this sad heller is clearly just baiting, but … for what?
“”you know, because of that terrible finale and the consecutive events, J2 friendship will never be the same. heck, we found out it never was what we though.”
- Yeah, the fact that hellers and AAs hate the finally bring we great satisfaction. The fan groups all got what they deserved. J2’s friendship is between them, and we have no way of knowing how close they still are. They still get along. Good enough for me. "Heck" no amount of Jensen making a shitty decision and hellers and AAs screeching about "jivorce" actually changes the obviously real friendship J2 had at one time., or the fact that they still do panels together and have the best chemistry of the cast.
“there's no more Sam and Dean, and there won't be more J2.”
- umm, obviously there is no more Sam and Dean. That’s what happens when a show ends …. J2 are scheduled into 2025 for cons, so, yes, there will in fact be more J2. Also, for those of us who care about their content, they often hang out together in con cities, too. You know who is rarely seen with them … Misha.
"they drifted away, each one on a diferent path and now they only have a bunch of boring panels at cons, which are nothing but a rutine number at this point."
- most adult friends drift at least a little when they have families and different responsibilities. It’s called life, so … so? I will take "boring" and "routine" J2 panels over the dumpster fire that is JenMish, which anon probably thinks are fun, any day. So, I’m good.
"and then Jensen will go out to have dinner with the rest of the cast, while Jared is "too busy" to join. how sad."
- this actually doesn’t happen that often. Also, who cares? Jared clearly has better taste than to constantly slum with the extras, and from what I see Jensen only really does so when Jared is absent or busy.
"the friendship of a lifetime, is now reduced to play pretend for a bunch of strangers in a 30 min panel."
- that’s actually a 30 min, plus 1 hour panel at CE cons. Which happens pretty frequently, so … what is this anon's point? Did they think fans were expected to be invited along on J2 friend dates? Were we supposed to see them together anywhere besides at cons or the odd random public events anyway? What even is this point??
I get that lots of Jared fans don’t give a shit about Jensen. And that’s cool. I prefer Jared myself, but I still enjoy the J2 chemistry, and frankly nothing this petty weirdo had to say has dampened my enjoyment of seeing them together. I don’t need them to be roomies who are still living in each other’s pockets in their 40s to enjoy their dynamic on stage, so … what was the point of this ask? Who were they trying to offend?
This half-wit probably thinks Jensen and Misha are friends, so … excuse me if their opinion is less than meaningful.
That was probably a copy pasta. Go to some Jared hating blogs, you'll probably see it there. They'll be all: "Ohhh yes, Jensen hates Jared, everybody hates him!!!" while pushing the narrative that jenmish' are besties with even less proof than what they sent me. I guess they think we're as invested as they are. 🤷
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canonicallysoulmates · 11 months
Quick update/PSA regarding the j2 panel posts for Jaxcon and the upcoming Hawaiicon. I have tried wholeheartedly this past two weeks to get the Jaxcon posts done but this time of year is incredibly busy for me, and this year even more so because my schedule has drastically changed leaving me with less free time, which is why I have made the decision to put these posts "on hold". What do I mean by that? It means I'm still going to be working on them, and they will be up just not for a while. My goal is to be able to have all 4 of them posted on the first week of December, so from the 4th to the 9th, because I am expecting my schedule to have lightened up a bit by then but at the bare minimum Jaxcon panel posts should be up sometime during that week.
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