sga-owns-my-soul · 11 months
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if one more thing happens. respectfully. i am going to Lose It
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nicoleanell · 1 year
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Listen. Normally I can scroll through the whole wwdits tag dodging bad takes like I'm playing Beat Saber but I'm losing my mind here, what do you people think a "clove" is??!?!?
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athenasparrow · 1 year
You like spicy food
Nope! Food is the only aspect of my life I don't like spicy 😆
Send me an assumption - I will confirm or deny
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v-iv-rusty · 1 year
devastated to find out that raw cloves of garlic don't taste like I remember them tasting when I was 5
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subjectredacted · 2 years
there is nothing sadder than going to cut up onions in the process of making soup only for all the onions in the bag to be bad and moldy
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fuckingrecipes · 9 hours
How do I make mindblowing spaghetti sauce? I have been gifted a fuckton of homemade canned tomatoes and nothing but time this weekend.
Do the tomatoes have skin? If so, you'll need to dump them into a bowl and remove the skin by hand. Tomato skin in sauce is no bueno.
Are your tomatoes whole? If so, you'll need to quarter them & remove the seeds & goo in the middle.
Is there lots of excess water around your tomatoes? Drain that out.
If your tomatoes have already been deskinned, seeds removed, drained and quartered; proceed to next steps.
If you want a finer sauce (less chunks), crush or dice the tomatoes now.
Make sure your pot is big enough to handle ALL the cans of tomatoes you'll be using at this time. For the sake of being easier to handle, I recommend no more than 3-4 cans/mason jars at a time in the pot.
For each can of tomatoes, get yourself 1 small-to-medium onion, and a couple cloves of garlic.
Chop all the onions. Crush & chop OR mince all the garlic.
In a saucepan, burner set to 'high', add enough butter that you can lean the pot around and coat the bottom. Let it melt completely.
Dump in all your onion.
Stir the onions around constantly, mixing and flipping them over until all the onions are starting to turn just thoroughly translucent, but not quite turning brown yet. (If they start to turn brown, turn the heat down a little)
Once they're translucent, push the onions to the side so you have some of your pan-bottom showing and dump your garlic in. Smush it flat-ish so most of the garlic is touching the pan. Leave it there until the bottom of the garlic is turning brown, then mix it all into the onions.
Immediately dump in all the tomatoes you used to make those onion calculations earlier. Toss in some red pepper flakes (use your own judgement here.)
For each can of tomatoes, add about 1-2 ounces of vodka or rum. (there are a lot of amazing, rich tomato flavors which can only be revealed using alcohol, and not oil or water)
For each can of tomatoes, add roughly 1 tsp of salt, if they weren't canned using salt.
Turn the heat down to 'low' and let it simmer (stay on the heat, producing lots of steam but few, if any, bubbles) for about 5 minutes.
At this point, you can add your herbs.
You want: Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Savory, Majoram, and Sage. Many Italian Seasoning or Mediteranean Seasoning blends will have them.
You can choose to use all of them, or only what you can find. For a cheap and tasty blend, Badia Italian Seasoning Blend is easy and works well.
Personally, I think a little bit of nutmeg, sumac, and sesame seeds is also lovely but it's not "traditional" Italian. A "Za'atar" spice blend should have the sumac with oregano and thyme if you can't find it as a standalone spice.
You can also track down fresh herbs, make a big herb bundle tied with string and dump it in your sauce to simmer, instead of using the dried flake stuff. Or do some fresh, some dried.
Your sauce will be looking 'wet' or 'liquidy' at this point, and will likely have tomato chunks still. You can use a potato masher to crush the tomato chunks if you want, but it's not required.
Let it keep simmering on 'low' in 5-minute increments to evaporate water off. Remember to stir every time you check the pot. It may take 30 minutes to reduce down to a thick 'sauce' texture, if there was lots of water in your tomatoes.
When the sauce consistency starts to look 'saucy' and thicker, check and stir more frequently. Babysit the pot.
Taste the sauce! Add salt to taste. (About 1-2 tsp at a time, mix thoroughly, re-taste, & repeat until it tastes great.)
Keep an eye and nose on your sauce at all times, especially if it's in its thicker stages. If it seems to be burning AT ANY TIME, immediately take it entirely off the heat and stir rapidly to cool it! The smell should always be 'stewing tomatoes and herbs' not 'burning or roasting'
If you want your sauce to have a 'brighter/fresher' tomato flavor, make sure to strain as much liquid out as you can before starting, so you don't have to cook the tomatoes as long.
If you like the savory 'cooked/stewed' tomato more than you like the fresher 'uncooked' tomato flavor, then leaving more water in the beginning will make a longer cook time, and more thoroughly stewed tomato.
If you don't have hand-canned tomatoes, you can also use canned tomatoes from the store.
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bixbiboom · 1 year
Cover reveal for the upcoming Critical Role cookbook!
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Check out all the Easter eggs hidden in that art, lol
Plus a sneak preview of one of the included recipes: De Rolos’ Revenge Pasta!
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De Rolos’ Revenge Pasta
For generations, the traditional dish of the de Rolos, rulers of the city of Whitestone, was a warming pasta puttanesca. Then the Briarwoods took over the city, slaughtered all but two of the de Rolos, and reigned for years of gloom and terror. After the survivors, Percy and his sister Cassandra, reclaimed Whitestone with Vox Machina's help, some old traditions were bound to evolve. Now a new dish has been added to the celebratory rotation. The topping is white, like Percy's hair, rather than the red of blood, and the pasta contains two entire heads of garlic. Partake in good health and stinky breath. Unless you're a vampire, in which case: go straight to hell, and say hi to the Briarwoods for us.
PREP TIME: 10 minutes
COOK TIME: 20 minutes
Kosher salt
1 pound / 450g dried spaghetti
½ cup / 120ml extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for serving
20 garlic cloves, thinly sliced (about ½ cup / 100g)
½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
Freshly ground black pepper
1 cup / 15g finely chopped fresh parsley leaves (from about 1 small bunch)
1½ cups / 360g whole milk ricotta cheese
Bring a large pot of generously salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the spaghetti and cook according to the package instructions, 9 to 12 minutes. Drain in a colander.
Heat the olive oil in the now-empty pot over medium heat. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook, stirring often, until the garlic is very fragrant and soft, 2½ to 3½ minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and add the cooked spaghetti, 1 teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon of black pepper, and the parsley. Toss the pasta to evenly coat it with the infused oil.
Transfer the pasta onto serving plates and top each portion with a generous dollop of ricotta cheese. Drizzle with olive oil and finish with additional black pepper.
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nyaslashthreat · 1 year
another wwdits scene that always sends me is that one in ancestry when guillermo's trying to reason that he couldn't be a vampire killer by birth and lineage and he goes "what did i eat for lunch today..." and then gets this look of abject horror and whispers "garlic" . i know he didn't mean it like that (probably) but like. buddy you realize you're implying your entire lunch was just munching on whole cloves of garlic right. and you realize that if that was true and you ate a shit ton of just garlic, it wouldn't be concerning due to the Vamp Slayer Implications right
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didthatbeautymakeyou · 9 months
how i end up eating almost an entire bag of carrots (roasted carrots with cilantro-jalapeño dipping sauce)
in a food processor:
2 cloves of garlic
7-8 sprigs of cilantro
2-4 pickles jalepenos
a quarter of a small onion OR 2 stalks of green onion (whatever onion-y thing you have on hand)
juice of a lemon
heaping spoonful of mayo OR greek yogurt OR sour cream (if using tangier options, start with half of the lemon)
salt n pepper to taste
blend and leave in fridge to get good. preheat oven to 425° F.
get a whole bunch of carrots, peeled if you’re fancy, or scrubbed if you don’t care
cut carrots into sticks (i usually cut in half, separating thinner end from thicker end. i cut thinner end in half length wise, and thicker end in quarters length wise)
cover generously with olive oil, salt, and whatever spices you like (i usually stick with salt, pepper and paprika because other granulated spices tend to burn at that temperature)
lay on sheet pan in single layer (this allows for the carrots to roast instead of steam which i prefer and would argue yields a better flavor but if you don’t care, layer em up whatever, it’ll be fine)
roast on middle shelf of oven until fork tender and golden brown about 20-25 mins (check halfway through to either shake pan, or flip to ensure that they don’t stick and cook evenly)
serve with cilantro jalapeño dipping sauce and enjoy!
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sexhaver · 4 months
writing to encourage you to post a recipe of your successful smashed potatoes!🙌 that shit looked nutritionally dense and I love more food per food when possible especially if tasty
3lbs fingerling potatoes (i used a 50/50 mix of yellow and red but whatever works)
6ish cups broth (if you use veggie broth this is vegetarian)
1 pint heavy cream
3-4tbsp butter
6ish cloves garlic (literally impossible to overdo the garlic here, go with your heart)
salt, pepper, thyme, and parsley
BONUS: cayenne pepper and mustard powder
wash the dirt off your potatoes and dump them in a big pot (ideally one with close to 90 degree angles on the bottom instead of a curve). pour in all the broth. if the potatoes aren't entirely submerged, add water until they are (but just barely), then turn the heat on high and put a lid on it
while the potatoes start boiling, crush and peel your garlic WITHOUT CHOPPING IT
add 2 tbsp of butter to a sauce pot and heat on medium high until melted and sizzling
add the garlic cloves and swirl/baste them in the butter for a few minutes until they and the butter both start to turn brown
dump in all of the heavy cream, then add salt, pepper, parsley, thyme, cayenne pepper, and powdered mustard to taste. unfortunately i do not have measurements for any of the spices because i cooked this while drunk. follow your heart here
reduce the heat on the heavy cream mixture until it's simmering (not all the way down to low, you still want some bubbles). by this point the potatoes should be boiling (leave the lid on). set a timer for somewhere around 23-25 minutes
come back and stir the heavy cream mixture every few minutes, and stir the potatoes once or twice throughout their cooking process
when the timer goes off, strain the potatoes out from the broth, BUT make sure to save at least two cups of the broth before pouring the rest down the drain
use a potato masher to mash the potatoes, skin and all (none of this fucking around with the back of a spoon). ideally you should probably do this in a separate bowl to avoid microplastics in your food, but im not a cop (this is why we picked a pot with 90 degree angles in step 1)
once the potatoes are properly mashed, dump most (but not all!) of the reduced heavy cream mixture in with them and continue mashing to spread it out evenly (this will also mash in the garlic cloves, which is why we didn't need to slice/dice them earlier). you should leave behind enough heavy cream to coat the bottom of the pot and then some
let the potatoes rest for a second and put the heavy cream back on medium-high heat. add 2 tbsp of butter and wait until it melts, using the whisk to mix it in with the remaining heavy cream
once the butter is melted, sprinkle in some flour, using the whisk to integrate it with the butter + cream mixture. again, i don't have exact measurements for this because i was drunk, but you want to keep adding flour and whisking until you're left with some pretty thick clumps of what looks like brown dough
crank the heat just a little higher while whisking the dough around to get it nice and burnt all over. once you're satisfied with your work and/or you start smelling burning, dump in some of the saved broth to deglaze the stuff burnt to the bottom of the pan (it should sizzle at first, that's good + normal). keep up the whisking motion so the added liquid is integrated with the dough, then add more liquid and repeat over time. eventually you should end up with something recognizable as gravy. congrats, you just made gravy from roux!
use the rest of the broth to thin out the mashed potatoes if necessary, mashing it in just like the heavy cream mixture
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love-liberty21 · 1 year
In honor of Dracula Daily starting again, I thought I'd share with you ...
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What you need:
6 chicken drumsticks (or an entire chicken)
3 onions
4 garlic cloves
3 paprika peppers (of any color)
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
800g (1,6 lbs) peeled tomatoes
Chili powder (as you like)
100 ml (a little less than 1/2 cup of) cream
3 tea spoons of sweet paprika powder
3 tea spoons of hot paprika powder
2 tea spoons of (corn)starch
a pinch of sugar
salt & pepper
What to do:
preheat the stove to 150°C (302°F)
meanwhile, peel the onions and garlic cloves, and cut them into cubes.
Wash the paprika peppers, remove the pips and cut them into cubes as well.
Wash and dry the chicken, then sear it. Add the onions and paprika peppers, then the garlic and roast them for two minutes.
Add tomato paste and peeled tomatoes.
Add paprika powder, salt, pepper and sugar.
Add chili powder (a little, a lot ... depends on whether or not you want to have the Jonathan Harker experience of chugging water all night)
Put it in the stove in a closed pan for 2h and let it simmer.
Then take it out, add cream and make it boil while stirring.
Bind with starch.
If necessary, flavor with salt, pepper and chili powder.
Goes well with:
a salad
Have fun trying it out! Oh, and please note: the garlic used in this dish could be effective against vampiric attacks, so it's better to use too much than too little. For your safety.
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thot-writes · 1 year
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how astarion would treat his werewolf gf (SFW);
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Astarion is not as surprised as one might’ve expected him to be. he’s likely had a lot of experience with lycanthropes of all kinds through Cazador (that bitch)
when you’re revealed to be a werewolf, the cogs in his mind are already turning for suggestive jokes he can make about it
you actually hear him (thanks to your superior hearing) in front of his tent mumbling them to himself as he workshops them
“‘Every good dog deserves a bone…’ hm… no, that sounds too seedy. Maybe… ‘if you’re a good little pup I’ll give you a… treat’? Gods, why is this so much harder than I thought?”
you have to cover your mouth to stop your hideous snickering. hearing his process on his meticulously crafted persona is simply too cute
you always end up turning the lines back onto him anyways. after all, if you’re the dog but he’s the one on all fours and begging, what does that make him?
astarion is a little disappointed that you can never wear silver, and he tells you so. it burns you to the touch, but also it would look so good on your gorgeous skin— isn’t a little bit of pain worth it for the fashion?
you throw garlic cloves at him for suggesting it. luckily for him the tadpole negates what damage that would normally do.
loves the bloodthirst. he’ll cheer you on when you’re getting worked up & rabid during battles
occasionally you’ll have bouts where all you crave is extreme violence. it’s quite manageable, they normally only happen when a full moon is close or when you’re in the middle of a particularly nasty fight.
one time, you tackled a man who’d targeted astarion and bit half his face off. you don’t even know why you did it, it just felt like the right thing to do at the time— and your adrenaline was running too fast for you to stop and think for a second
if astarion’s heart was still beating, he was sure it would’ve fluttered at that moment. seeing you defend him with such aggression was so… romantic
he had to resist the urge to pull you in for a kiss. at least while you still had the man’s face-skin in your mouth (did you eat it or spit it out?)
as your relationship shifts less from lust and more to love, he starts to express concerns over the darker parts of your curse.
astarion knows that while lycanthropy has a cure they’re often hard to find— and you’ve little interest in one at this point anyway. but doesn’t mean that doesn’t mean he can’t help you in other ways
when a full moon is coming and a horrific, agonising transformation is upon you, astarion stays by your side and tries to alleviate the pain by showing you have his support
after attempts of trying stronger and stronger pain-killing elixirs failed to make much of a difference, he decided that perhaps just being there with you was the better option
he’s by your side and resting your head on his lap, stroking your hair and offering the occasional word of encouragement
when it’s time to transform you get magically restrained and even still, he remains. sometimes he passes the hours with reading or embroidery, sometimes he tries to talk with you to see if you’re still in there
he hopes by doing this that you’ll learn to retain some control over yourself and you won’t need to be restrained each full moon. and it’s kind of working! once, he managed to calm you down enough to give you a little pat on the head— and that’s enough proof for him that you can best the beast
you’re not entirely sure if you believe him when he tells you that though
and as if astarion needed yet another reason to hate the gur, now he has one.
as a monster, they’ll be just as likely to hunt you. he won’t let them.
even if you have no strong feelings for the gur, astarion is brimming with more than enough spite and vitriol for both of you.
honestly, being a werewolf has made you two even closer than before. you can relate on certain issues now— you’re both bloodthirsty monsters, capable of losing all sense of control and reason, and when night falls is when the people of faerun should be the most fearful— for the night is your personal hunting ground.
astarion is very supportive of a lycanthrope partner (much like he is with a durge one) and will not judge you for it. when your control lapses, he reins you in, when you’re dealing with the pain of a pre and post-transformation, he helps you through it.
on the surface, you’re two fearsome, monstrous beasts that would send an average person running— but beneath, you’re two people madly in love, trying to temper the negative effects of your respective curses. for each other.
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hairupintheair · 7 months
Trolls Cookbook Text
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Troll Slaw
-9 Trolls, shredded -2 pounds of green cabbage -1 Teaspoon Caraway seeds -3 cups of mayonnaise -2 tablespoons white vinegar -1 clove garlic, minced -1 teaspoon dijon mustard -2 carrots, grated (1 cup)
In a large bowl, toss Trolls with 1 tbsp salt. Cover with ice water, refrigerate for 1 hour. This will preserve their color.
Drain the chilled Trolls, then squeeze in a towel to absorb any excess moisture. While simple, this is the most important step. The dressing will coat much better to a dry Troll.
Return to the large bowl. Stir in carrots and toasted caraway seeds. Add dressing and stir well.
Filet of Troll
-1/2 lbs filet of Trolls, trimmed and tied -5 tablespoons unsalted butter -1 tbsp salt -1 tbsp pepper
Preheat the oven to 451 degrees F. Place the Trolls on a sheet pan and pat them down. Use your hands to spread the butter over them. If they laugh, don't be alarmed. Trolls are ticklish by nature. Sprinkle the sale and pepper, evenly.
Roast in the oven for exactly 24 minutes. Remove the trolls from the oven, cover them tightly with aluminum foil, and allow them to rest at room temperature for 20 minutes. Remove the strings and slice the filet of trolls thickly.
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Beef Trollganoff
Slice trolls against the grain into 1 inch strips. Trolls may lose color when you begin slicing. This is normal.
Cook Trolls using same skillet until brown. Heat to boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Stir into Troll mixture. Serve over noodles. Enjoy!
-1 1/2 pounds Troll -8 ounces day-old mushrooms, sliced -2 medium onions, thinly sliced -1/4 cups margarine -1 1/2 cups Troll-flavored broth -1/4 teaspoon salt -1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce -1/2 cup all purpose flour -1 1/2 cups sour cream -3 cups cooked egg noodles
Spicy Tuna Troll
Ingredients -5 cups sushi rice -2 sheets dry seaweed -3 tbsp white sesame seeds -4 lbs sushi-grade Trolls -1 cup mayonnaise -1/4 tbsp of dry chili pepper
Chop trolls and mix with mayonnaise and chili-pepper. Put a sheet of seaweed on a mat. Spread a portion of rice on top of the sheet. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of the sushi rice. Please a portion of troll mixture lengthwise on the rice. Roll the mat, pressing forward to shape the sushi into a cylinder. Firmly press the mat and remove it from the sushi.
Cut the rolls into bite size pieces. Enjoy!
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Jellied Cassetroll
-1 box of gelatin mix -12-17 Trolls -16 oz of sour cream -8 oz whipped topping -2 cups boiling water
Dissolve gelatin mixture in boiling water for 2 minutes. Add Trolls, chopped. Blend mixture with a hand mixer until the Trolls and gelatin have adequately mixed. Place in the fridge for 2-3 hours or until the gelatin mixture sets half way.
Lightly fold in the sour cream and whipped topping. Pour the entire mixture into a mold of your choice. This is where you get creative! Troll Hair molds, Trollstice molds, a mold for every occasion!
Fruity Troll Roll
Mix all the ingredients except chocolate in a large bowl. Stir thoroughly and place on a foil covered tray. Refrigerate until needed.
Form into two logs, using greased hands. If Troll hair protrudes from log, don't worry. This is great for presentation and adds a bit of color to the dish!
Melt chocolate while logs chill. Once melted, pour over logs. You may notice a few shouts or screams when you begin pouring the chocolate. This lets you know the chocolate is the perfect temperature! Chill the logs in the fridge.
Slice with a serrated knife to serve.
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chamiryokuroi · 4 months
hi are you the one with the guacamole where you used every pepper you could find at the grocery store? if so, please i would like the recipe. if not, feel free to ignore this. thank you ! :3
Yeah that’s me, that guacamole post will haunt me for eternity.
Here’s the recipe
2 ripe avocados
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 tomato chopped
1 finely chopped onion
A bit of finely chopped cilantro
Juice of one lime
Salt to taste
Whatever chilies you can find at your grocery store.
Now for the chilies I used they’re the following (picture for visual reference attached)
Serranos (mild to high spicy depending on the season)
Jalapeños (mild)
Habaneros (high)
Güero (low to mid)
Caribe (low to mid)
Arbol (usually sold dry, mid to high spicy)
Tho if you can find piquin then you’re in for a treat! Those are really spicy!
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First you are NOT going to deseed any of the chilies, they’re usually the spicy part of it and you want this fucker to hurt badly.
On a pan on medium high you’re going to roast all of the chilies until they’re slightly charred (open up a window because this is going to hurt you, you will cough, it’s inevitable) once charred remove from heat and roughly chop them, they will be real soft so you don’t need to be too careful about the size.
Now I used a molcajete for the preparation, if you’re not Mexican you can use a mortar and pestle, if you don’t have one you can use a bowl, you will just need to finely chop the garlic beforehand.
On your molcajete/mortar drop the garlic cloves and salt (around a teaspoon worth, but tbh I measure that with my soul) if you use sea salt is better because of the size of the grains of salt it helps with grinding the garlic, but you can always use regular table salt.
After the garlic has been grated entirely then you will add the chilies, a bit at a time, we want it all to be grind into paste all together. Again if you don’t have a molcajete/mortar then you can just finely chop it all together.
Add the peeled and pitted avocado next, to make it easier to mix chop it beforehand. We want to make it a paste as well, you can use a fork for this step if you’re using a regular bowl.
Then you add your onion, tomato, cilantro and the lime juice, just mix it with a spoon, taste and add salt if needed.
And we’re done! Now you have a guacamole with more chilies than necessary!
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najia-cooks · 7 months
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[ID: First image is a thin crèpe topped with ground 'meat,' herbs, and tomato, and garnished with lemon. Second image is a close-up of the same crèpe with a thick red sauce drizzledover it. End ID
𑐔𑐟𑐵𑑄𑐩𑐬𑐶 / चतांमरि / Chatamari (Newari rice crèpe)
𑐔𑐟𑐵𑑄𑐩𑐬𑐶 / चतांमरि (chatā̃mari), sometimes called "Newari pizza," are rice crèpes made plain or with a savory topping. Chatamari are a popular festival food among the indigenous 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 / नेवा: (Naivāḥ / Newa) people, most of whom live in the 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑑅 𑐐𑐵𑑅 / नेपाः गाः (Naipāḥ gāḥ / Nepa Valley) in central Nepal. [1] They are regarded as a near-compulsory addition to the table for holidays including 𑐴𑑂𑐩𑐥𑐸𑐖𑐵 / म्ह पूजा (mha pūjā) and 𑐡𑐶𑐐𑐸 𑐥𑐹𑐖𑐵 / दिगु पूजा (digu pūjā), when they are served as snacks and appetizers.
A chatamari consists of a thin, fried crèpe, fluffy on the inside and crispy around the edges, and an optional juicy, well-spiced topping. Common toppings are vegetable (with black-eyed peas, potato, and/or soy chunks); meat (with minced chicken or buffalo and tomato); a cracked egg; or some combination thereof. Ginger, garlic, red onion, cumin, turmeric, and sometimes red chili powder and coriander add bite and aroma. To cook chatamari, a thin layer of batter is spread on a tawa, and the batter is topped; the whole is then covered with a clay conical lid and left to steam.
This recipe is for a 𑐎𑐷𑐩𑐵 / कीमा (kīmā; minced meat)​ chatamari with potato, but you can try replacing the meat substitute with cooked black-eyed peas, replacing the potato with more meat, or replacing the meat and potato with vegetables of your choice (try green peas, julienned carrots, and green onion)—the basic format of this dish is highly customizable.
The Nepali language is increasingly the language of broadcast, education, and even the home, to the detriment of other languages including the Newa language Nepal Bhasa (𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐨𑐵𑐫𑑂‎ / नेवा: भाय्, nevāḥ bhāy). Scripts historically used to write Nepal Bhasa and Sanskrit have been almost entirely replaced with Devanagari. 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐔𑐮𑐶𑐟 / प्रचलित (prachalit; lit. "common") was the script used by literate Newa until it began to decline at the turn of the 20th century; the 1960s governmental policy of सांस्कृतिक एकता (Nepali: sā̃skr̥tik ektā; cultural unity) further marginalized it.
Revival efforts have begun, which claim Prachalit (and the ornamental script Ranjana, also used to write Nepal Bhasa and Sanskrit) as parts of Newa identity, and seek to teach them at fairs and in workshops. A process of "ethnicity-building" and identity formation within Nepal, including pushes to use students' mother tongues as the language of instruction (with Devanagari as a "common" script) and to use minoritized languages in television and radio broadcast, have been ongoing since the 1990s.
[1] Terminology is given in Nepal Bhasa unless otherwise specified, in Prachalit followed by Devanagari script. "𑐔𑐟𑐵𑑄𑐩𑐬𑐶," "𑐡𑐶𑐐𑐸 𑐥𑐹𑐖𑐵," and "𑐎𑐷𑐩𑐵" are my transliterations from Devanagari into Prachalit. Latin transliteration is ISO 15919 standard except: "च" ([t͡ʃə]) is rendered "cha" and not "ca." Where two Latin phrases are given, the first is ISO from Devanagari, and the second is the typical English-language spelling or phrase.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes 4 large.
For the topping:
3/4 cup (74g) textured vegetable protein + 1/2 cup (118mL) broth
Or 1 1/2 cup ground beef substitute of choice
1 russet potato (200g) (optional)
2 roma tomatoes, minced or thinly sliced
1 small red onion, minced or thinly sliced
1 green chili, diced or thinly sliced
1/2-inch chunk (5g) ginger, peeled and grated or pounded
2 cloves garlic, grated or pounded
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp red chili powder (substitute sweet paprika to reduce spice level)
1 tsp meat masala (optional)
2 Tbsp neutral oil (if not including 'egg')
Cilantro, to top
For the egg (optional):
2 Tbsp yellow mung flour or chickpea flour (besan)
1/4 cup coconut milk
1 tsp kala namak (black salt)
You may also use any other egg substitute. This one is inspired by Vietnamese bánh xèo. The coconut milk provides binding and fat; the final topping will not taste of coconut. You may replace it with any neutral oil.
For the batter:
1 1/2 cup (240g) white rice flour
About 1 1/2 cup (350 mL) cool water
Mustard oil, to fry
The chatamari in the photo is served with achar.
For the batter:
1. Measure flour into a bowl. Pour in water slowly while whisking until a smooth, pourable batter (the consistency of crèpe batter) forms. Set aside to rest while making the filling.
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For the filling:
1. Peel and cube potato, then boil until soft. Mash thoroughly with a bean masher or fork.
2. Hydrate TVP in broth or stock (I used water with 1/2 tsp vegetarian beef stock concentrate) for 10 minutes.
3. Mix potato, minced tomatoes and onion, ground 'meat', spices, and 'egg' together in a large mixing bowl until well-combined.
To assemble:
1. Heat a large tawa, comal, or nonstick skillet on medium. Fill a ladle with 100 mL (a bit less than 1/2 cup) of batter, and pour it into the center of the skillet; it should become round on its own. Thin it out a bit with the bottom of the ladle.
2. Cover the top of the batter with the topping, leaving a bit of space on the edge. Optionally, add about 2 tsp of oil around the edges of the chatamari to crisp.
3. Lower the heat to low and cover. Cook for 7 minutes. Remove chatamari onto a plate.
If the rice pancake cracks, your batter is too thin; try resting it, uncovered, for 5-10 minutes, then stirring it and trying again.
4. Raise heat to medium for a minute. Add another ladle of batter, top the chatamari, add oil, lower the heat and cover to cook as before. Repeat until batter or filling runs out.
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