#ALSO i am happy to talk more if you have any questions or thoughts abt this au because there is a lot and there are things i havent
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hello here to ask about the seraphim au again lol
what are wisps? how is disability handled among seraphs? what is the most common way for them to get disabled? how fucked up is spoke exactly? like does he have abnormally long limbs? does he have limbs that he really shouldnt? is there a way for the ones in the fray to get up to the vesper esp with all the ruin? are there any other weapons of war lying around aside from centurions?
this au is really interesting and i love finding out more about it :D
Hello welcome back! I'm happy to answer your questions i love talking about this thing ^_^
Yet another long post ahead, but I've gone ahead and answered all of your questions in as much detail as I can without fully spoiling anything! 👍
What is a Wisp? (Where do they come from, what're they like?)
Wisps are another common creature, originating from cast magic. They vary in size, shape, color, and type, although the most common are ones which have a tendency to either cause small explosions, or light fires. Because of the way their bodies are comprised primarily of magic, they are constantly expending this energy, and thus don't accumulate it the same way that most things do.
These wisps are a common pest in the Vesper, a little like rats, but also a bit more potentially damaging, as they're drawn to places with a high magic content and flow. Although, they're rarely found at the pools in the Fray. This is mostly because Centurions have taken to killing them on sight, since they are quite fond of feeding off the energy which is used to keep them functional. It's a special thing, and it's their favorite.
Once upon a time, they actually had a use, but now they're just considered a bit of a waste product from magic casting.
(Although, that hasn't stopped some curious Seraphs from wondering if it'd be possible to domesticate them in a sense. They aren't inherently harmful, even if they have a habit of starting little fires or blowing cracks in walls. Some wisps simply sap energy and laze about, and though they become rarer later on, these are the ones that stick around places the longest.)
Certain wisps expend their excess energy with mimicry and shapeshifting, some of my references for them are birds like European Starlings and Superb Lyrebirds. Often times, their mimicry can make them even more of a nuisance, especially before the Seraph's extinction, as they were known to lead Seraphim astray by mimicking distress calls and even the sounds of clashing metal. Shapeshifting-wise, they tended to prefer creatures of a similar mass, so most often they'd take forms no bigger than medium sized cats, since anything larger is significantly bigger than any typical wisp. These ones didn't often last long after being created, but they were well documented.
They used to be kept out of important places in the Vesper with gates and small spells, but as those diminished, they began to creep in once again. Their presence sped up the collapse, but it couldn't exactly be prevented.
How is disability handled among seraphs? (Along with a brief explanation of some pieces of Seraphim culture)
Overall, it's treated as something to be respected, as it tends to be the result of actions not the Seraph's own, or of actions that were for the greater good of either the Seraph, or the Vesper as a whole. But, there are certain things which are much more looked down upon, and that is typically things like blindness or missing wings. These types of injuries, and related disabilities (stunted flight, limited vision [in cases where the blindness is partial], etc.), are viewed as almost childish, due to the fact they're especially common occurrences for Seraphim youth.
Older Seraphs commonly deal with lower mobility, at least in comparison to their younger counterparts. While Seraphs will snip and bite at each other (both literally and metaphorically), they are still a social species and care for their ill and disabled. Typically, any care being done for a Seraph will be done by those closer to them, mostly their inner circle and occasionally those associated with those Seraphs.
In cases of lost limbs, for any reason (regardless of how it may be viewed), if all the injury does is heal over and become more of a typical stump, the spot will be adorned with jewelry, and even tattoos or specifically dyed feathers, depending on the specific spot. Rather than being something hidden, these things are typically decorated, highlighted as a show of life and living. This is a bit of a remnant of an old myth which was lost long before anything was written, but it speaks of highlighting these losses as a triumph of life. It's a little bit of a "this is our gift from the stars [in reference to an almost-god] and we must show our appreciation, lest it be taken from us." Along with that, it's viewed as a way of warding off Wisps and other pests from these vulnerable spots.
Common patterns & symbols in these types of jewelry include but aren't limited to: ferns / laurel, flowers (varying types depending on the city, although the most common ones in Vesper are lily of the valley and bleeding hearts), spirals, and insects (again, of varying types depending on the city, the most common ones in Vesper are beetles or millipedes, although the latter are much less common.)
These pieces are made out of a variety of materials, but typically the basis is metals, either cast and shaped or twisted wire, depending on the Seraph's preferences. Pieces of the grown stars used for Centurions are also common place, along with common crystals. Everything used is subject to change, as these are personal to the Seraphs and will reflect their preferences, and even their favorite things. Over time, this jewelry may be reforged and adapted to better suit the Seraph, as time goes on.
What is the most common way for Seraphs to end up disabled? (And maybe a little hint of lore, as a treat)
So, I've mentioned some of the most commonly disabling things, but how the hell does that even happen?
Seraphs have their nasty habit of fighting amongst themselves, which is only more common with the younger of the bunch. While it isn't pleasant, it isn't unheard of for these fights to reach the point of weak points being clawed at/out. Which often entails wings being at the least taken out of their sockets, and at worst clawed off. In the same thread, eyes are also a common spot to be gone after.
But, as time went on, these types of fights became less common, so scars and marks from these fights are more often seen on the fully grown Seraphs. At least, this is the most accepted answer. Though, the truth of it is that usually, Seraphs lost limb and life to the fights which were so often instigated. While it's been most attributed to overly violent youth, it was much more an effect of war. At least, that was before the Centurions.
After them, however, things shifted. Without nearly as many Seraphs out actively participating in the fight aside from those that remained to ensure the Centurions' function, the most commonly disabling occurrences were related to either overexertion of magic over a long period of time (leading to effects a little similar to chronic fatigue & pain) and flight related injury. Though, that was tied with... Poaching related damage to stars.
Damaged stars? Poaching?
As I've already mentioned briefly here, Seraphim stars became a useful weapon due to their properties. While I won't elaborate much more than that for some mild spoiler reasons, let it be known that Seraphs were once revered as gods, but this began to turn into resentment over time. But, what does a damaged star entail for them?
A Seraph with a damaged star (whether it be cracked or chipped, both having different but lasting effects) doesn't often live more than a handful of years longer, as the magic that typically circulates through their body will begin to stagnate. This causes to formation of a sediment of sorts that accumulates in extremities and places like the eyes, mouth, and will even begin to seep into the keratin in their body, as well as their bones/marrow, coloring any new growth anything from pink to deep blues and greens.
While Seraphs are known for having a variety of colors which naturally and commonly occur in their feathers and flesh, these colors are associated heavily with this type of ailment, and those with these colors are often avoided by some of the more paranoid. (There is no risk to other Seraphim, this is a lot like how people will avoid those they perceive as ill / sick even when they know it won't affect them.)
Cracked Stars (All pieces present, but with slight separation or small fragments loose): Slower overall progression, characterized by weakness and general lethargy, along with sharp pain and numbness in extremities as time goes on, since the magic that Seraphs rely on doesn't flow quite how it's supposed to, along with the appearance of the aforementioned colors, since they tend to live long enough for it to completely change their appearance.
Chipped Stars (Pieces are missing, typically from failed removal attempts): Much faster progression, often to an almost violent effect, as instead of accumulating slowly, the magic which would form a sediment will instead begin to crystalize rapidly, making them only really able to live about a year after at most. This can also be the most sudden, as a chipped star likely won't be noticed until there are Wisps circling the Seraph, and sharp pain and complete loss of feeling (a side effect of the magic that's basically pouring out of them, which will make them much like the Centurions in this regard, as they cannot contain the magic.)
Malformed Stars (Not injury based, but included due to the relation and similarities): Some Seraphs are born with malformed stars and will have coloration associated with cracked stars from the very start. Although, it's entirely possible that they can live for a while longer than those whose stars get cracked, as their bodies are given the opportunity to properly adjust, as well as the lack of excess magic directly leaking into their bodies. Varying from Seraph to Seraph, they can have much more volatile magic, or that's less potent than is typical.
So what the fuck is the deal with Spoke? (Why is he like that?)
Spoke is a case of a potentially good thing being used in the worst way possible. Grown stars (or artificial stars, or anything to that degree) are perfect for Centurions, being able to be used as a baseline for the creation of pseudo-personage, a pseudo-soul, if you will. But, the problem is when they interact with another soul. Natural souls will eat away at artificial ones, and this lead to an extremely volatile reaction within Spoke. Along with the issue of souls, human bodies are not exactly made to regulate the magic that comes with these stars, and it causes... Complications.
Caught in an odd place where he both does and doesn't even physically exist at all, Spoke is a little like the ghosts that've taken to haunting the library in the absence of Seraphs. Varying even minute to minute, he can go from looking a little off (almost a little uncanny, in a way. Limbs slightly the wrong proportions, just enough to ring as odd, but not completely distorted) to being almost unrecognizable as human at all, practically surrounded by a thick layer of ambient magic, which can make him look like a bit like a shadow.
Although, as time goes on, this becomes much less varied, and instead, it manifests in the beginnings of Seraph-like features, including an additional set of non-functional eyes. As well, there is a certain dark-green-almost-black that makes his extremities look almost necrotic, although they aren't. This is just a manifestation of the excess magic, much like how it looks for Seraphim with cracked stars. For a period of time, he had grown the beginnings of an additional limb (although, it never got far, as it began to become excruciatingly painful for him), but it was removed.
Spoke is basically in limbo between being alive and dead, which has had its own interesting effects on his psyche, and really, if any true Seraph were there, he likely would've been mercy killed to spare him from this. But, he's happy as can be, despite the agonies. Much like any other human with a star place in them, there is most definitely a noticeable mark that resulted from it, something which has only grown over time. A little like what could've just been a scar at the start begins to morph into creeping vines, looking more and more like they've been struck with lightning.
(This is probably the most subject-to-change-as-i-write thing here, since I'm not 100% set on the primary appearance of it. There are major differences between Seraphim-stars and Grown-stars, and one of those major differences is that Seraphim-stars are much more stable, as they've had a long period of time to be refined and cultivated. Meanwhile grown-stars aren't given that kind of time, and are only an approximation of the real thing. While they can heal and prolong life, they lack the rhyme or reason that Seraphim ones will abide by. They don't know when to quit. They will form tumors and create what I can only describe as an excess of life, they make people sick, they shouldn't be used on organic things even if it's the only option. There's a reason Seraphs will sooner die than use one. They are viable for Centurions purely because of the lack of organic growth.)
Let's talk the Fray (and a little bit about the War, shall we?)
is there a way for the ones in the fray to get up to the vesper esp with all the ruin?
Really, it depends on the scenario! Before the death of the Seraphs, going between the two places was inconvenient, but possible. Typically it involved making some kind of trade with one of the Seraphim in order to be brought to the Vesper, although this was rare. The handful of human mages that did exist were able to move freely between the two places, but they disappeared not long after they began to be noticed. Though, they made a little bit of a resurgence as almost ghost-like figures, after the Seraphs' death.
Seraphim were able to go between the two places, as they never lost their flight, but even those who struggled with it were able to use their magic in order to go between. Centurions were unable to go between the two, as they were designated their places and functionally left to continue that task ad infinium. Humans were a rare sight, but on occasion human merchants were known to get up to the Vesper, usually using crude airships.
are there any other weapons of war lying around aside from centurions?
To be a little ominous for the sake of not spoiling too much: yes. Yes, there are, and they are only getting worse for wear, and even if their creators are long dead, they are not. They're still there, waiting to be called upon once again, to lay the world to even greater waste. Slumbering giants, if you will. I'll be elaborating on these especially in the main fic I have planned, so this is a "wait and see" kind of deal ^_^
Also if you've gotten this far I want to point you toward some art that vaguely inspired the baseline I have for wisps because I love this art and it fascinates me!

first piece is by ida lissner, second by tealnewcombart on etsy, third by tracy debenport!
i couldn't find the much more vibrantly colored type of almost psychedelic art that i've really drawn a fair bit of inspiration from, at least with the colors, these show a lot of the Shapes that i think of with them
#ask a ghost#asker: citrusinicake#au: seraphim#haunted bookshelf#only like 2.5k words later o7#ALSO i am happy to talk more if you have any questions or thoughts abt this au because there is a lot and there are things i havent#even really gotten to yet but hopefully this answered the questions you posed in a mostly satisfying way ^_^#if youre curious about characters or any thoughts i have for anybody i havent mentioned before ive been working a little on some#smaller side stuff but im mostly focusing on two parts. i actually need to decide who to focus on for the original Fall as clown's#perspective doesnt actually show very much of it....... ive gotta work on the proper writing but this is my little side project#“”“little”“” side project that is lol
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OKAY so confession. all the feixiao stuff dredged up some of my old yukong thoughts so i'd like to ramble abt them here, actually (also partially inspired by my own hsr sona concepts! though i have not yet done the newest tb quests so please feel free to add any thoughts relating to them <3)
said thoughts being about the simple domesticity of being yukong's retainer. sure, a retired pilot and the damn helm master of the luofu may not have any particular need for protection (she's very much capable of defending herself, no doubt), but perhaps it's less of the protection and more of the company that drew the both of you together. aside from being well-versed in combat—easily leaping into the fray at the first sign of trouble, the diligent guard that you are—you also look after yukong in and out of the office, which is where you find yourself spending most of your time.
bringing tea to yukong's desk, gentle reminders to the foxian to take breaks despite knowing yukong rarely complies—perhaps yukong didn't take too well to you at first, a denial of her desire for a more steadfast companion that isn't just the rest of those she leaves tasks to. perhaps your fortuitous appearance is more than just coincidence, too? (and may have to do with a certain foxian daughter...)
either way, the longer you spend at yukong's side, offering a helping hand that at times even extends to paperwork, she finds herself growing oddly fond of you and your presence. even in the silence, knowing that there's someone to share the space becomes something precious to the grandma helm master: a reminder to take things slow.
long walks, tea times, reminiscing, even the occasional family dinner that you've come to be a part of, with qingni doling out tease after tease that you've since become less of a retainer and more of a wife—just the little things that make every moment worth living for. just a little more.
(p.s. absolutely agreeing with yukong being more on the lovemaking side. <3 as a bonus, stress relief is definitely something you'd help yukong out with, in more ways than just a massage... :3c)
“so, i hear you’ve made a new… friend, shall we say?”
yukong’s tail flicks sharply at the tone of feixiao’s voice, lilting and light and teasing. she can feel the other foxian’s eyes boring into the side of her head as she takes a long, slow sip of tea from her cup, before setting it down on the table with a clink.
“i have recently hired a retainer, yes,” she confirms, and those teal eyes sitting across from her glitter with interest. feixiao has her chin resting on her fist, while her other hand curls around her own cup.
“you make it sound so formal,” the general remarks with a chuckle. “a little kit describes it as a much more domestic arrangement to me.”
“qingni,” yukong mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose. her tail swishes again, harder this time, with an edge of embarassment and irritation. feixiao laughs quietly at that, swirling her tea around in the tiny cup.
“relax, she means well. it is good to hear you are, hm… happy?”
feixiao’s tone leaves the question open ended, and yukong pauses. it’s an opportunity, she knows—to refute that statement, to insist on a veneer of professionalism. but then she thinks of you, of your softspoken words, of warm tea on her desk, of late night walks and late night talks, and of companionship; and she finds that she can’t deny it at all.
“yes,” she agrees softly, the corner of her lips tugging upwards in a fond smile. “i am happy.”
for the longest time, the ground never felt right under her feet. she was born for the skies, to soar and pierce through the clouds like a shooting star. to be grounded felt like to be imprisoned. but with you—with you, she feels light again. like the earth is now made of downy clouds, and the weight on her shoulders has dissipated like mist. her heart no longer knows the difference between the wind in her hair and your hand running through it in the night.
with you, she is happy.
(feixiao, of course, teases her relentlessly about this confession. it’s only when yukong threatens to expose every ridiculous thing the other foxian has done while blackout drunk to their partner that feixiao shuts up.)
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First of all, I would like to thank you so much for all your support and your kind message !! Thank you so much for being patient with me too !! (you will see, I thanks a lot in this post lol)
Haha tbh I believe that ignoring and move on is a great way too! Yeees when I read this anon ask, I was wondering if they are living somewhere where pale person are oppressed and they are personally in this case and it affects them so badly that they have so much hate in them or they are just being hateful toward poc w/o any explication ? It was a bit uncomfortable And what is appealing with Genshin Impact (for me) is the fact that they use real culture to create their game ; even in the last survey, they ask if we like Natlan's authenticity (weird they only ask abt environment and music, i think they know they have issue with character design bahaha). I learn a lot about persian, algerian, but also chinese and even about french culture ! It is because people recognize themself that they start talking about it. I know there is a lot of controversial topic in Natlan, but because of this, I learn a lot on Hawai'i 's culture too. So yes, even if it is fiction, representation *is* important. And it is because they take inspiration of their culture that there is people who want a better representation, and in my opinion, this is something to not ignore !
About taking well what anon said, thank you so much ! If i can be honest tho, I didn't take it very well neither, or just I don't know how do I really felt at the moment I am an adult but I still hard time to distinguish what is morally okay or not, what is bad and good ? So if someone doesn't tell me they are explicitly a bad person with bad intention, I won't get it haha (ofc I grew up and now I identify my value and morals, but I still questionning if my morals are objectively great or not- yeaaah i was called weird for that, I am aware) Since forever I always try to understand other so I can communicate properly (at least I try), and that's why I am always interested on how does people think, why do they react in this specific way etc etc. Pro, I am patient and can take even the most violent take "well" (all depends. I am still a human) Con, I give free speech to those who have a "bad" take </3 and I apologize for that aaaa
KFSDLFSD I wish to express my angryness sometime but I just don't know if it is really adequate What if I interpret their text in wrong way as they initially try to say ? I wasn't feel offended by what they said, I was just uncomfortable because their opinion is something I consider hateful. and what if i was wrong??? But reading you all's opinion just affirm that's they were indeed rude ! I should stop overthink, life would be easier Maybe next time I have a doubt I will ask my friends's opinion before answering ksdkfsf
Oh my god thank you !!! If i can be honest, I draw Kinich this way because when I draw him w a darker skin for the first time, I thought "Oh !!! he looks so cool !!!!" and seeing a lot of positive comment abt my Kinich just makes me happy so I keep him like this ! And thank you for sharing with me informations !<<333 This is not overstepping at all ! And it is a reciprocate feeling anon ! It might be a bit weird but "angry" is such a complex feeling for me. I feel it but I don't really know how to express it in the most healthy way and it is super frustrating. So... seeing people getting mad at something I also disagree on makes me feel better !! And for this, thank you all !
I SNORT SO HAAAARD Damn Macron you again..........!! I didn't put all ask here but I read them all !! Thank you for sharing with me your opinion and reaction, it is truly interesting (and way more relaxing that the hater anon kskskss) !! and again, your support is truly meaningful for me. You all have sincere gratitude Hope y'all have a great day !! Stay hydrated too <3
#reply#you all saying i am all polite and patient but tbh in my POV you all are patient w me KSKSKS /pos#this is kind of out of topic but it relates on some ask I received#I think everything have nuance. I don't talk abt my opinion but about fact ; “blackwashing” is used word. If it is used#that it doesn't exist?#Maybe that “whitewash” and “blackwash” just imply something completely different#and morals are differents in each individuals ; that's why whitewash is bad as do blackwash is#and for some blackwash is not a real term#In the end discussing about what is good what is bad in those term is just discussing about our own morality#and this is something hard to debate on ! because it implies us -individuals- to put on table our value and questionning about it again.#and I believe it is not something easy at all. Some of us are “made” to disagree each other opinions because morals are just different#anyway...!!! good night
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(everyone is in their 20s. names are fake)
I’d like to start off by giving background, I(M) live with my roommate Salt. We’ve been living together for a couple of years now and met through mutual friends.
I’m straight. Salt is gay in a very open, stereotypical sense(yk flamboyant, effeminate etc) and I’m not saying this to judge him/say I resent him or something he’s a dear friend of mine and I couldn’t care less abt his sexuality or how he chooses to express himself. However it’s important to mention this for the sake of AITA
The actual ‘issue’ started a year ago, where we were both drunk coming home from a party, I was struggling to get my keys out so he called me a idiot and then just.. kissed me??
That caused me to question my sexuality for a while because being a straight man you’d think I’d be repulsed or bothered by it but no I didn’t really enjoy it(not like there was smth to enjoy it was like a couple of seconds) but didn’t really mind it either in fact it didn’t made me feel any different than how I’d feel kissing a random girl I suppose?
So yeah I experimented with my sexuality for a week or so and even almost hooked up with some guy but nope. Still straight. Just didn’t mind him(probably because of how close we are)
Anyways back to the point after that Salt avoided me for a while but in the end we did have a talk which was basically him saying he was not attracted to me, how it was a spur of the moment thing and also apologizing if he made me uncomfortable.
To that I told him he did not and joked about how he could do it again.
Fast forward a month(?) later the “kissing the homies goodnight” meme came out, so one time I asked him where was my goodnight kiss was at and he actually did it, after that we just continued doing that ig I don’t think none of us thought much of it other than some night time ritual.
Here comes the actual AITA part, I recently got a girlfriend(we’ll call her Pepper). I’ts not like I’m super in love with her but she’s a nice girl and I genuinely like her so I wish to keep her happy.
The issue with Pepper is that she talks a tad bit too much, I normally wouldn’t mind it as I’m on the quiet part, but she expects me to memorize everything she has told me(not in the “do you remember my friend” type of way in the she tells me about 10 different people and gets upset when I don’t remember their exes names or what did friend7 did on lunch a month ago type of way) she also has a tendency to hyperfixate on shows and talk about the plot & characters as if they’re actual real people which makes it hard for me to understand if something she says is about a show or real. She gets really upset if I forget even the smallest things about those stories and rants about how I never listen to her. I tried talking to her about this but it only ends with her crying so I just keep shut to keep her satisfied
A week ago I was having a really bad day of migraines and nothing seemed to help but me and Pepper had made plans to hang in my place and I didn’t want to cancel. She comes over and starts talking about her sister in life’s brunch. I ask her if she could slow down a bit cause my head hurts and I can’t really keep up.
Well she takes it the wrong way and starts yelling at me about how I always am like this and how I never listen to her. I admit I’m the asshole for saying this, but I ask her if she’s unable to sit down and have a conversation like an adult. This makes her calm down a bit and she sits down so we can discuss.
I try explaining to her how it’s unfair how she expects me to remember everything and I’d be more than happy to listen to her, maybe just slow down a bit?
In mid of it she has this weird smile on her face and tells me I look hot mad, she then leans over to kiss me which I pull away from because it feels like she’s just trying to change a topic and I think this is an important convo for our relationship.
This is the moment Salt decides to arrive at home(I should also mention he’s TERRIBLE at reading the room) he comes over gives me my goodnight kiss and leaves.
(I would like to add its not like we make out or something. He just gives me a peck on the lips, says goodnight and leaves)
This drives Pepper crazy. She starts shouting at me on how I’d not kiss her but him? And that I could go ride his dick if I’m that gay for him. She storms out of the apartment
I’d like to add that Pepper has never said anything about me and Salt. I never told her about the goodnight kiss(Because I mean who goes to their girlfriend like “hey btw I kiss my roommate at nights. but no homo”?) but we never hide it either in fact I’m pretty sure we did that while she was in room once or twice too. Pepper has made jokes about us being gay and how she feels bad about getting inbetween us but never anything on being uncomfortable or not liking it.
Now it’s been a week and we haven’t talked since. She is not answering my messages and I stopped trying to contact her from there but I’m starting to doubt myself, am I the asshole here? Should I go apologize?
What are these acronyms?
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Can you talk abt ur object partners? I'm learning abt paras and radqueer stuff and transids and all of that and I'm trying to learn and just,, u get it im sure! /pos
Also also also this is very aggressively /nf btw btw!!
Hellooo first of all I'm so glad you asked!!! Honestly I really like sharing my perspective on stuff like this, it makes me happy. Also it's really cool that you're learning, I hope I can help at least a little by writing this!!
First things first, I have no idea why I am attracted to objects. I have always assigned personalities to things not usually seen as having personalities though, so that's probably related. In my opinion, my phone really likes J-fashion, the season fall is a creepypasta enjoyer, and the number 6 has split-dyed hair (pink and blue). I have always thought like this.
I feel that every object, every concept, every word and every number are distinct, and also really cool beings. I love everything, I respect every object. And sometimes I feel as though the thing I love and personify loves me back. That is what I consider the start of a relationship!! My specific experience with objectum relationships are written below the cut.
My phone girlfriend is named Ririka, I found the name when looking through names for an OC, and I felt like she would love being named that. My brain also assigned her the pronouns she/her and decided that she would probably enjoy J-fashion, specifically jirai kei. She has a pink case and she really likes playing music for me. I feel very attached to her and feel that she is attached back, it just feels really sweet to be with her.
I also have a plushie boyfriend, he is named Fun, because he reminds me of the Funtime animatronics from FNaF (he is colored white, lilac and pink). He is a rabbit plushie and he is HUGE and very fluffy. He currently goes by he/him, but he is experimenting with a few other pronouns. We often take naps together. When I first got him, I got the vibes that he would love my vanilla caramel perfume so I sprayed some on him, he was so happy.
Perhaps more uncommon than electronics and plushies, but I am also in a relationship with a purse! She is an elegant light pink, has a mature and serious personality. I named her Gretchen because I felt that they would like it, since the name means pearl and they have a string of pearls as a handle. She uses she/they, and spends most of her time on my desk, she loves it there. We do sometimes go outside together, but she prefers just sitting with me while I'm gaming and stuff. She is caring and protective, she is definitely a mom friend lol.
I'm sorry for the long examples, but I just wanted to explain as much as possible about how my personal experience goes. Being objectum is different for every being, but basically I assign traits to almost every object I have, and over time I develop a romantic attraction to some of them, and if I get the vibes that they love me back, I consider it a relationship.
This was very nice to write, I love to yap, especially about my darlings. I'm so sorry if it's too long, it probably is lmao
If the anon or any other being has questions or things to say, feel free to reach out! I am always open for asks and DMs unless I explicitly state otherwise.
#pro radq#pro rq 🌈🍓#radq interact#radq safe#radqueer#rq community#rq please interact#rq safe#rq 🌈🍓#rqc🌈🍓#transid#🌈🍓 safe#transid safe#objectum#objectum blog#objectum community#objectum sexuality#objectum partner#objectum pride#objectum posting#techum#paraphilia#radqueer 🌈🍓#rqc 🌈🍓
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Jonin obito Au but obito is still a freak
Imagen obito manages to free himself from madara by going inbetween that chidori and being there earlyer he get's coma but he lives
Memory ussus and a lot of CPTSD he's fine anyone woud think he's normal now but he isn't
He's legaly still dead cuz no one ABSOLUTLY NO ONE wants to deal with the absurd amount if paiper work so he legaly is still dead and he abuses the heck out of it and will bring it up every opertunaty he gets
Ppl don't notice he's a freak untill he starts open his mouth and say some wierd fucked up shit like as if he's talking about the waether
Obito: Yaeh the uchiha massacer was wild i got there in time to watch that shit go dowen i was so glad to always have popcorn in kamui
Sasuke : so you didn't nothing while this happned
Obito: sasuke pls i'd never and I didn't do nothing i sat there and watched it while eating popcorn and thinking ' damm didn't know bodys coud move like that'
Obito : many reson ig ? I mean legaly speaking i actuly am dead alrady Oh also i can phase through things and can't realy kill what can't be hit yk
He has nughtmares about " an ugly stinky old witch very ugly and stinky"
Whoever thought giving him 3 genin kids to look after is just as mentaly deranged as obito but dw kakashi us there too cuz legaly it's his team and oh damage controll cuz obito get's urges to be an unhinged problem if he doesn't take his meds and therapy( his therapists need therapists and or are scared of this sweetie with 42 underling mental issus cuz ge's tottaly normal most of the time exept when he isn't)
He's very sweet happy and still a stalker but he has a heart of gold an wierd 10 tailed mini dog thing with 1 eye and a spiral thingy that showes up from time to time obito doesn't know what these things are or where they are from but since they pass the vibe cheack they can stay
Wierd shit happnes to him atlest once a week
Imagen this obito meets the other obitos somehow the convo they have in my head
They all magicly aper on the battlefiel of the 4th shinobi war
White haired (unhinged completly lost it and gave up on sainaty) obito : uhh abt that So who wants to tell him ? 🙂
Tobi: ughh-
(Any obito): not only that (casuly lists all massacers and acts of terrorisem he comitted and or was involved in) 😐
Jonin obito : yaeh sounds like somthing i woud do in theses situations🤔 what why are you all I all ? staring
War arc obito : i fucking hate you go kill yourself or somthing 😠
Jonin obito : Hey what the heck did i do ? ALSO I'M YOU LIKE WTF ?!
White haired obito that got more sane after the war: well we coud just blame everything on trauma but thanx to you fucking asshole we now gotta face the realaty with the fact we are just inhersntly insane with or without being manipulated into it thank
Tobi : wow they hate you more then me
Jonin obito jumping on his AU kakashi shoulders : AGAAAAAA THE UGLY WITCH FROM MY NIGHTMEARS
The obito thst actuly was in the muddelvifxthe war he started (maby canon obito idk) : yaeh i have a question. My wuestion no 1 is why is other mes hair white ?
Anyone tbh but in my head it's either naruto or kakashi: THAT'S THE QUESTION YOU CHOSE TO ASK IN THIS SITUATION ? There are a lot of things that need answers and you chose to ask /focus on about your fucking haircolour ?! And not like why there are multiple diffret versions of you (and maby kakashi idk kamui shenanigans ig?)
Obito : hey that's a resonoble question cuz last time i cheacked my hair is black
Jonin obito : if it helps i'm legaly speaking still dead
Any obito : that's on you honestly i'm suprised at the shit i got away with
kakashi : TFYM?
Any obito: wait so you actuly never noticed me sitting 3 meters behind you in a bush?
Another obito: or in your Apartment?
Anther obito : oh funny story i'm pretty shure he tottaly saw me that 1 time baised on eye contact but he prob thought i was a hallucination idk (was feeling bored and daering that day/night)
another kakashi apering and smaking one of the white haired obitos in the head with porn: WHAT THE HELL OBITO I LEFT YOU ALONE FOR 5 MIN ?!
That obito : i got bored okay
That obito : in my defense your instructions weren't very clear and i was bored and i don't like boering why'the heck you think i started a war ? I was bored and wanted shit to finnaly happen
kakashi: DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL consequences?
Obito: . In all honesty you want to know a secret ?most of the shit i do is for keeping me intertained of cuz being " normal " is boering and i don't like boreing i only do the shit i know i get away with anyways it's no big deal but to answer you question it's C O N S E N T
Kks: WRONG that's how you spell consent but i'll let it slid cuz that's importaint too
Ob: realy ? I was messing up on purpose iym a genius
Kk: ...yaeh for that and not like idk inventing time travle but who cares clean that shit up and bring everyone of you back where you shoud be
Ob: i coud do that or Or hear me out i do it completly random and we are gonna watch what happened next ?
Kks: is this gonna affect or timeline in any way shape or form ?
Ob: no not all why ?
Kk okay fine 2 days then you have to make everything normal agin
Ob : only if you buy me dango
Kk: fine let's go get this done with
Litterly everyone completly baffled exepf obito
War arc obito : what ? I've seen wierder shit happen
obito ignores everything related to that trying to gaslight everyone that was just a filler episide
#uchiha obito#hatake kakashi#obito uchiha#obito#obito being obito but also tobi#obito is just silly#Obito is a freak and he knowes it#Unhinged obito#Maby obito is just a bit shizophrenic#he is a freak but he is my freak#i think obito should be stuck with some kids itd be funny.#plus its more fun to just pair kakashi off with obito and watch their mental illness bounce off eachotehr#there is not enough fics about how insane obito is#we need more insane obito
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" what's the Pascal's triangle? SOCAHTAH? what's that? "
" literally satan's children idk what to tell you "
and the reader becomes their lil teacher idk abt human things 🥰🥰🥰
thx lizard 🦎🦎
Omg this is so cool! Thank you so much I am so glad I could make you happy by doing something as small as writing fanfiction!
Just a quick heads up, I feel like my high school experience was probably a bit different than most people's, because I took a health/medical career center. Basically, I only had three core classes at the end of the day with the morning ones all being taken up by my health/medical class. So, because I am basing this off of my experience (due to it being all I know), it might be a bit strange to most who didn't take a career center!
Wally and the Gang with a High School Student Reader (Platonic fr fr)
📖 So, you somehow ended up getting the Welcome Home gang involved with your school work. Now they keep you up all night asking you what a "Bermuda Triangle", "War", and even what a "Demand Curve" is.
📖 You better hope that they don't find any of your anatomy or biology homework or textbooks. The thought of them asking absolutely ANYTHING involving those topics is humiliating on its own! You don't want to end up explaining the human body to a small little puppet. Or big dog puppet. Or ANY puppet!
📖 Once, Wally had asked you what "these" were while pointing to a picture in your medical book that showed the organ systems. When you explained, halfheartedly, about how they kept you alive and were inside of your body, his pupils just dilated. Right as you turned around to go back to your homework, you were horrified when his first question was "I wanna see them! How can I see them?"
📖 Frank will be interested in your science books, especially if they include stuff about ecosystems. He knows butterflies are in there, somewhere, because some of the pictures include them. Mostly very low on some big chain. When you explain about how that is a food chain, you are shocked to see him cry for the first time about how his butterflies are being eaten. Apparently the books in Welcome Home never told him that. Then again, the show never included any animals besides insects and the animal neighbors as far as you remember.
📖 Sally wants to know more about this "Shakespeare" guy your English class keeps talking about. He made plays, right? He must be a pretty swell guy! Can she meet him? Oh! And can you teach her more about the planets and solar system?
📖 Basically, every neighbor will have a specific subject they show interest in. Sally, Barnaby, and Eddie will love English. Howdy would like math, simply because he has no idea how this "money stuff" works or why it is so important. Poppy and Julie will like home economics, Poppy for the food science and Julie for the clothing. Home would also like home economics because they are literally a Home. Frank likes science, specifically for the animals and butterflies. Wally would love anatomy and any medical classes because he wants to learn more about YOU.
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Omg finally someone who is willing to write for kayn 😭😭😭 I have been starved FOR AGES i'm telling you. For the past months or so all I've been thinking abt is how Kayn would develop a relationship with a reader who's from the kinkou (a whole enemies to lovers if you will). Just some general headcanons about the relationship tysm ❤️😭😭 can't wait to see more of your writing!
hELLO hello!! I swear uni has been keeping me from writing, i had no energy but i am a bit more free for now~ i’ve been starving for Kayn content too so let’s get started!!!
//tag: enemies to lovers, kayn has no idea what emotions are
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· If anybody were to ask Kayn what he thinks about you they would be met with silence. It’s normal for him as he isn’t too keen on talking about topics like this and he finds the question a bit obvious: you’re Kinkou, he’s not. You’re trying to bring back the balance that Ionia has lost back alongside Shen, which means you’re actively trying to stop him from reaching his goals and true potential.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· If only this was what he truly thought, in fact his feelings towards you are much more complex. It’s not a mere matter of blindly hating you because of the group you’re affiliated with, it has to do with the fact that you seem to periodically appear where he is and always try to obstacle him. Despite that he has never felt the instinct to kill you, as if his brain doesn’t completely think of you as an useless nuisance.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· The fact is that you challenge him and motivate him to get better, fighting against you doesn't trigger the same deeply engrained reflexes he'd have when killing any other Kinkou alcyote or Noxian soldier. Every encounter with you keeps him alert, reminds him of the high he gets when conquering something that isn't handed to him that easily and despite the two of you being on the opposing sides of such a difficult conflict you can't help but look for one another.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Accepting that you might have a crush on the man you're supposed to hate is hard, more than any normal crush. Apart from wondering if you're misinterpreting his actions like when he spared you after one of your missions went wrong or the time he patched you up as you hid from Noxian soldiers who were passing by, you also needed to conceal your feelings. If Kayn was simply toying with you he could use the feelings you grew against you, maybe this was just a cold manipulation technique to encourage you to lower your guard or maybe he couldn't feel any love at all.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· That said you still were unable to stop staring at him during another one of your run-ins, you were both alone and your eyes would keep wandering to his lips that were perpetually graced by a confident smirk. You wanted to slap him, kiss him, anything to make him shut up and stop taunting you. It was getting to your head and soon enough you found yourself on the floor, pinned against him and with Rhaast's blade dangerously close to your neck.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· If Rhaast's eye wasn't creepily staring at you, then at kayn and then back to you it would have been better. Maybe even enjoyable as the weight of his entire body was crushing your hips and legs, his expression wasn't revealing anything of his intentions so you had no idea if he was going to let you go or if he was done with playing with you.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· The fact that Kayn suddenly kissed you was so far away from your possible predictions that you thought you were already dead and this was just your brain conjuring up a happy scenario to aid you in passing into the spirit realm. He wasn't exactly doing a great job, teeth clanking against yours and clumsily trying to understand what exactly he needed to do, only when you kissed him back with the same fervor did he start to finally understand what he needed to do.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· "This is what you wanted, didn't you? Get. Out! Out of my head. It's- You're the one who's been distracting me!"
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· You were starting to feel like maybe there was a chance your feelings were reciprocated, Kayn wasn't looking like his usual confident self once he finally had to part from your lips. He was confused and angry at the fact that in the end you managed to beat him by thanks to your wit and your personality.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Ever since that day you and Kayn have been meeting in secret, ignoring the loyality you were both supposed to have for your respective factions. You never have as much time together as you wish and you spend your days either sparring or lazily laying in each other's arms, it mostly depends on how Kayn is feeling.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· You're quite amused when Kayn admits to you that he's never had any kind of relationship, don't tease him for it though, not if you want him to deprive you of all of the affection you crave for the sake of sweet revenge. He loves to hear you beg for him to just kiss you or when you ask for a hug, the fact that he's the only one who will ever see you like this makes him feel very proud of himself.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· You also find out that Rhaast has been the one guiding Kayn and telling him what people in a relationship do, he basically has a corrupted, cruel but extremely experienced wingman by his side.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Sometimes you have to sneak in/out from each other's rooms when it's late at night and even though you've both been training hard to be stealthy it's still not perfect. Shen knows, and Zed does too and both have decided not to interfere for the time being. Who knows, perhaps something interesting will come out of your new relationship.
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If BT isn't bones, I would seriously question ABC and Tim for allowing Lou to give solo interviews in this current environment. How can you trust this man after everything he has done? He was the one who disclosed that it was supposed to be Eddie and the cameo situation spoiled the medal ceremony and contributed to the major toxicity in this fandom.
Babe, I'm questioning them for letting him stay on the show as long as he has already, as well as completely ignoring his bigoted past at this time in the world, but they did that, just like they ignored Gerrard's.
Tim is also the man that wrote a Vertigo arc that he knew was going to take a few more episodes than he had and has also left Christopher in Texas for months on end, completely disregarding the kind of dad Eddie is as well as the relationship that Chris and Eddie have. Tim's also the one that kept a transphobic actress on the show for a whole season, sooo I really don't expect them to care all that much about that, and I don't think a showrunner has ever really cared about fandom problems (I know some showrunners hate the fandom for their show, but other than a comment abt fans screenshotting his messages, Tim hasn't ever really even mentioned fandom toxicity. Pls do correct me if I'm wrong tho!)
I will be THRILLED if it's an exit interview, but if they are over, why would we not be getting Oliver's thoughts on it? He plays the main character who (presumably, bc I really do think it's on Buck to end this relationship to get off the hamster wheel) just ended his first queer relationship, and what he can talk about for the rest of his arc, it would be the perfect opportunity to milk him for some quotes, but we haven't seen any teasers for him; just Lou and Ryan (which that, at least, makes sense, bc Eddie's having a big arc).
Again, I'm so so happy to be wrong, literally nothing (other than a different president-elect) would make me happier, and if I am, I will come on here after & agree that I was wrong, I have 0 issue w that. I just think we might need to not get our hopes all the way up, that's all. We are going to get a breakup between those 2 I believe, I would just be surprised if it's tonight. (Also, I don't remember 911 doing exit interviews for LI's so that's hard for me to grasp, but I also have not been in the fandom for very long, so that could very well explain that confusion. I know Marisol didn't get one, and neither did Natalia, but those were the most recent, so idk.)
If you want to get your hopes up tho, then go crazy! I’m not trying to stop you at all. Manifest a buddie kiss by the end of the ep, I'm rooting for you & I hope that you’re right & I’m wrong 🫶
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I adore all your art with cookie and was interested in Sapphicworld- but I’m curious (so plz don’t take this as a negative-) what exactly in your opinion sets it apart from other Queer PBTA hacks like Thirsty Sword Lesbians?
I’d just really like to hear your thoughts about it as a system and world especially given you are a indie developer yourself?
hi!! thank you!!
so, a few caveats before i start off — one, i actually haven't played many other pbta games (like for example i know Of thirsty sword lesbians + own a copy that i've poked around in but im not very familiar w it), so i honestly can't provide much in the way of comparing/contrasting it w other pbta stuff in the same vein, and my impressions of sapphicworld are pretty much just contained to the game as its own thing, not so much sapphicworld as a Type Of Game
and two, while i am a dev myself, i'm a huge novice! like, i'm proud of the stuff i put out and i love doing it, but i personally feel like my lack of experience is such that like, i don't think my opinions in this case are particularly informed by my own work as a dev or anything. all this to say im happy to answer this question, i think i just gotta tackle it from a different frame than what ur specifically asking!
BUT ANYWAY. i can still talk abt why im so excited abt sapphicworld in a way that has kind of outstripped other stuff in general, and for me it's about the world 100%. like i honestly spend close to no time thinking abt the fact that sw is even pbta to be honest. not that the mechanics + gameplay aren't important, bc they are thoughtfully crafted and well done and fun, and i'm saying that from the perspective of someone who playtested earlier versions that have now been reworked! it's just like, not what comes to mind first for me — what's exciting and fresh and irreplaceable abt the game in my mind is like. it is fully committed to immersing you in an extremely lush, strange, richly fleshed out world, one with a long history and folklore/mythology and a TON of really fun npcs who all have different subcultures and its own calendar with seasonal holidays and regional terrain with specific fleshed out dungeons/towns/etc to discover and even like, specific FOODS typical to each different region and and and and —
and maybe at first that seems kind of overwhelming, and tbh it is. when i first got into it and i was going thru the playtest document (which if im remembering right was like. ~300 pages shorter at the time than the current playtest doc) i DO remember anxiously thinking to myself "god this is a LOT and idk if i'll be able to retain enough of this to rp convincingly" etc etc. but like... it's just really compelling, and it does an incredible job of mixing humor and gravity and horniness in a perfect ratio that always comes across as intensely earnest and makes it equally easy to have a fun goofy time or a really emotional time, which i think is REALLY hard to do.
and while normally it's hard for me to get thru something that dense and long all i can really say is that i just straight up like it enough and was charmed by it enough to pick away at it until i grasped it and felt like i understood a bunch about the world, which also has a curve to it bc in structure and tone its very different from any of your... idk more Standard fantasy or sci fi worldbuilding, so it's not like u can immediately slot in ur expectations from other settings and just learn some new vocab words, it's a world that from my perspective also Functions differently than a lot of other fictional settings in a way that's a little hard to describe succinctly. (none of this is succinct to begin with but ykwim). it makes me want to gm my own campaign, really really bad, when usually i have always been absolutely Terrified of the idea of gming! idk man. it has a Flavor. it's full of Vapors. u get transported somewhere else reading it and playing it in a way i haven't experienced in a while and a lot of times after a playtest session i felt like my brain stayed behind in sapphicworld for a pretty long time.
i feel like i am sounding a little melodramatic and incoherent but like. genuinely sapphicworld is just a fictional world that i am really bone-deep charmed by and interested in and when i WAS reading thru the rulebook for those first days it did not take me long at all to find myself constantly thinking "i want to play in this world, i want to play in this world, i can't wait to play in this world," and i just think that's really special. and like — just as your curiosity abt comparing sw to tsl was not intended as a diss or a negative, what im abt to say is similarly neutral — im a person who sometimes finds it a little difficult to click with or feel excited abt a lot of the Queer Indie Stuff that i see get popular with other people, bc it just doesn't connect w my specific lesbian + trans experience; not that it feels inauthentic but that im like, oh, idk, i think these guys are just. not My Zone, ykwim. on the flip side so much of the humor and heart and transness and sex in sapphicworld is something that really resonates w me and just Clicks in a way that i have also found really special.
rounding myself off before i ramble for like five more paragraphs but just as one more morsel of something i like abt sapphicworld that is a little more concrete than me spinning around the room yelling "I JUST LIKE IT OKAY": one of the most fun parts of character creation is getting to mix and match your kind (sort of like ancestry/species, the form ur physical body takes) with a subculture. so u get things like a werewolf babe (cookie! babe being a subculture that focuses on being Like, Totally Hot), or a centaur knight, or a minotaur debaucher, or a vampire cowboy, or an organist (cthulu-y tentacle guy) scenester, or a skeleton wizard, etc etc etc etc — there are SO MANY to pick from that when i was trying to bait my friends into playing w me i couldn't find a convenient way to list them all so ppl could start thinking abt their characters. and every possible combination basically is interesting and amusing and fun and practically THROWS a great oc into your lap and i literally think i could amuse myself endlessly just Making Characters in sapphicworld and never actually playing w them.
[panting, disheveled] so tldr. i like it. uh. what sets sapphicworld apart from other ttrpgs to me is that i have fallen balls to the wall in love with the very soul of it to the point where i don't even really think about it in comparison to other games at all and it has just become an Experience to me and i suppose i cannot guarantee anyone else will fall into insane homosexual hysteria in the same way but here we are. HOPE THAT HELPS
(ALSO PSSST. idk if this is just perfect timing or if ur curiosity was specifically prompted by this but the @sapphicworldttrpg patreon DID just launch and if any of this has been intriguing u should check it out. okay mwah bye)
#anyway thank u bc ive been so busy these past few weeks/months ive had no time to rotate it in my brain#and im not caught up on the most current versions etc#so this was a nice opportunity to slow down and take a breath and geek out abt something i like a lot. :D#sapphicworld#ttrpgs#also hi eclipse i am a little embarrassed to have tagged u onto a post of me just like. Gushing-#-but i want ppl to be able to find the game account lol. [waves sheepishly] i like ur art. as u know.
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not to be extremely predictable abt the characters i ask abt but do you imagine any of the p7 are still around during or right before the future au? i know they are. Old. but i always am fond of the concept of like the old folks helping out at the camp after pn2.
Im always so very tossed up about how and If the p7 are still around during the aac timeline . But for the sake of “it would be funny if,” I will simply say they Are. (And ramble more about the thoughts ive had about a couple that might Not be and Why under a cut bc its kind of depressing)
Otto will never die and will never leave the Motherlobe much to Hollis and Truman’s dismay. The older he gets the more powerful he gets. He continues to contribute, arguably with increasing efficiency, but as each year passes he gets less and less concerned about getting caught doing things outside of the parameters of Psychonauts rules. “What are you gonna do? Fire me? Lmao” *goes back to working on his death beam that he just made because it was funny.*
I have this hc that at some point Sam makes it her mission to renovate the Lumberstack Diner as the Questionable Area? becomes more profitable over the years. And i think Compton working as a cook there would be a nice little job for him to have while in retirement. Cooking is like the one type of stress he can handle i think. Hes so so scared but in the comfort of something familiar so its less likely to cause him to start blowing things up.
Bob and Helmut deserve a nice little retirement home and I think theyre the primary residents of the Gulch (next to maybe Cassie and Compton?) They supervise (re: sometimes run into and chat with) Raz and his team who have basically taken up their own residence in the Gulch. Perks of being teammates with agent Aquato and Zanotto is that you dont have to resort to dormitories.
I’m not sure what’s up with Cassie! I don’t think she’s doing much either, probably also sticking around the Gulch. Though i think through the support of the others she at least gets Slightly more involved with the Psychonauts or going out into towns to do book signings so that she doesn’t become a complete and total recluse again.
I think Ford and Lucy are out traveling a lot while they’ve still got the time to. Making up for a whole lotta lost time n all that, giving each other time to talk and jazz. They’re not around a lot but they visit often!
Ok. And a very specific less sweet outcome for Ford and Lucy under the cut
When i run through which characters it would be like. Narratively “Best” to have passed away around the AAC timeline, my mind always immediately jumps to these two. Like obviously I think some characters would be more likely to have died before them (looking at you my friend Bob) or ones that could be more impactful in other directions (Cassie and Compton having to learn to exist without one another) but considering their last narrative experiences in Pn2 was finding each other again for the first time in years, it feels like any of those four (Bob, Helmut, Cassie, Compton) passing away would just be a disservice to prior storytelling. And Otto will never die, as I’ve said, so don’t even worry about him <3
I just think a lot about a story in which Ford and Lucy pass on before Raz can ever really reconcile any of his issues he had with either of them. A story in which he’s happy to see them getting along and traveling together, but every time they leave he holds his breath and counts down the days until they make it back and he can guarantee they’re still alive and he goes “This time, this time I’ll say something,” and then he doesn’t because how do you even bring up that conversation after all this time.
And then eventually they pass and it’s almost poetic, really, going at around the same time. But he never got to say anything to them, never got to reconcile and barely got a goodbye. And now he has to learn how to deal with that. How to deal with the fact that they’re still everywhere, in True Psychic Tales issues, on murals, on old pictures, inherently buried in the history of the psychonauts.
And i dont know. I think it’s an interesting story to explore. In a hypothetical real Psychonauts future story, you enter the story with some characters trying to question Raz about something theyre worried about that he always cuts off or dodges before you get to hear, but the lack of any mention of Ford or Lucy is so absent that it’s palpable. Stuff like that.
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Not me stalking your account simply by the fact that you say that rawest stuff about my fave character (Keefe) ummm anyways
I used to really hate Fitz for being mad at Keefe for joining the Neverseen and not really understanding his best friend, but a recent reread made me realize that Keefe leaving was SO much more startling for Fitz than Sophie or the reader. Sophie saw the small sighs really early on. I'd even argue that it was as early as Exile. The alicorn ride where he stopped joking for a moment to lay himself out a little? Then of course there's the whole thing with Keefe's mom "dying" and all that, but Fitz probably thought his cheery, happy-go-lucky friend would be okay. Those scenes leading up to Loadstar where you see Keefe's fear and anger? ONLY Sophie sees it. Suddenly Fitz sees his brother and best friend who seem really similar are now a part of the Neverseen? With SO little warning? Without what Sophie saw, I would feel betrayed and angry too. And how would Keefe feel? I bet he felt a lot more alone once he realized that he hid his pain so well that even his best friend didn't really know him.
Sorry, that wasn't really a question and was a bit long, but I thought I'd put it here in case you had some cool thoughts to add that I may have missed. :) (Since you're so good at it)
shxhjxjs omg thanks first of all im glad vdbdnx😭
and also yeees youre so right and i honestly hadnt rlly thought abt that
i feel like keefe and fitz have such an interesting dynamic and i hope shannon like makes them actually talk about shit instead of being like oh fitz is fine with everything now. bc yea fitz really doesnt know a lot of the things going on with keefe and like it goes to show how his demeanour totally changed in that one scene in lodestar when he saw the memories keefe was showing sophie.
honestly i am well over my 'hating fitz' phase that i feel like all kotlc fans have at some point, hes a great character but nooot that great of a friend to keefe? imo? idk i dont think its on purpose i just feel like, like you said, he sees this persona that keefe puts up and doesnt think to look any deeper, even after keefe came back from the neverseen like the only time hes hung out with keef that i can remember being mentioned is when he was looking for memories with cassius, when he was complaining abt sophie to him, or when he needed those drawings for sophies gift. and again its not that much his fault, he just assumes everything is fine and also has his own stuff going on but like still dude. they definitely both need to talk abt like a lot of stuff (coughs what alden said to him in flashback coughs im not still salty youre still salty)
#i love getting asks like this shcbxj#asks#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities#keefe sencen#kotlc thoughts#kotlc fandom#sophie foster#kotlc keefe#kotlc sophie#sokeefe#kotlc fitz#fitz vacker
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younks you. 1-26 for the character ask game for kirtu
character ask game // open!
im gonna put this under a readmore bc so many questions DFSGDS
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? He's just so awesome. He's cool. He's a dragon. He's so interesting to me as a character with his dynamics with other people, how much he cares but also how much if his protection of other people is fueled by the lack of care for himself.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? I really like one of his animations when someone talks him up where he does the little. fixing his collar thing. It's cute to me. Maybe not my favourite thing but idk if I have a favourite thing just a buncha stuff..........
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? i dont knowwwwwww i think i'll probably end up with story thoughts when i play through more of the games but like. what i know abt Just Him? i dont really have anything i strongly dislike
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? Apex Legends so he can be a freak with the infinite respawn stuff /j I waunt to put him in a calm setting where he can relax without being put into massive life or death scenarios for a little while. Let him work through some stuff.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? Baka Mitai bc that was my main exposure to him before I ever thought abt the games themselves DSFGSDF
6. What's something you have in common with this character? Being tw scared of new people.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? I'm ngl I just love seeing how people draw him in general. Contrasting sharp n angular serious moments with him being somft and caring with people is one of my favourite things.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? Hmm I've kinda stayed away from fandom, only read a few fics with him and I haven't talked to many people beyond our lil group, so I actually couldn't tell you.
9. Could you be roommates with this character? I think so. In person I'm not really that talkative unless the other person really wants to talk, like I don't tend to walk up to people n just start convos unless we're having dedicated hangout time, so I think I'd vibe with him pretty well bc we can do our own thing in the same space or leave each other alone. Or if I am feeling talkative I really don't care if the other person gives responses or not, I am very happy to talk at people DFSGFDS
10. Could you be best friends with this character? Not sure abt best friends mostly bc we have pretty different interests but I def think we could be good friends for similar reasons as above.
11. Would you date this character? Depends on the definition of date bc you already know my feelings on all that LMAO. I'd very happily Take Him on a date.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? I was abt to say he has the soul of an old man but that's not really a hc he just acts like that already sometimes.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? Dragon emote obv reminds me of him,,,I haven't played LAD and IW but I saw the fucking. stickers you can send. And that's so awesome I love the fact he uses stickers like that. Typa guy to thumbsup react things rather than give text confirmation that he agrees.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. this is so fucked up dont ask me anything abt fashion i dont knowwwwwww but i think hed look awesome with a boob window. tbh
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.) Stares at our pfps. man idk i have no idea................
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character? I don't know if it's my LEAST favourite ship, bc I don't really know other ships, but I don't really like nishikiryu. not a fan for various reasons
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with? Couldn't say yet, I don't really know many other ships, or they're not characters I know yet to judge well enough.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? ok Now i get to talk abt nishiki and kiryu positively. i just. i love. nishiki. a lot. i dont talk abt him as much as majima but i love him.......... he makes me so sad and going back n playing y0 after learning more abt what happens is making me sooooo. hgrhgrhgr. i care abt them both a lot.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like? yumi. like making her main thing the fact that she liked kiryu. it kinda sucks sdfgds theres so much more to talk abt but then she just dies
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? idk if id say ideal best friend but the few interactions ive seen between kiryu and ichiban seem delightful. i havent even met ichiban but i love him so much already as well and it just makes me happy whenever i see em talk.......
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like? i havent really written him before, ive only written him once and things werent from his pov so idk if i can comment on that atm
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like? I also haven't read a lot of fics for rgg yet so idk if I can really comment on it but. The stuff I've read that you've written with him? I said it already but I REALLY like the way u characterise him and how visceral his feelings are when his interla thoughts are on full display.
23. Favorite picture of this character? not sure if i have a favourite individual piece but i looooove brahkest's art and especially their flight rising art. dragon kirtu so awesomes
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? Sam Deathstranding. They're both tired guys who have a kid to look after that they didn't really expect to have but by god if anyone hurts that kid they will Die. These guys will 100% get themselves killed if it means their kid will be ok. And also Sam pushing other people away bc he's scared of connection compared with Kiryu feeling like he doesn't Deserve things a lotta the time,,,
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now? The first time I ever saw him I'm pretty sure was a pocket circuit gif LMAO so my first impression is 'this guy's a little goofy'.
26. What's something the character has done you can't get over? Be it something funny, bad, good, serious, whatever? i'll have to play more to pick out something specific i think,,,,,,
#ask game#I THINK A LOT OF MY ANSWERS ARE JUST#'i'll have to play more' so#maybe in a few months' time i should rb the ask meme again...........
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weird question, but since ur a zombie I need some help!
okay, so I'm writing about zombies and such and the actual physical symptoms of zombism are like vague. super vague.
I was wondering what your experience was?
idk wikipedia and all them are uselessssss, and I thought asking a zombie would just be easier than going and looking for 16th century whatevers.
so, if you don't mind what was it like? what sorts of symptoms did you have?
anyway thank you for reading your awesome!!!
omg hi im a bit late but this ask makes me so happy i love talking abt this stuff !!! :D i'd like to preface by saying i experience my kintypes in a way that sounds a lot like a past life but i don't consider that to be the case, i believe my memories are from some version of me in other universes/realities.
soo my response might not be the most helpful because i don't think i experience zombism in the way most ppl think of it? i wasn't infected or anything, i died a (somewhat) natural death & the next thing i knew i was kind of unknowingly digging myself out of my grave. i don't know how or why i was resurrected, if someone else did it, if i did it myself, if it was some kind of divine intervention, no clue. in the world i remember, zombies were a known phenomenon that hadn't yet been explained by science.
living people reacted to us in a lot of different ways, some kind of worshiped us and treated us like we were chosen by the gods or otherwise special, but most just thought it was weird/gross and tried to avoid us. a few ppl wanted to get rid of us because it was "unnatural and contagious" (it couldn't actually be transmitted like a disease, in my world at least), there was even a group of ppl who denied our existence entirely. it was also pretty common for medical students to (consensually, most of the time) practice their skills on zombies, kind of like they do in this world with corpses, but we were more convenient because it was really hard to kill us and we didn't really experience much pain, plus we could heal (to an extent), and we were pretty much immune to infection & other complications/side effects. i think it was also a way of gathering information for research since there wasn't much known about us or how/why we existed.
as for the symptoms & what it felt like - i remember when i first crawled out of the dirt the main thing i noticed was that my body was completely still. my heart didn't beat, the blood didn't flow in my veins, i didn't particularly feel the need to breathe or blink. i was just as disabled in that world as i am in this one, but after i died some of my disabilities didn't really affect me anymore. i wasn't in horrible pain in the way i usually am, i just felt like all of my skin was slightly bruised and there was a dull ache all over my body but it was easy to ignore, and my bones felt,, empty? my brainfog/dissociation got a lot worse though. all of my senses felt much more dull but i definitely still had them. it took more pressure for me to feel things touching my skin, my vision was cloudy and less colorful, i couldn't really smell or taste most things other than meat, blood, decay, dirt, mildew, etc. other smells/tastes would have to be really strong/intense for me to pick up on it at all. i was dead for about 3? days before i emerged, and i was buried in winter, so decomposition hadn't totally taken over yet. i did continue to decompose after that, but eventually i figured out that keeping myself fed (primarily with non-human brain matter & insects) would stop that process and sometimes even reverse the effects of it to an extent. if i went too long without feeding or if i fed on the wrong things too often i would feel really sick and my skin would get even more flaky. sometimes huge chunks of skin or even small body parts would fall off, but they could be successfully reattached by any doctor who was willing to work with zombies.
visually/appearance wise - i was more pale and my skin had a kind of light-grey-green-ish tint to it. the parts of me that fell off and had to be reattached ended up looking more purple-pink-ish for a while, but usually they'd go back to the grey-green color eventually. the whites of my eyes were more blue & my irises were dark grey. my veins were more visible through my skin and they were a lot darker, almost black. my natural hair color is brown and before i died i had my hair dyed black, afterwards the color just never faded and my hair didn't grow anymore so it didn't change much, but the areas where my roots were showing turned grey.
i can't rly think of any other specific things to talk about but if u have more questions or if u want more clarification on something i said here feel free to send another ask!!!
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HI QUINCY!! anon again from a couple days ago :D
took the time to look into the people you mentioned (thank you for that btw their art is so yummy i may die) and i loved getting peoples perspective that wasnt just outright hating on him. the writing i mentioned, i don't think i'll really be able to share that? just because its roleplaying lol.. me and a couple friends have gotten reallllyyyyyy into idv lately and that led to us picking up a couple characters to do interactions with. novelist was someone who really stuck with me but there wasnt much to go off of in terms of content to gauge his personality or anything, and i didnt want to narrow his entire being on One aspect of him yk? mischaracterization gets a huuuge thumbs down. im trying my best to get a good grasp before doing anything solid, so thank you for your input!! i dont have any specific questions for you, but i would be grateful if you could use this ask to just talk more about your thoughts on him? personality wise, how he interacts with others, etc. you dont have to ofc, i just love hearing your thoughts!! also might make a separate ask for your thoughts on lucky guy ngl... just because hes so very interesting as a concept and i want to learn more about your love for him. thank you again! <3
ITS NP!! HAPPY ROLEPLAYING....speaking of i should work on writing a response to my rp partner 😭😭
But heh...orpheus...
From what Ive seen in the fandom, they love to portray him mostly through 2 ways: ill start with him as this smug ass mf. And I can see why (and find it funny too lol), but I think the "smugness" he portrays in canon is more so him playing his part as an "up and coming novelist." I think part of that persona is obviously believing himself to be "above" because oooo my novels r selling good if anyone else was in my situation theyd probably have a bit of ego about it if ykwim, and also paired with the fact that he seems to be emulating Sam...
Another portrayal of Orpheus is how he's like this cold, mysterious guy, and when seen through the lens of outsiders, yes! He could come off that way. But believing that that is his persona, or underneath it is this big evil, thats when his character kind of starts losing substance
I will admit I also have difficulties in trying to portray Orpheus, especially bc of his differing portrayals (Ex. aom and tor). Iirc too, its heavily implied that he has DID but im not very well-versed on that topic, so I try not to use it for this or that until I have a better grasp on it, which I believe is a problem that a lot of writers encounter when it comes to his character... i wont speak any more on it bc!! By no means am I knowledgeable enough on the topic to talk about it any longer
I do believe there's no problem with portraying his character either way when handled with taste! Even then, Orpheus is a very complex character...I think everyone is allowed to do their share of "ooc" for him because god knows how many times I do it just to have him whimsical lol, and at the same time it allows them to explore him as well as other people's perceptions of him. I hope through this, I, and many others, will be able to better understand Orpheus...
But okay tomato tomahto im going to start talking abt how he interacts with others, more specifically his dynamics with the people in aom... because in some way, he's the common link for all of them. Im not saying that he's the only way theyre connected as other members do have connections w each other prior to the game (Ex. melly and alice), but when it comes to who has the most relationships, its Orpheus who takes the cake
There's his collaboration w frederick (and i do believe he knew him prior to aom based on letters and friday book club apparently LMFAO), him and melly being "coworkers" b4 he became the famous novelist, norton who works for him, and ofc alice who is such an integral part to his past and how he becomes the man he is today
Ahhh idk its just very interesting how everyone in aom is very interconnected with orpheus, and the one person he's arguably "closest" to is the one who hasnt seen his true self, if there even is one anymore...again, Melly knew him prior to becoming a famous novelist, Norton literally works for him and for sure has had to get his hands dirty, and Frederick's "truce" with Orpheus in aom has allowed him to catch a glimpse of what Orpheus is capable of
Alice on the other hand is the "new" guy, and while she knows that theres something not quite right abt Orpheus at first glance, she has yet to realize the full extent of what Orpheus is willing to do to get what he wants
AHHHAHH idk what else to say anymore!! im nto very good with like broad stuff lol specific questions help me keep my yapping in order
ALSOO i would love to answer an ask about lucky guy too if ever..heh...
#identity v#idv#identity 5#my asks!#identity v orpheus#identity v novelist#idv orpheus#idv novelist#ashes of memory
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I assume you're alright with asks from your AHiT OC Ask Game. If not, ignore this <:]
3. Write an iconic quote or phrase that your character says often! Or more if there's more than one.
21. Do they have a “cringe” or embarrassing secret that they never want anyone to find out about?
22. What flowers do you associate with your oc?
It was so hard to not say, "Do the whole thing," for Cassidy hahahaha.
oh i'm fine with it lol! it's mostly meant for everyone else to have fun with but i'm also always open to talking about these beloveds frfr
she often will say emojis out loud and leet speak but her favorite thing to say is "AWESHUM!!!1" whenever she's really happy. she also often will just be making little goofy noises when she does something, usually some kind of echolalia that she says under her breath but she likes saying "bloop bwoop" when she is imitating what noise she thinks a worm would make if she makes her worm on a string, named specimen, talk LOL. knowing her she'd also probably say "oh worm!" as an exclamation of surprise or intrigue nxjdddhdhhxcj
one of the things that he keeps very secret as he's worried of being laughed at is he very much likes the ahit universe's equivalent of 'monster high' although one could probably tell that a bit by some of his outfit designs but he tries to keep that a secret. also another that he is embarrassed to admit is that one time nicole showed him one of her favorite soap operas and though he feigned disinterest in the show, he actually became very invested in the drama of it all and regularly watches it in secret LOLL though he always has to still feign ignorance when nicole tells him about things that happened in her favorite soap and he has to come up with excuses to watch it when it comes on LOL.
i associate her any pretty pink flowers!!!! tho she mostly likes carnations herself. but if there's a flower that's vibrant and pink, i definitely see that as a flower she would love. hibiscus, orchids, camellia and irises chrysanthemums are also flowers i can see fitting her. she also loves to give her patients who are really sick flowers that mean healing or even make them teas with flowers that have health benefits<3
(also LOLL that's funny that you almost thought about asking me to do all for cassidy but tbh i am all for it if there's ever curiosities i can answer abt my guys and i'm okay with any amounts of questions just sometimes they take me time to answer but every single one is always appreciated)
#answered asks#esteebarnes94#thank you for caring about my guys too<3 i adore them smm#glow worm#wormie#cassidy the magpie#cassidy#rin the nurse cat#rin#ahit ocs ask meme
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