emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
I blame Na Dokhyun the former member of History for these very sappy romantical marriage thoughts. Cause I’m constantly judging male idols for getting their girlfriend pregnant and then deciding to get married yet that’s what I write about. It’s either stated or implied that all my smut are with a boyfriend, I’ve never written any smut where the idol is your husband.
Like for me personally, maybe I’m just too old school and think this is the way it should be, instead of jumping right into the marriage after the baby after only like 3 years of a relationship (as an example) I would want to date that person for way longer than a few years because if I’m wanting to get married I want to be absolutely positive that the person I’m dating is the one I want to marry. I don’t want to marry and then 3 months down the road decide it’s not working. Plus if I’m planning on having children I need to get used to marriage life first and want to settle down with that person before I start thinking by about getting invested in a kid. I do not want to just have a kid and then like some people break off the relationship of divorce and then I’m tied to that kid and the man can just go off and do whatever without paying child support.
Maybe I’ve just been around bad relationships and assume the guy with always leave or the relationship won’t work out, like, a prime example being my parents relationship which is the reason why I told myself I never wanted in a relationship in the first place cause I was afraid I’d get involved with someone like my father and end up the same way. Another thing I do is when idols get married and have kids and then they divorce and the wife sometimes is stuck with everything and I just assume that’s how it could be for me like, every relationship is different and as far as idols there are some good marriages and such like I think Rain and Chen are doing great (even tho I don’t agree in getting pregnant before marriage hell I wouldn’t even be comfortable having sex until after marriage but I’m just old school I guess) anyway like there have been 3 idol marriages I know of that just didn’t end up well and I don’t want that but sometimes I get that “baby fever” or the “marriage feelies” and I just want that. Like I believe I’m too young rn to get married and have kids, the whole she-bang but woman don’t have a long ass time to wait before their internal clocks stop ticking.
Like I always told my mum I’d never be in a relationship, I’ll never get married, “I’m sorry I can’t give you grandchildren.” And I think she’ll probably die knowing that. But what if I decide later on down the road I want to starting dating and that leads to eventually getting married and having a child like my mum will die thinking I never wanted that. Like, I really really try not to think about these marriage and other life thoughts cause I get pretty upset I mean I watched this episode of a show centered around a wedding and all three times I saw the episode I just cried. Like I don’t have a father to walk me down the aisle, I don’t have a father for the father daughter dance (if that’s even really a thing) and now it’s like if I don’t get into a relationship and get married and pop out children in the next couple months to a year I’m afraid my mum will never know whether I did or not. I’m afraid she’s die before I even get in a relationship, she won’t see my boyfriend or to her horror my girlfriend or whoever it may be Idk, she won’t be at my wedding she won’t see the new house I move into with my husband she won’t be there for my baby shower or anything leading up to the north of my offspring and she won’t see my child or get to hold her grandchild.
And I know it upsets her cause she hoped for grandchildren and her sister has like 4 and she’s jealous and I feel bad cause I want my mum to be happy and get to hold a child and she wants the bloodline to continue but damn to the bloodline really end with me and my siblings. I’m afraid she’s just not going to be around by the time I decide to do this stuff if I really want to. Or if she is she won’t be able to see my bf or the wedding of the grandchildren cause she’ll be completely blind. Ugh! Idk I want to cry :( sometimes I want to be in a relationship and I want to have a cute wedding and I want my mum to cry at my wedding and I want the whole “something old something blue something borrowed something new” OR WHATEVER THE HELL IT IS and I want the whole the groom can’t see the bride til the wedding and bridesmaids and all that stuff that goes into a wedding but I feel most of the time that because of everything that’s happened in my life and the way I act and talk about men irl that it’s just not for me and I should push every relationship/marriage/child bearing thought out of my head :(
Ugh I’m done rambling thanks Dokhyun for those unwanted sappy and gross thoughts
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Hugging, Kissing and Cuddling HCs for König
I'm trying to see him in another light again after everything I've seen about him, so I decided I'd write something fluffy and nice for him. And then came the realization I never wrote some HCs like these for him in my original posts, so I decided I'd change that! He's Austrian, so naturally I have to love him!
When it comes to hugging someone, König is a bit hesitant. Considering he’s not the most physically affectionate person out there, it’s almost an honor to be receiving an unprompted hug from him. Whether his hugs are long or short depends on the occasion: If he’s proud of you for accomplishing something, then the hug will be rather short lived. Though, he might pick you up and spin you around until you’re dizzy. If you’re sad and need some comfort then his hugs could last a while. He’s not the best with words, he prefers to listen to other people, but if he knows a hug is what usually helps you then he’s willing to do so. Despite being a big and strong lad his hugs are surprisingly gentle, he’s worried about crushing you. He could put his all into them, but then you’d likely end up with a few broken ribs and he doesn’t want that to happen. König is also surprisingly warm, so receiving a hug from him is a rare, but nice experience. Although he does go rigid at the beginning, not knowing what to do, but relaxes into the hug eventually.
Again, he’s not a very physically affectionate person, but isn’t opposed to the occasional peck on the cheek or on your lips either. There is some anxiety whether you’d actually want a kiss from him or not, so he doesn’t kiss you very often, even if you do reassure him that it’s quite alright. He’s a bit tense at first when he presses a kiss to your lips, but calms down eventually. It’s especially bad during the beginning of your relationship, but he’s since gotten better at being calm about it. Since there’s a good chance he’s taller than you he loves giving you a kiss on the forehead. It’s a small but sweet gesture. He doesn’t need to bend down entirely to reach you but he still gets to be affectionate with you. However, if you’re on the taller side, or just as tall as he is, then he’d love to receive kisses to his temple from you. It makes him smile every time you do it. If he’s in the mood for receiving a kiss then he’ll lay his head on your shoulder and nudge you a bit. Or try to get his head in your closer vicinity. Kind of like that one bunny video where the bunny stretches to receive some kisses.
Cuddles with him are a bit more common than hugs actually. However, he refuses to lay down on top of you. If you’re shorter and weaker than him then there’s no chance he’ll put his weight on you, he’s just that afraid of hurting you. If you’re taller or just more muscular, then he might, but he’s still a rather heavy lad. Most he’ll do is put his head on your shoulder while you’re cuddling in bed and are both lying down. Although it’d be a lie to say he doesn’t want to be held. König is alright with being the one to hold you, but sometimes he would prefer to be the little spoon as well. That urge gets especially bad if you’re roughly the same size as him. Sometimes just nuzzling into your chest does the trick for him as well, though. Loves it when you run your fingers through his hair as he does so. Another thing he adores is you sleeping on his chest as he holds you. He gets to hold you close, he gets to protect you and he gets to doze off a bit himself, it’s bliss to him. Sometimes he leans down to press a kiss to your head and accidentally wakes you up like that. He feels bad about it and apologizes profusely, but does chuckle a bit when he sees your disheveled hair and your tired expression that shows you just woke up.
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head---ache · 1 year
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Finally elaborating a bit (the tiniest bit) on their wedding:]
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eats-the-stars · 7 days
hate my sister's shitty good for nothing boyfriend. can you imagine being a 30yo man with two kids who won't even scramble an egg. Not for his kids, not for his girlfriend, not for himself. literally if my sister doesn't leave out pre-made meals when he's watching the kids he will rip up bread or pour them dry cereal or open a granola bar and make himself microwave dinners. like, lowest effort possible. but if i mention this to my sis, she'll be like "no he's definitely cooked for the kids! he scrambled an egg for them once! i watched him do it!" but it's like...so he scrambled one egg in the last five years. just to like, prove he can? at your direct insistence? should we all clap? like seriously. hate this guy. had to really hold back recently because he had someone over and he was interacting with the kids more than usual for appearances, and he had to keep asking me and my sis what the 5yo was signing because he barely bothered to learn his own son's primary form of communication. i was so tempted to say "that one means 'go home' but you wouldn't know that because you don't take them anywhere." so hard to hold that in. If I had to describe this man in two words they would be these: Low Effort. Not quite bare minimum, but JUST enough to convince my sister that it would be too much hassle to get rid of him. he's stupid as fuck, but just smart enough to quickly stop shit like screaming obscenities at the kids for doing normal kid things. and he once stomped on my headphones and broke them in a fit of rage, but gave my sister money to replace them so it was "fine." Like, my sister thinks that he's just struggling with his anger issues, because he had a bad childhood, blah, blah, and oh he would never actually hurt her or the kids. and like, good for you, but i don't trust like that. genuinely hoping he gets struck by lightning and dies instantly.
#my sister and i do all the hard stuff and most of the easy stuff too tbh#cooking and cleaning and sorting out benefits and insurances and getting the kids to school and events#doctor's appointments and medications and dentist appointments and taxes#we get the groceries and care for all the pets and kids and household things#we both have jobs#i actually have 3 jobs#good for nothing boyfriend makes $12 a year plus some under the table cash as a “private trainer”#which means between that and selling his plasma and borrowing money from his mom he can...pay his super cheap tiny part of rent#and occasionally hand my sister like $20#he doesn't buy groceries or diapers or household supplies or clothing or toys or literally anything#literally the only household chore he does is fold laundry#that's it. and it's not “DO” laundry. it's just folding the clean and dry stuff#you know. the chore my parents would have us do when we were like 10 so we'd feel helpful#the 5yo is medically complex and we frequently make trips to a slightly distant hospital with him#and they literally asked us to stop bringing my sister's boyfriend along because he was disruptive and confusing#which was a polite way to say 'obnoxious and stupid as shit'#do you know how many times in one visit w/the same doctor he would ask 'so when does he get superpowers?'#he also obviously didn't know how to answer basic questions like 'how many times does he poop a day on average'#and 'how often has he been eating and what has he been eating day to day?'#like bro this man can go days without changing a diaper and will not even heat up a can of spaghettios to feed his own kids#he cannot answer those questions with any kind of accuracy#also i'm saying boyfriend because my sister desperately wanted to at least be engaged so she could say fiance in front of ppl#but just like marriage this was apparently a 'waste of effort'#not even the cheapest ring or the most underwhelming proposal or a courthouse wedding was worth his energy so...#yeah glad she hasn't married this waste of air. and i'll be praying for that lightning strike
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ooh! at church I bought two books (a church weekend and the bookshop was out in full glory) one of which was my grandfather's diary of a preaching tour he did years and years ago, which I've read but nver had my own copy of. the other was one that's on backorder so I'll get it in a couple weeks probably. daily devotionals or things for anxiety. asked the bookstore person what she thought of it and she said it was good, so I bought it.
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we just went through some family albums and. enjoy my grandma being cunty at my parents' wedding
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this-doesnt-endd · 7 months
I used to have a really giant family like tons of tias and tios and cousins and i say used to cause like it seems like after my grandparents died on both sides both families seemed to never speak again and i had no chance to even try and keep hold of those ties i was in elementary school watching my parents marriage crash and burn in real time dealing with major death in the family and then subsequent family abandoning me at the tender age of 11. Hell my brothers were older and jumped ship it was just me and the horrors
#my moms dad and my dads mom were like the heads of their families and they both died really close to each other#but my grandma and a tio on my moms side died within 3 days of each other after being in hospice literally 3 doors away from each other#for months and my parents both took the roles of like taking care of everything and being the descision makers cause no one else would#which im sure was super traumatizing in everyway possible but their siblings both seemed to resent them in ways#when they didnt want to be those people but had to be and they arent even the oldest siblings they are both like 3rd youngest#but like it just ruined the families and me and mom and my dad were all at the hospital or hospice center for months#we were there every day and night i remember it so much i can get anywhere in any hospital in my town using the stairwells#like i knew them that well#it also likely ruined my parents marriage which was bumpy before the intense major tragedy#which like yaknow what fair it was a lot to deal with ontop of like trying to crawl ur way out of the recession#but after all was said and done i talk to no one on my dads side i bearly talk to my older brother#and i talk to like my nina and two tias on my moms side and occassionally a few cousins#when theyre arent being fucking insane and unhinged#idk i loved having a huge family the like going to 5 houses on christmas type#going to birthdays or weddings and seeing everyone taking at least 45 mins to say bye to everyone#and now its gone and i wont ever get it back#and its by no fault of my own cause i was literally 11 and every adult decided i was gonna pay the price too#like i think abt when i get married its not gonna be what i thought itd be or when i get my first movie in theatres#im not gonna have the major family celebration ill have all my friends which im so greafull for#but its not the same yaknow#and id love to have that relatiomship with my family again but like where do u start when its been over 10+ years#like they remember 11 year old me if they remember me#and thats part of the problem#like on my moms side specifically i have some family who acts like theyve never met me before when i used to see them every weekend#and it was a major failing on my part as an 11 year old for not keeping in touch even tho we did my mom calls everyone and she tried#but people didnt want to return it#and as for my dads side its the same and if it was a moral failing for me as an 11 yr old to not reach out and they didnt like my mom much#my grandma fucking loved her but the rest of the family didnt and like i lived w my mom and was fucking 11 i couldnt go anhwhere by myself#and i didnt like not being places without a parent and i hated sleepovers i refused and they took it so personal#and they stopped talking to my dad and bad mouthed him and still do nd ill never allow that around me my dad isnt perfect but hes a good man
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running-in-the-dark · 7 months
I could've been insane in an interesting way at least but noo, I just think about a stupid guy so much that I lose my mind, how fucking stupid is that
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deoidesign · 2 years
#vent#man I need to scream about this so bad...#so just like ignore the tags if you dont wanna see me venting about the abuse and ableism and biphobia my bf and i are facing#A year ago me and my bf moved out together#for reference we were 24 and 25 at the time and wed been dating 8 years#my bfs parents absolutely flipped out. like complete meltdown#his mom called me and yelled at me calling me all kinds of names and saying she thinks im manipulating her son#screaming at me and anything I said just made her get more mad#His dad also hid his keys so me and my sister had to drive him to work#she called my parents too to try and have them break us up#which just made my parents say my boyfriend is welcome to stay with us if he feels unsafe#which ive never heard them offer to someone so it was BAD bad#well we moved out anyways and my bf has been way happier and healthier since leaving his parents#well new year comes around and they call him and have this huge conversation about how theyve realized they were wrong#and how they want to apologize to me and how theyre proud of him and they think he did the right thing#well my bf finally agrees to talk to them again after a year of no contact so he and his mom go to lunch#and immediately his mom says actually no i dont want to apologize to deo#she's weird and her art is weird and I dont like her#and i think she's taking advantage of you because she cant drive#she insulted my family and said he should break up with me because I'm disabled#she said i have no right to draw gay people and that it's weird I write gay stories#just. incredibly mean.#and the worst bit is that she's abusing my bf like this in my name#saying she wouldnt be like this if i were different. a different girl or a different person or less 'weird'#its been horrible and I'm so tired. at least we're moving again so she wont know where we live#a year of this shit man#delete later#sorry to the people who already know about this I'm just really struggling with it and having a hard time moving past it
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aemiron-main · 2 years
my toxic trait is that due to my transgender homosexual swag and also social anxiety, I watch wedding/wedding related videos sometimes not as wedding inspo or even to laugh at them but literally out of pure morbid fascination/horror. it’s like. how are you not screaming crying throwing up at the concept of having to kiss somebody in front of everyone you know and ur whole family?? the amount of MONEY that weddings cost?? SO MUCH MONEY FOR ONE NIGHT?? the weird wedding rules??? the christian origins and implications of so much of it?? the concept of sleeping w ur partner on ur wedding night and EVERYONE KNOWS????? Like don’t get me wrong I’m pro-sex etc I don’t think it’s a shameful thing at ALL, I’m just personally a very private person when it comes to relationships and pda ESP when it comes to family knowing about it. like hell I could deal w kissing someone in front of my family that’s not the issue, it’s the Pressure of It while they’re all literally staring at You Specifically, Waiting For You To Kiss.
( i mostly watch white cishet wedding content bc that’s where the true heteronormative horrors are- at least for me bc thats what ive grown up around/what the expectation was for my future so I’m just talking abt those specifically)
like I’m literally not even trying to be a pretentious “I’m so quirky and different 🤪” dipshit, I literally just have such a visceral reaction to the concept of it LMAO like kudos to anyone who can go through that bc I would die of embarrassment on the spot I think like I’m not anti-wedding I just don’t get it and I’m sure I’d be fine with a more casual wedding but watching the stereotypical cishet weddings just feels like watching a train wreck like I can’t look away
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catastrxblues · 9 months
good morning it is now 4 am and i have just finished watching atonement good night
#atonement#next tags are just going to be personal rants ignore that#i couldn’t sleep at all so i tried reading s&b and then fanfics and then the bell jar but it just didn’t hit#so then i tried writing but i just kept crying so i thought i’d watch a romance movie because yes#should’ve gone for four weddings and a funeral or pride and prejudice because what the hell is this#i didn’t know anything about this movie i just remember having it on my watchlist and saw ONE clip so i picked that help#and yes i ended up crying and the tears are still here but i’m also starting to think that that’s not entirely because of the movie at all#i stripped my bed off its sheets because the bright color annoyed me and it was already peeling off anyway and i was too lazy to put it rig#and when i pulled back from the screen after the movie finished and just look at how bare my bed is and how i’m in the middle of them#i just started crying again#and my legs are aching and i hate myself and i think i want to take a shower but maybe i’ll wait later on#i don’t think i’ll sleep at all honestly i’m not sleepy anymore#besides i’m thinking of going outside today just at the park i don’t know doing something#i always sleep really really late lately because my parents are out of country right now and no one is keeping me checked and i apparently#still can’t take care of myself. cried about that too it was something. why am the eldest daughter i’m so not fit for it#and then i always wake up at like 9 am and it’s already too late by then that i just never do anything productive#and it’s like i’ve been living in a simulation and i’m kinda going crazy and insane but it’s okay because today is going to be better#i hope because i’m not getting any sleep and i can finally go outside at 7 in the morning instead when it’s already way too hot#damn this is supposed to be one of the best years of my life??????? fuck off#also i can hear the azan subuh from the mosque by the neighborhood and i miss praying honestly#it’s so funny because i was happy to get my period because that meant i wouldn’t have to wake up so very early on in the morning#but i miss it now#hopefully my period will end soon#nadirants
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dragscore · 5 months
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floating among stars
#super happy art time#sariel#okay this boy was screaming for a doodle#i love him#he's going to be my ruler for tithoniaaa#altho russ and robin are behind him with it and he counts them as part of his whole thing. he does not see himself as the core ruler#anyway#he's born in tithonia but his family comes from altissima. he's in a super prominent family that moved gens ago to broaden their horizons#they own a megachurch and manage shit like weddings and all#he was raised very close to the royal family and grew up knowing the future prince lorenz and twinsies robin n russ#robin and russ are his bffs and russ is his crush. long long time. he has always harbored a love for him that he proclaims#was written before he himself was born in the skies. anyway. hes gay and very very poetic#but hes lorenz' contract/arranged husband and they HATE each other.#he was raised strict and uncaring by his neglectful parents who mostly want him to push their familys legacy further#meanwhile hes more interested in the growth of things like the country. not his familys church and their reach#i have more notes but theyre all on th and also tumblr has limited tags. i cannot ramble the way i used to AND GOD IS MEAN#but basicaqlly hes a lil gay dude and hes very smooth talking and kind of puts too much on himself but hes super compassionate amd also#LOVES astronomy. hes a big nerd abt the constellations and has put russ to sleep talking about them#he has super powerful holy magic and its pretty unstable but hes working on it. hes kind of reckless and thinks he doesnt need guarding#because of it even tho theres a ton of ppl who want his head for one reason or another#very big dreamer with different ideas than the ppl hes being guided by and he wants the best for his home. hes a sweetie#i pooped this out prety fast despite being intimidated by it. his colors are the countrys colors but with the dark take i used with lorenz#so the royal version? sure-#he made his ribbons on the outfit. he likes threading and stuff and makes braided cords a lot. he based the colors off russ' glasses :3#i wanted to make him look very... i guess nb. he goes by he and they and i wanted him to have a sort of etherally dark color abt him.#shockingly dark hair but very vibrant eyes#and weird skintone#i had it all very mapped out in my head#i love him so much hes my baby
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ay ay ay. now that the soul crushing project is done ive elected to spend the week managing data#which is decidedly more chill than what ive been doing for the last month but also isnt not doing anything and it isnt getting stuff done#for when i have to move. so thats annoying. and ive been drawing again at least but i can feel the escalation in my controlling behavior#so its now very frustrating trying to draw anything. coloring is gonna take a million years rip.#also suddenly everyone wants to b social rn? like tomorrow my boss is organizing a thing with an old lab mate and this weekend a#collaborator is having a retirement party. and next week my lab mates wanna do a trivia night. and i kno that i should go to these things.#and i will try but i really dont want to go to any of it. mostly for driving reasons but also im a husk of a person rn. but the more#devastating thing is that uh next week one of the kids i grew up with is getting married to a rich girl lol. and like we werent that close#bc i was and am such an asocial freak but after the wedding my parents r picking up their new camper and camping their way across the#country with my sisters. and im sure someone probably told me the dates of these things at some point but if u tell me dates i will#instantly forget them. so thats. ya kno. happening over basically the next 2 weeks while i have to kill myself over measurements for a#different study i dont care abt. and like. its fine. ill see them mid may for a different planned trip. it just makes me kinda sad#a product of living halfway across the country i guess. im just inherently more disconnected to everyone. i would suspect thsts semi#intentional subconsciously. u cant b upset abt not being able to connect with ppl if you create enough physical distance that u never see#them in the 1st place. u cant misunderstand me if i make myself absent and unknowable. idk. i was explaining to my mum that i didnt realize#the timeline and she was like. understandable whatever u wanna do! and idk y that upsets me so much. i guess its just that i dont want to b#doing this. its causing me pain but dont kno how to articulate it in a way that makes sense. whatever. my mouth hurts. my lips r so chapped#that the irritation is spread past my lip line. probably doesnt help thst i keep rubbing at it lol. anyway things r still annoying#less soul crushing thsn last week but still frustrating#unrelated
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indigodawns · 2 years
#was feeling stressed and melancholy all day and i just... i really need to learn how to cope with that#i feel so self-absorbed and idk i was upset and teary eyed when taking the train early for dinner with my friends#and then i sit down and my friend says oh oops sorry can't tonight and idk. i was counting on that to sit down and talk for a bit and#this makes me sound awful but i kind of. exploded and texted back very shortly and angrily#and apparently. gave our other friend a panic attack so#and then they told me over text and i did nooot know how to react irl and psychically bc whew self-loathing#which felt so toxic and gross??? and again self absorbed???#and i did reply over text and i apologised and did my best but god.#idk it's like... i think that petulant angry kid is who i am deep down and lord knows i shouldn't post this but#i need some perspective and i feel so manipulative in this too#idk idk. and i was also just wondering if anyone else gets like this like idk this blur in front of your eyes and you just#lose all reasonable thought#and i just think. im selfish as fuck at my core and im scared i don't actually want to change that and i will. try to talk about#it in therapy but that's a while away#anyways. that's also me and yeah.#sorry and also it's my parents' wedding anniversary and all i could think about was feeling mweh and not being able to do#what i was planning to do and i had this assignment blabla and these plans etc#like god??????? god#im calmer now (obviously) but yeah#and now work again tomorrow and im so fucking sick of it the mood is awful and it's busy and bleh
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takhayyul · 2 years
i hate being the only cousin living in canada, its my cousins wedding in the coming weeks and they be having so much fun rn while i gotta go to my 9 to 5 tmrw
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yoohyeon · 1 year
For pride let’s get over our crush 🥲 jfbsjdjs
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