#ALL THE stuff coming out from PAX is so cool
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New FNAF clown Jackie from secret of the Mimic!!
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hello! Sorry I’ve been putting a lot of asks. You can feel free to push this one later. I just wanted to submit this ask while I still remembered this idea. A while ago I read your post about Optimus Prime with a daughter who was his exact opposite, and I loved that one! So may I request a similar idea with TFP Ratchet? Like TFP Ratchet with a daughter bot Buddy who is his exact opposite. Like who had a gentle and sweet and that “Does it hurt here? Aww, you poor thing” “Hey you are doing so much better! Aww! Great job” type of classic cartoon nurse personality, as well as the classic “I love these little creatures! Can we keep them? Father pleaaase?” type of little girl personality (probably to the humans, to Ratchet’s dismey). And she also looked up to Arcee a lot. Like, A LOT! Her absolute idol! she would want to copy every way Arcee talk and behave (even the bad examples)(much to Ratchet’s dismay) and copying the way Arcee battle too. And thanks to Arcee she now wished she could join the battlefield and do all these wonderful cool and dangerous things too! (Once again, much to Ratchet’s dismey)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! Give Ratchet a child!
Hope you enjoy!
Ratchet with a daughter who has the exact opposite personality to his own
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was originally a sparkling from a dear friend of Ratchet and Orion Pax’s.
Their caregiver was an extremely pacifistic bot who wanted nothing more than peace on Cybertron. But once in a while the caregiver would join a rally with Pax and Ratchet. They believed in change and agreed something needed to be done.
They sadly passed away from natural causes one day when they dropped Buddy off at his clinic to pick up some rust sticks for Buddy. The two friends were devastated hearing the news while the sparkling was happily playing around with her toys.
Their caregiver had placed Ratchet as the primary care giver if anything should happen, Orion was to be the sparkling godparent.
Ratchet took on the new duties immediately.
It was the least he could do for his friend and the sparkling.
Ratchet made sure to let the sparkling know what happened to their caregiver when they were older.
“And that’s the story.”--Ratchet
“So, they’re really gone then?”--Buddy
“…Does that mean I can’t tell bots you’re my caregiver?”--Buddy
“I mean, you take care of me, you feed me, you help me with stuff I don’t know, you helped me choosing my alt mode, you let me rant when things get too much, and you love me… right?”--Buddy
“Of course, I do!”--Ratchet
“…I am…I…”--Ratchet
“You don’t have to say it if you aren’t ready. I love you, you take your time.”--Buddy
“… I love you, Buddy. I love you, my sparkling.”--Ratchet
“To Luna 1 and back?”--Buddy
“To Luna 1 and back.”--Ratchet
The sparkling grew up with a peculiar personality contrasting his.
She wasn’t as sarcastic as he was. If fact it was rare to hear her say sarcastic things. Buddy rather expressed herself open when she could.
“Hi Arcee! Hi Cliffjumper! How was patrol this evening?”--Buddy
“It was fine. Not a Con in sight.”--Arcee
“And too bad too. We would have knocked out their processors out right away!”--Cliffjumper
“Any wounds today? Dents? Dinges? Scratches?”--Buddy
“Yeah I think some of the gravel clipped my servos.”--Cliffjumper
“Oh! Let me!—”--Buddy
“He was joking Buddy.”—Arcee
“…But I do have some cool looking rocks to add to your collection.”—Cliffjumper
“Really! Awesome! Let me go get my collection right now!”—Buddy
“Nice save.”--Arcee
“No thanks to you ‘Cee.”--Cliffjumper
She was a very sensitive individual and extremely empathetic in nature. Just like her former Caregiver, a near perfect image of them.
That being said, Buddy did pick up some of Ratchet’s habits.
Sleep schedule? Never heard of them.
Perfectionist? Absolutely.
Think highly of a certain bot? Yes, but not the same one.
Buddy cleaning some of the medical equipment.
Bumblebee coming out from his habsuite.
“Beep beop! (Morning Buddy!)”--Bumblebee
“Morning? But it was just—oh! God morning Bumblebee!”--Buddy
“Beep… bep bep bop? (Buddy… how many hours did you sleep?)”--Bumblebee
“… So, are you going to pick up Raf today?”--Buddy
“Bep beep (Like Daughter like Father)”--Bumblebee
“Bep bop? (Am I wrong?)”--Bumblebee
Buddy stayed by Ratchet’s side through the thick and thin as his nurse. It seemed like the best role for Buddy to play. They did get taught by the very best anyways.
The kids for the longest time thought that Buddy was simply a student to Ratchet.
“Hey Buddy, do you have parents?”--Miko
“What it’s a valid question.”--Miko
“Umm… I’m confused. You know him already.”--Buddy
“Wait your parent is one of the bots on the Team?”--Raf
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Buddy
“Who is it! I bet its Optimus!”--Miko
“Actually, he is my godparent as you’d say it on Earth.”--Buddy
“Then who?”--Raf
“What’s wrong?!”--Ratchet
“You’re Buddy’s dad!?”--Miko
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Ratchet
“That’s what I said!”--Buddy
“But how—I want a Cybertronain DNA test, cause there is no way sweety Buddy is related to salty you.”--Miko
“I’m actually adopted Miko.”--Buddy
“But that doesn’t mean you aren’t my daughter, Buddy.”--ratchet
“And that doesn’t mean you aren’t my father Ratchet.”--Buddy
“This is too cute I’m going to go puke.”--Miko
“And you ruined it.”--Jack
This clears a lot of things for the humans.
Buddy was the eldest of the youngest group on Team Prime. She took her job as big sister seriously with Bumblebee and later with Smokescreen. She made sure to always be there for them in any way she could figure out was necessary.
The two bots enjoyed having someone have their backs and fixing them when they came back from patrol.
“Hey Smokes’, you’re doing amazing there.”--Buddy
“Yeah, just a bit longer and you’ll be on your pedes in no time!”--Buddy
“Then you can start the physical therapy.”--Buddy
“Can I skip that?”--Smokescreen
“Did I studder?”—Buddy
Bumblebee accidentally crushed a tool with his pede.
“Bee… Honeybee… I needed that.”--Buddy
Ratchet on the other side of the base.
“…I suddenly feel proud for some reason?”--Ratchet
Like Ratchet Buddy looked up to certain teammates.
While Ratchet looked up to Optimus, Buddy looked up to Arcee.
Buddy saw a hero and great friend in Arcee.
A part of Buddy, like Ratchet, wished she could do more to help the team. When she saw Arcee sparring and hearing the retellings of her stories, she could only imagine doing the stuff Arcee could do.
“Then what happened?”--Buddy
“That’s when me and Cliff went into the groundbridge while Shockwave shot at us with his canon.”--Arcee
“I remember hearing that cliff was knocked unconscious when he went into the portal. What did you do to Shockwave?”—Buddy
“Are you sure you want to know?”--Arcee
“Heh…I shot the Cyclops right in that giant optic of his! He fell straight back to Cybertron with a BANG!”--Arcee
“Please don’t influence my child.”--Ratchet
“No promises.”--Arcee
“Yeah, no promises!”--Buddy
“…Maybe you were right…”--Arcee
Ratchet just hopes that Buddy doesn’t follow Arcee exactly.
He is too old for these jump scares.
And its not like Buddy would go into battle with nothing more than their med kit for Arcee alone, right?
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goranvisnjicdaily · 2 months
⭐Ekvinocijo Videos, Pictures and Screencaps⭐
WOW!! Goran is simply spectacular on Scene in ''Ekvinocijo"
I'll make it short as I really can't wait to find my bed and sleep! 😂😂
📸 170 New Pictures and Screencaps have been added HERE
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📺3 Videos as been added as well! Goran is being interviewed in the three of them and We see as well Goran on Stage for ''Ekvinocijo'' Of course it's not as if we were there for real, but hey it's better than nothing! 😌
Goran's latest story as well About Vikings Valhalla that was as well Filmed in Dubrovnik! So Cool 🤩
⭐And not to forget that Goran has dubbed Orion Pax in Croatian for Transformers One 😌(Thanks as well to @patientlibrarian for posting that video)
Release date for Canada and USA 👉 September 20th, 2024. Take note though, that Goran is dubbing the Croatian Version! I guess that when it will come out on Streaming Services, maybe we'll be able to hear it in Croatian!
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HD Pictures 👉 HERE
A Big thank to @accio-baqat my Co Admin for sending me all the links where Pictures and Videos of The ''Ekvinocijo" Play were available!!! I really appreciate it, thank you for everything you do girl!
Thanks to @patientlibrarian for her great find as well for the pictures from the Dulist.hr Website!
Sources 👇
I'm going straight to bed........ 😂😴😴😴😴
P.S. If you did send me pictures and links and that I posted them and forgot to credit you, let me know! A lot of stuff has been sent in the last 24 hours! A big thank you again to everyone xxx
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jflashandclash · 8 months
Tales From Mount Othrys
Axel II: Into the Lion’s Maw
The masks’ thrum was alluring. Something brushed his knuckles—the edges of another pew? Axel startled, gripping the wood. When had he started walking forward? There was nothing between him and the altar now—no other pew to warn him that his legs had elected to go for the shiny, dangerous object before his brain agreed. 
Pax was as cautious as he was capable. “The Triple A Chimera helmets!” he squeaked and scrambled ahead of Axel.
“Ajax!” Axel growled, but knew he couldn’t stop him. Pax was right beside the altar, and Axel didn’t trust his legs to cooperate.
Alabaster sighed. “Ajax, we’re not calling it that.”
“Witch Boy, you might not be, but the rest of the world is in agreement.” Pax cracked his knuckles and reached for the bronze serpent helm. If he was willing to drink mysterious, glowing vials for Alabaster, he would definitely pick up a haunted artifact that screamed, “hex me, please.” 
Alabaster grinned darkly. “Mercedes has been fueling more of the Romans’ own rumors, the ones about a beast that can morph in and out of the Mist. Why not—”
“Hello, little Spy Master,” the voice was soft, harsh, and slithered from the helm in Pax’s fingers.
The helmet clanged onto the altar. Pax jumped backwards. “Cool creepy stuff!” he yelped.
Axel ground his nails deeper into the pew. “They talk?” He already had to worry about Jack and Matthias’ influence on Pax. Pax didn’t need more bad influences.
Alabaster nodded. “They each have their own unique sense of humor.”
Sense of humor? What could that mean from Alabaster of all people?
Pax paled, still staring at the bronze one in confusion. “Why’d it call me the Spy Master? I’m just an irresistibly adorable spy assistant.”
Hecate settled a calming hand on Pax’s shoulder. This time, her smile was sad. “These helms reveal potential futures if you chose to align with them.”
“Maybe you take over spying on the Greeks when Silena Beauregard finally betray us.” Alabaster rolled his eyes at his age-old complaint.
Pax brightened, “You mean, I could be Mercedes’ irresistibly—”
“—adorable partner? Not just her assistant?” The prospect thrilled Pax. Axel knew how desperate Pax was to impress Mercedes. Despite that, Pax glanced over at Axel. The Free Possessions Here vibe had spooked him, and he wanted to make sure it was safe.
Axel swallowed, willing his legs into a casual approach. The closer he came, the more he could make out the detail of the beautiful plumage, the worse the urge to touch that gorgeous gold. His fingers twitched back to the cigarette in his pocket. Otherwise, he’d grab the helm. “Kinda flashy for you, no subtle amulets?” his voice came out rougher than he wanted.
Alabaster rubbed the edge of the antler between his forefinger and thumb. “I believe you gave me lectures on the value of utilizing fear in battle, and then proved it during our fight for my lab. These forms will enhance that…” His hand shook. He was awaiting an answer for a question Pax hadn’t realized he’d asked. But Axel knew the gravity of this conversation. And with this topic of conversation, Axel worried how demigods, supposedly, could spy on others in their sleep.
If Axel hadn’t come to know Alabaster so well, he might not have noticed how unconfident the Witch Boy felt. He was paler than usual—worried. His voice was soft as he continued, “Daedalus won’t make Kronos a body. I’ve researched his myth and history. He worked under threat for too long. Kronos only needs one more soul before he reforms.” Alabaster glanced up at Axel. “Castellan’s getting desperate. Even more short tempered than usual. And paranoid. He turned away Kelly. He sent out souls into the labyrinth that aren’t coming back—”
The three of them winced. None had heard from Chris Rodriguez. Pax liked to pretend he was okay.
Alabaster’s expression hardened. His knuckles turned white on the edge of his helm. “He hit Mercedes.”
Pax froze. “He what?”
Axel clenched his jaw. Mercedes hadn’t given Luke a name for their leak yet. She couldn’t find that Di Angelo child that Luke so fanatically wanted. He went from saying they didn’t need a Spy Master to using her supposed incompetency as a scapegoat to Kronos.
“Yesterday. When I told you Mercedes wanted you in the laboratory…” Alabaster trailed off. Something uncharacteristic of him. He was usually so calculated with his words. “Both of you are…” He hesitated and glanced at his mother.
Hecate nodded at him in encouragement.
Pax clutched his stomach, like he was ready to use the new helmet as a barf bag.[1] Axel understood the nausea. Mercedes was the first person to show them kindness on the Princess Andromeda.
Alabaster closed his eyes to collect himself. He squeezed the horn of the boned helm once more before his gaze shifted back to Axel. “You’re not pledged to Kronos. You can’t. Both of you have befriended those in power: Castellan’s Scourge of New Rome, his Quiet Death. The Bearer of Flames owes Axel his freedom—” Axel felt dizzy as Alabaster listed their monikers: Jack, Flynn, Prometheus.
“You can just call them their names,” Pax said weakly. “Or give them more accurate names. He Who Wears Pink Pajamas.”
Alabaster glanced to Pax, betraying the slightest of smiles over the joke at Jack’s sleepwear. “Ajax, you’ve become Mercedes’ prized spy for New Rome. Even your silly band has marked the two of you as a minor celebrity with the monsters. And—and both of you have wormed yourselves into the good graces of the children of Hecate.”
Pax feigned some bravado, leaned towards Axel, and whispered loudly, “I think Alabaster just admitted to liking us.” He straightened and looked at Alabaster. “Alabaster, you could have just said you thought we were cool. Remember how we talked about needing to sound less like a super villain about to assassinate someone?”
Alabaster’s lip twitched.
Pax balked. “Are you a super villain about to assassinate someone?”
Alabaster and Axel exchanged a glance.
That was exactly what they were talking about.
If possible, Pax’s eyes widened further. “Axeeeellll,” he whined in a tattle. “Alabaster is talking about assassinating someone!”
Alabaster sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s Kronos, Ajax. Must I spell it out for you and any hostile gods that might be eavesdropping?”
“Nah, I’m illiterate.” Pax waved a hand. “It would only help the gods.” Axel could tell how desperately his brother wanted to look aloof about the situation.
Alabaster straightened to his full height. One hand lifted a vial out of his pocket. “I can’t do this alone. I need people I trust.”
“And if we refuse?” Axel asked, eyes trained on the vial. Something about this felt wrong. But, when was the last time things felt right? Despite everything, he could picture Luke’s easy smile, the way he coaxed Jack back after Calypso captured him.
And the look of hunger on his face when he wanted to interrogate Annabeth one-on-one.
Alabaster’s expression crumbled. “I have the River Lethe water on hand. You’ll never know you were asked. And, I will be down two friends.”
Tension curled the Mist into menacing figures in their peripheral. Hecate, Axel suddenly realized, had faded into the fog around them. 
Alabaster and Axel stared at each other. It felt like they were on opposite sides of disk that was balanced on a ball. One wrong move, both would topple. Was Alabaster trying to trick Axel into admitting treachery? Or was he reaching out to commit it with him? This felt like a trap, but Alabaster had never gotten along with Luke. But, what if Luke could still be brought back?
Pax glanced from his brother to his friend. He raised his hands in an unarmed gesture. “Guys, I know you’re both paranoid, but, like, we can all agree that Luke is a dick. He—” Pax quieted. He took a shuffled step closer to Alabaster. Tactically, Alabaster shouldn’t let Pax get that close until he had an answer. “He has been. H—he hit you… when we first got here.” The end of the sentence disappeared into a mumble. Pax slipped his fingers along Alabaster’s.
          Alabaster startled. His face rouged, but he didn’t withdraw. “You hadn’t even officially joined and you were already spying for Mercedes.”
          “Only unwittingly.” Pax’s smile was shy, impish. He pressed Alabaster’s hand, and vial, back into Alabaster’s pocket.
          Something about the interaction rang Axel’s Older Brother Alarm Bells. (And, besides, did Pax have a crush on Mercedes…?) But there was too much to process to consider it now. “And if Luke can be separated from Kronos?” Axel asked.
          Alabaster shrugged. “This will give us the tools to free him, whether through aid or death. We need him to win the war, but afterwards…”
          “I don’t want to kill Luke,” Pax said, “That would make Jack very sad. And he might resurrect him. And that could start the zombie virus—Ala, do you think we could make the zombie virus in Camp Half-Blood and New Rome and win that way?”
          “Well, we—” Alabaster raised an eyebrow at him. “Super powered zombies?”
          Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them. “Oh. I see your point. Bad idea.”
          Pax and Alabaster’s hands hadn’t come out of Alabaster’s pocket. Later, Axel decided.
          Right now, the helm thrummed in his ears. There were no coherent words, just dissonance—a presence felt by way of an increasing pressure around his skull. Did the others hear it? Did they feel it? Did theirs call to them so intensely?
          The eye sockets seemed to have eyes of their own, pits of blackness. Axel thought, for a stuttered heartbeat, that an iris shifted. Reflections off metal, he assured himself. Though he knew better. Maybe others could be tricked by the Mist. He could see through it. Something was inside the helmet. Something wanted out.
          “These grant us power,” Axel summarized. Placing a hand beside the helm made the cacophony inside his head near unbearable. 
          No wonder Alabaster asked them to meet in his mother’s realm. Having these in the laboratory felt dangerous. Too much for demigods. Axel had to wonder if Alabaster was just a mouthpiece? Maybe Hecate was doing what she was rumored to do: give another option. A tertiary option to Kronos or the Olympians.
          Axel searched the surreal jungle. She had to still be here. This was, presumably, her temple, and these were her godly gifts. Even with his true sight, all he could spot was wisps of her presence in the fog: the wave of some hair, the echo of a finger, the curve of fabric along her side, none in the same spot. An unsettling notion made Axel draw his shoulders back. She was the Mist itself. Millennia of entangling with its essence had left her nearly indistinguishable.
          “Hecate?” he called, “What is the catch? What are we trading?”
          She resolidified across the altar from Axel. “While you wear these, the past will become nothing more than just a dream, so that you may regain the ability to dream.” She lifted the feline helm to examine it. As she did, the air electrified. He felt something swishing behind him in tempestuous flicks—a tail? He didn’t look. She was trying to distract him.
          “These will harness your anger, your pain, your doubts, and your fear. They manifest it and they become it, so that you may hold it separately from your own identities. So you may don it and meld with it when it is most fitting.” Her emerald gaze lifted to Axel’s. “You are trading a piece of yourself, pieces that will become my little monsters, my children. You are trading control. You will no longer have unwanted intrusions, but they will become the intrusion when you don them. I’m powerless to change your fates…” She looked to each of them in turn. Her son. Pax. Axel. “But in the end, I’ll shelter you. After all, you are my child’s cherished friends.”
          Alabaster went red.
          Breaking her somber speech, Pax nudged Alabaster. “Your mom knows she doesn’t need to pay us to hang out with you, right?”
          Alabaster shot Pax a glare.
          Axel tried to picture what that would mean, to be able to dream again without screaming, to know internal peace. He clenched his jaw. This felt like a cheat. It felt like—
          “They will fail one day,” she said, as though reading his thoughts. “You’ll need to face your fears. But, not during this war. The delay will make it traumatic, especially for you, Jaguar Child. Melding with this will cause you pain.”[2]
          Axel swallowed. Hesitantly, he reached out. The cacophony intensified, screaming until—
          “Hello, Lieutenant of Kronos.”
          Everything siphoned into that voice. Tension eased out of Axel’s shoulders. Distractions faded. He meant to just brush the cool metal with the back of one knuckle, but it was cradled in his hands. Its weight felt right, comforting. The plumes were soft as they curled around his forearm, around the blades he kept strapped there.
          Lieutenant? Axel mused, Like Atlas? A smile curled along his lips. The Leader of Assault and Battery? Or the Sabotage Unit?
          Touching the feline etching made Axel feel lighter. The calm was intoxicating. Some people went to his father to fuel their opioid addictions. He wondered if this kind of relief was similar. 
          “Do you two need a room? Or, well, a tree to hide behind?” Pax asked. He tried to sound light.
Axel startled, glancing up at his brother. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. It must have been more than a few moments, as it had felt for Axel. Pax fidgeted with a satchel of something Alabaster must have given him to occupy his free hand. The one not in the Witch Boy’s pocket. Alabaster was examining Axel, expressionless. Axel ignored Pax, instead, giving Alabaster a crooked smile. “You’re not tricking me into taking a magical sleep med by throwing a rebellion, are you?”
Alabaster shrugged. “Is it working?”
          It was, but Axel didn’t want to admit that. The thought of falling asleep with this calm, all in the name of stopping a tyrant? Instead, he pointed out, “If these are going to alter how we fight and think through combat, we’ll have to test them in a controlled environment first.”
          Pax bounced on the heels of his feet. Alabaster merely nodded; he already would have planned for that.
          Axel’s fingers shook around the helm at the thought of putting it down. “Kronos will be suspicious if Luke tells him we have got specialized magic armor, if Kronos doesn’t just pull the memory out of his head.”
          “A memorandum for surviving the Roman’s raid on my laboratory,” Alabaster explained away.
          Pax rolled his eyes. Axel had to agree: Alabaster wasn’t known for being sentimental. That was an unlikely story.
          Axel considered other protests or objections. But, as he did, he realized there was no way he could put this helm down without trying it on. His gaze dropped down to the flicker of movement behind those blackened eye sockets.
          We have work to do, Lieutenant, the mask reminded him, as though they were already one.
          This wasn’t like signing up to fight Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. That hadn’t been a choice. Luke’s men were going to kill both of them if he hadn’t signed up. But this? Alabaster was treating Axel as an equal. He was giving him the tools to fight an encroaching evil, something that was devouring his other friend.
          “I’m in,” he said.
          A dark laugh echoed from the helm, something that felt strangely comforting.
          Axel looked up to find Alabaster smiling. The Witch Boy turned to Pax. “Ajax?” he asked.
          Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them. Everyone always assumed he would follow Axel’s lead in every decision. Axel appreciated that Alabaster wanted the three of them equally committed.
          Pax hesitated. He set the satchel in Alabaster’s pocket. Timidly, he reached for the serpentine helmet. This time, he didn’t drop it, cradling it like Axel held his. He gave Alabaster and Axel a goofy grin. “Triple A Chimera assemble! Do we get a secret handshake?!”
“No,” Alabaster said. After Pax pouted at him, his stern expression cracked, “But, the helmets do come with weasel kittens, now that you’ve accepted them.”
Alabaster was excellent at delivering deadpan humor; that hadn’t sounded like a joke. Before Axel could ask him to repeat himself, he heard the soft trilling sound from the plumes.
“No…” Axel mumbled in disbelief.
There, emerging from the thick feathers, was a tiny set of squinting, beady eyes. The whole critter was miniscule, certainly smaller than Axel’s palm. Lifting its head appeared to be too much for it, the snout bobbing around uncertainly as it sniffed. A pang hit Axel’s chest. He held the helm more delicately. This was even more fragile than his pet jaguar cub, Juana, had been.
Pax squealed with delight. “It’s a weasel! It’s a baby weasel! You got us baby weasels!?” He hopped around the altar with the helmet. It made Axel want to frantically rush over to assure no tiny weasels fell out.
Alabaster plucked a pure white one out of the ivory on his skull helm. He slipped the weasel into a breast pocket on his shirt. Alabaster often had various compartments on him for spell ingredients, but—
“And you got yourself an incubator shirt?!” Pax yelped with glee. He had separated his weasel from his helmet, set the helmet on the altar, and was cradling his weasel in both hands.
Leave it to Pax to ignore the All Powerful Magical Armor.
“Kits or pups,” Alabaster corrected. “They don’t need incubators, but they will need to be fed, socialized with each other, taught to hunt, and—”
Alabaster cut off when Pax went on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek. His complexion had just settled back into that of a vampire. He went bright red again, cleared his throat, took a step back, and pointedly avoided looking at Axel.
That “later” talk that Axel and Alabaster needed to have? It was going to happen as soon as the three of them were awake.
“And named,” Alabaster tried to make it sound like there hadn’t been a pause. “Th—they’re more than pets.” He swallowed, regaining composure. “Each is an extension of your helm’s power, playing to the strength of the owner. Nietzsche can store spell runes, acting as both a roving set of prepared spells and a conduit to set magic off at a greater distance.” The tiny white head poked out of Alabster’s pocket, slitted red eyes trained on the Pax brothers.
Axel extended a finger towards his tiny charge. When the weasel sensed him, it curled about his index finger, nipping vainly. Axel had to admit, he liked her. She had spunk.
“Who gets Honey and who gets Baller?” Pax bobbed to Axel’s side.
Axel’s tiny charge clung to his finger while nodding off to sleep. “Honey and--?” he asked.
“Hunahpu and Xbalanque! Duh!” Pax cheered.
Alabaster looked relieved at the shift in conversation. “Maya names?” he asked.
Axel nodded. “The hero twins.” The names of sorcerer warriors felt fitting for gifts from Hecate. Though, Axel doubted these two weasels could feign dismemberment, the way the ancient warriors and Hecate’s children could. Well, maybe Pax’s could. That would fit Pax’s style of combat.
Pax pointed to a clustered spot of fur on the back of Axel’s. “Yours has little rosettes.”
Axel nodded. “Mine shall be Hunnapuh then.”
Pax held his up, Lion King-style. “And this shall be Baller!”[3] he proclaimed with bravado.
The three boys got to enjoy something they rarely did these days: a peaceful moment in a safe place with no one watching but a caring mother. Pax demanded they put their weasels into a kit pile in his hands. Axel surveyed this carefully, but was relieved Pax seemed to have a natural knack for tending to the little ones.
Despite discovering the existence of Greek gods, being “adopted” by someone a few years older than he was, and being cast as the heartthrob in a monster-centric metal band, these gifts were some of the biggest surprises Axel had in the past two years. Alabaster had always been uncomfortable with shows of affection. Some people got each other burgers and French fries as signs of friendship. Others gave each other weapons of war.
All of them were smiling when the jungle shook. The quake’s ripple was so strong, Pax pitched onto one side. He cradled the weasel kits protectively to his chest with one hand while smacking the forest ground with the other floor to break his fall. Axel stumbled. Alabaster snagged the edges of the altar. “Mother--?” he called.
“Mount Tams,” she said from the fog of mist, “is under attack.”
Thank all of you for reading! Also, thank you to those of you that left comments in my last post. I promise, I’ll be responding as soon as I can. You rock and have made it worth while to get myself to post again! In the meantime, know you have Jack in an appreciative pile of moosh and gratitude! Stay tuned for, hopefully (>>’’) every other week updates!
[2] Pax, “Way to hit his kink, Hecate.”
[3] I recently read up that the hero twins were pronounced, “WAH-nuh-pwuh and shi-BAY-lan-kay.” But I think younger Axel would have been too insecure to call his lil one “Pooh,” so we’re sticking with the mispronunciated, butchering of Honey and Baller.
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bunky-writes · 2 years
Chapter 4:
“The Rise”
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After that incident, Pax and I started hanging out a lot. He was friendly, humorous, and naturally a good guy. He was cute as well but that’s not something I wanted to act on. I already had a difficult time gaining friends, I didn’t need to get a crush on a developing friendship.
“I’m telling you, there’s gotta be some zombies out there, like in Fallout!”
Pax has been debating the existence of zombies and other mutated creatures after ‘The Incident’ and to be honest, I’ve only been half listening. It kind of gets repetitive after the fifth time.
“Pax, my buddy, my pal, my comrade, please quit it already.”
“What, too scared?”
“No! There’s no way there are zombies. If we go outside, it would simply be a wasteland. Dead stuff everywhere.
“You don’t know that! The closest thing we have to a biologist is my mom and she hasn’t disagreed with my statement.”
“Well, she hasn’t agreed either.”
We were currently in the main room, eating breakfast. It was a miserable one but filling. Glue-like oatmeal has become a ‘delicacy’ in the bunker. In the middle of Pax‘s debate, Harvey had joined with his bowl of oatmeal and a cup of black coffee. He merely raised an eyebrow at Pax’s passionate one-sided discussion though.
“Come on Harv! You have to agree with me, wouldn’t it be cool with zombies?”
Harvey only scoffed and continued eating, he was most likely a coffee-before-talking person. Soon Joseph and Mrs. McCarthy joined as well, Jo didn’t seem that thrilled about the glue-like meal.
“So what are we doing today?” Pax asked.
“Well… the water pump is giving us trouble, but Harvey said he’d look into it. Right?-“ Mrs. McCarthy glanced towards Harvey, who only grunted and nodded “-But we’ve still got some cleaning and sorting to do. We need to figure out how much food we’ve got left, we might have to start finding other means for food, maybe a farm?”
I perked up at the mention of a farm, my mother used to grow vegetables and potatoes in our garden. I remember helping her, so I might be of use.
“Uh, Mrs. McCarthy, I used to plant stuff with my mom. Maybe I can help?”
Mrs. McCarthy smiled and nodded.
“Sounds great, hun! And how many times have I told you, you can just call me Kate.”
“Ah, sorry. I’m used to being polite.”
Harvey scoffed, almost chuckled, at that.
“A real gentleman, polite to the ladies, but not the old man, huh?”
I felt my cheeks grow hot, I was probably the color of a tomato.
“Now now, Harvey, don’t tease the sweet kid.”
“Nah, seeing Six all red and nervous is cute.” Pax chimed in.
I thought it was impossible, but somehow it got even hotter in the room.
‘I’m going to die of embarrassment.’
Jo just laughed.
The day went by rather quickly, Mrs. Mc-, I mean Kate and I found a few seeds and big, long pots for planting. We had found a small room in the kitchen perfect as a ‘farm-room’ The UV lamp in the room was flickering, but somehow working. Kate and I both agreed we’d had a productive day.
Harvey wasn’t as fortunate, the work on the water pump was going slowly. He was very stubborn about accomplishing it himself. The boiler room was on the opposing side of the main room, at the end of the hallway uniting the bunkrooms.
I decided to peek into the boiler room, just to check up on Harvey. I had brought a snack, a sandwich. Pax and Joseph had calculated that we had enough food for at most six months so a small snack was all we could do for lunch.
“Erm, Harvey?”
I apparently spooked him, because as soon as I spoke up, Harvey jumped and hit his head from under the pump’s water container.
“Ow, fuck!” He exclaimed.
I put down the tray with the sandwich on a reasonably clean and mess-free surface and rushed forward to check up on Harvey.
“I’m fine, just fine!” Harvey put out a hand towards me, stopping me in my tracks.
“Sorry” I practically whispered.
He sighed and nodded. “It’s fine kid.”
An uncomfortable and awkward silence surrounded us. But Harvey soon spoke up.
“What’ya want, kid?”
‘This will be an interesting mission; trying to help Harvey without hurting his ego.’
“Erm, I’m done with my chores so I just… I thought maybe y’know, you could teach me how to fix the pump?”
‘Smooth dude.’
Harvey eyed me, looking up and down, with narrowed eyes. He could probably see right through my lie. He grumbled and hummed.
“Okay, kid. Only this once.”
I let out a sigh, not realizing I had held my breath. I kneeled next to Harvey and started listening to his teaching. He might’ve seemed annoyed and frustrated by the fact he ‘HAD’ to teach me but he explained vividly and answered any questions I had, he even seemed to enjoy teaching me. Although I’d never tell him that, I would like to live for my 20th birthday.
Before we knew it, it was dinnertime, and Harvey and I had fixed the pump. I was happy to help, and Harvey was happy to relieve his back and knees.
“You did good, kid.”
Harvey’s comment circulated in my mind. When was the last time my dad praised my work? It gave me an uneasy feeling, but I tried to ignore it and think of Harvey’s statement. It had been full of fondness, he seemed… proud. It warmed my chest, I never thought such a half-assed and simple compliment could make me this happy.
After dinner, it was time for bed, and for the first time in weeks, I didn’t wake up due to a nightmare.
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TFP au where Miko's host family are the Darby-Esquivels- I have a lot of issues with the logic in TFP surrounding miko- inorder to be an exchange student she'd need consistently high grades and while the show tries to make it sound like mikos host family is neglectful and they basically don't exist- that's nonsensical why would anyone volunteer to be a host family and then not hang out with the kid? You don't get paid anything so it can't be about money! it really is about developing a relationship with the exchange student during the duration of the program. In this au, jack and raf are half-brothers, jack's dad divorced his mom and Raf's dad is dead, we get some actual backstory on miko, also here miko cares about her grades- cause if she started failing she'd be forced to drop the exchange program- this also subverts some expectations cause in this au I want miko to actually be punk! And I want to give Jack a bit more oomph, Raf would be heavily rewritten (he stays a shy hacker boy who becomes friends with Bee and Ratchet but can we give him something to work with outside of that?)
Also Silas and MECH and dark energeon aren't dropped from the story- MECH and Silas as villains where genuinely more interesting than the omega keys and artifact crap we got, I'd go as far to say Silas is more interesting than Megatron and after all the stuff we see with starscream being an actually competent scary villain that was also comedic it angered me to see him become so flanderized- so here we take a cyberverse route but do it a bit differently and Unicron stays a major threat (I'm taking some inspiration from armada so in this au sideways replaces arachnid but instead of starscream getting redeemed- well let's say he still doesn't get a happy ending) I changed arachnid out for sideways cause she made little sense in universe.
Raf doesn't understand bumblebee in this and there's at least one story where they have to find alternative means of communication- let be actually be disabled by his lack of a voice box
I'm probably never going to write this but I'd like to see other people add to this au with there own ideas, let's get freaking insane and do the stuff tfp didn't have the balls to do! kill Bulkhead and let him get actual character development so it hurts, give Dreadwing a redemption arc, lets give arcee her time to shine, let's get some gay shit with Knockout and Breakdown let's fucking go!
edit: I was thinking about what problems I have with most human characters in transformers is that they 1 aren't as interesting as the bots are, I understand they want the characters to be relatable but sometimes they make them into flat characters borderline harem protagonist, another problem is a problem more commonly found in YA books- when a 16 year old middle class scrawny white girl with no combat training or superpowers or anything can successfully fight off a room full of vampire fbi agents with no injuries or losses, so my goal is to make the kids badass but in a more believable way, so they aren't just damsels in distress either
like I know jack was chosen because he's suppose to be like a young Orion pax and whatever but like it never felt right to me, they could have drawn the parallels clearer, we can also make Miko's badassery and cool moments more emotionally satisfying and make them feel more...deserved idk how to explain my problems with the humans in transformers too well.
Also can we make this the ultimate found family au? And bringing back some inspiration from transformers animated for Bulkhead- not exactly mind you but I love the idea of miko showing bulkhead something cool/creative for a hobby like how sari showed him art, and in RID15 apparently raf and bee liked watching cowboy movies together so now I'm just imagining pure fluff with these ideas I'm trying to come up with some fun ideas for jack and arcee- I usually don't like fluff but I like seeing friends being friends- it's adorable
More on miko, in this au she'd be the master of malicious compliance and finding loopholes, she's scared of failing and cares about her grades as stated above, but she also has early onset senioritis so she finds her ways, she rarely actually breaks rules or skips out, so she works smarter not harder, she's still got some major flaws, she's got a secret case of overconfidence, she's cynical (I think her parents would be loving but super controlling and never gave her privacy so she became sneaky to get away from them, she might have become a lone wolf in school maybe people thought she was scary or something maybe she tried having friends but her parents scared them away I like the idea that mikos super outgoing but in a way that scares people or she struggles with deeper connections outside of surface level, more on Jack, I'm taking some spiderman inspiration- like the rest of the fanbase I shall torture him for fun, give him some hidden rage, a guilt complex, constantly stress over June Raf and Miko, and here he's going to be a senior, he still lives with June and pays her rent but it's always a little bit extra even though she says he doesn't have to, he remembers the time when his parents first divorced and when Raf's dad got sick in this so he worries about cash a lot and maybe has some depression, he's working out what he wants to do with his life and all around is trying to act stupidly responsible and mature to cope, raf is still a dorky lil baby but he's got a surprisingly dark and unsurprisingly gross sense of humor and is more interested in biology than computers at the start, but starts picking up on stuff real fast, he and bumblebee work on alternative means of communication together(one day the bots can't translate what he's saying so after that they start practicing sign or Morse code or something!) Idk just tell me random stuff that bothered you tfp and RID15 or ideas you guys have that could make this au interesting
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gb-patch · 3 years
I'm sorry if this is rude to ask, but gb-patch is an inspiration. I was wondering how you managed to reach so many people with your VN's when others don't get as much attention? Is most of it from steam &itch.io downloads or patreon & kickstarts? :) Did a lot marketing go into it?
I'm afraid I don't really know. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what makes someone find a game and what makes them play it. For solid answers, Steam is where most of our downloads/views come from and we didn't do anything notable with the marketing ourselves. We didn't buy ads or have a strategy, we just posted updates on social media/game pages and gave out a few review copies to people who asked for them. However, we were very kindly asked to be a part of the Visual Novel Reading Room at the Indie MEGABOOTH for Pax East 2019. Bringing our demo to a real convention was super cool and something most games don't get to do. But it was outside of our control, it was other people's generosity that let that happen.
Now, to at least make some guesses on why good things did happen for us, Our Life might've been a right time right place kind of situation. It came out in 2020 when people were in isolation. A nice slice-of-life story with freedom of choice and no real consequences seemed to be welcome by a lot of players. It also might've helped give us a boost at the start that OL wasn't our first game. We were a company that had already been around for years and slowly each day new people happened to see our stuff over that long period, so there was a base of people to check out Our Life from the get go.
Our Life is also a little odd in terms of how it presents itself. It can be very hard to convince people that your story is worth reading/your characters are worth getting to know. If your info is too long, people may not read it, if it's too short it might be too vague or seem shallow. Plus, you're compared to all the other VN stories/casts people could also be playing. Our Life's store pages only barely mention two of the characters and the "story" is basically just setting up how there isn't really one. All the focus went fully into what the player would get to do for themselves if they gave it a shot. They'd get to make their own character, they'd get to grow up over multiple time periods, they'd get to control the relationship, they'd get to live a nice life and enjoy some cathartic emotions, etc. It was those features that Our Life was being considered by, and there's a lot less competition in that arena. Then, when we got players who knew that those elements were something they wanted the try in the door, the game I guess pulled off what was promised well enough to make them happy and the characters they ended up meeting were ones they enjoyed getting to know.
But I could be entirely wrong. Marketing is a mysterious thing, haha.
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olivia200312 · 4 years
(Series) Clingy~ TFP! Orion Pax x Human! Reader
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Plot: Since Optimus Prime is Orion Pax to have a break from being a leader, Y/N is surprised by how Orion is more clingy than Optimus.
Get ready for the cuteness! Also, the series is meant that I will make different fun one-shots of Optimus Prime, who is on the break. I have some ideas that will belong to the series. It's like from the one-shot series, Mini-Prime. If you see (Series), then it belongs that you're reading Orion Pax, who is on the break from being Optimus Prime. Stay tuned for more cute (Series) Orion Pax!
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module
Head: Helm
Face: Face plate
Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials
Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor
Eye brow: Optical Ridge
Eyes: Optics
Mouth: Intake
Lips: Dermas
Teeth: Denta/Dentas
Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity
Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula
Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour:
Chest plate
Back plate
Mid-section plating
Neck guard
Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus
Forearms: Bitarlueus
Hands: Servos
Fingers: Digits
Arm armour:
Shoulder pads
Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis
Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate
Thighs: Tibulen
Calves: Cadulen
Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour:
Skirt plates
Aft plate / Skid plate
Thigh guard
Ankle guard
General/Internal components:
Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.
Veins: Fual lines
Stomach: Tanks
Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.
Heart: Spark
Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark
T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the art goes to the artist!
Everyone decided, including the kids, that Optimus Prime needs a break from being a leader. Ultra Magnus decided to take Optimus' place over until his break is over. He is the commander after all of the Autobots. Wheeljack doesn't like the idea at all. He isn't fond of Ultra Magnus. He's just way too much strict and demands to be called 'Sir' as well. Jeez, take a chill pill, Magnus.
Y/N and Optimus are a couple for almost a year now so they're glued to each other. Wherever you are, they're there together, either hugging, kissing, holding hands, cuddling, and even making-out. Ratchet even caught them once and this is what he said: "Get a fragging room! I'm not prepared to be a grandsire or uncle yet!"
That embarrassed Optimus and Y/N a lot. Sure, they do want a family one day, but only when the war is over one day. Ratchet is old after all so that's why he said 'grandsire'. It literally means grandpa in human language. The grumpy medic can also play a role as an uncle since he's Optimus' best friend. An old best friend since Cybertron. Miko sometimes teases Y/N.
Ratchet build a special machine gun, a safe one. He'll use it to transform Optimus back to Orion Pax. He can use it of course to bring Optimus Prime back but only when he and others feel like the break is over.
Y/N honestly got excited at the thought that she'll spend with Orion Pax instead of Optimus Prime. He did tell her stories about who he was back then before being a Prime, where he worked, and other fun stuff. She's excited to see Orion. She heard stories that he was a cute, shy, and quiet data clerk at the time. He worked once at the Hall of Records.
Everyone gathered around, including Agent Fowler and June Darby. Optimus left a small kiss on Y/N's forehead, causing her to smile shyly.
"Let's begin. Optimus, please stand in the middle," Ratchet instructed as he held the gun machine.
Optimus did as told while Ratchet explained to him what will happen. It will luckily not hurt but it will tickle. Also, the Matrix of Leadership will be activated offline while it will stay inside of him. It's in fact guarding his spark.
"Understood, old friend. Let's start."
Ratchet then aimed at him and shot. Greenlight surrounded Optimus and it did tickle. He felt then transformed. It took 10 seconds and then it is done. Everyone uncovered their eyes and optics since it is bright light after all, very disturbing for the eyes. Wear sunglasses next time.
Y/N gasped when she saw Orion Pax instead of Optimus Prime. He looks so cute! Instead of having a very well build strong frame, he looks adorable! Look at his shoulderplates for example!
The humans, including Y/N, stared with amazement while the Bots smiled. Ratchet chuckled. "Humans, meet Orion Pax. He's Optimus Prime."
Everyone is busy with their jobs and they let Orion and Y/N be. Orion is so much different than Optimus! Both of them look so innocent, yes, but Orion looks more innocent! The clerk gave non-stop kisses and cuddles. When he found out that he has a bipedal holofom, this is what he did:
"Yes, Ori?"
"Can we please cuddle and kiss?"
Y/N giggled at how precious Orion is, causing his cheekplate to flush blue. She wrapped her arms around his neck cables. "Yes, Orion. We can cuddle and kiss whenever you want."
Orion couldn't help but smile like a doofus and picked her up bridal style, causing her to yelp playfully. When they were in bed, Orion cuddled her for HOURS! He even stole a lof kisses and asked questions. He even once asked about were human babies come from. That flustered Y/N a lot.
"Why are you so cute, Y/N?"
Y/N blushed. "I... I don't know."
"How did I get so lucky to have you?"
Y/N couldn't help but giggle, causing the clerk to smile. "You're so adorable." He then left soft kisses and rubs her back. Y/N couldn't help but sigh in a bliss. She rubs his help, causing him to purr.
Later that day, Orion got called to help something quick with Ratchet and Y/N went to walk around in the base garage. Ever since the first base got destroyed by the Decepticons, Agent Fowler luckily found a new one to use. Optimus got seriously injured and he kinda died but Smokescreen brought him back by Ultra Magnus' hammer. Optimus Prime transformed into 2.0. How cool is that?
Y/N just entered the main room until she felt someone cling into her, causing the human girl to stop in her tracks. She looks over her shoulder and saw Orion clinging to her from behind. He also nuzzled non-stop into her.
Y/N giggled while blushing. "What are you doing?"
"I will not let you go. I want to be with you forever," Orion said in a cute tone while blushing a lot.
Everyone smiled and laughed, even Ratchet and Ultra Magnus. They just found it funny how Orion is clinging to Y/N for dear life!
"Can we please cuddle, Y/N?" Orion asked.
"Oh, boy... Sure, Orion!"
Y/N walked back to their berthroom, with Orion not letting her go at all.
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thekidsarentalright · 4 years
Fob Survey Results
Hi! So, a few days ago I made a post asking u all to take a survey i made so i could, basically, just see the different opinions in the fandom and nearly 400 people responded, which is crazy! I didn’t know that many ppl still were in fob bandom 😳 Anyways, without further adieu, the results are enclosed below under the cut!
First, I wanna start with some disclaimers or lil housekeeping things. The first thing I wanna mention is that, obviously, this sampling of people is small compared to every single fan of them ever but regardless of that i’m still gonna be referring to it all very generally just bc that’s easier for me lol. Next, I made a pie chart for every single question just so there was a visual of it but a few of them are a bit stuffed, just because the sheer amount of variety in peoples answers, which is great! But I just wanted to warn, and assure that i’ll be breaking down the charts a bit below the pictures so it’s more comprehensible. Also everything is color coded to try and make it a little easier! Lastly, more info and like discussion about any of this is totally welcome! if u have q’s, ask me! 
Question 1: When Did You Become A Fan?
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This chart is one of the more comprehensible ones, thankfully. It shows that the era most fans became a fan was srar era, with 104 people answering that. The era with the least being tttyg era with only 5 people (technically pre-tttyg era/folie era since no one answered those). It’s so cool, to me, to see such a variety of answers! Fob rly are timeless 😌
Question 2: What’s Your Favorite Album?
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I feel, for me, this one wasn’t a big surprise. Folie is clearly the fan favorite with 37%, while take this your grave is in last with only 9 people saying it was their fav. Again, lots of variety in this which is pretty cool to see! (also sorry that ab/aps name got cut off lol)(Also also justice for abap and mania)
Question 3: What’s Your Favorite EP/Non-Album?
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Here, Lake Effect Kid Ep dominated the results with 126 people saying it was their favorite. B-Side was sort of close behind, with Pax Am Days in third. Here, what surprised me, was that anybody answered with eowyg or llamania, tbh. And, though I didn’t include it in the chart, 7 people answered saying they didn’t have a fav or hadn’t ever listened to one of them!
Question 4: Who’s Your Favorite Member?
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This was one of the most biased questions with nearly 50% of u saying Patrick is your fav. I expected that, though I thought it’d be more of a battle between him and Pete. The only thing rly worth saying, ig, is that Andy and Joe deserve more love :(
Question 5: Favorite Fob Related Artist?
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When I made this question and put mcr as an option I knew they’d be number one, so that’s not a shocker, to me. Here are your guys’ top 3 fob adjacent artists: 1. My chemical romance 2. Paramore 3. Panic! at the disco And, honestly, rest didn’t stand a chance against those 3 which I kinda expected but it is nice to see Some people appreciating cobra and gch! (Misc. answers included bands like idkhow, waterparks, as well as green day and elton john! Lots of variety!)
Question 6: What’s Your Favorite Song?
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This question is where it starts to get a bit messier. I did my best to make it as clean as possible, but it still def looks a little wacky (sorry). According to you all, however, your top 3 favorite fob songs are as follows: 1. Disloyal order 2. (Coffee’s for closers) 3. Hum hallelujah Now, I am not at all surprised that disloyal order is that high up there, nor does hum hallelujah surprise me but coffee’s for closers kinda does! I’m also shocked that ginasfs isn’t higher. (where’s tkaa tho)
Question 7: Most Underrated Song?
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Luckily, I managed to get this one a bit more organized looking (in my eyes) but, again, sorry if it’s messy! Regardless, according to you all, the top 3 most underrated fob songs are: 1. You’re crashing, but you’re no wave 2. From now on we are enemies = Headfirst slide 3. Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel in NYC) = Coffee’s for closers What is the funniest, and most interesting to me here, is that there are so many ties and also that 2 of these songs (Headfirst slide and coffee’s for closers) were in your top 5 favorite songs... making them clearly not underrated. I was delighted to see you’re crashing at 1, though. It hits hard.
Question 8: Most Overrated Song?
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Now, with this one, I fully expected the results I got. It was very predictable: The singles are the most overrated. Something about them playing nonstop on the radio 6+ years ago rly bugged y’all (/j). Here are your top 3 most overrated songs: 1. Centuries  2. Uma Thurman = Immortals 3. My Songs  I’m very very stunned to see what a catch on there. And to all the people that said mania and the kids aren’t alright: ow :(
Question 9: This Or That 1
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All the this or that’s are pretty self-explanitory, I believe. By a very thing margin, you all prefer sugar over thnks fr the mmrs!
Question 10: This Or That 2
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By another very thing margin, wams beat out just one yesterday.
Question 11: This Or That 3
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A pattern you’ll notice is that all of these are super close... once again, by a thing margin, Immortals (famously disliked) beat out champion (even more disliked apparently)
Question 12: This Or That 4
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This one was ridiculously close the entire survey, for a majority of it pavlove was winning, actually. But, at the very end, from now on we are enemies won it 183 to 146.
Question 13: This Or That 5
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Lastly for the this or that series, we have the most biased one. I thought this would be closer, but clearly you all have a Lot of love for disloyal order, picking it over the kids aren’t alright 240 to 105. That’s fuckin crazy.
Question 14: What’s Your Favorite Lyric?
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For this one, so many people answered so many different lyrics all presented in a different way that I physically could not bring myself to organize them like i did the previous song questions. So, I present to you the songs that were quoted/referenced the most and therefore are precieved to have the best lyricism, according to you all. The top 3 most mentioned songs are: 1. Disloyal order (shocker) 2. Hum Hallelujah 3. Wams = Miss Missing You What surprised me the most here was that apparently overrated songs appeared, with a few people mentioning centuries, my songs, what a catch among others. And that disloyal order once again came out on top. 
Conclusion: What I learned from this is follows; the fob fandom (on here) is made up of people with somehow both very varied and yet congruent opinions. We might not all have the same favorite album or ep but we do all lose our minds to disloyal order and think that patrick is the best which i think is just beautiful.  (Feel free to come into my inbox and talk to me about this!! Naturally, I have all the data- the stuff that’s hard to see or wasn’t shown on the charts is interesting too. I’d love to talk about any of it!)
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earthstellar · 3 years
TFP Megatronus x Orion Pax Experimental Concept Playlist: The Timescale of Cybertronian Lives + Music from 1890 - 2021
I know there are tons of playlists for these characters out there, but I’m trying to do something a little less conventional with this one; Please hear me out! 
Two Playlists in One: Love Throughout The Ages 
The first half of this playlist is almost all new music mixed in with some hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc. to give variety, plus tracks from different genres so that hopefully everyone has a song they can enjoy in there somewhere.
For the second half of the playlist, I wanted to emphasise the idea of how long the war on Cybertron has been going on for, and just how old this conflict and the people involved actually are. 
Cybertronian Timescale: Long Lives and The Perception of Time 
We think of the Orion Pax / Megatronus stage of their relationship as being relatively brief, which it was in comparison to how long the war has been going on for as of TFP, but these are people who live for centuries. The scope of that is staggering. 
Optimus Prime and Megatron have known each other personally (either positively or negatively) for longer than modern human civilisation has existed. 
So to me, the best way to touch on that idea of time, musically, is to have the first half of the playlist be modern music, remixes, etc. and then the second half is well known and lesser known hits throughout early radio/TV (with many tracks on this playlist pre-dating those forms of media as well). 
What’s on the Playlist, Then?
My grandmother was born in 1914, and her music collection spans nearly 100 years. It’s all good stuff.
I have included some of her favourites, which she always called her “sweetheart jingles”, on this soundtrack. I think many of them work surprisingly well for the Megatronus/Orion Pax relationship.
Many of these songs will probably be unknown by the vast majority of people who might want to listen to this playlist, which is also appealing to me. (I hope if this is your first time hearing some of these, that you enjoy a few of them!)
My parents were born in 1944, and I remember all of the classics they would play; Some of those tracks will be more recognisable as this was the era when radio and TV became far more common and accessible, but I picked the tracks that I think best apply to the pairing and the relationship between the two characters at that point in their lives. 
The link to the playlist is below after some notes on Cybertronian language evolution! 
Quick Thought: Cybertronian Language Over Time and Era Specific Speech Patterns 
While thinking about my grandmother’s music collection as I assembled this playlist, I thought about some of the words and phrases she used commonly that are now totally non-existent in modern conversational English. 
She had what would probably sound to most people like “1930s radio voice” or a more Trans-Atlantic Accent way of speaking; She grew up in the Northeast USA and so she had a very distinctive way of stressing the vowels in words. It’s not just the words themselves, or how they were pronounced, but the tone and pace of speech was also very different. 
This got me thinking about Cybertronians, age, and speech:
Bots as old as Ratchet may have grown up with a totally different spoken language version of Cybertronian, and we already know that there are regional dialects, multiple written forms (glyphs), and era-specific types of Cybertronian language. 
But the way they speak, as I mentioned above with the stressing of vowels and the tone and pace of speech, might still be different due to the different eras, even after language packs/programs are downloaded and updated periodically as needed. We already know Cybertronians have regional accents, so it stands that generational accents would also possibly exist as well. 
Such a difference in speech patterns could possibly be used as a primary indicator of relative age on Cybertron, as physically they don’t age in the sense human beings do. 
Back to the Playlist: Link + Track List + Notes on Audio Prior to 1930
The playlist is here on YouTube. 
Scroll down to get to the second half (oldies section) if that’s what you’re here for! 
Please note that the songs are not arranged in any particular order aside from the first half being newer music and the second half being far older music.
Also note, where original recordings are available on YouTube for some of the older songs, I have used those original recording versions. 
However, keep in mind that there may be a couple seconds of “fuzz” at the top (start) of those older tracks, because they have been recorded from records or wax cylinders, which are formats of music that typically had a “pause” on the track to allow for needle and speed calibration when playing them manually. Modern records don’t do this in quite the same way and nobody uses wax cylinders anymore, but older records typically did. If this bothers you, skip ahead about two seconds or so, and it will resolve. 
Tempo may seem slightly “fast” on two of the tracks due to difficulties with the medium and modern recording tech/methods, and one track has some persistent “fuzz” throughout due to the original recording being rare and therefore it is a “best copy available” type archival recording, but otherwise I’ve managed to find the clearest audio possible for the vast majority of the older songs! 
(Fun music note, the “click track” in modern digital music was partially inspired by the clicking of the needle hitting the “countdown grooves” on old cylinders and records, which creates an audible mild clicking sound as the needle finds the groove and provides time for usually a half rotation or full rotation of the record before the track actually begins to allow for adjustment before the music starts! If the clicking is too fast, dial down the rotation speed, for example. 
This itself was inspired by classical metronomes as well as the actual physical method of playing the music in this way, but it’s cool to see how this persists throughout musical history even now when we don’t need the click for digital production for quite the same reasons/applications. It’s all about timing, no matter the medium or era!)
Due to the method of how some player piano rolls were credited, often by roll company and not by individuals, the actual artist name is often not available for those tracks. Where possible and where known, I have included credits to the artists/musicians. I have done my best to research and find the artists in these recordings. 
I have also included orchestrions and other “automated” music in addition to a player piano track as I think it’s interesting; These are often very old compositions being played on these machines, and as such are designed to reflect the earliest days of their relationship. 
Songs range from the years 1890 to 2021, and I will add more as I manage to find YouTube videos with some of the older songs I’m still looking for. 
By the way, if you need a love song for like an actual partner or crush that you have, I’m just going to say it now and point out that a lot of these classics are great to use in real life for cute purposes. My partner of ten years agrees, and my grandparents were married for over 60 years and sang many of these daily, so obviously something here works well. You’re welcome. ;) 
Below the cut is a track list of the second half of the playlist, as it’s 7 AM and I’d like to emphasise the “classics” section here as it’s the central theme of the concept.
I will add to this list as more tracks are added:
You’re the Top - Cole Porter
What is this Thing Called Love - Leslie Hutchinson 
I Get a Kick Outta You - Cole Porter 
Puttin on the Ritz - Phil Spitalny Orchestra
What a Day - Carl Fenton
Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra
Earth Angel - The Penguins
Ring a Ding Ding - Frank Sinatra 
In my Merry Oldsmobile - Billy Murray
Singin in the Rain - Gene Kelly
Dream a Little Dream of Me - Doris Day
Unforgettable - Nat King Cole 
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley 
Good Golly Miss Molly - Little Richard
Bei Mir Bist du Schoen - The Andews Sisters
Shine on Harvest Moon - Ruth Etting 
1920s Dance Sequence from Don’t Knock the Rock
In the Mood -Glen Miller Orchestra
Dream Lover - Bobby Darin 
When the Ragtime Army Goes Away to War (Artist Unknown) 
After You’ve Gone - J. Lawrence Cook 
My Sin (Artist Unknown) 
Flick Flack by Albert Vossen (Unsure; Song + Artist Unknown; Orchestrion) 
Lotosblumen Walzer by E. Ohlsen (Hupfeld Violina) 
Waltz no.2 - Dmitri Shostakovich 
Jupiter - Gustav Holst 
Love Potion no. 9 - The Clovers (Please note, this song mentions the word “g*psy” once in the beginning of the track. Skip this song if you would prefer not to hear it; I have done my best to only include songs that are friendly to the modern listener, but where needed I will make annotations such as this one to ensure nobody has to hear anything potentially offensive, as is unfortunately often the case with older music/lyrics.)
Come a Little Bit Closer - Jay and the Americans 
Sh-Boom - The Crew Cuts
Oh Boy - Buddy Holly
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smileforsmilez · 3 years
TFA Underground City Au Chapter 1
The cold thin air carried the echo of tinkering axes, the rattling of pulley chains and a low whistle. The melody carries on with the rhythm of their movement, matching each strike on the icy surface. He vents a breath of frost, blue optics wanders the area hazily.
" 'Rion, c'mere!" His finials flicked at the direction of the gruff voice, helm turning just in time as big hands wrapped around him and soon he found himself face to face with a very big war frame. " Yer still too little to even hold an 'axe, little Pax." He stares back at the yellow optics of the war frame and smiled. He vents a sigh and lifts the little mech over his shoulder kibble. " Let's get you back to yer creators, kid."
Optimus wakes up from his recharge wearily. He sits up from his berth and stretches his limbs lightly before moving to leave the room. He pauses as he briefly glances over the wing piece, he should probably put that away at some point, and picks up his axe. Twirling the weapon in his hand, he smiles at the familiar weight of it and subspaces it before leaving the room.
The cool morning air greeted him as he stepped out of the base for his early morning patrol at 5 a.m. local time. Snow covered the ground around him, filling his vision with the familiar pure white view. He took a moment to really let it all in, closing his optics as snow slowly piled over the tip of his helm cap. The sensation filled his frame with a sense of longing and a certain calmness took over as he relaxed. Adding winter to the list of things he enjoyed about the planet.
The drive was relatively peaceful, watching the lights of the buildings light up one by one as the sun has barely risen, humans doing their morning chores and getting ready for the day. Soon, more vehicles fill the roads as they all rush to their destinations. It was like watching the world 'wake up'. By the time he reached back to base, Prowl was already awake and refueling with Ratchet.
" Morning, Prime." Ratchet greeted him as Prowl muttered his own " Good morning,"
" Good morning." He replies with a smile beneath his mask.
" How was patrol?" Prowl asked him.
" Uneventful, thankfully. Snow's a bit thicker today so you might wanna be careful while driving for your patrol later." He informed the ninjabot, receiving an acknowledged nod in return. " Where's Bumblebee and Bulkhead?"
" Bulkhead's helping Fanzone out to get around for the day. Bumblebee's sleeping in." Ratchet sipped his warm fuel.
" Video games." Prowl deadpanned and the medic snorted. It was a typical habit of the young bot these days, Sari wasn't exactly helping him curb that habit either. The ninjabot later leaves for his patrol while Bumblebee finally wakes up after sleeping in for several hours, just in time for Bulkhead to return after picking up Sari from Sumdac Tower.
" Alright, here we are, kid." Fanzone stepped out of the green truck, Sari already heading to the couch with a new video game to play with Bumblebee.
" Woah, Speed Rush 3?" The yellow minibot whistled. " I tried getting this game two days ago but they sold out! How?" He asked the girl with a click of his glossa, a habit he's always had when he's curious.
" I have my ways." The red haired girl shrugs before plugging it into the console. " I get first player!"
" Aw, come on!" Captain Fanzone sighed with exasperation, kids these days are all the same. Bot or not.
" Do you need a ride back, Captain Fanzone?" Bulkhead offered politely.
" Later, thanks. I need to talk to your boss first." He looked around the Autobot base, they did what they could to clean up the place he'll give them that. Bulkhead takes him to some sort of computer space next to the living space, giant monitors and all.
" Is something wrong, Captain Fanzone?" Low and behold, the Prime himself crouches in front of him to hear him out. The captain couldn't help feel a little intimidated by the Prime's height, the Decepticons were worse, sure but he was still a giant compared to an average human like himself. The fact he never takes off that battle mask just adds to the intimidation. Does he ever take it off?
" The mayor called, needs your help supervising this company from Norway coming over to Lake Erie for the ice this year." He ignores the way the Prime seemed to add more focus on him, as if he said some sort of trigger word.
" The ice?" Bulkhead tilts his head lightly as Optimus' optics seem to gleam at the mention of it without the green bot noticing.
" Ice mining, it's an old trade but an active one. It's mostly for commercial purposes these days. For like, ice sculptures and stuff like that" He informs them and the Prime gave him a thoughtful, amused hum. "I heard there's this camping ground in New Hampshire still uses natural ice to keep cabins cool."
" Oh?" He could feel the Prime smile, looks like the big bot likes ice. " Then Bulkhead should be able to head out first. I'll join you later after I sort out a few things, alright?"
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 5: the Issue that Made Me Stop Reading MTMTE for Three Years
So, Megatron’s still getting space-bridged in the torso. That’s still happening. Nova Prime and Galvatron are coming through the rift, as Shockwave, who seems to have lost most of the mass in his lower body, thanks Megatron for his service.
Robert Gill’s on art for this issue alongside Ramondelli, and this is basically the only place we’ll be getting a taste of his style. Let’s see what he’s bringing to the table.
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Nightmare Murder Death Ravage, the Decepticons, and the Autobots just broke into Shockwave’s underground lair, and are ready to kick some ass. Shockwave was expecting this to happen, because he is a very smart boy, and also apparently genre savvy. Soundwave tackles Shockwave to the ground, and gets insulted for his troubles.
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Sir, your eye's been turned into a silver-dollar pancake.
Shockwave calls in Metalhawk to handle these goons who’ve broken into his domicile, and Metalhawk, who legitimately looks like he’d snap in half if the breeze blew the wrong way, gets to work. Bumblebee tries to reason with the man- ripping off his whole-ass face to reveal... his face... in the process- but it’s useless. Metalhawk is just too het up about politics.
Over in another part of the room, Ironhide and a couple of buddies are going to lay the smackdown on Nova Prime and Galvatron, who are still coming out of the space bridge. They’ve been at this for like ten minutes now. Ironhide starts trying to shove Nova Prime back through the bridge, punching him in the face as he does. Megatron, at this point, has lost his arms. They’ve simply disappeared from the scene at hand.
The art isn’t great this issue, if you couldn’t already tell.
While this is happening, Skywarp is busy messing with the medical equipment Megatron’s hooked up to, and losing his corporeal form, because that death wave from a couple issues back did, in fact, hit him a little.
This is the Rattrap issue, by the way.
Over with Arcee, it would seem as though we’ve given up on even pretending to give a shit about size continuity, as Rumble and Blitzwing are the same height now. These three are on a mission to grab some of the resurrection ore and bring it back to base for the wounded, which is nice of them.
Shockwave shoots Soundwave, then calls Waspinator over, as Skywarp sticks his little hands into the ore that’s growing out of the walls. This makes him better, I guess? Because it’s resurrection ore? Even though he’s not dead? Also, his mouth looks like it’s full of wood pulp, and I don’t like it.
Bumblebee is trying to make a breakthrough with Metalhawk, but there’s no time for that, as Shockwave’s up to some weird nonsense involving Nova Prime.
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The same could be said of this entire comic event.
Waspinator meets up with Shockwave and hands him his “staff”. I use quotations because it super isn’t a staff, but that’s what it’s called in-issue. What it actually is… well, it looks like a gun with a stinger for a barrel. I know he had a gun that looks very similar in Beast Wars, and he whipped it out on the regular, but I guess it’s a staff now? A staff that isn’t even remotely a staff? TFWiki makes the claim that it’s his stinger, which makes way more sense, but I don’t know that I’d want to hand the rump roast portion of my own ass to the purple science gremlin, even if it did mean cool stuff was going to happen.
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Look, I don’t know, okay? I think someone fucked up the script.
Shockwave pops off his gun hand and attaches the “staff”, claiming to know how to handle the Titan way better than Waspinator ever could, because he’s just that smart. Then the Titan comes to life and bursts through the ground. Ironhide, who is still straddling Megatron as he punches Nova Prime into submission, gets his shop wrecked by a giant fist.
Meanwhile, in the Dead Universe, we’re finally getting back to that whole Nightbeat thing. Everyone is very surprised to find him here, and sort-of, maybe alive? Dead Universe complicates things.
Back in Spotlight: Hardhead, Hardhead and Nightbeat went on an adventure together to Gorlam Prime, trying to figure out what the hell had happened to Nightbeat’s brain in Spotlight: Nightbeat, where he was brainwashed into being a sleeper agent for Nova Prime, who was still in the Dead Universe at the time, and are you beginning to see why I sort of just gave up on following the plot and stopped reading? You have to have read essentially all of Phase 1 for any of this to make sense. Between that and the art, I was just sort of over the whole thing.
Anyway, Hardhead had to shoot Nightbeat in the head after the dude got his… brain taken over. There were some little tiny guys involved, Jhiaxus was there, it was weird. Because Nightbeat died at the edge of a portal to the Dead Universe, it took his body and dragged him inside, both trapping him and keeping him alive.
Rodimus isn’t too keen on this turn of events, and Hardhead feels really awkward about the whole thing. Nightbeat seems to be taking being an off-brand zombie in stride though, as he immediately makes himself a nuisance to Cyclonus, by way of cold-reading the guy. Because he’s a detective, he’s pretty good at it.
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Nightbeat, you fool! It’ll be another 22 issues before Cyclonus is ready to even acknowledge his feelings!
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Orion Pax breaks it up before we can see what Cyclonus considers a good punishment for putting him through the ordeal of being known, and we finally get back on track.
Back on Cybertron, I guess there’s been a bit of a time skip, as Megatron is back on his feet and carrying Ironhide to safety. Also, his mouth has gone AWOL. He tries to ask Bumblebee what the plan is, only to be interrupted by Galvatron ripping him in half.
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God, I wish you hadn’t found your mouth, Megatron. This is awful.
Galvatron throws Megatron on the ground, and things just keep getting better, because now the Titan’s up on its feet, and Shockwave just told it to go ham.
Back in the Dead Universe, things are getting complicated, and I don’t think we’ll be getting answers any time soon.
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Oh, well, I’m glad Nightbeat is as lost on this whole thing as I am.
Hardhead wants to know what was up with all that cryptic bullshit Nightbeat was spouting off earlier, and Nightbeat reveals even more details about Cyclonus- his forcefield generator was damaged when they got to the Dead Universe, and now he’s infected with… I dunno, bad vibes, I guess. That’s why he got sick a couple issues back, and also why the Cyberwraiths ran away from him; the Dead Universe is assimilating him back into its fold.
Even though it’s been established to want literally everything inside it dead.
Though Cyclonus did spend six million years hanging out in the Dead Universe, so maybe it’s fine, actually.
You know, truth be told, I’m not sure exactly how it works, and neither does anyone else, it would seem.
Anyway, Nightbeat tells the fellas to hold tight while he goes to grab somethingaaaaand he’s trapped them in a magic box.
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Ugh, whatever, Orion.
Turns out getting shot didn’t fix Nightbeat’s sleeper agent issue, and now the boys are going to pay for being so chatty.
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And that’s a series wrap on Team -Imus! Let’s give ‘em a hand, folks!
At this point, Nova Prime reveals that he did, in fact, get shoved back through the space bridge, and is still in the Dead Universe. Sucks to be him, I guess.
...Man, this Rattrap issue was great! Loved the part where he was in it.
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wilwheaton · 5 years
The Purge.
Earlier this year, I made some significant and substantial changes to my life, continuing the process of growth and reflection that I started when I quit drinking almost four years ago. (Sidebar: it's remarkable how much clarity I got, and shocking how much pain I was self medicating for so much of my life. I'm so grateful for the love and support of my friends, my wife, and my kids, who supported me when it was clear that I needed to get alcohol out of my life. Be honest with yourself: if you're self medicating emotional pain and/or childhood trauma like I was, give some serious consideration to working on the root issues you're using booze to avoid. I'm so much happier and healthier since I quit, and that's almost entirely because I was able to confront, head on, why I was so sad and hurting so much of the time. I'm not the boss of you, but if you need a gentle nudge to ask for help, here it is: nudge.)
As I was cleaning up my emotional baggage, working on strategies to protect myself from my abusers, and practicing mindfulness daily, I realized that I had a ton of STUFF just sitting around my house, cluttering up my physical living space the way my emotional trauma and pain was cluttering up my emotional space. So I made a call, and hired a professional organizer to come to my house, go through all my bullshit with me, and help me get rid of all the things I didn't need any more.
This process was, in many ways, a metaphor.
We spent several days going through my closets, my game room, my storage spaces in my attic and shed, and eventually ended up with FIVE TRUCKLOADS of stuff I didn't need. Most of it was clothes and books and things that we donated to shelters, which was really easy to unload. I acquire T-shirts so much, I regularly go through my wardrobe and unload half of what I have, so it's easy to get rid of stuff without any emotional attachments.
But there were some things that were more difficult to get rid of, things that represented opportunities I once had but didn't pursue, things that represented ideas that I was really into for a minute, but didn't see through to completion, things that seemed like a good idea at the time but didn't really fit into my life, etc.
I clearly recall giving away a TON of electronic project kits to my friend's son, because he's 11, he loves building things, and he'll actually USE the stuff I bought to amuse myself while I tried to make a meaningful connection to my own 11 year-old self, who loved those things back then too. When I looked at all of these things, I had to accept and admit that 47 year-old me isn't going to make that connection through building a small robot, or writing a little bit of code to make a camera take pictures. I can still connect to that version of myself, but I do it now through therapy, through my own writing, my own meditation. For the longest time, I didn't want to let these things go, because I felt like I was giving up on finding that connection I was seeking, but what I didn't realize (and didn't know until I made the decision to let it go) was that I didn't need STUFF to recover something I'd lost and wanted to revisit.
I think that, by holding on to these kits and similar things, I was trying to give myself the opportunity to explore science and engineering and robotics in a way that young me was never given. Just about everything I wanted to do, that I was interested in when I was 11, was pushed aside, minimized, and sort of taken away from me by my parents. My dad made fun of everything I liked, and my mom made me feel like the only thing I should care about was the pursuit of fame and celebrity. Without parental support and encouragement, I never got the chance to find out if any of these other things would be interesting enough to me to think about pursuing them in higher education. Yes, for some reason, even when I was a really small kid, I was already thinking about where and when I would go to college. I never took even a single class, because I was so afraid of so many things when I was college age, but that's its own story, for another time.
As we went through just piles and piles of bullshit, it got easier and easier to just mark stuff for donation. That drone I used to fly for fun, that I kinda sorta told myself would eventually be used to film something I wrote? Get rid of it, that's never gonna happen. The guitar I kinda played a little bit when I was a teenager, but never really learned how to play properly? Give it to someone who is going to love it and play it so much, it lets them express their creativity in ways I was never able to. All those books I bought to make me a better poker player? Gone. All the books I bought to learn how to program in Python, Perl, Java, and even that old, used, BASIC book I picked up because I thought it would be fun to finally write that game I always dreamed about when I was ten? Give them all to someone who is actually going to *do* that, instead of just think about it.
It was, at first, really hard to get rid of this stuff, because I felt like I was admitting to myself that, even though I *could* paint all these minis (like I did when I was a teenager), even though I *could* study all of these books on Python and Arduino hacking, and probably make something kind of cool with that knowledge, I was never going to. I came to realize that having these things was more about holding on to the *possibility* that they represented. It was more about maintaining a connection to some things that once made me really happy. When I was a kid, I LOVED copying Atari BASIC programs out of a magazine and playing the games that resulted, because it was an escape from my father's bullying and my mother's neediness. When I was a teenager, I LOVED the time I spent (badly) painting Space Marines and Chaos Marines, because it gave me an escape from everything that was so hard about being me when I was 14. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I spent hundreds of hours trying to learn the same five songs on the guitar, never mastering a single one of them. My time would have been much more wisely invested in learning the scales and chords that I declared were more boring than picking my way through the tablature for Goodbye Blue Sky.
And that all brings me to the thing that was simultaneously the hardest and most obvious thing to donate: all my Rock Band gear.
Did you know that the first Rock Band, which I and my kids and my friends played for literally a thousand hours, came out twelve years ago? Beatles Rock Band is a decade old this year. Rock Band 3 is ten years old, too.
I hadn't played Rock Band in almost five years when my friend asked me what I wanted to do with all these plastic guitars, both sets of pretend drums, and all the accessories that were stacked up neatly in the corner of my gameroom.
But a decade ago, Anne and I would send the kids off to their biodad's house, or to their friends' for a sleepover, have some beers, and play the FUCK out of Rock Band, almost every Saturday night. My god, it was so much fun for us to pretend that we were rocking all over the world, me on the drums, Anne on the vocals. Frequently, we'd get the whole family together to play, and we'd spend an entire evening pretending to be on tour together, blasting and rocking our way through the Who, Boston, Green Day, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Dead Kennedys, and others. It brought us all closer together, and was incredibly valuable for our bonding, at a time when we really needed that.
And I was holding onto all these things, these fake plastic guitars and who even knows how many gigs of DLC, because I didn't want to lose my connection to those days. Part of me hoped that we'd all get together and play again, like we did when my kids were in their teens, like I would when I hosted epic Rock Band parties at Phoenix Comicon, or PAX, back before the world was on fire.
But when I looked at those things, neatly stacked up and untouched except by dust for years, I knew that we weren't going to play again, and that I didn't need these things in my house to validate the memories.
Back in those days, when Ryan and I would spend an entire Saturday afternoon and evening trying to complete the Endless Setlist on Expert (we never did, but we got to Green Grass and High Tides more than once), real musicians would smugly tell us that we were having fun the wrong way, that we should be learning REAL instruments instead of pretending to have already mastered them. I would always argue that the whole POINT of Rock Band was the fantasy. Can you imagine telling a 100 pound kid that he should be playing real football instead of Madden? Of course not, and yet.
But it kinda turns out that some of those smug musicians were right. As I packed up those plastic fake guitars and drum kits, put them into the truck with my real guitar, I had a small twinge of regret, that I had been focused on the fantasy, instead of developing a skill that I could still use today (the last time I attempted Rock Band, maybe four years ago, I couldn't get through a single song on Hard, much less Expert. My skills had faded, and it wasn't worth the effort to restore them). And then I stopped myself, because that's EXACTLY the kind of thinking that stopped me from following my dreams when I was a kid. What was important to me ten years ago, what's still important to me today, was the time I spent with my wife, with my kids, with our family, with my friends, pretending that we were something we weren't. We were doing something together, and that is what matters. Today, I can't recall anything specific about all the nights Anne and I played, though I know we worked our way through hundreds of songs together. But I can clearly recall how much fun it was.
Ryan and I still talk about the time I accidentally turned the Xbox off, when I meant to just power down my toy guitar, after we'd been trying to play the Endless Setlist on Expert for five hours.
Over the years, I had accumulated all this stuff that I was unwilling to let go of, because I felt like that would also mean letting go of the memories that were associated with those things. I felt like getting rid of things without following through on their intended use was admitting defeat, or being a quitter.
But after a year or so of daily, intense, therapy and reflection, after ending contact with toxic and abusive people who were exerting tremendous control over me, these things stopped being the keys to unopened doors, and they just became THINGS that I had to constantly move around to get them out of my way. Because I didn't need them anymore. I didn't need to pain minis like I did when I was 15, because I'm not 15. I'm not living with an abuser and his enabler. I'm not working for a producer who makes it clear to me at every opportunity that he owns me and has complete control over whether or not I'll have a film career.
I didn't need ANY of these things, and once I realized that, unloading them and getting them to people who DO need them felt as freeing and empowering as writing a goodbye letter.
I kept a few things that were still useful, or brought me joy. Books, mostly, and of course all my dice and games. It felt GOOD to admit that I'm never going to learn guitar, or build an Arduino-controlled anything. It felt GOOD and empowering to know that I'm a writer. I get my joy and explore my possibilities through storytelling and character development. THAT is what I love, and by getting rid of all this old stuff (and its emotional baggage) I created space in my life to be the person I am now, a person I love, in a life that is amazing.
I still have some emotional clutter, which is to be expected and isn't a big deal. The really cool thing is that I have physical and emotional space, now, to deal with it.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 36
time travel arccccccccccccc yessssssssss
I have been waiting SO LONG to reread this arc hhhhh yessss
starting off strong with the sexy roller cover. nice
I love the disconnect of ‘orion pax: outlaw’ compared to the last time we saw him in shadowplay where he was orion pax: supercop
he’s still punching people for JUSTICE or whatever so I guess not much has changed
oh my god this is the issue with the many many two-page spreads...the first time I read this issue I didn't realize that was a thing and GOD I was SO fucking confused. there's already a lot going on in this issue/arc but this made things so much worse hvbhjkdfbsk. I powered thru and still managed to understand most of the arc despite reading half this issue out of order (essentially) bc the website I read it on split the pages up and I couldn't tell they were supposed to be doubled (and also I'm dumb so I didn't figure it out)
anyways, the actual issue...windcharger is out here using his powers to rip a dudes arms clean off. wow!
and there's skids getting punched in the face. Ls
and glitch! a totally minor character of course...
MANNNNN I SO adore the panel of all the lost lighters appearing in a cloud of purple smoke, all posing epically....SO fucking good, peak sci-fi coolness vibes, A++
as usual jro killing it w/the titles, ‘elegant chaos’ is such a great name for a time travel arc
also reading the tfwiki has shown me that many of jros titles are song or album titles, to which I say - that's epic and I love it. with jro doing it, I feel like it straddles the line between referencing music and the very fanfic-esque ‘title things after music’ vibe. I love it
oh god I forgot they use bs cybertronian time units in this sometimes lmao...I mean of course they do but still like, what the fuck is a cycle. is that a day. I feel like these words all have no meaning/the meanings change drastically depending on continuity. I cant keep up and also I'm lazy and don't care enough to try
I love rodimus did u know
poor riptide looks so confused lmao
IS....IS REWIND PIGGYBACKING TAILGATE...THATS SO FUCKING CUTE....I cant fully tell bc of the page layout but ooomg so precious. minibot buddies
whirl saying ‘chuff’ just reminded me how british jro is hvbhakjhdsfbs sometimes it just Jumps Out in mtmte and I'm like Oh God Britain Is Real
I really like the mtmte approach to time travel and paradoxes and whatnot. its just complex enough to be interesting but not too convoluted that it bogs down the story. perfect sci-fi fun!
mannnn chromedome talking abt brainstorm :( I'm sad abt those two hhhhh
and I love how at this point, nobody in the cast ACTUALLY knows brainstorm well enough to know what he’s really doing - including chromedome, who’s ostensibly his closest friend, somebody he’s known for a while - and even the readers don't really know what he’s up to...I like the mystery tbh
cant believe rewind wrote orion pax’s biography, omg. completely forgot abt that detail
cd saying ‘I love it when he talks history’ about rewind....hhhh I love cdrw so muuuuch
godddd the line rodimus says abt whirl - how they need people like whirl around who are ‘happy to get in the way’ of danger and death - that shit haunts me man like...rodimus is basically saying that he’s bringing whirl along to potentially die in place of someone like orion pax (nevermind the fact that whirl dying would ALSO fuck up the timeline)...like, how deep does it go?? is he saying that bc he knows whirl has been trying to get himself killed for a while now, or just bc whirl likes violence? mannn I cant...the character intricacies...man
anyways...I love rodimus he’s such an interesting character. you have that fucked up moment and then in the next panel he’s saying ‘if you want to call it a time phone, I wont stop you’ about the quantum walkie-talkie. he has the RANGE
oh and then rodimus casually volunteering chromedome to do mnemosurgery on anyone who might accidentally find out about them time traveling, which is again fucked up on multiple levels. the raaaaange
vjaksbhdhfusajbfdjk that panel of the lost light squad just standing there like idiots reminds me of that post where someone said abt that panel ‘these characters have a collective 3 brain cells’ or something hvbjadkfnksfdl
rodimus IMMEDIATELY breaking his own rules by trying to reassure pax that they're good guys by pointing at his autobot badge, even tho the autobots DONT EVEN EXIST YET at this point...my boy PLEASE go purchase some brain cells from the store 
and the fact that rodimus introduced himself to pax w/his real name...shouldn't he go by an alias or st??? that seems like a good time travel rule since optimus and rodimus definitely know each other later 
and like, did they not anticipate that some of the people in the past would recognize some of the lost lighters hgbajkhdjfnjksf like cd and whirl get Instantly recognized...great job guys
they are all SO bad at this hvbahskjdhfbasjkf I cantttt luckily for them the orion crew is handing them easy alibis 
‘the dugout’ is that a baseball reference????
also I love the scenery here, the bg looks like rock but there's metal piping and stuff running thru it, its so cool...really adds to the whole ‘cybertron biomes are made of metal’ thing
‘ancient history’ rodimus are you KIDDING ME-
cyclonus time travels to the past and IMMEDIATELY finds a window to stare broodingly out of. icon
tailgate thinking orion pax is SUPER COOL continues here from shadowplay and I love it...tailgate is so cute
and the tg saying ‘don't you think that's awesome, cyclonus?’ hhhhh so cute
one reason I love this arc so much is that this is the arc where the gay Really amps up 
TRAILBREAKER.... oh man ;_;
are you telling me that this outlaw base they're in has ONE bed for all of these people. what the hell vhbaksjhfnsal
cant believe rung sampled roller’s steroid juice box
also cant believe robot steroids exist. except yes I can and I love it
oooh roller’s a 0/1%er? I forgot abt that 
cant believe orion pax just grabs some random phone that belongs to these weird new people and answers it. WHO does that
goddddd megatron and orion’s conversation....destroy me
HHHHHH like...the HISTORY....the regret...the missed opportunities...its all so palpable....goddddddd
and of COURSE, the whole thing is steeped in tragedy...the ideological differences that will become the foundation for a 4 million year long war...megatron, who believes that you need to burn things down and start again to really make change stick, and then orion, who says ‘reform is the answer, not revolution’....AUGHHH the intricacies. mannnn
‘you sound lost’ 😭😭😭
‘its tragic.’ yeah, that about sums up their relationship, especially at this stage and in this continuity 
anyways. [cries about old man megatron talking to young naïve orion pax] goodbye
AUGHHH and then we jump to rodimus ONCE AGAIN breaking his own rules and trying to save trailbreaker...IT HURTS MAN...god I love rodimus, I feel like him being broken up about crewmembers like trailbreaker dying is one part regular sadness over people he knows dying for tragic reasons, and one part personal guilt at someone under his command dying, even if he’s not involved/at fault. I love the dichotomy of this emotional reaction that comes only partially from empathy/emotion, but also comes from a kinda self-centered need for success as measured by people under your command staying alive. and taking into account rodimus’s life it totally makes sense that he’d act like that...GAH I love it. the complexity of it all!
orion pax saying ‘you should read [megatron]. it’s powerful stuff’ I'm screaming, so many LAYERSSSSS
I fucking love time travel AHHHHHHHHH like the opportunity for interactions like these....chefs kiss
‘hey, best friend! miss you!’ rodimus is such a shit hvbdajkfksjhfd 
‘very sus’ rodimus ahead of his time w/the among us lingo
oooh and then they realize that the senate is trying to kill the sparks...gotta save the babies!
tailgate scolding cyclonus for bluntly stating that you'd wanna be subtle when killing newborns...hhhvbhsdfhhhhhh I love them sm
ooooh and rewind has an interesting suggestion - that the senate is actually trying to irradiate the sparks into being outliers...rewind is so smart I love him
and the fact that he’s using history from his database...love it
rodimus sending cyclonus and whirl out like pokemon
also wow this is literally the 5th (I think) double page spread in this issue...the confusion I felt the first time I read this...lmao 
and now this is literally one of my favorite issues so I'm glad I know what's going on lmao
oh man rodimus telling cd not to erase trailbreakers memory even tho that could jeopardize the entire timeline... :( 
oh man I didn't even notice but roller getting debris blasted into his face like that makes the whole ‘roller is tarn’ theory even more legit considering tarn’s face scars....
‘tighter the better’ hhh don't say that orion. but also, that’s the companion phrase to megatron saying ‘the deeper the better’ hvbhasjkhdfbaksjlf
I do love the semi-campy action hero antics that orion pax gets up to. its just so fun, even when the stakes are high and things are serious
‘this is the greatest thing I have ever seen’ tg ily
THE REVEAL THAT THE SPARKS WENT TO NYON...so rodimus just saved himself, basically...time travel is so trippy
oh man that last panel of trailbreaker holding up roller’s juice box...iirc the first time I read this I thought that was roller (cause of the juice box I guess? idk I'm an idiot) so I was like oh ok he must've come back or something. very much related but I didn't really think about tarn being a particular pre-established character and totally didn't read the whole ‘roller is tarn’ thing that was going on 
which in my defense ruth also didn't pick up on any of that while reading this and eventually like 2 issues before the reveal I had to prompt her like ‘you should maybe be wondering WHO tarn is’ vhbahjksdfbaksjdf
so! issue 37! this issue is a solid favorite of mine, id say definitely top 5 or even 3. I'm super biased bc I fucking LOVE time travel, it’s seriously one of my favorite tropes ever, and this issue hits all the time travel beats I love. characters traveling to the past and interacting with people they know! conversations that have multiple meanings bc of TIME TRAVEL! trying to save someone who meets a terrible fate in your future! fun time travel action! the time traveling characters being generally terrible at hiding the fact that they're time travelers! ITS SO GOOD. 
and I love the clever way everything is tied together here - where we get a nice continuation of shadowplay, with this taking place shortly after that with a lot of the same cast, and time travel classics like the good ole ‘if we hadn't travelled back in time and done what we did, the future we came from wouldn't have existed at all,’ in the flavor of ‘rodimus saving his baby self’ and ‘rodimus NOT saving trailbreaker’ and ‘everyone forgot about roller :(’ 
ok but like, did the lost lighters just go ‘oh well, guess rollers gone now.’ like they DID realize that the outlaw crew would have no idea what happened to him if they got their memories erased, right?? did the lost lighters figure that since roller never reappeared after this time period, that was how history was ‘supposed’ to go and they shouldn't mess with it? am I overthinking it? as usual: yes, probably. I love overthinking about comics, in case that wasn't obvious
basically...I love this issue soooo much. so so good and a bunch of fun tropes that I love. I mean the whole arc is like that for me since I love time travel so much. so I cant wait to (re)read more!!
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soulnottainted · 3 years
Okay it took me a while to come up with a good question but what's your relationship with the core group of Autobots? :33 go into as much detail as you'd like, I love this stuff!
Awwww thank you for coming up with a really good, in depth question! I appreciate it a lot because I gotta put that love energy SOMEWHERE!
So i'll be writing for the autobots that are on my f/os list! I might be adding one or two more soon depending!
This post is lONG!
Optimus is my Guardian, protector, and is considered like a grandfather/father figure to me. I met him when he and a Decepticon collided into the gas station I was currently at. He saved me from the rubble after being seriously injured. I don't know why he chose to be my Guardian, to have this urge to look after me, despite strongly wanting to protect all of humanity at the same time. He is the leader and has many responsibilities, and yet he still keeps me by his side, always protecting me but also letting me to grow and problem solve on my own. I guess he sees himself in me, specifically when he was young and named Orion Pax. I believe the other autobots see the qualities of Optimus in myself as well.
Sometimes Ratchet thinks I sound like him in the way I think. Optimus is still trying to learn about human society and what humans need. There were many instances that he has done his own research into how to care for a human being. That being said, if i mention something about myself that he doesn't understand, he'll either ask me more about it or look it up himself. He prides himself in making sure I feel safe and protected, and I do feel that way. He even lets me tag along on some missions if he feels that I'm capable of coming along. My Guardian also has made a holoform: a human form capable of interacting in order to keep cover to not be suspicious. But let's face it: he also made it to watch over me.
Ratchet is my uncle figure. He is almost looks and sounds grumpy, but that is because he gets annoyed easily. He likes things to go smoothly, and that's a suitable trait for an autobot doctor. When I came into the picture, he wasn't pleased, he was shocked that Optimus decided to take care of a human. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead had humans they were looking after, as their Guardians, but the team never could have imagined that Optimus Prime would do the same himself. Ratchet was worried that I would distract him from the goals of defeating the Decepticons and Megatron, but that didn't happen. As time went on, he got to know me better. I'm quiet, easily concerned of what others think, so for awhile I thought that Ratchet didn't like me. But I guess that was furthest from the truth. He likes my quietness but eagerness to learn new things. I always ask him about his equipment or stories about what he used to do on Cybertron, to which he proudly obliges. He scolds me when I get hurt of course, like a concerned mother. He has definitely softened up around me.
Arcee is my sister figure. But Arcee is the kind of the cool sister figure that is also a mother figure at the same time. She sticks to the plan but can adapt to change very quickly. She was the one besides Bumblebee that I connected with the fastest when I arrived for the first time at their base. She also was the one to have to explain to me that Ratchet is like that with any newcomer that visits the base. This badass motorcycle is protective in nature to me; not as much as Jack, but still caring to keep me safe at all costs. She knows how much I mean to Optimus and would gladly do anything for me. Also it's great talking to her about what's going on in my head. I talk to Optimus about things, but sometimes I like to get advice from Arcee. She also has a sarcastic, joking part of her personality that always gets a laugh out of me. She knows how to make me smile, and it's always nice to hang around her.
And finally, we have Bumblebee...or as I like to call him: Brother Bee! He is a child at heart, and also the youngest of the autobots, which makes him prone to doing childish things and sometimes getting into trouble, but he knows when to be mature! Bee would protect me at a moment's notice, no questions asked. I'm his little human sister, and as such, we hang out like siblings that would do anything for one another. Sometimes he gets in trouble and accidentally drags me into the situation, but Bee has good intentions. He has a lot of energy, which most of the time I can't match, but Bee knows when I'm mentally exhausted and needs space. That yellow and black precious boy has some music taste let me tell you...
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Falling in Love~ TFP! Orion Pax x Human! Reader (Sneak Peek of the Future Book!)
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Plot: Y/N is a famous human that has many talents. She knows Orion thanks to her parents. The clerk couldn't help but fall in love with the cute human when they get to know each other more.
This is a sneak peek of the future book of Orion Pax/Optimus Prime x Hybrid! Reader. I hope you'll enjoy this! This book will come out in the future! So I do have some ideas and I decided to share it here. Music helps me a lot finding ideas. I'm not lying. When I listened to some songs, ideas come out. I mean not fast or immediatly. It needs time first my head. So enjoy this sneak peek!
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area: Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area: Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area: Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the art goes to the owner!
Humans belong to planet Earth. That was their home planet. The only living planet. But what if that wasn't the case? A human named Y/N L/N, was the only human that lived in Cybertron. Well, not the only one. Her sire was a full Cybertronian while her mom was a human. Well, her mom was Cybertronian sometimes, but only when she was outside. Inside the house, she's human to take care of her daughter. Y/N's sire was a warrior that was good at fighting and would do anything to protect his sparkmate and sparkling.
You're wondering how Y/N's mother became the sparkmate of Y/N's sire and how she came to Cybertron. Well, let me tell you:
Y/N's mother was born in Earth and didn't had an easy life. She was treated horribly and lived at an orphanage. It was unknown what happened to her parents. When she was only 16, she was on her way back to the orphanage after schoo. There, she heard weird noises in the forest that she went to check it out. That's where she met an Cybertronian who was also Y/N's sire. The warrior was amazed when he met Y/N's mother close by. He was of course tall while Y/N's mom was small. That's when they hit it off. They became fast friends and they told each other everything. Y/N's sire felt bad once he heard that Y/N's mother lived in a bad staste. She didn't care if she got scolded or punished just for being late. She continued to sneak off and see her Cybertronian friend. Especially at night.
Y/N's sire story was that he decided to visit Earth once he read some datapads about it. He was amazed by humans and the nature. Once he managed to visit Earth, he had to hide immediatly so he scanned an random cool car and transformed. That's when he rode into a deep forest and found an cave to hide. He planned on staying in Earth for a month to study everything about Earth and to write datapads about it since on Cybertron there wasn't many info. He wanted to learn other Cybertronians that other planets can be cool. Once he met Y/N's mother up close, he coudn't help but fall in love. He finds her extremely beautiful that he almost fainted. He did everything he could to help his human friend whenever she was in trouble.
One day, Y/N's mother got kicked out just for being 'troubled'. She didn't do anything wrong! Her stupid bullies did that these fragging people believed them! Y/N's mother didn't care anymore that she simply dropped out of school and went to live with her Cybertronian friend. She made sure that she had clothes and money. Did I forgot to metion that the bullies destroyed her phone? The glass was broken and her phone wouldn't start.
Y/N's sire felt sorry that he let her live with him. They became more close that when it was almost time to go back to Cybertron, Y/N's sire was super romantic and confessed his love feelings to her at night in his... bipedal form. Yes, you heard me. Bipedal form. Cybertronians can do that. If they want to be small, then they can. They can't change into humans yet. He was so happy once Y/N's mother felt the same and that's when they kissed each other. Y/N's sire was like a knight in shining armor since he was metal with feelings and Y/N's mother was like a princess. And Y/N's sire surprised Y/N's mother by asking her if she would like to come to Cybertron and live there. His sparkmate was so happy that she said yes. Don't worry, Y/N's sire kept his sparkmate alive and safe when they were in space.
Once they both arrived in Cybertron, many Cybertronians were shocked that one of them was dating an different species. They accepted the human and were respectful towards her. Y/N's mother felt like at home. She felt connected there. Cybertronians asked Y/N's mother for perimission if they could study her. They weren't rough or anything like that.
One day, Y/N's mother came back as a Cybertronian because she wanted to surprise her sparkmate and she did. She felt more powerful. But she still had a human form just in case. One day, Y/N's parents mated ;) and Y/N's mother got pregnant. She had to stay human to keep the baby safe. Many Cybertronians were amazed how a baby human grows inside moms stomach. Cybertronian medics managed to get a bed and other stuff in a human size since Y/N's mother will need it. They also kept an eye on her while she stayed with the medics.
When Y/N was finally born, many Cybertronians were amazed. Y/N was so tiny due to being a baby. The medics did their best as they could to take care of Y/N and they did an excellent job. Y/N was healthy and safe. But Y/N was very special. She was born as a hybrid! An Cybertronian hybrid! How? Her sire was full Cybertronian while her mom was human. Y/N was very special that many Cybertronians complimented and supported Y/N's parents.
Y/N's sire wrote datapads about Earth, his love story and about Y/N. Y/N's parents watched their sparkling grow up and she discovered so many talents. The special ones were singing and dancing. How did she learn? From her parents. From her mom the most since she was human. Her sire studied and tried to learn. When Y/N was about 12 years old, her singing voice was very popular around whole Cybertron along with her dance moves. She liked to cover songs from Earth with her voice. Her sire managed to get songs from Earth through the computer. Did I forgot to metion that Y/N's sire was good at technology? Yep, that's right. Thanks to Y/N's famous singing and dancing, the whole Cybertron got to know her and they all loved her!
When Y/N was small, she met Orion Pax and Megatronus. She befriended both of them and they became good friends. Well, Orion became her best friend. He was a clerk that loved to read datapads and study. Yeah, he was a smart mech. You could ask him anything and he would respond.
Megatronus was just a good friend of Y/N's. Y/N would support him together with Orion whenever the gladiator was in the arena. He loved seeing Y/N sing and dance. He supported her too and was proud of her when she got famous.
Anyway, Y/N was 16 now and entered the Hall of Records together with her carrier (mother). Her sire was working so her carrier took her there. Orion asked Y/N if she would like to join with him where he worked and she happily agreed. She couldn't help but fall in love with the clerk. He was just so sweet, kind, supportive, shy and respectful.
Y/N's carrier found Orion and went to him. "Greetings, Orion."
Orion smiled. "Greeting." He then saw Y/N and couldn't help but show a big cuter smile. "Hi, Y/N. Are you ready?"
Y/N smiled back. "You bet I am!"
Y/N's carrier chuckled and looked down at her sparkling. "Behave, ok, sweetie?"
"I will, mom."
"Alright." She then kissed Y/N's forehead gently and gave Y/N to Orion, who gladly took her over. She then went off.
Orion then started to walk towards his desk that he was working. He loved helping others and gave data all the time. He smiled down at Y/N and she smiled back. They both were deep in love, but they don't realise it. They're just caught up with their works. Once Orion arrived at his desk, he set Y/N down gently and sat on his chair.
"So, how are you doing, Y/N?"
"I'm doing good, Orion. How about you?"
"I'm doing good. Megatronus pushed me a day ago to take a break, because I accidentally overworked."
Y/N hummed. "He is right. You need to take breaks. If you don't, then you'll have health problems."
Orion nodded and understood. "Did you released a new song?" He LOVED hearing her voice and he wanted to dance with her. But he didn't want to hurt her by accident.
Y/N smiled. "Yes, it's called 'We Found Love' by Rihanna together with Calvin Harris."
Orion then smiled shyly. "Would you please sing it?"
Y/N nodded and stood up. She then cleared her troat and started to sing and dance. Orion was amazed and couldn't help but put his servos against his chin while his elbows were on his desk. He looked dreamily at her.
(The song is at the end)
Once the song was done, Y/N bowed playfully and heard Orion clap. "That was beautiful!"
Y/N giggled while blushing. "T-Thank you."
Then the clerk had a question. "Do you have thoughts how you would look like as a Cybertronian?"
Y/N thought for a second. "I hope to have F/C armour and that I would look like a fighter. My carrier trained me how to fight along with my sire."
Orion smiled. He loved what he heard. "We'll see in 2 years."
That's right. Smart Cybertronians found something new about Y/N. She would basically have Cybertronian form when she reaches her 18th birthday. What did I tell you? She's born as a hybrid. When she will be 18, then she would finally see her Cybertronian form. Orion was imangining how she would look like. He knew that she would look gorgeous as a femme Cybertronian. The news about that spread around fast and many Cybertronains, especially her fans, couldn't wait to see her as femme bot. Especially her parents.
Orion then stroked Y/N's soft H/C hair with his digit gently. He finds her so beautiful. He saw that Y/N smiled at him while leaning into his touch. The clerk smiled back.
I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek! I'm sorry if some things were weird in there. I tried my best to share all of my ideas here. I worked hard on it to complete it. At least some moments were cute :)
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