emergency-vehicle · 55 minutes
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Second batch! Ratchet caught up with the boys in sub-lvl 50 after seeing Darkwing take them away from the medical bay and meets B aka Badassatron
Ratchet: Jeez kid, when’s the last time you got a patch up? I’ve seen soldiers come back with less bumps and scratches.
B: Well, let’s see. I came online, went through all the sub-levels, really my resume is INSANE, you should see all the jobs I’ve had. And then I ended up here so I’d say, never?
Ratchet: Yeah, sounds about right.
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emergency-vehicle · 1 hour
this authors note???? is so kind???? im 😭😭😭
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emergency-vehicle · 5 hours
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Highmoon TF: ONE concept art for Orion and D16
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emergency-vehicle · 5 hours
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emergency-vehicle · 9 hours
optiratch fanfiction got me like. there is no picture to convey my emotions
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emergency-vehicle · 11 hours
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emergency-vehicle · 14 hours
"The Decepticons have awoken on Earth, with no intelligence and few resources. They're making do, but Soundwave and his recordicons make surviving easier."
Part of the MegaSound Week 2024 Collection by eerian_sadow, reposted with permission!
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emergency-vehicle · 15 hours
MegOp fans 0.5 seconds after arriving at the movie theater for TF ONE:
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emergency-vehicle · 15 hours
Friendly reminder that
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If we want more projects like TF One, more animated movies, more stories that take themselves seriously, GO WATCH THE FILM
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emergency-vehicle · 15 hours
just.just a few more days
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emergency-vehicle · 15 hours
Summary: It had happened. What Soundwave feared the most had become a reality. What would he do now that he was alone? Now that the only cybertronian he would die for... was gone?
Pairing: MegaSound (Megatron/Soundwave) [Transformers Prime]
Warnings: Major character death, slight mechanical gore (not graphic), blood.
Word count: +1700
English isn't my first lenguage. Sorry in advance for any gramatical error.
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It couldn't be true. This wasn't real.
Soundwave stood in the middle of the battlefield. Energon leaked from his shoulder and injured leg, leaving drops of blue on the ground below the Decepticon.
This battle wasn't supposed to end like this. Clashing metal and gunshots could be heard all around him from the ongoing conflict. Soundwave knew they were losing; beside him a soldier fell dead to the ground with his chest destroyed.
But he didn't react to that or to the screams of his comadres that were succumbing to the Autobots or to the fire that had almost hit him in the head. No, he didn't care about that at all.
Because infront of him, there was the scene he never thought it would ever happen:
Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots and last remaining Prime, holding a sword that was impaling Megatron through the abdomen.
Megatron's arms dropped as he coughed energon from his mouth in a dying breath. Optimus pulled out the sword with quick movement, making Megatron hunch back in pain as the sword sliced again his insides. He wandered around for a few seconds before falling on his knees, looking at Prime with shock and anger in his optics.
Soundwave dropped his own weapon, creating an echo when the metal of his sword hit the ground of stone. It was a dangerous move to make in the middle of a battle, but his mind wasn't focussing on logic at the time.
He rushed in a silent worry to his fallen leader, now laying in the ground as a pool of energon formed below his body. Optimus saw Soundwave approaching, but before he could do or say anything, a group of Vehicons attacked him from behind, forcing Optimus to change his focus to the opponents.
Megatron, ignoring the new overwhelming fire near him, breathed heavily as he turned around to look at the coming robot and his beating rushed when he recognized the slender figure of Soundwave, running to his side. The old gladitor of Kaon opened his mouth, trying to form a cohesive sentence to his most loyal soldier, but the only thing that came out of his throat was energon.
Soundwave kneeled beside him. His head moved quickly form side to side, analyzing the injuries to see what he could do to help his fallen leader, to make Megatron survive this battle.
But there was nothing. His visor flooded with negative answers as he saw Megatron bleeding to dead infront of him; Optimus' sword had destroyed more than met the eye.
He looked at his leader; his visor was black and emotionless as always, but Megatron could read Soundwave's feelings perfectly at that moment.
He always did.
Megatron just looked back at Soundwave and, with his fading force, he managed to grab one of Soundwave's hands that was laying on his silver chestplate.
There were no words between. But a silent plead existed in Megatron's eyes that Soundwave understood perfectly.
Don't leave me.
Soundwave grasped Megatron's hand tightly. He could only watch as the gladiator's spark vanished second by second and the red optics closed slowly. Soundwave never moved until Megatron's chest went cold and with it, his existence in the universe.
Megatron had died.
With a quick change of his arm to the shotgun, Optimus finished the last of the Vehicons that ambushed him with a single but precise shot to the chest; a quick death. He breathed heavily under the mask, tired of the exhausting combat, but turned around, remembering Soundwave running towards his position just seconds before being attacked.
The communications officer was kneeling besides Megatron's body, with his visor laying on the gladiators chest while one of his hands grabbed Megatron's unmoving claws. Soundwave wasn't crying, he wasn't screaming, but his silence carried more pain than a thoundsand words could ever do.
Optimus aproached slowly, transforming his hand back into normal.
"Soundwave" he called. The Decepticon didn't looked back, he didn't even flinch at the voice of Optimus Prime like other Decepticons would have.
But he was listening, and mind started racing, bringing back old memories:
He was working overnight, focussed completly in his job. All the other Decepticons knew that it was better to let him do his job alone; Soundwave always appeared so cryptid to others, that even without saying a word, he made other shiver and fear him.
Except one.
Heavy footsteps approached behind him. But Soundwave didn't turn around; he knew just by the noise who the footsteps belonged to.
"Working late again?" Megatron's deep, dark voice echoed through the empty room. His metalic feet created a powerful and imposing noise even when he wasn't trying to intimidate.
Soundwave nodded, continuing to work on the Iacron codes. The Decepticon leader walked up to his side and stood there; Megatron stared at the screen and then at Soundwave's quick fingers, alternating between them for a couple of minutes before walking again behind Soundwave.
"You are my most loyal and effective warrior, Soundwave" he whispered as he layed his head closer to Soundwave's hearing perceptors. "The last thing I need from you is collapsing out of exhaustion"
Soundwave's hands stopped moving across the keyboard and looked back Megatron. Their size and built was incredibly different, but at the same time, when they were together, it fit like a puzzle.
Megatron stared at Soundwave's visor. He layed his head and both decepticons shared an affectionate headbut. Soundwave felt Megatron's chest purring, deep and slow, like a old but powerful engine from a tank, as the leader moved his head with Soundwave's.
"Don't overwork yourself" Megatron purred before stepping back. "That's an order, Soundwave"
Soundwave saw as he walked away, leaving a warm sensation in his spark behind even after Megatron had left the room.
"I know you were extremely loyal to him, Soundwave"
Optimus voice brought back Soundwave to the present. He still didn't move to look at the Auotobot leader.
"But it's time to change, you know that" spoke Optimus with calmness. His expression changed to something between pity and frustration as he looked at the dead body. "Megatron chose to continue in this dark path that led to his demise... I don't want you to do the same and end like him, Soundwave"
Soundwave's grasp on Megatron's cold hand strengthened. Another memory flooded his mind as the battle around continued:
He was laying beside Megatron. He could feel as Megatron's chest went up and down, slowly, as his leader reacharged.
The Deception army had tons of rumors and myths about Megatron. One of them, is that he didn't need recharging and was fulled only by anger and his constant need of conquer.
But as unstopable and dangerous as Megatron was, he was still just another cybertronian, with the same needs as anyone else. That included recharging from time to time.
Megatron slept in private. He didn't like the idea of being vulnerable in an exposed environment, especially with Starscream nearby. Sometimes, he would just lock himself in his private quarters and recharge for a couple of hours before returning.
But other times, he and Soundwave had a moment of peace where they would lay with each other and recharge as long as they could. Soundwave adored every second that he could spend with Megatron, even if it was just seeing him recharge and feel his spark's beating.
Soundwave snuggled even more close to Megatron, laying his visor on the leader's chest and letting himself enjoy the peace and quiet of the moment.
Back in the present, he was laying his head in the same place, but now the only thing he felt from Megatron was cold and an eternal silence from his spark.
"Soundwave, please..." begged Optimus. "I understand your pain; Megatron was a friend to me once, even a brother... But we must let go now and look into the future of both Decepticons and Autobots"
Soundwave listened to the Prime's words as a brewing anger started to grow beneath his chest:
There he was again, with Megatron. Both were in their alternate forms, flying through the black, empty space around them outside the Nemesis.
They flew with a synchrony that even the most graceful cybertronians back then could have just dreamed of archiving. There was no previous practice or warning needed for them to move in harmony as they danced across the stars.
In one moment, both of them transformed back into their normal forms, with Soundwave floating a little above from Megatron. They looked at each other with something stronger than the Allspark itself.
Megatron extended his arms as Soundwave descended slowly to him. Once he had catched his partner, Megatron laid his head on Soundwave's visor, smiling with his perceptors closed.
"I love you" purred Megatron as he and Soundwave shared the same warm and calmness from their sparks.
They both drifted in space, caring about nothing else but each other's company. That was all what mattered to them at that moment.
Optimus looked at the Decepticon. He hadn't responded or even moved since he had finished talking. The air was charged with smoke and cries of the battle, surrounding both cybertronians. There was now a big puddle of energon below Megatron's dead body.
Then, out of nowhere, Soundwave looked at him. And Optimus, for the first time since he had gotten close to Soundwave, felt daggers of fear as time seemed to froze between them.
Soundwave's silence was charged with something more powerful and dangerous than anger or sadness: Hate.
The Decepticon played a recording of Megatron's voice, a full sentence without other clips that wasn't directed towards Optimus, but made the message clear to Prime.
"You mean more to me than you could ever imagine, Soundwave..."
That was more than enough than any other word that Soundwave himself could have said at that moment. Optimus looked at him, his eyes showing pity.
"Very well, Soundwave" Optimus changed his arm to a sword. His voice carried pain. "I'm sorry"
Soundwave grabbed tightly another weapon that was laying on the ground and both robots charged against each other.
As energon flew around them and the swords clashed in an echo, Soundwave could just think about one thing, having processed everything inside his head:
He would be loyal to Megatron, even if that meant dying with and for him.
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emergency-vehicle · 16 hours
ive decided that im going to try to learn how to draw g1 transformers first, since their designs seem much simpler than tf prime.
i keep having to remind myself that learning is a process. its been so long since ive been out of my comfort zone.
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emergency-vehicle · 16 hours
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I rise from the dead again to give this one drawing, and I decease once more
A collab I did with a friend of mine! ^_^ (I don't think they have a tumblr sadly...)
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emergency-vehicle · 16 hours
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(860): Stop staring at my boobs, I can’t concentrate
(401): Well how do you think I feel
(860): fair enough
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emergency-vehicle · 16 hours
I finally finished the OptiRatch oneshot
Its a little short, but wonderful
Here it is
Dont Go.
The footsteps echoing throughout the medbay caught Ratchet’s attention, making his antenna and finials quiver for a slight second from the vibrations before settling. These were not the scampering footsteps of minibots, nor was it like any of the racer Autobots; these were the footsteps of someone big. Setting down his datapad, he turned around from his desk to look at who entered the medbay. Hopefully it wasn't some dumbaft who blew themselves up playing around with weapons, he had no patience for such patients anymore today… they kept giving him a helmache…
No… it wasn't even a patient at all. It was Optimus Prime… his lovely conjunx. His lovely, sweet, and elegant conjunx, his forever sweetspark, his everything… Ratchet couldn’t help but soften his gaze at the Prime. The sun was at just the right angle that made Optimus’s frame shimmer brightly in the rays of the sun. He was glowing, as if Primus was shining his divine light on him. Ratchet stared longingly at his conjunx’s frame before gaining his composure and professionalism, standing up straight and looking into Optimus’s optics.
Now wasn't the time to look at his conjunx like… that. There was work to be done… they could do anything they wanted in their quarters later when he was off his shift…
“Good morning Optimus.” Ratchet said before looking around and looking up at Optimus, slight fear dawning in his optics.
Their sparklings were nowhere to be seen!
“Where are Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Mirage, and Rodimus? Are they somewhere nearby? Are they anywhere in the base at all? Please don't tell me they went out scouting without telling anyone again…”
A hidden panic bubbled up in his spark. What if someone hurt them? What if they accidentally hurt themselves? What if the Decepticons kidnapped them? What if-
What if they were dead again?
Optimus noticed how scared Ratchet seemed and smiled, putting a stop to Ratchet’s worries, “They’re out racing. After the whole…” Optimus’s smile faltered, almost fading away, at this, but he composed himself and continued, “situation… they haven’t really been leaving each other’s sides. I think I saw Smokescreen clinging to Rodimus before they left with the others to race. I don't think Smokescreen will be letting go of any of them any time soon. I don't even think we can separate any of them from each other any time soon…”
“Understandable.” Ratchet sighed, averting his optics from the Prime’s gaze.
He also felt the same way. His conjunx and all of his sparklings except for one… had all died due to some battle that went way differently than everyone had expected… one that went from a simple battle… to an utter bloodbath… Thank Primus for bringing them back to life. This was probably one of the only times he prayed for Primus… he was lucky enough that his prayers were answered and he got his conjunx and sparklings back. But Ratchet couldn’t help but feel scared. What if all of a sudden, he would lose them again? His audial fins lowered at the thought… it had haunted him for solar cycles, stolen countless sessions of recharges from him… and brought him back to as horrible as he felt at the height of the war.
All of a sudden Ratchet realized that Optimus was still staring at him… how long had he been standing there now? Ratchet had completely lost track of time.
“Is something wrong, Ratchet? You seem… sad. Very sad, dear conjunx.” Optimus looked at Ratchet with a concerned expression on his faceplate.
Ratchet paused, then shook his head, “No… I’m fine. I'm really fine. Dont worry about me, I'll be okay. I promise, sweetspark.”
Ratchet knew it was horrible to be pushing Optimus away like this again, but he didn’t want to bother Optimus with his worries anymore. Optimus had too much on his plate already… being revived from the well of allsparks isn't fun, and Ratchet felt like he would just be a burden… which he hated. 
Of course, Ratchet knew that Optimus would notice that he wasn’t saying the truth, and Ratchet hoped that this time, Optimus would let it slide, and not make a big discussion out of it. They were both still dealing with the whole… death situation, and no matter how much they tried to avoid talking about it, it lingered over them like a shadow, waiting for its time to strike.
Not wanting to deal with it right now, Ratchet turned his focus back onto his datapads, hoping that the tenseness would dissipate. But when he heard Optimus leaving, he couldn’t help but say, in a voice that betrayed a great sadness:
“… Stay. Don’t go. Please.”
Optimus stopped and turned around to look at Ratchet, a concerned look forming on his faceplate. After a while of staying still, he eventually started walking back towards Ratchet. Wrapping his servos around his conjunx’s frame, he held Ratchet in a loving embrace, never wanting to let go.
“I won't. I’ll stay right with you, my sweetspark.”
“Please. I don't want to lose you again.”
“Don't worry, I don't plan on ever leaving, my dear dear conjunx.”
They stayed in their embrace for many moments, not wanting to let the other go… 
After a while, Optimus spoke up, breaking the silence: “Ratchet, I guess it's best for you to stop working, come along, have some energon, and spend some time with me… just for a couple of joors, okay?”
Ratchet looked up at Optimus. At this angle, Optimus’s optics looked like wonderfully polished sapphires; optics that could tell millions of years worth of stories, ones that were burdened with troubles, and yet so peaceful… What a wonderful sight.
But wait! He still had work to do… Ratchet looked at his desk, where the datapad was laying…
Frag it.
He went with Optimus.
@optimusprime-stuffs, @ultra-phthalo here ya go! (I forgot if you guys wanted to be tagged or not sorry T>T)
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emergency-vehicle · 16 hours
ive truly been scarred for life.
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emergency-vehicle · 17 hours
Sg!Megatron:when you said you were magical in bed
Sg!Megatron:this isn’t exactly what I was expecting
Sg!Soundwave:is this your card?
Sg!Megatron:holy shit
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