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tamamita · 4 months ago
does the sabbath exist in islam?
The seventh day of the week in Islam is called al-sabt, which corresponds to Sabbath. However, the Sabbath was for the Children of Israel and is not applicable to Muslims, having been replaced with Jum'uah. Other than that, it's referenced in the Qur'an, but has no real importance to Muslims.
The only difference wrt the Seventh day is that Muslims don't see that as a day God took a "rest" from His labours, but rather that He concluded His actions and observed His creation on that day from His Throne (in the metaphorical sense).
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asma-al-husna · 3 months ago
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Allah calls Himself Jaami’—Gatherer, Collector, One
Who Unites— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who gathers, reconciles, assembles, and unites. Al-Jaami’ is the One who brought the whole universe together, who reconciles hearts, who connects opposites and that which is similar, and who will gather all to stand before Him!
The One Who Gathers and Collects, the Uniter
Jaami’ comes from the root jeem-meem-‘ayn, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is to gather or to bring together, accumulate, or congregate. The second main meaning is to connect, combine, or unite. The third main meaning is to reconcile or resolve and the fourth is to arrange, assemble, or compose.
This root appears 129 times in the Quran in 11 derived forms. Examples of these forms are yajma’oona (they accumulate), ajma’eena or jamee’an (all together), al-jam’aani (the two forces, the two hosts) and jama’oo (gathered).
Linguistically, the concept of jam refers to both physical gathering and union, such as yawm ul-jumu’ah ( the day people gather) and ‘ijmaa(scholarly consensus) as spiritual reconciliation, such as bringing the hearts people together after enmity.
Al-Jaami’ is the One who makes substances in the bodies work together, who gathers all different creatures living side by side in the world and so will disassemble us and compose us again when He gathers us on the Day of Judgment!
Al-Jaami’ Himself says: Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise [Quran, 3:9]  . . . Indeed, you would then be like them. Indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together. [Quran, 4:140]
The Day of Gathering
Friday, or the day of Al-Jumu’ah, is a blessing Allah ‘azza wa jall granted the believers. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Allah sent astray those who had come before us from Al-Jumu’ah (The Day of Gathering/Friday).  So the Jews were guided to yawmus-Sabt (Saturday), and the Christians were guided to yawmul-Ahad (Sunday).  So Allah presented to us, therefore guided us to Al-Jumu’ah.  Furthermore, they will follow us on yawmul-Qiyaamah (The Day of Standing and Reckoning).  We are last from amongst Ahlud-Dunyaa -the people of this life- and first on yawmul-Qiyaamah  [Muslim]
The Day of Resurrection is also known as the Day of Gathering, because on that Day Allah will gather His slaves for their final Judgments; this is the great gathering. Allah ‘azza wa jall tells us about Yawm ul-Jam’i (the Day of Assembly): The Day He will assemble you for the Day of Assembly – that is the Day of Deprivation. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness – He will remove from him his misdeeds and admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment. [Quran, 64:9]
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Remember the Day of Gathering.
Allah– there is no deity except Him. He will surely assemble you for [account on] the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. And who is more truthful than Allah in statement. [Quran, 4:87] Reflect on the greatness of Allah ‘azza wa jallwho is able to bring all of mankind, from the old ages to the last of times, together in one place. Every day think about your standing in front of Him, Al-Jaami’.
2.Strive for the shade of Al-Jaami’.
Couple your knowledge and remembrance of the Day of Judgment with action.The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but he says: ‘I fear Allah’, a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears [Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]
Study each type carefully and strive to practice (elements of ) each in your daily life: connect with and look after your local mosque, come together with people for the sake of Allah, give secret sadaqah and cry out of love and fear for Him when you are alone.
3. Observe the etiquettes of Friday.
Which role does yawm ul-Jumuah play in your life? Study the virtues of Friday and practice the sunan so you can be immensely rewarded. For example, read Surah Al-Kahf, perform ghusl, pray the Jumu’ah prayer, and listen to the sermon (khutbah) and go early for it. Also supplicate to Allah ‘azza wa jall as much as possible, especially the last hour after ‘Asr and send peace and blessings on the Prophet abundantly.*
4. Bring people together.
Apart from bringing together your knowledge with action and your personal acts of worship like salah, Al-Jaami’ rewards you for your acts of helping creation and bringing people together.
For example, pray in congregation, but also try to reconcile two parties in conflict and bring people together by sharing your dinner. Remember, unity doesn’t mean there are not differences in opinions, strategies, and backgrounds; it means you should be united through a bigger picture, seeing the Quran and the Sunnah as the rope you are holding on to together. As Al-Jaami’ says:  And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and lose courage and your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient  [Quran, 8:46]
O Allah, Al-Jaami’, we know that You bring together and gather all things. Make us reflect on the ways You brought to us and the rest of creation together and aid us to observe the sunan of yawm ul-Jumuah. Make us of those who join and stay with the jama’a (congregation), bring others together for good, and open our hearts to remember the Day of Gathering often and strive for Your shade, ameen!
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illalmusalliin · 4 months ago
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#13: Filastin (Continued) فلسطين
This sheet, again, is filled with streets named after depopulated villages and towns in Palestine. Plenty of park and recreational space in this neighborhood in general. Large roundabout in the southeast area. Qiblah Road القبلة, Bethlehem Road بيت لحم, Assata Shakur Road, Nabi Yusha` Road النبي يوشع, and Boulevard of the Oppressed (BOTO) المستضعفين filter into the roundabout. It's a major roundabout for the city.
We have Amir Al-Mu'minin Road crossing the neighborhood west-east. We have Intifada Way درب الانتفاضة, Gaza Road طريق غزة, Ramallah Road رام الله, and Lydda Boulevard اللد criss-crossing on a diagonal track. Naghnaghiyya Boulevard النغنغية and Al-Majdal Road المجدل become major north-south thoroughfares.
Some of the depopulated towns and villages on this sheet that I haven't already mentioned are:
Huj هوج
Sajad سجد
Al-Qubayba القبيبة
Caesarea قيسارية
Safsaf صفصاف
Bi`lin بعلين
Kafr Sabt كفر سبت
Dayshum ديشوم
Khirbat Al-Muntar خربة المنطار
Umm Al-Rashrash أم الرشراش
Sarafand Al-Ammar صرفند العمار
Qadas قدس
`Ayn Hawd عين حوض
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abstrackmind · 10 months ago
Metode Melahirkan Tokoh Teladan #Part2
Memberikan hadiah dan motivasi yang bersifat maateri dan maknawi ketika seorang anak melakukan kebaikan.
Ketika mereka melakukan kebaikan, maka pujilah dengan tulus sebagai penghargaan yang harus diberikan oleh seorang ayah dan ibu terhadap anak-anak, hal itu akan mendorong mereka untuk senantiasa mendapatkan apresiasi secara berkesinambungan
Misalnya, jika pada hari ini si anak membaca wirid dari Al-Quran maka ia akan diberi sejumlah uang sekian atau ia akan diajak pergi ke suatu tempat yang sangat disukai oleh anak-anak untuk dikunjungi.
Mengikat anak dengan tokoh teladan, baik dengan mempelajarinya dan menjadikannya panutan
Karakter yang kuat memiliki pondasi yang tangguh, berdasar dan berpegang teguh pada sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Jiwa yang selalu mengelanyutkan diri dalam sunnahnya akan senantiasa bercahaya bak mentari dalam fajarnya. Setiap diri kita memiliki porsi untuk meneladani seorang tokoh.
Menyampaikan kisah yang inspiratif dan pengetahuan yang bermanfaat bagi anak.
Diantara metode terbaik dalam mendidik anak adalah dengan memaparkan kisah yang bermanfaat bagi mereka. Kisah Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah berisi banyak kisah. Setiap hari cukup satu kisah atau sebagiannya saja. Hal ini akan memberikan dampak baik bagi anak. Kisah para Nabi,atau kisah dalam Al-Quran seperti; kisah penghuni gua, Luqman, Penduduk Rass, ahlul sabt, dan kisah-kisah lain yang ada dalam Al-Quran Al-Karim.
Ibu dan Ayah adalah teladan bagi anak-anak dalam melakukan kebaikan
Ayah dan Ibu adalah teladan terdekat di mata anak-anak mereka.
"Suatu hari, Thawus berjalan dengan penuh kesombongan. Maka anak-anaknya pun mengikuti gaya berjalan ayahnya. Thawus pun bertanya, "Mengapa kalian berjalan dengan sikap sombong?" Mereka menjawab, "Engkau sendiri yang memulai kami hanya mengikuti."
Diantara kami, pertumbuhan seorang pemuda bergantung pada didikan Ayahnya.
Sekecil apapun kebaikan yang dilakukan oleh seorang anak, maka kedua orang tuanya mendapatkan pahala yang sempurna. Anak adalah tabungan amal untuk orang tuanya, maka persiapkanlah mereka untuk menjaga diri, sebab perangai orangtua adalah perangai anaknya.
Mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah jika memungkinkan
Berkunjung di tempat yang bersejarah akan menumbuhkan semangat dalam belajar tentang mengkaji ilmu kehidupan.
Pada tiap tahun, orang-orang Jepang berupaya memerlihatkan anak-anak mereka untuk menyaksikan tragedi yang terjadi di Hirosima dan Nagasaki, dan tragedi yang terjadi akibat dua bom yang dijatuhkan oleh Amerika di kedua kota tersebut. Agar dalam setiap hati anak-anak Jepang dipenuhi rasa benci kepada musuh mereka, yaitu Amerika.
Memilihkan teman yang baik untuk anak dan mengawasi pertemanannya dengan penuh perhatian.
Teman dan kawan yang baik akan senantiasa mengajak tangan sahabatnya kepada kebaikan, dan menjauhkannya dari keburukan dan kehinaan.
Maka hendaknya seorang Ibu mengawasi teman-teman putra atau putrinya. Kemudian menghukumi mereka berdasarkan sikap yang tampak dari mereka, seperti shalat dan zikir dan yang lainnya. Serta mengawasi sejauh mana teman-teman putra putrinya itu dalam menjauhi hal-hal yang diharamkan.
Karena seorang teman akan menjadi penolong bagi temannya dalam melaksanakan kebaikan, atau melakukan keburukan
Source : Ummahat shana'at a'lam karya Jum'ah Sa'ad Fathul Bab
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godhasheardtruthfully · 1 year ago
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Self care Al Sabt
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maybeamultiverse · 1 year ago
Ah yes, my favorite terrorists: al-Ithnayn, al-Thalatha, al-Arba'a, Al-Khamis, Al-Jumu'ah, Al-Sabt, and Al-Ahad. They're legendary! LOL
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crystalfacilitiesmanagement · 4 months ago
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Cleaning Contractor Services in Sabt Al Alaya https://cfmsaudi.com/services/sarat-abidah/cleaning-contractor/
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nuza3minalqabail · 5 months ago
‏كيف يتحوّل المُباح إلى عبادة؟
"إذا قام العبد بشيء من الأمور المباحة؛ كالنوم، أو الأكل، أو الشُّرب، أو المشي، أو غير ذلك، يُريد به التقرّب إلى الله عزّ وجل، صارت تلك المباحات في حقّه قُرُبات.."
[أعمال القلوب | خالد السّبت (١/١٠٦)]
How do permissible acts turn into worship?
“If a servant does any of the permissible things, such as sleeping, eating, drinking, walking, or anything else, with the intention of getting closer to Allah, those permissible acts become acts of nearness to him.”
[Actions of the hearts | Khaled Al-Sabt (1/106)]
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lightup0nlight · 7 months ago
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🌺 ❛And We have made your sleep {subaataan | [for] rest}.❜ 【Surah an-Naba’ 78:9】
The word {subaat} is derived from {sabt}, which means disconnecting or severing. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that He has made our sleep into a “severing”. When we sleep, our soul is temporarily disconnected from the body. When we sleep, it also severs us off from all worldly affairs — work, family, friends.
And notice that, from the beautiful Prophetic sunnah, is to say ‘Alhamdulillah’ upon waking up from sleep:
🌺 ❛Alhamdulillahil-ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana; wa ilayhin-nushur.❜ 🌿 (All the Praises are for Allah, Who has made us alive after He made us die (i.e. sleep) and unto Him is the Resurrection). 【Sahih al-Bukhari 6324】
When we wake up, the first thing we say is Alhamdulillah. We wake up with a sense of gratefulness to Allah that we're given another day, another chance to be better than yesterday, another opportunity to rectify our affairs, to seek the forgiveness of those whom we’ve wronged.
All of our yesterday’s mistakes and shortcomings are disconnected / severed every night, and every morning is a gift from Allah to be better, and start anew.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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neurotic-nereid · 8 months ago
Al hamdoulillah sabt transposition, 9atloni les modulations 😭
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xatskee · 1 year ago
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20230930):
“Aku suka hari-hari yang diisi dengan ruang untuk bernafas.”
Bernafas, lebih dari sekedar menghirup oksigen dan mengeluarkan karbon dioksida. Secara kiasan, ‘bernafas’ berarti meluangkan waktu untuk hidup, beristirahat, dan menjernihkan pikiran. Jika kita memiliki kesempatan itu, manfaatkan seoptimal mungkin bersama keluarga atau sahabat.
Hari Sabtu sebagai hari yang paling banyak disebut di dalam Al Quran (2: l65; 4:47; 4:154; 7:163) ternyata di dalam bahasa Arab berasal dari kata Subaata yang bermakna rehat, santai dan istirahat, “Dan Kami menjadikan tidurmu untuk subaata (istirahat),” (An-Naba: 9). Jadi, sangat cocok untuk aktivitas ‘bernafas’ ini. Beristirahat sambil menata diri serta introspeksi sejauh dan seikhlas apa amal dijalankan. InsyaAllah, niat, mental dan fisik akan lebih siap menghadapi tantangan-tantangan berikutnya.
#like #days #that #are #filled #with #space #to #breathe #rest #clear #mind #Sabt #Saturday #reflect #PlesiRide2023 #KOBIC
Telegram channel: https://t.me/x_QoTD
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YAOMUL SABT /SATURDAY 25 OF SHABAN 1444 AH بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Al-Baqara : 183 يٰٓأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous - Al-Faatiha : 6 اهْدِنَا الصِّرٰطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ Guide us to the straight path - اللهم آمين Allahuma amin 🤲🤲 🤲🤲 🤲🤲 May Allah accept our Ibadah اللهم آمين Allahuma amin 🤲🤲 🤲🤲 🤲🤲 05 day's to RAMADAN 103 day's to ARAFAH MAY NIGERIA SUCCEED ALLAHUMA AMIN HAPPY RAMADAN IN ADVANCE https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7naW4IVwW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asma-al-husna · 1 year ago
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Allah calls Himself Jaami’—Gatherer, Collector, One
Who Unites— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who gathers, reconciles, assembles, and unites. Al-Jaami’ is the One who brought the whole universe together, who reconciles hearts, who connects opposites and that which is similar, and who will gather all to stand before Him!
The One Who Gathers and Collects, the Uniter
Jaami’ comes from the root jeem-meem-‘ayn, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is to gather or to bring together, accumulate, or congregate. The second main meaning is to connect, combine, or unite. The third main meaning is to reconcile or resolve and the fourth is to arrange, assemble, or compose.
This root appears 129 times in the Quran in 11 derived forms. Examples of these forms are yajma’oona (they accumulate), ajma’eena or jamee’an (all together), al-jam’aani (the two forces, the two hosts) and jama’oo (gathered).
Linguistically, the concept of jam refers to both physical gathering and union, such as yawm ul-jumu’ah ( the day people gather) and ‘ijmaa (scholarly consensus) as spiritual reconciliation, such as bringing the hearts people together after enmity.
Al-Jaami’ is the One who makes substances in the bodies work together, who gathers all different creatures living side by side in the world and so will disassemble us and compose us again when He gathers us on the Day of Judgment!
Al-Jaami’ Himself says: Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise [Quran, 3:9]  . . . Indeed, you would then be like them. Indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together. [Quran, 4:140]
The Day of Gathering
Friday, or the day of Al-Jumu’ah, is a blessing Allah ‘azza wa jall granted the believers. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Allah sent astray those who had come before us from Al-Jumu’ah (The Day of Gathering/Friday).  So the Jews were guided to yawmus-Sabt (Saturday), and the Christians were guided to yawmul-Ahad (Sunday).  So Allah presented to us, therefore guided us to Al-Jumu’ah.  Furthermore, they will follow us on yawmul-Qiyaamah (The Day of Standing and Reckoning).  We are last from amongst Ahlud-Dunyaa -the people of this life- and first on yawmul-Qiyaamah  [Muslim]
The Day of Resurrection is also known as the Day of Gathering, because on that Day Allah will gather His slaves for their final Judgments; this is the great gathering. Allah ‘azza wa jall tells us about Yawm ul-Jam’i (the Day of Assembly): The Day He will assemble you for the Day of Assembly – that is the Day of Deprivation. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness – He will remove from him his misdeeds and admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment. [Quran, 64:9]
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Remember the Day of Gathering.
Allah– there is no deity except Him. He will surely assemble you for [account on] the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. And who is more truthful than Allah in statement. [Quran, 4:87] Reflect on the greatness of Allah ‘azza wa jall who is able to bring all of mankind, from the old ages to the last of times, together in one place. Every day think about your standing in front of Him, Al-Jaami’.
2.Strive for the shade of Al-Jaami’.
Couple your knowledge and remembrance of the Day of Judgment with action.The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but he says: ‘I fear Allah’, a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears [Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]
Study each type carefully and strive to practice (elements of ) each in your daily life: connect with and look after your local mosque, come together with people for the sake of Allah, give secret sadaqah and cry out of love and fear for Him when you are alone.
3. Observe the etiquettes of Friday.
Which role does yawm ul-Jumuah play in your life? Study the virtues of Friday and practice the sunan so you can be immensely rewarded. For example, read Surah Al-Kahf, perform ghusl, pray the Jumu’ah prayer, and listen to the sermon (khutbah) and go early for it. Also supplicate to Allah ‘azza wa jall as much as possible, especially the last hour after ‘Asr and send peace and blessings on the Prophet abundantly.*
4. Bring people together.
Apart from bringing together your knowledge with action and your personal acts of worship like salah, Al-Jaami’ rewards you for your acts of helping creation and bringing people together.
For example, pray in congregation, but also try to reconcile two parties in conflict and bring people together by sharing your dinner. Remember, unity doesn’t mean there are not differences in opinions, strategies, and backgrounds; it means you should be united through a bigger picture, seeing the Quran and the Sunnah as the rope you are holding on to together. As Al-Jaami’ says:  And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and lose courage and your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient  [Quran, 8:46]
O Allah, Al-Jaami’, we know that You bring together and gather all things. Make us reflect on the ways You brought to us and the rest of creation together and aid us to observe the sunan of yawm ul-Jumuah. Make us of those who join and stay with the jama’a (congregation), bring others together for good, and open our hearts to remember the Day of Gathering often and strive for Your shade, ameen!
*The rewards of the sunan of Friday are mentioned in different narrations. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:  The best of days is Friday; so increase in conveying peace and blessings on me that day, for your blessings will be submitted to me [Abu Dawood, An-Nasaa’i, Ibn Majah]
Seek the hour in which there is hope that prayers will be answered, on Friday after Asr prayer, until the sun goes down [At-Tirmidhee]
Whoever recites Surah al-Kahf on Jumu’ah will have illumination from the light from one Jumu’ah to the next [Al-Haakim]
Whoever makes his wife do ghusl and does ghusl himself on Friday and goes out early, walking not riding, and comes close to the imaam and listens [to the sermon] without interrupting, will have for each step he takes a reward equal to that of fasting and praying at night for one year[Ahmad, at-Tirmidhee]
In another narration the use of perfume is mentioned in addition to above sunan and the reward is mentioned as:his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven [Al-Bukaaree]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
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ao3feed-narlie · 1 year ago
Samhain is Here Cold is the Earth
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k0xwMHf by astralskies Charlie Spring and his friends celebrate Samhain with a Dumb Supper Words: 2201, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Tao Xu, Elle Argent, Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Victoria "Tori" Spring, Aled Last, Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper) Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Elle Argent/Tao Xu, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson Additional Tags: Heartstopper References, Holiday: Samhain, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Samhain celebrations, One Shot, Short & Sweet, Pagan Festivals, Shabbat | Sabbath | Sabt, all hallows eve, dumb supper, Dinner with friends read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/k0xwMHf
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mr-kwame-rashad-mbutu · 3 years ago
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dcbutlikenotcanon · 5 years ago
actresses who could play Talia al Ghul
Hiba Tawaji from Lebanon 
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Aiysha Hart from Saudi Arabia
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Shaila Sabt from Bahrain
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