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animemessy · 8 years ago
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my heart is melting 😚 💕
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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Jormungand an underappreciated Anime that I deeply enjoyed
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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Gohan, you’re the only person I’ve ever known that didn’t treat me like a monster.
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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I love this fact ❤ (from @narut0facts on instagram)
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animemessy · 8 years ago
I'm in the verge of being NaruSaku fan.. please give me some light on SasuSaku ;_;
[Click on my blog to read more. The tag doesn’t show my full post]
1.) SasuSaku is not typical. Their dynamic is unique. They are much more than the typical hero/heroine bff dynamic you always see in almost every shounen. Much more than a mary sue falling inlove with a dense marty-stu. They are a heroine and antagonist striving to find their way back to eachother; but failing throughout the story because of the circumstances they were both put in:
2.) Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke got the most focus than any other character’s feelings for another.
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And Sasuke got focus on wanting to come back but not doing so due to his goals of revenge:
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3.) Naruto didn’t want to confess his feelings for Sakura because he recognized that her feelings for Sasuke were much stronger than his feelings for her. That’s why he said that he felt like he couldn’t “confess” his feelings to her until he brought Sasuke back:
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Maybe he had already realized that he didn’t really have a chance. And maybe even because had already seen the possibility of her feelings being returned:
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which is why he leaves the room in this scene and peeks when he comes back just to make sure that it’s okay to come back and not interrupt something. He was being considerate, like Tsunade said:
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4.) SasuSaku was planned from the very beginning of the series(before its conclusion) with minor slips of thoughts here and there; but despite everything Kishimoto admitted to always be thinking about SasuSaku’s union and how it would be so he sticked to what he was for in the beginning. He thought that Sakura suddenly loving Naruto wouldn’t fit her since she has loved Sasuke for so long. Suddenly loving Naruto solely because he was the easier option and a hero to the village would make her a horrible character. It would have made her shallow and out of character in the writer’s eyes. Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke were meant to be the spring that waits for the end of winter:
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They were meant to be unwavering with no specific reason behind her love. If a person solely loved someone who lacked love because of a reason and that reason were to disappear it would be pretty sad if one of the few people who truly loved him stopped loving him because the reason was no longer there. Especially because Sakura’s love was warmth to Sasuke:
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They were “the first” thing that “saved him” from “his darkness”. 
She was “the first” person that “saved him” from “his darkness”.
“…when his heart was about to be swallowed by Orochimaru’s wicked cursed seal again, he was rescued by Sakura…“ - Databook 1
“Sakura willingly and bravely calms the rampaging Sasuke under the influence of the cursed seal. Sakura’s heart, thinking of Sasuke, devours the wicked power.” -Databook 1
Notice how Kishimoto uses “heart” when talking about what they felt and meant to each other. Her heart was what rescued his heart. She was “the one” who filled his lonely existence with the emotion called love:
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Naruto and Kakashi may have also been there for him and it was constantly stated that they were also obviously important to him. So we can only assume that Kishi only quoted Sakura here because their bond was more than just platonic. It wasn’t nothing like sns or ks bond. Sasuke has never had these type of moments with anyone else but Sakura:
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And Sasuke never considered the idea of playing at romance with anyone else other than Sakura. When Sakura told him that she loved him and that she wanted things to go back the way they “used to be” he “equated that” as playing at romance with her despite the fact of no one mentioning that he had to return her feelings:
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So it was obvious that there was/had been something romantic growing/and going on between them.
5.) Sasuke cared enough about Sakura to be able to read her. He was able to read between her feelings “first”:
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And cheered her up “first”:
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Naruto wasn’t able to read her until part two 
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And it was only when she made her feelings obvious,she didn’t try to hide them much, and he was paying attention:
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(Here he responds by saying that Sasuke will come back and Sakura then thanks him internally[sorry, i cant find the panel])
Maybe he had kept being considerate of her feelings throughout the story; but once she fake confessed to him out of guilt and blame (thanks sai -_-) and she hinted that he should just drop the promise, he got mad at her and told her to stop lying to herself. He then proceeded by telling Sakura that she wasn’t even doing even doing it/or exhausting himself for her; but because Sasuke was his friend (a friend that was like a brother to him). And even tho it was obvious that at least part of the reason was for her, it wasn’t fully because of and for her like so many ns fans claim: 
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After the fakession of guilt, he really didn’t pay too much attention to Sakura’s feelings anymore not until he saw how much she still cared because she voiced her feelings out loud. That’s when he rethought his promise to her and was re-determined to fight for both of them. For both of Sasuke’s and Sakura’s sake. 
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He didn’t realize how much Sakura was suffering because she loved Sasuke and he only went back to keeping his promise to her once kakashi pointed her pain out:
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6.) I’m not denying the fact that ns had a strong bond or that Naruto’s feelings weren’t shallow; but their bond was always mostly focused on trying to bring Sasuke back. Not romance. And Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke were always highlighted to hint that they were much stronger than Naruto’s feelings for her:
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[i’m pretty sure i missed much more moments than this; but you get the point]
7.) SasuSaku happening was obvious due to Sasuke hinting to actually wanting to be with team 7. And that meant to going back to the bonds that he himself acknowledged that existed:
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So his redemption was to be expected especially after it was foreshadowed through our heroine’s eyes:
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Coming back home meant laughing next to his brother in arms, his teacher, and the girl who filled his lonely existence with love and looked like “his lover” at a certain point in the writer’s eyes:
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8.) Contrary to what antis say, Sasuke actually loves Sakura very much and it was and has been written by the authors hand and no one else:
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9. So in summary: See the light anon see the light because prt 1 consists of mutual romantic hints and chemistry between SasuSaku and a dense Naruto that cares about his teammates; but can’t tell what’s going on most of the time until Sakura explains the situations to him. Naruto is willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves, yes; just like Sakura and Sasuke would do for him and eachother; but he couldn’t see through Sakura’s depression nor could he feel when Sasuke was leaving the village. The one to see through Sakura’s depression was Sasuke. The one to feel when, where, and if Sasuke was leaving the village was Sakura. They were able to feel and read eachothers feelings much better than ns ever did during this prt of the story.
And prt 2 consists of Naruto and Sakura determined to bring their lost teammate that aspired for a future with them. Nothing of what he felt for them ever changed. It was only his curse of hatred and the goals that constantly blinded it him and drove him to do things that he regretted/regrets terribly. Prt 2 was about losing; but eventually keeping hope. And although the slips for the red herring of ns did show, Sakura’s feelings for the broken boy never wavered, and Sasuke being saved and returning to his usual different bonds with them was/were already confirmed/foreshadowed. So his happiness with team 7 was to be expected.
10. This must seem irrelevant; but our fanbase is the most passionate and spirited ever. We went through so many hardships and we still manged to be number 1 out of all the relevant/possible romances of Naruto:
We were basically among the characters that were born first:
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[Notice how it says “created” and not “presented”]
So i guess that its only normal that we remain the most popular since we’ve been at it since 1999 maybe even before that in Kishi’s head ;) [hehe thanks for that reveal Sugiyama~]
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I don’t deny bad apples. I know every fandom has them; But out of all the fandoms we are the ones less time visiting videos that aren’t about our ship just to bash. You go to google plus and the ss fandom get attack from every single fandom including nh. Same thing in Narutoforums. Same thing with youtube. Same thing in twitter. Same thing in pinterest. Same thing in facebook. And then theres tumblr here people who claim to ship sasusaku equally to another certain ship passive aggressively bash our ship for some weird, odd reason. But regardless, were always shining bright and our fanbase still remains big no matter what. We have so many amazing artist that cheer us up when the studio screws up,funny and meaningful memes when an anti crosstags, and we remain as lively and as strong as the spring that awaits for the end of winter. :)
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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"whenever our eyes meet, without fail - we'll look away once. And than our eyes will meet again"
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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animemessy · 8 years ago
Anime questions
1: What is your #1 favorite anime? Well...that’s difficult xD idk probably Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z 2: Has an anime ever made you cry? Yes 3: Which anime made you laugh the hardest? Maybe Assassination Classroom (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu) 4: If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be? Idk ^^’ 5: List your top 5 anime’s
1. Naruto Shippuden
2. Orange
3. Kill La Kill
4. Hellsing Ultimate
5. Fullmetal Alchimist: Brotherhood
6: List your top 5 anime OSTs
1. Dragon Ball Z - Hikari no Willpower (Trunks Theme)
2. Fary Tail - Main Theme
3. The Seven Deadly Sins - Perfect Time
4. Naruto - Strong and Strike
5. Hellsing - Alucard’s Theme
7: Have you ever watched an entire anime in one sitting?
Sure! xD
8: Who is your favorite anime character?
Levi Ackermann (Attack on Titan) and Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
9: Name an anime character you absolutely hate
I don’t have one that I really hate
10: What is your favorite ‘moe’ anime?
Lucky Star
11: What is your favorite drama anime?
12: What is your favorite romance anime?
Ao Haru Ride
13: What is your favorite comedy anime?
Ranma 1/2
14: What is your favorite action anime?
I don’t know there are to many that I like xD
15: What is your favorite harem anime?
I don’t have one 
16: What is your favorite mech anime?
Ghost in the Shell
17: What is your favorite sports anime?
I don’t like sports anime that much
18: What is your favorite slice of life anime?
Lucky Star and  Clannad
19: What is your favorite adventure anime?
Digimon! xD
20: What is the first anime you ever saw?
Sailor Moon
21: You get to have a harem of [6] anime characters of your choice, who do you choose?
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto), Rin Okumura (An No Exorcist), Karma Akabane (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu), Akame (Akame ga Kill!) and Seras Victoria (Hellsing)
22: What is the most times you’ve re-watched an anime?
six times: Dragon Ball Z 23: What is an anime you regret watching?
Black Bullet
24: Which anime character are you most like?
I don’t have a favourite one xD
25: Do you watch a new anime because you think it will be good, or because its popular?
Sometimes because I think it will be good, sometimes because its popular and sometimes because I think it will be good and its popular xD
26: Has an anime’s fanbase ever made you hesitant to watch an anime?
No, quite the opposite xD
27: How many anime episodes is ‘ideal’ for you?
It depends the anime
28: Have you ever watched an anime with over 23 episodes?
29: Would you ever watch an anime with over 100 episodes?
If it’s well done, why not?
30: Have you ever watched an anime only because you liked a specific character?
No, not really
31: Have you ever dropped an anime, if so why? No, I watch always an anime to the end even when it’s a bad one xD
32: In your opinion, what makes a good anime?
An exciting story, interesting character, a bit of humor and a good animation style 33: Name a popular anime you love
Dragon Ball (suprise, suprise xD)
34: Name a popular anime you hate
Idk..maybe Dragon Ball Super?
35: Is there an anime you wish was more popular?
Not really? xD
36: Thoughts on live-action adaptations?
If they’re well done, why not? I think that the live-action adaptations of Ghost in the Shell is not so bad ^^
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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#DragonBallSuper |[{»Fan Art«}]| Check out oly_db ~ Twitter
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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Can we take a moment 😘💞
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animemessy · 8 years ago
hilarious! 😂
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Fandumb #114: Naming Sense (DBS)
Come watch me on deviantArt.
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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Someone was commenting that the DTB fandom is non-existent.
Please do me a favor and don’t just pass up Hei. Like and reblog this (as many times as you want) and show everyone that you are out there and that you love DTB and Hei!!
*All scans by me - Sticker postcard book*
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animemessy · 8 years ago
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