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enderluna Ā· 6 months ago
pt: aeternic
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Aeternic : a neogender umbrella term connected to my OCverse "Aeternus".
It can also be connected to Infinity, forever, immortality, nonhumanity, creating, world building, writing stories, creating OCs, and the color blue/blue color palettes.
pt: aeternic
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General terms
Transaeter : trans/transitioning term
AETIN : aeternic in nature
Aenic : gender alignment
Aeterin/Aeterinity/Aeter : masc/fem equivalent
Aetine : a term under it
Other terms
Aperien : Aeternic 4 Aeternic
Eternal : general person term
Aion : man/women equivalent
Eon : girl/boy equivalent
Everlast : a partner
Amorn : a crush
Amorse : a spouse
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Tag List: @radiomogai , @revenant-chaos , @obscurian , @in-nature-archive , @lopchive , @losermutts , @idcode
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whimes Ā· 2 months ago
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[Pt/ aeternica /end Pt]
A term that is both Eternica and Aeternic, Eternica-in-nature (ETRNIN) & Aeternic-in-nature (AETIN) , Eternica-aligned (Eteric) and Aeternic-aligned (Aenic) , or any other combination between the two terms .
See also; Eternica [ link ], Aeternic [ link ]
Tagging; @radiomogai @muttchive @rabidbatboy @horrormogai @aeternic @etrnchive
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jacenotjason Ā· 8 months ago
here ya go šŸ˜‹ (yes the red eyes one is based on Sandra from Unicorn Wars)
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thebowynntradition Ā· 8 months ago
Bowynn Gods: The Kii
KiiĀ  (Ky)Ā  Kii are protective spirits of nature, home, work, the arts and various places. There are many types of Kii, large and minuscule and they all preside over different areas of nature. But all Kii are of good persuasion. And their appearance varies greatly. The three common type of Kii often seen and talked about are the small ones, which are described as no bigger than someoneā€™s hands and have bird wings. There is a second type of small Kii that do not have wings. The third type are human size and have no wings.Ā  And then there is the large type, which can be as big as trees and mountains. Some are humanoid in shape, some monstrous. The Bolquinn/Solquinn are big hair forest dwelling beasts.
The Kii were the creation of Brand and his siblings Kord and Brenda. They were created to guard and protect people and places during the destruction and seductive reign of Mano, who was starting to play nasty tricks on the gods. After Mano was destroyed, his minions the Tii were still causing havock, so Kord dictated the Kii were to remain, watching over the earth and its people.
Kii, like the gods, try not to interfere in human lives. Some try to avoid mortals at all cost. While some may protect the home or other such places, they do not get involved in mortal activity. One does not summon a Kii, as it is considered rude and can lead to mishaps. But if asked politely, a Kii may help. The Kii are not immortal but they do have a long lifespan. Some have been said to like about 200-300 years. No sacred story exists that mentions an individual Kii's name.
Ā Ā Ā Ā  Here is a list of some of the different types of Kii, some of which include:Ā  Golderay (lightning, electricity and storms) Morrqua (stars, sleep, dreams and night) Sanna (waters) Chappa (mountain) Suni (wind and clouds) Maukol (harvest, wheat and grain) Gorto (forge) Jakk (domestic fire and flame) Heather (flowers and gardens) Aetin (cemeteries) Hii (magickal arts) Laukel (trees and woodlands) Tayo (houses, hearth, children) Solquinn (Forests)
Ā Ā Ā Ā  The Hii, Abonna and Kobbatti are often considered not Kii but instead as gods, even if they do not have individual names. Some folk do not consider the divisions of the Kii and just speak of them just as ā€œThe Kii.ā€
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444namesplus Ā· 2 months ago
Aagi Aailrua Aailthilst Aaiqui Aalchio Aastuo Aauduo Aauljdur Aaulmnia Aaunquchi Aaurzuo Aautuo Aauxi Aavi Achio Achu Aegu Aeiquio Aeisti Aeizia Aeizu Aekio Aelil Aelmzio Aelthqui Aelthstu Aenxio Aenzuo Aequul Aetin Aeunthu Aeurkdu Aeuthi Aezi Aigia Ailchrua Ailku Ailsgi Ailul Ainio Ainkki Ainstnil Airgxi Aivia Aji Akuo Akur Aldia Algku Algu Almio Almrua Alnqui Alnthi Alstink Althulv Althvu Alti Ankua Ansttir Anxsi Anzdi Aoigi Aoilzunt Aointurv Aoirstia Aolunqu Aonli Aonmi Aontxu Aonuo Aorgni Aormua Aorzu Aoudi Aquu Archqui Ardji Arin Armuo Asua Athua Aulnxia Aulvchio Aumuo Aunjchur Aurti Austu Chairnxi Chaulsmua Cheailmni Cheairxstu Chemia Chengu Chentia Chequu Choeinil Choeki Choemi Choensint Choethi Choeultu Choeutu Cholchil Cholchvu Chwanzu Chwasu Chwilchjio Chwirgu Chwounju Chwuchuo Chwunkku Chyaunchnu Chydu Chyeilnio Chyergthulk Chyikin Daolthi Daonsir Deaurrji Deauzirs Deoqui Deru Deuxu Deuxua Dodi Doekia Doerki Doerqutuo Doinmsi Doirssio Doquua Dorrku Dwainkur Dwochunn Dwurqui Dyauchi Dyelthtirl Dyildmu Dylvkur Dyulzdu Dyurua Eadua Eaili Eailjtuo Eailvia Eailzul Eaimi Eainjli Eairu Eaistio Eaizua Ealknia Ealtqui Eamu Eanmio Eanmuo Eanththu Eantirj Eargio Earjkunch Earzua Eaustir Eauti Eauxun Eauzia Eauzu Edio Egu Eingku Einu Einvdu Eiril Eirxthuo Eisu Eizilk Ejinn Ellio Elrkuo Elu Elxuo Elztuo Enni Enstu Entu Eochu Eoigi Eoiljku Eointi Eoinuo Eoixu Eoku Eolchsi Eolio Eoljtul Eonjstu Eonntur Eonrzua Eonvvi Eorgvu Eormzuo Eouji Eouju Eouldzuo Eoulu Eoundkio Eounxstu Eouti Eovia Eovu Erdu Erldu Ertdu Erthir Eru Erull Eulchuo Eulxuo Eundkur Eunlia Eunlki Eurstia Eusi Gailchi Gaitu Gaoiquiln Gaousti Gauzurt Gelzu Geogua Geoxua Geunxi Goanilth Goaxurst Goustu Gozuo Gwairquu Gwmung Gwoichua Gyirgquia Gyithu Gyru Gyulththio Gyunquil
Jailvquio Jaonqutulx Jathio Jeaullmi Jeju Jelndir Jelvi Jerddi Jeunstu Joauki Joaurchquurv Joautu Joerxni Joivirqu Joizur Jolxi Jolzunj Jori Joulu Jwelu Jweuqui Jweuzuo Jwinvdil Jwinvi Jwoustilt Jwukua Jyainlua Jyejua Jyigu Jyinglua Jyirnnia Kaaijulst Kaauni Kairtu Keaurju Keaurri Keikua Keji Keoundia Kestia Keulia Keurjstinm Koeulqui Koiri Kolquxia Korchu Kostu Kwlnnia Kwokin Kwounrvi Kwrki Kyanni Kyarsi Kyki Kylngi Kyoquia Laauli Laidu Laixu Laixulqu Lanjgul Laogi Laoilzi Laolvkio Laoulthua Leaichia Leinlkuo Lellnund Lenvsu Leolvio Leulthu Loasia Loaulchxu Loenlxur Loevua Loilchdu Lolgguo Loutu Lwairgu Lwaurgirm Lwnqutu Lworri Lwustu Lyalkvi Lyauju Lyeuju Lygua Lyidu Lyllulg Maaxio Mainquu Mairjjia Manthri Maoilchul Maorrri Maullmi Meikin Menli Meti Meulgthu Meullir Meuria Moaudu Moechur Moeldirth Moeurlu Moithi Mwali Mwalvu Mwalzu Mwelgtu Mweunkjia Mwiju Mwilxu Mwolvdi Mwounzur Mwunchchi Myilguo Myisu Myudu Naalki Naasti Naetio Naeurdia Naindqui Nanxsu Naulxtu Neanstio Neijio Neodi Neogu Nequi Noairttu Noaixuo Noellu Noerjio Noeustu Noixu Noku Noungmio Nwaulkua Nworrinth Nwukio Nyimil Nynkmio Nyoxi Nyumua Nyunkuo Nyuxuo Oadia Oadil Oailgchu Oailgquul Oailqulu Oailqunio Oainvil Oaithu Oaithua Oaitua Oaizulv Oaji Oajuo Oakio Oalchu Oalmmul Oalththu Oalzmuo Oanlzir Oanquil Oanthi Oanzxua Oargqui Oari Oarju Oasti Oastia Oatu Oauchi Oaudi Oaunmri Oaunvu Oaurtdulx Oaxu Oazuo Oedi Oegu Oeimua Oeinvdi Oeinvi Oeirir Oeirmun Oeljtia Oemia Oemin Oennu Oentdu Oequur Oerru Oervru Oervthi Oethio Oeulrria Oeunthu Oeustir Ogia Oidir Oigu Oigul Oilkzirch Oilua Oilvquia Oirchi Oivu Olchio Olchli Olgil Onvzi Ordni Orin Orkgi Orkilch Orkmuo Ormthuo Orria Oruo Orxzi Orzua Orzuo Othinv Otia Otur Oulmgi Ounji Ourjvua Oursi Ourththi Ouru Outhi Ouvinl Quaaiku Quaaurstru Quaeiki Quaerzurqu Quaezuo Quaidia Quali Quanrua Quaoivul Quaondvio Quaunstu Queaqui Queinchi Queiti Queolsio Queoustia Quoadia Quoali Quoalqui Quoeirchnu Quozulm Quweixua Quwizi Quwlun Quwosua Quwounjua Quwouru Quwquu Quwrmi Quwrsnul Quwurxjur Quwvil Quyichi Quyngi Quyouqui Quyugur Quyusuo
Raeunzunl Rairquzu Ranchu Ransthi Raoini Raonlirz Rarrirz Reailvxi Reaku Rerlia Reumuo Rexia Roaulul Roezu Roiji Roinua Rojia Rwilnill Ryamu Ryeiquu Rylkthio Rynua Rysi Saaitir Saarquzio Saeinzvio Saivua Saorlu Sealdil Sealmnung Sergju Soairxstu Soanulqu Soegink Soesua Sonsi Sori Souquunth Souruo Soxia Staaugi Staeiguo Staenlri Stainmtuo Stairri Staogi Staourki Stealvia Steoirthu Steoxi Stoaulsnu Stoennvirg Stokung Stwivua Stwoiquuo Stwrstzio Styetun Styusu Sweunquchi Syeilku Syenchird Syeutio Syeuxia Syouri Syrjsirr Taaulni Taauquu Taenchink Tailchio Taixu Tamu Taoixilth Taujurs Teaulchua Teaulxu Teauquil Telgti Temi Teoti Teoulmi Tequi Teuli Thaarchua Thaausi Thaazi Thaenstua Thaozinr Thaunulz Theisi Theoirxia Therlua Thoeusti Thoezia Thoikuns Thoukul Thwmuo Thwsi Thwurchjuo Thyesti Thyeurthjir Thyolzu Thyoquu Thyrmxu Toertuo Tolin Tolmlir Tontsu Tordu Tormji Tosi Touri Twazua Tweuku Twlzchi Twnnkil Twoigi Twouchi Tyailzli Tyarkgia Tynkuo Tyoirdtua Vaasul Vaeldi Vaeuvio Vaiku Vaoinnio Vathio Veaquu Veauchi Ventil Veouji Verstnua Veurthqui Vevi Voailvi Voelvtu Voenthju Voichia Voquio Vorvstu Vouril Vwequi Vwiquuo Vwllxu Vwrzchirv Vyerji Vylua Vyounua Vyuvu Wainchti Wairjthi Waki Waldi Wandsu Waulving Wchu Wdio Wechu Weiju Weinchu Weinju Weinluo Weisi Weisio Weistuo Weku Welchchu Weldnir Welio Welthu Wenrchun Wequin Werul Wethua Wetu Weulthsuo Weunkgi Weunqustu Weuvu Wexi Wexua Wichio Wirchlu Wirjni Wirquthia Wirstu Witua Wituo Wlgi Wlgia Wlio Wlnju Wlsli Wlxsua Wmi Wnlia Wnsduo Wnsi Wnzchil Wnzxia Woilzi Woinu Wokia Wokua Wolluo Wolru Wordul Worququu Wougu Woulsmia Wounruo Wquu Wri Wrio Wrlu Wrmurn Wrthjia Wrti Wrvlu Wrxir Wthia Wthu Wuchu Wudia Wuku Wulqui Wunli Wunquia Wunsstio Wuquia Wursxun Wuthi Wuthua Wutu Wuzu Wzuo Xaalchti Xaeizu Xailu Xaurvti Xauxia Xauzua Xeannvi Xeaurti Xeavuo Xeirgia Xengtua Xeonnuld Xeoquua Xeourzi Xethua Xeuquun Xoaunvi Xoivu Xolstir Xorzquuo Xwairvvi Xweunchdu Xwini Xwolstua Xworstsu Xyarstmurs Xyeitu Xyelquri Xyinu Xyrthxur Yaichi Yailxchio Yairlu Yaitu Yalrguo Yalsni Yanqui Yanssti Yati Yaugin Yaurvquu Yeilchdua Yeinchchi Yeinvia Yelmul Yenluo Yenthxurt Yeti Yetunch Yeulni Yeuntmu Yeunu Yezil Yidi Yiju Yilchquia Yilchru Yilnu Yinru Yinu Yinzu Yiqui Yirruo Yirstu Yisin Yithua Yku Yldkun Ylsdi Ylstgu Ylu Ylzulst Yni Ynmthua Ynstua Ynthuo Ynzvilz Ynzxio Yoidil Yoirmxir Yoirqui Yojio Yokua Yolurj Yori Yorstzua Yorthuo Youlqui Youmi Youtia Yquu Yrchu Yrtki Ysu Ytua Yuju Yulchgua Yuldua Yulmia Yulxdu Yurnchu Yurtur Yutu Yuzuo Yzi Yzu Zaeuqui Zaonchzuo Zeitia Zoailstsunj Zoarthu Zoaulgtio Zoeugi Zoilnia Zoilsti Zokio Zoukulg Zwadil Zwaizi Zweuzi Zwexulth Zwnxinz Zwrtxi Zyauchi Zyazi Zyeirvvio Zyeivio Zyinzu Zyljzu Zyouvuo Zyutuo Zyuxu
Aachilth Aagil Aairviw Aaiygi Aaquu Aarlchiy Aasiw Aauchurz Aauwthilv Aauxun Aawzun Aayki Aechu Aeiwlunst Aeiwzu Aeunuw Aeuythuy Aeuzul Aewchi Aewrun Aeythi Aeyvi Ainthi Aisu Aiwkiy Aiwnuy Aiwtu Aiwvurn Aliw Ami Amuy Ani Aoiduw Aoilviw Aoiruy Aoisi Aoiyniw Aoizuy Aojuw Aokuw Aonchthi Aonvi Aoquilch Aouni Aouwvu Aouyku Aoysil Aoythi Aoyvi Arlni Arsu Astu Atuy Auquuw Autiy Auwquiw Auwxuw Auyduy Awchirk Awrird Awtuw Awvi Axi Aydi Ayku Aykuw Aytuw Ayzu Azuw Chauvi Chavinl Chawdu Chegu Cheku Cheorvquu Cheovi Choeduw Choeigiw Choltkiw Choythi Daauwku Daeiwliy Daewli Deautuw Deimuw Deitu Deiziy Deykiy Doawthu Doeitin Doixi Douthi Eainxi Eaituy Ealxquuw Eanchuy Eanli Eastuy Easu Eati Eaujild Eauliy Eaunmchuy Eauquiy Eaurtni Eaurzsi Eauvird Eawchunz Eawku Eawthi Eaxu Eaydiw Eayrirz Echi Eichin Eigi Eigu Eikil Eilmuy Eini Einluy Einnmi Einstquur Einti Eiquiy Eirgtulj Eirnmu Eisi Eithuw Eiynu Eiyxuy Elluw Endil Enrjuy Eoilnthiy Eoistiy Eoivi Eoiwstuy Eoixi Eoiygi Eoquu Eoruw Eothi Eouchiw Eouqui Eourmu Eousu Eouwliy Eouxiy Eouychu Eouyjuy Eouytu Eouyzu Eovi Eowgiw Eoyguw Eoyti Eoyvinst Eoyxi Eoyxiw Eoziw Equiy Eruy Erxtiw Esi Estir Ethu Eujuw Eumilt Eumiy Eumu Euquuw Eurnlu Eusul Euti Eutin Euyquu Euysu Ewninx Ewquu Ewthiy Ewtuy Exuy Eylulz Eyni Eystiy Eythi Eyxun Ezun Gaouylu Gauwmurs Gaxi Gayduy Geaulquu Geiki Gelchiw Genur Geuyni Goathiw Goinmi Goiwstu Goviw
Jarrluy Jarthu Jeoluy Jochuy Joelju Joeuthu Joeyquiy Jouthuy Jouwsti Kaayri Keauytu Keoilnluy Keoquu Keoti Keowchiy Kewchiy Koauymuw Koedu Laaystu Lanxsuy Laynun Leaichi Leauyli Lechu Leuchi Loilsu Loiwchu Lovi Maaiythi Maeyvuy Makulr Mastiw Mawku Meagu Meaudi Meaxi Meaynin Meidi Mourttund Naikuw Naouyxi Neagi Neisu Neowdi Neusti Nouvuw Oaidi Oairzi Oaiviw Oaivuy Oalu Oarmtuw Oasu Oatu Oaurgvu Oauyriy Oaviw Oawluy Oawstuy Oawvu Oayjirm Oaymul Ochirk Oeguy Oeidiw Oeisu Oeiwtu Oeju Oelku Oelulz Oervquulz Oeuni Oeusti Oeusu Oeutiw Oeuwchiy Oeuwri Oewgirg Oewxi Oeylur Oeyxu Oginst Oidiw Oigi Oigu Oilstdiw Oilstuy Oinquniy Oisuy Oiti Oivir Oiwmi Oiylu Oiyxiw Oiyxul Olnu Orgriw Ostu Osunqu Ounchiy Ouquiy Outhu Ouvu Ouwgi Ouwzu Ouxu Ouyzir Ovu Oychu Oylu Oyri Oyriy Oyvuy Ozuw Quaasi Quaauyti Quaelzunth Quaeutiw Quaichiw Quaowzuw Quaozuns Quauru Quealuw Queougiy Quesu Quoeiwsilt Quoeiwti Quoeni Quoeuygiy Quouju Quowtuy Raergti Raewsi Raustu Realrxi Reouthuy Reouyquin Roauli Roewxi Rorquin Saituy Saulu Saurthdu Seaimuw Seauwstu Seawxurth Seawzu Selu Seostu Seuyniw Seyviw Soaizu Soannu Soeukiw Somuw Sothi Souwkuy Staeiru Staniy Staouyniw Stauji Stayri Steaki Steawqui Steinsuy Stejuw Stevu Steyri Stoamuy Stoaurin Stoeinuw Stoeumiw Stoeumiy Taeiwnir Taikiw Talrthiy Teawvi Teori Teourmvu Teunrstuy Teuxu Thaedu Thaouqui Thaoyvil Thaqui Thauliy Thauwruw Theoulni Theychu Thoaigiw Thochi Thoeigi Thoewzu Thoirruw Tholli Tochunz Toeuystu Toisu Vaauchu Vaeichiw Vaeinmgu Vaeiwxin Vaeuniw Valtu Valu Vaounvu Vazi Veoduw Vesu Vethuw Vezuw Voalvi Voeithi Voeiwlu Voesi Voeuntguw Voeuvi Xainstnuw Xauquiw Xausti Xavu Xayji Xeailu Xeiyri Xeli Xeluy Xeowchi Xeuru Xeuyquiy Xoithuw Xoygulm Zaaunstli Zaku Zaoylill Zasuw Zawxu Zeorthi Zeyziy Zoerrdin Zoiynu Zosuy Zothu
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archonfurina Ā· 4 years ago
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Interaction between AePond or AeTin for anon
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jacksjoke Ā· 5 years ago
Pete: Ae, back me up on this.
Ae: Pete is right. Whatever he just said, heā€™s right. And fuck you, rich boy.
Tin: I wasnā€™t even in this conversation.
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01sentencereviews Ā· 6 years ago
Top 5 film endings of 2018
ā€œdonā€™t tell mamaā€Ā sharp objectsĀ 
first reformed
assassination nation (closing credits)
support the girls
the strangers: prey at night
ā€œask me unconventional/random ā€œTOP 3/5/10ā€³ end of the year lists!ā€
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ruffrowdyboiz Ā· 6 years ago
aetin replied to your post ā€œI am kept awake by the promise teen wolf had and the reality of how...ā€
How much of this is actually worth watching? First season good?
first season is corny and some dumb leaps in logic are made to make the story move faster but it is pretty concise I feel so its easy to watch and like, season 3 though was freeeaaakin awesome
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enderluna Ā· 6 months ago
pt: aetin
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AETIN : an in-nature for terms that have the shared characteristic of being aeternic/aeternic-related in nature.
pt: aetin
AETINgender : an umbrella term for genders that are AETIN. can also be used to refer to a gender that is not fully defined, but is definitely AETIN, or a gender in which aeternic is its defining feature.
pt: aetingender
aeternic link
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Tag List: @radiomogai , @dayshines , @obscurian , @lopchive , @losermutts
tag list: @aeternic , @in-nature-archive
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thewickling Ā· 6 years ago
Wham. Ae hit the ground rolling.Ā 
Pond chuckled, bunching Al's blanket up as he held his sides. Between his laughter, he coughed, "Someone's here for you."
Rubbing his side, he cocked his head to the side: who?
Eying Ae disconcertingly, Pond nearly mouthed, "Pete."
His heart stopped. The name echoed in the back of his head with the phase: "I'm leaving." He jumped to his feet.
"Friend. The handsome one," Pond said, his lips thinning.
Ae plopped onto his bed, all his motivation lost. He had always considered himself to be a strong person. If anyone ever told him he would be lovesick, he would sock them. That he hadn't already beat up Pond for being meddlesome was already a miracle.
"I'll just let him in," he said but smiling too broadly. "Don't do anything I wouldn't."
"Shit, Pond!" He tossed his pillow out of habit than real anger.
The discount sheet sailed over expensive, leather loafers. Following them up revealed that their owner was equally pretentious. Ae groaned internally. He should have realized that it was Tin. He had really been out of things lately.
"What do you want?"
He rolled upright because there was no way he would let Tin look down on him. Squaring his shoulders, he crossed arms. Tin had an eminently punchable face. Ae pressed his knuckles into his elbows.
Lifting a brow, he drawled, "Your ability to speak matches your clothes."
Glancing down, Ae saw he was only in his boxers. He glared at Tin. They lived in Thailand. He rolled his eyes. Tin would think even men always wrote silk pajamas to bed.
"You want to find Pete."
Whatever insult he had planned died as he jaw snapped shut. He nodded.
"I can offer my assistance."
"What do you want?"
Tin shook his head like something about Ae displeased him. He stepped back, his proud eyes skimming over Ae's form.
"You'll do," he appraised. "Be my boyfriend."
Hereā€™s an AeTin fic idea I had inspired very loosely by the Cathydolls trailer. @andwebegin
Pete is gone; Ae should be devastated. He was, but why was another IC kid stroking his protective side.
This is fake; itā€™s an act. Aewants Tin - to help him find his love. Tin offers his help but only for price.
Can left him; Tin should gather the pieces of his heart. He would, but why did it seem like different Thai Program found it first.
Itā€™s a game; it isnā€™t real. Tin needs Ae - to help him test loveā€™s endurance. Ae accepts his role but only for a cause.
The conditions are simple: pretend to date, mess with Can, and donā€™t fall in love. The last part should be easy. They were always at each othersā€™ throats after all.
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untilmyheadescapes Ā· 8 years ago
aetin replied to your photo ā€œWow straight guys really be out there doing The Mostā„¢ā€
That's fuckin atrocious
I literally screamed when I got this text like what the hell is wrong with straight guys?
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389 Ā· 3 years ago
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@nutricyst @dorfs @sacredstem @vltra7 @disease @aetin @touchhorseexperience
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997 Ā· 4 years ago
please help Iā€™m trying to find that blog where the user is kind of deranged n a bit of a bimbo........like a true bimbo? idk :0/
that would be @aetin
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archonfurina Ā· 5 years ago
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jacksjoke Ā· 5 years ago
Ae: It must be so nice to be rich instead of having to develop a personality.
Tin: Shut up, Thai Programme.
Ae: Buy my silence.
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