enderluna · 14 days
pt: aeternic
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Aeternic : a neogender umbrella term connected to my OCverse "Aeternus".
It can also be connected to Infinity, forever, immortality, nonhumanity, creating, world building, writing stories, creating OCs, and the color blue/blue color palettes.
pt: aeternic
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General terms
Transaeter : trans/transitioning term
AETIN : aeternic in nature
Aenic : gender alignment
Aeterin/Aeterinity/Aeter : masc/fem equivalent
Aetine : a term under it
Other terms
Aperien : Aeternic 4 Aeternic
Eternal : general person term
Aion : man/women equivalent
Eon : girl/boy equivalent
Everlast : a partner
Amorn : a crush
Amorse : a spouse
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Tag List: @radiomogai , @revenant-chaos , @obscurian , @in-nature-archive , @lopchive , @losermutts , @idcode
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bloodxbrother · 2 months
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❛ who hurt you?  why is there blood all over you? ❜
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It was empty inside its his mind. Isolation like a village decimated where the buzzing of flesh hungry insects did not fill the void of silence. A different kind of buzzing filled the new world, this changed world, yet the onslaught of auditory stimuli did not bar the feeling of loneliness. It was the constant . . the noise, yet mind and soul repelled everything that was not the sound of his brothers speech and not that of their essence beating, thrumming, and being alive. But then there it was �� the thing which ruptured the bubble of desolation like a sword cleaving a head or piercing blood felling his enemies. He, intertwined with blood in the most depraved of manners, literally felt blood elevating in temperature and circulating through his body with greater speed. With downtrodden expression, stringy hair, and eyes moving slowly from their fixation towards the ground to the source of the voice, he looked like a feral animal being approached after a long period of reclusiveness. It took him a moment to process that the sorcerer who stood thirty metres back was actually speaking to him; there was no one else covered in blood and alive for that matter.
Who hurt . . who hurt me?
Chōsō was an abomination meant to be hurt; sorcerers salivated at the very idea of annihilating his existence. Never such an odd question had been presented to him not even when he was wounded by sorcerers and comforted by the presence of his worried siblings. They, after all, had known who had sought to exterminate him. Sorcerers did sense the presence of curses with ease, did they not, even those who were not pure curses? Truthfully, the majority of a curse's knowledge regarding sorcerers stemmed from their experiences perceiving sorcerers. Sorcerer energy swirled like thick fog and vibrant . . a warning to curses. Fight or flee. Wasn't Chōsō's signature energy just as vibrant and alarming? With the characteristics of a confused animal ( or of a hated being who felt simply too much ), he pinched the blood soaked cloth of his robes as if he was just now realizing the immense weight of being covered in so much odorous fluid. Despite his relationship with blood, it bordered on being unpleasantly sticky, yet carrion creatures knew better than approach him.
❛ . . . Many have hurt me, and many continue to hurt me until I am slaughtered. Such is my life, and such is the life of a Jujutsu sorcerer. Does that answer appease you? ❜
What strange games this sorcerer @aeternic was playing. He released the mess of his ruined robes, drove the heels of his boots against the ground, and prepared for the inevitable — a sorcerer's wrath transformed to violence.
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drippingheart · 2 months
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I cherish you, went without saying, but she knew it, didn't she? Solace did not arrive by holding a one sided conversation while pretending it was an actual back-and-forth. He could not fathom why people willingly spoke to the dead; speaking with a person in coma seemed ridiculous enough. Hospitals, no matter how nice, were filled with noise and off-putting lighting. Even though he doubted a comatose person was aware of their surroundings, he still felt the pangs of unease that his sister was surrounded by frigid situations.
So, while he did not talk, he did play music on his phone to dispel the loneliness. Fushiguro Megumi was straight forward. He was not a dreamer nor did he waste his time hopping and wishing, even as a toddler. Simply, there was no conclusive scientific evidence that comatose patients could perceive the world around them, yet while he did not speak to his sister, he did always bring her presents. Fushiguro Megumi realized it made no sense, and he was not prepared to justify his actions. It was guilt — plain and simple, and guilt took on many ridiculous forms.
Potted plants, crane and star origami, and plushies occupied the window sill and the bedside table; Tsumiki's favourite pusheen keychain plush remained on the hospital bed beside her hand, always. With the conclusion of Brahm's Serenade 1, Megumi, too, concluded his train of thought; somehow talking to himself in his mind seem less foolish than speaking aloud . . Megumi shut the music player on his mobile device, shoved the device into his pocket, and offered his slumbering sister one last somber look for the day. We'll figure it out, Megumi. His benefactor's words only seemed to mock him and fray already very rough sides . .
Veils never ceased to amaze Megumi even if he never displayed it outwardly, save for the first time Gōjō Satoru had created one for educational purposes. It truly was amazing the things sorcerers were capable of doing — creating veils to keep the civilians in their ignorance, veils which excluded sorcerers, and wards to alert of undesirable energies. Jujutsu was something else, but more importantly, how did non-human animals perceive curses and sorcerers? Looming stairs leading to Tokyo's Jujutsu Technical school called to his curiosity, but he did not dare step foot nor hand forward. Whatever immature feelings of being an outsider were dispelled with an upright and fuzzy tail appearing in his peripheral vision.
A glance downward revealed an orange cat emerging from one of the perfectly maintained bushes inside the school property. What could that cat feel and see? Upright tails is a step below a cat hug. Solemn nature of Megumi's normal appearance was shattered like sun after a monsoon, and the teenager dropped to his knee to pet the friendly feline. Megumi still carried several pale, lingering scars from his childhood when he used to be too greedy for feline attention. His desire was still present, of course, but the child learned his lesson many years ago. The cat emitted a friendly crossover between a meow and a chirp as it proceeded to bounce upwards to meet Megumi's hovering hand.
From henceforth, he did not hesitate to offer the stray ( he assumed ) much deserved and gentle physical affirmations. Only thirty seconds in and the cat's senses kicked in quicker than that of Megumi's. With ears perked and eyes slightly widening, the feline peered past the onyx haired teenager to the new presence, and it forced Megumi to turn his head while dropping his smile. Stone faced, the teenager was greeted by foreign energy and an equally unfamiliar face @aeternic. If Megumi was . . well, normal, he would have flushed being caught in such a vulnerable position. He remained crouched on one knee. Although the cat continued nuzzling its face against his hand, Megumi's malachite eyes remained fixated on the bothersome sorcerer.
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── ❛ Am I in your way, or is this cat yours? ❜
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vartouhix · 2 months
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
emoji asks ; accepting
Vartouhi's biggest fear would be her powers going out of control and killing the people she loves. She also fears Galgidori, a parasitic species of alien that takes over the host and forces them to devour the people in the host's memories. Her irrational fear is lightning, though I guess it isn't super irrational considering she did get struck by lightning when she was a kid.
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tillman · 1 year
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the little birthday fiend YAY my dear 10 year old thing...
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needlemeister · 3 days
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ms paint iterators
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prettypinknarc · 6 months
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† Aeternix [ae-ter-nyx]
Neogendee umbrella term related to the winter season, snow, ice, the cold, blizzards, sleet, and hail. As well as the colors white, blue [particularly dull shades of blue], and black. It can also be associated with all related aesthetics, such as icepunk.
Counterpart of Aeterignis
Gender symbol
Pt: Gender symbol /end pt
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† Terminology
Pt: Terminology /end pt
Hión [he-oh-n] — General term for an Aeternix person. Plural is Hións
Chió [ch-e-oh] | Ióni [e-oh-ne] — Term for an adult / minor Aeternix person. Plural form Chiós / Iónies.
ANixIN [a-nyx-i-n] — Aeternix in Nature
Aeternine [aye-tern-en] — Having Aeternix qualities. Noun form is Aeternity [aye-tern-ity]
Transaternine [trans-aye-tern-en] — Transitioning towards Aeternity
Aeterin [aye-tern-in] — Gender alignment to Aeternix / Aetearnine
Aeter, Aet, Nix, Ernix — Optional prefixes / suffixes for aurethesia genders
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† Coined on 03.13.2024
† Colors inspired by the description 🍓 Aeternus [Eternal in Latin] + Nix [Snow in Latin] | Chióni [Snow in Greek]
† Tagging @radiomogai @revenant-coining
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fidelityfcrged · 1 year
@aeternals / desi. semi plotted starter.
It had taken longer than she had wanted it to to get things set in motion to leave from Luna -- the culmination of timing could not have been worse if she'd tried to make it that way; between the massive influx of refugees arriving hourly on Luna and the increased security due to the looming fear of an attack on Luna itself? Everything was a logistical nightmare. She'd briefly considered asking the newly appointed ... returning... interim Secretary General for help in arranging transport to Tycho station, there were far more important things on Madame Avasarala's plate than a woman who might ... might, have seen someone she'd once known.
Hannah had managed to obtain a copy of the security footage in the port, a friend of a friend had managed that much, but something had corrupted the still frames. The name on the man's papers had been strange to her, his stance, his build, his features only reminiscent of her brother in the moment's glimpses she'd had of him. But that voice? It had stopped her cold in her tracks. By the time she'd found the willpower to move again, he and the man he'd been traveling with were already gone. She'd followed their path on the video footage, confirmed the ship that they had boarded and with no small amount of effort, determined that the Rocinante most often berthed at Tycho Station.
In reality she knew there was a slim chance that she'd find anything, but that didn't stop her from packing her bag, from booking passage.
It hadn't taken her long after departing into the station to find someone who could point her to where the Rocinante was docked - and a few more awkward questions and showing the display image of the man that had been with her ... with who she was looking for to eventually be directed to an apartment number where the tall, burly man was known to stay on station. She wasn't sure exactly what she would ask him, or what she would say, or how to even begin asking, but this Amos was the only potential lead she had.
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Tired, hungry, with her travel pack digging into a shoulder, she doubted she'd make the best first impression but - it was what it was, and she didn't have the money to waste on finding room and board on station if the person she was looking for wasn't here. Or didn't exist. She swallowed that thought down, hesitating once, and again, before finally managing a tentative knock on the door of the suite. "Hello?" A hesitant call, a glance up to try and see if there was a camera or security suite. "Is anyone there? I'm -- I'm sorry to intrude, but I -- My name is Hannah, and I'm -- I'm looking for someone --"
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factiousfcrged · 1 year
There's a bitter taste in his throat and a thrumming sound in his head that won't subside. He doesn't notice the wider than usual berth that people give him as he stalks his way back towards the apartment he shares with Desi. Part of him would be relieved, if he had. The other part of him was begging for someone to get in his way, to slow him down, or make a comment.
Most people had more survival instinct than he did, though, and it wasn't like his reputation wasn't fairly well known to the locals.
His palm and fingers ached, and he let himself relish in the feel of it. It was safer than letting his attention drift to the stiffness in his shoulders, and the howling in his chest.
He had a thought, that maybe he should stop by the clinic, get the pretty doctor lady to deal with it, before he went back to the apartment. But Desi was waiting. Desi needed an answer.
She was fine. Hannah was fine. Sleeping it off. Slept through it. No monsters under the bed. Just one at the door.
He knows his legs are moving. He knows his heart is beating. His lungs fill with air, and release it. He can feel the blood drip down his palm, trails of it down his fingers.
He makes a mental note to pick up a new hand terminal.
He feels like he's moving through the world in tunnel vision.
It takes longer than he wants for the door to chime in recognition and let him into the apartment.
"She's fine." He can't tell if the words come out flat or if they come out in a snarl.
@aeternals / desi gets a starter.
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halofcrged · 5 months
@aeternals / desi gets a starter.
Cortana's reassurances that this was, in fact, a safe way to travel and her reminders that should an emergency arise his armor was, actually, stored in a trunk in the cargo hold of the charter plane that he could get to if necessary did very close to nothing to make John feel any more at ease as he made his way up the stairs into the bowel of the aircraft. He had studied the schematics and science behind the aeronautic vehicles - they were primitive at best, in comparison to what he was used to flying in but ... it wasn't as if he'd had much of a choice.
Not if he wanted to actually make it to Thermopylae. He'd quickly eliminated boat passage, especially since he was not willing to leave his suit behind. Not when he had yet to find a place that was secure enough for his or Cortana's comfort.
At least Cortana had managed to find an option other than commercial flights. They'd taken one look at the estimated leg room and luggage restrictions and ruled that out immediately. The fact this particular flight provided far less invasion of privacy and more comfort was worth the additional price - not that the currency that Cortana had created (or stolen) meant much to him. It wasn't money that he had earned, but she assured him that on one would actually miss it and it wasn't compromising anyone's ability to live or function.
The same money had bought the clothes that he wore, a dusky gray suit and cream shirt, olive green tie and matching pocket square, tie pin, cuff links, watch, wallet and various electronics that Cortana had insisted on as being necessary to travel in this manner without arousing much suspicion. He felt like a monkey in a tuxedo. A curt, quick sweep of the other occupants and the lay out of the chartered plane was given as he ducked in through the door frame, a thanks muttered roughly towards the attendant as she showed him to his seat.
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It was a large, oversized and overstuffed leather seat which still only barely contained him. "Just water, ma'am," he replied, when she asked if she could get him anything, before moving on to the next passenger. Broad fingers fidgeted with the wrist, and again at the earpiece that served as his connection to his AI traveling companion, before finally letting out a low, almost rumble of an exhale as he tried to sit back and make himself relax.
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ambitionfcrged · 1 year
@aeternals / desi sent a meme. i apologize in advance.
❛ I’d like to forget what you did. I’ve tried, but I can’t. ❜
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Did he seem just a little too pleased by the immortal's words? Satisfied, certainly. Perhaps even bordering on smug. Yes... definitely a little too much so. Pride was ever so boorish as far as the deadly sins went, but every man was entitled to one flaw. "I would consider it rather a failure on my part if you could, to be fair," William replied, settling back in his chair with an air of one not at all alarmed by the situation. "I'm actually quite pleased to see you again, Desidirius. It's been far too long since I've had the pleasure of your company. How have you been, old friend?"
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enderluna · 2 days
pt: aetin
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AETIN : an in-nature for terms that have the shared characteristic of being aeternic/aeternic-related in nature.
pt: aetin
AETINgender : an umbrella term for genders that are AETIN. can also be used to refer to a gender that is not fully defined, but is definitely AETIN, or a gender in which aeternic is its defining feature.
pt: aetingender
aeternic link
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Tag List: @radiomogai , @dayshines , @obscurian , @lopchive , @losermutts
tag list: @aeternic , @in-nature-archive
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brittlefcrged · 1 year
The city is just as crowded and chaotic as the Tower, but the seer finds the distractions there less taxing -- even a small amount of distance from the thrum and pulse of the power that flows through nearly all of the occupants in the Tower is a small relief. It also helps that there were few in the marketplace she frequented that knew who she was; the one benefit to the opulent trappings that the sisters often wore in their comings and goings through the city generally meant that she often garnered little attention in her middling and comfortable garb.
Clad now in her sensible and worn to comfortable riding boots, the tanned breeches, light blue tunic bound in place with the darker blue long scarf wrapped around her waist, there wasn't much to draw attention to her individually. The thin leather, dark blue gloves were not distinct, and her Serpent ring was tucked safely beneath her shirt. The dagger at one hip was well made and razor sharp, but not ornate enough to attract the eyes of any experienced thief and she never spent more than a few marks, and mostly that was on food and drink or perhaps a bolt of fabric or some small delicate jewelry or lace or beadwork.
The market was abuzz with the cries of merchants hawking their wares, of customers arguing and bartering and conversing and the rich scents of perfumes, herbs, food and wine being offered were either a delight to the senses, or overwhelming. Today, she found it to be the first. She held a fresh pastry wrapped in a handkerchief in one hand, the flaky delight stuffed with a sweet jam and candied nuts in one hand that she nibbled away at, the other a tankard of mulled, dark red wine. She was nearly finished with her wine, debating whether to return for a second, when something caught her eye.
Or rather, someone. Someone, passing in front of her, that struck her as both unknown, and familiar. The flash of images came quickly, unbidden, and she forced herself to breathe through the cascade, as memories of dreams that had been forgotten played through her mind's eye. David. The name was on her tongue before she realized it, spoken in a tone that implied familiarity. "David --" Had she spoken his name aloud, or had she simply projected it, from her thoughts to his? "I ... " She takes a step closer, a furrow creeping between her brows before she smooths it away. "That is your name, isn't it?" His eyes were the clearest blue that she thought she'd ever seen. "David?" She felt like she had known him for a lifetime just as she knew that they had never met.
@aeternals / david. wot.
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devvinn1ie · 7 months
Anyways sm Asharact Saga stuff, but this time we got the triplets and Aeterna!
Aeterna is the goddess of time and creation and also the main deity that the ancients worshipped, thus making her the main deity of Asharact.
Each generation of rulers (besides form the first) has undergone a training period, where those chosen to take the throne not only have to master their newly gained abilities but combat and leadership skills as well
The beings in charge of the training period have become known as "the Children of the Goddess", made directly from the flesh and bone of the Aeterna, making them blood-related to the goddess.
However, these so-called "Children of the Goddess" is only a mere myth to the majority of the people of Asharact, but only a few know the identities of those diving beings
The only members of this race are Angevin, Decius and Nyne (aka the triplets) (cuz they're siblings)
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The lords (the current gen of rulers) were essentially raised by Angevin and Decius.
Nyne used to train the upcoming generation alongside his siblings but became M.I.A. many centuries ago. No one knows what he's been doing for the least few centuries, nor why he even left in the first place. But it is known that he has recently returned to Asharact.
Elaborating lore is fun! Some of my most favorited ocs are from this universe so its fun to talk about them.
I'm gonna stop here for today, stop at a intro to the Asharact Saga yk
bee bye (fr)
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vartouhix · 2 months
26. is your muse more likely to be loud and proud about being in a relationship, or are they more quiet about it at first and open up about it over time?
31. does your muse develop crushes easily? would they be open about it to a friend or keep it to themselves?
romance and relationship headcanons ; accepting
26. Vartouhi is a private person, used to keeping to herself from the years in her childhood when she was ostracized from others. She doesn't really share things like a new relationship with just anyone; she would tell her closest friends or closest family members, but she probably wouldn't give many details. Part of this is because she's afraid something will happen and the relationship will fall through. She doesn't want to build things up to other people only to be pitied later. Once she starts to see the relationship is going to last, she'd open up more.
31. Vartouhi used to develop crushes easily. Her first love came about because they were nice to her, stood up for her... She wasn't used to that and it made her smitten immediately. As she grows up, it becomes a little more difficult for her to crush on someone, as there has to be a great amount of trust. She keeps her crushes to herself, mostly. Maybe she'd tell Albena or Lusine about it. Certainly not Kohar, unless she wants to be teased into oblivion.
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leviathanfcrged · 1 year
@aeternals / halston get a starter.
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The cargo bay is, for the most part, quiet now. The chaos of getting the refugees across from the ship his had found adrift and getting them settled with at least basic needs tended to had been a headache, but a necessary one, and it was a good test of seeing just how well his people would perform under pressure, when elements were outside of their control, in a way that didn't put them in any immediate danger. Most of their 'guests' had settled into whatever makeshift beds and camps they could, but there was one in particular that he made his way to now, crouching down lightly in front of her, elbows resting on his knees as he offered out a bottle of water and a few of the spare ration bars. "You shouldn't go without, sesata," he spoke, his words warm, his smile open and easy. "You need your strength, sasa ke?"
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