prettypinknarc · 6 months
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† Aeternix [ae-ter-nyx]
Neogendee umbrella term related to the winter season, snow, ice, the cold, blizzards, sleet, and hail. As well as the colors white, blue [particularly dull shades of blue], and black. It can also be associated with all related aesthetics, such as icepunk.
Counterpart of Aeterignis
Gender symbol
Pt: Gender symbol /end pt
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† Terminology
Pt: Terminology /end pt
Hión [he-oh-n] — General term for an Aeternix person. Plural is Hións
Chió [ch-e-oh] | Ióni [e-oh-ne] — Term for an adult / minor Aeternix person. Plural form Chiós / Iónies.
ANixIN [a-nyx-i-n] — Aeternix in Nature
Aeternine [aye-tern-en] — Having Aeternix qualities. Noun form is Aeternity [aye-tern-ity]
Transaternine [trans-aye-tern-en] — Transitioning towards Aeternity
Aeterin [aye-tern-in] — Gender alignment to Aeternix / Aetearnine
Aeter, Aet, Nix, Ernix — Optional prefixes / suffixes for aurethesia genders
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† Coined on 03.13.2024
† Colors inspired by the description 🍓 Aeternus [Eternal in Latin] + Nix [Snow in Latin] | Chióni [Snow in Greek]
† Tagging @radiomogai @revenant-coining
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martinsogari · 3 years
O deputado estadual governista Chió (Rede) admitiu votar em Cabo Gilberto (PSL) para o Governo do Estado. Para isso, ele pediu apenas uma c...
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gpsdanoticia · 6 years
João Azevêdo prestigia São João de Bananeiras
João Azevêdo prestigia São João de Bananeiras
O pré-candidato a governador João Azevêdo (PSB) prestigiou os festejos de São João de Bananeiras acompanhado de sua esposa Ana Maria, do prefeito do município Douglas Lucena e outros prefeitos da região.
Os prefeitos André Alves (Remígio), Guilherme Madruga (Cuitegi), Kaiser Rocha (Solânea) Hugo Alves (Caiçara), Renata Cristine (Belém) e o ex-prefeito de Remígio, Chió Batista, também prestigiaram…
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martinsogari · 3 years
O deputado estadual governista Chió (Rede) admitiu votar em Cabo Gilberto (PSL) para o Governo do Estado. Para isso, ele pediu apenas uma c...
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