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agatha-abstinent · 7 months ago
Tag 3371 / Dank seiner Hilfe werde ich mich wehren
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menschtiervereint · 11 days ago
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Aktuell finden wieder zahlreiche Treib- und Drückjagden statt. Dabei geht es oft auch um die Jagd auf Wildschweine, da diese von vielen Menschen als Schädlinge eingestuft werden. Umso wichtiger, einmal über sie zu sprechen, oder? ���💚
Aber warum besitzen sie überhaupt solch einen schlechten Ruf?
Wildschweine werden häufig als Bedrohung wahrgenommen, insbesondere in landwirtschaftlichen Gebieten, denn ihr Wühlen im Boden kann Felder beschädigen und Ernten beeinträchtigen, was zu wirtschaftlichen Verlusten führt. Zudem können sie in städtischen Randgebieten auftauchen, was bei Menschen Ängste auslöst.
Doch nun zu ihren faszinierenden Fähigkeiten: 1.: Wildschweine sind äußerst lernfähig und anpassungsfähig. Sie können komplexe Probleme lösen und haben ein ausgeprägtes Zeitgefühl. Zudem sind sie in der Lage, zwischen Freund und Feind zu unterscheiden.
2.: Ihr Geruchssinn ist hervorragend entwickelt, was ihnen hilft, Nahrung zu finden und Gefahren zu erkennen. Dieser ausgeprägte Geruchssinn wird auch von Menschen zur Trüffel- und Drogensuche eingesetzt.
3.: Wildschweine besitzen ein ausgeprägtes Sozialverhalten und leben in komplexen sozialen Strukturen, sogenannten Rotten, die von erfahrenen Weibchen, den Leitbachen, geführt werden.
Doch auch für die Natur sind sie von Bedeutung, denn durch ihr Wühlen lockern sie den Boden auf, was die Durchmischung der Humusschicht fördert und Keimlingen bessere Wachstumsbedingungen bietet. Dabei essen sie Insektenlarven und Aas, wodurch sie zur Kontrolle von "Schädlingen" beitragen und die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten verhindern. Durch den Verzehr von Früchten und Samen tragen sie zudem zur Verbreitung verschiedener Pflanzenarten bei und fördern somit die Biodiversität.
Dass die Jagd generell nicht sinnvoll ist, da sich Wildtierpopulationen immer selbst regulieren und an Platz und Nahrungsangebot ausrichten, haben wir hier mehrfach aufgezeigt. Zudem führt sie zur Störung des Sozialgefüges, kann zur sprunghaften Vermehrung einzelner Insektenarten führen, wenn zu viele Schweine getötet wurden, und ist ethisch ohnehin nicht zu vertreten!
Fazit: Wildschweine sind faszinierende und intelligente Tiere mit bedeutenden ökologischen Funktionen. Warum also lassen wir sie nicht einfach in Ruhe?
Quellen: ➡ LINK 1 ➡ LINK 2 ➡ LINK 3 ➡ LINK 4 ➡ LINK 5
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anotherbloodiedbonesaw · 10 months ago
Well um.... Am stuk az aa flowrrr... -🌻
Ah. I do not believe I can help with zhat, mein freund.
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horseweb-de · 3 months ago
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aaedahmed · 5 months ago
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أصدقائي الرائعين، وجودكم في حياتي يُضيف لها الفرح والحب الكبير. أنتم من تُشعلون في العمر شموع الأمل، فشكرًا لكم وحبي وتقديري آلكبير . الأصدقاء أقمارٌ مضيئة في سماء الحياة، يمدّون يدهم نحو الجرح فيبرأ ويجعلون للحياة معنى أجمل وأروع. الأصدقاء قناديل الفرح وأيقونة الوفاء، وهم الغيوم المحملة بالخير لتهطل على صحراء العمر فتغدو ربيعًا دائمًا مزهرًا. شكرًا وحبًا واحترامًا للأصدقاء الأوفياء . 🌟 عائد
‏ 🇮🇶🌸🇬🇧🌸🇸🇪🌸🇫🇷🌸🇮🇹🌸🇪🇸🌸🇩🇪🌸🇵🇹🌸🇷🇺🌸🇵🇱
‏Dear friends, your presence in my life adds great joy and love. You are the ones who ignite the candles of hope in life, so thank you, and I have the deepest love and appreciation for you. Friends are the shining moons in the sky of life, they extend their hand to the wound and it heals, and they give life a more beautiful and wonderful meaning. Friends are the lanterns of joy and the icon of loyalty, and they are the clouds laden with goodness to pour down on the desert of life, making it a perpetually blooming spring. Thank you, love, and respect to the loyal friends. Aaed
‏Kära vänner, er närvaro i mitt liv tillför stor glädje och kärlek. Det är ni som tänder hoppets ljus i livet, så tack, och jag har den djupaste kärlek och uppskattning för er. Vänner är de lysande månarna på livets himmel, de sträcker ut sin hand till såret och det läker, och de ger livet en vackrare och underbarare mening. Vänner är glädjelyktorna och trohetens ikon, och de är de moln som är lastade med godhet för att utgjuta sig över livets öken, så att den blir en ständigt blomstrande vår. Tack, kärlek och respekt till de lojala vännerna. Aaed
‏Chers amis, votre présence dans ma vie apporte une grande joie et un grand amour. Vous êtes ceux qui allument les bougies de l'espoir dans la vie, alors merci, et j'ai pour vous le plus profond amour et la plus grande reconnaissance. Les amis sont les lunes brillantes dans le ciel de la vie, ils tendent la main à la blessure et elle guérit, et ils donnent à la vie un sens plus beau et plus merveilleux. Les amis sont les lanternes de la joie et l'icône de la fidélité, et ce sont les nuages chargés de bonté pour se déverser sur le désert de la vie, en en faisant un printemps éternellement fleuri. Merci, amour et respect aux amis fidèles. Aaed
‏Cari amici, la vostra presenza nella mia vita aggiunge grande gioia e amore. Siete voi che accendete le candele della speranza nella vita, quindi grazie, e ho per voi il più profondo amore e la più grande gratitudine. Gli amici sono le lune splendenti nel cielo della vita, tendono la mano alla ferita e questa guarisce, e danno alla vita un significato più bello e meraviglioso. Gli amici sono i fanali della gioia e l'icona della lealtà, e sono le nuvole cariche di bontà per riversarsi sul deserto della vita, rendendolo una primavera in perenne fioritura. Grazie, amore e rispetto agli amici fedeli. Aaed
‏Queridos amigos, vuestra presencia en mi vida añade una gran alegría y amor. Sois vosotros quienes encendéis las velas de la esperanza en la vida, así que gracias, y os tengo el más profundo amor y la mayor gratitud. Los amigos son las lunas brillantes en el cielo de la vida, tienden la mano a la herida y esta sana, y dan a la vida un significado más bello y maravilloso. Los amigos son las linternas de la alegría y el icono de la lealtad, y son las nubes cargadas de bondad para derramarse sobre el desierto de la vida, convirtiéndolo en una primavera eternamente florecida. Gracias, amor y respeto a los amigos fieles. Aaed
‏Liebe Freunde, eure Anwesenheit in meinem Leben fügt große Freude und Liebe hinzu. Ihr seid diejenigen, die die Kerzen der Hoffnung im Leben entzünden, also danke, und ich habe für euch die tiefste Liebe und größte Dankbarkeit. Freunde sind die leuchtenden Monde am Himmel des Lebens, sie strecken die Hand zur Wunde aus und sie heilt, und sie geben dem Leben eine schönere und wunderbarere Bedeutung. Freunde sind die Laternen der Freude und das Symbol der Loyalität, und sie sind die mit Güte beladenen Wolken, um sich über die Wüste des Lebens zu ergießen und sie zu einem ewig blühenden Frühling zu machen. Danke, Liebe und Respekt an die treuen Freunde. Aaed
‏Queridos amigos, a vossa presença na minha vida acrescenta uma grande alegria e amor. Sois vós que acendeis as velas da esperança na vida, por isso obrigado, e tenho por vós o mais profundo amor e a maior gratidão. Os amigos são as luas brilhantes no céu da vida, estendem a mão à ferida e esta sara, e dão à vida um significado mais belo e maravilhoso. Os amigos são os lampiões da alegria e o ícone da lealdade, e são as nuvens carregadas de bondade para se derramarem sobre o deserto da vida, transformando-o numa primavera eternamente florida. Obrigado, amor e respeito aos amigos fiéis. Aaed
‏Дорогие друзья, ваше присутствие в моей жизни привносит великую радость и любовь. Вы - те, кто зажигает свечи надежды в жизни, поэтому спасибо вам, и я испытываю к вам самую глубокую любовь и величайшую благодарность. Друзья - это сияющие луны на небосводе жизни, они протягивают руку к ране, и она исцеляется, и они придают жизни более прекрасный и чудесный смысл. Друзья - это светильники радости и икона верности, и они - облака, полные благодати, чтобы изливаться на пустыню жизни и превращать ее в вечно цветущую весну. Спасибо, любовь и уважение верным друзьям. Aaed
‏Drodzy przyjaciele, wasza obecność w moim życiu wnosi ogromną radość i miłość. To wy zapalcie świece nadziei w życiu, więc dziękuję wam i mam dla was najgłębszą miłość i największą wdzięczność. Przyjaciele to świecące księżyce na niebie życia, wyciągają rękę do rany i ona się leczy, a także nadają życiu piękniejsze i cudowniejsze znaczenie. Przyjaciele to latarnie radości i ikona wierności, a także obłoki naładowane dobrocią, aby wylać się na pustynię życia i uczynić ją wiecznie kwitnącą wiosną. Dziękuję, miłość i szacunek dla wiernych przyjaciół. Aaed
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foreverlostinmylife · 1 year ago
Hallöchen! {^,^}
[Ich weiß, es kommt etwas spät, aber Silvester und ich sind alles andere als gute Freunde, Verzeihung!]
Wir haben nie wirklich aktiv miteinander geschrieben, soweit ich weiß, aber immerhin folge ich dir schon seit mehr als drei Jahren und wenn ich nicht irre, beruht das etwa auf Gegenseitigkeit.
Und da du selber sowohl viel durchmachst als auch zumindest hier trotzdem nett/lieb zu anderen bist, möchte ich dir ein paar Neujahrsgrüße schicken/formulieren:
Das neue Jahr, 2024, soll werden wunderbar!
Vergiss alles, was ranzig - halte fest an Momenten rar.
Soll es dir bringen Freude und Spaß,
dich verschoben von jeglichem Aas!
Mögest du finden und halten, wer dir lieb -
möglichst ohne einen kalten Rückenhieb.
Verzeihung, dass du vom Leben so geprägt,
in Hoffnung, dass dieses Jahr dich Glück erwägt.
Mögest du dieses Jahr (deinen) Seelenfrieden finden, wie auch immer dieser aussieht!
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steffen-dilfrael · 2 years ago
Am 23.9, als KARGO rauskam haben mein bester Freund und ich parallel gehört und als wir bei Angst ankamen hat er mir das hier geschickt. Ein Aalmann. Ich hab Angst. Hast du Angst. Aa-lmann Angst.
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turnaboutimagines · 5 years ago
it makes me so happy that you like writing kristoph because i feel like hes such an underrated character ;; anyway can i request kristoph with a male prosecutor bf again!! this time where they're at a fancy party with a bunch of other attorneys and prosecutors? and maybe klavier is there too and they get to have that interaction? thanks!!!
I love villain characters, they are just very interesting and fun in their awfulness and Kristoph is my fav from AA!  But you sure can, pal!Got a little bit pretentious on this one, but it’s Kristoph ‘Pretentious’ Gavin, so it’s all good!  Kristoph is the Worst, so I had a little fun with that.  Wanted to write something more from his Awful perspective.feat. Male!Prosecutor!Reader
Kristoph wears his smile like he wears his suit: with a handsomely deceptive ease.  Truly, he’d prefer to be in his office, doing research, or perhaps keeping an eye on his targets… but alas, networking is a must.  Especially when you have things to hide, you want people to like and trust you.  Even if he likes none of the people at what is proving to be a rather boring event.
Well, perhaps there is one.
During a lull in the socialization, he glances over at you with a glass of red wine in hand, humming lightly under his breath as he appreciates the way your new suit compliments you—he’d chosen it well.  He lets you catch him staring, calculated and in control of the situation.
“You’re looking particularly handsome tonight.”
Your face flushes, eyes averting toward the gleaming badge on his lapel.  “Ah, well, thank you.  It’s all thanks to you, really, with this generous gift.”
“Oh, it was nothing.”  He leans closer to you, voice dropping to a low purr.  “It was as much for myself as it is for you, my love.”
His eyes crinkle slightly at the double-meaning as he pulls back, pleased by the flush that seems to creep up to your ears.  It’s almost endearing how easy you are to fluster in casual situations, compared to your competent courtroom persona.
“Bruder!  I didn’t know you were going to be here… and your freund, too.”
The corner of Kristoph’s lip twitches at the sound of his brother’s voice disrupting the pleasant moment, but he smooths out his smile as he adjusts his blazer.  Yet when he turns around, he notices him looking at you with that pitiable look.  One-sided adoration… how tragic.
Ah, yes, but that was also part of the reason he chose you, wasn’t it?
Unable to bite back the smirk from tugging at his lips, he raises the wine glass to them as he lets you give his brother a small wave.  He lets the awkwardness sit for a moment, reveling in the delicious tension it provides.  Carefully controlled, just as he’d helped make you aware of his brother’s feelings only after you’d begun dating.  
You feel bad, guilty, even.  It’s written all over your face.  Is it always like this at the prosecutor’s office when your paths cross?  Curious.  Still, he can’t help but wonder if you would’ve been at this event with his brother had he not decided to develop this little contingency plan.
“But of course, Klavier.”  He lowers his drink, smile relaxing as his tone grows tighter.  “I was under the impression that you had practice tonight, though?  I’m pleased to see that you have the correct priorities this evening.”
He wears his aggression more subtly, carefully stitched in with the thread of backhanded compliments and veiled disappointment.
Klavier’s smile falters as he looks away, hand coming up to touch his hair.  “Ja… well, practice was cancelled due to a couple of our other members catching a stomach bug.”
“Ah, is that so?” he asks, eyes closed in one of his signature frigid, displeased smiles.  “Still, I am glad you were able to make it.”
“…And I’m glad you’re here tonight, too,” you add, although he notes that your smile is still slightly strained.
Ah, such a genuine expression of kindness.  Truly, you were too kind and far too trusting.  Not that he’s going to complain about either of those traits.
His brother perks back up with that, a smile returning to his face as he plays with his hair.  “And I’m glad to be here, too.  It’ll be sehr gut to spend some quality time with the two of you this evening.”
“Perhaps later.”  Kristoph places his hand on the small of your back.  “For now, my partner and I have some other individuals to make sure we visit with before the evening is done.”
“R-Right, of course.”
You let out a small sigh of relief as he guides you away from a rather dejected Klavier, off to chat with some other up and coming defense attorney he spotted across the room.
Casting a glance over your shoulder to make sure you’re out of earshot, you give him a small smile.  “It seems I have to thank you yet again, Kris.”
“It was my pleasure.  I’m sure the awkwardness will subside in due time… with some distance, of course.”
“I hope you’re right.”
He raises his brows at you, expression slipping into a playful smile.  “Oh, I always am.  I believe I recently made that abundantly clear in court.”
You roll your eyes at his call back to the recent case he’d managed to turn around from right under your nose, but let out a light chuckle.  “Point taken.”
There is no ‘later’ that evening, as the two of you talk with other prominent lawyers at the gilded social event.  
Not a thread out of place, as perfect as always.
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anttax9-blog · 5 years ago
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eBook Literature Review from the year 2003 in the subject Communications - Motion pictures and Tv, grade: A, San Francisco State University (Ethnic Research studies), course: AAS 693 Asian Americans and the Mass Media, language: English, abstract: Whenever a brand-new Disney film is released, millions of individuals, children as well as adults, rush to the motion picture theatre .. (jumanji the next level trailer).
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Mulan - Legende einer Kriegerin Kritik - Autor: MarieTrin Moviejones
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Mulan Film (2020) · Trailer · Kritik · KINO.de
Mit 'Mulan', dem 36. abendfllenden Animationsfilm des Studios, nahm sich Disney im Jahr 1998 einer althergebrachten chinesischen Ballade an - mit einigen der fr Disney typischen, aber in dieser Story erstaunlich gut funktionierenden Anpassungen. Der unter der Regie von Tony Bancroft und Barry Cook in fast 5-jhriger Arbeit entstandene Movie hat nicht nur den Vorteil, dass er sich dank seiner asiatischen Ausrichtung von anderen Disney-Zeichentrickfilmen abheben kann, sondern auch, dass pass away weibliche Hauptfigur von den klassischen Klischees plain abweicht - male darf sogar so weit gehen und Mulan als die erste Disney-Feministin zu bezeichnen! Hier beweisen die Macher viel Feingefhl und liefern mit 'Mulan' nicht nur einen beraus kurzweiligen Familienfilm ab, sondern thematisieren fast nebenbei auch die bis heute typischen Rollen von Frau und Mann.
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Dank einer guten Mischung aus Ernsthaftigkeit und einer nicht zu klein geratenen Portion Humor - fr pass away vor allem die sehr gelungenen Nebenfiguren, wie z. B. der vorlaute (im englischen Original von Eddie Murphy gesprochene) Drache Mushu, sorgen - kommt der Film aber nicht nur glaubwrdig daher, sondern liefert auch eine gute Message ...
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agatha-abstinent · 8 months ago
Tag 3354 / Samstagnacht abstinent in Berlin
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nordgefuehl-blog · 6 years ago
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Mountains meet Sea
Ich bin schon so oft an dem Restaurant “Hamptons” in Scharbeutz vorbeigelaufen und hab die dekorativen Gerichte der Gäste von der Fensterscheibe aus betrachtet. Toll. Das kann ich mir nie leisten! Aber durch einen glücklichen Zufall kam es doch anders und Tadaaa… Plötzlich saß ich mit meinem Freund an einem Holztisch mit direktem Blick auf die windige Ostsee (ja, es ist noch kalt und frisch im Norden)…
Aber fangen wir von vorne an
Als wir gegen 7 Uhr abends ankamen begrüßte uns ein freundlicher, junger Mitarbeiter der uns gut gelaunt zu unserem Platz führte. Hier fanden wir uns in einem verglasten Außenbereich wieder und wir konnten DIREKT auf die Ostsee schauen, ohne Straße oder sonstiges dazwischen. Einfach nur der blaue Traum der Ferne. In diesem Punkt habe ich mir also schon mal nicht zu viel versprochen!
Da wir eingeladen wurden, haben wir uns nicht für ein Kartengericht entschieden, sondern für das Asiatische 7-Gänge Menü (es gab auch weniger Gänge wenn man wollte). Eigentlich bin ich nicht so der Fan von asiatischem Essen muss ich zugeben, da es meist sehr fischlastig ist und ich kein großer Fischfan bin bis auf einige Ausnahmen. Aber ich dachte mir, hey, warum nicht mal was Neues ausprobieren und alte Ansichten revidieren? Also gab ich dem Ganzen eine Chance.
- Ein Gruß aus der Küche -
Ich bestellte als Einstieg einen Weißwein (ich liebe Weißwein und auch so ziemlich jede Art und Region. Dafür habe ich eine starke Abneigung gegen Rotwein), der wie gewünscht süßlich war und auch keinen bitteren Nachgeschmack hervorrief. Damit kann man ja schon mal nicht so viel falsch machen.
Das erste Gericht, bestand lediglich aus einer einzigen Sushi-Rolle wie ihr auf dem Bild sehen könnt. Diese war gefüllt mit Gurke und einladend thronte eine besondere Art von Mayonnais oder Creme auf dem Stückchen, welches wiederum mit Sesam bestreut war. Ein kleines Geschmackserlebnis aber dafür umso leckerer. Die Creme verlieh dem Ganzen einen eigenen Akzent nebem dem bekannten Sushi-Geschmack (ob es wohl in solchen Portionsgrößen weitergeht..? Ich weiß ja nicht..)
In der Zwischenzeit bekamen wir auch unseren ersten Drink serviert, der sich ebenfalls als Überraschung herausstellte. Sehr begeistert war ich vor allem von der Tatsache, dass hier Glasstrohhalme benutzt werden und kein Plastik Ehrlich gesagt, kann ich gar nicht genau sagen was da drin gewesen ist, aber er war rot und alkoholisiert. Er schmeckte eher etwas bitter, ein bisschen Richtung Aperol, aber nicht ganz so soft. Auf jeden Fall ist er mit dem ein oder anderen Lebensmittel bereichert worden von dem ich noch nie etwas gehört habe (nächstes Mal höre ich definitiv besser zu. Da war ich mir auch noch nicht so sicher mit dem Beginn des Bloggens, also bitte verzeiht :)) Aber die Hauptsache: Es schmeckte!
- Sehr asiatisch, sehr köstlich -
Kurze Zeit später kam dann die erste richtige (dem Himmel sei Dank!) Speise, die aus einer recht kräftigen, fast scharfen Suppe bestand, die mit reichlich Gewürzen angereichert war. Der Geruch erinnerte mich eher an nicht so schöne Dinge aber der Geschmack war dafür umso besser. Gleichzeitig servierte man vor uns einen Teller mit Ente, auf regionalem Gemüse ausgebreitet, wie auch Algen und andere Köstlichkeiten in der Mitte des Tisches. Die Ente war so zart und der Fettrand ging mit einem Ruck vom Fleisch abzutrennen. Wirklich perfekt. Die Algen als Teil eines Gerichts ist wirklich eine Klasse für sich in meinen Augen. Ich kann mit der Konsistenz leider so gar nichts anfangen, da es recht mühsam ist sie zu kauen und sie auch recht glibschig daherkommen. Der Geschmack ist zwar auch gewöhnungsbedürftig aber gut am Ende.
Puh.. man traut sich bei dem wenigen Essen auf den Tellern kaum schnell zu essen, weil dann ja gleich schon alles weg ist. Aber mal ehrlich: Wenn ich zu einem Restaurant gehe, habe ich auch Hunger und dann muss ich essen. Ich vergesse jedoch nicht das Genießen. ;) Punkt.
- I like the way you roll -
Als nächster Punkt der Speisekarte erwarteten uns nach einiger Zeit weitere Sushi-Röllchen die nun allerdings etwas größer und sehr viel mehr mit Dekoration bestückt waren. Neben einer Lachs- wie auch Gurkenfüllung und auch Avocado-füllung schlängelten sich kleine Röstzwiebeln auf der Oberfläche und eine weitere herzhaft schmeckende Creme, wo ich den Namen leider auch nicht weiß (ja, ja ich bessere mich!). Die Mischung aus Röstzwiebeln und Sushi hat mir hier sehr gut gefallen, vor allem da auch die Creme noch einen dritten Geschmack mit reingebracht hat was zusammengefasst eine leckere Note hinterließ.
Zwischenzeitlich brachte man uns ein weiteres Getränk, ähnlich von der Farbe wie mein vorheriges. Diesmal jedoch dekorierte eine rote Art von Orange die Oberfläche des Glases und als Highlight wurde eine kleine, wie eine Muschel aussehende Blüte platziert, in der sich selbstgemachter Kaviar bettete. Wow. So ein tolles Getränk habe ich wirklich noch nie gesehen. Ein kleines Muschelboot mit Kaviarkugeln! Einen richtigen Geschmack hatten die Kügelchen meines Empfindens nach nicht, aber die Konsistenz erinnerte mich an Bubble Tea. Ich kann auch nicht sagen, ob sie an richtigen Kaviar erinnern, da ich diesen noch nie gegessen habe. Aber ich arbeite dran! ;)
- Die hippe Knolle -
Der nächste Gang empfahl sich als echtes Schmuckstück. Ich liebe Süßkartoffeln und in Mus-Form noch am meisten. Neben einem angebratenen Stück Tofu (welches ich als solches niemals erkannt hätte, hätte man es mir nicht gesagt), Erdnussstückchen wie auch knackigen, gerösteten Seetang (?Wieder eine Frage auf die ich die Antwort (noch) nicht weiß?) breitete sich das Süßkartoffelmus unter obiger Mischung aus. Hier ist es mir wirklich im Mund zergangen. Das Mus so kraftvoll im Geschmack, aas Tofu wie auch der angebratene Grünklee als perfekte Balance zur süßlichen Nuance der Kartoffel und der markante Stich der Erdnuss. Wirklich schade, dass die Portion so klein war, davon hätte ich noch einiges mehr essen können. Bestialisch gut!
Nach einigen Gängen, die, wie man auf den Bildern sieht, eher spärlich mit Essen beseet waren, muss ich jedoch sagen, dass ich trotzdem langsam ein Völle-Gefühl im Magen bekommen habe. Mal sehen, was für Schätze noch auf uns warten!
- Abwechslung in der Kontinuität -
Die nächste Köstlichkeit ließ wieder ein bisschen auf sich warten. Da sieht man mal was man aus ein und demselben Fisch alles machen kann! Drei verschiedene Arten der Präsentation konnten wir hier vernaschen, wobei mir die ummantelte Form am besten gefallen hat (zweite von oben). Der grüne Ausreißer ist ein Gurkenmousse mit Wasabitopping. Als kleines Extra findet man vereinzelt Gurkenblättchen auf dem Teller, mit recht intensivem Geschmack. Da springt der Gaumen auf und ab vor Freude, das kann ich euch sagen.
- I like it raw -
Zu meiner Freude, aber auch Überraschung, servierte der Kellner auf einmal noch ein neues Gedeck mit Sushi auf. Verwundert deshalb, weil sich die Speise zuvor ja schon eher in Richtung Nachtisch bewegte und dies wiederum in die andere Richtung. Aber hey! Ich will mich nicht beschweren, vor allem nicht bei so einer Leckerei wie dieser. Lachs mit Avocado und einem hübsch angerichteten Topping. Ganz wie es mir gefällt
- Dessert -
Nun, da sind wir. Der letzte Gang wartet darauf, von mir vernascht zu werden! Und das wird er, schaut es euch an. Neben einer leicht frittierten Banane und einem Avocadomousse mit Krümeltoppping, sticht vor allem der schwarze Sesam hervor. Keine Frage, dass ich für diesen Teller keine (wie sicherlich angedacht 30 Min.) gebraucht habe, sondern eher … 3 :).
Obwohl ich immer dachte, dass man von so vielen Gängen und so kleinen Portionen nicht satt wird und dies eigentlich nur herausgeschmissenes Geld ist, muss ich meine Meinung darüber nun eindeutig revidieren. Natürlich ist es so, dass man sein Geld auch andersweitig ausgeben kann und sicherlich auch muss. Auf der anderen Seite, wenn du wirklich mal herausfinden willst was es heißt, ein Geschmacksabenteuer zu erleben, dann bist du hier genau richtig.
# Erstens wird man hier als Kunde ganz anders wahrgenommen, bedient und beachtet. Da hat der Spruch “der Kunde ist König” wirklich einen ganz anderen Maßstab gewonnen und das wird hier in voller Gänze zum Ausdruck gebracht.
# Zweitens begeistert mich vor allem die Kombination der verschiedenen Lebensmittel. Wer kombiniert schon Eis mit Wasabi? Das sind Geschmackserlebnisse, die man, sollte man nicht gerade selber Koch sein, sehr selten hat und deshalb genieße ich es, wenn mir solche Momente begegnen. Vor allem ist im Allgemeinen die Lebensmittelauswahl hier vielfältiger und ausgeklügelter als in einem Standardrestaurant
# Drittens man kommt von ganz alleine in die Situation neue Wege in seinen Essensgewohnheiten einzuschlagen, weil, so ist meine Meinung, kochen hier Leute, die es können und es mit Sicherheit auch so kochen das es mir schmeckt.
Jeder der Lust hat und es sich leisten kann und will, sollte hier einmal vorbeigeschaut haben. Egal ob zum einfachen Abendessen oder zu einem besonderen Anlass, der Koch und das gesamte Team zaubern dir mit ihren Köstlichkeiten mit Sicherheit ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht. Dies ist sicher nichts für jeden Tag, aber wenn man seine Prioritäten, hinsichtlich des Essens, etwas verschiebt, ist man hier auf jeden Fall an der richtigen Adresse. (advertising)
Diskussionthema Was sagt ihr dazu? Lohnt es sich für euch, einen relativ hohen Preis für gutes Essen/ Lebensmittel auszugeben oder esst ihr lieber auf Sparflamme? Gerne höre ich eure Meinungen dazu!
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itsitchyfeet · 6 years ago
Time is flying by - Die Zeit, die fliegt vorbei
Ihr Lieben, 
ich habe das Gefühl dass kaum, dass ich einen Eintrag zu Ende geschrieben habe, auch eigentlich schon wieder der nächste folgen müsste. Seit dem letzten sind auch inzwischen schon wieder fast 3 Wochen vergangen, und ich muss mich jetzt glaube ich wirklich anstrengend, um alles zusammen zu kriegen, was so passiert ist (dazu konsultiere ich hauptsächlich meine Fotos vom Handy, um alles noch so einigermaßen auf die Reihe zu bekommen...). Aber versuchen wir es mal von vorne:
Direkt nachdem ich den letzten Eintrag sind Hugo und ich mit unseren Fahrrädern (diese stellen sich als unsere bisher beste Errungenschaft) auf Entdeckungstour gegangen. Wir sind einfach mal der Nase nach - Richtung Norden, Richtung Meer- gefahren. Nach ca. 45 Minuten haben wir bereits die Stadtrand von Belfast erreicht, erstmal gab es große Enttäuschung: Auf Google Maps sieht es zwar so aus, als würde der Fahrradweg direkt neben dem Wasser verlaufen, in der Realität sind zwischen Weg und Meer aber leider ein mindestens 2m hoher Holzzaun. Dafür hat man aber einen wunderbaren, freien Blick auf die Autobahn links vom Weg! Zum Glück haben wir aber nicht direkt aufgegeben, und nach weiteren ca. 15 Minuten hatte man dann endlich auch freie Sicht aufs Wasser. Wir sind dann bis zu einem kleinen Park direkt am Ufer gefahren, wo es sehr zu meiner Freude zahlreiche Hundespaziergänger inklusive ihrer Vierbeine zu sehen gab. Hugo war unterdessen schon etwas genervt von meine aas und ooooh wie süüüüüüß’s... Fine hätte dieser Ort auf jeden Fall bestens gefallen! Außer den Hunden gab es dann noch einen tollen Blick auf die Bucht, in der Belfast liegt, und den Hafen. Und es hat sogar die Sonne geschienen! Insgesamt waren wir knappe 4 Stunden unterwegs, aber als wir zu Hause angekommen sind, waren wir uns beide einig, dass sich das definitiv gelohnt hat.
In den darauffolgenden Tagen ist dann nicht so viel passiert, das wohl aufregendste: Ich habe einen Dachs gesehen! Die scheint es hier im Village wohl viel zu geben. Er saß direkt von meiner Haustür, und hat zum Abendbrot Nudeln aus einem der Müllbeutel verspeist. Als ich näher gekommen bin ist er kurz abgehauen, aber später konnte ich ihn dann von drinnen weiter beobachten, da er direkt unter meinem Fenster saß. Näher dran geht wirklich nicht!
Am Wochenende haben meine Freunde und ich dann einen Ausflug nach Derry, bzw. Londonderry gemacht, welches die zweit größte (und zweit-einzigste) Stadt in Nordirland ist. Mit dem Zug ist man in ca. 2 Stunden dort, und hat damit auch eigentlich direkt das ganze Land durchquert, Derry liegt nämlich direkt an der Grenze zu Süd-Irland, oder ‘the South’, wie die Leute hier sagen. In Derry wurden wir dann direkt vom typisch-irischen Wetter empfangen: während wir bei strahlendem Sonnenschein aus dem Zug gestiegen sind, hat es uns nur wenige Minuten später bereits bei gefühlten -10 Grad und Hurricane-artigen Stürmen die Regenschirme aus der Hand gerissen. Also sind wir erstmal in ein Restaurant geflohen, wo wir gemütlich Mittag gegessen haben. Später haben wir dann eine Stadttour gemacht, welche sich als wirklich lohnenswert herausgestellt hat. Derry hat viel Geschichte - hier haben sich viele der berühmten nordirischen Konflikte zwischen Katholiken und Evangelen zugetragen. Die Innenstadt ist von einer großen Mauer umgeben, und wurde immer mal wieder wechselnd von der einen oder anderen Partei erobert. Und noch heute gibt es einige Bezirke, in welchen hauptsächlich Evangelen, und andere, wo fast ausschließlich Katholiken leben. In einer Zeit, wo aus meinem näheren Umfeld fast kaum einer mehr zur Kirche geht, ist dieser religiöse Teilung fast undenkbar. Die politische und religiöse Einstellung der Iren lässt sich auch heute noch ganz einfach erkennen: Während der ursprüngliche Name eigentlich Londonderry ist, sind heute tatsächlich beide Namen auf Landkarten eingetragen. Irgendwann haben die Katholiken,die nationalists oder republicans, welche eigentlich lieber zum südlichen Irland, als zum Vereinigten Königreich gehören würden, dann aber beschlossen, dass Londonderry zu sehr auf London verweist - also machten sie daraus Derry.  Die Evangelen, oder auch unionists, möchten im Vereinigten Königreich bleiben, und sagen nach wie vor Londonderry. Und obwohl es seit Ende 1900 keine Konflikte mehr gibt, spürt man auch heute noch die extreme Verbundenheit der Nord-Iren mit ihrer Geschichte, und so ganz geklärt scheint die Angelegenheit - zumindest in den Köpfen der Menschen, noch nicht zu sein. Der anstehende Brexit ist da sicherlich nicht hilfreich.
In der nächsten Woche gab es dann ein großes Highlight für mich: mein Freund Lars hat mich für eine Woche besucht. Da wir uns seit 6 Wochen nicht gesehen hatten, war die Freude natürlich groß :). Obwohl er an den Wochentagen von hier aus noch arbeiten musste (er arbeitet als IT-consultant, daher kann er von überall arbeiten, solange er WLAN und einen Laptop hat), haben wir echt viel unternommen. Das wohl coolste war unser Besuch bei einem Hunderennen. Das ist eigentlich wie Pferderennen - nur eben mit Windhunden. Ich hatte davon vorher noch nie gehört, aber es hat sich definitiv gelohnt. Für nur 10£ gab es Eintritt, einen Burger, Pommer, und sogar ein alkoholisches Getränk. Und für jeweils mindestens 2£ konnte man Wetten auf die Hunde abgeben - das ist hier ein richtig großes Geschäft! Wir waren leider nur so mehr oder weniger erfolgreich, aber es war trotzdem ein Riesen Spaß! Kann ich jedem nur empfehlen, der mal in Irland zu Besuch ist. Sonntag waren wir dann zu zweit auf dem Cave Hill wandern, welcher einen tollen Ausblick über Belfast, die Bucht, und die umliegenden Dörfer bot - die Bilder sprechen hier wohl für sich. (Es war arschkalt da oben!!!) Und viel zu schnell gingen dann auch die letzten drei Tage um, an denen ich dann auch leider schon wieder zur Uni musste. Insgesamt finde ich leider nur einen meiner drei Kurse wirklich gut (Psychological Theories of Crime). Die anderen beiden sind eher so naajaaa, was in einem Kurs am Thema (Criminological Theories, und ja, es sind wirklich NUR Theorien, das ganze ist also, nun ja, etwas... theoretisch?!) und im anderen an der Dozentin (die Slides vorlesen kann ich mir auch selber...) liegt. Aber glücklicherweise muss ich nur drei Hausarbeiten abgeben am Ende des Semesters. 
Ich bin jetzt übrigens auch endlich umgezogen! Ich habe also meine kleinen Iren verlassen, und wohne jetzt im Haus von Judith, Hugo, und noch 3 weiteren Erasmus Studenten. Obwohl ich jetzt kein eigenes Bad mehr habe, fühle ich mich hier pudelwohl!  Und außerdem bin ich dem Lacrosse Team beigetreten! Wir hatten bisher erst ein paar Trainings (und ich kann die Bälle immer noch nicht wirklich fangen) aber es macht mir bisher riesigen Spaß. Bilder davon folgen auch bestimmt mal irgendwann... :)
So, ich glaube das war es jetzt erstmal wieder von mir. Ich sollte wohl bald mal anfangen, Notizen von dem zu machen was alles so passiert... Insgesamt bin ich nach wie vor sehr zufrieden hier, und bin schon ganz traurig wenn ich daran denke, dass bereits ein Drittel unserer Zeit hier vorbei ist. Aber machen wir das beste draus!
Dicken Knutsch an alle, Lina
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bodytransformationcenter · 3 years ago
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Dies ist ein Spendenaufruf eines Freundes, den ich von Herzen unterstütze. Wenn du noch nicht gespendet hast, weil du vielleicht nicht sicher bist, ob deine Spende komplett da ankommt wo sie hin soll, dann schau dir diese Aktion bitte einmal an: Guten Morgen Euch allen. Am Freitag werde ich mich einem Hilfskonvoi an die ukrainische Grenze in Polen anschließen. Ziel der Aktion ist es, dringend benötigte Waren die auf der Flucht benötigt werden dort hin zu liefern und dann über LKW's in die Ukraine weiter zu befördern. Für das Vorhaben werden dringend folgende Dinge benötigt: - Alte Handys (keine Smartphones!) aufgeladen mit Ladekabel - Powerbanks, vollgeladen - Batterien AA un AAA - Taschenlampen - Taschenmesser, Besteck - Handschuhe, Mützen - Schlafsäcke, Decken - Konserven (kein Glas) - Babynahrung - Hygieneartikel wie Damenbinden, Zahnbürsten, Zahnpasta Wenn ihr also irgendetwas davon bei Euch zu Hause habt und es entbehren könnt, so bring es bitte bis Donnerstag 10.03. an unsere Standorte in Bremen, Oldenburg und Nienburg. Ich werde dann alles dort einsammeln mit mitnehmen. Wer von all dem nichts hat, aber trotzdem helfen möchte, kann dies mit einer Spende über PayPal tun! Hier mein PayPal-Link: https://paypal.me/andreekuehnel Ich werde das eingenommene Geld nutzen um Schlafsäcke, Konserven und Hygieneartikel zu kaufen. Die Liste der Artikel die ich von den Spenden kaufen konnte, werde ich veröffentlichen. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung! (hier: Aurich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CazawhINqcx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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querdenken711 · 3 years ago
💜💜💜 Zieht in den Frieden, Freunde - Alien's Best Friend YouTube: 🎬 https://youtu.be/CvZdTDycH8E 🎬 PeerTube: 📺 https://tube.querdenken-711.de/videos/watch/4ee64699-98ab-4e2b-a743-2707008efc03 📺 Odysee: 🎞 https://odysee.com/@querdenken711:aa/zieht-in-den-frieden-freunde_aliensbestfriend:0 🎞 Zieht in den Frieden, Freunde, jetzt und hier ist die Zeit Jeder einzelne von uns steht vorne bereit Niemand sonst wird uns befrei‘n aus der Grausamkeit Wir ham‘ die Feinde im Visier und wir reagiern Zieht in den Frieden, Freunde, los Zieht in den Frieden, Freunde, los Mit Licht und Liebe, Leute, los Zieht in den Frieden, Freunde, jetzt und hier ist die Zeit Jeder einzelne von uns steht vorne bereit Niemand sonst wird uns befrei‘n aus der Grausamkeit Das hier ist unser Revier und sie verlier‘n Zieht in den Frieden, Freunde, wir sind diesmal am Zug Unsere Waffen sind die Menschlichkeit und der Mut Die Munition ist Empathie und Feuer im Blut Jagt sie zum Teufel denn wir sind nicht mehr zu regier‘n Wir - sind Krieger des Lichts Pioniere des Friedens Wir - sind die Zukunft https://t.me/aliensbestfriend
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aimmedu · 3 years ago
Aspiring California Musicians Can Now Join the Online Course Offered by AIMM Music School
The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media (AIMM), one of the country’s premier music and media production schools, is offering an Online Certificate in Music and Technology. The course is an excellent opportunity for California musicians, producers, engineers, guitarists, and bassists to elevate their skills, network within the industry, and land a successful music career.
The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media provides non-beginning instrument students and recording arts students a platform and coaching environment that enhances their latent musical talents and prepares them for the challenges they would face as working professionals in the industry. The school’s primary focus is to give its students, a positive and fulfilling experience that will hone their skills to match the demands of the recording and media industry. AIMM believes with the way the music industry currently is, having an instrument and technical-based education gives AIMM students in California a clear advantage over other DIY musicians and producers.
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The school’s curriculum incorporates both class and private instructions in the form of audio, video, and computer lab sessions. They also host live clinics that bring in speakers who have made their mark in the industry and are willing to share their resplendent knowledge of the craft. These initiatives give the students a unique insider’s perspective on the opaque workings of an often secretive industry.
The institute’s alumni include a who’s who of the current media and music production landscape. A few of the names highlighted on AIMM's website include Tosin Abasi (Animals as Leaders), Kesha Lee (Childish Gambino, Gucci Mane), KEYZBABY (Beyonce, Cardi B, Wiz Khalifa), Turbo the Great (Gunna, Young Thug), Devon (Stixx) Taylor (Justin Beiber), J Bake (Mariah Carey), Stephen Freeman (Method Man, Mary J Blige), Terrell Sass (Ludacris, T.I.), Matt Aston (Real Housewives of Atlanta), Jacob Evergreen (Rachel Platten), Vitali Tkachenka (Modern Scales Concepts, AIMM), Benjie Freund (Neutrino Gaming), Aaron Soriero (Pitbull), Cameron Allen (Morgan's Road, AIMM), Andrew Tanguay (Mercedes-Benz Stadium), Chris Kittredge (Arrested Development), and Guerilla Warfar (Nu Metal Band), just to name a few.
AIMM's online music certificate uniquely combines organic instrumentation with valuable music production techniques. The certificate offers a concentration in either guitar or bass. It consists of 36 credits that are fully transferable to the Associate of Applied Science in Music and Technology Degree offered by the same school. The school also offers financial aid for those who qualify. The program is 100% online and can be completed in 12 months of full-time enrollment.
The course ensures that the students get to sample and learn from a wide range of musical styles such as jazz, rock, classical, folk, blues, and R&B. The school also helps students with job placements upon graduation, beginning from the final quarter of attendance. They have a dedicated Career Placement Specialist that helps students produce an eye-catching and impressive resume that will open doors for them to advance their career.
The school is an AVID Pro Tools Training Partner. This hard to attain distinction grants the school the ability to provide insider tips and insights when it comes to recording, mixing, and mastering original music. The school trains its students on industry-standard software such as Pro Tool 101 and Pro Tool 110. This insistence on training with state-of-the-art software makes its students ready to take on professional workloads from the get-go.
A spokesperson for the school talks about the online course by saying, “Online learning has opened up avenues that were hitherto undreamt of. Now you can be halfway across the country and still level up your skills under the guidance of expert coaches and instructors without upending your entire life. You can now earn a world-class education without sacrificing your time and existing gigs, a luxury that most musicians struggling to make it in the industry would appreciate. So give us a call today at (770) 242-7717 or send us an email at [email protected] or head over to our website to confirm your enrollment in the best California music school online.”
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The AIMM faculty is comprised of industry professionals whose education and work experience as session players, performing artists, producers, engineers, and instructors have prepared them to teach the demanding curriculum. Programs Music Production and Audio Recording School Audio Post Production Associate Degree The AAS degree program in Audio Post Production focuses on the technical application of music, dialogue, sound design, and location audio for film, television, gaming, and all new media forms of expression. The program consist of courses designed to provide students with the necessary education to further his or her recording and engineering abilities. Atlanta Institute of Music and Media provides Audio Post Production program students with the instructional environment necessary to develop both their technical and practical talents. Students will acquire the skills to advance their musical aptidude and gain knowledge in the field of audio post production. The program also includes applied general education courses and gives the students the ability to obtain Pro Tools Certifications in music production and audio for film post production. Students in the Audio Post Production Associate of Applied Science program are required to complete the requisite number of General Education credits. Students wishing to attempt to transfer general education credits completed at other institutions must demonstrate appropriate comparability to the applied nature of the general education courses available at AIMM. Students must show proficiency on the instrument of their focus as described in Admissions procedures. Best Music School in GeorgiaMusic and Technology Associate Degree Atlanta Institute of Music and Media provides Music and Technology program students with the instructional environment necessary to develop both their technical and musical talents. Students acquire the skills to advance their musical aptitude and gain knowledge in the field of recording and engineering. Our M&T AAS degree has an instrument of focus (Guitar, Drums, Bass, Keyboard, or Voice), with courses specific to that instrument, as well as recording and engineering courses. The program is designed for the musician who also wishes to gain knowledge in the field of recording and engineering, in order to open opportunities in today's ever-changing music industry. By combining music and media, we help our students expand their income opportunities because AIMM graduates are prepared to step into to most in-demand positions today, including live event and studio recording, music composition and performance, audio engineering for music, gaming, film, television and more. Atlanta Music School Certification Program Atlanta Institute of Music and Media provides the non-beginning student with the instructional environment necessary to develop his/her talents and acquire the skills to become one of today's professional musicians or engineers. AIMM's Instrument curriculum accomplishes this through live performances, class and private instruction, audio and video computer lab instruction, and live clinics featuring today's most well-known and innovative artists and music industry experts. The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media's programs are taught by professionals whose work experience, certification and/or music degrees give each instructor the necessary background to teach the demanding curriculum. As a close-knit community, our students are exposed to a diverse range of musical styles, experiences and backgrounds. Atlanta Institute of Music and Media is state-certified by The Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission, and nationally accredited by The Council on Occupational Education. AIMM is an approved Veteran training facility, and financial aid is available for those who qualify.", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressCountry": "USA", "addressLocality": "Duluth", "addressRegion": "Georgia", "postalCode": "30096", "streetAddress": "2875 Breckinridge Blvd #700" }, "telephone": "+1 (800) 886-6874", "legalName": "The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media", "@id": "https://www.aimm.edu/" }
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from Press Releases https://www.pressadvantage.com/story/44850-aspiring-california-musicians-can-now-join-the-online-course-offered-by-aimm-music-school
0 notes
agarbageyouth · 7 years ago
Come With Me - Medic x Pyro
        "Hudda!", a muffled voice called as the sound of a phlogistinator blast resounded through the BLU base. Two familiar figures running through their courtyard, RED Medic towed by his favorite fire obsessed comrade. The phlog his friend carried sparked to life. The cool metal had quickly lit with a lovely apple color, static shooting off in several directions. Medic sprinted behind the Pyro; their laughter echoing within the halls of this Teufort base.
        They were both quite amused, a bright smile on Medic's face as he and Pyro continued with their antics. By the time the phlog ran out of power they had committed a complete team wipe; the Administer shouting through her microphone, "We've taken the enemy intelligence!"
        The doctor grinned as Pyro motioned for them to retreat. They ran together and met up with Scout down in the courtyard. Pyro gently gave Scout a pat on the head before he ran off with the intel, leaving Medic and Pyro to ensure he wouldn't be followed.
        "Where is your doctor now?", came Heavy's yell from outside the front entrance. Medic glanced in that direction; his glasses reflecting the light that shone through the door. It was sunny today, and yet not quite warm enough for summer. The rickety bridge that ran over the small divide in between the bases creaked as Scout ran over it. Sunlight rained down and into the building in golden beams, as if god himself was using a medigun to heal the ground the sun touched. Even with the sound of gunfire, Medic found this place to be quite beautiful.
        A 'whoosh' sounded behind him however, and Medic found himself pushed to the dusty ground; not seconds later Pyro slamming his fire axe into a recently de-cloaked Spy. His gaze shifted to Pyro, a surprised look on his face. Pyro, seemingly, looked back at him and reached a hand down to him. Medic gladly took his hand, and was immediately pulled off of the ground.
        "Victory.", the announcer's voice calmly announced. Pyro grabbed Medic into a hug, a muffled laughter coming from within his mask. Medic chuckled and hugged his friend back; his cheeks dusted red.
        "This calls for celebration, my friend!", He said to Pyro as he pulled away. A simple nod is what he received in response, before Pyro grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. Medic snickered and followed closely behind as Pyro lead them back to base. This was an often occurrence when they were victorious, and thus Medic could already guess what they were going to end up doing.
        He was lead through the halls of the RED base, their team high-fiving and dancing throughout the building. Medic was lead down into the intel room re-supply, where he and Pyro generally hung out to play games and watch television. Pyro ushered him into his normal sitting spot before he ran out. Medic tilted his head at this, though wouldn't question it. His friend worked in mysterious ways, he had learned over the time they spent together.
        Medic remembered when he had first joined the Reliable Excavation Demolition team. He had been quite introverted, left namely to himself within the confines of their respawn area; working on the medigun and left to his own thoughts. He thought back to when Pyro joined, and how the fire lover would come in to visit him.
        Pyro could often be found bringing in hair clips for Medic during that time, gently moving his hair out of his face for him while he worked. For a while Pyro had even started asking him about his work; in his own, Pyro way. That had been a while ago, however.
        Medic felt a tickle on his forehead. The little fluff of hair that normally remained brushed slightly to the side had come down once again. He leaned against the wall and gently reached into one of the many containers that hung around his waist, pulling out one of the many hair clips Pyro had given him. He gently moved the hair up and clipped it, the black color contrasting with the pink clip.
        The door slid open, Pyro rushing in with a couple of boxes. He practically slammed them onto the floor. He pulled a large blanket from one of them and lied it down in front of the supply container, grabbing the other two boxes and dumping their contents down onto the blanket. He then, politely, gestured Medic to take a seat.
        The doctor sighed a bit and nodded, sitting about a foot away from Pyro. The contents of the boxes Pyro had dumped varied. Several game boards with pieces mixed together, some sandwiches that had been wrapped in plastic, Old movies, an entire package of balloons, and a fist sized rock. Medic raised a brow at the last one, picking up the rock with a gloved hand.
       "Pyro?", he looked over at the aforementioned maniac only to be pulled into a hug then immediately pushed away. Pyro's hands flailed a bit, roughly the same level that his shoulders sat at, and even with his mask it was almost obvious that he was smiling. He reached over and took the rock from Medic's hand, only to turn it over and shove it back towards him.
        On the other side of the rock, it seemed as though Pyro had drawn a smiley face. It was even labelled with the name 'Craig'. He chuckled a bit and gave the rock a small pat before setting it down.
        "Clever", he remarked and smiled at Pyro. Pyro motioned an 'oh, you' at Medic before picking up one of the gameboards and handing it to the doctor. Medic looked it over, finding that the checkered black and creme board had been drawn on. Small doodles of flowers, bees, and various other life littered its surface. He couldn't help but smile as Pyro pushed the other boards onto his lap, revealing similar drawings on all of them.
        Medic picked up one of the game pieces and snickered with what Pyro had done to it. He picked up a few more only yielding the same result; his snicker turning into a giggle of amusement quickly. Every single one of the pieces had googly eyes glued on, with little mouths to match. He found it quite amusing that anyone, even Pyro, would have taken the time to meticulously place them on such small pieces.
        Pyro pulled Medic onto his lap and nuzzled him as if he were a dog, his arms hugging the doctor tightly in an awkward sort of cuddle. The doctor laughed and looked at Pyro.
        "You are quite skilled with glue, mien freund.", he gave Pyro a toothy smile.
        The door opened after a few seconds, interrupting them. Both of their heads turned, almost in unison, only to find Spy standing there.
        "Gentlemen.", he frowned. "We've received a message from our employer. We're being moved by tomorrow morning.", Spy commented simply. "I'd recommend packing your bags. It doesn't seem as though we'll be back for a while."
        Pyro nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Medic however, frowned with the news.
        "Where are we being sent?", he asked.
        "Coldfront.", Spy responded in turn; his resting face giving him an almost annoyed look.      
        "What?", Medic tilted his head as he pushed out of Pyro's arms. "I wonder why.", he stated. Spy simply shrugged in response before exiting the room, leaving the pair to themselves.
        Medic looked back at Pyro. "Shall we pack, and continue this some other time?", he asked. Pyro's shoulders dropped as he slumped in disappointment, but gave a thumbs up nonetheless. "Ah, don't worry. We'll spend time once again when we reach the new base.", Medic nodded at him and stood up; brushing himself off. "You can show me more of your collection another time.", the German patted Pyro on the head and started to clean up.
        After a while, everything ended up back in their respective boxes and the two had stood up. Medic gave Pyro a quick hug before pulling away. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then.", he gave Pyro a wave before exiting the resupply.
        Pyro nodded and waved back, even with the boxes in his hands. He looked back down at the boxes through the darkened glass of his mask. He loved his rock Craig, and loved that Medic liked Craig too.
        Craig was his favorite rock.
                 By the time morning had come, the team was already bustling. Almost everyone ran around in their pajamas as they desperately tried to get last minute packing done before the administrator announced that it was time to hit the road. Solder was cramming heads into boxes, Heavy was talking to Sasha as he buckled her into one of the team van's seats, and Sniper was taking one last bathroom break.
        The only ones whom weren't scrambling were Pyro, Medic, and Spy; all of whom whom had all their belongings in boxes the night before, after everyone else had decided to head to bed. Pyro stood outside in a striped night shirt and soft pants with a fire print on them. Somehow, his mask had managed to land itself on his face regardless of his missing suit.
      Medic's pajamas were similar, though his were slightly softer as they had recently been washed and his were a solid red color; though they were extremely baggy, and his shoulder practically fit through the neck hole with his head. Spy had already dressed in his suit, his mask and cigarette in place as they had been the day before.
        It was cold this morning, a light fog hanging over the base as the three stood outside. Medic began to shiver. He could see his breath, and looked at Pyro.
        Pyro caught his gaze and with a cheerful 'aa!' from within his mask, he wrapped the healer in a warm hug. Pyro cuddled him as the team rushed their belongings into the van. Medic leaned into his fiery companion, resting his head on Pyro's shoulder as he huddled for warmth.
        After a few moments, the Administrator's voice popped up on the intercom.
        "Leave, now.", her voice echoed before it completely disappeared. They waited for a second to make sure she had nothing left to say, before one by one everyone moved into the van. Medic and Pyro had decided to take the seats in the very back, Sniper, Spy, and Scout taking the ones ahead of them, followed by Soldier, Heavy, and Sniper. In the very front sat Engineer, along with someone they assumed had been sent to escort them in the van.
        The vehicle roared to life, and almost immediately they were off. The surrounding area of Teufort was rather barren save for the small river that ran across the middle of their battlefield. They followed the water for a bit, Medic noticed, before the river pulled off away from the van. He sighed and leaned back, against Pyro slightly. He set his head on Pyro's shoulder and shut his eyes.
        Pyro wrapped his arm around Medic, a delighted giggle resounding from within his mask. He gently pet Medic's hair, running a gloved hand through it. He was careful not to pull and watched as Medic's chest began to rise slower. After a little while, his limp body slumped against Pyro and soft snores escaped his slightly parted lips. Pyro snickered and, glancing forward to ensure no one would notice, snuck a small kiss to Medic's forehead through his mask.
        He let Medic fall onto his lap, and used his right hand to play with the small clump of hair that liked to tickle at that lovely man's forehead. Pyro let out a soft sigh. Around Medic it always seemed as though he could relax. Medic was his favorite to cuddle, and when they were in battle he found that they were virtually unstoppable. He found the doctor's smile always made his day.
        Pyro's eyes scanned Medic's face, a smile appearing on his own as his gaze skirted over the other male's features. So few admired Medic, and thus Pyro felt it was his job to do it for the remaining seven of his team; and he was perfectly content with this.
        Eventually, Pyro's eyes started to droop. He let out a yawn within his mask and leaned back. He gently moved Medic's hand onto the his stomach before placing his own hand on top of it. Then, he shut his eyes and relaxed. This was absolutely perfect. Eventually, Pyro felt the warm embrace of sleep take him and he was happy.
        Yelling, a crash, and then silence. Medic drowsily awoke to these sounds. His body ached and when he opened his eyes he found that his glasses were missing; blood trickling down his head and arm. He felt cold against his back. He shifted, and he felt the familiar crunch of snow against his side and the pull of an incline as if he were sat on a hill. His vision was blurred slightly, though he could still see. He tried to sit up, and rubbed at his eyes to clear them.
        He frowned as he looked around, only to find he was surrounded by trees and snow. Down the hill, he could see the van; completely destroyed and with no one to be found. He figured that there must have been an accident, and that he had been thrown from the vehicle as it tumbled down to its inevitable destruction. He scratched the back of his neck with his good arm, looking down at his left.
        His arm was soaked with blood, a large shard of glass sticking out of it. It seemed as though the initial shock of the incident was keeping pure agony at bay, but even with this he could already feel the waves of pain starting to pick up. Medic shakily stood up, and carefully made his way down the hill towards the van. If he could simply find his medigun, he could fix this and find his team. His shoes slipped a bit on the snow, but he did his best to remain steady. It took a few moments though eventually he made it to the van.
       There were seemingly no corpses around, and there was no blood around either. Medic let out a sigh, his breath creating a cloud in front of his mouth. He pried open one of the doors, the piece so bent and cold that it practically broke off. A cool breeze wisped through the air, making Medic shiver. He was freezing.
        Medic ducked into the van, looking about the inside. He frowned as he found that no one was here, even as a corpse, nor were there any boxes left here. Had they left him behind? There was no blood, at least from the quick check that he had done, and while every piece of the van was destroyed the boxes would have at least been here if they hadn't abandoned him.
        He silently cursed to himself and exited the van, wrapping his arms around himself as he looked around. He had no idea where he was, or where to go. He was alone. Medic let out a sigh and leaned against one of the trees, sliding to the ground and hugging himself tightly. He figured it would be best to at least stay here, in case they decided to come looking for him. He wasn't sure how long he would survive with the cold, though. He would have to wait and see.
                      By the time the sun had started to set, still no one had come. Medic had curled up inside the van in an attempt to get away from some of the cold. He sat in on one of the seats, shivering and curled in a ball. His skin had turned pale, his lips slowly turning blue, and his head rested against the window. He could hardly pay attention. He felt so cold, and yet at the same time it was like he was on fire. He was sweating and his limbs were becoming harder to move. He wanted so desperately to tear his clothes off to cool down, but he knew that this was a trick of the body. He knew it was only a matter of time before it became too unbearable for even him to handle.
        Medic huddled closer to himself, the blood that had oozed from his wounds completely frozen against his skin. He was positive he was going to die, until he hear a far off call.
        "Medic!", came his normal call; horrifically muffled as though it was from behind a mask. He recognized that voice regardless. Medic's eyes lit up and he leaned to call out of the van.
        "Pyro?", He called back. His yell was weak, however, and Medic doubted Pyro would have heard it with how far off he sounded. Regardless, another call came for him.
        "Medic!", he heard. This time, it was closer. He smiled, and even felt as though he was going to cry.
        "Pyro!", he yelled out; this time managing to make it louder. He gently stood up, his joints and muscles screaming as he moved. He hobbled out of the van and fell into the snow. The sky above the trees brightly painted hues of oranges and reds with the setting of the sun, as if the entire forest had been set ablaze. The snow reflected the light, dulling it and yet sparkling just like a twinkling ruby.
        The crunching of snow could be heard to the left, as if someone was sprinting. Medic turned; only to see his fire wielding comrade. Pyro quickly pulled him into a protective, and yet concerned, embrace. It seemed, at least to Medic, that Pyro might have even been crying. His chest spasming and small, muffled hics coming from the inside of Pyro's mask. Medic pet his back and pressed his head into Pyro's neck.
        For a moment, everything was still; the entire forest lit up around them. Pyro pulled back a bit and gently cupped Medic's face in his hand. He made a motion, pointing to the forehead of his gas mask and his left arm.
        "I'm alright, for now.", Medic responded as he picked up the memo. "Just...cold.", he pressed his body back into Pyro's. Pyro seemed so warm to him. Pyro sighed with relief in his mask and gently pulled the doctor into his lap, maneuvering so that he could stand and hold Medic against him; much like a reverse piggy back.
        Pyro turned back in the direction he had come from and began to walk. The forest around them was quiet, the snow on the tall Evergreen's sometimes falling off in small, powdery clumps. They made the wind dusty, and the icicles in the branches shifted the light. As Pyro walked, he was careful not to harm Medic any more than he had already been injured. The soft crunch of the snow beneath his feet echoed through the trees and his breathing became one of the only other sounds that could be heard.
        Medic had his arms wrapped around Pyro's neck tightly, his legs folded around his waste so that he would be more stable. He clung to Pyro like a koala, pressing his body into the other male's as far as he could and still be comfortable. His cheeks had turned a light shade of red, simply with how Pyro had decided to carry him, and this at least warmed his face a bit. After a while, Pyro turned and made a small 'ah' noise within his mask. Medic looked behind himself, only to see what Pyro had made the noise at.
        They had come upon a seemingly abandoned building; a fence blocking their way. The building had had two walls torn off, and most of the roof was missing as well. What was left were two walls, and a window on one side. In the middle of it though, sat a large metal plate; with a round light embedded in the middle of it. Pyro walked forward and gently helped Medic over the fence before jumping over himself. He then, picked his doctor back up and made his way into the building. It was wood, and there was so much snow on the inside it almost looked as though there was no floor.
        However, under the partial bit of roof that had not been destroyed, a wood burning stove remained. There was a kettle, and even some pots and pans; a lantern hanging just next to them. Beneath the stove, a tray sat holding dry wood. Pyro grinned beneath his mask and sat Medic down next to it, where the snow had not quite reached. He began to fiddle with the inside, throwing in some kindling to try and get it started. He took a lighter from his pajama pocket, and held it on some of the smaller pieces until they caught fire.
        He then turned to look at Medic, and gently moved him a bit closer; sitting down next to him to watch the fire. Medic sighed in relief with this break and leaned against Pyro; still shivering, though he knew this would change in due time.
        Pyro shifted a bit, to look at Medic. Again, he pointed to his arm. Medic shook his head.
        "If I remove the glass now it may become infected, especially with nothing to clean it or cover it. I don't even have anything to stop the bleeding with.", he replied to his friend with a frown. Pyro nodded in understanding. He then stood up, and grabbed one of the pots. He filled it with snow and put it on top of the wood stove; throwing a log into it now that they had at least a small fire going.
        Pyro returned to Medic's side and brought him close once again; kissing his head through his mask. Medic's face exploded with red at this, and he looked at Pyro with wide eyes. Pyro simply gave a cheerful thumbs up and turned his attention to the fire, pulling Medic close to him once again.
        Medic couldn't help but smile and leaned against Pyro, pulling his un-injured arm around his favorite fire expert. Even with his red face, he mustered up the courage to lean up and kiss Pyro's cheek. Pyro gasped in delight and only hugged him closer; giggling a bit to himself.
        The fire began to roar in the pit, and Medic stuck his hands out to warm them up. He could feel the heat radiating out of it, and he could see the snow melting in the pot. His body started to tingle, as he started to warm back up. He smiled and looked at Pyro. For a moment, Pyro looked at him back; before letting out a loud gasp. Medic jumped a bit with Pyro's reaction and raised a brow at him.
        Pyro put his hands up, only to reach into his pocket once again and pull out Medic's spectacles. They were cracked, more than likely from the accident, but they still seemed usable. Medic's eyes lit up as Pyro gently placed them onto his face, clapping excitedly.
        "Danke, Pyro!", he grinned and kissed Pyro's forehead. Pyro put a hand over the front filter of his mask, as if he were making a surprised face in a joking manner. They both laughed a bit, as the doctor warmed up, and eventually the sun had completely set; leaving an array of stars in the sky. They were illuminated by the soft glow of the fire, and Pyro leaned up and turned on the gas lamp that hung next to the stove.
        Eventually, Pyro pulled the pot of melted snow off of the burner and placed it a bit away from himself. He moved to look directly at Medic, before he tore the sleeve of his striped shirt off. Medic frowned, though Pyro didn't seem to mind as he dipped it in the slightly warm water and gently patted at the blood on Medic's head. It took a bit, but Pyro eventually had cleaned all the blood from Medic's face. Pyro then wrung the cloth out and rinsed it again, wringing it out then gently tying it around the wound on Medic's head. Medic smiled as Pyro's attempt, and gave him a thumbs up for his work.
        "Danke, again, Pyro. But...let's leave my arm for when we have access to a medical facility, ja?", he asked lightheartedly. Pyro nodded in response, pulling Medic back over to him. He gently cuddled Medic, careful of his arm, and Medic could only giggle with how Pyro was acting.
        Pyro pushed the pot of water closer to the fire and leaned back. He lied down, pulling Medic with him, and wrapped his arm around Medic's waist. Pyro gently messed with Medic's hair again, cuddling him in the warmth of the fire until the healer shut his eyes, and drifted into sleep. Pyro remained awake though, listening to the crackle of the fire and the sounds of the night. He leaned over and chucked another log in; removing his mask and setting it next to him.
        Pyro's short, ginger hair gently flowed with the breeze. His green eyes twinkle in the light, and the large scars running from the bottom corner of his mouth and down the side of his neck and shoulder resembled shadows. He planted a gentle kiss to Medic's cheek and took in a deep breath. He had always loved how the doctor smelled. He smiled warmly and pulled Medic a bit closer, resting his head on his arm like a pillow. In one way or another, he sort of wished it would be like this forever.
                          By the time morning had come back around, Pyro had put his mask back on. He sat next to a sleeping Medic and smiled beneath his mask at him. He gently poked at the doctor to attempt to wake him, earning a groan in response. He poked again and this time received a grumble; one of Medic's eyes opening in a slit to look at him.
       Pyro gave a muffled good morning to him, Medic slowly rolling over to look at him. The sun had risen reasonably, and the area round them shone a bright white.
        "Good morning, Pyro.", he yawned. Medic seemed a tad grumpy, though he was still tired so it was understandable. Pyro offered him the pot of water. It took a moment to register, though once it did, Medic sat up and took it; taking a large couple of gulps. "Thank you.", he smiled at Pyro. "I assume we're going to head out soon, to find out where we are?", he asked.
        Pyro shook his head in response. Medic sat the pot of water down and Pyro picked him up, carrying him around the building; only to point up at a small sign. Medic tilted his head and glanced up at what Pyro was pointing at. His eyes widened. There was a BLU sign here. Pyro then led him back through the building, and pointed down a small incline; at a building large building.
        "Pyro, you don't think that this is where we were supposed to be moving do you?", Medic asked. "The metal plate in the building is probably inactive. I'm sure there's another base.", he said as he glanced around. Pyro simply shook his head. He reached up and gently moved his mask up, revealing his mouth.
        "I saw some of BLU team running around on the other side. That means this is our side. Our team is probably in there already, waiting for us to join them.", he shot Medic a smile. Medic's eyes sparked with interest, his gaze caught on the scar next to Pyro's mouth. A burn, he assumed.
        "You're sure?", Medic asked, "If we go over there will there be RED?". Pyro simply shrugged.         
        "If there aren't, we can always keep walking. I think we just missed it because of the time of night, and how cold you had been.", he grinned and gave Medic's forehead a small kiss. Medic blushed a bit, and nodded. Instead of replying immediately though, he pecked Pyro on the lips; a quick kiss, but enough of one to make Pyro freeze up. Medic grinned and pressed his face into Pyro's neck.
        "I'm ready to go check it out, if you are mien liebe.", he chuckled. Pyro could only chuckle, and nod, before gently pulling his mask back down. He hugged Medic tightly as he walked down the path to the building. The door rose open for them and Pyro stepped inside.
        He looked around, and found that small imprints had been made where people had walked. They were definitely fresh, as dust doesn't simply set like that, and so he continued to walk. Medic too, looked around. There was no dust, and it was relatively clean for supposedly being just moved into.
        They found another one of the large metal plates with the light in the middle; though this one had illuminated with red. Finally, it clicked as to what it was meant to be. They were control points. Medic felt a bit stupid, having only now realized. He sighed to himself. They walked down a hallway, and finally spotted other RED team within the base.
        "Heavy! Engi!", Medic called in greeting; Pyro waving to them as he gently set Medic down. Engineer looked over at them, his jaw dropping, and Heavy walked over to wrap both Medic and Pyro in a hug.
        "It's good to see you!", Heavy exclaimed happily. "Thought you both had not survived." Pyro nodded, though Medic tilted his head.
        "We survived. Where are the health kits? Or my medigun? I need one or the other.", Medic spoke and gestured to his arm. Heavy pointed his thumb behind him, past the final point and to what Medic guessed was the spawn door.
        "All of our items were moved into the room with the table map, though we could not find Soldier's box. I assume an animal has stolen it, since it was the only one with real human heads in it that were not in a sealed container.", he crossed his arms as he said so. "Go patch yourself up, doktor. Is good to see you are alright.", Heavy patted Medic's head and strode back over to Engineer. Pyro gently took Medic's hand and the two walked into the spawn room together.
        In an odd way, they were both kind of glad they had been stranded outside together for a night. Pyro helped Medic patch himself up, and they began to set up for a nice game on the map table; both quite content with how the past two days had gone.
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