#tf2 askblog
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anotherbloodiedbonesaw · 27 days ago
It's gut to be back, eh?
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mugs-n-cans · 10 months ago
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This is bloody tyrannical.
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meet-the-archeologist · 8 months ago
Heyyyyyy... Uh, I read your note! The one you left in my hoodie? I um... I'm free right now? I'm okay with hanging out whenever you want!
Oh! Uh, c- cool. My office is open, just, yknow pop in whenever. U- unless you’d want to talk somewhere else, t- that’s also fine, I mean the only furniture in here is a couch and my desk chair so it’s probably kind of boring, h- heh.
(ooc: I had to eep sry 😭)
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true-grn-medic · 6 months ago
*Scott knocked on his door softly as he waited for a response. fixing his collar*
"really dunno if this heres a good idea..."
- @ask-that-radiohost-engie
There's silence for a few moments before the sound of someone grumbling can be heard. Emmett opens the door, staring at Engineer a tad bit confused.
Scott? It's quite late, is it not? I mean, you signed off on your station already.
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kleptomaniask · 11 months ago
🎩 - What kind of cosmetics would your OC have, if they were in game?
🔫 - What kind of upgrades would they have?
🩹 - What is their base HP? What is their base speed?
🎼 - What would their theme sound like?
📽 -What would their "meet the team" video look like? Would it be an interview, or a narrative?
🪗 - What taunts would they have?
👔 - If they absolutely HAD to be one of the 9 classes from the game, which would they be?
📰 - They're in the news! For what?
📸 - Someone finds a photo they don't want getting out. What is it of?
🍞 - What is the bread associated with them that spawns from the teleporter?
🚔 -They've been arrested! What for?
🚀 - You have to put them in any game other than TF2. what game do you put them in?
🕒 - What time do they wake up / go to bed?
🌙 - It's halloween! What kind of bird / monster are they?
🫂 - Who/Which characters are they close with?
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the-blu-archeologist · 7 months ago
Eyy yello!
How ya doing? Im the Zombie Scout if you couldnt tell by my rotting flesh and glowing yellow eyes! But dont worry about me eating your brain though, your Doc provides me with enough of em 'course!
Ehh, who are you? I dont remember there being a an archeologist...
( @zombiescout-lmao )
Ah! I- um, ah, I’m Micheal, I am a fairly new addition to the team so you might not have known me.
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insanityloss · 2 months ago
heh , imagine drawing oc x canon. couldn't be me! I say , flexing my muscles as a drawing falls from my muscles . NO!! WAIT!! THIS ISNT MINE!! NO!!
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I know I've stated like a few times on her askblog that she does not like Scout whatsoever,,, but ,,, you gotta give mercy on me , I'm more of a enemies to lovers kinda gal💔
here's nurse's shared askblog btw > @medicalfoxes , feel free to bug her or both of them
(their ship name is quick assistance btw 🫶)
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deltas-team-blog · 3 months ago
*Transmission comes through TV*
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M: Hallo? Hallo?? iz this zhe Delta team? I've been trying to reach out since the news of you spread. I'm from another team under builders league, zo don't vorry about zhis being an enemy message. I've just been wondering, do you have a leader on your team? Because I do, and he's a piece of shi-
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H: Aw... Is little Doktor talking about me to his littol friends? I am honored~
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M: MY GOTT, GET OU- *BZZT* *Transmission ends*
🔩: I am the leader of the Delta team! It's a pleas- ....ure-...??
[The whole team was there. They all laugh.]
💜: Hooh... -Looking at that Heavy very interested.- I wonder if I will be sent ther-...
💢: Don't you think about it. -He punches his shoulder-
💜: Ow! Alright Alright!! Jeez...
[Spy looks at Enrique]
🫥: When did we decide you were the leader?
🔩: I'm the only mentally stable guy here.
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watching-your-back · 2 months ago
Who are you exactly?
Who am I??
Who the heck are you eh!?
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namelesswildchild · 3 months ago
WARMING: this animatic contains flashing lights, glitching effect, depictions of dead animals, maggots and body horror
This whole project took me around 2 months to conclude (specially because i had finals and had to take a break from it—) so, if you can, please reblog it :’3 also, this is my first time ever posting smth like this so hopefully is fun!
The song is: Deus Lhe Pague by Chico Buarque
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the-silentsnake · 3 months ago
Your radio may or may not have been tampered with recently. There's a possibility that it has by a certain somebody, but I just ain't a hundred percent sure, y'know?
Giovanni moved through his office. he'd done this routine a thousand times before anyways but it is getting close to a new year... He dusted his shelves with a practiced hand, carefully aligning each book and trinket to perfection. His desk was next, his sharp eyes catching the faintest speck of dirt he swiftly wiped away. But then, his hand hovered over the radio.
"Che disastro..."
he muttered, clicking his tongue in frustration. The damn thing was broken...cracked casing, no sound, utterly useless. He let out a sharp breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. 'How am I supposed to keep track of scott’s endless self-loathing or lime’s...whatever he's doing' he thought to himself
Turning, he glanced over his shoulder at the YLW Engineer lurking nearby, arching an unimpressed brow.
"Ah, well,"
he said, his voice dripping with mock sweetness,
"I could call Scott, but he’s probably busy crying into his tools. Or perhaps... you’d like to make yourself useful for once? hmm? Since you're standing there like a statue."
His tone sharpened, and he waved dismissively at the radio.
"Fix it. Or go back to whatever you were doing before I made the mistake of acknowledging your presence. Vai, muoviti. chop chop!"
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anotherbloodiedbonesaw · 1 year ago
Mein gott! Einhundert of you! Wunderbar! ZHIS IS A MEDICAL RECORD!
(ooc) I had a suggestion for what to do. So I did.
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mugs-n-cans · 8 months ago
sniper. you gotta put on lipstick and see how many kisses you can fit on scout’s big shiny coffee table of a forehead. for science
honestly more of an eighthead or maybe sixteenhead now
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‘Preciate ya lettin’ me borrow some of your lipstick, Miss Paulin’.
Miss Pauling: Any time, Sniper.
Scout: I hate you guys so much.
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orange-scout-tf2 · 5 months ago
Greetings, Scout. Well, another Scout.
A part of me is curious if you’re one of the Scoutlings.
Is that what they're calling us now? "Scoutlings"???
Well, I can't say I'm not but then again I might be so it's up to you to decide!
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true-grn-medic · 7 days ago
There was a knock at med bays door. A figure steps in fully clad in a lead lined hazmat suit. Eyes stared froward from the gas mask. Kholer, the old green pyro and current teams liquidator. They were an intimidating figure to say the least. It stared for a long moment before signing with bloodied gloved hands.
"Hurt. Please help."
Emmett jerks up a bit at the sound of the door. He clears his throat as he stands up, straightening out his outfit. He was in a more casual look, only wearing his camo pants and his button up.
Kohler, I wasn't expecting you to visit me today. I thought you weren't going out to the old base today?
Emmett pulls on his gas mask, more of a habit than a necessary action. He motions to one of the medical beds with head as he puts on his gloves.
Where are you injured Kohler?
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medicalfoxes · 2 months ago
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threw up pure apple cider twice, and went to the gym. I'm really tired. -🦊⚕️
I like keeping my body in shape. Also might be genes, I don't know. -🦊⚕️
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