#A warm thank you to fanfics and creators!
delicatebeauties · 1 month
I feel sometimes like a dinosaur 🦕, bc i come from the time period where i was used to ship based on vibes and read queer coded in every blinks.
Very grateful we moved on to explicit ships and even pairs but i sometimes miss the levity to be able to multiship or crosship characters based on vibes and finding other fans for it.
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Feel free to let me know for what shows you would have loved to do alternative pairings (any gender mixes). I loved only friends but wish there was even more mess and hungry for the fanfics that got generated.
Also would love to see more less predictable dynamics even for established pairs like earthmix, eg. would love to see mix as the top and more dominant one in the relationship, we got hints for his capacity for playing a manipulative seducer babe in only friends last episode and i was left hungry for it.
On another note, nothing makes me more sad when characters are nerfed down for the sake of amplifying a kink dynamic (eg weakening the "bottom" personality).
Hell mix x gun would be interesting 👀👀 and hopefully have a high budget wardrobe.
On a thai gl side, there is quite a bit of tomboy women in the culture and I would love to see it represented! Sad but amusing that china actually used to have more f butch rep in asia.
A "stud" x "stud" gl with a "femme" x "femme" bl when xD
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genshinluvr · 2 years
The Lonely God
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader/Creator!Reader
Summary: You're the creator of all things! Everyone in Teyvat worships you; even their ancestors worship you! You answer prayers and make miracles happen. But you know what's ironic, though? Despite you being worshipped by many, you couldn't help but feel lonely. You yearn for friendship and attempt to bond with the twenty-five men who are tasked to protect you while you're in Teyvat. Oh, and you're also not the best at expressing your feelings.
Note: This is most likely the first and last time I'll make a creator/God!Reader AU because this is not my thing 💀 I have no idea how this idea popped up in my head, so I might as well type it and get it out. This isn't the typical God!reader/Creator!reader fanfics you see on Tumblr; they're amazing! I ended up realizing that it was not my thing and switched to my style of writing. So instead of the gut-wrenching angst you all see for SAGAU fics, you're just going to get my typical Isekai'd!reader interaction. Kind of. Please keep in mind that I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: None that I know of, other than it being somewhat religious-themed?
Word Count: 10.9k
Want to read another SAGAU fic? Read Our Dear Creator!
The day you have descended to Teyvat is the day people of Teyvat throw a huge celebration to welcome you to earth. All seven regions of Teyvat celebrated for two weeks. The first week consists of feasts, game stalls that are related to your divine presence, a performance dedicated to you, your creation, and your impact on Teyvat. You would visit the nations and witness how each of the seven regions and its people celebrate you and all of the things you have done for Teyvat and the inhabitants of Teyvat. Your visitation is a huge deal, and it's highly anticipated. Who doesn’t want to witness a higher power visiting their nation? Someone who has more power than a government entity and an archon that rules the country.
When you step foot in each nation, everyone can feel the immense power oozing from you. Dressed in beautiful, expensive, and exotic clothing from each region that is tailored just for you, people are almost intimidated by your mere presence. While you have high-leveled military personnel escorting you around the city while you visit, it doesn’t stop your most loyal followers from approaching you and proclaiming their love and admiration for you. I mean, how could they not? You have done so much for their nations and for the people of Teyvat. You have answered prayers and have performed so many miracles.
The second you step foot into the seven nations, silence will fall over the mass crowd of people who are anticipating your appearance. You are the epitome of beauty and grace. Everyone’s breath is taken away when you look in their direction. You have this glowing presence that catches everyone’s attention wherever you go— literally. Wherever you go, you have this warm gold glow, no matter what the lighting is. Some might even claim to see specks of stars and glitter shining in the said warm glow. 
After the first week of celebrating your presence on Teyvat, the second week consists of people from all over the region visiting you and the shrine that is dedicated to you. At the grand shrine, people leave offerings to you in hopes of a great year, successful marriage, business, wealth, fertility, good health, and many more. While people are offering fruits, food, Mora, flowers, fragrances, incense, and alcohol at your shrine, you are sitting on a throne in the next building over, speaking to your followers. At the same time, your most loyal acolytes stand guard in the same room as you and the line of your worshippers. 
“Thank you for answering my prayers, your grace. With your blessings, my husband and I have conceived seven children. We are currently expecting baby number eight,” the tearful woman says, kneeling in front of you while holding your hand.
Itto and Childe’s eyes widen as they look over at each other.
“Seven?!” Itto mouths to Childe.
“I know, right?!” Childe mouths back. 
You smile at the woman and wipe her tears away, helping her up from the ground. The heavily pregnant woman clutches onto your arms and continues to thank you for blessing her and her husband with many children. 
Diluc sighs and takes a step forward. “I believe we should cut the meeting for today. Today has been a long day for them, and I believe they would like some privacy now,” Diluc says.
“What?! I-I’m not finished speaking,” the pregnant woman gasps, holding onto you tightly.
You smile at the woman and gently rub her back. “It has been a long day, Xinyi. I do not know how long you have been waiting in line to be able to speak to me, but we can continue our conversation tomorrow. After all, you are pregnant. You need to rest. I believe your husband has been watching you from afar worriedly. You wouldn’t want to make your husband worry even more now, would you?” You ask softly.
The tearful woman looks behind her and locks gazes with her husband, who is watching her like a hawk. Xinyi looks at you and nods her head sadly, wiping the tears from her cheeks. The people around you grumble under their breath and comply. You give Xinyi a light squeeze on the shoulders before she turns around and exits the throne room with the others. From there on, Dainsleif escorts the line of people out of the building, and you sit down on the throne, letting out a quiet sigh. Today was a long day, and you’re glad that Diluc has stepped in to end the meeting with your worshippers. 
“How are you feeling, your grace? Are you hungry? We can get you something to eat if you’d like for us to do that,” Thoma speaks up, standing in front of you.
You sigh and give Thoma a smile. “I am feeling a little bit famished. Perhaps go fetch me a small snack and a drink?” You suggest. 
Thoma bows and turns to leave, but Thoma stops in his tracks when you call his name. Thoma turns around and looks at you curiously. “Yes, your grace?” Thoma asks.
“Please, just call me [Y/N],” you plead. You look at the other men in the room and gesture to everyone. “All of you, please, just call me [Y/N]. You can call me ‘your grace’ when other people are present, but when it’s just us, you can call me [Y/N],” you said.
Aether’s eyes light up, and he nudges Xiao and Heizou. “Does that mean we get special treatment from the deity?!” Aether whispers loudly, shaking both men beside him by their arms.
“Uh….” you laugh nervously, scratching the back of your neck. “Sorry to interrupt, but please treat me like how you all would treat other people. I know I’m a God, and I’m widely worshipped by the people of Teyvat, but I don’t know how to act like a God,” You said, scratching your cheek awkwardly. 
“What are your thoughts, Venti and Mister Zhongli?” Kaeya asks, turning to look at the two archons.
Venti shrugs his shoulders. “There are no specific rules on how a God is supposed to act and speak to others,” Venti says, giving you a big smile. 
“If that is what [Y/N] wishes, then it shall be granted. After all, it is their decision on how they want others to view them and how they want to interact with those around them,” Zhongli replies. 
“So, we can speak informally to them, right? Someone won’t smite me if I give [Y/N] a nickname and crack jokes with them?” Itto asks excitedly. Itto’s eyes shine almost as bright as the sun, and a big smile stretches across his face. 
“I don’t know, Itto. Do you want to test it out?” Dainsleif asks, entering the throne room with his arms over his chest. Itto laughs nervously and shakes his head, backing away the closer Dainsleif gets. 
Itto hides behind you, both of his hands on your shoulders as he cowers away from the blond man. Dainsleif stands in front of you, staring down at Itto behind you. Itto lightly pushes you towards Dainsleif, making you stumble into his chest. Dainsleif places his right hand on your lower back and glares daggers at Itto for lightly shoving you in his direction. 
“Did you just push [Y/N]?!” Xiao demands, his polearm materializing in his hands as he marches in Itto’s direction.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let’s calm down now! Itto didn’t mean to push me,” you said, grabbing onto Xiao’s bicep to stop him from smiting Itto for pushing you into Dainsleif’s arms. 
Xiao freezes in his spot when he feels your hand grabbing his bare bicep. You notice his reaction and slowly retract your hand. You clear your throat and give Xiao a small smile and look at the others in the room, making sure that they’re not as tense as Dainsleif, Itto, and Xiao. Luckily, they weren’t tense; they seemed entertained.
“It’s okay, Xiao. I’m sure Itto didn’t mean to do it. As grateful as I am for you and your readiness to protect me, let’s calm down. I’m okay; I’m not hurt,” you reassure the Yaksha.
Xiao lets out a huff of breath and glares at Itto. Xiao looks at you, and his gaze softens. He nods his head and lets his polearm evaporate in the air. You smile at Xiao and pat his back as he goes back to where he was previously standing.
Without another word, the men give you a bow before exiting the throne room, leaving you alone. You watch everyone go before walking back to the throne. You collapse on the seat and slump down in your chair, propping your head up on your elbow, and stare at absolutely nothing. With the number of people in Teyvat worshipping you, you have never felt so lonely. Yes, you get endless gifts and offerings, and you listen to people’s prayers and perform miracles. But that still doesn’t cure your loneliness. 
You did not want any of your acolytes, er the men, to be formal with you because you wanted to form a friendship with them. Yes, they are your most loyal followers who will not hesitate to kill for you if they have to, but you don’t want that at the same time. You want them to treat you like you’re not a God; you want them to see you as a person instead of a divine being. Just like how they view Zhongli and Venti.
You see how they interact with each other when they’re not on duty to protect you and make sure that people don’t step out of line. The way they bicker with each other, laugh at each other’s lame jokes, or act like typical men, makes you yearn to form a friendship with them. The door to the throne room opens about thirty minutes later, and the men file into the throne room.
“Your grace— I mean [Y/N]— lunch is ready! I hope you’re hungry because there’s a lot of food out there,” Gorou says, approaching your throne.
You look at the men with wide eyes and slowly get up from the throne. Their eyes follow your every move as you walk down the steps.
“A lot, you say?” You murmur, approaching Gorou while stroking your chin. “I’m sure it’s enough to fill my stomach up! Please, lead the way,” you said, gesturing for the men to show you the way to the dining room.
The building is filled with staff; from cooking staff to cleaning staff, they all stop what they’re doing when you walk by them with the men surrounding you in a circle. They all bow to you as you’re passing by, and you smile and wave at them when you get the chance. Upon entering the dining room, there is a large dining table in the center of the room with multiple chairs pushed underneath the table. 
Your eyes widen when you see the kitchen staff bring in more food and set them on the table with so much food lined up with it. You turn to look at the men, who are watching you with amusement. You point at the table, speechless. Your hand falls to your side, and you clear your throat.
“You weren’t kidding when you said there’s a lot of food,” you laugh lightly. 
Scaramouche crosses his arms over his chest and sighs. “We told the kitchen staff not to make too much food because we don’t know how hungry you are, but at the same time, we don’t know what you want to eat,” Scaramouche says.
“Do you think you’ll be able to finish all of this? It would be a waste if you’re not able to finish the rest,” Ayato says, looking at each dish on the table.
You shake your head. “I will not be able to finish all of these on my own,” you said. You approach the table and turn to the men. “If you all would like, would any of you want to join me for dinner?” You ask.
Heizou smiles brightly and raises his right hand in the air. “I would love to join you for dinner, your grace! The food looks delicious, and just smelling the food makes my stomach growl!” Heizou says, rubbing his stomach.
Tighnari nudges Heizou. “Didn’t [Y/N] tell you to call them by their name? Why are you calling them by their title?” Tighnari mutters to Heizou.
“That’s because there are kitchen staff entering and exiting the dining room. We wouldn’t want anyone to hear us call [Y/N] by their name other than their title. It can stir something,” Cyno whispers, popping up between Tighnari and Heizou. 
Al Haitham sighs. “Let’s not keep them waiting any longer, shall we?” Al Haitham says, walking towards where you’re standing and begin conversing with you. 
Everyone begins to sit at a random chair at the dining table. You sit at the end of the dining table, picking the food you want to eat while the others do the same. The kitchen staff emerges from the entrance and places teacups in front of each person, pouring hot tea into the ceramic teacup for each person.
“The food smells amazing,” Kaveh says, almost letting out a moan when the food touches his tongue. 
Kazuha nods his head. “If this is the food a divine being gets every day, then sign me up,” Kazuha smiles, taking a bite out of his onigiri while talking to the men beside him. 
The dining room is filled with laughter and joyous chatter; the sound of cutlery clanking against the porcelain plates and bowls fills the dining room. Then there’s you, eating food while occasionally looking up from your food to watch how they communicate with each other. You’re in a dining room filled with almost thirty other people, and yet you still feel alone. You’re on your second plate of food, but you’re starting to lose your appetite.
They didn’t seem to notice it, but you’re glad they weren’t paying close attention to you and your lack of appetite. You wish you could form a bond with them and speak to them easily without feeling like you’re interrupting something or butting into a conversation. Plus, what’s there to talk about when you’re a divine being above all, and they’re all your loyal acolytes? They know everything about you, but you know so little about them other than what regions they’re from and what visions they have.
“Maybe it was a mistake to invite them to join me. I thought inviting them to join me would make me feel less lonely, but I feel even lonelier in a room with twenty-five people.” You think to yourself. You let out a silent sigh, resting your chin in the palm of your hands, propping your head on your arm while twirling the noodles with your fork.
“Your grace?” A soft voice calls out to you.
You look up from your plate and make eye contact with Baizhu. You give him a small smile. “Yes, Baizhu?” You murmur.
“Are you alright? You’ve been quiet since the beginning of dinner,” Baizhu says.
You clear your throat and nod your head. “Yes, Baizhu. I’m fine, just feeling drained from today. After all, I did speak to about two hundred people. It was a long day today,” you said, fixing your posture and continuing to give Baizhu a fake smile.
“It has been a long day. I can’t imagine having to sit in one spot while listening to two hundred people praise you and the miracles you have performed and prayers you have answered,” Pantalone says, gazing at you with interest. 
You laugh softly and tuck your hair behind your ear. “It’s new to me. I’m shocked to see that there are people who still believe in me despite my vague presence,” you confessed. 
“Your stories have been told throughout Teyvat. Everyone worships you, and even their ancestors worship you. I have yet to come across a nonbeliever,” Pierro says, dabbing his lips with the cloth napkin.
You slightly shrunk in your seat. “It’s weird having people worship me, especially when it’s the entirety of Teyvat,” you said. You let out a humorless laugh and begin messing with the fabric of your expensive attire. “It’s weird how I’m worshipped by many, and yet I still feel lonely,” you mutter to yourself.
Albedo leans in your direction, looking at you quizzically. “Pardon?” He asks.
You shake your head and wave him off. “It’s nothing. I was talking about how I should finish my food before going to bed. It’s starting to get late,” you said, looking over at the grandfather clock, ticking away.
Dottore tilts his head to the side, pressing his lips into a thin line, contemplating whether he should ask you the question or not. After debating for some time, Dottore decides to ask, “Do gods sleep?”
You shrug your shoulders. “That is usually up to the god. I’m not sure about Zhongli and Venti, but I sleep even though it’s not needed. I sleep to regenerate my energy like every person on Teyvat, even though I do not need to do that. Whenever I feel stressed, I go to sleep in hopes that it will clear and ease my thoughts. I go to sleep to pass the time if there’s nothing for me to do, but as a God of all beings, I’m always busy,” you said.
“Since you are a God worshipped by the entirety of Teyvat, how do you find the time to sleep?” Capitano asks.
“I don’t. As I’ve stated earlier, Gods don’t need sleep like mortals need sleep. I’m always working around the clock, but it’s what I do, and it’s something that I’m used to. It’s not a foreign concept for me,” you reply. 
Venti hums and leans back in his seat. “Your grace, have you ever had a vacation before?” Venti asks, leaning forward and propping his arms on the table in front of him.
You blink at Venti. “A vacation? How does one go on a vacation when there are many things that need attention?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. “I don’t think I have time for a vacation. After all, a lot of people are relying on me for many, many things. I don’t want to let them down,” you said.
Childe lets out a long sigh and leans in his seat, resting his head on the chair’s top rail, and turns his head to look in your direction. “You know, it’s not a bad thing to take a break from your God duties. You’re a God, yes, but you still need to take a break once in a while,” Childe says.
“And where do you think I should be vacationing then? I hear that mortals like to travel far for vacations or stay home and sleep in,” You said.
Aether smiles at you and shrugs his shoulders. “Your choice of vacation is up to you, your grace. Do you have a place in mind?” Aether asks.
You shake your head. “Not that I know of, Aether,” you sigh.
Aether’s eyes widen, and his cheeks flush pink when he hears you say his name. The color pink slowly travels up to Aether’s ears as he tries to act like it didn’t faze him at all. Aether looks over at the person next to him and smirks triumphantly, his smile so wide that it hurts his cheeks. The men around Aether grumble to themselves and roll their eyes at Aether’s reaction. 
“Although, I do want to visit an island and check up on one of my creations….” you trailed off, bringing the fork up to your lips and eating the spaghetti.
Tighnari’s ears perk up. “Oh? And what island would that be?” Tighnari asks.
You look over at the clock and shake your head. “I would like to go to the island tomorrow. As much as I would love to visit it right now, it’s getting late, and we all need to rest,” you said, grabbing your teacup and taking a sip of the warm herbal tea. 
Heizou’s eyes light up, and he leans forward. “Are you having a vacation day tomorrow?!” Heizou asks with excitement. 
You think for a moment. You’re planning on going to an island tomorrow to visit (well, check up) one of your creations tomorrow. You wouldn’t call it a vacation, technically. But it can be viewed as a vacation since you’re not going to be talking with the people that worship you. Plus, you don’t think the visitation is going to take long; it should take less than an hour or two before you head back to the mainland and continue your duties as a God of all.
“I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to call it. Perhaps maybe call it a reunion rather than a vacation,” you murmur, stroking your chin while in deep thought.
Al Haitham raises his eyebrows at you. “A reunion, you say?” Al Haitham mutters, turning to look at the others quizzically, who shrug their shoulders in response. 
“Well, whatever is planned tomorrow, we look forward to keeping you company while you reunite with your creations,” Cyno says, nodding his head.
Dinner continued like how it previously was, everyone conversing with one another while you were deep in your thoughts. You’re nervous about reuniting with your creation and the reactions of the men when they see the creation you want to reunite with. You have created it and released it onto this island, letting it roam around and serve its purpose. You know that people hunt the said creatures for the materials they drop, but the creatures that you create also harm the people that go near them.
Once dinner had ended, everyone went to their designated temporary homes, leaving you alone in your temporary home until the celebration ended. You walk to the bathroom and open the doors, revealing an expansive bathroom with a large skylight. You strip yourself of your robes and step into the bathtub filled with warm water, glaze lilies floating on top, and lit scented candles surrounding the porcelain bathtub.
You scrubbed your body, shampooed, and conditioned your hair. You rinsed your hair with warm water before sinking into the water up to your neck. You close your eyes and lean your head against the rim of the bathtub, taking deep breaths. It’s too quiet, and it feels unnerving to you. Before descending onto Teyvat, you enjoyed the quiet. Although, whenever you look down on Teyvat, the sound of bustling crowds from each region comforts you. 
Before the creation of Teyvat, you were lonely. You didn’t have a companion or a romantic partner; no one else existed except for you, and you didn’t want to feel lonely ever again. So, that’s how Teyvat came to be. You created the archons to rule their respective nations and citizens. You created land, the sea, and the creatures that roam Teyvat for the people to hunt. You give the people of Teyvat plenty of resources that will help them live and thrive on their own without depending on you. 
While they thrived on their own, they still rely on you for many things. You weren’t upset that they prayed to you every night at shrines and dinner tables, praying for a better day and better health. You love answering prayers and performing miracles; you want everyone to be happy, but some things are just out of your control despite you being a God. And now here you are, hoping that someone or something would keep you company.
After you get out of the bath, dry your body, and change into your nightwear, you lay in your bed and stare up at the ceiling. You feel tired from the events that have been going on for almost two weeks now, and yet you can barely get yourself to fall asleep in the comfort of your (temporary) bed. You sit up and rub your temples, begging your body to let you fall asleep so time can go by fast. You lay back down on your bed and close your eyes, hoping that you’ll fall asleep a few minutes or an hour later.
Nothing. You still can’t get yourself to fall asleep. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you toss the blanket off your body and get off your bed. You walk to the balcony of your bedroom, open the doors and step out into the night. You close the balcony door behind you and lean on the wooden railing that lets you gaze out at the beautiful scenery before you. The warm summer night air engulfs you in its arms; you close your eyes when you feel a gentle breeze caress your face. 
“The night is beautiful,” you whisper to yourself, slowly opening your eyes.
A face pops in front of yours from above. “The night is beautiful, isn’t it?” Venti asks, looking down at you with a big smile.
You let out a strained shriek and backed up against the balcony door, looking at Venti with wide eyes. “Venti! Why are you still up!?” You whisper, clutching your heart with your hand, feeling your heart race against your chest.
“Yeah, Venti! Why are you awake at a time like this?!” Kaeya exclaims from a distance.
You hear an annoyed voice calling from afar. “Why are you awake at a time like this, Kaeya?” You look over the balcony only to see Diluc standing beside a bush, glaring at his brother from a distance.
The more you look at your surrounding, the more you realize that every single man is awake and not asleep in their designated temporary home. You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, questioning yourself why these men are still awake when it’s almost midnight. Venti sits on the wooden railing of the balcony and smiles at you innocently while watching you intently. You prop your hands on your hips and press your lips into a thin line.
“Oh no. Why does [Y/N] look like a mother that’s about to give us a good scolding?” Kaveh asks.
You exhale through your nose slowly and shake your head. “Boys, it’s getting late out. Aren’t you all supposed to be asleep by now?” You ask, raising your eyebrows at the men.
Scaramouche lets out a scoff before interjecting, “Some of us don’t need sleep. In case you have forgotten, I am a puppet. Eating and sleeping isn’t a necessity for me like how it is for these feeble mortals around me.”
“No offense, little man, but you sound like those defiant children when it’s past their bedtime, and your parents are trying to get you to go to bed,” you hear Itto say.
“Well, if you’re not willing to go to bed, all of you might as well keep me company,” you said. You turn around without saying anything else and walk back into your bedroom, closing the door behind you. 
“Wait, keep you company where?” Gorou asks, his ears drooping when the balcony door closes shut.
A few minutes later, the front door of your “home” opens, and you step out into the night. You have on a thin silk robe. The color is bright red, with gold embellishments lining the hem of the robe. You close the door behind you and approach the men that are slowly making their way toward you.
Once everyone is standing around you, you gesture for them to follow you. “I discovered this lake in the forest the other day. Sometimes when I’m not able to rest, I go there to clear my mind and decompress,” you said, guiding the men to the lake deep in the woods. 
“Your grace, you shouldn’t be wandering off into the woods on your own. What if something happened to you, and we’re not able to protect you?” Zhongli asks, walking beside you.
You giggle softly and shake your head. “Oh, Zhongli. Did you forget that I’m a God myself? I’m sure nothing can harm me,” you said, thinking about the creation that you’ll meet in the morning the next day.
“Just because you’re a God, that doesn’t mean there are malicious people out there willing to hunt you down and hurt you,” Xiao huffs, walking on your left, sandwiching you between him and Zhongli as you continue to guide everyone into the woods.
You hum and nod your head. “You’re not wrong about that, but so far, nothing has happened,” you said.
About ten minutes later, you all arrive in the middle of the woods. In the center is a lake surrounded by little daisies and forget-me-nots. The moon is high in the sky, shining down on the lake. You walk to the giant slab of rock next to the lake and sit down, motioning for the others to come closer.
“What made you discover this place?” Albedo asks, standing beside the slab of rock you’re sitting on.
You snort. “Well, I did create Teyvat. I’m bound to forget what I made and what I didn’t make. This lake, in particular, is something I cannot recall making,” you said. You pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs, resting your knees on your chin. “I accidentally discovered this lake while on a walk the other day. There was a lot on my mind, and I was feeling….” you trailed off.
“Feeling?” Ayato tilts his head to the side, his arms over his chest as he waits for you to finish your sentence. 
Lonely. You were feeling lonely, but would it even matter if you told the men about how you’ve been feeling for quite some time now? You’re surrounded by people, but that doesn’t make you feel any less lonely. You have no one to turn to when you want to talk to someone; you have a hard time building friendships with those around you because you don’t know what to say to strengthen these bonds. 
Not only that, people will continue to see you as a divine being instead of viewing you like you’re one of them. How can you form a friendship with people when you’re a God in their eyes, even though you tell them to look at you as if you’re human and to call you by your real name instead of your title?
You shake your head. “Never mind about that. Anyway! I ended up stumbling across this artificial lake, and I like how peaceful it is here. If any of you need a place to clear your mind or to relax and be away from people for a short amount of time, I recommend going here,” you said, patting the slab of rock you’re sitting on. 
“It’s a beautiful place, [Y/N]. I’m happy that you feel comfortable enough to show us this place,” Kazuha says, sitting down beside you and gazing at the moonlit lake.
Silence falls over you and the men; the sounds filling the silence are crickets and the sound of water splashing after a frog hops into the moonlit lake. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, letting your body unwind from the events that took place hours ago. You slowly doze off and lean to the left, your head landing on Kazuha’s shoulders. Your head landing on Kazuha’s shoulders startles you awake, making you sit up suddenly and rub your eyes. 
“If you’re tired, we can take you back to the house,” Dainsleif offers.
You shake your head stubbornly. “I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep in bed. For some reason, it’s easier for me to sleep out here than it is in the room,” you reply. 
You let go of your knees and stretch your legs and arms, letting out a yawn while doing so. You get off of the rock slab and walk over to the lake. The lake is full of life; frogs and tadpoles swimming around in the lake, fishes swimming by the tadpoles, and turtles floating idly by in the water. 
“Perhaps it's the ambiance and sound of crickets that are helping you fall asleep. Some people can’t sleep in silent bedrooms; they need some kind of noise to lull them to sleep,” Dottore says, approaching you from behind.
You slip your shoes off your feet and step into the lake; goosebumps appear on your arms when your feet are submerged in the cold water. You sit on the grass, continuing to let your feet soak in the water. The tadpoles, fishes, and turtles slowly make their way toward you. You dip your finger into the water and let the fishes gently nibble on your fingers; a smile ghosts over your lips.
Even though they’re merely animals, they still recognize you as their creator, and it’s fascinating to you. Capitano stands over you, watching you interact with the animals in the lake while you’re in your little world, completely unaware of how the men are watching you. The gentle breeze blows through your hair, making them flutter and twirl around you, and the goosebumps on your arms remain present. 
A giant coat is draped over your shoulders, bringing you out of your thoughts. You blink and turn to look at the jacket around your shoulders. You look up and see Capitano not wearing his coat and look at him curiously.
You give Capitano a small smile. “You didn’t have to lend me your jacket, Capitano. I’ll be okay; gods can’t get sick,” you reassure the tall Harbinger as you get ready to take the coat off and hand it back to him.
Capitano stops you by shaking his head and raising his hand. “Keep the jacket on. Despite gods not being able to get sick, they still get cold, no?” Capitano asks.
You can almost hear him raise his eyebrows at you after asking his question. You pursed your lips and sighed in defeat, letting your hand fall into your lap and nod your head at his question. You turn back to the lake and continue playing around with the tiny creatures in the lake, lightly petting a turtle’s head if it lets you do so (it almost bit your finger, causing Diluc to give you a lecture on touching animals that don’t want to be petted). 
“Oh, Diluc, there’s nothing to worry about,” you laugh softly, patting Diluc’s head with your left hand while your right hand is caressed in Diluc’s grasp. He looks at your hand closely, making sure that you didn’t get bitten anywhere.
Kaeya chuckles and shakes his head, propping his arm on Diluc’s shoulder with a smirk on his face. “Oh, Diluc. Acting like a mother hen to a God that has created everything in our universe?” Kaeya asks, raising an eyebrow at Diluc with a teasing smile on his face. 
Diluc releases your hand from his grasp, smacks Kaeya’s arm off his shoulders, and shoots a glare over in Kaeya’s direction. “Am I not allowed to worry over [Y/N]’s safety? What if they got hurt?” Diluc asks.
You pout and cup Diluc’s face in both of your hands. Diluc freezes and looks at you with wide eyes. Your pout quickly turns into a smile, and you squish his cheeks together. “You don’t need to worry about me, Diluc! I’ll be fine! Although I do appreciate that you care about my safety,” you said. Diluc continues to stare at you with wide eyes, his cheeks a faint pink under the moonlight. You slowly pull your hands away from his face and give him an awkward smile.
“Hey, [Y/N]! Check this out!” You hear Childe holler from a distance.
You turn your head and see him gesture for you to come over. You give Kaeya and Diluc a brief smile before excusing yourself to walk over to where Childe is standing. After you walk off, Kaeya turns to look at Diluc with a teasing smile on his face. Diluc bristles at Kaeya’s teasing smile before storming off to where the other men are standing, muttering under his breath about Kaeya being annoying and wanting to smack the smile off of Kaeya’s face. Kaeya chuckles and follows after Diluc, his hands propped on his hips, occasionally glancing over in your direction to see what you and Childe are up to. 
“What do you want to show me, Childe?” You ask, stopping beside him.
Childe gets on one knee and thrusts a bouquet of forget-me-nots and daisies in your direction with his head bowed down. “For you, my dear creator!” Childe announces dramatically. 
You giggle and take the bouquet from Childe’s hands. “Thank you, Ajax,” you said, bowing back to him dramatically. 
Childe’s eyes widen, and he looks up at you, his mouth agape, reminding you of a fish out of water. You snort softly and hold the flowers up to your face, shielding the bottom half of your face from his view. Childe begins to stutter as he stands up, his cheeks flushing to a bright pink that travels up to the tip of his ears. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” You tease, poking him lightly in the chest.
Dainsleif and Zhongli approach you and Childe, looking at Childe with amusement. You smile at Dainsleif and Zhongli, waving at them before marveling at the flowers in your hands. 
Zhongli looks at Childe and tilts his head. “Why do you have that look on your face, Childe?” Zhongli asks, a faint smile appearing on his face.
“By that expression on his face, I’m assuming Childe may have a crush on our dear creator,” Dainsleif whispers to Zhongli, smirking when Childe snaps out of his thoughts and glares at the blond man with a beet-red face. 
You perk up and look at the three men curiously. “A crush, you say?” You ask, lightly rubbing the petals between your fingers.
Childe sputters for ten seconds before running off without saying another word. You, Dainsleif, and Zhongli watch him run off to where Ayato and Itto are talking, making sure to avoid eye contact and act as if nothing has happened. 
You chuckle and lightly nudge Dainsleif and Zhongli. “Don’t tease him, you two! I’m sure you two would do the same if Childe were to tease any of you for having a crush on someone,” you chide the two men beside you, clicking your tongue.
Albedo approaches you and shows you the time. You blink and look down at the small watch in his hands. “It’s getting late out. Are you sure you don’t want to get a few hours of sleep before going to the island you wanted to visit?” Albedo asks.
You sigh in defeat. As much as you want to stay up longer, which you can, the men around you are mortal (some are an exception and don’t need sleep as much as mortals do), and they need to get as much sleep as possible or else they’ll be exhausted when you all visit the island. 
“We should all go to bed now,” you announce, grabbing everyone’s attention.
Kazuha looks at you quizzically. “Are you sure? You did mention that you’re not able to fall asleep,” Kazuha says, crossing his arms over his chest and letting the leaf in his hand fly away.
You brush Kazuha’s worries away. “I’ll fall asleep eventually. The ones that need sleep the most are the ones that aren’t immortals. Although I can’t speak on Dainsleif,” you reply, stroking your chin. 
“You better get some sleep. We wouldn’t want to see you all exhausted because you chose to stay up and not go to sleep,” Scaramouche says, narrowing his eyes at you.
Ayato chuckles, shaking his head. “I don’t think you’re in the position to tell the creator of all things to get some sleep, Scaramouche,” Ayato says cooly. 
Baizhu chuckles and looks over at Ayato and then at Scaramouche. “I believe that Scaramouche is trying to show the creator that he cares about their health and doesn’t want them to feel tired when we go to the island in a few hours,” Baizhu says.
Thoma’s eyes widen. “A few hours?! What time is it?!” Thoma asks, walking over to Albedo and looking down at the watch in Albedo’s hands. 
When Thoma didn’t know what time it was, Thoma felt fine. He didn’t feel sleepy, and he felt like he could be awake for the next few hours. The minute Thoma looks at the watch in Albedo’s hand to see what time it is, exhaustion suddenly hits him like a sumpter beast. By the look on Thoma’s face, you can already tell that the blond man is on the verge of falling asleep after seeing what time it is.
You clap your hands to grab everyone’s attention. “Let’s all head back and get some rest before our trip in a few hours. Please make sure to get some sleep,” you said, guiding the men out of the woods with them following closely behind. 
“I don’t know about you guys, but that place that [Y/N] showed us would be a nice place to take a nap,” Aether says, pointing to the lake behind them as you all stray farther and farther away from the area. 
Heizou nods his head. “I agree! Hence why [Y/N] nearly fell asleep after we arrived there,” Heizou says, gazing at the back of your head while you converse with the others.
“Maybe that’s where they slept a few days ago after discovering the lake. After all, when Al Haitham tried to wake them up at their temporary home, Al Haitham discovered that they weren’t there and nearly went into a cardiac arrest,” Tighnari says casually. 
Kaveh snickers behind his hand. “I have never seen him so freaked out before. Al Haitham looked like he was going to cry,” Kaveh whispers loudly to the other men around him.
Al Haitham scoffs and glares at Kaveh. Al Haitham reaches over, grabs Kaveh by the ears, and pulls hard until Kaveh’s ears are a deep red and throbbing from the pain. Kaveh hisses and bats Al Haitham’s hands away from his ears.
“I was not going to cry! Of course, I would be worried if our creator just up and disappeared from the face of Teyvat! Wouldn’t you be worried?!” Al Haitham asks, crossing his arms over his chest after Kaveh successfully removes Al Haitham’s hand from his ear. 
Cyno scoffs and rolls his eyes at Al Haitham’s question. “Of course, we would be worried about [Y/N] if they suddenly disappeared. We wouldn’t burst into tears like you,” Cyno shrugs.
Kaveh and Cyno immediately start to snicker with each other, running to where you’re at to avoid Al Haitham’s wrath. Al Haitham sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, tempted to run after them to give those two a piece of his mind. Because Kaveh and Cyno are sticking by your side to avoid Al Haitham’s wrath, Al Haitham refrains himself from marching to them and smacking them with the keys to his and Kaveh’s shared apartment.
“You know, it’s okay to cry sometimes. It’s good for the soul, and it’s a great way to release some stress,” Gorou says casually, walking beside Al Haitham.
Xiao sighs and closes his eyes. “Not everyone is good at expressing their emotions, Gorou,” Xiao mutters.
“Some might even think that showing emotions makes you weak,” Pantalone interjects, looking over at Pierro from the corner of his eyes. The two lock gazes for a second before Pantalone looks away with a little smile on his face. 
Pierro narrows his eyes at Pantalone. “Why did you look at me when you said that?” Pierro asks, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
Pantalone shakes his head and continues walking with his arms behind his back. The smile remains on his face. Pierro sighs and rolls his eyes at Pantalone, and continues to walk beside Pantalone. You all soon arrive at where your and everyone’s temporary homes are. Itto stretches his arms in the air and lets out a loud yawn, covering his mouth with his left hand and rubbing his eyes with the other.
“Man! I cannot wait to get some sleep! I just know I’m going to get an amazing sleep when my head hits the pillow,” Itto says, letting out a loud grunt.
Capitano sighs. “Please keep your voices down. You don’t want to wake up the nearest village by being loud,” Capitano says.
Itto grumbles and sticks his tongue out at Capitano when Capitano has his back turned toward Itto’s direction. You look down at your feet and cover your face with both hands after realizing that you completely forgot to put your shoes back on after dipping your feet into the lake. Great, just great! At least you have extra shoes in the temporary house.
“What’s wrong, [Y/N]?” Kazuha asks, placing his hand on your shoulders.
You laugh nervously and rub the back of your neck with a sheepish smile on your face. “I just realized that I left my shoes back at the lake, but it’s fine since I have extra shoes in the house,” you said. 
“Do you want us to go and get it for you? We’ll make it quick,” Diluc offers.
You shake your head. “No, it’s okay. As I said a second ago, I have extra shoes inside the house,” you said.
Diluc opens his mouth to protest, but Ayato places his hand on Diluc’s shoulder and shakes his head when the two of them make eye contact. Diluc sighs silently and drops the subject when he sees you cover your mouth while yawning. You rub the tears away and grumble under your breath.
“Alright! I will see you all in the morning, and we can take a trip down to the island together,” you said, giving the men a smile.
Dainsleif raises his hand. “You never specified what island we’re going to, [Y/N]. Do you want to tell us where we’re going in the morning, or are you going to keep it a secret until we arrive?” Dainsleif asks.
“Do you want me to tell you the name of the island, or do you want it to be a surprise?” You ask.
“Yes,” they all respond in unison, nodding their heads at your question.
You blink at the men in confusion and scratch your head. “You boys did not answer my question at all,” you deadpan. “Are you answering yes to the first question or my second question?” You ask, pursing your lips while waiting for one of the men to answer your question.
“I am assuming that some of them are saying yes to the first question while others are saying yes to your second question,” Baizhu says.
You let out a sharp sigh, prop your hands on your hips, and tap your right foot on the ground like a parent that is impatient with their indecisive children. “Well, since all of you can’t answer my question, I’ll make the decision for all of you,” you said.
“What?! I wanted to know what island we’ll be going to in the morning!” Itto exclaims, looking at you with disbelief.
Al Haitham huffs, crossing his arms in front of him and looking away. “Well, I wanted the island to be a surprise. I am not impatient like the others and can wait to see where we’ll be going in a few hours,” Al Haitham says.
Childe makes a face at Al Haitham. “No offense, Al Haitham, is it? But why do you act like you have a stick up your ass?” Childe smirks, raising an eyebrow at Al Haitham. 
Al Haitham glares at Childe while Kaveh howls with laughter, hunched over with his hands on his knees while cackling at Childe’s question and Al Haitham’s reaction.
Zhongli releases a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Please don’t start anything, Childe. Especially in front of [Y/N],” Zhongli mutters, glaring at Childe from the corner of his eyes.
You crack a smile and shake your head. You don’t think you’ll get tired of these men bickering with one another. You and the men bid each other goodnights before retreating to your respective temporary homes for the night. You collapse onto your bed and close your eyes, feeling yourself drift off to sleep. 
You wake up to the sound of something hitting the balcony window. You sit up on your bed and stare at the window with bleary eyes. You hear the clank again and something falling on the wooden balcony, clattering on the wood. You remove the blanket and walk to the patio, not thinking much of what’s hitting the glass. You assume the noise was an acorn or pinecone that fell from somewhere and landed on the balcony—no big deal.
You unlock the balcony doors and step outside. You look around, searching for the item that hit the balcony window, only to find nothing. You furrow your eyebrows and rub the sleep from your eyes with the heel of your hands. While trying to get yourself to wake up, you suddenly feel something hard hit your forehead, causing you to stumble back, and your hands fly up to touch the area that was hit. The object that hit your head clatters on the ground loudly after making contact with your forehead.
“Ow,” you hiss. “What was that?” You grumble, eyes scanning the balcony floor for the object that hit your forehead. 
“You idiot! You just hit [Y/N] in the head with the rock!” Kaveh hisses, smacking Itto upside of his head.
Itto grumbles and rubs the spot where Kaveh has struck him. You walk to the railing and lean on it, looking down at the men who are looking up at you. You sigh and lay your head on the wooden railing. You certainly did not expect to get hit in the forehead by a rock that is thrown by Itto, but you shouldn’t be surprised.
You prop your head up with your hand and look down at them from where you’re standing. “What a lovely way to wake me up, boys,” you snort.
“We didn’t know how to wake you up, so we went with this decision because it’s fun and romantic!” Venti says, smiling up at you innocently.
You raise your eyebrows at the men teasingly. As much as you wanted to tease them about the romantic gesture, you pointed at the door and chuckled. “So, instead of knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell, you guys chose to throw pebbles at the balcony window?” you ask.
“We told them to knock on the door, but they insisted on throwing pebbles at your balcony window. I’m not sure why other than it being a romantic gesture,” Cyno mutters, looking over at Venti and Itto, who smiles at him innocently. 
“You look like you just woke up,” Kaveh comments, looking at your bedhead with an amused look on his face.
You mumble and run your fingers through your hair to fix your hair. “That’s because I did! I was exhausted, but the pebble hitting me in the forehead definitely woke me up,” you reply.
“You should get ready! It’s almost nine in the morning, and we’re debating whether everyone should eat breakfast before going to the island or bring something with us to eat while we’re there,” said Tighnari.
You hum to yourself and tap on your chin. Since you’re going on an island devoid of human life, you think it's best to stop by somewhere to have breakfast before going to the island. “Let’s stop by Inazuma City for breakfast, then we’ll visit the island after,” you suggest.
“Alright, sounds good to me! We’ll wait for you to get ready, and then we’ll head off to Inazuma City for breakfast,” Aether smiles up at you.
You give Aether a smile before walking back into your bedroom, closing the balcony door behind you. You quickly got dressed, brushed your teeth, combed your hair, and walked down the stairs to the front door, where the men were waiting for you. You put on your shoes and walk out of the door, making sure that you don’t look like you are rushing (even though you are). 
“Ready for breakfast in Inazuma City?” Ayato asks.
You nod your head, trying to act like you aren’t breathless at all. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” you said, smiling at Ayato and the men around him. “So, any hints on where we’ll be having dinner?” You ask.
Heizou pokes you in the ribs lightly, making you jolt at the feeling. “That will be a surprise since you won’t tell us where what island we’re going to today,” Heizou says, smiling at you.
You scrunch your nose up and sigh. “Alright, fair enough,” you huff, ruffling Heizou’s hair and earning a laugh from Heizou.
At Inazuma City, the minute you step foot into the nation of eternity, you’re almost hounded by the citizens of Inazuma. Before the citizens could hound you, the men were quick to form a barrier around you to prevent the citizens of Inazuma from surrounding you and gazing at you like a child in a candy store. You smile at them shyly and wave at them while the men escort you to the restaurant where all of you will be having breakfast. Upon entering the small restaurant, you all sit at the back of the restaurant for privacy.
“I completely forgot that [Y/N] is a God that is worshipped by all,” Gorou says, slightly smacking his forehead with the palm of his hand.
Venti laughs and shakes his head. “Don’t worry, Gorou. You’re not the only one that forgot about that, too,” Venti reassures Gorou.
“I think we should eat our breakfasts quickly and then leave, or else the people of Inazuma will spread the word that [Y/N] is here, and it’ll make it harder for us to leave the restaurant and city,” said Thoma.
Breakfast went by fast, which you’re not surprised at all because while eating breakfast, the commotion outside of the restaurant was getting loud. You end up requesting a to-go box to pack the unfinished breakfast and take it to the island you and the men are about to visit. At first, the restaurant owner informed you that they typically don’t let customers take home the leftovers, but you’re able to convince the restaurant owners to let you take them. 
“Are you ready to go to the island? I would show the way, but I’m not sure what island we’re going to,” Kaeya says, walking beside you as you all walk to the nearest waypoint while trying not to be spotted by the citizens of Inazuma. 
You sigh dramatically. “Alright, I’ll tell you all what island we’re going to,” you said.
The men around you cheer, making you snort. You’re not entirely sure why they’re cheering, but it’s adorable! Although you’re not prepared to see the reactions on their faces when you tell them the name of the island you’re all going to visit once you reach the nearest waypoint.
“We’re going to visit Tsurumi Island for a few hours, then we’ll head back to the mainland to continue the day,” you said, turning your back to the men, not wanting to see the reactions on their faces.
Xiao stares at the back of your head. “Tsurumi Island?” Xiao mutters, looking over at the Inazuman men and Aether.
Aether looked like he was going to faint at any given moment. Aether has explored Tsurumi Island before, and he sure as hell did not want to return to that island ever again. But since it’s the island that you’re planning on visiting, Aether is mentally praying that nothing goes wrong and that everything is fine and dandy.
You turn to Aether and poke him lightly on the forehead. “You know I can hear your prayers, right?” You ask, smiling at Aether.
Scaramouche leans to Aether. “How could you forget about that?” Scaramouche whispers, snickering when Aether elbows him in the stomach.
“Something tells me that we might need to bring an emergency first aid kit, just in case,” Albedo says.
Baizhu chuckles and pulls out a large first aid kit. “I’m already ahead of you,” says Baizhu.
When you all arrive at Tsurumi Island, everyone expects to see an island full of fog and spirits; what they do not expect is to be taken to the lower part of Tsurumi Island. Itto’s eyes widen, and he looks around; the site is suddenly familiar to him other than Aether.
“Oh no,” Itto laughs nervously, his eyes darting around to look for the familiar creature that resides on the island.
“Why are you saying ‘oh no’ like that?” Al Haitham asks, narrowing his eyes at the oni, who continues to survey his surroundings nervously.
Aether makes a face and lets out a sharp exhale. “You’ll see,” Aether says, bobbing his head in your direction.
The men stop on the side and watch you approach the center, unsure whether they should stop you from walking any further or not. You’re a God, the creator of all things, and you’re untouchable! But are you really untouchable? You step closer to the strange black-yellow rift in the air; your heart is punching you in the ribs while your mind is racing. Would he still recognize you?
“[Y/N], I don’t think you should be walking any closer,” Cyno says, his polearm materializing in his hands.
Your eyes remain on the rift. “I’ll be fine, Cyno. He’s not going to hurt me,” you said.
“But how do you know that he won’t hurt you?” Dainsleif demands.
You reach your hand out to touch the rift, but before the tip of your fingers can touch the rift, the rift immediately opens in front of you. You slowly backed away and gazed at the Golden Wolflord emerging from the rift, your hair whipping around your face the more the Golden Wolflord flew around you.
“Why does [Y/N] want to see that thing in the first place? That thing almost killed me many times!” Aether exclaims, covering his ears as the wind howls around them.
Heizou laughs nervously. “Shouldn’t we warn them not to touch the Golden Wolflord?” Heizou asks, looking over at the others nervously.
“I think it’s too late for that,” Pierro mutters.
Heizou slowly turns around and sees you petting the Golden Wolflord and nuzzling your face against its snout. Heizou and the men blinked at what they were seeing in front of them. The way you’re treating the monstrous beast in front of you as if it’s some puppy was mind-boggling. Your hands caress the Golden Wolflord’s face, nuzzling your cheek against his face while talking to it like it’s a baby.
“I haven’t seen you in so long! Look how much you’ve grown! Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” You said.
The Golden Wolflord whimpers softly and licks your face. That is something you don’t see a Golden Wolflord do to those who dare to step foot in its territory. You laugh and hug his face, petting his head and running your fingers through his fur. 
“You’re still as cute as ever! I’m sorry I couldn’t visit you sooner; I was busy,” you said softly. You cup its face in your hands and look at it in the eyes with a small frown on your face. “I’ll try to visit you more often, okay? Maybe once a week; how does that sound?” You ask, smiling at the Golden Wolflord.
The Golden Wolflord rumbles and nuzzles his face against yours, closing its eyes in contentment. You smile and kiss the Golden Wolflord’s forehead. You turn around and gesture for the men to come closer, only for them to shake their heads in response and take another step back. You chuckle to yourself and continue to shower the beast’s head. While you did claim to have created the Golden Wolflord, you technically did, but at the same time, you didn’t. The Golden Wolflord is Gold’s creation, but you created Gold, and Gold created the Golden Wolflord. Therefore you had some kind of contribution to the Golden Wolflord’s existence. 
You sigh and rest the side of your head on its head. “You must have been so lonely without me, huh? I know how you feel. I was alone before I created Teyvat, and I continue to be alone. While I have people that worship me from all over Teyvat, I still feel lonely,” you whisper.
“Do you think that thing understands what [Y/N]’s saying?” Kaveh whispers to the others.
Tighnari nods his head. “Oh, he understands [Y/N],” Tighnari says.
Remember how you convinced the restaurant owner in Inazuma to let you take the leftovers? Well, you and the men ate the breakfast with the Golden Wolflord, keeping you all company. Well, they ate from a safe distance while you and the Golden Wolflord kept each other company. After the visitation with the Golden Wolflord, you and the men return to the mainland. When you all returned to the mainland, you couldn’t help but feel sad and lonelier than you did before.
You didn’t realize that you had stopped in your tracks when you heard Albedo call out to you.
Albedo walks up to you and stops in front of you, gazing at you worriedly. “Are you alright?” Albedo asks. You watch the men slowly approach you and Albedo, unsure whether they should join in or not.
You hesitate for a moment and purse your lips. Should you tell them what’s wrong? You’re a God, the creator of Teyvat, and everything in its existence. You should be strong and not like how you are right now. Would they shame you for feeling this way? For not being the God that they have been worshipping since the beginning of time? After all, you did want to form a friendship with everyone, and you didn’t like feeling lonely. It’s one of the reasons why you created Teyvat and everything that resides on it.
“You’re overthinking again,” you think to yourself.
Zhongli walks to you and places a hand on your shoulder. “You can tell us whatever is bothering you; there’s nothing to be afraid of or be ashamed of,” Zhongli says.
“You all may be wondering why I have decided to visit the Golden Wolflord,” you said. “I didn’t create the Golden Wolflord, but I did have some kind of contribution to its existence. He has been on that island for who knows how long, and it must’ve been really lonely for him, and I can relate to him,” you said.
“What are you trying to say exactly?” Pantalone asks, cocking his head to the side.
You let out a frustrated and embarrassed huff of breath. “Long story short: I am lonely like the Golden Wolflord. I am trying my best to form friendships with you all, and I feel like I am failing because every time I try to form a connection, I fail miserably,” you said.
“A God bad with words and feelings….” Venti says, stroking his chin. 
You hunch over and place your hands on your knees. “It’s so embarrassing! I created you all and everything around us, and here I am, struggling with expressing my emotions and inner thoughts,” you cover your hot face with your hands.
“It’s okay to struggle with that. I mean, have you seen Diluc? I think he’s way worst than you,” Kaeya says, smiling at you.
Diluc slowly turns to look at Kaeya, his eyebrows narrowing. You let out a weak laugh and sigh, rubbing your temples. For the past few days, you have been trying (and struggling) to form a friendship with these twenty-five men because of how bad you are when it comes to talking about your feelings and what’s going on in your mind.
“Hey, if you want to be friends with us, you don’t need to ask! The minute you told us to call you by your real name instead of ‘your grace,’ consider us as best friends!” Itto says, throwing his arms around your shoulders and hugging you.
Childe pushes Itto from you and gives you a suave smile. “Or, we can be more than that,” Childe wiggles his eyebrows at you. Zhongli, Venti, and Dainsleif deadpan at Childe’s suggestion. You stare at Childe cluelessly and look at the other men and back at Childe. 
“Super best friends?” You ask.
Diluc rolls his eyes, grabs Childe by the back of his head, and shoves him out of the way. Childe stumbles and shoots a glare in Diluc’s direction, steam coming from his ears.
“Let’s start as friends first, then we can decide on the rest. Therefore, please ignore whatever the ginger idiot was implying,” Diluc says, giving you a small smile.
You smile at Diluc and tackle him into a hug, catching the redhead off guard. Diluc looks down at you with wide eyes before awkwardly hugging you back. A soft smile appears on Diluc’s face while he rubs your back. You sigh in Diluc’s grasp, letting yourself relax in his arms. You finally won't feel alone for the first time in thousands of years.
Note: It's funny how I said that I don't know how I feel about writing this fic, and this story ends up being almost 11k words long. I don't count the words myself; I always type out my fanfics in Google Docs and transfer them over to Tumblr and AO3 (apparently, some people thought I counted the words myself 😭). My winter quarter starts on Monday, the 9th of January, and I have no idea how that'll affect my posting schedule. I hope it doesn't negatively impact it 🥲 For those who want to be on my new taglist, here is the link to the taglist [Genshinluvr Updated Taglist Form]! Please make sure that you allow people to mention you/tag you in posts, or else I won't be able to tag you in any future fanfics! Anyway, for those who are new here or are returning readers, I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!Reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @alhaitham-scribe, @xyji, @kazuhasmuse, @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @kwelibeeery, @yumakj, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @honeybedo, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @mompt2, @@living-my-best-life5, @chalksdreams, @rinswriting, @thelost-in-time, @mxn14, @ventisweetheart, @unwantedsleep, @kattythesimp, @hispasian-otaku, @Orah-s, @juuuuuj101010, @nxns3nse (If your name has been crossed out, it means that your account did not show up when I try to tag your account. Please make sure to allow people to mention you and tag you in posts and make sure the spelling, symbols and numbers are correct)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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e-vay · 4 months
Evay I've been reading some fanfics that I think you'll really like! I'm going to put their name here along with the creator, because I don't know how to put their name marked like you do haha. They're all on A03! "Importance in Love Form" by ApronBurn; "Changing Seasons" by Skyelara; "Rosy Cheeks" by R0wan_Jacobs; and "Blind Date" by Skyelara. I hope you enjoy 🤗
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DELICIOUS!!! Thank you so so so much for sending me these! I binged them all hehehehehe! 💖💙💖💙
“Importance in Love Form” was the PERFECT follow up to that devastating (jk) Tailstube episode! I’m glad Amy got some justice in that fic 🥰
“Changing Seasons” broke my heart, but man was that angst tasty! I’m sad to see the author hasn’t updated it in awhile. I hope they will come back to it because I was really enjoying it.
“Rosy Cheeks” was so sweet and charming. It warmed my heart up and it was nice to get the sense of winter because where I live it’s hot as hell right now haha
“Blind Date”… ahhh!!! Oooh that was such a fun, flirty, embarrassing little glimpse into an AU that I would love to see more of!
Thank you so much! I’m always always ALWAYS hungry for more sonamy fics. I literally can’t get enough. My every waking thought is of those two hedgehogs so please always send me fics 💖💙 The best fics I’ve ever read were recommended to me by all y’all!
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks
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For You
Pairing: Javi G x ofc Ally
Word Count: 2700+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I got a request from @jedi-in-crocs : I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with  Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks (Ally)
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Javi G Masterlist 
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Market day in Mallorca was always a beautiful affair. Rows and rows of tents adorned the streets, bursting with vibrant colors of fresh fruits and veggies, various paintings, clay jars and mugs, the smells of homemade snacks and treats filling the air as people bustled past each other, lightly bumping shoulders with each other as they set their eyes on something they want. 
But Javi's favorite row was for the flowers. Beautiful blooms and plants bursting from various pots and glass jars, some massive and sitting in large pots on the ground, other small and dangling in the air at the end of macrame chains. He stops to look at each and every one, touching some of the petals or leaves and smiling to himself before moving on to the next. 
But today is different. As he nears the middle of the row of tents and tables, he notices a new vendor. Her area was smaller than the others, but the plants and flowers she had were breathtaking. Bright colors and green leaves strategically placed on a couple of shelved hand carved wooden tables created this ambience of tranquility despite the bustling crowd. But this was nothing compared to the woman in front of him, straightening up from placing the last of her pots on the ground, gently dabbing at her brow to rid her skin of the few beads of sweat that had accumulated. She turns and jumps when she sees Javi staring at her. 
"Oh!I'm sorry I didn't see you. Welcome! Is there anything specifically you're looking for?"
He's momentarily speechless, her green eyes shining up at him, her face framed by her auburn hair, the sun catching it at the right angle and making it glow. 
"I… I don't.." Why can't he speak? She's staring at him, a friendly smile on her face as she studies him. 
"That's ok. Are you looking for a gift for someone? Your mom or significant other?"
"Oh, no. My mother has passed and I am not… I mean, I don't have…" Javi sighs. "I am single."
Is he imagining the slight flush to her cheeks at his answer? Her eyes flick away from his for a brief moment before returning, her cheeks still a slight shade of pink. 
"Well then.. are you new to plants?" Javi nods, trying to regain his composure. "Ok great. Then may I recommend…" She looks around for a few moments before reaching for a plant with green oval shaped leaves cascading down vines out of a small hanging planter. She turns and holds it out for him, his breath catching in his throat when their fingers touch briefly at the exchange. She clears her throat a moment layer, shaking her head. 
"I uh… this is a pothos. Very easy to take care of. Water once a week or so and make sure they get some light. They're pretty sturdy."
"Th-thank you, miss…"
"Ally." She extends her hand and Javi shifts the pot into his left hand, extending his right to shake hers, his body nearly shaking when they touch. He hears her breath catch as well. Could she feel the same? 
"Hey lady! Do you have any monstera?" A large man pushes his way past Javi, nearly knocking him over to stand in front of Ally. 
"I uh…yes. Right here." As she shows him the plants, he proceeds for tell her some long winded tale of his own garden, her eyes flicking back to Javi apologetically. After several minutes it becomes clear that he won't be leaving soon and Javi had to head home for a meeting. He sighs, pulling out some money and setting it on the table for her. At the last minute he decided to write a little note, taking the pen and paper she had set there to make notes about plant care for people. 
I hope this is enough. I'll be back next weekend to make sure.
Javi leaves the paper and makes eye contact with Ally, her small, sad smile and nod indicating she saw him leave the money. 
Javi can't stop thinking about her all week. 
Javi returns every weekend for 2 months. At first, he makes up excuses for coming, looking for plants, what does a slight discoloration mean, anything he can think of to talk to her. He's never been very good at flirting or picking up signals, but she laughs at all of his jokes, blushing whenever he compliments her, and he swears he's caught her more than once checking him out. 
One weekend, Javi decides enough of enough- it's time to ask Ally out. Mayne just for coffee so if she says no, he can cover it up as a just as friends coffee. Or a thank you coffee. Something. 
Javi walks to her stand, waiting a moment to watch her, back to him as she moves about arranging her plants, her fingers lightly brushing against petals and Javi imagines what it must feel like to have those same fingers brush against his skin, digging into his arms as they meld their bodies together…
He shakes his head. Now isn't the time for lewd thoughts. It wouldn't help his nerves. Javi stops at the entrance to her booth, giving her space to move about. 
"Hi Ally. Got anything new today?"
She doesn't turn around, still moving about her plants. Javi clears his throat a little louder than he normally would. Still, she doesn't move. No turning to give him her brilliant smile that warms him up. Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong? His brain works fast, playing through all of their interactions. Nothing seemed amiss. Could he have misread something? 
"She can't hear you." The vendor next to Ally says as she comes to stand next to Javi. 
"Her aids are being repaired so she doesn't have them today."
His eyebrows pull together. "Aids?"
"Hearing aids. Did you not see them?"
He hadn't. He was too taken in by her sweet words and gorgeous eyes, her obvious love for the plants she so lovingly cares for. When he doesn't reply, the woman turns more towards him. 
"She's losing her hearing. It'll be totally gone one day, I think. At least that's what she told me. She taught me some basic signs too in case she didn't have her aids. Lovely girl."
Javi watches the back of Ally, still tending the plants she loves so much. "I have to go. Can you tell her 'Javi has some work to do but he'll be back soon?'" 
The woman nods and Javi thanks her, turning promptly on his heel and heading straight for his car, pulling out his phone to call his assistant to help him with his task. 
A month later, Javi nervously approaches Ally's booth. What if she's mad at me? I hope I did not distress her too much. He swallows hard, taking the last few steps to her booth, watching her brush dirt from her hands, fingers rubbing gently on the gardening apron she always wore. She turns and sees him, eyes locking on his as she freezes, her eyes studying him, her focus slightly upset. She opens her mouth to speak but before she can, Javi raises his hands, willing the nerves to leave him as he starts to move. 
[Signed]"I am sorry I have not come. Your neighbor-" He points to the lady in the next booth over. "- told me about your hearing and how you use ASL-"
Her eyes well up. [Signed] "You know ASL?"
Javi shakes his head. [Signed] "I didn't. I spent the last month starting to learn it for you."
Pure shock flashes across her face as she points to herself. [Signed] "For me? Why?"
Javi takes a few steps towards her, closing the distance between them. He brushes a short strand of her auburn hair from her face, the sunlight glinting slightly off of the tiny tube connecting her hearing aids to the ear mold and he smiles, meeting her eyes. 
[Signed] "Because I always want to be able to talk to you, hear your thoughts. Anything you have to say."
Their eyes lock onto each other and he glances down at her lips, slightly parted. He brings his hands up slowly to cup her cheeks, giving her every chance to pull back. Instead, she grips his shirt, pulling him closer as their lips meet, soft and wanting. He wraps an arm around her, pressing his tongue to her lips as she eagerly responds. After several seconds, the lady in the booth next to Ally clears her throat and Javi pulls back, glaring slightly at the woman. Ally follows his gaze and looks at the woman, who is now smirking. Javi puts his finger on Ally's cheek, turning her head back to his. 
[Signed] "Will you have dinner with me?"
Ally smiles wide, brightening the entire area and warming Javi up as she nods enthusiastically. "I'm free tonight?"
Javi chuckles. "I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner."
Javi thinks he's never seen someone more beautiful than her. The dress she wore fits her perfectly, enhancing her physical features, but it's more than that. As Javi listens to her talk about cross pollination, he watches her confidence grow with her excitement about her plants, a non stop stream of words and he drinks in every one, his chin leaning on his fist as he watches her, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"And oh my God I've been talking the whole time, haven't I?" She blushes, hiding her face behind her hands, elbows propped on the table.
"No, no. Please continue. I love watching you talk."
She lowers her hands and looks at him. "Watching me talk?"
"Yes. The way your passion for what you do pours out of you, touching anyone near you." 
Her face heats up more and she fans herself for a moment. "You flatter me too much, Javi." 
He catches her eye and signs. "That's because I really like you."
As dinner continues, he learns more about her. Her childhood, how she ended up in Mallorca, how her illness is causing her to lose her hearing, eventually a total loss. So she wanted to spend time listening to the small sounds, the way the wind moves through pine needles, the way water splashes against the leaves, the way grass flows against the breeze. 
"Can I show you something?" Javi asks as he nervously offers his arm to Ally as they exit the restaurant. She takes it almost instantly, leaning into him and making his ears feel warm. 
"Of course. Anywhere you'd like to go, I'm there."
Javi helps her into his jeep, driving back towards the compound. The guards let him in and he drives down the winning dirt road, turning down a nearly hidden path. He follows it down until it clears a little, overlooking the water. He reaches behind him, grabbing a thick blanket from the backseat before getting out of the jeep, walking around to offer his hand to Ally, helping her out of the jeep. Their fingers lace together as she follows him towards a small, clear space where he puts the blanket down, spreading it out. He offers his hand again, grinning at Ally as she sits, laying down next to him when he lays down. 
"You see those stars there?" He points to the sky and Ally follows his fingers, squinting at the rapidly darkening sky. 
"Yeah I think so."
"That's the Scorpius constellation."
"No idea."
She laughs, turning her head to him and finding him already looking at her, a faint smile on his face. She watches him back, eyes roaming over his handsome face, with his prominent nose and curls you just want to touch. She leans in and Javi meets her halfway, their lips crashing together as she slides her fingers around his head, tugging at the curls at the back of his neck. Javi feels his pants tighten even more and he pulls back, his eyes moving between hers, his eyebrows raised in question. She replies by gripping his shirt, pulling him to her as she unbuttons his shirt, sliding it off his broad shoulders, only breaking the kiss for Javi to toss his shirt somewhere over his shoulder, both of them giggling as he lays her back, slotting himself between her spread legs. 
He holds himself above her, his soft lips pressing to hers as he grinds himself against her, feeling her heat beneath his pants. Then her fingers are at his pant line, fumbling to open his button and the kiss breaks, his forehead pressed to hers as she manages to open the button, sliding his pants down just enough for him to spring out, hard and wanting. He pulls his head back just enough to look at her, his own lust echoed in the depths of her eyes.
[Signed]”Are you sure?”
She nods. “Yes. Please, Javi, I need you.”
He slides his hand up her bare thigh, pressing his fingers between her thighs and moaning as he feels how wet she is for him, her own moan at his light touch mixing with his. She grips his hand, showing him how to touch her, his thick fingers sending jolts of pleasure out from where he touches her. But then he pushes her panties aside, Ally silently grateful for wearing a dress as he touches her, his skin on hers, sliding his fingers and touching her how she showed him. Her release comes from nowhere, a loud gasp and moan coming from her as her back arches, her body tensing with pleasure. Her back lowers, her chest heaving as she looks up at Javi, his eyes nearly black in the low light and she wraps her legs around him, trying to get him to move. He smiles and presses his hips forward, slowly pushing into her as he watches her face contort with pleasure at the feel of him stretching her open, small pants puffing out into his face until he bottoms out. Javi stays like that, pulling out only a little before pushing in, just to give her a moment, until he feels her hands grasping at his back, her heels digging into his ass and he gets the hint. He sets a comforting pace, not too rough and not too light, adding in his signature thrust that has her pulsing around him, his name tumbling from her lips as he comes with her, unable to resist the feel of her engulfing him. 
They stay like that for several minutes, her fingers lightly tracing a mindless pattern across his sweaty, bare back, their breathing syncing together. Slowly, Javi pulls out, a hiss on his lips as he pats at the ground for his shirt, helping to clean her up with it before himself. He chucks the shirt on the ground again, laughing lightly with Ally before laying back down, pulling her close to him as he feels her hand on his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of her head as they watch the stars. 
6 months later, they get married, happy to spend the rest of their days with each other, thankful that Javi stopped in the market that day.
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989  
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regulusblackfest · 4 months
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And that's a wrap, everyone! All works have been posted, the authors have been revealed, and thus concludes the 5th year of the Regulus Black Fest. A massive thank you to our wonderful artists and writers, the betas and cheerleaders, and of course the readers. You can find all of this year's works beneath the cut!
Title: Savage Fields Author: Grey_Kenaz | @green-and-grey-kenaz Rating: M Warnings: Referenced cannibalism, Mention of Beastiality Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black Medium/Word Count: 3,909
Regulus Black accepts the Dark Mark with a celebratory hunt.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/regulus_black_fest_24/works/54694351
Title: Between The Lines Author: LimeOfMagicLimo | @limetimo Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Irma Pince Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 1200
The story of how a little first year wormed his way into Irma Pince's stone cold heart.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54911320
Title: Whose Cat? Writer: aCanadianMuggle | @acanadianmuggle Rating: T (language, one use of the word fuck/swearing) Pairing/Main Characters: Regulus Black, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, James Potter (Regulus Black & Sirius Black; Regulus Black & Lily Evans Potter; Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter) Medium: Fanfic, 2705 words
Lily Potter liked her new cat. It's too bad it insists on spending time with James Potter of all people. (Regulus Black becomes an animagus to spend time with Sirius.)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55083205
Title: history forgets the moderates Writer: cleopatroclus | @regheart Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Horace Slughorn  Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Medium/Word Count: 6,1K
It is still early in the year of 1979, Regulus Black is active on the Quidditch team, relaxed around his friends, and participates in class. Professor Slughorn suspects something might be wrong.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54972943
Title: Shadows before the Dark Writer: girlunderthefloor | @girlunderthefloor Rating: General audiences Warnings: none Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Severus Snape Medium/Word Count: 5265
Regulus Black is sorted into Slytherin. Soon, he becomes friends with Severus Snape. Follow their friendship through their years at Hogwarts.  
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55196983
Title: The Last Supper Writer: OnTheMerits | @onthemerits Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose not to use Archive Warnings / TW death, abusive family dynamics Pairing/main characters: Gen / Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Walburga Black, Orion Black Medium/Word Count:  Fic / 4410 words
Sirius is the last to arrive, as usual. His footsteps echo as he descends the winding stairs down to the kitchen. He takes his seat at the small wooden table. OR Suddenly Regulus, Sirius, Walburga, and Orion are a family again.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55263373/chapters/140182834
Title: I'll Rise (In Spite of the Ache) Writer: wolfpad | @wolfpadx Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter Rating: E Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Fic, 29,398 words
Regulus has always thought that James's affection felt a bit like the sun: warm, empowering, restorative. Now it just feels dangerous the closer he gets to it, the more he looks at it straight on. The lies start piling up and Regulus begins to wonder if, as he always suspected, it was all too good to be true. Prompt: breakup/makeup.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55400440/chapters/140564362
Title: an omen of death Writer: maladaptivewriting | @maladaptivewriting Rating: general Warnings: major character death  Pairing/main characters: regulus & sirius Medium/Word Count: 6,114
Regulus had always been able to see Thestrals. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55487173
Title: if it is love, it doesn't matter Writer: acari | @ghaniblue Pairing/main characters: James/Regulus Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 1430
The only thing Regulus ever did without antagonizing James was get on his back and spread his legs.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55424503
Title: An Overly Considerate Friend Artist: CailynWrites | @cailynwrites Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Rating: M Warnings: No warnings apply Medium/Word Count: Podfic, 47 minutes
“Remus help! This is your fault!” James tried again. “I didn’t tell you to snog him, Prongs!” Moony snapped back. “TRUE. Technically, you didn’t. You didn’t say 'don’t snog Regulus,' you just said not to hit on him. WHICH I DIDN’T! So maybe protect me a little here please?” James floundered for excuses. Remus debated it for a moment - hopefully that please did itself justice and saved James’ life. “Snogging most definitely falls under flirting,” Remus decided educationally. All his friends were assholes, honestly. After tonight, James was going to start hanging out with Hufflepuffs.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55390963
Title: He’s definitely James’s son Writer: yourfriendlygryffindor | @yourfriendlygyffindor Pairing/main characters: regulus/james Rating: Gen Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 2488
Professor Lily Evans catches Harry in the middle of a prank and get Professor Regulus to help parent.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/regulus_black_fest_24/works/55329418
Title: The Fae Wilds (Don't Leave Me) Artist & Writer: Halliwell19 with OrangeColoredSky | @orangecoluredsky Pairing/main characters: Regulus/Hermione Rating: Mature Warnings: None that apply Medium/Word Count: 4.182 and picture
Hermione falls into an unknown world and is drawn to Fae Regulus, but is it all real or is it just happening inside her head?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55371418
Title: The Tale of Two Stars Artist/Writer: solavonn | @solavonn Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black Medium/Word Count: art (with 1,664 words)
Long ago, there was once a noble kingdom founded far above the earth and among the heavens. It was said that those who dwelled there were blessed with incredible feats of power. Among them were two brothers.
AO3 link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/55534549
Title: Caged Bird Writer: Gertrudecc | @getrudecc Rating: Teen Warnings: None apply* Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black / Remus Lupin Medium/Word Count: 8K
Regulus Black is a crow animagus.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55536199
Title: Butterflies Writer: samynnad102687 | @samynnad102687 Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter Rating: Teen + Warnings: No archive warnings Medium/Word Count: 34,590
Regulus runs away with Sirius to the Potters. He and James fall in love slowly.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55407625/chapters/140583511
Title: i hate it here Writer: ghstboys Rating: M Warnings: Chose not to use archive warnings Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Medium/Word Count: Fic / 6109 words
Regulus dies a year before Sirius goes to Hogwarts, but for Sirius, he isn't really gone.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55546924
Title: Waking Nightmare Writer: givemetherapyimawalkingtravesty | @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black / Slytherin Dormmates, Regulus Black / James Potter Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, chose not to use warnings (dead dove, see additional tags) Medium/Word Count: fic wc: 1.9k
Regulus Black Fest 2024 Prompt: "Regulus waking up tied to a bed and gagged felt like his worst nightmare... but the nightmare had only just begun. By: just_a_whorecrux"
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55547509
Title: A Twist of Fate Writer: MidnightStargazer | @midnightstargazer Rating: M Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, pure-blood bigotry, morally gray Regulus, minor character death Pairing/Main Characters: Regulus, Sirius, Kreacher, Lily, James; gen with background Jily Word Count: 18,227
“When the eighth month is born, the specter of death will loom over him - but if Regulus Black lives, the Dark Lord shall fall within a year” Upon hearing these words spoken by a Seer, Dumbledore asks Sirius to reach out and try to recruit his brother to their side. Regulus, however, has no idea yet about the prophecy or the Horcruxes and has no intention of turning against his Dark Lord.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55427557/chapters/140639452
Title: if you want me too Writer: donotwishonme | @donotwishonme Rating: T Warnings: none Pairing/main character: Regulus Black/James Potter Medium/Word Count: fic, 1.5k words
Once a month Regulus Black submits himself to the torture that is a noisy pub. All for the purpose of defeating James Potter, again and again. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55537849
Title: I Knew Everything When I Was Young Writer: MidnightStargazer | @midnightstargazer Rating: T Warnings: pure-blood bigotry Main Characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Dirk Cresswell Word Count: 4,379
Sirius is a squib, and Regulus has no doubt that some mudblood is to blame. When he leaves for his first year at Hogwarts, he's determined to find whoever stole his brother's magic and force them to return it - but the more he investigates, the more the gaps and contradictions in his belief system become impossible to ignore.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55569799
Title: Of Snitches & Wasps Writer: westxnorthwest | @westxnorthwest-writes Rating: E Warnings: none apply Pairing/main characters: James Potter/Regulus Black Medium/Word Count: 10,218
Regulus just wanted to be someone’s first choice. or, how the rivalry of Puddlemere United and the Wimbourne Wasps helped two idiots fall in love.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55499212
Title: Unchained Writer: LunyMoonyMoo | @lunymoonymoo Pairing/Main Characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black  Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Word Count: 7,868
Sirius and Regulus Black end up in the same cell in Azkaban.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55475866
Title: Happily Never After Writer: Viwrites | @just--vi Rating: E Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black / James Potter Medium/Word Count: Written, 4717
It’s a flurry of limbs. James doesn’t waste a second pulling him inside - or maybe that’s for practicality sake. If Sirius saw them together he’d lose it on account of them being them, and if Remus saw them together he’d lose it on account of it being the night before his wedding. Or, Regulus and James are friends with benefits. All hell breaks loose.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55710286
Title: Many Are The Stars I See (But In My Eye No Star Like Thee) Writer: raynick11 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier Medium/Word Count: Fic//62,794
Light cannot exist without darkness, and darkness cannot exist without light. You must have the contrast for both to exist.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55593169/chapters/141099943
Title: Something Like Love Writer: DeadxButterflies Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter, minor Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 532
Regulus Black never planned to fall in love with James Potter. Then again, there are a lot of things he didn’t plan. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55713508
Title: Black Sails Writer: denebola | @elementalkit Pairing/main characters: James Potter/Regulus Black Rating: Explicit Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 9k
James and his crew do a rescue mission to take Sirius back, who had been recaptured by his family. He finds a pretty jewel on the way. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55741669
Title: The Letters From No One Writer: strawberrybasil | @strawberrybasilsorbet Pairing/main characters: Gen; Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Mention of Suicide, Mention of Violence In a School Medium/Word Count: 38,170
An unexpected find in Godric's Hollow. While cleaning out the Potter cottage after Voldemort's defeat, someone discovers a bundle of letters addressed to Sirius Black.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55794715/chapters/141650344
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lazari-returns · 6 months
love your work! i immediately thank u so much for continuing the story with lazari cuz i always thought the premise was neat when i was young- and now looking at it, it’s almost looking at mold… hope you do more with this blog! ^^
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The original I eat pasta for Breakfast means a lot more to me than it probably should. I know, it butchers Masky's character, there's a lot of sloppy amateur writing, lots of inconsistencies, and there's a buttload of anime fanservice. A lot of people will just write it off as bad fanfiction. Most people only ever revisit it for nostalgia and a few cool character designs.
But this series was the one warm spot in my otherwise pretty unhappy time back in middle school. Not just as a nice little escapist fantasy. "Oh I just wish Slendy would come and take me away from this life" but also just the unintentional themes of it. Despite being surrounded by killers, being forced to have to consume human flesh, going through hell, and still... somehow... finding a way to be all cutesy and happy. The fact that a creator saw all these horror monsters and wanted to make a found family themed story with these horror characters.
Those are themes I want to be in this story. themes that will be challenged, explored, and clung to. Yeah the original can be best described as an amateur fanfic, but fanfiction BUILT this fandom. Make as many jeff the killer horror series ya want, but most of em are based off the amateur fanfiction in 2011. This whole story im doing I had plans for since middle school and at that point it was just a creepypasta themed undertale AU. Obviously dont sexualize characters that are minors and age em up to specifically do so, and dont throw around ableist terms like "Psycho" if ya dont know how those disorders even work. But you need to make bad art to make good art. I grew up with I eat pasta for breakfast, and to my knowledge the creator left that series behind and is using the OCS for something non creepypasta related. So I wanna finish the story and show people what Lazari has been up to since then now that I grew up. They all mean and represent so much to me. If it weren't for it, I might have not finished the original Marble Hornets. A series I love now. These characters and creepypasta as a whole. Much like the Slenderman and the inspirational slenderverse he created. Creepypasta is art for everybody. The characters can go in tons of directions.
I hope people like mine.
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nero-ya · 1 year
Content warning ? I don't really know to be honest but safety first so just prepare for a bit of smut I guess.
I'm normally not really one for posting shit but I really need to get this out of my system.
First of all i wanna say thanks to all creators out there writing the best fics I've ever read.
I love you guys and your writings are amazing no matter what character it features.
Every fanfic I read about law is truly amazing and I love every single one of them fluff, smut, modern au, rare pairs, drabble, Oneshot or longer story with multiple chapters they're all amazing but.....most of them I have read are nearly the same, showing law as a dominant one who always has the control and it's good yes but listen closely.
That's just my opinion but please that traumatized handsome dude went through so much shit and lost so much and it's plausible if he's afraid of not having control over everything in fear of losing someone again and I'll get it but at the same time I think it's exactly what he needs, I'm a firm believer he's a switch even though he would never ever admit it only over his dead body but he is and he fucking needs it.
He needs someone he can trust fully without fear of getting judged or laughed at, someone's that just chains him to the bed for hours on end, teasing and pleasuring him, fucking all the stress and trauma out of him and giving him the most relaxing day all week.
At least once a week he needs to be fully pampered and cared for, let him forget for a day that he's not just a captain, a friend, a Brother or a lover, most of all he's fucking human and I would love to see more about law finding a person he can be vulnerable with and let go of everything for a day without the fear of being teased for submitting and leaving his care in you're hands.
Ahhhhh I just wanna fucking pamper him and just imagine law chained to the bed, blindfolded and sprawled naked on the sheets. Tracing every tattoo he has on his body, slow and sensual, kissing every scar he got along the way, massaging the Stress and pain he feels out of his body before sucking him empty and not stopping till he forgets everything around him, the responsibility, the pain, the trauma, his papers that are stacked on his desk and how Luffy ruined his plan every damn time.
Only focused on the pleasure he feels traveling through his entire body, bringing his mind into another place and giving him one orgasm after another, one better than the last one and only stopping when his mind and body is fully blissed out and numb.
Praise him for everything, let him know he's safe and how good he's doing, how pretty he looks and encourage him to let go more and more with every soft whisper and kiss and please never ever forget aftercare it's the most important thing after every scene.
Get him down slowly and massage his limps, especially where he was chained or use some soothing creme.
Don't stop kissing and praising him on how good he was, just love the ever living shit out of him.
Get a warm wash cloth to wash away the remains before it gets too sticky and gets uncomfortable for him or even worse it makes him overstimulate.
Make sure he really sleeps before you leave his side to get something to eat and drink and maybe get him his favourite book. It's important to be there when he wakes up or comes out of his subspace just to make sure he won't drop and catch him if he does drop.
Cuddling, kisses and soft words of Courage and affirmation while staying in bed with him all day long.
Just be there for him and reassure him, make him feel safe and get him to understand it's okay to feel and be human.
Oh fuck Post got longer than I thought it would....welp whatever.
I just hope I'm not the only one thinking that way and if then we'll...fuck me also I'm always open to other opinions so just hit me like you mean it.
Have a great day or night ya all.
It feels kinda bare without a picture so here's one of my all time favorites.
Credits to the creator of this fine fanart
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sweettjrose · 8 months
I really really like your writing and style of narrative (I am still reading your detective Mickey one, I am interested!), I have always wanted to write my stories and OC stuff like that , but it never turns out good.
Anyway, my question is if you any inspirations or reference when it comes to writing, and if so, what are them?
Thank you so much!!! 💕💕💕
It warms my heart so much to see so many people like my story and get invested. I always wanted to get into fanfic writing, but could never imagine seeing so many positive reactions. I worked really hard and I can't wait to share more of what I have planned for this series.
As for your question, it is a simple question, but I actually have a complicated answer lol. Because even though I am writing fanfiction, I feel like a lot of my inspiration comes from things outside of just writing such as tv shows, games, comics, movies, etc. There are so many stories that had such an impact on me like Undertale, Deltarune, Mob Psycho 100, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, Pokémon Black/White, Steven Universe, Gurren Lagann, Kung Fu Panda, Bojack Horseman, The Great Mouse Detective, Beauty and the Beast (Tbh Disney movies in general), and so much more. I've always wanted to write something just as emotionally impactful and compelling as they were to me. I feel like I daydream of cool moments as well as fun story ideas but never really put them on paper. But one day, while hyper-fixated on Mickey Mouse, I couldn't take only thinking anymore and I decided to just start writing them down and that is how I got my start.
What has also helped is following other creators that have been making their own wonderful stories also based on characters in the whole "Mickey and Friends"-verse. I've been following "Everything is Blue", an incredible story that tackles the relationships that Bud Flud had before he became the Liquidator by @trishabeakens . I also love the amazing duckverse comics by @modmad that do such a brilliant job giving Magica De Spell and Gladstone Gander so much depth with beautiful illustrations. Also, my friend @skullsemi makes many terrific comics about her "The Backup Detectives" AU that explores Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Oswald, Clarabelle, and everyone in such a fun role, and even other people started to add their own take to their AU. That isn't even everyone. Just seeing so many people share their own fantastic work and take on these characters or any other characters are really big inspiration when it comes to getting the push to make my own stuff.
However, I can't talk about inspiration and references and not bring up all of the "Mickey and Friends" media that is the root of my story. The animated shorts, "The Three Musketeers", "The Three Caballeros", "The Goofy Movie", Ducktales 2017, "The Prince and the Pauper", "The Christmas Carol", the comics (Gottfredson, Barks, Rosa, Nucci, Topolino, etc.), Darkwing Duck, and just so much more have all been key references when writing my fanfiction series. Some of the inspiration is obvious such as "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot" for the Pilot. But it is more than that. It is also the feel that all of these stories give. What I like about all of these stories is how well they can balance a fun cartoony comedic vibe, but also have strong emotional moments. In "The Goofy Movie" you can have a musical number where people dance on cars in the same movie where two adults have a serious conversation about trust and the best way to parent a child. That is what I am trying to catch in my story. And now that I think about it a lot of the previous stuff I mentioned in the paragraph above also have a pretty similar balance. I think there is something about being able to be goofy but also sincere that speaks to me. The idea of exploring the tough parts of life, but still holding onto hope and having fun along the way. It is genuine. I want to be genuine.
I know you mentioned earlier about how you don't think you're writing is good. I haven't seen it (mostly because I don't know who you are lol), but I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. The fact that you are writing is better than doing nothing and I would say just write what you want to. Write what you enjoy and find fun. Write what gets you to actually write. Because if I could be honest, I am really writing mostly for me. This is something I've been wanting to do forever and I am having so much fun.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
yo i always seen sagau impostor au y/n fanfics about them joining the fatui, living with the monsters or playable characters joining the chaotic hunt ➖👄➖
Sooooo what if INSTEAD reader was spawn near the abyss order camp, they (kinda???)have a feeling that we are the god of teyvat so the abyss mages have sus looks at first so they trap us first, then reported to one of the heralds theennn word got to the prince(ss). They probably wanted to kill us since i mean, ITS THE CREATOR FOE FU- *ahem* they might try to ask things regarding of celestial. Hope enjou will capture me😍
Now this event is either from before we got hunted or during the run
I mean think about it- (thisistotallynotformetoimagineabysstraveler)
yes i too am a simp for abyss traveler thank you very much
HSDLFJASDFSDF butbut would be happy to provide my own thoughts on this!
warnings: Blood! Much much blood and angst <3
You were running blind, the map in game not yet having expanded this far out. The brush scratching whatever skin it could get and snagging onto your clothes. You were no doubt leaving a loud and obvious trail behind you, it was only a matter of time before you were caught and you didn't want to know what they'd do to you once they got you.
Luckily - or perhaps unluckily - right in front of you appeared a portal. You didn't have the time to stop yourself before you were plunging right into the
When you regained your bearings, sitting on the floor, heaving and sweat soaking your entire body, all of your brief relief vanished as you stared up at an Abyss Lector.
You couldn't see his eyes but you could almost feel the contempt radiating from him.
"I've seen lows but this is just a new one." He scoffed before turning to another abyss member, "Fetch their highness."
They nodded without question and scurried off.
You mouthed the twins name unconsciously, your time as an outsider looking in still not worn off. Excitement bubbled in your stomach at the prospect of seeing them, but you quickly realized that this would probably be your final resting place.
You huddled in on yourself, your tears dried from weeks of crying. You didn't even do anything wrong. That's the part that made you most upset. You just wished someone would listen to you-
"Your highness." The lector bowed, "Here they are." He motioned to you.
They stepped up to you with an aura you weren't used to from a face you would often associate with the traveler. Even though they weren't the one you chose, you never saw them with such a cold look on their face before.
You said their name, true and thundering and pleading. You swore you saw them wince.
"How do you know that name?" They interrupted you, "How do you know about me?"
You gulped, their presence heavy on your shoulders.
You couldn't provide them with a quick and easy explanation. There was none. Your throat dried up.
They glared at you, but there was a flicker of something warm and golden in their irises, "How much do you know?"
You opened your mouth, the most damning and secretive piece of information on the tip of your tongue, "The statue of the defiled god in Liyue. The statue of the anemo archon. And the original chaos core being in the ruin guard at Stormterrors lair. Or it was until Dain took it."
Their teeth grit together when you mentioned Dainlief's name so casually. But now there was a new emotion in their eyes. Panic.
"There's only one way you'd know all that information..." They muttered.
"Or when you and your sibling were fighting the Unknown God!" You said desperately, "Their name is Asmodeus! You were taken by them and your twin," You said their name loud and familiar, "was asleep for 500 years."
The emotions swelling in their eyes were enough to make your head swirl. Had you convinced them? That you were a god or whatever? Had you convinced them not to kill you?
The abyss lector gasped, "We've defiled their holiness-!"
A golden sword and a golden nara sliced you cleanly with their blade. Right in your chest where gold spilled out from your chest to perfectly match the star that the twins once were.
The stars that you plucked from the sky.
The abyssal prince(ss)'s golden eyes locked onto the Lector's. Wide and wild they growled, "They were a fraud. Dispose of the body through any means necessary." They removed the sword from your body and flicked the blood off, "Don't try anything stupid."
They left the room, gold blood splattering the golden nara.
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thotpuppy · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
this kind of stuff is super neat to read from others and share and talk about sooo thank u so much for the tag @sugareey-makes-stuff!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On its face, 40, but 5 are co-creator tags because i illustrated them, 3 of them are art for the steter bang independently posted separate from their fics, 1 was gift art for the steter vday exchange, and 1 is a 60k+ roleplay that i only wrote like half of haha. so its actually 30-31
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
365,587 but again, not all my words. Without the 8 fics mentioned up top, its at 250,197 total. the fic i co wrote is 69,599. Without any of that, my total is 180,598. if i only cut half out, its at 215,397 which is. still pretty good i guess???
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Published, I have fics for Voltron Legendary Defender, Teen Wolf, Danny Phantom, and Sk8 the Infinity. I pretty much only write for Teen Wolf right now. I have WIPs and ideas for DC, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, and of course Danny Phantom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Grandma, What a Big Dick You Have! (the better to fuck you with my dear) (Sterek, WC 5,644, one shot, Rated E)
Churn My (Peanut) Butter (Steter, WC 3,074, one shot, Rated E)
A Collision of Interest is Inevitable  (This is that role-play) (PompousPep, WC 69,599, part 1 of ?, Rated M)
Why (not) Me? (Sterek, WC 6,496, one shot, Rated M)
Now Hiring (Sterek, WC 5,724, part 1 of WIP series that's currently 4 parts. Rated E)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my very best to meet my commenters however they meet me. If they just drop some emojis, i drop some back. If they give me a long, thought out comment, I give them one back. Etc etc.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This question and 7 are both hard because I pretty much exclusively write happy endings. A Snap, a Shudder, and a Home probably has the least upward lifting ending? It's not sad or angsty, but it speaks to unresolved tensions. The problem isn't over, even if they have a taste of peace. (Sterek, WC 1,669, one shot, Rated T)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings! ARGH! The most outwardly enduringly positive fic I've written, however, is probably:
Daisies and Daffodils (You Make Me Smile) (Sterek, WC 3,864, one shot, Rated T) I was just in such a smiley, indulgent mood the entire time I wrote it, and it still makes me warm and smiley about it now.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not technically, though I have gotten two particularly unpleasant comments. One was on a Sterek fanfic trope challenge fic, for the prompt "Forced Proximity". Stiles and Derek get put into a '7 minutes of heaven' sort of situation by Lydia and one commenter was SO MAD that I didn't tag the fic as RAPE/NONCON ????? They also lectured me about being sexist and having double standards because it wouldn't be okay if Sterek were Women, which was just all sorts of yikes. (WC 2,912, Rated M, link here.) The other time I got a negative comment was actually on my most recently posted WIP Under My Skin, which is a Stackson fic. The hatefulness wasn't directed at the fic itself, but it WAS targeted at one of the main protagonists of the fic, as if implying I would be "punishing" said character for his "crimes" which were Being Human and Struggling. It made me super, SUPER uncomfortable and I ended up leaving the thread on read because I just got so unhappy every time I read the comment that I decided it wasn't worth even trying to explain myself. (WC 55,613, chapter 18/?, Rated E, noncon warning)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Haha.... normally I would say that's literally most of what I write, but I have a surprising number of lengthier non-smutty fics than I realized. I also legitimately have a Just Porn fic series, though, and I've written some pretty horny stuff in general. (Sterek+ others, WC 23,152, Rated E, parts 4/?)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, but I'm not opposed to doing one? I tend to prefer crossovers that are more, characters from X in setting from Y than, like, main characters interacting? But I have read a good few crossovers lately that have made me much more open TO writing a crossover in the future.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not, yikes
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Naw, but I'd be open to it! I have blanket permissions for a lot of stuff right on my ao3 profile. (:
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah :,^)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
If you'd asked me this like 5 years ago I would have said Drarry. I HAVE answered this question with Drarry many times. I think, at this point in time, however, it is shifting. It very well may be Sterek. Drarry has absolutely shaped a huge amount of how I create, how I write, what i read, etc. though so it would be inappropriate to say it held no influence over me.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think it's entirely possible i will never finish the TBHK Wondering Prince fic I started. It's somewhere between traditional fairy tale, medieval fantasy, and the witcher, with a good bit of TBHK's whimsical supernaturality.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I tend to do well with dialogue IMO, as well as general world building, both fantastical and mundane lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot. The actual beats of the story. I have wonderful, grand ideas on what a story should be! I even have thoughts on the conflicts, major stepping points, etc, but MAN do i get tripped up on the actual getting from point a to point b thematicall.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
*wiggly hand gesture* I think if it is a language you speak, and it is only occasional words or a line or two, it makes sense to use the other language, but in every spoken situation in visual media, you would get subtitles explaining what was being said if it went on longer than that. If the audience doesn't speak the language and they have to go to the end of the chapter/fic/etc to translate it, that can be enough for them to just gloss over and not even read it. Or, if you don't speak that language at all and you use google translate? you might have written something very different from your intent that people who DO speak it catch and get tripped up by. I think it's better to just, say that the character is speaking in another language and translate it in text for your readers.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
teeeeeeeeeechnically homestuck? for 'posted on ao3'?? But also, I've lowkey been writing fanfic adjacent works since i was like 6, but i don't rly wanna count that LOL
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This bitch is my baaaaaaaaby. Stackson, WC 55,613, Chapters 18/?. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48834448 Currently a WIP but with a deadline, so it WILL be finished! This is probably the fic that got me REALLY into writing fic on my own though. https://archiveofourown.org/works/29829636 It really brought me back to my love of writing and was the first finished work in a long ass time. I also think it's really funny and a great example of what I can do when I apply myself. (PompousPep, WC 4,545, 2 chapters, Rated M.)
Tagging: @geekmom13 @always-mimits @sinnabon-cosplay @okdeannawrites @whimsicalmeerkat @clotpolesonly @hedwig221b @wolfspurr @lavender-lotion @adrianfridge
(Blank under the readmore)
20 questions for fic writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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engazed · 11 months
Dear engazed,
I am not entirely sure what I am doing here in your asks, but I will try to explain.
I joined the Sherlock fandom quite late, I'd say about 2,5 years ago. And of course rather sooner than later I discovered fanfiction. I love whumpy/ angsty stories and quickly stumbled upon your Fallen Series, which I devoured. It's a fantastic series, dark, yes- and I instantly fell in love with it. But this is not about The Fallen series.
I finally found the time to start reading The Grating Roar. I had it bookmarked for quite a while already and it was recommended several times. I am always a bit shy to start reading longer stories. I always need a bit of time to get into longer stories (which is never the fault of the author, but my reading habits are just a bit weird, I don't know. 🥲)
But let me tell you this: NEVER have I been pulled into a story faster than into The Grating Roar. NEVER before have I admired the world building as much as I did with The Grating Roar. NEVER before have I suffered with a character like I did with poor John in The Grating Roar. And NEVER before have I loved Sherlock more than I did in The Grating Roar. I guess you can see a pattern here? 😄
I've read a lot of fanfic the past 2,5 years. I've read some absolutely amazing stories which will stay with me for a very long time and which I love endlessly. But I have a feeling that The Grating Roar will hold a very special place in my heart until... forever.
I am around 60% in and I just broke down sobbing into my pillow after reading this:
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😭😭 I am so happy for him and at the same so sad and angry about the injustice in their world.
What I am trying to say is: thank you so much for writing this wonderful(ly dark) story and for creating this extraordinary (cruel) world. I am already dreading the moment when I will run out of more chapters to read. Also, sorry for putting this long message into your inbox, but I just needed a moment to collect myself after reading the lines above. 😬 And I needed to tell you how much this story touches me.
I guess I can handle another chapter before I have to sleep, but I went to bed extra early so I could squeeze in a bit more reading time.
Thank you again!
This comment means so much to me, you don't even know. I can't remember what inspired me, originally, to write The Grating Roar, and I wish I could, because it holds a really special place in my heart as well. I remember drafting the first couple of chapters, and I just couldn't stop. The story was aching to be told, and I almost couldn't keep up with how quickly it was coming to me. Of course, I slowed down some seven or ten chapters in and had to be more thoughtful in plotting and world building. But it was like a world already formed; I was an excavator more than a creator.
And to hear that you are enjoying the story, that you're moved by the characters, that you feel for John ... it truly warms my soul. I hope you enjoy the latter half. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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skittidyne · 4 months
hello! idk if you still get asks about bbac but wow. i have just finished reading it (it took me 6 days) and i cannot thank you enough. i have laughed cried gushed to my non fic reading non haikyuu loving friends about your beauty (and beast) of a work and i really do just have to thank you. it will stand the test of time as a remarkable work of fiction that really pulls at the question of what makes us human and what makes us live. it’s 1:33am where i am rn but i knew as soon as i said goodbye to those people, i had to thank their creator. so yeah thank you, i have had the most joyous reading experience and i can’t believe bbac was written in my life time. i truly wish you the best in whatever you’re doing now!
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so thank you, anon! i'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed bbac so much! :> lord knows it was a labor of love, with big emphasis on the former.
and bbac is actually being rewritten into an original series, with the first book already out and the second book [REDACTED]! you can check it out here! (or get the ebook on amazon, which is technically legally the only place you can obtain the ebook for kindle distribution purposes, but i have been known to accidentally send emails with epubs and pdfs attached if i receive random increments of $9.99. i'm so clumsy)
it's a work that's taught me a LOT about writing and commitment already - i'd say rewriting it is harder than the fanfic! - but it's been very fun and has plenty of fun, new, and twisty things to make even bbac readers go :3c
at any rate, i'm always gonna keep writing, and it warms my skitty heart to hear that ppl love the longfics i churn out, regardless of how long ago they finished. thank you again! <3
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beartitled · 5 months
Hello there!! I was looking through some of the discord shenanigans posts and I was just wondering if you’re accepting new members?
Hi! Well first of all, glad you enjoyed the comics! It means a lot to know that you enjoyed those silly shenanigans ❤️
Sadly I’ve already left the server recently, so can’t really help much 🤷
For ppl curious my rambling, as always, will be under read more👇
As for you question:
the server’s called “TSP creators club”
yes, I believe they still accept new members, you can contact @/kelpiekidd or @/heckinrissa I think (not tagging them, to not disturb them)
They’re mods there, should help with it 🤷
This might sound weird to some ppl bc I was heavily associated with TSPcc
To be frank I wouldn’t be where I am right now, if not TSPcc: I would’ve never stuck with The Stanley Parable for as long as I did, never could’ve met so many wonderful creative people (many of whom are my friends right now)
+the server kick-started my recognition as a creator
For that I’m thankful and still look back at this part of my life with a warm smile
But nothing can last forever
(god I’m saying it like something horrible happened, which is not the case)
The reasons are mostly the same as why I left the TNP fic*: I’m not active on the server + most of my friends left from there
(*TNP - The Narrative Parable fanfic – a collaborative project involving many other creators and narrators)
So um yea, this might not be enough of a reason
But I will not do a whole comic on “The history of TSP fandom” right 📓🖋️
(oh wait I might actually 😭💥 you will maybe get this joke far in the future)
I also want to address
Discord Shenanigans aged, quite a lot
I do not regret making those comics, I still like them to this day
That content is not something I want to be known for, to me, it’s part of the past
I look back at them as archived memories
They are like an old photo album of sorts 📒
This does not mean I’m leaving TSP fandom
Want to be clear on that one
I still enjoy the game and the community it built around itself
Yes I still enjoy the fandom, despite meaningless drama in the community that ruins the fun for everyone
(It’s my first fandom I was a part of, I’m biased ok 😈)
‼️ I do not justify any messed up people who are or were in the fandom ‼️
What I’m trying to say that drama/creepy people are just part of any fandom experience honestly
I totally understand people who just don’t want to be a part of the fandom, it’s reasonable and valid. I’ve heard some really messed up stuff, I don’t know the full extent of every situation and don’t want to discuss it. I don’t believe I have the right, nor the information to even mention it. Creeps are not a fandom’s problem, creeps are just a problem.
And if people don’t want to address those situations: do not harass them with questions. If people want to address their experience or thoughts, they will. If they don’t want to start drama/don’t feel comfortable/just simply don’t want to - you should respect their decision. No person is obligated to report anything to the crowd.
On the side note (since I can’t shut up) - Barry
I kinda 👀
I kinda wanna explore him as a character and tell the story I made for him 👀✨
I will make a separate post about him later down the road
But as for now: yes the potential story revolves around tsp + Narratorverse aspects, yes I may abandon that idea bc of how complicated it is, yes I’m talking and overthinking too much - we will get there when we get there 🤚
So I’m still here, I still care about tsp creators: they do amazing stuff and they are wonderful people
As always sorry for that scroll of text 👉👉 thanks for your time, see you in the next random huge text post 👋
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blarefordaglare · 5 months
(Linked universe Fairy au stuff, none of this is LU canon just gotta make that clear as I am clearly not the creator haha) Oh boy yall, I got some stuff to share
translation: leaving people in question cuz it’s funny.
Wild is a fraud. He is a ~frauddddddd~ he’s such a fraud and doesn’t even know he’s a fraud 🤭
Oh boy champion you don’t know but someone else doesssss someone senses it. Someone feels it.
And maybe someone else as well but not too sure yet 😅
But you’re still a fraud my man. Ur still a fraud
+ mini fic of explanation
The faint hum radiated off of the champion’s wings as he dipped the ladle Bach into the cooking pot, a soft glow radiating shortly after. 
“What’cha making?” Four asked, peering into the pot, his wings shifting a bright hue of red as he chimed in curiosity.
Wild smiled at his brother’s enthusiasm, “Just soup.” He answered as he took out a separate spoon to try some of the warm liquid, “No Hyrule involved this time, don’t worry.” Four’s wings instantly twitched at the memory, the pain, and the suffering.
“Thank Hylia.”
oh bonus art unrelated to fanfic but gives more hintsssss
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fandom-friday · 6 months
This wolfpack art with Plo Koon😭💔 https://www.tumblr.com/goldnightshaade/744858000057139200/plo-and-his-sons?source=share
Super cute sleepy!Omega and Wrecker!!! https://www.tumblr.com/theartgremlin/742369160810643456/big-brother-dont-even-need-two-hands?source=share
This super cool concept of Older Omega meeting jer younger self!! https://www.tumblr.com/lamiliani/742179382145220609/my-child-omega-but-also-with-her-older-au-self?source=share
For fanfics I bring yall this heartbreaking piece about Dogma post!Umbara... It's hurt no comfort so beware, but I loved the moment between him and Fox! https://archiveofourown.org/works/52734280
Ok so all of the art is so sweet and cool and soft and makes me feel squishy and warm and then YOU SLAP ME DOWN WITH THE HURT AND ANGST ON THAT LAST FIC WHEW. WHAT A GUT PUNCH. Either way, thank you for sending all of these in! They are outstanding!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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pegxcarter · 16 days
*me, going through the recs, saving them in the drafts of my sideblog*
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in all seriousness: i wasn’t sure my post would even appear in the tag. then i came back to great recs & a warm reception 🥹. thank you!!
i'm not a writer, just an avid oc creator & beta reader … and if any of you ever need a 2nd pair of eyes or just want to chat, my dms & ask box are open 🥰
p.s.: shout-out to past me, but especially to @softspeirs fic “these heartbeats clear”. how did i know months ago, that i would come to love rosie in record time? how? you see, i might’ve found my starter fanfic 😂👀
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