#A lot of characters from various stories are like that! Leaves a lot of doors open for funsies
byemambo · 23 hours
Monster Next Door EP. 9: The Power of Expression - A Double Edge Sword
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So it's been awhile since I posted any content of my own for MND, but this episode genuinely got me in the feels. I am curious whether or not there are lots of people tuning into the series because I feel like its promotion leans very playful and I'm sure for some, leaving very little room for there to break the confines of stereotypes surrounding MBTI and introversion/extroversion. However, like how I personally feel about We Are, both series have more underlying themes for those who can recognize its significant beneath the surface.
Disclaimer: this analysis will lean into my own personal connection with the character Diew, and I'll be highlighting themes such as loss of a loved one, neurodivergence, and other underlying themes of mental health and trauma. If that's something that could possibly be triggering/sensitive for some, I would just like to preface before y'all begin reading and be bombarded with some deep topics. Alright, everything is under the cut (extremely lengthy read)!
Diew's Childhood: Reverting Back into His Shell
For those who have tuned into the series, we understand that Diew has a hyperfixation of turtles, and we're sent back to a flashback montage to reveal more about his upbringing and family dynamic during childhood. We're also revealed more about Diew's connection with his father before he passed away, which low and behold: me and Diew share very similar stories as I've also lost my dad during childhood, which caused a lot of strain between me and my own mother just the same as Diew (for similar and different reasons in comparison). I might have not caught it trying to go back to find out the exact age Diew's father passed away, but the flashback gives us a rough estimation between his preteen-teenage years where a proper social relationship is established between the two.
When someone experiences traumatic events during critical developing years such as childhood and adolescence, many will remain rooted in those existing emotions and outsiders may view them for the "mental age" as our emotional growth becomes stunted. Because Diew had a close relationship between him and his father for all sorts of reasons that many people can relate to: having someone be your cheerleader, someone to introduce you to the world around us, someone to understand your own individualism and cater to it accordingly. However, I believe one of the biggest reasons for such a strong connection between Diew and his father is fairly simple: existing as the closest form of unconditional love.
Although the series hasn't stated it like The Rebound has, I personally believe Diew to be autistic, if not autistic, definitely someone of the neurodivergent experience. Even though the series revolves around the concept of MBTI, specifically categorizing Diew as your average introverted person navigating the world around him, I wholeheartedly believe his character is deeper than such a superficial label (which I believe is the main reason for why many might stray away from giving this series a chance). Even though I haven't been formally diagnosed with autism, I am diagnosed with ADHD as an adult while relating to various characteristics that are innate in autism, but many of these traits and experiences fall under the neurodivergent umbrella. I also think that the usage of the turtle archetype is incredibly powerful for the characterization of Diew: turtles are known by social norms as "slow," physically or mentally, "in their shell" aka shy/kept to themselves, and can be irritating to others because they're unaware of most "normal" social cues and are considerably lacking "common sense", etc.
In the opening sequence of the episode: we see the dynamic between Diew and his father, which as the episode progressed, we witness a conversation between the father and son about how books become doors to our own worlds that as I summarize: books become portals to our own worlds that make our ordinary lives extraordinary. Since the theme of the series is about next door neighbors meeting and falling in love with one another, I believe the relevance of Diew's love for books to be more significant than that: neurodivergent people tend to live in our own worlds.
In my experience which has developed into my own artistic branding: many of us live in a neurotypical world where we feel like an alien walking amongst other human beings, but we weren't given the travel guide or manual in understanding how to interact with them. Despite knowing that we're also living out the same human experience: nuance comes into play and for many, can hijack our lives for the worst. In Diew's circumstance as well as the average child: we are clean slates that deal with the concept of nature vs. nurture early on, as well as our environments playing critical roles in our personal development and how that development will in turn, affect how we interpret the world and engage with it.
Because Diew is a child who's quieter (in this case, not shy to interacting with others), this becomes a disruption in societal norms (which of course vary between culture to culture and other underlying intersectionalities based in race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc). For many neurodivergents, our engagement with the world around us break the pattern and mold of what society expects from each and every individual to maintain order. During childhood, most of us are our authentic versions of ourselves but hand ourselves over to the norms of society and its binaries. For many who learn from observation that their own silence and solitude is weaponized by those who adhere to the social norms, many teach themselves learned helplessness: what difference does it make if I were to speak up? It's not like anything would change because they still won't accept me for who I am.
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I tend to speak in metaphors, but specific to my art background: while neurotypical society tends to interpret the world in grayscale, we tend to interpret the world in full color, as majority of us excel in pattern recognition and memory, are detail oriented, hypervigilant, and so much more. However, this experience can be overwhelming for many, which contributes to one's baseline in areas such as faulty social communication/interaction, sensory overload, mental dissonance, etc. We see this with Diew having a single close friend, wearing noise cancelling headphones to cut through sensory overload, having social anxiety during moments of being the center of attention or being asked to do things against his will and being reprimanded for honesty over "politeness."
Due to Diew's socialization and innate personality traits, his support system can act in one of two ways: acceptance or rejection/denial. Unfortunately, this is where the crossroad between his central support system begins: the desire to appease the social hierarchy of life and to come out on top, the selfishness of living life thorough the self interest of yourself or your family. To be the most recognized, the most well off, the most luxurious, the most successful, etc. For many parents that navigate the world with emotional immaturity, their priority lies in conformity over authenticity, their acceptance in changing themselves for the sake of appeasing the group. For them, nothing is more detrimental than being singled out and ridiculed/mocked: this insecurity becomes generational, this insecurity evolves into life-changing consequences such as hereditary mental health disabilities or the nurturing of one in an "normal" family. The toss up between acceptance versus denial sets itself in stone the moment moral value is assigned to one's character, when someone becomes of value based on the origin's value system.
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This exchange between Diew's mother and father highlighted the moment Diew adheres to this moral belief: Diew is not like other kids. Well, what about me makes me not like other kids? In comes comparison, in comes self doubt, in comes perfectionism, in comes abnormality, in comes conflict, in comes all sorts of insecurities that take over the vulnerable: children who simply don't know any better because if mom and dad said so, it must be true, right? My parents can't be right about anything if it has to do with me? I am their child after all, I'm their blood, I'm the whole of two existing halves.
We have not received this context in the series, I could only put two and two together through my own lenses and what I know and experienced: the various trauma responses and coping mechanisms from each affected family member. Diew and social communication, Diew's mother and obsession with control, Diew's grandfather and undermining his physical health to maintain peace within their household. What becomes a reality check for most of us growing up as neurodivergent people: the moment we step outside of what we have been taught to believe, and finding out that we might have been wrong for most of our lives, that we've been living for all the wrong reasons. That we were living for others and not ourselves. That we cannot survive without the "care" of our loved ones: the same people who expect appraisal and worship while oppressing and undermining others in the same breath.
Intention vs. Principle: The Flaws of a Mind Reader
Although there were other moments in the previous episodes to strengthen the themes of this episode, I felt like the Phrae trip highlighted these reality checks once Diew has difficulty adjusting to God's boyfriend treatment, which is primarily acts of service. This also becomes a game of mind reading and taking away Diew's autonomy, another version of his mother and her severe control issues. The trip is another home away from home, where this behavior evolves into babying and coddling, but because the intent is out of their best wishes for Diew: damned if you do, damned if you don't becomes Diew's life motto which he slowly breaking away from after being introduced to new people in his life that showed him different experiences outside of his family and his ex boyfriend. That there are people who exist and accept him for him, that there's no reason to hide anymore.
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What I appreciate throughout the scenes leading up to Diew's confrontation with God is how well Park portrays these moments of frustration and questioning God's integrity when it comes to verbal communication (his microexpressions are everything to me, saying so much with such subtlety). This is something that I have issues with as someone who describes herself as "open book," and find myself irritated whenever people are not straight forward about their intentions, or set expectations in one moment and abandon them at the drop of the hat. For us, because we tend to navigate the world with so much nuance, direct and clear communication is nonnegotiable, and if you have various mental health disabilities (I've checked into the game), the mental race to make connections and recognize the established pattern based on the evidence of prior engagements and experiences becomes instantaneous but also exhausting. But P'God had always known how to respect my boundaries...why is it changing? What made it change?
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The café scene also highlighted Diew's hypervigilance, isolating the conversation between God and his friends. Because all of them tend to joke and speak with humorous undertones, social cues become incredibly difficult to decipher at times, especially with people who you haven't established expectations for communication with. Because God know his own friends but Diew does not at the same level of depth and experience, statements like these only invite more intrusive thoughts that continue to spiral as more stimuli piles on: God's friends and their lack of indoor voice in a quiet establishment, social cues pointing towards God botching the group's plans for "Diew's sake," inconsideration towards those occupying the same space and carrying themselves with entitlement, this scene stressed me out and I would have done the same as Diew in that moment. Because I'm being catered towards and everyone else is miserable because of it: I'm probably the problem then...because I'm not like other people and I'm difficult to understand and accompany. Honestly: this is why I shouldn't have come with them. I'm just burdening them.
Power of Communication: It Takes Two
This exchange not only went in the direction I was expecting it to go, but the resolve was incredibly sweet and heartwarming to me. Going back to the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" motto: what I find so special about Diew despite his superficial characteristics appearing "ungrateful" or "undeserving" to some is that his growth completely transforms the motto. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, but I'd be damned if I let this misunderstanding separate me from the person I love. What I appreciate about God on the receiving end was the navigation of this conversation and how both parties confront their innate ideologies and understanding. Diew prefaces the difficult conversation with praising God, not starting off the exchange with immediate criticism that would drive most insecure people away and tune out any revealing information afterwards. However, God allows Diew to finish his entire though before proceeding with his response. which I anticipated as such: "I'm doing all of this for you and now you're saying you don't like any of it, so that makes me the bad guy then."
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The beautiful moment that had me rooting for Diew was the confidence in standing his ground, something that we've seen develop in him as the story progresses during exchanges with people such as Jane and his mother. That he has autonomy, that he has a voice that is heard and accepted for what it is and not what it's "supposed" to be, that he can be understood because he may not be like other people, that was never the problem, which actually lies with everyone unwilling to become the person they need to be for him: that his boundaries may force you to reevaluate the way you carry yourself in this dynamic and no longer hold the power within your hands. The moment of recognizing that we become victims to the world by choice and the confinements of our own body and mind, and that the world may never truly reveal itself to those who deliberately choose ignorance over awareness: the choice of empowerment over oppression.
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On the opposite side of this exchange, God goes through a revelation: the misstep in passive listening. Many people, especially those with faulty communication and emotionally perplexed, only engage in communication to hear what they want to hear. To identify within the confines of the binary: good vs. bad, like vs. dislike, yes vs. no. During the first half of the conversation of reassuring God with positive reinforcement, Diew softens the blow that will most likely arise: the potential of punishing someone else for doing a "good" thing. Insecurity feeds off of self identification, rooting itself as a core belief once someone turns that delusion into a false reality: the moment Diew says "I really don't like it" becomes that signal for confirmation bias to rush in. Win's prior qualms against him despite being in the same band, Jane antagonizing Diew while also putting God down in the process, and I'm sure so much more. If not properly dealt with and nipped at the bud: these intrusive thoughts become a breeding ground for toxicity to occur and cause a rift in the dynamic from an exchange of false words. But through his own personal development and growth: God was able to turn a not so pleasant moment into another piece of evidence that he is a safe space for Diew to unmask and keep the conversation true to himself. Rather than chasing Diew back inside his shell, he only invites Diew to continue remaining in his authentic self.
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Emotional Dumping: The Arrival of Guilt and Shame
This part of the episode almost ran me over ten different times: it made me feel seen, it made me feel heard, it made me feel represented. All because I've literally had this exact same thing happen to me (and more) with my own mother, so this moment felt incredibly personal to me and understood Diew on a deeper level than most viewers might have not even considered when watching this series. When your family goes through a grief as difficult as the death of a parent, the drastic switch from a two parent household to a one parent household is absolutely devastating, especially when your children are young. Single parents if they choose to remain single stretch themselves thin, they are constantly overwhelmed with doing all they could and still unable to scratch the surface with many things, and unfortunately most of them trap themselves with egocentrism by comparing themselves to an alternative life unlived if their partner were still present. Most of them subscribe to a life filled with "debt" that requires repayment: this repayment is their kids believing in the narrative of being a burden, of being owed to repay back every little piece of ourselves to our parents, of being told that we cannot survive without their involvement (some even going as far as using the existence of their own children to support their entitlement for reparations), of simply existing to uplift their parent at the cost of their own autonomy and self worth.
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"And I a bad son?" I don't think I could really describe the emotions I was experiencing when I witnessed this exchange of words, because I've had this conversation in my own life on multiple occasions verbatim. The headspace Diew occupies when it comes battling this internal struggle between being a "good" son while also expecting his mother to be a "good" mother, and the devastation that comes along with realizing that those two conditions may not actually exist. The progress Diew achieves from being someone who was intimidated by person to person interactions, someone who people benefited from his own silence and inability to confront others, someone who deep down deals with a battle of justifying his own value due to inconsistent value judgments from his core support system, brings me to tears because for many of us, myself included, deal with this level of trauma to the point where therapeutic intervention and personal accountability for debunking and redefining our core beliefs that have deeply planted themselves inside of us. That no matter what I do, I'll never be good enough, not even for my own mother.
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God's response to this moment of being told such a personal matter (even if it was only the surface) honestly continues to heal parts of me little by little and living through Diew vicariously. The development of their relationship and taking the appropriate time to address various areas in their dynamic: some days will baby steps, other days will be strides, on occasion full speed, every now and then there will be rain checks. But the one thing that will remain a constant: I'm willing to embark on this journey with you by my side.
Honorable Mention: There's No Place Like Home
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Ok time to ACTUALLY go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight: thank you for those who made it down here, I bring cookies! 🍪 But on a more serious note: my ears are always open to feedback or any thoughts others might have. I appreciate MND for having this level of characterization for these two and I can't wait to see what else they'll get thrown into even better if Pee gets socked in the face by Diew but of course on Diew's terms. Alright good night <3
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sammydem0n64 · 2 years
know its late/early, but how many characters DO you plan on adding to literary smash?? just curious lol,, do you have a list of them all, are you only adding the one's you like from stories you like orrrrrrrrrr, something else maybe?? :]
Thank you for this alpaca yippee
This question really depends on circumstance! Right now, the only criteria for characters is that they either come from a gothic/horror novel (ie Frankenstein, The Man-Wolf, Jane Eyre, etc) or a fairytale/fable (ie Little Red Riding Hood, Hanse and Gretel, etc), there are currently two exceptions (technically three) that I’ve yet to put on Toyhouse but they still fit into the fairytale criteria technically!
I haven’t read any of the books currently in LS besides Jane Eyre and The Man-Wolf, so I don’t necessarily think it comes down to “what I like” since I generally don’t have a proper feel for any of these characters outside of what my pals show/tell me or what sparks notes or Wikipedia can tell me
Though I tend to add the characters I think have the most potential! Like, I’ll tell you that I plan on adding Bertha Mason to Toyhouse, but basically all of the other Jane eyre characters aside from Jane herself, Adelè and Bertha aren’t going to make appearances on Toyhouse. Rochester won’t be added (tho this is a cop out since his faith is left ambiguous), neither will other alive characters like Jane’s cousins. Yes they may technically show up in the story or are at least mentioned, but I don’t really care nor see any super big story potential in the Rivers family, especially not St John PLEASE GO TO THERAPY INSTEAD OF INDIA
I do plan on adding basically the entire Frankenstein family including the creature, Holda (Ruth/Little Red’s grandma... in some sense wink wink), Erik from the phantom of the opera, the mystery two/three, Bertha, various Jekyll and Hyde characters, and a few others! Though the list may change as time goes on, whether because I discover new stories or fairytales, or I decide I can actually do something with certain characters I wasn’t gonna add hsjdhdjjs
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blkkizzat · 1 year
ꨄ︎『Toji x TumblrSmutWriter!Reader』ꨄ︎
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Toji x TumblrSmutWriter!Reader
18+ Minors - DNI
Summary: You shouldn't have left your phone out in the open bestie because now Toji just discovered his cute lil gf has a big slutty imagination and that means you're really in for it ❤︎ . CW: daddy/dilf kinks, humiliation, backshots, outdoor sex, toys, voyerism, breeding, overstimulation, lots of mentions of various kinks, light spanking, light spit play, meta concepts WK: 4.2k Black fem reader coded but no descriptors.
A/N: Y’all can blame my forgetting to take my adhd meds and my hangover yesterday for this one. I was laying on my bathroom floor regretting life choices, waiting on McDs Doordash and thinking up outlines for kinktober when this popped into my head. I thought it would be a quick drabble like 1k words to help my writers block with the "Bumpy Ride" Geto fic but lord knows I can't write shit under 3k, who am I foolin? I don’t even have a song inspo for how spontaneous and random this shit was lmfao but I still had to do a graphic for this one regardless (editing those notifications were hell). Edit- I lied the song inspo is: Girls Need Love Remix - Summer Walker ft. Drake.
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Imagine you are dating Toji and he finds out you secretly write Tumblr smut fics on the low. 
He comes over to your apartment one night after one of his ‘jobs’ ran late. He has a key, but is wondering where the hell you are as you usually greet him at the door. Going into your bedroom, he finally hears you in adjoining bathroom shower. 
Toji begins to strip down in order to join you but he barely has his shirt off before he notices your phone blowing up. 
Picking your phone up off the bed he sees 206 notifications from an app called “Tumblr”. 
Toji has no fucking clue what the hell a Tumblr is but his jealously starts to soar. He already made your ass go private on Instagram and deleted your Tiktok dances. He got tired of threatening every loser who tried to slide in your DMs or even leave a comment for that matter. 
Imagine his surprise when he unlocks your phone (of course he had made you give him the password) and instead he finds out his new vanilla-as-fuck girlfriend is actually a kinky cockwhore who loves writing character x reader stories about fictional men plugging any n' every one of her holes. Sometimes it was multiple men simultaneously, with their massive cocks bullying your readers until you had them crying. Not to mention them fucking you absolutely stupid in every scenario imaginable, with a huge daddy kink/love of dilfs to top it all off. 
Y/N clearly has type, Toji thought smugly as he saw some art on your page of these animated dilfs that looked similar to him.
But goddamn, some of this shit even he hasn’t considered doing with you yet. Honestly, he’s been holding himself back for your sake as you had been pretty shy at first. His sweet naive little college girl, yet here you were a filthy closeted slut this entire time. 
Tsk, Y/N been holding out on me, eh?
At this point you were probably a bigger freak than he was, he mused with an arched brow as he scrolled through what you called your ‘masterlist’.
It was nothing but a collection of pure unadulterated filth. 
More than anything though while going through your Tumblr, Toji is rather impressed at how popular you are. He reads your intro post where you deem yourself the ‘Self-proclaimed DILF Smut Queen’ and an evil grin appears on his face.
Toji abandons his plans to join you in the shower and he waits for you on your bed while he links-surfs through more of your so-called fics, drabbles and thirsts.
You made your own little pictures to go along with your dirty stories too? Aw, what a sneaky yet talented little whore he had. 
When you finally exit the shower, wrapped only in a big fluffy white towel and your hair pulled back into a ponytail, you are surprised to see Toji sitting shirtless on your bed. 
Toji had promised to be here hours ago. He never even sent a text saying he would be late and you’ve been bored waiting for him all evening so he could give you some of the attention you've been craving. 
Your body is already warm from the shower and your legs rub together as you are already feeling a bit horny just seeing him bare chested.
Walking toward the bed you are eager to go pounce on his lap. That is, until you see it’s your phone he’s scrolling through again without your permission.
You loudly sigh which made his head snap up to look at you.
You’re so ready to tell him off again and remind him your Insta is still private and you only use TikTok to mindlessly scroll, not post dance videos anymore when gives you a dangerous look.
You stop dead in your tracks.
Your eyes grow wide as saucers as you recognize what he’s actually looking at when waves your phone around tauntingly in his hands. 
No.No.No. Not this. Please god, not this!
But your worst fears are confirmed when he starts reading aloud with a huge shit eating grin. 
“You moaned loudly as you threw your head back and bucked against him hungrily. You knew you had to finish quickly unless you wanted his wife to come home to discover the babysitter on top of her husband, making a mess all over his face. His thick tongue lapped into your drenched folds and he spread your puffy pussy lips wider to suck and nip at your swollen clit….” 
Your mouth was agape in shock. You were a deer in headlights.
A million and one thoughts raced through your mind as Toji continued on. He swiped over to the next one, this time a daddy and breeding kink drabble.
“Or how ‘bout… ‘Take it all like the good little slut you are for daddy, Y/N’. ‘N-No daddy, please I can’t cum anymore!’ You babbled as you succumbed to the overstimulation of him ruthlessly breeding your stretched cunt and filling you as you squirted on his dick for the fifth time that night…” 
You could only continue to stand there and gawk at him. This couldn’t actually be happening to you right now.
“Ya really wrote all this nasty shit, Y/N?” Toji teased while still looking at your phone as he found more of your filthy smut to read aloud to you despite the horrified expression on your face.
You of course had written all that ‘nasty shit’ but most of it was before you started dating him, breaking a long dry spell.
You really weren’t one to run the streets and sleep around but you had some kinky ass fantasies and you not getting any action had you needing to express them somehow.
It’s not like you didn’t eventually plan to open up and share a few of your kinks with Toji down the line. But this was a relatively new relationship and Toji was still a bit intimidating to you. Even though Toji treated you with way more care and concern than he did anyone else you’ve seen him interact with, you still had an insecure fear that he would reject you for a few of your kinks. 
Your last boyfriend had called you a weirdo for wanting to call him daddy in bed, so you resolved then to no longer share that part of you.
Hell, not even your IRL friends knew what you got up to. Only the Tumblr followers and moots, who you all shared peaceful anonymity with, were familiar with you and your writing.
Fuck. You had finally found the perfect DILF daddy too, you didn't want to scare him away. 
You cursed yourself for even opening Tumblr earlier. You did so out of restlessness waiting on his ass to come over. You just were going to read a few fics before you realized you had a story in your drafts you never posted that just needed to be proofread.
Wanting to kill time you decided to edit and post it on a whim, not knowing the mess it would be getting you into now. 
“Earth to, Y/N.” Toji snapped his fingers, interrupting your thoughts.
"Where did my perverted baby’s little mind go off to now, huh? So obsessed with being ruined by imaginary cocks you can’t even respond to your own daddy.”
You could have combusted on the spot as you were sure there was more steam coming off you from embarrassment than from the hot shower you had just taken. 
But wait– wtf, your frazzled mind just connected the fact Toji had referred to himself as your daddy. 
Those words sinking in made your entire body tingle. Your pulse quickened as you chewed your bottom lip and fidgeted with the edge of your towel.
Was he also into this?
The fact was Toji was very into this and you were about to find out just how much he was.
Enjoying your reactions fully, Toji stood up and made his way toward you with a crazed look on his face.
“You’ve written 96 pieces of filth Y/N…”
He inched closer and you instinctively moved back. Every fiber of your body sensing the danger in front of you. You wondered if this is how the targets of his ‘jobs’ felt when he approached them. Toji never lied to you about what he did for work but you never felt like you were his prey, until now.
“You’ve been a very naughty girl, have you nothing to say for y’erself, princess?” 
“I-I-I-”, you stumble over your own words. This was all way too much, way too fast, for you to process in order to say anything coherent back to him.
“I-I-I-” Toji mocked your pathetic tone, an evil grin back on his face. 
“Lost your words, Y/N?”
Your body instinctively keeps moving back to keep distance between the two of you as he continues to advance on you.
“But you have so many words to say here, isn’t that right slut?”
Toji toyed with your phone in his hand, spinning it around.
“Slut. That’s what you liked to be called in these stories, eh? The dirty slutty whore with a sloppy cunt just ready to slime all over her daddy’s cock, yeah?”
You gulped as your back hit the glass of your bedroom balcony door with a ‘thud’. You had no more room to run while Toji closes in on you.
He pressed both of his massive hands against the glass as they framed your head, his body hovering over you. You couldn’t help but notice how much bigger than you he was as his frame enveloped you and blocked out the rest of the room. You were trapped.
Too nervous to look him in the eyes, you settled for his chest and Toji’s muscles flexed tantalizingly under your gaze. You lost yourself for a moment as the familiar scent of his heady masculine musk invaded your senses.
Your eyes roamed lower and lower before resting on the bulge beneath his sweats and you softly pant. 
“You’re staring at my dick like you want me to stuff that pretty little throat cunny of yours full. You aren’t making good use of your mouth right now anyway Y/N, might as well see how much of me it can fit.”
You looked away from him completely but that only ignites Toji's flames more.
“Look me in the eyes little girl...” Toji’s hand roughly grabbed your jaw and squished your cheeks together as he brought his face closer to yours.
“This shy act won’t cut it anymore, slut.”
His intensity was overwhelming you. Various emotions threaten to bubble to the surface as you squirm in his grasp and your eyes become glossy with tears.
“You didn’t think you finally had a man who would be into this wild ass shit, now did you?”
You wanted to question him further but you felt your gravity shift as the balcony door whipped open behind you. Toji ripped off the towel covering you as you practically tumbled backwards onto the small landing buttass naked.
The crisp fall night air hits your dampened skin giving you goosebumps. You shiver and immediately drop down in a crouch to cover yourself. 
“T-Toji!! Are you insane?!” You gasped at him in a hushed tone, your silence finally broken. 
Promptly, you scan the seemingly deserted neighborhood streets through the railing for any sign of movement or signal that someone else was outside.
To your relief there was no one in sight.
Thankfully this was a relatively quiet neighborhood and no one was ever really out at this time of night. Nevertheless the shock of it all was sending your nerves into overdrive.
“Toji my ass bitch. It’s daddy to you moving forward–,” he roared jerking you up off the ground, “–and we are going to do every single fucking thing your slutty mind has ever fucking written starting NOW.” 
Your eyes darted as around him if you wanted to run back inside but there was no getting past his brutish build as he quickly slammed the door shut, shaking the frame.
Frankly, you didn’t know whether to be thrilled or terrified as you had written some depraved ass shit over the past year in the midst of your cockdrought. Some of it you had never even seriously thought of actually doing IRL. 
“Let’s start right ‘ere, eh? Did you think I wouldn’t notice the description of the place in your little balcony story matched your own?” 
Your eyes almost popped out of your skull as you recalled what you wrote in that particular smut fic.
“A-AH! N-NOOO TOJI, W-WAIIIIIIIT!” You whined through gritted teeth. 
You tried (and failed) not to release any noises from the unrelenting backshots Toji was currently giving you as he folded you over the balcony railing. The tips of your toes barely rested on the cold floor as your ass bounced back into him and had your clit throbbing when his heavy balls smacked against the sensitive nub.
You had previously only fantasized about Toji being this rough with you, but now that it was actually happening for real you couldn’t think straight. Your lungs burned from sucking in the frosty night air and your cunt pulsed from his thick girth stretching you open. 
Shockwaves ran along your body with every cruel thrust of his hips. The force of it reduced your legs to jelly and you were sure you would have collapsed had he not had you suspended like you were, between him and the railing. 
Toji seemed both unfazed by the cold and your cries for mercy as he shushed you with a harsh spank. He enjoyed the way your fat ass rippled under his heavy hand in the moonlight so much he gave you a few more for good measure.
Your tits violently swayed over the edge as one of your hands grasped the railing for stability and the other held your phone in front of you. Toji was making you dictate your story for him as he reenacted the play by play assault on your cunt.  
The bright screen you held was near blinding to your teary eyes. You mentally cringed as you knew it would act as a shiny beacon to view your activities if anyone walked by the small apartment complex or hell, even stepped out on their balcony. 
“T-Toj- Daddy, w-what ‘bout– neigh-h-b-bor-s?”
You managed to croak out over the sloshing of your cunt and slapping sounds of flesh that echoed into the atmosphere everytime he rammed into you. You couldn’t bear to look around to see if any of your neighbors had started to investigate.
“Pshhh, Fuck your neighbors Y/N! They clearly don’t have a cockcrazed baby to please that writes dirty little stories about imaginary men like I do.”
If you didn’t know better you would think he was actually jealous of the DILFs in your stories too from the way he was sadistically fucking into you. 
His thrusts caused your icy tears to run down your face and sent your tits bouncing into the wind. Your cold and neglected nipples hardened in the chill to the point of delicious pain.
“B-but- it's too c-cold out D-Daddy!”
“Mmn, yet your pussy feels warm enough, Y/N. Too hot even. This is for your benefit, you know–,” Toji stated matter-of-factly while he increases the speed his pounding into you, “–So you remember you have your own Daddy who will fuck you anyway you want, anytime you want…just, fuck, tell Daddy what his slutty baby needs.”
The way his hips are driving into your core knocks the wind out of you. Toji tightens the already brutal grip on your hips which assists him in pressing deeper into your cunt. The movement has you almost slipping. You nearly drop your phone off the balcony when your toes stepped in the growing pool of shared juices flowing down your legs and collecting at your feet.
“Hold that shit tight for daddy baby, got it? You drop it and we gotta start over, yeah? I’ll make you walk downstairs ass naked just like this to get it too,” Toji breathed out huskily. 
You realize you’ve never heard him sound this needy before now.
“What’s next, in y’er lil’ story huh?… Speak up so I can hear it over this messy cunt.” 
There was an edge of desperation for you clear in his tone. Although to your dismay it causes your body to gush around him harder meaning you would have to speak up even louder as your pussy squelches grew more vulgar in volume. 
You nearly shouted out the next part groaning and mixing in incoherent babbles throughout the smut filled paragraph as Toji doesn't slow to help you. If anything Toji picks up speed and grows even harder inside of you as he's encouraged by his baby's filthy words.
“...H-he- lifts your leg, r-resting your knee on the edge of the bal-c-cony. T-T-The angle allows h-him, fuck, deeper access to your c-cunt. Ah-h-h-a clear view of his c-cock badgering your core f’er a-anyone who happens to p-pass belowwww-ohmygod. Y-you seeeeee s-stars as he callously s-slams into your c-cervix, shitshitshit, n-nearly fa-fa-fucking you off the balcony if not for his s-strong hold on youuuu–ah. Y-you violently t-tremble as you c-cum s-screamiiiiing, not fuckdaddyfuckkkk, caring if your n-neighbors could s-see or h-hear you any l-longer.”
“HA! Is that so–” Toji lifts your leg just like you wrote in your fic, “–guess I am gonna to have to keep fucking this tight cunt until you no longer give a fuck about anything else but this dick, eh?”
You hear what sounds like a door slide open near you and you begin to whine about your neighbors again before Toji jerks your head back by your ponytail to whisper in your ear. 
“I wouldn’t worry that nasty, pretty little head of yours about these neighbors babydoll…” 
The new angle allows Toji to bury himself deeper into you just like you told in your story and his tip hits your cervix so hard you think he might actually penetrate. 
“...if I were you Y/N... I would think about how daddy’s needy lil whore is gonna make it through an entire day of classes tomorrow with clamps on your nipples and a remote control vibrator up your cunt.”
He licked the side of your face and spit in your mouth before carelessly pushing your head back. You loudly moaned as his bruising grip returned to your meaty hips as his nonstop aggressive assault on your cunt proceeds.
You feel yourself getting close, your eyes rolled back into your head and drool seeped down the corners of your mouth. You cursed your weakness for this shit as you felt yourself give into the pleasure. You surprise even yourself as you never actually thought this kinda sex could be so fucking good you wouldn’t care about shit else for real. 
“Goddamn mamas, squeezing me so hard–” Toji’s hips snapped into you with every syllable, his voice becoming more animalistic, “–you want me to fill this pussy up? Mmm, I fucking know you do the way she’s milking me. Fuck, might even put a baby in you, give ‘gumi a sibling. We won’t be able to do some of that kinky shit you wrote unless I knock a baby up in this cunt, ya know.”
Of course, Toji being the sexy ass DILF straight out of your dreams would love breeding kinks too.
His ramblings cause you to tighten and clench around him even more. You’ve wanted to beg for him like this since you first started dating. Just thinking of the words spilling out of your mouth nearly pushed you over the edge.
You were so close to release.
“I-Inside me D-Daddy pleasepleaseplease!,” you slobbered out, struggling to make sentences from all the pleasure within you.
“F-fill me– fill me D-Daddy, knock this tight little cunt up, w-want it– want it– w-want it–!!!”
Your voice caught in your throat and you nearly choked once you felt your peak hit. Your pussy sent tremors around his dick as you creamed around him. You can't think of anything else but him inside of you.
You just came but Toji allowed you no rest. He still pummeled inside you as he chased his own high and slurred vulgar curses of praise for his pretty lil’ whore's dirty mind, while planning the next debaucherous smut for you both to reenact.
“Ya think it's too late now f’er prime next day delivery for those toys, baby? Fuck, look that up while y’er still holding that phone.”
You didn’t even realize you still had your phone in your hand but were just thankful you didn’t drop yet. You didn't think it would survive the fall.
Groaning you tried to rally the strength to even lift the phone to face unlock when you locked eyes with someone below. You instantly recognized the person as the elderly woman with the flower garden from down the street.
The old lady had always been very kind to you, making pleasant conversation, offering you fresh flowers for your kitchen and praising you for how reminded her of her own sweet young daughter at your age. 
Unfortunately for you both, she was casually walking her two mini poodles when her eyes were affronted with you practically hanging off the balcony. A blissed out expression plastered across your face while Toji held you, battering your slick pussy full of his thick cock.
The old woman’s eyes widened in terror as if she actually witnessed a crime scene as she panicked, yanking her two dogs away swiftly back in the direction of her home. You knew you would have to take the long way home from now on.
Nevertheless Toji, who was none the wiser and wouldn’t give a single fuck regardless, merely continued planning out your next smut fic enactment.
“Nah fuck it, we’re going to the library tomorrow. See how many pages you can read of that dull ass biology book while y’er warming my cock... Tch, or should we do the one where y’er fucking the coach in the men’s locker room, whacha think baby?”
"Hmmmnmmrgh", you could only moan in reply.
You were already near hyperventilating from your own climax, the shame of now having to avoid your neighbor for life and Toji’s fiery body creating a storm of friction clashing with the freezing temperatures.
But your senses were now wholly overloaded once you felt him reach down to pinch and rub at your clit. 
“Cum again with Daddy baby, shit, can ya do that f’er me?” Toji sounded like he was close and he slapped your clit even harder causing you to scream out.
Cockdrunk and overstimulated you could no longer communicate as your entire body felt like it was an extension of your pussy. The thick fluids flowing out of your body increased the sizable puddle already at your feet. You utterly surrendered to the feeling and your body wrecked with pleasure electrifying you. 
You almost blackout as you feel his cock bust hot seed into your tummy melting your insides and causing you to cum all over again.
"Fuck, that’s it, take it all. Can't wait to see this belly and these tits full mama."
The aftershock of your orgasm feels near endless as Toji continues to fuck thick ropes of his cum into you. 
Losing track of time you weren’t sure how long it was before Toji finally pulled out and took you off the railing. Holding on to you so you can balance and turning you to face him he places you down on your unsteady feet. You immediately bury your head into his chest as his heat envelops your cold skin. Your breathing finally starts to calm in his embrace. 
“So good f’er daddy babygirl,” he murmurs into your hair, savoring your scent.
“Warm bath, yeah?”
“Sure, but you gotta carry me daddy.”
You yawned while Toji’s already lifting you princess style in his strong arms. You were exposed still in the night but at the same time you have never felt safer. 
You curl further into his warmth as he kisses your forehead and finally brings you back inside.
Once inside the bathroom Toji sets you down on the edge of the tub while the water runs and he leaves to grab some fresh towels.
You can’t help but feel euphoric as you smiled to yourself. You are too giddy!
You finally have the DILF daddy you always wanted and could be open about your kinks without any judgment. 
However your mood shifts when Toji returns. You give him an incredulous look as you see your pink waterproof vibrator in his hands. 
Toji turns it on and saunters over to you, his scar twisted into a devilish smirk.
“95 more fuckfics to go ma’, we don’t have time to waste…”
Fucking hell, you had entirely forgotten about the overstimulation in the bath drabble. 
You quiver in both anticipation and distress as you aren’t sure how your completely spent and nearly frozen body is gonna be able to cum four more times tonight. 
Could there ever be too much of a good thing?
You weren't sure what those limits were exactly.
“Ya know, Y/N–," Toji started slyly, interrupting your thought.
”If I hit up Shiu and you asked him nicely with that pretty lil' mouth, I’m positive he would be down for some double daddy Eiffel Tower action.”
However from the feral grin on Toji’s face he appeared determined to test those limits with you.
You could thank your Tumblr smut fics for that. 
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© ʙʟᴋᴋɪᴢᴢᴀᴛ 2023. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ ꜰɪᴄꜱ, ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ, & ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪꜱᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.
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A/N: I honestly have to say I am a bit impressed with myself as I’ve never finished a story in one day before ever (although it took most of today to proofread and I still think there might be errors soz). Hopefully this is a good sign for powering through those Kinktober fics once classes start up again this Weds. Also If there is any interest possibly a PT 2 after Kinktober featuring a threesome with Shiu at his office.
Edit: errors/grammar fixed as of 9/26.
This one goes out to all of us dilf smut queens who simp Toji ❤︎
Please reblog to have DILF Daddy Toji dick you down, but likes and comments are always appreciated just the same!
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4K notes · View notes
birchleavesdawn · 2 months
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Bitter Taste
Fromis_9 Saerom x Jo Yuri x m!Reader 4.2k words Warning: Watersports, Food play Authors notes: Fulfilling a couple of pretty old requests. The first one is a bit of a vague request and I don't really know what someone would be looking for for that so I hope this story is different enough. This will have at least a part 2 as I like the characters and already have the next part completely mapped out. Will see about anything beyond that. There is also a few easter eggs related to the title of the fic (song) in there, if you know the song maybe you'll catch them.
Another night on your phone. Eyes exhausted from having the same empty conversations over and over, just for the tiny chance of spending a boring night with someone you'd never see again. Your finger tapped on the same apps you did every time, hoping it would be different, but knowing it would be the same.
Enough of this.
*Ring*... *Ring*...
"Hey Captain. You busy tonight?"
"Why? Did daddy's luck run out on his dating apps? I knew it wouldn't be long before I was hearing from you again." You could hear her grin through the phone.
"I'm tired of those girls. I just keep swiping, I need something new."
"Well, I'm working right now but I get off in an hour. Why don't you pretty yourself up and come meet me here. I know how we can have a little fun."
Saerom was a bit of a wild card. She had gotten you to try many things you would never have even thought possible on your nights together. You couldn't begin to guess what she had in mind, but you were looking forward to something, anything different.
She texted you the address, it was one you recognized and It wasn't very far. After a quick shower, you put on something nice and headed down. A short walk and a couple minutes on the subway and you were there.
Sweet Indulgence Adult Ice Cream 19+
So she was working at an ice cream place now? You wondered what the 19+ meant. Maybe they sold alcohol? The bell chimed as you entered the shop. Saerom was leaning behind the counter on her phone.
"Oh! Hey there handsome. I'll be with you in a minute." She smiled and walked into the back room.
You took a seat near the front, deciding to wait there for her return, taking a chance to size the place up. It was small but not too small. There were three tables in the middle of the floor and two booths on the left wall. A glass counter ran through the middle of the room, filled with various flavors of ice cream. Basically it looked like any standard ice cream shop, with the only difference being the big "19+" written next to the milkshakes on the menu.
Yea must be alcohol. You thought.
That's when you noticed Saerom's coworker pop up from below the cash register. A short girl with shimmering blonde hair tucked neatly into her hairnet. Large, expressive eyes and a smile that was warm and inviting. She looked cute. Like a puppy. "Yuri" was written on her name tag. You watched her, hard at work, unsure if she was even aware of your presence.
Saerom reemerged a few moments later, walking to the door, pulling the blinds shut and flipping the open sign to closed. She whispered something to the other girl who then promptly disappeared into the back where Saerom had just come from. Saerom then made her way over to you. You stood up from your chair to meet her. Without saying a word she grabbed your face and licked firmly up the side of your cheek before growling quietly in your ear. She lifted up her white tank top and flashed you her breasts, before pushing them into your chest. You could feel her erect nipples poking you through your shirt. They probably spent a lot of time like that in such a cold place like this.
"Wow I guess we're getting right into it?"
"You have no idea how badly I want you right now." She grabbed your crotch and gave it a firm squeeze.
She let go of your crotch and pulled her shirt back down. Leaving you confused.
"I thought we could play with Yuri tonight. She's pretty cute right?" Saerom said
You turned to look towards the back, the young blonde girl was now standing there, a bright smile on her face, wearing a frilly white apron with nothing on underneath. Her perky breasts were on display, along with a clean shaven slit that peeked out from below the bottom. Her legs were slender and shapely. You turned back to Saerom, who had a big grin on her face.
"So, what do you say?"
"Well she seems pretty excited and you know I'm not one to disappoint a lady. Especially one that looks like that."
"Great, then pick a flavor and Yuri is going to begin preparing our milkshakes."
"Chocolate cookies looks good."
Saerom nodded to Yuri.
Yuri spun around, revealing her perfectly plump backside. You caught Saerom staring out the corner of your eye, her mouth open, a lustful gaze. You really couldn't blame her, Yuri's body was incredible.
Yuri bent over the freezer, sticking her ass out as far as she could, and pulled out the tub of chocolate cookies ice cream, before carrying it into the back.
Saerom approached you once again, now fixated on the tightness on display in the front of your trousers. She breathed hot air into your ear while playfully biting your lobe. Her hands going for your belt.
"I'll make this quick. But don't worry, this is just a taste of what's to come." She winked.
Saerom wasted no time. She dropped to her knees, pulling down your pants and underwear, exposing your stiff and twitching member to the cool air. She took your head between her lips. She bobbed her head, quickly and forcefully, sucking hard while swirling her tongue. Your hands reached down to hold her, feeling her silky black hair slide through your fingers. You moaned softly, watching her move her head, sliding her glistening lips up and down your cock. The sloppy sounds of her movements were only outdone by the soft moans she was making as she worked. She knew exactly what you liked.
You heard Yuri shouting from the back. And once again Saerom let go of you, your shaft slick with her saliva, now feeling exceptionally exposed to the frigid air. She rose and straightened herself out.
"We'll finish later. For now let's enjoy our shakes."
"You're really just going to leave me like this?"
"Of course!"
Saerom motioned to the back.
You walked in after her, following her lead. The back of the store also looked like any ordinary ice cream parlor. Stacks of boxes labeled cups, spoons, bowls. The freezers and mixers sat along the far wall, a large refrigerator filled with various types of milk on your right, and a large steel door that clearly led to the walk-in freezer beside it. What caught your attention though was the floor to ceiling curtain that was hiding another part of the room. On one side of it, there was a steel chute that came from behind it and then led to the countertop where several milkshake glasses stood. Each one was filled to the brim with a thick, creamy shake.
"Grab your shake and give it a taste!" Saerom said excitedly.
"It should be that darker one there at the end."
You grabbed the shake she pointed to, and gave it a taste. The rich chocolate flavor was sweet and delicious. You hadn't expected ice cream to taste this good.
"Mmmm." You hummed, taking another sip.
"I like it."
"Like it?"
"Love it!"
Saerom laughed, pleased by your reaction.
"That's so good." You said, wiping a bit of it from your lip.
"I've never tasted anything quite like it. That bitter taste. Is that the alcohol?"
She looked confused. "What do you mean? There's no alcohol in this."
"Wait, really?"
"Of course not, silly. I wouldn't do that to you." She was now grinning ear to ear.
"So then, why did she call this the '19+' menu?"
"That's because of our secret ingredient."
Saerom motioned to the curtain.
"Would you like to see?"
Your curiosity piqued, you nodded.
She took hold of the curtain and drew it back, revealing the real reason for the 19+ on the menu. Yuri was knelt down on top of a small wooden platform with a thin mattress atop, her legs spread wide, her hands resting on her thighs. The steel chute that you had seen from the other side of the curtain, now entirely visible, was attached to the platform between Yuri's legs.
"I think you've figured out what's going on here, but why don't you let me show you anyway. Yuri, are you ready?"
"YES MISS SAEROM" Yuri shouted, her voice dripping with excitement.
"Now the girls who work here will often do this part on their own, but for the sake of the demonstration, I'm going to help her."
You watched as Saerom stepped forward and took Yuri's chin in her hand, leaning in and planting a passionate kiss on her soft lips.
"I'm going to make you feel really good." She whispered in her ear, before taking a step back and slapping her ass.
Yuri yelped. "Thank you Miss Saerom."
Saerom then climbed up onto the platform and moved behind Yuri, squatting down. She pulled Yuri's ass up to meet her face, spreading her cheeks and sticking her tongue inside.
"Mmmmm." Yuri moaned, closing her eyes.
Saerom's tongue danced around inside Yuri's asshole. Spreading her spit and getting her ready. After a few moments, she stopped and stood up.
"I can still taste the chocolate cookies ice cream you asked for. Good choice!"
Saerom reached forward and grabbed a spoon and a small white tub off the shelf in front of her, opening it and placing it on the platform next to Yuri's leg.
"We're going with classic vanilla for this one."
She then scooped out a spoonful of the ice cream and smeared it on her finger, pressing it against Yuri's rear, and then pushing her finger inside with the ice cream.
"Hnnng" Yuri groaned.
Saerom continued, working her finger deeper and deeper inside Yuri's asshole until she had the whole thing buried. She then slid it out slowly, letting her anus tighten around it.
"How does that feel?" She asked.
"Mmmmmm" Yuri responded, unable to manufacture any words.
"Yuri is really sensitive. It's how she's able to produce so many drinks over the course of a day."
Saerom scooped another glob of ice cream, pressing it into Yuri's asshole. Once again pushing her finger inside.
She repeated the process a couple more times before deciding that that would be enough. Yuri was starting to tremble now, her body beginning to shake as the effects of the ice cream began to take hold.
"How are you doing, baby girl?"
"I'm doing good, Miss Saerom." Yuri whimpered.
The ice cream had already begun to melt from Yuri's asshole, coating her pussy and running down the back of her thighs before being collected by the chute below her. Saerom dipped her finger in the melted liquid, bringing it to her mouth and giving it a taste.
"Mmm. Just right." She said.
She then turned her attention to Yuri's cunt, rubbing her fingers over her folds.
"And what's going on down here. Is it time yet?"
"Yes... Miss Saerom, I think so."
She gave her lips another pass over before sliding her fingers inside, eliciting a low moan from Yuri. She then removed her fingers and brought them up to her own mouth, savoring another taste of her favorite girl.
"You taste delicious, Yuri. Like a little angel. So sweet and pure."
"Thank you Miss Saerom."
Saerom then turned her attention to you.
"Why don't you come up and get yourself a taste straight from the source?"
She motioned for you to approach. You eagerly climbed up onto the platform and crawled behind Yuri, her beautiful ass and pussy now just inches from your face. Her sweet smell was intoxicating.
"Come on, take a bite." Saerom encouraged.
You reached out, taking hold of Yuri's ass cheeks, squeezing them together and spreading them apart, the melted ice cream having left them looking glossy and inviting. You stuck out your tongue and licked along her crack. You could feel her body twitch slightly at your touch. You followed the trail of vanilla down the curve of her ass, the smooth skin sliding under your tongue. She tasted amazing. You pressed your tongue to her cunt, licking the melted ice cream from her lips before finally sliding your tongue inside. Her pussy was warm and offset the cold of the ice cream. The taste was even better than her asshole.
"That's it. Get nice and deep." Saerom cooed. One of her hands had found its way into the front of her pants, she was visibly getting off to the sight of you tongue fucking her baby girl.
You pushed your tongue deeper into Yuri's pussy, feeling her clench and squirm. You danced your tongue around inside her, her moans growing louder.
"Ahhh. Ahhhh. Ahhhhhhh." Yuri had become a whimpering mess.
Saerom reached her free hand down and rubbed Yuri’s clit. Yuri's hips began to rock and sway as she fucked your face.
"I'm gonna cum, Miss Saerom."
Yuri's breathing was labored, her moans desperate. You felt her pussy clamp down on your tongue. Her legs were shaking, losing their ability to hold her weight. Before you knew it a stream of her nectar was pouring out of her, filling your mouth, splashing all over your cheeks and running down your chin then collecting in the chute between her legs.
"Good job, baby girl. That was wonderful." Saerom praised her. "Look how much we got!"
She ran her hand through Yuri's hair and planted a kiss on her cheek.
"You were a perfect little angel for our guest."
"Thank you Miss Saerom."
Saerom turned to you, seeing the mess Yuri had made on your face, a look of pride washing over her.
"Here, let me help you clean that up."
Saerom pulled you close and licked your face clean. Taking her time to lap up every last drop.
"Mmmm." She moaned. "God it tastes so good."
You could feel her hot breath on your face. She kissed your cheek, while her hand returned to your crotch, massaging your cock through the fabric.
"Alright I've waited long enough. It's my turn now."
She didn't wait for a response, instead she threw you down onto the mattress next to Yuri, who was still recovering from her orgasm.
"Clothes off. Now." She commanded.
You hastily pulled off your shirt, throwing it to the floor. Your pants and underwear following.
"That's it. You're always so good."
"Now get over here on your knees. I want you to look into my eyes the whole time... or so help me..."
She pulled down her skirt and kicked off her panties. Her pussy looked so inviting, juices had already begun leaking down her thighs. You wasted no time, crawling over and stopping before her feet.
"Wait. No touching yet. I've been holding this in all night."
You sat there obediently, your cock painfully hard. Saerom took a step towards you and lowered her folds to your face, an intoxicating scent of lilac and yearning emanating. Grabbing your hair with both hands, she tilted your head back, forcing your mouth open and giving herself full access.
Suddenly a warm stream hit your tongue, catching you by surprise. You made sure to keep your gaze locked with hers just as she directed, disobeying her when she was like this would only spell bad news for you.
Her golden liquid flooded your mouth. You swallowed as fast as you could but the stream was relentless. The pressure causing it to spill out over your chin, down your chest and falling onto your twitching member. You could feel her fluids warming you on the inside and out.
It tasted like heaven, sweet and bitter and everything in between. She looked down at you, satisfied. 
"Drink up, baby." She said between hitched breaths, her grip on your hair tightening.
She finally ran out and lifted herself from your face, leaving your mouth and nose drenched. She licked the sweat from her lips, taking a moment to admire her work.
"Fuck!" She exhaled.
She ran a hand through her hair, pushing it back out of her face.
"Look at the mess we've made. Tsk Tsk. You know I can't have you inside me all filthy like that."
Saerom stepped over and sat next to Yuri, who had managed to sit herself up and had been enjoying the show.
"Yuri, darling, could you do me a favor and clean our friend's cock for me? But do not let him cum."
"Of course Miss Saerom."
She got to work immediately. Her eyes grew wide at the thought of tasting Saerom's juices on you. She wrapped her small, soft hand around the base of your cock and gave it a firm squeeze.
"It's so big! And the smell..." She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "It's so good!"
She licked her lips, before leaning in and taking the tip of your shaft into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around, coating your head with her saliva. You let out a quiet groan. After the blue balls you'd been getting all night, the mere contact from her mouth was almost enough to push you over the edge already.
Saerom was clearly enjoying the show, a satisfied smile on her face. She leaned in and whispered something in Yuri's ear. Yuri's eyes lit up again. She nodded and went back to her task, wrapping her lips tightly around your shaft.
"Now that's a good girl."
The way she looked down at Yuri with such adoration, such pride, it was enough to make your heart melt. You could tell she cared for her deeply.
Yuri continued, bobbing her head up and down your shaft, her tongue working furiously to clean you. She was making quite a mess with her spit leaking down her chin. She didn't seem to care one bit.
Saerom leaned in and kissed Yuri on the forehead.
"That's enough, my sweet."
Yuri released your cock with a wet pop. Your shaft now absolutely coated in her drool.
Saerom turned her attention to you. "I think you've earned a reward, don't you?"
You nodded, the ache in your loins was getting completely unbearable.
"Go on then. Come and take it."
Saerom lay back and spread her legs, showing off her glistening pink slit. You crawled between her legs, and pressed your tip against her opening.
"That's it. Don't hold back."
That was all you needed to hear. Those words producing a feral response deep inside you. You thrust your hips forward, burying your cock inside her, causing a gasp to escape her lips. You were on top of her, your body moving entirely on instinct. Hands grabbing at her thighs, pulling her close, trying to get deeper. You could feel her nails digging into your back, her teeth on your neck. The sounds of her moans were enough to drive you crazy.
"Ah.. f.." She bit down on your shoulder, her moans muffled, unable to get any words out.
Your thrusts were growing more erratic and less controlled. You were both losing yourselves. The tension inside her was building. She clung to you, her arms wrapped around you tightly and her breath hot on your neck. Her walls were pulsating, clenching around your shaft . You could feel her orgasm approaching.
"Aaaah." She cried out, her eyes rolling back. "I'm going to ..."
"Fucking do it then." You growled. The feeling of her pussy spasming around you. You kept the pace steady and guided Saerom through her orgasm. Her body shaking and trembling beneath you.
"God damn you're beautiful." You whispered. "But I’m not done. Ready to go again?"
She summoned the last remnants of her strength to offer you a delicate nod.
You rolled her over flat on her stomach and pulled her thighs together, placing your knees on either side. You admired the sight of her glistening backside for a moment, the sweat beading down from her ass and her shoulders before coming to a rest in the small of her back. You took a fistful of each of her cheeks to support yourself, before slowly tracing one long line up the length of her back with your tongue. The saltiness of her sweat paired well with the bitterness of her piss that still lingered in your mouth.
"Ah..." She gasped, shivering as a reaction to the surprise sensation.
You pressed the tip of your cock against her asshole, feeling her muscles clench. You plunged forward, the pressure giving way and the head of your shaft slipping inside. She let out a loud gasp as you slid deeper, continuing until your hips met hers.
You began to thrust, her ass was clenching around you. The wet slap of your skin on hers filling the air. She was gripping the mattress with everything she had left, causing her knuckles to turn white. You picked up the pace, feeling her insides stretch around you. You reached under and took hold of her breast, squeezing and pulling at her nipple. She let out a low moan as you continued to pound her.
"Fuck me harder." She panted, her voice strained.
You did as you were told. Thrusting faster and harder, slamming her into the mattress. She was a writhing, whimpering mess beneath you. Her voice growing louder, the sounds escaping her becoming increasingly animalistic. She was reaching her limits.
"Fuck. That's it. Make sure you cum inside me."
Her body was tensing up, the pressure inside her growing. You could feel her muscles contracting around your shaft, gripping you like a vice. You could tell she was going to burst at any second. You picked up the pace. Thrusting even harder. You wanted her to explode.
Saerom's whole body began to shake. You could see the strain on her face. You continued to fuck her. You couldn't stop. She was cumming. Her whole body convulsed, her screams echoing off the walls. You continued to pound her, driving her body into the mattress, not letting up. She was lost in the throes of pleasure. The orgasm had completely consumed her.
Her voice was hoarse. You couldn't tell if she was even making any sounds anymore. She had stopped moving, her eyes rolled back and her body limp. You continued to pound her ass, until your own release finally came. You let out a loud growl and thrust forward one final time, burying yourself as deep inside her as you possibly could. You could feel the warmth of your seed flooding her insides, the excess spilling out onto her aching pussy.
Saerom lay there motionless, but breathing heavily. You could feel the aftershocks of her orgasm still rippling through her body. You gently pulled out, releasing your hold on her and letting her fall back down flat on her stomach.
You collapsed beside her, panting, both of you completely spent. The next thing you knew, Yuri was standing above you, smiling. She handed you each a glass of water, which you happily accepted and chugged it down.
"Thank you Yuri. You've been wonderful."
She simply smiled and bowed.
"Well, I suppose we should clean up and be on our way." Saerom said, having partially come back to her senses. “As much as we’d all like to sit here for a while, it’s getting late.”
"Yes. It's quite late and we have a busy day tomorrow." Yuri chimed in.
"By the way, I promised Yuri that you would take her home tonight. I'll tidy up here, why don't you two get going. I don't want to keep Yuri up any longer than necessary."
"Ahh.. what?"
"Don't worry, you've already made her cum so she shouldn't be any trouble. Plus she can make herself useful. Now shoo. Get dressed and get out of here."
Saerom and Yuri dressed while you did the same. Once everyone was presentable, you took Yuri and headed for the door. As you walked out, Yuri handed you a new shake in a to-go cup.
"This is the one we just made together!"
"I can't wait to taste it." You replied, smiling.
You held her hand and walked her home. You enjoyed the silence, not saying much on the way, but enjoying each other's company.
When you finally arrived back at your place, you unlocked the door and motioned Yuri in, following close behind. You both kicked off your shoes and made your way into the kitchen, where you put the milkshake down on the counter.
"I only have one bed, but it's pretty big. I'm assuming that after tonight you won't mind sharing one anyway. You go on in, 2nd door on the right, I need to find a spot in the freezer for this milkshake."
You watched Yuri walk away, admiring the way her hips swayed, before heading over to the freezer. You placed the shake in empty corner and shut the door. You then made your way to the bedroom. Despite only being about 30 seconds behind her, she was already fast asleep on your bed. You made sure she had enough blankets before crawling into bed next to her. A moment later, you were also fast asleep.
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From a seed grows
Chapter I: Thyme
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Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x reader
Synopsis: To claim a dragon one must be prepared to give up their life, yet this is the one thing you never wished to give up.
Wordcount: 3.5K
Warnings: implications of death, mentions of death, but really light nothing graphic.
Author's note: It's done, the first chapter! Fun little fact: every chapter will be named after a plant/flower that represents an emotion/theme of one of the characters :) I put a lot of thought into this story, the chapter names, and the character so I hope you will feel that as you read.
One last thing, a huge thank you to @madame-fear for showing interest into the story which prompted me to continue working on it! I adore her and her work, you should check out her blog!
English is not my first language, apologies for any mistakes.
Happy reading <3
‎⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡Masterlist♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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Blood dripped from your hands, the dagger clattering to the floor. The sound echoed through the dark, empty alleyway and reverberated in your head. Soft, sharp gasps left you as you staggered backwards, your legs struggling to keep you standing as you buckled to the ground.
Blood dripped from your hands, the dagger clattering to the floor. The sound echoed through the dark, empty alleyway and reverberated in your head. Soft, sharp gasps left you as you staggered backwards, your legs struggling to keep you standing as you buckled to the ground.
“What have I done?” your voice whispered to the night, your hands gripped the stone of the street as you struggled to regain your breath. You couldn’t stay here; staying here meant getting caught, getting caught meant being punished, and the punishment would most likely be death.
A life for a life.
You looked around you, hoping you were concealed enough that you wouldn’t be recognized. The only light was a single street lantern at the entry to the alley and the moon. You knew you had very few options: leave the city, leave and hope you’ll never be found out, be found out and flogged, tortured, flayed, or hanged. None of them sounded particularly great, but one sounded the best.
You crawled to where you had dropped the dagger, knowing you couldn’t leave it behind, no matter how rusty or stained it was. You took out an old handkerchief you always carried and wiped the blood off the blade, before stuffing the dagger in its holder. You sat there for a moment, trying to regain your breath before forcing yourself upwards and onwards. You prayed as you walked towards your home, prayed for forgiveness, prayed for mercy, prayed for help.
Prayed to all the Gods you knew of, old and new, to grant you safe passage out of the city. You passed people and shops, pleasure houses and closed homes, you passed by your life, your dreams and hopes. All to be left behind.
A moment later you were at the humble shack you called home, or at least your home was one of the rooms within the shack. Fleabottom wasn’t known for having particularly good real estate, but you and all the others made do. You went to your room, unlocking the shabby door that had seen too many beatings to really be considered safe and entered your little haven.
It was by all accounts small and in an abysmal shape, mold decorated the bleak walls alongside various other stains whom you did not wish to identify. Your bed was on the left side of the room, with a clear view of the door (just in case) and your small, very small, dresser was in front of it.
You dug through the room searching for a bag of any kind, when you found it you filled it with anything that could be considered even remotely valuable. It may have been little, but it should allow you to buy a one-way trip on a ship. The destination mattered little, as long as it wasn’t King's Landing.
As you ruffled through the top drawer of the dresser you stumbled upon what felt like a button. In all your years of owning it, you had never once felt this weird object hidden amidst your possessions. Curiosity beguiled you to push it and a latch opened on the top of the dresser, revealing a small hidden compartment.
Although curiosity had won the first battle, you were unsure if you wanted it to win this one. Alas, you had dipped a toe in the water and the waves were now too strong to get out. A hidden compartment was no novelty, many stories started with the protagonist finding an object of great significance in such a place and then embarking on an earth-changing adventure to save all of mankind.
You, however, felt like quite the opposite of such, even when your fingers felt an object hidden in the dark, hidden place. You almost laughed at the absurdity of this day, perhaps the Gods above were in a jesting mood. Slowly, carefully, you pulled the strange object from its hiding place, and soon you were face to face with something you had never seen before.
It looked to be a necklace, a simple silver chain with a simple pendant, it looked much like the necklaces you saw people wear around Flea Bottom. There was truly nothing notable about it, except for maybe the seven-pointed star of the Seven decorating the front and the small engraving on the back.
An engraving that had faded badly, presumably from the necklace having been worn a lot. It could only be seen when held at a certain angle, with ample light to decipher the words: Naejot issa byka zaldrīzes.
You rolled the words over your tongue, trying your hardest to grasp whatever language it was. It sounded oddly familiar, as if it were something from a dream, a memory unclear and nearly forgotten but now resurfacing. Whatever the words may mean, you presumed them to be words the previous owner must have cherished when taking into account how faded they were.
As you looked at the words more closely you noticed small initials beneath them, your eyes lit up slightly. This necklace must have been a gift. The initials were vague, two letters common enough they could belong to anyone.
An odd feeling washed over you as you imagined what must have happened to the owner of this beautiful piece, how it ended up hidden in a dirty old dresser, in a shabby room in an even shabbier house. You did not have much time left to waste pondering the necklace’s history, dawn was creeping up into the sky, you could see small streaks of early morning light on the horizon.
In a hurry you put the necklace around your neck and hid it under your simple clothes. You braided your hair, in a quick manner, so it would not hinder you as you hurried through the maze of Flea Bottom.
You arrived at the harbor quickly through some risky but effective shortcuts, nearly avoiding a drunken brawl. At last you had made it to what would hopefully lead you to safety, or close to it. Sailors were moving around you carrying various sizes of knapsacks and their fellow sailors who had partaken too much in cheap ale. Dockworkers were starting their morning shifts as they moved to unload the various ships laying in their docks.
They carried crates filled with the finest fabrics, with spices you could not pronounce nor taste for they would surely cost more than you’d ever be able to afford. Your eyes wandered around to find someone you could approach and soon enough you spotted a young man with silvery blond hair and shabby clothes moving towards one of the ships. As you looked to see where he was going, you noticed some others moving towards the same ship. All sporting that same silvery blond hair.
You jogged towards the man who was surprised to see you approach him, “excuse me,” you smiled at him as he came to a halt, a silent invitation for you to continue, “where is that ship headed?”
The man furrowed his eyebrows at you, as if you just asked the most idiotic thing known to man. “To Dragonstone,” was all he said before he took off, increasing the speed in his step, almost as if to deter you from following.
You pondered to yourself for a moment, as you watched more silvery blondes approach the ship. There had been rumors, for there are always rumors in Flea Bottom, about the Black Queen looking for Targaryen bastards. Anyone with either silvery blond hair, lilac eyes, or both or even neither was urged to come to Dragonstone for an opportunity to bond with a dragon. Perhaps it was more than a rumor as you saw more and more people board the ship.
It was foolish, really, truly, well and wholly foolish, you thought to yourself as you stood in front of Dragonstone, the holdfast large and formidable. Guards escorted the large group to a small courtyard, as you looked through the crowd most of them had silvery blond hair, some light, others dark. There were a few on the other hand who had come with brown hair, red hair, or even black.
All had come to stand before the Black Queen, to serve her cause by potentially claiming a Targaryen dragon. On your journey, the people had been speaking of nothing else but the dragons, their size, their coloring, their behavior.
Much regarding the opinions of dragons had changed after the Greens paraded Meleys’ head around King’s Landing for all to see. There used to hang an air of unspoken devotion to dragons, they were to be feared, regaled, and not opposed, unless one wished for imminent death.
They were gods flying high above men, and the people who rode them were their only link to humanity. Now the smallfolk knew dragons were mortal, killable, vulnerable, and that the very house who rode them also killed them, paraded them, and unlike the small folk, did not worship them.
People whispered of killing dragons, where before those words were said in bouts of drunken foolishness, they were now said with drunken confidence. The people were hungry, and the dragons were potential food. Food for the stomach of starving men, ailing peasants, and also food to fuel a rebellion.
So now, for one of these dragonriders to actively seek out Targaryen bastards and lure them with a possibility of becoming equals, many could not resist. Not even you. You knew the dangers involved in claiming such a phenomenal beast, knew it most likely meant your death if you truly tried to claim a dragon. You also knew that you were now away from King’s Landing, in what could possibly be the only place safe for no one would dare attack this stronghold with all the dragons that lay within.
A guard came up to you as you were letting your eyes wander, his Kingsguard uniform reflecting the sun caught your attention, “Hoods down,” he commanded as he reached over to pull it down himself.
Before you could stop him, you could already feel the wind tussling your braid and tickling your ear. Now, with your hood down and hair a mess, you were just like all the others.
A silver-haired bastard.
A dragonseed.
What a cruel fate you had.
Not long after, a young man strolled up to a platform in the courtyard, silence befell the crowd as they realized who he was.
Clad in the dark red and black of the Targaryens, his hands crossed on top of the pommel of his sword, brown curls whirling around his face.
Jacaerys Velaryon, heir to the Iron Throne, daughter to Rhaenyra Targaryen, and he was a beautiful, beautiful man. He addressed the crowds, warning them of the danger, thanking them for their arrival, yet it all felt weirdly aggressive. There was no thankfulness or appreciation to be found in his tone, his brows furrowed and his lips downturned.
You heard a man behind you whisper that he was just a coddled princeling and another chuckled in response, you looked behind you briefly hoping that a stare would silence them. As you looked up back to the prince, you noticed him looking in your very direction. It almost felt as though he was looking directly at you, into your own eyes.
Others who had the same notion as you lowered their heads in reverence, in respect for their prince albeit that some carried an air of reluctance to them as they did. You felt no such devotion, felt no such need and your actions reflected that. There would be no bowing to a man meters in front of you, who spoke to you with contempt, as if your lives meant nothing at all.
His speech was over quickly, and he was gone with a few guards following in his steps. Another guard stepped up and made one last declaration before the group was to go into the dragons’ lair. “All those who wish to leave may leave, no harm shall befall you. You will be escorted back via ship at the earliest possible moment. All the others-” he signaled another guard who opened up the barricades put in place earlier, “follow me.”
Many of the crowd left, deciding that the threat of death so brutal was too large to face in comparison to the one they would face in King’s Landing. You supposed you could not blame them, a death by dragon fire or dragon stomping didn’t sound pleasant, however the fate that would no doubt await you in Flea Bottom sounded worse.
The ones left over were escorted to the inner parts of the castle, staircase after staircase, never once allowed to dawdle or gawk. The Queensguard were strict and didn’t hesitate to employ certain tactics to keep all in line. You winced as one of the guards struck a young man for touching a statue, the guard said nothing as he did so, only pushing the lad back into the line when he was done.
Tears pricked in the corner of the boy’s eyes, his hand cradling his hurting cheek. He had been pushed right in front of you, almost causing you two to collide. You tapped his shoulder as you procured an old handkerchief from your pocket, “here” you said as you practically shoved it into his non-occupied hand. He smiled a soft smile at you in thanks, before taking the fabric and dabbing at his eyes.
He didn’t seem much younger than you, perhaps he wasn’t. You didn’t ponder it too much however, chances were that he would die in the dragon pit just like many others. There would be no benefit in cosying up with the others, knowing that after this most of you will likely be dead or have risen too far in station to consider yourself with your lessers.
You cursed yourself and your cynicism often, however, today you proved yourself right. You were clinging to the walls of the dragon’s cave, hoping for dear life he had not seen you. The only light source you had were the flames that had come from Vermithor as he erupted in a fury that made him worthy of his name.
By now he must have devoured nearly all of the bastards that came to try and stake a claim. You pitied all of them, they tried to improve their standing however now all they were were ash and bones. Growls followed by screams were heard in the distance from yourself, perhaps the distance was large enough for you to get out and run, flee, escape, whatever the apt word might be.
An escape would be difficult, were it not for the fact that Vermithor was deeply engrossed in hunting a few people in the opposite direction of where you needed to go. You stalked through his enclosure with practiced ease, you tried to remain calm with your heart pounding in your chest, clouding your hearing and making your breath erratic. You refused to die here, you refused to be a burned corpse or some dragon’s dinner. No, you wanted to be more, so much more.
You wanted to be more than a peasant from Flea Bottom, a silver-haired bastard, a woman, you wanted to be more than all that. You wanted to be more than a dragonseed, more than what your parents doomed you to be. In order to achieve that, you would need to rise to the occasion and escape. With every ounce of strength, willpower, resentment, and fear you had in you, you ran towards the exit.
As you reached the opening you noticed it didn’t lead to solid ground, no grass or rocks to greet you. As you smelled the fresh air you also smelled the unmistakable smell of the sea. A salty fishy smell filled your nostrils and consumed your lungs.
Into the sea you soon jumped, a stupid, reckless idea, but far better than trying to climb down a mountain. All you hoped for was that the Gods would show you mercy and carry you to shore. The sea was cold, colder than you had expected, it took you great power to swim close to shore and drag your body through the sand before collapsing.
Your chest moved up and down in quick succession, desperate for air, as you tried to regain your strength you closed your eyes, letting the happenings of the day pass through your mind.
Sleep tried to claim you, alas, it was to no avail, for soon thereafter a loud roar resonated into the sky causing you to bolt upright from where you laid. A winged creature flew above you. It was large and formidable, you believed it to be even larger than the dragon you had seen in the Dragonstone caves.
The formidable beast’s shadow covered you as it flew over the sun, for as far as your eyes could see the world was now shrouded in darkness, only in the far distance could you see the sun rays touch the ground once more. The roars it let out were bone-chilling, a feeling of dread had washed over you from the moment you rose but now you were rooted to the ground with the fear of death settling in your veins which ironically left you unable to move. You had never imagined your death this way. Where nobles imagined dying in their canopy beds on silken sheets, you would be lucky if you died by a clean cut to your neck.
Now, however, it seemed you would die from this dragon thinking you made a decent hors d'oeuvre, before finding something larger or more plentiful to truly fill its stomach. Gods you really had a most cruel fate.
Once more a deafening roar resounded to the sky, causing your knees to buckle in fear as your hands shot to your ears in a vain attempt to dampen the noise. You kept your eyes locked onto the large figure as it soared through the sky, going higher and then lower, as if taunting you, playing with you, truly regarding you as prey.
In an odd way it frustrated you, standing there, waiting, baiting your breath as to when the dragon finally decided to end you. Anger rose through you more and more the longer this cat and mouse dance continued. Fear became an afterthought as your anger of a futile death overcame you.
“I’m here!” You screamed at the sky “Kill me! I dare you!” If anyone saw you, they’d be regarding you as a madwoman, which admittedly you were. However, it seemed as though no one was there, on this vast beach with waves continuing their cycle of ebb and flow, you were alone. Alone with the dragon. One last attempt you thought as you opened your mouth to scream, yet no sound could come for that very moment the dragon chose to descend onto the ground.
Your frozen feet suddenly could not move any faster, the large dragon got closer as you scrambled to get away, the sand making for incredibly difficult terrain when you want to be quick. One wrong step and you were sent tumbling down, face first in the sand. With the thought of impending death overtaking your mind, you found the tiniest bit of energy to turn around. In doing so, you were facing the dragon as it descended, shielding your eyes as sand was blown in all directions from the beating of the wings. A loud thud echoed on the empty beach as the beast finally stood on solid ground, its large body covered you in shadow.
Its snout was so close to your face, you could feel the puffs of hot breath. Bright, emerald green eyes were in stark contrast to the pitch black of its scales. The dragon was magnificent as it was terrifying, you gulped and took rapid breaths. Panic had settled in now, panic, fear, and anger, none were a pretty feeling. One of your hands went up to clutch your new necklace as you closed your eyes.
Waiting for the inevitable.
On a distant dune stood a smaller dragon, much smaller than the one hovering over the young woman. Upon that small dragon, with scales of olive green and wings decorated with a pale orange, sat the young prince, a spyglass held to one of his eyes as he witnessed the scene.
A part of him felt a great sense of pity for the woman. She looked young, perhaps around his age, and she had showed great courage in fleeing from Vermithor. A pity she would die so soon, yet at the same time. A bastard less or more would not make any difference
He closed his spyglass and pocketed it inside his tunic. There was no need to watch the scene unfold, he thought. He buckled his saddle tighter and spoke to his dragon, “sōvēs Vermax.”
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rishiguro · 1 year
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ft. oikawa; sugawara; atsumu; ushijima; kita
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OIKAWA TOORU: makes time for everyone but you
you tried to ignore the sting in your heart, tossing your phone on the mattress. at this point you were setting yourself up for the hurt and yet you couldn’t stop yourself from watching his stories. and he was always out and about, meeting various people — friends, colleagues, family, coworkers, anybody. just not you. you were always left behind, barely seeing your boyfriend, only getting a few texts. you knew he had a lot on his plate but would it kill him to spend some time with you, or just acknowledge your existence? you sighed. surely he was just busy, right?
SUGAWARA KOUSHI: forgets about his promises
“i’m so sorry,” he immediately said as soon as he saw you all dressed up, “i forgot” you pressed your lips into a thin line, nodding slowly. “i figured. i’m going to take a shower” before he could say anything you rushed past your boyfriend, shutting the bathroom door behind you before stepping to the sink, washing your flushed face as the tears started to fall. you shouldn’t even be surprised — and honestly you weren’t really — but you were disappointed. he didn’t mean to forget, at least that’s what you had been telling yourself. but there was only so much you could take and slowly but surely you reached your breaking point.
MIYA ATSUMU: always puts his work before you
you shook your head as you put your phone away, politely asking the waiter for your check. by now you were basically used to the pitiful glances and hushed whispers behind your back, so you skillfully ignored them when leaving the restaurant. with every step you took towards your car, you could feel the cold creeping up on you as your heart grew heavier and heavier. you knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to get together with him, but it didn’t hurt any less when he stood you up — when practice ran longer than expected, when he decided to get some extra training or when he was too exhausted to even send you a message.
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI: always confuses you with somebody else
“i got you your favorite” he held up a take out bag with a warm smile on his face. “thank you,” you said with your most convincing smile on your face, which immediately dropped as soon as he left your field of view. as soon as you recognized the logo on the plastic you felt your heart ache. you wanted to give him credit, he was trying, he really was, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt — whatever he got, it was never what he thought it was. his friend’s favorite snacks that you didn’t like, his best friend’s favorite movie that brought back bad memories or his ex partner’s favorite food.
KITA SHINSUKE: uses your insecurities against you
with hurt visible in your eyes, you turned around, quickly making your way into your bedroom. “you can’t just simply walk away when things aren’t going your way—,” you heard him shout behind you before you slammed the door and as soon as you were alone, the tears began to fall. you loved him and you were convinced that he loved you too. he even told you so daily and made you feel like the most important person in your life. and he failed to realize that you weren’t him — he couldn’t see how his bluntness hurt you or how his supposed honesty only broke you. how much more could you take before you completely shattered?
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reblogs are appreciated
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Happy (belated) fifth anniversary for Triaina Academy, Leo! I hope that you got to at least do a small celebration for five years of work sometime in June. In the spirit of Triaina being five, I wanted to ask you about the old demo, actually; is there a scene you left / are going to leave on the cutting room floor that you miss? Are there other plot points from it that you really liked? I'm curious about how you feel about it after so long. Regardless, I hope this finds you well!
Hey there! Damn, it really doesn't feel like it's been five years since I've began undertaking this project haha. The very first showing of Triaina Academy was in june, and was fairly sizable for its first posting, hovering around 70k-ish words leading up to the middle of the 2nd chapter and having introductions for everyone except S and F. During then, I had far more free time available to me, and worked on that version of the demo until it grew to around 250-300k words spanning nearly 5 chapters.
But I realized as I had progressed through writing that the quality of my early chapter writing wasn't consistent with the current standards I wanted to have now, and so much of that wordcount was scrapped, with only the skeletonized outline remaining of the old work. I returned to square one and rewrote the story in its entirety from the beginning, leading to the current state now, with the revised version hitting close to 220k words. In the back of my head I consider that, had I just continued writing without a revision, Triaina Academy would already be a finished product.
In many ways I regret that despite it being five years, it feels like there is nothing much for me to show for it. Even more so now that my work pushes me between mental stress and physical exhaustion, often giving me little time or motivation to pull up the writing on my computer. But I love what I've created. I love the joys it brings me as a creative, as well as hearing the joy it brings you all to read. So even if it seems like I fall away, I am still pressing on to continue, even if it's a tiny bit at a time, until it becomes something both I and readers can find joy in.
Now, speaking of the old demo, there's many scenes that have become nonexistent. I liked quite a few of them, and there are probably many overarching ideas that will return in different forms within the new context of the current demo. But there are also many that won't.
A few mentions of old scenes that probably won't be making a return, either because they've been replaced or they are no longer relevant:
During the very first date with raven, although the makeshift "home" returned, there was an additional scene where the MC discovers mutilated bodies in a closet space.
Before the festival scene seen in the demo now, the working equivalent of it in the old demo was an underground party held by students of the academy in an abandoned airport. The idea of this was cut out because within the story, I decided the world wasn't in a current state for airspace travel save for very specific exceptions. But during this scene, the party is interrupted by a body being discovered hanging from the overhead walkways of a hangar, paired with a bloody message.
There was a scene where you could order and allow V to shoot and kill a student. Originally I had thought to make this into a fail state where the MC and V were thrown in jail for a game over, but upon the revision this was taken out entirely, as I decided against abrupt, early endings.
Infamously, E was originally written as a step-sibling character in the old demo. I had thought on testing and developing the dynamic, since I didn't see very many games do it, and my game was pretty heavily inspired by various anime and manga related tropes and character styles. But eventually, I decided to shift them into a childhood friend/next door neighbor romance without adjusting their personality because I put a lot of effort into developing the entirety of their story arch, and I wanted them to appeal to a more general audience. Funnily enough, they are still labeled as their old role within the code, just because it has become too much work to change all of the variables haha
F's personal assistant, Fiore, didn't actually exist within the old demo. At least not in the same capacity. She was added because I realized F's personality didn't work well as an independent romantic driver, and they needed an additional external factor to push F into more romantic situations. Fiore RO DLC is an additional purchase of $9999.
In the old demo, MC's, and to a lesser extent everyone else's parents, played far less of an apparent role. I wanted to develop a story showing the previous generation compared to the current one, as in some ways there is a "passing of the torch" theme throughout the plot.
S and F were introduced far later in the old demo, to the point every other RO was given a full extra date scene before they joined the picture. One goal of my revision was being able to give these two an earlier introduction so they could all have their own date scene. In the old demo they were introduced in a scene where P and the MC had to switch rooms, allowing the MC to meet the last two members of Dorm Exul, as well as I think letting them read P's diary.
You used to be able to choose both M and P's gender independently, but with them becoming more structured as identical twins, M will always be the same gender you pick for P.
R used to be far more of a directly flirtatious character like M, but has since naturally shifted to the laid-back, bantering character they are now as I've continued writing them.
Similarly, V was written in a far more robotic tone with only short one-to-three-word responses, and although they are still fairly terse and unemotional, they've developed over time to have far more spoken dialogue and hints of emotional cracks.
There used to be a fail scene in M's romance if you refused to hit them the first time. Much like the other fail state, this was taken out and the decision between leaning into their masochistic tendencies or not became part of their path selection.
Many of the side characters within the story were not introduced, and so neither were their stories. Lewis and S's hostile relationship was not developed, Rex and Acer only had passing remarks, Treyla, Juno, Uno, and others who were nonexistent to the plot now hold some relevance to specific MC specializations, and instructors other than Rosaline and Hoft were given names and a larger part as progressors of MC specializations.
As far as the most favorite scene that I'll miss leaving on the cutting room for, hmm. It is most likely the school tournament arc that I had planned in the old demo. It was in the works and quite far in development at the time that I realized my writing had taken far steps away from the book's early development, both in quality and creative direction. The tournament was supposed to be a method to more actively showcase the combat capabilities of each character's powers, with several rounds and fight scenes already written. But within this new revised plot, I plan for the S.T.E.M. abilities to develop far slower and gradually with trackable leaps in power, not yet becoming combat capable at the time this tournament arc would've occurred. Still, the scene and idea I had in my head, and what I had already written, was quite fun! Although I probably won't be able to figure out a way for this exact scenario to happen now, eventually I would love to bring back the idea of a tournament, or arena type of setting, at some point in the story haha.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings. I didn't think the response would get this long haha. Triaina Academy has recieved so much more positive reception and love than I could have ever imagined when I first began working on it. In all honesty, I had figured that maybe I would be writing for a handful or so to see and think it was neat, and I'd be plucking away at it from time to time with no real thought to its success in mind. But it has instead risen to a stage far larger than I thought it could perform on, almost dauntingly so as I fear for disappointing so many, both with its quality, and the fact I can't dedicate as much into its development as people hope and ask for. Even still, I hope you can forgive me for not being able to rise to expectations, especially in regard to the pace of development, or the length of silence revolving it. The one thing I can promise, is that I still love this creation of mine, and all of you who have seen and may continue to see it flourish, and I do not plan to end its development unless I die a very painful, early death.
Thank you very much!
103 notes · View notes
existentialterror · 29 days
ARG notes: ZampanioSim, part 2
Hey guys. catfishAnabasis (Light) here, continuing my… uh, ZampanioSim Let’s Play? That’s dumb. My investigation into the Homestuck/Magnus Archives/House of Leaves-inspired alternate reality game ZampanioSim. Read Part 1 first.
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Now we have the bare minimum on Zampanio Sim’s format. Actually, we don’t know much and it’s constantly changing, but we at least have an idea of what we’re in for. Cool.
What is the story unfolding within Zampanio Sim?
So we know from the Classpect Menu game, the one that “is” ZampanioSim, that this was an effort to simulate a now-deleted game from the 1970s called Zampanio, based on a now-lost* FAQ on how to play it. At some point, possibly just search engines, I have learned that Eyedol Games is the company that makes Zampanio. Let’s take that going in.
A lot of the “routes” off the house at the start of ZampanioSim – see the diagram – are procedurally generated places to explore or are otherwise collections of content. But other have a more directly obvious narrative to them. I have marked these places here.
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Let’s go. We'll start... Uh...
(Okay, so there’s a recurring meme in ZampanioSim about whether personality-typing you based on whether you traverse labyrinths clockwise or counterclockwise.
But I’m confused about which one that means – like if I’m looking at a drawing of a labyrinth top-down, and I go from the entrance to the right passage, I guess I’m going counterclockwise. But if I were standing in a physical maze, the clockways framing wouldn’t occur to me – I mean, they’re both chiral processes, but like, the hand of a clock moves to the right, so which reference am I taking?
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Maybe I’m not cut out for labyrinths. When I’m caving in minecraft I go to the right, so if I’m coming back into the house through the north door, then... I guess:)
We’ll start with the non-existent West Route (accessible by clicking on the west side of the house, where you’d expect a door to be.)
AdventureSimWest is an audience-participation adventure game that, like Problem Sleuth or Early Homestuck, takes suggested commands from an audience that guide a character, and the author tells a story around it. This one has been running for quite some time, so there’s a lot of backlogged material!
AdventureSimWest gives us a lot of info right away. It’s about a character named Peewee, who is hired by Eyedol Games. Peewee and the staff of Eyedol Games are trapped inside a Space Loop. A Space Loop is like a Time Loop except that once you die, physical space (within the loop) and many of the circumstances reset, but its point in time is… not fixed. Peewee is a snakelike alien called a lamia. He first appeared in a different SBURBlike game on FarragoFiction.com called Farragnarok, which he remembers but which I don’t know anything about. He is a COOL GAMER who has lived various other lives including through the destruction of his home planet, Segundia. Keep in mind that he is from a SBURBlike.
Oh, hey, according to an offhand exchange in AdventureSimWest, solving mazes by following the righthand wall means you’re going counterclockwise. Everyone jot that down. We can bootstrap this. We can do this.
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I read up through the “JR Rambles about Spoilers” interlude. And it was fun! It’s Peewee’s quirky, haphazard series of adventures in a quirky, sharp universe. The style is fun, self-aware and whimsical. I don’t know how much about the AdventureSimWest lore applies to mainstream Zampanio, especially given the multilayered narrative Zampanio serves up to us like a delicious but concerningly non-Euclidean cake, but some of the characters and concepts appear in other places, and so the worldbuilding might too. Here are some things we learn about the world of AdventureSimWest:
Peewee arrived here from his old universe by jumping into a giant, spiky, magical wall of flesh called an Echidna. He’s actually one of the set of gods who created this universe, but seems to be the only one left.
People central to the space loop remember the space loop exists.
Eyedol Games may have caused or be causing the space loop, but does not appear to be completely in control of it.
The space loop started in 1971 and is spiraling towards the end of the world in 2022.
Eyedol has other employees, including:
Wanda, the “CEBro” and “Lord of Space” (homestuck classpect). She’s tremendously rad and maybe a shapeshifter.
The Intern, a college-aged dude from Ohio, who Wanda is always trying to find and who seems unexpectedly critical to the existence of Eyedol Games. (I might apply a little homestuck logic and guess that he’s the “Muse of Time”, but this is my own speculation.)
The Closer, an aggressive businesslady in a suit and cape
Someone called the Eye Killer, who, like, lives in Eyedol’s basement and kills people.
Flower Chick, some kind of identity-stealing fae, who keeps a copy of Peewee’s skull on her desk.
Quotidians, which are another alien species – these ones are shapeshifting crows and are a hivemind. Many of them are named Tom.
Parker, a “waste”, who has made his business out of learning glitches, hacking, etc, in reality itself.
There are also just two other teams of people who don’t work at Eyedol Games, who both got ejected into some kind of infinite labyrinth around the same time. They have kind of SCP energy. I don’t know what their deal is. Yet.
What about that FAQ?
The mysterious lost ZampanioFAQ actually exists, more or less.
When I found it, it felt like natural game progression: I beat the Classpect Menu game, then there got a link to the official Discord. Then buried in one of the Discord channels, one of the pinned links goes to – yes – THE Zampanio FAQ.
But then it turned out the thing I’d found a link to was a fan-made transcript (by @verbosebabbler) of a different “official” ZampanioFAQ PDF. And through various link-hopping, most of which I now forget, I also found the original PDF on a different website by JR. So I don’t know if I got there the way I was “supposed to” or where else I might otherwise have found the FAQ. But we’re here now!
(The official discord, by the way, does not have talk permissions open in any channel. They are all frozen conversations from years ago, with only a spare few used threads acting as the actual usable channels. So the discord is its own labyrinth too. ITS A-MAZE-ING)
Okay. The ZampanioFAQ. In the frontnote to the FAQ, JR describes this finding a printout of fic they'd read long ago, and sharing it as evidence that they did not invent Zampanio – that this is a sburbsim/glitchFAQ (we’ll get to that, hang tight) crossover fanfic by someone else that they read once, lost, and recently re-found - and that it has a couple indications that it’s referencing Zampanio.
Mostly, contentwise, this FAQ is sort of a interuniversal document about how to play SBURB (the universe-creation game that the characters in Homestuck play), written by a group of players. The Zampanio FAQ has, unfortunately, been heavily redacted by interdimensional forces, perhaps SBURB itself.
It’s like it’s written by a new set of characters who are playing their own game of Sburb. They’re learning about it as they experience it! Haha, that’s a cute gimmick.
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Oh, the skull? Yeah, don’t worry about that. Hah, no, I get how it looks. But it's actually totally fine.
The redacted words in the ZampanioFAQ seem mostly to do with certain details of SBURB itself, like SBURB is trying to keep its players from spoilers.
Drawing from VerboseBabbler’s transcript and partial de-redaction of the FAQ, I gave my hand at making what sense I could out of the original PDF.
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Excerpt. You may not like it, but this is peak ARG performance: multiple collaborative layers of nested PDF annotation.
Trying to fill in these blanks made me appreciate the potential of the fan-ARG.
Homestuck is a story that both rewards a lot of knowledge about its worldbuilding and also often doesn't explain itself – I think that’s why it has such intense fanwork, because it implies so much but leaves you to fill in the gaps.
Like, okay, classpects, alright? Fans make a big deal about classpecting and it’s cool but it’s also kind of nothing, like, we get some gestures about what it means but not much. (Quick, what does a mage do?) There’s so much fanon trying to make sense of it that even the wiki explanation is based on fanon. But fanon can be dope and people have done some really, really neat stuff bouncing off of the gaps in canon.
ZampanioSim is about nested realities and missing information, and it's heavily based on specific fanworks of homestuck. And filling in missing information on this document, I could use my knowledge of Homestuck to make inferences about this related-but-separate storyline and worldbuilding. That’s so cool!
In the same way that the best fanfiction draws from and interacts repeatedly with canon, the fan-ARG can act as a commentary on or a dialogue with its sources - a story made stronger by connection to another.
There have been other fan ARGs and this is really my first experience with the genre (well - does EverymanHYBRID count as a fanwork? discuss), but like, holy shit, I get it now.
Okay, let’s regroup. So the FAQ is a bunch of advice written collaboratively by a group of people playing SBURB. The FAQ is about a kind of SBURB that is very similar to the one in Homestuck – but it’s even more similar to another game on the FarragoFiction website, SBURBsim, which is “is a fanmade browser simulation” of SBURB.
In SBURBsim, you can throw in a randomly-generated or customized set of characters into their own session, and SBURBsim will invent plotlines, fights, character progression, romance, alchemy, time travel shenanigans, and more, eventually telling you a story about how that session might go. It is mind-bogglingly ornate and cool, check it out.
Okay, anyway, so the game described in the FAQ is mostly Sburb-y but has some clear Farrago/SburbSIM elements in the form of the fan-classes – wastes, graces, smiths, and more. But it has some stuff that feels more Homestuck-classic-SBURB, like in the FAQ [EDIT: SBURBsim] there’s a convention where all the randomly generated player-usernames have the same initials as their classpects, so like the session’s Bard of Time might have the username belugaTrainer or belligerentTriangle or whatever, which isn’t a thing in Homestuck nor in the FAQ. It also adds a few elements all its own, like that there’s a recognized pantheon of gods who have sway over the rules of the universe, with their own usernames and classpects.
(Hey, synthesizing that with some background Homestuck knowledge + what we’ve learned from AdventureSimWest, I think the ‘gods’ are the players whose Sburb session created the ones that the FAQ authors were born into. Elegant!)
Oh yeah, as JR mentions, the Zampanio FAQ also takes heavy and pseudo-explicit inspiration from a fanfiction called the Sburb Glitch FAQ, a sprawling fanwork I haven’t read that’s sort of a game guide and technical manual to SBURB. Maybe more of this is references to that, I don’t know.
(Sidenote, Rose’s GameFAQ was one of my favorite plot points in Homestuck. I’m only sorry it wasn’t used more. So I’m delighted to see all these fanworks that took inspiration from it.)
So okay whether the FAQ players are more playing OG-SBURB, or SBURBsim, or a game that has aspects of both – well, they’re all pretty similar, I don’t’ think we need to split hairs. This document is an in-universe survival guide for a SBURBlike.
You know what it’s not particularly like? ZampanioSim, the game it supposedly inspired!
This is so fun to me. SBURBsim existed long before ZampanioSim. If you were going to make a simulator game based on the Zampanio FAQ, that game would be SBURBsim. But SBURBsim was already a thing! JR knows this – they worked on SBURBsim! Their sburbsona is on the about page!
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They mention this in the introduction to the “found scanned printout” of the FAQ - they initially read it deeply to figure out, through the redaction, if it was a fanwork for their own project (SBURBsim). They write:
this is obvs JUST the faq, not any of the like, description or author name or all that shit that eventually lead me down the rabbit hole. like, you could find the missing sections in this weird ...not arg? I don't THINK? and they started talking about things like the achievement system and shit, stuff that stuck with me a lot more if what i chose to focus on in zampaniosim is any indication. still. having a record of the START of this branch is better than nothing
So, okay, the FAQ itself is not explicitly Zampanio. We’re missing the description and whatever else that’s supposedly out there somewhere, as lost media. I tried to find some reason to think the fic was supposedly out of time, like that it would have been from before SBURBsim was made, but there isn't any - everything lines up with what JR said in the forward.
So I think maybe reading so far into the FAQ without that other supposed metadata was a great time and, yes, sold me on a new art form, but it wasn’t that productive in terms of the broader Zampanio story.
... Or was it?
I've connected the dots
There was a reference somewhere – I think in the South route, though I can’t swear to it – that was pretty outright something like “JR added Magnus Archives elements to Zampanio because of an at-the-time obsession with the Spiral from TMA.” Now, some stuff like the south route is less in-character than in other places, so I don’t want to necessarily say that everything like that will “carry through” to the rest of canon, if that makes sense. But it helps put those pieces together, so here’s my running theory:
In the story, Zampanio is a memeplex that moves and spreads between dimensions - very diverse multiple dimensions, including different fictional worlds. (Think the Big Bad in There Is No Antimemetics Division - effecting "universes which embed ours as fiction".) Sort of a psychic prion that goes around twisting orderly systems and punching its way between meta-layers. The core of it stays similar between - it has a predilection for spirals, mazes, meta bullshit, and games - but some of the specifics change from instance to instance.
Zampanio probably spread rampant among this constellation of Sburb universes, perhaps because Zampanio is affiliated with games and Sburb universe is a game. (Or at least uses a game to reproduce.) It’s a great carrier. From there, Zampanio rode into our universe on the back of the FAQ. (Game FAQs being a known way to throw information between Sburb dimensions, in Homestuck.)
JR took the seed that came with the FAQ and instantiated Zampanio in this universe, and added their own compatible TMA-spiral flavoring to it.
(This also lines up with another cool aspect of Zampanio, which is that if you make your own fan-work or fan-story about Zampanio, that’s canon too. It is impossible to gamejack this. Thus far I’m focusing on JR’s ZampanioSim canon, but there are other people out there putting their own spins on it, which are also canon.)
Questions I have now, if that theory is true:
What other aspects of ZampanioSim carry on between versions?
Is Eyedol necessarily associated with the Zampanio memeplex? Does or did it actually create ZampanioSim in some causal way?
Does the Space Loop that occurs in AdventureSimWest have ramifications or equivalents in other instances of Zampanio?
Why does Zampanio like games so much? (Is it because interactive games are a convenient way to punch through from one dimension to the fictional dimension within it?)
There are comments about someone, maybe Eyedol, trying to scrub the ZampanioFAQ from the internet (in our dimension). Why would they want that?
What’s the other missing metadata that would have associated the ZampanioFAQ with Zampanio?
Who wrote the ZampanioFAQ? Was it written (...IC) as a fanwork of SBURBsim or did it “come from a SBURB universe”? Who censored it?
Aw man. And there's still so much I haven't even gotten into.
Like, okay, do you guys know gopher? It’s an early alternative to HTTP as a way of organizing the internet that was mostly sidelined, but a few servers are still around.
Apparently there’s a bunch more Zampanio stuff only accessible via Gopher and I’m going to have to figure out how to use it.
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So, that's where I'm at vis a vis ZampanioSim. I gotta get back to my own stuff for right now, but thank you ZampanioSim discord for helping blaze trails and mostly to JR for weaving such a wonderful weird mystery.
If you have questions or comments you want me to talk about in a future one of these, my ask box is open.* Also, if you get into ZampanioSim yourself, feel free to say hi on the discord.**
*(okay I know people have been involved in this for years and I’m still mostly trying to formulate my own opinions about what’s going on, so if you know something that’s like “an actual answer” and want to share, then consider phrasing it as an ominous clue instead of telling me outright – but I’m under the strong impression that this is an ARG where there’s not gonna be like a canonical underlying “answer” to a lot of things so, you know, do what brings you joy.)
**Your first challenge is to find the discord. I wanna be cryptic too!
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thesightstoshowyou · 1 year
Au Courant
- Part 2 -
(Read Part 1 here)
Asa Emory x AFAB Reader
Summary: The night of your weekly support group doesn’t go as planned either.
Warnings: Soulmate AU, angst, violence, attempted mugging, mention of minor character death, manipulation, mentions of stalking.
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Chilly evening wind gusts, crispy leaves rustling around your feet as you walk. The breeze stirs up the scent of decaying foliage and rotting trash from a nearby dumpster. Wrinkling your nose, you shrug further into your jacket, wishing you’d worn another layer. The quick tap, tap of your shoes echoes off brick as you pick up your pace.
Ahead lies your destination: An unassuming little church, brick facade freshly power-washed and cleaner than the surrounding buildings. The light above the door shines bright in the gloom, illuminating various fliers taped to glass.
‘One is Enough: Support group for former and non-Pairs. Tuesdays at 6pm,’ one such paper reads. You purse your lips as you heave the door open, still embarrassed to be attending these meetings at all.
It has been almost two months since that day at the grocery store. You thought, maybe after a little time had passed the ache would lesson, but it’s just as sharp, just as crushing as it was when he’d left you in that parking lot.
You’d gone back several times since then. Waiting in your car, eyes trained on the door, you prayed he would show up. If you could just talk to him, just for a few minutes, maybe he would—
Shaking your head, you force yourself to stop spiraling. Replaying these scenarios in your head isn’t healthy. They only make you feel worse. He hasn’t returned to the grocery store. You won’t see him again. You must accept this.
You just wish you knew his name, at least.
Descending the stairs to the right of the door brings you to the basement. A few florescent lights flicker at the far end of the room, illuminating the circle of plastic folding chairs. Nearby sits a little table, customary carafe of hot water and assorted tea and instant coffee packets littering its surface.
Christ, it’s fucking bleak.
You sit quietly and listen, little paper cup of earl gray growing cold in your hands. It’s a full house tonight; many faces you’ve seen before. They mostly talk of loss, of soulmates that passed away too soon. Some speak of isolation, of never finding their other half.
None, however, had a soulmate reject them.
You decline to speak when asked to share your story. You can’t talk about it, not yet. It’s too fresh, and the mortification of having to disclose the fact that not even your soulmate wants you is something you can’t bare to say aloud. Better they think he died.
It kind of feels like he had, anyway.
Meeting adjourned, you stand and make your way back to the stairs, tossing your full paper cup in the trash as you go. You’re out the door and hiking your jacket up around your shoulders when you hear your name called behind you.
Turning, you find Alan, one of the group leaders hurrying out the door after you. His soulmate died a few years ago, poor guy. He beams when you meet his gaze and gives an awkward half wave as he catches up to you.
“Hey, uh, thanks for coming tonight.”
Weird. “Yeah, it’s…um, nice to be with people that get it, you know,” you comment, forcing a wan smile to your face. Alan nods, glances at his feet, back to your face. He sucks in a breath before he speaks.
Oh no. No, no, no, no—
“Um, hey I was…I mean, if you’re feeling up to it, would you, uh, like to…to get some coffee sometime?” You bite the inside of your cheek and muster every ounce of willpower to keep from grimacing.
He’s nice, really, but it’s just too soon. God, you’re never going to be able to come back here, are you?
“Oh! Oh, goodness, that’s…that’s really kind of you, Alan, but I’m not…not sure I’m ready. Yet.” You add the last word to soften the blow. Would you ever be ready? You’re not sure it’s even possible.
Alan smiles gently, warm understanding all over his face. You hope your expression is passive. “Hey, I totally get it. Maybe another time.” He moves to head back inside, then quickly spins around again to add, “Please don’t let this stop you from coming. We’re good, really, okay?”
You fake a grin and nod, hastily turning away so he can’t talk to you anymore. Shit, there goes that group. There have to be others, right?
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you bow your head against the frigid breeze as you hurry back to your car, mood now as sour as the weather. Why did he have to go and ruin this for you—
“Hey.” You startle when a voice speaks directly into your ear. Whipping around you find a young man inches away from you. You hadn’t heard him approach over the blasting wind.
You try to back away but he grasps your arm tightly. “Money. Now. Don’t make a scene.” Your stomach plummets when he produces a knife from his pocket, streetlights glinting off the blade.
You stammer, “I-I don’t have—
“Shut up. Give me what you have.” Blood rushing in your ears, hands shaking, you nod, wondering what the hell you’re going to give him. Everything is in your car. Maybe he wants your keys…?
Behind you, quick footsteps approach. The young man balks, releases you, backs away. Hurriedly, you stumble backward, bumping into whoever had interrupted. Strong hands grip your upper arms, steadying you.
Glancing over your shoulder, your mouth falls open in shock. It’s him. The man from the grocery store.
Your soulmate.
He wears that same cold expression he had at the supermarket. He’s not looking at you though, his dark gaze instead trained on the would-be thief.
He releases you just as the young robber attempts makes his escape. You watch in stunned silence as your soulmate pursues, powerful legs giving him a surprising burst of speed. The thief darts down an alley, the man hot on his heels.
Now, silence, save for your frantic breathing. Your wide eyes are glued to where you watched them disappear, your heart throwing itself wildly against your ribs. What if he gets hurt, or worse? What should you do?
The wind blusters, sending goosebumps racing across your skin. You’re about to call for help when a dark figure emerges from the alley. The air leaves your lungs in a rush of relief, your trembling hand gripping the front of your coat. He’s okay!
And he’s walking right toward you.
You swallow thickly, your heart now hammering for a different reason. What will you say? How will he respond? Are you about to get your heart broken again?
Wait, what the hell is he even doing here?
“Are you alright?” You blink and dazedly look up into his eyes. They look black in the darkness, glittering in the light of the street lamps just as the knife had.
“I…yeah, I think so. T-Thank you.” Your voice quivers as you speak and you realize you’re trembling from head to toe. Is it from fear or the chill air?
“I lost him,” the man laments, motioning to the alley. You nod, amazed he even went after him in the first place.
“Should…do I need to call the cops or something?” You hate that you sound so helpless in front of him.
“Do you remember what he looks like?”
You pause, realizing you can’t even recall what clothes he’d been wearing. Timidly, you shake your head. The man shrugs.
“Not much they can do then.” You nod, your teeth worrying your bottom lip. The urge to reach out and touch him is almost too great to resist. He watches you so intently, keen eyes trained on every shift of expression, every movement of your nervous hands.
What is he thinking, you wonder? Is this it? Will he leave now, for good?
Instead, he surprises you. “Let me walk you to your car.” You can’t suppress the hopeful smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
Your heart stutters when his warm palm finds your lower back. He turns and guides you down the street toward your vehicle. His body is warm too, comfortingly so. You hope it’s not too obvious when you lessen the gap between you, your arm brushing his as you move.
You walk in silence for a few beats, gathering the courage to say what’s been on your mind for weeks. Clearing your throat, you steel yourself.
“Why did—
“I panicked,” he interrupts. Taken aback, you glance up at him. He offers you a wry smirk. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
You shake your head, baffled. “Does anyone?” you ask. A quick breath leaves him, the barest hint of a laugh.
“I suppose not.”
“And…what are you doing here?”
“I just happened to drive by, as crazy as it sounds. I saw you walking and knew I had to turn around.” His words make you look down to your shoes, heat spreading across your cheeks. Fate had intervened again, it seems.
All too soon, you reach the parking lot. Coming to a stop next to your car, you turn to face him. His lips press into a line and you can almost see him thinking, considering. Your hands wring anxiously.
“My life is…complicated,” he says finally. His words are measured and there’s something there just under the surface, some urgent need for you to understand.
“I don’t care,” you reply instantly, taking a step closer to him. It’s like there’s a magnetic force pulling you in. “I don’t. I just want to be a part of it.”
This close, you can see the muscles in his jaw flex. He breathes in deeply, his exhale a heavy sigh. “My name is Asa,” he says finally.
You smile so wide your face hurts.
Asa watches the taillights of your car until they disappear around a corner. Only then does he allow a victorious smirk to cross his face. He will never tire of the satisfaction of success.
The Collector turns on his heel and strides back down the street. One more task to complete before the night is over.
Everything had gone optimally. The druggie had played his part of “thief” perfectly, thanks to the cash Asa had given him a few hours prior. Snapping his neck in the alley had been so easy. Heaving his dying body into the dumpster had been less simple, but still manageable.
What he said to you was a different matter. Telling you the truth was difficult, much harder than he previously anticipated. Indeed, he had panicked when you’d run straight into his arms, or panicked as much as someone like him could. Meeting his soulmate had not been in his plans. Asa doubted such a thing even existed for him in the first place, and that was preferable.
You were a liability. Getting caught was not an option. The last thing Asa needed was you stumbling into his carefully curated life and spilling marina all over the place. So, he’d left.
But, you would not leave his mind. Your meeting had awoken something deep inside him, some need. The obnoxious ache gnawing away at his gut grew tiresome. As he followed you home from the grocery store parking lot, watched you leave from work to attend your silly support group, as he learned your schedule and your habits from afar, his thoughts had drifted to the potential.
A partner, even more so a soulmate would aid with his disguise: Dr. Asa Emory, entomologist, professor, and now one half of a loving Pair. It’s the epitome of “normal.” Perhaps having you around would also quell the incessant nagging of his coworkers. This is not necessary, of course, but it would be welcome none the less.
You saw him, as well. When you’d collided, you looked into his eyes and caught a glimpse of what he kept so well hidden from everyone else. Asa had seen it on your face, the fear, the understanding. And, still, you chased after him. You wanted this, wanted him. Maybe you could want the Collector too.
Could you learn to understand?
Faking tonight’s emotions, the nerves, the story he fed you about “just driving by” shouldn’t have been so simple, but you’d accepted everything without question. Your gullibility is ideal. Everything about you seems to work in his favor. Is this luck? Or is this what it is like to be a Pair?
Time will tell.
Now, Asa turns his attention to the church door. He only has to wait a few minutes before it swings open. A man exits, papers clutched under his arm. The light above the door illuminates his face when he turns to lock up. It’s him, the one who asked you out earlier this evening.
Peering around the corner, Asa watches the man adjust his coat before heading off down the street. After a slow count to ten, Asa follows, stalking silently.
One more task tonight; a lesson to be taught, a price to be paid in blood.
You belong to the Collector, and the Collector does not share.
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
games to play with my long distance partner? we’re queer nerds, i have a lot of dnd experience and some not dnd experience, they have a little bit of dnd experience, we both have fucked up schedules so something that’s asynchronous or short would be best. uh. there’s two of us. yeah i think that’s everything.
THEME: Long-Distance Games.
Hello friend, I am excited to introduce to you the joys of epistolary games!
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From the Petals to the Leaves, by somewhere with stories.
This is a two player game about writing to a loved one while you are apart.  Throughout the game you will write to each other while in different gardens, surrounded by plants and flowers of your choice. 
This looks to be a pretty small game, but I think it fits the mood of writing to a loved one, with a concrete topic to base your conversations around - the plants in your gardens. I don’t own this game but I own a similar one by the same creator, so I’m assuming that the game provides you with a prompt list for each letter you send each-other. You can create your characters slowly as you write, uncovering bits and pieces about each-other through your fictional personas. If you just want something a little extra to flavour your letters to each-other, this might be worth looking at.
Soulum Scriptum, by Radmad.
Featuring the art of Marisa Bruno, Soulum Scriptum is a letter writing game for two or more players. You are isolated and alone, until a mysterious courier arrives at your door. They give you a proposition: write letters for someone just like you and they will bring you letters in return.
Develop the broken world and the haven that protects you, all while fighting despair and taking what hope you can find in your new connection across time and space. 
This is a game of connection, between two isolated individuals who are struggling with despair. There are pages for various steps of the game, from world and character creation, to how to manage your feelings after your first letter. There’s also instructions for what to do when you fill certain tracks, including the track for your Haven (your home) and your Hopes (lines and pieces of the letters you receive that give you hope). If you like emotional games that have great potential to tell a story that grows brighter as you play, I recommend Soulum Scriptum.
Talking Thunder, by Eleanor Hingley.
‘Talking Thunder’ is a two-player correspondence RPG about finding connection in a dystopian world. 
As the world changes, you never know what news each letter from your only friend will bring…
If you even hear from them again.
Another game about connection, this time in a post-apocalypse of some kind. I’m curious about how the letters are meant to reach each-other in the fiction of this game, although I suspect that ultimately that is up to the two of you!
We Are Ciphers, by Jgurantz.
We Are Ciphers is a 2-player letter-writing game where you craft a story using coded messages sent through the mail.  You and your partner both covet the Prize, which you believe will transform your lives for the better. But acquiring it is an extremely tricky operation. Many things stand in your way, including the Target. 
This is a letter-writing game with an added layer of complexity, because both of you could be writing in code! The code part is optional, but the premise of the game is that you are two spies trying to get your hands on the Prize - whatever you two decide that may be. The game comes with a list of popular media for inspiration, as well as a series of checkboxes for you to tick off to help you create a game that would be fun for the two of you. There’s also a number of worksheets to help you build your world, craft your codes, and create your characters. If you would like a fair amount of guidance as to how to play the game, We Are Ciphers might be up your alley.
The Wanderers, by AdventureByMail.
You and your friend wait to board two ARK-4 Civilian Class Shuttles charted for new colonies in the hinterlands of space. Though you will be several light-years apart, you promise to keep in touch through the interstellar communication network known as the Unified Starways Parley System. You'll use this network to tell each other about the life you build and the love you discover in the far reaches of space…
This creator makes a number of games designed for long-distance play, so if you like The Wanderers, you might want to check out some of their other work as well! The game itself is small enough to fit on a brochure, so it should be easy to print out and keep somewhere for easy reference. There are roll tables to help you create a character, and some advice on how to write your first letter. Following letters will be provided prompts based on a deck of playing cards, with special rules for drawing Aces. If you like using a bit of randomization to help drive a story, this game might be for you!
Games I've Recommended in the Past
I've played The Reaper's Almanac with a friend before and I really really love the premise of it. It has a chance to dive into some pretty traumatic material, however, as it is about death, so make sure to talk about your partner about the things you'd like to steer clear of if you play this game.
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leilakisakabiri · 1 year
Haunted House (Gavi)
Summary: You’re Gavi’s hometown friend and connect after months apart. One thing leads to another and soon you’re acting a little too friendly in a haunted house. 
Warning(s): None 
A/N: Surprise it’s me! I’ve missed you guys so much. Here’s a draft I had from a while ago. I heard there was a little Gavi drought so I’m here to provide. Also working on new stuff right now. Getting to requests soon!
Word Count: 2k+
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“Oh my god, you’ve grown so much!” You exclaimed, hugging Gavi as you got off the train.
“Shut up Y/n. You saw me last summer.”
“No seriously. Last time you were down here.” You retorted, moving your hand down near your shoulder to show how short he once was.
He let out a dry laugh, “Haha. Well, I’m still taller than you.”
“By an inch. And I’m a girl!”
“Wow I thought you were all about feminism Y/n wha-,”
You hit his shoulder in annoyance, cutting him off, “Not like that! I mean I’m on the taller side for girls, and you’re on the..” you trailed off a smile taking over your face as you saw him give you the dirtiest side-eye.
It was October in Barcelona and Autumn was in full swing. The wind wrapped around the both of you as you walked, the leaves falling encompassing the city in shades of orange and brown. The air was crisp, and the smell of hazelnut and toffee wafted through the air from various street vendors.
You finally approached your destination and you let out a squeal seeing how massive it was, “Holy shit I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger haunted house!”
You felt Gavi stiffen beside you, “Yeah it looked a lot smaller in the photos.”
You turned to look at him, eyes gleaming, “Oh c’mon tell me you’re not scared.”
“Pfft. What no way!”
You narrowed your eyes at him but let it slide. 
“Let’s go.” You said grabbing his wrist and pulling him along with you.
Once you had made it through the queue and got your tickets, the reality of the situation began to set it in.
The two of you were at Barcelona’s scariest and most famous haunted house. In years past attendees had fled the property saying they were too shocked and mentally scarred to recall what they saw. People had speculated for years that those customers had been paid off, and you believed it, now, however, standing in front of the gloomy house you were beginning to realize there could have been some truth to the story after all.
You were always a big fan of anything scary – after all Halloween was your favorite holiday for a reason. You were known in your friend group as the only one that would willingly watch horror movies, and play ‘supernatural’ games, always interested in the slightly darker things in life. However, even you, who could handle all of that, were a wee bit scared of the haunted house in front of you.
It was one thing to watch movies where you could predict what was going to happen, and yell at the main character through the screen, but to actually live through it, where someone could jump out at you around every turn was a little unnerving.
Especially since you were going with Gavi, someone who was notoriously known for avoiding those types of things at all costs. The only reason Gavi had agreed to come with you was because he had been asking you to come to Barcelona for weeks and this was the only way you would make the trip up. A compromise you could say. But now even you were wishing you took up Gavi’s offer to go to the aquarium instead.
The worker operating the front of the house called you over, pulling you from your thoughts.
“2?” He asked.
You both nodded, and he opened the door allowing you to enter.
You were greeted with a vast entry room with ceilings extending about 30 feet up and walls covered in cobwebs. The only light source was a barely there candlelight flickering in and out.
The monitor in front of you started playing. It explained the rules of the haunted house, and you felt yourself become more nervous once they started talking about the former customers they had tormented hard enough into leaving.
Suddenly the monitor cut off, leaving only the candlelight as a light source. You both watched as a new door creaked open.
You felt your palms begin to sweat.
You both stood rooted in place.
“Gavi,” You finally spoke, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m kind of scared.”
Gavi whipped his head to look at you, panic already visible in his eyes, “Wait what?! Don’t say that Y/n, I’m already scared! You said you liked haunted houses!” He exclaimed.
You pursed your lips, “I usually do, but I feel on edge.”
The candlelight flickered off, leaving the two of you in complete darkness aside from the green glow of the open door.
“Oh shit Y/n I knew this was a bad idea. Fuck, what do we-?”
He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before a man with a chainsaw and a painted clown face jumped at him, sending the boy into overdrive.
He screamed, hands scrambling to grab your body as he rushed forward into the green glow, desperate to escape the killer clown.
Gavi’s scream set you into a fit of laughter, and you let yourself be tugged by him, too weak from laughing to stop him.
“Joder I swear I just went into cardiac arrest.” He said letting go of you and catching his breath.
You contained your laughter, only a few giggles escaping, beginning to feel at ease again now that the haunted house had officially begun.
“At least the first scare out of the way! The first one is always the scariest!” You said brightly walking forward, further into the house.
You felt him mutter something behind you, probably about how you were such a good friend for caring so much about him, but you didn’t give it a second thought too engrossed in the house.
You continued walking as random creatures jumped out of broken windows and walls trying to grab you, but you were quick to sidestep them. You noticed Gavi walking extremely close behind you to the point where you were sure that if you let your foot rest for a second longer on the ground he would step on it.
You finally stopped when you could feel him breathing down your neck, the little puffs of warm air sending tingles down your spine. 
“Y/n don’t make fun of me but I’m kinda scared.”
You just stared at him.
“Ok maybe really scared. This isn’t good for me you know, I have training I can’t be getting my blood pressure up like this.” He persisted.
You groaned, “Oh my god – fine just hold my hand.” You tried to remain annoyed but you couldn’t stop the flutter in your stomach when his warm hand enveloped yours.
You stared at each other and you debated saying something before the moment was cut short by Gavi’s shrill scream, having gotten scared by an actor that jumped out of the wall.
You pulled him along with you as you entered a vortex tunnel with a faulty bridge.
“Nope. No way, I’m going to have an aneurysm.” Gavi spoke once seeing the path, trying to pull his hand away but you held on tighter.
“There’s only one way to go. Just close your eyes and give me your other hand.” You argued.
He groaned but did as he was told, “I hate you.” He muttered as you moved to grab his other hand and put both over your shoulders standing in front of him.
“Oh please you love me.” You smirked, starting to make your way through the tunnel.
He didn’t answer but you felt his grip on your hands tighten and you smiled softly.
You were almost done with the tunnel when you abruptly stopped causing Gavi to run into you.
“Why are we stopping?” He asked.
You bit your lip, not wanting to admit the truth.
“What? Is it that scary?” He questioned opening his eyes.
“I don’t see anything?”
“There’s a bird.” You whispered, eyes never leaving the small bird flying manically around the hallway, seemingly trying to find its way out after getting trapped.
“Y/n Don’t tell me you’re still afraid of birds.” Gavi shook his head smiling.
You sneered, “Of course I am. Those things are demonic.”
He rolled his eyes at your antics.
You had been terrified of birds since the day you were born, anything that could fly, peck, and chase you scared the shit out of you. And now the fact that a bird was flying around frantically, in an enclosed space, that you had to walk through- oh shit, you were going to die here because there was no way you were walking past that bird on your own free will.
“Please keep moving.” An operator’s voice sounded.
You groaned, putting your head in your hands as you decided what to do.
“Y/n we have to go.” Gavi urged, attempting to move you forward but you stood still.
“Just give me a second.”
“Here I’ll hold you, ok? That way the bird can’t get to your eyes. Only mine.” Gavi spoke.
You laughed at his weak excuse for a joke, weighing your options, “Fine but if that thing even touches me I’m shoving you into it and running.”
Gavi smiled down at you as he wrapped an arm around you, “Oh Y/n what a sweetheart you are.”
You stuck your tongue out at him before curling into him, snuggling your face into the side of his sweater, and squeezing your eyes shut so the bird couldn’t claw them out.
He wrapped both arms around you, shielding your head and shoulders from the bird.
You felt the birds squawking get closer and pulled him even closer, “I got you linda relax.”
His voice was soft in your ear, and you focused your attention on him and the beating of his heart rather than the manic bird two inches away.
Once the threat had been cleared you lifted your head in disbelief, “You’re alive! I can’t believe it, I thought for sure the bird would have had one of your eyes at least.”
He gasped at you, his arms loosening around you, as he dropped one, the other sliding to rest on your waist, “Oh please. It wasn’t even bad, poor birdie just couldn’t find the exit.”
“Yeah poor birdie.” You muttered sarcastically.
The rest of the haunted house passed uneventfully, and thankfully there were no more jump scares, saving Gavi from the cardiac arrest he claimed would be happening any day now.
Gavi’s hand stayed around your waist for the remainder of the house and while you could lie and say it was because he was still scared, you knew that the way he was holding you and the way you were leaning into him was a little too friendly to just be because of ‘nerves’.
Once you got to the outside world again you moved away from him, your eyes adjusting to the light.
“Well, thanks for coming with me Gavi.” You said, feeling grateful that your blush had faded when you were still in the dark.
“Woah this again! What’s with Gavi?” He asked you, an irritated look on his face.
Your eyebrows rose in shock, “That’s your name?” You asked confused about why he seemed annoyed.
“No I’m Pablo.” He said referring to the name that nearly no one called him anymore.
“Pretty sure the whole country knows you as Gavi estupido.” You rolled your eyes, hand coming up to hit his head playfully.
Gavi grabbed your hand, squeezing it, “Yeah but to you, I’m Pablo, ok?” His voice was sincere, and his eyes were shiny and bright.
You gave him a puzzled look, but still squeezed back, “Ok.”
You went to drop your hands, but he caught you by surprise again, holding yours firmly, “I think I like this better. My hand’s a little cold. You know it being fall and all.”
You smiled biting the inside of your cheek to not give yourself away, stay cool Y/n! 
You nodded at him, “Oh for sure. Can’t have Barca’s golden boy falling sick.”
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joelletwo · 6 months
summary of natsuyuu chapter 128 - start of The Sealed-Off Storehouse arc
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new arc (sort of) new post! my previous summaries for the preceding related arcs here. we continue increasing the cast of exorcist-related characters... and we see some familiar ones :)
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Ms. Iwami comes to visit Takuma, saying her grandfather always told her if there was a problem she didn’t understand, she could rely on Takuma. She wants him to take a look at something, but he tells her he’s lost his youkai sight and wouldn’t be any help if it's actually dangerous. He’s happy to hear her out, though, since her grandfather helped him when he was a young unknown exorcist. But she suddenly gets flustered over coming to him over something as silly as a joke her grandfather had played on her, saying she’ll enter her storehouse after all. She leaves, crossing paths with Natori and Natsume at the door.
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(natsume: natori-san you can't just burst in 😰)
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(natori: were you visiting? iwami: it's not important. pay no attention to the opening scene)
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(takuma: what's all this about, shuuichi-kun? natori: *prompts his little buddy to take charge*)
Takuma asks why they’ve come, and Natsume explains that he wants help looking into the painting he found at the exorcist auction.
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(takuma: why were you at an exorcist auction!!! natori, already been thru this: that's what i'm saying. natsume's actual next response: well... there were various circumstances...)
Natori thinks Takuma will know more than he does, although the auction was highly anonymous, since he has more industry connections. Takuma’s happy to help since Natsume helped him with his shiki before. First, they ask about the visitor from before. Takuma explains she's the granddaughter of a close friend of his mentor’s, and he’s worried about not being able to help with her situation.
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Natori and Natsume go to meet with her to put him at ease. Natori says Natsume didn’t have to come (which Nyanko agrees with), but Natsume wants to hear from as many people as possible while he’s looking into the painting. Natori asks him what kind of person Reiko was. From the yokai, you only hear that she was "violent," from humans, she was "weird," but in that painting, Natsume saw a different Reiko he’s unfamiliar with. If he could hear about the Reiko that painter knew…
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They’re interrupted by fangirls recognizing Natori, irritating Nyanko, who asks why they had to take the bus instead of Natori’s car. He laughs and says it’s a habit from his student days, when he'd daydream that if he went out to places with lots of people, someone would eventually recognize his gecko and call out to him.
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(natori, about to say something really heartbreaking: it's because i'm a romantic ^_^)
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(iwami: no one's gone in that storehouse for decades. natori: you're saying...? iwami: there's "something that will curse you if you look at it" in there.)
Ms. Iwami welcomes them as Takuma’s representatives and fusses over a “if you look at it, you’ll be cursed” story her grandfather always told her about something in the storehouse on the property, which might’ve just been a story to keep the kids out, and which she can’t decide if she believes or not now that she's reorganizing after her father’s passing. Nyanko calls the Iwami house creepy, as it’s filled with lots of strange things, like a weird wall hanging Natsume is startled by.
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Natori and Natsume go to check out the storehouse at her urging. Natori’s shiki go in to investigate first, but Natsume stops Hiiragi, checking if she’ll be okay in a place that might remind her of bad memories. She assures him she’s used to storehouses after helping with Natori’s work for so long, and that she doesn’t regret those memories anyways, as they led to her meeting Natsume and Natori.
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Natori’s shiki report nothing strange. Natori goes in to make sure, and Natsume asks to come with, saying he doesn’t want to miss any more hidden connections to Reiko. Natori makes them both paper dolls that will absorb a single curse in their place as a precaution.
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(natori telling natsume the same thing natsume's been telling tanuma when he tags along in recent arcs: and you prooooomise to leave if anything goes wrong, right? ^_^)
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He lights incense that will be attracted to any curse if there’s one to be found, but it takes time to accumulate. In the meantime, they look around the place: Natori for clues, Nyanko for treasures, and Natsume for anything about Reiko. Natori finds the texts of a famous exorcist.
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(natori: huh? natsume: ! don't tell me you found the curse... natori: no, it's a book of Mr. Shirakouji... it really is a treasure 0_0;;)
Nyanko spots a wall of photos, all featuring prominent exorcists (including a younger Takuma, and Takuma’s mentor) with the same man accompanying them. While they’re looking at him, Ms. Iwami calls them back for a break.
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She says the man is probably her grandfather, who had connections to and sponsored all sorts of exorcists through her (non-Sighted) family’s commitment to the traditions, which meant she gets sent all sorts of thank-you gifts for him, including the wall hanging Natsume saw earlier. Natsume startles to look and see it’s moved, though Iwami denies that and says its just a picture of the great youkai protecting her house. She suddenly gets confused about who told her the “curse you if you look at it” story, remembering a ghostly figure, but shakes it off.
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(iwami: don't worry about it! me: okay yay ^_^ 💕)
Natori asks about Takuma. She says he was a wonderfully skilled disciple her grandfather’s friend took under his wing who her grandfather sponsored after seeing his talent. Natori is happy to hear him praised.
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They go back out to the storehouse, relieved nothing’s happened so far. Natori and Nyanko agree something feels strange, though, wondering if there’s a barrier. They notice Natori’s incense has gathered around a ceiling tile.
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(natori: hey, watch it =_=;)
Natori pushes it up and finds a second floor to the storehouse with ofuda talismans on the rafters hiding it from discovery, possibly what the incense reacted to, but Natori cautions them to stay guarded anyways. He quickly spots a mirror with ink writing on it and tells them not to look at their reflections, as it’s enchanted, saying it’s probably the “something that curses you if you look at it.”
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(chapter end)
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languajix · 1 month
Mike's Makeover (a Fandom Family Reunion Fashion Show Fic)
Have a little not-so-little surprise fic I wrote in honor of the fashion show event! Cabinmates, I hope I kept your characters in character here, and if I didn't, my deepest apologies.
Summary: Mike's only recent experience with a makeover has been a couple of little girls playing dress-up with him. Other than that, he's never had much opportunity to look or feel pretty. Can his cabinmates help him out?
Wordcount: 2,978
Hold Every Memory Mike arrived back at the cabin with a full-bodied sigh after a long day of wandering around, poking at things, and meeting a lot of very fun, very fashionable people. Also collecting stuff!
He heaved all the various assorted fabrics from his arm to the bed, then deposited his nibbles one by one into the nest on the bedside table. El, Dee, Lee, Angie. All the Splinterson-Hamato campers present and accounted for!
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he heard from behind him, and he did not jump because he was a ninja, of course. He just stiffened a little. The speaker in question was Cerulean, his fellow cabinmate, looking at him with his usual diplomatic smile on his face.
"Pardon?" Mike asked, having genuinely no clue what Cerulean could possibly take issue with. He didn't slam the door, he didn't track mud inside like last time, or the time before that, he didn't leave his nephews to crawl around on the bed and potentially fall off or anything, he himself was just stretching a little and unless Cerulean was worried about him pulling a muscle...
Cerulean gestured at the pile of clothes on the bed. "If these aren't already wrinkled so badly as to need ironing, they will be if you leave them like that."
Ahh. Well, what was another wrinkle? Mike's dimension wasn't exactly going to be a safe place for fancy fabric in the first place, if he even got to take this stuff home with him. He sighed again just a little, picking them up one by one. Did this cabin have a closet? Clothes hangers? He wasn't in the mood for finagling any folding at the moment; it was hard enough when he had had two hands to work with, and he'd kind of wound himself down for the day.
"I don't even know if I'm gonna try on half of this stuff," he admitted to Cerulean, who leaned over to help him pick up the clothes from the pile. "I don't usually, y'know, wear nice things. We're pretty busy, and there's just never any reason to get all dressed up anymore."
Cerulean raised a brow. "Nonsense," he countered. "There is always a reason to wear nice things."
"Not where I'm from," Mike admitted wryly. His aching feet made it hard to jump up and meet the level of his usual optimistic pep. "A long, long time ago, it could've been a different story, though. When we were teenagers, sometimes we'd have to dress up to blend in somewhere, and whenever I could get away with it, I'd try to go for clothes that made me feel... I don't know. Pretty, I guess." He laughed, and felt the grasping, confusing what-ifs slide off his shell as he decided not to linger on them. "That was a long time ago. I got a little of that mojo back with, you know, the beads. And I won't say the stuff I shrugged on today wasn't fun. It's just... I can't. This whole camp has been a lot of fun, but it does keep me too busy to really experiment or anything, usually."
Cerulean paused, then, fingers running over the fabric of one particular jacket thoughtfully. "It seems like a waste to not at least wear them all once."
"Yeah, well. We'll see how many I have time for before this shindig is over, I guess." Mike held up his arm that once again held a bunch of clothes, probably making Cerulean wince a little on the inside. "Any idea where to hang these bad boys for the time being?"
Cerulean showed him to a closet near the entry door. Neat. That's what that door was for. He hadn't realized that was there, probably because he hadn't really needed it. All his usual clothes were haphazardly folded in the duffle at the foot of his bed.
Together, they started hanging up all the clothes, and Mike was really grateful for the friends he'd made at the Family Reunion, he really, really was.
When they were done, Cerulean swished away, off to do... whatever it was he did all day.
The tiny turtle tots at his bedside started peeping for their uncle's attention, so he turned to go make sure they wouldn't wilt out of inattention. Gotta keep earning those uncle points, right?
ICE was looking at him weird.
ICE looked at everybody weird at some point, because ICE could be a little judgemental sometimes. Mike tried not to take the looks personally; he was a weird guy.
He couldn't figure out what he was doing, though, that made ICE look at him like this. Most of the time he was in the middle of dunking jalapenos in jelly and eating it with a spoon, or doing pushups up on his fingertips with all of his nibbles balanced on his shell, or trying to lure out the Covert guys down from the roof with a laser pointer. His weird stuff was usually obvious.
He was sitting on his bed reading comic books while his nephews napped against his side.
Did- did they not have comic books in ICE's dimension? He ended up not reading the back half of the comic at all, and instead squinting down as the letters blurred and he tried to imagine a dimension without comic books. What would people even do for fun?
The front door creaked open, and Marco raised an eyebrow from behind his dark sunglasses as he ducked into the cabin, a plastic shopping-style bag slung over his shoulder. "Hey guys."
"Did you get everything on the list?" ICE demanded immediately, and on the opposite side of the room, Mike noticed Spirit and Mika perk up, shooting glances towards the incoming cabin counselor.
Marco took his time in brushing off his shoes on the mat and swinging the bag down against his side, stopping to scratch his chin. He must have been enjoying ICE's growing frustration, because he milked it for a good fifteen seconds at least before he gave ICE a nod, fingers curling tight against the handle of the bag. "Yep. It's all here. I think."
"Let me see," ICE demanded, sliding to his feet and marching across the room to hold out his hand imperiously.
Mike was curious.
It was never a good thing when Mike got curious. But fortunately or unfortunately, he had a couple of tiny children napping at his side and he couldn't face their tiny little sleepy eyes blinking up at him if he got up and accidentally woke them. So. "All right, then. Keep your secrets," he murmured to himself.
He watched ICE shuffle through the bag, then turn to Mika and nod. Mike watched, befuddled and amused, as Mika rolled to his feet with a salute and started wandering over in his direction.
"What's the haps?" he asked, feeling almost a little cornered, but Mika merely smiled back at him, wide and sweet, before slowly scooping up the nibbles one by one, shushing and bouncing them when they started whining in their sleep, settling them in the nest on the bedside table.
When Mike was child-free, Mika herded Mike to the end of his bed, feet sat solidly on the ground, arm resting behind him for a little stability as he leaned back just a tad. "Perfect!" Mika beamed, shooting him a thumbs up.
Mike had gone from intrigued to amused, at this point, though the not knowing was eating him up inside.
ICE set the bag down next to him, but a tap on the bottom of his chin kept Mike looking straight ahead instead of peeking inside. "I'm going to need you to stay still," ICE instructed. "Lean forward a little. Mika needs your hand."
"Always happy to lend a hand," Mike said automatically, as Mika settled in beside him. Finally, he got to see what was in Marco's bag of tricks, as ICE reached in and pulled out... nail polish.
Mike's own nail polish was chipped almost beyond recognition after weeks of inattention. He'd just been busy, okay? But this bottle of new stuff was a shiny, sparkly purple, almost looking like a captured galaxy in there, and he knew his Donnie would love it if he could show it to him. "Oh! Nail painting. Awesome. We can gossip about boys and paint each other's nails." Mika took Mike's hand to start working, and Mike tried hard not to immediately slouch as he warmed up at the contact. This was going to do wonders for his touch starvation, probably. Nice.
ICE pulled out something else - a thing of eyeliner, which Mike recognized because ICE had done up his makeup all spooky and cool recently.
"We're going to try to do this over your mask, this time," ICE declares. "I've seen some people around the camp doing it like that. Captain, for one. I don't know how this will turn out, but I'll do my best."
...what prompted this makeover, exactly? Mike searched back, but his thoughts kept getting stuck on the whole idea of a world without comic books, like a skipped record. "Okay. That, uh. Sounds. Good?"
ICE just smirked.
Painting his fingernails was over and done with quick, given that he had three of them, and Mika soon had him resting his hand on the bedspread, gently waving one of Mike's comic books to get a little airflow and let them dry, when they heard a little shuffle from the floor above. "What are we doing?" Scout asked, poking his snout over the edge of the top railing and blinking big, curious eyes down at the scene.
Spirit flew up to meet him, spinning in excited little circles. "Uncle Mike is getting a makeover!"
"Oooh!" Scout tapped his fingers against the wood in a happy little pattern, then blinked once more as though a thought had occurred to him. "What's a makeover? Can I help?"
"Sure!" Mika called, waving up at Scout. "I'll teach you how to braid! You can help me pick some beads." Scout perked up and started hopping down the stairs.
The thought of braiding his mask tails gave Mike a thrill down the back of his shell. He loved doing that, he loved how he looked like that, he just got busy. Just like everything else, really.
"Drat," ICE muttered. "Marco, you forgot a ribbon."
"Wasn't on the list!" Marco called from the kitchen, where Mike could hear him rummaging around. Snack hunting? Mike's own stomach rumbled just a little at the thought.
Or maybe that was the sound of ICE grumbling. "It was. I know it was." He tutted, obviously displeased.
That was fine! Mike hadn't expected to have his mask braided when he woke up that morning, so it wasn't a big loss. He sucked in a breath, about to say as much, when he was interrupted. Something tapped on the window, and the only reason Mike knew it was one of the Covert guys was the obvious shadow that they definitely left on purpose as they zipped away.
Scout skedaddled over to the window, taking a few tries to figure out the latch but eventually sliding it open. He poked his head through, looking up, but by then the Covert guys were for sure gone.
"Oh!" Mike heard him call, and then Scout was in front of them, holding out some things in his hands for their inspection.
A red ribbon. And two small, thin knives, almost thin enough to be mistaken for chopsticks, with sheathes dyed orange and gold stitching.
(Uh, did the Covert guys have this place bugged, or what? Not that Mike wasn't grateful, but. Still.)
"I'll take that, thank you," ICE said, grabbing the knives and inspecting them before Scout could accidentally hurt himself. "I know what we're doing with these." Good, because Mike had no idea.
Scout sorted out the beads by color, whispering to Mika along the way, going off of some sort of color scheme Mike was clearly not meant to be in the loop about. Mike kept getting distracted by ICE leaning over him, eyes narrowed in concentration, some makeup thing or other pinched tightly between his fingers. The soft presses against Mike's mask tickled, and on the opposite side of his head, his mask tails were being tugged in a familiar way.
"Ah! Stop that," ICE scolded as someone - Scout? - tugged a little too hard and tugged Mike's mask an inch sideways on his face. Then ICE got a good look at Mike, eye holes askew, probably makeup all weird as well, and out of the tiny bit of eyehole Mike had left he could see ICE trying not to laugh.
(Mike almost forgot his nails were drying, when he went to go readjust his mask back. Whoops.)
Marco walked by on his way out the door, shooting Mike a quick nod as he passed. Mike tried to read his face for any indication of how the whole makeover thing was going, but Marco's expression was impassive. Helpful, Marco. Thanks.
After a few more minutes, ICE leaned back, studying his work. "Okay, I think I'm finally done. Looking good, Uncle Mike, if I do say so myself."
Spirit, who had lingered behind ICE's shoulder on and off during the whole process, spinning around and laughing into his hands and making Mike feel a little nervous, gave Mike an encouraging thumbs up.
Okay. Cool. He was getting excited about this, actually. Like really excited, a little fluttery thing between his ribs, a little smile that wouldn't quit.
ICE grabbed the knives and walked over to the side of the bed. "Let's just put these... here," he said, and Mike could feel the slide of something into the top of his braid, right against the curve of his skull, and then a second one also sliding home.
"We just need to tie this off and then we're done, too!" Mika announced cheerfully. ICE rummaged around in the bag and passed him something, and Mike could feel the braid swishing across his shell as Mika finagled a tie around the end.
"Thank you, guys. I appreciate this a lot more than you know. Am I done? Am I pretty?" Mike asked, just a little bit shyly, itching to go look at himself in the mirror.
"Not quite," someone said, and he turned wide eyes on Cerulean, who had made his way downstairs without so much as pinging Mike's senses, a testament to Mike's distraction as much as it was Cerulean's silence.
Cerulean passed Mike by with only a sidelong glance and a placid smile. Mike smiled back, confused. But then again, this whole thing had been confusing. Nice, but confusing.
Cerulean swung open the door to the cabin closet. He seemed to know exactly what he was looking for, as he pulled something out without any hesitation.
He laid the clothes down beside Mike on the bed. "You have to put this on, first."
It was one of the outfits Mike had come home with the other day. One of the many he hadn't actually worn, yet.
He didn't even know if it looked good on him. Cerulean seemed to think it would, though, which was a high recommendation. Okay, here went nothing.
Clothed and accessorized, he stood in front of the mirror and opened his eyes. What he saw knocked the breath right out of his lungs, just a little. The crisp, clean lines of makeup on his mask around his eyes, making them look wide and beautiful, a sparkly gold accentuating the black. His mask tails, with a small, long-bodied metal dragon wound up through the braid and scattered gold and purple beads glinting throughout, and the knives crossed like hairsticks through the very top. An elegantly thin gold chain draped around his neck, settled right across his plastron.
His nails, glittering like the night sky, below a simple gold bracelet.
The shirt, gauzy and light and just the right color to blend in with the golds, under an artfully draped, loose jacket with a dragon trailing across the hem, leaving stars in its wake. The swishy skirt, dripping gold into winking purple galaxies.
It reminded him of himself, but the purple and the night also reminded him of Donnie, and looking at himself in the mirror and seeing his family carried with him brought the same bubbling joy as it always did.
Mike couldn't help his grin, or his happy wiggles. He laughed, and the edges of his eyes crinkled, probably messing up that perfect makeup just a little but honestly? It would still be perfect anyways. It was all perfect.
He looked so pretty.
He could see ICE and Mika peeking over his shoulder, watching him looking at himself in the mirror, but when he pulled out his phone for a selfie, they leaned away, obviously trying to give him some space.
He didn't want space.
"Get in here," he demanded, "I'm not taking a picture without everybody in it."
ICE leaned in to his left side, a cool expression settling across his face. Mika draped himself over Mike's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear, Spirit hovering next to him. Scout waved eagerly from behind Mike's other shoulder, and Mike turned, wiggling his phone and his elegantly drawn brows. "When I said 'everybody', I didn't mean 'everybody but Cerulean,'" he declared firmly. "Get in, there's only so much room in front of this thing."
Cerulean raised his brows, as though politely surprised to have been included in the word everybody. "Well, if you insist."
He leaned close to Mike's right, though, and sent a picture-perfect smile to the mirror.
Mike snapped a photo.
Everybody in it was pretty, but he had to say, for once in his time at camp? He was absolutely the prettiest.
AUs involved, in order of appearance:
Hold Every Memory @languajix
True Colors by @v-albion
It's a Complicated Equation by @leilanising
Fear's Embrace by @karonkar and @owliedoesnothing
Ghost of the Past by @wandering-ghost
Second Shot by @twignotstick
Covert AU by @chessman-protocol
All from Cabin 14!
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roxxiies · 5 months
Sand guy and purple Ball guy hcs, would it be ok?
if you were to make them to be "[character] x reader" stories, probably gold lane/ midlane reader.
a/n: HELLO!! Thanks for requesting! You didn't know how much time I thought over who these are by the names you gave HWJAJS I hope I got it right though 😞 Enjoy!
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Khaleed loved books. And the first time he saw you, you were reading a book with a familiar book cover. He remembers it contained beautiful spots in Agetla Drylands.
Yes, he loved making people smile with joy. That's why he promised that he would take you with him to experience the actual beauty of Agetla Drylands firsthand, outside of where their village is located.
He swore to not get any feelings involved, but how could he when he took you to one of the places he loved as your eyes continued to sparkle?
His heart melted as he mentally planned to take you everywhere that moment. 
You gasp, your excitement evident in your tone as you speak. “I’ve seen that before in the book! Look, it's so beautiful in person!”
He nods, his heart warms knowing how you share his love for adventure as well.
Then on, he took you to various places. But this time, when he was at your door with a soft red hue spread across his face, his heart yearned to take you out again—but this time as your date.
You can't help it. You undeniably admire his strategic mind and bravery on the battlefield. Sometimes you think you don't deserve hogging all of his attention, although Khaleed is quick to dismiss that thought, and he made sure that you knew he valued your loving support and understanding of his duties.
He appreciates you. He would be willing to remind you every minute for it.
Despite being the Prince of the Artha Clan and being known to possess great leadership and charisma, he's not afraid of showing vulnerability around you.
He even seeks solace and emotional support after facing tremendously long hours of war.
“Dovie? Can I please get a hug?”
You heartily laugh at your lover's behaviour. He jutted his lower lip at your laugh, but you soon opened your arms, and he quickly scurried over, cuddling you tightly in his arms.
Muffled by the hug, he whispered a tiny thank you as he kissed your cheeks and you giggle.
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There's an undeniable allure to Phoveus’ dangerous nature, something like a forbidden attraction. In which it draws you in because of the mixture of fear and fascination about your dynamic relationship.
It took a lot for him to accept and experience loving someone, someone who he trusted.
The man might even see your relationship as a conquest, making your cheeks flush as he showers you with his undivided love.
He enjoys the challenge of winning you over and over again just as much as he loves winning in conflicts again and again.
Although in private, he may show his softer and more vulnerable side to you.
And you love this side of him, not just because he looks like some kicked puppy waiting for your touch, but because of the way he sincerely shows his love for you.
Although it hurts you to know he's been worried you'd leave and betray him one day,
But you wouldn't do that, right? Please convince him!
“Please don't leave. I love you too much. Please, I love you. I love you.”
And just like Khaleed, he will be seeking solace and comfort just to take a break from the chaos and brutality of his other persona.
Now, despite his violent tendencies and his hunger for winning, he will actually, and I mean will sincerely, display an intense protectiveness towards you.
He views you somehow as belonging to his territory, which he has to defend at all costs. Though making you mad was nowhere near his long ahh prepared list,
“Phoveus. Please tell me what happened to the traveller who asked me for directions?” You interrogated him as your arms crossed on your chest.
He groans, trying to dismiss the question but soon answering, fearing you'd get even more mad, “...gone.”
“What do you mean 'gone'?!”
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back to all my work . . .
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Strip... Not!
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Summary: You watched a movie and the brothers want to do something like it.
Note: This is a crack fic and isn't for minors (Minors DNI) and involve with the movie Magic Mike. Also this isn't proofread :D
Warning: Very Suggestive things but no actual smut
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You're watching Magic Mike and get all hot and bothered.
The loud cheering scene drew the attention of Belphie and Satan who was happen to walk pass your room and heard you cheering a bit quieter but still cheering none the least.
You got to admit, you were here for the stars, Channing has this such vibe that reminds you of home in some way. McConaughey in all honestly you had a big crush back when you were young. Manganiello who remember as the who played that guy in true blood has this rough feel that you can't get enough of.
The story is nice, but you are still human and you got urges that this film just feels right. Maybe you're watching alone and no one knows. It add it the thrill. Because you know that you're in a house filled with possessive demons and if they found who that you're fan/simping for human men. Who knows what they do.
You make this all out as if you're doing something you shouldn't, and you're all for it.
unbeknownst, as you were cheering Satan and Belphie are leaning on your door trying to hear what your doing, which quickly drew in Beel's attention who was just heading to the kitchen.
He ask, which he was quickly silences by Belphie, he drew him close and whisper about trying to find out what your doing in your room.
Soon Mammon join them since he did plan to come in your room. But now his curious.
Before all four brothers know it. Asmo join them, standing behind them quietly, reason he senses your lust and wanted to find out.
Both Lucifer and Levi stood down the hall, observing their brothers.
After the movie you head to bed and call it the night. Once Belphie sense you were asleep. He open the door, came in and look through all your DVDs and saw the one catching case with the title Magic Mike.
He took it and quietly leave your room.
All the brothers collected in Mammon's room and start watching them movie.
They encounter the first show and well...
"My eyes!!!!" Levi scream as the character of the movie start striping away the rain coats.
"This what humans want?" Lucifer isn't please, but is indifferent since from what Satan and Belphie said. You seem to like these too.
"Is this what MC was squealing about- Wait! Damn that's a lot of cash" if you hear closely you can hear Mammon's brain make a casher sound.
As the movie go on, each of the brothers have various reaction, mostly negative. Especially Satan and Belphie who heard you early on and how you were acting like these women in the film.
Just then Asmo had an idea, his Cheshire Cat smile shows the mischief running through his head.
"Let's do a show for MC" Asmo bluntly said it out loud, causing Levi to jump out from his sit and shake his head for no.
"Nuh-uh! I ain't stripping and dancing like that!" He angrily gesture towards the T.V
"Yeah, it seem a lot of work to do all that." Belphie add in, just watching all the scenes with all the male strippers is tiring.
"Ow~ Come on. Look how they grind your pelvis and crotch at all the ladies in the crowd. Don't tell me you don't want to try that on MC." The brothers thinks for a second, but Asmo adds in this "Plus, you can go all the way. These are strippers. But we're MC's partners so we aren't limited to just grinding and getting groped"
That was enough for the brothers to join in this stupid plan. including Lucifer.
For the next couple of days, after classes. The brothers start their practices even watching the sequel of the movie and oh boy, they got a lot of work to be done.
Lucifer took charge of the practices since they can't seem to get in line and barely done anything.
Mammon wasn't motivated at times, and that's when Asmo made a spell to throw money at Mammon whenever he did a performance right.
When in practices Levi was making the costume, at times he cries through the sewing because the mental picture of thongs and what they call "Elephant socks" and other stripper clothes is melted in his mind.
Beel took the lead on showing the moves, he can follow the moves he saw in the movies. When he tries to demonstrate with a chair, he destroy the chair cause he grind into it too much, it shutter underneath him.
Luckily both Satan and Belphie were cooperated enough that Lucifer didn't have to step in.
These pass couple of days were busy for the brothers, that they forgot something... you.
You barely see they after classes, but you weren't that angry... just upset.
Were you needy for their attention? Yes, but you don't want to come off as clingy and too needy. But it does affect how you went by the the day. And the others saw it.
Luke was furious and decided to ask you to got to the mall with him, in a way he just want to cheer you up.
The others. The royals, purgatory hall boys, Thirteen, and Mephistopheles decide to see what the brothers are up to.
After a week of practice, all seven brothers have each act mastered. Now all it leaves is to send you a quick text. Saying to come to the living room.
The lights were out and brothers hide. Each act follows the order of the pact so Mammon is up first. More so just to avoid a long argument about it.
Then they heard footsteps and the doorknob slowly opens, that's when the blue spotlight lit the center of the room. Mammon slide under the light wearing a biker getup, grin towards the door with his fang shown as he start dancing, thrusting his pelvis, doing a provocative before grabbing his pants and rip it off-
That's when the lights of the room turned on revealing that you weren't the one who open the door, but instead it was Barbatos along with Diavolo, Solomon, Simeon, Raphael, Thirteen, and Mephistopheles. All with different and horrified expression on their faces, from shock to disgust.
Mephisto's face shifted from shock to anger when Mammon's ripped pants landed on his head.
The other brothers were close to the spotlight that they can be seen by the other begins.
Levi was wearing a revealing doctor outfit, Asmo a maid, Satan a teacher, Beel a firefighter, Belphie a cowboy and Lucifer a priest outfit.
There was nothing but uncomfortable silences in the room, with an awkwardness filled the air.
Diavolo decide to break this tension in the room by clearing his throat. "We'll pretend that we didn't see any of this and this was you "gift" for MC. We'll leave but I want to know what was this later"
"Yes, this deserve an explanation" Mephisto interjects, however Diavolo has other plans.
"Yes, because I want to join it."
You took Luke back to Purgatory hall and head back to the house, and straight to the living room. And you didn't expect what's to come.
Note: Funny that this was suppose to be a mini fic and just became a fic as I wrote this. I even had to watch the movie and it's sequel so I can have refences or didn't made shit up... After the watching both movies and was enlighten in a way XD
Still this was fun to write.
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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qiutls · 1 year
Cashew nut.
After transmigrating, my name became cashew nut.
Who the hell thought of this name?
Of all the various words that exist, why was I named cashew nut?
How is this any different from naming humans, kimchi stew, fried rice, omelet, seaweed soup, steak or curry….
…Forget it. Since I became a hamster, forget about my human rights, just give them to the dogs. I lived hard like a cactus in the wasteland, forget about getting money and earning fame from the game I developed, as a hamster I can’t even earn wealth. The feeling of unfairness that I had forgotten suddenly returned. That’s right… There’s a saying, even if you roll in a pile of dog poop, you still win. So let’s say it’s a good thing that I survived and transmigrated. Even if it’s a novel that I read half-asleep and dropped in the middle, it’s fine. The saying means no matter how low life goes, it’s much better to live than to die.
But why?! Of all the characters in the novel! Why did I have to be a hamster! I became a damn hamster!
[ Synchronization is complete! ]
Right. You, system. Speak! Let me hear your explanation on why I became a hamster out of all the characters.
[ That was the only vacancy! ~(˘▾˘~) ]
Are you kidding me?
As I gritted my teeth, Kyle carefully dropped me into the new house.
"Cashew Nut? Why do you have no energy? Do you want to rest?"
Yeah. There's a lot of things to think about now, so please don’t push me to go crazy and let me go.
I kicked Kyle in the palm with my little foot. I need to talk to that damn system, get lost!
He tilted his head and looked at me with a serious look, and put me down carefully in the new house he had prepared in advance.
"Even though it’s a bit lacking, I've made a house for you. Rest here and feel better."
Kyle smiled. It was a smile that felt very affectionate, which did not suit his face which exuded coldness.
W-what's wrong with you? Stop smiling! It doesn't suit you. Let's just live as we look.
I grumbled at him and then started looking around. The hamster house that he said he had prepared for me in advance, just by looking at it..
It's too much… Really too much for a small hamster…
The small house which had three floors was higher than the table.
The frame was made out of firm wood and the top part was arched. The center of the house was even decorated with colorful red jewels.
If you look carefully inside, it’s decorated at every corner, there are cushions that look soft, feed bowls that are shiny enough to be mistaken for ornaments from a distance, some sawdust and all kinds of soft chew toys, slides, and sieve wheels…….
It's luxurious. I've never seen such an elaborate hamster house in my life. In addition, the decorations engraved on each frame were shimmering to the point that it felt burdensome.
Did you engrave gold in the hamster's house as well?
In the past whenever I went home from work, only a narrow studio greeted me as I opened the door. There was only one window in that apartment and now I’m able to live in a house that’s 3 stories tall, by hamster standards, of course.
[ The Grand Duke is the third richest aristocrat in the empire. ]
It seems so. Raising a hamster and building a house like this, he either is rich as hell or crazy about hamsters... I think he’s both rich and crazy as hell.
"In any case, It’s better for you to rest. I will come by tomorrow."
I sighed deeply. I didn't nod or look at him, since a hamster who understands people's words is too suspicious. Killing is a no-go!
In this big house, I snuck to a corner and curled up to sleep. Go, leave! Let me sleep.
"Cashew Nut."
"Have a good dream."
Good dreams my ass! This situation is a nightmare for me. *
Peace finally came after the damn hamster lover returned to his bedroom.
Now, let's have a serious talk.
Hey, come out.
[ 〣(ºΔº)〣 ]
Right now, am I inside "The Heart of Winter"?
[ Yes, that's right! (*>▽<)シ ]
And that's the Duke of Blake, who dies at the middle of the novel.
[ Kyle Jane Minehardt. Approximately one month before the estimated time of death. ]
So I transmigrated… But the heroine....
[ This is Serena. ]
Serena's name and face popped up in the system window. It was a woman with soft brown hair and green eyes. She looked about my age, but her clothes were quite dirty. Come to think of it, Serena in the original story said that after transmigrating, she escaped the slum with her intelligence and life skills.
Come to think of it, Serena didn’t even have a name until she became empress. Serena, it’s a name passed down to every empress from generation to generation. Right now, the heroine is a woman with no name.
Hang on. But I transmigrated as well, right? Can two people transmigrate into the same novel?
[ Serena didn't transmigrate. ]
[ The plot has changed. ]
[ Miracle value 1% ]
I sat on a rocking chair and looked at the system window seriously. I couldn't cross my short legs, so I could only rub my chin with my small hands.
I've been thinking about this for a while, what the hell is "miracle value"?
[ You're destined to die. ]
The sentence popped up on a blue interface. It shone chillingly blue with a sad emoticon, tearing up next to it.
… Destined to die.
It came to my mind. The pale light of the headlight of the car that hit me, the sound of friction made by the wheels scratching the ground, my body floating into the air...….
[ But before you died, I intervened right away! ]
The system spoke, bringing me out of the daze.
[ Your original body is in a coma right now. If you don't earn enough miracle value, you can't avoid the upcoming death. Collect information and find the best data to survive. Once you set a goal, you will be sent a customized quest. ]
So you’re saying…
[ Raise your miracle value and I'll save you from death! ]
You’ll save me? Why? How? Are you a god?
[ Once you collect enough miracle value, it’s can be used to create your own miracle! ]
This system... Looking at it this way. In order to raise the miracle value, I need to create miracles, but I’m just a hamster! With this small body, what tricks am I supposed to do? This damn system! You’re just making me work for you? Do you have any conscience?
[ อิ_อี; ]
After living hard to make money, now I have to live hard to make miracles! Am I Moses? Huh? Do you want me to split the sea for you?
But my settlement money. My bright future. My old life, and my human rights… That’s right I don't want to die of old age as a hamster.
I rolled up my little fist. There was no other option, I’m already living as a hamster, how hard can anything else be.
[ Do you want to set a goal? ]
Miracles and goals.
So, the point of the system was to change the fate of the world in <The Heart of Winter>, gather its power, and change my own fate. Instead of Serena, I was the one who transmigrated to a hamster and the miracle value went up. Wouldn't it rise again if something that should happen in the novel was prevented?
The problem is I only finished half of the novel. As soon as the character who I sympathized with the most died, I dropped it! So, I don't know the end of this story. How can I change the fate when I don’t know who wins and loses in the end.… Hold on.
Kyle! Yeah, Kyle Jane Minehardt. The man is supposed to die in a month. What if we save Kyle? There is no greater miracle than reversing death.
Yeah. Like it or not, anyway Kyle became my master, and I didn't want him to die miserably when I was a reader. The reason why I dropped the novel, a man who was worried about his lover’s safety died at the hands of the woman he loved the most.
Alright, why don't I save Kyle? This should also be considered a miracle.
[ Goal set complete: Save Kyle Jane Minehardt. ]
[ Choosing a quest…….]
I felt strange. If I save him, can I really come back to life? I wanted to ask one more time if this was possible, but it was meaningless I had already become a hamster, what could be more absurd than this. That’s right, even though there’s still a long way to go, let's both survive!
Please give me a quest that fits the current difficulty, Mr. System. I can’t do anything in this body right now except increase the companionship value with the Grand Duke. At best I’m sure I’ll be able to improve his satisfaction levels within 5 years, even though it would cost me my body. He meant because Kyle is obsessed with hamsters, he just has to act cute and be pampered and petted until his body is sore lmao.
After a few minutes of silence, the system held out its first quest.
[ Let's become a humane hamster! (ง˙∇˙)ว ]
As I clicked the quest with my small hand in the air, the following sentences appeared.
[ Let's become a warm pet hamster! ]
[ Reward: Small miracle value, a chance to get back some human characteristics. ]
Why is it a miracle to be a humane hamster? System, was the hamster from the original novel a bad guy?
[ ´•̥︿•̥`)⁾⁾ ]
Are you serious? Ah what a crazy drama.
[ Kyle looked down at a finger that was bleeding. It was still a young demon, but surprisingly it was able to survive the barren north. It was natural that it could not be easily tamed. A faint disappointment came to his cold, firm face. ]
Sentences believed to be the contents of the original work came to mind neatly.
……Was there really such a thing?
More than that, were you originally going to raise a demonic beast? Indeed, the North is barren and you might feel lonely, so you must’ve wanted a companion. Even if the demonic beast goes rampant, Kyle is strong enough to kill it. There was no telling, it could have been a cute human-friendly beast and there would be no harm in raising it. It's not that strange to hope for companionship from a hamster.
[ "Then why didn't you just leave it there?"
Kyle replied to the driver's words.
"Then do you want it to just die as it is?" ]
Kyle was the first one to reach out to me who was going to die…… Yes, well, I'll let you off the hook. We're all trying to make ends meet. As long as you're not holding me upside down, I don't have to bite you either.
Above all, I am a human being, not a hamster. I don't do anything barbaric like biting humans.
[ (ʃƪ˘³˘)(´ε`ʃƪ) ? ]
No, but I do hope Kyle can refrain from kissing, I thought as I lay down, remembering Kyle’s warm smile earlier. Do you like animals that much? It really doesn’t suit you. novel ⠀✿⠀ next
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