#A gentle trustworthy kind of face
roguepen · 2 years
More Artbreeder - Part Two
The Graves grandparents, a great aunt, Quincy, Cassandra and Elihu.
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Atticus Theodore Graves- Wampus
Tall, handsome and from a well respected family, Atticus was someone who could have been anything he desired, but after getting punched in the face by a freckly Seed girl during his second week at Ilvermorny, he decided what he wanted was to knock this pint-sized egoist down to size. Which led to seven years of one of Ilvermorney’s greatest interstudent conflicts as the pair vied for the top of the class. Atticus to become an Auror like his uncle, and Ophelia to become a Healer for the acclaimed New York Hospital for Magical Maladies. The competition ended in the tie, the pair losing the valedictorian slot they had been fighting over to Armista and having to share salutatorian instead. Atticus went on to serve in active combat in the war against Grindelwald. He proposed to Ophelia after they were both done with their respective apprenticeships and home from the war. He became a dedicated and acclaimed Auror, playing a leading role in reshaping the department to be more educated on diverse magic and encouraging MACUSA to offer accreditation to smaller more traditional cultural schools in Magical America. In retirement, he travels as a lecturer and runs a cold case group with other retired Aurors, law enforcement officials and interested civilians. Over the years the group has been active, they have put 22 old cases to rest.   
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Ophelia Anne Turing- Thunderbird
Small in stature but fierce like a Hidebehind, Ophelia grew up as the fourth of seven children (and the only daughter) in an apartment in a rough part of New York. Her father owned the apartment building and operated a small distillery in one of the empty rooms to make ends meet during the Depression. As a Seed, a person with nonmagical parents, Ophelia was taken from her family (who were threatened and magicked into silence by MACUSA officials) to study at Ilvermorny where she would become a top student and academic rival to a young man named Atticus Graves. She served as part of a medical detachment in the war against Grindelwald, soon fully taking charge of the station and wrote the guidebook on essential spells healers needed to know for combat care and fought to ensure that Healers also received basic combat training in defensive spells after she killed an enemy operative who tried to blow up their aid station. Ophelia’s early life created a tough, ambitious and driven woman who had an unshakable fascination with politics that she passed down to her eldest son.
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Armista Rosamund Graves - Horned Serpent
Atticus' twin sister and younger by seven minutes, Armista often joked about being both the best looking twin and the one who got all the brains in the family. She joined her brother Atticus in the Auror department, serving in active combat against Grindelwald’s forces before taking over as her unit’s combat medic. After the war Armista made immense contributions to how MACUSA trains their Aurors, specifically in creating a detachment of Aurors and law enforcement who have basic medical training and teaching all Aurors about some of America’s diverse magical practices. This enactment soon playing a major role in how the department is seen today as cohesive, well-trained and incredibly well regarded for their diverse cultural acumen. She never married, but raised her cousin Benedict after his parents passing. Armista ended her career by deciding to travel the world to study magical techniques and cultures from around the world. She writes frequently to Atticus and Benedict and is currently in Nepal while writing her book.
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Quintin “Quincy” Laurent Graves - Pukwudgie
Quincy is every bit the ideal Graves son, well, at least after Alex left for Europe, but he was always Atticus’ favorite grandchild. Where his grandfather is grim and serious, Quincy is a buoyant personality who is quick to smile. He has a close-knit family who did not encourage him to follow the family tradition through tales of valor and talk of familial duty, Quincy chose this dangerous profession out of compassion for others and a fascination with his grandfather’s stories of pursuit of dark wizards. He obtained the top score in combat rankings during training, which encouraged Auror Chief Temperance Hanlon to mentor him through his apprenticeship seeing a real talent she wanted to nurture. The kindness in his countenance should not be confused for weakness.
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Cassandra Rhys Barebone - Pukwudgie
A quiet, ambitious Seed from a family of Scourers, Cassandra grew up hearing tales of the witchcraft that threatened America and the secret war against such unnatural monsters from her extended family. Well, unfortunately, Cassandra’s mother had a pinch of unnaturalness about her that lit something in Cassandra. Due to her unique family situation, Cassandra was removed from her family to attend school in an unusual act from Ilvermorny and MACUSA. Cassandra soon met Quincy Graves at the Sorting Ceremony and the pair struck up a friendship, soon vowing to become Aurors together a few years later. Cassandra specializes in codes and infiltration under the guidance of her mentor Auror Mankiller, that does not mean she cannot duel as she took third in combat rankings. Where Quincy is lively, Cassandra is stoic and frosty, but they understand each other in a way that cannot be understated. The pair are now engaged.
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Elihu Adler Weathers - Thunderbird
A widower with a unique view on life, Elihu Weathers is half convinced his life is a joke concocted by a disturbed, petty deity. Noted for opinions that are described as both honest, intelligent and on occasion, petulant, depending on who one’s speaking with. His early years as a lawyer led him to the MACUSA Senate, a position he relinquished before his first term ended out of grief for his wife’s sudden passing, being offered the position to take charge of MACUSA’s Embassy in London as a diplomat by President Cunningham was both an act to keep him in the political sphere and one of great trust as rumors of internal strife and the potential return of a powerful dark wizard reaches international ears. His only job was to keep the President informed about the Potter situation and this job has gotten incredibly out of hand.   
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murmeloni · 7 months
I need more fanboy Clark Kent in my life.
Like, he's seen Bruce Wayne interact with a child once and immediately fell in love with the guy. Now his bedroom walls are plastered with posters and he follows several social media accounts focused on capturing pictures of Bruce with kids and/or animals etc. He defends Bruce to anyone, no matter the antics he gets up to and it has become a bit of a running gag around the office.
Then, one day, Cat is out sick and someone jokingly suggests Clark should cover the gala in her stead, seeing as Bruce Wayne will be there and maybe this'll be Clark's shot to finally get his man? To everyone's surprise, Perry really does assign the gala coverage to Clark, who spends the days leading up to the event in a state somewhere between absolute panic and ultimate bliss.
But when the day finally arrives, Bruce doesn't show.
Of course Clark does his job and interviews everyone there (yes, even Lex Luthor) but a part of him spends all night waiting for Bruce to crash the party late, like he so often does.
Eventually, Clark gives up hope and it's shortly after that, that he stumbles upon one of the children dragged along to the event by their parents. Because apparently someone thought a charity gala was a good environment for an eight year old. The parents are nowhere in sight and the child is close to tears, so Clark makes it his mission to cheer the little girl up, regaling her with stories from his upbringing on a Kansas farm while he searches the crowd for her family.
With Clark thus occupied, he doesn't notice Bruce Wayne finally making his appearance for the night. But Bruce definitely notices him. The gentle giant who's all kind smiles and corny jokes... Until he finds the girl's parents. Uncaring of the fact that he's here on a job and that these people are richer than any one person should be and could easily sue him into oblivion, he takes them aside, fire in his eyes, and tears them a new one for losing track of their kid like this. Anything could have happened to her and maybe the readers of the Daily Planet would like to know about that? After all, how reliable and trustworthy could a company whose CEOs won't even look after their own daughter really be?
Bruce is immediately smitten. The passive-aggressive lecture and subtle threats - not to mention the broad shoulders and handsome face - are incredibly attractive to him and he wastes no time cornering the man afterwards.
Clark, who is so starstruck by the mere sight of Bruce coming towards him that he loses the ability to speak, nearly faints when Bruce just straight up shoves his tongue into his mouth. They end up in one of the coat rooms and Clark thinks that's it, just a one night stand. It sucks that he won't see Bruce again, but the night was amazing and at least he has the memory to treasure, right?
He thinks that right up until he gets to work the next day and two dozen red roses are waiting for him on his desk. There's a handwritten card nestled inbetween the petals and on it is the name of a restaurant along with a date and time. It's signed by Bruce.
And that is how Clark gets together with his celebrity crush.
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luna-azzurra · 20 days
Eye Color to Define Your OC
Blue Eyes 💙 Blue eyes often evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility, like the peaceful surface of a still lake. Characters with blue eyes might be seen as trustworthy, reflecting an inner serenity that makes others feel at ease around them. There’s something introspective about blue eyes, suggesting that these characters are thoughtful and reflective, often contemplating the deeper meanings in life. They might be dreamers, or people who carry a quiet strength, drawing others in with their gentle and soothing gaze.
Green Eyes 💚 Green eyes are often linked to mystery and a touch of mischief. There’s an intriguing quality to them, almost like they hold secrets or are constantly plotting something fun and unexpected. Characters with green eyes can be seen as creative and curious, always looking for new adventures or ways to express themselves. There’s a vitality in green eyes, a sense of life and vibrancy that suggests a character who is full of energy and imagination. They might be the ones who are always up to something, keeping others guessing with their enigmatic gaze.
Brown Eyes 🤎 Brown eyes are often perceived as warm and reliable, embodying a sense of earthiness and approachability. Characters with brown eyes can be the dependable ones, the friends who are always there when you need them, providing a stable and comforting presence. There’s a grounded quality to brown eyes, making these characters seem down-to-earth and relatable. They often exude warmth and kindness, making others feel welcome and understood. With their steady gaze, brown-eyed characters might be seen as the anchors in their communities, the ones who keep everything together with their unwavering support.
Hazel Eyes 🟤🟢 Hazel eyes are a captivating blend of brown, green, and sometimes gold, reflecting a sense of adaptability and versatility. Characters with hazel eyes might be seen as complex and multifaceted, with personalities that can shift and change depending on the situation. They are often intriguing and dynamic, drawing people in with their ever-changing aura. There’s depth in hazel eyes, suggesting a character who is always evolving, never quite fitting into one category. These characters might surprise you with their hidden talents or unexpected insights, making them endlessly fascinating.
Gray Eyes ⚪ Gray eyes often carry an air of wisdom and intelligence, like a stormy sky full of untold stories. Characters with gray eyes can be perceived as thoughtful and calm, often observing more than they speak. There’s a mysterious quality to gray eyes, suggesting depth and a quiet intensity. These characters might be the thinkers and philosophers, the ones who are always pondering the mysteries of life and seeing things from different perspectives. Their gaze can be penetrating, making others feel like they’re looking right into their soul, uncovering secrets that no one else can see.
Amber Eyes 🟠 Amber eyes radiate warmth and intensity, often associated with strength and passion. Characters with amber eyes might have a fiery spirit, with a magnetic presence that draws others toward them. There’s something fierce and determined about amber eyes, suggesting a character who is not afraid to go after what they want. They might be bold and courageous, standing out from the crowd with their distinctive gaze. These characters could be leaders or warriors, driven by their convictions and unafraid to face challenges head-on.
Violet Eyes 💜 Violet eyes are rare and ethereal, creating a sense of otherworldliness and mystique. Characters with violet eyes might be seen as enchanting or magical, with a spiritual quality that sets them apart. There’s a softness to violet eyes, almost like they belong to someone who exists between worlds. These characters might be the dreamers or the visionaries, with a connection to the mystical or the unknown. Their gaze can be captivating and otherworldly, leaving others wondering about the secrets they hold and the magic they might possess.
Black Eyes ⚫ Black eyes are intense and powerful, often conveying a sense of mystery and depth. Characters with black eyes can have a gaze that is both captivating and intimidating, making others feel like they are being drawn into a deep, dark abyss. There’s an allure to black eyes, a sense of danger or intrigue that keeps people guessing. These characters might be seen as mysterious or enigmatic, with an intensity that makes them unforgettable. They could be the ones who hold their cards close to their chest, revealing little but knowing much, their black eyes a window into a soul that is both deep and complex.
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scholomancefan · 11 days
Horrifying prompt/idea:
Omegaverse where Shen Yuan is Shen Jiu and Qiu Jianluo’s son.
For Context: I’ve been reading Sha Po Lang, and Chang Geng’s relationship with his (supposed) mother in his memories had me thinking of Shen Jiu (after escaping the Qiu household) raising Shen Yuan similarly, with alternating murder attempts, machinations, and pity.
Fun fact, in the first draft of Marrying the Scum Villainess's Daughter, Shen Yuan was going to be Qiu Jianluo's and Shen Jiu's! But that was too dark for what I wanted to be a lighthearted comedy, so I cut it 😅 Anyway, here's my first try writing omegaverse! Please be gentle ❤️
“All this time this man has deceived you!” Qiu Haitang cried out. “He’s no beta. He’s an omega, the wife of my brother, and the bearer of my nephew Qiu Yuan!”
Everyone turned to stare aghast at Shen Qingqiu, including Shen Yuan himself.
It couldn’t be true. Shen Qingqiu was a beta just like Shen Yuan. He’d gotten Shen Yuan on some brothel worker somewhere, something Shen Yuan’s bullies on Qing Jing had rubbed in Shen Yuan’s face over and over.
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes were like black marbles, and there was no life in them. Only purest loathing for the alpha Qiu Haitang as she made her accusations.
The Huan Hua Palace Master stroked his beard. “These are serious accusations,” he murmured in a carrying voice.
Because omegas were little better than property to be bought or sold through dowries–treasured in families, to be sure, but one could never hold a position of power. Whether they were even allowed to cultivate was generally the decision of their alpha after they had been mated; how could omegas be expected to control their base lusts without a firm and guiding hand?
“He murdered my brother, Qiu Jianluo, and stole their child,” Qiu Haitang wept. “Qiu Yuan, a precious omega of our house!”
And now it felt like all the air around him had vanished. Shen Yuan couldn’t breathe.
“Baba…” Shen Yuan whispered.
The teas. The damn teas that Shen Qingqiu insisted they drink together every day. Shen Qingqiu had never liked Shen Yuan; had encouraged the other disciples to bully him, had turned away from Shen Yuan’s tears. But he insisted every day at the same time that they take tea together. It was a far cry from family bonding. It was as much warmth as Shen Yuan ever had from him.
“The omega Qiu Yuan of course cannot remain in omega Shen Jiu’s care,” the Huan Hua Palace Master insisted.
This!!! Fucking!!! Setup!!! Everyone was just taking Qiu Haitang’s word for everything, even though Shen Yuan was certain he and Shen Qingqiu were still to all appearances betas. This could only mean one thing… or rather, that one person was behind this.
“We will arrange a marriage for him straight away to a trustworthy cultivator of great promise,” the Huan Hua Palace Master continued.
There it was.
Shen Yuan peered through the crowd and sure enough there was Luo Binghe, watching the proceedings with the smug look of someone for whom everything was going according to plan. For the protagonist everything always went according to plan.
And in this case apparently the plan was to collect Shen Yuan into Luo Binghe’s harem like a special edition Pokemon card!
Gongyi Xiao stepped forward and reached out to Shen Yuan. “It’s going to be all right,” he said softly, the trappings of kindness trying to hide the poison of the lie.
The snap of a paper fan unfurling. Blood spattered the cobbles at their feet. Gongyi Xiao clutched his bleeding wrist and cried out in pain.
And then it was Shen Qingqiu standing there, shielding Shen Yuan from the view of the crowd.
“If you try to take Shen Yuan, I will slaughter you all and dance in your bloody remains,” Shen Qingqiu snarled, and raised his fan, stained crimson at its qi-honed edge.
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hwaightme · 5 months
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🥂pairing: jongho x gn!reader 🥂genre: fluff, acquaintances to lovers ��summary: normally, you are not one to enjoy clichés, but what can you do when the best man at your best friend's wedding is choi jongho? 🥂wordcount: 1.6k 🥂warnings/tags: unedited, reader is 'maid of honour', puns, jjong-rizz, dancing, much pining, it's giving 80s/90s romcom, flirting, lmk if anything else 🥂author's note: 'chella jjong. that's the post. thank you so much <3 any reblogs/comments appreciated!
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It might be cliché. Something you had seen in films and shows many times over. You had scoffed at the pairing and labelled it as a trope tied by tradition and the general public desire for happy endings to everything - despite it rarely ever being the case. But here you were, catching yourself staring a little too long at the best man, and discovering that your heart was beating just that little bit faster, fluttering whenever he whispered one thing or another to you so as to not attract attention from other people who shared the table.
It wasn’t that you did not know Jongho, hell, you knew him very well - or at least the on-stage Jongho, the ace performer Jongho, the legendary vocalist Jongho. Having seen his achievements on the news and having heard stories about him travelling across your social circle, you were well aware of his professional capabilities. You, however, could not say much beyond that. Past common courtesies and the occasional nod in recognition, you had never shared as much as a couple of sentences with the man. Even though he was the groom’s closest friend and your best friend’s, the bride’s, recent but trustworthy acquaintance, he was a mystery to you. A mystery with an infinitely precious smile and a sense of humour that was too similar to yours to be able to hold a poker face.
It all started with a pun on an item in the set course menu for dinner. And then another. And then another, completed by yourself much to his delight. Soon enough, both of you were dissolving into a fit of giggles, sharing the jokes that others either had not quite understood or heard. It did not matter. They were not addressed to them anyways. At least not when Jongho was fully turned towards you, a glimmer in his eyes and a softness so indescribable painted across his features that you struggled to regain your composure.
You were quick to connect over the many things you had in common, and spent some time simmering in each other’s passions, enjoying the stars in one another’s eyes as you delved deeper into details. He was kind, attentive. A listener. But at the same time, no matter what topic you ventured into, even if just tentatively and temporarily, he remained just as transfixed by you as you were by him. Whenever you were worried that you had over-talked your welcome, he would encourage you to continue with a gentle question. In a rapidly descending spiral, you got addicted to his melodic laughter and how his nose would scrunch up occasionally, far too adorable to resist. 
Jongho reminded you of old classics, golden autumn sunshine and the sensation of when you get to rest after a long day in your favourite cafe, with a warming cup of the finest brew; perhaps this was because you found out you shared an appreciation for coffee with him. Be it ‘Roman Holiday’ or ‘Singing in the Rain’, Jongho retained a certain something that could not be defined by simply taking in a snippet of the present day. While you referenced recent trends and popular videos spreading online at each other, nonetheless there was something timeless about him. You wondered if this was exactly why his voice was so enchanting. The aura spread from the way he carried himself, to the way he made you feel, to the way he made you wish you did not have to look at anyone else. Dark locks that were elegantly styled to highlight him as every bit a gentleman, pretty espresso-coloured eyes that you had memorised by now, a tailor-made suit and infinite charisma that made you forget you were at somebody else’s wedding.
“I do wonder why we had never spoken before,” you mused out loud as Jongho led you to the dance floor to catch the pace slowing down to gentler, more loving tracks.
“Good things take time,” he took no time in answering, almost startling you as you caught his words.
“Ah I see, needed time for interest to build,” you teased, earning a shake of the head and a shy smile.
“Or perhaps,” he snaked his arm around your waist, and waited for you to position yourself comfortably to join in a slow dance, “to muster up the courage.”
“Hm? Pray tell,” you tilt your head, floating to the music and the sound of Jongho’s voice.
“Well I hardly think that gawking across the room is a good way to get to know someone,” you felt blush rising to your cheeks as you thought back to the times when you would study him or sneak glances at different gatherings where both of you just so happened to be - rare, but astonishingly memorable, at least the times when you could capture him in your vision and imprint him in your mind. When you looked away, just for a split second to regain your composure, you heard a soft exhale and were met with a cheeky grin, “I was referring to myself, but I am glad to know that the intrigue was mutual.”
“Hm- so, what made you want to change things up?” you swore that if he were to let go of you right this second, you would probably collapse on the floor. 
“A kind piece of advice from your friend in white. Told me that I should probably take my chances,” he tilted his head in the direction of the bride and groom before turning in time to the song.
“Wise words,” for what had to be the first time in your life, you decided to be grateful that your friend had a penchant for matchmaking.
You never quite let yourself drift in daydreams too deeply, be it out of a fear that they would turn into regular escapist paradise or out of despising the sensation of disappointment that often proceeded after entertaining even the simplest idea. But now, you could not bring yourself to avoid anything. If anything, you desperately wanted to dive in, see where the duet could take you.
One song replaced another, and you were still in his embrace, allowing yourself to enjoy the moments trickling by. Butterflies were replaced by a novel serenity, as though no matter what happened, Jongho would still be around. It made you remember something you had read about one time: the premonition of love, the feeling that in the future, you could love a person with your mind, body and soul. And, funnily enough, the realisation did not make you want to bolt in the opposite direction like it usually did. Instead, you leaned closer, and spotted the glints of that same new beginning in Jongho’s gaze.
Were you confident? No, far from it. If anything, you knew that the chances of things working out were rather disconcerting, but you did not mind trying. You could not deny the spark that was between you, nor could you ignore the realisation that this was not a spontaneous meeting of two strangers. If there was something you could choose to regret, it would be not attempting to get to know Jongho earlier; but then again, was it time lost, or a necessary pause that led you to where you were now? As the song blended into another and the two of you stepped away from the dance floor, you noticed you were still resting your hand in his. Shyly, you pulled away, your actions only to be mirrored by an equally flustered Jongho. His airy, melodic giggle made you beam; you struggled to hide it by studying the floor. It was easy to conclude that your efforts were in vain when he reached out to brush his hand over your upper arm, and carefully uttered your name. In the span of the evening, how he said it became your favourite sound.
“I’m not a fact, but I’d love it if you were to face me,” he joked, making you purse your lips in an effort to not crack so quickly.
“Jongho, come on-”
“You must be floored-” you looked up, met with a smug and mischievous grin that melted into relief and an unparalleled radiance. Oh this man and his silly puns. How you were fond of it all.
“Careful, you might just steal the show,” you gestured around you, reminding both him and yourself that you were, in fact, supposed to be celebrating somebody else. Not that you minded the attention and the way in which your heart twirled.
“Mmm, fair. Then, how about… this is our first meeting. First real meeting, I mean. We can be the main event elsewhere, if you agree to join me,” he was hopeful, gaze locked with yours. Music barely reached you, drowned out by his proposition and the steady beat of your growing feelings.
“Are you asking me out, Choi Jongho?”
“Mm, I do believe so. So, will you do me the honour and agree to go on a date with me?”
“How can I resist?”
You smiled as you felt Jongho guiding you into a spin before rejoining the dancing crowd, and happily followed. As you returned a hand to his shoulder and delicately repositioned the other to be palm to palm with his, you could not help but recollect your now archaic musings. Perhaps some clichés were more than welcome, and some things did make you wholeheartedly believe in and hope for your... and his... happy ending. 
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🥂perma-taglist: @justhere4kpop @starrysvn @byuntrash101 @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @maddkitt @ren-junwrld @pyeonghongrie-main @marsstarxhwa @pocketjoong-reads @yeooclock @yeonjunnie @asjkdk @lucky-cat-cafe @northerngalxy @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu
thank you <3 to join taglist, send an ask! any reblogs appreciated <3 much love!
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konigsblog · 2 months
hi!! i love ur stuff so so much but would you be able to do something for m reader or transmale reader?? i dont mind which characters (but soap or gaz would be nice) but i know you more sort of specialize in könig, so characters doesn't really matter.
but like, m reader or transmale reader with cnc please 🫶
again love your stuff and completely understandable if you cant :)
Creep!Gaz and Creep!Soap thots™
Soap x Gax x Male!Reader
Thank you for your request, my lovely :3 I have been receiving a couple requests for Transmale!Reader, so I think now is a good time to remind you guys that I don't write for Transgender!Readers !
It was Johnny's idea. The pair had been stalking you nonstop for months now, learning your routine so they could constantly watch you from afar. They'd watch you shower after a mission in the communal showers, scrubbing off all the dirt and grime that layered your soft skin. You were their newest recruit, and their newest obsession.
You thought you could trust the two men. After all, they were your trustworthy teammates, what reason did you have to fear the pair? After a night out drinking after a successful mission, you felt yourself growing more and more dizzy, with your head throbbing and your vision becoming blurry. The two had offered to walk you back to the base, a kind gesture in your eyes. Although, they were simply looking for some private time with you, away from the watchful eyes of their Captain.
Instead of being left in your barracks to deal with your headache in peace, the men decided to have a little bit of fun with you. You could feel Gaz's hand wander over your crotch repeatedly, rubbing your clothed cock ‘til you were hissing out drunkenly at the ache between your legs. You could hear the sound of their pants unzipping as you shifted between unconsciousness and consciousness. All you remember was the splitting and agonising sensation of Johnny forcing his sweaty, meaty cock inside and the rough, familiar Scottish accent in your ear.
You couldn't control your tears as you wept and cried pathetically beneath the experienced, older men, who had years of experience in the military beneath their belt and fuckton of control and authority over rookies like yourself.
“Quit cryin’, lad. Man up, aye? Don’t be such a fuckin’ coward...” The Scotsman let out, his voice hoarse and frustrated at your constant squirming.
You felt Johnny's scarred, rough hands wander your body, his blunt fingernails digging into your hips as he forced your rear skyward and your face into your pillow. Gaz's fingers nestled in your hair and tilted your head towards him while Soap ploughed relentlessly into your tight asshole, with one hand on the small of your back and the other jerking your leaking cock off, taunting you for enjoying such vile treatment. You could feel Soap's cockhead smack and prod against your insides, silencing your pained and horrified pleas.
Your vision was blurry and your bones felt weak. Kyle wasn't gentle in the slightest, as he pushed his swollen, bulbous dick into your mouth, fucking your tight throat ruthlessly. Your lips became puffy around Kyle's lengthy girth, with tears rolling down your cheeks uncontrollably.
“Don’t think you’re fit for the military if you can’t handle a little roughenin’ up, no?” Gaz chucked teasingly, cocking his head at you while both men violated your weak body for their own amusement, arousal, and entertainment.
Who would believe you, anyways? A silly recruit like you... You were drunk, who would care for you? You're just attempting to tear down the reputation they've built for themselves, aren't you?
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chosok-amo · 3 months
Hello! I saw that your requests are open! I was going to ask, of course, if you are comfortable writing a fic about Inumaki Toge x Reader. I can imagine Inumaki being everyone's vent box, and sometimes he would want to vent too, and he confides in Reader via letters. Bonus points if you add some skinship. I have this scene in my head where Inumake and Reader are cuddling on the couch, and Reader is reading the letter out loud and comforting Inumake with his troubles and insecurities!
It's completely alright if you don't want to write this, but if you do, thank you in advance!🫶🏻
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idk if I write this well enough and filled your expectations, but I hope you like it.
as a student at jujutsu high, toge inumaki stands out for his exceptional abilities and unique challenges. gifted with the powerful cursed speech technique, he can command anyone to follow his instructions simply by speaking. this ability makes him a formidable sorcerer, capable of turning the tide of battle with a single word. however, the power comes with a significant burden; he must be extremely careful with his words to avoid accidentally harming his friends or himself. that explains why he talks using onigiri ingredient words.
his nonabilities are also the reason why he became a natural vent box for his friends because of the lack of communication. no one would fear him to blabber his mouth and all the secrets would be buried deep down, creating a space where others feel safe to express themselves without interruption, and without being judged.
toge’s inability to engage in regular conversation means that secrets and personal stories shared with him are secure. his friends know that their words are safe with him and that he won't accidentally reveal their confidences. this creates a trustworthy space where they can unload their burdens without fear of gossip or judgment.
toge is indeed a reliable friend who truly listens without judgment. his ability to keep secrets is admired by many. however, this does not mean that he has no problems of his own. as a jujutsu sorcerer, he often faces dangerous missions. he is also burdened by the responsibility of controlling his powerful cursed speech technique. and despite his kind nature, he longs for the chance to communicate normally with his loved ones.
one sunny afternoon, you walked down the dormitory hall with a spring in your step, eager to see your beloved boyfriend, toge inumaki. the sunlight streaming through the windows bathed the hallway in a warm, golden glow, mirroring the warmth you felt in your heart.
you reached toge’s door and knocked gently, anticipating bubbling inside you. within moments, the door creaked open, and there he stood, his familiar, gentle smile greeting you. his eyes lit up at the sight of you, and he stepped aside to let you in. “salmon,” he greeted warmly, his way of saying hello.
“hey baby,” you stepped inside as you wrapped your hands around his neck, kissing his lips softly for a second. as you leaned up to kiss him, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. the feel of your body against his and the taste of your lips on his sent a jolt of electricity through him. he returned the kiss gently but with a hint of passion.
he reluctantly broke the kiss and looked down at you with a soft smile on his face before he leaned down and placed his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling his face against your neck affectionately. he inhaled your scent deeply, his body relaxing against yours. his embrace was warm and comforting, as if he was trying to savor every moment of being close to you. his breath tickled your skin as he whispered against your ear, “Ikura..”
you let out a soft chuckle, your eyes twinkling with affection as you gently cupped toge's face, turning it so he was looking directly at you. “oh, my love, were you missing me that much?” you teased, your voice laced with playful warmth.
a light blush crept up his cheeks as he realized you had caught him. he tried to feign indifference, arching an eyebrow and rolling his eyes, a classic ‘it’s not what it looks like’ gesture. but his eyes betrayed him, sparkling with a mix of embarrassment and fondness. e muttered under his breath, speaking softly so you could still hear him.
“tuna mayo...”
“maybe a little bit…”
you could feel the sincerity in his simple reply, and it made your heart swell with love. “i missed you too baby, more than you can imagine,” you continued, your fingers brushing lightly against his cheek. “gojo sent you to do too many missions with yuta, it's kinda annoying how you spend more time with him than you were with me,” you pretend to sulk.
he let out an amused scoff at your pretend sulk— chuckled at your feigned jealousy, his eyes glinting with amusement. he stepped closer to you, his arms encircling your waist as he gently pulled you against his chest, sandwiching you between his body and the wooden door. his thumb tracing small circles on your hip. the corner of his lip tugged up into a sly smirk. he leaned in a little closer and spoke in a hushed tone as if sharing a secret.
“jealous, are we?”
with one hand wrapped around his neck and the other playing with the zipper of his mask, you tried to avoid his gaze.
you shrug, “I mean, It's obvious, isn't it?”
he chuckled, enjoying the game of feigned jealousy you were playing. he gently lifted your chin with his finger, forcing you to meet his gaze. his eyes glittered with a mix of affection and teasing.
“are you seriously jealous of Yuta?”
you chuckle and wave your hand dismissively. “nah, not really,” you say with a playful grin, taking his hand and gently leading him towards his bed. “but seriously, sweetheart, if that brush-looking gojo keeps dragging you along on missions with him, I might be,” you tease, your voice light.
he smirked and allowed you to lead him to the bed, knowing you were only teasing. he sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling you down to sit in his lap. his hands grip your thighs, a warm and familiar gesture— thumb rubbing gentle circles on your skin.
he leaned his head back against the wall, the smile never leaving his face. he feigned a serious tone as he spoke, but there was still a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“I’ll tell Gojo to stop sending me on missions with Yuta.”
again, wrapping your arm around his neck, you move closer to his face, smile never fading. “yeah? would you do that for me?” you whisper, lips nearly brushing his, the warmth of your breath fanning across his face. you eyes flickered from toge's captivating purple gaze to his soft pink lips before returning to his eyes.
he lets out a soft exhale, his eyes fluttering at the feeling of your breath against his face. his grip on your thighs tightens slightly, his body responding to your closeness. he looks up at you with a mixture of affection and desire in his gaze. his lips quirked into a small smirk as if inviting you to come closer. he whispered back, his voice low and husky.
“anything for you, baby.”
you smirked, saying, “that's what I wanted to hear,“ before closing the distance and pressing your lips to his in a tender kiss that soon became heated. his hands slid up your body, fingers gripping your hips as he pulled you even closer to him. he groaned softly as his tongue intertwined with yours, the kiss growing more intense and passionate.
he rolled you beneath him, pinning you down onto the bed as he continued to kiss you deeply. his body pressed flush against yours, his hands roaming over your body with a mixture of gentleness and possessiveness. he broke the kiss for a moment, his breath ragged and his eyes dark with desire as he whispered against your lips.
“Ikura.. ”
“god, you’re driving me crazy.”
and let's just say you spend two hours in his dorm room getting fucked by him.
two hours later, the air is thick with the scent of sweat and desire. you lay tangled in the sheets, still trying to catch your breath. toge is lying beside you, a satisfied smile on his face. one arm is wrapped loosely around your waist, his body warm against yours, still slightly glistening with a thin layer of sweat.
he leans in, nuzzling his face against your neck, his lips brushing softly against your skin. he whispers softly, his voice filled with fondness and content.
“that was incredible…”
“hm? I'm afraid I can't walk tomorrow.”
he chuckled at your comment, his chest rumbling with laughter. he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest and nuzzling his face into your hair. his hand gently running up and down your spines in a comforting gesture. he knows he went a bit too rough but he also knows that you enjoyed it as much as he did.
he smiled mischievously, his eyes glinting with a mix of affection and playfulness. he whispered in your ear, his voice low and husky— filled with a mix of pride and playful satisfaction.
his hands gently keep stroking your back, his touch soft and caring. he whispers again, his voice a little bit cheeky this time.
“Guess I’ll have to carry you around tomorrow then.”
playfully you hit his chest before hugging his waist, “so you want everyone in school to know that you just fuck me so hard that I can't walk?” he winces slightly at your playful hit, but his smile only grows wider at your words. wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest as he chuckled, trying to play it cool but secretly loving your teasing.
he leans down, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin. He murmured softly in your ear,
you rolled your eyes before patting his biceps slightly, “come on babe, go clean yourself, I'll make us dinner.” you get up from the bed and pull toge's t-shirts that lying around his floor.
he watches as you get up and put on his shirt. he can't help but admire the way you look in his clothes, his eyes roaming over your body appreciatively. he grins at your commanding tone, amused by your bossiness. He stands up and stretches, his muscles flexing as he moves. but he doesn't go to clean himself immediately.
instead, he walks over to you and envelops you in a hug from behind, his arms encircling your waist. he lays his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling his face against your neck. his voice low— murmuring dirty words in your ear. you gasp after hearing the words before playfully hitting his arm, this time slightly hard, “toge!” he laughed before running to the bathroom.
he laughed heartily as he dodged your playful hits and dashes toward the bathroom, amused by your reaction. he closed the door behind him, still chuckling. a few moments passed, dinner was ready and you called out for your boyfriend from the kitchen. you put some plates on the dinner table the moment he came into the kitchen, his hair still damp from the shower, wearing nothing but a fresh pair of boxers.
“come sit, babe,” you smiling.
toge grins back at you as he takes a seat at the table, watching you arrange the food on the plates with a warm expression in his eyes. he can’t help but appreciate the domesticity of the moment, finding comfort and contentment in the simple act of sharing a meal together. he leans back in his chair, his eyes lazily roaming over your figure as you finish up preparations. he reaches for your hip, gently pulling you closer between his legs.
“Come sit on my lap.”
both of you are spending dinner in comfort, bodies pressed against each other as if the two hours of fucking nonstop wasn't enough to let go of longing. “yuta was here earlier, right? is he venting about maki to you again, babe?” you ask toge, throwing a glance to your behind for a moment to look at him as he plays on his phone.
toge takes his eyes off his phone for a moment, raising an eyebrow at your question. he smirks slightly at the mention of yuta venting about maki to him. It’s a common occurrence, and he's gotten used to yuta's pining for their fiery classmate.
he nods in confirmation to your question, his arms casually encircling your waist as he responds.
“yeah, it's the usual. yuta and maki are having their usual love-hate thing going on again.”
rolling your eyes in annoyance, “ugh, that stupid womanizer, I told him not to do that to you—” you put down your fork to invest your attention fully to toge. hands on his naked chest, “baby, you know you don't have to do that every time, right? you're not anyone's vent box, and sometimes it is overwhelmed.”
you know how toge wouldn't mind being everyone's vent box, all he had to do was just listen and throw some one-word answers. but your boyfriend can be a little bit people-pleaser— don't have the heart to say no when he himself feels overwhelmed, insecure, or anything.
toge leans back a little in his chair, enjoying the feeling of your hands on his chest. a small wrinkle forms on his forehead at your words. he knows deep down that what you’re saying is true but he just can’t say no, especially to people that he’s close with. he sighs and averts his gaze, avoiding eye contact. he's torn between his own discomfort and the desire to be there for his friends.
“I know... but it's just how I am.”
“i know that, I know you don't mind listening to them, but it is not your job to always be there for them, you can't. you wanna be there for everyone but who's gonna be there for you?” you stroking his collarbone softly.
toge leans into your touch, enjoying the simple comfort of your fingers running over his collarbone. he looks up at you with a mixture of love and vulnerability in his eyes. he stays silent for a moment, processing your words. It's rare for him to be the focus of concern, as he's usually the one taking care of others. he lets out a soft sigh, his head dropping forward to rest on your shoulder.
“You’re right. I just don’t know how to say no.”
you stay silent for a moment, eyes focusing on your finger on his collarbone. “how about..” toge pulls his head away from your shoulder to look at you— eyebrows arise. “how about you write me a letter? write to me about how you feel, your thoughts, your insecurity, anything.” finally you meet his purple gaze, “i'll be your vent box.”
toge's eyes widen slightly at your suggestion, surprise and a hint of vulnerability shining in them. the thought of expressing his true feelings and thoughts, especially his insecurities, is a bit daunting to him. he's so used to keeping it all to himself, fearing he’ll be a burden to others.
but as he looks into your eyes, he knows he can trust you, that you’ll listen without judgment, and that you truly want to be there for him like he is for everyone else. he takes a moment to process your words, his mind already contemplating the idea. It would be a new and unusual experience for him to bear his own thoughts and feelings, instead of always being on the receiving end. he leans back slightly, his expression a mix of shyness and intrigue. he quietly nods, a small, reluctant smile on his face.
“okay, I’ll try it..”
“cool! come on, let's try it now!”
you get up from his lap and pull him to the couch. you push him to sit on the couch while you go to his desk for a second and back to him with a paper and pen before sitting next to him. “here babe, write anything you want. I'm not gonna peek until you are finished and ready for me to read, we will read it together, okay?”
you smiled at him with one hand cupping his cheek to pull him closer, giving his lips a peck. “i'll stay in your bed and you can take your time, I'll be waiting.” toge takes a moment to process your words, his heart fluttering at the supportive gesture from you. he nods, feeling a bit relieved as you reassure him that you won’t peek until he’s ready.
as you kiss his lips gently, he feels a wave of gratitude wash over him. he nuzzles his head into your hand for a moment, savoring the closeness. he watches as you get up from the couch and make your way to his bed, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the paper in front of him.
the wait stretched on, each minute feeling like an eternity. but finally, toge appeared in the doorway, the letter clutched tightly in his hand. his expression was a mixture of nervousness and anticipation as he stepped into the room and approached the bed. he could feel the weight of your eyes on him as he slowly made his way over to you.
“Ikura,” he murmured softly.
you smiled softly at him before standing up and bringing him back to the couch. he sits himself first before his hands reach out to you, inviting you to sit between his legs as he leans against the end of the couch. his toned arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his naked chest.
you take the opportunity to settle into the embrace of his strong thighs, his muscled arm enclosing you in a tight but gentle hold around your waist. his chest, bare and warm against your back, serves as a firm and comforting anchor for you. you can feel his heartbeat, steady and reassuring, thumping against your spine.
you look back at him, still smiling softly, “you ready baby? want me to read it out loud?” you ask, wanting him to be comfortable first before you read his letter.
toge nods slightly in response to your question, his expression a mix of nervousness and hope. te clutches the paper tighter in his hand, his knuckles turning white from the firm grip. the weight of his insecurity and vulnerability is evident in his tense muscles, his body language betraying the anxiousness within him.
he swallows hard, his throat bobbing with the gesture. he looks up at you, his gaze searching your eyes for reassurance. his response is a quiet whisper.
you take a deep breath and start reading the contents of his letter. as you read his thoughts and feelings, you can feel the rawness and honesty in his words. his writing is sincere and unfiltered, his sentences reflecting his inner struggles and insecurities.
your heart aches for him as you read aloud his fears of not being enough, of disappointing others, of not being able to say no. It's clear that he has been carrying these burdens alone, bottling them up inside with a mask of nonchalance.
Dear [Your Name]
I’ve been wanting to share my thoughts with you for a while now, but it’s not easy for me to talk about these things out loud. Writing them down seems to be the best way.
Lately, I’ve been feeling a lot of pressure. Sometimes, I worry that I’m not good enough or strong enough. Compared to Yuuta and everyone else, I feel like I fall short. I know I have this powerful ability, but it comes with so many restrictions. I can't even have a normal conversation without risking someone’s safety.
I fear that I’m disappointing those who count on me. The expectations weigh heavily on me, and I struggle with the idea that I might let everyone down. It’s hard for me to say no when people ask for my help, even when I’m overwhelmed. I just want to be reliable, someone people can depend on.
But sometimes, it feels like I’m wearing a mask of calm and confidence, hiding how I truly feel inside. The truth is, I’m scared of failing and of not being able to meet everyone’s expectations. I’ve been bottling up these feelings for so long, and it’s exhausting.
I’m sharing this with you because I trust you more than anyone else. You’ve always been there for me, understanding me in ways no one else can. Your support means the world to me, and I wanted you to know what’s been weighing on my heart.
Thank you for listening, even if it’s through these written words.
With all my love,
as you finish reading, your eyes meet toge’s. his vulnerability and sincerity are laid bare, and you can see the weight he’s been carrying alone. you reach out, take his hand in yours, and hold it tightly, offering him your unwavering support and understanding.
toge looks up at you, his eyes locked onto yours. there’s a mix of relief and vulnerability swimming in his gaze, his expression a reflection of the raw emotions he’s just poured out on the paper. he feels exposed, stripped bare before you, but at the same time, relieved to have finally shared the thoughts and insecurities he’s been carrying alone.
when you take his hand in yours, he tightens his grip on you, his fingers interlocking with yours as if holding on for dear life.
you rub your hand on his chest to his neck before back to his chest. “i'm so sorry you have to go through that alone, and I'm not there enough for you, baby.” you lock your eyes with his purple gaze.
toge’s eyes soften as you rub your hand along his chest and up to his neck. he can feel the love and care in your gesture. your words, expressing your regret and empathy, resonate deep within him, touching a part of his soul that he thought was untouchable.
he shakes his head gently, a silent protest against your apologies. the depth of his love for you is evident in his gaze as his eyes lock with yours. he speaks quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“.. Mentaiko”
you rest your back against the pillow, to take a good look at your boyfriend. you hold his one hand and bring it to your lips, kiss the back of his hand. “i promise I'll always be there for you. right now, I'm your vent box. I'll be your vent box, doesn't matter how many letters you write, I'll read it and keep it for myself.”
*toge’s expression softens further as you bring his hand to your lips, the touch of your lips against his skin sending a shiver down his spine. your promise to be there for him, to be his “vent box,” resonates deep within him, and a wave of relief washes over him. he looks at you, his eyes misty with unshed tears, grateful for your unconditional love and support. he nods slightly, his hand holding onto yours tighter. he speaks quietly, his voice filled with vulnerability and raw emotion.
“.. Takana.”
“i love you, baby.”
you smiled at him, “i love you too baby,” you returned the feelings. your right hand touched the nape of his neck before pulling him closer to plant a kiss on his lips. toge’s breath hitches as you touch the nape of his neck and pull him closer, igniting a spark of desire and affection within him.
when your lips meet his in a gentle kiss, he melts into the embrace, his body pressing against yours. His hand releases yours, and his arm wraps around your waist, holding you tightly against him. he returns the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a mix of tenderness and passion. he can feel his earlier vulnerability and insecurity slowly disappearing as he loses himself in the intimate moment between you both.
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boomhoon · 8 months
if you’re a love and deepspace fan ily -> THIS IS FOR ALL U HOT PPL<3 Anyway, I was bored studying, and ended up typing this out (💀) so here are my random thoughts:
Driving with the love and deepspace love interests!
Content: Reader is implied to be the female MC in the game, you are dating them, kissing, mentions of food, mentions of crashing, SFW
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Zayne- This man is your designated driver. TRUST that you will get to your destination safely, and efficiently. You are a passenger queen atp
The kind to remind you to take off your claw clip, and to wear sunglasses if it’s sunny. Safety first 🤓☝️
I imagine his car to be very clean. No clutter! Any cards, or paperwork is tucked away in a folder, and that folder is also tucked in some pocket in the car
Zayne would probably have a rule stating: No food in the car
^ If he sees you opening a bag of chips, he’ll shoot you a disapproving look before calmly snatching your snack away. “Save it for later”
^ He will allow liquids, and trusts that you won’t spill it
He will let you have aux, but the volume is lowered, and never blasting
The car will smell like his cologne, and the faint scent of a hospital (idek)
Will drive with both hands, but if the road is long and empty, he will switch to doing it one-handed. If he’s wearing a sleeve, they will be rolled up slightly— his skin is so pale, so his veins will show. It will look good ESP when he switches gears
^ And oh ma gaaaaa the watch adorning his wrist will show, AND IM GOING CRAZYYY, ARE YOUU???
Zayne will keep that chad face 🗿the whole time while driving, and you end up staring at his face the whole ride. He notices your stares but doesn’t dare take his eyes away from the road
If he’s feeling comfortable enough, he will put his hand on your thigh. His fingers will lightly caress the inside of your thigh, and give it gentle squeezes. His hands are mad cold though 🥶 BRR
- Overall Zayne is very trustworthy, so he is getting a 9/10. A point taken off because of the no food rule
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Rafayel- Sorry to those Rafayel girlies, but you are a passenger survivor if this man takes the wheel! So instead he will be the passenger princess 😇 mwahaha 😈😈
To be his driver you better have the patience of a saint…
Demands he gets the aux, and will only consider letting a few of your favorite songs play if you do something for him (kisses)
“Oh- you’re going the wrong way, where are you taking me? What kind of bodyguard is this…”
You explain that you know a shortcut, but he’s not buying it.
“If I end up being killed, just know I told Thomas I was going with you.” You simply roll your eyes for the umpteenth time
And if Rafayel notices you’re driving over the speed limit, be prepared for the most dramatic show on the side. His hands will grip the grab handle, eyes will close shut, “It would be a miracle if we don’t crash and die! I hope my legacy will be the same as Leonardo Da Vinci .” He mumbles to himself. “And what if we get arrested!? my career as a painter is over then…” Another mumbled complaint.
“Im sure Leonardo wasn’t this much of a complainer.” You mumble back, and his eyes shoot open before giving you a glare
“You humans don't seem to value life at all.” He huffs, a small pout gracing his lips.
If you swerve too much, it’s another thing to complain about, “I’m going to get carsick. As my bodyguard you should be taking my health into consideration.”
“Silly girl, you could’ve gone earlier.” Causally comments as you’re waiting for a chance to turn onto a street. You couldn’t have gone earlier
RAFAYEL IS A MENACE IM TELLING U ( a very charming one)
Now, if he’s feeling generous, and notices that your hands are busy at the wheel, he will feed you 🤗
^ “Open~” you do so, and he pops a piece of his food into your mouth.
^ He gives you a fond smile before swiftly taking a napkin, and wiping the corners of your mouth
“Are we almost there yet?” ← his favorite thing to say
Okay but if he does end up driving, you’re either crashing or getting arrested. He can’t even row a boat GOOD LAWD
When you finally reach your destination, he’ll reach over to give you a hug, and a chaste kiss on the lips. “Babe you drive well! Almost better than thomas!”
7/10, being in a car with rafayel is actually really fun! Love this man 🤞🤞
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Xavier- okay now here’s MY MAN 😍😍! You are a true passenger princess here
so you should too 😝
Fs would create a road trip playlist to only share with you
But be warned… he may fall asleep at the wheel 😱
Bro would look so majestic as he’s driving with the sun on him.
You turn to the side where Xavier is, and there’s a sunset behind him. You sneak a picture, admiring the sun, and Xavier in all their glory.
Xavier will hold your hand throughout the car ride, and listen attentively to you talk about a variety of things.
^ Occasionally he will bring your fingers up to his lips and kiss them gently
^ Sneaks soft glances at you out of adoration
Constantly checking his mirrors, and surroundings to make sure everything is good
^ Do you want something for the road? We can pick up snacks on the way.” Doesn’t care much if his car is super clean or not, so food is very much welcomed!
His car will definitely have small little pictures of the two of you! Photo-booth strips, polaroids, you name it! 🙌
^ They’ll be hanging along on the visor, or kept safe in the glovebox
Please go on a drive-in movie theater date with this man!!!!
The trunk is open, and the two of you are sitting there with mountains of pillows and blankets surrounding you both
Xavier keeps an arm around you, pulling you in closer when the breeze travels by
Your eyes will glance up from the movie to stare at the twinkling stars above you. And upon looking at the stars your mind drifts to Xavier.
You look to your side to take a peek, only to find Xavier already looking at you
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Taglist: @sanasour @mars101
a/n: THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING IT TILL THE END! I just had to share my thoughts, any form of interaction is greatly appreciated
@mars101 had to tag you again because i know you love this game so much, play it everyday, and consume lots of media on it, isn’t that right ?😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
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clerk427 · 9 months
An open love letter to the entire Faith the unholy trinity fandom off sorts. I present to you.....
John in the style of 9 different artist!
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(Keep in mind this is a style study. And although the whole thing was drawn by me, please please PLEASE check out the artists whose style I tried out. Thank you!)
This was SUCH a fun experience! I honestly love our fandom, and I adore how unique everyone's style and perception of John is. Says a lot about society or smth.
And even though I probably didn't do justice to all the art styles, I really hope they are recognizable.
Also, you might've noticed an empty spot in the end. Well, it's for you! Naturally, I wasn't able to include every artist, but I hope you will be interested in taking a spin at this yourself. Thank you and good luck!!!
A closer look, links and notes under the cut
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I adore how soft this version of John looks, he seems so trustworthy and kind, gah. The shading style is surprisingly difficult, but I hope I managed to pull it off:) I also adore Prince's AUs hehehe
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A very unique colouring style!! I've seen a few versions of how this artist draws John, but decided to stop on this one. His face is so adorableeeee. I also LOVE the use of liturgical clothing and themes!!
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Eeeeep I love how they use colours in their works and how well they use composition??? Like omg. Such such pretty works, I hope they create even more art
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I lovvve how game-adjacent this artist's style is. I also love the way they (I'm so sorry, I'm not sure about the pronouns) draw hands and use body language. Also, the father and children AU??? Muah.
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I'm not even pretending I managed to pull this one off, I bit so much more than I could chew. But I couldn't not try, I almost every time I see their use of coloured pencils and watercolours, I just can't. Love love love
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So. As far as I can tell, Zoup doesn't use this style TOO often, but it wasn't leaving my head, I had to try. The artist did so much for the fandom, the Gary ask blog is such a treat. Yum
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Hee hee he's so shapes. The legs. Beautiful. I wasn't sure about the colouring style since I only saw lineart done by this artist, so I decided to use the in-game ones. I hope they do more art, it's so unique and makes me happy!:)
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Wet cat John. Silly. A little pathetic, but in a nice way. I feel like I didn't make the lineart the way he does, it is usually more gentle, but I still hope it will suffice. Also my God he does amazing backgrounds, which I sadly can't portray here. (A personal thank you for giving me the courage for doing self-inserts)
Annnd that's it! I thank you for everything and I hope this whole thing will somehow inspire you. Keep doing art, let the world see your vision! Also go draw a pathetic blue priest /j
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tinyundercover · 2 months
pepper & felix
this takes place after part twenty! thank you for reading! word count: 1.2k
Owen’s shoulder, as tall as he was, was incredibly spacious. 
Pepper had never sat on anyone’s shoulder but Felix’s, so it was a bit daunting— but in the last two months, Owen had proven himself to be more than trustworthy. The darkness of the theater enveloped both Pepper and Basil, and since Owen was seated directly next to the wall, both borrowers felt comfortable being out in the open, even with so many humans around.
“I’m nervous,” Felix’s fluttery voice floated through Pepper’s mind. Pepper’s lips twitched into a smile, and he clasped his hands against his chest.
“Don’t be. You’re gonna do great.”
“Did you get to the theater okay? Can anyone see you?”
“We’re hidden, Felix, I promise. Don’t worry about us.”
“Good— that’s good.” Felix paused. “Thank you for coming.”
Pepper beamed. “Good luck. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Pepper’s hands fell away from his chest, just as Owen’s did as well. Pepper brushed Owen’s neck to get his attention, lifting his voice. “Is Bree nervous?”
“A little,” Owen murmured. He couldn’t turn his head to face the borrowers, but Pepper could sense the smile in his voice. “But she’s gonna do great. Felix and Alice, too.”
“It’s gonna be weird when Felix and Alice kiss,” Basil teased, unhelpfully. 
“Shut up.” Pepper snorted, shoving his sister. “They’re just acting.”
“You should— oh, something’s happening.”
Basil fell quiet as music filled the theater, loud but not unpleasant. Owen briefly brought his hand to his shoulder, brushing his thumb over the two borrowers as if to ensure they were still there, and receiving two small pats in response. Pepper beamed up at him, although he knew Owen couldn’t see it. He made a mental note to thank Owen for bringing them. He appreciated it more than Owen knew.
Pepper was entranced as soon as the curtains opened. 
Alice looked more like herself than he expected; her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall, while a glimmering green dress concealed her legs, draping over the stage floor. 
Ironically, from this distance, Alice looked very small. Pepper lifted his hand, enthralled by how his palm appeared to envelop the human girl. 
“Oh,” Basil murmured affectionately. “She sounds really good.”
Indeed, Alice was singing. Her voice shimmered with a liquid which surprised Pepper, so accustomed to her usual sharp, icy tone. He blinked, heart swelling, and leaned forward in intrigue.
It felt as if he were watching a movie, but this performance was real, gorgeous, fascinating. Alice disappeared after the end of her song, and was replaced by a crowd of humans that Pepper didn’t recognize. Their outfits were strange and unusual, but they drew Pepper in. 
Pepper and Basil occasionally shared a few comments, but for the most part they were quiet, fascinated. When Felix appeared, Pepper straightened up.
The stage lights illuminated Felix in a very flattering glow, highlighting the sharpness of his bone structure, drawing Pepper’s attention to his face in a way he hadn’t noticed before. The borrower blinked, mesmerized, barely paying attention to what was happening onstage. 
“You know what,” Basil mused, “I see it. Felix is hot.”
“Dude, shut up,” Pepper hushed, face warm. Basil snickered.
The story was unusual, but Pepper followed along, mind wandering. He didn’t know much about human myths, but this concept of mermaids and witches and magical sea creatures intrigued him. 
Breanna, as kind and gentle and sweet as she was, was surprisingly frightening when she appeared onstage. Both Pepper and Basil stiffened upon seeing her, and for a moment Pepper didn’t recognize her. A dark, twisting, glittering costume swarmed her, sticking out in unusual directions, and her voice carried a villainous amusement that sent a chill down Pepper’s spine. 
“It’s like Alice and Bree switched personalities,” Basil giggled. Pepper squinted at her.
“Heh, you know— Alice is like Ursula in real life, and Bree is like Ariel. You know, because Alice is evil and Bree’s sweet.”
“Who— what?”
Basil gestured towards the stage, amused. “Dude, pay attention. The characters have names.”
The story surged on, and Pepper enjoyed it immensely. Felix had been so incredibly nervous over the past week, absolutely dreading opening night, convinced that he was going to butcher his songs and ruin the show. Pepper had assured him time and time again that that wouldn’t happen. Pepper had been right.
Felix’s voice didn’t waver in the slightest, flowing over the audience like a river, while he moved gracefully over the stage. Pepper’s heart spun in his chest, swelling with adoration, unable to pull his gaze away. 
If Felix was feeling nervous, it wasn’t perceptible to the audience in the slightest. Pepper smiled, entranced.
After a fifteen-minute intermission, in which Owen had to explain several times that no, it didn’t just end there, it’s only halfway done, the story resumed. Pepper actually found himself to be quite disappointed when it ended, but when Felix and Alice took their final bow together, glowing and laughing and beaming, his heart soared.
“I go to all their shows,” Owen remarked, later, once he had found an empty hallway to stand in. Pepper and Basil were seated in his large palms, filled with an excitable energy after the show. “This is the first time they’ve all been leads together. I’m really proud.”
His casual voice brimmed with more emotion than usual. Pepper smiled, heart warm.
“What shows are they doing after this?” After months of talking with Felix, and more recently Alice and Breanna, Pepper was proud to have learned a bit more about theater. 
Owen tilted his head, thoughtful. “Hm… our college just released the theater season for next year. Breanna was really excited for the fall one, I think it’s, uh— Chicago? Or Cabaret? One of the two.”
“I don’t know either of those,” Pepper admitted with a laugh. 
“Me neither.” Owen smiled, amused. “But I’m already excited to see it.”
A feminine voice drew all three of their gazes. Pepper sat up straighter as Breanna approached, looking frighteningly witchy in her black dress and glimmering dark makeup, but her beaming smile underneath was comfortingly familiar. 
Owen’s hand rocked as Breanna threw her arms around him, and when Pepper and Basil both let out quiet exclamations, Breanna’s gaze landed on them. “Oh! Pepper, Basil!”
She excitedly lifted a hand in greeting, pulling away from her soulmate, and the borrowers grinned.
“You did amazing,” Basil gushed, while Pepper nodded rapidly. “I didn’t know you could sing like that.”
As Owen continued to shower Breanna in compliments, two more humans appeared around the corner, gazes searching— and when Felix and Alice spotted them, they lit up.
Within seconds, Pepper was being scooped up into Felix’s hands, held against his cheek. The borrower laughed when he noticed the beige makeup smudging his clothes, and Felix jumped into breathless apologies, which Pepper disregarded.
“Felix,” Pepper beamed, meeting his soulmate’s gaze. “You were wonderful.”
Somewhere to Pepper’s right, Basil was perched in Alice’s hands, showering her supposed enemy with bright words and enthusiastic compliments. Pepper laughed, heart swelling, and leaned forward to kiss Felix’s cheek. 
“Thank you!” Felix’s voice was bright, much more energetic than what Pepper usually heard. “I– I was so nervous, but– it went well!”
Between Felix’s initial audition and now, the human had improved immensely– not necessarily in his singing ability, but in his confidence– and Pepper smiled at the thought. His gray gaze twinkled up at Felix, pride filling his expression.
“You didn’t seem nervous at all,” Pepper promised. “Seriously, I– you’re amazing. And you look… you looked really good.” He raised his eyebrows pointedly before a laugh escaped him at Felix’s flustered, amused expression. “I love you.”
With a laugh, Felix drew him closer to his face again. “I love you, too.”
TAGLIST: @smallsday @compact-katrina @satethesatelite @taters169 @entomolog-t @gtzel @gt-newbie @da3dm @clumsiergiantess @vee-normous @fee-hunter @torakan @mabelisthebatman @andithewhumper @mothsintherain @violetlight @heroofthe13thday @phoenix-on-the-run @houseboatmac @dav8530 @ididit-allofit-foryou @soakedmilkgt
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thisblogisaboutabook · 5 months
Wicked Felina (The Girl That I Love)
Part 3 - Vampire
Azriel x Reader/Rhysand’s Sister - Angst
Elain and Azriel have a moment while Tamlin and Felina reconnect. Rhys winnows his sister away following a panic attack, leaving Azriel and Tamlin to face each other one-on-one. After poor decisions are made, Azriel must answer to his High Lady. If only Feyre realized how much danger she’s in.
Part 2 Series Masterlist Part 4/Prequel
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Warnings: blood, violence, self-loathing, panic attack resulting from past heartbreak and trauma, language
To Azriel, it felt like an eternity. An eternity of standing there watching his mate in the arms of a male he despised, reviled. And Felina, she looked like she was home. Like she’d just found solace after centuries of wandering alone and weary.
And fuck, it made him a bastard but it gutted him. He wanted, no, needed, to scoop her right out of his arms and carry her to a place where it was just him and her. They had so much to address. All they’d done was fed and fucked after Azriel had been turned, he thought there’d be plenty of time for talking once the bloodlust and mating frenzy settled but then everything had gone to shit.
He was so happy to have this female he adored back in his life - but to him, she was so new and he didn’t know how to feel. Because when he looked into those eyes, he still saw that swirling darkness. Not the dancing of stars he’d once adored when they were young but, the darkness of being trapped, locked away, tormented by those who should have been trustworthy. A darkness he could recognize all too well.
Where had she been all those years?
A gentle hand landed on his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. He looked to find the brown doe-eyes of Elain, looking to him with concern - guilt.
“Can we talk for a moment?” She whispered.
Azriel felt the muscles of his jaw tighten. The thought of leaving Felina with Tamlin made him sick.
“Not now, Elain.” He grit a bit more harshly than intended. Her eyes cast downward and he saw the hurt flicker across her soft features.
Gods, looking at her now, he didn’t know how he’d ever thought the cauldron made a mistake. She was lovely, a kind soul, she was good.
But his mate - she was wild, curious about the world around her, stars eternal. At least, she had been in her youth. Somehow being turned only amplified her into a force that had yet to be reckoned with, dark and mysterious. She was fucking everything.
She started to turn away and the guilt struck Azriel. His words of “this was a mistake.” on that cursed solstice weighing heavily between them. He could give her a moment of his time.
So, he followed her. “Elain, wait.” He spoke softly, his long strides effortlessly catching him up to her. “Let’s speak over there.” Nodding his head toward a bistro set that was far enough away from the foyer for privacy, but close enough that he could monitor.
The Shadowsinger pivoted away from the situation just long enough that he missed Felina turning her head to search for him, just to see him walking away with the delicate female.
Elain seated herself at the small table, rays of sunlight shone through the window, casting a golden hue upon her hair, rendering the middle Archeron sister nearly blonde. Her leg bounced with anxiety as Azriel took a seat across from her, sending up his shadows to block the rays.
“I-“ Elain started. “Azriel, I am so sorry. This is my fault. Lucien and I have been writing, we’ve been trying to get to know eachother. I mentioned to him about the reunion between Rhys and his sister.”
Azriel pressed his lips into a line, shuffling through his thoughts and treading carefully. “It’s fine-“
“No,” she interjected. “It’s not. I only told him because I’d had a vision of blood, shadow, and night. It alarmed me but… nobody listens to me, Azriel. They don’t understand my visions, I- I don’t either. But Lucien, he listens. He tries to help. So when she showed up, and when we realized that she- and you- were turned, I realized what the vision meant. So I told him.”
Her glassy eyes looked to him. “I had no idea about Tamlin. And I think, I think I understand why Lucien told him. He knew, about the history between she and Tamlin. But I had never mentioned all that you were going through, that she’s your mate and that there are still so many unanswered questions. I’m SO sorry.”
Azriel shook his head. How could she have known? Azriel was the gods-damned spymaster, he’d always cared for Felina and made a point to look after her, and he’d never known. He had seen a note from “Peter” once but just assumed it was some crush she’d made in Velaris. How had he never thought to look further into who she was seeing?
He knew the answer though. He always had. It was the same reason he’d never looked into Lucien’s whereabouts, or Graysen’s.
But he wasn’t ready to face that right now. The jealousy he’d harbored in those days and the well of emotions and complicated histories that it would bring to light.
So, he took a steadying breath and softened his gaze as he met her wide eyes. “Elain, it’s okay. None of us knew about their history and,” he reached a scarred hand out to brush her arm, a friendly act of reassurance. “I’m happy that Lucien is helping. Your visions are worth listening to, your voice is worth hearing.”
Elain gave a smile that didn’t meet her eyes, he could see the guilt there. And while Azriel was certainly not thrilled to see Tamlin there, he harbored no ill-will toward Elain, or Lucien for that matter, for Tamlin’s appearance today.
A sharp cry pierced the air as Felina pulled herself away from Tamlin. And Azriel almost, almost, felt a twinge of empathy for the male at the look of pain crossing his features.
“No, no, no.” Felina whimpered covering her ears, tears falling from her eyes. Azriel was on his feet in a moment, winnowing to her side as her breathing increased, pulling her in close - Felina opened her eyes, glistening with tears, and Azriel felt an intense jolt of heartbreak tug on their bond.
“I remember.” She choked out, pushing away from his embrace. She looked so small in that moment, so broken. Azriel placed a palm to his chest, as if physically feeling the pain barreling down the bond. “What is it, Felina?”
“I- I don’t. I’m sorry. I can’t-” she cried, her voice barely audible. But her next word came out clear, “Rhys?” Her brother looked to her with such sympathy, such tenderness. “What is it little star?” He asked, stepping to her side, shrouding the two of them in darkness. Azriel’s shadows whispered in his ear.
He couldn’t make out what was said but one moment Rhys had her in his arms, and the next, they were gone.
Rage filled Azriel as his mate vanished. Fixing his icy gaze toward a downcast Tamlin, his shadows whirled, promising violence. Elain hurried out the front door leaving just the two males. And Azriel was going to kill him.
In an instant, Azriel tackled Tamlin, fists brutally making impact with his face. “What did you do to her!?” He roared, pain filling him. Tamlin didn’t make any effort to hit Azriel, only turning his head and freeing an arm from beneath the Shadowsinger’s weight to block what he could.
Azriel was going to make this brutal, ensure Tamlin felt every ounce of pain the past centuries had brought upon them. “Nothing!” Tamlin choked out, blood filling his mouth. “I did nothing. I swear.”
“No.” Azriel spoke, landing a fist to Tamlin’s cheek. “Nothing is what you did while Feyre was fighting for her life, for Prythian, under the mountain. Nothing is what you did when your family tried to kill my mate- and her mother.” Another blow landed, this time cracking Tamlin’s nose, the metallic tang of blood filling the air. “Nothing,” Azriel spat. “Is what you are.”
It was then that Tamlin went still. All attempts of defense dropping as the words echoed through the room.
“Fight! You fucking coward!” Azriel shoved at his chest.
Tamlin turned his head to the side, vacantly staring off to the other end of the room, eyes going vacant as the weight of Azriel’s words settled within him. “You’re right.” Tamlin whispered. “I am nothing.”
The sound of Tamlin’s ragged breaths and Azriel’s heavy gasps filled the space. More blood trickled down the Spring Court High Lord’s face. “I am nothing and she is everything.” Tears lined the males eyes. “But I didn’t say anything, today. She she looked to see you walking away, she saw you with the Archeron sister, watched you caress her arm, and then she crumpled.”
Azriel gaped, his heart shattering. He was the one who’d caused her pain? Azriel let out an enraged roar, so low and loud that it rattled the windows. At that moment, the front door flew open. Feyre and Lucien entered the foyer, taking in the sight before them. The blood running down Tamlin’s face, dripping onto his tunic and splattering on the floor; Azriel’s disheveled state, his shadows snaking around him angrily, the blood coating his knuckles.
“What did you do?” Lucien ground out, stepping in Azriel’s direction.
Elain stood outside the doorway holding Nyx, excusing herself to remove the winged babe from the confrontation.
“What did HE do?” Feyre scoffed. “He’s not the one intruding in our home.”
Lucien only gave her a side-eye, swallowing whatever smart retort he had at the ready. “What. Happened?” the youngest Vanserra’s russet eye bounced back and forth between the two, the golden one whirring with each motion.
Tamlin and Azriel both stood there, like petulant children before a reprimanding father, neither speaking.
Finally, Tamlin broke the silence. “It was my fault. I’m leaving.” Azriel didn’t miss the sadness in his eyes as he looked to Lucien and Feyre and left.
“Tam, wait.” Lucien called out, but he’d already winnowed away.
Feyre looked to Azriel with a frown. “Given the state of Tamlin’s nose and your fist, something tells me this wasn’t just Tamlin’s fault. What the hell happened, Azriel?”
“I’d like to know the same.” Lucien chided, tanned arms crossing over his chest. Azriel’s hazel eyes narrowed in his direction. “You don’t need to know anything else, considering you can’t keep your mouth shut, Vanserra. You’re the reason he showed up in the first place.”
Lucien gaped, a rare show of the clever fox being caught off guard, before muttering “Shit.” He looked to the blood splattered floor, shaking his head. “I need to go find him.”
With that, he was out the door. Azriel let out a sigh, looking toward the stairwell as if Felina were up in their shared chamber and not wherever the hell Rhys had winnowed her to.
Feyre, ever the High Lady, held her head high, waiting for her spymaster to explain himself. “I need to get some air.” He muttered, making to move past her. “Oh no, you don’t.” Her hand grasped his shoulder, bringing him to a halt. “We are not finished here.”
And damn it, if she wasn’t the one person who could get him to listen right now. Rhys was one thing. Azriel could toe the line with him, test boundaries, display that icy rage that so often flowed through his veins.
But Feyre, he had no doubt that she could handle his rage as well but she was different. She had given everything for Prythian, even when she had absolutely no reason to give a damn about the fae. She was a good and just ruler. Not that Rhys wasn’t, but five-hundred years of brotherhood would jade anyone’s view, if only slightly.
So, Azriel stayed, hazel gaze fixing upon his High Lady, awaiting her next command. “Can we talk?” She asked gently, moving her tattooed hand down his arm. Azriel only nodded as she led him to the sitting room.
Situating herself on a tufted arm chair, Feyre smoothed her paint splattered dress, patiently waiting for Azriel to take his seat in the adjacent loveseat. “Elain came to find me at the studio, asking to reach out to get Lucien. She said Tamlin had shown up unannounced at the River House, that you two had talked, and something happened with Tamlin that upset Felina. Is that correct?”
Azriel nodded. It was mostly true. Was there really need to go into detail?
Feyre’s brow furrowed. “Look at me, Azriel.”
He flicked his hazel eyes to her briefly before looking back toward the entry. “You’re not telling me everything. It doesn’t take my daemati ability to see that, Az.” Her words held firm but her gaze gentle.
Emotions warred within Azriel. He didn’t want to talk to Feyre about this, about the way his heart clenches at the thought of losing Y/N - Felina - the name leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, knowing now where it originated from. At the same time, it was a support for her, a name that she held onto when nothing else made sense. He was a selfish bastard for resenting it.
However, he refused to feel selfish for the anger he felt toward Tamlin. He drew the line there. If she needed a friend, Azriel would be the first to offer that. If she needed Tamlin’s friendship, if somehow his presence were to aid in her healing? He’d swallow his pride and live with it.
He could support her, and her healing, while internally resenting Tamlin. For now it was the best he could do.
He knew he couldn’t lose control like he did this afternoon again. He’d likely have to make amends for that.
Consumed by thoughts he dropped his face into both hands, rubbing his eyes before leaning his head onto the backrest, arms crossing over his chest. Letting out a sigh of exhaustion. He couldn’t remember the last time he rested properly. Thank the gods for the unique design of this seat with indentions to accommodate Illyrian wings. The perfect spot for brooding comfortably.
A slight discomfort, however, began to set the Shadowsinger on edge. His body growing rigid.
“Hello?” Feyre’s voice invaded his mind, reminding him he still wasn’t alone.
“You’re rather persistent, High Lady.” he replied through the mental channel, that ache growing a bit stronger.
A soft laugh echoed. “Yes. Now tell me what happened.”
Azriel sent images to her, of Felina’s upset, Rhys winnowing her away, his own embarrassing outburst, the cruel words he’d spoken, the realization that he was the reason for her hurt and not Tamlin.
“That’s a lot to unpack. Speaking to you as High Lady, how you treated Tamlin was unacceptable - but, I know you are aware. From a political perspective, we should issue a formal apology at the very least. As a friend, however, you have been through a lot in a very short period of time and have so much to process. With such unusual circumstances and how new your accepted bond is - I cannot fault you for protecting her. We know so little about Vampyr bonds but I’m certain that also played a role.”
Azriel’s cheeks burned with shame. “Do you know where they went?”
His breathing increased, a metallic tang settling into his nose, seeping to his very bones.
A pause. “I do. She is safe but she needs to be with Rhys right now. Honestly, I think they both need it. He’s been on edge since she arrived.”
Azriel let out a huff, sitting upright and ending the mental connection to speak aloud. “I can understand that.”
Was the air in the house growing warmer or was that the increase in his pulse?
Sympathy flickered in those blue-gray eyes as Feyre reached out, placing a hand on Azriel’s knee. “I can’t imagine what this must feel like, Azriel, and I won’t pretend to, but things will work out in time. Perhaps the Mother knew what she was doing when she put someone with - today’s incident aside - such patience, when that is exactly what Y/N needs. What is it Amren used to tell Cassian about Nesta?” Feyre’s brows drew downward as she tried to remember.
Azriel’s restless state rendering him impatient as she searched for the words, he blurted out Amren’s saying, “Keep reaching out your hand.”
And fuck - he looked at his own hand now remembering the dried blood coating it, the blood that had filled his nostrils, when he rubbed his face.
Hunger. This was hunger. Oh gods-
His sharpened canines flashed as he looked to his High Lady, “Feyre-“
Her pulse fluttered deliciously.
Feyre’s eyes widened with realization. “Oh fuck.” She whispered, standing and stepping back from him. “Hold on, Az. It’s okay. It’s okay. We’re okay.”
And then he lunged.
Rhys sat in silence as his sister sobbed into his chest. He’d winnowed them directly to the cabin - the one that seemed at this point everyone used to avoid their own mate at some point or another.
Visions of past solstices danced in his mind. How she would sit and watch until her cheeks turned frigid. Cassian would tease her, telling her that any male that wanted to win her heart would have to take them all on in a snowball fight and come out alive. Rhys would chuckle and Az would wrap his scarf around her, or blow on her hands to warm them. He’d always cared for her. Rhys had thought in a brotherly sort of way, he knew for a fact that was how Azriel intended it, but now- he imagined it was the mating bond buried deep down, likely just starting to spark. He didn’t know whether to smile or cringe at that.
He’d become so lost in thought, holding his sister and running fingers through her raven locks that he hadn’t noticed her shutters slow down, her breathing evening out. “It looks different.” She whispered, shocking herself with the statement. “I remember this place. I think. It’s familiar, but not.”
Rhys smiled. “Well, that, my dear sister, would be because Amren and Morrigan went head to head and reduced the place to rubble a century or so ago. I rebuilt it the best that I could but made some changes - the tubs even accommodate Illyrian wings now. And Feyre darling, she added her own touches to the place.”
“Interesting…” she whispered. “I think our father would have keeled over had he seen that.”
Rhys rolled his eyes. “You’re not wrong. Our father never was the type to appreciate the arts, though he did enjoy your love of it. Not enough to let you paint the walls of any of our homes but- enough to take you to the theater whenever he could, enough to ensure the Rainbow was well-funded and thriving.”
Smiling sadly, he continued, “When I first saw the paintings here, I thought of you. How if you’d have been here, you would have been right there with her, painting along.”
Felina looked to her brother, trying so desperately to remember her old self. Who she’d once been.
“I never forgot you, sister. I’ve carried you in my heart every day, there was not a sunset that I didn’t think about the way your eyes shone with wonder as the stars appeared, about the nights you’d beg me to fly with you….wishing I’d have been there more often, wishing I’d said yes every time you asked.”
“Our past does not define us. What we do with today does.” She whispered, puzzling at her own statement. Rhys whipped his head toward her. “You remember more than you realize.”
She thought on her words. “Azriel. He used to say that, yes?”
Yes. Rhys nodded grimly, remembering the treatment his brother received as a child. “Do you remember what else he would tell you?”
“I don’t think I do.”
Rhys wrapped his arm around her shoulder, holding her closely.
“It’s the courage to continue that counts.”
Felina’s hands shook and Rhys gave them a squeeze. She whispered to herself “I am Y/N.” Her given name felt less foreign than she’d expected. “I am courageous. I will not be afraid.”
Rhys’ eyes glazed over, his posture going rigid. The grip of his hand squeezing more tightly onto his sister’s cold hand.
Suddenly she was brought into Rhys’ mind, Feyre’s voice frantic.
“It’s Azriel. He needs Felina. NOW.”
A/n: If you read this chapter and think “Wow, Felina is being pretty dramatic over Elain” Please hold. There’s more to it that will be unpacked later - she has been through a lot and is still harboring centuries old feelings/emotions that feel recent to her as her memory slowly comes back.
General ACOTAR tag: @lilah-asteria
Series tags: @glittervame @julesofvolterra @saltedcoffeescotch @candyjaypoppins @st4r-girl-official @nocasdatsgay @gxdsmonsters
90 notes · View notes
kentstoji · 10 months
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ MANIA.
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ 𖤐 pairing. yandere!liu kang x gn! reader
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ 𖤐 setting. mk1 timeline.
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ 𖤐 type. headcanons.
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ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ exuding calmness and gentleness with a single smile, liu kang's true intentions could harbor an even darker undertone. as a yandere he would be danger personified, after all, he was the creator of everything — and his will was the truth.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ when he envisioned a new era of peace — where even his rivals could attain the purest nirvanas —, you were not part of the already planned equation, of his design, nor were you a component present in his past. you were inexplicably new, something unknown and intriguing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ he would be aware that his obsession was far from healthy, both for him, sensing the signs of growing mental and moral corrosion, and for you, losing contact with the outside world due to a whim, a curiosity.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ with this in mind, he would try to isolate you, trap you in a little world where there was space only for him. your friends? they were not trustworthy, not loyal.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ only he was worthy of your love, friendship, or any other kind of sentiment that he could cling and devour, relishing solely in having your presence. and anyone daring to cross his path, whether by creating obstacles in your relationship or capturing your attention for more than mere moments, would dearly pay the price.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ during warm nights, while liu kang's arms enveloped you in an initially comforting, welcoming, and loving embrace, he found himself lost in reveries of his past. he could perfectly visualize lord raiden's face — his mentor — contorting into something bitter, into discontent and disapproval. he imagined that if he saw him, he would be severely reprimanded for interfering in the fate of a mortal.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ "however", a small and distant voice echoed in his subconscious. the same voice that led kronika to corrupt herself and manipulate the timelines like a sick game. "raiden interfered countless times with fate. and that brought me here... to you"
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ that velvety voice belonged to his obsession. abandoning what remained of his good sense, liu kang listened to it and descended his lips onto your forehead, in a gentle kiss while you were sleeping, in a world of fantasies and sweet dreams.
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nori-the-cat · 5 months
RIIZE Eunseok's Type
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Remember, this is just my interpretation based on the tarot spread and my intuition. All of this is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Take it with a grain of salt.
What kind of personality is Eunseok into or interested in when finding a romantic partner?
Cards: the empress, seven of wands, and knight of cups.
Eunseok might be attracted to someone with a warm and inviting energy, who exudes a caring and compassionate aura (the empress). In terms of personality, the Empress card may suggest someone who is skilled at communication and is comfortable expressing their emotions. Eunseok may find this trait attractive as he might value honesty and openness in communication.
When the empress card appeared first, I immediately thought of someone gentle, feminine, and regal. The perfume Lady Dior might be closest to this description.
He could also show an interest in someone who is emotionally intelligent and creative. The kind of person he's into might enjoy creating things, be it art, music, cooking, or simply having a feminine-like energy as a hobby. So, think of jobs like acting, florists, bakers, piano teachers, etc.
With the seven of wands next to the empress, this pile hints that Eunseok might be attracted to someone independent and strong-willed. He might appreciate a partner who has their own goals and ambitions and isn't afraid to pursue them.
He seems to be attracted to people who are both feminine and independent, who know their own minds and don't rely on him for everything. He might like those who are go getters.
I think he's into someone who is mature. He might be into someone who has a life of their own and understands that a relationship is about two people who are different yet still love each other.
The knight of cups might further emphasise Eunseok's attraction towards people who are mature and independent. He might appreciate someone who is expressive with their emotions and someone who can have deep conversations with him. Yet they're also adventurous and are always up for a fun ride with him. He might also prefer them to be a little spontaneous.
What type of face does Eunseok look for in a romantic partner?
(Disclaimer, I'm assuming he likes women.)
For this part of the tarot reading, I pulled 3 more cards to see a bigger picture of the kind of person he might like or the kind of face/aura he's into.
Combining the cards from the previous reading. I pulled 3 more and the cards were the chariot, the star, and the knight of wands.
This section of the reading tells me he likes someone kind, independent, and physically active.
The Chariot: He might be into someone who looks mature, reliable, and perhaps with features that convey a sense of trustworthiness.
The Star: This card points towards Eunseok seeking someone with a positive outlook and a kind heart. They might have features that radiate warmth and kindness, like a gentle smile or eyes that sparkle with genuine happiness.
The Knight of Wands: He might be into someone who is cheerful and typically the eyes are important to him. Someone with bright eyes that convey their infectious enthusiasm. This card's influence might manifest in a preference for someone with striking features that convey this confident and energetic personality, perhaps a sharp jawline or a determined gaze that reflects their adventurous spirit.
The knight of wands somehow stands out to me. This card represents enthusiasm and passion. With this card, I think Eunseok might like someone with a bright smile that lights up their face or eyes that sparkle with excitement.
Overall, Eunseok seems drawn to a partner who embodies a compelling duality. Their face might hold hints of strength and determination, with sharp features like a defined jawline or piercing eyes (The Chariot). Yet, these features are softened by a warm smile that radiates optimism and kindness (The Star). They exude a contagious energy and a twinkle in their eye that hints at their adventurous spirit (The Knight of Wands). This captivating combination of confidence, kindness, and a zest for life is likely what makes them stand out to Eunseok.
Personally, I think he's into complex people (women) with layers and personalities that are a little different from him. However, he would like them to have a touch of cuteness.
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Astrology sign:
Eunseok is heavily into fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius), especially Scorpio. But the people he's into might have elements of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) and fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries).
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This print by Suzie Zuzek is the aura or vibe that I get from the type of people he might be into or have an attraction towards.
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Vision Board:
For reference, I'll use Korean celebrities to make it easier to visualise the kind of aura or looks he's into.
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This is a requested reading from user @pinkmetallics
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SFW Alphabet for Ominis Gaunt
Warnings - None
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Ominis isn't super affectionate in public. He has a pretty traditional perspective about relationships in that aspect. You'll get a hand holding out of him and an intense blush when you give him a kiss on the cheek. In the privacy of your bedroom, he loves pulling you into his arms and giving all the kisses he's been thinking about all day.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) You really couldn't find a better best friend. He's easy to goof around with, trustworthy, and he's never going to hold back in telling you if he thinks you're doing something wrong. Even if he's upset with you about something, it always comes from a place of caring.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) He's a big cuddler behind closed doors. Cuddling is the only way he likes to fall asleep, it makes him sad when you turn your back on him. He can become whiney with you anytime you try to pull away. He loves cuddling with you both on your sides and face to face so that he can nuzzle your chest and neck.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) He would love to settle down into a quiet life, but he doesn't think it's something achievable for him. Ominis would be so happy to be married and living with you somewhere peaceful. He's weary of having kids with his family line being what it is. He's used to using lots of enchantments to help with cooking and cleaning and he gets into a routine of cooking his and your favorite things. He's an A+ domestic partner
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) There is a high likelihood that if he really cared about you, he may try to break things off because he's fearful of his family harming you for the sake of harming him. In this case, he would be tearful, but try his best to be aggressive and ensure you wanted nothing to do with him. If he simply didn't care for you anymore he would be very nonchalant and up front in letting you know that his feelings changed.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) If you've convinced him that you'll be able to stay safe from any meddling from his family, he's ready to commit to you on the spot. He's never thought of a happy ending for himself, but he's quite a romantic and wants to do things the old fashioned way. So he would love to have a discrete wedding with you and move in with one another.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Emotionally, he likes to act like he has a hard exterior, but he's very gentle and sensitive. He's quick to be understanding and pick up on whether you want advice or just a listening ear. Physically he's gentle as well, only offensive when he needs to be.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) He would be embarrassed by hugs in public. Not embarrassed of you, but they were such a rare occurrence in his life, to begin with, and he feels like eyes are all over him when anybody is wrapping their arms around him. When he hugs you back it's soft and tentative, he feels fragile beneath you, but he does enjoy the physical contact.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) He's going to really stress over when the right time to tell you that he loves you is. He'll fall pretty fast and convince himself it can't possibly be true, but when he comes to realize he's completely in love with you he's sweating every time he's around you. When he tells you he wants it to be some kind of special moment.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Ominis isn't jealous too often, he's actually fairly cocky when it comes to you because he knows how much you adore him. Sometimes his insecurities get the best of him, but in these moments he's angrier with himself for feeling that way or for his perceived shortcoming.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) His kisses are soft and tame, very light on your skin or lips. He loves to give you kisses on your hands or knuckles, followed by a sly grin because he knows you enjoy it just as much.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) He's gentle around children. They often ask him lots of questions about his eyes or why he isn't looking at them and sometimes he likes to give them insane reasons as to why he's blind to mess with them. They have fun around him, but he's not necessarily the best influence.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Mornings are spent making breakfast together, often he makes different kinds of tea. He loves these domestic moments with you where you're just getting ready for the day and taking care of one another.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights are spent settling in and reading on the couch together, sometimes with separate books and sometimes with one of you reading out loud. Ending the day with a nice calming tea and snack is probably also a part of it.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He's hesitant to open up about himself and his past and childhood. He's worried he won't be taken seriously when it comes to the real trauma he's experienced and the way it's influenced him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) He's dealt with his family and Sebastian which both require patience for different reasons, so he's able to remain very cool-headed. You would have to be doing something he viewed as terribly morally wrong to anger him enough for him to be yelling and really act out. He's able to collect his thoughts and express them in a calm manner even if he's mad, usually.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Ominis commits as much as he can to memory, always trying to think about tiny things he can do to surprise you or make you feel loved. Nobody really paid attention to what he wanted and what he liked as a child, so it's really important to him that he does those things for you so you never have to feel how he did.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) He would be protective of you, but he would have a lot of trust in you and your abilities. He prefers to go out with you if he thinks you may be on a dangerous trip or going to an unsavory area. With other potential suitors, he doesn't worry at all. He simply takes your face in his hand and lets them see how he knows you look at him before giving you a polite kiss on the cheek.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He would be planning for anniversaries months ahead of time with lists and notes of things tucked away in his things. He would make efforts to take you out on dates frequently or stay in if that's what you preferred. He would always be thinking of pleasing you with the little things.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) He can be a grump when things aren't organized in the way he expects them to be. He can also be very hard-headed and reluctant to change any views that he has about things. These arguments are the ones that have the most chance to escalate and can feel like you're talking to a wall.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) He's never able to see exactly how he looks, but he's very concerned with always looking proper and clean when he's going out or having any visitors. He doesn't want to be perceived as though he's weak and can't take care of himself, so that's what focusing on his appearance does for him. It assures him people will view him as strong and intimidating.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) If he were to suddenly lose you he would have a lot of internal turmoil and grief that he wouldn't outwardly display. At least not intentionally, but it might show up in the way he would move extra slowly and hold his head up less high. He needs you in his life very much.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Even into adulthood, Ominis would use practical jokes on you and crack himself up every time even if you didn't find it funny. His favorite thing is to move quietly around the house and duck behind a corner so he can peek out to scare you and hear you scream in fear and then frustration.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Ominis likes a partner that challenges him but doesn't want a partner that has huge moral discrepancies with him. Sebastian bordered that line for so long and crossed it with his uncle and it tore him apart to be put in such a situation where someone he cared about did something so wrong to him. So if you had any inkling about things he viewed as wrong, he would probably stay away.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Do I even need to say it? He loves to sleep in weird places in weird positions. If you find him on a couch or your bed, that's a lucky day then. He often ends up on the floor or likes to be out in the garden.
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mixed-imagination · 1 year
can you do a sfw alphabet for nikolai please??? there are not enough stuff to soothe my nikolai fixation. if you can't do a sfw alphabet, i would like to hear about any headcanons you have about him too. thank you in advance x
Nikolai Lantsov SFW Alphabet
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PAIRING: Nikolai Lantsov x reader ♡
WARNINGS: I haven't read the second and third Shadow and Bone books yet, so this is purely based on my perception of his character in Shadow and Bone season 2.
*** Beautiful heart divider created by @saradika ♡♡♡
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
♡ When Nikolai is with his one true love he is super affectionate. He's super comfortable around his love and loves physical touch. Physical touch is definitely one of his love languages. He's not afraid of PDA but he's respectful. A simple touch on the waist as you pass each other, a squeeze on the shoulder, or a kiss on the hand is how he would show you affection around higher-ups. But in private, he's handsy. He loves the way your skin feels and loves to smother you with kisses constantly. A kiss attack is one of his favorite moves.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
♡ Nikolai is a loyal, honest, trustworthy person. He's friendly and kind and anything but evil. Any person who reaches the best friend level with him is very lucky. He would give up his life to save a friend. Nikolai's also super funny, a cheeky bastard. Being best friends with him would involve being on the other end of his cheeky and sarcastic statements. He definitely likes to banter and tease, in a playful, innocent way of course. He would never hurt his best friend intentionally.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
♡ Nikolai is a big cuddler. At the end of a hard day of being King of Ravka or Captain Sturmhond, he loves to undress and snuggle up in bed under the covers with you. He loves to lay close to you and brush your cheek with his thumb while watching you snooze. Falling asleep with your head squished against his chest and your body in his arms is his favorite cuddle position. He also likes to keep his feet by yours even if they're cold. He likes to warm them up hehe.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
♡ Nikolai can't wait to settle down and have a partner and kids. (only after unifying Ravka, of course.) He's all about adventure, and for him, love is the biggest adventure of them all. Nikolai loves to cook - or at least he loves to try. He's not the best cook due to living in a palace for most of his life. As Sturmhond on his ship, he loves to cook his "best" recipes for you. Regardless of his pirate privateer life, Nikolai is also a relatively neat person. In the palace, servants rarely ever have to clean up after him.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
♡ Of course, it goes without saying that Nikolai would never want to leave you, his true love. But if he had to, it must be for heavy circumstances. At first, he'd avoid you and the act of breaking up. But eventually, he'd do it and probably give a breakup speech that would definitely end in tears between the two of you. Breaking up with you would mean he was breaking his own heart.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
♡ Again, once he unifies Ravka, Nikolai is suuuper down to marry. He can't wait to put a ring on it. He would get married to his true love as soon as possible. But he also wouldn't mind if you, his love, wanted to wait. He would wait forever for you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
♡ Nikolai isn't normally gentle. He honestly can't keep his hands off of you. He's no stranger to snatching you back toward him or firmly grabbing your face to pull you in for a kiss. However, Nikolai is very gentle when necessary. When he's feeling romantic, his softer side comes out. He would hold you like you were the most fragile thing in the world. And when you're sad, he would embrace you and gently wipe your tears. It's you who brings out his gentleness, no one else has the privilege of seeing it but you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
♡ Heck yea, Nikolai is a happy hugger. When he's feeling enthusiastic and having a good day he would grab you, squeeze you, and then maybe spin you around. He also loves to embrace you lovingly and hug you from behind while pecking at your neck.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
♡ Nikolai is a romantic. As soon as he feels it, he will tell you he loves you without hesitating. He's not afraid of wearing his heart on his sleeve when he's with you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
♡ Nikolai is a confident man and he's not really the jealous type. He doesn't mind any attention his love gets if it's within reason - he's an openly flirty guy himself. But if it gets too much, and another person got close to you, you know damn well he'll be feeling some type of way. Nikolai's honest and he will let you know how he feels. It's well-known that he loves a bit of dramatics, and he is all for showing up or challenging anyone who hits on you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
♡ Nikolai is a really good, sensual kisser. It's so easy to melt into his kiss. In fact, he is a kiss stealer. He loves to steal kisses from your lips whenever you least expect it. Whenever you're busy or walking by, he would firmly grab you for a long snogging sesh, and when he's in a particularly lovey-dovey mood he also likes to kiss attack you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
♡ Nikolai's so good with children, especially toddlers. He has the natural ability to be goofy and fun with little ones. He likes to make silly faces and voices with them, and sometimes he would play pranks on you with their help. Nikolai really is a big kid at heart when he's around kids. He adores them and can't wait to be a father one day.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
♡ Nikolai always wakes up with a big, loud yawn and arm stretch, similar to a rising lion. He usually wakes up early before you do, and likes to take a shower to start his day. And like every other man, he also wakes up with morning glory (ó﹏ò。)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
♡ Evenings with Nikolai are always an interesting surprise. After really long, taxing days, he'd be so exhausted and would fall asleep as soon as his body hit the bed. On other days, he would take you on mini nighttime adventures around the town. Sometimes when he has nothing planned and is not too busy saving Ravka, he also likes to have a few drinks with his friends and crew. And on most nights, he likes to end the day in bed with you ;o
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
♡ Nikolai is only an open book to those he completely trusts. Only a few people know of his true identity, you being one of them.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
♡ Overall, Nikolai's very patient. He's a natural-born leader and strategist who knows the right moments to act. However, he has absolutely no patience when it comes to people hurting the ones he cares about or anyone getting in the way of saving Ravka.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
♡ Nikolai's pretty good at remembering details about you. He's memorized your facial features and how your body reacts to his touch or his voice when you find something he says funny. He remembers everything you've ever seriously said when opening up to him. However, he's no exception to forgetting some of the passing things you say. It's rare, but it happens, and he's only human.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
♡ Nikolai's favorite moment in your relationship was when you first kissed. It was a moment where you both finally came to your feelings. You both had been dodging the obvious connection between you, overlooking and doubting all the little touches and teasing words, until finally, you both gave in naturally and kissed. It was one of the most fulfilling and sweetest moments Nikolai's ever had.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
♡ You are Nikolai's weakness. He would never want you in harm's way, and he would defend you and protect you with his life.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
♡ Nikolai is a busy man, saving Ravka as king/prince, but he always puts in the effort to find time to spend quality time with you, his love. Every day he reassures you of his affection through physical touch, his love language. If he is unable to see you, he sends you romantic love notes and letters.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
♡ Nikolai has a habit of interrupting others, and every so often, he also bites his fingernails whenever he's under stress.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
♡ Nikolai isn't too concerned with his looks, but he does clean himself up well and knows how to present himself. He's confident and clearly knows he looks good, or dashingly handsome as he would put it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
♡ Nikolai often gives tokens of himself to those who are parting ways with him, and you are no exception to that. Whenever he has to go away on a voyage, he would give you a meaningful belonging of his, like his ring or compass. This action meant that he was incomplete without you, and he would only be completely whole until you and the item returned to him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
♡ Nikolai likes to dance and sing. He doesn't do it often, but after a few drinks on a night out at the pub, he loves to break out into song with his friends and crew. He would have the bard sing songs all night long and he would dance with you and spin you around until you were dizzy. If karaoke existed in this realm, he would kill it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
♡ Nikolai doesn't like Debbie downers or when a person is too overly pessimistic or negative. He doesn't like hypocrites or people who are prejudiced. He absolutely hates lies. Also, bad hygiene is a big turn-off.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
♡ Nikolai doesn't get much sleep and tends to go to bed late due to stress. When he is able to have a good night's sleep, he is a light snorer and always has detailed dreams that cause him to talk in his sleep from time to time. When he's with you he sleeps much better.
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gosh darn, nikolai lantsov really is prince charming. he's so dreamy.
I hope yall liked it! this was my first SFW alphabet :P Please support my writing by giving me a like, follow, and reblog! ♡♡♡
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starwell-tarot · 1 year
How are stans of different Xdinary heroes members like? A tarot reading ✨
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Hello villains! And welcome to this tarot reading/ social experiment. This is the Xdinary Heroes version of the reading 'how are stans of different members like". You can find the Stray Kids and Ateez versions in my Masterlist!
Requested by @oraclekleo
For this reading, I have asked my cards three questions per member:
What are the stans of the member like in general?
What do stans of the member all have in common?
What about the member's personality attracts his stans to stan him?
And then you guys let me know if I have read your energy correctly and if you resonate with the reading!
I must say this is probably the most fun I've had with this specific kind of reading before. It was a rollercoaster of different personality types and I truly enjoyed it! Some were really cute and emotional and some were downright hilarious :))
Disclaimer: This is for fun purposes only and should be treated as such. Tarot can absolutely be wrong.
TW: mentions of anxiety. struggles and insecurities (and my sense of humor should also be included in the warnings lmao)
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Gunil stans: The ones who shine in the dark
How are Gunil stans like in general? //  Justice XI
Gunil stans are people that have already went through somewhat of a transformation in their life. They've done some self healing, some self growth exercises, they've already searched their past for the lessons they were meant to learn. They might come off as seasoned people, wise, strong, confident, patient and self compassionate. They are responsible and trustworthy, for they believe in fair play, and practice teamwork with true kindness in their hearts.
What do Gunil stans have in common? // VII of Swords, V of Pentacles
Gunil stans were stuck for a very long time with the wrong people. Maybe it's cliche to say, but Gunil stans are different. There's something different in their step, in their smile, in their words, in their actions, doesn't matter. Something is just different about them. And it wasn't seen well by others, so they might have been outcasted or felt misplaced for a long time. But once they're allied with the right people, they become an unstoppable force. Their minds are quick and crafty - they really know how to think outside the box - and their ideas are a spark of genius. Clever, sly and with an adventurous craziness to them, Gunil stans will prove everyone their path is just as valid as everyone else's, even if it is different.
What about Gunil's personality attracts Gunil stans to bias him? // IX of Cups R
It seems Gunil stans feel emotionally soothed by Gunil. Maybe it is his confidence, his bravery to take pride in who he is, his persistence, and the fact that he knows he deserves good things; these could be reasons why - to Gunil stans who might struggle with being able to define their own worth without the need of external validation - he might be a breath of fresh air. Or perhaps he's the right motivation, the role model people needed in order to realize their true potential and start being more thankful and loving to themselves.
Gunil stans might have prominent Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Pisces placements in their natal chart.
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Jungsu stans: The angels
How are Jungsu stans like in general? //   The Sun XIX
Jungsu stans have a very warm and healing presence. They are kind and highly empathetic, reliable and extremely loved by their peers. (As they should be!) They love to take care of people's feelings, so that not only they can solve their problems, but also move on with a healthy heart. Gentle, considerate, supportive beings, they elevate the lives of all their peers. They shine the brightest, when they wear a smile on their faces, when they laugh with geniunity, and when their heart is bursting at the seams with kind love.
What do Jungsu stans have in common? // V of Pentacles R
Despite the bright exterior and the seemingly endless well of love they carry, Jungsu stans have gone/ are going through a lot more than meets the eye. There were moments when they were so hurt, so insecure, so stuck, even taking baby steps in life felt exhausting. But most likely on their own, they got back on their feet again. They are brave, resilient soldiers who always, somehow magically, can overcome and heal anything. One thing's for sure, there's a lot more to them than meets the eye, especially when it comes to life experience and wisdom (which then they use to elevate others!). Jungsu stans are very emotionally developed.
What about Jungsu's personality attracts Jungsu stans to bias him? // IV of Swords
For his fans, Jungsu time is healing time. His presence is very comforting to them, like finally coming home, to peace and quietness. His energy, his healing power, it is a crucial part of his fans' process of comfort and relaxation, and he gets them through the toughest of times. (Literally: emotional support human.)
Jungsu stans might have prominent Leo, Taurus and Libra  placements in their natal chart.
I'm not kidding when I say this, this was so sweet I almost cried. Jungsu is such an angel
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Gaon stans: The wild hearts
How are Gaon stans like in general? //  The Star XVII
Gaon stans are quite the non-judgemental and open-minded bunch. They embrace uniqueness and eccentricity and live a life aspiring towards being original and free-spirited. They are friendly and carry a gentle sensitivity, that leads them to be very aware of the happiness of their peers. They probably show how much they care through humor, making people laugh or acting aloof.
What do Gaon stans have in common? // X of Wands R
Despite their goofy appearance, Gaon stans actually care way too much about things, they are in no way as carefree as they appear. They are so caring, and so selfless in fact, that it almost becomes detrimental to themselves and they need to learn how to put themselves first more often. But alas, they are extremely loyal and ride or die, would take a bullet for their peers any day.
What about Gaon's personality attracts Gaon stans to bias him? // Temperance XIV
Gaon stans feels as though Gaon somewhat completes them. Maybe he's the yin to their yang, or maybe they're so similar they can just melt into one singular energy. In any case, they feel in harmony with Gaon, like they can be themselves around him. (Read as: they vibe with Gaon really well.) I also heard "he's my spirit animal."
Just to let you know, I am laughing so hard right now this is so funny
Gaon stans might have prominent Aquarius and Sagittarius placements in their natal chart.
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O.de stans: The little gremlins 😛
How are Seungmin stans like in general? //  The Star XVII, V of Wands
Seungmin stans have a certain duality about them. They are both the kindest, most giving and generous beings on earth, but they also eat chaos on toast in the morning. They love helping people and solving conflict, maintaining the peace, but they don't waste a moment getting competitive or going to war for something they believe in. This paradoxical, complex personality might leave some dumbfounded, but it is also a their biggest source of charm.
What do Seungmin stans have in common? // King of Wands R, The Devil XV
As previously stated, Seungmin stans have many sides and a certain complexity, however one of those sides is definitely being playful. Seugmin stans are quite the little devils, they love teasing people, pushing their buttons and playing around with them (harmlessly of course!). Life with a Seungmin stan will never be boring, as much as it won't be peaceful either 😂
What about Seungmin's personality attracts Seungmin stans to bias him? // X of Wands R
Seugmin is the ideal type of many of his stans. Or perhaps, he's taught some of his fans what their ideal even looks like. But wether they knew what they wanted or discovered it through Seungmin, it is clear he holds some sort of ideal. (I mean, he is kind, caring, funny, fashionable, and he can cook? I don't blame you. He can have the perfect boyfriend award.)
Seungmin stans might have prominent fire placements or Capricorn/ Aquarius/ Pisces in their natal chart.
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Junhan stans: The otherworldly ones
How are Junhan stans like in general? // The Hanged Woman XII R
Junhan stans are quite rebellious and they don't like the norm. Normal is boring, they seek the things that break the rules and bring more excitement and eccentricity into this society. They appreciate the art of thinking outside the box, finding loopholes and unpopular opinions. They won't be caught following the masses as they think independently.
What do Junhan stans have in common? // II of Swords R
Junhan stans have often felt at crossroads with other people. Like they're surrounded by the wrong people, like they are misunderstood or that they're just build different than everyone else. Perhaps they struggled a lot to escape their outcast reputation.
What about Junghan's personality attracts Junhan stans to bias him? // VII of Wands R
This reading was very interesting. I could feel from the hanged woman and the two of swords that this energy was looking specifically for an energy like Junhan's because of feeling misunderstood and stuck in the wrong place, and they were searching for liberation, aka someone who can finally understand them. I feel there's a heavy emotional connection here 😊 So, as stated before, to Junhan fans, getting to know him was somewhat of an Eureka! moment. An, ah (sigh) finally. Junhan makes it feel okay to be different. He gives strength and courage to his fans as much as the needed comfort. They can finally stop the foolish pretending society "needs" and just be themselves <3
Junhan stans might have prominent Leo, Libra or Pisces placements in their natal chart.
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Jooyeon stans: The Fierce Goofballs
How are Jooyeon stans like in general? // II of Cups R, VI of Cups
Jooyeon stans are lovable little goofballs. They're cute and somewhat childish (in a good way) and people seem to quickly adore them. They might also get attached easily, too, or be the types to become inseparable from their friends. They love playing around and enjoying their life as if they are a toddler all over again, and make amazing friends to be around.
What do Jooyeon stans have in common? // The Emperor IV
At first, I interpreted this as stubbornness. Jooyeon stans might be quite fierce to deal with! Rawr 😂 But then I also saw something on the idea of confidence or cockyness. Perhaps their attitude is also full of cocky charm 😁
What about Jooyeon's personality attracts Jooyeon stans to bias him? // King of Swords R, Wheel of Fortune X R
From what I can see here, for many the attraction might have happened before even getting to his personality. People seem to stumble upon him out of sheer luck, and then he begins to have some sort of power over them. Wether it is his voice, his skills, his looks (or his eyes?) he seems to magnetize people in. When it comes to personality though, I'm seeing that his ability to be in the calm center of the storm is very appealing to Jooyeon stans. He's very laid back even in the most stressful situations, and this lack of overthinking and go with the flow attitude could be both admirable and comforting to Jooyeon stans.
When it comes to the natal chart of Jooyeon stans, I got into a bit of trouble because I was literally given 8 astrological placements 😂 (which only shows how broadly liked Jooyeon is. ) I'm gonna go on a limb and say the probably would be higher with the cards from the first two questions, that being prominent Cancer, Scorpio and Aries placements. (But just know, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius were also there.)
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From what I've gathered it seems when it comes to XH as well, the stans seem to take after the idol!
Once more, please let me know who you stan and if you found this reading accurate! Let's discuss <3
ALSO TIP: If you're an OT6, you'll probably be a mix of all the readings.
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