#90% flirting
ejzah · 1 year
The Agent and the Fireman, Part 10
After a short debriefing with the Captains Palmy and Bates, two arson investigators, and Deeks, they were given custody of the lighter and any other evidence. They’d also been given approval to use Deeks as a liaison. With that in mind, they’d decided to regroup at the boat shed.
“Is that a code name?” Deeks asked once his superiors had dispersed and it was just NCIS and him left. “The boat shed?”
“Nope, it’s literally a boat shed repurposed for our interrogations and meetings with non-NCIS staff,” Callen replied, folding his arms over his chest.
Clearly this was some kind of test, so Deeks just nodded along as though using a boat shed for classified business made perfect sense. He’d heard enough rumors about NCIS over the years from Bates to know they were decidedly quirky for a federal agency, which worked just fine for him. “Cool. I love the water.”
“Of course you do,” Sam commented under his breath. “Tell me, do you surf, Lieutenant?”
“Every chance I get,” Deeks confirmed. “Which admittedly isn’t so often these days, but I’m not complaining. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, no reason. You just seem the type.” Sam’s grin in Kensi’s direction suggested otherwise. As did the way she suddenly dipped her head for a second before leveling the other agent with a glare fiery enough to burn a brick house down.
“Alright, are we done with the small talk? Because there’s an arsonist out there,” Kensi said with a “wrap it up” gesture.
“Right. Deeks you can ride with one of us—”
“I’ll do it,” Kensi volunteered quickly, interrupting Callen. Deeks just barely held back a grin at her eagerness. “What? There’s more room in the SUV.”
“Uh-huh. Alright, we’ll meet you there.”
“Don’t take any detours, kids,” Sam said as they walked through the tent flap.
“You know, if you wanted to spend more time with me, all you had to do was ask,” Deeks teased quietly.
“I just don’t want to give them the chance to give you dirt on me,” she insisted.
“Ooh, that’s implies there’s dirt to know.” He wiggled his eyebrows a couple times.
Kensi shook her head, starting to brush past him, but he stopped her with a finger to her shoulder.
“Hey, just so you know, I want to spend as much time with you as possible too,” he informed her.
Her cheeks darkened slightly with a light flush, and she stepped back to look him up and down suggestively.
“Preferably some of that time is in private in the very near future,” she whispered in his ear.
A petite brunette woman and a man with short curly blonde hair were already set up with tablets and folders when Deeks and Kensi entered the boat shed.
Deeks detected a faint fishy smell and noted the various boats and surf boards hanging from the walls. He tried to imagine Agent Callen or Sam breaking out one of the boards in a spare moment, and had to conceal the resulting smile that thought produced.
“Deeks, this is Eric Beale, our technical operator and Nell Jones, Intelligence Analyst. Eric and Nell, Lieutenant Marty Deeks of the LAFD,” Callen said, handling introductions.
Beale gave him a short wave and a smile while Nell Jones tilted her head, clearly scrutinizing him. He wondered what she hoped to find.
“Nice to meet you,” Deeks said, nodding to each of them. “I’ve heard about you guys from one of our analysts and he’s really impressed with the kinds of results you achieve so quickly.”
“Why thank you, sir,” Eric responded with a small, but pleased smile. “We do our best.”
“Wow, cute, charming, and a fireman. What more could I ask for?” Nell responded, and Deeks huffed out a laugh of surprise.
“Nell, not now,” Kensi sighed, and Deeks turned his head enough to smirk at her. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Nell give Kensi a double thumbs up.
“Moving on to the case, did you get anything from the lighter found at the fire site?” Callen asked.
“Yes. The lab results came back on the fingerprints LAPD collected.” Eric tapped something on his tablet, dramatically gesturing to the large screen mounted across the room. “And there was a partial fingerprint that matches one Jason McHenry.”
A picture of a man with a medium build, short brown hair, brown eyes, and a truly unremarkable appearance popped onto the screen.
“McHenry is 37 years old. He dropped out of Cal Tech after one year before accepting an entry level position at a plumbing company. Since then he has lived in six different states and held a variety of blue collar jobs, most recently as a subcontractor for a cleaning company,” Nell added.
“Well, custodial work would certainly be a good way of getting access to a building,” Kensi observed. “I bet most people wouldn’t even look twice at a guy in a pair of coveralls and the administration wouldn’t even remember they had a sub in for a few days.”
“Can you check if he has any prior history of arson or similar criminal activity?” Deeks asked, drawing a nod of approval from Sam.
“Good thinking.”
“Let me see.” Eric tapped away, his fingers a blur as he typed. “Jason McHenry doesn’t have any prior criminal charges, not even a parking or speeding ticket.” He raised a finger, eye lowered as he read. “However, when we go way back to little Jason, a shed on his parents property burn down. They filed a police report, believing it was the work of some troubled teens in the neighborhood, but no charges were ever submitted.”
“And there we go,” Sam said quietly. “I bet if we look a little deeper, we’ll find a whole lot of small fires linked with this guy.”
“Mm, yeah. He seems to be a pretty smart guy, if a little arrogant. Based on the types of accelerants he used and the way he was able to conceal them, get past security, and time the fires when the building were empty for the most part, I’d say this is not the first time he’s done something like this. I think he’s just got cocky with this last batch.” Deeks shrugged, hoping he hadn’t overstepped, but he was there to liaise after all.
“You think he’s for hire?” Callen asked.
“For most of these, yeah, I do.”
“Ok, I need to make a few calls.” Callen grabbed his cell, stepping several feet away, Agent Hanna following him.
“Don’t you want to listen in?” Deeks asked when Kensi stayed by his side.
“They’ll fill me in when they’re done.” She glanced over his shoulder suddenly, and he followed her gaze, seeing Nell watching them with obvious interest. “Come with me.” Hand lightly on his forearm, she led him around a corner and out of sight of prying eyes.
“Ooh, junkyard chic,” he said approvingly of the small filled with an interesting collection of items, including a worn bike and flippers.
“It’s a cover. Who’d ever suspect that top secret operations go on here?” Kensi didn’t wait for him to answer question, drifting closer until there were maybe six inches separating their bodies. “That was very impressive, by the way,” she added, changing the subject and the tone as her voice dropped several notches.
“You mean my profiling back there?” He hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “It’s part of what we’re trained to do.”
“Yes, but I found your confidence…appealing. Some people can be a little intimidated by Sam and Callen, but you’re not at all.”
“Oh, you like that, huh?” Deeks murmured, shifting a step forward, closing the distance by half. Kensi nodded, bottom lip tucked between her teeth. “There’s something about running into burning buildings that knocks the fear out of you. Plus, when I was younger, I tended to get a lot of flack for oh so many reasons, so I learned how to stand up for myself,” he explained.
As he spoke, his voice grew softer, the air between them warming with potential and the heat of their bodies so close together. Kensi swayed towards him and she settled her thumbs at the top of his waist, thumbs light on his back. He saw her eyes drop to his lips, the the rich brown even darker than usual.
Dipping his head, he lowered his lips towards hers as she tipped her chin up. He felt a whisper of her breath on his lips, the faint smell of lavender as her hair fell back from her face—
They both jerked back at the sound of Agent Callen’s voice, Kensi’s head swiveling towards the doorway, though she didn’t drop her hands from his waist immediately. She sighed heavily in frustration.
“We need to solve this case now,” she decided, voice dark with annoyance. With a final sound of regret, she slid her hand up his chest, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.
A/N: Yes, I did create a temporary firefighter liaison position for Deeks. Because he’s special. And Kensi needs to spend more time with him. Even if it kills her.
As always, in these AUs, Nell is a little more feisty and has a thing for Deeks. Though she would never seriously go for him.
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iwoulddieforienzo · 10 months
Personally I think percabeth is at its best when Grover is in it. I don’t necessarily mean in a polycule way I just think it’s great when he’s around
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slutpoppers · 1 month
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[Detective Conan]
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ryansjane · 10 months
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"Give me your hand."
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captainsjack · 1 year
in the next mission impossible movie there better be a scene where the one (1) female agent they have has to seduce/flirt with a guy to get information out of him except when she tries, he makes it clear he’s not interested and says something implying he’s gay. so she walks away and into the comms tells the team it didn’t work because “i’m not his type.” then we get semi-frustrated team members telling her “well then become his type, we need the info” etc only for her to interrupt with “i think one of you boys will have a better chance.” then the comms go silent and it cuts to each team member’s reaction of “😳” and the “oh”s as they realize he’s gay. except when it cuts to ethan’s reaction, he’s already sauntering over to the guy and we just hear him say “i’m on it” and then we get scenes of ethan seducing the bad guy and he gets to gay kiss him. if this doesn’t happen i will riot
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kya-is-kool · 7 months
So I loveee ur fuckshit fics and had an idea😭 so I was thinking some guys come up to reader and flirt with them and how fuckshit responds? You can tweak that idea up however u like🫶
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐒 ! : thanks so much for the compliment! i'm soo excited to write this one bc i love fuckshit !!
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you and fuckshit were mindlessly walking around in the store together. you were looking for clothes and vinyl whilst he was off doing whatever it is that he does.
you walked down the vinyl aisle, flipping through records upon records trying to find an album you actually liked. it wasn't before long when you noticed a guy sort of lurking around you. it was surely strange, but you decided to brush it off. besides, if something really bothered you, you'd just find fuckshit. you continued flipping through vinyl, and suddenly the guy materialized right in front of you.
"hey there mamas," he said, eyeing you up and down making you physically cringe. god, you could gag.
"don't call me that," you stated dismissively before going back to looking through the records.
"i wouldn't have to if i knew your name," he continued, not seeming to pick up on your social cues. you abruptly stopped what you were doing, and looked up at him with an eyebrow raised, evidently uninterested.
"what do you want?" you asked, exasperatedly, placing a hand on your hip as you tapped your foot impatiently.
"you," he replied, restlessly. you were too annoyed that you almost didn't realize who was coming up behind you. you felt an arm snake around your waist, and you turned to your side.
"what's goin' on, hm?" fuckshit asked, sending a cold gaze to the guy. the guy smirked, and quirked a brow.
"is this your boyfriend?" the guy queried, his smirk only growing.
"yes, i am," fuckshit spit out, his grasp around you tightening. fuckshit turned his head to look at you, a small pout placed on his lips. he was questioning why you were even talking to that guy.
"look, could you like not be a bother and take your annoying ass somewhere else, dude?" you asked, with a small eye roll. the guy raised his hands in defense, before shrugging and walking off.
"cmon, ma. him?" fuckshit said, pouting even more. you shook your head at his theatrics.
"he came onto me. i love you aaron, and you know i would never flirt with another guy," you said, placing your hand on his cheek. he leaned into the touch slightly.
"better not; you're all mine. want you all to myself," he said, grinning.
"not a problem at all," you said, returning the smile.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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monkee-mobile · 3 months
i feel like having mike break the male-voiced computer in monkee vs machine by flirting with it is either quite gay or a nod to the “now be a girl” in mikes screen test. either way mike can flirt with something male-presenting.
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paanzermensch · 24 days
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nerissa-art · 22 days
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Lina's making the captain all flustered, heheheh.
I'm trying to it look retro, and I dunno if I succeeded. I'm so tired. 🫠
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innerxsanctum · 9 months
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Just a little compilation of Neil Tennant looking at Chris Lowe like his life depended on it.
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evilhorse · 2 months
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Your flattery makes me blush!
(Usagi Yojimbo Vol 2 #4)
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sporkberries · 10 months
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mari-beau · 4 months
Ugh. I thought the universe had finally decided to stop subjecting my ace-aro ass to the awkwardness of being hit on...
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foolbo · 3 months
audrey rose they could never make me hate you
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ifuckinghatecrocs · 21 days
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Mel B and Geri throughout the years
They always have to be touching they’re obsessed with eachother 😏🙈
Part 2
Part 3
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joelletwo · 2 months
that little robot manga...?
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i forgot how to do a casual rec writeup so im gonna do a stilted one, because i'd like it if you read this comic and enjoyed it like i did.
format: charming Form-y and expressive art style. 140 chapters which are all very short and more following a flow of time than a plot. easy to lose yourself and read 50 of 'em in a sitting. i've heard.
story: oh this one's easy. android girl Alpha runs a countryside cafe in place of her owner while she awaits their return. um, well it doesn't seem like they will, but she's a longliving android, so she can keep waiting. um, but life continues and is never the same twice, so is she really waiting as she goes out and experiences the world and the things it can discover and share with her? well but she's running a cafe. that's always true
and that world is a post-cataclysmic japan of unshown cause, except "post" isn't really the right phrasing... the consequences reach far and long and the world continues to change around the remaining people as the years go by, continuing to change them in turn, and vice versa. the past is in living memory, witnessed and passed on in stories and missed, but adapted from, by humans, by robots, by machines, by wildlife, by the landscape itself.
and the story very skillfully presents the liquid boundaries between all those categories, and between past history and memories and living-gaining-losing present and the future coming to settle over you gently. the way that any of those can coexist, or come together to forge a connection, or just share a space for a moment and see each other before continuing on.
this is all very metaphorical but also literal. the existence of robots came, scientifically, from a culmination of human experiences of things like Sounds, and Feelings Of Striving Desperation. they're an achievement but not a means, an existence in themselves, a new Being that gets to experience the world in all its possible senses
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a world the story isn't really interested in Solving or Explaining... just... showing, and having you along. life continues, life finds a way, life shrugs and says, "ah, what can you do."
it gets a little Existentially Dreadful............. or it flirts right on the boundary of it, but none of its chars are really big enough to worry about such things, even the ones who will be there long after everything's done. they're concerned more with meeting someone new, and making a little conversation for a minute.
you may notice me running on long... i feel like i couldnt say everything this manga's so concisely, understatedly doing in words if i tried for a year. i didnt even get to, the robots have to lesbian-make out to share memories but its really so charming that they do and get flustered about it and feel weird in their friendships afterwards, well what can i say about that. its all so matter of fact, this manga, it's not important, look, now there's a chapter about the sensory feel of sitting just-shielded-from a torrential summer downpour as it comes and passes.
to close out, here's a palette of words i wrote down as i went.
life continuing. life happening. persistence. independence. sensory. passerby-intimate. ponderous. contemplative. invites you to experience. communal. disappearing.
and then here's some more words and pictures so i can make a couple comparisons.
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well........................................... this one feels mean of me to make bc i have admitted im unfair about the Attack Helicopter short story. i dont enjoy the experience of reading it i feel Confronted by it, in a really skillful but unpleasant way. but it was unshakeable while reading this to draw the comparison. the Embodying the overlapping identities, the somewhat enforced and fraughtly militarized way you go thru life as a human born in a State, the sensuality of doing so. <- its. i havent found a better way to say it. such a glancingly sensual manga. it's very into what it feels like to be in a Body.
and well ive always been glad something out there is doing what AH story is doing. so now im glad there's Two.
long sequence v
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well so i said i picked this manga up because of the green-haired robot with a job and a cameras-that-look-like-eyes focus i wanted to compare to tama, aye...? i still have the Eye Posts deep in my drafts.....................
but i do love cameras as, theoretically, a way to get around The Hole!!!!! (take an objective snapshot of an experience to be able to share it with someone outside your perspective in place and time and brain and eyes) except it's not actually...? the gap still cannot be crossed and a photo only serves to highlight and intensify that...? no man ever steps in the same river twice for its not the same river and he's not the same man...?
um. thats all............................ end post........
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