#9 month weight loss plan
ribb0ngirl · 6 months
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𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔𝚑𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 ʚɞ ⁺˖
my tips for healthy weightloss ♡
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𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑠
♡ eat healthier instead! Meal prep for the week, it saves time and it won't be as tempting to go for something unhealthy when you planned ahead. Make sure your meals are filled with fiber (helps with gut health) and protein (boosts metabolism), they also keep you full.
𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡
♡ when I say this I mean a healthy calorie deficit (not those crazy 200cal diets), on average, cutting 500cals from your normal amount can help you get started on a good, consistent weight loss plan. But honestly just use a free app to help you track your calorie intake. Don't obsess with calorie counting though, you don't have to do strictly those cals, nothing more nothing less, like you can go a little over your limit sometimes I promise it won't be the end of the world.
𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑠
♡ drinking one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion. but don't drink too soon before or after a meal cause the water will dilute the digestive juices. Also drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients!!
♡ studies have shown that having a regular walking program can help you melt away some extra weight. Just 2 1/2 hours of walking a week (about 20 minutes a day) can shrink your belly by about 2.5cm in 4 weeks !! Also walking is fun, just put on your fav playlist, bring water and have a hot girl walk!! Before driving or anything think "Could I walk there?". Walking can also reduce stress, help ward off symptoms of depression and helps you be more positive! If you have strict parents that don't let you walk alone (like myself) go to the gym and get on the tredmill or walk around the house or backyard.
♡ pilates is so good and effective, a study in 2017 showed that practicing Pilates for two months not only was effective for weight loss, it also reduced BMI and toned waist, abdomen, and hip areas. If you're like me and can't afford or don't have time to go to classes literally just search "pilates workout" on youtube and you'll get a ton of them!! pair this with a daily hot girl walk and your pretty much set
𝑓𝑖𝑥 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑠𝑐𝚑𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒
♡ getting quality sleep is super important for a healthy weight loss plan and also for your mental health in general. Research has shown that losing sleep while dieting can reduce the amount of weight lost and encourage overeating. Try to get around 7–9 hours of sleep per night.
𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑛𝑔!!
♡ listen, I get it, I've been there done that, you wanna see results quick and are sick of feeling bad, but babe, when you workout and diet to an extreme level, your body can go out of balance. This can literally slow down your weight loss process, so you're doing the reverse of what you wanted, also it's totally exhausting and so not worth it. Please have patience with your body.
𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑎 𝚑𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎 𝑡���𝑠𝑘 !! 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘 ♡
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tgandc · 2 years
things i’ve learned in 14 years of ed life and need to remind myself every once and awhile: (really it’s been almost 18, but the most severe years were between the ages of 14-28)
1. don’t set a date to lose weight by. you’ll sabotage yourself. instead, set a goal weight, and a plan to meet that goal, and give yourself time to meet it.
2. don’t punish yourself for slipping and eating. you’re human. you need food to survive. you’re starving yourself. you’re going to break your fast one day. or “forget” you’re restricting one day because you saw something that looked sooo damn good and you ate it without even realizing. you’re going to go over your calorie limit once and awhile. you’re going to binge. it’s inevitable.
3. learn how to curb the binges. just cause you start, doesn’t mean it’s too late to stop. if you eat 100 calories, don’t turn it into 1000. you can burn off the extra 100-500cals way easier than 5000.
4. learn your triggers. avoid them.
5. just exercising doesn’t work well. just starving yourself doesn’t work well. you need to restrict AND work out. seriously. the results are in and i just lost 35lbs in 3 months. like my drs MA that weighed me saw the red line and exclamation mark that i’d lost 20% of my body weight in 3 months and she flipped out. my weight loss has slowed a little the last 2-3 weeks and it’s 100% because i stopped exercising as much when school started. i usually walk 3 miles every morning on the track after i drop my son off at daycare. it’s my lifeline. if i don’t walk the track every morning now i get super pissy, shit gets bad, and i either gain weight or plateau. restricting and working out work wayyyy better if you do them together.
6. drink water! i know everyone says this. but everyone says this for a reason. it keeps your tummy full so you eat less food, it helps flush everything out, it helps keep your digestive system running, it helps keep your face clear, it helps keep the headaches down, it helps you lose weight… water is just super good for you and you should drink it. but don’t drink too much. if you dilute your body too much, you can kill yourself. literally. if you drink too much water (e.g. 2-3 gallons in under an hour) you’ll die. so don’t drink that much. but, ya know… a gallon, or a gallon and a half spread out over a day is good.
7. allow yourself a treat every once and awhile. not a binge. not an unhealthy treat. it doesn’t even have to be a food treat. but give in once and awhile. get your nails done, take a fun class, make something, draw something, have an ice cream cone. do give yourself the opportunity to indulge in something. or else you become bitter and resentful.
8. once a week, up your calories by at least 200-500. it’ll kickstart your metabolism and you’ll lose weight faster. just don’t keep up the higher calorie count for more than ONE DAY or you’ll start gaining again. but one of those days every couple weeks is great to avoid a plateau.
9. when your clothes start getting really baggy, buy a smaller size. there’s nothing quite as rewarding as going from a large to a small. i just made the switch a few weeks ago and it’s amazing.
10. feel your b0ne3. rub your hands over your r1b3, your h1pb0n3s, your c0llarb0n3s look at your thigh gap.. get on tumblr, look at th1nsp0, it’ll keep you motivated.
11. take lots of pictures. it’s great to look back and see the progression from fat and gross to being skinny and beautiful 🥰
12. stay safe ♥️
all pics in this post are me ☺️
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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Getting Ready for Important Events
Do you have a prom coming up? Or a black tie event, a graduation, a wedding? Maybe nothing at all, but here is a beginner’s guide to (my personal) guide of beauty resources for big events.
1. If you’re planning to wear your hair up for an event, don’t get any keratin treatments done a couple of weeks before. Your hair will not stay in place.
2. Start dress shopping as early as possible. The more you leave things for last minute, the more hectic things will get.
3. Don’t buy dresses too small in hopes that you will lose a lot of weight in time. Buy it as per your current size. Drastic short term weight loss is unlikely.
4. Try the dress on at least 3 times before the event - once when you buy/ receive it; once when your event is about a week away; and 2-3 days prior. The reason being that weight can fluctuate. If you need to give it for alterations, you need to have a few days on your side. Make sure you have the right underwear.
5. Don’t get any facials done a couple of days before your event. Get it done a week or two prior, in case you break out. A lot of women make the mistake of getting facials done last minute or drastically changing their routine for just a few days. Your skin can’t get used to the change so fast and as a result, you break out on the day of the event. Stick to your original routine as much as possible.
6. In my experience, square shaped nails chip the most. If you’re unsure about what sort of nails to get, get a classic French nail, it’ll go with everything.
7. If you’re driving there yourself/ with a friend or in a vehicle that will be parked at the event, it is a good idea to carry an extra pair of flats. Keep it in the car if needed.
8. If you can afford to splurge, best to get waxed rather than shaved. If you have sensitive skin, be careful. You can easily get waxed 2 weeks before the event - waxed skin tends to stay hairless longer, and you won’t accidentally cut yourself with the razor.
9. Your clutch should have oil blotting paper (Sephora has good ones), perfume sample, a little cash, card, lipstick, hair tie and mints.
10. If you’re buying new shoes for this event, break into them. Put some talc powder around the edge of shoes and try to walk at least 3-4 minutes everyday until the event. Wear thin socks initially so that you don’t get any injuries.
11. If you’re stuck between two outfits, or if you have more than one event to attend to in a row, make an outfit PDF. Take pictures of yourself in each outfit, with its corresponding jewellery, accessories and shoes. Upload each outfit + accessories + potential hairstyles + make up looks + nails (the last three can be sourced from Pinterest) to Microsoft Word/ Apple Pages. Place each look on each page. Make sure that everything is clear and visible. Export it to PDF. You can print it if you like.
12. Don’t eat anything junk one week before your event. Start your days with lots of water, green juices, fruits and vegetables. Refrain from alcohol, smoking.
13. Start whitening your teeth a month before the event (if you’ve been given that much notice). Crest is decent.
14. If you’re getting your hair and make up professionally done, it really is a good idea to have a trial run, unless the MUA is tried and tested by you.
15. Plan the day of the event carefully. If your MUA tells you that the make up will take an hour, hold it as 1.5 hours. If your hairdresser says 40 minutes, hold it as 1 hour. Make a schedule for the day so that you are not late. Ensure you have enough time for photos!
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sariahsue · 1 year
Let Me Count the Ways
Chapter Seventeen - Realization (Finally)
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6] [Ch 7] [Ch 8] [Ch 9] [Ch 10] [Ch 11] [Ch 12] [Ch 13] [Ch 14] [Ch 15] [Ch 16]
Chat Noir whipped his baton in front of him, pushing the button to extend it even while reaching for Ladybug, but she twisted away from him, zipping out her yoyo to save herself and get as far away from him as possible. As quickly as possible.
He mourned that small loss.
The fight started again as soon as his feet touched the ground. Antomologist stomped on the pavement around him. Being tiny meant a small tantrum could be deadly, and it was harder to get out of the way quickly. Once, he threw his baton up above him, bracing it against the rough concrete sidewalk. The baton bowed but didn’t snap. The akuma’s exoskeleton unfortunately protected his foot, and he tried again. 
Chat Noir hadn’t noticed the second attempt. But Ladybug had. He turned when she shouted at him, and looked up to see a foot looming overhead, tangled in her string. 
He waved gratefully and darted to the questionable safety beneath the park bench, making sure he kept his eyes on where he was running, and not his partner. He hadn’t gotten a great look at her in the darkness of the tree, so his imagination filled in details. The blush on her cheeks. How her hair had come undone. How her breathing would have sped up if only he’d kissed her back. 
A crash brought him back. A civilian car had rear-ended a police cruiser. It looked like no one was in the driver seat. Probably shrunk. 
One of the officers ran to check, so Chat Noir turned his attention back to the fight.
Yes, those were definitely plastic arms. Shiny and artificially smooth and this was such an unimportant detail to fixate on, but it was better than thinking about why Ladybug had kissed him and her promise to never do it again. So he stared at the stupid arms.
And listened to the police sirens. And waited until Antomologist turned his back. With the push of a button, Chat Noir extended his baton the full width of the street, bracing each end between the buildings, trying to trip up the enemy. 
Ladybug caught his idea and swung into the akuma’s face, trying to startle him into backing up into the trap. It didn’t work. He sidestepped and turned away, but it gave Chat Noir a good view of her face.
She had thought he was falling in love with her again. And that was her reason for kissing him? But wouldn’t that be encouraging him? Why would she kiss him if she thought that was what he wanted? 
“Lucky Charm!”
That was his cue. He sprinted forward as a giant - well, normal - red and black can of silly string nearly crushed Ladybug. It started to roll, but he braced against it, knowing what she wanted him to do before she said it. She had already positioned herself at the cap, throwing her weight against the nozzle. It didn’t budge.
“Switch with me,” she yelled. “Maybe you can-”
Antomologist wasn’t going to stand around and let them stop him, though Chat Noir could wish. He squatted (since the costume wouldn’t let him bend) to pick up the can, cupping his other three hands, ready to capture his enemies. 
“New plan!” She slapped the side of the can. 
Chat Noir understood. 
The can turned black and crumbled apart. Foam erupted everywhere, in Antomologist’s eyes, the joints of his arms, and took his attention too. Ladybug scurried, avoiding pink clumps and pieces of can, and disappeared into a gap in the shoulder of the costume.
Chat Noir was stuck in the foam, helplessly watching. Inescapably reliving their kiss. He’d cataloged so many of her strange behaviors in the past months. The stuttering. Compliments. Her touches. She’d been touching him a lot. His face, his hair, his chest.
That kiss.
A white butterfly emerged from Antomologist’s shoulder, followed by a squirming Ladybug wriggling herself free and tumbling into a puddle of foam. 
Chat Noir pulled himself up and grabbed the largest piece of the Lucky Charm he could find, a twisted piece of metal with a cursive “Y” on it. The question he couldn’t bring himself to ask her and couldn’t stop asking himself. “Why?”
Before he knew it, she had thrown the Charm and said the magic words and they were standing face to face, normal sized. Somewhere behind him, the police were wrapping a blanket around a confused man’s shoulders. People were coming out of buildings, patting their arms and legs to reassure themselves that they were fine. 
And Ladybug left without saying goodbye to any of them.
He didn’t have much more time left than she had, but he took the time to wave and answer a few short questions. 
He hardly paid attention to what he was doing, his mind occupied. 
Why would she do all all those things if she didn’t like him? Why would she want him to fall in love with her if she didn’t want him? Why would she kiss him if she didn’t love him back?
And the answer was finally obvious.
She wouldn’t.
Author's note:
It was fun seeing all your guesses on the chapter title! Hope the real one didn't disappoint!
You're getting a weird Wednesday update because today is @jennagrinsoverml's birthday! And this story was originally thought of as a birthday present for her… last year. Haha.
Happy birthday!
Tag list: @clawsout83 @trippingovermyfeett @tbehartoo @yoonjae20 @random-cartoon-fangirl @jasvalka
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asoftgoth · 11 months
I hope these aren't intrusive to ask, but when it comes to your recent hip growth...
A. It's so cute, first of all
B. Do you believe they're growing solely because of HRT, or because of HRT plus you're specifically eating enough to continue gaining during your transition?
And when it comes to your transition in general, if you happen to plan to undergo any sort of gender confirmation surgery, have you already looked into qualifications/patient criteria? I'm not asking because I want to pry about you but because I think my egg is cracking but I'm already about the same size as you and I'm worried that if I even try transitioning, eventually I'll hit a road block at which point if I want to get any relevant surgery, they won't consider me viable unless I lose a lot of weight.
Again, I'm so sorry if this isn't stuff you're comfortable talking about, in which case please don't feel obligated to reply to this at all. I hope you're doing well!
Hey there :) First off im happy to answer pretty much any transition related questions. These are really invasive though and I appreciate you acknowledging that. For everyone that will read this, please don’t expect every trans person you speak with to be willing to open up like this. But with that said here we go:
A: Lol thank you 🥰💕
B: Its such an exciting and scary part of someone’s life when their egg is starting to crack. I remember those days well and I feel for you. But trust me, it gets so much better 💕 And about your questions, my hip growth is because of HRT mainly, and the fact that I have an overall decent diet. That’s pretty much it. And the diet aspect is important, when you transition your body is undergoing a massive transformation and it needs energy to help it along. My actual diet is for another post maybe, (it’s not anything special tho) but I’m not “actively gaining” and haven’t been since I started HRT, believe it or not! It might surprise some people but I’ve actually lost weight even though I’ve added about 3 inches to my hips since starting almost 9 months ago. Almost all of the weight I’ve lost (about 40lbs) has been from muscle loss throught my body. Plus I’ve also lost a ton of visceral fat from my waist(yay), and gained lots of subcutaneous fat in my ass and thighs (also yay). That’s not to mention my chest which is *really* growing a ton, and fast too. I’d say im really lucky with how my proportions are filling out, but it’s a long process and im extremely grateful. Transitioning definitely isn’t over night tho and as much as this sucks, it’s a genetic roll of the dice for what your proportions will look like. Transitioning takes a lot of bravery, and I don’t say that lightly.
With all that said, yes I do have some surgeries in mind that I want and plan on getting in the next few years. I don’t want bottom surgery, but if I did then my size would be an issue. There are strict BMI limitations for getting a vaginoplasty. It fucking sucks but that’s just the reality of things in 2023. Simpler surgeries like getting an orchi don’t have those requirements and that’s one thing I plan on getting fairly soon. Another one is FFS. I’ve actually talked with a few surgeons already who do FFS and some have BMI requirements and others don’t. The ones that don’t unfortunately may cost a bit more from what I’ve seen. (But they do have more experience too). For implants and things like that, I don’t know, I haven’t researched boob jobs specifically but I can’t imagine BMI would be an issue there. I know it isn’t for fat injections in your butt/hips.
One last thing too that I wanna make clear, because a lot of people might read this. You don’t have to actually take any medicine or have any procedures done to be transgender 💕 Medically transitioning is something that helps so many of us and is absolutely necessary for (I would say) most trans people, (it 100% saved my life, I wouldn’t be here without it). But not all, and it doesn’t define your transness whether or not you’ve taken ~this~ medicine or had ~that~ surgery. I was just as much a woman as I am now for the year before I started HRT when I knew I was trans. And I was just as much a girl when I was born. I’ve been a woman all my life, it just took a little while for me to figure myself out haha. Just trust your gut and make healthy decisions. I put off the whole “deliberately gaining” thing while my body is going through all this change. And I personally feel like im better off for it. However I’m working out and eating to help grow my lower half, so I guess you could say my gaining journey isn’t over, it’s just changed. But anyway, I hope this helps you and anyone who reads this, sorry it was so long lol. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask, and my inbox is always open too 🖤
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I started a month long plan for myself.
I’ve been depressed and unmotivated. My weight loss has plateaued, and I want to fix myself.
For a month,
1. Follow my food rules to a T. No sugar as well. And stay strictly in my calorie deficit. If I go over, I purge or exercise it out.
2. Workout every morning
3. Wake up at 6:30am
4. No mirrors or looking at my reflection. Without worrying about my physical appearance it seems to help me focus more on what’s ahead.
5. No weigh ins the whole month. The goal is to see how much I can lose if I focus 100%. Seeing the scale derails my concentration and I’ll act out or let go of my plan if I see something I don’t like.
6. No doom scrolling on Instagram. I do this way too often and it wastes hours.
7. Journal the whole thing.
8. Walk two hours a day.
9. Fast once a week for 36 hours.
I’m on day 3. So far so good. The key is consistency and to crawl out of my unmotivated depression pit.
Other people are welcome to try it.
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Utsuro's Sister Info
Now that I've finally finished the sprites for that fan-sister that I gave to Utsuro, now I'm going to add her personal information:
Name: Sachiko (幸子).
Age: 9 (Child), 25 (Adult).
Gender: Female.
(Possible) Ultimate Title: Ultimate Lucky Student.
Birthdate: August 15 (Leo).
Height: 137 cm (Child), 181 cm (Adult).
Weight: 35 kg (Child), 74 kg (Adult).
Chest Size: 65 cm (Child), 84 cm (Adult).
Blood Type: O.
Likes: Stars, sweets, comics.
Dislikes: Her brother (Only as a child), her parents, coffee.
Having been conceived just to be a replacement for a brother she will never know, Sachiko spent her entire early childhood treated as nothing more than a lucky charm by her parents, who only had her to get back the power that turned them into the greedy monsters that drove their son away, trapping her in a constant cycle of being berated and punished by them for not being able to fulfill their greedy desires with her inherited power, and be exactly like her brother, an abuse that culminated with her being abandoned in a orphanage at 5 y.o. once her parents realized that her existence didn't gave them her brother's power back, and showing her how little they cared for her as a person.
Even if the orphanage she was abandoned into was one of the few good ones in Japan, the abuse she had suffered since the day she was born left her as a skittish kid with both a pathological need to be accepted and needed, and a big grudge towards her older brother, which made it hard for her to make friends with the other orphans in the place, who either avoided her or picked on her, something that only exacerbated her issues even when the orphanage caretakers tried to do something about it.
After the Tragedy started some months before her 9th birthday, and the orphanage she was left in was attacked by a group of Despairs, she and the other orphans were taken by the Future Foundation, where she became one of the few survivors of the attacks caused by the Ultimate Despair's mole in the Foundation, sending her under the care of a low-ranking member after she healed from her injuries, finally giving her a good parental figure and a chance to start healing from her mental injuries.
As an adult, she's much calmer and mentally healthier, which has given her the maturity to realized that her brother, unlike what her parents always told her about him, was as much of a victim of their parents' abuse as she, which has motivated her to search for any information about him, so she can at least have the closure of knowing who he truly was.
Her listed ages are the years she was going to turn the year the Tragedy started (Child) and her age 16-17 years after the beginning of the Tragedy (Adult).
She was born around a year after Utsuro left to the streets.
She has some scars in her abdomen from being attacked by the Future Foundation mole.
She has some more physical similarities to Utsuro as a child than as an adult, thanks to her parents' efforts to turn her into a copy of her brother in their ill-fated plan to get the Divine Luck back.
She has some level of Divine Luck, but isn't very strong.
Thanks to the Divine Luck of her parents being somewhat involved in her birth, during the Tragedy, she became slightly more accident-prone thanks to the loss of Divine Luck, culminating in the attack by the Future Foundation's mole that she barely survived.
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durmom · 1 month
Its Useless
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Part 9
Part 8:
Everything cements for Kelly, when Lucifer puts his hands on her. The boys seem hopeful with the device Ketch gave them. Everything is going to plan, until Sam watches Lucifer's essence go down the vent. Cas gets Kelly out of the room, still debating on what you said. Dean however is happy that they got Lucifer, not knowing what Sam saw. When they are put under arrest Dean can feel the blood drain from his face. He is at a loss for words, he feels utterly defeated by you. How could you be on their side and let this happen? In the truck Sam looks to Dean concerned. Sam is confused, specifically about you. It was clear to him that you cared about them, and would never want to hurt them so why, why would you not tell them this?
While Kelly goes to the bathroom Cas is thinking about what you said, was this nephilim a good thing? When Kelly calls him, he speaks without thinking, telling her she needs to get rid of the baby. Now stressed about the situation, he realizes its up to him to find Kelly, and that he does believe the nephilim needs to be taken care of. Cas goes back to the motel, seeing the boys are no longer there, he calls Mary to meet him at the bunker. 
Dean is brooding in his cell, when the interrogator comes in all he can think about is how he wants to kill him. He’s an annoyance, disturbing his thoughts. His thoughts about you. His anger is so immense and all he can do is sit in his cell, where no one, but you, knows where it is. At this point he’s thinking about every way to escape. 
At the bunker, you await Cas and Mary’s arrival. When they do arrive Mary is pissed when you explain what happened. She’s pissed as Cas for leaving her boys and losing Kelly. Shes pissed at you for letting them walk into it.
“Mary, I can’t explain it all to you but I promise you they are okay. It’s for the greater good.”
“I dont get why they didn’t call me?”
“Mary, you were out.” Cas says.
“Why did you let this happen?” she turns to you.
“Because… it needed to happen. I need you to trust me on this. They will be out. I promise you, just wait for them to call.”
“You promise me?”
“I promise. If not, you can kill me.”
“I will.”
Cas is not satisfied and goes to Crowley, who refuses to help. Mary stays at the bunker, when Alicia calls asking for help you tell her to go.
“Go, It's what they’d want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ll run point from here, keep hunting, and working with the Brits. Which by the way will turn on you eventually but keep them close for now.”
“They’ll what?”
“Sorry today’s been a mess. The Brits will turn on hunters but right now we need to keep them close. When the time comes, I’ll call.”
“O-Okay.” Mary rushes out, confused, and clearly annoyed with you. Once alone, you feel the crushing weight of everything. 
Over the next weeks Cas keeps trying to hunt down Kelly and Mary continues hunting. You on the other hand spent two weeks in another depressive episode. You’d sleep until one or two before forcing yourself up to eat, check on Mary and Cas, and look for cases for them to work. After two weeks you get angry, why did Amara bring you here? It’s annoying to not be able to talk to the boys. That's when you get an idea. Cas has brought the impala back so you head to the car and rummage through the glove box. Finding one of the back up phones you call Crowley.
“Out so soon?” He asks.
“No, he’s not.”
“And who is this I’m speaking to? Is this Squirrels Nut?”
“Ew, what? No, Crowley, my name is y/n i’ve been working with the boys for six months. I need you to smuggle letters to them.” “And why would I do that?”
“Because I know you have Lucifer, and I wont tell Sam and Dean who will absolutely kill you.��� The line goes silent.
“Where should we meet?”
“There's a bar, down the street from the bunker.”
“I know the place.”
“One hour.” You hang up.
Your foot shakes anxiously, every time the door opens you look expecting Crowley, which is dumb, you know he's just going to appear next to you. Which he does.
“Hello y/n”
“Crowley.” you actually smile. You always found him funny, dumb, but funny, and in the end he actually does do some good.
“So, Nut what's in these letters?”
“Ew, Crowley, not your best work.” He furrows his brows at you, “Nevermind, I know you know where they are, I just want you to get these to them. You won't be able to read them, to make sure they actually get to them they both have code words they have to say. I want you to return to me, here, in an hour, and tell me the code word. Also if they have anything to say, tell me.” He opens one of the letters looking it over before folding it back up, “Enochian.”
“Yes, do this and I wont tell the boys about your dumbass plan.”
“Really? For some lousy letters?”
“Yep.” You smile at him before taking a sip of the rum and coke you ordered.
“I guess I’ll be back.”
Crowley meets his inside man who somehow gets the letters to Sam and Dean. They both rush to open them.
I know you have a lot of questions and I promise you I will answer as many as I can when you get out. To start, yes I knew this was going to happen. I swear to you it's for the greater good. I’m running things back home. Cas is looking for Kelly, yes he lost her, and your mom is hunting. She's obviously pissed at me, but it’ll be okay. Now I am going to tell you some things that you cannot share with Dean yet. I want to tell him but you know how he is, angry. Kelly’s baby. His name is Jack. He is good, nothing but good, he takes after his mom. Jack needs to be born, he saves the world. That's why I had to keep you in the dark, I couldn't risk it. Again I will answer more questions when you're out. I know you boys have a plan, it's a good plan by the way. I love you Sammy, I’ll see you soon.
P.S code word is Crowley’s a hoe.
Sam knocks on the door to signal he’s done. When the guard comes up he flashes his black eyes to show it's Crowley’s demon.
“Say, I believe her. Code word is Crowley’s a hoe.” Once alone Sam rereads the letter and can’t help but laugh. Only you could make him laugh when he’s absolutely miserable.
I know you’re pissed at me, I don’t blame you. There's a reason why I had to let you guys go through this. I am taking care of everything at home. I’m sorry it had to be this way. For your own sanity, the reason I did this was to save the world. It might not make sense now but it will when all is said and done. Trust me when I tell you that everything will be okay. Genuinely Dean, I had to let things go the same way they do in the show for the reason it actually saves us. It saves everyone. I know you told me to leave but I’m not going to. I believe in you boys and will be by your side whether you want me to or not. I still care about you. I love you Dean Winchester.
P.S code word is magical liopleurodons
Dean gets up and knocks on the door, all he says is the code word. Once the demon leaves he turns and punches the wall. 
Crowley meets you back at the bar and recites what Sam said, and the codes.
“Sam says he believes you. Dean didn't say anything.”
“The codes?”
 “Crowley is a.. Hoe. Magical liopleurodons.”
“Good job!”
“Are we done here?” His shoulders hang low, fists balled into his pockets.
“Not quite, have a drink.” You wave over the bartender and order the fruitiest drink you can, with an umbrella.
“You know Crowley, I actually find you hilarious.”
“That's what i’ve been trying to get these hooligans to see for years!”
“They just can’t give you that satisfaction.” 
Once your drinks are finished you part. You would have liked to hang around him a bit longer but he is the King of Hell in this world, and is actually bad. So not the best idea to tell him about you. You decided to have a couple more drinks when a good looking guy comes up to you. He was no Dean, but attractive. You were drunk, and sad so you thought why not. You needed to release some steam and it's been quite a while. Dean is not going to be happy with you when he gets out, so that relationship is dead. Might as well enjoy yourself, Dean was a slut anyways. 
The hookup was messy, not wanting to leave with a guy you just met, you decide on the bathroom. He has you up against the stall, since it had been a while and you are drunk, you finish fast, as does he. The feeling is euphoric, minus the fact you kept imagining it was Dean. When all is said and done you say goodbye and go to the car. Suddenly you start crying, full of guilt. This isn't who you are, you’ve never had a one night stand type of thing. Trying to justify it was fucked up but you did need it. The following days though consisted of the same thing, getting drunk and hooking up with a guy at the bar. It was a coping method, more a method of self destruction and self harm. The guilt of the boys being locked in a cell was eating you alive. The sex allowed you to forget about it for a moment, then feel it in full swing. Your daily routine was the same. Sleep until one, eat, check for cases, call Mary, go to the bar and drink, sex, leave to go back to the empty bunker as late as you could. Everynight you found yourself in Dean’s bed, sleeping in one of his shirts. Slowly you were deteriorating. However one morning when you called Mary about a case she told you she needed you to take care of it. It was a small nest of vamps and she knew you could handle it. Reluctantly you agreed. You packed up the impala and headed to Virginia. 
The case was easy, you had Sam make you fake IDs a couple months back so you were able to get into the morgue, talk to the sheriff, and interview family and friends of the victims. You worked quickly and wrapped the case up within two days. The nest had five vamps, living in an old barn in the woods. They had kidnapped a sixteen year old girl after killing a forty year old man. You were able to save the girl and kill all the vamps. They were almost too easy to kill but you were fueled by so much rage that it was almost fun.
 That night you went back to the motel to shower before going to a bar that was a walk away. Sitting at the bar you stir your drink just staring at the liquid in the glass. Dissociating is the easiest way to get through this period. You sense a guy standing next to you. He orders an old fashioned. Taking a deep breath you take the last of your drink like a shot. You turn your head to look at the man next to you. He’s tall, between the lines of lanky and muscular, and has a boy band type haircut. Looking at his clothes he wears a suit, mismatched socks, and dress shoes. When you look back up you see him looking at you smiling politely. 
“No you're fine. My name's Spencer.”
“Y/n, I like to just observe people.”
“Me too. What’d you notice about me?”
“You wear mismatched socks but are wearing a suit, so not your normal attire. Clearly dorky, a compliment by the way, a star wars fan and..” looking back down to his socks, “doctor who.”
“Good job.” He smiles at you before taking a sip of his drink and pulling out a stool to join you.
“Thank you. So Spencer, what about me?”
“Honestly I can’t tell much about you but clearly you’re here trying to forget something…” intently he looks into your eyes, “ or someone.”
“Ha! Kinda both.” 
“Tell me about it?”
“Hmm, why should I?”
“I’m a stranger? Tell me and I’ll share something with you?”
“Are you also trying to forget someone?”
“Kind of.”
“Okay. Deal.” You adjust in your seat, “I have a friend, Dean. Ever since I met him he’s been so back and forth with me. We are either best buds, laughing, and having a good time or we are screaming at each other. It's been so frustrating until this last case. We are PIs, I knew something about the case that I couldn’t tell him and when he found out he was so mad. I mean I’ve never heard him yell like that. But I couldn’t tell him. It was for the greater good whether he realizes it or not. It just sucks, he’s been so back and forth and now he’s… now he’s not talking to me.” “How long have you known him?”
You chuckle, “I’ve known him awhile but we became friends about six months ago.”
“Yeah.” you laugh again, “I don't really need advice, I know it’ll blow over but thanks for letting me vent.”
“You’re welcome.” Spencer smiles at you.
“So, tell me your story.” Spencer proceeds to tell you about how he’s in the FBI and he thought his friend died but they covered it up and she just came back. He tells you how angry he is about it because his boss and  best friend lied to his face while he was grieving. It was around two in the morning, you had spent hours talking. You had long sobered up and enjoyed Spencer’s company. Spencer offers to walk you back to the motel and you accept the offer. At the motel you exchange numbers saying you’d call. Going to bed that night was easier, for the first time in six weeks you talked to someone genuine, it was nice. The next few days you and Spencer kept texting, sometimes calling. He went all over the country, as did you, but he is mostly in virginia. Every night before bed you text Spencer until you fall asleep. You meet up once for dinner, after you feel like a new person. Like who you were before coming to this world, before nursing school. 
The day had finally come, Dean and Sam were dead. Not really, but it was their time to escape. You knew roughly when they’d be escaping so you had Cas and Mary meet you at the bunker and stay with you for a few days. Cas finally gets the call. You all rush to the car to meet them in Colorado. You are shaking as you get closer, excited to see them but nervous about the reactions. Cas and Mary insist on help which meant the Brits. You sit in the car as they talk. Your window is rolled down, they obviously ask about you. Cas and Mary give little explanation. The Brits lead the way down the roads towards the Rockies. Night is passing, Cas tells you and Mary to get some sleep. That was not happening. You both are anxious to see the boys. In the morning you can tell you’re close. In your lap was a change of clothes for the boys. As Cas drove down the road you kept your eyes peeled for Sam and Dean. It was still dark but early in the morning. You see them running out of the woods and yell for Cas to pull over, the Brits drive ahead a bit. Cas and Mary jump out of the car excited to see their family. Knowing Dean is mad at you, you decide to stand by the car. Still able to see the boys but not the first to greet them, you are the one who let them get arrested. Sam and Dean are excited to see their family, the reunion is heartfelt. When Sam pulls away from his mom he starts looking around when he spots you. Sam gives you a big smile and jogs over to you. He gives you a hug, so huge that he actually lifted you off the ground. 
“Thank you for your letter!”
“Of course, I needed you to know what was going on! And I knew it had been awhile since you talked to someone.”
“Yeah, it definitely gave me hope.”
“What are you doing here?” The blood rushes from your face, Sam steps aside revealing Dean, who is rightfully pissed. 
“I- I have a change of clothes for you.” Is all you can say.
“I thought I told you to leave.” Now Dean is inches away from your face.
“I can’t.”
“After the stunt you just pulled?” He puts his hands on the car, trapping you. 
“I swear it’s for a good reason.” Even though he has you trapped and is trying to intimidate you, you hold eye contact and remain calm. However you jump when he hits the car right next to your head.
“Dean!” Sam grabs his brother to pull him off. Dean shrugs Sam’s hands off.
“No Sam! I'm done with her ‘good reason’ bullshit! If she’s on our side why is she not helping?”
“She is. Dean, we don't have time for this, we have to go.”
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potential-fate · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @andrevasims ~~
Tagging: uhm... idk this was quite long, so I don't wanna tag anyone, so I'm not going to.
anyways, my answers under a readmore, cause they're 26 questions.
1.What’s your favourite sims death?
there's so many funny deaths in ts2, but I rarely see them (I can't help it I like keeping my sims alive lmao....) I have seen the satellite death only twice in.... almost 20 years? Also think murphy bed death is pretty entertaining. oh, and that sims can spontaneously combust if too warm.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
funny I was just talking about this with @nappe-plays-the-sims on discord. My style is definitely maxis mix/semi-realistic. I think it'd probably be fully alpha in ts4 though, if my computer could handle it. but for ts2, I don't like how a lot of alpha cc looks, so it stays squarely in the mix category.
3.Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hm. mostly not? there are certain sims that don't fit personality wise and I've cheated (in both directions both fat loss and gain) sheerly because their fitness just barely dipped and it didn't make sense. also as a storytelling simblr, I need consistency, so sometimes I'll cheat it for the moment, but then return them to their new fit/fat state once I have a bit of a time lapse.
4. Do you use move objects?
literally constantly. I mean, I have to to pose scenes, but also decoration in my game is ridiculously off grid so 🤷‍♀️
5. Favorite mod?
I legitimately don't think I can pick one. I have like 200 'curated' mods that I have mostly been using for literally a decade. Even in my "cc free" game I still have my mods folder and my defaults in. That being said, if forced to, I wouldn't be able to live without ACR/Romantic Standards, and the Traits Project.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Glamour Life Stuff, but I pretty much followed the release date for ts2. for TS4, the entire reason I redownloaded the game was Cottage Living so... that one.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live as in 'we are Live 🎬" (because literally that's how I always pictured it. the game is in action now, it's live.)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
uhm.... probably Evren, though no one has seen much of him yet. I just think he's pretty.
9. Have you made a simself?
I have.... about 12 years ago. and that sim can stay back there LMAO.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
hm. I suppose Gloomy, Maker, Socially Awkward. it took me a while to decide though.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
in ts2, I guess the red is okay? idk there's a reason all my hair is defaulted.
in ts4, I specifically like the light blonde and the dirty blonde, but would like to set the one labeled "blonde" (the yellow one) on fire.
12. Favorite EA hair?
see above answer. I'm just... not a fan of ts2 hairs. When I was a baby, I used to use exclusively this hair on men (like they literally all had that hair it was kinda funny), before I discovered cc. but now I think I'd probably pic Caesar if I had to.
13. Favorite life stage?
Teen through Adult. I like them all probably equally, but I spend a LOT of time at Uni 😂 I don't understand why everyone wants shorter UNI mods lmaooo.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
can I say neither? what you guys are playing the game???? jk jk. uhm... I guess I'll say builder, but honestly a good portion of my time is literally posing. though said scenes are normally based off gameplay. but I don't get to play that often. like ie: the story posts I'm posting now are literally based off gameplay from 6 months ago so....
15. Are you a CC creator?
Yup!~ though it's not consistent, in posting schedule or what I tend to make so 🤷‍♀️ (that being said, I do have hair retextures I'm literally planning on posting this week.)
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I feel like I do, but I don't wanna post favorites and hurt someone's feelings. 😂 that being said, there's like 3-5 people I talk to almost daily.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
in case it's not obvious, it's ts2. I do like ts4 now with all the dlc now though. but ts2 will always be my ride or die tbh.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
I... don't think so.... I'm pretty sure I don't. I would be willing though probably. I mean, I sorta want a sims tattoo, and that's a lot more permanent than merch so.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
I do not. I don't really.... like youtube that much. or letsplays.... or filming myself.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
oh god. idk man, I was heavy into the whole scene kid 2008 type stuff back when I first started creating cc and stuff, let alone playing, so like.... "a lot" is really all I have. I'd like to say that it's improved? I definitely think my photo/editing skills are better.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I want to say it's potential-x-fate but i am not 100% sure on that... I don't think I've ever shared anything for ts4 anyways though.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
that depends heavily on what you're looking for. @deedee-sims, @mdpthatsme, and @serabiet for clothing come to mind.
Makeup by far is probably @lilith-sims. and JesstheEx (LJ).
Hair I do a lot of my own retextures, but @antoninko also does a lot of sunshine retextures.
For b/b I couldn't even begin to decide. I don't have as much and it's all over the place.
for TS4, like, literally 85% of my CAS is @pralinesims and I have 0 B/B so.... it's pretty much just Praline LMAO.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
technically? since 2008. I migrated here from LJ around then. but this account is newer than that, cause I used to have it as a side blog and that was not very convenient. the old account I deleted after I moved everything I wanted over. I also took a 3 year break from 2016-2019.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Carefully. lmao. jk jk. uh.... lets see. I crop them (via my own action), apply actions (mostly other people's) depending on the scene, edit any clipping by hand painting, add in hair strands a lot of the time, and uh, then I add a 1% monochromatic noise filter, and the white border frame.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
since I play ts2 this isn't really applicable. but in the magical world of Allie Gets What They Want, I'd want a fix for ts2 to allow more customizability via CAS. by that I mean, I want more slots for skin details/tattoos/etc and accessories and such like they have in ts4, but in ts2. Obviously this is theoretical. but it's the thing I miss most in ts2.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
ahhh.... for ts2, I probably play with Uni the most, but ts2 was better at integrating gameplay elements into their EPs so I'd be hard pressed to drop any of them, even ones I "don't use" that often. (ie: nightlife came with chemistry and I'd die without it, even though I don't use any of the downtown functions often.)
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agentlemansavage · 5 months
I've made the choice to refrain from answering anymore questions about my love life.
I think I've said plenty about everything for everyone to know where I stand. The reality of the situation is it's unlikely to immediately improve unless she suddenly changes her mind on things and given the time it's been and that she has someone else to focus on it isn't likely.
Yes this hurts honestly more than words can express. Losing a lover is always hard and losing your bestfriend is even harder. Anytime my phone beeps it all I still think it's her, anytime I go to play a game I want to play it with her, anytime see a meme, or something happens in my day I want to share it with her. I saw a future with her one that I want more than anything. It's crazy to me that I didn't want to waste any time because I found exactly what I wanted and time was exactly what she needed. I fucked everything up and I'm learning to live with that. I meant everything I've said and will continue to keep all the promises I made. I'm trying very hard to stay hopeful, but I've tried everything I know so all I can do is wait.
I'm also taking a step back from this blog. I'm not disappearing but I don't think currently I can offer anyone advice, or continue to post nearly as much as I have been. I attended my first AA meeting for the first time in a long time. I don't think i have an actual problem with drinking but I do use it to cope and especially lately I find the bottle is the only thing bringing me any sort of comfort so a meeting to remind myself to take things in stride.
I'm still working on my 6 month challenge. I meant every word and I'm finally starting to see results of the hard work at the gym. I still have some issues to work through in therapy and some things I need to work on myself. The certification I'm working on(the first of many) will hopefully be accomplished by the end of next month. I'll make sure to update on that as it comes. Spanish admittedly im losing steam. It's hard to stay motivated when the person I'm working on this specific thing for wont even talk to me. I haven't given up it's just hard.
April has always been a hard month for me. A friend of mine died 9 days after his birthday over a gun accident when I was younger. The anniversary of those two dates came and went and It's hard to admit the weight of his loss still haunts me so Today I'm grateful for the time I got with my friends that are no longer here.
One last thing, I've decided to move within the next year. I had already planned to move to another state for her and had applied for jobs that I ironically ended up getting interviews for and turning down. I can't say that I will end up in that state but I would like a change and I think it's time.
Sorry, this isn't a positive update and I'm very thankful for those who have reached out.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
An Ordinary Day
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Book:                Wake the Dead
Pairing:            Eli Sipes x F!MC (Zoe Rivera)
Rating:             Teen
Category:        Super Fluff with a twinge of angst.
Summary:       Friends conspire to give Zoe and Eli a little downtime together, and Eli is determined to make it special.
Words:             1474
A/N:   I received this ask from @cariantha. The prompt was: it's their first date, and they realize it's Valentine's Day. I changed it up just a little bit. Given the world they live in, I don't think Valentine's Day or dating as we know it would exist, but I thought of a way to make it delightful them. I hope you like it. Participating in: @choicesficwriterscreations Valentine's Event; @choices-february2023 Day 14 Val Day or 18 Romance - you pick lol; @choicesholidays #11... but it could also be 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 13 & 14. lol I love these two! 😊 Last, but not least, @choicesmonthlychallenge To Be... "Be Mine" "I'm Yours"
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Zoe gingerly stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her dripping, chestnut-brown hair. Grabbing another, she moved into her room and slowly dabbed her body dry. When the dim light from her tiny window captured her attention, she stopped to watch the sun as it descended in the sky. Going from amber, to burnt orange, to deep brown…then it was gone. An unfamiliar feeling washed over her… a sense of calming peace. But where it came from, she didn’t know.
The past few days had been filled with challenges. Infighting between the rival groups that made up Olympus was beginning to resurface, and it was a cause of great concern. She knew their strength lay in their unity, and their very existence would be threatened if people lost sight of that. In some ways, yesterday’s drone attack, a rarity during the winter months, was almost a blessing. It would have been a perfect wake-up call; if only the price hadn’t been so steep. Danger always surrounded them, and the threat of death was part of their daily existence. Still, it never became easier for Zoe. Especially during the placid winter months that offered the slightest bit of respite. Today, they lost one more.
It was Troy who stepped up. Taking Zoe aside after the burial, he informed her that her night shift was now his. He knew his best friend better than she knew herself, and he could tell the weight on her slight but strong shoulders was becoming too great to bear. Inspired by Troy’s kindness, Angel tapped Eli on the arm and said, “You have the night off, too. Go spend it with your girl.”  
Zoe didn’t fight them; the relief was instantly noticeable on her face. But Eli’s eyes went wide. It wasn’t that people didn’t know about him and Zoe… that was common knowledge now. But it was all still so surreal to him. His girl. He had a girl, and she had him, and they had friends…. family, really… the difference a year can make.   So while his instinct was to tell Angel he’d work his shift as planned, he stopped himself and even almost smiled. “Thank you,” the only words that came from his lips.
Zoe smiled contently as she slipped into her worn pajamas, a calming warmth filling her chest. It was so clear now… the reason she felt at peace. Regardless of the struggles and losses she endured, her blessings were many. And Eli and the love they shared was the greatest blessing of all.
Her heart felt light when he walked through the door. Some time alone, without any responsibilities… hopefully… was just what she needed. But her heart sank a little when she saw the look on his face; tense and troubled, she doubted he required the same thing too.
He gave her a sharp peck on the cheek and crossed the room. Falling into the corner chair, he fidgeted nervously and looked as if he wanted to speak, but the words never came. She needed him desperately, but she knew sometimes everyone needed to be alone. Hence, she spoke up quickly to offer him an out.
"Eli, the past few days have been tough, and as much as I’d love to be with you, if you need time alone, I understand. We could..."
Eli reached for her hand and gently tugged at her wrist, halting her words at once.
"Of course, I want to be with you, Zoe. It's just...."
His chest rose as he took a deep breath, exhaling slowly through his nose.
"Would you go out with me?”
Zoe was bewildered. A line formed between her brows. “Like on a date?” she giggled.
“Yes… and your laughing isn’t making this easier on me.”
That only made her giggle more, and she took his hands in hers.
“You’re nervous about asking me out on a date?”
“Eli… you realize that you and I… we… we are together, right?”
“Of course we are!” He insisted.
“Then why are you nervous?”
“Because I’ve never asked anyone out,” he half smiled. “Could you go easy on me?”
“Why are you torturing yourself like this? No one asks anyone on dates anymore… where would they even go? People just sort of… come to be… like we did.”
“Yes, but you deserve better. And you haven’t answered me. Yes?”
For all the teasing she had been doling out, Eli didn’t miss how her cheeks turned crimson when she replied.   
“Of course, I’ll go out with you. But where are we going? We can’t go outside at night.”
“That’s why the date is right here,” he winked. Walking back to the door, he retrieved a bag he had left in the hallway. 
“What’s that?”
“Our date.”
He pulled out a large, plaid blanket and spread it on the floor, motioning for Zoe to join him. Delighted, she sat at his side and looped one of her arms in his.
“A bit forward for our first date,” he teased. “But if that’s what you want to do.”
“Hey!” She playfully nudged his shoulder. “I’m a liberated woman! Plus, we’ve already seen each other naked, so….”
Eli chortled with a shake of his head. Zoe was one of a kind, and sometimes, he still couldn’t believe she was his. He lit two candles, and a soft glow illuminated the room.   Then came out a plate of cookies and two bottles of milk.
“Cookies and milk!” she squealed, rubbing her hands together in anticipation.
“Special cookies,” he said, placing one in her hand.
“Special? How… they… they’re shaped like hearts!” She gasped. “Now, Eli Sipes, what would you have done if I had said no?”
“Eaten heart-shaped cookies alone in my room… and cried,” he chuckled.
“You wouldn’t have cried!” Zoe teased.
Eli tilted his head and looked her way, the sincerity in his eyes stealing Zoe’s breath away.
“If you had turned me down?” he whispered. “Don’t be so sure.”
Zoe bridged the space between them and gazed into his eyes. Her hand ran through his hair, then trailed down the side of his face, over every scar she had come to love so much. 
“I’ll never turn you down,” she breathed. “I hope you know that. I’d never turn you away.”
“I do,” he grinned, then stuck his hand back in the bag to retrieve one last item. He handed Zoe a wooden heart he had whittled himself. On one side, he etched, “Will you be my Valentine.” On the other side, a simple E & Z.
“Your Valentine?” She blushed.
“Yeah, you know about Valentine’s Day?” He asked, pulling her onto his lap. 
“Only a little. I know it was a big deal before the outbreak…” her eyes shot open. “Wait! Is that why you asked me out on a date? Is today Valentine’s Day?”
“According to that book about holidays that you love so much, yeah… today’s Valentine’s Day. I know how much you love learning about the old world, and this was a pretty big day then. So, I  thought it would be the perfect day for our official first date!”
“Eli Sipes!” She squealed, squeezing him in a tight hug. “I had no idea you were such a romantic!”
His face was nuzzled in her hair, and he inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet, delicate scent that was Zoe. Intoxicating, it was the only word that could describe it.
“For you,” he purred, running his hand down the side of her face. “Only for you.”
“I should hope so,” Zoe sang. “But I feel bad. I didn’t know, so I have nothing to give you.”
Cupping her cheek, Eli drew her closer to him until their lips met in a tender, loving kiss. 
“You’ve given me more than you’ll ever know,” he breathed. “And tonight, you have honored me by being my date.”
“So having cookies and milk with you is your gift.”
“Being with you is my gift. The best gift I’ve ever received.”
A million emotions coursed through her, and Eli watched as she began to tremble. Every moment of their lives… and the lives of those who loved them… had conspired to bring them here. All the struggles and sacrifice, the happiness and pain, the fighting and holding on when it would have been so easy to let go… it all brought them together… here.
A single tear ran down Zoe’s cheek, and Eli’s thumb was there in an instant to wipe it away. The same way he had watched his father brush away his mother’s tears years before.
“Are you OK?”
His voice guided her back to the present, and the rest of the world melted away. 
“I’m better than OK. I’m exactly where I was meant to be. Happy Valentine's Day, Eli.” 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
A/N 2: I hope I made the prompt work. Given that I HC Zoe has an obsession with the old world and its traditions (because poor baby girl just wanted a normal life), I thought this was sweet for them. Thank you for the ask, Cari!
Perma: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks
WTD Only: @kyra75 @cariantha @lilyoffandoms @missameliep
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healthytips93 · 1 year
How can I 10 kg waight loss in one month?
Losing 10 kg (22 pounds) of weight in one month.Here are some general tips that can help you start on a safe and effective weight loss journey:
Set a realistic goal:
Instead of aiming for 10 kg in a month, consider setting smaller, achievable goals. Losing 0.5 to 1 kg per week is a more reasonable target for most individuals.
Balanced diet:
Focus on a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid crash diets or extreme calorie restrictions, as they can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems.
Control portion sizes:
Be mindful of how much you eat in each meal. Use smaller plates to help with portion control and avoid overeating.
Stay hydrated:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger.
Regular exercise:
Include both cardiovascular exercises (like walking, running, cycling) and strength training in your routine. Exercise helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism.
Be consistent:
Stay committed to your plan and remain consistent in your efforts.
Get enough sleep:
Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones related to hunger and satiety, leading to overeating.
Limit processed foods and added sugars:
Minimize your intake of processed and sugary foods, as they are often high in empty calories.
Track your progress:
Keep a record of your food intake, exercise routine, and weight loss progress. This can help you stay motivated and identify areas that may need improvement.
Remember, individual results may vary, and the most sustainable approach to weight loss is gradual and steady progress over time.
If you’re looking to kickstart your weight loss journey with a keto diet, be sure to check out our ultimate keto meal plan! This meal plan includes delicious and satisfying recipes that are low in carbs and high in healthy fats, helping you to achieve your weight loss and lossing fat goals while still enjoying delicious food.
So, what are you waiting for? Download our ultimate keto meal plan now and start your journey towards a healthier and happier you!
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chamomilebunnie · 5 months
Welcome Lovely’s <3
Disclaimer: I just want to say that I fully support recovery, and I am in no way trying to encourage ed’s. My account is about MY personal body issues and mental health issues. If that is triggering to you, then I strongly suggest you block me and move on, therefore protecting your peace. (do what is right for you💕)
(I unpinned this post so like just ignore it thx )
To everyone else , WELCOME!!!
Hi my name is Angel. I am 18 yrs old, and I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember.
I was always a fat child, at no point my life was I ever not overweight, and of course the problem worsened as I got older. I was constantly put on diets as a kid , and my mom tried to limit the amount of sweets I had, but it never really worked and I just kept getting bigger and bigger.
In 2020 I reached my , then highest , weight of 280lbs / 127 kg , I was completely disgusted with my weight , and decided to start my weight loss journey for the first time ever, my plan worked out well since we were stuck in quarantine anyway. I restricted myself a lot , and stuck to a very low calorie diet. I also ran/ walked on the treadmill everyday until I reach 2-3 miles. Then I would dance for 30-45 minute a day. Doing this I was able to go from 280lbs ( started half way through freshman year) down to 215 lbs (the end of sophomore year ) .
But then for my Junior year , we returned back to in person school. At first I was intermittent fasting, and taking my own low-cal lunches, yet was stuck in a plateau. I never got lower than 215lbs. I was also hanging out with friends afterschool, as well as joined school clubs, this didn’t help at all with the fact that I was trying to lose weight. Hanging out with friends always involved going out to eat somewhere ( Jack in the Box, Mc Donald’s , Starbucks, Wingstop, Boba, etc) and The teacher would always serve pizza to the students in the club. So no matter where I went, there was always junk food. So eventually I just gave up . Then over the course of 2 years ( junior & senior year and a few months after graduating ) I ended up gaining weight 220..230…240…the scale only kept going up …250..260..270…280…..and atlast I reached 290 where I’m at now.
I am once again completely disgusted and disappointed with myself. I worked so hard, yet I let myself go , and now I’m back at square 1.
I turn 19 in a few days, and I am gonna fat as fuck for yet another birthday. But I refuse to be huge for my 20th and even less my 21st birthday. There is no moment better than now to get back on track.
I am attempting to lose the bulk of my weight in one year ( from April 23,2024- April , 29,2025) my goal is to lose at least 100lbs , but I’m aiming for 120lbs.
I know it’s a lot but I’m going to try my hardest to get there. If you guys have any tips , or workout suggestions, or diets that I should try. Please do let me know, i appreciate all the help I can get.
I’m going to use this thread to keep track of every 10lbs I lose. I have multiple gw’s , but only one ugw. So bear with me.
SW: 290 lbs (April 23,2024)
GW 1 : 280
GW 2: 270
GW 3:260
GW 4: 250
GW 5: 240
GW 6: 230
GW 7: 220
GW 8: 210
GW 9 : 200
GW 10: 190
GW 11: 180
GW 12: 170
UGW: 160
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lose-weight-fast-2025 · 6 months
Effective Strategies for Rapid Weight Loss 2025
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Introduction: In today's fast-paced world, many individuals seek quick solutions to shed excess pounds. While rapid weight loss may seem appealing, it's crucial to approach it safely to avoid adverse health effects. This article explores effective strategies for achieving rapid weight loss.
Understanding Rapid Weight Loss: Rapid weight loss refers to shedding a significant amount of weight in a short period, typically within weeks or months. While it can provide quick results, it often involves drastic changes to diet, exercise, and lifestyle.
Factors Contributing to Rapid Weight Loss: Several factors contribute to rapid weight loss, including calorie restriction, increased physical activity, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes. However, the effectiveness of these methods varies from person to person.
Effective Strategies for Rapid Weight Loss:
Calorie Restriction: Reducing calorie intake is a key component of rapid weight loss. By consuming fewer calories than your body needs for energy, you create a calorie deficit, forcing your body to burn stored fat for fuel. However, extreme calorie restriction should be avoided, as it can lead to nutrient deficiencies and metabolic slowdown.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Incorporating HIIT workouts into your exercise routine can accelerate weight loss by boosting metabolism and burning calories both during and after exercise. HIIT involves alternating between short bursts of intense activity and brief periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise.
Whole Food Diet: Adopting a whole food diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can support rapid weight loss while providing essential nutrients and fiber. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-calorie beverages, which can hinder your progress.
Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, which can promote weight loss by reducing calorie intake and improving insulin sensitivity. Popular methods include the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window, and the 5:2 method, which involves eating normally for five days and restricting calories for two non-consecutive days.
Adequate Hydration: Drinking plenty of water is essential for rapid weight loss, as it helps curb appetite, flush out toxins, and maintain proper hydration levels. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, and limit consumption of sugary drinks and alcohol.
Mindful Eating: Practicing mindful eating involves paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, eating slowly, and savoring each bite. By being more conscious of your eating habits, you can prevent overeating and make healthier food choices, facilitating weight loss.
Adequate Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for weight loss, as lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support your weight loss efforts.
Accountability and Support: Seeking accountability and support from friends, family, or a professional can enhance your motivation and adherence to your weight loss plan. Consider joining a support group, hiring a personal trainer, or working with a nutritionist to stay on track.
Conclusion: While rapid weight loss can yield quick results, it's important to approach it safely and sustainably. By incorporating these effective strategies into your routine and seeking support when needed, you can achieve your weight loss goals while improving your overall health and well-being. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise regimen.
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dhaaruni · 2 years
what are your critiques of Jia? curious because everyone loves her and I haven't encountered many nuanced takes
Jia Tolentino writes for a very specific cohort of college-educated but downwardly mobile millennials and Gen-Zers, which isn't bad in itself, but she then pretends her experiences at UVA and then writing for Jezebel and the New Yorker are universal and she actually is ~one of the proletariat~, which drives me bananas.
For instance, she was a Big Bernie Sanders girl, and rhapsodized about Medicare For All but I really really doubt that when push comes to shove, Jia is would give up that health insurance to be on a government plan that hasn't been tested with no other options, but she pretends she would be, which drives me insane! I wouldn't give up my employer plan to be on a government plan either, but I don't pretend I would and she does.
Also, you could not pay me to read what Jia thinks about a weight loss drug lmfao. I already am extremely triggered by that topic and reading her sanctimonious and holier-than-thou "I was a size 4 when 9 months pregnant" take on it will absolutely make things worse but you can read it if you see fit! Edit: she DID work it into that piece that she was a size 4 because of course she did :)
Plus, I think her writing is really inconsistent in quality and meandering, although she's got some good phrases here and there.
(All that aside from the human trafficking allegations lmfao)
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Wellness Wednesday:
The Groundhog Day Diet
Sunday I officially started my Groundhog Day Diet (the same daily meal on repeat). Obviously the name of the diet stems from the 1993 Bill Murray film, but the month long challenge was more inspired by Morgan Spurlock's 2004 documentary, Super Size Me (a challenge to eat McDonald's for 30 days straight).
I settled on the following specific daily foods for the month:
Turkey & Swiss Sandwich, a Side of Baby Carrots, a Cup Peaches
A Serving of Trail Mix
Bowl of Soup and a Glass of Milk.
All ^that^ comes out to approximately 1,290 Calories.
Now, I didn't necessarily do this to keep better tabs on my calories - no - I merely did it to see if I could do it - or - better yet see how long before my tongue goes mad.
As well, I am hoping this "diet" will assist my pocketbook as I have planned out my meals, purchased a large majority of all my fixings, thus hopefully minimizing my grocery bill for the month of October. The only items I forsee having to purchase is fresh Turkey, Bread, Milk, and Carrots.
So far, 4 days in, things aren't too shabby. I wish I would have thrown in some popcorn to booster my snack intake... but... I'll know better for next time.
40th CHECK-IN:
Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs
Completed as of 4/12/2023
New Goal: Maintain or Continue on The Weight Loss Path
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Short Term:
Vegetarian-ish Diet: Completed
End Date: 4/09/2023 - 46 Days Total
Groundhog Day Diet:
10/01/2023 - 10/31/2023
Eat the Same Thing Each Day for 31 Days
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*Not Photographed*
Turkey Deli Meat, Wheat Bread, Swiss Cheese, Milk.
Stats from August:
Leftover Meals: 20
Oranges: 20
Salads: 18
Bags of Popcorn: 17
Cans of Soup: 9
Take Out: 0
Candy/Sweets: 0
Jumping Jacks: 12,800
Push-Ups: 3,200
Glute Bridges: 3,200
Reverse Leg Lifts: 3,200
Leg Kickbacks: 3,200
Sit-Ups: 3,200
Squats: 800
Plank (mins): 160 mins
Assisted Push-Ups: 0
Weight Loss:
Weightloss This Month: -1.0 lbs
Average Weightloss per Week: -0.25 lbs
Total Weightloss: -85.6 lbs
Movies Watched: 19
Favorite from the Month:
They Cloned Tyrone
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Hours of Television Watched: ~ 40 hours ( How To with John Wilson, Modern Family, Outer Banks, Ink Master, Muscles & Mayhem, Only Murders in the Building, Ms. Marvel, Detriot Lions vs KC, Detroit Lions vs Atlanta, Detroit Loins vs Green Bay)
Books Completed This Month: 0
Book Title(s) Completed This Month: -n/a-
Book Total for the Year: 2
Comics Completed: 4
Trades Completed: 7
Comic/Trade Titles Completed:
Lumberjanes Vol. 1
Amazing Spider-Man Masterworks Vol. 1 (Marvel Masterworks)
Chew Vol. 3: Just Desserts
Deadpool by Skottie Young Vol. 2: Good Night (Deadpool (2018-2019))
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Vol. 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures (2022-2023) #1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures (2022-2023) #2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures (2022-2023) #3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures (2022-2023) #4
New X-Men by Grant Morrison Vol. 1: E Is For Extinction (New X-Men (2001-2004))
Spider-Man/Deadpool Vol. 0: Don't Call It A Team-Up (Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016-2019))
Favorite Comic/Trade Read:
Deadpool by Skottie Young Vol. 2: Good Night (Deadpool (2018-2019))
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Magazine(s) Completed: 0
Meal Tracker:
(2) Hotdogs
Individual Cup of Bob Evan's Macaroni and Cheese
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Bag of Ranch Corn Nuts
Bag of BBQ Corn Nuts
(4oz) Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Vanilla Flavored Cashews Glazed Mix
(4oz) Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Flavored Pistachios Glazed Mix
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Can of Progresso Creamy Tomato with Penne
- 10 Crackers
(2) Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(2) Small Oranges
Bowl of Leftover White Chicken Chili
- 10 Crackers
(1) Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Bowl of Wonderful's Shelled Sweet Chili Pistachios
(4oz) Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Vanilla Flavored Cashews Glazed Mix
(4oz) Bag of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Flavored Pistachios Glazed Mix
Individual Cup of Bob Evan's Macaroni and Cheese
Skillet Chicken Quesadilla
- Leftover Chicken
- Busch's Taco Fiesta Black Beans
- Uncle Ben's Spanish Rice
- Shredded Mild Cheddar
- Good & Gather's Queso Blanco
- Side of Sour Cream mixed with Herdez's Street Taco Rojo and Verde Sauce
(2) Individual Bags of Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Vanilla Flavored Cashews Glazed Mix
(2) Individual Bags of Smartfood's White Cheddar Popcorn
(1) Glass of Pumpkin Spice Flavored Milk
Bag of Black Jewel Popcorn
(1) Colorado Peach
(2) Skillet Quesadilla
- Leftover Chicken
- Leftover Busch's Taco Fiesta Black Beans
- Leftover Uncle Ben's Spanish Rice
- Shredded Mild Cheddar
- Good & Gather's Queso Blanco
(1) Glass of Pumpkin Spice Flavored Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
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(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(10) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(10) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
* Afternoon Workout *
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
* Evening Workout *
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges[4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 9/27/2023: -0.8 lbs
Weight As of Noon, 10/04/2023: +1.0 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -84.6 lbs
Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
Had an opportunity to take PTO in the middle of the work week. Using it for some R&R.
The Bad:
I quasi wish I included a daily bag of popcorn in to my Groundhog Day Diet... You Live and You Learn.
Gained a pound - which put be under 85 pounds of weight loss.
The Ugly:
I have insane pain in my lower leg/shin. Been icing my leg throughout the day.
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