#50K??????? NO WAY (that rhymed)
kairiscorner · 1 year
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GUYS WHATTTTTT NO FUCKING WAY HUH THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAAAA idk what i'm doing but thank y'all for liking it RGHHHHHH to celebrate, y'all can participate in my 1kapalooza, don't be shy ^^ !!
i'll be accepting 10 requests for now, i'll see if i can do more after those, but i'm sorry if uploads for this + the general requests will start coming slower bc of school TT BUT THANK YOU POOKIES NONETHELESS, ILY ALL PLATONICALLY BABES 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
btw, babes, i'm also considering making those character x oc/reader letters soon. once i get the final poll results (if i can even find my poll 😭😭😭) imma make a post about it and get to work >:DD again, thank you guys so much for the support, i hope to be able to keep this up for all of y'all and feed you guys' delulu <333
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legacygirlingreen · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
Scroll down for one shots / Farmer Seb Masterlist!
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⋆。˚𖦹 This Series was previously titled "Times in Sebastian's 5th year!!
As a reminder, this diverts heavily from Canon, using the characters from the game as foundations for a different story. Written in y/n (but slowly going back through to remove and leave only a few sparingly), it has more of a focus on Victorian standards for courting/relationships instead of just “hot and heavy” so to speak. If that appeals to you, please feel free to read and comment your suggestions for future parts.
Parts with NSFW Content are marked! Also some chapters now have AI Audios with links!
(UPDATED May 20 , 2024): 137, 000+ words
On AO3 here & Wattpad here
Playlist on Spotify made by @urbansaint !
Part 1: Becoming a Proper Gentlemen (SFW) Audio: X
Part 2: Christmas with the Sallow Family
\_> Chapter 1: Dusty Boots (SFW)
\_> Chapter 2: Admissions (Semi NSFW but mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 3: Jumper (Semi NSFW but mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 4: Sugar Plum Fairy (NSFW) Audios: X
\_> Chapter 5: A Locket and a Promise (Mostly SFW) Audios: X
\_> Chapter 6 - Yuletide Cheers (Mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 7- Birthdays and Hogmanay (NSFW)
Part 3: Stardust (NSFW) - Audios: X, X, X
Part 4: Hero of Hogwarts
\_> Chapter 1: "Leave Me" (SFW)
\_> Chapter 2: Revelations (SFW)
\_> Chapter 3: Graphorns & Phoenix (NSFW) Audio: X
\_> Chapter 4: A Reckoning (SFW) Audio: X
\_> Chapter 5: Repository I (SFW) Audio: X , X (battle)
\_> chapter 6: repository II (SFW) Audio: X
\_> chapter 7: repository III (SFW)
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Farmer Sebastian Series Masterlist : x
Completely separate short fic that's got 14 parts, 50k words!
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“Drenched in Magic” 💦 🌕
what happens when MC and Sebastian are running for their lives and he can’t stop flirting even for a second? Even worse what happens when a major mess leads to them needing to clean up in a small pool in the moonlight?
Slight NSFW ; Word count 4K
\_> with audio by @darch7995
“The nose knows” 👃🏻 🧪 💕
What happens when a mixup involving amortentia leads to MC accidentally revealing her crush?
Word count: 4k
\_> with audio by @darch7995
Part 1 ; part 2
“Live, Laugh… Lizard?” 🦎 💋
What happens when a fun outing turns into a slightly frightening experience for MC, and ultimately leads to Sebastian confessing his feelings?
*slight NSFW*
Word count: 4k
\_> with audio by @darch7995
“Strumming Hearts” 🎸 🥃 🚬 (Modern! AU rocker Sebastian)
What happens when MC's friends drag her into a packed night club to see a band she hates purely on principle? She meets a cute guy and in the midst of a miscommunication Sebastian goes far to get the attention of the girl who caught his eye
Word count: 6k
\_> with audio by @darch7995 : Part 1 ; Part 2
“Strumming Hearts II : Mad Sounds” 🎸 🚬 NFSW (Modern! Rocker AU)
In which the freckled guitarist of The Undercroft finds his muse…
Word count : 12k
“That time of year again…” 🎄 💕 NFSW
Sebastian reflects on Christmas’s of old as his holidays worries are put to rest by a sweet love confession, which turns into something more…
Word count : 7k
Sebastian Dad Audios 1 & 2
Brief audios about Sebastian and his life after Hogwarts where he's taking care of his child...
Sebastian, Solomon and Abuse
Random Headcanons with no rhyme or reason
My HC about Sebastian's lip scar, captured by @animasola86
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Aesop Sharp:
"Burning Eyes & Laughter" NFSW
Aesop Sharp meets a new professor whose grumpiness rivals his own. Vignettes throughout the year where he slowly begins to see the truth behind her highly build ways leading to a mix up involving a laughing potion which causes him to see her in a new light...
Audio from story HERE
Word Count: 7k
"My Undeniable Miracle" SFW AUDIO
Aesop narrating John Mark Green's poem with violin in the background
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Writeblr Re-Intro, 4th Edition
Hi! I'm copper or dragon or whatever else you wanna call me. Minor, he/him preferred but they/them also works. My main is @copper-dragon-in-disguise. I'm queer & neurodivergent.
Asks and messages welcome! I might take a while to respond to them but I like them. I mostly write fantasy, and my current main WIP is a steampunk fantasy murder mystery called Herald At Dawn. I also have a few back burner WIPs, which are all below the cut. (also, these all have taglists, if you're interested i can add you to them!)
Post subject to updates at any time.
My WIPs:
Herald At Dawn (#wip: herald at dawn)
Synopsis: 11 years ago a woman named Marisol Ekker was murdered by the wife of her son's father, Evelyn Belmont. Despite evidence to the contrary, Evelyn Belmont was acquitted, and faced no punishment. Nearly a decade later, investigative reporter Alexandrina McLelland approached Marisol Ekker's son, Nathaniel--who was 12 at the time of her death--, to write an article about the corruption present in the case. Shortly after the article is published a string of murders begins, with no seeming rhyme or reason to connect the victims. But the timing seem suspect, and as the fallout of the articles publishing hits Nathaniel, more and more people keep dying, until the killer targets somebody much closer to home than Alex would've ever guessed.
Herald At Dawn was originally done for NaNo 2023 (I did a half nano, 25k not 50k), and its a steampunk murder mystery with a dash of fantasy. Set in a city called Volimere, it tells the story of the staff of a newspaper called The Clockwork Herald, and their adventures with a murder. The main POV character is Alexandrina McLelland (she/her), an investigative reporter. It's gay as fuck and also the first in what I intend to be a series!
Backburner WIPs:
Some context: The first three are all inspired by dnd characters/campaigns, and are in the same world/universe. The fourth is also in the same universe & dnd inspired, but it doesn't have a specific character attached to it.
Frost & Fire (#wip: frost & fire)
Synoposis: The death of an ancient primordial dragon brings the greatest (if not that well known) adventurers of the last centuries together. Enna Helder-Kromlin, half-Elf thief and contractor for the crown of Halmond, along with her sister, Anne, leader of the thieves guild Oleski. Anastrannia & Redari Galendel, twin half-Frost Dragon, half-Elves, one a shadow ranger and one a shadow sorcerer. They must work together, if not get along, to stop a evil dragon named Dizerdrat from trying to claim the power released by the death for himself, because if he does his could conquer the world—and would.
Frost & Fire is my original WIP, and I need to rework the plot a lot, but I still quite like it. Its about two twin half-elves named Anne (she/they) and Enna (any pronouns) Helder-Kromlin , and their efforts to stop a dragon from using magic (that he got from killing another, different dragon who was as old as time, pretty much) to conquer the world (this one particular continent, but despite the fact that they're spectacularly well traveled for half-elf orphans neither of them have ever actually left the continent, so its the world to them). Along the way they meet Anastrannia (she/they/ze) and Redari (they/he) Galendel, two siblings who have a lot of secrets and know a suspicious amount about dragons. This has a wip intro, though it isn't super current, but I'm linking it anyway.
One of Copper (#wip: one of copper)
Synopsis: The current god of death, Illa, came to power during a war between the gods a thousand years ago. A wizard is now trying to start another one, aiming to kill a god and take their place. Illa does not want to see another celestial war. She has no direct influence on the mortal plane, however, and so she outsources the quest to a ragtag group of heroes, when the original group of heroes sends back a memo saying that they're retired, and she can come down herself and make them go herself if she's so insistent.
One of Copper is about a bard named Kairon (he/they) and his friends, Ash (she/her, 60-something blacksmith), Joshua (he/him, quarter-elf fighter with minor nature magic and a massive crush), and Elas (they/them, elf sorcerer who is mildly (read: Very) cursed) & their adventures. Originally this was gonna be high fantasy, then it was gonna be lighthearted high fantasy, and now its gone in the exact opposite direction into high fantasy except much sadder than the original. Its about Death trying to stop a war between the gods that a wizard is trying to start, because the wizard wants to become one. (the goddess of death is called Illa. she's inspired by the Raven Queen in d&d).
UNNAMED, aka Enna's Prequel (PREV: Angel's Daughters) (#wip: ennas prequel)
By the time they were 19 years old, Enna and Anne Helder-Kromlin had been accused of murder once, imprisoned at least three times, and orphaned twice. By the time they were forty, those numbers would be changed to six, fourteen, and one, respectively. They had only ever actually committed four of the murders they were accused of, as Enna liked to remind people. Unfortunately, they had also been the targets of a blood feud, gotten kidnapped then almost killed by a necromancer, and twice had to go into hiding.
This is the backstory of Anne and Enna. Its set approx. 10-20 years before Frost & Fire, and it shows how they ended up where they are now, and their adventures. This is directly based off the original d&d campaign I played with Enna as my PC, and the main plot elements are a necromancer named Eleanor, a murdered brother, blood feuds (of a sort), and various other things. This is unnamed. It was previously called Angel's Daughters, but that rather spoiled the ending.
Silence and Secondhand Souls (#wip: silence and secondhand souls)
Fate is an interesting thing. Some doubt it even exists. Not me. Not anymore. Souls don’t rest until they’ve told their story, and I’ve got a long way to go yet. My friends are dead and so am I, haunting a narrative I never got a choice in. How exactly did that happen, you ask? Let me start at the beginning. Or the end, rather. I died when I was 21 years old.
Silence and Secondhand Souls is a first person POV story, narrated by Alexandra Rovenowa. She is dead. This is the story of how she died, set seventy years or so before Frost & Fire. It is also the story of how history likes to repeat itself, and how sending kids on quests for the sake of the world is bad, and of a kind Death, despite it all. (This is my most dramatic wip. Its a tragedy, and I really, really like it.) This does not have a current wip intro.
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dirtanddistance · 7 months
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Halfway There: Run Ridge Run Race Report
Race: Run Ridge Run by Coast Mountain Trail Running
Distance: 25k, 3200ft vert
Location: Port Moody, BC
Time: 4:18:48
Goal: Don't cry, have fun - ACHIEVED
Sometimes, there's no amount of repetition that makes a challenge easier, and I'm starting to think that the Diez Vista ascent portion of RRR 25k and the DV 50k is one of those things. Having run the course twice already this winter, my trusty run buddies and I were excited to tackle it for time.... and also dreading that grinding ascent.
As any good running pod does, the three of us set out the night before for packet pick up, and a stop by Rocky Point Ice Cream for some cones before dinner in the hopes that a little treat would fortify us for the next day. After a series of road races over the past couple of months, I was itching to get back to the trails for a formal event. While the grind of an uphill slog is soul crushing, I don't think I would trade it for the nausea and occasional asthma attacks of trying to run as fast as I can down some flat pavement again any time soon. Race bibs and ice cream cones in hand, we were ready to take on whatever Saturday morning was going to bring us.
The morning was mild, and we lucked out on the rain holding off until well into the race. I had a feeling my husband was going to drop me and our other run buddy in pretty short order despite his Charlie-the-Unicorn caliber complaints that "three cheesy eggs was probably an excessive breakfast for race day", but he was still near me by the time we had dragged ourselves all the way up to the Diez Vista sign. However, the blue babbling unicorn to my pink rambling unicorn was nowhere in sight. Upon questioning, my husband reported that she'd "dropped" a while ago on the climb and then sprang off into the distance, unperturbed by the treacherous descent ahead of us and seemingly unfazed by the grueling ascent we'd just made. As I meandered along, carefully avoiding slippery spots and gingerly placing my feet to avoid sliding down deceitfully slimy rocks, I realized that 'dropped' could mean multiple things. I did not want to believe that she could have quit the race (but honestly I wouldn't have blamed her - that climb is no thoughts just vert), and vowed to wait up for her a little farther along the trail when it opened up. My relief was palpable when a familiar headband appeared in my peripheral vision, confirming the presence of my long-suffering, peer pressured companion.
Speaking of, the reason I was not at this event alone was because I had peer pressured my husband and running bestie into doing this with me, as preparation for the other race I pressured them into, the Diez Vista 50k in April. This course is essentially the front half of that race, so of course we should do it! They were probably questioning this reasoning on the way back off the ridge, but didn't voice any complaints. These are the kind of people you want to pressure into trail running with you. Absolute yes-people.
A hobby that running bestie and I have gotten into is describing our very lengthy training runs in terms of an open world video game. Being out in BC, you quickly realize that you've been dropped into an IRL Breath of the Wild type map to run around in. It starts raining sometimes. The weather shifts. You're out long enough that the daylight changes noticeably over the course of the run. There are NPCs that join you for short periods and at the aid stations that you can interact with. You're running a side quest to pick up enough trash to merit a free pair of socks at the finish line. You're snacking on health-restoring elixirs imbued with arcane energy. On this logic, you quickly devolve into letting your brain go completely feral. Thoughts enter and exit without rhyme or reason. Your internal monologue is feeding you random early 2000s YouTube video quotes and songs you haven't listened to on purpose ever in your life (I have not even once listened to Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj intentionally).
It's been years and years since I ran a race with a friend, and never a trail race. This is the cheat code. I think that with a good run buddy you could probably cover untold kilometers as long as you both were prepared to feed each other the most absurd thoughts from the depths of your meme stuffed Millenial minds. We decided that the Brightline train line in Florida was a worthy topic of conversation and speculation for a nontrivial quantity of the course. I have a feeling that my husband raced off from us is because he knows that he is the Charlie the Unicorn to our pink and blue unicorns, and that if he sticks around we will eventually tell him to put a banana in his ear. However, it was his words at the finish line that sealed the experience for me: "You two just looked like you were having so much fun when you got to the finish line. You looked so happy." After hours of running through mist shrouded forests, up and down hill after hill, dodging rocks and roots and small rivers, telling ourselves we were graceful fae princesses frolicking through our kingdom, I arrived at the finish line incredibly tired, incredibly ready to be done running, and happier than I though you could be at the end of a race. I collected my hard-earned Gary Robbins finish line hug, and the three of us grinned, dirty and tired, ready to tackle the second half of this training cycle and face the final boss - the Diez Vista 50k.
Bonus Chapter: The Juice Vendor NPC
Running Bestie and I finally peeled ourselves away from the refreshment tent to go get changed after finishing, leaving our partners to discuss whatever it is that brogrammers discuss by a fire on a gloomy beach, but were quickly arrested in our path by an older fellow beseeching us to wait as he had blueberry juice for us. I do not know how we managed to spend five minutes discussing how many samples each of us were to collect, but we left that baffling conversation with about 6 locally made juice pouches each. All this to say, you should always hit the dialog button to engage because sometimes, the merchant characters have elixirs imbued with arcane energy to give you.
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manysmallhands · 2 years
My Albums Of 2022 - Second Tier (pt. 2)
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As previously explained, I've had to split these albums up into two posts because tumblr won't let me put more than ten links into one. This carries on where the previous one left off, recounting the second tier of my favourite albums of 2022 from July onwards. On we go!
While Conway The Machine’s major label debut, God Don't Make Mistakes, got the better reception when it was released back in February, his collaboration with Big Ghost Ltd, What Has Been Blessed Cannot Be Cursed, was much more consistently enjoyable for me, if a little dense at times. There’s a gruesome feel that runs throughout the record and makes it heavy going to begin with, but Conway’s smart, edgy lyrics tend to lighten the mood and memorable tracks like "YBCM" and the Method Man guest spot "Scared To Death" meant that there were few albums more addictive released this year.
Trading in a kind of trippy soft-soul rumble, Mach-Hommy and The God Fahim's Dollar Menu 4 had a wonderfully dreamy sound, where the MCs who floated in and out of earshot were never quite as dominant vibes-wise as Fahim’s strange and hypnotic loops. But that's not to downgrade their contributions, as Mach and his guests' musings on food and hip-hop were always high quality, with beef of various kinds coming to the fore.
Your Old Droog (who also pops up memorably on Dollar Menu 4) released no less than six (count em!) EP/mini-albums this year and the quality rarely fell below excellent, increasingly placing him as one of my favourite underground MCs. Brooding funk beats, tenuous concepts and strikingly unusual reference points (what?!) were in full effect across every release, but the edgy bounce of Yodney Dangerfield was perhaps the best in a strong field.
If my first idea of Marina Allen was a kind of Shakin’ Judee Sill, the impression didn’t last long after hearing her excellent Centrifics album. While her voice has as much warmth and careworn experience as the 70s legends that she found herself compared to, there’s something unusual about the arrangements, especially the way they hang back and evolve rather than take the obvious route, which makes this album a slow burner and something worth returning to.
Rina Sawayama’s Hold The Girl spans genres effortlessly, shifting from pop-rock to club beats to wailing musical numbers and back again and then tying everything together in a bow of extreme melodrama. While there's a bit of deadwood in the middle, enough of it works (especially terrific single “This Hell") for it be worth sticking with for the long haul, as repeated plays bring ever more to the surface.
Armani Caesar is another fine talent from the Griselda stable and her fifth album The Liz 2 arrived late in the year with a wealth of diamond shimmer. Combining hard rhyming and opulent beats with a torrent of absolute filth in the lyrics, it was both hugely entertaining and offered a rare female angle on the bricks and hustle Griselda house style that made for an enlightening perspective shift.
Following on from 2019's slightly woolly Close It Quietly, Inner World Peace saw Frankie Cosmos return to the sweet but snappy guitar pop which made their name. While some of the more twisting elements of its predecessor remained, the immediacy of their best work was back to the fore, while Greta Klein’s bittersweet musings were as heartbreaking as ever
And that's it! More or less no one will read any of these posts, but it kept me occupied for a couple of weeks and that's what counts. I'd also be surprised if anyone actually listens to any of these records either (i only ever click on these things to see how many of the same albums I've got myself), but it would be nice to think otherwise I guess. They're all pretty good though: you really should do it, rare and unusual reader!
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longbobmckenzie · 3 years
regrets - Rohan oneshot
Summary: Rohan watches someone else win Love Island with the one that he loves... and regrets not speaking up sooner.
Wordcount: 1,022
Read on A03 or under the cut!
“… And the winners of Love Island 2018 are… Leanne and Jake!!”
I clap and cheer with the rest of the crowd. I try to be happy for you – I really do. But I can’t help it that my heart is shattering into a million pieces. I can’t help it that the tears streaming down my face are those of regret and sadness rather than tears of joy like the ones on the faces of those around me.
I can’t help it that I’m in love with you… and I regret that I never told you.
If I had, maybe it would be me standing up there by your side. £50k richer, but even more importantly, rich in the knowledge that we overcame everything – the odds, the doubters, the fear of putting ourselves out there – to be together.
I don’t know if you love me back. I might have missed my opportunity to find out. But I have a feeling… a feeling that there was always something there between us. A feeling that if I had only spoken up, something beautiful could have blossomed from it.
But now, I have nothing left to do but wither away and watch you find your happiness with someone else. To do my best to move on. To reminisce and try to figure out where things went wrong.
We never coupled up, but from the moment I stepped into the villa – and even before then – I had my eye on you. I came in confident that I could win you over, but once I was in your presence, I lost my nerve. Lost a piece of myself that I’ll never get back.
The next day, during a challenge, we kissed. You may not have felt it, but I did. That all-important spark. I can still remember how your lips tasted – the spearmint of your toothpaste. Spearmint is my new favourite flavour. Your scent was intoxicating, and the way your hand rested on my chest, burned my skin, and ignited a fire in my belly. What I wouldn’t give to experience that all over again.
One of my favourite memories is teaching you how to do handstands. Both of you, really. The three of us hanging out in the bedroom, not a care in the world. And then that night, you coupled up together – not sparing a glance for me.
Watching you during the Pied Off challenge was… hard. Seeing that whipped cream all over your face and dripping onto your chest – I wanted to lick it off your body so badly. I spent the whole challenge hoping nobody would look over at me and see the way my shorts were too tight as I daydreamed about tasting the salt of your skin mixed with the sweetness of the cream... About placing my hands on your hips and drawing you closer, kissing my way up your neck.
I should have said something then. Should have done what I’ve only been able to dream about doing since that day.
And then there was a recoupling, and the two of you broke up. I’m not sure why; I’m not even sure you know why. If I was ever going to make a move, that would have been the time. I still don’t know what stopped me.
It’s a little scary, putting yourself out there. I’m an entertainer; the circus is my passion. Put me in front of a crowd in leotards and let me show you my moves, but in matters of the heart? I’m too delicate. Too afraid. Too shy.
The rap crew, though, that was fun. Hanging out, spinning rhymes, ignoring the drama going on around us. We were a team. I felt so close to you. Listening to you stumble on your words, watching the blush form on your cheeks. Laughing with you. I love your laugh. I would give my soul for the opportunity to hear it day in and day out for the rest of my life. The rest of ourlives.
After the dunking challenge, I watched you give each other massages. I so wished that it was my hands on your skin. And yours on mine. Watching you laugh together and share an intimate moment, feeling like I was intruding on something. I knew then that you would get back together. And still, I didn’t do anything about it.
I’m a coward.
Everyone was surprised at the final recoupling, except for me. I knew. And I might’ve had the power to stop it. If only I had thought to make my own last-minute confession of love. If only I had mustered up the courage to say what I really felt.
Instead, I was left to couple up with Lucy. Between her, and watching the two of you all loved up, I was miserable. It was a mercy when you let me get dumped before the final. Although, I wonder that neither of you fought to save me – me, one of your best friends in the villa.
Maybe you knew all along. Maybe you couldn’t bear to see me in pain.
Or maybe you waited for me to say something, and when I didn’t, you gave your heart to another instead.
You could have said something too.
And now, here you are. Standing in front of me with a flute of champagne in your hand, waiting for me to congratulate you on your big win.
Well, I can’t. I can’t do this anymore without saying something.
I move close so I can be heard over the talking, laughing, and cheering going on around us.
“Can we talk?”
You gaze at me curiously before nodding your head and directing me over to a quiet corner – as quiet a corner as we can find, at least.
“What is it, Rohan?”
“Jake… I’m in love with you.”
You suck in a breath, and a range of emotions pass over your face. Surprise. A brief flicker of happiness. And then sadness, and even worse… pity.
“I’m sorry… I love Leanne.”
But while you’re saying one thing with your mouth, your eyes tell a different story.
One of regret.
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mariana-oconnor · 3 years
So, I love your fic(s) Lost and Found // The Wolves of Timely. Clint's hope for Barney, his guilt, Bucky's terror at being injected, all so beautifully written
But I was wondering, how do you go about writing such a long fic?
And if you outline your fics at all, do you look at your outline and go 'this'll be 50k words' or whatever or what?
Thank you! I'm so glad you like that fic. I love werewolves, and that fic was really interesting to write.
Oh boy. This is a weird one because the way I've done this kind of thing has changed so much over the years and I'm still in a place where sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and there's really very little rhyme or reason to when my brain decides that 'yes, this is good' and 'no, I can't'.
I've been doing Nanowrimo for years. Since... 2002? I think? Maybe 2003. Either way, it's been a long time. And while I haven't always won it, I have always tried. And in the beginning, I just started writing and whatever came out came out and that was that. Because when I first started writing, planning stories out just took all the joy of writing out of them for me. I wrote to discover the story, and if I'd already planned it then there was nothing to discover. I still sometimes find that planning something out makes it bore me when I actually come to write it. But I have got significantly better at finding interest in the smaller details, and constructing scenes, sentences and characters. There is a joy in finding the exact right phrase to convey your meaning. The perfect phrase is an elusive beast, but when you find it...
I know some people who use the Snowflake method, or plan every single scene and just... really go hard on the planning. I cannot do that. My mind rebels. There is no quicker way for me to kill my love of a story than to overplan it. Having said that, I do now plan, and in a lot more detail than I used to.
BUT that's not what you actually asked. You wanted to know how I now go about planning fic, particularly long fic. Sadly Lost & Found was planned on a past computer, so I don't have my initial files to hand, or I'd give you examples from that. But here's a sort of description of my 'method'. (Inverted commas because any individual project might have all, none, or some of these steps.)
(Under a read more because this got loooooong).
The Basic Premise
The general method of planning that I've sort of constructed over the year is I start by just... writing out the basic premise and then expanding it. I just type it, or write it longhand if that's easier at the time. It's not exactly a summary. It's more...
OK, for an example, I'll copy in one of the ones I did for a recent Tumblr ficlet:
SO - Another sort of college age fic. Bucky’s been trying to ask Clint out but Clint is oblivious so somehow, when they’re all drunk, the subject of lapdances comes up and it turns out Bucky actually did learn how to lapdance once, from this online course, but he broke up with that SO before he actually did it. They sort of dare him to do it - otherwise it’s a waste of talent, right. And Natasha suggests Clint, as he’s the only unattached person there or something. It’s hella awkward and Clint’s all like ‘No thanks’ and things get… even more awkward.
Clint sends a message to Bucky by accident - to the wrong chat? He thinks he’s deleted it in time, because it’s about how Natasha is the worst friend because now he can’t stop thinking about Bucky… gyrating, or something like that. Bucky has seen it, though, and he gets Natasha to let him in one night and he just… there’s the lapdance and there’s the threat of handcuffs or something. And Natasha sends a text that she’s not coming back until tomorrow and they’re welcome.
I was working that all out as I went along. It's pretty much stream of consciousness. Because this was a short fic and I had a clear prompt, this is a lot more coherent than they usually are. Often I'll just have questions in capital letters in the middle of them, like "BUT WHY IS CLINT EVEN ON THE CRUISE?" or "HOW DID BUCKY KNOW ABOUT THAT??!?!", where I know where I want the plot to go, but I don't know how to get it there. This flags the earliest plot holes that I can see them and also means that when I'm stumped I don't stop writing, I just write down the question that's stumping me and keep going with the plot. Sometimes I answer the question in the next line, sometimes I go 'fuck it' Future!me can answer the questions. Current me is just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.
Often there will also be things like "NO, Natasha knows before that, of course she does." and then I backpedal with an instead or something.
With some of my longer fic, I write multiple of these stream of consciousness things, because there are sticking points that I just can't get my head around. I come at it from different angles. "WHAT IF Bucky actually is from an alternate universe?" idk. Sometimes I end up just writing swear words. I try not to call myself an idiot because Postive Mental Attitude and all that, but I will not deny that I occasionally just type long screams.
Is this helpful? This doesn't feel helpful.
But anyway, that's step one. Write down premise and try to mould it into some sort of mutant zombie plot. Include all the awkward, dumb questions and comments.
Step 2, is where things get more ordered, but they're still pretty vague.
This is where I list things from the plot. Roughly in order of when they should happen, but not necessarily. Sometimes I do this in an excel/google sheet, sometimes at the start of the document I'm writing in. (I do try to delete this before my betas get into the file).
So I have this list - it might be numbered or bullet points, or every 'plot point' in a different cell in Excel. I call them plot points, but that's not necessarily true. If there's a snippet of dialogue in my head, then I put that in. If there's just a scene or an action I know has to happen. I didn't do this for the ficlet I mentioned above, because I didn't need to, that plot summary was enough. I did do this for my Cap-Ironman Big Bang last year - The Highwayman's Baronet.
That fic ended up at 125k, the longest thing I have ever written, and my step-by-step plot summary had 34 'plot points' on it. Here are a few:
10. Steve decides to become a highwayman to uncover the secret of the inn.
11. Informal meetings between Tony and Steve. Tony and the piano!
12. Obadiah and Steve are not fond of each other
13. There is a highwayman, Tony is intrigued
14. Steve sketches the landscape.
15. Balls. There are balls. Of course there are. This is a Regency drama. Netherfield hall is let at last, mama
16. Indries Moomji is introduced. At a ball? Probably?
17. Highwayman Steve is always a gentleman. Holds up Tony’s carriage. Tony chases after him. Steve is more daring behind the mask. Kiss to the hand.
As you can see, most of these are pretty vague. "Obadiah and Steve are not fond of each other" doesn't tell me any specifics, but it does tell me that I need to add in at least one scene where this is evident, preferably more than one. Ideally, every time the two of them share a scene together, this should be the subtext behind every one of their interactions.
Other things like "Steve sketches the landscape" are pretty specific scenes, but not plot related. In the end, that did tie in with the plot (which actually surprised me), but at the point when I was writing this, I was just 'Steve draws, a scene where he sits and broods regency style while sketching would be cool'. Likewise "Tony and the piano!" makes little sense to anyone but me, but I knew that I wanted the piano in Steve's house, and in particular Tony's playing of it to be important thematically and symbolically.
As I get closer to the end of the fic, I know fewer details about what's going to happen, so the bullet points tend to get... weird and more vague. I have one bullet point that is "Tony goes investigatin'" and another that finishes with "SHOCK GASP HORROR".
I don't tend to take my planning process very seriously. Don't get too precious over your plan.
Estimating Word Count
Particularly if I'm writing for a challenge, I doing my step-by-step list in a spreadsheet, so I can add a column called "estimated word count" or "EWC", and then, based on what I know of my writing, I estimate to the nearest 1000 or 500 words how long I think each of my plot points will be. I am usually wrong. I go by a rule of thumb that a standard, none climactic or pivotal scene for me is around 2000 words, a climactic scene is roughly 5000 words and other things I sort of... guess. This is almost always wrong. Things are longer or shorter. But this isn't meant for me to stick to, it's just so I can see roughly how long the fic might be.
When I'm doing this, the plot points do tend to be more specific, as well. The vaguer ones I try to work into actual scenes or merge into other points so I can get a better estimate.
When I was about 40k into The Highwayman's Baronet I did a separate spreadsheet of "Scenes left to write". Because I was already writing it, I had a better handle on where things were going, and I estimated there was about 74k left, which was actually roughly correct. Go me!
Honestly, most of the time, with estimating word counts, I horrendously underestimate. The number of times I have sent someone a message saying 'This was only meant to be 5k and now it is 20k and I'm only halfway through! Help me!', well... It's a lot. I find that I want to add in scenes to illustrate character development and especially with slow burn you need to add in more scenes to establish the relationship (often my beta reader will suggest adding in even more scenes to do this. Beta readers are great). Estimating word count is hard. Sometimes you start out with something you think will be 50k and every scene is shorter than you think, sometimes the other way around. Experience has made me better at guesstimating, but there's no real science to it. Sorry.
Actually Writing
The important part of planning is remembering that if I don't stick to the plan, no one's going to arrest me or go 'ANA! How dare you take a fifteen thousand word detour into Clint's tragic childhood?! This wasn't in your plan!'
The plan is there for me, in case I get lost. The important part of the writing is to enjoy it. My rule of thumb is that if I'm bored writing a scene, I can't expect the reader to enjoy reading it. This isn't always the case, but something that's fun to write is far more likely to be fun to read.
This means that if I find myself writing something from the plan and every word feels flat and I just want this scene to be over, please when will it end? I do one of two things. I either jump to a scene from the plan that excites me, and come back to work out why that earlier scene wasn't working for me at a later date (sometimes it's because it's the wrong scene entirely. Sometimes I need to write it from a different POV, sometimes I need to drop it as a scene entirely and just write a sentence or a paragraph to cover what happened and move on). OR, just have something happen. Something off script. Something weird and crazy.
In Lost & Found, from what I remember, I never intended Wanda and Pietro to show up. I just wrote in a coyote because I was bored of 'Clint works on fixing up the B&B', and that... turned into Wanda and Pietro's entire subplot. Often, when you're writing you'll write yourself the answers to questions you haven't even thought to ask yet without realising it. Or you'll come to a scene later on and you'll be thinking 'But how do I get him out of this?' and you realise that the throwaway comment you wrote six thousand words ago is actually foreshadowing for this very moment.
So, I guess, what I'm trying to say is plan, but the plan?
It's more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.
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And then sometimes I don't plan at all, I just have a clear idea of a scene in my head and I start writing and see where it goes. Those times are some of the best. It's like my own personal adventure into the unknown.
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emmys-grimoire · 4 years
How to skate by: a guide for the weaker decks
I’ve seen no shortage of posts of people complaining about being behind in lessons and how everyone else is forging ahead. For some of you, I’m afraid I cannot help. For most of you, I suspect I can by offering a few helpful tips that have worked out for me.
This guide is for the standard battles only. The boss battles are far more complicated and difficult.
For context: I have only three URs and I’ve been playing since March. Two of them are UR+’s, but two of them are Belphie, so there’s never a situation where I can actually deploy all three. I’ve spent my time not maxing them out at the earliest opportunity but leveling up three SSRs for every sin to level 70, but two of my slots usually are the URS. You’re probably better off than I am team-wise if you have three maxed URs with three different brothers at your disposal. But, well, until I get that third one this is what I’m compelled to do.
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First and foremost, you have to be comfortable with just getting one star until you can start knocking them out of the park. I have only one two star back in lesson 38. Since all you want to do is get to the story this shouldn’t be a problem, but unless you get particularly lucky you shouldn’t expect Special Guest to pop up very often. Sad! Though they actually did pop up for me half the time in this particular lesson, strangely enough. And of course I forgot how to poke the brothers when they don’t dance well and it all went to waste. (:
Furthermore, you will need glowsticks ready for the particularly nasty dance offs. You just won’t need as many as you may think, at a glance.
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As you can see here in lesson 40-9, the enemy team has a 40k+ point advantage over my team. I don’t think they’re lying to you: the enemy team ai is just typically dumb and predictable, and you can use that to your advantage if you know how it’s dumb and predictable, to make this gap irrelevant. I don’t think they factor in the amount of heart points you can nab, either.
That Asmo card is also common/old af and has a useless skill, but it still consistently shows up in my recommended deck, so idgaf
As a general rule, I think enemy teams that are 30-40k points above you are still beatable. After 50k you usually will need to use a glowstick, but I always try without one first in case I get really lucky. I’ve managed to pull it off, but it’s a crapshoot most of the time.
Think of it this way: the goal is not to be stronger than the enemy team, it’s to reach the marker in time and foil their efforts to subtract points from your score. The stronger the enemies, the more points their attacks knock off from your score, so it counts in that particular regard.
To circumvent that, you need to get those sweet, sweet combo counters. 
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Anyway, no glowsticks. Lets go, bitches. You don’t skurr me.
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First, you always want to combo. Combos give you more points. But they’re not the only thing that gives you more points: countering enemy combos does as well. I almost always use all three cards in any combo ever, but I typically wait until after one sprite rotation/twirl to shoot it off in hope of trying to get the enemy to fire off first so I can counter... but it’s also beneficial when they try to counter your combo in the first pass -- because that means they won’t be throwing combos at me that I can’t counter before my meters refill. They’ll still be in cooldown, too.
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In this particular fight, though, I managed to bait only one enemy into firing off right away. I couldn’t counter two attacks during my cooldown... but thankfully they didn’t combine into a combo and their skills are useless. Because the ai is dumb and doesn’t strategize. I got x1.25 more points for this nevertheless, even though I was countering just one wee enemy. If you notice, I was behind them until this point.
I haven’t figured out how all the enemy types function, sadly, but I do know gluttony enemies always fire off as soon as they can, so there’s no use in waiting to fire off your cards. The others seem capable of waiting, unfortunately, but it seems random. Perhaps I will one day deduce the rhyme or reason for when they do, if there is one.
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I wait until the last second to fire off my next (and last) combo because, again, you get more points when you team fully counters an enemy combo. Sometimes it can put you right over the top.
This time, I didn’t really need to, but I did so for the sake of the demonstration. The enemies who chose to attack me while on cooldown couldn’t counter me at the very end because they were still on cooldown. And, again, they didn’t really have any skills that hindered my team.
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KO, I win. 
This was actually an easy battle to win, despite... 
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... this. BUT HEY, IT STILL COUNTS. I earned that one whole star.
It gets trickier when the enemies have skills like confuse and stun. They can easily make what seems to be a winnable battle (by my standards at least) practically a game of chance. If you’re up against enemies that have those skills, you should always make sure you’re capable of countering when they fire off -- and they seem to have a tendency to do it ALL AT ONCE, which is a good thing if their skills don’t activate and a terrible thing when they do.
Strategy tl;dr
Get them combo counters
1. Wait a second or two after your gauges fill up to fire off your combo in hope of getting the enemy team to fire theirs off first (I let the sprites twirl once before I fire it off). Gets you more points when you counter + prevents them from throwing an uncounterable combo at you. You don’t want to wait too long trying to bait them because you want to be capable of countering an enemy combo in the last stretch, and if you wait too long you’ll still be on cooldown.
2. Nab all your hearts and stuff because you’ll be in cooldown for most of the remainder of the battle after the first go.
3. Wait until the last second to fire off your last combo in hope of getting the enemy team to fire theirs off first so you can counter and get more points.
Happy dancing!
EDIT: Apparently you get the combo multiplier added to your score even if the enemies counter you, as long as you “win” the pass (your arrow triumphs over theirs). Get the biggest combo chain you can!
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wildwoodmage · 4 years
Nanowrimo is almost over! I didn’t hit 50k, but I’m QUITE pleased with my 35k. I’ll be continuing Dead Reckoning, since it’s shaping up nicely, even if it’s clearly going to be way longer than I bargained for.
In the meantime, here is another excerpt! Finally we get to meet the big man himself. I went back and forth on Robotnik’s character; specifically regarding whether he should be cruelly honest and over-the-top like Jimbotbik, or slick and menacing like in SatAM. I settled on the former for several reasons, but my favorite is the irony of the big bad villain being unable (or unwilling) to tell a lie, whereas Sonia and Manic as the main protagonists have never been honest in their lives. Without further ado...
The last time she had set foot in the penthouse, she'd waited for what felt like hours. Nerves and impatience mixed into a potent cocktail that had her wanting to claw at the walls, testing the limits of her impeccable discipline. It was clear long before Robotnik deigned to meet with her that he thought very little of her. Sonia learned soon after that he thought very little of everybody. In his mind, Robotnik had transcended the petty limitations of humanity, and never had much patience for those he left behind. Sonia was no exception. It was refreshing, almost, when Robotnik told her to her face that he loathed her as much as he loathed the rest of the aristocracy, that he couldn't wait to replace them with mecanical mannequins, and that her job was to keep the spoiled simpletons happy and docile until he no longer had any reason to play nice. It was honesty like that which made him such a terrible politician.
Robotnik didn't keep her waiting this time, but instead stormed down the stairs as if he, instead, had been fuming as impatience and anxiety pressure-cooked his temper. Robotnik was a huge man in every sense of the word. Both tall and wide, his sweeping coat and bristling moustache made him seem even larger, as did the way he gestured theatrically as he spoke and refused to keep to an inside voice.
"Lady Windermere!" he said, pouring such malice into the words that Sonia was almost impressed. "I have a riddle for you. No, don't interrupt, I know you're exhausted from failing at the most important mission of your lifetime, but just try to puzzle this one out. Here it is; 'Why did a government operative, the Ultimate Lifeform, and a masterpiece of engineering let the Resistance waltz out of the city with a invaluable source of limitless power?' I'll give you a hint. The answer rhymes with 'bross pincompetence.'"
Sonia ground her teeth together with the effort it took to keep her mouth shut. She briefly fantasized about breaking the Good Doctor's glasses against her knuckles. Then she reminded herself how unflattering prison uniforms were to one's figure. “Would you like me to explain, or did you have Stone drag me here so we could play riddle games? Will I be staying the night? Shall I paint your nails, Doctor?”
“Fine, how about another? Give me one reason why I shouldn’t turn you into an espresso machine. At least then you’d be useful, though I wouldn’t be surprised if you started ruining my afternoon latte as well! I shouldn’t be surprised now; see, this is what I get when I trust a spoiled upstart with something that actually matters.”
“Did you trust me with this mission?” Sonia didn’t have to feign the acid leaching into her words. If it wasn’t her life on the line, Sonia would have taken exquisite delight in cutting Robotnik off before he could reply. “Curious, because one would assume that, if expected to succeed, I would be provided with adequate intel. I had the chaos emerald in my hands, Doctor. If I had known that it would interfere with a roboticized individual’s programming, I would never have brought Leon on the mission. The emerald would be yours, right now. Tell me, Doctor, did you forget to tell me about your masterpiece’s glaring weakness, or did it simply never occur to you to research whether the emerald’s energy would disrupt the very machine charged with retrieving it?”
Robotnik’s face was beet-red, and Sonia was painfully aware of how her fate hung on a roll of the dice. Robotnik did not tolerate failure, and he hated being challenged far more. But Sonia had seen far too many try to kiss his feet, only to be kicked away regardless. Sycophants were replaceable. She was not.
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itsjustinknow · 6 years
So tomorrow begins what is essentially going to be my ten month Hell Writing Challenge.
Earlier this month I learned that some people do 100k during NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month) instead of the usual 50k to give themselves more of a challenge. Which is super cool! But I didn’t think I could pull it off myself - at least, not outright. I’ve done NaNoWriMo (and won) a few times, but what I want more is to have a more consistent writing habit so I don’t just try for a project in November and then only do the occasional short thing the rest of the year (not that there’s anything wrong with this, I just miss writing). 
So! Thus was born the Hell Challenge. Each month I will have a writing goal, beginning with 10k in August (which, honestly, will likely still be short things starting off because I need to finish the semi-outline thing for my longer project) and going up by that same amount each month until I hit 100k in May (it rhymes!). So September’s goal will be 20k, October will be 30k, and so on. Had I thought of it sooner, I would have started in July so I could complete NaNo like usual but, well, it works out either way. 
My main project for most of this is going to be the first book (if not the first and second book really) of the Arcana series, which I’ve posted about before and really need to update the page on. 
I’ve made a calendar for this. And a powerpoint. There is no stopping me.  Anyways, I’ll probably be posting updates and things every now and again so all 27 or so of you can share in my suffering. I might post excerpts every now and again depending on how I feel about my writing that day, but who knows. This challenge is primarily for me to have fun and focus on building this habit so I can actually fucking write these stories. And, you know, dying in the process, because why not? 
Hope you’re all having a lovely day. I’ll be scribbling in my notebook for the next few hours. And hoping this series sticks to the planned five parts and doesn’t get any more complicated than it already is. 
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eleganceglotihng · 3 years
Celebration Poetry And The Creative Mind Day April 19, 2021
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Creative minds have led the way throughout all of histories innovations and growth. Through poetry and art, they challenge the idea of what 19s possible, and shine a spotlight on the society that birthed them. Poetry And The Creative Mind Day is set aside to honor the bright and glittering jewels that are the minds of these creative pioneers. Most of us are introduced to poetry and art at an early age, whether it 19s the nursery rhymes sung by our parents, or the combination of poetry and art in books like Dr. Suess and Shel Silverstein, the artist of Where the sidewalk ends.
Poetry and Creative Mind Day is a great time to dig up some of your favorite old poems and read them, or sing a favorite old nursery rhyme. If your talents lean more towards the physical mediums, you can take out your paints or pencils, or any other form of art you enjoy. If you 19ve never been the creative sort, Poetry and Creative Mind Day is a great day to pick up that opportunities.
There are so many great ways to celebrate it, including memorizing old poems, or writing your own. If you 19re the adventurous sort you can leave poetry in creative places today. You can leave snippets of poem on the inside of bathroom stalls on sticky notes, print them out and leave them on desks, drop inspirational poems in the collection bowls of the needy, or anywhere else. Poetry readings are another great way to celebrate, and are still a common sort of gathering of creative minds. If you can 19t find a poetry reading, you can certainly try to organize one.
There are many ideas regarding the poets role in society, as the compressed nature of information in poetry tends to directly reach into the subconscious of a people. It creates imagery and evokes memories and emotions of events going on in and around people. It has been said that 1Cwriting is where thought meets impulse 1D, allowing the conscious mind to communicate with the subconscious. It is the opinion of some that it becomes the responsibility of the poet to use this communication to reveal the truth to those unable to see it.
Poetry comes in many forms, from William Shakespeare 19s Iambic Pentameter, to the rigid structure of the Japanese Haiku, to the simple rhyming nature of children 19s nursery rhymes, poems can come in many different forms. Take for instance acrostic poetry, that form by which a word of a person 19s name is used to write poetry, using the letters of the first name to form the framework of the poem. If you 19ve ever seen poetry done in a particular shape, such as a rainbow or tree, you 19ve read examples of concrete poetry. And these are just a few of the hundreds of different types to be found throughout the world and its thousands of cultures.
For Poetry and Creative Mind Day, take your brain out, dust it off, and introduce it to the beauty of poetry again. Remember that we hear poetry every day, as every song on the radio is based off of a poem, called lyrics simply because they are placed to music. Poetry isn 19t just for High School English and Liberal Arts classes, it is a very powerful and real way to express our thoughts and emotions and share them with our fellow man, or just get them out onto paper. Don 19t let Poetry and Creative Mind day pass you by without writing one of your own, and maybe sharing it with others to encourage them to write their own!
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artemisrae · 7 years
WIP Meme
@kaikamahine told me to talk about WIPs! And I’m in a weird place where I HAVE WIPs to talk about! WEIRD. WIP in this instance is defined as fics where I actually have words written down, and not just stories that I’m toying with writing or plan to write someday. (Thats a way longer list)
1. Roommates - (Harry Potter) After the war, Harry goes to the Aurors, Hermione goes back to Hogwarts, and Ron moves in with George. Aka my 50K word love letter to Ron Weasley. 
2. Dust in the Wind - (Stranger Things) Mike ends up in the hospital, El faces some of her deepest fears, and they both turn the corner with Mike’s parents. Set in the same universe as For Laughs, For Luck, For the Unknown?
3. Pace and Chase - (PJO) Five times Malcolm’s a good brother to Annabeth and one time she returns the favor. AKA that time I learned Malcolm’s last name rhymed with Annabeth’s and my brain exploded? 
4. Conversations - (Harry Potter Next Gen) Growing up is hard to do. Harry, Ron, and Hermione each have a conversation with Rose, Albus, and Scorpius. Because Rose Weasley isn’t Hermione Jr. people.
5. Cursed Necklace fic - (Harry Potter Next Gen) In which naive woobie Scorpius Malfoy innocently gives his girlfriend Rose a family heirloom for a birthday gift. (Spoiler alert, it goes poorly). The outline for this is spiraling out of control. I’m just hoping it doesn’t take six years to write (LOOKING AT YOU ROOMMATES)
None of these are the actual titles, just what I’ve named them in Google docs. Out of all of them, only Roommates has an actual title (and it ain’t Roommates)
Tagging @juxtaposie @percyyoulittleshit @suchastart if you have anything to share.
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p0cketdiary-blog · 5 years
My concert experience! [Pt. 3]
Yippee~ Welcome to the last, and FINAL part of my concert experience!! I honestly did not realize how talkative I was (even on text) until the birth of this blog. I sincerely apologize for talking so much. But I guess it kind of helps in a way - considering we have the 5k word minimum to hit. So in other words, sorry not sorry!! :( Anyways!! With Part 1 and 2 done and dusted, we will now move onto the amazing trip to the Lion City and the actual concert day!!
Note: I hate that I get sidetracked so easily, please ignore random topics that pops up mid-sentence or paragraph, my brain works that way. Thank you!
To be frank, the organizers (namely; One Production SG and LiveNation SG) were not the very best in terms of being “fair” at handling a concert as huge as 50k attendees. But, I guess that’s the tea for another day, a whole new segment can be written in regards to that (haha). However! Our focus on this post alone, is to talk about how amazing the concert was as well as what went down before, during and after the concert!!
We departed from BWN to SG on the 17th of January, a Thursday (the concert was happening on a Saturday, 19th of January). I have to admit - I missed a class on the day of our flight to our show. But! Do not fret, as I was able to catch up on all the things that I have missed via FaceTime with a group of my friends - being the good student that I am! Surprisingly, we were not the only ones leaving to the concert on Thursday as the airport were filled with ARMYs. 
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Note #2: I came down with a mild fever the day before our flight and I brought it on-flight into SG up until the day of the concert (in which, I probably have sweat out every drip of fever in me).
How was I able to tell, you might ask? Well, they all had at least a piece of BTS merchandise on them. We also saw people who had suitcases that were BTS themed (in all honesty, if it were me, I would not want to let the airline throw/drag around my precious BTS suitcase - I mean they were never really the best at being careful). It was a shock to our parents too, that so many Bruneians were also a part of the fandom and are flying to watch the same show. *Meanwhile us to our parents* “now you know how much a big deal BTS are to us, huh?”.
Since we arrived 2 days prior to the concert, we have planned a visit to the National Stadium on Friday (the next day) - in order to see where everything was so we would not need to rush on the actual day. We also needed to find out where the merchandise booth was as well as the BTS STUDIO Photo Booth - in which we will get to take a photo (provided that you have won a raffle, and my sister did!) next to a holographic/CGI-ed member (?) next to you (I have no idea what the technical term or jargon is). Our main agenda however, was to hunt for their banners that were only put up on the day we arrived - so we could take pictures with and of them as there would definitely be a queue to take pictures on the actual day (haha!).
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Moving on to D-DAY - the day of the concert, yay! We were up early, at 7AM and we were planning to leave to the stadium by 8AM as it takes about 10-15 minutes of MRT ride from our place. But we ended up only leaving at 9AM as my cousin could not get herself to stay AWAKE. We left to the MRT station right away and as we were about to sit down to wait for the train - my cousin mentioned about wanting to get an image picket (a huge fan with a member’s face printed on it). That was when I realized we LEFT our tickets (since ticket rhymes with picket haha??) at HOME on the dining table.
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We had in mind that it was just another day while being on holiday and we are just on our way to Burger King to grab breakfast before going on a shopping spree. Did we REALLY forget the actual reason that we were here, in this country, in the first place? Thankfully the station was only 5 minutes away from our place, so my sister had to tap out of the station and then walk all the way back to get the tickets. We wasted about 15-20 minutes in the station, acting like a bunch of fools (haha!).
In addition to that, the reason why we needed to be there early was because the wonderful organizers needed all standing ticket holders to be in a holding area (at the Indoor Stadium) by 2PM before being transferred to the actual venue at 2:30PM (and if you have won soundcheck passes - you would need to be in by 1PM). Which meant that we would have less time to eat, get our merchandises and visit the Photo Booth. Although admissions for all tickets were at 5:30PM and the concert does not begin until 7PM. Bizarre, right?
So.. Yeah, I lied.. This post will NOT be the final part.. Part 3.1 will be up shortly after this, solely because I want my photos and/or videos (if I can insert them alongside photos??) to show and not be hidden under “Keep Reading” since this post has gotten too long, AGAIN. See ya!
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reinamycloud · 8 years
J2 Fic Recs
I listed a few old J2 fic faves for a community I’m part of and figured I might as well share it here, too. Most of these are terribly well-known, fyi, since it’s a bit of a starter kit. :)
The Courtship of Jensen's Co-Star by qblackheart [112K, E] 
Summary: Somewhere in the time between a handshake and a hug, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki went from being reel-life brothers to real-life best friends, and complete strangers to cosmic soul mates, no rhyme or reason to it that either of them could ever see. Jared was everything Jensen was not: friendly, funny, and full of life; one in six-point-whatever billion the Earth’s population currently stood at. Life was awesome. Work was amazing. Everything was fine until Jared kissed Jensen. Everything was peachy until Jensen fell in love. With desperate times unexpectedly calling for desperate measures, Jensen called Chad Michael Murray for relationship advice – because being in love led to temporary insanity obviously – so it really didn't surprise him that he couldn’t seem to win when it came to wooing Jared. Still, Pisces must’ve been in a really good place in the night sky or something because suddenly, right smack dab in the middle of the miserable courtship of his co-star, Jensen discovered that maybe loving Jared was all he needed to do to win his heart. And luckily for Jensen, loving Jared was also the one thing he did best.
The Play-Nice Proviso by qblackheart [70K, E] 
Summary: When Jensen Ackles first met Jared Padalecki, it was most definitely not love at first sight. It wasn’t even like at first sight. In fact, Jensen hated him, and he had a few good reasons as to why. So what if his new co-star was oblivious to his one-sided warfare? Jensen could deal. Apart from when he couldn’t. So when it came down to picking between Padalecki and his peace of mind, the choice seemed clear. Except for the fact that The Network had his balls in a vice, leaving him stuck with Supernatural, stuck with his idiot co-star, and worst of all, stuck with a ‘Play Nice’ Proviso added to his contract. Well, he could play nice. He would play so nice that the world was going to think that he and Jared Padalecki were the bestest friends in the history of best friends. It was unfortunate then that no one had ever told Jensen what happened when an immovable object met an irresistible force; no one had ever thought to mention that there was a thin line between hate and love; and nothing, absolutely nothing, could have possibly prepared him for Playing Nice with Jared Padalecki.
Mirror 'Verse by Felisblanco [45K, M] 
Summary: They keep calling him beautiful. Pretty. “Come on. Look this way. Give us a smile, Jensen.” He smiles and blinks against the flashes, fighting the urge to lower his eyes, to hide the blush burning under layers of makeup. Sweat runs down his back, his hands tremble. He’s not pretty, not beautiful. He’s small and weak and pathetic and one day they’re all gonna figure it out. One day… [Note: Jensen suffers from an eating disorder]
Puzzle 'Verse by Felisblanco [30K, T] 
Summary: As they start filming and working together, Jared realizes Danneel’s prediction was right. He and Jensen do hit it off. Sure Jensen is quirky and sometimes (okay, a lot of times) uncomfortably direct to the point of being rude. But once Jared figures out Jensen isn’t actually mean as much as he’s just a little clueless (and mostly unconcerned) about the rules of social interactions, it stops bothering him. [Note: Jensen has Asperger's]
As This Sunset Turns to Morning by mournthewicked/alovething [86K, E] (podfic)
Summary: Jensen spends his life hiding who he is from the family that would never accept him if they knew. When he’s uprooted in the middle of his senior year and suddenly becomes the new kid, his carefully placed mask begins to slip. Especially when he meets Jared – a loud, outspoken spectacle of a boy that fights for everything Jensen was taught to stand against. Jared has no problem going after what he wants, and now it’s just a matter of Jensen letting himself do the same.
Gunpoint by Felisblanco [137K, E] 
Summary: Jensen got his childhood stolen away from him when he was ten years old. Along with his memory, his voice and every emotion that wasn’t fear, hatred or anger. Question is, can Jared help him get any of it back? And more importantly, does Jensen really want him to? [Note: Jensen has PTSD]
One Small Step by sandymg [37K, T] (podfic)
Summary: Jared has had a secret crush for months. But it’s not like publishing genius and gay activist Jensen Ackles is going to notice the tall, weird guy pushing the mail cart. So when Jared’s best friend and Jensen’s assistant, Sandy, tells him that Jensen is getting married in one month to a fellow activist -- something about being the first gay couple to get married in the state -- Jared knows some things just aren't meant to be. And now Sandy is insisting that Jared help her plan the wedding. She thinks it’s a good idea. Jared thinks she’s nuts. Because the only thing this could lead to is heartbreak. Right? [Note: Jared has Asperger's]
True Colors by Munibunny [32K, M] (podfic)
Summary: Jared is a mentally challenged young man with a very special gift. Jensen is an executive with nothing in his life but work. They meet by accident and discover a connection that defies explanation.
Lost and Found by Mediaville [47K, E]
Summary: Jensen Ackles is a shy, overweight songwriter whose body issues have prevented him from forming any real personal connections, and at thirty, he’s still unsure of his sexuality, and still a virgin. But when he signs up for an experimental obesity research program, he meets Jared Padalecki, a stunningly sexy fitness guru who slowly but surely changes Jensen’s life.
A Beautiful Beast by Anyothergirl415 [29K, E] 
Summary: Burdened by his past, Jensen Ackles isn’t entirely certain how to act when he’s approached by the homeless man that’s been stalking the book store he works in. He learns pretty quickly, however, that like himself, this man is not at all like he might seem.
Our Parts Are Slightly Used by kelleigh [50K, E] 
Summary: After three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Jared has come home to Texas, working a steady job as a security guard and trying to patch himself back together. His dreams are less than kind, but he copes for the sake of those who never made it back. Jared's not expecting to meet someone like Jensen Ackles - a Dallas businessman with confidence and charisma in spades. They connect over coffee breaks and high-spirited basketball games with Jared's vet buddies, and what begins as friendship quickly deepens into a defining romance. Although Jared's willing to share his physical scars with Jensen, the burden of hiding his emotional wounds weighs heavily on both of them. As Jensen scrambles to put a name to his boyfriend's symptoms, Jared struggles each and every day, and neither of them sees the storm on the horizon until it's too late.
In Becoming Who We Are by Eliza Jane [82K, E] (podfic)
Summary: Fresh out of school with a degree from the University of Washington, Jensen meets and falls for Jeff Morgan. He may not know what he wants to do with his life, but for the first time since leaving Texas, he feels like things are coming together. Jeff seems like the perfect guy, right up until it all falls apart.
Hearthstone by Molly [42K, M] 
Summary: Jensen lives alone in the small town where he grew up, dividing his time between the bookstore he runs (with no customers), the bar he half-owns (but doesn't run) and the big, expensive dream house (that he bought with money he doesn't know what to do with). He lives quietly at the edge of the circle of friends he went to school with, and avoids everybody else -- until the new guy in town crashes a bike in front of Jensen's store and wedges himself into Jensen's world.
Over here at the side of your life by Fleshflutter [13K, E] 
Summary: Jared is a hooker, Jensen is his workaholic best friend.
Stretch Right Up And Touch The Sky by felisblanco [47K, E] 
Summary: Jared’s life changed forever the day Jensen transferred to his school two years ago. It must have been destiny that brought them together because Jensen was without a doubt meant to be his forever soulmate and the love of his life. Too bad Jensen had no idea Jared even existed.
Reinventing Love by mournthewicked/alovething [202K, E]
Summary: Coming out to your best friend isn’t easy. But then again, neither is falling in love with him.
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britishdelirium · 7 years
This rap is lyrically one of the best things ever written. Sit back, listen and read these lyrics.
[Verse 1: Akala] Yes, I grew up on the dole in a single parent family Been through a little bit of tragedy Yes I was around drugs and violence before the day that I started secondary And that’s part of it not half of it, get the picture, the rest ain’t necessary Growing up, got a little caught up, but that ain’t even half of my life Also given the knowledge of self That is all we actually need to survive If you saw me aged 9, reading Malcolm just fine Teachers still treated me stupid Students that couldn’t speak English, they put me in groups with And the irony is some of the first man to give me schooling You would call gangsters but I already explained, we know what the truth is They used to say ‘Don’t be like me’ Yeah I got a name and dough on the street Night time comes, I can’t sleep And that’s the part that rappers don’t speak We don’t hit the road cos we are thugs Don’t come out the womb, wanting to sell drugs If we got the right guidance and love Would we fight people just like us? How could I knock the hustle to get by? How do you think I ate as a child? Judge no one, done many things wrong I just don’t boast about it songs But listen to my older bars I was just as confused as you probably are But you grow and you learn, travel and fuck up One too many man you know get cut up One too many man that could’ve been doctors End up spending their whole life boxed up You learn, if you study Its all set out just to make them money No cover, it’s all about getting poor people to fight with one another So its logical that us killing our brothers, dissing our mothers Is right in line with the dominant philosophy of our time But time is a cycle, not a line Comes back around you regain your mind You be ready for the energy I channel in my rhymes Remedy the pedigree, the jeopardy of mine When the world’s this f***ed up, lethargy’s a crime We can all fight with our brothers over crumbs Far harder to fight the one who makes guns We can all talk sh** and get two dollars Far harder to be the one who seeks knowledge If we understood economics We’d know money’s nothin’ Think nothing of it Money is a means to get wealth, not the wealth itself Don’t get confused, I’m far from broke All that you see me do I own But I won’t hang what I make around my neck I know from where that the diamonds came But I do quite literally own a library That definitely costs more than your chain And businesses, and properties Far from starvin’, I eat quite properly And I don’t care, just said it for the kids Who need to know that you’re not broke to listen Don’t know an asset from a liability They’ve never been shown or told the difference So they don’t change situations Richest man in Britain is Asian That’s significant, not coincidence Asian people build businesses Not by flossin/going out shoppin’ Giving out their culture for everyone’s profit Who run’s Bollywood? Indian people Who owns our shit? So we shake our arse and dance As if racism just upped and vanished But has it? No its right on course You’re beaten so bad, you’re trained to ignore Let me not just make sweeping statements Gimme a second, I’ll explain it For small amounts of drug possession there’s more black people in jail in America than there is for rape and armed robbery and murder all put together You can say they’re just locking up thugs Imagine if they locked up every middle class kid that had ever held drugs Oh that’s right, that’d be your kids! Bigger than that what is going on with this Prison in America’s a private business They get paid 50k per year per inmate by the State, just wait… Also legally are allowed to use their prison inmates as slaves Cheap slave labour, big corporations They come out of jail, can’t get a job So when we celebrate going to jail We are LITERALLY CELEBRATING ENSLAVEMENT Add to that, that the hood that you’re livin’ Engineered social condition that breeds crime by design Where do you think you get your nine? You can say that they’re just black But I like to deal with facts In the 1920s you would’ve found in America Black towns Prospering centres of economics and education to make you proud But some people couldn’t bear that the former slaves would not just lie down So the KKK and other hate groups burnt those towns to the ground Killin hundreds If it ain’t understood You think you were always livin’ in the hood? Shit it’s only been sixty years Since they hung blacks and burned em’ And that was so cool They were your pastors’ picnic baskets Even gave kids the day off school To go see a lynching, have a picnic It’s fun to watch the little monkeys die Then people act a little dysfunctional You wanna pretend that you don’t know why If your colour means you can be killed And you’re powerless to get justice about it Is it difficult to figure out how you would then end up feelin’ about it? And that ain’t excuses Just dealing with the roots of abuses that make a reality Where a generation of young men speak of ourselves as dirt casually That’s America This Britain Some things are similar Some different In this country the first enslaved were the working class What’s changed? Worst jobs, worst conditions Worst taxed, look where you’re livin’ You go to the pub, Friday night You will fight with a guy, don’t know what for But won’t fight with a guy, suit and a tie Who sends your kids to die in a war They don’t send the kids of the rich or politicians It’s your kids, the poor British That they send to go die in a foreign land For these wars you don’t understand Yeah they say that you’re British And that lovely patriotism they feed ya But in reality you have more in common with immigrants Than with your leaders I know, both side of my family Black and white are fed ghetto mentality Reality in this system Poor people are dirt regardless of shade But with that said Let’s not pretend that everything is the same When our grandparents came here to Britain If you had a criminal record you couldn’t get in Yet that ain’t protect them from all the stupid, stupid abuses they would be livin’ Kicked in the teeth, stabbed in the street Many times fired bombed our houses Put faeces through our letter box And of course the cops did so much about it(!) Daily, up to the 80s People spittin’ into my pram cos’ I was a coon baby But of course that has had no effect on why today we are crazy And none of this was for any good reason They were just dark and breathing To ease the guilt now for all of this treatment Constant stereotypes are needed So if I celebrate how big that my dick is, bricks that I’m flippin’ Clips that I’m stickin’, chicks that I’m hittin’, I’m playing my position But if I teach a kid to be a mathematician, messin’ with the schism How they gonna fill a prison when materialism is nothing but a religion? What do you think we got now in Britain? Just like America, private prisons Prisons for profit! That mean when your kids go jail people make money off it So keep environments that breed crime Build more jails at the same time Market badness to the kids in the rhymes As long as rich kids ain’t dying its fine! Get em’ to the point where some are so lost They actually believe that if they don’t celebrate killin’ themselves off That it’s because they’re soft Was Malcolm soft? Was Marley soft? Tell me was Marcus Garvey soft? Well? Was Mohammed Ali soft? Nah, Nah I think not! But they want us to think that the road is cool Being on road is all we can do We don’t control the wholesale productions Who benefits from us movin’ the food? Or thinking there’s no way out of road life But Malcolm X used to hustle out on the roadside When Marcus Garvey organised more than 6million people With no Facebook or Twitter Why is this something you cannot equal? Shiiiiit! One of my homeboys did a ten straight in the box in yard Now what’s he doing? Passin’ his doctorate Don’t tell me that it’s too hard! Who trained you to believe that you’re inferior? Sungbo Eredo in Nigeria are the remains of an ancient moat Dug 1000 years ago 20 metres wide, 70 down Round the remains of an ancient town That’s 400 square miles around 400 square miles around Please, please don’t believe me It was a documentary on BBC! But we ain’t studyin’ history Too busy watching MTV And MTV said wear platinum Now everybody wanna go and wear platinum And MTV said pop magnums Now everybody wanna go and pop magnums If MTV said drink prune juice You would start hearing that in tunes soon ‘Hey! Today I wore my Cartier Is it now more important what I got to say?’ Oh and I drive a Mercedes by the way So everybody listen to what I got to say Huh, does that make you all happy? Ahh but shit my head’s still nappy Think for myself, still some mad at me But on the mic ain’t not one bad as me All of this here’s good for the rhymes Put us in the same place at the same time And it’s clear to everybody that I’m out of my mind Some of these guys are runnin’ out of their rhymes Clear to everybody that has got ears I’m the guy that they just might fear They wanna get near but they can’t have a peer Ah dear I’m hard liquor you’re just like beer Front on the kid for another five years Come to my shows and some cry tears It mean that much to em’, it’s a movement! I don’t speak for myself but a unit Black, white, man, woman, anyone that respects truth we put in Dudes are like no dinner with just puddin’ Yeah you’re sweet but no substance puddin’ You could never ever be with a level on Our songs get out played out there in Lebanon We speak for the people properly Not for the old fat guys in offices And the girls love him, it ain’t fair He can’t even be bothered to comb his hair Anyway that’s enough kissin’ my own arse Back to the more important task of being so shower I got half the hood screaming “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” And I ain’t saying that will change rap But I do know this for a fact Right now there’s a yout’ on your block With his hand on his cock and his face screwed up Swear he don’t care, don’t give a fuck That he won’t let nobody call his bluff But the words go in Open up your chakra Because once that’s happened there’s no going back Once you start to see what is really happening Who the enemy you should be attackin’ is So READ, READ, READ! Stuck on the block, READ, READ! Sittin’ in the box, READ, READ! Don’t let them say what you can achieve Cos when people are enslaved One of the first things they do is stop them reading Cos’ it is well understood that intelligent people will take their freedom Cos’ if we knew our power we would understand that we can’t be held down If we knew our power, we would not elevate not one of these clowns If we knew our power, we wouldn’t get arrogant when we get two pennies If we knew our power, we would see what everybody sees, that we’re rich already! But never mind MCs go run for your mummy I’m hungry, I run for my tummy That’s enough, back to worshipping money I’m off, back to the study!
0 notes
theworstbob · 7 years
yellin’ at songs: weeks 28 & 29
thoughts on the songs that debuted on the billboard charts of 7.19.1997, 7.26.1997, 7.21.2007, 7.28.2007, 7.22.2017, and 7.29.2017.
spoiler: that too many songs
Week Twenty-Eight
17) "Gotham City," by R. Kelly
There is nothing of value to be said here, especially by me, who enabled the monster for so long. There is nothing in this song that could justify the lives he's ruined. I hope his body rots worse than his soul.
19) "Whatever," by En Vogue
This is a lovely palette cleanser! A fairly groovy R&B tune by a known entity, not particularly deep and focused solely on being a joy to listen to. Washes the bad taste of the men we watched do harm right out of our mouths, and it leaves us ready to dive back into music we like from uncomplicated humans who DON'T have actual sex slaves!
47) "Take it to the Streets," by Rampage ft./Billy Lawrence
This was pretty okay. Rampage is Busta Rhymes' cousin, so that's neat for him. What a boon that must have been for him in his career. I -- I'm sorry, the big 1997 project is over, and now 1997 is just a fact of everyday life and not a fun treat for us, and now everything feels like an obligation instead of a delight. Or maybe these songs are just enh, I don't know, anyway, next we have a selection off a shitty rock band's worst album, hoo boy, really getting excited for 1997's first week as a YAS regular.
57) "Last Night on Earth," by U2
This is a U2 single. They made a video for it. They have a VEVO and an official account, a U2be if you will, and that music video they made for this song is on neither. All I can find are unofficial uploads. The views on these uploads don't appear to crack the 500,000-view barrier. Even people who LIKE U2, whose job or hobby involves promoting and sharing U2's music would rather not think about this song. Nor should they, it's a dumb song no one should like, but man, if people who like this dumb band aren't into it, what hope did this song have with me?
70) "Four Leaf Clover," by Abra Moore
I shouldn't be the one to feel the instinct to teleport on seeing an Abra, but here we are. 1997 picked a hell of a week to have its worst week, y'all. I timed this poorly.
79) "When You Talk About Love," by Patti LaBelle
A fun way to set expectations for a song is to see what other auto-complete results pop up when searching for the song. One of the ones for this was "zumba." I can hear that. This is a song fast enough to exercise to, but doesn't go hard enough to inspire you to do actual exercise, you just stay with the DVD you found at Target with the fun name. I feel like I should be more into a Patti LaBelle song than I currently am, but I am for some reason in no mood to 1997 right now! It's head of the class but not graduating with honors.
83) "Up Jumps the Boogie," by Magoo & Timbaland ft./Aaliyah & Missy Elliott
It's interesting that Billboard gave Magoo top billing over Timbaland! It's weird that I never hear Magoo brought up when they talk about Timbaland, but I'm excited to h -- wait. ...Wait, is that... OK, no, okay, Magoo? Magoo. You had to know you were awful at this, right? You had to know you had no chance to succeed, that you would be transcended. Oh, Magoo, I am so sorry that this is your life. Anyway, Timbaland! This is dope. I have my issues with Timbaland's sound in 2007, but Timbaland is yet to drown in excess, this track has a nice build to it, and I have enough nostalgia that I am willing to forgive any amount of Magoo if it means a Timbaland/Missy collaboration. But Magoo is just unbelievably bad. They made a version of this song without him, right? It'd be a travesty if they didn't. Like, Magoo is keeping this song out of the Top 20.
91) "I Say a Little Prayer," by Diana King
I bet a "Say a Little Prayer" cover had some novelty value before American Idol kind of ruined covers of standards for the rest of the world. Like, I've heard enough versions of "Say a Little Prayer" in this lifetime that I didn't need this reggae version intercut with scenes from a romantic comedy. She does have another single called "Shy Guy," though. She and I have the same favorite Super Mario Bros. 2 enemy! That's one thing I got. Ugh, heck next week, TAKE ME 2007. I AM READY TO LOVE YOU AGAIN. TAKE ME INTO Ywhat do you mean "love theme from transformers"
68) "You Know What It Is," T.I. ft./Wyclef Jean
T.I. claims, "I had the album of the year, Grammy or not." At first blush, this may seem overly boastful; after all, it's been established that T.I. may not be one of the 100 greatest rappers of all time, and T.I. never quite had the superstar power of a Kanye or a Kendrick or the type that usually wins the award. But the 2007 field for Best Rap Album was actually sorta weak. You have a Ludacris album with zero signature hits, which is notable given that Ludacris is the Foo Fighters of rap, an album from Pharrell that is only there because Pharrell made it, and albums from Lupe Fiasco and The Roots that were never going to win but do let the Grammys signal to their audience that they know what's up. Plus, 2006 in general was a shitty year for rap. You'd have to really stan for OutKast or Jay-Z to defend Idlewild or Kingdom Come, and apart from Food & Liquor, there aren't any classics bubbling just under the mainstream. Much in the same way 1989 was the best pop album of 2014 because everyone else's albums sucked, T.I.'s King was the best rap album of 2006. Unless you're into the Jeezy album or the Rick Ross album. Maybe those? I don't fuckin' know, I don't know history, this song is OK.
85) "LoveStoned," Justin Timberlake
Kind of unpleasant going from fun and actually composed music from Timbaland to "here's a thousand noises I slapped together TURNED TO ELEVEN" Timbaland. See, look at that, it has been like fifteen minutes, and I'm already nostalgic for the '90s. Only '90s kids will remember when Timbaland didn't make confusing music.
86) "Before It's Too Late (Sam and Mikaela's Theme)," The Goo Goo Dolls
Hey, remember in YAS '90s when I lamented the death of the soundtrack? Sure would be nice if we could pinpoint the exact moment the soundtrack cut died, the one soundtrack cut that ruined the commercial viability for future soundtrack cuts to come. Might be an interesting quest to take, to find the last soundtrack cut! Anyway, love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers love theme from Transformers
93) "Cupid Shuffle," Cupid
/went to bed at midnight /had a day at work where he said zero words to people /rough bus ride home /faced with 30 pop songs /plus self-imposed deadline /slumped over on desk /twitching more like... /labored breathing stupid shuffle /ugly crying that sounds like coughing
94) "Tough," Craig Morgan
It has been nearly two weeks since I've heard a country dude. I'm not even going to count the three country dudes I heard during YAS97, because one was George Strait and that treacly-ass nonsense about how daughters are awesome or whatever is about as country as a skyscraper. Not that this goes that much harder, it's a song celebrating a mother's toughness (which is honestly about as feminist as country gets), but you can really hear the difference in production values in country dude songs between 1997 and 2007. Songs get built better in the modren era, and while this eventually leads to the trashification of country, and also this song is cheeseball as hell, this is so much better to listen to than that Bros Brothers track.
95) "Everyday America," Sugarland
Songs like this are uncomfortable to contend with in an age where billionaires co-opt this sentiment to trick America into plunging itself into a totalitarion nightmarescape. This is a song that plays during the preamble to a rally where a man yells at you that the best way to save this version of America which never existed is to strip yourself of health care and just spray poison straight into the sun so that billionaires can pocket an extra $50k. I'm sorry, Sugarland. Usually I don't get in this mood, but this is 2017 we live in, and also all the things I said in the Cupid section.
99) "Misery Business," Paramore
I can hear the criticism of this song as something somewhat unfeminist, but expecting any 19-year-old to walk this earth cognizant of all social issues and doing their best to fight them is stupid. 19-year-olds should be making songs about some asshole what stole their boyfriend. It kinda sucks she used the word "whore?" But we all said shitty sings when we were 19. Most of the shit I said is archived on Facebook, and Hayley Williams has the singular misfortune of having her problematic years attached to THIS SONG WHICH GOES HARD AS HELL AND IS A POP/PUNK MASTERPIECE. This song rules. It's childish in all the right ways, and I'm always gonna have that nostalgia blind spot for it. Heck you for trying to ruin it with valid points about the song's less-than-chill attitude towards gender roles, just sit back, dawg. It could get worse. Remember when R. Kelly had a top 20 hit in this post?
100) "Guys Like Me," Eric Church
In the sense that this built a foundation on which Eric Church built up enough clout that he earned the creative freedom to make "Mr. Misunderstood," this song is worthwhile. In every single other sense, I can't believe I expressed something like positive thoughts about modren country music.
(70) "Mi Gente," by J Balvin & Willy William
I was stoked to jump back into 2017 with some Latin pop. I've been down with this Latin pop revival (insofar as Latin pop needed to be revived (it was still thriving just not in the states (like duh))), and I was stoked for this song, but the translation shows that this is a song about how good this song is. I mean, hey, I've heard worse, but that doesn't mean we can't do better than this. Still, I like that fun kazoo noise, and this song has as much a right as any to shout about how good it is. Not a classic, but we ragequit this project after DJ Khaled took the top song, so hey, we're already doing better!
(78) "Rake it Up," by Yo Gotti ft./Nicki Minaj
Having heard every rap song that hit the Hot 100 from January through July 1997, I can confirm that literally all but one rapper in 1997 was better at the act of rapping than this Yo Gotti character. I have no nostalgia goggles for '90s rap, I am completely ignorant of any rap history that didn't make it to Shea Serrano's Rap Yearbook, I literally just mainlined the entirety of 1997 rap, and I can state from a position of authority that Yo Gotti is garbage to listen to. He has an advantage on Magoo, I am not here to engage in hyperbole, but he is worse at this thing he is being paid to do than all that preceded him. Nicki has a fun verse, her verses are usually fun, but this dude is awful. I'm supposed to think this is rap after having heard the "Not Tonight" remix? Come on, man.
(85) "Bodak Yellow," by Cardi B
I picked up Gangsta Bitch Music Vol. 1 based on the recommendation of a basketball podcast, and I was impressed. I thought there was a lot of potential there, and I'm glad to see it's getting harnessed into something. I might've picked a better person to mimic than Kodak Black, but I'm not gonna complain about a solid song. "Said little bitch/You can't fuck with me if you wanted to/These expensive/These is red bottoms, these are bloody shoes." I kinda fucking love that. Like, just casually letting you know she's already stomped on people. I'm into this. I hope she gets to do something less derivative in the future.
(87) "Who Dat Boy," by Tyler, the Creator ft./A$AP Rocky
I will never complain about Rocky in any situation. I actually haven't listened to... gosh, anything Tyler's made since Goblin. I think that's understandable, what with Goblin being terrible. But this is really cool. This isn't as Adult Swim as the Odd Future cohort can get. It still sort of sounds weird for weirdness' sake, but there's focus, there's actual dedication to making this sound like the nightmare Tyler thinks his head is. Plus, Rocky. I like that guy. Not bad! That counts as high praise, given my history with Tyler, the Creator.
(89) "Heartache on the Dance Floor," by Jon Pardi
he's not even a good singer. there is nothing about this dude's voice that is pleasant to hear, it sounds like an imitation of better singers, like what if you replaced everything that gave chris stapleton's voice depth and clarity and distinctive tone and replaced it with gross goat sounds. he has a range of "the note he sings in this song." fuck this dude and fuck everyone that ever believed in him.
(99) "Extra Luv," by Future ft./YG
Did... Did Future take inspiration from his collaboration with Calvin Harris? Because I don't think I've ever grooved this hard to a Future song. I don't think Future has ever made a song to be grooved to. It's usually music to make you run through a brick wall or music to contemplate every dark thought you've ever had, never a song that just exists for the sake of being fun to listen to. Like, did Future just go into the studio with Calvin Harris and just have his mind blown, like, "Wait, music can sound like THIS? I gotta try this shit out! Hot damn! This is a game-changer!" Still some sadness, it's about a woman loving how rich Future is and not Future himself, but it's packaged so differently from the rest of Future's stuff and I'm so thrilled if this is the direction Future will take with his next five albums!
Who won the week?
While we would like to give 2007 a shout-out for the individual achievement of Paramore, man, the rest of 2007 is horrible this week. 1997 and 2017 don’t fare a ton better; 2017 at least gives us three tracks that are interesting and, given how salty and/or burnt out I am, are probably a lot better than I think they are in my current mental state. It’s 2017.
Week Twenty-Nine
31) "Someone," by SWV ft./Puff Daddy
Very nice work! Bob exclaimed, stirring himself from the Soulja Boy Tell'em passage he was writing because he doesn't need to listen to "Crank Dat" to know how "Crank Dat" makes him feel. You girls sure rocked the house! he said, wondering why he admitted he was looking past this song and not giving it the fair chance he gave other songs before it. Bob doesn't know what's happening in this paragraph, and while Bob would like to start over, he won't, because he wrote all these words, and deleting them would mean having to write more, y'know?
32) "I Can Love You," by Mary J. Blige ft./Lil Kim
A'ight, if you're gonna make me listen to this much R&B in one sitting, I appreciate that you're gonna give me something close to a standard. One day, man, I'm gonna get familiar with Mary J. Blige, and this song is a reminder of all the great things I'm missing out on, like I'm in a world right now where I'm not sure where this song ranks in the Mary J. Blige canon but can be absolutely certain it's not in the top tier. I'm gonna get to it, I've got other shit to work through but I swear, I'm gonna get to it. Gosh, I'm like seventy-five seasons behind on R&B musc.
57) "To the Moon and Back," by Savage Garden
...This could've stood to be a tad more dramatic. Like, I don't know, I'm trying to evaluate this song on some unspecified criteria, I lack the capacity of language to be writing these posts in the first place, I have no idea how to tell you what I'm looking for, but this song sounds like it's on this middle road between "beautiful subtle ballad" and "epic overblown power ballad," and I wish it would just choose a side, ever give me all the emotions or try to get at one specific emotion. It's alright, I didn't want to switch the YouTube video off, it just feels like nothing.
85) "(Freak) And U Know It," by Adina Howard
I've used the words "trash" and "garbage" a lot over the past week, because those are accurate descriptors of certain kinds of '90s music, but we also need to acknowledge when "trash" is a positive virtue. This song is trashy in all the right ways. It is completely unconcerned with engaging with the listener intellectually, focusing instead on the private parts, which she would very much like to freak. While sometimes it's disheartening when someone we know can do better doesn't try to do better, this song wouldn't work if it were concerned with anything but the basest desires. You should generally want something that is worth thinking about after you finish the song, but sometimes, you want a sexy voice over a funky bass line asking if you wanna go down.
47) "Crank Dat (Soulja Boy)," Soulja Boy Tell'em
This song is a singular achievement in American culture, and the day it was brought to our attention is the day we were alerted to the meaning of life.
100) "Never Too Late," Three Days Grace
YAS ALT-HISTORY: if everything went according to plan, I was going to pretend "Never Too Late" didn't exist and make Soulja Boy Tell'em take on the offerings of 2017 on his own, the last Spartan warrior screaming at the cloud of arrows. You can't know anything close to the disappointment I felt in the twenty seconds it took me to scroll from 47 to 100, getting more and more excited for the Soulja Boy Tell'em vs. The World narrative, and then finding, of all songs, this buttrock ballad, here to ruin everything, here to drag Soulja Boy Tell'em down. Like, Three Days Grace was one of the better buttrock bands; "Animal I Have Become" is legit, and the entire One-X album is the best thing any buttrock band put out, but this ballad sorta blows, and it completely ruined what should have been Soulja Boy Tell'em week. I can't forgive this song for doing that to me.
(23) "The Story of OJ," by Jay-Z (35) "4:44," by Jay-Z (47) "Bam," by Jay-Z ft./Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley (51) "Family Feud," by Jay-Z ft./Beyonce (55) "Kill Jay-Z," by Jay-Z (56) "Smile," by Jay-Z ft./Gloria Carter (63) "Caught Their Eyes," by Jay-Z ft./Frank Ocean (86) "Moonlight," by Jay-Z (90) "Marcy Me," by Jay-Z
Jay-Z is great and 4:44 is great and all of these songs are great and 2017 has pulled off two wins by cheating. Like, if there's one thing I learned from 1997, it's that, when Drake gets 20 songs on the chart, he's taking those spots away from weird and/or wonderful songs by artists that will never hit again. I can't stop thinking about "Fulton St." two or three days after hearing it, but if it happened to drop one of those weeks an AAA artist dropped an album in 1997 and the Billboard chart was using the formula it is today, I wouldn't have heard it. That's not to say these songs aren't great, it's just an unfortunate quirk of these modern times, that Jay-Z gets nine hit songs and someone smaller is gonna lose their shot at something like notoriety.
(33) "Bank Account," by 21 Savage (94) "Famous," by 21 Savage
has this dude ever felt an emotion? i dunno, it's entirely possible i didn't feel like paying attention, but both of these songs were rapped in the same passive tone, never changing, just a voice maintaining at some level of chill without acknowledging anything like a feeling. which is impressive, if the goal is to get people to listen and never stop listening, this is the voice you need to perfect, this is a voice that can lull you into a trance where you wake up two hours later and realize you've listened to two of this dude's albums, but i know i have to hit skip at the end, and it's so fucking boring DO SOMETHING
(25) "Praying," by Kesha
Kesha went through a lot to make this song, and, as is stated, she has been through hell, through no end of pain and torture the likes of which no one should ever have to know. I can respect that.
(52) "Sorry Not Sorry," by Demi Lovato
I'm into Demi Lovato. I'm into shallow fun pop songs. I hated every second of this. Here's my conspiracy theory. I mentioned 1989 when discussing T.I. What if there's a conspiracy going on to make all pop music sound really shitty so that, when Tay Tay releases her album, she doesn't have any insurmountable hills to climb to claim Album of the Year again? (Yeah, DAMN. happened, but To Pimp a Butterfly was better than 1989. Didn't stop the Grammys!) Like, I'm into everything Julia Michaels has done, and I'm gonna love any album she releases, but she's not on that level. Selena Gomez is doing fun stuff, but she needs one more "Bad Liar" if she wants to hit that level. We're apparently not into Lorde anymore, we're finally over Katy Perry, no one else seems to be willing to release an album, I mean, Tay Tay's gonna take another weak year and use it to trick people into thinking an A- album is an A+. Big Machine somehow ruined this song, and we need to figure out how deep this goes.
(89) "Glorious," by Macklemore ft./Skylar Grey
I am as interested in Macklemore without Ryan Lewis as I am in six untoasted hot dog buns.
(91) "Get Low," by Zedd & Liam Payne
Oh good, the EDM dudelords are starting to rip off Calvin Harris' funky sound. Great. Look what you did, "Slide." (And to some extent, we should hold "Run Up" responsible, except "Run Up" is perfect and you never gave it a chance.) Now Zedd thinks he can make a shitty summer song. I didn't want to hear what Zedd thought summer sounded like. Turns out Zedd thinks summer is good! What a bold take, never saw that coming.
(92) "Fetish," by Selena Gomez ft./Gucci Mane
pop music is bad and i should not have added more of it to my weekly routine. "you've got a fetish for my love." that's fucking stupid. like, see! we had two decent songs from selena gomez, then this tanks her momentum! we're setting up for another year where tay tay takes a bye into Album of the Year consideration, and it won't even be as good as Red. she'll take her special brand of adult top 40 and amaze people who haven't heard a good song in weeks. man. what an unfortunate week to attempt to pull a double shift. the right thing to do would be to go to tumblr and say i'm cranky and need more time, but despite how bad the weeks were, i think i have some solid jokes. also, we got to think about jay-z for a few seconds! that was nice. thank you for making music this year, jay-z, i truly appreciate the work you put into making this post not a chore.
Who won the week?
It is kind of cheating to roll out a classic rap album, especially when the rest of 2017′s offerings were so enh. (I might like 21 Savage more if I weren’t so over everything.) But 1997 and 2007 don’t bring much to the table, either, and I can’t help how the charts get made. 2017 wins another one, which actually puts it ahead in the season standings: 2017: 11 1997: 10 2007: 8 Next week, 2007 rolls out High School Musical 2 and Billy Ray Cyrus against “Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems,” which I think is going to go very well for 2007! 2017 will likely feature that shitty bro country dude’s attempt at being Chris Stapleton. Congratulations, 1997. (Hey, Bob, when you gonna do 1987, it only m)NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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