TulipTX aka Mandy
251 posts
Masterlist - currently writing for Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Jax Teller and Happy Lowman. Lots of secondary character action in there. I'm like tinkerbell in that I need your feedback to survive. Open for requests. 
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
tuliptx · 5 years ago
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Ahh I figured it out! @twdeadfanfic
I'm not saying that my cat is the most cute of them all, but...
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
Ugh she’s the woman who made me realize I was bi. Purrrrrrrrrfect.
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Rachel Weisz for The Edit Magazine (August, 2016)
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
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Q: Do you guys feel responsibility when [the gender gap] conversation comes up that you have to defend other women? You’re only trying to make your own fucking paycheck, like now you have to defend women?
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
This is awesome
A social media AU but there’s no plot and it’s just Bucky Barnes being a 106 year old millennial and not knowing its public when he publically eviscerates people or memes like Peter showed him
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@sunmoonandbucky @buckysknifecollection
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
As a barista I can 100% tell you it is lol. Mocha syrup +milk.
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
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I’m curious
Reblog this if you are 30 years old or older.
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
Absolutely my experience. The wealthy don’t seem to realize how much goes into your job or they’ve forgotten. I like to take it as a compliment (I make this look effortless) still sucks though. We fight over weekday shifts at the cafe bc the lunch crowd while in a rush always tip better.
Y’all, rich people tip like shit
I pull up at this nice ass house, I’m walking to the door as the woman pulls in her driveway so the pizza is definitely not late.
I’m all smiley and courteous and shit, she tipped me $1 on a $51 bill. 
The next house I have is in a lower class neighborhood, she tips me $4.00 on a $14 bill. 
rich people don’t value yr labor at all 
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
Mandy’s Master List
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
Outlaw Woman Ch 3
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Rated M- like for real people.
Summary- Lexi’s always been the type to do things the hard way.
Happy x OC x Jax, David Hale x OC
Lexi had been relocated to a corner booth after flatly refusing to sit on the couch. “Last Friday night, my brother- MY BROTHER- was getting a hummer from some red head on that couch. I am not sitting on that couch ever again.” Happy snorted as he steadied her on her left and Tig shot him a glare from her right. “If you’re not sitting anywhere you’re brother’s had sex, we’ll have to burn down the club house and start again.” Lexi’s lip curled in disgust. “I don’t want to continue this conversation.” Tig laughed and sat her down gently in the booth before giving his brother a playful shrug. “You’re just jealous Hoover Lips prefers me.” Happy grunted as he adjusted Lexi’s leg so it was stretched out on the booth next to her with the ice resting on it. His dark eyes moved up her leg and over her body before catching her own, “Nah man, you know I prefer blonds.” He quickly looked away shoving TIg back playfully. They began to grapple with each other as Gemma joined Lexi.
The Prospect walked in then carrying two bags from the diner. Gemma had decided that they better get some food in Lexi before her drunken haze turned into drunken vomiting. “Oh god Sac, I forgive you!” Half Sac laughed as Lexi gave him a peck on the cheek and pulled her burger out of the greasy paper bag. Gemma gave him an assessing look, “I don’t.” Sac looked down blushing slightly and scuffled off to finish inventory behind the bar. Lexi gave Gemma a pointed look to which Gemma shrugged, “what? I told him not to give you any liquor until after one.” Lexi sighed mumbling under her breath, “this was special circumstances,” before taking a huge bite out of her burger.
Keep reading
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
Outlaw Woman Ch 3
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Rated M- like for real people.
Summary- Lexi’s always been the type to do things the hard way.
Happy x OC x Jax, David Hale x OC
Lexi had been relocated to a corner booth after flatly refusing to sit on the couch. “Last Friday night, my brother- MY BROTHER- was getting a hummer from some red head on that couch. I am not sitting on that couch ever again.” Happy snorted as he steadied her on her left and Tig shot him a glare from her right. “If you’re not sitting anywhere you’re brother’s had sex, we’ll have to burn down the club house and start again.” Lexi’s lip curled in disgust. “I don’t want to continue this conversation.” Tig laughed and sat her down gently in the booth before giving his brother a playful shrug. “You’re just jealous Hoover Lips prefers me.” Happy grunted as he adjusted Lexi’s leg so it was stretched out on the booth next to her with the ice resting on it. His dark eyes moved up her leg and over her body before catching her own, “Nah man, you know I prefer blonds.” He quickly looked away shoving TIg back playfully. They began to grapple with each other as Gemma joined Lexi.
The Prospect walked in then carrying two bags from the diner. Gemma had decided that they better get some food in Lexi before her drunken haze turned into drunken vomiting. “Oh god Sac, I forgive you!” Half Sac laughed as Lexi gave him a peck on the cheek and pulled her burger out of the greasy paper bag. Gemma gave him an assessing look, “I don’t.” Sac looked down blushing slightly and scuffled off to finish inventory behind the bar. Lexi gave Gemma a pointed look to which Gemma shrugged, “what? I told him not to give you any liquor until after one.” Lexi sighed mumbling under her breath, “this was special circumstances,” before taking a huge bite out of her burger.
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The door flew open and Tig and Happy both immediately stood up putting themselves in front of the two women. Gemma’s focus wasn’t on her son storming in, but on Happy. The more she thought about it the more she came to realize that Happy had always been extremely attentive of Lexi and her safety. They got along well. It had never struck her as odd; Lexi got along well with all of the boys, but Happy wasn’t like the other guys. The more she thought about it the more she realized how comfortable they were with each other- which was downright strange considering how little time Happy actually spent in Charming. Then again Happy was close with Tig- maybe it had something to do with that. Gemma was developing quite the headache.
Jax came storming in completely ignoring the posturing of the two men. “What the fuck were you thinking Lexi?” Lexi rolled her eyes groaning and leaning back. Tig moved to sit back down but Happy looked wearily between the two and decided to stay exactly where he was though he moved to cross his arms over his chest and lean casually against the pool table. “I wasn’t thinking Jax. She hit me. I told her to stop. She didn’t stop. So I stopped her.” Jax stopped to take in Lexi. He could hear in her accent that she’d been drinking. He noticed her leg- wrapped in bandages and elevated with an icepack over her ankle. Jax groaned and flopped down next to his mother, his hands rubbing up and down his face in frustration. “She wants to press charges Lexi.” Lexi rolled her eyes, “she won’t do shit.” Jax sighed heavily, “you broke her nose.” Lexi sat up proudly, “I know.” Jax groaned again.
Gemma rubbed her son’s back affectionately and he ate a few of his mom’s fries. “Did you explain to Tara why that was a bad idea?” Jax nodded wearily as Happy finally relaxed. “Do I need to talk to her?” asked Gemma. Jax glared at his mom, “yeah, because you two get along so well.” Gemma shrugged innocently. Lexi sighed happily as she ate her burger. When was Jax going to realize that if no one liked the bitch there was probably a reason why? Tara did not want this life, that’s why she left. Now, regardless of what she might or might not want, Tara did not belong.
Gemma stared blankly at her nails as she tapped them against the table top. “Maybe you should call Hale.” “Fuck no!” shouted Tig coming to stand behind his sister. Lexi choked slightly on her fry reaching for her Coke. “Why the hell would I do that?” she rasped as she struggled to get her coughing under control. “Because that boy loves you and would do anything for you, including getting Tara to shut her trap.” “You dating a cop now?” All eyes turned to where Happy was watching intently sipping on his beer. He’d sat and was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees his biceps flexing. Lexi gave him a questioning look. Why the hell was he suddenly so interested in her love life? His expression was completely unreadable as they stared at each other for a long moment.
Tig rolled his eyes, “like I’d let that happen.” Lexi shot a glare at her brother, “like you have any say over who I fucking date.” Tig grinned at her, “if you dated anyone- I’d have a say over it.” Lexi’s spine stiffened and she continued to glare at him. This was why she didn’t date in Charming. This was why she rarely had more than a weekend fling. How could she possibly introduce someone to this life? To these boys? To her boys? Tig’s smile faltered slightly as Lexi’s cold gaze was unrelenting, her baby blues lightening to a frigid gray, almost white. “Don’t do that.” He groaned putting his large hand over her face trying to block it out. “I hate when your eyes go all ‘ice queen’ on me.” She pushed his hand away before returning to her burger. “I’m not calling David.”
Jax smiled at her tossing a fry at her and turning to Happy with a crooked grin. “The guy had the hots for her for years. We are NOT friends, we’ve never gotten along, but every freaking summer the guy would just show up.” Happy said nothing, taking a final pull from his beer. “He got that job as a paper boy, just so he’d have a chance to ride his bike by the house and see Lex.” Lexi covered her reddening face with her hands slumping further into the booth. Gemma patted her shoulder lovingly. “It’s true. Hale almost lost his mind when you moved here.” Jax snorted, “oh God I forgot about that!” He turned to Happy, now flapping his hands around and laughing as he spoke. “She was fucking 16 when she moved in. Summer that we graduated. She’s laying out in the bed of her truck in this yellow fucking bikini.” Now Lexi’s ears were turning red. “Fucking gorgeous,” muttered Jax under his breath squinting eyes like if he just looked hard enough he could conjure the image. She peeked through her fingers and her eyes met Happy’s heated gaze. She reached up yanking her brother’s beer out of his hands. Tig was laughing too hard to put up a fight. She brought it to her lips but before she could take a drink Gemma yanked it away. “You’re good for now.” Lexi growled as Jax continued, “He goes driving by real slow in his brother’s car, staring at her like she’s a god damn glass of water and he’s been wandering the desert for weeks. Then, BOOM!” Jax smacked his hands together. “Mother Fucker hits the tow truck as it’s turning onto the lot.” Lexi threw an open ketchup packet at Jax hitting him in his pretty white tee shirt.
 ‘With a Rebel Yell she cried More, More, More!’
 Lexi groaned and leaned- started searching around for her phone, finally realizing it was in her back pocket she had to lift herself slightly off the seat arching her back and twisting so she could finally get it out. Two sets of eyes watched her movements intensely both completely oblivious to the calculating glances of the Queen Bee. This looked like a disaster waiting to happen to Gemma Teller.
Lexi checked the screen before swiping her finger across it with a very concerned look on her face. “Hello?” “Your Texas is showing,” teased Tig in her ear and like the petulant child he was Lexi shoved him back over her shoulder.
David Hale paced his office, Uncer’s prepaid against his ear. “Uh, hey Lexi.” “What’s up David?” She sounded suspicious, she probably had some idea what this was about he realized. “Um, Tara is pressing charges Lexi.” She cleared her throat, “is there something you can do about it?” David shook his head rubbing his hand over his eyes, “No, I mean maybe if I had taken the report, but Lex she flagged down some newbie at the hospital.” He sat on his desk with a grunt, “Lex they’ve already filed the report and Unser is coming to pick you up. Lex ATF is with him. You have to get out of there. They could keep you here for days buried under a mountain of red tape.” “FUCK! Thanks David!” She hung up abruptly.
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
Y / N : In this world it’s either get pissed off, or get pissed on. So get angry or get kinky. Tony : Y/ N What the Fuck.
Cap: I-
Y/n: shut up Rocketpop you know you get pegged THATS why you always got a stick up your ass
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tuliptx · 5 years ago
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tuliptx · 6 years ago
Outlaw Woman Ch2
Rated M - this is a serious rating y’all. There’s derogatory terms and sex and violence. The MC world is not a soft place but I won’t water it down.
Lexi is constantly finding herself in the middle- She belongs with the SOA, family is everything, but finding her role within that family is hard. She has to find a balance and a place before she just teeters over the edge and gets lost in the madness. Love, Lust, Violence, and Hilarity.
Jax x OC x Happy - David Hale x OC
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Hey guys! Lets act like we’ve done this before ok? No copying my work- I don’t own SOA etc etc. I LOVE Lexi. I put a lot of myself in her and I would adore your feedback. Check out my Master List Here. 
Happy locked eyes with Lexi as he slid his calloused, masculine, strong right hand under her left knee. Lexi couldn't help the sudden intake of breath, her lips parting ever so slightly. The room suddenly felt way too small. No man had ever made her nervous like Happy did. She had no idea what to do with that. It had been years since their one night. One night of mindless pleasure. No names had been exchanged. No club affiliation ever discussed. That night had gone completely unacknowledged even after they realized. Verbally at least. It was for the better.
Thank God he wasn't around more because as is, these moments are getting far too frequent. As his hand slid slowly but with purpose down her calf lifting her ankle onto his jean clad knee she held her breath. He lifted it just off his knee sliding the ice pack under to cool it from behind where it looked to be the most bruised. "Hand me that gauze." His voice was slightly deeper than normal- less raspy. She nodded dumbly and then, and then the most embarrassing thing ever, she let out a loud hiccup that was so violent it actually caused her to bounce slightly off the bar.
Lexi was mortified; she couldn't look up at him. She hadn't even had warning enough to cover her mouth. Her face immediately began to heat up and she handed him the gauze as quickly as she could before taking a long pull from the bottle of Jack at her side tossing the lid across the room. This day had been exhausting- she had every intention of making it all go away by drinking as much of this bottle as she could. 'At least the hiccup had killed that moment before anyone could walk in on that super sexy eye contact,' she thought.
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Her leg was so smooth and warm from the sun. Happy's mind went blank when she bounced- he'd been captivated by the jiggle of her DDs. Really, he had to get ahold of himself. If Tig kept catching him staring like this- it'd be his nuts. Especially now that she had an old man. His eyes wandered over a fresh piece of ink on her calf. She was lucky her boots had protected it. A beautiful reaper curved along her calf. The style very reminiscent of the one painted on the door- this one held more color. It was centered in a golden frame with the shadows of crows dancing behind its head and in its extended palm instead of the traditional anarchy sign it held a glowing sacred heart. He had to rein this shit in. Happy didn't like being out of control of anything- with Lexi he felt he was out of control of EVERYTHING. From the moment he’d arrived in Charming five years ago only to learn that sweet wild delicious piece of ass he’d fucked on the road was actually Tig’s sister, he’d been fighting to get a solid grip on things. She never followed direction, she was always putting herself in bad situations, she was ever chasing adventure and danger. That he was attached to her in the slightest was dangerous. EVERTHING about Lexi was dangerous for him.
"So what was all of that about?" he distracted as he began to gingerly wipe the blood off of her leg, putting slight pressure on the scrapes to stop the bleeding. "Fucking idiot probably should have done this first," he muttered. Lexi laughed, "yeah well you know my brother- more bullets then brain." Hap smirked nodding his head and continuing to work on her- long golden soft warm- leg. "That stick in Tara's ass has been super-sized lately. It's starting to affect the functionality of her brain." Hap glanced up at her, "but why? Why you?" Lexi scoffed taking another pull off her bottle, "I honestly don't know where this started. She's always hated me, but since she came back- she wants me dead." She took another pull, "Jax definitely isn't helping things. This reminds me I have to find a new place to hide my key." "Wasn't your old man mad when he showed up like that?" Lexi almost shot whiskey out her nose- which burns for a very long time if you've never done it. "What old man? What have you been smoking Hap and can I have some?" Hap reached into his pocket with his left hand using his right to apply light pressure. He fished out a joint and handed it over and she giggled in delight.
After a deep inhale, holding the smoke in her lungs, "What're you talking about Hap?" her accent continued to thicken with each vice she partook in. He gently tapped her tattoo and then ran a finger firmly down one side of the frame. "OH!" She was becoming more animated; her hands were now flying as she was speaking to him causing some of the booze to slosh out. "No, I got that just for me. It's not a crow. I got shot six months ago, Clay and Gem and Tig and the boys all said I earned my own reaper. I had to make it a little more girly though. I'm just not the kind of girl to rock anything overly masculine." Happy's brain had stopped on the shot part, "see this is what I'm talking about! How the hell did you get shot?" Lexi's eyebrows furrowed as she leaned forward, "what you're talking about?" He shook his head, "How the hell did you get shot?" She leaned back eyeing him suspiciously but in her buzzed state quickly let it go shrugging and smiling, "drive by." She unbuttoned the top button on her blouse allowing her to shift the collar so he could see the vibrant pink shiny new flesh where she had taken the bullet. And also a good flash of skin and pink lace. Happy shook his head. Focus. He took the bottle from her taking a long pull only to realize she’d already knocked back more than half of it. Well that wasn’t good.
Focus. He hadn't heard of a drive by. "Drive by where?" "Oakland." "What the fuck were you doing in Oakland?" "I had a meeting with a gallery in Oakland. I sold three paintings- Jax took me to a bar after to celebrate." "What the fuck?"
Jax should know better than that.
He had put Lexi in danger.
He had started this thing with Tara too.
Lexi was the artist of the door and the tattoo. Well that made her hotter. Fuck.
Happy filed it away at the look of confusion on Lexi's face. Her blue eyes were sharp, even in her inebriated state. He schooled his features trying to look casual. He'd have to ask around about this when she wasn't around. Something about all of this didn't seem right. What the hell was Jax thinking- or better yet what was Jax thinking with?
Before he could even process all of this new information two things happened: One, Tig, the Prospect and Chibs came laughing and rough housing out of the dorms; two, the front door to the club house was thrown open with a loud BANG. Gemma cut a formidable figure in her bitch heels; large black hobo bag slung over her shoulder. "Little girl, you have a lot of explaining to do!" Lexi was immediately off the bar forgetting her swollen foot and leaving the half smoked joint in an ash tray. The pain immediately reminded her why she’d been smoking it in the first place and she reached out gripping Happy's shoulder for support. He stood and maneuvered her to his stool. The way the two moved with each other was so natural- the all-seeing mother bear quirked an eyebrow, not missing a thing. Happy pulled up a second bar stool and lifter her foot; replacing the ice pack, only when she was situated did he step away. Then again Alexia is family and Happy was notoriously protective of SOA family- especially the women. Though, no one would ever label him a nurturer. Gemma filed this new observation away for a later date.
"You fucking broke the doc's nose! You better have a damn good reason!" Gemma scolded charging toward her beloved pseudo daughter. "Gemma you know me better than that! The bitch started something she didn't have the ass to back up." "Why the fuck would she do that Lex? Jax was at your house last night! That's why!" Happy’s shoulders tensed and he leaned back against the bar staring at the juke box intently. Lex rolled her eyes, "that's an issue you should take up with your son." Gemma threw her purse on the counter, "I would if I could but he's too busy talking Tara down." Lexi threw her hands up, "this is nuts! Why do I have to defend myself when I was just defending myself!" "Lex, you know I’ve always thought you were better for Jax then that little tart, but when you sleep with another woman's old man she has every right to give you hell. You screwed up you should take it!" Lexi, now seeing red, threw that mother fucking bottle of booze against the wall behind Gemma who covered her head and stared at her pseudo daughter in shock. "I didn't do shit!" The entire club was silent in the wake of the bottles shatter.
Tig came up behind Lex quietly, putting an affectionate and comforting hand on her shoulder. Her chest was heaving from screaming and a tear of rage sank down her cheek. Lexi was not an angry girl but she had a temper that she struggled with at times- one that had been passed down to both of his children by Dan Trager. Chibs turned to the Prospect, "go get me medics bag." Half Sack nodded and slipped out of the room silently, relieved to be anywhere but here. "You know what Gem?" came a low soft lilting Texas accent, "If I had slept with Jax, yes, Tara would have every right. I have never slept with Jax. I don't intend to sleep with Jax. I. Don't. Want. Him." She took another long deep breath and the queen opened her mouth as if to say something but quickly shut it. "Jax," Lexi was disgusted, "broke into my house last night. I had no idea he was there until the morning. I am sick,” her voice hitched, “I am sick and tired of your fucking son putting me in the middle." Lexi looked up from where her eyes had been glued to her lap. Making eye contact with Gemma, Gemma felt her spine go cold at a look that was violent and fed up. "Tara jumped me- pulled me off the bike- Jax did nothing- I defended myself. That is the last time I am saying it to you Gemma. Believe who you want."
Gemma sat down in the nearest chair with a dramatic sigh. “Well why didn’t you just say so.”
Lexi closed her eyes and took a deep breathe trying to calm herself. Happy noticed that her hands were clenched and shaking. TIg glanced at the Killer and followed his dark stare. He lovingly, gently pried her fingers apart and rubbed his thumbs over the crescent imprints from her nails. Chibs made his move then, the medic's bag appearing in his hand. Got to give it to the Prospect, he had come and gone with no one noticing. Chibs moved to Lexi's side examining her scrapes. "We need to clean these honey and then we need to take a look at that ankle, see if it's broken." Lexi nodded allowing the Scott to clean and bandage the wound on her thigh in silence but not before she scooped up Happy's abandoned beer on the bar and downing it in one go and taking a long hit off the joint. "When I know what's goin on with your ankle, I'll give you something for the pain and to chill your nerves love." Lexi gave him a thin smile before carefully putting the now significantly shorter joint between the Scotts lips who gave her a roguish smile in return. “I’m good,” she muttered.
From her spot at a table Gemma lit a cigarette massaging her temples as she puffed and puffed. 
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tuliptx · 6 years ago
Mandy’s Master List
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Move (M) - Years of watching you from afar and it’s finally time to make a move. 
Two People (E) - based off Two People by Robert M. Drake; a look at Steve’s decision made in End Game and how it affects the people he leaves behind.
Oh Well (T) - companion piece to Two People based off Oh Well by R.h.Sin.
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Happy Birthday Bucky (M)- How does one say no to the birthday boy when he looks like that?
Dibs (T) - God he gets under your skin!
Two People (E) - based off Two People by Robert M. Drake; a look at Steve’s decision made in End Game and how it affects the people he leaves behind.
Oh Well (T) - companion piece to Two People based off Oh Well by R.h.Sin.
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Outlaw Woman (M)- Lexi’s always been the type to do things the hard way.
 Jax x Oc x Happy; Oc x David Hale ... very M you’ve been warned. 
CH 1 -  CH 2 -  CH 3 -  CH 4 -  CH 5  - CH 6  - CH 7  -
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tuliptx · 6 years ago
“Confidence isn’t walking into a room with your nose in the air and thinking you are better than everyone else. It’s walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone in the first place.”
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