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leaf4e · 7 months ago
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thats the last speed classification for storm. which is "seldom experienced inland". and the next one is violent storm. the second last group on the beufort scale
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soon-palestine · 1 year ago
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America’s goal in establishing a seaport is primarily military & political, not humanitarian: - Gain control over Gaza’s gas resources - Establish US-Israel military presence - Dismantle UNRWA & have aid distributed through local militias. - Isolate Gaza from the Palestinian body
Gaza City has a long history as a crossroad of regional trade & travel. As a port city, Gaza was a stop on the Incense Road. In more recent history, until WWI, Gaza seaport was a main hub for import & export trade to southern Palestine, & its hinterland, including Jordan and Iraq
Since 1967, Israel has exercised full control of Gaza’s 43km coastline and territorial waters, blocking ships from reaching the city. Gaza seaport is the only Mediterranean port closed to shipping, because of Israeli colonization and continued destruction.
Between 1967 and 1994, the existing infrastructure was severely neglected. Railways, air and seaports were no longer at the free disposal of Palestinians and were only there to serve Israel, its army and its settlers.
As part of the 1993 Oslo Accords, the Netherlands & France governments committed $42.8m to the reconstruction of the Gaza seaport and to the training of port personnel. A Dutch-French consortium that specialises in seaports signed a construction contract in July 2000 with the PA.
The seaport was scheduled to be completed by August 2002. But Israel being Israel, in 2000, Israel halted any construction & in 2002, Israeli navy attacked the PA naval patrol boats in Gaza, causing extensive damage and no further implementation of the project was allowed.
Since 2007, Israel has repeatedly bombed Gaza’s seaport, which only now serves Palestinian fishermen. It has repeatedly shot & killed fishermen and destroyed their boats. Israel is also imposing a maritime sea blockade on Gaza for more than 60 years. Israel is cutting life short.
In June 2010 the EU Parliament urged EU Member States to “take steps to ensure the sustainable opening of all the crossing points to and from Gaza, including the port of Gaza, with adequate international end-use monitoring”.
Establishing a maritime window from Gaza to the outside world is possible, if the focus is put on ending Israel’s state violence, war crimes & genocide. What the Americans are now doing isn’t providing LIFE to Palestinians, but actually entrenching Israeli colonization.
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kavekkozt · 9 months ago
A TID a nemzetközi evezős Duna túra, Ingolstadtból kb a torkolatig. Minden szakaszt helyi evezősök szerveznek, bárhol lehet csatlakozni. Hozod a hajód, minden este hatkor van vacsora, közösen van a szállás (nem mindenhol van rendes kemping hanem helyi önkormányzatokkal kell ledumálni, hol lehet felverni 40-60 sátrat). Még a zsilipelés közös, megvan hogy mikor kell odaérni, hogy kinyissák nekünk.
Apa idén az osztrák szakasztól csinálja Budapestig, én is csatlakoztam kicsit több mint 100 kilométerre, nem mintha nem lennék már így is nagyon fáradt a nyaralás után, hanem mert amikor utoljára hívott, nem akartam emiatt hazarepülni, de mondta a feleségem, hogy még hány évig hív apád evezni?! Úgyhogy inkább visszaköltöztünk Európába és muszáj evezni menni. Apa + két éppen ráérő tesó + én, rajtunk kívül szinte senki más nincs túra kenuval persze.
Én péntek-szombat-vasárnapra csatlakoztam, pont jó helyen volt a kemping, mondjuk délelőtt 10 előtt így is utaztam már villamos/metró/vonat/busz/HAJÓN.
Az első nap Aggsbach-Mautner csodás volt, csak 23 km, volt időnk kiszállni és felmászni egy hegyre megnézni a romot.al Csak a cruise-okat kellett kerülgetni egész Wachauban.
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Alig várom, hogy hogy megyek vissza legközelebb. Bringán?
A kemping nem igazi kemping volt, úgyhogy egy helyi általános iskolában kellett zuhanyozni, ahol a férfi meg a női öltöző is ugyanabba a zuhanyzóba nyílt, ahol se kabinok, se függöny, semmi.
Az osztrák szervezők mondták, hogy a TID-nek mindig szívesen odaadják a partot mert nagyon jó táborozók, és tényleg - mi bontottunk sátrat kb utoljára, és mintha sosem lett volna ott majdnem 100 ember. Főleg német nyugdíjasok vannak amúgy, de van hajó új-zélandi zászlóval, meg van egy csávó két 7-9 éves forma kislánnyal. Este azt élveztem legjobban, hogy teljesen sötét volt a tábor, senki nem gyújtott zseblámpát, max a sátorban. Ha ki kellett menni, holdfényben/csillagfényben ment mindenki.
A mai szakasz viszont nagyon gyilkos volt, nem bánok egy kis kihívást, de nagyon lelassult a folyó, a folyami térkép szerint 1 km/h-nál is kisebb a sodrás, cserébe szembeszél, tűző nap. Ha abbahagyjuk az evezést, elkezdünk visszafelé menni, nem lehet csak csorogni.
A kései indulás miatt meg kellett húzni, hogy odaérjünk a zsiliphez, a táv is nagyon nagy volt (43km).
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Óriási zsilip, legalább 15m volt a szint. Szerencsére késett egy 20 percet, különben nem értünk volna oda. A várakozás ideje alatt előkerül a szájharmonika valahol.
Aztán a nap további része ugyanilyen volt, azzal megspékelve, hogy a naptej megolvadt a homlokomon és belefolyt a szemembe. A Dr Kelen eléggé csíp amúgy.
Tullnban óriási kempingben van a szállás, fura azért a lakókocsik közé sátrat verni, de értékelem a zuhanyzót.
Holnap a Donauinselen van a vége (nekem), kb ugyanezt ígérik, mint mára. Szenvedés és verejték.
Most ez ennyi, de szívesen megcsinálnám egyszer a teljeset.
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samantha-dan564 · 2 months ago
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pilgrimsandprophets · 9 months ago
The Muxía Way, Day 3
20 miles on foot and a good place to hang my hat for today...
Camino de Muxía, Etapa 3, Santa Mariña to A Grixa, 30.1 kilometers This walk to the coast from Santiago might be my favorite terrain of all that I’ve walked (Francés, Português, Inglés). I love the views, the forests, and the fields. I’ll add more to this in the next post. I decided on this journey that 20 to 22 kilometers a day is my sweet spot for walking (my range is 10km to 43km). The…
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eirasummers · 1 year ago
Wind is going at 43km/h where I live right now... send help omg D:
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russell-crowe · 2 years ago
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[releases inner russell's twitter circa 2013] 43km bike ride today 😎👌
the radio telescope is one of the oldest in the world and was first used in 1956. it is right at the edge of a heath, and as you bike there you can see the structure really well from a large distance. & the bridge is still manually in use which struck me by surprise! but it was nice to watch it being closed after a lot of little boats passed. :-)
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purrdence · 2 years ago
Shinkansen Stamina 🚄 - Day 27. It’s another not treadmill or exercise bike day - I just spent about 2 hours hanging up stuff in one of my classrooms as we have an Open Night in a few days. And I’m bloody well counting it towards today’s total. *does some maths on the back of an envelope* Today I walked about 500m in the process of putting things up around my classroom. That brings my total up to 43km (9.8% the way to the next station.)
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yumclaire · 2 months ago
43km skiing!! i think i did very well although i had a year break 💝
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afactaday · 3 months ago
#1434: as your favourite factoid goes, the Earth isn't completely round, but bulged at the centre because something something centrifugal force (hence fotd#78, way back!). but exactly how squished? 43km squished. the polar diameter (distance between sea level at the poles) is 43km shorter than the equitorial diameter. for some reason, this is measured as a "flattening" rather than a stretching (which would have made more sense imho....) - the number is given as if it started as a sphere and was squished between the poles. you certainly wouldn't notice those 43km just by looking at it: it's only a flattening of around 0.33%. Saturn, on the other hand, is so much less dense and so much larger and so much spinnier that it has a flattening of 11%! the diameter of Saturn differs by around 6,000km between the equator and poles!
you can approximate it with the formula 5ω^2r^3/4GM which works for some reason i can't be bothered to understand right now, but it tends to overestimate because in reality, the mass is concentrated at the centre of the body and contributes less centripetal effect. for example, plugging Saturn's numbers in give it an extra 7pp of flattening
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enricopelos · 5 months ago
PARCO DEL RIGHI (Genova) RIGANTOCA Partenza notturnaSi parte alla mattina che è ancora buio per la famosa RigAntoCa marcia/corsa di 43km Righi-Antola-Caprile. che parte dalle mura dei forti del Righi, sale sul Monte Antola e scende in loc. Caprile.
Altre informazioni e dettagli sulle passeggiate dei Forti di Genova, alcuni in restauro e di futura fruibilità ed altri che sono Luoghi Abbandonati, con alcune delle passeggiate che portano al Monte Antola sono descritte nel libro… https://fustaeditore.it/shopping/segnavie/664-passeggiate-a-levante.html
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chanthaburi · 7 months ago
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Cycling to Noen Nangphaya at Khung Wiman - 43km
20 August 2024
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samantha-dan564 · 3 months ago
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fkumnk · 9 months ago
たまたまFuraITのDiscordで見かけた自立走行型除草ロボのニュースを研究生に見せたら何か触発されたみたいで燃えていました。(※我々は自立走行型防除ロボに取り組んでいるので) 北大が関係してる事もなにか思うところがあったみたいですね。 そしてなぜかそのまま北海道の話になり、1月に撮影した札幌の積雪写真を見ながら大はしゃぎしました(ワイも一緒に大はしゃぎしたw) なぜ積雪で大はしゃぎするかというと、本県の瀬戸内海沿岸部はさっぱり雪が降らないし、数日を越えて雪が積もり続けることなど数十年に一度?もっとかも?くらいの出来事なのです。僕も今年初北海道だったのですが、「キミも行ってみるといいよフフン」みたいにオススメして��きました。 細かいことはさておき、来道?来北?して起きた様々な出来事が転機になって今があるのは事実なので、光の速さで借りを返すチャンスが訪れるのはまさにIT業界って感じなのでした。
Fig.01 大はしゃぎ必至アルバム
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Fig.02 スパゲッティコード
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Fig.03 パスタかな
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Fig.04 リパスタリング
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研究生の協力で明日の発表のリハーサルをする事が出来、マジ助かりました。泣きそう。おかげで明日は皆に惜しみない拍手を送り(本来の目的)、滞りなく応援登壇(オマケ)できそうです。僕はオンラインなので、スピーカーをオフにして御歓談してても気が付かないので大丈夫です(⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) それと、2月の大阪でくろさんの発表をちゃんと聴けなかったのは未だ心残りなままになっているので、明日は大人しく聞きたいです。こないだFuraITにお邪魔した様子だと皆も楽しみにしてるみたい。 ※2月の大阪では撮影チームだったので、うゎっ!登壇しとるッと気がついて頑張ってバシャバシャ撮ってたら全然聴けて無くてベストショットだと思った写真はブレていたのでした……
���なみにリハーサルをしてなかったら、機材トラブルでかなりの時間のロスを引き起こしていたであろう事が分かりました。最近持ち歩いているPCは開発用の物ではなく、マシンパワーが微妙に足りない感じだったのです。通常のビデオ会議までは大丈夫なんですが、画面共有をするとCPUが息切れし、相手側には物凄い遅延が発生して届いていたみたいです。GPU盛盛の研究室マシンに切り替えて事なきを得ました。 発表の内容も研究生に興味を持って貰えて良かったです。たぶん10分以内には収まりそう。興味のある方はテックラーメンでお話しましょう、という流れで締められたので展開的にもお声がけ頂いた分の役割は果たせるかな。
Fig.05 発表タイトル(仮)
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2024-06-12 水
歩数:2047 徒歩:1.7km エアロバイク:40分 43km 朝食:グラノーラ+低脂肪乳 昼食:たまごロール、炊き込みご飯おにぎり 夕食:グラノーラ+豆乳 間食:どら焼き、カフェラテ 体重:62.25kg 体脂肪率:20.5 内臓脂肪:9.5
現在の体重は62kg台をキープしてて、なんだかんだ言いながら3kgは落とせてるので順調っぽいです。 あと今日のエアロバイクは、明日の資料をもう少し良くしたくて、40分で切り上げました。
Fig.06 これはランチです
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Fig.07 これがおやつです
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toughgirlchallenges · 10 months ago
Gráinne Moss: Navigating Open Waters - Expert Advice from arguably Irelands most accomplished female open water swimmer. First Irish woman to swim Cook Strait (2001) Foveaux (2022), Lake Taupō (2021) and the Channel of Bones in Hawaii (2023).
Gráinne Moss is arguably Irelands most accomplished female open water swimmer. 
At 16 she was the first female to represent Ireland in open water swimming at the World Championships. 
At 17 she became the first Irish woman to swim the English Channel. She has continued to achieve many firsts including the first Irish woman to swim Cook Strait (2001) Foveaux (2022), Lake Taupō (2021) and the Channel of Bones in Hawaii (2023). 
Gráinne holds three Triple Crowns of Open Water Swimming (awarded when a swimmer has completed three of the toughest swims in any nation) - including appropriately the Irish and New Zealand Triple Crowns given she was born in Ireland and moved to New Zealand in 1998.
Since 2022 Gráinne has teamed up with Kenzie's Gift to use her swims as an opportunity to raise vital funds for this important charity which cares for children and young people who have experienced serious loss and grief. 
Her next adventure is in May this year when she will swim the famous straits of Gibraltar crossing from Africa to Spain.
��Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
 By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. 
Thank you for your invaluable support!
Show notes
Who is Gráinne
Being born in Ireland
Emigrating to New Zealand at the end of the 90s
Living in Wellington, New Zealand
Representing Ireland and the first Open Water Swimming Championships (1986)
Her early years and memories of water 
Being spotted as talented at swimming at 6 years old
Wanting to better herself and try new things
Swimming for Bangor Swim Club 
Making the transition to open water swimming
Meeting people from around the world who loved open water swimming
The pressure of swimming competitively and wanting to swim well
Getting married and having 4 children 
Swimming through out the years
Getting back into big swims in 2021
Lessons learning from the big swims
Making an emotional commitment to the swim
Keeping motivated while waiting to compete the big swims
Having her family involved in the big swims
What the journey of a swim looks like 
Swimming the Channel of Bones in Hawaii (43km)
Having anxiety and neves before the swim and feeling full of doubt 
Taking medication for sea sickness
Swimming for charity - Kenzie’s Gift 
Training and maintaining swim fitness
Working with a swim coach (Phillip Rush) and the importance of stretching
The importance of recovery 
Handing changes in her body over the years
Being aware of her body
Not using a watch or GPS
Learning how to train smart 
Nutrition while swimming and getting the fuel needed to complete the big swims
Homemade leek and potato swims for the cold swims
PURE Sports Nutrition 
The importance of feeding fast 
Digging deep and getting through the dark/tough moments
Taking it one stroke at a time
The next swim challenge in May
Swimming from Spain to Morocco - The Straits of Gibraltar 
How to connect with Gráinne 
Final words of advice for new swimmers and swimmers who want to take it to the next level
The power of finding your community
  Social Media
Website: grainnemoss.com 
Instagram: @swimirishkiwi 
Charity: Kenzie’s Gift supports the mental health of tamariki (children) and mātātahi (young people) affected by serious illness or grief.
  Check out this episode!
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bigmacsg · 11 months ago
OCBC Sportive 40km 2024
A 3.15 alarm clock is obscene in any world. The race kicks off at 5am but the organiser necessitates that riders are at the start by 4. Thankfully I have a Champions Wave ticket (earned at the Speedway) so I’m in front of the 8000 other riders but I still follow the rules and get up at stupid-o-clock.
The champions wave feels a bit light with many choosing not to get up so early. We have 10 Quantum racing, the overseas national teams and a few of the corporate teams - but very few of the usual Matadors or Mavs.
The race kicks off at full gas with Quantum pushing the pace. By the time we get to Swissotel, I think 20% are gone including most of my OCBC colleagues. With a lot of bridge climbs and tight uturns, there’s a lot of hard efforts required to hang on.
We head out and back on the West Coast Highway and the rolling speed is close to 50. I’m hanging on but absolutely not able to contribute in any way. Attacks keep pinging off the front and I need to close a gap out of the MCE tunnel which puts me close to the limit. When the race goes again on Sheares Bridge, I can’t recover and get gapped. 6 of us (Keiichi,IR, National riders) get together to minimise the losses but we end up losing close to 45s in the last 5km to the stadium sprint.
Great ride & really enjoyed it . At 54 mins for the distance, it was a hard 43km pace.
Ate some breakfast in the OCBC lounge and waited for the other OCBC boys to finish. Was sad to hear that Wai Mun had gone down & was in hospital with a fractured shoulder.
The rest of us snuck onto the 20km loop and enjoyed open roads for the first 10km. We then took pictures with the masses on Sheares Bridge. A truly great experience and weird to see the route in daylight. A lovely morning out!
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