#4 hour work week
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rnishad0245 · 2 years ago
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linoyes · 5 months ago
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heartorbit · 10 months ago
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back to our yuri programming
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deoidesign · 5 months ago
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Return date for my webcomic, Time and Time Again!
It's been set for a while but sometimes they change the date without warning, so I'll keep you updated if anything changes!
I'm extremely proud of the work I've been doing on it, I can't wait to share everything!
See you then!
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inkskinned · 2 years ago
so one time i got bit by a brown recluse which is one of the only types of spider in my area that's actually dangerous and at first i didn't know what had happened to me, only that it was nasty. the swelling wasn't going down and the wound started to get ugly. i don't want to like get into the details because that's gross but it got to the point 2 weeks later that i was worried enough to go to the doctor, which i hate doing.
i am not afraid of spiders but other people are so i'd been covering it with this big ole square bandage (i needed more landscape coverage than a simple bandaid) and sat in the university medical waiting room, kicking my heels and playing BOTW. the nurse who admitted me was like, oh, we have got to get Tom to cover this one. she wrote spider bite under my ticket.
i waited in the near-empty building for like an hour and then nurse tom shows up in spiderman scrubs, out of breath. "sorry," he says, "i saw - your slip - and I had," he heaves in a breath, "to run home and. get. these scrubs. i literally. ran. felt like a job. for. spiderman."
i laugh. he puts his hands on his knees, thumbs-ups at me. fishes a pamphlet out from under his clipboard that basically says spiders can be scary but you don't need to be scared, there's very few dangerous spiders in new england. "honestly," he wheezes, "we probably don't need to get you into an exam room. just..." he waves his hand at the pamphlet, "read that."
i look down at my arm. then back at him in his scrubs. and then down at my arm. i like that he made an effort to make a joke, but now it does not feel like a good joke, because they are mistaking my calm for a lack of injury. "can i. like. at least show you the bite?"
he gives me kind of a weird look, which is fair, but then says. "if. i mean, if you have to."
i peel the bandage off. his face goes green.
"oh," he says.
"yeah, man."
"a... spider bit you?" his voice is high and tight and trembling. he backs up a few steps.
"i think a brown recluse," i offer. "i know it's nasty, sorry."
"excuse me for a moment." he looks over to the administering nurse on the other side of the small room. "i need to find someone else to take care of you."
the administering nurse smiles over to us with a degree of pleasure that is almost salivating. for a moment, like a window opening, i am briefly aware of what must be a psychic message floating amongst the in-between. her jaguar teeth all say this is like a party for me and i know exactly what i'm doing.
"oh no, tom," she says, grinning. "i gave her to you specifically."
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lelelego · 2 years ago
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squeakadeeks · 10 days ago
this is such a niche complaint but one of my biggest pet peeves is when i hear people say "sure i hardly respond to work emails or messages, am super rude to my coworkers, show up late to work (if at all), am an ass to my bosses, turn in all my work past due, constantly ask my teammates to cover for me, and refuse to take on any task if its even slightly inconvenient or boring, but they cant get rid of me because im just so good at my job 😊 💅" like i dont know how to tell you this. but i dont actually think youre actually good at your job.
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raineandsky · 2 months ago
tw: mentions of death
“You might consider yourself lucky, [Hero],” the supervillain snaps coolly, “being here, still alive. You are only alive because I let you—because you are much more fun to slowly squeeze the life from, until you’re begging me to end it all, and we will have plenty of time for that.”
With one last cold glare and a swish of his coat, the supervillain leaves the hero in the dungeon. The hero would be inclined to call it a prison, or even a cage, but the walls are damp and there’s bloodied chains sitting in one corner, so in their mind this counts very much as a dungeon.
They settle against the cool stone as comfortably as they can manage, which frankly isn’t comfortable at all. They close their eyes, a sigh escaping their lips. They’re prepared to face whatever agonies are doubtlessly ready for them ahead. Waiting for said agonies will be boring, that’s all.
“You too, huh?”
The hero opens their eyes to glance across the dungeon, to the other side of the darkness. They can only just make out the outline of a figure sulking in the other corner, but they recognise the voice all the same.
“Fancy seeing you here,” the hero says with a short laugh. “What did you do?”
The villain practically growls. “I’m not entertaining you.”
“It’s not entertainment; I’m just curious.”
There’s a second of silence, and the hero thinks they might get an answer before the villain simply says, “You first.”
“Fucked up.” The hero shrugs, though they can’t tell if the villain can see it or not. “Did something not particularly heroic.”
The villain shifts a little, chains clanking together with the movement. “Huh.”
“You sound surprised.”
“I figured it must be something bad.” The villain makes a noise that might be a laugh or a scoff. “[Supervillain] doesn’t get super serious with just anyone.”
“Must’ve been pretty serious for you to end up down here, then,” the hero comments with a huff.
The villain raises an hand to their face, and the hero gets a glimpse of the line of chain trailing from their wrist.
“Oh, it’s whatever. I also fucked up. Did something…” The villain grapples for a word awkwardly. “Not villainous.”
The hero barks a laugh that seems to make the villain jump, if the sudden clank of metal is anything to go by, but they can’t help it. A newfound anti-hero and a good-hearted villain sharing a supervillain’s dungeon. What a pair they make.
“You’ve peaked my curiosity,” the hero says brightly. “Please, continue.”
Like a broken record, “You first.”
“Ah, y’know, the usual.” The hero doesn’t really want to say it out loud. “I, uh… I killed someone.”
“Oh.” The silence following that is uncomfortably long, until, thankfully, the villain adds, “Yeah, you’re right, that’s not very heroic.”
The hero nods, though they’re not sure if the villain can see it. “I didn’t mean to. It was another villain. I don’t know who—they had red hair and glasses.”
“Oh,” the villain repeats, a little more strained this time. “Yeah, that’ll do it. They’re one of [Supervillain]’s favourites. Or were, I suppose.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Eh.” The villain waves a hand at them nonchalantly. “I didn’t really like them, honestly. They were always showing me up in front of [Supervillain], but I think that’s why he liked them. I wasn’t as willing to throw my comrades under the bus for attention.”
They clear their throat awkwardly, and the hero takes the hint. “What about you, then?” they ask shortly. “What did you do?”
The villain sighs, the puff of warm air catching in the one strip of sun lighting the place. “Well, quite the opposite.” A cough of a laugh jolts them slightly, like they weren’t expecting it. “I stopped [Supervillain] from killing someone, and they got away.”
The hero sits on that for a moment. “That’s very noble of you,” they offer eventually.
“Oh, don’t you start.” The villain tsks in annoyance. “I already have [Supervillain] calling me soft for it.”
“I can’t blame him. I mean… are we sure I’m the hero and you’re the villain here?”
The villain laughs like the idea is ludicrous, and the hero laughs too because it is, but then a silence falls over them and the hero knows that they’re both thinking the same thing.
“You know,” the villain starts slowly, “I’ve never really liked being here.”
The hero snorts humorously. “I can’t say I’m a big fan of grotty dungeons either.”
“Not here, you moron,” the villain snaps. “I mean here, with the villains. As one of them.”
“Oh, cheers to that. The agency has too many rules.”
“This hellhole doesn’t have enough.”
“Well,” the hero says brightly, “I’m sensing something big is happening here.”
The villain hums thoughtfully. “Can we maybe talk about it outside of the dank dungeon?”
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask.” The hero’s mind is already running through plans, scenarios, ways of escape. It’s always easier with a teammate, anyway. “Let’s get the hell out of here and start our new lives.”
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aflamboyanceofflamingos · 7 months ago
In order to turn a very embarrassing moment of my life into something funny have this stupid Timbern au:
The Drakes are alive so Tim is still on track for being the heir of D.I. but is interning at W.E. for the summer because Bruce offered a position
Bernard has been interning at W.E. as well, for volunteering hours
The both work in a small, newer branch of W.E. that focuses on cultivating more information about Gotham’s history
Bernard’s there because it's the most teen focused thing and Tim’s there because he wants to figure where exactly the Lazarus pit is under Gotham so he can mess with Ra’s
They are currently stationed at an old house that was made into a museum which is managed by Wayne Enterprises, but since most of it is a museum there are only a few rooms to actually work, however it being a teen thing it’s very much choose your own hours so that prevents too many people from being there at once
Tim, who doesn’t want someone to come in a see the fact that he’s already finished cataloging all of the 2023 Donations to the museum and is instead using the time to further research the numerous curses in Gotham and/or watch Demon Slayer, is very happy about this fact and only comes at either the earliest or latest times so he gets a room to himself and only has to pretend to be going through boxes when someone checks on him
Bernard immediately messes up Tim’s plan
He’s always there- morning, night, even when Tim changes up his schedule
And no matter how many how many empty rooms there might be he always finds Tim and sits with him, even the time Tim tried to hide in the attic under the guise of organizing a couple boxes up there
Being the paranoid idiot that he is Tim assume that Bernard is a from the League of Assassins and enacts a 46-step plan to figure out what he’s planning (read: stalks him) and in the course of it ends up falling in love
Meanwhile on Bernard’s side, the first week of the internship he walked into the room Tim was in and wanted to be friends with the cute boy
The reason that he kept finding Tim was that he was talking to Dick Grayson, his gymnastics instructor, and Dick had realized that the boy in question was his honorary little brother and told Bernard that “Timmy’s shy, you just have to break down his walls to get to know him” and tells him when Tim’s going to the museum
Dick is well aware of what Tim thinks the situation is because he’s the one Tim rants to, but he thinks it’s funny and will make for a great story to tell at their wedding
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Day 30 - Bye Bye There!
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hwashitape · 2 months ago
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black and white square compilation
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shirozora-draws · 2 years ago
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Y'all are getting a twofer this weekend. I'm supposed to be writing the next Gravity Well chapter but when have I ever been able to wrangle my impulses?
Not that this is in any way related to the 3quelfic, but I wanted to brainstorm sleeping quarters on a heavily modified Auzituck gunship and then got lost in the sauce in my newer CSP brushes. This is all in service of future fic illustrations, don't judge me.
May or may not work on a third sketch based on a pre-ANH meet-cute before the weekend is over. I hope not. I really need to write.
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amphibia-a-day · 8 months ago
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Day 1052 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Bessie & MicroAngelo
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shima-draws · 6 months ago
Girls do you think it's cute when *erupts into a violent coughing fit*
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theragingmoon · 23 days ago
4 day work week for the same pay when?
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sugarpasteltmnt · 10 months ago
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