#3rd law of motion
davidaugust · 27 days
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3rd law joke
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monika420 · 2 years
Change in Mass of Moving Body | Laws of Motion | CBSE Physics | Class 12 | VO Sir | Etoosindia CBSE
The mass is written as a function of the square of the velocity, since from the homogeneity of space the mass will be independent of the direction of the velocity, and the mass is made proportional to the mass at rest since a moving body may evidently be divided into parts without change in mass.
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caramelmochacrow · 4 months
finished test 2..... now I can write (kind of)
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Tutor Sesh
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You tutor the popular soccer genius who is failing one subject; the same subject which you happen to be excellent at.
Square Filled: “if you solve this i’ll buy you lunch.” for @badbitchesbingo
Author’s Note: JJ and the reader are in college
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If you can get this paper done before you leave the library, you’re not going to have any homework for the entire weekend. This paper has been the bane of your existence and you’re about to finish it. The door to the library slides open which makes a weird air sound that causes you to look up in curiosity.
One of the most popular girls in school comes rushing in with her books clutched to her chest. Her blonde hair flows behind her messily but she doesn’t seem to care. She was supposed to meet you forty minutes ago but didn’t leave a message that she was going to be late.
“I am so sorry I’m late. Practice ran late.”
She is a soccer genius. She got a soccer scholarship when she graduated high school and is very good in all subjects but physics. She is very good at playing soccer but if she doesn’t keep good grades, she will be kicked from the team and lose her scholarship. You just so happen to be great at the subject she sucks at which is why you agreed to tutor her.
“It’s not a problem. Just let me finish this paper. I’m almost done.”
She takes out her textbooks and notebooks while you try to focus on your paper. Her blonde hair falls in front of her eyes so she tries to blow it away only to have the same strand fall back in her face. She gets annoyed and tucks it behind her ear. God, she is so beautiful. Milky skin, golden hair, and oceans for eyes.
Yeah, you’re not going to be able to finish your paper. With a sigh, you close out your document and log out of the computer knowing this session is going to take most of your time.
“Okay, I’m ready.” JJ shows you her physics book which you’re quite good at. That’s the one subject that she isn’t good at which is why she asked you to tutor her. “Tell me what you’re having trouble with.”
“All of it,” she sighs. “We’re talking about the Magnus Effect.”
You try your best to explain the subject as best as you can but she isn’t getting it. You gave her a practice test just to see where she’s at but she fails it.
“God, I’m going to fail and I’ll be kicked off the team,” she loses hope.
“No, you’re not. Okay, I just have to go about this another way.” You look at her bag to see her soccer uniform sticking out of it. “I got it. Think about soccer, okay? A spinning object in motion exerts a net force on the air, which according to Newton's 3rd Law, exerts an equal and opposite force back on the moving and spinning object, altering its trajectory. The Magnus effect is why soccer players can bend a soccer ball into the goal around a five-person wall and why baseball pitchers can throw a breaking ball pitch.”
“Okay, I’m with you so far,” she nods.
As you explain it to her, you’re also drawing diagrams that are easy to follow. She has her notebook out and is taking notes to study later.
“When a soccer player kicks a ball off-center it causes the ball to spin. The direction and speed of the spin will determine how much the ball curves during flight. The curve of the ball during flight is known as the Magnus Effect.
“As the ball undergoes top spin,” you draw a clockwise rotation on the figure, “it causes the velocity of the air around the top half of the ball to become less than the air velocity around the bottom half of the ball. This is because the tangential velocity of the ball in the top half acts in the opposite direction to the airflow, and the tangential velocity of the ball in the bottom half acts in the same direction as the airflow.”
“Okay, now you’ve lost me,” she sighs.
“It’s the big words, right?” you chuckle.
“Okay, since the air speed around the top half of the ball is less than the air speed around the bottom half of the ball, the pressure is greater on the top of the ball. This causes a net downward force to act on the ball,” you explain.
“Think of when a soccer player kicks the ball right of the center. It spins counter-clockwise and the Magnus force acts left, causing the ball to curve left. When the ball is kicked left of center, the ball spins clockwise and the Magnus force acts right, causing the ball to curve right. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, better than this book,” she laughs.
“Okay, with that in mind, answer these questions. If you solve this, I’ll buy you lunch.”
“Okay,” she grins.
You spend the next hour explaining physics in relation to soccer so she’ll understand it, and she’s doing a lot better when it’s compared to something she loves doing. You two get lost in time until she looks at her phone.
“Shit, I have to go. Thank you so much for helping me.”
“It’s not a problem.”
You’re about to clean up when she grabs your face and kisses you. It comes out of nowhere which is why you’re so shocked, but she’s gone before you have a chance to do anything about it. She rips a piece of paper from her notebook and scribbles her number on it.
“Call me, okay?”
You open your mouth to reply but nothing comes out. She puts everything into her bag haphazardly before getting up. She waves at you as she leaves, and you’re still sitting there starstruck.
Did that really just happen? Even after she’s gone, you can still feel her on your lips. You touch your lips gently as if that will preserve the feel of her. Maybe you should tutor her more often.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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garadinervi · 6 months
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Siri Aurdal, Isaac Newton's 3rd Law of Motion. Action=Reaction, (silkscreen and collage on paper), 1974 [Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo. © Siri Aurdal / BONO. Photo: Børre Høstland]
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oliviax727 · 1 year
Physics Friday: WTF is Dark Energy/Dark Matter? (Part 1)
To see what this is all about click here.
Preamble: Dark Numbers
Education level: High School (Y9/10)
Topic: Cosmology (Astronomy)
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This equation is surprisingly the best representation of what we are doing with dark energy and dark matter. The equations we are using to figure out the nature of the universe are quite literally 'not adding up'.
When we have a situation where we encounter a missing number we are faced with three scenarioes:
Our model is wrong and we fucked up, physics is over
Our model works, but it's not complete. There are situations where it doesn't apply, and we are seeing an example of it
Our model is simply missing a few terms
Scenario 1 would imply that basic physics such as Newton's laws of motion and gravity are just plain wrong. Which is ... well ... a bit difficult to try and prove.
Scenario 2 implies that there is a more fundamental theory that underlies our current one. While it is not off the table, it can be difficult to find a theory for just one or two specific phenomena.
Scenario 3 is like 2, but it's a bit 'softer', what we're doing is just adding an extra number to balance out the equation and then trying to answer "What does this number mean"?
By Occam's razor, we can go with option 3, as it's simpler, and also appears to be more correct than a complete model change.
Dark Matter and Galaxies
Our galaxy is like the solar system in the sense that there is a large object in the centre surrounded by a bunch of stuff moving around that centre.
The difference between the two is the ratio between the central mass and the mass of the rest of the system.
If you combined all of the planets in the solar system together, it would still be less massive than the Sun.
This means we can easily calculate how the planets move around the Sun. As the motions of the other planets don't really affect that motion all too much. And thus we can use Kepler's 3rd Law:
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If you combined all of the stars in the galactic 'orb' surrounding the centre, you find that it would be much heavier than the black hole in the centre.
This means you have to account for a more spread out mass as you change your distance from the centre of the galaxy.
The further you are from the centre of the galaxy, the more stuff there is beneath you i.e. there's more stuff closer to the core than you. We have to calculate gravity taking this mass, and the radius to it, into account.
Thankfully, we have methods that can calculate this much easier. And we can use this to figure out our orbital velocity as a function of distance from the centre.
So let's try and calculate things! Take a galaxy, measure it's mass distribution independent of orbital mechanics, and find the orbital velocity!
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Image Credit: Citizendium
What we get is the graph above. In a normal universe, we expect our orbital velocity to increase near the core as more stuff gets added to the mass pulling us in. It then peters out as gravity looses it's strength.
What we actually see is that the orbital velocity takes a lot longer to peter out. If Newton's Laws/General Relativity are working how they should, this means that there must be a lot more mass in the galaxy.
What's worse is that this mass is much more evenly distributed. And not just that, but we cannot see it i.e. it does not interact with electromagnetic waves (light).
Hence we label this weird matter 'dark', because we can't see it and it helps us account for the disparity in the equation.
Next time I'll go into what we think dark matter actually is.
Dark Energy and Einstein's Blunder
General Relativity is one of the most backed-up theories in all of physics. The original conception of the theory comes from the Einstein Field Equations (EFEs):
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We can safely ignore all of the fancy jargon symbols. What's important to us is what's missing.
When Einstein was playing around with his equations, he made an error. This error led him to missing a part in his equation. And thus he added an additional term to the EFEs:
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This capital lambda term (Λ) helped balance his erronious equation.
Eventually, Einstein figured out that this was a mistake, a mistake so big that he called it his 'Biggest Blunder'. It turns out that the EFEs don't require Λ to actually work.
A few decades later, in the 1990s, researchers were trying to use the principles of general relativity to figure out the expansion of spacetime. Thanks to Edwin Hubble, we knew that space was expanding, but we didn't know how it was expanding.
The difficulty is that both the curvature and the amount of energy in the universe affected the expansion of the universe. This is dictated by the Friedmann equations:
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Where the a's are the universe's scale factor, i.e. the current 'size' of the universe. The two p's are the mass and energy densities in the universe.
Using measurements of Type Ia Supernovae (you will see a topic on this in the future as I've done research into this), two teams of researchers were able to determine that the expansion rate of the universe was accelerating! Something completely unexpected.
This would require us adding an additional term to the equation involving our suspicious little friend:
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This Λ variable, called the cosmological constant, can be propagated up the mathematical derivation chain to show that Einstein's 'mistake' was actually the correct equation all along!
The cosmological constant acts a energy density term that exists outside of our current understandings of the matter and energy in our universe. And because it's outside of our understanding, we call it 'dark' energy - because, just like dark matter, we can't see it.
It's a type of energy that isn't represented by any of the fundamental forces. What's more is that it is constant, which means as the universe expands, more gets added. And even more is that this energy density is negative, suggesting even that the universe is not a vaccum.
This discovery landed three researchers from both teams the Nobel prize in physics. One of the laureates includes the vice chancellor of my very own university, Brian Schmidt. Doxxing myself aside, this is a fact that neither me, nor my university, will shut up about.
In another part, I'll talk about what this dark energy could be and what an accelerating expansion of the universe could mean.
So despite the names, dark energy and dark matter are actually two different things that have two different sets of properties purposes (at least that's what we think). The names simply derive from the same method of using constants to help make our equations work better with reality.
It's always possible that we are wrong and there is a more fundamental equation that helps us understand these things. But that's a task for the future.
Hope you enjoyed reading and please give me feedback! I'm doing this every week as well, so feel free to follow if you want.
Next week I'll probably do something mathematics-related, before continuing on with this part.
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gx-gameon · 4 months
About Crowler, as much as I would like Jaden to tell him eventually on his own terms (with Chazz and Jesse support) It's funny if he found out Jaden identity as Prince of Duels when he went to get Seto approval for King of Colloseum for Hassleberry and subsequent graduating seniors
I haven’t decided how Crowler is going to find out yet.
I know the kids are going to learn Jaden’s identity as the Prince of Duels during the tournament arc.
While him finding out during Hasselberry’s senior 3rd year could be fun.
I think Crowler will learn during the ‘day of wrecking.’ When the Kaiba bros come to fire people.
The whole staff is freaking out. Thee Seto Kaiba is coming to the school with his husband Yugi Muto, his brother Mokuba Kaiba, his brother-in-law Atem Muto, as well as some high level employees. The staff knows something big is about to happen but they don’t know what.
Crowler is walking towards the meeting wrangling his hands in nervousness. This is so bad. This was a horrible year. They lost the school to a different dimension. Then a group of students ran a rescue mission to another dimension. One that the Kaiba family had been dragged into (he doesn’t know why they went yet) then all the events of season 4. Not to mention the evil cult last year, and the shadow riders the year before.
Crowler has been afraid that they would all be fired for years. And now the time has come he can feel it. He’s walking towards his death.
When suddenly a hand shot out and pulled him into a side room. He shrieked and turned to see one Joey Wheeler. What is he doing here? Well there was a group of master duelists in the island.
“Hey Crowler.” They had met in the dark world. “A buddy of mine is looking for you.” And Crowler swallows hard because Joey Wheeler has a lot of ‘buddies’ buddies who have a lot of power over his job.
Joey leads him to a private meeting room and motions for him to go in and then step in front of the door to make sure no one else went in.
Crowler is expecting Yugi or Atem Muto. Not a nervous looking Jaden Yuki. “Jaden? What are you doing here?” He’s happy to see his student again but also so confused. And then worried because trouble follows Jaden like a moth to a flame. What if something else had happened and Jaden was trying to save the world again? Did he need help?
“Hey Dr. Crowler. I was hoping to talk to you about something.” And Jaden is obviously nervous and he’s motioned for both of them to sit down. Crowler has a very important meeting with Seto Kaiba that he’s going to be late to because of this but one of his favorite students is back and looking more like a scared child than he’s ever seen him. The Kaiba’s can wait. Crowler’s probably getting fired anyways. He can spend his last moments as a teacher helping one of his students.
“Of course Jaden. What is it?”
“Um well…. I kinda lied on my entrance paperwork.” Crowlers confused on why that would matter now. If he had known that before he could have Jaden thrown out of school but Jaden has already graduated. They might that his diploma away but why would it matter when Jaden’s saved the school more times then crowler probably knows of. “See my last name isn’t Yuki anymore. It’s Muto.”
Crowler sits there staring at Jaden for a long moment. “Dr. Crowler?” Jaden asks worriedly. He had expected a bigger reaction. Crowler faints and falls out of his chair. “Yep there it is.” Jaden says as he walks over to make sure his teacher is alright, while texting his Oto-san that he had told Crowler and they would be late to the meeting.
Crowler misses the ‘day of wrecking meeting and wakes up to find the whole Muto family around. Jaden, his dads, and uncles and aunts. There is no denying what Jaden said when he’s literally talking to Yugi and calling him dad. Crowler wants to cry. He’s so fired.
He’s not. He’s got a promotion but also way stricter rules for the academy to follow.
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ahollowgrave · 1 year
Hey! I love your screenshots so much! Do you have a guide on how you take them? Which mods, if any, do you use? How do you get the camera parallel to the ground at different heights etc? Any help would be amazing. Thank you!
Hey! Thank you! I love them, as well, and it’s always lovely to hear when others do!
Unfortunately, I am not much of a technical writer so I don’t have any guides.The reality is I spend hours and hours taking screenshots and I often feel like I luck into things looking nice.
But I can give you the same tips I give to my friends who have said it’s helpful advice:
Vanilla gpose is very good! You can do a lot in it without the need for 3rd party tools and I’ve found having a good, solid understanding of how gpose works is what really rockets shots into ‘oh wow’ territory. You really just have to touch all the buttons and see what they do and how they interact with each other.
The main thing is, for re/g-shade users: If it doesn’t look good in vanilla lighting, the preset isn’t going to make it suddenly stunning.
The second thing, for everyone, is: Play. Play is very important. If you’re not having fun you’re probably not gonna love the final result. If it feels like a chore, come back to it later! Play a different game!
The third thing, for everyone, is: These are not rules, these are not laws. Just because I do something a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the ‘right’ way to do it. Your eye is what makes your art beautiful.
I'm putting the rest under a cut because this wound up being three pages without the pictures because I ramble.
The parts of vanilla gpose I touch with every shot:
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Camera Position: The first slider is your field of view. For portraits I set it to 200, but I tend to fiddle with it in all other shots until I get something I like. The second slider is rotation, very helpful to get to exactly 45 degrees or 90 degrees for shots. But you should also be able to use Q and E to rotate and this is fun to get neat angles on shots! Play with it!!
Depth of Field: I’ll be honest, I turn this sucker off because Reshade has ADOF which I think is better! But, I still suggest playing with this a little bit.
Lighting settings: You have three lights, each with three levels and each able to be a unique color. USE THEM. Find lighting objects in your setting that you can use to base the colors and directions off of. Is the moon full and above? Use a pale blue light as a rim light. 3a. Also, highly recommend looking at RL photography lighting set ups. This has been the most helpful. You can do a lot with three lights!!!!! 3b. Typically, I am mostly using two lights at type 1 or type 2. Sometimes I’ll use a third light, or that type 3 lighting, but it depends heavily upon the vibes. 3c. On this page there is ‘Character Lighting’ this makes your character brighter. I don’t use this at all because it tends to wash out shadows and shadows are an important part of lighting. I DO suggest that YOU use this to see how it works! A little is a lot, you know? 3d. THE MAIN THING IS TO PLAY WITH IT. Get weird with the lighting. Do really intense close up lights! Do funky colors! Cover them in bi lighting!!!!
Lighting Round Two: The one thing that my friends have said is the most helpful is telling them to use the Manual Birghtness Adjustment. This is on the general tab, not with your other lighting settings (circled in red). This controls the light of the WHOLE setting, including the brightness of your three lights. This is what really makes me go OH WOW. Turn it on, wiggle it around, be amazed. (Say it with me: Play with it!)
Vanilla Gpose has a Motion Settings tab. This is what I use for my expressions but also a lot of ‘poses’ are just well captured emotes. A lot of this tab should be self explanatory.
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The Eyes: The first eye has your subject turn to face the camera. You can have them look in a direction, turn it off, and freely move your camera around. The second eye is eye tracking. This is your friend! The head will stay stationary and the eyes will follow the camera.
Movement: Walk, run, sprint. Forward, left, right, back. Pause, play, reset.
Lip Movements: This, in junction with expression emotes, is very handy! Type 1 is minimal, type 3 is a lot more head movement. Pause, play, reset buttons.
Emotes: You already know what I’m gonna say. PLAY WITH THIS. Almost every emote can have an expression emote overlaid it and have lip movement added.
A personal favorite is /aback, /beam, lip movement 2, eye tracking.
Now. When you enter Gpose your subject is gonna be doing the animation they were last doing. To stop this, ground sit and stand before you enter gpose to start with a clean slate. However, this is also how you can get cool action shots. Using a dummy you can use an attack, reset the dummy, and enter gpose and your subject will be flailing wildly.
Some of the emotes and actions can move very quickly! To move things frame by frame we’re going to use the Disable/Enable Motion buttons. You have two of these at the top of the gpose settings.
Disable/Enable All Motion - This will pause or start all the motion of all the targets in your gpose! My Keybinding for this is 1 and I think this is the default for PC users. Disable/Enable Target Motion - This will pause or start the motion of your current target. (Tab cycles through the characters caught in your gpose.) My Keybinding for this is 2 and I think this is the default for PC users.
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To go frame by frame by frame through an emote or action you’re going to freeze the character (1) and then, rapidly, you’re going to hit 1 then 2. (1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2) this unfreezes your subject and then refreezes them. Be mindful of your eye tracking and camera! One last thing: Take a LOT of shots. From all sorts of angles, with all sorts of lighting, with different expression. For every 1 screenshot I post there are about a 100 others that I didn't like as much.
Whew, okay, I think that covers the stuff I tell my friends. Sorry this got kinda long and it might be confusing because, again, I am no technical writer!
Now, I do use 3rd party tools but I’m only comfortable talking about those off anon! Other than Reshade. I understand social anxiety might keep folks from asking directly but I am a nervous person myself and just do not feel comfy talking about that stuff so publicly. But I try to be helpful where and when I can!
Apologies, anon, if this isn’t what you were hoping for in a reply but if anyone else reads this maybe they’ll learn a new trick or idea of idk something!!!
If you read the all thing that's fucking WILD and the only reward I have for you is my love !!
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heartfeltcierra · 2 years
Ephemeral- Rosinante Donquixote (Corazon) X Female reader (Soulmate AU)
Word count 4.3K
3rd person POV
AN-I love this man so much :') But I won't lie, I broke my own heart writing this.
Contents- Soulmate AU (First words tattoo), reader is a marine, reader had a DF
!!!Spoiler warning!!! Major character death and spoilers for Law's backstory.
Warnings- Heavy angst, bittersweet ending, smoking, mentions of fire, cussing, character death, hints at starving and lack of self care, violence.
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 The cold crimson snow below Cora was nothing compared to the fierce warmth he felt in his heart. His mission to stop his brother may have failed, but at least one of his goals was achieved. Gotta live a little bit longer. His breaths were becoming shorter and shorter as he clung onto his last strand of life. I can’t let my power wear off, not yet. 
 His eyes flutter in a battle to stay  conscious. Not yet, not until Law is free… Despite his best efforts his eyes closed, but before he could slip into the afterlife a sharp pain blossomed in his right forearm. The pain was enough for him to reopen his eyes. Y/N.. With his remaining life force he used his left hand to pull up his sleeve revealing the sentence on his right arm. “Hey blondie, what time is it and why are you on fire?” A weak smile forms on his  lips, remembering the first time he heard those words. 
 “Do you think I have enough time to get one last smoke in before this starts?” Rosinante dug through his pockets, looking for his trusty fix.
 “You do, Commander, just be quick about it.” A sense of pride swelled in Rosi’s chest, hearing his soon to be new title come from the very man he looked up to. He nodded and started walking out but was stopped when a large hand rested on his shoulder.. “Rosinante..” The dark haired man smiled. “ I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, son.”
 “I’m honored. Thank you Fleet Admiral Sengoku.” The blonde had to suppress a huge smile as his father figure praised him.
 “You're welcome, and you better get going if you want that smoke.” Sengoku motioned to the large stage where high ranking Navy officers were gathering. 
 “Right, I’ll be quick.”
 Rosinante walked outside of the Navy’s banquet hall with a cigarette hanging loosely between his lips as he tried to find a secluded place to smoke. Eventually he found an empty balcony that had a perfect view of the city below. Flames erupted from the lighter as he took a deep inhale of smoke. The nicotine instantly soothed his built up nerves.
 He knew being promoted to a commander meant more work and even more responsibility. But it also gave him more power and more control, two things he was going to need if he wanted to reach his end goal. Taking his older brother, Doflamingo, down. 
 He took a deep inhale of smoke as his fathers last moments and words echo his mind. He was only 8 years old when Doflamingo shot and killed their father. It was in that moment bloodshed he realized just how far gone his brother was. And judging from the recent reports surrounding his evil doings  and his bounty that increases almost daily, Doflamingo was completely irredeemable at this point. 
 The cigarette in between his lips had reached its end and considering the stress thinking about his brother caused, a second one was well deserved. “I still have a few years to plan, until then stay cool.” He brought the lighter up to the fresh cigarette. “I better hurry or Sengoku will kill m-” 
 Rosi tensed up as he noticed a flash of violet in the distance.What the hell was that? He had never seen anything like it before. Maybe in a different situation he would find it mesmerizing or even cool. But it was heading straight for the navy banquet hall, more specifically it looked like it was coming straight at him and fast. Too fast for him to react.
 The sparking ball of violet was closing in and he couldn’t make his body move a muscle. It was so close he could hear the strange almost electrical noise it emitted. Are we under attack? The anomaly was now floating in the air a few feet away from the balcony's edge. The breath in his throat hitched as the ball shot up ever so slightly into the air, the electrical noise it made was much louder and it appeared to be getting bigger. 
 Rosi snapped out of his trance and took a defensive position, only to find himself back in a trace as the ball of violet sparks turned into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her (H/C) hair fluttered behind her as she gracefully descended from the air and onto the balcony’s railing. All the worry in him disappeared seeing the familiar outfit she wore..
 “Hey blondie, what time is it and why are you on fire?” His forearm began to tingle. She’s..
 “You're an angel…” The words left Rosi’s mouth before he could process  what she said. A small gasp left the girl as she looked down at her left wrist. 
 “Your..” Her (E/C) eyes met his red ones. She held up her wrist to show the words he had just spoken, tattooed into her skin. “You're my soulmate….. And you're still on fire.” The girl jumped from the railing, taking her navy coat off in the process. She gave him a sweet, innocent smile before wacking the fire out with her coat, doing so with such a brute force it sent Rosi to the ground. “There we go, crisis averted.” She bent down slightly and offered her hand to him.
 “I appreciate the gesture, but I’m tall and hea- '' His words were lost in his throat as the girl took the hand he was waving in the air and pulled him up almost effortlessly. 
 “Tall yes.” She took a moment to look up at him. “Heavy no, or at least not for a woman as strong as me.” For a few moments they just stared at each other smiling without a care in the world. That is until Rosi remembered he had somewhere to be.
 “Can we meet up and talk later? I’m about to get promoted at the ceremony.” 
 “You are?” His soulmate jumped a little in excitement causing a blush to form on Rosi’s face. She is so cute. “That makes two of us! We better hurry!” She grabbed his hand and started to run towards the banquet hall.
 Once the pair reached the venue, they had to go their separate way thanks to the seating arrangement. But that didn’t stop Rosi from keeping an eye on her in admiration. She was a couple seats away sitting next to vice admiral Garp. Rosinante leaned back in his chair a little more to see she had the same idea as him. She smiled at him and was about to mouth something to him, that was until Vice Admiral Garp leaned back, stretching his bulking body. Damn that old man.
 “The ceremony will be starting now.” Vice Admiral Tsuru stood at the stage's podium. “First we will be naming the new Commanders.” One by one she called the men and women up to the stage until.. “Donquixote Rosinante.” Rosi nervously walked onto the stage (Cautiously so he didn't trip and embarrass himself in front of his new found soul mate.) “On behalf of the Navy, we congratulate you and thank you for your continued service.” He bent down so Tsuru could place a pin onto his navy uniform, making him officially a commander. He looked to the crowd to see his soulmate standing up and clapping with a smile that made his heart swell. He gave her a sheepish wave before finding his seat.
 “Up next we will be naming the new vice admiral who will be taking over our G-7 unit.” Tsuru announced. “L/N F/N, please come to the stage.” Rosi watched in Awe as his soulmate, who he now knows as Y/N, walked up to the stage with power in each of her steps. “All of navy HQ would like to congratulate you on your promotion and continued service.”  Rosi had stars in his eyes as she was given the white overcoat reserved only for the vice admirals..
 “THAT’S MY GIRL.” A gruff voice yelled out. Rosi turned to see Garp hysterically crying. “If only my son would have been smart like her.” He mumbled out the last part.
 “That concludes today's ceremony. Good luck to you all in your new positions.” Tsuru walked away from the stage and people began to file out of the room. He looked up to see Y/N walking towards him with a smile on her face. 
 “Are you okay?” Y/N looked down at her soulmate who had fallen back in his chair thanks to the shock.
 “I am.” He smiled up at her. “I am more than okay.I just can’t believe my soulmate is someone so cool.” 
 “Thanks.” A blush formed on her cheeks at Rosi’s complement.
 “So.. Umm.. We have a lot to talk about huh?” Rosinante stood up and ran a hand through his blonde locks in an attempt to calm down.
 “That we do.” She shook her head in agreement. “I know just the place we can go!” She grabbed his hand  and led him out of the banquet hall. 
 “This is it!” Y/N fell back onto the field of flowers that overlooked the sea. “What do you think, Rosinante?” 
 “It’s beautiful.” Rosi sat down beside her. But It doesn't compare to you. “ And you can just call me Rosi.” 
 “Rosi it is.” She smiled before moving her head to rest in his lap. “So question. Just how tall are you?” 
 “Nine foot seven..” Her eyes widened hearing how tall her soulmate was. “And a half.”
 “And a half!” Rosi laughed at her shocked face. “You have me beat, I’m (Height).”
 “I do. But I think you may have me beat in strength, little Miss Vice Admiral.” His hands dug through his jacket until he pulled out his cigarettes. “Do you mind?” 
 “Not at all, actually here.” Y/N brought her hand up to the end of his cigarette. A familiar violet colored spark came from her fingertip, lighting his cigarette. “You’ll never have to buy a lighter again as long as I’m around.” She said proudly.
 “Thank you.” He took a deep drag and exhaled the smoke away from her. “I’ve been meaning to ask what that power was. Is it a devil fruit?”
 “It sure is.” She stood up from the flower field. “I ate the Plasma-Plasma fruit, making me a plasma woman.” She jumped into the air before turning into the same ball of sparks that had him freaking out hours earlier. He watched as Y/N displayed her powers to him. Seeing her pop up out of nowhere only to turn into a ball of plasma a second later had him in awe. After a few minutes of zipping through the sky she landed right into his lap. Fierce heat traveled to both of their cheeks. “I’m sorry, sometimes I don’t stick the landing.” She gave him a sheepish grin before attempting to crawl away from him.
 “It’s okay..” Rosi brought his arm around her body, urging Y/N closer. “Having you close feels nice.”
 “I couldn't agree with you more.” She brought her head down to rest on his abs. “So question…why were you on fire earlier?”
 “I’m a smoker who Is also really clumsy.” The moment the words left his mouth Y/N jumped  away from his lap. “Y/N are you okay?” She raised an eyebrow at him before motioning to the lit cigarette in his mouth. “OH.” He took the cigarette out of his mouth and waited for it to go out. “You can come back now.” He laughed nervously with an outreached hand, which Y/N gladly took. “But I’m clumsy in other ways too, less dangerous ways.” 
 “Like falling over in your chair?” Y/N looked up at him with a smirk on her face.
 “Bingo.” Rosi wrapped both arms around her before pulling the both of them back to lay on the flower field. “So you know my fun little fact. So tell me one about you?” 
 “Have you ever heard the rumor about the marine who killed a sea king while they were sleepwalking?” 
 “Yes I have.” Rosi had heard plenty of rumors in his rookie years, but this one stood out. It was unforgettable. “Apparently it was a rookie who was on Garp’s fleet. They had a really bad sleep walking habit and from what I heard they sometimes tried to challenge Garp to a duel in that state.” Rosi recalls all of the lore surrounding the mysterious Marine. “But the story goes something like this I think. It was the middle of the night when a huge sea king came out of nowhere and started to attack the ship. Two rookies were on the night watch that night, so they panicked. They went to wake up the crew and met the sleepwalking Marine while doing so. The marine proceeded to walk right towards the towering sea king and looked at it with foggy eyes before knocking it across the ocean with a single kick.” Rosi laughed. “I wish I knew if it was real or not. If it was, I wonder who the guy was?”
 “It wasn’t a guy..” 
 “It was a girl..”
 “Really? How do you know?”
 “I know because it was me!” Y/N’s cheery voice mixed with Rosi’s mental image of her taking down a sea king with a single kick. “Ever since that day I tie my foot to my bedpost with a shoe string. Just in case.”..... “Rosi?”...... “Rosi?”
 “Y/N.” Rosi lifted up from the flower field and rummaged around in his pockets. “Here it is!” He pulled out a marker. “Please sign my jacket!” 
 “HUH?” Y/N gave him a confused look. “Sign your jacket? Why?”
 “Because you are the woman, the myth, no… the legend. My soulmate is..” Rosi grabbed her shoulder before lifting her up like she weighed nothing. “The sleepwalking sea king slayer!” He spun her around before they both toppled over laughing.
 “Am I really that popular?” She grabbed the marker that had fallen with them and pulled his coat open to the side. “To my biggest fan~” Y/N signed her name and drew a small doodle of a sea king getting kicked by her. “Here, it’s your turn.” She handed the confused Rosi a marker before laying down with her vice admiral jacket open. “You can draw something on mine too!”
 “Before I do this.” He smoothed the fabric down where he wanted to draw. “I’m not good at drawing. With that being said, any requests?” Y/N Shook her head.
 “Just draw what comes to heart.”
~Flashback end~
 “Y/N. I’m sorry.” Her name left his mouth like a guilty prayer. “Just know I love you so much and I ...” Blood spilled from his lips as he muttered his final words. “I did it. Law is finally free.” 
 And with that, Donquixote Rosinante, the man known as Corazon, took his last breath.
~~~Somewhere out at sea on the G-7’s main ship.~~~
  Y/N sat at her desk filing paperwork and thinking about a certain blonde. She pulled the white coat off and looked at the fading doodle Rosi drew on it all those years ago. It was a simple heart with their initials in it. I miss him
 Y/N sighed playing with the silver chain around her neck. With a gentle tug on the chain she revealed the heart shaped locket he gifted her. She smiled seeing the engraving “You’re an angel.” Y/N clicked the locket open, her smile only grew wider seeing her and Rosinante’s wedding photos. On one side he was holding her up in his arms, and on the other side it was her holding him. A knock at her door pulled her from her romantic reminiscing. 
 “Come in!” She tucked the locket back under her shirt before one of her men walked in.
 “Can you sign off on these documents for me? They are urgent.” The man walked up to the desk and held the stack of  papers out.
 “Can do!” Y/N reached out with her right arm and stopped when a searing pain formed in her forearm. “What the, FUCK.” She yelped while bringing her arm down on the table. 
 “Vice admiral are you okay?!” The man watched as she was unable to form words, instead she slammed her head against the desk and pointed at her right arm. “I understand.” He slowly brought her sleeve up to reveal the cause of the tremendous pain she was in. What she didn’t know, it was only the start. “Vice admiral L/N, I. I think..”
 “What’s wrong?” She brought her head up from the desk and felt her body turn cold. At that moment she recalled something Tsuru had said to her many years ago. “There had been reports in the past of soulmates dying and their last words would show up on their partner in the spot where their first words were”  That explains why she is seeing the words on her right forearm.
 “Y/N, I’m sorry…… Just know I love you so much and I….I did it. Law is finally free.” 
 “Leave.” The man nodded before shuffling out of the room. Y/N looked at the fresh words on her arm. “Rosi.” He can’t be. Her lips trembled as tears began to pour down her face. The pain she felt was beyond what words could describe. She had lost her soulmate, her home, her safety, her comfort, her Rosi. He was gone.
 Her cries could be heard all across the G-7 ship. The men and women aboard the ship held their heads low as their admiral mourned her lost lover. After a week  the cries had turned into sniffles, after a month it was silent. She never came out of the office, none of the food they sent her was ever eaten, and she never spoke more than a few words. She had become an empty shell. 
 “Wake up Y/N.” Her eyes opened to a bright blue sky. She slowly lifted off of the ground and looked around. It took her no time to know where she was. The flower field. “You know I fell in love with you that day you brought me here.”
 “Rosi?” She turned and saw nothing. “Rosi, where are you?” She got up and froze when two arms wrapped around her midsection from behind.
 “Y/N.” His grip tightened. “I am so sorry.” She felt something wet at the nape of her neck. “I’ve watched you go through all this torment and I could not take it any longer. .” Her body froze. “I don’t have much time.” 
 “Rosi.” She tried to turn around to see him, but his arms kept her caged in.
 “Not yet love.” His voice was soft and comforting, just the way she remembered. “Y/N I love you and I will always watch over you.” Lips ghosted the crook of her neck. “But you can’t keep going on like this. You're alive but if you keep this up..” His voice cracked.. “Live Y/N, please. Promise me you will.”
 “How can I?” Tears started to stream down her face. 
 “You can because that’s what I want… More than anything..” Y/N’s eyes widened. “There is a time and place for all of us to die, but your time is not now or anytime soon. So angel, would you do me the honors of letting me watch you live, even though I can’t be with you?”
 “It’s funny.” Y/N sniffled. “You're calling me an angel.”
 “I guess we are both angels now… Wait no.” The familiar clumsy panic in his tone brought a bittersweet smile to her face. “You are an angel metaphorically, I am a real angel.” 
 “That you are.” A final tear rolled down her face. “But to answer your question I will.”
 “Good.” A large hand covered her right forearm. “I know this is selfish of me, but I want to kiss you one last time Y/N.”
 “If you're selfish, I’m selfish.” She turned around and jumped into her lover's arms to give him a final kiss. When she pulled back a bright light appeared behind him.
 “I have to go now.” He watched as the smile left Y/N lips. “I need another favor from you.”
 “When you think of me.” He grabbed her right arm and planted a kiss right next to his final words. “I want you to always have a smile on your face. Just like this.” Seeing the same goofy smile on his lips , the one  she fell in love caused one of her own to form.
 “I love you forever and always Rosi.”
 “I love you too.” He turned around and started to walk away from her. “I’ll be waiting for you, and you know I’m patient , so there is no need to rush okay?”
 “Goodbye for now, my angel.” 
 She woke up in a daze wondering if what happened was a dream or real. Her fingers hooked around her sleeve, gently pulling it up  to reveal Rosi’s final words to her. But that wasn’t the only thing. Out from the words was a smiley face, one that looked just like his, in the spot he had kissed.
 “Captain Law.” Bepo came running up to his captain who sat on a cargo box. “A vice admiral's ship has been spotted on the other side of the island.” 
 “Go find the others and let them know we are leaving immediately.” Law ordered.
 “Yes sir!” The white bear ran off as Law placed his chin in his hands. Just what I needed.
 “A vice admiral?” Law’s body tensed up. “That sounds serious.” Law slowly turned to his side to see a (H/C) woman sitting on the cargo box right next to one he was on. She was eating a bag of candy and didn’t seem to have a care in the world. “Want some?” She held the bag out to Law.
 “No.” Law raised his eyebrow. “Thanks?” Law got a better look at her and saw what she had on Dammit it all. His tattooed hand reached for his sword.
 “Don’t even think about it.” The woman smirked at Law. “Don’t you have any clue as to who I am?”
 “I don’t..” Law was sweating bullets at this point. “Want to give me a hint?”
 “Have you ever heard of the Marine who killed a sea king while sleep walking?”
 “I have. They called her the Sleepwalking Sea King Slayer.” 
 “How did you know it was a ‘her’?” 
 “What are you getting at?” Something shiny was thrown into Law’s lap. A locket? He clicked it opened. “Wait.” Law stood up and looked at the woman shocked.
 “To answer some of the questions I’m sure you have.” She stood up on the cargo box. “The woman you see before you is indeed the Sleepwalking sea king slayer.” Law looked up at her in shock. “And I’m also Rosi’s wife. Or should I say Cora’s wife.” Law was glad the rest of the crew was gone. A guilt he carried for well over 11 years had bubbled to the surface.
 “I’m sorry, it’s my fault he di-” The woman pulled the boy into a tight hug.
 “Don’t finish that sentence.” She gave him a few pats on the back before pulling away. “Just so I’m clear, I don’t in the slightest, blame you for what happened. And as you can see.” She pulled up her sleeve showing Law the Last words Cora said. “He died happy knowing you were free.” Law sniffled into the sleeve of his hoodie. “I see that you honor his legacy well.” She motioned to jolly Roger on the side of his submarine.
 “He meant everything to me.”
 “You meant just as much to him.” She smiled thinking of all the times he called her in secret to talk about how Law was doing. “I apologize for not coming to see you sooner. I say that like I’m supposed to see you at all.” She laughed. “Here take this. It’s the number to my personal transponder snail. Call me if you ever need to hear a funny story, because when it comes to Cora… Let’s just say I have a bunch.” Law took the paper from her hands and put it in his pocket.
 “Will do.” He smiled. “What’s your name?”
 “The sleepwalking sea king slayer, didn’t I tell you already?” Law rolled his eyes. “It’s Y/N.”
 “Will I ever see you again Y/N?”
 “Well..” She turned around to show the black letter on the jacket. “You better hope and pray you don’t.”
 “Fair enough.”
 “Well it’s been fun talking with you.” She threw Law the now empty candy bag in his hands before walking away. “One more thing.”
 “What’s that?”
“You need to smile more.” The woman gave him a toothy grin and then in the blink of a eye, disappeared.
“I’ll try.”
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 31 will be posted soon!
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Currently 30 chapters completed: 1.331M Words; Rated: Mature
{Previous snippet}
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 31 because at the end of Chapter 30, after having a conversation with Captain Mehta and being asked to join another fire station, Buck decided he didn't want to accept the captain's job to run A-shift at the new #115 firehouse. Also, he was preparing to contact Bobby so they can talk about his future as a captain or lack thereof at the 118 even though Frank hasn't released him from trauma therapy yet. Eddie's back at work and he's more than 30% done with his Advanced Care Paramedic Certification while Chris' working on his 3rd video game presentation with his classmates that's due on Monday, March 4th.
The chapter ended with Buck and Chris being approached by a person from Buck's past and after he sent Chris to get help so he'd be safe, a second person who'd threatened him in the past appeared and they injected him with a drug but will help arrive before Buck's unable to be revived?
Here’s more than a snippet from Chapter 31 of a conversation between Eddie, the 118, Maddie, Athena and Detective Romero.
The 118 members who are sitting in the waiting area are telling Ravi and Demetrius stories about Buck when Athena, Detective Romero and two armed police officers exit one of the elevators and walk towards them.
Bobby stands and asks, “Athena, what are you and Detective Romero doing here?”
They walk over, she greets her husband along with the rest of them then says, “I’ll tell you in a moment but first, we need to know which room Buck's in?”
“He’s in room #3118 but what’s going on?”  Chimney asks with raised eyebrows.
“We need to talk to Eddie first then we’ll explain what’s going on.”  Athena replies as she walks towards Buck’s room.
After she makes it to the door, she knocks, Eddie and Maddie look towards that direction and they see Athena motioning for them to come out.
With wide eyes, they look at each other, then they stand up at the same time but before they prepare to leave, they both turn around and talk to Buck.
Maddie gently touches his hand and says, “We’ll be back soon.”
Eddie leans in and kisses Buck’s forehead and whispers into his ear, “Ti amo, amore mio.  Sempre e per sempre.” [“I love you, my love.  Always and forever.”]
They swiftly walk towards the door.
Once they exit and Eddie closes it, Athena says, “Listen, we’re not going to keep you because we know you want to get back inside but Eddie, this is Officer Gossett and this is Officer Rush, they’re going to be posted outside of Buck’s door for the duration of his stay and when he’s discharged… they’ll be assigned to stay at your residence too.”
Eddie’s taken aback but he raises his eyebrows and asks, “Why?  I don’t understand.”  
Detective Romero and Athena look at each other because they discussed this before they arrived.  She nods at him then he looks at all of them and admits, “After we viewed the store’s surveillance footage, we saw who approached Buck and Chris while they were inside of the store.”
They all gasp but no one immediately responds.
After a couple of seconds of silence, he asks, “Someone approached my husband and my son?  Who was it?”
“I have the same question as my brother-in-law.  Who was it?  And my second question is what were they trying to do?”  Maddie worriedly asks.
Detective Romero turns his department issued iPhone 13 Pro Max around and taps the play button to start the video footage.
They all start watching and after they see a man approach Chris, Chimney asks, “Wait a minute.  Is that…?”
“Yes, it’s Jonah Greenway.”  Detective Romero replies as he taps the pause button.
“But I don’t understand because he’s supposed to be in prison.”  Hen replies in a high-pitched tone.
Athena explains, “He was but due to all the new laws that have recently gone into effect like “The First Step Act”, “SB 1437”, “AB 2942” and “Other less Common Sentences – Reduction Options”, his lawyer got his sentence reduced and he ended up getting early parole for good behavior.  He’s been out for more than two weeks.”
Bobby frowns.  “I don’t understand.  Why didn’t anyone notify us?”
“Exactly because someone should have said something.  I mean Athena and Detective Romero, we know this isn’t on either of you but Jonah drugged me and he tried to kill Chimney.”  Hen frustratedly replies.
Athena and Rick look at each other then they shake their heads in disbelief.
A few seconds later, Athena finally says, “You’re right Hen, someone should have once he was released but they didn’t.  It’s our overworked and overcrowded legal system and sometimes things like this fall through the cracks.  We were informed he has a parole officer but that’s all the information we could get on such short notice.”
Eddie’s listening to them but right now, he’s more concerned with trying to determine what happened between Buck and Jonah and he wants to know why there are two armed police officers standing outside of his husband’s hospital room.
When everyone else returns their attention to Detective Romero, he taps play and says, “As you can see, Jonah approached Chris first and Buck stepped in between them.  Since there’s no audio, we figured Buck told Chris to go get help and after he walks away, they get in each other’s faces.”
Eddie gasps because after he returned to the 118, Hen, Chimney and Bobby told him everything that happened with Jonah including the things he did to Chimney and Hen.  Since Jonah was after them instead of Buck, he can’t figure out why he approached his family while they were innocently shopping in Super Target.
Athena explains, “Buck and Jonah can be seen arguing for several minutes.”
Detective Romero fast forwards the video then he lets it play.
Once Eddie sees what’s happening, his breath catches in his throat and his eyes widen when Lucy walks around the corner and she stands next to Jonah.
“Holy shit!  Is that…”  Chimney asks.
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his question because Athena interjects.  “Yes!  That’s Lucy Donato!”
Maddie furrows her eyebrows and asks, “But she was indicted, right?  I mean we all heard her threaten to kill Buck in open court.  What is she doing out of jail?”
“The thing is… she was indicted but there wasn’t enough evidence to convict her so the grand jury issued a “no bill” and she was let go.”  Detective Romero responds.
Hen asks, “But… I don’t understand.  Why did Lucy and Jonah approach Buck?”
While they’re all talking and trying to determine the answer, Eddie keeps looking at the video and once he sees Lucy raise her hand and quickly put it over Buck’s shoulder and press down, he tilts his head to the side.  He can tell she did something but it happens so quickly, he needs to see it again.
“Can you rewind it please?”
After he asks, everyone stops talking and refocuses their attention on the video.
“Stop!  Do you all see that?”
Hen asks, “What is she doing?”
“It looks like she just injected him with something because as soon as she moves her hand, you can see Buck say “Ow” then he leans over a little and puts his hand on his shoulder.”  Eddie loudly exclaims.
What were Eddie and Maddie discussing before Athena knocked on Buck's hospital room door? 👀
Now that everyone’s viewed the video and they've seen what happened to Buck, will the doctors be able to determine what Buck was injected with before it’s too late? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Will the police officers standing in front of Buck’s hospital room be there long? 🙃
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - After Buck and Eddie have an emotionally intimate conversation regarding their dreams, they make several decisions that will affect their future. When everything falls into place, they’ll realize one of those decisions will result in them no longer being work partners.
Chapter 30 - In 2018, Buck and Eddie met at the 118 and after some initial apprehensions on Buck’s part, they became work partners and they agreed to have each other’s backs. It’s been more than 6 ½ years, a lot’s happened, they got married in December 2023 and they have the family they both chose. With Eddie leaving the 118 in 3 months and Buck getting closer to moving past his grief, what will him losing his work partner mean for him?
Chapter 31 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-30 are available on AO3.
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
Welcome back,
No matter who you are, where you are, or how quickly you’re moving, the laws of physics will appear exactly the same to you as they will to any other observer in the Universe. This concept — that the laws of physics don’t change as you move from one location to another or one moment to the next — is known as the principle of relativity, and it goes all the way back not to Einstein, but even farther: to at least the time of Galileo.
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If you exert a force on an object, it will accelerate (i.e., change its momentum), and the amount of its acceleration is directly related to the force on the object divided by its mass. In terms of an equation, this is Newton’s famous F = ma: force equals mass times acceleration.
But when we discovered particles that moved close to the speed of light, suddenly a contradiction emerged. If you exert too large of a force on a small mass, and forces cause acceleration, then it should be possible to accelerate a massive object to reach or even exceed the speed of light! This isn’t possible, of course, and it was Einstein’s relativity that gave us a way out.
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It was commonly explained by what we call “relativistic mass,” or the notion that as you got closer to the speed of light, the mass of an object increased, so the same force would cause a smaller acceleration, preventing you from ever reaching the speed of light. But is this “relativistic mass” interpretation correct? Only kind of. Here’s the science of why.
The first thing it’s vital to understand is that the principle of relativity, no matter how quickly you’re moving or where you’re located, is still always true: the laws of physics really are the same for everyone, regardless of where you’re located or when you’re making that measurement.
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The thing that Einstein knew (that both Newton and Galileo had no way of knowing) was this: the speed of light in a vacuum must be exactly the same for everyone. This is a tremendous realization that runs counter to our intuition about the world.
Imagine you’ve got a car that can travel at 100 kilometers per hour (62 mph). Imagine, attached to that car, you’ve got a cannon that can accelerate a cannonball from rest to that exact same speed: 100 kilometers per hour (62 miles per hour).
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Now, imagine your car is moving and you fire that cannonball, but you can control which way the cannon is pointed.
If you point the cannon in the same direction that the car is moving, the cannonball will move at 200 kph (124 mph): the car’s speed plus the cannonball’s speed.
If you point the cannon upward while the car moves forward, the cannonball will move at 141 kph (88 mph): a combination of forward and upward, at a 45 degree angle.
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And if you point the cannon in reverse, firing the cannonball backward while the car moves forward, the cannonball will come out at 0 kph (0 mph): the two speeds will exactly cancel each other out.
This is what we commonly experience and also lines up with what we expect. And this is also experimentally true, at least, for the non-relativistic world. But if we replaced that cannon with a flashlight instead, the story would be very different. You can take a car, a train, a plane, or a rocket, traveling at whatever speed you like, and shine a flashlight from it in any direction you like.
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That flashlight will emit photons at the speed of light, or 299,792,458 m/s, and those photons will always travel at that same exact speed.
You can fire the photons in the same direction your vehicle is moving, and they’ll still move at 299,792,458 m/s.
You can fire the photons at an angle to the direction that you’re moving, and while this might change the direction-of-motion of the photons, they’ll still move at that same speed: 299,792,458 m/s.
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And you can fire the photons directly reversed to your direction of motion, and still, they’ll travel at 299,792,458 m/s.
That speed that the photons travel at will be the same as ever, the speed of light, not only from your perspective, but from the perspective of anyone looking on. The only difference that anyone will see, dependent on how fast both you (the emitter) and they (the observer) are moving, is in the wavelength of that light: redder (longer-wavelength) if you’re mutually moving away from each other, bluer (shorter-wavelength) if you’re moving mutually toward each other.
Originally published on bigthink.com
(Wednesday, June 7th, 2023)
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imaginationlover101 · 2 years
Austin Butler x reader
A/N: Omg seeing this pic is fueling all the Austin boyfriend x reader
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I'm immediately thinking of boyfriend Austin taking you to dinner with all of his friends, when all of a sudden the paparazzi starts to gather outside the restaurant.
Austin knows everyones overwhelmed and is ushering eveyone in the car, while the guys from the restaurant are holding the paparazzi back.
Austin makes sure to have his arms around you the whole time making sure that his sister and brother in law are in the back of the car before you two get in.
With an arm around you, Austin ushers you into the car making sure to shield a hand above your eyes while he gets in the car after you.
Austin slides into the middle seat already knowing that the paparazzi would get pictures of him, but he didnt care. All he wanted was to keep you and his sister safe.
Checking in with the chauffer in the front seat, Austin motions for you to close your eyes while he lowers the window pointing to the guards outside motioning that the car was backing out.
With the flashes of the camera light Austin rolls the window, the checking on his sister and husband in the 3rd row. Seeing that the couple was close to sleep, Austin turns around looking your way.
Wrapping his arm around you pulling you closer, Austin begans to stroke your hair whispering on how he was sorry about the commotion tonight. He talks of how he hates the paparazzi and whishes for once it was normal.
Leaning his head on your shoulder, Austin begans to toy with the rings you held on your fingers as the chauffer begins to drive away. The light of the camera and darkness of the sky contributed to mood of the evening and the events of tonight.
Finally taking a second to breath, Austin checks his surroundings for traffic before kissing the top of your head. Knowing that there was roughly 40 minutes before home Austin leans back into his seat letting the air in the vents cool his temperature down.
Notcing that you started to lean on him more, Austin takes off his coat jacket rearranging you in his arm while he drapes his jacket over your body. Placing you back to where you layed on him, Austin finally felt content. Smiling Austin started to hum his favorite Elvis song that reminded him of the two you, and finally enjoyed the ambience of the night. .
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bunbunbillion · 5 months
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i've been recording everything i consume for the past few months to do a media thread at the end of every quarter. and now april is over... so its time to talk about stuff!! forever!!!!!!
01/13 - Homestuck (Re-Read)
I finished re-reading Homestuck for the... 4th? 5th time? I've lost count. It's a good way to start the year though. This time around I read it with my girlfriend, who you should give all of your money too (@yinkybaginky), and it was very fun to see someones reaction to it for the first time. She knew literally nothing about Homestuck, not even what a Vriska Serket was. A truly great experience, especially thanks in part to the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. I'll probably have more to see about Homestuck in depth on a later date, so I won't bog down this post with that. It's my favorite piece of media ever, and that's all there is really to say on the matter.
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01/24-01/25 - The Trolls Movies
I've been surrounded by gay people who love Trolls for the past like 5 years so I finally decided to give them a watch on a whim with my girlfriend, after catching some of the first movie in a streamers server.
They were fun! I really don't think I have much to say on them. They're kids movies, sure, but they're also just very visually great and made me go "yeah you know what some of those old pop songs WERE pretty good". I think when it came to stories I liked the first one the most just because I liked the Bergen's a lot, I thought their whole world was very well designed and all that. Don't have the most care for Branch, and Poppy is OK as a protagonist, but otherwise I had more fun with the other characters. Creature design is absolutely excellent and is what stood out to me the most of anything, though. The animation in the 3rd movie is also top notch, I really do want to see the series continue. If they do, I like the third movies approach of finding a niche to make "the thing" for the whole movie, it's a fun way of doing stuff.
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We thought this shot was really funny.
1/20 - Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio
I was gonna watch this when it came out awhiiile ago, but just put it off forever. I saw Jacob Geller had uploaded a new video about Pinocchio, which talked about the movie and was like. Man. I wanna watch that video. Guess I'll go watch this entire movie. So I hopped into VC with Netflix on and just watched it.
It was Fucking Good!!!!!!!!!!! Every good thing you've heard about the movie is absolutely true. Do yourself a favor and just watch it. That being said, I also don't have too much to say about it! It's been a few months and it hasn't totally stuck around in my head, but that just means I get to rewatch it sometime, and I can look forward to that. It mostly made me want to watch more stop motion movies.
If I were to highlight anything, its that I love to make the movie all about death. Pinocchio as a story seems to constantly get turned into this thing all about freedom and living and how great life is and all that, but this movie completely nailed that yea. Pinocchio works so much better as a movie about death. A puppet living on a blessing against the laws of nature being used as a vessel to explore acceptance of death. It's really great.
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the demons are such baddies btw
01/29 - Earthbound USA
Not the game, but the documentary put together by Jazzy Benson through Fangamer. It was absolutely fantastic. Easily my favorite game documentary I've ever watched... Because it's not really about the game.
To put into words, because I imagine 90% of people reading (not including the people I watched it with) haven't seen it or even heard of it, Earthbound USA is a documentary about specifically starmen.net and Earthbounds western fanbase.
The doc highlights basically every aspect of Earthbound in the west. They talk to the people who translated the game, who made the marketing campaign, the fans who bought the game day one, the translator of the MOTHER 3 fan translation, they talk about Earthbound Zero, about the virtual console releases, the quest to get MOTHER 3 officially localized and every single defeat that came with it, I mean Shigesato Itoi is just here too. It's everything you could ask for all combined with home videos from the early 2000s, an outstanding soundtrack that gives me goosebumps from Robbie Benson, it's just... So good.
I bought the DVD for the movie and streamed that to my friends, which you can get here on Fangamer, whenever they plan on restocking it at least. Or, you can watch it on streaming services listed on their website! If your a MOTHER fan, I'd say this is like, essential viewing. It may as well be official with how good it is.
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01/29 - A Brief Retrospective of The Simpsons' Golden Age
I finished this the same day. I recorded this mostly as a joke, but hey if your insane and have watched every single Simpsons episode like me and want whats basically a Simpsons Summary Podcast, I recommend this 11-hour video.
02/06 - MOTHER
A week later I couldn't get Earthbound USA out of my head, so I decided to finally sit down and go where no MOTHER fan has gone before. To the first game in the series.
It was really really good. Like, man, I don't know why I slept on it so long just because it was an NES RPG. Ok, I mean, I know why I did, it's because it's a NES RPG, but still.
This game really highlights everything that went into its two sequels to make them so good, and has so many little unique novelties about it that make it just so so memorable. The music, the writing, the places you go, it's just... So, so good. I still think the best way to get into MOTHER is to start with Earthbound, just due to how approachable it is, but if you like it and/or MOTHER 3, do not sleep on MOTHER/Earthbound Beginnings. It's just so good.
Probably use an emulator with rewind or save-states though.
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i'll be fine with not hearing magicants music anymore though
02/17 - Yakuza Kiwami 2
I started this game probably years ago, and never got that far. Yakuza 0 is definitely one of my favorite games ever, and I was kind of mixed on Yakuza Kiwami, but I was enjoying the start of Kiwami 2 for sure.
How did I feel by the end?
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I mean it's not BAD, per say, it's just... Not very good, either. The gameplay never really felt like it evolved much, the writing really felt like it never picked up and just kept ADDING stuff, but at least the side quests were probably the absolute best the series has given me so far. That definitely saved it for me, but man the story. It just wasn't very good.
I had a lot more thoughts after playing it, but I think think in the end it just comes down to;
Ryuji did not get nearly enough time to shine to be an impactful villian
The bastard cop was a character I was given no reason to care for, and the focus put on him did not feel earned in any way
Kiryu really did not feel that involved with everything going on
Sayama did not get nearly enough agency in this story
As for the twists, I didn't like how many there were at first, but I think by the end there were just so many twists I was like. Yeah nvm this is so fucking stupid it owns. So good on them for that!
I don't think I'll ever replay the main story for this game, but I will absolutely come back to those side quests, they're so good I don't want to spoil a single one. I am also really enjoying Yakuza 3 so far, so that's a we might just be back regardless.
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the selfie feature is really funny. you really feel like your some 40 year old dad.
02/22 - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero - Epilogue
I have a lot of thoughts on Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. I am a HUGE Pokemon freak, like omega huge freak levels of such. I will claw and bite tooth and nail defending Sword and Shield any fucking day of the week. I think Scarlet and Violet are like, painfully mid games in such a disheartening way. I still enjoyed a lot of it, but man it's so held back by... everything, really.
And the DLC fixed I'd say about none of it. In fact, I'd go as far to say the 2 DLC stories only highlight and strengthen every single problem scarvi has as a game and it disheartens me, so, so so much. Unlike the Sword and Shield epilogues, which expanded upon the best parts of the game and experimented with brand new formats as prep for the next generation, scarvi kinda just does. Nothing. It's more Scarlet and Violet, slime grease and all.
Kitakami is... Ok, I guess? It's an exceptionally uninteresting region with absolutely no landmarks that stand out in my mind. The story in it is pretty subpar, it's a really annoying kind of "player has no control over a misunderstanding" narrative in a really obnoxious way and by god I'll say it I never really get a reason to care about Kieran. He's not bad by any means, I mean he's just a kid, but really I don't feel like I'd ever call him a friend. The story with the Loyal Three and Ogrepon is really cute though, I do love that they completely flipped the story of Momotaro on its head in such a fun and unique way.
Blueberry Academy I was looking forward to much more, thinking that while Kitakami was really rushed and pretty bad, it must mean more resources were just put towards the second DLC. I was pretty wrong, it was basically just as under baked... But also still better, regardless. They introduce a lot of characters you won't really remember with this DLC, and it feels weird because it feels like there SHOULD be more to these characters, but it's all confined to a pretty short campaign.
The story is pretty ok, and I like what they did with Kieran here, but the second you beat him in the champion fight the story like, immediately halts the breaks and everything stops mattering. I really thought Drayton might've been set up as an interesting antagonist, someone subtly bullying Kieran and egging on how he is, but in the end he's just a well meaning friend who's just eccentric. All the other trainers basically disappear as well, and Kieran reverts back to how he was before all this for the most part. Then the story with Terapagos has to happen, and you get the return to Area Zero, except with your new friends you've barely built bonds with and Briar instead.
Similar to Drayton, I thought Briar might've been getting set up to be a bit fucked up. She's pretty obsessed with Area Zero and proving that Heath was right, and that feels like obvious easy set up for a villain right? Obsession is kind of the text book villain motive, especially in a series like Pokemon. But, no, like Drayton, Briar is actually exactly as she seems, and there's nothing underneath.
Unfortunetly, Area Zero itself was also not as interesting on revisit. I imagine it was the far lower budget, but it ends up mostly just being a very basic crystal-cave environment, without that really fascinating hollow-earth vibe Area Zero has in the base game. You're also mostly just traveling alone going on fetch quests to beat mini-boss Pokemon to open up gates, so that feeling of traveling an unknown place with friends is also completely lost. In the end, Terapagos isn't much of a character at all, like Ogrepon (or Miraidon/Koraidon) are, and is just kinda There. I'm sure the anime is doing a lot more with them, given they're a main character, but man they are NOTHING in this game and it's really disappointing with how incredibly hyped up they are.
In the end though, the thing I really came out loving with the second DLC was something I didn't actually know about until after finishing the epilogue, which was the brief interaction with the Professor in Kitakami once you have Terapagos. I won't spoil it, I'd recommend going to the crystal lake in Kitakami with Terapagos in your party to see it, but it was a moment where I was really like... Damn. This story really could've been something special.
NOW WITH ALL THAT OUT OF THE WAY, it was the Epilogue that I beat this year, which acts both as a bonus to the DLC, and a Mythical Pokemon event similar to ones from the DS games. And, I gotta say.
It's easily the best thing in the entire DLC, bar none.
Despite just being a revisit to Kitakami, the Epilogue is not only better written then both of the DLC chapters, but actually shows that promise for future games like the SWSH DLC did years ago. I had a smile on my face basically the entire time.
First off, hanging out with the three friends again after they basically disappear once you beat the game is so incredibly refreshing. Just having them over to your house is the first time in a Pokemon game I've actually felt that like... Oh, I'm a kid hanging out with my friends, kind of feeling. That original inspiration the Pokemon series had was just completely captured with that, and I love it, and it continues through the entire DLC. On top of that, the DLC does a lot of very small things with its cutscenes that I felt were really missing from the main game that actually completely caught me off guard. Seamless transition between overworld cutscenes, cinematic cutscenes, and battles mainly. It feels like Pokemon games have always struggled with taking you out of the story for loading screens or transitions or letting the player wander off or something. It's hard to immerse, but with this DLC just through the most simple methods they really catch you off guard with the cutscene framing and battle starts in a way I absolutely adore, especially since your with your friends who can actually Talk for you too. Helps that all of the writing is just really funny too, I had such a good time.
Overall, I think this is where I want the Pokemon series to go. The segment of Area Zero where you travel with all your friends already stood out to a lot of people, but didn't have the most writing to back it up. Similarly, this DLC has all of the writing, but it can feel like you aren't actually traveling with your friends, as they don't follow you. I think having a Pokemon game where you travel directly with other people in a bit of a party is the way to go with expanding on Pokemon as a series, and this DLC combined with base scarvi really proves How it can work. It makes me so excited to see where we can go from here, and I can only hope they learned from all these mistakes.
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wow i had a fucking lot to say about scarlet and violet dlc and i didnt even mention this thing. whatever.
02/26 - Splatoon 3: Side Order
Funny story, I actually beat Splatoon 3 on a friends copy, but on my own switch, so when this DLC came out I ended up buying an entire new copy of Splatoon 3, with DLC, and an already completed save file. So was the DLC worth 80 bucks? I mean, no, not at all, but it was extremely good!!
It came out while I was out of town with my girlfriend, so we had a lot of fun playing it together, and I think it's just overall a genius idea for a Splatoon mode. It makes me like, viscerally crave an even bigger Splatoon roguelike, but I'm also like an extreme roguelike freak. The story was super cute (my big "I <3 PEARLINA" shirt notwithstanding) and basically everything it introduces is great. I haven't actually beaten the Agent 8 locker yet, because I'm Bad At Splatoon </3, but I everything else was just so good.
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im actually extremely biased, btw
02/27 - Ponyo (Rewatch)
I rewatched Ponyo with my girlfriend while I was over for the first time since I was a wee little amoeba. It was so fucking cute!!!! I really do love Ghibli movies a lot. I don't think there's a lot I can say about Ponyo, per say, at least not as much as other Ghibli movies I love like Spirited Away (my fave movie evarr), but I think this movie combined with like. Finding Nemo, Animal Jam, and going to the Houston Aquarium combined are probably why I love marine biology so much now.
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02/29 - Death Note
The anime, to be specific, for the first time. Yeah, I can see why this became such a big thing with fujoshis. I get it, I understand now. I'm sorry L, I didn't know your game.
Death Note is overall both an anime of its time, and an absolute classic you should be watching. It's engaging, it's dramatic, it's funny, and there's so many points where your just like "damn are they gonna bone" about the two characters the authors 100% had no intention to be seen in that way.
It's only real problems come from the authors also having no fucking clue what to do with women in the story, and making pretty annoyingly shallow characters that get sidelined really hard. The final arc is also a bit head scratching, but it makes for good drama, so I can't really complain, even if I remember a lot less of it. Great show, great ending. Where's my Misa & Rem yuri manga series.
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he really is just fucking jeff the killer huh
02/29 - Promare
Watched this with my girlfriend on a whim, cus we wanted to watch a movie together. I've been a very lowkey TRIGGER studios fan since I was a kid, watching Kill la Kill when I was way too young to be watching shows that crazy boobed, but it did definitely contribute to my transgender-ness, so you can't fault it there (you can fault it for a lot of other things though). No matter what though, when TRIGGER just randomly came out with a full feature length movie released in theaters, I was pretty interested. Which is why I didn't watch it for years.
After watching it though? Yea, that was really fun. It's not much in the way of story, very basic Minority Allegory story I think, but it's all to make way for extremely crazy action scenes and homages to all their favorite mecha anime, which like, yea props they did a great job. Character design is extremely fun, environments are super colorful, animation is what you'd expect from TRIGGER (good), and there's a lot of man tits this time around. I recommend it!
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03/04 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
I'll be so fucking honest I watched this on my phone on a plane ride and I don't fucking know anything that happened. I think it was good?? I think it made sense??? I really wanted to fall asleep but I really wanted to watch the movie. It felt like it was simultaneously 4 hours long and 30 minutes. I think I should probably watch it again. I don't know why I chose to watch it on a plane. But hey, I did!
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watching this shit while half awake on a dark plane felt like i was in another fucking dimension. what the hell happened
03/08 - Fortnite Chapter 5: Season 1
Hey Fortnite, I play that game! Sometimes.
I've been pretty consistently "playing" Fortnite since Chapter 2: Season 5, and I do really like the game. I love the gameplay, I love all the stupid crossovers, I loved the story, it was just a really fun time!
Well, up until like half way through Chapter 3 at least. The problem with Fortnite is that, no matter what, in the end of the day, it's still owned by Epic Games, and that means at some point, shits gonna get sloppy. I won't go over my whole history with how I feel Fortnites been on a decline since Chapter 3, but I can at least say i was pretty fucking checked out most of Chapter 4. I really didn't like it.
So, coming back on for Chapter 5? Oh shit this game is actually fun I forgot. Played a shit ton that season, actually finished the main battle pass for once, had so much fun with all the new things they added, it really feels like Fortnites back.
Oh... and there's that LEGO mode... and that rockband mode... and there's racing I guess... I didn't really touch them much but they're neat... They were pushing those modes pretty hard, I hope this isn't a sign of something to come... I'm sure they'll keep up the momentum for the next season right? Battle Royale is totally back, right?
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i ended up staying up till like the last day grinding in creative to get this emote. im so glad i can make perfect cell do the bird is the word dance now.
03/12 - King of Crusher
I beat this game over on my twitch, you can catch me live playing obscure games every so often each month!! Check it out and give me money! I said mostly everything I wanted to say about it on stream, but this game was just a really fascinating little art project that was both really frustrating and really funny to play. I really wanna find more little gems like this to play, it's so ODD but fun.
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03/15 - Animal Crossing (Movie)
Watched this movie as apart of a movie night with my groupchat and it was adorables so cutes! I don't think there's really anything I COULD say about this movie, but it does really make me wish Nintendo was more willing to make more stuff like it. Just a really well animated fun anime movie that's not trying to be this big thing.
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the ending caught me completely off fucking guard though
03/17 - Unpacking
Similar to Animal Crossing, I don't really have a lot to say about this game besides so cutes! The story told through the environment was super adorable and I really do think back to this game a lot in a very emotional way.
That being said, I wish it was a tad longer for how expensive it was, as great as the art was lol
If you can find it on sale though, go play it!!
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i was playing with my girlfriend and we ended up interpreting the main character as really hating her boyfriend. my fucking Pig of a husband wont let me put my posters on the wall. my Pigly husband. i need to Kill my Meat Pig of a Husband.
03/17 - Pizza Tower (The Noise Update)
In complete tonal contrast to Unpacking, I beat the Noise Update in Pizza Tower right after. It was, like Pizza Tower, really good, but not without its flaws.
In the time since I've played Pizza Tower, I've reflected a lot on what I love about the game and what I honestly don't care much for. I've been playing demos since the very first public one, and I've loved watching it evolve, but if there's one bit of context I've gotten that shapes how I look at the game, it's that the games creator has a really big issue with having a lot of ideas for stuff, and not really thinking about how they fit in together.
Pizza Tower is like, a REALLY good game, don't get me wrong. The movement is borderline perfect, the level design is consistently fun and flows well, the graphics are unmatched in how expressive they are, the music is some of my fave from the entire medium, but if there's one thing really holding back Pizza Tower it's that lack of focus, and I think you can boil that down to the core game design of levels.
Pizza Tower is easy to compare to Wario Land, given that's its primary inspiration, but I think it's much more akin to Sonic, which is also a major inspiration for it. The problem is, it definitely tries to apply Wario Lands brand of "wario can be anything" to sonics "levels can be anything". Sonic levels are all about super quick flashy levels you can blast through, each one having a gimmick unique to the level that you learn, master, and then use throughout the multiple zones. On the other end, Wario Land presents you with these large winding interior-like levels that you slowly (or somewhat quickly in the case of entries like WL4), navigate and solve puzzles throughout for treasure, with your main solution typically landing on how Wario himself can be controlled using various gimmicks unique to him. Your presented a gimmick, and then you remember that gimmick for the future so you can use it to solve a future puzzle. In many ways, these two games can almost feel like the opposite kind of game, only linked by being sidescrolling platformers where you can bust through walls. Pizza Tower, despite that, tries to be both, and in many ways succeeds, but cant avoid the problems that inherently comes with trying to be these two very polar ends.
Basically, I just feel theres a lot of really forgettable levels and an overall problem with gimmicks getting absolutely no chance to be explored so you can never really be rewarded in basic play for mastering a gimmick, other then replaying a level multiple times. I think less gimmicks but more places to use the same ones would be really great.
Talking about the Noise update specifically, it was just a fun retake on the main game, and made for a fun replay after not playing Pizza Tower for about a year since release. I find it really fascinating how even after changing how the entire game controls, the levels still work with minimal changes. I'm looking forward to see if they decide to change it any more in the future, and I hope whatever comes after Pizza Tower can be a much more focused experience.
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03/17 - Hiveswap Act 1 (Replay)
See; Homestuck Reread. Been here a billion times, here to show my girl this time. I'll probably scream about this one later. <3
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03/20 - Rescue Shot
See; King of Crusher. Another stream game! This one I liked even more, though I Really wish I had a lightgun (or could fix the mouse controls on my emulator). Incredibly adorable game with insanely good music, check out the VOD if your interested!
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03/25 - Super Mario Bros. (1993)
I feel like in recent time, people have been hyping up this movie as like, secretly a really good film that people only hate because it's not a Mario movie. I'll be real, after watching it for the first time, I don't see it at all, I think this is just an incredibly funny bad movie.
Beyond not being Mario, which really doesn't matter at all, it kind of just felt like a fever dream of a script. Things kept HAPPENING there wasn't a single second to break I felt like I was in a nightmare hell dimension being blasted with insane plot beats and I couldn't keep track of anything. Without the Mario branding this would be like 10x LESS comprehensible, but good lord.
Maybe this is like, an arthouse film, and I need to watch it 12 more times and be high at least half those times, but idk I think it might actually be bad guys. Big Bertha a baddie though.
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03/29 - The Croods
Another movie night with friends, we got the PRIVILEGE of watching The Croods. I saw it once when I was a kid, but I didn't really remember anything about it other then there was a character named Grug.
I now realize that the reason I remember this character is because this movie literally lied and he's the main character. It really tries to set up that the conventionally attractive main teenage girl is the protagonist but no this movie is 100% about Grug and it's so fucking Particular. Why pretend it's not about him when he becomes our sole point of view for half the film? Why pretend its about the teenage girl when she basically doesn't have any dialogue for the last 25% of the movie? What is this movie trying to say, politically? This movies a thinker. I think its a bigger thinker then 2001, honestly.
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04/12 - Police Story
The first Jackie Chan movie I've ever seen and damn what a fucking good one to start with. Insanely entertaining, incredibly funny, and just a really great film! I don't think I have much else to say about it other then gush about each and every scene and how well made it is, but it really makes me wish we could get movies like this more. Just a practical effect wonderland where the main guy is just having fun with people on set. It's great.
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hes kind of a babygirl
04/13 - Con Air
Actually the first time I've seen this movie, surprisingly, given my attachment to the media that has essentially co-opted this film. It wasn't good, like at all, but it was very very entertaining with friends. I didn't expect it to get so much into like, weird racism stuff?? Characters just keep appearing and getting named it's so fucking weird. What was the deal with Steve Buscemi's character, I feel like scenes were cut or something. Nick Cage was incredibly funny as the lead. It's the thing you watch with friends on 4/13, what else can I say.
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why did he do this
04/19 - The Princess Bride
Honestly, I thought this one was a rewatch when we put it on in the GC, but I think I just remembered watching clips of it or seeing half of it on TV as a kid, so I'll just consider this a first time watch. It's really good! Just a fun simple movie full of extremely witty jokes. It's kind of like watching a Simpsons episode for the first time and getting to a part where they say something and you go "oh i've heard this quoted like a fucking million times, i get it now". If you haven't seen this movie, whattarya doin, go watch it!
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i feel like were it not for andre being basically irreplaceable we would have a netflix reboot about these three right now. maybe that does exist already.
04/21 - PokeRogue
Half this thread is Pokemon and as I already said, I'm a roguelike freak. This game is like crack for me. That being said it's just alright. I think I'll be willing to judge it more once it's more finished and not just Pokemon in the most barebones form imaginable, coding wise. It's the basis for an extremely addicting game, and I plan on sinking even more hours into it soon. Extra points for using PMD music as well <3
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im only just now finding out the rival is gendered. hey cunts let me play as a girl and get the girl rival or you hate me ok?
04/22 - The Mask (2023)
Now you may be wondering, The Mask? The movie from ten TRILLION years ago staring the homunculi known only as Jim Carrey? You'd be a fool to assume this. I am talking instead about Connor O' Malley's current best work, THAT The Mask.
There's not much I want to say about it, because I just think it's good, but if there's one thing I can say it's that Joker (2019) should be fucking embarrassed in how hard it was stood up by this short film.
Content warning for pretty heavy themes and a lot of crass jokes.
04/23 - Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) & Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) (Rewatch)
In preparation for the Knuckles show (which I still haven't finished), I decided it'd be nice to rewatch these two films for the first time. I haven't seen the first one since I watched it for the first time before Sonic 2, and I haven't seen Sonic 2 since I saw it at an early screening. What do I think of them now in retrospect?
Yeah, not very good films. Very fun! But damn, yea wow, I think with enough time to look back on them, there's a lot I really don't care for in them, and I'm not just talking about the human scenes.
I've been having a lot of conversations about adaptations lately, so I'll mostly summarize my thoughts here. In making an adaptation, your one mission in my eyes is maintaining what made the original loved. Not good, because that's not really a quantifiable thing. Not faithfully, because I feel you can make a good adaptation without being faithful. All you need to truly keep is the Reason people came to that piece of media originally, in my eyes. Whether that means going as hard as you can with something like The Last of Us, which essentially 1 to 1 recreates an entire video game, or be much more out there like with One Piece (Netflix), which essentially tells the same story but with wildly different circumstance and aesthetic.
The Sonic movies, in my eyes, simply don't capture that. In the first movie alone, Sonic and Eggman are essentially our only ties to the games, which is fine as long as they can nail them right, right? And, as many before me have really pointed out, no they don't really at all. Sonic isn't really like Sonic at all, he's a much younger, innocent, and hyperactive "version" of the character, and I say version in quotations because I don't really feel like with those adjectives removed he'd be all that similar to Sonic still. This is basically a new character, and that's fine, but I'd be hard pressed to say it captures what brought people to Sonic. Similarly, Eggman is very much not really similar to any iteration to Eggman at all (except maybe AoSTH?) A lot of people love Jim Carrey Eggman, and I totally get why, but man he really has never clicked with me. I think I like canon Eggman too much to let go, it's over for me.
But I'm sure anyone who's been around Sonic long enough has heard a trillion complaints about the first movie. In rewatching the second movie, I found that it moved way faster then I remembered, and just had way less.. character? Tails is so incredibly shoehorned in, which is a common complaint, but it really felt like at times Sonic was too?
In Sonic games, Sonic isn't exactly a character we put ourselves in the shoes of. Sonic is like this cool older brother we're just along with for the ride. If anything we insert ourselves (as kids) in Tails' shoes. Sonic doesn't really have an internal monologue, nor does he really tend to need a big shonen arc to overcome in his games. He's very much this vessel to explore other characters, to see how people respond to his brash and cocky personality. In that way, Sonic works really well, but can struggle really hard when he's placed all alone. He needs people to not only bounce off of, but to do the emotional side of the story in his stead. With the Sonic movies, we get this very very diffrent form of Sonic being put into this scenarios the canon Sonic wouldn't typiclaly find himself in, and see how he acts. It can work for original stories, because it's basically an original character, but that's the struggle with Sonic 2, and I worry Sonic 3 as well. They aren't fully original stories. Sonic 2 is a loose adaptation of Sonic 3 in most ways, with Knuckles being the true second character, and Tails being mostly to the side. Knuckles acts basically perfectly, like yea that's Knuckles, no notes there outside of maybe not taking his heritage seriously enough, but that's him. So how do you write this movie sonic into this adaptation with a Knuckles whos playing it basically straight like the games? Well... I mean, you kind of just... You, don't, really? Sonic is really just There sometimes, to say quips and to move the story forward. With exception to the scene where he's having a feeling jam with Knux, which I like, Sonic is very much Just There, and it feels really odd. In the games, this works because of his aforementioned status as this guy your along with for the ride, a dude whos too cool to even be the protagonist, but Sonic Movie Sonic IS the protagonist. He's meek and still learning and is far from the asshole we know in the games and comics, but implanted into a games storyline, he just doesn't have much he can do. He can't be that too cool guy that let's his friends do the talking, because he's already been set up as this superhero esque main guy who needs to learn a lesson by the end of the film, or overcome some kind of arc. It's just all odd in retrospect, and I really wonder how they're gonna tackle it in Sonic 3, especially without all the characters that make Sonic Adventure 2s gears go.
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i also couldnt stop staring at his teeth in the movie. i really dont like the teeth idk why im just now noticing them.
04/25 - Pseudoregalia
Knocked this game off my backlog and I'm really happy I did! Beat the game with all the time trials done and I really do love it. I want to call it the perfect length, but really I think it was just a bit too short and I hope we can get more content in the future, I'm definitely itching for more levels and maybe even more time trials.
I can't think of much else to say about the game. I don't think I picked up on the story much at all, I'll probably have to ask my girlfriend about it sometime, but it's not exactly a big part of the game. The music was absolutely fantastic, and I adore all of the costumes for the main character. I like her design, for many obvious reasons.
For further criticism besides length though, combat feels pretty useless. There's really no point in the game where I ever feel like I have to or even SHOULD fight, and the final boss ends up losing a lot of impact because of it. Enemies just become a hazard in navigating the world in a way that isn't particularly fun. Similarly, there were a few upgrades that had maybe one use ever and I don't even know why they're there. I think this game could benefit a lot from playing even harder into it's all too obvious inspirations and just getting a bunch of RPG mechanics and more RPG inspired elements in here. Give me Symphony of the Bunny-Cat-Goatgirl, full on.
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I also watched madagascar 2 with friends, but i don't even feel like counting it. watch this fucked up compressed video instead.
THAT'S IT FOR Q1 2024!! I'm really trying to look at a lot this year, and I hope to have EVEN MORE TO TALK ABOUT in 4 months! maybe ill do it even earlier because damn this was a fucking lot to write. If you read this far thank you, I'll be sending you a giant mettalic muscular butler sir in the mail as thanks.
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stars-and-lines · 5 months
I've noticed something about the current 'status quo'. Eggman is always making a move, and Sonic and Co are responding. It's the 3rd law of motion as once stated by Issac the Newt: 'Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite Reaction'. Do you think that this is ignorance or complacency on Sonic's part? Or do you believe that the Hedgehog shares that mutual respect for their rivalry, always beating Eggman but never quite winning.
I believe Sonic is as equally to blame in regards to keeping this status quo, through his nature alone.
It is neither ignorance or complacency - it is simply how Sonic is. As factual as Issac the Newt's laws of motion are, as reliable and unchanging, so to is Sonic and in particular, his ideals. The Doctor is free to do as he so chooses, and Sonic only interferes the moment it becomes harmful to any outside parties.
Sonic is neither ignorant or complacent. Sonic is reactionary.
Sincerely yours, 
⭐️ Doctor Starline
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er-cryptid · 8 months
Note Cards (December 2023)
1st Class Lever
2/3rd Down Femoral Shaft Diagram
2nd Law of Motion
Allosteric Fatty Acid Control
Antidiuretic Hormone
Arginase Disorder
Body Lever System
Bone Functions
Chemotherapeutic Mechanisms
Conservation Laws in Physics
Extrasutural Bones
Genetic Transformation
Generalized vs Specialized Transduction
Growth Hormone
Human Papillomavirus 16
Interpreting Bowel Sounds
Long Head of Biceps Femoris OIA
Long Head of Triceps Brachii
Metacarpal 1 - Dorsal
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Phage T4 Assembly
Radius Upper Midshaft Diagram
Rene-Robert Cavelier
Stylohyoid OIA
Submandibular Ganglion
Terminal Cisternae
Uses of Linezolid
Yucca faxoniana
Zhemaichu Horse
Zygomaticoorbital Foramen
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etcetraetcetra · 1 year
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•30.06.23, Friday• P-30/30•
Late update
Yessss! I came to the end of my productivity streak, (although tbh I didn’t finish anything significant). I am super happy. The last few days was plagued by tests and stuff so I update is late. Schools will be starting from 3rd if this month!! :)) Hope my new school is nice.
Things I did-
Practice mcq based questions on Motion in one dimension
Revise Laws of Motion
Learn some derivations of various formulae
Finished the chapter Sets from the Maths book
Complete my chemistry homework on Chemical bonding
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