3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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amateurvoltaire · 5 months
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Recently, after quite a few years, I’ve been skimming through the Twelve Who Ruled, and one thing that really jumped out at me is Palmer's massive crush on Saint-Just. Seriously, a lot of the times when Saint-Just shows up in the book, the descriptions turn almost poetic... Take Chapter 3, for instance. Here, Saint-Just is likened to a shooting star, his striking handsomeness and youth are noted several times, and at one point, the word demigod makes an appearance.
It gets even more obvious when Palmer contrasts him with Robespierre. Poor Maximilien—if it weren't for his undeniable kindness and sincerity, he'd surely be losing the battle.
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But was Palmer correct?
Did Saint-Just really patronise Robespierre?
Various accounts suggest as much. Levasseur, in his memoirs, observes, "Robespierre has always been perceived as the head of the revolutionary government. Having been a close witness to those times, I might venture to assert that Saint-Just wielded more influence than Robespierre himself." He further notes, "Closely allied with Robespierre, he had become indispensable to him, and perhaps he had become more feared than he would have preferred to be loved. Their opinions were invariably unified, and if the personal beliefs of one were to be subordinated to those of the other, certainly, it was not Saint-Just who conceded."
Sainte-Beuve(1) shares a telling anecdote: during a heated committee meeting, Saint-Just ordered Robespierre, "Calm yourself; the empire favours the phlegmatic." (« Calme-toi donc, l’empire est au flegmatique. »)
Moreover, another Convention member, Baudot, reflects in his memoirs that Saint-Just possessed "a mind far stronger and more commanding than Robespierre's." (« une tête bien autrement forte et plus puissante que Robespierre»)
So... while 'patronizing' might be a strong term, it does seem that Saint-Just's personality was more domineering. In my view, he was undoubtedly more pragmatic than the Incorruptible, owing largely to his military experience and missions in the field. Saint-Just was a man of action while Robespierre was more a man of the tribune. Coupled with the uncompromising nature typical of youth (who wasn't a radical at 26?), this would likely have rendered him more authoritarian and rigid in the eyes of his contemporaries.
Sainte-Beuve isn’t a particularly reliable source, but the anecdote seemed interesting.
R.R Palmer, Twelve Who Ruled
Sainte-Beuve; Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin. (1865) Causeries du lundi. Tome V (3e éd.) « Études sur Saint-Just, par M. Édouard Fleury.
M.A. Baudot, Notes historiques
R. Levasseur, Mémoires
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vhstown · 1 year
spider-teens ★ D&D HEADCANONS
— hobie, gwen, miles, pavitr (+ peter b & mayday!)
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warnings: d&d jargon (there's definitions at the end if you're curious), shenanigans, miles being a NERDDD, a lil shorter than usual
a/n: how id imagine these lot playing d&d!!! ive only played / ran 5e so forgive me veteran players 😭 again feel free to add / disagree w me it's all in good fun
If MILES doesn't run the game, he plays a warlock for sure. Not because it fits him personality wise but because he wants to be a magic user but also not be held back by it. My man is thinking STRATEGY and takes every opportunity to geek out about the specifics of his abilities. He also definitely has a ridiculously fleshed-out backstory he's kind of too embarrassed to tell anyone about.
Either warlock or the nerd multi-classes and it confuses the hell out of EVERYONE... I feel like he tries a lot of the classes though so warlock is kind of a starting point when he's playing with his spider friends (he defo played fighter or sorcerer in the past)
Miles is the one who gets everyone together though (and jumps through universes to make sure everyone's on time 😭 he will NOT tolerate scheduling issues)
Peter B runs a lot of their games except he used to play 3e or Pathfinder back in the day (nerd...) so Miles is just like... gritting his teeth a little whenever Peter misses a little detail or a skill check. He probably used to play in high school / college I mean come on...
Speaking of Peter B OF COURSE he lets Mayday roll the dice. The entire party could depend on that roll and she's rolling it and everyone is TENSE (And he tries not to let her eat the dice... Tries.)
HOBIE plays a barbarian or rogue. He'd play a barbarian just for the hell of it (sounds cool) and would most definitely carry everyone by total accident because he's like... the only one alive.
Rogue also for the hell of it cause stealing is rebellious and that 😭 Though if he does play a rogue his character becomes one of the most unintentionally complex characters in the game.
Hobie would figure out the entire plot of the adventure completely by accident and Peter just laughs awkwardly and goes "You'll just have to find out next session!" and maybe dies inside (but it's not like he prepares for his sessions anyway 💀)
Absolutely crits at the most ridiculous times and derails the whole campaign because he decided to interrogate a minor political figure and now they're destabilising the region's government instead of fighting dragons
And he accidentally becomes the leader of like the whole village and maybe starts a revolution and Peter is sat there lips pressed together hands pressed together elbows on table like "...I guess that happens then."
Might cheat a little bit. Just a little. Not enough to ruin the campaign but enough to have Peter sweating 💀 A lil strand of web under his dice hurt nobody right? (Those goblins are DEAD dead)
Miles is gob-smacked and definitely a little jealous of him 😭
PAVITR originally wants to play a fighter because that sounds... cool as hell BUT when Miles explains the bard class to him he takes it and runs
I'd say Pavitr is relatively new to the game as are Hobie and Gwen but he hones in on the roleplay (not as seriously as Miles but definitely participates)
Probably leads the group and goes head-first into danger (Miles is literally pissing himself) and his character probably knows loads of languages cause he just conveniently picked a race with very useful languages for the adventure (as per Miles' suggestion)
But he goes out-of-character more than once to go "WTF????" when he doesn't manage to rizz up an NPC and they're have to roll for initiative (attempts to be a pacifist)
The goat when it comes to fights though he plays such a good supporting character and if he were to die everyone would totally be finished 😭🙏
GWEN plays either a monk or a wizard. I feel like she doesn't particularly mind but she plays wizard for a little bit before realising that she doesn't really like the magic stuff? Goes for monk and it's a lot simpler and more fun
More of an observer but is helpful when it comes to investigating areas and carries like EVERY item possible: potions, magical items, 20 rocks for some reason. Bag of holding girlie (like how she holds that trauma she has in real li—)
Has THE coolest weapons. Because her character can't rely on magic she's constantly upgrading or getting new weapons and her unique monk abilities come in handy again when exploring!!!
Totally makes fun of Miles (endearingly!) And maybe points out a plot hole in his backstory and he wants to curl up into a ball and disappear for a good minute (he rethinks his entire character for 2 nights straight)
Has an NPC she would protect with her LIFE. Barmaid at the inn? Anything for you sweetums 😁😁😁 *trips over and dies*
That's all given if they have an actually functional game... It takes them probably about like a year to finish a one-shot adventure
But it is SO worth the memories (albeit very chaotic memories.) Even when they're arguing over a roll (usually Hobie's) or someone's character has literally died they make it work through the power of friendship...! And a broken table
These guys are crazy I love them
"Embrace the chaos is the mood for tonight's session. AKA you guys are screwed... Roll initiative."
"What the hell?!"
"Don't swear in front of the kid!"
Campaign: A world containing one set of characters where different adventures take place
Dungeon Master / DM: The person who creates the story and runs the game
Skill check: Rolling a die to see if you've passed or failed a certain skill when performing an action (for example charisma when trying to persuade somebody)
Crit: Critical hit. When you roll a 20 on a 20-sided die. You deal loads of damage in a fight basically.
NPC: Non-playable character. Any characters who aren't the players within the universe. Controlled by the DM.
Initiative: The roll you have to make before a fight to decide the order of turns. "Roll initiative" means "you guys are in a fight now!!!! lmao!!!!"
thank you for reading my insane midnight rant LMAOOO
i haven't played d&d in like 2 years so apologies if anything is diabolically wrong here 💀would love to hear your thoughts!
reblogs appreciated <3 read the rest of my atsv stuff here!
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fumiko-matsubara · 1 year
Notice how the times the 3E kids have been endangered is ALWAYS due to government interference?
Ever since I recently remembered that the only reason why the government gave no flying shit about the safety of these 28 children was due to the Class E system - That it's been ingrained to everyone's minds that these kids have no future, hold no value in society, and probably even have shitty relationships with their families. Therefore, no one will miss them if they were to die in the process - it never left my mind.
Not to mention that the whole Class E assassination mission even happened for so long was so they could bait Koro to stay in the same location until they were done with building the anti-sensei laser beam.
Hell, they probably only agreed with the mission in the first place for that reason alone. I don't think they were even meaning to hand over the reward money likely because they had little to no faith on these kids.
Good lord I don't even want to think about how these poor children were treated througout the final arc.
(I'm 100% convinced the anime changed the whole thing because the barbaric shit Craig Houjou did possibly violates child protection laws and they don't want to televise that).
Gakuho Asano, you really have created such a cruel environment where a whole class of literal children can be endangered to possible death without facing consequences.
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ulanxxxs · 2 months
Lucien Lachance x Antoinetta Marie[ Fanfic ]
The Elixir of Death
This story is set in 3E 428, five years before the Oblivion Crisis, on the night before Antoinetta’s first contract. (For the background and prologue of this story, please see this post.)
I’m deeply moved to have finally turned something so dear to me into a story after holding onto it for so long 💖
Before you read, please note:
CW: Violence, Murder, Abuse, Imprisonment, Suicide
- I’m still learning English, so there may be some awkward expressions.
- I have a preference for dark themes, so this and future works may contain violent content.
Please read with that in mind🥺🙏✨
A month had passed since Antoinetta Marie was welcomed into the Sanctuary. She had begun her new life as a novice assassin. Her dedication to training brimmed with vitality, and her blue eyes shone with hope.
On this day, a small party was being held in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. It was a modest dinner gathering to celebrate Antoinetta’s birthday, but the family members were in high spirits, congratulating her on her new life and enjoying each other’s company in lively conversation. Even more special, her first contract awaited her the next day.
The candlelight gently illuminated the dining table, making the smiles of her brothers and sisters shine. Antoinetta had not received such blessings since her early childhood. The scene before her eyes brought back memories of days once filled with unconditional love. However, those recollections were fleeting, gradually dissolving into nothingness.
Yet, in this special gathering, the presence of someone Antoinetta dearly respected was missing. The one who had saved her life when she was on the brink of death, her life-saving benefactor who gave her a miraculous opportunity for a new lease on life. The one she wished to express her deepest gratitude to before her first contract, the one she had quietly fallen for.
The absence of Lucien Lachance, the Speaker who governed this Sanctuary, cast a shadow over her joy.
The silence of the midnight hour spread throughout the underground space. Antoinetta lay on the bed in her room, staring blankly at the light. Watching the flickering flame somewhat eased her tension about her first assignment, and her eyelids grew heavier. She wanted to extinguish the light before falling asleep, but she surrendered to the comforting blur of drowsiness.
Antoinetta was anxious. The fear of failing her mission and being killed was undoubtedly terrifying, but unknown fears were merely products of the imagination. However, it was the pounding heart, the stiffening body, the halting of all thoughts that were caused by the familiar fears.
She would rather choose death than be taken back to the Imperial Prison. That was Antoinetta’s fervent wish. The harrowing memories of her past continued to gnaw at her heart, casting a single dark shadow over her otherwise hopeful new life.
Antoinetta did not precisely remember how many people she had killed up to that point. Killing had been a means of survival on the harsh streets, but it was fear that drove her to murder. The countless abuses she suffered in prison had pushed a young girl to commit ruthless serial murders.
“I could do it again,” Antoinetta thought as her consciousness began to fade.
To overcome fear, one must kill—each time she plunged the rusty knife, each time she struck with a sack filled with stones, each time she sank her teeth into and tore at the filthy flesh, the voiceless whispers of Sithis echoed in her ears.
“You are guided because you followed that revelation,” said Death’s emissary who saved her. The hand the man extended to her was cold, yet somehow warm, and Antoinetta never forgot the thought that this might be what death felt like.
“My savior... ”
Whether it was a dream or reality, she murmured these words and then noticed unfamiliar footsteps coming from the hallway. Half of her consciousness had already drifted into sleep, but she could tell that the sound was gradually approaching her. It couldn’t be, she thought, opening her eyes. This was no dream.
Antoinetta’s heart began to beat a little faster. A small hope that had begun to sprout was desperately suppressed by the fear of disappointment. Despite her internal struggle, the footsteps came closer and finally stopped in front of her room. A sharp knock echoed through the room.
In a high-pitched voice, Antoinetta responded and jumped out of bed. Holding her racing heart, she hurried to the door, took a deep breath, and slowly opened it.
“Speaker—you’ve returned!”
He had likely returned to the Sanctuary and headed straight for her room. Lucien was still wearing his black robe, the hood not yet removed. Antoinetta tried to discern his expression hidden in the shadows, but as soon as she caught sight of his prominent nose and the area around it, she was overcome with embarrassment and hastily let her gaze wander downward.
As if to escape, she shifted her eyes to his hands and noticed a sleek red fabric. His black leather-gloved hands held it, and it had a slight thickness, indicating something was wrapped inside. While she stood frozen in surprise, Lucien slowly extended the bundle towards her with both hands.
“This vial has been filled with a most deadly poison. If ingested, it will likely cause death, probably instantly.”
He moved his hand closer, encouraging her to open the bundle. With a tense expression, Antoinetta reached out towards the bundle and gently pulled at the edge of the fabric. Revealed from the luxuriously glossy silk was a golden pendant. At the end of the softly shining chain, there was a small vial.
“If you seek salvation and drink this poison... death.”
As Antoinetta raised her face at these words, Lucien nodded gently. She carefully took the vial in her hand and stared intently at the liquid inside. It was clear and colorless, but it shimmered like a jewel. A strange liquid indeed. Without being told it was poison, no one would ever suspect it.
“Thank you very much. With this, I can...”
To overcome fear, one must kill—Sithis has no words, but her unconscious mind chose this. The leader of the Sanctuary knew that death would be an elixir more powerful than a hundred consolations or encouragements. That method would give her strength.
Antoinetta clasped the vial with both hands, bowing her head and closing her eyes as if in prayer. The story of the lonely girl who decided to kill her aunt, after what seemed like an eternity of darkness, was finally moving into a new chapter. Her intertwined emotions coalesced into a single tear, which fell down her cheek.
“I heard tomorrow is your first contract. Try not to get yourself killed... I wish you luck.”
Through her tear-filled eyes, Antoinetta saw Lucien’s smiling face. The faint light from the room flickered in his eyes. She remembered that this same gaze had enveloped her on the night he saved her from her fading life. Her eyes did not waver as they remained fixed on him, but time did not stand still.
Lucien gave a slight nod, then quietly turned and left the room.
His absence accentuated the silence within. It felt as though a spell had been broken, and Antoinetta stood there in a daze in front of the door.
Unspoken emotions swirled within her chest. It would likely be several weeks before she could see him again. She desperately wanted to see him one more time, to imprint his image on her memory, so Antoinetta impulsively dashed out of her room.
The lanterns mounted on the walls faintly illuminated the hallway. Looking ahead into the dim light, she caught sight of the black-robed figure.
She wanted to call out, “Speaker,” but no further words came. Antoinetta wordlessly watched his receding back.
The outline of his black robe gradually blurred, blending into the deeper shadows. Soon, his figure became a mere shadow and vanished into the darkness.
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good-grade-in-cleric · 4 months
A quick breakdown of the hierarchy of the Shaodw Thieves for my own benefit because Forgotten Realms lore loves more than anything else to contradict itself, especially when the CRPGs get involved. The main sources cited below will be Baldur's Gate II (2E, Sep 2000 CE, 1369 DR), Cloak & Dagger (2E, Jun 2000 CE, 1370 DR), and Lords of Darkness (3E, Oct 2001 CE, 1372 DR). For Baldur's Gate II, i am primarily cross-referencing the wiki with my own limited screenshots, so be prepared for some holes there. Hopefully, i can someday replay the game with a focus on getting more information out about these guys and reblog with that additional information, but let's not get ahead of ourselves
I may be a bit obnoxious in how frequently i point to my sources, but that's because my head is spinning looking at my notesheet for this. How did i let them get so disorganized? Oh dear
The general structure of the Shadow Thieves places the Shades at the top of the hierarchy followed by the Cloakmasters then the Guildmasters then the Silhouettes then the Rank and File and Raw Recruits
Bases of Operation
The Shadow Thieves are headquartered in Athkatla, the City of Coin. From 1303 DR to the time of Troubles, their headquarters was the Shadow House (C&D, p103 and 111). Although it no longer functions as the headquarters of the entire organization, it does still act as a decoy headquarters (LoD, p172). The Shadow House is the base of operations for "one part of the organization" (C&D, p104), or "just three of the guilds in Athkatla" (C&D, p111). The true headquarters is explicitly left up to the DM's discretion in Cloak & Dagger, but by 1372 DR, it is confirmed to be a large and well-protected underground complex underneath the Gilded Rose on the opposite side of town from the decoy (LoD, p172)
They also converted a building in Athkatla in 1303 DR into a training complex called Assassin's Run, and Gorion's Ward is able to visit two of their guildhalls in that city (C&D, p103; BGII)
In the highest tier of the Shadow Thief hierarchy exist the six Shades who have divided their territory amongst them (C&D, p104; LOD, p172). Together, they form the Shade Council (C&D, p104) or the Shadow Council (LoD, p172)
The current Grandmaster of Shadows, the leader of the Shades, is Rhinnom Dannihyr (C&D, p104-105; LoD, p172). Formerly a Guildmaster of Spies in Athkatla, he took over after Bhaal absorbed the life forces of his worshippers during the Time of Troubles and killed the entire Shade Council (C&D, p103). In addition to that, he was Iltarch of Amn's Council of Six which was the highest governing body in the country (C&D, p105). Rhinnom keeps his affiliation with both of these councils secret from the other (C&D, p105). Despite being human, he has lived for over a century but maintains the appearance of youth through magic (it is unclear whether the benefits of this de-aging magic extends past appearance) and is biding his time to push his way through the ranks of the Council of Six (C&D, p105)
As a note, it appears that the Council of Six has been replaced by the far less clandestine Council of Five sometime before 1479 DR, but House Dannihyr still holds a seat on the council (Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, p92)
Another Shade is Rheax Bormul. He rules over either the Alandor Sect (C&D, p105) or the operations in Amn (LoD, p172). This is likely just a matter of semantics between sources considering the Alandor Sect is described as including "Athkatla, Crimmor, Purskul, Keczulla, Amnwater, and northern Amn" (C&D, p105). He hopes to someday take Rhinnom's place as Grandmaster of Shadows (C&D, p105)
The wiki makes mention that Aran Linvail answers to Rheax Bormul, but it cites as its source "the Baldur's Gate novel". This is not something i would normally accept as a source, but i wanted to take a look anyway to see if i could make use of their wording. BG2 was not specified, but in the games, Aran only appears in Shadows of Amn, so i only checked that one. Admittedly, i did not read the entire book, but i did read Abdel receiving the mission to kill Aran Linvail, that fight scene, and when Abdel reports back to Bodhi after killing him as well as some smaller segments here and there. I could not find the source, but whatever. I should have known it would be a fruitless search from how it was cited on the wiki
Back to the sources i actually do intend to cross compare, it varies by source how many Cloakmasters answer to each member of the Shadow Council. One source claims that exactly two Cloakmasters serve each Shade for a total of twelve (LoD, p173). The other claims that each Shade has at least two Cloakmasters, with Athkatla alone having ten (C&D, p104 and 106). Every city with a population of 10,000 or more has at least one Cloakmaster as well as another Cloakmaster for the more rural areas around those cities, or a city where many foreigners trade may receive an Cloakmaster for the purpose of facilitating information from said foreigners (C&D, p104)
Due to their close proximity, the Cloakmasters of Athkatla are all careful to respect the authority of their Shade and the Council of Shades (C&D, p106). The Cloakmaster of Athkatla'd Bridge District, Dinnom Baraizal, is especially loyal to Rheax (C&D, p106)
Every Cloakmaster is served in turn by 10 Guildmasters (C&D, p104; LoD, p173). Whereas the ranks above Guildmasters are defined by geography, the Guildmasters each control a number of smaller guilds within a single speciality (C&D, p104; LoD, p173). Lords of Darkness gives as examples: smuggling, extortion and blackmail, theft and burglary (LoD, p173). Cloak & Dagger presents what seems intended to be a more complete list: "assassins; beggars; bounty hunters; burglars; con artists and tricksters; cutpurses and pickpockets; enforcers and thugs; racketeers; scouts and spies; and fences, smugglers, and pirates" (C&D, p104). These are the middle managers of the guild
The final noteworthy tier are the Silhouettes. There are dozens of Shadow Thieves who bear this title, but they are all decoys for the true powers within the guild (LoD, p173). They may hire out external groups, guilds, and individuals on a contractual or permanent basis (C&D, p104). They may pose as guildmasters, but in truth they report to and act to obscure the true Guildmasters (LoD, p173)
Sporting a name that makes you question his mother's love, Renal "the Bloodscalp" is a Silhouette of Burglars based in Athkatla who enjoys donning a disguise to join teams on their missions (C&D, p108). Additionally, he hides Aran Linvail in his base of operations, labelled on the map as simply Shadow Thief Guildhall (BGII). Him being as Silhouette also checks out as he is Gorion's Ward's main point of contact for the Shadow Thieves after properly entering the city and before they might conditionally receive an offer to join (BGII)
Oryal Forestal is a Silhouette of Spies based in Athkatla (C&D, p108). He joined at the same time as Renal Bloodscalp, and the two have long been close friends and partners (C&D, p108)
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(Cloak & Dagger, p104)
Most information indicates Silhouettes and Guildmasters are two distinct ranks, but the above quote could not be completely ignored. An important piece of additional context for the above quote is that it comes immediately after describing the roles of Guildmasters, blurring the lines between the two. The segue is somewhat unclear as i'm sure the Shadow Thieves prefer, so there are a number of potential interpretations of this. The one that i think is most internally consistent is that, as part of their role as decoy Guildmasters, Silhouettes are only called by their proper title while in private or are even sometimes considered a subgroup of Guildmasters
After all, part of the role of the Silhouette is to be the fall guy for the real powers, and "[o]stensibly they are 'guildmasters,' but in actuality they control nothing and have no authority." (LoD, p173)
Any other interpretations i will leave to the floor as i've got enough going on here already and could make a whole post on that alone
The Rank and File
The average rank and file Shadow Thief is unaware that they are part of the guild structure at all and is largely irrelevant to the goals of this post
The Shadowmaster is a rank which i can only find evidence for in Baldur's Gate II. This is a problem. Aran Linvail, chiefly, is identified as a "Shadowmaster" (BGII). Although she is heavily implied to be lying about her rank to lure you into her ambush, the Shadow Thief Ama claims to be the Shadowmaster of eastern Esmeltaran (BGII). While the validity of the claim is highly dubious (if not outright stated to be false in a line i don't remember), we can still glean information from it. Firstly, Shadowmaster is an actual title within the context of BGII. There's no reason to make up a new rank if your goal is to have people believe you. Secondly, this Shadowmaster rank is tied to geography rather than specialization. This means the Shadowmaster is not meant to correlate to a Guildmaster or Silhouette but rather a Cloakmaster or possibly even a Shade. These greater titles are also more accurate to the scale and scope that Aran is implied to be operating at
The wiki states Aran Linvail dies in 1369 DR. This is likely to align with the events of the novelization, but it does technically allow for him to be replaced by Rheax Bormul by the time of Cloak & Dagger if we are to believe he was a Shade. However, the way Rheax is described in Cloak & Dagger lends itself to an image that he has been in the position for some time
I believe Shadowmaster is more likely meant to analogue to Cloakmaster. There are likely multiple Cloakmasters in the city. Additionally, Shadow Thieves generally only know the one superior they report to, those that report to them, and a small number of equals (C&D, p104). While Silhouettes such as Renal Bloodscalp are said to report to Guildmasters, it isn't unreasonable to assume that there is some wiggle room there, and some may report to Cloakmasters instead
Also, it counts for literally nothing, but i'm still holding onto that unsupported line on the wiki about Aran Linvail reporting to Rheax Bormul, which would make him a Cloakmaster
All in all, i will be considering him as a Cloakmaster moving forward
The Ward's Guildhall and What is Going on There?
If one is playing as a Thief in Baldur's Gate II, then they have the option of taking over a Shadow Thief guildhall for their stronghold, but as mentioned, the CRPGS can have a sometimes contentious relationship with the lore books. This leads to the question: if Gorion's Ward accepts the thief stronghold and takes over management of a guildhall, what exactly is their rank?
The obvious answer is that this would make them Guildmaster, but no one loves misdirection quite like a Shadow Thief, so i'm hesitant to accept that off the bat. Also, i would not be who i am today if i did not overthink every inconsequential detail
The key evidence (all sourced from BGII) is as follows:
The Ward's guildhall is labeled as a guildhall, and they are referred to as a guildmaster
This same was true for their predecessor, Mae'Var
Mae'var intended to work his way up the ladder by assassinating Renal Bloodscalp
You report to and pay your quotas to a Silhouette
Your immediate underlings operate a diverse range of specialities*
*(Specifically: house-breaking and safe-cracking; assassination and racketeering; pickpocketing; smuggling; and blackmails and possibly also racketeering again)
Now all of this can be waved aside as the game simplifying and altering the structure for the better gameplay experience for the player, but let's take this at face value
The Ward and Mae'Var are labeled as guildmaster(s) yet report to a Silhouette, the position that most traditionally hires outside aid, even up to permanently contracting entire guilds. They view him as their superior to the point that one of them intended to assassinate him to take his place, but if they are Guildmasters, then he should be reporting to them. Taking his place would be a definite downgrade in both power and security if Mae'Var were truly a Shadow Thief Guildmaster
Why replace Mae'var's guild with more contractors once he's been dealt with? Well simply put, there's power in numbers and money in that power
What of Aran Linvail then? Why would a Cloakmaster show his face to an outside contractor? Because i lied, and he's a Silhouette. The fake title that is not substantiated by any other source is to deploy an illusion of power. He and Renal are operating on multiple layers of nonsensical chicanery
But why would the Shadow Thieves go through all the work of hiring outside help only to disclose who they work for anyway. That's begging for problems. At that point, why not do what they say they're doing and make you an actual Guildmaster? This is all so bizarre and convoluted, even for the Shadow Thieves
Because the job of a Silhouette is to make you think they are a powerful figure in the Shadow Thieves and to take the attention from the actual powers that be
Because fuck you is why
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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Footnotes, 251 - 300
[251] A bulky literature, dealing with this formerly much neglected subject, is now growing in Germany. Keller’s works, Ein Apostel der Wiedertäufer and Geschichte der Wiedertäufer, Cornelius’s Geschichte des münsterischen Aufruhrs, and Janssen’s Geschichte des deutschen Volkes may be named as the leading sources. The first attempt at familiarizing English readers with the results of the wide researches made in Germany in this direction has been made in an excellent little work by Richard Heath — “Anabaptism from its Rise at Zwickau to its Fall at Munster, 1521–1536,” London, 1895 (Baptist Manuals, vol. i.) — where the leading features of the movement are well indicated, and full bibliographical information is given. Also K. Kautsky’s Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation, London, 1897.
[252] Few of our contemporaries realize both the extent of this movement and the means by which it was suppressed. But those who wrote immediately after the great peasant war estimated at from 100,000 to 150,000 men the number of peasants slaughtered after their defeat in Germany. See Zimmermann’s Allgemeine Geschichte des grossen Bauernkrieges. For the measures taken to suppress the movement in the Netherlands see Richard Heath’s Anabaptism.
[253] “Chacun s’en est accommodé selon sa bienséance... on les a partagés... pour dé pouiller les communes, on s’est servi de dettes simulées” (Edict of Louis the Fourteenth, of 1667, quoted by several authors. Eight years before that date the communes had been taken under State management).
[254] “On a great landlord’s estate, even if he has millions of revenue, you are sure to find the land uncultivated” (Arthur Young). “One-fourth part of the soil went out of culture;” “for the last hundred years the land has returned to a savage state;” “the formerly flourishing Sologne is now a big marsh;” and so on (Théron de Montaugé, quoted by Taine in Origines de la France Contemporaine, tome i. p. 441).
[255] A. Babeau, Le Village sous l’Ancien Régime, 3e édition. Paris, 1892.
[256] In Eastern France the law only confirmed what the peasants had already done themselves; in other parts of France it usually remained a dead letter.
[257] After the triumph of the middle-class reaction the communal lands were declared (August 24, 1794) the States domains, and, together with the lands confiscated from the nobility, were put up for sale, and pilfered by the bandes noires of the small bourgeoisie. True that a stop to this pilfering was put next year (law of 2 Prairial, An V), and the preceding law was abrogated; but then the village Communities were simply abolished, and cantonal councils were introduced instead. Only seven years later (9 Prairial, An XII), i.e. in 1801, the village communities were reintroduced, but not until after having been deprived of all their rights, the mayor and syndics being nominated by the Government in the 36,000 communes of France! This system was maintained till after the revolution of 1830, when elected communal councils were reintroduced under the law of 1787. As to the communal lands, they were again seized upon by the State in 1813, plundered as such, and only partly restored to the communes in 1816. See the classical collection of French laws, by Dalloz, Répertoire de Jurisprudence; also the works of Doniol, Dareste, Bonnemère, Babeau, and many others.
[258] This procedure is so absurd that one would not believe it possible if the fifty-two different acts were not enumerated in full by a quite authoritative writer in the Journal des Economistes (1893, April, p. 94), and several similar examples were not given by the same author.
[259] Dr. Ochenkowski, Englands wirthschaftliche Entwickelung im Ausgange des Mittelalters (Jena, 1879), pp. 35 seq., where the whole question is discussed with full knowledge of the texts.
[260] Nasse, Ueber die mittelalterliche Feldgemeinschaft und die Einhegungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts in England (Bonn, 1869), pp. 4, 5; Vinogradov, Villainage in England (Oxford, 1892).
[261] Seebohm, The English Village Community, 3rd edition, 1884, pp. 13–15.
[262] “An examination into the details of an Enclosure Act will make clear the point that the system as above described [communal ownership] is the system which it was the object of the Enclosure Act to remove” (Seebohm, l.c. p. 13). And further on, “They were generally drawn in the same form, commencing with the recital that the open and common fields lie dispersed in small pieces, intermixed with each other and inconveniently situated; that diverse persons own parts of them, and are entitled to rights of common on them... and that it is desired that they may be divided and enclosed, a specific share being let out and allowed to each owner” (p. 14). Porter’s list contained 3867 such Acts, of which the greatest numbers fall upon the decades of 1770–1780 and 1800–1820, as in France.
[263] In Switzerland we see a number of communes, ruined by wars, which have sold part of their lands, and now endeavor to buy them back.
[264] A. Buchenberger, “Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik,” in A. Wagner’s Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie, 1892, Band i. pp. 280 seq.
[265] G.L. Gomme, “The Village Community, with special reference to its Origin and Forms of Survival in Great Britain” (Contemporary Science Series), London, 1890, pp. 141–143; also his Primitive Folkmoots (London, 1880), pp. 98 seq.
[266] “In almost all parts of the country, in the Midland and Eastern counties particularly, but also in the west — in Wiltshire, for example — in the south, as in Surrey, in the north, as in Yorkshire, — there are extensive open and common fields. Out of 316 parishes of Northamptonshire 89 are in this condition; more than 100 in Oxfordshire; about 50,000 acres in Warwickshire; in Berkshire half the county; more than half of Wiltshire; in Huntingdonshire out of a total area of 240,000 acres 130,000 were commonable meadows, commons, and fields” (Marshall, quoted in Sir Henry Maine’s Village Communities in the East and West, New York edition, 1876, pp. 88, 89).
[267] Ibid. p. 88; also Fifth Lecture. The wide extension of “commons” in Surrey, even now, is well known.
[268] In quite a number of books dealing with English country life which I have consulted I have found charming descriptions of country scenery and the like, but almost nothing about the daily life and customs of the laborers.
[269] In Switzerland the peasants in the open land also fell under the dominion of lords, and large parts of their estates were appropriated by the lords in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (See, for instance, Dr. A. Miaskowski, in Schmoller’s Forschungen, Bd. ii. 1879, Pp. 12 seq.) But the peasant war in Switzerland did not end in such a crushing defeat of the peasants as it did in other countries, and a great deal of the communal rights and lands was retained. The self-government of the communes is, in fact, the very foundation of the Swiss liberties.
[270] Miaskowski, in Schmoller’s Forschungen, Bd. ii. 1879, p. 15.
[271] See on this subject a series of works, summed up in one of the excellent and suggestive chapters (not yet translated into English) which K. Bücher has added to the German translation of Laveleye’s Primitive Ownership. Also Meitzen, “Das Agrar- und Forst-Wesen, die Allmenden und die Landgemeinden der Deutschen Schweiz,” in Jahrbuch für Staatswissenschaft, 1880, iv. (analysis of Miaskowsky’s works); O’Brien, “ in a Swiss village,” in Macmillan’s Magazine, October 1885.
[272] The wedding gifts, which often substantially contribute in this country to the comfort of the young households, are evidently a remainder of the communal habits.
[273] The communes own, 4,554,100 acres of woods out of 24,813,000 in the whole territory, and 6,936,300 acres of natural meadows out of 11,394,000 acres in France. The remaining 2,000,000 acres are fields, orchards, and so on.
[274] In Caucasia they even do better among the Georgians. As the meal costs, and a poor man cannot afford to give it, a sheep is bought by those same neighbors who come to aid in the work.
[275] Alfred Baudrillart, in H. Baudrillart’s Les Populations Rurales de la France, 3rd series (Paris, 1893), p. 479.
[276] The Journal des Économistes (August 1892, May and August 1893) has lately given some of the results of analyzes made at the agricultural laboratories at Ghent and at Paris. The extent of falsification is simply incredible; so also the devices of the “honest traders.” In certain seeds of grass there was 32 percent of gains of sand, colored so as to Receive even an experienced eye; other samples contained from 52 to 22 percent only of pure seed, the remainder being weeds. Seeds of vetch contained 11 percent of a poisonous grass (nielle); a flour for cattle-fattening contained 36 percent of sulfates; and so on ad infinitum.
[277] A. Baudrillart, l.c. p. 309. Originally one grower would undertake to supply water, and several others would agee to make use of it. “What especially characterizes such associations,” A. Baudrillart remarks, “is that no sort of written agreement is concluded. All is arranged in words. There was, however, not one single case of difficulties having arisen between the parties.”
[278] A. Baudrillart, l.c. pp. 300, 341, etc. M. Terssac, president of the St. Gironnais syndicate (Ariège), wrote to my friend in substance as follows: — “For the exhibition of Toulouse our association has grouped the owners of cattle which seemed to us worth exhibiting. The society undertook to pay one-half of the traveling and exhibition expenses; one-fourth was paid by each owner, and the remaining fourth by those exhibitors who had got prizes. The result was that many took part in the exhibition who never would have done it otherwise. Those who got the highest awards (350 francs) have contributed 10 percent of their prizes, while those who have got no prize have only spent 6 to 7 francs each.”
[279] In W¸rttemberg 1,629 communes out of 1,910 have communal property. They owned in 1863 over 1,000,000 acres of land. In Baden 1,256 communes out of 1,582 have communal land; in 1884–1888 they held 121,500 acres of fields in communal culture, and 675,000 acres of forests, i.e. 46 percent of the total area under woods. In Saxony 39 percent of the total area is in communal ownership (Schmoller’s Jahrbuch, 1886, p. 359). In Hohenzollern nearly two-thirds of all meadow land, and in Hohenzollern-Hechingen 41 percent of all landed property, are owned by the village communities (Buchenberger, Agrarwesen, vol. i. p. 300).
[280] See K. Bücher, who, in a special chapter added to Laveleye’s Ureigenthum, has collected all information relative to the village community in Germany.
[281] K. Bücher, ibid. pp. 89, 90.
[282] For this legislation and the numerous obstacles which were put in the way, in the shape of red-tapeism and supervision, see Buchenberger’s Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik, Bd. ii. pp. 342–363, and p. 506, note.
[283] Buchenberger, l.c. Bd. ii. p. 510. The General Union of Agricultural Cooperation comprises an aggregate of 1,679 societies. In Silesia an aggregate of 32,000 acres of land has been lately drained by 73 associations; 454,800 acres in Prussia by 516 associations; in Bavaria there are 1,715 drainage and irrigation unions.
[284] See Appendix XII.
[285] For the Balkan peninsula see Laveleye’s Propriété Primitive.
[286] The facts concerning the village community, contained in nearly a hundred volumes (out of 450) of these inquests, have been classified and summed up in an excellent Russian work by “V.V.” The Peasant Community (Krestianskaya Obschina), St. Petersburg, 1892, which, apart from its theoretical value, is a rich compendium of data relative to this subject. The above inquests have also given origin to an immense literature, in which the modern village-community question for the first time emerges from the domain of generalities and is put on the solid basis of reliable and sufficiently detailed facts.
[287] The redemption had to be paid by annuities for forty-nine years. As years went, and the greatest part of it was paid, it became easier and easier to redeem the smaller remaining part of it, and, as each allotment could be redeemed individually, advantage was taken of this disposition by traders, who bought land for half its value from the ruined peasants. A law was consequently passed to put a stop to such sales.
[288] Mr. V.V., in his Peasant Community, has grouped together all facts relative to this movement. About the rapid agricultural development of South Russia and the spread of machinery English readers will find information in the Consular Reports (Odessa, Taganrog).
[289] In some instances they proceeded with great caution. In one village they began by putting together all meadow land, but only a small portion of the fields (about five acres per soul) was rendered communal; the remainder continued to be owned individually. Later on, in 1862–1864, the system was extended, but only in 1884 was communal possession introduced in full. — V.V.‘s Peasant Community, pp. 1–14.
[290] On the Mennonite village community see A. Klaus, Our Colonies (Nashi Kolonii), St. Petersburg, 1869.
[291] Such communal cultures are known to exist in 159 villages out of 195 in the Ostrogozhsk district; in 150 out of 187 in Slavyanoserbsk; in 107 village communities in Alexandrovsk, 93 in Nikolayevsk, 35 in Elisabethgrad. In a German colony the communal culture is made for repaying a communal debt. All join in the work, although the debt was contracted by 94 householders out of 155.
[292] Lists of such works which came under the notice of the zemstvo statisticians will be found in V.V.‘s Peasant Community, pp. 459–600.
[293] In the government of Moscow the experiment was usually made on the field which was reserved for the above-mentioned communal culture.
[294] Several instances of such and similar improvements were given in the Official Messenger, 1894, Nos. 256–258. Associations between “horseless” peasants begin to appear also in South Russia. Another extremely interesting fact is the sudden development in Southern West Siberia of very numerous cooperative creameries for making butter. Hundreds of them spread in Tobolsk and Tomsk, without any one knowing wherefrom the initiative of the movement came. It came from the Danish cooperators, who used to export their own butter of higher quality, and to buy butter of a lower quality for their own use in Siberia. After a several years’ intercourse, they introduced creameries there. Now, a great export trade has grown out of their endeavors.
[295] Toulmin Smith, English Guilds, London, 1870, Introd. p. xliii.
[296] The Act of Edward the Sixth — the first of his reign — ordered to hand over to the Crown “all fraternities, brotherhoods, and guilds being within the realm of England and Wales and other of the king’s dominions; and all manors, lands, tenements, and other hereditaments belonging to them or any of them” (English Guilds, Introd. p. xliii). See also Ockenkowski’s Englands wirtschaftliche Entwickelung im Ausgange des Mittelalters, Jena, 1879, chaps. ii-v.
[297] See Sidney and Beatrice Webb, History of Trade-Unionism, London, 1894, pp. 21–38.
[298] See in Sidney Webb’s work the associations which existed at that time. The London artisans are supposed to have never been better organized than in 1810–20.
[299] The National Association for the Protection of Labor included about 150 separate unions, which paid high levies, and had a membership of about 100,000. The Builders’ Union and the Miners’ Unions also were big organizations (Webb, l.c. p. 107).
[300] I follow in this Mr. Webb’s work, which is replete with documents to confirm his statements.
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darklordazalin · 6 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Claude Renier
Darklord: Claude Renier Domain: Richemulot Domain Formation: 694 BC Sources: Realm of Terror (2e), Gazetteer 2 (3e), Gazetteer 3 (3e), Legacy of Blood (3e)
Scholars have determined that prior to being claimed by the Mists, the Renier family was made of two branches – high born nobles that used their influence for the betterment of society and a clan of wererats that did the opposite. The Renier family have a complicated history in the Demiplane of Dread and the first known Reniers to stumble into the Mists settled in Mordent. Their patriarch, Jacques Renier, built the House on Gryphon Hill as well as Heather House, the current dwelling of the Weathermay family. It becomes more complex as the wererat curse developed in Jacques’s offspring, splitting the family further. This rivalry between the human and wererat side of the family only increased when Claude Renier and his pack of wererats fled into the Mists and found themselves in the city of Silbervas in Falkovnia.
Claude quickly integrated his family with the local wererats that lived in the sewers of Silbervas and created a thriving thieves’ guild that integrated with the humanoids of Silbervas. As in the manner of rats, Claude’s influence rapidly multiplied and eventually drew the attention of Falkovnia’s little mercenary, Vlad Drakov and his band of more talented thugs, the Talons. Vlad oversaw the extermination of the wererats in Silbervas and to everyone’s surprise, was quite successful in his endeavors. Over the course of three years, which have been aptly named ‘The Years of the Impaled Rats’, Vlad flushed out the wererats from the sewers of Silbervas causing Claude to flee into the Mists once more.
As if being defeated by Vlad Drakov wasn’t torment enough, the Dark Powers created a prison in the form of Richemulot just for Claude Renier. From Chateau Delanuit in Pont-A-Museau, Claude ruled over the governing bodies of Richemulot as well as his own family. He ruled through manipulation and ensuring the other wererats were too busy vying for his attention to plot against him. He paid particular attention to his twin granddaughters, Jacqueline and Louise Renier. Seeing as Jacqueline eventually usurped her grandfather’s position as the Darklord of Richemulot, one can imagine how well this worked out for the twitchy rat.
Claude Renier is little more than a footnote in Jacqueline’s story. A footnote that was defeated by Vlad Drakov who couldn’t win a battle against a single zombie…I rarely agree with our tormentors, but in this case they were well advised to throw Claude to the rats and deliver the carcass of his domain to Jacqueline.
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churchyardgrim · 1 year
3e ravenloft’s greatest hits: lady edition
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Natalia Vhorishkova
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so we know and love the Weathermay-Foxgrove sisters, 5e actually kept them more or less the same, BUT. what 5e neglected to give much detail on was Natalia, and as soon as i read the dread possibilities in Van Richten’s Arsenal i was obsessed. holy shit! fucknasty sadomasochist werewolf lady, locked in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the hunter she seduced and betrayed and who has now made it his life’s goal to hunt her down?? give me 40k words about her right now immediately.
Perseyus Lathenna
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holy shit yall, i didn’t even know about this character until i went looking, but she’s? amazing?? a tiny-ass grandma wizard who got the goodness traumatized out of her, and was then inspired to try again years later and ended up reclaiming that drive to help people? a disabled woman who innovates a new method of spellcasting that doesn’t need somatic gestures? a respected scholar who keeps her identity close to her chest, as a way to bypass the systematic inequality of the cultures she’s working in? holy shit i love her. put her in your game so help me god.
Tara Kolyana
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listen i know we all love Ireena but 5e did her so so dirty, and 3e for all its faults gave us Tara. homegirl’s parents saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of dodge, and it fucking? worked?? she’s free? mostly. mostly free. the narrative tugs and tugs like an undertow but she’s had time to grow now, time to become a wholeass person outside of Barovia, outside of her destiny, and who knows what she could do now? who knows what kind of power she could have if she went back to Barovia as an adult, a full-fledged cleric with a solid sense of her self and her duty.
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literally who doesn’t love a fuckmassive shadow dragon. she’s fantastic, she’s goth, her best friend is a wizard, what more can i say? 
Lyssa von Zarovich
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light of my life, girlboss of my heart, this list would not be complete without Lyssa. Strahd’s direct grandniece by way of the oft-forgotten middle brother Sturm, her goals are simple; reduce Strahd to a fine ash for the crime of piledriving the family’s history and reputation, and do some actually functional governing in Barovia. and she’s a genius! she not only found out about Strahd’s Big Oopsie entirely independently of anyone else in the know, she then looked at what uncle dearest had done and said “yeah i’ll have what he’s having” and fuckign followed through. and then! discovered a way to speedrun vampire power levels via a ghost booty call! and then invented vampire mindflayers, just bc she hadn’t broken enough records that week. 
she’s an excellent foil for Strahd, an ambitious, intelligent, and politically savvy woman who took the vampirism deal (literally the only other character to do so besides Strahd) with the full knowledge of what it entailed; as a means to an end, not an impulsive sacrifice. most of the material she’s got (and even in older editions there isn’t much) positions her as a middle-strength villain, but honestly i want to see her as a lesser-of-many-evils ally.
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ervona · 12 hours
need to do a late 3e Morrowind faction summary but lost on how to do it... maybe by great houses and just describe the king's faction through Dres or inevitably explain the multiple Hlaalu factions? whatever. it all comes down to their views on the government and economic reform from the king
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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no-more-tales-tavern · 10 months
Follows this post.
Smut Snippet Beach 3E: If anyone deserved a vacation, it was Glynda. Though it was Thundove who convinced her to take one, and to use money from the Royal treasury and one of the royal boats for their personal vacation. All things she would not have done before at all. But before she could really think or consider that at all, Thundove was making sure they enjoyed their time at see.
Let's Go to the Beach! Beach!: 3E
Glynda wasn't sure which she felt more—flattered that her lover had gone to such great lengths to give her a long overdue vacation that she'd desperately needed, or concerned that he had done so by tricking the royal treasury into gifting him the coin to secure the trip, as well as one of the royal navy's ships. As the leader of the city's civilian affairs, she felt almost insulted by the lack of care he showed the rest of the government.
But as his sexy and loving plaything, all she could think of was thanking him as soon as they set sail from Vale's port.
"Ohhh Thundove~" the elven woman groaned with pleasure, biting at her lip as she bounced steadily up and down on his lap. Her clothes long forgotten by now—though she'd packed an entire trunk full for their trip, it had been obvious by every touch and squeeze of her master's hand that the two of them would be wearing very little for the next two weeks. A thought that only excited her more, and made her hips come down even harder.
Beneath her, her fellow elven lover chuckled and smirked back up at her—a hand on her waist to keep her close to him, while the other reached up around her arching figure to teasingly grope and smack at one of her erotically bouncing breasts. "Enjoying yourself, my pet~?" the crime lord asked with an amused chuckle, his gaze hungrily dragging up her sensual form to land on her face again.
The gorgeous blonde let out a deep and desperate moan of reply, her hips rolling down, gyrating around his impressive length as she bounced steadily on his lap. The feeling of his hand on her breast made her whine with pleasure—oh, the things he could do to make her come completely undone. "Gods, yes~ gods, its been so long since I could just relax~ mmm, and since we could be alone together~"
Thundove smirked at her replies, and his hand gripped her breast firmly, making her gasp— "Then we'd best make up for all that lost time, Glyn~" the crime boss murmured, slowly pulling her down to rest her back against his chest, his lips finding her neck and peppering it with soft kisses as he began to roughly buck and thrust his hips up into hers. The roughness earning him a chorus of moans and cries from his lusty slut that were pure music to his ears.
Two weeks out at sea, and they'd only just begun—he could only imagine what sort of woman she'd be when they finally returned~
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Maormer Headcannons:
Maormer, especially when working with their animals or underwater, communicate through a mix of sign language and echolocation.
Due to, in-part, their worship of Y'ffre, Maormer have strong oral traditions. Most of their history, bedtime stories and worship are held through song. Maomer will often hold competitions like flyting or who can come up with the raunchiest sea shanty.
Gender and sexuality are considered a non issue, as most Maormer, blessed through their worship of Dibella, have the ability to change their sex at will.
Most Maormer will stay with their family unit for life, but are expected to foster relations and friendships with other Maormer clans. Usually this is not an issue, as Maormer are very social with non-outsiders. If there are disputes between individuals or clans, they are handled as quickly as possible by the matriarchs, as Pyandonea is too small to withstand blood feuds.
Each clan keeps extensive records on family lines to decrease the chance of inbreeding. Maormer are expected to memorize at least the past five generations of their family tree.
Architecture is similar to those of the Ayleid and Altmer, but with a less formal approach. Everything is built to be beautiful but more importantly, durable, in order to withstand hurricanes.
After King Orgnum's death in 3E 110 during the War of the Isle, Pyandonea is now run by a council, made up of a former matriarch from each clan.
Maormer "clans" are matrilineal. Usually composed of at least four generations of a family (the matriarch, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren).
As each clan is usually self-run, the Matriarch Council usually only meets up once a month, more often if in times of crisis.
Chief Deities are Satakal, Mara, Kynareth, Y'ffre, Boethiah and Hermaeus Mora
Others worship by the Maomer are Masser/Jode, Secunda/Jone, Dibella, Mehrunes Dagon and Namira
Ancestor worship is also a part of Maormer religion.
Birth, Life & Death:
Water births are most common forms of birth, as it gives the Maormer newborn an instant connection to the water and is believed to help the child become a strong swimmer later in life. Being born during a thunderstorm or under the sign of the Serpent are considered to be the most auspicious times to be born.
Children are given their names and their first saltwater bath a year after their birth. It is expected to wait a year, sometimes two, to guarantee the survival of the child.
Children are raised communally by the clan.
Children are considered young adults at 20, and full adults by 40. Like most mer, Maormer live longer than humans, anywhere between 200 to 300 years and those strong in magic tend to live even longer.
When a Maormer dies, the clan will gather together to cleanse the body, before sailing far out to sea to give the body to the ocean.
If a child under 20 dies, the body is cremated and the ashes given to the family to either keep or scatter. It is believed that the scattered ashes will reincarnate the child into either a Maormer again or a sea serpent.
Based on these headcannons
Similar to Khajiit, Maormer morphology is dependent on the phases of the moons at the time of an individual mer's birth. This determines how "serpent-like" a Maormer is (i.e the Maormer Leviathans).
Most Maormer have scales, but less in a fish way, more like a pangolin/other scaled mammals.
Skin color varies (gold, blue-grey, coral, brown, ect) but the scales will have a slight shimmer to them, allowing them the ability to camouflage.
Hair grows in-between their scales and is typically either shorn off, kept very short or braided. Hair color varies.
Eyes tend to be very pale or very dark, with faint distinction between the sclera and the iris.
Most Maormer tend to have wide chests, long arms and shorter legs to better swim & breath underwater. They also tend to be heavyset, for added warmth under the water.
Maormer have gills and webbing between fingers and toes to aid with swimming.
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Random prompt Generator pt.2! ~Karma Akabane edition~
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Karma x Secret Agent reader! (reader is also in highschool)
You were sent by the government on a mission. All you had to do was pose as one of class 3E's students and collect information on Korosensei, and any info on how to kill him. That part was difficult enough, Trying to hide right under the noses of a bunch of trainee assassins, and REAL assassins? How the hell were you going to pull this off? It ended up working out since there was an influx of new students joining the class anyway. An AI, some other octopus kid, and a certain mysterious redhead coming from suspension...
Despite your classmate's attempts to make friends with you, you kept them all at a distance, you only got close enough to not seem suspicious, but you had one goal. Get intell, and deliver it to headquarters.
However, your lack of socializing caught a certain sadist's eye...
"You aren't the talkative type, are you? Or maybe you're just faking it. Do you like the attention you get from pretending to be a loner?" Karma sighed, leaning on your desk with a degrading stare. 'what's this kid's deal? He can't know anything, we've never spoken and he just got here.' You did have a second of doubt though. What if he was onto you? Your worries were erased when the redhead punched you in the shoulder playfully.
"Nah, you seem too stupid to try and pull that type of shit. Especially if you're here." He scoffed laughing and walking away.
You had a job to do, you didn't need to bring your feelings into this... But that didn't mean you weren't tempted too. It took everything in you to not follow after the boy, and hurl insults at him, but you didn't need to blow your cover. Nothing good would come out of blowing up at him.
At first, you thought this was obvious, but for the next few weeks, he made you question everything you were thinking about before. He was enjoying trying to make a fool out of you and giving you a hard time. But there wasn't anything you could do about it, you didn't need to blow your cover. So you kept trying to collect information. But he plagued your mind, eventually, you found yourself taking notes on Karma instead of the octopus, analyzing him and thinking of ways to piss him off. Giggling to yourself when you flustered him with your quick-witted comebacks, and packing extra of your lunch because you knew he was going to take some.
Eventually, you started to enjoy school and even began to open up to the people around you more and more, and Karma. Just the thought of him made your face heat up a little. So when you were taken out of the program because they collected enough info, you felt...upset? You have felt upset before, but never in this amount, you always prided yourself on being analytical and level-headed. So when a certain redhead showed up at your door, let's just say you were a little more happy than you let on.
You had one job, and while you tried to remain professional, you can't help what the heart yearns for.
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pissfizz · 1 year
ik nothing abt assclass but please elaborate on your au if you would like to👁️👁️
OK YES OFC!!!!! Sorry for late response I was waiting until school got out lol
Ok so the premise of assassination classroom is as follows: kunugigaoka junior high is a private college prep school notorious for having an extremely hard curriculum and extremely smart students. It is a school of the elite minded, and all the students are faced with an aggressive pressure to excel. The school has a class for third years called 3-E, dubbed the “End Class”. If your grades drop too far, or you show behavioral problems, or disobey school protocol even, you will be shipped off to this class, which is located in the old rickety school building up a mountain and surrounded by forest, just off the main campus. These children can’t participate in extracurriculars, are given no facilities or accommodations, and are faced with intense discrimination and bullying from other students and teachers. They are used as a threat to keep the other students motivation high. You don’t want to end up in E class. And then one year, the moon explodes. The next day, class 3E’s teacher is gone, and replaced with a giant yellow octopus. This is korosensei, the being who blew up the moon, and can travel at Mach 20 speed, can regenerate limbs, and has plans to blow up the earth in exactly a year. His one request was to the teacher of this class for unknown reasons. The government allowed this, since they would then have tabs on him for most of every weekday. They want to kill him before his deadline, and so they tell the kids that since they’ll be around him every day until then, they will be tasked with the job of killing him. However, his teaching and the assassination motivation gives these kids hope and they actually begin to grow and progress. He genuinely cares about these kids and is an amazing teacher. With help from government agent tadaomi karasuma and assassin irina jelavic (aka professor bitch), these kids attempt to assassinate their teacher all while balancing their hellish school life and trying to overcome hardships.
My au is about toya if he were in this class. He is just beginning his rebellion against his father, and is just learning how to navigate it. He begins to do whatever he can to defy his father, and so he purposefully starts failing classes to distance himself from the image of what his father wants him to be. A lot of his personal development comes from realizing that he is his own person, and he doesn’t have to sacrifice things that he loves or that is a part of him just because it’s related to his father.
Also I am going with that white hair from stress hc I saw awhile ago because I LOVE it, so as the year goes on his hair lightens a lot until it’s almost at the point it is in canon by the end of the year. And also. Toya is interesting. Especially in middle school and as a child. I think his time with tsukasa and saki is very formative to him, and he really internalizes a lot of what tsukasa says since he idolizes him so much. He’s very… pure of heart for lack of better term. He believes at first that they can convince korosensei not to blow up the earth by showing him love and friendship, and is almost optimistic in a lot of ways. He clashes a lot with the more realistic and pessimistic members of the class due to this. Also, at one point the class learns parkour to aid in their assassinations, and I like imagining toya because of his fear of heights lol. I think he’d be really good with both knives and guns, but is a sucky sniper because he gets scared when he’s up on the perches. He has relatively weak bloodlust, at least when compared to someone like karma or nagisa, but he’s very talented at channeling what he does have. He can think of spectacularly creative assassination plots but a lot of them aren’t very… realistic and thus are near impossible to pull off. He’s one of the smartest in the class, but stays as one of the lowest ranked for a very long time until he finally decides to put his father behind him and not let him ruin his future like that.
I have. A lot more thoughts but they’re kind of everywhere and hard to explain without the context of the show lol
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tlaquetzqui · 2 years
I’m looking at making my own RPG, drawing inspiration from everything great about d20 without the WotC shakedown artists having a chance to get the foot in the door.
And you know, you really only need four ability scores.
Why only four? Well because for most purposes Strength and Dexterity are the same thing. That guy who can paint a sutra on a grain of rice ain’t getting picked first for dodgeball; make that fine-motor shit a part of Intelligence. And you can also fold the willpower aspect of Wisdom into Intelligence for most purposes (I also stuffed in the spellcasting aspect of Charisma). So you have, basically, athleticism, toughness, brainpower, and social. (Not what I’m calling most of them, of course.)
From there I also realized most skill lists are bloated: went with attacking, all kinds, and moving (including stuff like stealth and climbing) governed by athleticism, “enduring” governed by toughness, a knowledge skill, a perception skill, and “refusing” (=willpower) governed by brainpower, and then persuade and a big “doing job” skill, encompassing what would be Perform and Profession, governed by social. (I might have purely technical matters, your Craft type thing and stuff like “Profession: sailor to drive the boat”, governed by the knowledge skill.)
You’ll notice that means I made attack a skill, not a separate per-level bonus—this was actually the norm in skill-based games before 3e hybridized skill-based to D&D, look for example at GURPS, Alternity, or BRP (the one used in Call of Cthulhu). I also replaced saving throws with checks of the move, endure, and refuse skills. Thinking I’ll make those three and attacking have per-level bonuses that vary by class, but you can also sink skill points in if you want to be, say, a very combat-oriented wizard, or a warrior who’s good at shaking off charms.
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